One man is a combat hardened hero with nerves of ICE... The other, wrongly imprisoned, burns for REVENGE... _but_ the only thing that they have in common is that they are both SNIPERS. ---Excerpt from Konami's "Internet Ad" for Dark Silhouette Dark Silhouette: Silent Scope 2 A Guide on how to become a Professional Sniper For the Konami Arcade Game Compiled by Agent Falcon (real name Mark Kim) Revision B.0.3c Location of Final Assembly: Downers Grove, IL USA Date of Final Completion: August 13, 2000 (No time given) Date of Public Release: August 13, 2000 (No time given) Copyright Information --------------------- Unpublished work trademarked (tm) and copyrighted (c) by Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This file is SHAREWARE and is strictly for entertainment use. In addition, this file can only be HTMLized by the sole owner of the file (Mark Kim), regardless whether the content is good or bad. To top it all off, this file can only be shown at the following websites: * Verasnaship Interactive ( * GameFAQs ( * Secrets of the Game Sages ( * Nemesis ( It is a criminal act to reproduce and/or retransmit this file in any way, shape, or form (regardless of the medium) and it shall be a criminal act to to use this file at a password-protected site where either user accounts are utilized and/or money is made through these accounts. It is a direct felony to use this file for any profitable (even if you fail to make any money out of it), promotional, and/or commercial transactional purposes (including but not limited to giving this file as some sort of bonus, gift, or any other means to generate any money out of this document). It shall be a severe criminal act to incorporate any or all of this file into any gaming guides, game sites, magazines, or any other profitable and/or commercial transactional means that exists (including reprinting, OCR-ing, and the like). To conclude about this, it shall be a direct criminal act to make any money out of this document. Currently, this document is being maintained and is the sole property of Mark Kim, and this file is protected by all applicable copyright, trademark, and patent laws in addition to all International Treaties. Any breach of copyright, trademark, and/or patents (which includes but not limited to plagiarism, stealing, laming, pirating, or otherwise) and/or using this document for any other purposes other than personal and private purposes, and/or illegal mirroring of this file (other than the five aforementioned URLs as described in the beginning of this disclaimer) is a direct violation of all applicable copyright laws, International Treaties, Patent Laws, US Title 107, and the Berne Copyright Bill of 1976. Violators and Transgressors shall face severe civil and criminal penalties through the maximum extent possible by law. Mark Kim acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks whether if it's mentioned or not somewhere in either the FAQ Text File and/or site as no copyright infringement was intended. If for any reason I MUST USE any copyrighted resource, then credit will be given at the Acknowledgements Section for the common part. Note that whenever I give credit, I WILL NOT REVEAL ANY E-MAIL ADDRESSES AND/OR OTHERWISE in order to protect the privacy of the people for whom I give credit to. This file has been carefully written by Mark Kim in respect to all copyrights, patents, and trademarks. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY. MARK KIM ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTIAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH, OR ARISING OUT OF, THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Silent Scope, Dark Silhouette, Fatal Judgement, Innocent Sweeper, the characters, events, and other Silent Scope-related material are original products, registered trademarks and copyrights of Konami. All Rights Reserved. Metal Gear Solid has been released by Konami Computer Entertainment under supervision of Hideo Kojima. All Rights Reserved. Konami owns the patents, trademarks, and copyrights for both Silent Scope and Silent Scope 2. The Hendsoldt Scope, PSG-1, and the MSG-90 Sniper Rifles are registered trademarks and copyrights of the Heckler and Koch company of United States of America and Heckler and Koch of Germany, GMBH. All Rights Reserved. All weapons mentioned in this FAQ whether described in detail or not are owned and guarded by the United States' respective weapon storage departments of various Law Enforcement, Military, and the CIA Agencies. You are encouraged to practice and support Gun Control in your community. I'LL MAKE THIS SIMPLE: THIS FILE IS MINE AND THERE IS NO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF IT!!!! I DIDN'T WRITE THIS FILE SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE ANY CRAP MONEY OUT OF THIS WORK!!! I DIDN'T WRITE THIS FILE SO THAT SOME SORRY CRAP-WRITER CAN JUST PLACE ANY SINGLE DROPLET OF THIS FAQ INTO A COMMERCIAL PUBLICATION, SLACK-OFF, AND GET PAID FOR IT!!! AND I DIDN'T WRITE THIS FAQ SO THAT SOME COPYCATTER CAN JUST CLAIM CREDIT FOR IT, WHICH IS CONSIDERED STEALING AND PLAGIARISING. ONLY FIVE WEBSITES ARE ALLOWED TO MIRROR THIS WORK BECAUSE EITHER I OR ANY OTHER FAQ WRITER THAT I KNOW HAVE TRUST IN THESE SITES (a.k.a. The websites I've mentioned in this copyright header). I don't want to waste my voice anymore on this paragraph, though. It is to remain in one piece, free of charge, and in its original state at all costs. ======================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION Make: Dark Silhouette: Silent Scope 2 Developer: Konami Japan Publisher: Konami Arcade Available Screens: 27-inch Monitor Controller: Light Gun with Simulated Scope Usual Cost per game: 4.9 Dave and Buster's Chips AAMA Classification: Very strong Life-like Violence. Not appropriate for minors under 18 years of age. Release Date: First or Second Quarter 2000 Genre: Light Gun Number of Players at once: Two Dark Silhouette cabinets can be linked so that 2 players can play at the same time on certain modes. Features: Continue Feature Other notes: This game is known as Fatal Judgement: Silent Scope 2 in some parts of Europe and as Innocent Sweeper: Silent Scope 2 in some parts of Asia. ======================================================================== HISTORY OF THIS FAQ April 21, 2000 -------------- Namco and Konami are now face-to-face against each other for "the best light gun game there is". Konami contended against Namco with Silent Scope back in 1999. Although Konami is now focusing through their BEMANI line of games, Konami was kind enough to release Dark Silhouette as their ongoing effort to contend with Namco's light gun games. Both Namco and Konami remain light gun rivals as of today. April 23, 2000 -------------- Managed to refresh my memory when playing more Dark Silhouette at Dave and Buster's just now. The guide on how to best Oslo, the Sequel is up right now, although Fox is a pretty tough boss and requires even more time and money to play before I'm able to beat him without a single continue. Fox's patterns are just downright confusing and hard to memorize. More on this later. April 30, 2000 -------------- As always, corrections to this FAQ is always welcome as far as strategies are concerned. The Freight Hijack scene is included with this update as well as some minor tweaks to selected parts of this FAQ. Now here's the real pain: Cobra the Iron Man is back and he's cheaper than ever. He wants to see that you max out your credit card by hiding himself behind an innocent bystander and eventually throwing innocent bystanders so that he can suck up your pockets in a flash. Don't let that happen to you. Read this update and find out for yourself. For the next update, I'm planning to include the Ancient Scenery Shootout so that you don't have to waste too many tokens on this real pain stage requiring that you find even more camouflaged enemies than before. May 12, 2000 ------------ Celebrating the recent resignation from Dominick's Finer Foods, I've managed to come clean with an update that *should* include the part where you're forced to fight enemies through...Sorry!!! You'd better read through the document in order to discover what the surprises will be!!! At first, when I browsed through for Silent Scope 2 Info (before I was lucky enough to play it the first time at Dave and Buster's), originally, the cold-blooded mercenary's name was supposed to be Raven. However, when I browsed through Konami Europe's website (knowing that they have a Silent Scope 2 section in their website), they said that the main characters in the game were Falcon and Jackal (who was supposed to be named Raven in the pre-production version of the game). Really. The cold-blooded mercenary's name (regardless of the subtitle of the game) is confirmed to be JACKAL. On Solo Units, you can select either Jackal (Sniper 1) or Falcon (Sniper 2). On linked units, the left cabinet plays as Jackal and the right cabinet plays as Falcon. May 15, 2000 ------------ Moderated parts of the Cobra strategies due to legal considerations. May 29, 2000 ------------ Added the final parts of the game. The first part of Level 7 is a time waster because some enemies are really hard to see in certain angles. Also, to add to your worries, I have discovered that whenever an enemy is hiding behind a window, he becomes even harder to see. I've wished that in the first part of the level that either Jackal or Falcon would've used either Thermographic or X-Ray Scope instead of Normal Vision because the enemies are pretty well camouflaged within the background. Falcon will have a super-hard time with the first part because he usually aims from a longer distance than Jackal. Hopefully, there will be challenge enhancement codes that will enable you to play in real-time sharpshooter mode (No spot markers or Infrared Sensor Assist), All-Time X-Ray Mode (You will play the game in X-Ray Mode all the way), Night Vision Mode, Thermographic Mode, or even playing a scope device all the way during the game with real-time sharpshooter mode enabled. While the bulletproof glass in Silent Scope 1 is only there to make sure that you have only one bullet left, killing the Big Boss in Dark Silhouette only...SORRY!!! You'll have to read on to hear what I mean!!! Enough ranting. Onto the update. May 30, 2000 ------------ AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! Bugs founded on this document!!! As much as I try, I make sure that this document is free from bugs. Well, I have to update this document even though it's only minor. Hey, less or even no bugs is better than nothing if I can say... July 5, 2000 ------------ Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I was busy participating on the Operation Alpha Tournament. Another reason is because I am trying to get all FAQs updated so that it will show that Nemesis has my direct permission to mirror all of my Arcade FAQs but I'm always behind like GameFAQs. :( Too much in a hurry to explain now. July 7, 2000 ------------ PSG-1 information available, but on a credited basis. Go to Heckler and Koch's site ( for details regarding about the PSG-1. You are to be advised that the PSG-1 (according to Erik Germanis) costs about $15,000 USD, with scope, supressor, and all the tactical espionage equipment included. The PSG-1's high expense places it out of reach for about 90% of the many anti-terrorism agencies but hey, no other gun has more pin-point accuracy than the PSG-1. While no sniper rifle can have absolute accuracy, the PSG-1 is a good blend of accuracy and power, allowing a Sniper to dispose terrorists in a secretly and timely manner. My Dark Silhouette review (posted as an HTML File at GameFAQs as of current) will be included with this How-To Sheet in the next update. July 8, 2000 ------------ Measly, minor update. August 13, 2000 --------------- Updated this document, but I'm keeping the changes a surprise. ======================================================================== CONTENTS OF THIS FAQ * Newsflash * Reasons for writing this file * Description of Dark Silhouette * How to play the game * Story * Hints * The Prologue = Taking out the trash = The two snipers meet in a flame war * Oslo Showdown, Part 1 = Outside the base, sniping through the snow = Inside the building = Duking out with Tanya * Oslo, the Sequel = Our Snipers skiing downhills = After the Downhill Skiing Scene = Fox the Butcher * The Airplane Hijack = Fighting through the plane = The return of Cobra the Iron Man * The Ancient Lands of England = Jackal taking off without Falcon's permission = Falcon warning Jackal not to take off without permission = Meeting the Collector * Concerto Con Terroriste = Please be seated, Jackal and Falcon = Let the show begin = Who's that?! * Ridding the remaining terrorists = Sniping right through a hotel-like building = Duking out the two vehicles = Inside the building = Inside their hidden base = The toughest fight in the game * The Big Boss seduces our heroes = Jackal and Falcon forced to fight each other * Showdown at the Big Ben = Overthrowing the Big Boss = Determinining Laura's Fate: Sniper Time once again * The Sniper's Rifle * Frequently Asked Questions * The Do's and Dont's * How to suggest fixes * Resources of this Document * Acknowledgements * One Final Warning ======================================================================== NEWSFLASH Please be warned that this FAQ can only be shown on the following locations: * Verasnaship Interactive ( * GameFAQs ( * Secrets of the Game Sages ( * Nemesis ( Instant legal action will be taken if for any reason I see this work mirrored on any site other than the above sites (which is also mentioned in the Legal Disclaimer and near the end of the document). Please let me know if this work is at another site other than the listed above. This has been a policy ever since I've adopted this and I will always use this policy in my future works. I'm not trying to be mean but for the interest in having only latest versions, this is necessary. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. As always, newer versions of this FAQ can be found first at my own web site located at If you have any fixes or any other tralala you want to share with me, then use the convenient e-mail form at I grant you permission to e-mail me at the aforementioned URL as described herein. E-Mailing me directly to my mailbox using an E-Mail Client is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Now please be aware that any fix suggestions are subject to verification. All tactics and strategies will be test-driven by myself. If my analysis comes that the fix suggestion isn't effective and/or cost efficient, it will not be noticed on this document. As with Silent Scope, Dark Silhouette is NOT SUITABLE for minors under 18 years of age due to very strong life-like violence. More likely, Dark Silhouette will only show up at the high-end gaming locations, namely Jillian's, Dave and Buster's, and GameWorks. Some true coin-op arcades might have Dark Silhouette, but please check with your operator if your favorite arcade will get this one or not. This document, like all Video Game FAQs on the Internet, must be viewed in a monotype font or the alignment will not be correct. If the alignment isn't correct for any reason, then please follow these procedures: 1. On Netscape Communicator, click on Edit, then Preferences. 2. Click on Fonts at the Appearance Section 3. At the Fixed Width Font, select Courier New, and select size 10 point font. 4. If you see this sample bulk of writing aligned correctly, please proceed: 1234567890 ********** It is strongly advisable that you *do* view this document through the DOS Application Edit.COM or through the Apple Text Viewer SimpleText for alignment purposes. If you are planning to view this through the Windows Interface, then you are highly advised to open up WordPad and then open up the Text File. Set the font face to Courier New and set the font size to 10. ======================================================================== REASONS FOR WRITING THIS FILE I have finally got my hands on this super-practical followup to Silent Scope at Dave and Buster's at Addison, IL USA. Dark Silhouette can be filled with a lot of sniper puzzles requiring that you secretly and swiftly eliminate enemies through even more disturbing environments. Not only that, some of the enemies are "camo-ed" into the background, making naked screen sighting more difficult. A strict time limit really pushes you to memorize all the patterns. One time-waster could mean the end, forcing you to improve game after game. Also, accuracy and speed play an imporant role in Dark Silhouette. The more accurate you are and the quicker you can jack the terrorists, the better you will be. You'd better browse through for some serious details regarding about the game's story. There is an official site dedicated for Dark Silhouette. Over at Europe, it's called Fatal Judgment. Click on "Fatal Judgment" and then check out the story. There could be several reasons why this game could possibly require two snipers instead of one. Now that there's a 2-player Dark Silhouette at GameWorks, all I need to do is to find a very good sniper and update this whenever I can get my memory refreshed. As with Silent Scope 1, Dark Silhouette is somewhat a military-style, sharpshooting simulation game played by many real-life military personnel at the United States. The Scope feature of the game is regarded as the most innovative aspects ever in a shooting game. However, as you become faster and better in the game, just like in real-life sniping, your nerves begin to twitch. Get used to all of your Nerve Twitching in the game. It's really important that you limit your caffeine intake before you board to your arcade to play this game. Dark Silhouette is not easy to play not because of the scope and the strict time limit (as with the original, but it's a bit more linear than the first game), it's how fast and accurate you can beat the game. Dark Silhouette gives you the real feeling of tactical espionage, "the sniper's way". Enough ranting, let's get it on. ======================================================================== WHAT IS DARK SILHOUETTE Dark Silhouette is a professional sharpshooting sequel to Konami's smash arcade hit, Silent Scope. Dark Silhouette shares the same sharpshooting gameplay and concept (Look through the scope to ensure that the bullet counts, and make all bullets count to supress the terrorists at all costs) as with the original, but all the similarities end with the gameplay. For the most noticeable change, Dark Silhouette features a link option allowing two players to play at once. Two Dark Silhouette cabinets can be hooked up for two-player action. Knowing that people would like to see who's the better sniper of the two would be, Konami has axed out Time Trials in favor of a brand-new Duel Mode. Although one player can play Duel Mode to see how well he or she can detect the target, Duel Mode (while both players are playing) is a lot better because you can now see who's the better sniper of the two. The key in Duel is simple: Find the other sniper and nail him to score one point. The sniper who scores the most points at the end of Duel Mode wins the Hardcore Sniping Exercise. The storyline is many miles better than the original. The original's storyline was plagued with the overly-used First Family rescue mission. Dark Silhouette fixes the game's story problem by featuring a full-strength terrorist army attempting to use forbidden chemical weapons to destroy a nation's security that you need to stop. There are about 8 or 9 stages of gameplay with 7 to 8 bosses to duke out. Unlike Silent Scope, you have to play _all_ the stages. There is no choice in terrorist infiltration this time around!!! While you never needed the assistance of Thermographic and X-Ray Modes, you will need them this time around because both modes allow you to detect enemies behind the walls. This is a really cool feature because now you can nail the enemies hiding behind soft walls. You won't see too many support markers as opposed to the first Silent Scope. Only by wasting time (and quarters) will you be able to "spot the target". Konami has done this because the spoiler sights really hurted replay value. Aiming in this game is NOW done like you would with the Hotel Imperial stage in Silent Scope!!! Find the target and wipe them out before you waste too much time!!! You will be asked to see how well you perform your sniping duties in even more disturbing environments and even greater distances. There are 2 new chase scenes as well. More disturbing environments include snow, fog, jungle scenery, and the like. Well, let's stop ranting about Dark Silhouette. Enjoy the game. ======================================================================== HOW TO PLAY THE GAME As with Silent Scope, Dark Silhouette features 3 modes. However, the modes are even more interesting than in Silent Scope because you're no longer required to select Time Trials as part of your game menu. Without any further dues, Dark Silhouette features Story Mode (The game will follow in accordance to the better story), Shooting Range (See how accurate and fast you can be destroying 45 targets!!!) and Duel Mode (the creme de la creme of the game. See how good your sniping skills are in 3 difficulty modes). How to play: Insert the desired amount of coins and press the start button. ------------------- For Single Cabinets ------------------- Right after you hit the Start Button, you will be prompted to either select as Jackal the Loose Cannon (Sniper 1) or Falcon the Government Dog (Sniper 2). After selecting your sniper, you will go to the Game Mode Select Screen. From the Game Mode Select, aim the muzzle at either Story Mode, Shooting Range, or Sniper Duel. If you wish to select Sniper Duel, aim the muzzle at the left for Easy, middle for Medium, and right for Hard. ------------------- For Linked Cabinets ------------------- Right after you hit the Start Button, you will be asked whether you want to accept Linked Play or not. If you wish to accept Linked Play, then aim the muzzle at the left side. If you only want Solo Play, aim the muzzle at the right. Linked Play allows another sniper to "butt in" under certain provisions and guidelines. Solo Play locks out all 2-player games. For linked cabinets, the left cabinet will play as Jackal the Loose Cannon and the right cabinet will play as Falcon the Government Dog. If you wish to switch sniper characters, you'll have to switch cabinets all along. Once you make a narrow decision whether to accept linked play or not, you will go to the Game Mode Select Screen. From the Game Mode Select, aim the muzzle at either Story Mode, Shooting Range, or Sniper Duel. If you wish to select Sniper Duel, aim the muzzle at the left for Easy, middle for Medium, and right for Hard. NOTE: LINKED SNIPER DUEL CAN ONLY BE ACTIVATED IF BOTH SNIPERS SELECT DUEL AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE GAME. Story Mode Objective: To prevent terrorists from using forbidden chemical weapons that is targeted to threaten the security of the UK at all costs. Although this is your main objective, you'll find out that there is more than meets the eye when you dig deeper into the game. Shooting Range Objective: To destroy 45 targets in 150 seconds under the following conditions: * You will be going up against 10 Scoring Targets (similar to that in various Police Stations). Aim at the middle for the best possible score. You will be facing 5 standing targets and 5 moving targets of this kind. * You will then be asked to shoot down 5 Watermelons. Although this is kind of easy, it's really hard to find the watermelons that are scattered pretty far from you. The nearest watermelons are easy but the farthest are hard to track because you won't have any marker assistance unless you waste enough time. That is why you need to memorize the locations of the targets to waste the least possible time. And I'm planning to use the Digital Camera that I recently purchased as of this update to tell you where to point the marker. Please keep in mind that if for any reason I wish to do a PDF File, then you are to be warned that all tips will assume that you are using Falcon as your sniper character. The tactics will be different if you are using Jackal as your sniper instead. * You will then be facing point boards that are similar to real-people, except that they have point values. If you hit the targets at the head, then you will get a lot of points. If you hit somewhere at the White Area, you will get no points. You will have to face these targets under the following conditions: Targets that stand, targets that slightly move, and targets that move insanely fast. * You will then see how well you can judge from criminals to terrorists. The targets that you are only allowed to shoot at are guys with Shotguns, mobster-like men using old-fashioned Machine Guns, women who's carrying SOCOMs, and guys who are pointing guns at Innocent Bystanders. Shooting any Innocent Bystanders will reduce your score and will count as a Missed Shot. You will be asked to judge whether the target is "guilty" or not on these conditions: Standing, Slightly Moving, and Night-Vision. YES. You will need to know how to use Night-Vision with the training package. * Now you must shoot the target right at the Apple for the finale. Don't shoot at the beautiful lady, just aim and hit the apple of the target so that your score will increase. Duel objective: To see who's the better sniper of the two people (Falcon the Government Dog and Jackal the Loose Cannon) through 3 difficulty levels. You will have a time limit, but your real goal is to win the Search Exercise at all costs. This mode can be played alone but it's more interesting if two players are playing at once. This way you can see who's the better sniper of the two. The sniper will score 1 point if the sniper is the first one to "tag" the other sniper. The sniper will score 3 points if one of the sniper's shots tags the other sniper's head. The first sniper to score 3 points wins the round. The sniper who's the first one to win 2 rounds wins the match. The sniper who's the first to win 3 matches will win the Search Training Exercise. Note: The default setting for the amount of matches required to win the Duel is 3 matches. This switch may be changed anytime by your local operator. Either way, you still have to win 2 rounds to win a match. For example, I have to win 3 matches (best of 5) to win the Duel at Dave and Buster's whereas I need to win 2 matches (best of 3) to win the Duel at GameWorks. Falcon and Jackal will not be using real bullets for this mode--instead they will be using "training lasers" that will not cause any harm during this mode. Note that when you look at the scope and fire, your shots will actually be red beams. There are 3 difficulty levels for Duel: * City: You will be sniping around the outside of the London streets, through a beautiful London hotel, and even a merry-go-round. Although this scenery is rated "Easy", it's pretty much a nuisance because your opponent is usually camouflaged whenever he's aiming right inside the hotel. Be aware if you're aiming right inside the truck because that's when your opponent will be able to find you with ease. * Forest: Ahhh!!! You'll be practicing your sniping skills throughout the ancient sceneries of England. You'll have to see how well you can find and "tag" your opponent through one of the game's most disturbing backgrounds because your opponent will be extremely far away and camouflaged within the scenery. In certain instances, you'll have to aim and "tag" your opponent while riding in a boat. This exercise is rated "Medium". * Air: Probably the hardest exercise in the Duel Package. You will be asked to find and tag your opponent under the following conditions: Aiming at your opponent's helicopter while you're standing on the ground, aiming at the bridge where your opponent is standing still while you are riding the helicopter, aiming at your opponent's heli while you're riding a pickup, aiming at your opponent's pickup while riding a helicopter, and finally aiming at your opponent's heli while you are riding a helicopter. It's really difficult to score a hit since the wind current and the vehicle movements will force you to play a game of wind anticipation. Try to anticipate the wind current by looking at the scope (to see how the bullets fly around) and when you got the rhythm down by memory, tag them. It's really hard to score a point because of the wind current and the vehicle movement so you're basically playing a game of wind anticipation for this one. Note: In the event of a dispute by both snipers, the computer will do a possible "coin flop" to see whether Jackal's or Falcon's choice will be accepted. How to attack: Look at the "naked" screen to point the muzzle at the desired "piece" you want to extend your view at. To attack at the piece of screen image, look into the scope, aim with the crosshairs, and press the trigger to fire. Please be warned that sometimes bullets won't "get their man" as you will be asked to see how well you can aim and "make your bullet count" while moving as well. Always keep your cool while aiming because it's really easy to twitch-up at times. Once you shoot 5 bullets, the magazine will reload. You cannot fire while the gun is reloading. Shooting is done the traditional sniper fashion meaning that you can't rapid-fire your weapon--It's one at a time once again!!! Limited Lives in Story Mode: You will start with a certain amount of lives at the start of the game. The game ends when either time runs out or if you lose the allotted lives. One-life Life box penalties are imposed if you hit innocent bystanders. Provided that you do _NOT_ hit either of these two people, you will gain useful bonuses if you ogle at the following: * Nurses: If you ogle at them for long enough, you will regain one whole life box. There is not too many of these sexy ladies this time around so try not to lose too many lives. * Waiters: There are at least two of these in the game. If you look at them for long enough, then you will get 10 more seconds added to your clock. NOTE: You won't lose lives if you hit your partner by accident but your accuracy streak will reset if you hit your partner by accident!!! This is important to know because the skiing chase scene at the start of Oslo Part 2 can be frustrating for Falcon because Jackal is blocking a good aim for about 46% of the time. Limited Time in Shooting Range: You will start the Shooting Range game with 150 seconds. The game ends if either time runs out or if you have destroyed all 45 targets in a row. In Shooting Range, you will be "graded" through the following factors: * Accuracy * Innocent Bystanders accidentially shot * Longest Accuracy Streak * How well you can score * How fast you can clear Shooting Range Thus after completing Shooting Range, you will be rated from the following grades: * F-Public Nuisance (you suck) * E-Amateur (Keep up the practice) * D-Rookie (You don't belong over there) * C-Sniper Third Class (Room for Improvement) * B-Sniper Second Class (So-so) * A-Sniper First Class (You did well but there's one more step up to the top) * S-Professional (Exceptional) * SS-Ultimate Sniper (Now that's like it!) Try to make sure that you earn no less than a Sniper Second Class. Any achievements at Professional means that you're finally learning something in Dark Silhouette. Duel Regulations: You will only have about 80-90 seconds for each round. The round will end if time runs out. The match will result in a draw for the most likelihood if both snipers have won 1 round a piece. The sniper who wins the most rounds when time runs out will win the match. Snipers will have to switch positions whenever one sniper scores a point. The first sniper to score 3 points (You will score 3 points for Head Hits) wins the round. The sniper wins the match if he/she is the first one to win 2 rounds. The game ends whenever the following occur: * One sniper becomes the first sniper to win either 2 or 3 matches, as outlined by the Duel Match DIP Switch by the discretion of the operator. * The allotted number of matches has been exceeded as outlined by the Duel Match DIP Switch by the discretion of the operator. The sniper who won the most matches when the allotted number of matches has been exceeded wins the duel. A draw occurs of both snipers won the same amount of matches when the number of matches exceeds the maximum amount of matches. One correction to make with the Cabinet's Instructions: The cabinet says "Shoot the enemy's vital parts for certain death and bonus points." This is totally wrong. For a one-hit kill during boss fights and double the point value for killing enemies, kill the enemy at their head. Not only head shots save a lot of time during boss fights, but head shots will also double the amount of points you have. Also be warned that your score is based on accuracy. As with the original, the higher your accuracy streak, the better your score will be. This is the formula to determine how many points you will be earning for every shot: * (Base value of enemy * Current Accuracy Streak) * 2 (if the kill was a head shot) This is indeed a challenge--keeping your accuracy cut-clean while moving as fast as you can. If FOR ANY REASON YOU CONTINUE THE GAME, then the score will reset ALL THE WAY BACK TO ZERO. Be smart and proud. TRY NOT TO CONTINUE. This way, if you can see a higher score by the time the game ends, then you will know how accurate you will be. The only time you need to continue is whenever you need to learn the game. Also, when you are prompted to enter your name, THE GAME WILL ONLY RECOGNIZE THE SCORE FROM THE ENDING GAME. For example, if your highest score was 452,000 and if your game over score was 33,900, then the game WILL ONLY RECOGNIZE the 33,900 game. This proves that you need to improve game after game in order to become the fastest, and most accurate sniper at your arcade. ------------ DIP SWITCHES ------------ Like Silent Scope, Dark Silhouette features these DIP Switches which determines how difficult and/or easy the game will be: Keep the High Scores at Power Off: This DIP Switch will determine if the High Scores are going to be saved right after the power is turned off. Of course, the operator reserves the right to reset the high scores even if this option is turned on. If the Save High Scores at Power Off is turned ON, then the scores will be saved once the power is turned off. If the Save High Scores is turned OFF, then the scores will always reset when the power of the game is turned off. Kudos to Craig Durnen about this one because this is also shared from my Silent Scope FAQ. Blood Control: Like Silent Scope, Konami included this "Violence Control" option so that operators can control how much violence can be shown throughout gameplay. The switch for Violence Control is BLOOD, which determines if you will see blood and stained walls throughout gameplay or not. If the Blood is turned ON, then the blood will spurt out when you kill your enemies and the walls will be stained with lots of blood. If the Blood is turned OFF, then instead of seeing blood when you kill an enemy, you will see sweat instead. Also, with Blood turned off, you won't see any stained walls. This helps the arcades determine whether we will play an uncensored game of Dark Silhouette or not. Another rant I've carried from my Silent Scope FAQ. Later on, I discovered that it's called Hit Indicator instead of Blood. If it's RED, then you will see all the blood. The options are Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Flash. Granted, all the Kid-Friendly arcades has this setting at Flash. Violence Control: Both Silent Scope and Dark Silhouette shares the same DIP Switches. The official name for this DIP Switch is Head Shot Indicator. This determines if you have made a head hit (once you hit foes at the head) or not. If the Head Shot Indicator is turned off, then you won't even know if you have wiped out an enemy with a head shot or not. Having the Head Shot indicator turned off really makes it hard for you to know whether you have jacked a foe at the head or not. Having the Head Shot indicator turned ON will enable a player to know whether he or she scored a head shot or not. Also, when the Head Shot indicator is turned on, when you have killed a Boss character with a Head Shot, you will see a shattered skull meaning that you have done a one-hit kill on a boss character. For Dark Silhouette, head shots are now essential because the Boss Characters now take 10 bullets to destroy instead of 5 bullets in Silent Scope, plus Bosses here are now even better time-killers than in the first Silent Scope. Please be warned that the "Sack of Potatoes" trick from Silent Scope (slamming a boss continuously with oodles and oodles of steady flow of lead) doesn't work in this one anymore. The bosses move faster and they tend to escape once they get hit once or twice. Act quickly or you might waste money just to kill these bosses. Later on, I discovered that Head Shots are influenced by a switch called Violence. If the Violence is MILD, then you will not know whether you made a head hit or not. If the Violence is STRONG, then you will know whether you made a head hit or not. If the Hit Indicator is set to RED, then the blood will stain right at the walls. Yuck. Altering the Violence to STRONG is OK but I would like to have the Hit Indicator set at Flash so that the Violence isn't too strong. About the Realtime Window: There is a DIP Switch that will determine if the Help Scope will appear at the upper-left of the screen all the time or not. If the Help Scope switch is turned ON, then the Help Scope will appear ALL the time, ruining all the luxury of having to look into the scope. Notice as opposed to the original Silent Scope, turning the Help Scope ON will also turn off the Scope mounted on the gun. Whereas turning the Help Scope OFF will turn on the Mounted Scope on the gun. Also with the Help Scope OFF, you won't be able to see some help from the top-left of the screen. When I spoke to a Dave and Buster's Technician on their view about this DIP, they told me that if the scope vision is shown at the top-left screen all the time (and during gameplay), then the game won't be any fun to play because this takes all the luxury of looking at the scope away. When I spoke to a Namco Amusement Zone worker at Lombard, IL USA, this employee told me that although having this DIP turned on ruins replay value, it will help little kids aim with the crosshairs because they are not big enough to look at the mounted scope. The mounted scope comes with a "scope saver" that turns off the scope to save power when it is not moved after 1 minute. I highly recommend that you have the Help Scope TURNED OFF. This way you'll be forced to look at the scope to aim all the time. For some bizarre reason, GameWorks has this DIP turned on. The mounted scope is turned on as well at GameWorks. MI Orikasa told me it's not called the Cheat Scope at all. It's called the Realtime Window. This determines whether there will be a simulated scope at the top-left window or not. If it's turned ON, then there will be a Scope Window at the top-left hand of the screen. If it's turned OFF, then there will not be a Scope Window at the top-left hand of the screen, forcing you to use the Scope for steady aiming and discreet take-outs. Please be aware that if you have this turned ON, then people can increase their speed by using the naked screen alone but concentration will decrease because you will become nervous during the boss fights and whenever trying to commence "make the bullet count" sessions. The mounted scope increases your concentration IMO and when used efficiently in conjunction to the Naked Screen with Realtime Window OFF, then the mounted scope can become a versatile friend. Scope Contrast: These options determine how bright the mounted scope will be. The ease of Mounted Scope use determines how bright the mounted scope has been set. I had a difficult time keeping my accuracy at acceptable levels because the scope brightness was rather poor during Night Vision Mode and at times when I have to aim at the first part of Level 7. Fortunately, Pocket Change's Dark Sill machine had a bright mounted scope so that aiming with the mounted scope is extremely easy. Time Limits: Both Silent Scope and Dark Silhouette has this option to determine how much time extension you will get. I don't know how many levels of Time Extension is included with this switch but all I only know that the harder the Time Limit Difficulty is set, the less time you will have. I was able to confirm this when I contrasted a Dave and Buster's Silent Scope machine to a Brunswick Zone Silent Scope machine. Number of Lives (Brand Spanking New): Both Silent Scope and Dark Silhouette has this option to determine how many lives you will be given at the start of the game. The default for this DIP Switch is 3 life boxes. For the Silent Scope machines at GameWorks, you start the game with 4 lives. In Dark Silhouette, you start with only 3 lives. There isn't that many beautiful ladies in Dark Silhouette, so try to avoid taking hits and ALWAYS AVOID HITTING INNOCENT BYSTANDERS AT ALL COSTS. Number of Matches required to win a Duel: This determines how many matches a sniper has to win in order to win a duel. For example, if an operator requires that snipers win 3 matches to win a duel, then there will be a best of five, winner of three duel. The default setting for this is 3 matches. GameWorks has this setting at 2 matches. Do you have any fixes, then please provide feedback to me by pointing your browser to the following location: * WARNING: If you choose to send UCE, flame or troll me over, or spam me, then I reserve every right to take matters to your ISP to discuss your irrational behavior. Here are the Factory Settings: Hit Indicator: Flash Violence: Mild Realtime Window: OFF Lives: 3 Time Limit: 4-5 (Not sure) Save at Power Off: ON There are many reasons why I have to tell all operators to turn the Realtime Window off: If the Realtime Window is ON, then they will be using the Naked Screen to BOTH CALIBRATE AND TO AIM for less effort but IT WILL DECREASE CONCENTRATION. Why does enabling the Realtime Window decreases concentration? Because boss battles require accurate aiming at times and should you be able to use the Naked Screen during these battles, then IMO you might get nervous, resulting in reduced accuracy and frustration. This is why having the Realtime Window OFF is a lot better: If you can use both the Naked Screen and the Mounted Telescope fashionably, then you can be very fast and deadly. Using the Mounted Telescope can really help you concentrate to make sure that the bullet count shot after shot. So why is the Scope mounted on your Light Gun for? ======================================================================== SCORING SCHEDULE Note: These are the base values of the death of all enemies. The point value will be based upon this formula like I said before: * (Base Value * Current Accuracy Streak) * 2 (if the kill was a head shot) All enemies: 100 points Destroying a Power Box: 800 Points Destroying a Security Sensor in Level 5: 100 points Destroying the Mines: 800 points Destroying the Infrared Security Sensors in Level 7: 800 points Destroying the Surveillance Cameras: 800 points Hitting the hook carrying the girder: 800 points Hitting the Rotor: 200 points Blowing up the Rotor: 800 points Blowing up the explosive box: 800 points Downing a lightset at the Opera: 800 points Wounding Tanya the Living Flame: 100 points Killing Tanya the Living Flame: 400 points Wounding Fox the Butcher: 200 points Killing Fox the Butcher: 800 points Wounding Cobra the Iron Man: 300 points Killing Cobra the Iron Man: 1200 points Damaging The Collector's tank: 200 points Destroying the Collector's tank: 800 points Wounding the Collector: 500 points Killing the Collector: 2000 points Wounding Star the Opera Singer: 700 points Killing Star the Opera Singer: 2800 points Destroying a Launch Device: 2000 points Stopping the Bus Driver: 3000 points Wounding Sho the Lightning Bolt: 700 points Killing Sho the Lightning Bolt: 2800 points Wounding Kane the Lightning Bolt: 700 points Killing Kane the Lightning Bolt: 2800 points Wounding Falcon or Jackal during the Duel Fight: 100 points Killing Falcon or Jackal during the Duel Fight: 400 points Wounding the Big Boss: 1000 points Killing the Big Boss: 4000 points Splitting the Handcuffs: 500 points Your accuracy streak will reset if for any reason you do the following: * Miss * Hit an innocent bystander (you will also lose one life) * Hit your partner * Destroy a debris with your Sniper Rifle * Hit anything other than enemies or traps of sorts Please correct me if I'm wrong at any point of the scoring schedule. ======================================================================== STORY OF DARK SILHOUETTE Dark Silhouette features a story which is far and away better than the first Silent Scope. Another reason why I would go to Dave and Buster's to play Dark Silhouette. ----------- The Prelude ----------- April 4th, 1999. Just about 4 months before Silent Scope took place. Agent Falcon was ordered to take out the terrorists who are planning to steal the UK's military secrets at all costs. Nobody knew who Falcon was (except that he defends us when we least expect it). Falcon's objective was straightforward: wipe out all the terrorists before they get a chance to steal all of the UK's military secrets. Eventually, Falcon succeeded in preventing the terrorists from stealing the UK's military secrets. Unfortunately, this mission was _NOT_ completed without any boo-boos. During the process of preventing the terrorists from stealing invaluable military secrets of the UK, two cars crashed into each other at the middle of Westminster's Tower Bridge. It was assumed that the car clash was to be used as a basis for the Terrorists' hopes of stealing these military secrets. Even with the Car Crash at the middle of Tower Bridge, Falcon triumphed. However, Falcon couldn't do this without the help of a loose cannon named Jackal. About to start a flame war, Jackal warns Falcon not to interrupt with his work. Right as Falcon starts a flame war with Jackal, a mysterious psychopathic terrorist popped out of Tower Bridge (via a helicopter) warning the two snipers about ruining his plans. He vows to get his revenge against the two snipers for ruining his attempt to steal the UK's military secrets. The military secrets have been secured, but Falcon was forced to talk with HQ regarding about the mission. He wanted to know why Jackal came to help him out. He also wants to know why he can't work alone for this mission. He warns HQ that he refuses to work with any freelancers whatsoever. However, HQ tells Falcon that "he will do as he is told". Although Jackal is extremely dangerous and cannot be trusted, Jackal is as good as Falcon is. Also, Jackal has shown interest in protecting the UK for an unknown agenda. --------------------------------------- Konami's Silent Scope, released in 1999 --------------------------------------- 4 months after securing those precious documents with some mysterious gripes, Falcon was given a brand new order: The President of the United States and his family has been kidnapped by a full-strength Terrorist Army and are demanding freedom for their dictator in exchange for their lives. The US Government needed to solve this matter quickly and secretly. The United Kingdom answered to this terrorist action by dispatching Falcon into the streets of Chicago to wipe out the terrorists and to save the President and his family at all costs. However, it took Falcon about 8-12 hours to complete as he had to fight Scorpion, Cobra, Hornet, and Monica (not to mention that he had to rescue the First Lady and the President's Daughter one by one) before he rescued the President by landing a head shot that would determine the fate of the United States. The United States hailed Falcon as the first "Sniper Hero" because unlike the common sniper, Falcon was skilled in the art of Sharpshooting Espionage--making the bullets count in order to infiltrate high-risk Terrorist Actions. Although this has nothing to do with him, Jackal continues to protect the UK for an unknown purpose... --------------------------- AND NOW, DARK SILHOUETTE... --------------------------- It's now April 2, 2000 at Oslo, Norway. Falcon is alerted that the United Kingdom's security needs his help once again. Instead of having to rescue a head honcho like he did in Silent Scope, Falcon is asked to prevent terrorists from using chemical weapons to attack the UK. He is pretty reluctant to do so because he thought that Alpha Squad was able to do the job. However, his superiors suspected that Alpha Squad is working for the terrorists and that if Falcon finds out that Alpha Squad betrayed the UK, Falcon is to eliminate them quickly. Although he is capable of working alone, Falcon is required to take Jackal (who was wrongly imprisoned by a terrorist when he was young) along with him because this mission requires two snipers. Falcon is alerted that Jackal is dangerous and can't be trusted. If Jackal attempts to endanger the mission in any fashion, Falcon is ordered to eliminate Jackal right away. Falcon doesn't want to take Jackal because he's somewhat a risk. Headquarters recommend Falcon to take Jackal along because not only he's as good as he is, but Jackal also happens to be the brother of an Alpha Squad member who is now held hostage by the terrorists and possible Alpha Squad traitors. ----------------- Falcon (Sniper 2) ----------------- Real Name: Bryce Estes (unverified) Date of Birth: Unknown Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Ancestry: Unknown Place of Birth: United Kingdom (Exact place of origin unknown) Height: 6'1" Weight: 171 lbs Blood Type: Unknown Also known as: The Government Dog Comments: With nerves of ice and a life-long training of accuracy and speed, Falcon stands out as the ultimate weapon needed to handle tense terrorist actions like the one in Silent Scope back in 1999. Falcon somewhat has a bad temper at times because he tends to start flame wars at his partners and his colleagues whenever they displease him. Despite his flaming problem, Falcon is willing to protect a nation's security and to supress even the toughest terrorists when things gets in a jam. He became a superior sharpshooter ever since his years with the British Special Forces (SAS) and ever since he became a sniper for the government, became the originator on the art of sharpshooting espionage (making all bullets count to make your way around a tough terrorist action) when he rescued the USA's first family back in 1999. ----------------- Jackal (Sniper 1) ----------------- Real Name: Unknown Date of Birth: Unknown Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Ancestry: Spanish Place of Birth: He won't tell Height: 6'2" Weight: 160 lbs Blood Type: Unknown Also known as: The Loose Cannon Comments: A cold-blooded mercenary who looks like a rebel. Jackal fights only to protect United Kingdom from unusual evils and nothing else. He was framed for a crime that he didn't commit when he was really young by the Big Boss of Dark Silhouette. Dark Silhouette's Big Boss is only bent to destroy the security of United Kingdom and nothing else. Right after Jackal was proven innocent, he vowed to protect the UK as a part of his program for revenge. Observed by the UK Government back in the April of 1999, Jackal helped out Falcon ruin the plans of the Terrorists. Falcon was upset because the sniper helped him when he thought he doesn't need any help at all. However, UK officials won't release Jackal's reason for participation in securing UK's top military secrets. Falcon became outraged as he finds out why the government would do this to him. During the time between the prologue and Dark Silhouette, Jackal continued to protect the UK from the terrorists who ruined his life when he was young. One year later, Jackal was assigned to assist Falcon in preventing psychopathic terrorists from launching chemical weapons to destroy the United Kingdom. Although considered by Falcon to be dangerous and untrusted, Jackal stands tall against the evils of not only the UK, but other evils that threaten the planet as well. Jackal is the only sniper who can rival Falcon's tried and true sniper skills. Note: According to, this guy was supposed to be RAVEN before Silent Scope 2 (regardless of the subtitle) was to be released. In the final versions of Dark Silhouette (regardless of the name changes), this guy was given the name of JACKAL knowing that he has a cold-blooded agenda on him. The reasons why Konami decided to use Raven in pre-production versions of Dark Silhouette and Jackal in the final version of the game remains a question. This one needs to be verified, though. ======================================================================== HINTS ON HOW TO IMPROVE GAME AFTER GAME Dark Silhouette may be a sniper's dream game, but civilians will have a hard time adepting to a military sharpshooting environment. Here's how to "unlearn what you have learned from the common light gun game": * Stay calm and keep cool. Limit the intake of caffeine before you go to an arcade that has either Dark Silhouette or Silent Scope. * Avoid trying to rapid-fire the rifle. Falcon or Jackal (It's your partner who's talking to you, depending on who you play as) will yell at you if you try to do so. Even a real-life sniper knows that PSG-1s and MSG-90s doesn't have a good firing rate. Don't fire unless you have to because every bullet counts towards your time and accuracy record. * Don't look at the scope too much. If you do, then you will be wasting lots of time. You should look at the screen with the naked eye first by aligning the muzzle at the desired piece of image you want to look at. Then look at the scope, take your aim, and fire ONLY IF YOU THINK THE BULLET WILL COUNT. In real-life sniping, BULLETS ARE PRECIOUS so make every shot count. * Watch out for instances when you encounter moving air. This will really hurt your accuracy by an inch. This is important to know because the Freeway Chase, Air Battle, Tower Battle, and fast targets can really do high damage to your lives and accuracy. Sometimes you need to aim at certain places so that the bullet will hit the terrorist and not at innocent bystanders. * To defeat a boss quickly, aim for the head. You will also receive more points for your dignity if you shoot the guards at their head as well. Head shots are super important in Dark Silhouette because bosses now take 10 bullets to wipe out instead of 5. * Always try to aim the muzzle at the target spottings when looking at the screen with the Naked Eye. This way you can reduce the amount of time of having to aim the gun at the desired area of the screen. Make sure that you try to wipe out the terrorists once you find them because if for any reason you require a spot of the target, then you will be wasting a lot of time. * Memorize the position of the terrorists. Not only you will be able to spot the target without any "enemy spotting marker" assistance, but you will be faster and your skills will improve every time you become capable of finding more targets without help from the enemy spotting marker. Be warned that there are at least two areas that has enemies camoflauged within the background, so there will be instances when enemy spotting without the spotting marker will be close to impossible. That is why memorizing the enemy locations is just as important as wiping them out secretly and quickly. * Try not to miss at all. The higher your streak (and the more often you hit the foe at the head), the better your score will be. Try a 100-streak and see what happens to your score!!! You might think that an accuracy rating of 90% (Professional or Ultimate Sniper) would kick ass. Think again. Like Silent Scope, being accurate definitely means obtaining the highest possible hit streak. I would like to give kudos to MDH for this matter (since he originated this issue since the first Silent Scope). Now assuming that the Help Scope is turned off, you need to achieve 64 missless hits to be considered accurate. I think when Jackal said "Try not to miss", I think he meant that he's bubbling a tip on how to get a higher score. This is true. For a higher score, you have to try to avoid missing at all costs. "Try _NOT_ to miss, Hot Shot!"--Jackal * BEWARE!!! There will not be that many life-recovery ladies (Nurses) this time around so it's really important that you nullify all the terrorists from one screen to another and to keep the sustained damage to an absolute minimum. To add to your worries, there will only be about 2-3 waiters (Time Bonus Characters) throughout the game. * The boss scenes are even a major pain as opposed to the first Silent Scope. The lackeys are only there to interfere during the boss fight. The boss is the central focus during these fights. Centrally worry about the boss and the time (This was a carryover from Evan Mitchell). Some of the lackeys have better accuracy, but in spite of that, you should focus your attention towards the boss. In some instances, the sack of potatoes trick (slamming a boss over and over again) from the first Silent Scope won't work because either the boss has high recovery time or there's no room for error at that point of the boss fight. There is only one boss fight that will allow you to use the Sack of Potatoes trick with minimal risk (more on this later on). However, Konami's purpose to minimize the Sack of Potatoes trick is to give Head Shots a purpose this time around. In Dark Silhouette, bosses require 10 bullets instead of 5 bullets, so head shots are a must in order to improve. * You get time extends for killing every enemy that you encounter and you get larger time extends for completing a certain part in the game. Thanks to Evan Mitchell for pointing this out. ---------------------------------------------- Horizontal Locking (courtesy of Evan Mitchell) ---------------------------------------------- Horizontal Locking is defined as the ability to tag a person's head at the same horizon level. When you "tag" a flat horizontal bead, it's only a matter of locking your shoulder and swiveling exactly left and right, with no vertical change. I'll let you know when to use Horizontal Locking throughout the document but keep in mind that you will need ULTRA-CALM NERVES to make this trick work. It's easy to learn but you need to be very calm to master it at all costs. It's as easy as 1-2-3. ======================================================================== PROLOGUE April 4th, 1999, 5:00 Hours (Military Time) London, England (around the Tower Bridge). The fight will take place at the Westminster sector of London (Downtown). Mission: Ruin the Terrorists' hopes of retrieving the UK's Military Secrets!!! Difficulty: Easy Interference: Close to nothing This one should be very easy. You should have minimal problems for this stage. There are only 17-18 targets (depending on your starting point) that you need to destroy who are patrolling the streets of London hoping that they will be able to steal the Military Secrets at all costs. I prefer to use Falcon (Sniper 2) in this stage. There are about 3 enemies who will be patrolling by boat. The boats will be moving, so make sure that you allow some room for error if you need to hit them. Other than that, all the other enemies will be either walking around the landscape and/or watching to make sure nobody's disrupting their plans. All you need to do in this stage is to allow some time for error with regards of the moving enemies. Try not to miss in this stage because as with the original Silent Scope, the higher your accuracy streak, the better your score will be. After you destroy the final enemy (The final enemy will probably be the farthest target in the stage), a flame war between Falcon and Jackal will ensue. Note that Falcon's problem is that he has a bad habit to start flame wars when things don't go his way. Falcon: WHO IS HE?! What is he doing here?! Is he a freelance sniper?! Jackal: The government dog! Don't interrupt my work!! (Big Boss pops out of the Tower Bridge via chopper) Big Boss: I can't believe that you stopped me in the middle of my plan!!! But it is _NOT_ over yet!!! I shall remember both of your faces, and I will return to exact justice within myself another day... Note: This stage is probably set about 4 months before the first Silent Scope. There are no boss characters in this stage, which is a relief. ------------------------------ The Epilouge of the Preview... ------------------------------ Headquarters: Falcon, we have confirmed that the military secrets of the UK has been secured. We have seen damage between two cars at the middle of Tower Bridge, but the governmental documents remain unscathed. Falcon: Well, I secured these documents but the mission had several flaws. There were at least 3 terrorists who were planning to steal these secretive documents by the river. Also, terrorists were hanging around the top of selected buildings, and even atop Tower Bridge itself in order to plan a well-balanced ambush at the middle of the aforesaid bridge. To make things worse, terrorists even stand at the middle of the lower Tower Bridge in order to round out such a powerful ambush. The terrorists had the odds in their favor much to the fact that enemy snipers were going to back up the ambush through the buildings of Westminster. Headquarters: Gee, I thought that it wasn't difficult for you to secure these governmental documents at all. Well, this mission turned out to be more difficult than it seems. Falcon: To top it all off, while I tried to secure the Governmenttal Documents, some terrorists got shot not by a terrorist's rifle, but by a mysterious marksman who knows how to handle a rifle pretty well. Headquarters: Falcon, you seem to be frustrated. Falcon? Falcon: This is WEIRD!!! This guy knows how to handle a Heckler and Koch PSG-1 without a glitch!!! That's the weird thing!!! He is just as calm as I am and he even had the same motivation as myself!!! I wish I knew who he was and what his motivations are... Headquarters: Hmmm... Falcon: You know, do you? You know who he is, don't you? You know what his motivations are, do you? Well, the HELL WITH THAT MYSTERY PARTNER!!! I can't believe you sent that mysterious marksman to help me out!!! Securing these Governmental Documents isn't as hard as I thought!!! I only had minor glitches during this operation because the terrorists had such a well-balanced attack!!! I didn't need any help in this one!!!! Headquarters: Chill out, Falcon. We all know you like to work alone but because this terrorist group is a full-strength army, we couldn't help bring some help for your assignment. If it wasn't for this "mystery" partner that we've been "grading", then those documents wouldn't have been secured at all. Falcon (losing his temper): LISTEN. I DO _NOT_ WORK WITH ANYONE REGARDLESS OF THE STRENGTH LEVEL OF THE TERRORISTS AND WHETHER OR NOT I MIGHT HAVE FLAWS OR GRIPES!!!! THAT'S FINAL!!!! Headquarters: Falcon. Don't get mad just because this guy helped you secure the government's documents. His code name is Jackal. A tough nut framed by terrorists when he was young. He had quite a history of protecting the nation's security (as well as protecting other nation's securities) as an ongoing effort to seek revenge against a terrorist who ruined his life. He has shown interest in helping us out through a history of positive mercenary work. He's just as good as you are. Although extremely dangerous and untrustable, he happens to be Laura's brother. Falcon (shocked to find out that Laura is a mercenary's sister): How the _HELL_ is Laura involved?! I don't want to put her into risk!!! Well, I guess I have to wait until _the game really begins_ at Oslo, Norway. ======================================================================== April 2nd, 2000, one year later after the Prologue... ======================================================================== MISSION BRIEFING Headquarters: Falcon, we've been leaving you in the dark for one year already. Since the security of the nation needs your help once again, we've decided to go along with some things with you. First, the Terrorists have taken over a research facility near Oslo (where the 'copter is heading) and have captured several test units of the VX Gas Missile Project, targeted to attack the UK at all costs. Falcon: VX? I thought that project was shut down for good. Headquarters: The terrorists knew the project all too well. They knew that the factory was still secretly in operation and the project has became a black op. The United Kingdom sent their favorite anti terrorist team ALPHA SQUAD to stop the terrorists from using those missiles. However, they have disappeared without a trace, and worst of all, it may be assumed that they may be working for the terrorists. Falcon: ALPHA SQUAD TRAITORS?! HQ: It is only a theory. UK sent Alpha Squad to assist in the shutdown of the VX Gas Missile Project. However, nobody ever told Alpha Squad to close down the lab completely. It was rumored right after Alpha Squad was sent into the lab, apparently most of them worked for the terrorists. Should this be the case, then you are to nail them right off the bat. Falcon: So be it. BTW I want to know what the hell happened to Laura. It has been since last year since she's been MIA. HQ: It was believed that Luara was attached with Alpha Squad at the last minute. It is believed that she's being held hostage by the Terrorists and possible Alpha Squad Traitors as some sort of insurance policy. This is another reason why we selected you for this mission. You are to be informed that Laura DID NOT turn against us, but she instantly became a hostage as soon as the terrorists took over the facility at Oslo. Falcon: I know that I like to work alone, but I'm pretty sure that I have to do what I'm told to do. The fact that Laura's been held hostage centrally explains why I'm sharing the ride with this "Loose Cannon" of last year!!! Headquarters: Exactly. I already told you about Jackal one year ago. If you are determined to succeed in this mission, then you will need all the help you can get. You already know that he is extremely dangerous and untrustable so if he tries to escape, you are to eliminate him right away. Falcon: Why should he join in if he's a risk? Headquarters: Like I said, Jackal is a professional sniper like you are. Also, he has an interest of protecting our country from terrorists that he only knows. Most importantly, Laura's his sister. Falcon: Then it looks like we have something in common. I won't fail you. Headquarters: Good Luck to both of you!!! Falcon and Jackal now talk before descending through the Helicopter... Falcon: Jackal, I will take you under TWO CONDITIONS. Number 1. Do not try to escape at all costs. I expect full assistance from you at all times. Number 2. You are to follow orders from myself at all times. The queen has named you and me personally, so we cannot fail. Understand? (Looks like Falcon's flaming again) Jackal (upset because Falcon yelled at him): Agreed. Falcon and Jackal descends through the Helicopter... ======================================================================== THE RUMBLE AT OSLO, PART 1 Oslo, Norway The VX Project Base Mission: Permanently shut down the VX Plant and supress all terrorists at all costs. Enemies: Arctic Warfare Soldiers, Green Suits, Tanya the Living Flame (Boss) The targets are fairly far away and they are camoflauged pretty well within the snow and fog. You will be able to see aiming markers at certain points but from now on, all the aiming's done the same way like you would with the Hotel Imperial in Silent Scope. You have to find and remove the terrorists or waste time having your superiors find the target for you. In this stage, you should have minimal problems finding the target (since they are not that far away). Not too many aiming markers will be displayed at the same time anymore because the key in Dark Silhouette is to make sure that you spot and remove the terrorists without any assistance from the lieutenant this time around. Note: At the beginning of the level, shoot the doorman first and then there should be a snowmobile driver coming out from the gate. After destroying the gateman, destroy the snowmobile driver to increase your accuracy streak. Outside, be very careful of the terrorists who are walking around the watchtowers because they move surprisingly fast. Give room for error so that your bullet lands at the right spot. Your bullets have a large caliber charge and will penetrate the softest walls so keep that in mind. Don't fire at the terrorists who are running or are riding in snowmobiles because they are fast and you need even more room for error on these guys. The best time to fire at them is when they are about to fire at you. Note: You can kill the driver inside the huge Snowmobile right after the snowmobile comes out from the gate. Just aim inside the cockpit and when the snowmobile stops, let the driver have it. Otherwise, the outside portion of this stage should be completed with minimal problems. At the door... -------------- Jackal (with left hand at the door): It's show time!!! Falcon: Now, let's play METAL GEAR for real. ----------------- Inside a Building ----------------- Now you will be facing terrorists inside a building. As a basic rule, if the enemy is very close, don't use the scope. The scope is to be used ONLY if the enemy is very far to your tastes. On the first part, there will be two white suits who will be far away. Use the scope on these two white suits (One of them will hide underneath an obstacle) and I'll leave the green suit up to your discretion. You will now be asked to destroy a power box to confuse the enemies. Before you even try to destroy the Power Box, kill the enemies first before doing so because you can carry your accuracy streak right into the Power Box. Time for a Scope Change. Right after the Power Box is destroyed, Jackal will be asked to use Thermographic Vision while Falcon will have to use X-Ray Vision. Both modes allow both snipers to see enemies through the walls. During this time, if the enemy is close enough to be hit without the help of the scope, all you need to do is to make the bullet count. If the enemy is far to your tastes or if the enemy is hiding behind the wall, then you will need to use the Scope--The scope helps you see enemies far away and behind the walls. Before you get inside the elevator, a nurse (Beautiful Woman) will appear, so look at her for an extra life box (There will not be too many ladies as with the original so make sure that you take out all terrorists quickly and secretly). Now nail the terrorists to go inside the Elevator. Note: Here's a hint on getting a better score (and I've managed to get this one verified at GameWorks). Shoot the terrorist who shows up the instant you show up at the part with a nurse. After killing the terrorist, look at the Nurse. Now there should be a green dot near the ceiling and it's moving like a snail. Aim the sensor right at the green dot and look at the scope. Aim the red dot onto the green dot and unload. If you hit the green dot, then you should be able to get 800 points for destroying it. It's not a tactical shot but disarming the "green dot" will help your score. Now get rid of the second terrorist. Neat. Thanks, Rolander. There will be a skill shot somewhere once you board the first shooting practice after taking the elevator. Once you take care of all the enemies... Falcon: Who is that bizarre guy operating the computers? You know him well. Jackal: That's FOX THE BUTCHER!!! No time for discussions hot shot. We've got to stop this prick immediately!!!! Falcon: But I want details on this guy, Jackal!!! Jackal: Fox is trying to get those missiles ready for the launch in the shortest possible time, hot shot. That is why I can't discuss right now. Securing those damn missiles is more important than knowing the enemies. Falcon: OK, ok. I guess I'll have to shoot and ask questions later. At that self-same instant... ---------------------------- Fox (talking to a blonde): We've finally got a hold of the missiles and the hostages. Don't let them go after us. Smoke 'em! The mysterious blonde: Yes, Fox! As Jackal and Falcon continue their pursuit, they are greeted by the same blonde that was talking to Fox... Tanya: I'm Tanya the Living Flame. I will warm you up guys. Say your prayers. Hehehe... (A fight ensues) ---------------------- Tanya the Living Flame ---------------------- Weapon: Flamethrower Number of hits required to destroy Tanya: 10 bullets into her body, 1 bullet into her head. Point value when Tanya is wounded: 100 points Point value when Tanya is killed: 400 points Point value when Tanya is shot by the head: 800 points Author's Note: If you miss or hit Tanya at body parts other than her head, then you will scare Tanya off. Please be aware that Tanya has such a high recovery time so keep that in mind. The sack of potatoes trick won't work against her since she recovers too quickly. Special thanks to Rolander (And I WILL NEVER GIVE OUT E-MAIL ADDRESSES) for pointing Tanya tactics out. Tanya begins the fight by hiding behind the wall. She will run very fast to avoid getting hit by the players. When she's about to take her firing position, the player will get a glimpse of her head. BE SURE TO AIM RIGHT AT THE HEAD AND WHEN THE RED DOT TOUCHES HER HEAD, SLAM TANYA WITH A WELL-PLACED HEAD SHOT before the flamethrower blocks your touch. You have just about 2 1/2 seconds before Tanya starts scorching you. (Thanks, Evan) This may seem odd, but the bullet *should* be able to pass through the flames (Thanks once again, Evan). Sometimes I've even hit Tanya (or better yet, slammed her right into her head) while she's scorching. When she's finished scorching you, she will hide somewhere else and will repeat the process once again. She is rather a time-waster to beginners because if you miss or hit Tanya at her other body parts (other than her head), then you might scare Tanya off and she'll hide behind the wall the quicker the better and you'll have to wait until Tanya initiates another attack before being able to get a clean shot to her head again. Just try to avoid unloading 10 pieces of lead onto Tanya or you'll waste time and you'll be forced to continue. Just try to slam Tanya right onto her head because you need to worry about the time. A note from Evan: With the Horizontal Locking technique, you should try to wait to line up the headshot. Tanya is motionless while she's using her flamethrower to "warm you up". Bullets _CAN_ go through her flamethrower's ammo and if you put the Horizontal Locking technique to the fullest, a *blind* head shot can be scored. My note: With or without the scope, you can nail Tanya in the head. Nailing Tanya in the head without the scope takes more time to get used to. You can use the scope to get a good head shot right onto Tanya before she even punches it, but you have to be very fast. After you finish Tanya off, it's time to chase Fox, the guy who initiated the program of the VX Project. ======================================================================== OSLO, THE SEQUEL Oslo, Norway Snowfields Mission: Chase after and stop Fox the Butcher at all costs. Jackal is advising us to try to avoid missing at all costs. Enemies: Arctic Warfare Soldiers, Green Suits, Blue Suits, Fox the Butcher (Boss) OK, ok. It looks like the enemies are trying to escape right after our snipers commence a chase to bust Fox for capturing an Oslo factory and for triggering the start of the VX Project. They are trying to hide from the snipers as far as they can. It looks like the disturbing weather has really gotten into Jackal's and Falcon's nerves. What do you think? Let's get ready for a really kick-ass chase scene. Although this chase scene is many ways more disturbing than the freeway chase in Silent Scope, I like sniping while skiing downhill, although the movements of skiing will disturb my accuracy tremendously. ----------------------- Downhill-skiing Snipers ----------------------- For this part, Jackal has the advantage of taking out more enemies without missing or hitting the player sniper by accident. Falcon will be at a disadvantage here because during the first part of the chase Jackal will be blocking the enemies, forcing Falcon to waste a lot of time. Another worry to be warned about is the fact that you will be making a major turn just before you board the trees. This will also ruin your accuracy by a large margin. The best time for Falcon to destroy the enemies is right after he hits the straights. Be careful if you have to turn around because that will also ruin your accuracy as well. Just to let you know that Jackal can destroy more enemies than Falcon would in this case. The wind current can become disturbingly complicated because even if you get the enemy right in your sight, the turn can cause the bullet to miss. It is really important that you anticipate the turn of the slope before you fire your bullet. Evan's Note: The Snowboard chase has a set course. It's possible to end the area early by really ripping through the terrorists really fast, but most of the time you will end it when you hit the clearing. Every guy you hit gets you a Time Extension. Jackal usually has to worry about the snowmobile guys (since they are possibly the most accurate of the bunch) but they are really forgiving targets since you can hit the snowmobile itself. ------------------------------------------- Taking out the trash in the coldest climate ------------------------------------------- In the first part, Jackal can jack all the enemies either by taking only minimal damage or by not taking any damage at all. Falcon will have to figure out a pattern on how to take out the enemies without taking too much damage because the enemies will attack Falcon more often over here. On a side note, I would like to tell you that Jackal can double-hit one pair of enemies talking. Falcon can't, which is pretty much a pity. WARNING: IF YOU PLAY AS FALCON, THEN IN THIS PART IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU FIND AND SUPRESS THE ENEMY AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN SINCE THE ENEMIES WILL BE TRYING TO BLAST FALCON TO A CRISP IN THIS STAGE. Falcon will be taking the most damage in this part so I would consider this part an expert-level stage in my case since I am an avid Falcon player. Enough ranting about this. All Jackal has to do in this part is to find and wipe out the enemy. Although Jackal will take close to no damage on this part, he has to spot and wipe out the enemy before the enemies begin to inflict lots of damage on Falcon. There are about 6-8 enemies in the first part after you finish the downhill chase. For Falcon, he should try to eliminate the terrorists talking to each other first and then quickly spot and destroy the other terrorists before they shoot. There is a 1 in 4 chance Falcon will lose half a life box every time an enemy shoots him. Don't wait for the target markers to show up if you are playing as Falcon--worry about the life boxes you have. There is no women in this stage so it is really important for Falcon to find and liquidate the enemies the quicker the better. A note from Rolander: The enemies in this part will attack Falcon more often. In the second part, Jackal is pretty much a deadgoose since his odds of getting hit is DANGEROUSLY HIGH (1 in 2) because the guys who's riding the snowmobile are usually attacking Jackal. Falcon's odds of getting hit by these two accurate hitters is pretty slim by my experience (1 in 15) so Falcon should try to kill these two bozos as soon as he stops and spot the snowmobile. Kudos to Evan Mitchell for pointing out about this. For Falcon, he can eliminate the driver inside the snowmobile but the guys on the top of the snowmobile are of main concern because these two guys have Jackal pretty much of a deadgoose on this part. If you need to help Jackal conserve lives, then Falcon should hit the guys on top regardless of the situation. Since it's moving forward, he shouldn't miss on this part. Jackal will need to act fast if he needs to conserve as many lives as he can because these two guys are really accurate and can drain a lot of KI away from him in no time. Evan Mitchell told me that the being hit ratio is kind of unbalanced because in some parts a sniper can get popped for a box and a half by the same guy in under 10 seconds. This is totally obnoxious because the game balance is kind of off a bit. Losing too many lives if not quick enough is another reason why I choose Falcon as my character. He doesn't lose lives as quick as Jackal would. A quick Jackal player will not lose as many lives as a beginning Jackal player but just be warned that Jackal will need to act extremely fast if he has to have all of his life boxes intact. These two snowmobile punks will usually hit Jackal even though the snowmobile's moving. The snowmobile will be moving quite fast and leftwards so Jackal will need to give some time for error on this one. He needs to anticipate the spot where the enemy will touch the bullet befroe shooting. If Jackal's timing is good enough, he might be able to hit both guys in the snowmobile with one bullet (but please be aware that his timing needs to be precise and the snowmobile is moving left really fast so his timing needs to be tighter than Falcon's). Otherwise, these two punks are a major concern for Jackal since his odds of losing half a life box is extremely high. In a two-player situation, HAVE FALCON KILL BOTH OF THE SNOWMOBILE PUNKS ON TOP NOT TO SAVE TIME, BUT TO PRESERVE JACKAL'S LIFE RESERVES. Do it quickly or this could be the last of Jackal. Note: You can hit the driver inside the snowmobile for an extra hit onto your accuracy streak. I would like to thank Evan Mitchell for pointing out the dilemma regarding about the guys on top of the snowmobile part. The third part is my favorite part because you don't take any damage at all. All this part does is test you to see how well you can use the brand new X-Ray and Thermographic Scope Modes. Falcon will be using X-Ray while Jackal will be using Thermographic. For Falcon, he should aim at the rightside house. Look into the scope to see if there are any skeletons talking to each other. Kill one skeleton and kill the other. The double-hot possibility is at the left-most house on Falcon's screen. For Jackal, he should aim at the left-most house. Look into the scope to see if there's some red on his scope. If you can track bodyheat on the scope, that's when Jackal should land bullets that can count secretly and quickly. Jackal should nail the left-side terrorists first and then nail the right-side terrorists. The right side on Jackal's screen is Jackal's double-hit opportunity. DON'T DO A DOUBLE-HIT UNTIL YOU JACK THE FIRST TWO SINGLE-HIT TERRORISTS BECAUSE YOU MIGHT MISS OUT ON A VERY GOOD SCORE IF YOU DOUBLE-HIT BEFORE TAKING OUT THE SINGLE-HIT TRASH. On a two-player situation, have Jackal hit the house at his right and have Falcon hit the house at his left. Both snipers should strive to double-hit. Right after you take out the three parts, LISTEN TO JACKAL REALLY CAREFULLY AS HE POINTS OUT A SECRET ON HOW TO GET A BETTER SCORE. If you want to raise your score by a high margin, you will need to heed Jackal's advice for the life of yourself. Jackal: Stop him!!! _Try not to miss, hot shot!!!_ Fox: Hang in there, tough guy!!! (A fight ensues) --------------- Fox the Butcher --------------- Weapon: Uzi Nine Millimeter Number of hits required to destroy Fox: 10 bullets into his body, 1 bullet into his head. Point value for wounding Fox: 200 points Point value for killing Fox: 800 points Point value for hitting Fox at his head: 1600 points Author's Note: This is an amalgamation of the fight atop the Tower in Downtown Chicago and on top of the Hotel Imperial in Silent Scope. Fox will seek to escape your touch once you hit him once. He has a good recovery time after he gets hit. In the middle of a battle, Falcon will have to use Thermographic Mode, which can become disorienting at times. Every time Fox fires at you, it's a hit. OUCH. Evan Mitchell's note: Falcon will be using X-Ray Vision in earlier versions of the game. I would also like to give Kudos to Rolander for this one. Jackal will be using Normal Vision all the time throughout the fight. Falcon will have a hard time with this one because in the middle of the fight, Falcon will be switching to Thermographic Mode, which can become disorientating at times. I think both players will take lots of damage before this fight is over (Jackal will take more damage than Falcon will because Fox usually shoots Jackal first). You might need to take out the grunts before taking out Fox (which is risky because Fox will always chop off lives because his accuracy is the highest in this point of the game). For the inexperienced Falcon Player: I personally would get rid of the lackeys first and then go ahead and take down Fox. If you are lucky enough, then you should be able to hit the lackey and Fox at the same time. Once the lackeys are placed out of commission, Falcon will be using Thermal Mode. It's really hard to miss since he's moving like an NFL Running Back just about all of the time. WATCH OUT!!! Right after he attacks Jackal, Fox will attack Falcon. You should try to be as quick as you can for this trick: Right as Fox is attacking Jackal, slam Fox continuously bullet after bullet until your clip is completely empty. The trick is to get Fox almost instantly after he attacks Jackal and slam him until your clip is empty. Be careful in certain instances as right after you hit him, Fox might choose to escape from your touch. Memorizing his locations is as important as getting clean shots at the earliest moment. This may seem odd, but the attacking locations for Fox will be the same, although he might randomize his attacking style. For the Falcon player with "Nerves of Ice": When you fight Fox the first time around, make sure that you get his shooting positions into your memory as his shooting positions will always be the same (which is kind of odd but useful). The only problem is that he might randomize at times so keep that in mind. Once you've got his shooting positions down, then you can take Fox with minimal effort. Use the Mounted Scope and aim in a general spot where you will know Fox will pop up. When he pops up, DO NOT SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER as this will hurt your accuracy streak, and you might lose time needed for this trick. Rather than pulling the trigger right off the bat, align the red dot right on where his head used to be at. Patiently wait for his return and with *careful* timing, squeeze the trigger. This one takes a lot more practice than the beginner's strategy because this one takes patience, courage, and wit. Also, while doing this trick, you will be losing time and lives as well. Only those with real nerves of ice should try this because this is rated professional to my tastes. Kudos to Shawn McCarthy for pointing this out. From the desk of Daniel... -------------------------- Right off the bat, Fox will always be on top of his Snowmobile preparing to jump down. Beofre the scene starts, place the rifle aimed *roughly* at that position. When the fight begins, fire once to stun him like a sack of potatoes. If your timing is right, then the second shot will be right to the head. This requires accurate and precise timing so this one will take lots of practice to perfect. Another condition to be aware of is that you need to be Falcon to do this trick. My note: When I play this fight as Jackal, you need to be aware that Fox will always start from the top of his snowmobile and he will jump at different starting points. I'll try to get a Digital Camera image so that you'll understand what this means in the future. If I can get this image in, then you might be able to see it in my website in the future. Unfortunately, since I'm playing this game for about 89% of the time, the odds of getting this image in seems to be harder than it seems. :( Note from Evan: You can take out a lackey or two during this fight, BUT MAKE SURE THAT FOX IS NOT FIRING AT YOU (since he will determine who will get the damage) or when he's under the truck as it takes a while before he comes back up. This is strictly for life box preservation. ALWAYS BE AWARE OF HOW MANY BULLETS ARE IN YOUR CLIP WHEN FIGHTING FOX. Since Jackal isn't using Thermal Vision, he needs to get a head shot as quickly as he can because Fox has lightning-fast reflexes. Fox will attack Jackal first so make sure you land a single bullet right into Fox before he shoots Jackal (but be careful of the interference his 4 friends are dishing out). Usually this forces Fox to move into a position where he can't get jacked by Jackal but instead he can attack Falcon instead. I don't know if for any reason Fox might be able to expose some parts of his body or not but if he shows some parts of his body when attacking Falcon, don't hesitate to attack. Jackal will need to get a clean head shot as quickly as he can because he will take more damage in this area than Falcon will on a Solo Situation. Note: Unlike Tanya who chickens out after you miss or hit her in other parts of her body other than her head, you can do the sack of potatoes against Fox. The only problem is that the transition speed within bullets has slightly increased so you will need to quickly stun and slam Fox to a crisp. Remember that bosses take 2 clips instead of 1 so be sure that you have a good amount of bullets so that you can drain Fox's energy pretty quick. Another note from Evan: Fox can go anywhere he pleases after he jumps off the snowmobile, but it is really easy to headshot him if you hit him off the bat because he leans forward. Also, you can (with luck) pot his head off the bat. This technique requires a lot of timing and a lot of practice to master but it's well worth the effort. These tips are somewhat complete blueprints only. Shall you be able to come up with new ways of besting Fox, e-mail me. Thanks. ------------ The Epilouge ------------ Falcon: Now that both Tanya and Fox are no more, can you tell me the details regarding about either of the two right now? We have some time to spare so please give me some details if you can, Jackal. Jackal: ... Falcon: Jackal? Are you mad at me?! Please talk!!! Jackal: I'm not mad at you hot shot. It's the fact that Fox *might* have taken the VX Gas Missiles right into the Gatwick Airport. He used his Snowmobile to transfer all of the VX Gas Missiles right into a Norway Airport. I'm assuming that they've hijacked a military aircraft so that they can transfer the Gas Missiles right back to England. Falcon: Hmmm.... Hijacking a military aircraft to safely carry out their plans.... NOW THAT TAKES GUTS!!!! Jackal: We'd better head to Gatwick before all is lost. No time for any chit-chatting... Securing these missiles are of high importance. Falcon: Well, we'd better hijack the terrorists' hijack! ======================================================================== THE FREIGHT HIJACKED BY TERRORISTS The Gatwick Airport Mission: Recover the hijacked freight Enemies: White Foot Soldiers, Green Foot Soldiers, Blue Suits, Cobra the Iron Man (Boss) This stage is pretty short. I will assume that you will be using Falcon as your character. Jackal will have a hard time in this stage because his jeep will be vibrating more often, thus forcing Jackal into some intentional boo-boos here and there. Falcon's heli won't vibrate as much as Jackal's jeep but both snipers will have to anticipate the wind current if they don't want to miss. For the first part, the enemies will be at the back left door. There are three of them, one of them throws grenades at you. One of them will hide behind and can be a major time waster at times. On the second part, wipe out the enemies BUT if you see a jeep coming from the left, then it's a nurse. Be sure you look at the Nurse before taking out the terrorists. There will be a terrorist on top of the plane and there will be three terrorists at the front left door. On the third part, you will face one terrorist at the back-right door, two terrorists at the right wing, one terrorist standing near the nose, and some terrorists at the right-front door. There is a skill shot at one of the wings but only destroy the rotor if you have enough time and lives. I would worry about the terrorists because both time and lives are the main concerns in this stage. Finally, on the fourth part, most of the terrorists will be at the right wing. They should be easy. If there is smoke coming across a rotor, then you might need to use the scope to make sure that you don't miss. Now we see Cobra coming from the back of the plane roaring at our heroes. Falcon is shocked to know that Cobra has survived the truck wreckage back in Silent Scope. Cobra tells Falcon that he will never die unless he gets rid of Falcon once and for all. Now what's the deal with Cobra surviving a head hit, eh? ------------------ Cobra the Iron Man ------------------ Weapon: Brute Strength and Grenades Shots required to defeat Cobra: 10 shots at his body or 1 shot at his head. Point value for wounding Cobra: 300 points Point value for killing Cobra: 1200 points Point value for hitting Cobra at his head: 2400 points OH MY GOSH!!! HE'S STILL ALIVE!!! He's hiding in back of an innocent bystander!!! He's well-prepared and he's got some nasty new tricks that he'll try in front of your face!!!! Let's face it. Cobra is back. He is the worst boss character you can fight in Dark Silhouette because he's always hiding behind an innocent bystander (for protection) and he will be throwing all sorts of objects right at you as attacks!!! This can become a really frustrating boss battle because every time you hit the innocent bystander by accident, you will lose one WHOLE life box. I know that you want to destroy the machine because of Cobra's rather cheap attacking patterns but there is a way to reduce the tarriff on this sore loser. My note: If you have fought Cobra at the stadium before, then you will know how cheap he is. He is carrying an innocent bystander on his shoulder which is the basis of his cheapness. His cheapness is no different in Dark Silhouette, although he has a change of strategy. However, Cobra isn't too bright. He will be relying on one throwing pattern. Since he's a right-hander, his patterns are predictable after you study his patterns long enough. Sadly, the vibration of the vehicles may create a bit of a problem for our heroes but the wind current isn't as severe as it seems. This is how Cobra will be doing the toss-ups: Picking up an object, his head will be at the left of the hostage. You can hit him while he's picking up an object, but it's kind of risky because you also risk hitting the innocent bystander by accident not because you aimed the bullet right at the innocent--it's either the wind current or the vibration of the vehicle. When he's resting or preparing an object to throw right at you, his head will be behind the innocent bystander so don't shoot while he's either resting or preparing an object for expulsion. When he throws an object, his head will be exposed to the right of the hostage and that's the time when you need to shoot him at. The throwing patterns will always be identical except you need to anticipate both the wind currents and the vehicle vibrations so that the bullet can land right at Cobra's head at the first moment. Also, to warn you, the innocent bystander will be rowing a bit so be very careful when taking a good shot right at Cobra. As far as objects are concerned, Cobra will be throwing debris, grenades, AND EVEN INNOCENT BYSTANDERS right at you!!! This is a super-ridiculous boss battle because not only he's hiding behind an innocent bystander nearly all the time, but he's throwing innocents at you (and if they slam right at you, you will lose a half a life box). You can shoot the debris BUT DON'T FIRE IF HE THROWS AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER RIGHT AT YOU!!! Remember you will lose a WHOLE LIFE BOX if you hit an innocent bystander so if he throws an innocent at you, it's better to lose a half life box rather than a whole life box. Cobra can do what he pleases but he will be throwing objects at either Falcon or Jackal, depending on the mood he's in. So what's a pair of sharpshooting espionage warriors suppose to do on this cheap boss fight that will clean up their pockets? Hear this! Falcon: Right off the bat, aim your sensor right into Cobra. Now all you need to do is to anticipate where Cobra's head will be at right after he throws the object. Your vehicle will be moving but it won't vibrate as much as Jackal's jeep so you should have the upper hand in this one. Once Cobra finishes throwing an object, nail him. If you don't hit him at the head, you'll either have to kill the debris or take damage. Another concern is that you'll need to pound 2 clips into Cobra instead of 1 clip so a head shot is essential for this cheap fight. If you can memorize the pattern long enough, then you should be able to pull off a head shot when he throws the first object at you. The key to defeating Cobra is to anticipate the heli's vibration with the mild wind current and then anticipate where Cobra's head will be when he finishes throwing the object. Need I mention that Falcon's timing is everything? My note: Usually, Cobra's head will be at the right side of the hostage right after he throws something so try to get your timing right at the first time. For the beginning Jackal player: Jackal will have a hard time trying to defeat Cobra because his jeep will be vibrating more often than Falcon's heli. Also, the wind current is a lot stronger than Falcon's so Jackal might make some boo-boos his first time around. You can hit Cobra at the head when he tries to pick up an object but it's kind of dangerous because this has a high risk of hitting innocents by accident. Getting a good head shot right after Cobra throws something proves to be a major chore because the jeep will be moving more often than Falcon's heli and the wind currents are always there to ensure that Jackal boo-boos the most critical shots. Jackal should study the throwing pattern for Cobra as Falcon would except that Jackal will need to anticipate both the wind currents and the jeep vibrations 99% more often than Falcon because he might miss more often than Falcon would. Jackal will need sharp timing if he is to head-hit Cobra in the first throw. Jackal will need more practice with the Cobra Pattern than Falcon so Jackal will end up spending more money than Falcon. WARNING: IF JACKAL'S JEEP IS MOVING LEFT, THEN COB'S HEAD WILL BE OBSTRUCTED BY THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER THAT HE'S HIDING BEHIND SO MAKE SURE THAT JACKAL'S JEEP IS ROWING RIGHT BEFORE ATTEMPTING THIS TRICK. Jackal will need even more precise timing than Falcon because of his jeep. I'm getting a little repetitive but hey, this is a cheap boss fight. TO MAKE IT CLEAR FOR THE BEGINNING JACKAL PLAYER: The jeep will be moving left, right, back and forth, and the innocent bystander moves like a pendulum (though not as much as the Jeep). Study this pattern and get used to the blatant vibration of Jackal's Land Rover. Once you've got the patterns down by memory, then TIME YOUR SHOTS REALLY CAREFULLY SO THAT YOU CAN GET A CLEAN SHOT AT COBRA'S HEAD RIGHT OFF THE BAT. Please keep in mind that if Jackal's Land Rover is at the left, then Cobra's head might get completely obstructed behind the innocent. His jeep is moving so you might need to hit Cobra at the left side of the innocent. Be careful because the innocent bystander is moving like a pendulum. BTW I'd like to tell you that if Jackal's Land Rover is moving left, then his head will get obstructed behind the innocent even after he throws something. You can get a clean head shot when Jackal's jeep is moving rightwards but keep in mind that Jackal needs even better timing since his vehicle is moving much more than Falcon's. For the expert Jackal player: Ok, ok. Cobra's a cheap-ass boss but I would like to tell you a few things. Jackal's jeep moves left and right, back and forth, and so-so. To add to his worries, the Innocent will shake like a pendulum so Jackal will have to be ultra-careful here. There is a dangerous but safe trick on how to deal with this credit card-maxer. Right as Cobra spins an innocent (to throw), try to tag him right at his legs before he finishes spinning an innocent to throw. The key for this trick is to anticipate the movements of the vehicle and the vibrations of the Land Rover before landing a shot at Cobra's legs to prevent him from throwing an innocent. If timed right, then Cobra won't be able to throw the innocent, but keep in mind that you'll be wasting time since a boss character requires 10 hits instead of 5. This seems to be odd but right after he throws an innocent, Cobra *may* choose to throw an enemy soldier at you. You can shoot the thrown terrorist with minimal risks. Still head shots almost immediately after he throws something is better. Special thanks to Fat Cat Lim for pointing this out. WARNING: JACKAL WILL HAVE A MUCH HARDER TIME TRYING TO GET THE TIMING OF THE HEAD SHOT CORRECT RIGHT OFF THE BAT BECAUSE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER WILL MOVE SLIGHTLY LIKE A CLOCK'S PENDULUM SO YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE GOOD JUDGMENT IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO DEFEAT COBRA AS JACKAL RIGHT OFF THE BAT. FOR THIS FIGHT, JACKAL WILL BE PLAYING A GAME OF INSANELY GOOD TIMING BECAUSE HE NEEDS TO MAKE SURE THAT THE BULLETS ARE NOT TOUCHING THE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS BY ACCIDENT. If you are a beginner, then I would highly recommend Falcon for this fight since he's in the most comfortable position to wipe out Cobra with the least amount of money and worries for this one. Two Players: If Cobra is throwing an innocent bystander aloft, then have Jackal shoot Cobra at his legs. Remember that the key for Jackal making the bullet count is that he needs to anticipate the movements of his Land Rover. Falcon should do the head shots because right after Cobra throws something, his head isn't that obstructed since he usually gets his head shown at the right when he throws something (and know that Cobra may choose to throw objects at random). Falcon should wait until Cobra throws something (head at the right of the innocent, a little obstructed but it should be visible enough for Falcon to get Cobra with minimal risk) and then let Cobra have it. Falcon's timing must be precise to have this trick work. If it's an Alpha Squad Traitor Cobra's throwing, then if Falcon can get the timing right, then he might be able to hit both the Alpha Squad Traitor and possibly nail Cobra with the head. Remember landing a good head shot requires precise positioning of the red cursor and good timing at the right moment. The only time Falcon should not be shooting is when an innocent is going to be thrown--let Jackal handle it. Now please be warned that both snipers need precise timing in order to do away with Cobra with the least possible expense. Jackal will be driving his Land Rover right at the back of the cargo realizing that the missiles and the hostages are not there. Falcon warns Jackal that the plane will crash. And folks, that's the end of Level 4. Now after you destroy Cobra, it's time to head towards an ancient setting to chase after the terrorists and the chemical weapons. --------------- The Epilouge... --------------- Jackal: Sooo... While these terrorists landed this aircraft into Gatwick, they've managed to take the hostages and the missiles somewhere else... Pretty sneaky terrorists. I'm going to get their hands on them. Falcon: They are trying to find a good front to launch those missiles for attack. Jackal: The terrorists have an armory somewhere in the forests of England. Maybe those damn missiles and the poor hostages must be in there somewhere. Falcon: On top of that, Cobra survived a head shot from my rifle. I can't believe he's involved in this terrorist threat. He's been playing too many video games. Jackal: But don't forget that there are even more dangerous terrorists than Cobra himself. And we have to supress them before those missiles are being launched. Falcon: Well, let's go to the English forests, then! ======================================================================== SHOOTOUT AT ANCIENT ENGLAND The Jungles and ruins at Ancient England, North Yorkshire to be exact Mission: Infiltrate Enemy Territory and locate the secret weapons Enemies: Jungle Warfare Soldiers, White Foot Soldiers, Collector (Boss) Right as Falcon and Jackal realizes that the missiles and the hostages are at Ancient England, Jackal just takes off without letting Falcon know. Falcon gets irate realizing that Jackal has taken off without "the Falcon seal of approval". Enough jittering about this. Read on. To tell you the naked truth about this stage, this one is probably one of the hardest stages in the game. Not only the guys are hard to see because of the camouflagery, they are also super-far and their accuracy isn't shabby either. Although enemy accuracy might be puny in the earlier parts of this stage, in later parts, enemy accuracy may be something to worry about because what I realized is that in later parts of the stage, enemies carry MSG-90's, meaning that their accuracy isn't that shabby. Enough ranting about this. Let's get it on. ------------------------------------------ How the heck do I get past the first part? ------------------------------------------ This isn't the easiest part of the game because you're stuck with Normal Hensoldt Telescopic Vision. All the enemies are camouflaged extremely well under the jungle scenery. Corrections to this part is welcome BTW. A good way to track them down is through the following: * You can wait for them to fire at you before you spot them. Since they are really far away and are at the farthest distances, their gunfire is rather hard to see. This is kind of risky because not only you will lose time doing this, but you will also lose lives this way. * You can wait until the Tracking Markers spot the targets. However, I don't recommend doing this because you need to waste a good deal of time before the computer spots the target for you. Be a time efficient sharpshooter. Find time-efficient ways of finding the targets. * If for any reason you see any weird "jitters" within the background, then try to point the infrared marker to the desired piece of area that you suspect that the screen is "jittering", and then look at the scope. If for any reason the "jittering" turns out to be an enemy magnified by the Normal Hensoldt Vision, then it looks like you've spotted an enemy. Take calm aim and then make the bullet count. Supressing the terrorists in this stage is done in the same fashion as with the Hotel Imperial Stage back in the original Silent Scope. * Watch out for the white foot soldiers who love to hide behind ancient buildings and such. They are really far away and they also carry Heckler and Kock MSG-90's. Their accuracy isn't too shabby as they have a 2 in 5 chance of zapping you good if you are not quick enough to zap them. To tell you about the first part, at the end of the first part, you will see a tactical shot in the form of an explosive box. If you can destroy the Explosive Box at the right time, then you can take out several enemies in a row. Please be aware that at times you will be seeing enemies in boats. You should have no problem tracking down enemies riding in boats. A good way to improve game after game is to play for practice the first time you play this stage as either Jackal or Falcon. Try to review the locations that you have killed the enemy at. Now right after you play the first part long enough, remember where the enemy was at and try to remember the "jittering" places somewhere in the background. This is one of the reasons why you shouldn't play this game without thinking. Unlike the Hotel Imperial Stage in Silent Scope, the enemies won't randomize their locations, but you need to memorize their locations the first few times you play this part so that you don't have to waste too much time and lives the next time you play this stage. Sometimes the enemies are hard to see so keep that in mind. Once you've got the patterns down by memory, rumble for real. Note: After the part where three men are attacking on their boats, there should be an Amazon Woman (who actually is a Nurse in disguise) somewhere in the forests. Spot the Amazon Woman's jittering for an extra life. Right after Falcon and Jackal regroups, Jackal tells Falcon to cover him. Falcon says it's ok to do so but he warns Jackal that if he moves without Falcon's seal of approval the next time around, he'll just assume that Jackal is endangering the mission and he'll eliminate him in one stroke. Falcon alerts Jackal that there is intricate security systems so he recommends Jackal to turn on the Night Vision Device on so that he can detect the traps. Falcon will do so too so that in the event Jackal can't see the intricate security sensors well, he will spot and nullify these batteries. --------------------------------------- How the heck do I pass the second part? --------------------------------------- Let's face it. This is quite possibly the hardest part of the three parts of this stage because not only the enemies are even hidden better than the enemies on the first part (thanks to the greater distances between you and those damn castle buildings), but their accuracy is a lot better in certain parts of the stage because most of these white soldiers are carrying MSG-90s instead of the usual MP5K guns. It's important to find a good pattern in order to minimize the amount of damage that you receive in this part of the stage. As with the first part, you will have to memorize the locations of the enemies by using these methods: * Play this part of the game to learn their locations the first time around. Right after playing a screen of the part, try to memorize where you shot the enemy used to be at. * The enemies are even camouflaged a lot better than in the first part. When you see traces of gunfire, that's the location you have to aim and fire at. You will take some damage while trying to find traces of gunfire at certain places. If you see some "jittering" on the background, don't hesitate to point the sensor into the desired piece of the screen and look into the Hensoldt to determine if your hypothesis is correct or not. * Memorizing the places where the enemies are at is just as important as eliminating them secretly, accurately, and quickly. There is one part where there is about 5-6 enemies that will attack you very often and you will lose lives rapidly unless you can find a good pattern to elimiate them. Definitely eliminate the white suits first since they carry MSG-90s. * Not only you need to memorize the locations of the enemies to improve game after game, but you will also need to find the best pattern to eliminate the enemies so that you don't wind up losing too many lives in one area. This is important because if you're shooting for the highest score and the best distance in one credit. At the start of the second part, there will be security sensors. Be sure that the Hendsoldt's contrast is bright enough so that you can see where the security sensor is beginning the infrared sensor at. When you look into the Hendsoldt, you will see markers called, "Shoot Here". Be sure that the shot is aimed right at the security battery. There will be parts where you will be prompted to "shoot here" so use the naked screen to move the sensor at the "Shoot Here" markers and look into the Hensoldt carefully to determine whether the infrared shooting begins at the desired battery you're going to shoot or not. Jackal will have quite a hard time trying to destroy all four batteries because the plants are really hurting his view of the sensors. He can eliminate the enemy close to him but if he didn't destroy all four sensors then the security systems will trip up and Jackal will have to prepare to lose a lot of lives so it is advised that you eliminate ALL four security systems before wiping out the enemy close to him. Falcon should be able to take out all four batteries without any problems but he will have a hard time taking out the enemy because that enemy is relatively far away from him and the contrast during Night Vision isn't that great. My rumor is that there should be a scope contrast adjustment so that you can make the scope a lot brighter and clearer to see but that's other news. Anyway, Falcon should destroy the four security batteries and then eliminate the enemy (and eventually the target will be spotted). In a two-player situation, let Falcon eliminate all the security batteries first. Right after Falcon eliminates all the security batteries, let Jackal bust the enemy apart. Now it's time to turn on the X-Ray device for the next screen. Falcon will have to play a game of spot and memorize for this part because not only the enemies are hidden well behind the trees, but they are also far away. Jackal should be close enough to kill the enemy close to him. Now here's the interesting part: There will be three mines on the third screen. If you are Jackal, eliminate the mine at the right side of the screen first. Now eliminate the middle mine. Now eliminate the left mine. Hopefully the left mine will eliminate the truck coming right at Jackal's left. The only condition for the left mine to work is that the wheels must be just about close enough to the mine. For Falcon, he has to eliminate the bottommost mine, then the middlemost mine, and then *quickly* eliminate the topmost mine. The reason why Falcon needs to eliminate the mines quicker than Jackal is because the instant the enemies show up, there would be a 4 in 7 chance that the enemies will be attacking Falcon more than Jackal. Jackal only has a slim chance (1 in 19) of getting hit provided that the team destroyed ALL the security sensors since he's hiding behind the grass. From this point on until you get to the Collector, you're playing a game of spotting, memorizing, reminicing, and remembering at the first try because these enemies are really camouflaged behind the castle sceneries and their accuracy isn't that shabby either. The only difference between the first and second parts of this stage is that you need to find the best pattern to eliminate the enemies because there will be enemies who will have better accuracy than the others. Note: There will be a waiter somewhere in the ruined castle, so try to spot him. Provided that YOU DON'T SHOOT HIM, you will get 10 more seconds added to your clock. This waiter will appear right after 8 Part Changes. He will be at the right-hand side of the left window. Hint: It's the right side of the drawbridge door. Again, if you find any gunfire traces and/or jittering of the background, then don't hesitate to point the sensor to the jittering and then look into the Hensoldt to see if your observations are correct or not. Corrections are welcome. After getting through this part, now it's time to fight a bouncer with an attitude problem. --------------------- Collector the Bouncer --------------------- Weapons: M1 Tank, Gatling Gun, Heckler and Koch Mark 23 SOCOM, Uzi 9mm, Sage RPGs, and other firearms that you might be able to name. Conditions to clear the stage: You will need to destroy the Collector's M1 Tank first before taking on the Collector himself. Shots required to destroy the M1 Tank: 10 shots at the Tank itself or 1 shot aimed right at the hole of the Turret. Shots required to defeat the Collector: 10 shots at his body or 3 shots at his head. The first two head shots will remove his helmet. The third shot if it connects *should* kill the Collector instantly. Point value for damaging the M1-Tank: 200 points Point value for destroying the M1: 800 points Point value for hitting the M1 at the hole of the turret: 1600 points Point value for wounding the Collector: 500 points Point value for hitting Collector at his head: 1000 points Point value for killing Collector: 2000 points Point value for hitting the Collector at his head for the third time: 4000 points Prologue: This is an interesting prologue that I would like to share. Once Jackal and Falcon arrives at a very old church, they aim their PSG-1's just in case enemies come around. When Jackal sees an explosion in the back of the chapel, he criticizes the "person" committing the explosion for being such a total show-off (Jackal thinks that Collector has been watching too many movies). Falcon cautions Jackal to eliminate the tank as quickly as he can because if either Falcon or Jackal gets hit by the M1's fire, then they will buy the farm in an instant. Suddenly Collector jumps out of the M1. He tells our snipers that they are late for the party because the terrorists have already taken care of everything. Suddenly Collector points out that the party is no longer airing in the church and that our snipers have to purchase a ticket so that they can participate in the theater. He cracks up and shows his talent. A fight ensues... ---------------- Against the Tank ---------------- You will have to destroy the Collector's tank before you even go head to head with the Collector himself. Right off the bat, try to calibrate ONLY at the turret and at the Hendsoldt, try to land a bullet right at the hole of the turret. If the bullet hits the hole of the turret, then you will be able to destroy the Tank. You will know when the tank is destroyed when the turret breaks up from the tank. The disarmed turret won't hurt you, though. Once the tank is destroyed, hold your fire. The bad news is that if you choose to unload 10 bullets right into the tank rather than land a bullet right at either the hole of the turret or at the ligament that is holding the turret cannon, then the fight becomes a major time and life waster since the tank will fire a lot of missiles when it stops. The fire is rather fast so you will definitely have to go for Turret shots all the way. Aiming the bullet at the hole and/or ligament of the turret is plain cake. Once you destroy the tank, Collector will come out of the tank and will try to show you his talent. Note: If the cheat scope is on for this one, DON'T USE THE CHEAT SCOPE ON THIS FIGHT--instead, use the mounted Telescope to get a clean shot at the Turret's hole instead. The reason why I hate the Cheat Scope is because you will miss a lot and you lose a lot of concentration during boss fights. ------------------------------------------- Now how the heck do I defeat the Collector? ------------------------------------------- There will be four jungle warfare soldiers at the following areas: The Left Center of the second floor, the right center of the second floor, the left side of the second floor, and the right center of the second floor. Collector has a 3 in 5 chance of draining lives away from you so concentrate on him for the central point. He takes about 3 head shots (the first two shots will remove his masking and the third one will kill him right off the bat) but fortunately, your accuracy won't be ruined if you hit his armor plating as opposed to Monica in the original Silent Scope. On top of so-so accuracy comes incredible talent: Not only he can cartwheel to avoid getting hit, but he can also move incredibly fast for an obese terrorist like himself. You can hit the terrorists at the center first before anything else but their chances of jacking you isn't as high as the Collector's. For Jackal, I would say that you should focus your attention at the Collector. For Falcon, I would say eliminate the four lackeys at the second floor before taking Collector right on (Falcon is on the Second Floor and Jackal is at the First Floor). Usually after you hit the Collector about 2 times, he then cartwheels so that he can hit you with his SOCOM. Hit him before he hits you. Usually he will play with different firearms so be prepared for anything. Just before he takes his firing position with a certain weapon, you should hit him because at times whenever he takes his firing position, it's really hard to hit him because he's hiding just about every body part behind those damn boxes. Usually when he's trying to use Uzis you should try to get two good head shots so that his face gets revealed. Don't bother to hit him while he's hitting you with his SOCOM as right after you get hit, Collector escapes your touch quicker than you think. Just hit him before Collector zaps you with his SOCOM. He can be a major time waster depending on how you take him on so head shots are meat and potatoes for this one. WARNING!!! IF COLLECTOR CHOOSES TO USE THE ROCKET LAUNCHERS, WAIT TOO LONG AND COLLECTOR MAKES HIMSELF REALLY HARD TO HIT AND HE WILL FIRE SEVERAL KINKS AT ONCE!!! HE GETS REALLY DESPERATE WHENEVER HE USES HIS ROCKET LAUNCHERS SO DON'T GIVE COLLECTOR A CHANCE TO USE HIS ROCKET LAUNCHERS AT ALL!!! My note: When the fight against Collector begins, Collector will be at the top of his tank trying to show off his talent right off the bat so when the fight begins, if I were you, then I would try to catch Collector standing on top of his tank before anything else. Try to be as quick as you can because once Collector gets out of his tank, he starts shooting at you. Try to get two head hits on him and he will start jumping to a location where he can speed up a bit and become even more frustrating. Remember that Collector needs some time to get out of his tank and start firing so try to get two head shots on him as soon as he starts showing his talent from the tank. Usually, he likes to jump leftwards so right after hitting Collector twice in the head (which removes his mask), look at the naked screen and wait until Collector raises his guns and then let Collector have it. This will take lots of practice because Collector is rather fast and you have to catch him two times in the head right as the battle begins to avoid taking damage in this area. Take the Collector by surprise on top of his tank when you start the fight right at his head and use the naked screen to tag him along. When he stops, look at the scope and nail Collector at his head. A note from Evan: If Collector cartwheels in an attempt to jack you with his SOCOM, then Horizontal Locking works wonders. You need to be really quick because as soon as Collector stops to shoot, he will fire super-accurate bullets here. To summarize this one, take out the two center second floor jungle warfare terrorists (optional), and then hit Collector twice in his head to reveal his face. Collector will cartwheel so he can zap you with his SOCOM. Hit him before he zaps you. Before he takes his shooting position, quickly hit him in his head for the third time before he hides just about every part of his body behind the crates. This is not one of the easier battles so if you have any new tips on how to take the Collector right on the spot, please let me know. Whoa!!! That was the the hardest part of the game thus far. Once Jackal tells Falcon the whereabouts of the VX Gas Missiles, you will know why these terrorists use certain sceneries to thicken up the plots a little. Why would terrorists use the Theater as a front to launch the missiles? Well let's follow Jackal's advice: Go to the theater and prevent the terrorists from launching the VX Gas Missiles. --------------- The Epilouge... --------------- Falcon: Jackal, you NEVER, EVER, EVER MOVE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!! Got that?! Jackal (upset that Falcon yelled at him): Agreed. Falcon: Tell me why the hell did you have to jump off our boat? Jackal: I did not want the enemy to spot us. If we stayed in the same position, then we would've been finished. I was sensing tight security the moment we arrived at Ancient England. Falcon: Still THAT'S NOT ALLOWED!!! Don't ever move without my permission again!!! I'll forgive you this time but the next time you do that, I'll assume that you're endangering this mission, AND I'LL NAIL YOU RIGHT OFF THE BAT!!!! Jackal: Hmmm... Falcon: You're just a major risk. It was my mistake taking you with me the instant the mission started. I SHOULD'VE GIVEN THE ORDERS FOR THIS MISSION!!! (Falcon gets irate all of a sudden) NOW MY MISSION IS RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU TRYING TO MOVE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, EVEN THOUGH HIGH SECURITY COMES TO MIND!!!!! Jackal: Remember what the government said, "You will do as you're told". Falcon: Listen, punk (Uh-oh, Falcon's going to get irritated working with another person again and his negative attitude's been showing for this stage). Once this mission is over, I WILL NEVER WORK WITH YOU ONCE AGAIN AND I WILL WORK ALONE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!! IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO'S MAKING MY LIFE MISERABLE FROM THIS POINT!!! (Falcon's radio is bleeping) HQ: Falcon!!! Falcon: Yes, sir. HQ: That kind of behavior isn't allowed. We've realized by the time Jackal jumped right out of the Sniper's boat, he realized that there are camouflaged enemies aloft. Soon, we realized that you regrouped at a place where no enemy resistance exists. Falcon: LISTEN, I WILL NEVER WORK WITH ANYONE AGAIN AFTER THIS MISSION!!!! FROM NOW ON, I CAN ONLY WORK ALONE!!!! HQ: You're not getting it, do you? Jackal was trying to make sure that you and himself are penetrating the terrorists' armory secretly and tactically. That is why although he might have been escaping, he still knew his ways. Falcon: When he jumped out of the Sniper's Boat, HE DIDN'T LET ME KNOW!!!! I WILL ASSUME THAT HE IS TRYING TO ESCAPE THE NEXT TIME HE MOVES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!! HQ: Listen, I know that Jackal can't be trusted but so far, he's been cooperating with us. Just cut him some slack and get going with this mission. He wants to complete this mission like you want to so don't waste anymore time. Jackal: That is right, Falcon. If you want to complete this mission, then we'd better head to the Birmingham Theater on the double. This is not a time for Internet Flame Wars. Falcon: Grrrrrrrrrrrr............... HQ: Falcon, you're almost there. Take Jackal's advice for granted and stop the launch, OK? Falcon: Fine!!! (now he's shouting) BUT IF JACKAL EVER MOVES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION EVER AGAIN, I WILL ASSUME THAT HE IS TRYING TO ESCAPE AND I WILL NOT HESITATE TO ELIMINATE HIM ON THE DOUBLE!!!! HQ: Falcon, bad attitude! Falcon: How dare you say that to me!!! HQ: Jackal might be dangerous but he's showing positive progress thus far. I know that you like to work alone and all you can do is complain and complain but the next time you ever complain, then we will permit Jackal to nail you for us. Smart orders for HQ. Looks like Falcon is stuck with Jackal whether he likes it or not!!! ======================================================================== CONCERTO CON TERRORISTE The Birmingham Theater Mission: Prevent the terrorists from utilizing those damn missiles!!! Enemies: White Foot Soldiers, Star the Opera Singer (Boss), and a sick twist will be waiting for you at the end of Concerto Con Terroriste... Looks like the audience must be scared because the terrorists are hosting a show inside this theater. Why would the terrorists host a show inside the theater to do something that they shouldn't do? And why are the terrorists forcing Falcon and Jackal to be seated? Well, let's see why the terrorists is using a theater as a front to launch those damn gas missiles... ----------------------------------- Falcon and Jackal, please be seated ----------------------------------- Well, not really. I guess I'm seeing a lot of the audience being scared by the terrorists hosting the show. It looks like this could be a violent show to most of us. When you get to the first screen, hit the Tactical Shot point right away and then eliminate the white enemies at the seats and at the upper floor. The enemies at the seats aren't that difficult to snipe away so when you see some white jitter, you'd better point the sensor to where the jittering is at and look at the Hendsoldt to see if it's a white foot soldier or not. If so, please discreetly dispose them. As opposed to the shootout at Ancient England, the enemies aren't that camouflaged but you will need to make sure that the enemies aren't hiding behind the theater seats or at the rails of the second floor balcony. This stage is also short. Usually, the enemies who attack you at the theater seats are easy to spot through the naked screen and are laughable once you take a good look at your trusty Hendsoldt. The only things I'm asking you to do is: * DO NOT SHOOT INNOCENT PEOPLE (This is a Silent Scope First) * Wipe the White Foot Soldiers out of commission the instant you see them. Use the scope to ensure that the bullet will count. * Calibrate your sensor so that it "touches" the white foot soldier over the naked screen and then making sure that YOUR BULLETS COUNT QUICKLY AND SECRETLY. * Watch the Time and Lives WARNING: THERE WILL ALSO BE INSTANCES WHEN THE ENEMIES WILL BE CLOSE TO THE INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THIS STAGE. IF THIS IS THE CASE, YOU MUST USE THE SIMULATED HENDSOLDT SCOPE TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR BULLETS DON'T TOUCH THE INNOCENT PEOPLE BY ACCIDENT. Note: There will also be a Waiter somewhere in the middle of the Theater Fight (just before the lights go off). If you look at the Waiter, then you will gain 10 more seconds. Provided that you didn't shoot the Waiter, your time will be extended by Ten Ticks. Either way, Falcon or Jackal shouldn't find this one hard as long as both snipers calibrate with the naked screen and using the scope ONLY TO ENSURE HIGH ACCURACY STREAKS. ------------------ Let the show begin ------------------ Lights off!!! It's time for the show to begin. You will now hear an opera singer sing a song and you're forced to watch the show. The curtains open up and now you see a man in red sing a few words. All of a sudden, this opera singer justs takes out two Berettas and shoots at both Jackal and Falcon. Talk about a grand entrance. I'm pretty sure this "opera singer" has a problem. --------------------- Star the Opera Singer --------------------- Weapons: Two Berettas and Tenor Lyrics (Ok, ok. It's weird) Shots required to defeat Star: 10 shots at his body, 1 shot at his head. Point value for injuring Star: 700 points Point value for killing Star: 2800 points Point value for hitting Star in his head: 5600 points Notes: Star's accuracy isn't that great (There is a 1 in 29 chance that Star will be able to drain lives away) but he's a MAJOR TIME WASTER thanks to the window popup sequences that persist throughout most of the fight. Star isn't too bad. The only reason why Star is hard is because every time you injure him, he will hide behind the window, making the sack of potatoes trick worthless for about 98% of the fight. He's more of a time waster than a formidable foe but remember that Time is just as important as your lives so you will have to defeat Star as quickly as you can. WARNING: THE RANDOM LIGHTING ON THE STAGE CAN CREATE QUITE A PROBLEM WHEN TRYING TO TRACK AND NAIL STAR AT HIS HEAD BECAUSE SOMETIMES STAR MAY BE HARD TO FIND BECAUSE OF INSUFFICIENT AMOUNT OF LIGHTING THROUGH THE STAGE. If Star gets injured 7 times, then he will be at the center stage and that's when you have to unload 3 bullets quickly and accurately to defeat him. To save time means that you have to get a well-timed head shot the instant he pops out. Right off the bat, you will see a stage with 8 windows. The location where Star, the white foot soldiers, and the innocent bystanders will be random so be prepared for anything. To make things harder, the light sets at the stage and the fact that the theater is SOOOOOOOOOOO dark will make "Opera Singer Searching" even harder. Well, there is one gripe to all of this: All you need to do is to spot red jitters within the background and look into the Hendsoldt. Take careful aim at his head and when you can get a good shot at his head, floor it. This proves to be harder than it seems because Star will eventually flinch his head a little. This is because either his hands are in the way, he's singing a few words, he's shooting at you, or he can be doing both. To review: look at the Naked Screen. When you see red jitters, point the sensor over it, IMMEDIATELY LOOK AT THE HENDSOLDT AND AIM THE RED DOT RIGHT AT STAR'S HEAD!!! Slam the problematic Opera Singer with a quick, accurate, and secretive head shot before you waste too much time. Be sure it doesn't hit Star's hand intentionally. Head shots ARE SUPER IMPORTANT FOR THIS BATTLE. No exceptions. Spotting Star can become problematic because the studio lights are changing the colors of the graphics accordingly and it's kind of hard to see Star's head in some instances. So make sure that you spot Star, point right at his head, and act fast. Stay very calm because if you miss, then Star might choose to dodge, wasting even more time. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Now we interrupt this opera for an announcement from the Big Boss ----------------------------------------------------------------- That wasn't a tough boss fight with the exception of the time limit. The Big Boss isn't amazed about the fact that poor Star has died through the hands of our snipers. Looks like the theater utilization has worked for him after all as he's finished preparing the launch of the VX Gas Missiles!!! All he needs to do is to input that damn launch code of his. In order to guarantee that he will be able to launch these chemical missiles, HE HAS PLACED A LAUNCH DEVICE ON THE WAISTS OF THREE INNOCENT PEOPLE SO THAT NEITHER FALCON OR JACKAL WILL DISARM THE MISSILES!!!!! This is by far, the most disgusting act of terrorism in a video game (next to androids robbing the armored mint in Sega's LA Machineguns). Ladies and gentleman, it's now sniper time. -------------------------------------------------------- The most disgusting act of terrorism in a video game yet -------------------------------------------------------- Target: Launch Device Point Value: 2000 points There are 3 Launch Devices inserted right into the waists of Innocent People and they are rotating around to make sure that you *do* hit the Innocent Bystander by accident!!!! This is NOT A GOOD STAGE FOR A SNIPER EXERCISE BECAUSE THE TARGET IS RIGHT ON THE WAISTS OF THREE INNOCENT PEOPLE!!! This is the worst act of terrorism ever seen in a video game, folks. Maybe this will force us to use the Hendsoldt mounted right at the light gun after all. A note from Evan: The devices will always be at the same horizontal level so Horizontal Locking works pretty well with this one. Just be sure that you don't hit innocents by accident. It's nothing but launch device here. Well, onto the strategy. The launch devices will be rotating around the the innocents and you will need to make sure that the bullet touches the launch device and not the innocent bystanders. REMEMBER YOU LOSE AN ENTIRE LIFE BOX IF FOR ANY REASON YOUR BULLET TOUCHES AN INNOCENT BY ACCIDENT. Calibrate the sensor right at the kidnapped innocent BUT DO NOT SHOOT. Now look into the Scope, and WAIT UNTIL THE RED DOT TOUCHES THE LAUNCH DEVICE BEFORE YOU EVEN SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER. Once the Launch Device touches the Red Dot, FIRE CAREFULLY. If your timing is right, then the launch device will be destroyed. Repeat for the next two times and remain calm and cool. Once you deactivate all three launch devices, then you've saved England from a sarcastic act of terrorism that would've spelled destruction to the nation's security. Unfortunately, you're not finished sniping yet: Laura still has to be rescued from the hands of the terrorists. Where is Laura right now? It's time to give the terrorists what we've got!!! --------------- The Epilouge... --------------- Falcon: Jackal, what's up with these terrorists? The Birmingham Theater looks like an R-Rated Movie. Jackal: Like I said, these terrorists have been watching too many movies, playing too many video games, or worst of all, it must be Big Boss's idea. He framed me for a crime that I didn't commit when I was young. I was mad when this occurred to me because this torn me apart and I vowed to get even with this guy. I went to school with this guy and he choose to get into fights with me and when we were told to break up, Big Boss tells the teachers that I started the fight. I never did start the fight and I got into lots of trouble. What was the result for me? A corrupt life that forced me to defend England to soothe my weakness! To continue, Big Boss has a taste for these expensive operas and that if he hired an Opera Singer, several stage crewmen, and several Missile Launchpad experts, then he would create the perfect stage to attack England at all costs. To make things even more disgusting, he created a sick game of accuracy by placing the launch device right on the hostage's belts so it would be impossible for us to secure these missiles!!! Falcon: It's a good thing that these missiles are secured, even though from your viewpoint, this accuracy exercise was rather disparaging. Jackal: But our mission isn't complete just yet. Big Boss still has Laura. Since we've ruined his plans, he's going to do something silly with her!!! We have to save Laura before another hole in my heart ensues!!!! Falcon: Now I understand why I can't work alone. This mission is all about love. I'm pretty sure that he's got something nasty for her and I'm pretty sure that you're positive why our mission isn't completed yet. Jackal: I know that you are related to Laura in one way. I'm Laura's brother and I can't take this anymore!!! This mission isn't complete unless Laura is rescued and we'd better rescue Laura right now or Laura could be no more!!! Falcon: Sounds like we are now out for revenge against this guy who's been doing some serious crap on you. Jackal: That is my main motivation for becoming a Freelance Sniper. And he's your enemy too. If Big Boss succeeds in killing Laura, then not only I will lose the final remain of my ill-fated family, but you will also lose the one that you've been caring for even if we never got along that well!!!! Falcon: Jackal, you seem so angry at me. Is it because I got mad just because I was forced to work with you ever since last year? Jackal: No!!! To note, Big Boss also killed my parents when I was only 7. He used MY IDENTITY to frame me for a crime that I have never committed. Since then, I had to take care of Laura. Laura is who I call "the last remain of my family." She is the only one I have left and if she dies, then it's all over for me. Falcon: Jackal. I know it's true that we were enemies from the start, even though we were fighting alongside each other to prevent the launch of the VX Gas Missiles. I'm sensing that you want to work alone to rescue Laura, but you can't. I was going to eliminate you when you moved without my permission for the second and final time but I can't. Jackal: FALCON, THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND THE BIG BOSS SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I WANT TO SETTLE THIS PERSONAL GRUDGE BY MYSELF!!!! Falcon: Jackal, you will work with me from now on. There was a reason why I can't work alone. Laura is the reason why I can't work alone. Your skill is the reason why I can't work alone. There could be snipers as good as myself who would also double as reasons why neither of us can work alone. About 99% of the situations are hard to accomplish working alone. I know by your anger that you want to work alone to settle this personal grudge, but you'll need all the help you can get. Jackal (bursting in tears): FALCON, JUST STAY OUT OF THIS!!!!! I WANT TO WORK ALONE JUST TO BRING THIS GRUDGE TO AN END!!!!!!! Falcon: Jackal, everybody acts up like that when they realize that nothing works their way. The way you act right now is not the way to accomplish something. The way I behaved in front of you at the time of Collector's death wasn't the way to accomplish something. If you want to rescue Laura and to end this grudge once and for all, then you will need all the help you can get, like I needed your help in securing these missiles and to prevent the terrorists from stealing precious government documents from last year. You have to take me along. If I endanger your personal errand for any reason, don't hesitate to nail me for yourself. Only your bullet can kill me. Nothing else. I am not afraid of death at all. Jackal (not willing to kill Falcon): DON'T SAY THAT!!!!!! I am not willing to nail you myself if I consider you high-risk. I do not shoot innocent people like you do. That's the law of Professional Sharpshooting. And by law, I AM NOT ALLOWED TO KILL GOVERNMENT DOGS LIKE YOURSELF!!! Even if I take you along right now to rescue Laura, YOU WILL NEVER BE A RISK!!! Falcon: So you want to take me along to rescue Laura after all? Well we have the same skills as we do right now. Our skill? Professional Sniper Rifle Handling!!! Another reason why I'm pretty sure I promise to cooperate with you from now on--Laura. She's my love interest. If Big Boss does something crappy on her, not only you will lose your entire family, but I WILL LOSE THE ONE THAT I HAVE CARED FOR EVER SINCE MY SAS DAYS!!! Jackal: Then it looks like that we share the same fate after all. I'm naming you personally, so don't make me look bad. Falcon: Thanks. I'm sorry if I got mad at you at one point during an attempt to seize the missiles. Jackal: Don't mention it. Laura's now more important than ever. ======================================================================== FINISHING THE TERRORISTS OFF Downtown London Mission: Give the terrorists what you've got. Enemies: White Foot Soldiers, Green Foot Soldiers, Sho and Kane (Boss), Surveillance Guncams, Power Box Falcon: Time to nail them in one stroke!!! Jackal: That's what I was going to say. Falcon: I guess we are thinking the same way!!! --------------------------- Overview for the first part --------------------------- Jackal will be doing the aiming in the first part at Ground Level. Falcon will be doing the aiming in the first part while he's on a skyscrapper or something. Jackal will be able to see the enemies a bit more clearly than Falcon will because he's near the building than Falcon. Falcon will have to play another game of scanning, spotting, remembering, reciting, and memorizing for the first part of the stage because not only the enemies are rather hard to see for Falcon, but some enemies might be hiding behind closed windows, making spotting harder for Falcon during this fight. Let's just finish this up, OK? -------------------------------------------------- How the heck do I finish the first part as Jackal? -------------------------------------------------- Jackal will have the upper hand in this part because like I said before, he's at ground level while sniping at a hotel in night. All Jackal needs to do is to spot the jittering (it's kind of noticeable because he's near the windows) and if he sees a black mask at the scope, then all he needs to do is to let the terrorist have it. He has to be aware that anytime he miss he will scare the terrorist off. That is why higher accuracy streaks pay off. This will persist until he gets into the part where he has to fight two vehicles near the end of the first part. -------------------------------------------------- How the heck do I finish the first part as Falcon? -------------------------------------------------- It's that time once again--Falcon will have to play a game of scanning, calibrating, spotting, finding, reciting, reviewing, and remembering in this part since he's really far away from the building thanks to the fact that he's aiming at a skyscrapper and not on the ground. He will only be able to see the jittering if for any reason something is facing through any open windows. If he sees any jittering, then he should then look into the Hendsoldt if his observations turn out to be correct or not. If the jittering turned out to reveal a masked terorrist, then Falcon should make sure that the bullet will count. There will be two instances when two terrorists will be walking behind the closed glass. The closed glass will make these two terrorists well camouflaged so Falcon will be wasting a lot of time trying to spot these tricky guys unless he can think clearly and remember where these two terrorists usually hang out at. This will persist until he gets into the part where he has to fight two vehicles near the end of the first part. NOTE: Either sniper can look at a nurse behind the telephone booth for an extra life box. Just remember that there isn't as many sexy ladies in this one so try not to take too many hits. Damage Report: I think that Falcon might have a 2 in 8 chance of losing a half a life box and Jackal's odds might be 2 in 22 (not sure about this). I think the guys in the building try to aim at Falcon a little bit more than they do at Jackal. ---------------- The two vehicles ---------------- Right after the building terrorists are ridden, you will see a black pickup containing two attacking green terorrists from the back of the pickup, a white who's driving the pickup, a white at the left of the pickup and a white at the back of the pickup. I think that the accuracy is pretty much so-so for the terrorists as both Jackal and Falcon has DANGEROUS odds of losing half a life box (1 in 4 chance) so try to eliminate them as quickly as you can. After you eliminate the "Pickup Set", then it's time to eliminate those inside the bus. There will be two sets of terrorists at the upper section of the bus, and two of them at the lower section of the bus. There will be a sniper at the right of the bus and a sniper at the back of the bus. Both snipers will have a 1 in 5 chance of losing lives if you are not quick enough to wipe them out quickly. As a treat for clearing the streets, the driver will try to run Jackal over so if you are Jackal, don't hesitate to take the bus's driver down. On a two-player situation, let Jackal take the bus driver down. ----------------------- Inside the Enemy's Base ----------------------- First three parts of the "residential" area: You should be able to take out most of these enemies without the help of the mounted scope. The enemies should be near enough for most of the time. For some of the enemies, you will need to use the scope, though. This is where you can shave off a lot of time at. The third part is pretty much cake as you only need to eliminate one terrorist from the top of the window building at. On the staircase, the terrrorists will be attacking Falcon so Falcon will need to eliminate the bottom-most terrorist first, and then the right one, and finally the left one. That's where Jackal will have to give a lending hand once again. Jackal will be able to eliminate the terrorists in the way he pleases but Falcon will have to eliminate the terrorist at the bottom screen first. Finally, you will be asked to eliminate terrorists from the left, middle, and right side of the doors before going face-to-face with the terrorists armed with shields at the left, middle, and right side of the screens. However, before you face the shielded terrorists for the first time, in some cases, you will have to face terrorists at the lower floor. ------------------------------------------------- Finally nailing these terrorists in one stroke... ------------------------------------------------- You are now inside an enemy base. For the first part, eliminate the green terrorist at the right, and then the white terrorist in the back of the shielded terrorist. Now nail the shielded terrorist. Second part: Nail the terrorist PDQ. Third part: Nail the shielded terrorist and then nail the unshielded terrorist. Now destroy the Security Guncam (remember that Security Cameras are worth 800 points) and then destroy the Power Box to confuse the enemies. Fourth Part: The scene's too dark for you to use the Mounted Scope so look at the naked screen to see any white clothings. When you see any white clothings, nail them. Fifth Part: There's only one white terrorist. He's cake even without the scope. Sixth Part: You will have to eliminate 4 security sensors. Make sure that you aim at the areas where the security lasers begin and make sure that you only eliminate the areas where "Shoot Here" is located in your mounted scope. Seventh Part: Eliminate the two white terrorists first and then eliminate the rightmost Security Guncam first and then the left Security Guncam. You'd better hope that the scope is bright enough for this, though... Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Parts: Only one terrorist for each part. They are easy to wipe out. Eleventh Part: First, eliminate the two security sensors at the top of the ceilings first and then take care of the terrorist behind the security sensors. 12th part: Eliminate the standing terrorist first and then eliminate the running terrorist, who's running towards our heroes. 13th part: You will be shooting inside a meat case. There will be a terrorist at the left of a meat case, a terrorist at the middle, and the terrorist at the right who only shows up when the first two terrorists are defeated. 14th part: The door will open and reveal two in-close terrorists. Eliminate them before they chop your life reserves away. After 14 parts, you will go inside a very dark room lit by fire. Falcon tells Jackal that the ninjas are professional assasins and are accustomed to close-range combat. Jackal can't read their movements because they move really fast. He needs to stop their movements before trashing them somehow... (fight ensues) --------------------------------- Sho and Kane the Lightining Bolts --------------------------------- Weapons: Sho uses a Katana, warping tactics, Katana throwing, Ninpo Body Splitting, and a special technique that allows him to attack a sniper repeatedly at close-range while his body returns to one piece. Kane uses a Naginata, warping tactics, Naginata throwing, Ninpo Body Splitting, and a special technique that allows him to split his body in multiple parts before landing the final blow, which will damage the sniper. Shots required to defeat Sho: 10 shots at his body, 1 shot as his head Shots required to defeat Kane: 10 shots at his body, 1 shot as his head Point value for injuring either Ninja: 700 points Point value for defeating either Ninja: 2800 points Point value for hitting either Ninja in their head: 5600 points Notes: They are too fast so don't shoot them unless they are standing still. Their weapons will block any good shots so be careful. You can destroy any of their projectiles but your accuracy streak will reset should you for any reason nullify their projectiles. Falcon: These ninjas are professional assasins and are accustomed to close-range combat. Don't let them get near us!!! Jackal: I can't read their movements because they move insanely fast. It might be possible to nail them if I can only stop their movement somehow... Monica is nothing compared to these two guys. Sho and Kane has lightning bolt-quality speed, complex attacks, nasty attack patterns, and annoying techniques that will definitely put a waste in your time and lives. They are really fast so don't use the scope if you want to hit them. More likely you'll miss because they move so free that they can avoid bullets in a flash. There is a blueprint trick to defeat either of these pricks, though. When they throw a projectile at your partner, you can just look into the scope and try to nail them in the head right away. Keep in mind that this requires a lot of patience and timing since they attack very quick and they tend to snap out of the attack pattern quickly. You need to quickly calibrate and then hit them as soon as you can at the head in order to avoid having them cause havoc throughout the fight. If they try to throw a projectile at you, just hit them at their legs. I don't know if this is a good way to damage them but please correct me if I'm wrong here. If they use their normal close-up attack (run up and punch), then don't hesitate to get a good head hit right away. Remember the sooner you can get a head hit on these goons, the better. Sho will usually attack you at the left side up-close, and Kane will attack you at the right side up-close. If you are trying to injure them (or even better, hit them in their heads), then be sure it isn't the teleport technique instead. If fire covers the ninja, that means that they're teleporting and you'll miss if you try to hit them, so don't hit them if they try to teleport to one place or another. They spend most of the time moving around like sewer rats, which will waste a lot of time for almost all of the fight so make sure that you get a head hit the sooner the better. One concern that you might have during the battle is when they split their bodies into two. This will be the most frustrating form of attack because even though you might be able to hit them, you might miss. If they are facing your partner at ground level, then aim for the right ninja. If they are facing your partner at ceiling level, then aim for the right ninja (I'm not sure about this). If they are facing you, then it's the left split. This is the most bothersome form of attack so you might miss even though you might be attacking them. The worst form of attack is their special in-close attack they have. Sho will run up to you and continually attack you while his body returns back to one piece. While Sho is doing this, attack the left ninja's head before Sho is finished with this attack. If Sho is doing this to your partner, then attack the right ninja's head before Sho is finished with this attack. Kane's is the worst of the two special attacks. Kane will split his body into multiple pieces slashing you a lot. The final slash is slower than the body splits and will damage your life gauge. Hit Kane in the head ONLY whenever he's on his last slash and about to damage you. You will know because the "real" Kane is slower than his body clones slashing at you. If you have any more tactics, please let me know. The Big Boss's dreams are now over. Jackal and Falcon has taken everything away from the Boss, but he doesn't care about it anymore because he has something better to do. It's time to kill the Big Boss right now and to end the wave of ongoing terrorism at the UK! There will be no Level Epilouge for this one. ======================================================================== THE SEDUCTION Now the Big Boss has Laura on his hands and he wants the snipers to come to the Tower Bridge. He will show his generosity by handing Laura to whoever survives the fight between the two of the snipers. This is sick because I don't know if the snipers have to kill each other or not, or if it must be the Big Boss trying to seduce both snipers. Anyway, let the best aim win! ----------------------------------------------------- Falcon the Government Dog and Jackal the Loose Cannon ----------------------------------------------------- Weapon: Heckler and Koch PSG-1, Tactical Espionage Trim Shots required to defeat either Falcon or Jackal: 3 shots at the body, 1 shot at the head Point value for injuring either Falcon or Jackal: 100 points Point value for defeating Falcon or Jackal: 400 points Head-hitting Falcon or Jackal: 800 points If Jackal is standing at the streets, then Falcon might have a hard time on this one because both Falcon and Jackal are so far away and it's also dark so you might have a hard time trying to spot the target. If Jackal is standing at the boats, then Falcon will win the battle hands down because Jackal isn't as camouflaged as Falcon (Falcon is wearing all black). Falcon will be standing mainly at Tower Bridge so if he's in a dark area, then Jackal will be at a disadvantage because Falcon is well camouflaged within the darkness. If Falcon's standing at an area where his jittering can be found within the sunset, Jackal can dispose Falcon with much ease. This will determine who will be able to participate in the Big Boss fights. The winning sniper will continue while the losing sniper will have to start over. Once the winning sniper is decided, the Big Boss thanks the winning sniper for the wonderful show and is pleased that he chose Laura instead of his partner. However, he has a violent gift to give to him so he drags him out of Tower Bridge. The sniper dives right into the water. The terrorists get shot by something and then a ladder gets dropped from the sky above. The losing sniper then pilots the helicopter and tells his partner that the final shot really hurts even though if it was a painful one. Now all the winning sniper has to do is to finish up the Big Boss and take Laura home. If Jackal won the match, then he will be at the water climbing up the ladder. He realized that Falcon faked out the headshot and Falcon tells him that the last shot really hurted even though if it was a painful one. I'm not sure if I'm true on this or not, but neither sniper don't care about killing each other so they decided to switch to traning ammo while the Big Boss isn't watching. After the losing sniper rescued the winning sniper, the winning sniper switched ammo types for one thing: TO KILL BIG BOSS!!! If Falcon won the match, then he will be at the water climbing up the ladder. He is surprised by the fact that Jackal faked out he headshot and Jackal tells Falcon that his (Falcon's) bullet really hurt even though if it was bound to be a painful one. Follow my theories on why both snipers switched ammo types as described on the Jackal Paragraph. ======================================================================== THE BIG BEN SHOWDOWN THIS IS IT!!! The showdown against the Big Boss at the Big Ben!!! ------------ The Big Boss ------------ Weapons: None. You will lose a whole life box if you hit Laura by accident. Shots required to defeat the Big Boss: 3 shots at his body, 1 shot at his head. Points for wounding the Big Boss: 1000 points Points for defeating the Big Boss: 4000 points Points for hitting Big Boss at his head: 8000 points The Big Boss will only be dancing around atop the Big Ben, celebrating his victory over the snipers. You only need 3 shots to kill him but be careful because he's pretty far away and the helicopter is jittering a bit so be prepared to play a game of anticipation for this one. You will still lose a whole life box if you hit Laura by accident. All you need to do is to anticipate where the bullet should land before shooting. He is vulnerable when his back is showing but you really need to be super careful when Laura's back is showing because that's when he's going to be protected. The key to defeating Big Boss is patience and anticipation of where the bullet should go by the time a "hit" is issued. Once the Big Boss gets mortally wounded, he falls from the Big Ben, BUT THE HANDCUFFS ARE STILL ATTACHED TO LAURA!!! She can't hold on that long so you will need to find a way to prevent Laura from falling down. --------------------------------------- Aiming the last bullet at the Handcuffs --------------------------------------- Right after the fight with the Big Boss, you will be given a one-bullet clip so this is the grand finale, folks. Like the final bullet scene in the original, it's a do-or-die situation so you will need to make this shot count. Miss and Laura will fall to her death below with the Big Boss and it's game over so you will need to play Sniper Time in this one. This is even more difficult than the final bullet scene in the original because the bullet must be landed right at the chain of the handcuffs. The target is really small and Laura will be shaking the Big Boss like a pendulum slightly. To add to your worries, the helicopter will be jittering a bit. Don't move too much and make sure that the sight touches ONLY THE CHAIN OF THE HANDCUFFS. You have plenty of time after defeating the Big Boss so lay cool in this one. The "bad" ending for this one isn't as dreadful as the original, though but you still need to make sure that you get the good ending for once. Just don't move around too much and make sure that you aim the scope right at the handcuffs. When the chains "touches" the red dot, pull the trigger but only when you're comfy with the shot because a goof-up will lead Laura to her death. Jackal and Falcon are counting on you to get the final bullet landed right at the chain of the handcuffs and nothing else. Neither Falcon or Jackal can afford to lose Laura right now so make sure that you get the final bullet done right. While the final bullet in the original was a matter of American Courage and Dignity, Dark Silhouette's final bullet scene is a matter of love because if you miss, then you will lose the woman that Falcon and Jackal loves the most. I think Evan is trying to point out that this scene would use more intensity (ala the Original). I have to agree with Evan that less is at stake here. In the original, it's either head hit city or die. The Bulletproof Glass was only there to make sure that you only have one bullet left. While you only have one bullet to save Laura, the Big Boss won't bring you down to your final bullet. Instead, you will be given a one-bullet clip to save Laura. I think that Konami should've made this scene even more intense by making sure that Big Boss was only there to make sure that you only have one bullet left before saving Laura. At times, there is an afterimage whenever the camera sweeps during this scene, which is graphically unimpressive (Thanks, Evan). This is yet another bug that I have addressed so I'm hoping that Konami will bring about several bug fixes that should address this problem to an end. And that's the end of the walkthrough. Send anymore fixes, bug busts, or whatever and I'll handle the rest. ======================================================================== SNIPER RIFLE FACTS Note: This section of the FAQ was derived from Millenium Publishing's Metal Gear Solid Official Mission Handbook by Millenium Books. It's on Page 30 on the aforementioned book if you have this book at your own home. Also, about 50% of the information is derived from Heckler and Koch's USA Website ( The MSG-90 is included as well. Name: PSG-1 Function: Sniper's Rifle Caliber: 7.62mm Weight: 17.86 lbs Length: 47.56 in Scope: Hendsoldt 6x42 Magazine Capacity: Minimum 5 rounds, Maximum 20 rounds Type of Magazines: Heckler and Koch G3 or HK91 Used by: Agent Falcon and The Jackal Notes: Falcon and Jackal uses a specially-formulated PSG-1 in the game. The Hendsoldts of their PSG-1 are customized so that they can spot targets under the following modes: Thermal, Night Vision, and X-Ray. Their PSG-1 rifles are customized for Silencer and multi-vision device support. -------- Comments -------- Heckler and Koch has their work cut out for them. Nowadays, most of these terrorist actions require secretive and timely-mannered elimination techniques with the least possible danger imposed. Their beliefs fell through the idea of 600 Meter firing for tactical espionage by today's sharpshooters. The PSG-1 is the result of the demands of today's anti-terrorist organizations. Like all HK weapons, this kick-ass weapon has been operationally tested and combat proven. This weapon is also used for traditional silent defense, although IMO this weapon is now being used as a tactical espionage tool. Although heavy, this weapon seems to be useful of its kind. Tested through 50 rounds through an 80 millimeter circle at 300 meters, the PSG-1 makes the finest snipers around the planet proud. Traditionally, sharpshooters usually stand at stationary positions (in groups of two) where it's easy to destroy intruders off-guard but in an infiltrational manner where sniper rifles are required, accuracy gets ruined by chases, parachuting sneak-ins, snowboard ski chases, and other interferences that exist. Like all semiautomatics, you do have to stay calm with this baby but you need to be a lot more calm because while other weapons are suited for balance and rapid-firing, this weapon is suited for accuracy. While there are no 100% accurate weapons in this world, this is probably as close to a discreetly versatile weapon for an everyday sniper. Hendsoldts can be equipped traditionally, or can be customized for Night Vision Aiming, Thermographic Aiming, or even X-Ray Aiming. The Barrel can also be customized to support HK-approved Suppressors as well. Please KIM that customized Hendsoldts and muzzle parts can only be purchased by anti-terrorist and Police SWAT Team organizations. X-Ray and Thermographic Aiming support allows snipers to see enemies hiding behind walls (but Thermograph detects enemies by heat so if you are attacking someone with a flamethrower like Tanya, then it's more sense to use X-Ray Aiming instead) while Night Aiming allows you to see anything in the dark. Suppressors and Silencers lowers the noise caused by firing the PSG-1 to the absolute minimum for discreet, espionagic firing. Most Snipers of anti-terrorism origins are now demanding secretive and tactical espionage, so Heckler and Koch has various PSG-1 customizations available. Name: MSG-90 Function: Sniper's Rifle Caliber: 7.62mm Weight: 14.11 lbs Length: 45.87 in Scope: Hendsoldt 10x Telescopic Magazine Capacity: Minimum 5 rounds, Maximum 20 rounds Type of Magazines: Heckler and Koch G3 or HK91 Used by: Hornet the Sniper from Silent Scope 1, all enemy snipers According to Heckler and Koch's USA Website, this rifle is supposed to have all the features of the PSG-1, but weighing only 14 pounds. I don't want to explain this one too much because neither of our heroes use this weapon. I only focus on the weapon used by Falcon and Jackal. And that's the PSG-1, the weapon that most "sharpshooting spies" choose. ------------------------ Sniper Rifle Conclusions ------------------------ If you had to ask, you are to be warned that these two rifles are _STRICTLY_ high-end rifles--either rifle can cost as much as $15,000 USD, placing it out of reach for tight-budget anti-terrorism agencies. ======================================================================== FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Who's the toughest boss in the game? A: Without a doubt, Sho and Kane. Their time-draining techniques involve moving around the screen so freely that their speed is comparable to a Qix (The title villian in Taito's Arcade Classic QIX). Using their teleport (Encaging themselves in a fire and disappearing to reappear at another place) is a time-draining bastard too. Not only that they have two major time-draining moves but they also have several attacks. Their Projectile throw will drain half a life box if you get stabbed. The Projectiles can be destroyed but it will reset your Accuracy Streak. Both ninjas are able to slash you up close. The real problem is their "real deal" close-up attacks. Sho uses a rapid-slash technique (while his body is in several shadows) to return his body in one piece (and each slash will damage you) and during this time, it is really hard to judge who's the real Sho or not. Kane has the most problematic of the two. Kane has this multistab technique which allows him to split his body in multiple pieces and then do a flurry of flying slashes. The final slash returns Kane into one piece and it's usually slower than the opening slashes but if Kane gets too close, OUCH. Both Ninjas have the ability to split their body in multiple bodies, which makes themselves harder targets to hit since you can't judge who's the real Sho and Kane and which one is the phonies. Well, to conclude, Sho and Kane are hard, and even if one ninja falls down, the other will continue to wreak havoc on your Visa/MasterCard. Collector and Fox were major perverts too. FALCON'S NOTE: Monica is NOTHING compared to these two!!! Play Silent Scope and Dark Silhouette to see who's harder. Q: Will there be any code-enhancing codes for Dark Sill as with the first Silent Scope? A: Judging from the original Silent Scope, there *should* be but Konami hasn't posted them just yet. Only time will tell whether Scope Restrictor Codes will be published by Konami or not. AND BE WARNED THAT THERE WILL BE NO CHEATS IN THIS GAME WHATSOEVER!!! Should Konami make these codes available and/or if these codes are revealed, then YOU ARE TO BE SUPER-ADVISED THAT THESE CODES ARE TO BE USED BY REAL-LIFE SNIPERS AND NOT BY CIVILIANS. Q: What initials do you use? A: During the days of Silent Scope and the early days of Dark Silhouette: HAN. Now I use A.F since I hate to use initials that might already be in use. Q: Will there be a code to enable "Real-Time" Sniping for Dark Silhouette as with Silent Scope 1? A: Like I said, as of this time, there are no Challenge Enhancement Codes for this game so only time will tell whether Konami will reveal them or not. Q: In Solo Cabinets, who do you use? A: FALCON!!! I can get really far with the guy from Silent Scope 1. Without the scope, I can get as far as up to Collector without having the need for continuing. However, certain parts require me to be as fast as I can to avoid losing too many lives. Q: Will you EVER use Jackal the Loose Cannon? A: I don't use him that much because Jackal loses more lives than Falcon does. Also, since his chances of losing lives are much higher than Falcon's, Jackal has to be really quick. Don't worry about trying to achieve higher scores with Jackal--worry about the lives. Without the cheat scope I can only get up to Fox with Jackal. My theory is that the closer you are to your enemies the more damage you might take. BTW With closer-range shooting, you MUST be fast. MY NOTE: Evan Mitchell is right about the being hit-ratio imbalance of the game. A good example would be Oslo and the chemical weapons plant. Jackal has to be fast or he will lose at least 1/2 a life box just before he fights Tanya and he gets jacked VERY BAD by the Snowmobile guys during the snowboard chase and by the Snowmobile Punks right after both snipers stop. Falcon takes less injuries in these parts, but keep in mind that you have to act fast because enemies now attack even more aggressively as opposed to the first Silent Scope. Q: What is your highest hit streak thus far? A: 90+ hits in a row without the help scope thus far. That's using Falcon. Q: FALCON? WHY HIM?! A: I don't want to repeat this again. I can do better with Falcon and that's that. Q: How about your score? A: 1156000 points. I've managed to reach the Castle Walls with only the starting game. I couldn't continue anyway because I chose a special mode that lets me see how good I am with only the starting game. Q: Why isn't the Cheat Scope there? A: It is actually up to the operator to see whether the cheat scope will be turned on or not. It's actually a DIP Switch. You can use the cheat scope to learn the game but I think it makes a game pretty much a nuisance because in order to make calm aimings, you have to use the Mounted Scope. IMO the game plays a lot better without the cheat scope. Mounted Scope Voyeuring IMO gives you a better edge in accuracy than using the Cheat Scope. Q: Why I am not prompted whether I made a head hit or not? A: It's yet another DIP Switch. This DIP Switch not only influences you whether you'll know if that shot is a head hit or not, but it will also let you know whether you killed the boss at their weak spots or not by showing a Shattered Skull. Q: I can't see well with the scope!!! A: Talk it out with your operator to see what is wrong with the scope. Remember the scope should be exceptionally bright so that you can play well. Q: What is your highest Shooting Range Score? A: 39500 with a Professional Ranking and with 100% Accuracy at Pocket Change (Joliet), IL USA. Q: There's a Dark Silhouette contest going on up until July 31, 2000. TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! A: Go to for details. Q: Will a home version of Silent Scope come out? A: According to "The Stomper", THERE WILL BE A HOME VERSION OF SILENT SCOPE. Too bad that only the Japanese version will have the Scope-built Light Gun Support for both the Dreamcast and the upcoming PlayStation2. Another bad thing is that the story follows Silent Scope and not Dark Silhouette. Many people wanted the story to follow Dark Silhouette instead of the original but since Konami wanted this to be a one-player game, having the home conversion following the story of the original Silent Scope had to be the case. I don't think it's worth getting the NTSC-UC or PAL versions of the game since under government ordinance, no light gun support should be exercised. I rather play this game at the arcades, although most of the arcades now have Dark Silhouette instead of the original but there are still arcades that have the original Silent Scope. In the NTSC-UC and PAL version of Silent Scope, you will be using a control pad to calibrate and you will use this *rather lame* command to magnify the view of the piece of the image. This is not as innovative because much of the Sniper Rifle Features are taken away from the home release. If Scope Ogling is what you are looking for, SPEND YOUR QUARTERS--don't buy the NTSC-UC or PAL versions of the game--the innovation of looking at the Telescope to aim is not there with the exception of the Japanese versions of the PlayStation2 and Dreamcast Conversions. Q: How much does a single Silent Scope or Dark Silhouette cabinet cost? A: I am not a salesperson but I'll tell you the typical costs (which are my estimates if you have to ask). Silent Scope will cost you about $6000 a pop while Dark Silhouette will cost you $9000 a pop. Again, these figures are estimates so please correct me if I'm wrong. Q: If you were a member of Konami's Silent Scope team, what things would you fix? A: First of all, I would try to fix the gameplay a bit. I would keep the scope, but I would try to make it more involving than ever. You will point the muzzle at an area of the screen and by looking at the Telescope, you will still be able to magnify the image's piece 10x its size. The only difference is that I would give you freedom of movement so that you can aim as you please. I would also make it more involving so that you can point the muzzle away from the screen so that you can "block" hits and reload your rifle at the same time. I would also give you the option to zoom in/out and to switch to Thermal, X-Ray, Night Vision, Trap Detector, and Normal Modes at anytime. I would also give you 4-6 types of ammo you can use as well by pumping the rifle. I would also use a brand new graphics engine so that the game would move at 60-120 FPS instead of the suspected 30FPS. Please contact me if you have anymore suggestions on how you can improve Silent Scope. Q: Why are the PSG-1 and MSG-90 expensive? A: Go to for the scope Q: How about info on Heckler and Koch's weapons? A: for the scope. Q: You have not yet answered my question yet!!! A: Go to and drop me a line. Remember that if you choose to send me UCE, then I will take matters up to your ISP. ======================================================================== POLL!!! WHO DO YOU THINK IS BETTER? AND WHO DO YOU LIKE BETTER? If you are reading this FAQ, then I would like to know which sniper you favor whenever you're prompted to select a character on Solo Cabinets. Go to and do the following: * On the Subject Line, say "Dark Silhouette: I prefer (Falcon or Jackal)" * On the body of the message, I want you to tell me - Why you like Falcon or Jackal better - How long have you been using Falcon or Jackal - What do you think makes the sniper of your choice better than the other sniper. - YOU CAN ONLY PICK ONE SNIPER AND THAT'S THAT. Results will be posted come this November/December. I had to do this because a lot of people would like Jackal better because he cleans up the areas faster though he takes more hits. Some will like Falcon better because you can score more points with him if you are accurate enough. Let's settle the Falcon/Jackal dispute once and for all, shall we? ======================================================================== JUST A REMINDER... Again, this FAQ can only appear in the following sites: * Verasnaship Interactive ( * GameFAQs ( * Secrets of the Game Sages ( * Nemesis ( This is strictly enforced. If you see a copy of this FAQ other than the sites listed above, please notify me PDQ. Thank you. The latest version of this FAQ can always be picked up at my website first ( since I run that website and I always post them instantly right after finishing a version of my FAQ. GameFAQs does a good job keeping the files up-to-date at all times and is regarded as the most visited "stable" for FAQ-related walkthroughs, original work, and the like. Secrets of the Game Sages is a "Code-related" partner to GameFAQs since both GameFAQs and Secrets of the Game Sages share the same information, links, and tricks-to-date. From time-to-time, I might elect to do PDFs on certain games. You can always get the latest version at Verasnaship Interactive (that's my website) and I'm planning to give GameFAQs my permission to mirror my PDFs in the near future. A few things to keep in mind: * DO NOT PLACE THIS FILE IN YOUR WEB SITE. Only the sites that are listed are allowed to place this file in their sites. * You can make a link to my FAQ Library Page. The only rules that I would like to enforce is that you link ONLY to an HTML or an Interactive Web Page. The link to this page is: - For more details regarding about this matter, please visit the following URLs: = (Brad Templeton's Linking Rights Essay). ======================================================================== SUGGESTING SUGGESTIONS AND OTHER TRALALA Sending UCE to any of the mailboxes that I have is not tolerated. Period. I report any incidence of spamming by checking the header on where you originated the message at and then report the incidence to the server you originated your message at (which is more likely to get you in deep trouble) or I can just slam you by sending complaints to the following: The server you originated the message at, to your provider, or possibly the Free-Mail Service that you use. Don't spam me. It's not worth it. I will only tolerate e-mail in regards to Silent Scope. See to see why it's bad. ======================================================================== RESOURCES OF THIS FAQ Since there were some parts of the FAQ that were a carryover from my Silent Scope FAQ, I would have to give the following four people "primary hardcore credit" for their kick-ass information: * Billy the Kid * E. Mitchell * K. Falkowski * Millenium Publishing's Official MGS Mission Handbook Get information about Konami's Arcade Games at this address: * You can find their work at For codes pertaining to Silent Scope, please visit Secrets of the Game Sages at I'm going to credit those who helped me out with my Silent Scope FAQ in the past along with some twists and turns: * Craig Durnen * M.I. Orikasa * Peter "Rolander" Cheong * Wei-Hwa Huang * Evan Mitchell (for being the first to inform me about Dark Silhouette) * Konami (General Info about Dark Sill) Again, please visit the following sites for the official Silent Scope Codes: * * * * Now please visit this site for even *hardcore* Dark Silhouette info: * (Note that they call this game Fatal Judgement but it's actually Dark Sill with a different subtitle) ======================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Hideo Kojima for making MGS a kick-ass game - Some real-life snipers for helping out Konami for creating a respective light gun game since Lethal Enforcers - Konami for taking the real-life sniper's advice for granted - Dave and Buster's Addison, IL USA for being the first arcade to have Dark Silhouette in stock for Chicagoland. - Billy the Kid, E. Mitchell, and K Falkowski for being the first three people to write FAQs for Silent Scope. I'm giving them credit regardless of my reasons because like I said, some parts of my Dark Sill FAQ are carryovers from my Silent Scope FAQ. - Evan Mitchell for contributing to the July 5, 2000 fixes and updates. - GameFAQs for being the largest stable of all original work - MDH and BAT in correspondance to the accuracy issue, another carryover from my Silent Scope FAQ. - Kao Megura for being the most prolific FAQ Author. Let's hope that he reaches 6MB in 2000. - M.I. Orikasa for corrections regarding about Monica the Armored Secretary, Tom and Jerry, how you are graded through Time Attack and the Practice Package, and the codes supplemented by Konami. Also to note is the confirmation of the Hard Time Attack Routes and the High Score Theories. Major carryover from my Silent Scope FAQ. - Craig Durnen for pointing out some opportunities for an incredible score and for pointing out one more DIP Switch under the Silent Scope Board, and for some patterns near the end of Silent Scope's story game, another carryover from my Silent Scope FAQ. - Calyth for some pointers in regards to Cobra for the first Silent Scope. - Erik Germanis for telling me a preliminary hypothesis that the PSG-1 is a (maybe) $10,000 German Semiautomatic!!! Expensive rifle to own! - Konami for making Dark Silhouette an improvement over Silent Scope - Dave and Buster's at Addison, IL USA for their thoughts about the Help Scope Switch. - Andrew Leonard for convincing me that the PSG-1 is a German-made Sniper Rifle. - Wei Hwa Huang and Peter Cheong for contributing for the March 26, 2000 updates for my Silent Scope FAQ. - Peter Cheong Choon Wah (Rolander) for contributing the set of April 30, 2000 updates. - Fat Cat Lim and Shawn McCarthy for contributing to the May 12, 2000 updates. - Fat Cat Lim and Daniel for contributing to the Memorial Day's updates - Heckler and Koch for dedicating such an expensive rifle to supress the terrorists. - And finally the following boss characters for kicking my ass during gameplay: Cobra the Iron Man, Sho and Kane the Lightning Bolts, and Fox the Butcher. CHEAP FIGHTING PATTERNS!!!! - MI Orikasa and Stomper for contributing to August 13, 2000's updates. This document is dedicated to the loving memory of Princess Diana of Wales and Fashion Designer Gianni Versace. We need to stop destroying people for a stupid reason right now. ** END OF DOCUMENT AND ONE LAST WARNING ** This Electronically Published Document is copyrighted (c) 2000 Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This document is protected by applicable copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthroized reproduction, retransmission, and/or a breach of copyright, partial or full, may result in civil and criminal penalties and is subject to maximum punishment and prosecution to the highest extent possible by law. Mark Kim is the sole owner of the copyrights pertinent to the content contained in this document. Dark Silhouette: Silent Scope 2 is an original game product created, maintained, and solely owned by Konami. Trademarked and copyrighted 2000 Konami. All Rights Reserved. Konami is the sole owner of the copyrights pertinent to Silent Scope and Dark Silhouette.