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MMS SMM MM MM MMZ MM8 MM rMM MMS SMM ZMM ZMMX MM MM 0MM MMM MMMi MM MM MMS SMM ;MMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMW 7MMMMMMM0 MMMMMMMM =========================================================================== |-------------------------Sonic Heroes (Boss Faqs)---------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |-By Gospel87 (Tragic Marionette) Send mailto:| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ should generally be quite spoiler free, except perhaps, for name of the bosses and their general descriptions. If you do not like even the tiniest of spoilers, then you have been warned, and I suggest against going in there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1)Introduction 2)The adventure starts! 3)Boss FAQ for: Team Sonic a.- Egg Hawk b.- Team Rose c.- 12 rounds of Robot Carnival d.- Egg Albatross e.- Team Dark f.- 13 rounds of robot storm g.- Final Battle - Egg Emperor 3)Boss FAQ for: Team Rose a.- Egg Hawk b.- Team Sonic c.- 12 rounds of Robot Carnival d.- Egg Albatross e.- Team Chaotix f.- 13 rounds robot storm g.- Final Battle - Egg Emperor ____________________________________________________________________________ 4)Version update 5)Closing copyrights 6)Credits and thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= Introduction -------------------------------- Spiffy! Sonic Heroes bring to you old school sonic fun in awesome 3D environments. Although it lacks the exploration factor, it boasts high speed gameplay and intense action, bringing you an extremely fast paced and exciting 3D action platformer. So anyways this game comes with some kickass bosses with powerful themes blasting away in the background. (With Team dark's theme as my favourite.) Like the old Sonic games, they come after every 2 stages. =) Which is the focus of this FAQ, to bring to you some tips and guides to defeat those cool but sometimes pesky bosses. ============================================================================= The adventure starts! --------------------------------- Well, not yet. Not until you get the basics right first! That means the various attacks the teams can execute. Team Sonic ----------- Sonic - Homing attack (Useful for repeated attacks on moving enemies) - Tornedo Spin. (Useful for toppling turtle enemies and disrupting flight formations) Tails - Thunder shoot (Obviously for aerial enemies, also for stunning certain enemies) Knuckles - Pure power =) (Very obviously he would be your main attacker) (Not much on moves here, just jump attacks and ground attacks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Rose ----------- Amy - (Rather similiar to Sonic, except she uses another type of spinning attack) Cream -Not much to say, the flying one. (See Tails) Big - Ugh, he is slow but powerful, but his last twirling attack is pretty much useless. I hate him as a melee attacker. Don't use him to run, it's hard to dodge attacks with him. Use him only against tough enemies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |===============================BOSS FAQS===================================| ------------------------- BOSS FAQ FOR: TEAM SONIC ------------------------- A) Egg Hawk (SeaSide Hill)(Ocean Palace) All first bosses start easy, and this is no exception. =) At the beginning of the level, dash towards the egg Hawk and collect rings and just wait till it stops at open ground and commences rotary attacks. That's when you change to Knuckles and spam the Square button right next to it until it blows up. Destroy it at the first stop and don't let it take off again. Also, you can ignore Tail's comment about letting it attack the engines, it's pretty pointless anyways. Go for a quick victory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B)Team Rose (Grand Metropolis)(Power plant) Okay, no specific strategies here. But when they start going off into fly formation you can use Sonic's tornado spin and disrupt em. You can continue to do this or change to Knuckles to attack them. Should be an easy fight. No hassle =) You should easily be able to finish the fight in less than 20 secs if you keep using Sonic's tornado spin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C) Robot Carnival (Casino Park)(Bingo Highway) After going through what I consider to be the most annoying stages in the whole game, you still hafta go through a pretty long boss fight. D'oh Anyways, this boss fight consists of 12 waves of enemies. 1st Wave- Airbots - Easy, use Sonic to bounce on em or Tail's thundershoot. 2nd Wave- Same as above. Boring. 3rd Wave- This time they added some groundbots. Easily destroyed with Knucks. (If some bots are too high you can use the springs at the bottom) 4th Wave- Easily destroyed air formation. Tails can handle this with ease. 5th Wave- 4 airbots. You can choose to bounce on em or thundershoot. Recommend thundershoot. 6th Wave- Use Tails first to detroy the air units before switching to Knucks to detroy shielded robots with ease. 7th Wave- Same as (1) 8th Wave- Same with easily destroyed air units, but they are grapplers, so be fast and don't let em get you. 9th Wave- Turtle Bots ( I suggest using Team Blast here) 10th Wave- Another useless air wave. 11th Wave- The turtles pose a threat here so flip and break em before using Knucks to destroy the shield carriers. Homing won't work here, so use Thundershoot. 12th Wave- Last one. ALways the easiest. Should have Team Blast by now. So Blast em. If you don't, just jump up the spring with tails and grab the one at the top. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D)Egg Albatross (Rail Canyon)(Bullet Station) At the beginning of the battle, dash up to the Albatross and ignore the 3 robots there. Haste is important cus going further into the stage will complicate matters with its confusing structure. Just target one wing, preferably the left, and destroy the cannons on it by using Homing attack. I prefer Homing attack cus you don't need to constantly chase it, for you wiill always be locked on. Anyways, I suggested left wing cus there are speed boosters that will improve your jump. After destroying the cannons you should see that the wing itself has a life bar. Continue homing on it until the wing is brought down. After a brief cutscene, you start with the Albatross in front of you again. Now just dash up as sonic and keep on Homing on the fan and repeatedly bounce on it. This way you won't lose your target or have the need to keep chasing it After the fan is down, you are at the last and easiest part. There are many cockpits now, and using Homing attack, just keeoon bouncing until you reach the one at the front, which is Eggman's. Now destroy it to defeat this annoying boss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E)Team Dark. (Frog Forest)(Lost Jungle) Well, again, like the last team battle there is no specific strategy. They start with flying formation, which means you can easily disrupt them with Sonic's tornado speed. Anyways, you can keep spamming the Tornado Spin in the middle of the platform until you win. This will bring you an easy victory in less than 20 secs, but it's not very reliable and sure to work everytime. In the case it doesn't, you can still use Knuckles to thrash around and hit em. If you don't kill em quick enough, they will use Chaos Control on you. However, if you stay close to the box pillars it will make it more difficult for them to hit you even if you are not moving. Tip: Also..if any of your teammates are blown off, leaving only one left, you can use Team Blast attack, which will actually bring whoever's down back to life again (Cool, huh?) Anyways, don't misuse the team Blast, or pray for a quick victory with Sonics' Tornado Spin and you should be doing just fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F)Robot Storm (Hang Castle)(Mystic Mansion) Ugh. Another one of those long annoying enemy waves. Anyways, there are 13 waves this time, and the bots are much tougher. So get ready for a tough fight. Wave1- Air bots. Once again, use Sonic Bounce or Tail's thundershoot. Sonic seems to have this strange tendency to jump right off to his death in this battle, so bounce around slowly and with caution. Wave2- Useless ground bots. Knux your way through em. Wave3- Because of their close formation, it is possible to destroy them in one single hit if you stand on the box using knuckles and throwing either Sonic or Tails at them. Wave4- Turtle flipping time, NO tips, just be quick. No need to waste team blast here. Wave5- Ground bots, some have gunfire capability, so to avoid their firing range, just stand on top of the box with Knuckles and keep attacking from above. Wave6- Bunch of Magicians. Don't know what they can do cus they die real quick Just kill em before they can even do any damage. Wave7- Quite a intidimating wave. Destroy the gunners first, and thrash around wildly with Knuckles. Wave8 - A Big Hammer bot and some shield robots. Just stay close to the Hammer bot so you won't get hit by it's spinning attack and spam the Square button without pressing directional buttons to punch through them quickly. Wave9- 3 Big Hammer bots. Not as intidimating as one would think. They are all unarmored. Stay real close to their bodies to avoid being hit by their hammers and destroy them quickly. Wave10- Scary air formation. Quickly use Tails to fly above their gun fire and use Thundershoot to bring them down before you get hurt. Wave11- Annoying trains. Too lazy to get rid of them. Time to use Team Blast. Wave12- Eggman is running outta bots. Just some lame red bots you can punch through easily. Careful of those that can fire guns though. Wave13- Extremely annoying wave. You should be kinda close to a team Blast though. Quickly target the Big Hammer bot and punch away. This is the last battle, so use Team Blast as soon as you get it. After 13 waves the ordeal is finally over and you have defeated this annoying stage. Woooooo.....!! Now on to the last one...!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G) Egg EMPEROR! (Egg Fleet)(Final Fotress) "I will show you what real evil is!" Here Eggman pulls his ultimate weapon, the Egg Emperor, a gigantic bigass golden armored Knight! Get ready for the last battle, and don't pull any punches! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fight should be pretty easy if you are using Team Sonic, because all 3 members are quick enough to dodge Eggman's attacks. At the beginning of the battle, just charge up at the Egg Emperor and start collecting rings. It should start throwing saber slashes at you, but these are mostly very predictable, and easy to dodge with Team Sonic. You do not want to fall behind too much, cus if you do Eggman will use a charge attack at you, which is not only annoying, but unavoidable. Another advice is also not to get too close either. If you do, whenever you make a big jump to another platform you might come into contact with the Egg Emperor's body, resulting in you being hit and losing your rings, and also having your jump disrupted, meaning you will fall into the pit below and die. A wise method would be to keep a moderate distance and let Eggman jump first before you jump ahead. The level ups are pretty easy to get. Instead of using the speed boosts, let Tails fly through the hoops and get the level up. The Knuckles level boost is gotten by also ignoring the 2 speed boosts, but punching the target in between to launch yourself up at the bonus. When Eggman lands onto a wide field, this is your chance to commence your own attacks. Tails will mention something about the shield guarding Eggman's core. The only way to break the defense is to use Tail's thundershoot to actually stun that shield part. Otherwise you can wait for it to leave its core open when Eggman does certain attacks, but that will take forever. When the core is left open quickly switch to Knuckles and start punching at the core. I think there is the possiblity of being able to attack by using another Thundershoot. This, however, is not always the case, which leads me to the conclusion that Tail's level upgrades has something to do with this. Sonic's upgrade can be gotten easily by using Tornado spin on a pole at the endof the open field platform. Due to the atrocious number of enemies and missiles heading for you it would be wise to use any Team Blast whenever possible. This will not only get rid of the pesky enemies but also damage the core, making your way to victory even faster. With that said, the most important tip here is to avoid being hit at all. Due to the frequency of Eggman's attacks and the missile launchers, it is gooddamn annoying when you find that you have no chance of recovery when you get hit onto the floor. Everytime you get up you would be surrounded by a new wave of attacks. Being able to dodge attacks is very important here. Be patient, get the upgrades as much as possible, avoid as many attacks as you can and make use of every Team Blast, and this giant titan should go down quick. And there you have it. The bosses of Team Sonic covered! You have finally beaten the moronic eggman once more. On to the next Team! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================== BOSS FAQS FOR TEAM ROSE ======================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A)Egg Hawk (SeaSide Hill)(Ocean Palace) All first bosses start easy, and this is no exception. =) At the beggining of the level, dash towards the egg Hawk and collect rings and just wait till it stops at open ground and commences rotary attacks. That's when you change to Bigs and spam the Square button right next to it and SMAAAAAAAAAAAASH! Destroy it at the first stop and don't let it take off again. Also, you can ignore Cream's comment about letting it attack the engines, it's pretty pointless anyways. Go for a quick victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B)Pfff. Team Sonic. One easy battle. Just use Amy's whirlwind attack at the beginning of the battle to knock Sonic off when he dashes for you. Then go get the upgrades inside the boxes and start spamming whirlwind attacks when the team is near the edges and knock em off. Sometimes Sonic might go too fast and throw himself off, and you get a fast lucky win. Easy battle. =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C)Robot Carnival- Refer to Team Sonic guide for this. It should generally be the same, and any adjustments made will just be in your favor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- D)Albatross- Once again, refer to Sonic guide for this. Though I find this battle a bit tougher for Team Rose. Maybe it's just me, because I hate using Amy for this >_< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E)Team Chaotix- This victory is more of a fluke than anything. Use cream at the beginning of the battle, and they will change to Espio formation. When Espio attacks he should hit Bigs, and sometimes spin himself off the platform, allowing you a quick victory. Although, you have to be reminded this isn't very reliable. When they go off into flying formation you can also use Bigs'jump attack to hit them. The most effective method is to just use Amy's whirlwind attack to knock em off the edges. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F)Robot Storm- Refer to Sonic guide for this. Any adjustments made should be in your favor, though it should be the same. Generally. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G)G) Egg EMPEROR! (Egg Fleet)(Final Fotress) "I will show you what real evil is!" Here Eggman pulls his ultimate weapon, the Egg Emperor, a gigantic bigass golden armored Knight! Get ready for the last battle, and don't pull any punches! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have read or defeated the Emperor for Team Sonic, then you should know how this battle works. The upgrades for Amy can be gotten through using her whirlwind attack on the pole after the wide opening. The upgrades for Cream can be gotten through using her to go through the booster hoop. The upgrades for Big can be gotten through punching the swinging thingy and boosting yourself up. The general tatics remain the same: Avoiding attacks that the Egg Emperor dishes out, and keep following him until you get to the open platform where you knock his shield open with Cream's thundershock and start attacking his core. I *think* there are less enemies around the Egg Emperor now (Team Rose has the Easiest Mode). However, i found this battle tougher than Team Sonic's. This is because of how painfully slow Big is. Don't ever use him other than attacking, because you will be hit by most of the attacks the Egg Emperor uses if you are too close to him. Switch to him only when you are attacking, or you will find yourself on the floor trying to recover most of the time. Even when attacking, he is painfully slow, and if Cream's thundershot can damage him, use it. Other than that, the general tatics remain the same, read Sonic's FAQ if you have trouble destroying him. But if you have already completed Sonic's story, this should be easy for you. After beating the Eggman once more, you have completed Amy's side of the story ! Now enjoy the ending FMV, take a break and get ready for the next team! _____________________________________________________________________________ -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 4.) Version update ----------------------------------- Version 0.5- January 03 2004- Posted up partially completed FAQ. Completed basic strategies for Bosses in Team Sonic and Team Rose -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 5.) Closing/Copyrights ----------------------------------- I hope this FAQ was useful for people who have trouble beating the sh*t out of some annoying bosses. I would like to apologise for any lame mistakes I have made. (You have to understand it's pretty hard to remember details of the game, considering my PS2 is downstairs, and my comp is upstairs) Anyways, I would appreciate if anyone would bother to correct me or post any useful information. I promise to give credit to anyone who does so. Now this FAQ is made specifically for if you want to display this FAQ on any other site ( Can't see why though XD) please email me at -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 6.)Credits and thanks ------------------------ First of I want to say I fully appreciate the voice talents, artists, programmers and everyone else who made put this wonderful game together. -Thanks to the folks at Gamefaqs putting up FAQ up =)