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Version 0.53 By Xaita12121 Updates: Version 0.54 - Added 7 to Advanced Levels - Updated solutions (see Monkey Race's notes) - Added 1 to Party Games Version 0.53 - I reveal I'm Canadian, so I changed my spelling a bit. - Started Party Games and added 3 onto it - Added my signature, courteousy of www.network-science.de/ascii - Updated the table of contents - Updated the version numbers Version 0.42 - This update wasn't planned, so not much is coming this time. - Added an additional 5% onto Advanced Levels - Added contact info Version 0.41 - Added the red goal section for Beginner Levels - Updated some secrets/solutions - Finished 10% of the Advanced levels - Finished 100% of the Ultimate levels - Finished 100% of the Master levels - Added controls and changed name of category 2 Version 0.30 - Started the walkthrough - Finished sections 1 to 3 >->-CONTENTS-<-< 1. Legal Stuff 1/1 [LEGAL] 2. Newbies to this guide, read this 1/1 [NEWBY] 3. Beginner Levels 60/60 [BEGIN] 3a. Beginner 40/40 3b. Beginner Extra 20/20 4. Advanced Levels 24/90 [ADVNC] 4a. Advanced 24/70 4b. Advanced Extra 0/20 5. Expert Levels 0/120 [EXPRT] 5a. Expert 0/100 5b. Expert Extra 0/20 6. Master Levels 30/30 [MASTR] 6a. Master 20/20 6b. Master Extra 10/10 7. World 10 10/10 [WORLD] 8. Ultimate Levels 1/1 [ULTIM] 9. Party Games 4/12 [PARTY] 9a. Monkey Race DX 1/1 9b. Monkey Fight DX 1/1 9c. Monkey Target DX 1/1 9d. Monkey Billiards DX 1/1 9e. Monkey Bowling DX 0/1 9f. Monkey Golf DX 0/1 9g. Monkey Boat 0/1 9h. Monkey Shot 0/1 9i. Monkey Dogfight 0/1 9j. Monkey Soccer 0/1 9k. Monkey Baseball 0/1 9l. Monkey Tennis 0/1 1. Legal Stuff [LEGAL] © 2005 SEGA corporation. Super Monkey Ball Deluxe is registered trademarks of the SEGA Corporation. The only two sites allowed to use this guide are www.gamefaqs.com and www.gamespot.com. You may copy this guide for PERSONAL USE. You may not reproduce any part of this guide for freely distributing, or there'll be trouble! The Super Monkey Ball Deluxe ASCII is © Xaita12121, a.k.a. Legiax. 2. Newbies to this guide, read this [NEWBY] Controls: Left Thumbstick - Move A Button - Resize mini-map Start Button - Pause menu Objects/Items: Ridge Rail : A small bump on the edges of paths to help you stay on. Guard Rail : A large rail on the edges of paths to make you stay on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.1 : The thinnest path there is. Extremely hard to balance on. | 0.2 : The second thinnest path there is. Very hard to balance on.| 0.3 : A very thin path. Hard to balance on. | 0.4 : A 0.1 thinner than one square. Tricky to balance on. | 0.5 : A full square. A bit tricky to balance on. | 1.0 : Two full squares. Rather easy to balance on. | (Three squares is a 1.5, so on, so on) | | --All of these paths can be flipped over and counted as walls, too.--+ ------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Banana : A banana. Raises your banana count by one. | Banana Bunch: A bunch of bananas. Raises your banana count by ten.| | ---------------100 bananas rewards you with a 1UP.----------------+ Green Goal : Green goals skip one level, give you a x2 multiplier, and 10000 point score boost. Red Goal : Red goals skip two levels, give you a x3 multiplier, and 20000 point score boost. Play : A switch with a play symbol on it. It activates moving parts of levels. Fast Forward: A switch with a fast forward symbol on it. Same purpose as play switch, only activates it/them quicker. Playback : A switch with a playback symbol on it. It activates moving parts of levels, backward! Rewind : A switch with a rewind symbol on it. Same purpose as playback switch, only quicker. Bumper : A tiny cylinder that will bump you hard if you touch it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Every tenth level is a bonus round, except for the last level of a set. Master has no bonus levels. Extra levels in a set have no bonus levels. If you fall out or the time runs out on a bonus level, you don't lose a life and you get to keep your bananas. Some levels have the same names. Watch out for that. If beside the level number I put down (hard), it's a harder level for that set. Like Exam-A for beginner, Arthropod for advanced, and Curvature for expert. So if you're doing beginner and you get to a '(hard)' level, it won't be near impossible, just a bit harder than average. 3. Beginner Levels [BEGIN] Beginner - 40 levels Extra - 20 levels Total - 60 levels Beginner levels are mostly for the newbies. No red goals here. Level : B1 Name : Plain Description: A small rectangle with guard rails around it, so you cannot fall off even if you tried. The goal is straight ahead. How-To : Hold forward the entire time, or go around and collect some bananas. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B2 Name : Diamond Description: A diamond shaped level with a small hole in the middle. Goal is on the other side. There are guard rails the whole level except for the warp platform and the hole in the middle, which both have ridge rails instead. How-To : Go around the left or right path to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : Right behind you a small ramp leads down to a small platform which has the green goal. Don't go too fast, though, or you'll fall out. Red Goal : None Level : B3 Name : Hairpin Description: A hairpin shaped track with a couple small slopes. The goal is on the other side of the track. How-To : Go around the track, but don't go too fast or you'll fly off. Secrets : None Shortcuts : Turn right, left, right, left, and repeat until you have enough momentum to jump the track, then enter the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B4 Name : Wide Bridge Description: A slowly swinging bridge with ridge rails covering the entire level. Several bananas are placed on the bridge. How-To : Wait until the bridge swings your way, then board it and cross it. But understand you cannot pass the bridge in one swing. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B5 Name : Simple Description: A level shaped like a magnifying glass. There are bananas around the sloped edges, and the goal is in the centre of the level. How-To : Hold forward the entire time, or go around and collect some bananas. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B6 Name : Hollow Description: A half pipe that goes around a smaller version of B5-Simple. How-To : Roll around the half pipe then go into the goal, or collect the bananas around the goal. Secrets : Apparently, if you get enough speed, you can jump the gap between the pipes, and collect the floating banana bunch. Shortcuts : Apparently, if you get enough speed, you can jump the gap between the pipes, and skip over half the level. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B7 Name : Bumpy Description: A very large platform with bumps and ridge rails everywhere. Bananas are scattered everywhere, too. How-To : Hold forward and go through the goal, or bounce around and collect some bananas. Don't go too fast! Secrets : If you get enough air propulsion at the right times, you can collect the 2 banana bunches placed along the stretch in front of you. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B8 Name : Switches Description: A large platform with a few medium sized holes, and a couple switches controlling bridges. How-To : First, hit the switch in front of you to drop the bridge. Don't hit the second switch and proceed along the bridge, but watch out for the small circular hole after it. Go around it then get the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : If you press the second switch to raise the second bridge, the green goal will be sitting vertically on the bottom, so you can't drop in; you must jump from the side into it. I don't recommend trying to get it though, because you'll probably waste more lives than you will succeed. Red Goal : None Level : B9 Name : Floaters Description: Basically a huge platform with rising and sinking small blocks. The goal is on the other side of them. How-To : You can just simply weave between the floaters or you can go for the corner floaters and get some banana bunches. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B10 (Bonus) Name : Bonus Basic Description: Your first bonus round! There's two circular rows of bananas with one in the middle, and there's one more far off on the slope. The entire level is protected by guard rails. There is no goal. How-To : Simply collect the bananas. Bananas : 50 Level : B11 Name : Edge Description: Several platforms all with inward slopes. The goal is on the far platform. How-To : Keep an average speed of around 40-45 mph and you'll eventually jump to the goal. Secrets : If you go to the far right or left, there will be bananas everywhere, and if you go far enough, you will find two far out platforms with banana bunches on them. Although you get ten bananas when you collect them, it's EXTREMELY hard to get back, so I don't think it's worth it. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B12 Name : Escalators Description: A large platform with two escalators connected in the middle. The goal is on the top. Bananas are everywhere, too! How-To : Run and collect some bananas, then get on the first escalator, then the second, then get to the goal. Secrets : Once you get up the first escalator, go straight ahead to collect a banana bunch. Note you will fall off, so you'll have to go up the first escalator again. Shortcuts : After the first escalator, there's a fast forward switch. You can press it to speed up the escalators. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B13 Name : Serpentine Description: A curving path curved outward, like an upside down half pipe. How-To : Go along the curvy path, staying near the centre as much as possible. If you fall off, there are some tunnels you can go through that lead to a ramp, that leads to the goal. Secrets : UPDATE: You can get the three banana bunches by transferring to the 0.5 near the end of the path. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B14 Name : Swirl Description: A couple platforms linked together by a large swirl. How-To : Go around the swirl, but not too fast, then roll to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can try to hop over the 0.5 walls, but if you jump an even number of rails (as opposed to odd), you'll be farther away from the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B15 Name : Dormant Pits Description: A big circular platform with several holes. All of the holes have either inward or outward slopes on the edges, but all the holes have banana bunches over them. There are four switches; two fast forwards, one play, and one pause. Pressing a movement switch swings the stage around. How-To : You can just go for the goal, or use the switches to get the banana bunches first. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B16 Name : Composition Description: Lots of height changes, ramps, and two storeys in this level. How-To : Follow the blue line the entire time. That's it. It doesn't matter which fork in the road you take, it'll lead you to the same place. Secrets : At the end of the building like area, you can roll on the wall all the way to get three banana bunches. It doesn't matter which fork you take, again. Shortcuts : After the first fork, drop down to either side then follow the line again. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B17 Name : Dynamo Description: A small hexagonal bowl in a large one. The goal sits on the ridge of the big one. Banana bunches are near the top of the big one. How-To : Get enough momentum to jump out of the small bowl, and repeat on the large one to get to the goal on the ridge. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B18 Name : Lunchbox Description: A whole bunch of platforms and slopes that seemed to be arranged like food in a lunchbox, mostly guarded with 3.0 walls. How-To : Not sure of all the ways to complete this level, but here is one: go left onto the sloped platform, then go right and balance on the 0.2 (if you fall off, go right, left, right, left, then follow like normal), then go right, follow the path until you get to another slope right, then go up the next slope to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B19 Name : Gutter Description: Several small gaps in downhill 0.1 paths for you to ride in. There are less and less gutters as you proceed. How-To : Carefully traverse down the gutters, holding down as to not get a bump at the end of one. Repeat a few times and go through the goal. Secrets : At the beginning, ride on the furthermost 0.1 (not the gap, the path) all the way down and you'll recieve a banana bunch. There is also a banana bunch past the goal at the end, but it's not hovering over the path, so you have to go really far out to get it. Shortcuts : You can try to drop from the start to the goal, but it's near impossible, so I don't recommend it. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B20 (Bonus) Name : Rising Inclines Description: A large oval shaped platform with an inward slope near the middle. The bananas are scattered on the middle of the slopes. There is a goal. How-To : Run up the slopes and collect the bananas. The goal is unnecessary unless you want a score boost. Bananas : 50 Level : B21 Name : Slopes Description: A fun level! Big platforms connected to gradually thinning slopes. There are ridge rails the entire level. How-To : Roll down the slopes, but at the final one, make sure you're lined up for the goal ribbon or you might bounce out. Secrets : None Shortcuts : Fall to the right two times to be at the final slope. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B22 Name : Steps Description: Several uphill slopes with a platform to their side. You can fall underneath the platforms. There are ridge rails the entire level. Bananas are in every corner, and there's one banana bunch near the edge of the last 'step'. How-To : Simply go up the steps, but don't go too fast at the end or you might fall under the platform. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B23 Name : Blocks Description: A 5x5 grid of expanding and contracting blocks. There are ridge rails on the platforms. How-To : Wait for them to expand, then roll to the close one. Wait for them to contract, then roll to the far one. Wait for them to expand again, then enter the goal. Secrets : On the very left or right platforms, there are banana bunches. Use the same strategy for the goal, but the far left or right block. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B24 Name : Jump Single Description: A ridge railed path that leads to a downhill slope with a block in it. The far platform has a 1.5 wall. How-To : Line yourself up with the red arrow at the top, then go down the hill and hit the block to get to the goal platform. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B25 (Hard) Name : Exam-A Description: The first level in beginner that would be challenging for a newbie. There are 1.0 paths and sloped platforms, with ridge rails across most of the level. This level requires good self-control. How-To : First, go forward onto the first platform. Go across the next 1.0 which doesn't have ridge rails onto the next platform. Go down the next 1.0, then cross one of the two small bridges to the next platform. Go up the next 1.0 which starts as a 3.0, making it harder to traverse, then go across the last bridge, which is long and curvy, to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : First, you can get a run at the platform beside you and jump the gap; if you go forward after that, you can jump the gap to the curvy bridge. On the second platform, you can jump the gap between the platform you're on and the fourth platform with the twin bridges. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B26 Name : Tub Description: Several triangle jumps on a large platform, and then a shorter but larger version of B22-Steps. The goal is at the top. How-To : Simply go past the triangles and up the steps, as in B22-Steps. Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can jump on the triangles to skip one of the steps. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B27 Name : Sliders Description: A bigger version or B6-Hollow, except the slider does hairpins back and forth while going downhill. How-To : Carefully and slowly roll down the sliders into the goal. The bananas at the tip of the corners are really risky for only one banana. Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can jump from parts of sliders to others, but it's risky. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B28 Name : Spinning Top Description: A large circular platform, with twin circular ramps that lead up to a smaller circular platform, with a spinning top on it. The top has bananas spinning around on the edges of it. How-To : Go around the top and into the goal. Simple enough. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B29 Name : Curve Bridge Description: A long and curvy bridge about a 3.0 long that gets curvier as you go. There are two vertically swinging platforms at the end. The goal is at the end. How-To : Again, just carefully traverse the bridge and make sure the swinging bridges are lined up before running off one. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B30 (Bonus) Name : Scabrous Description: Basically the same as B10-Bonus Basic, only there are little brown bumps everywhere, making it harder to collect them. There are some out of place bananas and banana bunches; make sure to get them, too. There is a goal. How-To : Just collect the bananas. Nothing to it. Bananas : 90 Level : B31 Name : Jolt Channel Desctiption: A maze! How-To : Go straight, go left once you're in, left, right, right, straight, keep going in that general direction, go right once you can't go straight anymore, go in that direction, then go left once you can't go right anymore, and goto the goal. Secrets : At the end, you can get up onto the walls of the maze and collect several banana bunches. But time is a factor, so be careful! Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B32 Name : Inertial Description: A large circular platform with a pillar in the centre. The pillar has a swinging bar connected to it, which holds the goal. It speeds up rapidly when it gets too close to the pillar, so be careful. There are bananas near the edge of the platform. Two banana bunches border the pillar. How-To : Wait until the swinging bar expands enough to be slow enough to enter, then break the ribbon. Not too hard. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B33 Name : Octagonal Description: A 4x4 grid of medium sized octagons. Some have holes. How-To : Go around the octagons at the perimeter, and use the mini map to check if the octagon next has holes. If you fall in a hole, two of the octagons have ramps to get back up. Secrets : The middle four octagons don't have a floor; you have to use centrifugal force to get around them. Right around the middle are two banana bunches. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B34 Name : Sewer Description: Another maze! This one isn't as hard, though. How-To : You start on a block, facing an intersection below you. Take the left path, jump into the air over the wall to your right and go for the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : If you get enough speed, you can rev up onto the walls. You can take different paths like this. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B35 Name : Arc Bridges Description: A huge level with 1.2 bridges that swoop down under walls. The three platforms are connected by really tall bridges. The second and third bridges have no walls to keep you on. How-To : Go across the first bridge. Go across the second a bit more carefully. Line up with the second bridge and go down it, but be careful because you can fall off this one. The next bridge connecting the second and third platforms is really tall, so be even more careful. You will have a choice now: a 1.2, a 0.5, or a 0.2. The thinner the bridge, the better the banana reward. After crossing them, go for the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B36 Name : Veer Field Description: A large level with incredibly steep slopes and wavy floors. How-To : Go carefully down the steep slope, repeat for the next three slopes, go straight, turn left, over the humps (which have bananas and a banana bunch over them), turn left and go through the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : Same thing as B21-Slopes: drop down two floors to the right and you'll be closer to the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B37 (Hard) Name : Teeter Description: Three seesaw floors all with different obstactles on them. Quite tricky. How-To : Go across the first seesaw, which is a curving path. The second is raised diamonds in the floor. The third is raised diamonds and holes. If you fall off a seesaw or fall through one of the holes, there is a floor beneath you for you to get back up. Once you pass all three floors, there is the goal and four banana bunches. Nice. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B38 Name : Stream Description: Several moving paths that look like streams. There are giant blocks seperating each stream. There are bananas in every pause. There are fast streams near the goal. How-To : Go in a zig-zag motion to get to the goal. Careful of the fast streams, though. Secrets : In the corners of the level, there are banana bunches. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B39 (Hard) Name : Catwalk Description: Very thin paths to cross. There are very subtle ridges on the paths (except the 0.1 though). How-To : First up: 0.7. Second beam: 0.4. Final: 0.2. You basically need skill to get on the paths. Secrets : When you start, go to the path on your right. It's a 0.1! If you can cross it, you will recieve seventy bananas! Shortcuts : When you start, go to the path on your right. It's a 0.1! If you can cross it, you will be right at the goal! Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : B40 (Final) Name : Catapult Description: There's a huge slope, and a bar at the bottom that will launch you up. Careful of the bars on the side! How-To : Get launched by the bar thingy and line yourself up with the bananas when coming down. Go down the ramp and into the goal. Secrets : If you get hit by the bar thingy at exactly 57.00, you will go flying so fast if you hit a bar you will be lauched like a mile up. Anyways, if you get to the very top of the slope, you can hit one out of three banana bunches, awarding you eleven bananas (there's a banana hiding behind it). Shortcuts : None If you beat Beginner without using a continue, then congratulations because you made it to the Beginner Extra levels! They're a bit trickier, but they're still easy. If not, enter your name in the high score list if you made it in, and try again! Level : BEX1 Name : Blur Bridge Description: Confusion to the human eye, there are swinging platforms that expand in a blurry fashion when they get enough momentum. How-To : Carefully balance on the platforms, and get to the other side. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX2 Name : Hitter Description: A spinning metal wall with the goal in the middle of it. Bananas are on the far side of the platform. How-To : Wait for the hitter to slow down, then travel through the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX3 Name : AV Logo Description: The AV logo, which rocks around in a spiral. Bananas are in hard to reach places. How-To : Roll between the 'a' and the 'v', turn a hairpin right and go through the goal. Secrets : If you go to the middle of the 'a', you can collect a banana bunch. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX4 Name : Rhombus Description: A rhombus with mini rhombus shaped holes through it. How-To : Just go over the holes, collect a few bananas, and go to the goal. You cannot fall through the holes. Secrets : If you go to the points of the rhombus, you can collect a banana bunch on either side. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX5 Name : Buoy Description: A floating and sinking circular buoy. The goal is on the top. There are bananas around the edges of the buoy. How-To : Wait until the buoy sinks into the ground, then roll to the goal. Secrets : Among the bananas of the buoy, there's a banana bunch. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX6 (Hard) Name : Conveyers Description: A platform with really fast conveyer belts on them. How-To : Hold up the whole time. Or you're hooped. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX7 Name : Bumpy Check Description: A harder version of B7-Bumpy. In the middle, there are holes arranged in a checker form. How-To : Go around the edge of the level to be safe. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX8 Name : Alternative Description: In my opinion, the most boring level in the game. A path that leads to eight alternating blocks. How-To : Wait until a block comes to you, go across the others when they're lined up, go to goal. Watch out for the fast forward switch which speeds up the blocks. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX9 Name : Junction Description: A straightforward path that has several junctions, but they all lead to the same place. How-To : Just carefully go across the path. Secrets : On the green goal path, near the middle is a path to a diamond that leads nowhere except for two banana bunches on the peaks. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : You know the platform you start on? Go to the first grey/blue/black line, turn around at full blast and you should bounce twice onto another junction path. Go across it and enter the green goal. Red Goal : None Level : BEX10 Name : Bead Screen Description: A large set of swinging bars that eventually over time line up. There are five switches on the first platform. How-To : Wait for the bars to line up, then hit the pause button. Roll across the bars to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX11 Name : Coil Ramp Description: A huge ramp that eventually curves into a giant bank and goes downhill. Every millisecond counts! How-To : Go down the ramp at full speed! Watch out for the bumpers and be careful with the banks, especially at the end! Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can drop down to the right a couple times and skip a coil or two. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX12 Name : Millefeuille Description: A maze of raised blocks. How-To : On your right, enter through the middle of the blocks. Go right when you hit a higher set, hairpin left, turn right and enter the goal. Secrets : In the corners of the maze, there are banana bunches. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX13 Name : Waver Description: A series of waving platforms that eventually get smaller. How-To : Simply go along the wavers, but be careful near the end where it gets really small. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : After the 1.0 waver at the end, there is an optional 0.5 waver. At the end of it holds the green goal. Red Goal : None Level : BEX14 Name : Fat Seesaw Description: A huge seesaw with bananas all over it. The goal is on the other side. How-To : Go really fast, collect the banana bunch, and you should be at the other side. Careful of the bumpers on the goal platform. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX15 Name : Treads Description: A large box of walls with long paths of stairs connected to the walls. There are openings from the second to final stair set. The stairs gradually get thinner. How-To : Just carefully and slowly go down each tread. The last one is a 1.0, so be extra careful on that one. Secrets : Really high up (and I mean seriously high) at the end the second last tread, is a banana bunch. You either have to take the shortcuts, or go really fast and wish for the best. Shortcuts : From the start, drop off to the left. You'll be at the last tread. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX16 Name : Fluctuation Description: A harder version of B9-Floaters. There are like a hundred more floaters, the platform is smaller, and so are the floaters. How-To : Same as B9-Floaters, except at the end, you have to wait for the floaters at the goal to lift first. Secrets : Same as B9-Floaters, except the banana floater is the one next to it. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX17 Name : Folders Description: A large line of folding platforms. How-To : DO NOT go straight the entire time. Go along the frame of the path, which is a little less than a 1.0, then bolt through the goal when it's up. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX18 Name : Quick turn Description: Several rolling triangles along a straightforward path. You start on a fast forward switch, and there's a play switch behind you. How-To : Hold forward the entire time. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, then you can always press the play switch. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX19 Name : Linear Seesaws Description: A set of three linear seesaws. One is a 3.0, next is a 2.0, and the final one is a choice between two 1.0s. How-To : Go straight along the first two, then go right of left on the last one. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : BEX20 (Final) Name : Birth Description: A duo of paths; the path on the left leads to a slope with a large sphere over it, continuously spawning blocks, the path on the right has a pause switch. How-To : Take the right path, hit the pause switch, go back, take the left path, roll up the slope, use the mini-map to help you line up with the goal platform, drop down, go through the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None 4. Advanced Levels [ADVNC] Advanced - 70 levels Extra - 20 levels Total - 90 levels Of course, Advanced levels are harder than beginner, but some are really hard. Level : A1 Name : Bump Description: A different version of B1-Plain, without any guard rails, and a bump partly through the rectangle. How-To : Same thing as B1-Plain. Hold forward, or collect the bananas. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A2 Name : Walking Description: Long path with raised slopes, curving paths, and bumpers. How-To : First go forward over the hills and get the banana bunch. Go past the curving path, past the circle of bumpers, then the branching 1.0 path to the goal. Secrets : At the bumper circle, there is a path branching out that has a banana bunch hiding behind a bumper. Tricky to get, but worth it if you can. Shortcuts : You can jump the branch at the end with enough speed. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A3 Name : Repulse Description: A branching platform leading to two large boardable squares. How-To : Wait for the platforms to come near you, transfer to the next one when possible, then go for the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A4 Name : Narrow Bridge Description: A swinging 2.0 bridge with no ridge rails. How-To : Same as B4-Wide Bridge. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A5 Name : Break Description: The same thing as B2-Diamond, only the second part rises and sinks. How-To : Immediately go around the left or right path to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : Right behind you a small ramp leads down to a small platform which has the green goal. Don't go too fast, though, or you'll fall out. Red Goal : None Level : A6 Name : Curves Description: A long, curving path. There are slopes inward to help you stay on. How-To : Simply go across the paths, keeping a maximum speed of 30mph for safety. Secrets : None Shortcuts : At the start, you can jump the path. Same with the end of the second curve, but the paths are farther making it more difficult. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A7 Name : Downhill Description: A large downhill slalom. There are ridge rails the entire track. How-To : Make sure not to go too fast, and carefully weave around the blocks. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A8 Name : Blocks Slim Description: Identical to B23-Blocks, only some of the middle blocks are removed, and there are no ridge rails. How-To : Same as B23-Blocks, but don't go too close to the middle! Secrets : Same as B23-Blocks. Banana bucnhes are on the far platforms. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A9 Name : Choice Description: A giant guitar with different string sizes. You have to cross the strings. How-To : You have six choices: a 1.0, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, and a 0.1. The thinner it is, the better the banana reward. You must hurry when getting on the strings, or a bar will come up stopping you from getting on anything other than the 1.0. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : If you can manage to cross the second 0.1 which has no resting platforms, you'll be rewarded with seventy four bananas and the green goal. Red Goal : None Level : A10 (Bonus) Name : Bonus Wave Description: Two circles of bananas around the centre of the stage which gives off waves in the ground. How-To : Go around the outer ring of bananas, then go for the inner ring. Fight the waves when one hits you and continue collecting bananas. Bananas : 50 Level : A11 Name : Jump Ramp Description: A long path with slightly raised platforms in the ground to let you jump onto the path beside it. These jumps get higher as you go. If you mess up a jump, there are ramps to get onto the path, but offer you a slower time and less bananas. How-To : Use the blocks to jump to the next path and repeat until you get to the goal. Secrets : Behind the goal is a banana bunch. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A12 Name : Hounds Tooth Description: A checker grid that gets smaller as you go. If you fall off, there's a platform beneath you to save you. How-To : Keep going straight, and if you start to get uneven with the centre, line yourself up so you go through the goal. Secrets : There are two banana bunches beside the goal. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A13 Name : D.N.A. Description: A large winding staircase which looks exactly like DNA. How-To : Go down the staircase. Nothing to it. Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can fall off the edge and skip a layer, but it's risky. Green Goal : Fall off the edge and hold down to land on the layer directly below you, then follow the normal instructions. There's banana bunches on the green goal path. Red Goal : None Level : A14 Name : Building Description: The skeleton of a building with ramps leading up to the top. How-To : Get enough speed to go up the progressively thinner ramps and roll along the perimeter. Do this until you get to the goal. Secrets : At the goal storey, you can go along the border there to get bananas and two banana bunches. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A15 Name : Scrolls Description: Large banked corners which curve in different directions. How-To : Use centrifugal force to roll around the banked corners, always keep your speed, and get used to changing from left to right and visa versa quickly. Don't miss the goal on the last and longest scroll! Secrets : If you hit the goal ribbon at the right spot with enough speed, you'll fly past it and get the banana bunch. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A16 Name : Cliff Description: A 1.0 connected to a wall on the left side, exposing the other side. The paths change their angle slightly as you proceed. How-To : Never go too fast, and always make sure you are leaning toward the wall. The path is very straightforward. Secrets : After the goal, there is a 0.5 cliff. The middle of it has a group of banana bunches. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A17 Name : Concentric Description: Half of a circular platform with large steps going up to the goal. There are long gaps you can roll in, just like B19-Gutter. How-To : Roll in the gaps, hit the bump, bounce up to the next platform, repeat until you reach the goal. Secrets : You can get the banana bunches by bouncing high enough on the last two gaps. Shortcuts : If you get enough speed, you can jump more than one gap. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A18 Name : Stadium Description: A stadium-like bowl with raised lines on the ground, holes near the top, and a turning ramp with no curvature. How-To : Go along the 1.0 ramps to the goal. Secrets : There's banana bunches on the corners of the goal platform. The edges of the platform is sloped out, however. Shortcuts : You can jump onto the goal platform by going to the top of the stadium, hitting the raised lines and getting bumped onto the goal platform. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A19 Name : Dungeon Description: A maze with holes and a roof, so the mini-map won't help you. How-To : Go straight until you get the banana, left, left, straight, right, straight, right, right, left, straight, left, right, right, right, straight, left, straight, right, left, straight, left in the second passage, right, then go up the ramps to the goal. Secrets : There's a banana bunch past the goal. Shotrcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A20 (Bonus) Name : Bonus Grid Description: A set of bananas and bumpers arranged in a checker-like pattern. How-To : In order to not get bumped and get all the bananas, try going through each row diagonally as straight as possible. Bananas : 40 Level : A21 Name : Banks Description: A curving path with slight banks on them. How-To : Staying as close as possible to the centre, roll along the path. Secrets : None Shortcuts : At the start, jump the path where they meet, and repeat to be at the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A22 Name : Eaten Floor Description: A large triangular floor with small and large square holes in it. How-To : The left side has less holes, the right side has more. The goal is in the upper right part of the level. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A23 Name : Hoppers Description: Two large round bars that bounce up and down on their platforms. How-To : DO NOT hold forward the entire time. You can go forward with the fast forward switch on, or hit the play switch. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : A24 Name : Coaster Description: A large tunnel that goes down in a spiral. There are large holes in both the left and right side of the coaster. How-To : Roll in the coaster, and hold left, sometimes up left, roll across the 1.0 at the end and to the goal. Secrets : If you go fast enough, you can get one or two banana bunches of the seven past the goal. Shortcuts : You can fall directly from the top to the bottom by dropping off to the right and landing on the large platform that's connected to the 1.0. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None 5. Expert Levels [EXPRT] Nothing in the Expert category has been completed yet! 6. Master Levels [MASTR] Master - 20 Extra - 10 Total - 30 These levels are extremely hard, but easily enjoyable. Level : M1 Name : Centrifugal Description: A giant centrifuge. How-To : First of all, never go to the highest part of the centrifuge: you'll fly out. Get to the second last part of it and line up with the bananas. Eventually you'll go through the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M2 Name : Swing bridges Description: A set of three swinging bridges. They speed up as you progress. How-To : Carefully roll across the bridges, and use timing to help you get on the bridges. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : Behind you are rapidly spinning bridges, which are extremely hard to get onto. The second bridge does three revolutions, the third does five revolutions. Red Goal : None Level : M3 (Hard) Name : Cylinders Description: A set of small rotating cylinders, on their side. They get smaller as you go. How-To : Go across the cylinders, using the banana bunches to help you as to drop on the next cylinder on the right spot. Secrets : None Shortcuts : Go behind you, get a run at the first cylinder, and use the bump to jump to the last cylinder, then jump across that one to the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M4 Name : Passage Description: A huge mass of blocks shaped like a diamond. In every diagonally lined up block, there is an empty space to roll in. There are two sets of four giant pillars swinging through the holes at proper intervals. How-To : Assuming your starting direction is north, wait until the pillars near you pass through the blocks. Go north-east twice, trying not to hit the walls, then do the same, only north-west. Secrets : Go north-east or north-west twice to find a banana bunch. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : Go north-east at the beginning once, drop down the hole, but go north so you land on the platform below the block. Go north-west once, then go behind you to find five banana bunches, and the green goal. Red Goal : None Level : M5 Name : Notch Description: A two-sided counter-clockwise rotating version of E76-Warp. How-To : Play this level like you would play M3-Cylinders, and line yourself up when you get high enough to go to the goal platform. Secrets : There is a banana bunch on the tip of the sides of the level. There are also two banana bunches behind the goal. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M6 Name : Intermittent Description: A series of platforms with bumps at the end. They progressively shrink. How-To : Go slow until you reach the main platform. Go full speed, hit the bump, hit the bump on the next one, then bounce off of the one in front of you into the goal. Don't go for the final bump, as it's too small to get any speed. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M7 Name : Long Torus Description: Even though this level isn't as marked hard, it can be tricky. A giant cylinder that connects to two others linked together both at the front and back. It rotates counter-clockwise. There are two blue goals. How-To : Wait around two seconds. Go full blast towards the first part of the torus, hit the bump at the connection point and get onto the right side (as to left). Go full blast along that side until you get to the end, lining up using the same strategies as M3-Cylinders and M5-Notch. Slow down at the end, fall onto the block, use the mini-map to line up with the goal on the right side, not left, and fall through. You must do this very fast. Secrets : Banana bunches litter the torus. They are in hard to reach places. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M8 Name : Spasmodic Description: A long 2.0 path, with three spinning platforms at the end pausing at intervals of half a second. How-To : Wait until 59.40, go full blast and hope for the best. Don't stop on a whim. If you don't make it into the goal but you live, then just carefully cross the platforms once they stop. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M9 Name : Double Twin Description: Two paths both spinning in alternate directions. They connect at certain points. There are two of these paths. How-To : Not as hard as it looks, just get onto the inner path at the right side (as to left), and transfer to the outer one when needed. Repeat this process with the next one, but do the directions in the opposite way because the paths spin opposite the last one. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M10 Name : Clock Face Description: The face of a clock, complete with elevated hour points and clock hands. There are platforms spinning around. How-To : Wait for the non-bumper red platform to come to you. Go to the back of it and wait until you see the goal. A blue platform should swing by and allow you to go the 12 O'clock point, which holds the goal. Secrets : In the of the clock, there's a banana bunch. Shorcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M11 Name : Wave Master Description: A trail of twenty two moving platforms. If you go at the right time, they'll line up in front of you. How-To : Get on the first wave block, wait until the second touches, then go across the platforms at full blast. When you start hitting the gaps, slow down until they line up again. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M12 Name : Fan Master Description: A set of four fans that open and close. The tops of the fans move over the other parts of it when they close instead of the bottom parts coming to the top. How-To : Get on the fan ahead of the one you're on. Roll with the platform when it moves, and just so you know: the parts you can stay on are not coloured, so keep that in mind. Watch the rising and sinking brown ball in the middle of the stage to perfect your timing. Repeat this process a few times to get to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can drop off from the first fan when it's closed to the goal platform, which is right underneath you. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M13 (Hard) Name : Stamina Master Description: Really hard, I've never been able to do the entire thing myself. First, a 0.2 narrow peak which is really tall, with the pole at the end to kill you if you go too fast. Then there are rapidly contracting and expanding blocks, which are small. Next up is a mini, green conical slider, which the goal is at the end of. How-To : Just try to cross the three trials and hope for the best. Secrets : None Shortcuts : At the square corner after the narrow peak, if you fall off about three squares after the corner, you can try to steer yourself to the goal. This takes practice, however. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M14 Name : Spring Master Description: A giant red carpet-like path that rolls out and curls up again. The goal is at the very end of it. There are little platforms beside the carpet to pause on. How-To : Wait until the carpet rolls out and get to the nearest platform. Keep doing this until you get to the end, which has the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M15 (Hard) Name : Dance Master Description: A square platform with a large hole in the middle. Four blocks rotate around the platform and split into four smaller ones, then split into four even smaller ones. The goal moves subtly. How-To : My solution is to wait until the really small blocks pass by you, get squished by them and get propulsed into the air, and bounce toward the goal. Not a very good solution, but it's the best I have. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M16 Name : Roll Master Description: A giant dodecahedron that rolls in the direction of the red panels on the floor at two second intervals. The dodecahedron subtly moves when it's not rolling. How-To : Get on to each red panel on the ground as fast as you can, and this level should be simple for Master. Secrets : None Shortcuts : Making a simple level even simpler, immediately go behind you and hug the wall the goal is on, and the next roll will either make you hit the hole and bounce around, or go through the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M17 Name : Edge Master Description: If you can beat this, then you can probably beat MEX10-Destiny. A set of clustered platforms that rotate. How-To : Watch the blue buttons. When they're pressed into the ground, the platforms will rotate. You must carefully transfer to the other platform when it's about halfway done it's turn and hold back so you don't fall off. Secrets : None Shortcuts : At the beginning, you can fall off the side into the goal. Easier said than done, however. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M18 (Hard) Name : Dodge Master Description: Thirty six pegs that spin around on their respective colored circle. How-To : Wait for the pegs to pass, then go across one of the lines. Repeat until you get to the goal, or charge through and get lucky. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M19 (Hard) Name : Bridge Master Description: A path that starts as a 1.0 and shrinks by 0.05 each corner into a 0.1. Unbelievably hard and frustrating. Also, this is the only secret Banana Heaven world that actually has a banana in it. How-To : Traverse the bridge. You need skill and speed. Secrets : None Shortcuts : Phew, a shortcut! At the right side of the level, you can get speed, hit the little bump, and go through the goal. Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : M20 (Final) Name : Monkey Master Description: A giant Aiai! He slowly swings his head around, waving his hands. You start at his foot. How-To : Wait for one second. Go full speed to get onto the lower part of Aiai's torso. Go onto his shirt, wait until his head comes to a stop, then roll over whichever eye is farthest away from the goal at that point. At full speed, you should make it into the goal, which is on the tuft of hair on his head. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None If you beat Master without using a continue, then congratulations because you made it to the Master Extra levels! They're hard, but not too hard. If not, enter your name in the high score list if you made it in, and try again! I've also noticed that they seem to put many warps in Master Extra maybe to stop you from unlocking all the levels? They're dangerously easy to get most of the time, however. Level : MEX1 Name : Variable Width Description: A long path that gets smaller and larger when the paths beside it meet or seperate. Some of the path is taken out at the end. How-To : Hold forward until you get to the end where the path breaks up. You can do one of two things here: keep going full speed but just ease to the right or left then into the goal, or you can go onto the breaking path slowly by transferring onto the next smallest path and repeating until you get to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : MEX2 Name : Striker Description: A platform with a cylinder-like thing popping out of the ground. How-To : Really easy, get hit by the striker and bounce onto the huge goal platform. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : Do the same thing, only get hit to the higher platform. Red Goal : Do the same thing, only get hit to the even higher platform. Level : MEX3 (Hard) Name : Ooparts Description: A giant... thing that rotates. This... thing has two holes in it and looks very similar to a diaper. How-To : Try and wait around eight seconds and hit the top part of the opening of the hole, and get to the goal platform. I don't know how to beat this level very well. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : MEX4 Name : Planets Description: Another version of EEX19-Sanctuary, only the orbs are farther down. There are banana bunches on some of the orbs. How-To : Bounce down the planets, but just go vertical when you get to the really steep ones, and eventually on the goal orb. Secrets : None Shortcuts : You can skip an orb or two by going horizontal near the beginning. Green Goal : None Red Goal : The orb after the goal orb is extremely small, holding the red goal. Level : MEX5 Name : Sliced Cheese Description: Two half circles the rotate, which look like swiss cheese. How-To : Go through the first large hole in the first one, then get a run at the second one's big holes and pass through. Three banana bunches and the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : MEX6 Name : 8 Seesaws Description: A set of eight seesaw platforms with small holes in the middle of them. You only have to cross five of the eight seesaws. How-To : Get the seesaw you're on to rise on the other side, then board the next one. Repeat until you get to the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : MEX7 Name : Synchronized Description: Two goals winding around a large circular platform. How-To : Immediately go forward, hit the platform, go to the right a little, and go through the goal. Secrets : There is a banana bunch between the two goals. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : Same thing, only try to go for the far goal. Red Goal : None Level : MEX8 Name : Helix Description: A giant half pipe tilted on it's side that curls up in a helix. How-To : Always try to stay near the top, and use centrifugal force if you get too low. Secrets : Around the green goal, there's two banana bunches. Shortcuts : You can drop from the first part of the helix to the goal, but it's really hard, but it's up to you. Green Goal : Once you get to the goal, keep going forward and jump, not fall, into the green goal. Red Goal : None Level : MEX9 Name : Dizzy System Description: A large, spinning circular platform that has two other spinning platforms on it, spinning the opposite way. On those smaller ones, there's three more, spinning in the opposite direction again. On those ones, there are four more that spin in the opposite direction again! (See name) How-To : Get on the platform, always tilt toward the goal and try to get in the goal. Secrets : There are banana bunches on the small circles. Shortcuts : None Green Goal : None Red Goal : None Level : MEX10 (Final) Name : Destiny Description: A rotating die. You start on the face of six. The dots representing the numbers are sunk into the ground. How-To : You face north when you start: it rotates from north to south first, east to west, east to west, east to west again, then north to south one final time. But where is the goal? The giant '1' hole pops out of the ground and shows you the goal. Secrets : None Shortcuts : None 8. Ultimate Levels [ULTIM] Ultimate - 230 levels Extra - 70 levels Total - 300 levels Basically Ultimate is just all the difficulties combined. It only says there are two hundred and ten levels, but they forgot all about Master! To unlock Ultimate, you must complete Beginner, Advanced, and Expert difficulties. 9. Party Games [PARTY] Party Games are fun side activities if you get bored with the main game, and obviously as the name explains, they're a blast a parties. Name : Monkey Race DX Description: A racing minigame. You roll the monkey balls around tracks at high speed, dodging bumpers, picking up items, and winning the race! Controls : Left Thumbstick - Move A Button - Use next item X Button - Change item order Players : 1 to 4, Simultaneously 1 Player - 5 Computers 2 Players - 6 Computers 3 Players - 5 Computers 4 Players - 4 Computers Options : One Course Race - Race any track as much as you want. Grand Prix - Race six of the twelve tracks in order. Earn lots of points by placing good in each race and totaling up your final score. Time Attack - Race a specified amount of laps on any track you want and get the best time or best lap on the track. Scoring : 1st Place - 12 Points 2nd Place - 10 Points 3rd Place - 8 Points 4th Place - 6 Points 5th Place - 4 Points 6th Place - 2 Points - Try to hit the black and yellow speed boosters on the ground, as they give you a massive boost of speed. - You can charge off at the beginning like the computers do by holding down before the race starts, then where the letters to form 'GO' come together, hold forward and press A. - If you're hit by an attack item, wiggle the Left Thumbstick left to right repeatedly to shake off the effect. Mastering this can help you place much higher. - Of course, use items to your advantage. I have some good combos listed below: Super Slowdown: Gravity Bomber and Polygon Ball How-To : Launch normally. Out-of-Control: Ice Cube and Star Speed How-To : Use Ice Cube, then hit while using Star Speed. Roadblock : Banana Peel(s) How-To : Find out the computer players' pattern, best at a set of bumpers, and put (a) banana peel(s) there. Name : Monkey Fight DX Description: An intense minigame where you have to punch your opponents off an arena with spring powered gloves. Controls : Left Thumbstick - Moves A Button - Punches B Button - Charges up big punch R Trigger - Charges up big punch Players : 1 to 4, Simultaneously 1 Player - 3 Computers 2 Players - 2 Computers 3 Players - 1 Computer 4 Players - 0 Computers Options : Normal Mode - Punch your opponents off the arena until the time runs out, then tally up the scores to see who won. Survival Mode - Punch your opponents off until only one player is left. Stages one to three crumble, too. Scoring : Punch Hit - 1 Point K.O. - 10 Points K.O. on King - 20 Points T.K.O. - 5 Points to all other players NOTE: Those are the base set of point rules if everyone's handicap is the same. - Charging up a big punch is a great way to knock your opponents out, but if you get hit while charging, it'll lose it's charge. - If you wait too long after charging a big punch to maximum strength, it'll lose it's charge. - Wicked glitch for Monkey Fight: get a vortex power-up, charge up a big punch with either the B button or R trigger, then when it's at maximum strength, hold the charge up button you're using and the A button. The swing of the big punch will cover up the entire stage, and the punch will stay big until you let go of either buttons, or lose the vortex ability, and it'll have the effect of the vortex. Cool, huh? Name : Monkey Target DX Description: Reminds me of other flying games, you seperate your two monkey ball halves and use them as wings. Fly your monkey and land right on target. Controls : Left Thumbstick - Flies A Button - Opens wings/closes wings B Button - Changes formation Y Button - Changes to aerial view Players : 1 to 4, Simultaneously and Alternatively No computer players Options : Version 1 - You can use items in this version if you pick up bananas and banana bunches, and you can use the nuisance roulette. You fly alternatively in this version. Version 2 - You can use items in this version if you fly into them, and you can use up to five balls at once. You fly simultaneously in this version. Scoring : Points marked on targets - Before taking off down the ramp, look at the wind so you know what you're up against, because if the wind is going 30mph west, and you take off directly down the centre, you might not be able to maintain control. - The magnet and stars are incredibly good items to get, as the magnet sticks you to where you land and the stars multiply your landing score by two. - If you fall in the water, you don't get any points. - If you land on the launching platform, you get one point. - Use the magnet ball power-up to land on smaller, and more valuable targets. Name : Monkey Billiards DX Description: Obviously, a multiplayer game of pool. Good stress relief. Controls : Left Thumbstick - Changes aim/move ball (free drop only) Right Thumbstick - Changes camera angle A Button - Confirm aim/set power B Button - Resets camera view X Button - Displays the ball numbers Y Button - Changes to aerial view/changes power type R Trigger - Shows the ball's path (guide on only) Players : 1 to 4, Alternatively US Nine Ball : 1 Player - 1 Computer 2 Players - 0 Computers Japanese Nine Ball: 1 Player - 3 Computers 2 Players - 2 Computers 3 Players - 1 Computer 4 Players - 0 Computers Rotation Game : 1 Player - 1 Computer 2 Players - 0 Computers Eight Ball : 1 Player - 1 Computer 2 Players - 0 Computers Options : Versus Mode - Classic game of pool. Tournament Mode - Play four straight games of one type and win them all to be the champion! Scoring : Rotation - Numbers marked on balls Japanese Nine Ball - 3, 5, 7 balls steals one point from everyone 9 ball takes two points from everyone Points doubled if sunk in a side pocket - Use the camera angle to perfect your shot. - In Eight Ball, if you sink the 8 Ball and get a foul or sink it in the wrong pocket, you lose. Questions, comments or complaints? E-mail me at xaita12121@hotmail.com. Make the subject something like Super Monkey Ball FAQ so it doesn't get deleted. Don't send me junk like YOUR GUIDE SUCKS or anything like that, either. Peace out, __ __ _ _ \ \ / / (_) | \ V / __ _ _| |_ __ _ / _ \ / _' | | __/ _' | / / \ \ (_| | | || (_| | \/ \/\__._|_|\__\__._|