FAQ/Walkthrough: written by Hyper Knuckles 18 Version history: 1.50 Date created: 03/19/2005 Blocks required: 2 (Gamecube) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hyper Knuckles 18 intro: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys, ive been wanting to write a FAQ for some time and finally got around to it. This is my first but ive done some research on other FAQ's for this game and has found errors and hopefully this FAQ will provide to be more accurate. I will cover the basic levels for Team Sonic and Team Dark (If you wanted help with Team Chaotix, sorry, look elsewhere), controls, but not the special stages or two-player mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of contents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intro Storyline Controls Items Character bio Enemy List Team Sonic walkthrough Team Dark walkthrough Final boss walkthrough Extra missions Secrets and hoaxes Tips, tricks and glitches Contact Thank yous Credits Legal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storyline: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like Sonic Adventure 2, the adventure fields have been tossed out the window and are again replaced by cutscenes. Since this game focuses on team effort, so each team has their own storyline but (for some reason) all play the same stages. Team Sonic: As Sonic would normally be doing, he is racing about some desert without a care in the world. Suddenly, the Tornado holding Tails and Knuckles comes flies in and Tails exclaims that "Hey look, its Sonic!" The Fox genius goes down to ground level and Sonic greets him in his usual relaxed and cool attitude. Tails holds out a piece of paper and tells Sonic to have a look at it. The paper features a fully animated video of Eggman challenging Team Sonic to stop him from deploying his ultimate weapon in 3 days! As per usual, Tails look worried and Sonic is thinking this will be fun. Knuckles relaxes Tails and Sonic races off and Tails and Knuckles jump from the Tornado and give hot pursuit. Team Dark: Rouge starts this story by dropping down in front of a door in one of Eggman's basses. She punches in the code for the door and walks in where she thinks Eggman holds his treasure. She walks to a control panel and flips a few switches. Behind her, a robot comes to life and watches as she drains the capsule in front of her of liquid and stares in horror at Shadow in it. The robot starts to destroy the area and Shadow dives on top of Rouge and takes her out of the line of fire (Rouge is still stunned to see Shadow). Shadow is about to attack the Robot when Rouge stands between them so they will stop fighting. After a few minutes, Rouge seems to understand what is happening. The robot, now known as Omega, wants revenge on Eggman for locking him in the room and wants to prove he is the strongest of Eggman's creations. Shadow can't remember his fall from the ARK and who he is, all he knows is that he is the ultimate lifeform and now hates Eggman and his robots. Rouge figures out a way they can all be happy, they form a team to find Eggman so she can find her treasure, Omega can have his revenge and Shadow can find out who he is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controls: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic and Dark's because their controls are exactly the same. The teams are broken into 3 formations: To switch to different formations (speed is the default for each level) press X and Y to switch formations clockwise and counterclockwise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed, Sonic and Shadow: The best for (you guessed it!) speed. If there are no obstacles and you are on a good long track, switch to Sonic or Shadow and blaze through it. Since Sonic and Shadow are mirror to one another, their controls are exactly the same: Ground based moves: A button: Jump B button: Kick, Sonic and Shadow will do a somersault kick forwards. This isn't very good for attacking. Hold B button and release: Rocket accel, hold B button and when your partner characters are right behind you, release to get a sudden burst of speed. Press it again to have your second character do the same thing. This is good for going uphill from a standstill. If you release B near a pole, it will have the same affect as a blue tornado. Press B near a trail of rings: Light Dash, unlike Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, you do not need to find a powerup to allow you to light dash. Press B near a trail of rings and you will zip along them. You can travel through air without falling too. Aerial moves: A button: Homing attack, jump and when near an enemy will home in on them and do some damage. Is Sonic or Shadow are at level 3, home attack towards a pole and it will have the same affect as a blue tornado. B button: Blue/Black Tornado, jump and press B near an enemy and you will swirl around them and knock them into the air. This can also be used to blow off robot shields and to travel up poles. B button towards a wall: Triange jump, if in a narrow hallway, home attack towards a wall and you will grab onto it, press forward and press A to jump forward to the next wall. Keep doing this and you can cross-large gaps. If you stop for too long, you will fall off (press b to jump off the wall if you want to). Also, some walls can't be used to triangle jump. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fly, Tails and Rouge: These two may look like pushovers but when leveled up, they can be force to be reckoned with. There two are used to fly their team up platforms and take down aerial enemies but their flight is restricted for only a limited amount of time and height. Tails and Rouge's controls are exactly the same: Ground based moves: A button: Jump B button: Thundershoot, Tails and Rouge will soccer ball-kick their team members at enemies and jolt them with a surge of electricity. This attack works best with airborne enemies because it will knock them out of the air and leave them venerable to attack for a few seconds. If at level 2 or 3, Tails and Rouge's thundershoot can destroy small enemies. If at level 3, it can damage large robots. Also at level 3, rings will be attracted to your thundershoot. Without team members: B button: Dummy ring bomb, if your other team members are incapacitated by an enemy attack or are standing on a switch, Tails and Rouge will throw a trio of rings that explode on impact. These are not very powerful but when you're without Knuckles, Omega, Sonic or Shadow, use them! Aerial moves: A button: Ascending flight, jump and press A button again to start flying (there is a limit to how high you can fly though). If you fly in any direction other than up, the energy bar next to your flight character will deplete and once gone, Tails and Rouge will fall and take their team members with them. A button when ascending: Mid air dash, press A button again while ascending to have Tails and Rouge make a quick burst for the sky. B button: Thundershoot, same as on the ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Power, Knuckles and Omega: These are the characters you will probably be using the most in the levels 9 and up. These characters feature the ability to smash through tough obstacles and defeat large enemies and bosses. Like Sonic is to Shadow, Tails is to Rouge, Knuckles (of course) is to Omega in terms of controls: Ground based controls: A button: Jump B button once: Punch, Knuckles will call his teammates and they will start spinning around in his hands and he uses them to attack enemies. Omega will do the same but only with a swipe attack. B button twice: Double punch, Knuckles and Omega will do another of their punches/swipes. (If Knuckles or Omega don't have any levels, they won't be able to perform the next attack.) B button thrice: Rage, this is what I call Knuckles' and Omega's third attack. If Knuckles is at level 1, he will jump into the air and punch the ground and make a small earthquake. If at level 2, the earthquake will be more powerful. At level 3, the earthquake will have giant balls of flame, which will spew from the ground and last for a few seconds. If at level 1 with Omega, the robot will turn 360 degrees wile firing some bullets. At level 2, it will do the same but with flames. At level 3, the terminator will cough up some giant missiles. A button while holding teammates: Fireball jump, as you jump, your partners will spin around you. Aerial moves: Hold A button: Triangle dive, when you see a fan, jump and press and hold A again to get all three team members to hold hands. The air from the fan should push the team upwards. You can also maneuver slightly to make sure you don't land on anything nasty. B button: Fire Dunk, jump and press B to shoot your team members as homing balls of fire at enemies that are equal or lower than the height of your jump (you can't attack enemies that are higher than your jump). B button: Fireball jump, jump and press B to have you partners spin around you as you fall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Universal moves: Z button: Team Blast, After performing enough moves, attacks, collecting ring, etc, the bar in the top right corner should fill and one of you team members will say something. This attack destroys all enemies on screen in a limited radius. This move is great on bosses (except a well-placed third level combo attack by Knuckles or Omega can be more powerful). Team Sonic and Team Dark have different team blasts and each has it own unique side effect. Team Blast: Sonic Overdrive, Knuckles swings Sonic and Tails in a circle and lets fly and Tails kicks Sonic into a frenzy of fast dash attacks. Once the blast has been preformed, the gauge in the top right corner will empty. While it is emptying, press B while in the air near an enemy outside your attack radius to perform the Light Speed Attack (this attack is disabled when the gauge is empty. Team Blast: Chaos Inferno, Shadow breaks out the good old Chaos Emerald and performs Chaos Control, Rouge lifts Omega and it blasts the area with another 360 laser. The affect of this attack is that of Chaos Control that stops time. Time will be stopped until the gauge is empty (which is about 10 seconds). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Items: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As with every sonic game there are the basics but this time, sonic Team has included some new ones. Rings: Veterans, if you don't know what these do, I'm not going to tell you. To newbies, rings are Sonic and co.'s form of life. Take damage with at least one ring on hand and they will scatter and you can pick them up again (but they will disappear). Take damage without one, and your team will lose a life. Using Tails or Rouge's thundershoot when it's at level 3 is the best way to collect them back again. Springs: Another Sonic staple, these will shoot your character into the direction they are facing. If you find some springs in a set of 3, hit all 3 to get a ring bonus (use Tails and Rouge and thundershoot the spring to get them all quickly). How far you will be shot by the spring depends and there is no way to tell which are more powerful. Dash Pads: Introduced in Sonic Advanced, dash pads on the ground will give your team a boost of speed. Ones at an angle will shoot your team in the direction their pointing. Item boxes: These contain an item as shown on the side of the box, the items are: 5, 10, and 20 rings, level ups for speed, fly and power formations, invincibility, speed up, 1up, shield, and blast gauge up (which automatically fills you team blast gauge). Poles: Switch to speed formation and use blue/dark tornado to create a vacuum around the pole and you will be sucked up the pole and be thrown in the direction the game thinks you should go at the top of the pole. You can also rocket accel the pole and home attack towards it when Sonic or Shadow are at level 3 to do the same thing as a blue/dark tornado. Cannons: If you see a cannon that is not trying to kill you, jump into it to be shot somewhere. If you jump into it as speed or fly formations, the cannon will shoot you in a predetermined direction (speed formation is the fastest route while fly formation likes to shoot you high in the air to get items). If you jump into the cannon as power formation, you can change the angle of the cannon, press A to shoot one character and press it two more times to shoot you and your other partner. This is sometimes used to get balloons over large pits. Press B to cancel and spit out all the characters out just in front of the cannon. Switches: New to the Sonic verse, there are 3 kinds of these switches: floor switch witch usually cone in threes so you have to deposit one character onto each switch to get them to work. Arial targets (which enjoy hovering over pits, don't get to close or they will spin and can't be hit), hit these with thundershoot and cause something to happen. Hit them in the right place and you might get a 1up or a blast gauge up. Then there is the pull switch type: for the ones on the ground, get close to the switch with a speed or power character and press the B button to grab a hold of it and pull it back. There also ones in the air, switch to fly formation and fly up to it, press the B button and pull Balloons: Like the ones in Sonic Adventure, these contain an item like the item boxes. Sometimes, they will contain a wing item that will fill the flight character's flight gauge. If there are a long string of them, fly up to them and pop them in succession and cross-large gaps (I think of them as your flight character on steroids). Dash rings: These operate like dash panels but for you flight character. Again, from Sonic Adventure. Spike ball: The spikes are gone but now there are spiked balls that enjoy lying on rails and bobsled rides in Team Dark's story. Don't touch! Its spikes you idiot! Rainbow rings: Pass through these for some points. If the rings are lined one in front of another, pass through them in speed formation to try to get all your teammates through them for mondo points. If they are lined side- by-side, pass them in power formation and I think you can guess what you should do if they are stacked? Pully: The up and down pulleys are back, grab onto them and they will carry you up or down. Hint ring: Pass through one of these and one of your partner characters will pipe up and offer their opinion on how to pass the next obstacle. Formation change signal/gate: The signs floating in mid air give you a heads up on what is coming and what formation will be most useful. The ones with a weird light between a gate forcibly changes your formation (these become rare after level 2). Checkpoint: Pass over these starry lights and mark your spot in the level. These also give the leader of your current formation a level up. Special Stage key: Break open a cage and grab the special stage key and hold onto it (that means don't take any damage) for the rest of the stage to be warped to the special stage. I'm very sorry for not covering the special stages in this FAQ. Power cores: Eggman seems to have stopped turning animals into robots because these are his robot's new power source. Bust open 5 bots (or one big enemy (sometimes)) and you will be rewarded with a power core of a random type. These can also be found in balloons, item boxes, and checkpoints. Goal ring: Marks the end of the stage and you team does a little victory dance. Chaos Emerald: The main goal of the game, collect these by chasing down and catching the emerald in the special stage. Get all 7 and the final story will be unlocked. Good luck, if you do get them all, that will make you a better player than me or else a more patient one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character bio: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic: Name: Sonic the Hedgehog Age: 15 Formation: Speed Rival: Shadow (and sometimes Knuckles) Theme: It Doesn't Matter Abilities: Supersonic speed, creating tornados, rocket accel, light dash, light attack, Sonic Overdrive. Premiere game: Sonic the Hedgehog (Master System) Story: Sonic has always been known as a fast, brave, carefree and slightly big headed hero. He can run circles around enemies before they have a chance to blink and by then, their gone. Future games: Sonic Adventure:Death of a Hero (very uncertain). Shadow the Hedgehog (possible unlockable character). Pictures: (Sonic Heroes) http://www.teamartail.com/games/heroes/cg/sonic_12.jpg (Sonic Adventure DX) http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/images/mag/Features/Pictures/0001806,01.jpeg (Sonic Adventure 2) http://www.sonicteam.com/sonicadv2/0413/shots/city02.jpg (Sonic X) http://www.teamartail.com/sonicx/02/images/027sonic.jpg (Thank you Teamartail,com, gameplanet.co.nz, sonicteam.com) Name: Tails Full Name: Miles "Tails' Prower Age: 8 (in Sonic Heroes) Formation: Fly Rival: Eggman Theme: Believe In Myself Abilities: Mechanical know-how, flying, thundershoot, dummy ring bomb. Premiere game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System) Story: Tails was teased for having been born with a rare genetic mutation that caused him to be born with two tails. Tails meets Sonic by chance and follows him. Sonic allows the fox to stay with him because he is impressed by the fox's tenacity and ability to keep up with him. Tails' IQ is even higher than Dr. Eggman's, so Tails has been very valuable to Sonic because of his ability to make (and break) machines. Future games: Sonic Avdenture:Death of a Hero (very uncertain). Shadow the Hedgehog (possible unlockable character). Pictures: (Sonic Heroes) http://www.segaforever.de/games/multi/previews/sonicheroes/char_tails.gif (Sonic Adventure DX) http://stt.csdprojects.co.uk/dx/dx_800_tails.jpg (Sonic Adventure 2) http://www.sonicteam.com/sonicadv2/0525/illust/tails.gif (Sonic X) http://www.teamartail.com/sonicx/02/images/074tails.jpg (thank you segaforever.de, stt.csdprojects.co.uk, sonicteam.com, teamartail.com) Name: Knuckles the Echidna Age: 16 Formation: Power Rival: Rouge (and sometimes Sonic) Theme: Unknown From M.E. Abilities: Strength, gliding, punching, fire combination, fire dunk, triangle dive. Premiere game: Sonic and Knuckles (as a playable character), Sonic 3 (as an Eggman henchman). Story: As far as he can remember, he has been the guardian of the Master Emerald on Angel Island. The ME keeps Angel Island floating and without it, it will fall into the sea below. Eggman had his sights on the ME so he tricked Knuckles into thinking Tails and Sonic were after it. Knuckles believed him (he is VERY gullible) and teamed up with him to protect it. Eggman then stole it and Knuckles realized that he had been tricked. Knuckles then helped Sonic recover it and restore Angel Island. Knuckles is very strong and not as big headed as Sonic but his main weakness is that he will believe anything ANYONE (including Eggman) says as true. Future games: Sonic Adventure:Death of a Hero (very uncertain). Shadow the hedgehog (Possible unlockabe character). Pictures: (Sonic Heroes) http://www.teamartail.com/games/heroes/cg/knuckles_12.jpg (Sonic Adventure DX) http://stt.csdprojects.co.uk/dx/dx_800_knuckles.jpg (Sonic Adventure 2) http://www.teamartail.com/games/sonicadventure/images/characters/knuckles- small.jpg (Sonic X) http://www.teamartail.com/sonicx/05/images/091knuckles.jpg (thank you teamartail.com, stt.csdprojects.co.uk, ) Name: Shadow the Hedgehog Age: Unknown Formation: Speed Rival: Sonic Theme: Throw It All Away Abilities: Supersonic speed, creating tornados, rocket accel, dark dash, Chaos Spear, Chaos Control. Premiere game: Sonic Adventure 2 Story: 50 years ago, Professor Gerald Robotinic was forced by the government to research and develop weapons of mass destruction. He then (in secrecy from the government) created Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate lifeform. Shadow's past is shrouded in mystery but Gerald's granddaughter, Maria became Shadow's only friend while he was on the ARK. When the government found out what Gerald was doing on the ARK, they came and shut it down but Maria was able to release Shadow in a pod. Before she hit the button to release him into space, she said to Shadow to carry out her last wish. Shadow misinterpreted her wishes and thought that she wanted him to have revenge on the people of earth. The government recovered Shadow and locked him away in one of their facilities. Eggman then stormed in and released Shadow. Shadow helped Eggman to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds so his secret plan could be put into action. As Eggman was distracted by the prospect of ruling the world, Shadow knew that once all the emeralds were put into Gerald's weapon, the Eclipse Cannon, a weapon powerful enough to destroy the world, that a secret override program written by Gerald in his last days in prison, would kick in causing the Eclipse Cannon to drive itself into the earth. Eggman is shocked and comes up with a plan that will need Knuckles' newly restored ME to neutralize the Chaos Emeralds in the core. Sonic and friends to head the cannon's core. Meanwhile, Amy finds Shadow and persuades him to try to help them. A flashback comes back to Shadow of Maria's last words before she ejected the pod with him into space. He then realized that instead of wanting revenge, she wanted him to help mankind. Shadow heads to the core before time runs out. As Sonic and co. near a shine with the emeralds, Gerald's prototype of the ultimate life form, the Bio Lizard blocks their path. Shadow comes in and offers to take out the reptile while the others make it to the shrine. He defeats it and they all go up to the shrine, Knuckles recites a prayer taught to him by Tikal that will neutralize the Chaos Emeralds. Everything calms down and it seems that the ARK is no longer falling. Then, a big crash and they discover that the second form of the Bio Lizard, the Final Hazard has clamped itself to the hull of the space station and is dragging it back to its collision course. Sonic and Shadow then use the Chaos Emeralds to transform into their super forms, Super Sonic and Hyper Shadow. They team up to stop the Final Hazard. The two of them use Chaos Control to get the ARK out of Earth's gravitational pull. This causes Shadow to loose his super form and fall to Earth. Sonic makes it back safely and they all go back to Earth with heavy hearts with memories of Shadow. Until, Rouge then finds Shadow in a military base where the Sonic Heroes storyline picks up. Future games: Sonic Adventure:Death of a Hero (very uncertain). Shadow the Hedgehog (confirmed). Pictures: (Sonic Heroes) http://www.teamartail.com/games/heroes/cg/shadow_12.jpg (Sonic Adventure 2) http://www.sonichq.org/images/chars/sonicadventure2/p_shadow.jpg (Sonic X) http://www.teamartail.com/sonicx/38/images/108shadow.jpg (thank you teamartail.com, sonichq.org) Name: Rouge the Bat Age: 17 Formation: Fly Rival: Knuckles Theme: Fly In The Freedom Abilities: Flying, thundershoot, dummy ring bomb, treasure hunting skills. Premiere game: Sonic Adventure 2 Story: Rouge meets up with Knuckles on Angel Island and tries to tell him that the ME is rightfully hers to keep. He refuses and tries to explain to her why it is important to him. Eggman swoops in and grabs the ME. Knuckles jumps up and punches the ME into pieces. Eggman flies off and Rouge in a rage, shakes Knuckles asking why he broke HER emerald. Knuckles says that he can restore it if it is pieces and reminds her that its not her emerald. Rouge explains that she thinks all the worlds treasures are hers to keep and so Knuckles and Rouge race to find the ME pieces. In order to find more pieces of the ME, Rouge teams up with Eggman and offers to help him find the Chaos Emeralds while she looks for the ME. Rouge actually has two motives for joining up with Eggman. She does want to get the ME pieces but she is also a government spy employed by the president to look into Eggman's affairs and to stop his plan. Rouge dresses in very "flashy" clothing to keep a feminine look. Rouge seems to have a "thing" for Knuckles (and possibly Tails) as we discover after their fight on the ARK and Knuckles keeps trying to deny it. Future games: Sonic Adventure:Death of a Hero (very uncertain). Shadow the Hedgehog (possible unlockable character). Pictures: (Sonic Heroes) http://www.teamartail.com/games/heroes/cg/rouge_25.jpg (Sonic X) http://www.teamartail.com/sonicx/01/images/028rouge.jpg (Sonic Adventure 2) http://www.haslage.net/tony/comics/graphics/sonic/rouge.gif (again, thank you teamartail.com, and haslage.net) Name: Omega Age: N/A Formation: Power Rival: Eggman Theme: None Abilities: Strength, punching, fire combination, fire launcher, triangle dive. Premiere Game: Sonic Heroes Story: Not much of a story. Eggman locked him away in one of his facilities and Rouge activates him while trying to free Shadow. Omega wants revenge on his creator so he joins Shadow and Rouge in Team Dark. Future games: Sonic Adventure:Death of a Hero (very uncertain). Shadow the Hedgehog (possible unlockable character). Picture: (Sonic Heroes) http://www.teamartail.com/games/heroes/cg/omega_12.jpg (thank you teamartail.com). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemy List: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a complete list of Eggman's new and improved (except not the AI) robots. Egg Pawn Series: Egg Pawn: The basic run of the mill enemies armed with nothing. The only way you can take damage from them is if you stupidly run into them. Gun Pawn: The same as the Egg Paws but with rapid-fire machine guns. Cannon Pawn: These have a more powerful gun but it takes a little longer to charge and only shoots once at a time. Spear Pawn: I think you know who they are Shield Pawn: These robots come with three kinds of shields. Metal which can be eaily destroyed with power, stone which will take much longer to get rid of, and spiked, these will take a while. Solid Pawn: These silver Egg Paws are invulnerable to speed or flight, Egg Knight: These gold robots are equipped with spiked shields. These are normally found in groups of normal pawns so go for them first and the others will be destroyed too. Flapper Series: Flapper: Defenseless fling enemies Cannon Flapper: The same flying enemies but with the same guns as the Cannon Pawn. Gun Flapper: Flying enemies with machine guns. Bomb Flapper: These robots drop bombs which will explode after a second or two. Laser Flapper: These robot have an electrical connection to the ground so don't touch. Defeat them by grounding them with fly and then defeating them. Needle Flapper: These flying robots have spikes which come out at regular intervals. Attack when they are retracted. Search Flapper: These robots are equipped with searchlights. They are not very dangerous because they can only see past the bridge of their nose (if they have one). If they do spot you, some more robots will materialize and attack you. Solid Flapper: These silver flappers can only be defeated with power. Rhino Series: Rhino Liner: These trains patrol the rails in and after level 7 and will knock you off if you get in their way. Some will shoot spiked balls at you. Use any attack to defeat them. Cameron Series: Cameron: These are turtle like robots first found in power plant. Defeat them easily with Knuckles. Gold Cameron: Heavily armored versions of the Cameron. Flip them by using blue/black tornado and then attack their undersides. Falco Series: Falco: These are robot planes that you will sometimes see dropping enemies into you path. They are easy to defeat with any attack and they have no mans of attack to you. Klagen Series: Klagen: These jellyfish robots will trap a character that pass underneath them and hold them for a few seconds before letting them go. Defeat them to get you character back. Gold Klagen: These will actually make a run for it after they capture a character and the only way to get them back once their gone is to use team blast. Egg Bishop Series: Egg Bishop: These appear in Hang Castle. They heal themselves and other robots around them so take them out first. Egg Sorcerer: These are the result of you using blue/black tornado around an Egg Bishop. These will cast a spell if they see you and it will suck up your rings. Use blue/black tornado first and then attack them. Egg Hammerbot Series: Egg Hammerbot: These giant robots appear in Frog Forest. Use power to dispose of them easily. Watch out for their 360 attack. Heavy Egg Hammerbot: These are the same as the hammerbot but with some armor which will make them invulnerable to attack. Get close enough to get them to start spinning with their hammer and get out of the way. When they are teetering, hit them to nock them over. Rush around to the head and punch the button on its head to destroy it. E-2000 Series: E-2000: These appear in Egg Fleet. They enjoy raising their shields when you attack them so wait until they lower them and then attack. E-2000R: This is a gold version of the E-2000. They are faster, have a higher HP, smarter and more powerful. Destroy them in the same was as the E-2000. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough:Team Sonic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, welcome to the main walkthrough for Team Sonic, Team Dark will be covered immediately after this one. Team Sonic offers the basic thrill/rollercoaster ride fun that Sonic fans keep coming back for. Their levels and decently sized and their enemies a fair few. This walkthrough covers levels Seaside Hill to Final Fortress and everything in between (except the special stages). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 1: Seaside Hill Mission: Head for the whale island! A rank quota: 60,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A very nice stage in with to break you in with the new controls so enjoy the scenery and keep an eye out for the checkered walls like the ones in Green Hill. The stage automatically starts you running down a straightaway and you gain control just before the first set of rings. Hit the springs with Sonic and try to home attack through the rainbow rings for some points. Land and keep running, change to power formation to grab all the rings (but the automatic change gate probably did that for you). Run over the dash panel to be sent to the next platform and grab the CHECKPOINT here. Use Knuckles so you can get all your team members to go through different loops and grab all the item boxes. Run up the hill and you will encounter the first set of Eggman's robots. Destroy them with Sonic or Knuckles because Tails wont be strong enough yet. Use Knuckles to break the rocks to your left and hit the spring, do the same with the next rock. Here, you can run down as Sonic and reach the next CHECKPOINT, or you can fly up to the dash ring as Tails and get the rings and the balloon with the power level up in it and drop down in front of the CHECKPOINT anyways. Either way, use Knuckles to break the rocks and hit the springs, destroy the next batch of Eggman's drones and break through the blocks. Use Sonic to run down the hill, press B when at the beginning of the trail of rings to light dash around the bend and grab the next CHECKPOINT. Fly through the loops and be shot to the next platform. Destroy the robots and jump in the cannon as the following formations: Speed: Sonic gets shot strait to the next platform. Fly: Tails gets shot high up to the left pillar, fly to the dash ring and hit the dash pad as Tails and try to fly to the balloon which contains a fly level up. Power: Turn the cannon to face that platform behind you and shoot all three characters and grab the power level up. You can only continue if you take Sonic or Tails' route, cross the beach (destroy the robots if you want some points). Use Tails to fly up the platforms and thundershoot the enemy and destroy it as Knuckles. Fly up and choose a character you want to level up because when you hit the dash pad, you will be sent to a bobsled. Hold forward and steer the sled and cross the beaches and get to the end before the timer reaches the numbers in the bottom left corner. If you get to the end before the timer is up, your leader will be rewarded with a level up. Hit the dash pad as Sonic and have all three of your characters go through the rainbow rings. Grab the CHECKPOINT. You can go to the left and hit the springs and go forward or you can break the rock on the right as Knuckles and hit the spring to collect a ring bonus. Hit the spring here to join up with the other route. Either way, destroy the enemies and fly up in the path of the rings to hit a few spring and dash rings to get to the next platform. If Tails is at level 2 or higher, use him to destroy the flying enemies. Multiple paths here: Thundershoot the springs to get the platform to collapse, fly to the dash ring and continue on. Here you can go down and reach a cannon, or up and break through the rocks as Knuckles and go directly to the next CHECKPOINT. If you chose to fall down after the flying bots. Go across the beach to the cannon: Speed: Sonic will be shot to a series of springs witch will take you to the cannon which was mentioned before, wait there for a minute. Fly: Tails will be shot up to the platforms you would get if you took the dash ring route. Knuckles: The cannon will turn back and fire Sonic, Tails and Knuckles into the springs and grab the power level up. If you don't want to use the cannon, continue past it and use Tails to fly to the platforms and to the next beach. Continue to this famous cannon I keep talking about: Speed: Sonic will be shot upwards and bounce off a series of springs and grab the ring bonus, you will reach the next platform, continue to the next CHECKPOINT. Fly: Tails will bypass the springs but loose the ring bonus. Power: The cannon will turn, shoot the trio to a set of springs and grab the balloon with the shield and the blast gauge up. Use the dash pad the reach the next platform and the CHECKPOINT. One everyone has converged at the next CHECKPOINT. Run down the next hill and go through the rainbow rings as Sonic to get them all. By now, Tails should have at least 2 levels up. Thundershoot them all and fly to the next set. Hit the spring and break through the rocks as Knuckles and spread out so you can go through all 3 loops to get all the rings. Destroy the enemies and go down into a room with a cannon in the center: Speed: Sonic will be shot to a set of spring and dash hoops. Fly: Again, Tails will bypass the springs and go directly to the dash rings. Power: Not much, you can direct the cannon to destroy the rocks in different places in the room. The dash rings will take you to another dash pad that will send you to another bobsled. Get to the end and grab all the item boxes. Switch to Knuckles to get all characters to go through their separate loops. Hold forward if the view goes wide and you should be fine. Destroy the robots and go through the HUGE loop. Destroy the robots in this hall (this is a good time to practice your triangle jump). Nearly there! Go forward up the wall and hit the springs to be sent into a balloon with a blast gauge up. Use it on the enemies. Run forward to the enemies that just appeared, jump and press B to use your light dash and get rid of them. You can jump down the pit for a balloon with a 1up. By now, you should hear a metallic ringing, run forward and hit the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 2: Ocean Palace Mission: Escape from the ancient ruins! A rant quota: 50,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hmm... nice music, eh. Anyway, Team Sonic comes flying off a cliff and Sonic starts talking about the sea palace. Run through the path, when you reach the second loop, merge to the left or right to go through different loops. The right path has a power level up while the left and a speed one (correct me if I'm wrong). Center yourself as Knuckles and go through all the rainbow rings. Use Knuckles to break down the door. Defeat the enemies and use Knuckles to break through the ruins and reach the fly signal, fly up to the dash ring and grab the CHECKPOINT. Run down the path while avoiding the crumbling ruins. This is the first time you will be able to use the triangle dive so listen up, switch to Knuckles, jump, press and hold A again to have all your characters hold hands and the draft will blow you up to the next platform. Break the ruin on the left to reveal a spring or fly up with Tails. Break down the door as Knuckles. Defeat the enemies here and go on one of these two paths: Go to the left and fly up and stay as Tails to grab the rings and follow the dash pads to avoid the spikes. Fly to the dash ring to grab the ring box, fall down and rejoin the other path. If you chose not to go up before, take the right path and use Knuckles to break the rocks and reach the fan and join up with the other route. Break through the door and use triangle jump to grab the balloon with the speed level up and cross the gap by homing attack the wall and hold forward as you press A to jump to the next wall. Hit the dash panels and go through the rainbow rings in speed formation. Use Knuckles to triangle dive across the fans and grab the ring and power level up balloons. You can go forward and grab some rings and a 1up. Then do down the path and break through the ruins as knuckles. Defeat the enemies, go up the stairs and break down the door. This is another one of those two-pronged loops. Go to the right if you want an invincibility and the left if you want a shield. Either way, you will get flung to a platform on the back of a turtle. This is kind of hard to explain but jump into the cannons as different formations to go to different turtles. If you use Sonic, that will be the fastest route but the enemies will have shields that you need to blow off using a blue tornado. Tails' paths have flying enemies you have to defeat and of course, Knuckles' paths have lots of enemies. All roads will lead to a final platform with a few enemies. Defeat them all to reveal some springs to get to the next platform. Use the dash pad to get to the next CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemies with Knuckles' fire dunk and continue up the path. The path branches: Fly up with Tails and defeat the flying enemies to get a level up for him and fly up to next platform and rejoin the other path. If you chose to go down, grab the rings and triangle dive up the fans with Knuckles. The two paths will join here. Destroy the enemies and use Knuckles to triangle dive up the next set of fans. Break through the ruins to get to a dash pad. Break down the door with Knuckles and triangle jump with Sonic to cross the gap. Hit the springs and break through the ruins with Knuckles. Grab the CHECKPOINT and hit the spring to be sent to some dash rings. When the view changes to looking at you, hold down to make sure the GIANT ROCK DOESN'T RUN YOU DOWN! When you go through your first loop, tile the control stick slightly down to the left to make it through the loop. Keep running from the next two rocks that start to chase you. You can also try to grab the speed up balloon to help you a bit. Fly off the dash pad and run up the steps to get to the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Egg Hawk HP: 50 A rank time: 1:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first boss battle in this game and it is pretty simple, but get used to the controls first. You start down a long runway, grab the rings and avoid his erratic lasers. Eventually when you reach a beach, he might land and you can use Knuckles to attack him. Since Knuckles isn't very powerful, Eggman will probably get away before you can deal him 50 damage. Chase him down and do it again. If you get a team blast, get close to Eggman and use it. You can also break open the boxes and defeat the enemies and find some levels up for your characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 3: Grand Metropolis Mission: Rescue the city under the control of Eggman! A rank quota: 60,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the introduction of Team Sonic coming to this industrial city, you will start this level by running down a hill; watch as you hit a boost pad and get shot to the pathway. You gain control after you fall onto the blue pathway. Unlike normal pathways, this one is moving forward so your speed is nearly doubled. Run through the loop and down the pathway, defeat the two enemies (there is nothing in the boxes) and run up the hill, jump at the end and snag the balloon with a speed level up. Use Sonic to home attack across the enemies. When on the other side, use Knuckles to defeat the new turtle robot. Only use Knuckles because Sonic cannot defeat it unless he is at level 3. After you defeat the turtle robot, the pathway will be restored so you can move on. Defeat the enemy here and continue. Grab the CHECKPOINT and run down the hill. Attack the enemies here and hit the spring. You can use team blast here is you want and you can get a blast gauge up from the room on the right. Anyways, switch to Tails and fly up to the boost ring to get a fly level up. Switch to Knuckles and try to center yourself as best you can so you can get all three rainbow rings. Run down the corkscrewey pathway and get the CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemies here to get the platform to lower so you can continue. Defeat the enemies here and try the light dash across the rings to the next enemies. If you want, look to the left and home attack that enemy and while your falling to your doom, light dash across the rings and the case will open holding a 1up. Go up the hill and use the switch to open the door. Defeat the enemies in succession to rack up some points and fall off the edge of the blue path. Defeat the enemies to lower the sage with the switch that opens the door. Keep defeating the enemies and get the speed level up. Hit the springs and continue. This next enemy has a very hard shield like the ones you might have seen on one of the turtles in Ocean Palace. You can use Knuckles and punch it silly or you can use Sonic's blue tornado to remove it. Once its gone, the door will open. Use the dash pad to shoot you to the next CHECKPOINT. Use blue tornado to go up the pole, defeat the next enemy and use the next pole. Defeat the enemies in the air and light dash across the rings. When up the hill, jump in the air and light dash across the rings to bypass the enemies. Get rid of the one here and flip the switch he was standing on. Go up the pole and hit the next CHECKPOINT. Here is a cannon: Speed: Sonic gets shot directly to a rail. Fly: Tails get shot up high to a platform with some balloons and a 1up. Jump on the rail and the boost ring will direct you in the right direction. Power: You can shoot Knuckles and friends into some boxes holding a 1up. Use the springs to get to the rail. Whichever route you took, you will end up on a rail. Like Sonic Adventure 2 you can grind on this, unlike it though is that to grind you press B and hold it for a few seconds and Sonic and co. will flip on the rail and accelerate slightly, this makes it possible to grind up steep slopes. So press B and hold it for a few seconds and repeat. Have fun on these rails but don't fall off! At the end you will hit a spring that will send you to a blimp with some more springs. By now, Sonic should be at level 3 so use a homing attack to quickly go up the pole. This pole will throw you into some springs and drop you in front of some more enemies. Run down the newly opened path, and try to stay in the middle to avoid the cars. Light dash across the rings and switch to Knuckles to grab all the ring boxes. You should hit the dash pad and drop onto the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 4: Power Plant Mission: Escape from the chaotic plant! A rank quota: 45,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of my favorite stages so lest get started. You will drop into a plant so rush forward and go into that large globe thingy. You will get thrown onto another blue path corkscrew. Run through this and you will land on another, defeat the enemies in this room and the machines surrounding the path will be destroyed. This is another form of the blue path, get next to it and you will float upwards. Defeat the enemy here to have a bunch of platforms rise from the floor. Go up to another vertical blue path. Defeat the enemy here and continue. Break the floating cage with Knuckles' fireball jump to get the fly level up. Defeat the flying enemies to get more platforms to come up from the floor. Fly up them and fly up from the tallest one to find another vertical blue path. Grab the CHECKPOINT and choose a route: Go to the left and switch to Tails to fly up to a pulley. Fly up to each of the balloons and pop them in succession, each of these carry a flight power so you can cross the pit, hit the dash ring to get a fly level up. Follow the path to the next room. If you don't want that path, head northeast and go into another of those globes. Defeat the enemy here to lower the box behind you that has a switch that will make the pole rise. Go up it and grind the rail to meet up with the other path in this room. Defeat the enemies here to lower a cage with a switch in it that will make another pole rise. Take it and defeat the turtle robot here. Watch as the platforms come out of the walls in this HUGE room. I'm only going to cover the high route. Use Tails to jump across the platforms and reach the upper platform. Grab the pulley to be taken to an even higher platform. Fly to the rail ahead of you and grind down, jump to the rail on the right and continue. Hit the springs and hit the dash pad to be sent to what I call a screw elevator. Many enemies and balloons will appear as the elevator goes up so once the elevator stops, defeat the enemies to get the elevator moving again. Once at the top, defeat the turtle robot here to open the path to another globe thing. Continue through the corkscrew and land on the next platform with a CHECKPOINT. Pass over it with anyone but Sonic because if you light dash on these rings, you will pop a balloon with a speed level up. Defeat/ignore the robot here and go up the vertical blue path. Use Tails to grab one of the pulleys and follow the path. Use Knuckles to punch through the fireballs and get rid of them. Destroy the enemies here to make a vertical blue path appear. Defeat the enemies here to raise some platforms. Watch where the orange shadows are on this next vertical blue path because if you float near them, you will get burned. Avoid them and defeat the turtle robot, hit the dash panels and use Tails to defeat this enemy that will make 1 platform appear. Fly up it to get to another huge room. Home attack the enemies in the air to make a platform come out of the wall for you to stand on. Do the same thing with the other enemies and use thundershoot to destroy the flying robots and show another platform. Up here, defeat the flying robot to lower the cage with a spring in it, use it to reach another rail, jump to the next and (if Sonic is at level 3) use Sonic's homing attack to use the pole and get over the fireballs. Use the dash pad to get to another screw elevator. At the top, defeat the enemy and run down to a giant globe. Grab the rings as you fall and defeat the turtle robot here to open a vertical blue path. Hit the CHECKPOINT here. Hit the dash pad to be sent to the final challenge of this stage: the energy storage tank. Widely considered to be the most annoying obstacle of the game, I found it quite simple if you know what to do. After entering it, switch immediately to fly formation and use the dash rings to get to the higher platforms. Once you run out of dash rings, home attack the enemies here and light dash across the rings at the end. Now you can either use Tails to fly up to the dash ring or use Sonic to attack the enemies and get to the lower dash ring. When you see the barrier, don't panic! Use Sonic and home attack the enemy to disable the barrier. I find the easiest way to grab this pulley is to home attack the barrier item box and you will grab the pulley. On the next platform, Use Tails to fly up to the spring and be bounced to another pulley. Use thundershoot to destroy the flying enemies here and lower the cage with a spring in it to get you out of here. Hit it and run forward to the goal ring. That was a long stage! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Trapped! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Rose finally catches up to Team Sonic and Amy is insisting that Sonic marry her, Sonic refuses, Cream and Cheese accuse Sonic of chaonapping Cheese's friend Chocola. Big demands for Froggy and the battle ensues. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Team Rose HP:N/A A rank quota: 0:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sonic Team must have been high on something when they invented these bosses because these are one of the dumbest AI you will face. The way this works is that you're facing the whole of Team Rose. The mechanics of this is that when you get hit, of course you lose your rings, but Team Rose (being the little persistent buggers that they are) will try to hit you again before you get your rings back. If you get hit without any rings, your character will be thrown back and will most likely fall off and you will lose that character. If you don't fall off after being hit without any rings, you will be immobile for about 4 seconds. The best way to win is to use thundershoot Team Rose off the platform. Once the whole of Team Rose has gone bye, bye, Team Sonic wins and sometimes Sonic will say: "Marriage? No Way!" Looks like he could use some marriage counseling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 5: Casino Park Mission: Blast through the giant theme park! A rank quota: 40,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another one of my favorite levels. Team Sonic will walk in and Sonic will voice his opinion on his lovesick girlfriend and Knuckles will complain about how bright it is and Tails is of course worried because he tells Sonic that they only have 24 hours left to stop Eggman. This stage starts with you being bounced off some springs and in front of a cannon. It won't matter which formation you choose because they're all the same. When you land on the pinball table, Team Sonic turn into balls that you can slightly affect the direction of if you press left or right. Use the A button to flip both flippers and try to bet yourself up to the top of the table. Brake through these blocks (they take 1 hit each) and land on the platform with Eggman's firs set of robots. Wait for Knuckles to join you because if he doesn't, and you switch to him, you will go back to the table where he is. Wait a few seconds and he will appear; now you can use him to defeat the enemies. Use homing attack to home in on the balls and get to the next platform. Hit the switch and light dash across the rings that appear. Defeat the turtle robot here and open the door with the switch to the right of the door. Break through the glass using Knuckles' fire dunk and you will fall onto a downward-sloped table that will channel you onto another table. Try to make your way up the table using the flippers and dash pads to reach the top of the table by an opening on the top right. Use the flippers here to shoot you down the tunnel and onto flat ground (don't worry if you fall into the gutter, just follow the path and you will find a cannon to shoot you back onto the table). Break the boxes with Knuckles and grab the invincibility. Use the springs outside the alcove at go up. Defeat the enemies and punch through the target with Knuckles to get yourself kicked to a channel. You won't be able to move so watch as you go through a roulette table and land on one of the two channels. They both lead to the same table. Again, try to reach to reach the top. Touch the hit ring to hear a bit about the ring bonuses in the slot machines on the tables. If you get yourself in the giant slot machines, switch characters and get that one into it as well and do the same with the third. If you get the right combination of reels matching, you will get a ring bonus x3, and x2 if you have 2 characters in it. Back to the level, use the balls to bounce yourself to the dice and jump onto the table. Maneuver yourself to the right and break through the blocks covering the exit chute. Fall down and defeat the enemies here. Use Tails to grab hold of those pull switches in mid-air. Go through the doors and destroy the jellyfish robot. These robots will capture one of your characters and hold them hostage for a while. Defeat the robot to free your teammate but it will eventually let them go. Use Knuckles to break the glass and fall down. Defeat the enemies here and fly up to the platform with the next CHECKPOINT. Use Knuckles to punch the target here and run up the wall and to the next platform. Use Sonic in the cannon ahead of you because he will get all 3 of your characters into the slot machine automatically. Use the channel on the left and right of the slot machine to get to the upper pinball table and go up one of the side channels to the top of this table. Don't fall through the hole but go down and pass over the switch that is just above the big slot machine. Go back down to the main table and get to the top. Go to the left or right to find openings and land in front of the next CHECKPOINT. Use the balls to reach the next area. If you hit the switch on the last pinball table, you can go up the staircase. If not, lasers will block the staircase. Go to the right of left and hit the dash pads, defeat the enemies, pull the switch above the door with Tails and break the glass as Knuckles to get to a final pinball table. If you did hit the switch, at the top of the stairs, defeat the enemy and pull the switch with Tails to make a line of rigs appear, light dash across them and you will jump in a cannon and be shot onto the VIP table. Here the rewards are bigger but there are bigger penalties if you lose. Once your done, fall off into the gutter and you will land on the last pinball table. Once done here, break through the blocks around the flippers and you will fall through another channel right to the goal ring. Wasn't that fun? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 6: BINGO Highway Mission: Blast down the high speed slides! A rank quota: 32,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This level will be difficult if you have not gotten used to the controls, so if you haven't, go to the challenge mode and practice. This stage starts out with Team Sonic rolling down a table with a few bumpers, try to line yourself up with the ramp so you can get the blast gauge up balloon and go up the middle channel. Up the middle channel is one of the few pinball tables in this level. When your done, go down one of the two gutters. The right will take you to a lower area with a few enemies and the left will take you to an area above that. Try to go down the left channel. When you are at the top part. Use Tails to ground that enemy quick because if he sees you with that searchlight, other robots will appear (normally with spiked shields). Once gone, the door will open, defeat the non-lighted enemy here and use triangle dive to reach the next platform. Grab the shield balloon and destroy the jellyfish robots. Break the glass as Knuckles and go down a short slide to the next table (you might have noticed that it is a little hard to steer your character around tight corners without running into a wall). Here, this enemy cannot be destroyed by any character other than Knuckles, ground it as Tails and destroy it with Knuckles. Once its gone, the case behind you should open, hit the switch and the dice ahead of you will stop spinning. Use Tails and fly carefully between them, hit the CHECKPOINT here and punch the target as Knuckles. This table has BINGO, grab the colored chips and try to make a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally by grabbing the appropriate chips. Eventually, the table will funnel into a channel, ride it down to the next table where you have to use the flippers to get to the top right or left corners. Defeat the enemies here including the new gold jellyfish robot (their not anything special, just a bit more HP). Use the balls and the dice to reach the next platform. Defeat the light robot here and AT ALL COSTS, don't fall between these dice. Down there is a pinball table with instead of a gutter is... nothing. Just fly carefully between the dice and hit the CHECKPOINT. Use the springs to enter the next slide, try to use the bumpers to break through the blocks guarding a few ring bonuses and a 1up. Once you fall down past them, you will land on another platform with some shielded enemies and an electric enemy. Defeat the electric enemy so you can reach the switch to open the door. Use Knuckles' triangle dive to reach the next area. Bounce across the blocks to reach the invincibility. Drop down and defeat the enemies to open the cage, flip the switch and break the glass (you should also listen to the hint rings here. This next slide is more difficult because it's got some holes. If all three characters fall through, you loose a life. The table will funnel into another chute that will take you to another table. You can play around and get into the slot machine (there is also a speed level up in the cannel to the left). To continue, you have to fall through the gutter. Bounce across the springs but don't grab the invincibility. Drop down after the bouncing blocks. The switch below the weight stops the dice from spinning and pull the switch above the weight with Tails. Go up the dice and now grab the invincibility. Use it to defeat the enemies. Go through the newly opened door and grab all the rings you see. Don't use the punch target but go back out and go up to the top where there is a CHECKPOINT. Use the target here to be booted across a pit. The next section has some enemies and the ground is 6 holes with glass covering them. -------------------- : : y : : : : : x : : : ------ : ------ : : : : : : : : : : : ------ : ------ : : : : : : : : : : : : : -------------------- x: Switch used to stop the dice y: Use this spring to reach the dice Climb up the dice and take a good look at the BINGO card. The best way to do this because the next table is very hard is to go to the left or right sides of this tunnel as Knuckles and have one or your partner characters go into the tunnel. Switch to them and watch as they fall onto the next table. The reason is because if you fall off the table using them, you will switch back to another character and not loose a life (and the A). This table has BINGO and lots of holes. The table will funnel into one of three channels. The middle one will drop you into a slot machine. Dodge the bouncers to go up the ramp and grab the chip. After you make a right. Try to aim down the middle (which is very difficult) because this channel will bounce you high off a spring and use some dash rings to shoot you even higher. "Allright! Arial BINGO!" Hey, I'm just quoting Tails. Try to get as many bingo chips as you fall. When you're done, you can try to aim for that alcove which has the goal ring in it. If you weren't able to get to the middle channel, the other two channels will take you to a pinball table where you have to use the flippers to knock yourself into the blocks guarding the goal ring. These blocks take 3 hits each. Once gone, shoot yourself into the alcove and touch the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Robot Carnival HP: N/A A rank quota: 2:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are some of the best boss stages in the game. This one consists of you going up against many swarms of Eggman's robots. The arena is a circular platform that you can't fall off of even if you try. If you light up the springs behind you, you will get a shield. There is also a blast gauge up in a balloon above you. The first and second waves are a bunch of flying robots, use rapid homing attacks or fire dunk. The third wave has 4 flying robots and 3 robots with spiked shields. The fourth wave has about 8 or 9 flying robots. Wave five has 4 electric robots that Tails can defeat easily if he is at level 2 or higher. Wave six has 4 bomb dropping enemies and some robots with spiked shields. Wave seven has a lot of flying enemies. Wave eight has about 8 jellyfish robots so use team blast on them if you want. Use Tails to hit the springs and grab the balloon with a blast gauge up in it. Wave nine has about 9 turtles and 1 new gold turtle. The turtles are easy enough to defeat with Knuckles' punches but if the gold turtle goes into his shell, it is invincible to attacks. Wait at a distance until it starts charging up an attack, attack it before it can. Wave ten (this is getting really annoying) has a lot of electric and bomb dropping flying enemies that Tails can handle. Wave eleven has some armored flying enemies, robots with metal shields (which will take quite a few punches to get rid of) and some turtles. The twelfth and last wave has a lot of spiked enemies and a new gold robot. Go straight for the gold robot because one its been destroyed, the others will blow up too. Or you can be lazy and use team blast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 7: Rail Canyon Misson: Head for the terminal station! A rank quota: 35,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one great level because you're going to be doing lots of rail grinding here. The level starts out with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles on their separate rails. When going into a turn on a rail, tilt the control stick into the turn to go around it faster (beware: you can't do this on some turns for some reason and it will slow you down). Ride the rails all the way into the station where some gates will slow you down. Grab the CHECKPOINT and defeat the enemies here. Go around the back and grab the pulley. Hit this switch and the lighted rail will change direction. Let yourself fall onto this rail. Defeat the enemies and grind the rail into another switch. (press left or right and the A button to jump between the rails) Ride it and go through the rainbow rings. Try to land on the rails and grind them into some springs. Use Sonic's homing attack to snag the balloon. Defeat the enemies and go up the pole. Use the switch to open the door and destroy the enemy inside. Walk onto the rails and go slow and wail for the train on your left to pass you, then follow it by changing to the left rails before the train ahead of you runs you down. Follow the train and jump off onto the station. Use the pole to go up and defeat the enemy. Light dash through the rings and grab the CHECKPOINT. Jump down past the rails instead of going forward to grab another CHECKPOINT. Use the springs to send you to the rails. Grind them into some more rainbow rings. Just after that, home attack the enemies on the platform just before the uphill climb and break the boxes to find some rings and a speed level up. Use the boosters to go up the hill. Stay on the middle rail because the rhino trains will jump onto the rails to the left and right. The rails will go into a crazy series of spirals but you will land on a platform with another CHECKPOINT. Fly through the dash hoop and defeat the enemies here to lower the can with another rail changing switch. Use the left or right rails, it doesn't matter because you will wind up in the same place. Once at the end, jump off the rail or hit the train. You can go to the right, grab the pulley, defeat the enemy and use the pole to go up or you can go to the left and use Tails to drop off Sonic and Knuckles on each of the three switches and use the spring to go up. Both routes will take you to the CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemies and use triangle dive to reach the rails in the air. Hit the speed boosts and quickly jump to reach a switch that will change the rails. Go up and slowly and let the trains pass you (or you can try to out-grind the trains, it does work). Dodge the trains and take the rail with the ring box on it. You will bounce off some springs that will take you to a high rail. Grind down it and at the end, jump off and grab the 1up. Or you can jump off and get the CHECKPOINT. Use one of the two rails to reach an area with a few enemies. Defeat them and thundershoot the target to raise the pole. Use it to get onto the rails. Both routes will merge here. Keep grinding the rails and eventually, you will grind into the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 8: Bullet Station Mission: Destroy Eggman's base! A rank quota: 40,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another fun but long level. Team Sonic has penetrated the base and are rushing for the main control room before sunset. Can they do it? The level starts with you on a rail and being dropped in front of some enemies and a jellyfish robot. Use triangle jump to grab the balloons. Jump between the walls as your waiting for the platform to level out, you can't stick on a wall forever you know. Cross to the other side and break through the capsules and enemies. Ride the rail to the other side and fly up to the top of the building. Use Knuckles to make the grate collapse. You will fall onto a high-speed train tunnel. Grab the CHECKPOINT and defeat the robot. Break the crates to the right to find a power level up. When at the end of the train, defeat the jellyfish robot and punch to engine core. This will (somehow) send you to a rail. Get onto the right or left rail because there is a spiked ball on the middle one. Keep grinding the rail until you reach the lower platform. There is a cannon here: Speed: Send Team Sonic out to a series of springs. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING UNTIL YOU SEE A PLATFORM! If you do you will fall short. When you see a small portion of rail with a booster on it, press forward and land on another rail with a speed level up on it, this will lead to the upper level. Fly: Tails will be shot upward directly to the upper level. Power: Shoot Knuckles over to a platform with a few ring boxes. To continue, you need to be on the upper level. Defeat the enemies here and flip the right switch. Go to the left and grind the rail here to the next CHECKPOINT. Use the right rail to grind to a pole, use it and open the door by using Tails to drop your partners on all three switches. Break the grate and defeat the gold jellyfish robot. There is a cannon here: Speed: Sonic will be shot to the next platform. Fly: Tails will be shot high up to a balloon with a fly level up. Power: Shoot all your characters straight forward and they will break down the otherwise un-openable door and go directly into the cannon's core. If you didn't take the power route. Go to the right and defeat the gold jellyfish robot. Use Tails and carefully cross the narrow path and defeat the enemies here. Fly over the wall and pull out the switch with Tails and go into the cannon's core. Defeat the enemies in here. There are two possible outcomes here. Go into the cannon as Tails or as Sonic or Knuckles. If you go in as Tails, you will be shot far through a narrow canyon where you can move left and right to grab the balloons. Hold forward as your partners start talking to get onto the high middle rail. If you go into it as Sonic or Knuckles, you won't be able to get to the middle rail, you will have to push left or right to take the lower right or left rails. The advantage to taking the high rail is that you will hit a switch and the rail will be directed down into a 1up balloon. Either route will land on a set of rails going down in a spiral. Don't try to lean into the curves because once the rail ends, you will fall short of the platform. So, just grind normally and the rails will shoot you to a platform. Hit the spring and use triangle dive to go up. Defeat the jellyfish robot at the top and hit the CHECKPOINT. You can either light dash through the rings or fly between the platforms on the left. Use the pulley and break the grate. Jump between the trains to reach a pole. Use it to fling yourself to another. Defeat the enemies here and use triangle dive to reach the engine core. Destroy it and be shot to another rail. Hit the springs to be sent to a bobsled ride. This ride has some lasers and some spiked balls on it so be careful. If you hit anything, you loose Sonic and you slow down, if you get hit a second time, you loose Tails and the bobsled won't be able to jump, and if you loose Knuckles, you obviously loose a life. Sometimes, Knuckles will be knocked off first so when that happens, you won't be able to steer. (oh, and don't be stupid and run into the trains). You can run over the enemies for some points also. When it ends you will be thrown to even more rails. Grind and hit the CHECKPOINT. Defeat the jellyfish robot and use Tails to deposit your partners to all three switches. The one in front of the door, one on the platform to the left and one in the cage across from the door that will open when the robot is gone. Go inside another cannon core and defeat the jellyfish robots in here, jump into the cannon and be shot right into the base that looks like Eggman's head and destroy it. Break the capsules to get to the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Egg Albatross HP: Unknown A rank quota: 2:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 minutes is insane for an A rank. I have never been able to it without using the team blast trick (explained in the secrets and hoaxes section). Anyways, you are fighting a juiced up version of the Egg Hawk with a blimp attached to it. The pathway is wall-less so be careful. The path will split into two separate runways by means of three rails. Go to the first or second rails from the left to grind to the left runway that has some lasers you need to jump and a speed level up at the end. Grind on the third rail has a switch which will make the rails point to the right runway with some flying enemies and a speed, fly and power level ups. The runways will merge again but beware of the rhino trains on the merge rails. There are many parts to this boss and he never stops moving so take out the cannons on the wings and then start to attack the wings them themselves. Then Eggman will drop the wings and make off with the blimp and Egg Hawk parts. Focus your attacks on the back propeller and not on the spiked ball cannons. If Tails is at level 2 or higher, he can attack the propeller easily. Once it's gone, Eggman will ditch the blimp and run off in the Egg Hawk. By now, Knuckles should be at level 3 so try to get ahead of him and use combo attacks and the balls of flame should take him out pretty fast. Gasp! Breathe! I hope I covered everything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Drat, a trap! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic run up to an Eggman fake and it gloats on how easy he tricked them. Then Sonic turns and sees that Eggman, while they were busy fighting him, was deploying his fleet of fish battleships. Sonic (enraged) runs off and Knuckles tries to keep up. Tails looks at the fake and deduces that its not one of Eggman's normal robots. He runs after Sonic and Knuckles and the Eggman fake melts and a robot that looks oddly like Metal Sonic emerges and says that he has successfully copied their data. Looks like Team Sonic are getting more than they bargained for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 9: Frog Forest Mission: Get through the forest where the wild animals live! A rank quota: 35,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I adore this level! The music and the scenery are heavenly. Relax, listen to the music... and get mauled by Eggman's robots that are trying to make this jungle a living hell. The level starts with Team Sonic on a set of ivy rails. At the end, jump off and go through the rainbow rings. Defeat the enemies and go through the loops. When you land climb up the platforms. As the hit ring says, frogs inhabit this forest and when they see you, they will summon rain. The first frog is at the top of these platforms. When it sees you it will croak and it starts to rain, a few fruits will grow. Home attack the fruits to make it to an ivy rail. You can also keep going up the platforms and take a route through a giant flower with a few rings. For those of you who took the rail, keep grinding and grab onto the vine. Jump as soon as the ivy is at the highest point of its swing. Land in front of the frog and bounce up the mushrooms that the rain grows. Get the CHECKPOINT at the top and use the dash ring to cross the gap. Make sure the frog sees you, defeat the enemy and use the platform above it and hit the target with thundershoot to make the cage below you open, its holding a fly level up. Jump to the mushroom to be bounced up and punch through the target as Knuckles. Go through the multiple loops as Knuckles because each loop has a level up for each of your characters. Keep running and make sure the frog sees you. Run up the wall and go through the dash ring, jump across the platforms to reach the next CHECKPOINT. First go to the left and defeat the enemies to get the power level up. Don't use the target but go back to the CHECKPOINT fly to the platform above and thundershoot the target to make some rings appear for you to light dash through. Break the boxes on the right to get the 1up and go to the left and use the dash ring to get to a flower. To use these, use blue tornado and grab onto it. You can ride the flower until it dumps you into the flower; hit the dash pad to be sent to a rail. Or you can jump off just before and drop onto the beginning of the rail that has 2 1ups. When the rail goes beneath itself, jump off to the right to get to another rails with an invincibility on it. On the next platform, go for the gold robot first (but listen to what Tails has to say with the hint ring first. His new voice is so cute). Once the enemies are gone, the cage will lower. Make the frog notice you to make some more platforms appear. There are two different routes here: Route 1: Fly between the platforms to the next area, defeat the enemies and use the flower to get to the next area. Use the vines to get to a platform with some more enemies. Use Tails to fly to the next CHECKPOINT. Punch the target as Knuckles and jump on the rails. Wait while I explain the other route. Route 2: Climb up the vertical platforms and thundershoot the targets as you cross between the upper platforms. Alert the frog to make a platform appear over the lower area. Fly to it and then to the platform ahead of you. Use the flower here to take you to a higher area above where the other flower would take you. Use the vines and fruit to get to a different CHECKPOINT. Make sure each character has their own rail so that you grab all the level ups and go through the rainbow rings. Land on the rails to meet up with the other route. Grind the rails and make sure the frog sees you. Go through the loops and because the frog saw you, you can use the fruit to bypass the lower area. Defeat the enemies to lower the cage with the frog. Let the frog know your there and start grinding the rail. Because it's raining, the ivy rail keeps growing. Grind it to the platform with the goal ring. Now, wasn't that relaxing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 10: Lost Jungle Mission: Venture through the deepest part of the jungle! A rank quota: 32,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my most hated level in the game. The level itself isn't very hard but you'll see what I mean. Team Sonic drops in at the edge of a swamp. Fly up to the platforms above to get a fly level up and a few rings. Hop back down and get ready to face a new enemy. These GIANT robots have about 25 HP so punch it rapidly with Knuckles until its gone. Grab the shield from the newly opened box and grab the ivy to reach the top. Grind the rail. These black frogs are nothing like their green counterparts. The rain they summon is poisonous and kills plants. Go past it to the right and follow the path. There are a lot of new faces in this jungle; these robots have spikes. Ground them with Tails and punch them with Knuckles. Continue up. Quickly pass under the weights unless you want to be a Hedgehog/Echidna/Fox pizza. Keep going through the loop and land on the rail. Grind to the next black frog. Beware of the bouncing fruit on the path and avoid it. Fly up the platforms; continue up the path defeating enemies as you go. Once you reach the next CHECKPOINT, use the ivy to get to the next platform with a hammerbot on it (those are those giant guys you saw at the start). Defeat it and go alert the green frog in the cage. Continue down the path and grind the ivy into a spring and another black frog. Watch and laugh as the fruit flattens the spiked enemies. Go up the small hill and alert the next black frog. Turn towards the camera and thundershoot to get a fly level up. Go up the next hill and use blue tornado at the flower. Defeat the enemies and use the mushroom to get to the next area. There is an alternate path here: Fly up above the structure and defeat the enemies and alert the green frog. Bounce off the mushroom, swing on the ivy to bypass the route below and meet up with it. Go through the loops and bounce off the springs. Alert the green frog to make a bunch of platforms appear. Cross them and home attack the enemy and the fruit to get to a blast gauge up. Grind the rail to the next CHECKPOINT. Use the flower and defeat the enemy here. Ignore the lasers (there is no switch for it) and go to either the left or right to reach the top. Defeat the enemies, alert the green frog and bounce off the mushroom. Land on one of the two rails and defeat the enemies. Use the platforms to reach a target. Punch it with Knuckles and defeat the enemies here. Either quickly go up the tree's platforms and jump off before the black frog sees you or go around the tree trunk, flip the switch and light dash through the rings. Follow the path to the last CHECKPOINT. Alert the green frog to get the ivy to grow, grind it and grab the 1up in the balloon above the rail. Grind all the way down and hit the dash pad to be sent to a platform. You immediately alert the black frogs so quickly jump towards the camera and home attack the spring to be sent to a vine. This is the part I hate! Suddenly a huge alligator will come out of the swamp. He can't hurt you but if he overtakes you, he will knock you into the swamp. I don't have a very good strategy for this so try to swing from vine to vine without underestimating your jump. Eventually, you will reach dry land. Alert the green frogs and use the mushroom to get to the goal ring in the air. If you have a good strategy for the swamp chase, e-mail it to me and I will include it and credit all those who sent in one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Old friends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic meets up with an old friend Shadow and Rouge and a new robot they don't know. Before Team Sonic spots them, Rouge assumes they will get into her way, Shadow is looking for some action and Omega thinks they are after Eggman but he wants to get to him first. Team Sonic notices them and Shadow enrages Sonic by stealing his line. And so, a battle begins. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Team Dark HP: N/A A rank quota: 0:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another team battle. The arena now has some boxes that can be broken as well as a hint ring with some nice tips. Use thundershoot to get the level up balloons outside of the arena. Use thundershoot constantly to win this battle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 11: Hang Castle Mission: Infiltrate the mysterious castle! A rank quota: 45,000 My second favorite stage! Some funhouse music starts off the creepy fun as Team Sonic spirals down a tower. Grab all the rings present (notice that there are 13). Destroy the two enemies that come at you. Approach the sleeping enemy and... ahh!! These pumpkin ghosts are a lot like the ones in Sonic Adventure's Tremble Park download. Attack them once to get them to go away, but they'll be back. Defeat the enemy here to open the door to an exitless room with a glowing switch at the other end. Break through left wall to get a power level up. Touch the switch and... WTF? The music has changed and the castle has flipped upside down? Obey the upside down fly signal and use Tails to fly up and thundershoot the enemies. Use Knuckles to get rid of them. Light dash through the rings and break through the boxes in this room to get to the switch that opens the case. Throw this switch to right the castle. Go through the opening, through the loop and grab the CHECKPOINT. The door here is locked and cannot be opened without a switch. Look back and to the right for an opening with boxes covering it. Break through them and go down. Break through the boxes to find a speed level up. Throw the switch to flip the castle. You will land on a rail on the underside of the pathway you were just on. Grind through the upside down loop and hit the springs. This new robot (the magician robot) is harmless but it will heal the other robot's HP once you damage them. If you use blue tornado, the robot will turn into a mean blue robot (the sorcerer robot) and will take away your rings. Once he takes them, he will disappear. Use fire dunk to home in of the invisible thief/idiot. Turn to the right and fly to the next platform. Here, walk between the torches and you will walk on an invisible path and safely make it to the other side. Defeat the enemy here to lower a cage with a switch. Press it and light dash across the rings that appear. It sounds as if you unlocked that door. Ride one of the two moving platforms and jump into the pit. Throw the switch and the castle will flip back to normal. With the door open, go through and defeat the enemies. Punch the target as Knuckles and ride the rail down the tower to the next CHECKPOINT. Run down the long path here and hit the dash pad. You will be shot into another switch. The castle will flip upside down and you will hit a dash pad and land on a rail on the underside of the path you were on. Grind down and fall off. Go to the left and defeat the robots here. As Tails, jump as far as you can to the moving platform and go to the next platform. Hit the springs and destroy the enemies here to open the cage with another switch. Throw it to right the castle. Before going forward, go towards the screen and hit the switch behind you to make a lot or rings appear. Go across the next invisible path (avoiding the ghosts) and fly above the next door and pull out the switch. Defeat the enemies here and break open the wall below the platform for a shield. Fly up and defeat the enemies here to open the door. Hit the CHECKPOINT. Run around the back of this doorless tower and defeat the flying enemies there to open the case. Throw the switch and you will be sent to bottom of a hangover of the castle. Walk around to the back and go in the hole. Defeat the enemy and start to climb the tower. Ignore the searchlight robots and defeat the enemies near the case. It will open once their gone. Throw the switch to flip the castle. It looks like your trapped here but look behind you, break the boxes and pull out the switch as Tails to make a line of rings appear out the door. Light dash across them to reach a new area. Defeat the magician robot here to open the door. Go through and admire/laugh at the statue of Eggman. Use Tails to hit the target with thundershoot that opens the case behind you. Throw the switch to flip the castle and the statue will turn into something that looks like Metal Sonic. Use thundershoot again on the target to make the pole rise. This will throw you to a series to poles and you will end up in Metal Sonic's mouth (which is Eggman's... you know what). Break through the wall here and defeat the enemies in this hallway to open the door. Grind down the rail and you will begin running up one of the castle's towers (you can see because your running towards the moon). Jump through the rainbow rings for points, grab the rings and avoid the spiked balls. Eventually, a dash pad will send you into the goal ring. Whoa, my head's spinning! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 12: Mystic Mansion Mission: Escape from the haunted castle! A rank quota: 36,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sonic treads into new territory in Mario's haunted house stage and my favorite level. The switches here don't flip the castle but mess with your surroundings just enough to be noticeable and make you go: What? Tails isn't scared anymore so grab the rings and defeat the enemies here. Hit the switch with thundershoot for some points (note the picture of Seaside Hill) and destroy the enemy at the top of the stairs to open the door. Bean the spook that appears and defeat the enemy up the stairs to open the door. In this room there is a door in the center that doesn't lead anywhere and a switch in a case. Go around the back and break open the containers and hit the switch. Go back and throw the now uncaged switch and watch as several enemies fall down. Once you defeat them, the doors that lead to nowhere, open. Go through the door and fly onto the weights to reach the first CHECKPOINT (there is a shield in the boxes to the right. Hit the switch to open the door and defeat the enemies here to lower a laser wall. Throw the switch and the portraits come alive and attack you. Defeat them and go through the painting's frame. Use the pole to go down and defeat the sorcerer robot. Go up and jump into the trolley. In the trolley, you don't have to steer because your riding on a rail but you do have to jump to avoid the lasers and ghosts. You will be flung to another trolley, ride it to the next CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemy to open the door. In this room there is a statue of a skeleton with two plates on its hands and one on its head. Use the right switch to make the statue move to a position that is climbable. Defeat the sorcerer robot on the head and throw the switch. These spider web rails are different. If you're riding one, you will switch to one of the other ones if there is a rail connecting the two, so you have to memorize which rail takes you to where you want to go. Ride the left rail into a pulley. Go up and defeat the sorcerer robot and break through the cracked wall. Ignore the case and break through the next wall. Defeat the sorcerer robot (now the case will open). Cross the fan and break the wall here and hit the switch to open a door. Use triangle dive to reach the door. Go up the stairs and bounce off the springs in the pit. Fly up above the door and pull out the switch. Throw the switch and all four statues of enemies with spike shields will come alive. Destroy them and continue. Defeat the enemy here to open the door to a room that looks like something out of Castlevania. There is a new robot here. It's basically a heavily armored version of the giant hammerbot. To defeat it, get it to swing its hammer 360 degrees and make it fall over by using thundershoot. Once its helmet has fallen off, use Knuckles to punch the switch on top of its head. Or you can use team blast. Either way, grab the ring in the fountain and go up the stairs and throw the switch. Because the door doesn't open, go down and jump into the fountain. The floor is gone so you will drop right in front of the CHECKPOINT. Jump over to the next trolley and keep holding forward to run over the rhinos and make it to the end in 20 seconds. At the end, land on the rail and fly up to the other rail with the 1up. Grind it to another trolley. Go down the tightly spiraling staircase and jump over the lasers and you will end up in front of the next CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemy to open the door and defeat the enemies here. Throw the switch and the walls will narrow enough to use triangle jump. Use it to cross the gap. Go to the left wall and press B and hug the left wall to land on the spider web rail. Ride it and step on the shadow and get out of the way before the weight squishes you. Jump on it and go into the next room. Defeat the sorcerer robot here and use the pulley above the well to be lowered into it. This is one weird place. The walls are covered with some watery grey stuff. Press all three switches by dropping you partners off on each one with Tails. If a ghost hits one of your characters, you have to re plant them on the switch. Once all three are pressed, a line of rings will appear leading out of the room. Light dash across them to be sent to a platform that looks something like this: --- --- --- : S : : F : : P : : : : : : : --- --- --- \ | / \ | / \ | / -------- : S2 : : : -------- S: Speed altar F: Fly altar P: Power altar S2: Your goal, open the case by visiting all three altars You have to go to each one of these altars and face its challenges to open the case in front of you. Go to the speed first and throw the switch. Nice blue room now. Use Sonic's homing attack to move across the ghosts. Pause after attacking one before the other or it won't appear in time and you will fall into the blue oblivion. Defeat the enemies surrounding the case and go to the fly altar. Fly between the platforms and don't fall into the yellow oblivion. Defeat the enemies at the main platform. Then go to the power altar and use triangle dive and again, don't fall into the red oblivion. Once on the main platform, use team blast to get rid of the huge armored hammerbot. If all three altars have been cleared, the case will open. Throw the switch and it will restore the room. You are now outside the castle and its daybreak. Go forward to the only other platform and hit the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Robot Storm HP: N/A A rank quota: 4:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This boss battle is another robot wave survival but you will be crossing to different arenas. The problem with these arenas is that you can fall off if you get hit so don't let that happen. The first wave is a bunch of flying enemies which you can home attack. The second wave is a few regular robots. The third wave is more of these robots but with a gold robot so go for him first. Once their gone, the case will open. Throw the switch to flip the arena and you will land right in front of a bunch of turtle robots. Use Knuckles to get rid of these guys. The next wave is five magician robots, so use fire dunk to get rid of them. The case with the cannon will lower (if you want, jump into it as Knuckles and get the balloons just outside the arena). Jump into is as Sonic or Tails to be shot to the next platform. Wave five is a non-armored hammerbot and a few small normal robots. Wave six is three non-armored hammerbots. Don't use team blast but use Knuckles. The case will open. Throw the switch to be dropped down in front of wave seven. 20 flying robots! Use Tails' thundershoot to get rid of them. Wave eight is two gold jellyfish robots and some rhinos on the rail surrounding the arena. Use Tails' thundershoot to dispose of these guys easily. Wave nine is a bunch on normal robots. Jump into the cannon to be shot to the final wave number ten. A very mixed bag, a shielded hammerbot, one magician, one sorcerer robot and about 6 gold spiked shielded robots. If you were saving your team blast, use it here to clean up Eggman's mess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 13: Egg Fleet Mission: Get to Eggman's flagship! A rank quota: 20,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somehow, Team Sonic stowed aboard Eggman's fleet of fish battleships. Eggman taunts Team Sonic so they are coming to get him! You start out by running down a runway with a bunch on cannons trying to kill you. Watch as you hit a dash pad and get thrown into the air. Land on one of the rails as not to fall to your doom to the earth below. Grind forward and use Knuckles fire dunk to defeat the enemies (don't use basic punches because with all the cannons about, he will aim for them and you might punch yourself off the edge). Once their gone, go through the door and use the pole to go up. Defeat the enemies here and bounce off the spring and jump into the friendly cannon: Speed and Power: Will aim for the platform over there. Fly: Will shoot you to a high rail and a 1up. Grind to the next CHECKPOINT. If you took the speed or power routes, go to the left and into the other cannon: Speed: You will be shot straight to the next CHECKPOINT. Fly: You will be shot upwards to a fly level up. Grind the rail to the CHECKPOINT. Power: Aim to destroy the cannon and then jump on the rail to the CHECKPOINT. Once at the CHECKPOINT. Jump between the platforms and light dash through the rings. Grind the rail and jump off at the very end to reach a balloon with a 1up and an alternate rail. When at the end, you will face a new robot: The E-2000. These robots are sometimes annoying because the first time you attack, they raise their shields for about 10 seconds. The best time to attack them is when they are charging up their lasers but get the hell out of the way when you're done! Go through the door and down the ramp to a propeller that are exactly the same as the ones in Frog Forrest and Lost Jungle. Use blue tornado, ride it and press up and down when your partners say so to grab the rings. When you see the next battle ship, jump down to the next CHECKPOINT. Run up the runway and break through the cannons. Use triangle dive over the fan and thundershoot the cannons to stun/destroy (if Tails is at level 2 or higher) them. Fly up the platforms and take the right or left paths up to the top. In this arena, you face another E-2000 so show it whose boss and go through the door. Use rocket accel to defy the conveyor belt and destroy the ship. Wait for your characters to land on a rail and grind down. Try to jump off at the very end to grab the rainbow rings, use light dash to reach the next rail. If you don't get them, use triangle dive to cross the fans to the rail. Grind it and destroy the E-2000 robot to lower a case with a switch that will start the fan. Cross the series of fans to the next CHECKPOINT. Use the dash pad to reach a tilted ship. Run down it and light dash on the rings and hold left to land on a platform. Grind the rail into some more rainbow rings but be careful of the spikes that the planes drop. Go through to the next CHECKPOINT. Use the propeller, like the last one; go up and down accordingly to what your partners say. Hit the next CHECKPOINT on the next battleship and run forward destroying the cannon and using triangle dive over the huge fan. Eggman doesn't seem to be very creative does he because this battleship has the same layout as the last one (just with some new enemies). Get to the top floor arena and battle another E-2000. Go through and defeat/ignore the E-2000 here and rocket accel over the conveyor belt and destroy this battleship. This will end this level with Team Sonic flying off into the distance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 14: Final Fortress Mission: Destroy the flagship's core! A rank quota: 62,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eggman seems to be pulling out all the stops in his attempts to get rid of Team Sonic because this level is... there's no other word for it, huge. Team Sonic gets blast into this mammoth of a stage and starts grinding a rail. You will hit some springs. Light dash across the rings to reach an alternate route. Grind the rail and defeat the hammerbot here, flip the switch in the cage and light dash across the rings and grab the balloon with the 1up before the platform collapses. Jump down to reach the CHECKPOINT. If you didn't manage to light dash, fall down to the platform and jump between the platforms to reach an area with some cannons. Destroy them and use the springs beneath the rightmost one to reach the next CHECKPOINT. Use Tails to jump and fly as far as you can (grab the flight refill gauge in the balloon to prolong your flight), fall down to the platform and quickly use triangle jump. When you reach the end of the wall, fall down and grab the shield and blast gauge up balloons as you fall. Run to the next platform with an armored hammerbot. Defeat it to reveal a switch that will make a pole rise. Use it to reach a rail. Grind it and go up another pole. Keep doing this until you reach a straight rail. Slow down and jump to a pole in the air. Use it and you will be able to bypass the enemies below and get to the next area by triangle jumping between the walls on the top platform. If you didn't get to the pole, fly up the platforms before the one your on crumbles and get past the enemies to open ways of getting to the next. When you reach an area with some lasers at floor level, jump over them and you will reach a new robot: the E-2000, it's the same as the E-2000 except its gold and has about twice the normal's HP. Defeat it the same way to open the door. Fly over the lasers as Tails and jump on the self-destruct switch and you will be shot to a set of rails. Grind though the loop and if a rail your standing on crackles with electricity, don't gawk at it and switch to another rail unless you want a mouthful of laser. Slow down at the end to jump to another pole that will send you a rail. This is another alternate route. Grind up it and go up this next pole and triangle jump above the lasers and triangle jump to reach a trail of rings. Fall off the wall and try to light dash through the rings to reach another rail. Use this to reach another platform. Don't fall to the platform below but grind the rail circling the area to the platform directly ahead of you. Defeat the enemies on this platform to make a cage open holding a switch. Hit it and hit the target as Knuckles to be sent back to the rail. Grind up it and use the newly risen pole. If you weren't able to reach the pole after the laser rails. Fall down and defeat the gold E-2000R here. Hit the target with thundershoot to start the fan. Use it to reach a platform. Defeat the enemies on the next set of platforms to open paths. Go down the rail at the end and defeat the gold E- 1000 and destroy the cannons so you can press the three switches to start the fan. Use it and do the same as I explained above to reach the pole. Both routes will lead to this pole. Go up it and try to jump over the fly signal to reach a higher one with a flight level up on it. Go down the rails to reach another arena with a gold E-2000R and two spiked shielded robots. Defeat them and pull out the switch on the wall to start the fan. Use it to reach a platform with a armored hammerbot. Defeat it and punch the target as Knuckles to be sent to the next platform with two normal hammerbots. Defeat them and hit the target with thundershoot to raise the pole. Use team blast here to destroy the three hammerbots on this small platform. Go through and grab the CHECKPOINT. Jump on the self-destruct switch and ride the rails and avoid the lasers. After the second drop off, you will have to rapidly change between the rails to avoid the lasers. Stay on the leftmost rail and as soon as you see a rail to jump to, the ones your riding on will end. If you can't avoid the lasers, fly upwards with Tails to avoid them, but you will need a lot of speed here. As the rails level out, a GIANT laser will charge out of the Eggman like building's eye. Grind as fast as you can to get to the dip in the rail and avoid it or jump off the rail to the side as Tails to avoid it and fly back to the rails to continue. Grind down the last self-destruct switch and you will be sent to a huge platform with the goal ring smack dab in the center. With some practice, this might become your favorite stage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Egg Emperor HP: 250 (100 for his shield and 150 for the body) A rank quota: 3:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic corners Eggman and he breaks out his biggest boss yet. Three minutes and thirty seconds is very tight time to defeat this boss so be as quick as you can (or use the team blast trick explained in the secrets and hoaxes section). Run down the runway defeating the enemies as you go. Eggman's first attack is sending 4 sword swipe lasers at you (one vertical, one horizontal, another vertical and another horizontal). Now, if you are far enough away from Egg Emperor, he will charge at you with his shield. Use Knuckles' punches so as not to get flattened. If you are close to him, he will send out some homing missiles that you should dodge. Right now, you can't attack the Egg Emperor so at the end of the platform, punch the target as Knuckles and grab the power level up balloon. If you have a team blast, use it to deal some damage to Egg Emperor and to get rid of the enemies and cannons here (the best time to unleash it is when he doesn't have his shield raised). After that, build up another one by punching him with Knuckles. Once you've roughed him up a bit, he will retreat down another runway. You can use the dash pads to get to the next platform (which is safer) but you can also use the pole and grab a speed level up balloon. Wait for him to back up enough so as not to run into him during your jump and making you fall short. Continue down the runway to another platform. Once you've done this a few times, his shield should be destroyed and you can focus on the main body. After a while, Eggman will explode and Sonic will do their usual victory dance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Gratefulness and... @%#$! run! The Egg Fleet will explode and it seems like Team Sonic has made it safely to one of the unexploded ships. Knuckles points out that Sonic wouldn't have had a chance if he and Tails had not come along, so Sonic thanks him and Tails. Then out of nowhere, Amy comes running to catch Sonic and (as normal) looks terrified and runs off saying hurried goodbyes to Knuckles and Tails. Tails shrugs as Sonic runs into the distance with Amy trailing after him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough: Team Dark ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Dark offers a harder set of levels for the players who are bored of the other three teams. Their levels are sometimes longer (start earlier or end later) and have a bigger range of enemies. Some routes are blocked off and Team Dark are forced to take a more difficult and dangerous routes. Again, this walkthrough covers Seaside Hill to Final Fortress. (you may notice that these level walkthroughs are shorter, this is not because the levels are shorter but because I will abbreviate things by telling you to look at what Team Sonic did) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 1: Seaside Hill Mission: Head for the whale island! A rank quota: 70,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will notice that the A rank requirements for this level are higher for Team Dark than they were for Team Sonic so that means there will be large groups of enemies to get points by destroying them. Seaside Hill starts with Team Dark running forward on the same starting path as Team Sonic so sit back and watch as you hit a dash pad and be dropped in front of a power formation gate so you can pick up all the rings. Hit the springs and fly through the dash ring as Rouge. Run down and hit the dash pad, but there is no CHECKPOINT on this side so keep going through the loop and get to the first bunch of enemies. You can go to the right and home attack the springs as Shadow to get up, or you can go to the left and use the dash ring to reach the top. Go through and break the rock. Here, you can go right, break the rock as Omega and hit the dash pad to be sent to a platform with some enemies and a balloon with a power level up, drop down in front of the CHECKPOINT, or you can go to the left down the hill and wind up in front of the next CHECKPOINT. Either way, grab the CHECKPOINT and ground the enemies with thundershoot. Fly up and defeat the enemies here. Fly up and grab the speed up in the balloon (one of the few in the game) and hit the dash pad. Run through the loops and land on the beach with some more enemies. There is a cannon here: Speed: Shoots you directly to the next beach. Fly: Shoots you high to the top of a pole, hit the dash pad as Rouge and fly into the dash ring and hit the two fly level up balloons. Power: Aim for the blocks on the platform ahead of you for some ring balloons and a power level up. Go to the next beach, hit the springs and use Rouge to fly between the few platforms here. Hit the dash pads and get into the bobsled. This bobsled ride has some enemies you can run down and some balloons with ring bonuses. When at the end, hit the spring. Go through the top dash ring to get sent through some rainbow rings and sent to the next CHECKPOINT. Go through the bottom ring to a lower route to the CHECKPOINT and some enemies. At the next CHECKPOINT, you can go to the left and take the platforms up, or you can fly to the right and break the rock to reveal an invincibility. Use the spring to rejoin the other route. Go up and defeat the enemies as they fall off the platforms to your left and right. There is a cannon here: Speed: You are shot to a dash pad and are dropped into some balloons with some rings and a speed level up. Fly: You are sent into some dash rings, take this route to get to the next CHECKPOINT. Power: Aim for the blocks to the left and right of the dash pad and get a power level up. Then you can take the dash pad. Both the speed and power routes take you down to another beach. Fly to the platform that rises out of the water and to the other beach. Defeat all the enemies on this beach to make some platforms rise. Use Rouge to fly up them, defeat the enemies at the top, go up the hill and grab the next CHECKPOINT. Go down this hill and hit the dash pad to be sent through some more rainbow rings. Defeat the enemies on these platforms, hit the springs, defeat the enemies here and run down the path. Use Omega to break down the blocks in this hall and the enemies. Go down the path and defeat the enemies here. The directions of the cannon here are the same as in Team Sonic's story. Hit the CHECKPOINT and jump into the bobsled. This ride has one spiked ball and some ring balloons. At the end, hit the dash pad as Omega to get all three rainbow rings. Go through the loops and defeat the enemies. Hit the spring and defeat more enemies. Go through the giant loop and hit the springs here to be sent up through the whale island's blowhole. Defeat the flying enemies here and hit the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 2: Ocean Palace Mission: Flee from the ancient ruins! A rank quota: 90,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another high A rank point requirement level so take the power sections on the turtles for the most points. Take the normal routes and no shortcuts because there are less enemies on those paths. You start the level at the same place as Team Sonic so you should know the route to the first stone door. Break it down with Omega and defeat the enemies. Break through the ruins and hit the springs as Omega so you can use fire launcher on the enemies here. Grab the CHECKPOINT and go down the path avoiding the rubble and defeat the enemies. Hit the spring as Rouge so you can get to the dash ring. Break the ruins and defeat the enemies. Break down the door and defeat more enemies. Go up to the left for some enemies and points (I recommend this route if you are searching for an A). The right route has you running under some crumbling ruins, triangle dive to reach the dash ring that leads to the main route. Destroy the enemies, open the door and triangle jump to the other side. Go through the rainbow rings for some points. Defeat the enemies and hit the dash pad to be sent to the next CHECKPOINT. Triangle dive between the fans to reach the top platform. Run down the path, under the non-crumbling ruins, defeat the enemies, go up the stairs and open the door. Defeat the enemies here and go through the loop (the invincibility has been moved to the left loop) and land on the turtle platforms with the next CHECKPOINT. This time around, the turtles are swimming in different formations. The path is again hard to explain. Take the speed routes for the fastest route and the enemies will most likely have shields. The fly routes shoot you into the air and land you on platforms with flying enemies, and the power routes have lots of enemies. Reach the last platform, defeat the enemies, triangle dive up the fan, defeat the enemies and hit the dash pad to be sent to the next CHECKPOINT. Hit the springs and defeat the enemies, go up the path. The higher route has some flying enemies. The lower route has some more enemies, bounce off the springs to rejoin the other route. Defeat the enemies and go up the path as Omega and defeat the enemies. Hit the dash pad; break down the door and triangle dive across the gap. Hit the springs, go past the ruins and defeat the enemies. Grab the CHECKPOINT and hit the spring to be sent to the oh-so-familiar rock chase. As far as I know, this one is no different than Team Sonic's (correct me if there are any changes). Run from the rocks like you did in Team Sonic's story; hit the dash pads to be sent to the platform with the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Egg Hawk HP: 50 A rank quota: 1:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This scrap with Eggman is the same as Team Sonic's except there is a less chance of Eggman landing on a beach (thus reducing the chance of getting an A), and the beaches have more enemies for you to break. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 3: Grand Metropolis Mission: Crush the city under the control of Eggman! A rank quota: 65,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlike Team Sonic who wants to rescue the city, Team Dark would prefer to crush it. Team Dark starts out on the same path as Team Sonic started on so run down it and go through the loop. Hit the spring as Shadow so you can home attack the enemy and get the balloon. Go up the path and jump at the end to reach a high balloon with a ring bonus. Home attack the enemies and go through the rainbow rings. Defeat the turtle robots on this side as Omega to open a blue path. Go down it and defeat the flying enemies here to open another path. Grab the CHECKPOINT and run down the hill. Attack the enemies and grab the power level up. Hit the springs and defeat the enemies. Go up the path and jump at the very end to get to a line of enemies to home attack so you can get to the rainbow rings. Go down the corkscrewy path to get to the next CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemies present and when the door doesn't come crashing down, activate the pull switch to open a door with some enemies. Defeat them to open another door with some more. Once they are gone, the door will fall. Go through and light dash across the rings, hit the springs and light dash through the rings. Keep going to reach another large door (jump at the end of the path leading here to grab an invincibility balloon). Pull out the switches on the left and right side of the door to open it. Go down the path and defeat the enemies. At the end, light dash across the rings to reach a balloon. Fall down and defeat the enemies to open the cage with a switch to open the door. Go through and defeat the enemies. Use Rouge to fly through the dash ring and continue. Defeat the enemies to reveal a switch for the door. Go through and hit the dash pad to reach a blimp with some enemies. Defeat them and light dash across the rings to a balloon. Fall down and go up the pole. Go through the dash ring as Rouge to reach the next platform. Fly up again to reach another dash ring. Defeat the turtle to reach a switch under it. Hit it to open the door. Go up the pole and hit the CHECKPOINT. The cannon's directions are the same as Team Sonic's. Grind down the rails to reach another blimp. Defeat the enemies to lower the case with a switch that will make the pole rise. Go up it to another blimp. Home attack the spring on the wall to be sent to another platform, which is not the same that Team Sonic got sent to (I still can't figure it out). Defeat the enemy looking the other way to lower the platform. Go across it and defeat the enemies here. Break the boxes to the left and right for some level ups. Hit the dash pad and run down through the loops (on the first loop, try to run through it slightly to the left because sometimes you will fall off if your in the middle) and jump at the end of this path to go through some rainbow rings. Grind the small rail and go through the dash ring. Defeat the enemies and home attack across the ones over the pit to reach the other side. Defeat the enemies and fly through the dash ring. Keep going down the path to reach the same area where Team Sonic was dropped. Run down the path and jump just before the path sloped downwards to go through the rainbow rings. At the place where you would light dash with Team Sonic, jump to go through some more rainbow rings. Go down the path and hit the dash pads to be sent into the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 4: Power Plant Mission: Escape from the chaotic plant! A rank quota: 72,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Dark will drop into the stage in front of 5 flying enemies set in an M pattern. Defeat all but the enemy in the top left corner. Home attack it and light dash through the rings. You will go around the globe and into a speed level up balloon. Jump through the rainbow rings to skip the corkscrew path and defeat the enemies at the end. Go up the vertical blue path and defeat the enemies here to make the platforms rise. Fly up them with Rouge and grab the pulley above the highest one to get some rings. Jump off and pop the balloon for a fly level up. Defeat the enemies and continue. Defeat the turtle robots to open the path. Defeat the enemies further along to make more platforms rise. Hit the springs and home attack the enemies to make another platform rise. Go up them and go down the path to the first CHECKPOINT. There are multiple paths here: Hit the springs and defeat the turtle robots here to open a case with a cannon: Speed: You get shot to a platform with a speed level up, grind the rail to the next indoor room. Fly: The cannon will shoot you to a dash ring pointed upward. Drift as you fall to the others and grab the balloons until you reach the next platform. Continue to meet up with the other route. Power: Aim your characters and shoot them so you can grab some balloons. There are some dash rings to get you back to the platform. The other route is that after the checkpoint, grab the speed up and go down the path. Defeat the enemies to lower a cage with a spring, bounce off it and grab the speed level up. Grind the rail to meet up with the other routes. Once you are inside the next indoor room, defeat the enemies (to defeat the gold turtle robots, use black tornado to flip them over, then attack their underside. If Shadow or Omega are at level 3, they can defeat them with normal swipes/home attacks) to lower the case with a switch that will make a pole rise. Go up it and avoid slamming into the turtle robots and defeat them to make some platforms come out of the walls in the next room. Fly to the platform and home attack the enemies. On this platform, light dash across the rings to reach a pulley. Jump off at the end of it and grind the rail. Home attack the enemy and jump to the next rail. Bounce off the springs and defeat the enemies. Hit the dash pad and use Rouge to fly into the dash rings in succession to reach the top (or you can take the elevator normally by attacking the enemies when it stops to start it again). At the top, go down the path into the globe, go down the path and jump through the rainbow rings again. Bounce off the springs and defeat the enemies. Jump onto the spring as Rouge so you can get to the dash rings. Traverse these to the right and reach the next platform. Or go around the spring and defeat the 3 gold turtle robots. Go up the vertical path and hit the springs to reach the platform. Go down the path and bounce off the springs. Use Omega to swipe through the fireballs. Hit the CHECKPOINT, go up and defeat the enemies. Go up the vertical path and take out the turtles at the top. Go up the platforms and go up the vertical path while avoiding the fireballs. Defeat the enemies and run up the path to more enemies. Defeat them and use the platform to reach the next CHECKPOINT. There is a cannon here: Speed: You will be shot to a balloon with a speed level up. Once you pop it, press B to light dash through the rings. Fly to the next platform, destroy the enemy and hit the spring to get to a rail. Grind it, home attack the enemy and jump to the next rail. Go down to the next room. Fly: Rouge will be shot to a balloon with a fly level up. Fly to the chain of balloons with a flight gauge up in them to reach the next platform. Use the balloons here (with a flight gauge up in them) to reach a wall of fireballs. Use thundershoot to break a hole through it so you can reach the next balloon. Fall onto the dash ring and bounce to the next. Grab the 1up in the balloon in the ring of fireballs and fall onto the rail. Power: Shoot your partner characters to the two balloons and shoot Omega through the rainbow rings. Hit the springs here to be shot high up to the rail. Grind it to the next room. All the paths will join here so grab the rings and go up the pole. Hit the dash pad to be sent to another elevator. Light dash across the rings to reach a dash ring pointed upwards. You will pass by another line of rings so try to light dash through them. Keep doing this until you reach a dash rings that will put you on the platform. If you fall, do the normal way of getting the elevator to start again. One at the top, defeat the enemies and run down the path into the huge globe. Grab the rings as you fall and defeat the enemies at the end of the path to open a vertical path. Hit the CHECKPOINT and get the level ups from the crates and the balloon above the door. Hit the dash pad. This time around, the lava level rises at the same rate, but there are more enemies and you have to take a longer route. Fly up the platforms (the dash rings have been removed); home attack the enemies and light dash to the next platform. Fly through the dash ring and grab the pulley. Home attack the enemies here to deactivate the barrier. Grab the pulley and home attack the enemies to reach the higher platform. Grab the pulley and fly up to the spring. Hit them and use Team Blast to defeat the enemies and open the case with the spring to take you out of this hell. The goal ring is ahead of you here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Accusations and assumptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rouge spots Team Chaotix across a platform and starts verbally asking to her teammates who they are. Espio turns around and asks her the same question. Rouge asks what they are doing here and Vector asks Espio who this "broad" is. Espio suggests that they are in the employment of their employer's adversary so Charmy asks if he means they are "The Bad Guys". Rouge accuses them that they are a threat to her getting her hands on Eggman's treasure so yet another team battle commences. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Team Chaotix HP: N/A A rank quota: 0:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This team battle is as lame as the last one with Team Rose. Slap Team Chaotix silly and push them off the platform to win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 5: Casino Park Mission: Blast through the giant theme park! A rank quota: 50,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you start, Rouge will start wondering if Team Chaotix might not have been after Eggman's treasure but she shakes herself of the thought. Omega still has a one track mind though because he senses that there are Eggman robots ahead so he and Shadow run off with Rouge trying to keep up. You start this bright stage by bouncing off some springs. Defeat the enemy and hit the dash pad to be sent to the first pinball machine. Use the flippers to get to the top and break through the blocks. Drop down onto the platform and defeat the enemies. Home attack the enemies and bounce off the bouncy blocks. Defeat the enemy on the other side; home attack the green ball and light dash across the rings. If you fall off at any time, you have to take a longer and more dangerous route. One the next platform, defeat the enemies and pun out the switch on the right side of the door. Go through it and break the glass. These tables have enemies on them you can destroy for points and power cores. Go down the slope and break through the blocks. On the main table, go up to the right to reach some dash pads that reach some flippers on an upper portion of the table. Use the flippers to shot yourself into the hole and fall down in front of the first CHECKPOINT. Use Rouge to fly up onto the die to reach the next platform. Defeat the turtle enemies and punch the target as Omega. You will be kicked to a channel. Ride the channel through the roulette table and take one of the left or right channels when you get dropped. When on the main table, go up to the top and defeat the enemies. Hit the dash pad and don't touch anything so you can land on the die so you can jump into the slot machine. Try to go the right and break through the blocks. Hit yourself into the hole and hit the springs. Defeat the enemies and pull out the switches as Rouge. Defeat the jellyfish robot and break through the glass. Defeat the enemies down there and fly up to the platform with the next CHECKPOINT. Light dash through the rings and hit the springs. Defeat the enemy here and punch through the target as Omega. If you want to get to the VIP table, don't go looking on the upper table. Go to the very top of the table and go into one of the side channels. Try to hit bouncer to bounce you towards the middle, the switch is placed there. It is VERY hard to reach this switch and you might get forced off the table. If anyone has a good strategy to get to this switch easily, e-mail me any I will include them and credit all who sends in one. Once you have the switch, go up and fall down to the next CHECKPOINT. Go up the green balls and defeat the enemies. Those who got to the switch can go up the staircase, pull out the switch and light dash across the rings to the VIP table. Fall down the gutter when you're done. Those who didn't get it will be forced to be re routed to the left or right. Hit the dash pads and defeat the enemies to open up a spring. Defeat the enemies and pull out the switch above the door. Break the glass with Omega and go down to another table. When you're done with this table, break through the blocks down near the flippers and go down the channel. Defeat the enemies to get to the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 6: BINGO Highway Mission: Try the high-speed slides! A rank quota: 42,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This stage is almost exactly like Team Sonic's except for some enemy changes. Team Dark starts in the same place as Team Sonic so roll down the slide and try to line yourself up with the ramp so you can get to the upper pinball table. When your done, go down the left drain and land on the platform. The right drain leads to a platform with some enemies. When you're in front of a door, defeat the enemy to open it. Go through and defeat the enemy here. Triangle dive up the fan and defeat the enemies here. Break the glass with Omega and go down the slide. Hit the springs and defeat the enemies. When their gone, the cage in front of you will open. Hit the switch and home attack the green ball so you can reach some rings to light dash through. Grab the first CHECKPOINT. Hit the target to be hurled to another slide with some BINGO chips. Grab as many as you can and go down the slide. The table will funnel into a channel that will take you to another table. Get to the top using the flippers and defeat the jellyfish robot here. Use the balls and the dice to fly up to the next platform. Defeat the enemies and CAREFULLY fly to the die and to solid ground. Don't fall down because there is a table where there is no gutter, just an endless pit. When you're on the other side, grab the CHECKPOINT and hit the springs to reach another slide. Go down this one and use the flippers to break through the blocks and get to the item boxes. When you're done, fall down past the flippers and defeat the enemies on the next platform to open the door. Defeat the enemies in the tunnel and use triangle dive to go up the fan. Grab the balloon with the invincibility in it and defeat the enemies. Hit the switch to open the door. Defeat the enemy and break the glass and fall down onto another table. Be careful here because there are holes in the table. At the end, you funneled into another channel. In this table, just fall down into the gutter and defeat the enemies here to lower the cage with a switch to stop the dice. Fly across the dice and defeat the enemies. Go up the green balls and hit the CHECKPOINT. Before you punch the target, go back down and look for two switches hiding around the tube things the line this area. When they are both activated, the door will open, this room has a stash of rings. Grab them all and punch the target to reach the next area. Here, defeat all the enemies under the glass and hit the spring. Jump onto the dice and defeat the enemy at the top. Switch to Omega and get Rouge to go into the tunnel (just her) because if you fall, you won't have to start over at the last CHECKPOINT and loose all your points. Go down this slide and be VERY careful because there are lots of holes here. You will funnel into some more channels. Try to into the middle one so you get dropped into the slot machine. After you get deposited from the machine, dodge the bouncer and go up the ramp to grab another BINGO chip. Go down to the left and try to get into the middle channel because you will be shot high, high up. Now you can grab the BINGO chips as you fall for some major ring bonuses. Drop into the alcove with the goal ring. If you couldn't get into the channel, take the left or right one and when on the table, use the flippers to break through the blocks guarding the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Robot Carnival HP: N/A A rank quota: 3:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time around, the old doctor has pulled out all the stops with a huge selection of robots. The first wave is some flying enemies. The second wave is some enemies with swords. The third wave has both flying and ground enemies. The fourth group is yet more flying enemies. The fifth wave is even more flying enemies. The sixth wave is some flying enemies and some ground enemies with shields and swords. The seventh wave is some armored flyers, ground these with Rouge and destroy them with Omega. The eighth wave is a ton of jellyfish robots. The ninth wave is a bunch of turtle robots. The eleventh is yet another mix of flying and ground enemies. The twelfth and last wave is some shielded enemies and a gold one. Get him first and watch as the others go down with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 7: Rail Canyon Mission: Find the entrance to Eggman's base! A rank quota: 45,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first level where Team dark will start a level some ways before Team Sonic. You will start by grinding on a steep rail. Grind it and don't worry about the rhino robots around you. Lean into the spiral as you go down so you can build up enough speed so that when the rail disappears, you can grab the rainbow rings. Land on the rails Team Sonic starts on and grind them to the station. Bounce off the springs and grab the first CHECKPOINT. Go across the rails and defeat the enemies here. Grab hold of the pulley and hit the switch to make the rails change direction. Grind down the rail and let yourself land on the lighted rail. Defeat the enemies and grind the rail here. Hit the switch and keep grinding the rail. Hit the springs and grab the rainbow rings. At the end, jump off to the right and go up the pole. Defeat the enemies at the top and jump over to the CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemy and hit the switch to open the door. Grind the rails and switch to the left set of rails. Go down these rails and jump onto the platform. Go up the pole and home attack across the enemies. Hit all three switches by using Rouge to deposit your partners on each one. Go though and thundershoot the enemies and fly over the gap to the CHECKPOINT. Hit the springs and grind the rails into the rainbow rings. Stay on the middle rail as you race the rhino trains. Keep grinding through the weird tangle of rails and you should land in front of the next CHECKPOINT. Grind up the rail in front of you to the platform and defeat the enemies to open the box. Hit the switch and grind the left rail to the next station. Home attack the enemies and fly over the right or left walls. Over the right wall is a pole you can use to go up and overt the left wall is a spring you can use. Either way will take you to the CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemies to lower the case with a switch in it. Hit it to start the fan. Triangle dive up it and land on the rails. Go forward and home attack the enemy to reach the high rail. Hit the switch to change the rails upwards. Go up them and let the trains pass them or try to out grind them. If you let them pass, as your going down the hill, jump to the other rails so you don't run into the trains. Then you should reach some enemies you can home attack up to reach a high rail, grind it and jump off at the very so you can home attack the 1 up. If you fell down, hit the CHECKPOINT and grind the right or left rail to the next platform. Defeat the enemies on this platform so you can get to the rails. Grind them into the goal ring. No matter how many times I write a walkthrough for this level, it still seems like the level is far too short. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 8: Bullet Station Mission: Annihilate Eggman's base! A rank quota: 55,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another stage where you start out further ahead of Team Sonic. You will be shot out of a building on a rail. Stay on the middle rail so you can grab all the rings. Defeat the enemies at the end of the rails and go across the narrow platform. Use dark tornado on the pole to go up and be flung to a vertical rail. Let yourself fall into the booster and go through the loop. Defeat the jellyfish robot and triangle dive up the fan and grab the power level up in the balloon. The weight here is different than others, if one of your characters gets flattened, the weight will stay on the ground pinning your partner. To free them, use Shadow's rocket accel or Omega's swipes to break it and free your partner. Go up the rails and hit the CHECKPOINT. Pull out the switch on the right side of the door to open it. Defeat the enemies in this room and jump into the cannon. The cannon will shoot you through a tight canyon and onto the rails where Team Sonic started. Grind down the rails and defeat the enemies. Break through the capsules and triangle dive across to the platform, jump off and defeat the jellyfish robot and triangle jump to the next. There are two platforms like this so go to the main platform and hit the CHECKPOINT. Defeat the rhino train on the rail and grind to the platform ahead. Grind the rails and defeat the three rhino trains on each of the rails. Go up on top of the building and use fire launcher to get rid of the grate. Fall down onto the train and get to the core of the train defeating the enemies along the way. Take out the core with Omega to be sent to some rails. Switch to the left or right rails to avoid the rhino train and keep going. Fall down to the bottom and go into the cannon: Speed: You get sent to the same springs as with Team Sonic except that there is no speed level up. Fly: Again, you get sent to the top platform. Power: Aim over there and break the capsules for some rings and a power level up. Take the speed or fly routes to the top and defeat the enemies. Hit the back switch and grind on the rails to reach the next CHECKPOINT. There is no checkpoint for a while so don't skip this one. Defeat the enemies and rhino trains and either drop down, defeat the enemy, bounce off the spring, go down the hill and triangle dive to the pole or grind the right rail to it. Go up the pole, grind the rails and defeat the rhino train. Destroy the capsules on the right and left side of the door so you can pull out the switches to open the door. Defeat the enemies in the hallway and destroy the grate on the floor. Grab the balloons and defeat the enemies here to open the case. Hit the switch in it to make some rings appear. Light dash through them. You are forced to take the long route because there are lasers blocking the entrance. Go to the right and defeat the gold jellyfish robot with Rouge, cross the narrow platform. Defeat the enemies, fly over or behind the fence, destroy the capsule and pull out the switch as Rouge to open the door. Go into the cannon's core and defeat the enemies. Here, jump into the cannon as Rouge if you want to be able to get to a higher rail (but there is no switch on it this time). Jump into it as Shadow or Omega and get shot through another canyon. This one has some spiked balls so be careful of those. You won't have enough momentum if you jumped into the cannon as Shadow or Omega so turn to the left or right so you can land on a rail. The switch is now in between the two lower rails so hit them both and go through the RIGHT loop so you get dropped on a 1up balloon (the left loop will drop you onto a 10 ring balloon). Grind the rail (again, don't tilt into the turn or at the end or you'll fall short) and get shot off the end, hit the spring, defeat the enemies and triangle dive up the fan. Defeat the enemies and hit the CHECKPOINT (if your wondering what the switch is under the trapping weight, pull it out and ahead, a door will open with a special stage key in it.). Light dash across the rings, hit the springs and defeat the enemy. Destroy the grate and pall down into another train. Grind the rails and defeat the enemies. Be careful, and fly to the train on the left. Keep going forward and defeat the enemies. At the end of this train is a pole. Go up it to be flung to another train. Defeat the enemies and use homing attack to reach the rail and press B once to get you to the other side. Defeat the enemies (try Chaos Inferno because it make the train stop, but the sounds are still there) and take out the engine core. Grind along the rails and hit the springs to be sent to a bobsled ride. After the first turn, the track will have some spiked balls, after the next turn, it will have one spiked ball and a laser. Dodge the trains and keep going. The last stretch has some enemies to run over and some lasers to jump over. At the end, hold forward so you land on the middle rail down below. Grind into the last CHECKPOINT. Pull out the switch on the left side of the door, defeat the jellyfish robot and pull out the switch with Rouge. Go back and across from the door is a structure with a ring bonus in it and behind it is the last pull switch. Go into the cannon's core and defeat the three jellyfish robots. Jump into the cannon and you will be shot to the weird Eggman head base and destroy it. Light dash through the rings lining the arena and defeat the enemies if you want. The goal ring is behind them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Egg Albatross HP: Unknown A rank quota: 2:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yet another ridiculous A rank time for this boss especially now that your playing as Team Dark. The advantage is that while time is stopped after you used team blast, you can attack Eggman viciously until he recovers. The major differences in this boss battle is that when the runway splits, the right has more enemies and the left will have some planes flying over it that will attack you. Not many other differences and I don't know if the HP for this boss is more than when Team Sonic battled it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: The mystery of Shadow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Shadow is standing over the fake Eggman as it laughs. Omega looks outraged that they were tricked. Shadow is not looking at the Eggman fake but at a Shadow robot. Rouge looks like she might say that she thinks Shadow might be a robot but she stifles it. Shadow leads the team onwards as the Eggman fake melts and Metal Sonic says he has copied the ultimate lifeform's data. (This has been up for open debate on the web because people think that Metal Sonic would not have been able to copy the ultimate lifeform's data unless Shadow is the real Shadow) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 9: Frog Forest Mission: Get through the forest where the wild animals live! A rank quota: 45,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Dark gets to the forest and its even worse this time around. Team Dark starts by grinding the same rails as Team Sonic. Grind down the rail and defeat the enemies. Go through the loops and alert the green frog. Defeat the enemy and grind the rail. At the end, there is only one vine and it won't get you onto the platform so you'll fall down and come face-to-face with a gold turtle robot. Defeat it in the normal way and go around the tree, alert the green frog and go back and bounce off the mushrooms ala Sonic & Knuckles. Hot the CHECKPOINT and fly between the platforms; defeat the enemies and fly to the one on the right. Defeat the enemies and jump to the platform with a gold turtle (which should by now have noticed you and begin to charge up an attack, making it open to attack). Fly over the large gap and bounce off the springs. Alert the green frog and fly between the platforms that grow. Defeat the enemies and run down the hill. Go through the loops as power formation so you can grab all three level ups in the three loops. Go through even more loops and alert the green frog. Go up the vertical slope, you will fall back down and a platform will grow, catching you. Fly over the wall and land on the small platform. Here, be very careful and fly over the rather large pit. Hit the springs and jump across the platformless gap and hit the CHECKPOINT. Go to the platforms on the left and defeat the enemies. Go back to the right platforms and bounce off the released mushroom in the case. Go to the right and break the cases with Omega to get a 1up. Go back and light dash across the rings. Get to the platform with the flower and use black tornado to get it to hover, grab onto it and get carried up. Hold onto it and you will be dropped down a pit (if your feeling ridiculously lucky, jump off and try to land on the rail) at the bottom of the pit, hit the dash pads and land on the rail. Keep going to the next platform. Defeat the enemies and alert the green frog. The big alternate path shown in the Team Sonic walkthrough is not here, yet. Fly across the platforms to the next area. Defeat ALL the enemies (including the gold turtle robot on the upper platform) and go back and alert the green frog in the cage. Go to the wall and go to the area on the right, look for some growing fruit you can bounce off to reach the other flower. The two routes are the same as in the Team Sonic walkthrough so they will join up on a trio of rails. Grind on them and keep going through the loops and you will be dropped onto a lower platform. Defeat the enemies, fly up, defeat more enemies and bounce off the mushrooms to the right and left side of the tree. Defeat the enemies to lower the cage. Alert the green frog and grind the growing vine into the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 10: Lost Jungle Mission: Explore the deepest part of the jungle! A rank quota: 40,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Rouge correctly points out, this is more of a swamp than a jungle so don't fall in. The path ahead is blocked so fly to the upper platforms and defeat the flying enemies. Defeat the hammerbot and hit the spring behind him. Hit the mushroom and defeat the flying enemy. Grind the rail and be careful not to get squashed by the hammerbot that falls right in front of you. Defeat him and go to the platforms on the right. The black frog here will notice you and will cut off the shortcut (I still don't know how to get them not to notice you. Suggestions please?) Go up the platforms and ground the spiked flying enemy with thundershoot and get rid of it with Omega. Go up the platforms and grab the CHECKPOINT. Use rocket accel to get under the weights without getting flattened. Go through the loop and land on the rail so you can go over the hammerbots. You will land on a platform with a black frog. Go up the path and be careful of the bouncing fruit on it. Defeat the enemies and fly up the platforms and you will reach a green frog. Make it notice you and fly up to the platform it created and thundershoot the enemies. Keep going up and you will reach a jellyfish robot. Defeat it and bounce off the springs to the next CHECKPOINT. Jump to the vines and go across them and defeat the two jellyfish robots. Alert the green frog and go through the loops. Grind the rail (which appears only if you alert the frog) and you will be dropped onto a spring. The platform it shoots you to has a black frog. Go past it to the next level piece of land. Thundershoot towards the camera to get the fly level up and alert the next black frog (which seems not to be able to see past the bridge of its nose) so that the fruit destroys the enemies. Go up the hill and use the flower to get to the next platform. Defeat the enemies and bounce off the springs to the next CHECKPOINT. Run down the path to a room with some hammerbots. Use team blast if you want or use Omega to defeat them. Bounce off the mushroom in the cage and go through the loops. Bounce off the spring and defeat the jellyfish robot and jump down and cross the platforms with Rouge until you reach a platform with a hammerbot. Defeat it and fly to the next CHECKPOINT. Use the flower and go through the odd tube thing and GRAB THE BALLOON. This contains an invincibility; use it to defeat the hammerbot. The main reason for my capitalization is because with the invincibility, you can thundershoot through the lasers and defeat the enemy (if Rouge is at level 2 or higher). Once its gone, the lasers will deactivate and you can use the flower here to get to the next platform. Defeat the hammerbot and bounce on the spring. Hit the target with Omega and the black frog will notice you and kill your only way of going forward. Don't worry, punch the frog to make it go away and go around the tree and alert the green frog. The tree will now grow allowing you to continue. Go up the platforms and go up the path defeating he enemies to the last CHECKPOINT. Alert the green frog and grind the rail. At the end, jump over to the beginning of the next rail to get the 1up. Grind the rail and hit the dash pads to be sent to some platforms. The black frogs will make the platforms your on vanish so quickly jump towards the camera an home attack the spring. The swamp chase is not very different than the one with Team Sonic except for some oddly placed vines that can make you easily misjudge your jump. Try a few times and you should get to the end platform with the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Old friends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic meets up with an old friend Shadow and Rouge and a new robot they don't know. Before Team Sonic spots them, Rouge assumes they will get into her way, Shadow is looking for some action and Omega thinks they are after Eggman but he wants to get to him first. Team Sonic notices them and Shadow enrages Sonic by stealing his line. And so, a battle begins. Copy and paste, it's a wonderful thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Team Sonic HP: N/A A rank quota: 0:30 Beat the crap out of Team Sonic by using black tornado and/or thundershoot to advance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 11: Hang Castle Mission: Enter the spooky castle! A rank quota: 65,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This level starts the same as Team Sonic with you running down the tower. Hit the dash pad and defeat the enemies to open the door. Again, there is a power level up in the alcove behind the breakable wall to the left. Throw the switch to flip the castle. Fly up the platforms and defeat the enemies. Hit the switch and light dash through the rings. Defeat the enemies in this room to lower the cage. Throw it to right the castle. Go through the door and down the path to the first CHECKPOINT. Go to the boxes on the right and break through them. Fall down and defeat the robots. Throw the switch, grind the rail, bounce off the springs and defeat the enemies. Fly to the next platform and go across the invisible path and defeat the enemies. Hit the switch and light dash through the rings and fly to the floating platforms. Jump into the pit and throw the switch to right the castle. Go through the door and defeat the enemies. Hit the switch and go back to the pole. Go up it and you will be thrown to a platform with some flying enemies. Defeat them and grind down the rail to the CHECKPOINT. Go down the path and hit the dash pad to be sent to another switch. The castle will flip and you will fall onto some more dash pads that will send you to some rails. Grind down them and land on the platform with some enemies. Defeat them and hit the springs, fly across to the platform and to the next room. Defeat the enemies and throw the switch. After the castle has flipped, go backwards and hit the switch to make a line of rings appear. Light dash through them to grab a 1up balloon. Traverse the invisible path and break the right wall with a pull switch in it. Pull it out to open the door, go through it and defeat the enemies. Break the wall underneath the weight to get a shield. Jump on the weight and defeat the enemies to open the door. Hit the last CHECKPOINT. Run around to the back of the tower and defeat the enemies to open a cage. Jump into it and throw the switch. The castle will flip and you will land on an underside of the tower. Run around the back and jump into the tower. Go up the ramps and pull out the switch on the top beam to open the cage. Throw the switch, defeat the enemies and hit the switch. Light dash through the rings and defeat the enemies in this area to open the door. Go through it and hit the switch with thundershoot to lower the cage. Throw the switch and hit the switch again. Go up the pole to be sent to a series of poles. Break through the wall and watch as a HUMONGOUS ghost appears! Even though its so huge, it still only takes one hit. Defeat the enemies and grind down the rail before it comes back. You will start to run up the castle. Do the basic jump through the rainbow rings, grab the rings and dodge the spiked balls. At the end though, hit the dash pad and you will be sent to... another switch? After you hit it, the castle will flip right way up and you will begin to fall down the tower you just came up. As you fall, there will be some of the huge ghosts going back and forth so try to maneuver between them and land on the small platform (its really agitating to fall short and have to go back to the tower again. If you landed on the platform, hit the three switches to open the door with the goal ring in it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 12: Mystic Mansion Mission: Escape from the crazy castle! A rank quota: 58,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This version of Mystic Mansion doesn't stray too far from Team Sonic's. Team Dark starts the level by coming through the doors of the castle, defeat the hammerbot that drops down and go up the stairs. Stand in front of the door and the camera should pan out revealing a switch. Switch to Rouge and thundershoot it to open the door. Go through and defeat the enemy at the top of the stars to open the door. Go around the back of the doors and hit the switch. Go back and throw the switch to make the doors go somewhere useful but also make some enemies drop down. Once their gone, the door will open so go through and defeat the spike-shielded enemy when he drops down. Fly up and defeat the enemies on the platforms and fly up to the first CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemy to open the door and defeat the enemies in this room (defeat the sorcerer robot first), go up the stairs and throw the switch to make the paintings come alive. Defeat the hammerbot and the two enemies to deactivate the lasers in the portrait. Go through it and use triangle dive to go down safely and grab the power level up in the balloon. Defeat the enemies in this room and jump into the trolley. These trolleys have ghosts you should jump but also have some lasers too. Jump over the spiked balls at the end to be dropped in front of the next CHECKPOINT. Defeat the enemy here to open the door and throw the left switch. Fly to the hands and defeat the enemies that appear until you reach some more switches. I forget which one it is but one of them will make some spiderweb rails appear behind you. Grind the left one into the pulley. Go down the hall and defeat the enemies that drop down. Break through the right wall and through the next. Defeat the sorcerer robot here and break through the wall on the other side of the fan and hit the switch. Triangle dive upwards and defeat the enemies in the next room. Go up the stairs, bounce off the springs and defeat the sorcerer robot to open the door. Throw the switch in this room and defeat the enemies that come alive. Go through the door and defeat the enemy to open yet another door. Defeat the armored hammerbot in this room by getting it to do it's 180* attack, knock it over and attack the switch on it's head (or you can use Team Blast). Go up the stairs and use fireball jump to light the unlit torches and the door will open. As you approach the switch in this room, the camera will pan out and once you throw the switch, jump so the enemies and the hammerbot don't stampede you. Defeat them and go through the portrait. Go up the platforms and hit another CHECKPOINT. Pull out the switch above the door with Rouge and light dash to the trolley. Keep holding forward to make it to the end and jump over the lasers. At the end, home attack the enemy on the high rail so you can get the 1up. Grind the rail to another trolley. This one will take you on a trip spiraling down a tower. Jump over the lasers and hit the last CHECKPOINT. Light the torches again to open the door and defeat the enemies in this room to lower the cage. Throw the switch and use triangle jump to get to the spiderweb rails. Make sure you position yourself on the left wall, press B and hold left to land on the rail. Grind it and light dash up the rings. Defeat the enemies that drop down and destroy the weight that's covering the well. Jump down it and place your team members on each of the switches to make a line of rings appear. Light dash through them and you can go to the speed, flight, or power altars. Speed: This one has some enemies and a magician robot you can use homing attack on. Just be careful not to home attack yourself off the platform. Throw the other switch to go back and try one of the others. Fly: This one has 3 of the magical type robots hovering in the air. Quickly use thundershoot to bring them all down (and stop the sorcerer robots from taking you rings) and use Omega to get rid of them. Throw the switch and try the last altar. Power: This one has (as you expected it) a hammerbot. Use team blast because if you fight it manually, you might fall off into the redness. Throw the switch and go back to the main platform. If all three altars have been cleared, the cage in the center should be open. Throw the switch and go across the bridge to the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Robot Storm HP: N/A A rank quota: 6:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You have 6 minutes to finish this battle for an A and your going to need every second of it. You start the first wave on the same platform as Team Sonic did with some flying enemies so home attack them all. The second wave is a hammerbot and some planes that pass over the arena. Use Omega to take out the hammerbot and use Rouge to take out the planes with thundershoot. The third wave is basic enemies with guns and spears. Throw the switch to flip the castle. Use team blast on the fourth wave of gold turtles. Wave five is some ground enemies with guns and spears. Wave six has some magician robots and one hammerbot. Don't go for the hammerbot because the others will heal him. Take out the magicians first then attack the hammerbot. Jump into the cannon as Omega so you can get the balloons outside the arena. After you have them all, jump into it as Shadow or Rouge to be sent to another platform with wave seven: some flying enemies with guns and ground enemies with guns and spears. Wave eight has some magician robots just outside the arena, some ground enemies with spears and an armored hammerbot. Get rid of the ground enemies first, and then go for the magicians, then finally, the hammerbot. Use team blast on wave nine which has three hammerbots and magicians. Throw the switch and use thundershoot on the flying enemies in wave ten. Wave eleven has some jellyfish robots and some trains. Thundershoot them all. Ive noticed that Eggman always says: "This is only the beginning" when he's running out of ammo because wave twelve only has some regular enemies. Jump into the cannon to be shot to wave thirteen (Sonic Team is really hung up on the superstitious 13): A giant mixture of hammerbots, magicians, sorcerers, ground and flying enemies. This would be a good time to use team blast, don't you think? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 13: Egg Fleet Mission: Land on Eggman's flagship! A rank quota: 30,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eggman (again) taunts Team Dark to come and get him. The camera focuses on Team Dark and Shadow seems to have accepted that he may not be the real Shadow but that won't stop him from getting to Eggman. You start by running across a ship; you grab some rings and hit a dash pad. Land on a rail and grind down. Use fire dunk to defeat the enemies and the giant cannon. Go through and defeat the enemy. Fly upward and thundershoot the switch to make the pole rise. Go up it and defeat the enemies here. Hit the springs and break the boxes for a power level up. There are multiple paths here: Fly up; defeat the enemies and light dash to a rail. Grab the 1up and grind the rail to a fan. Or you can light dash through the rings in front of you, defeat the enemies and go around to the left. You can light dash through the rings and grind to the fan or you can go under the rings, triangle dive up the fan, defeat the enemies and grind to the fan. All there routes will join at this fan so triangle dive up it and destroy their cannons. Light dash through the rings, go through the tunnel and grind the rail. Jump off at the very end to reach some rings to light dash through. This will take you to a higher rail. Grind this to the first CHECKPOINT. If you fall, you will take a lower rail to the CHECKPOINT. Go forward and defeat the two E-2000s to open the door. Use the propeller and dodge the dire from the cannons by pressing up and down as your partners say so. The propeller will take you to a battleship, jump down and grab the CHECKPOINT. Run down the runway and destroy the cannon and hit the spring. Light dash through the rings and light dash through the second group of rings to skip the cannons bellow. Go up the platforms and go through the left or right doors into the ship. Go through the enemies and use the poles to reach an arena with an E- 2000. Defeat it and go through the door. Rocket accel to the end of the conveyor belt and you will blow up the battleship. Team Dark will be shot to some more rails. Grind them and jump at the end to reach some rainbow rings, break the cage and hit the switch to make some rings appear. Light dash through them to reach a rail. If you didn't manage to reach the rail, use triangle dive over the fans to reach the rail. Grind down it and defeat the enemies and the E-2000. Hit the switch to start the fan and triangle dive up the fans to reach the next CHECKPOINT. Hit the dash pad and run down the tilted ship. Dodge the cannons, light dash through the rings and hold left to get to a rail that will shoot you high in the air to the next ship. Keep running to get to the next CHECKPOINT. Use the propeller to go through another dodging cannons trip. This one is slightly harder but you partners still tell you when to go up or down. At the end of this ride is the last CHECKPOINT. Run up the runway and destroy the cannon to get to a spring. Hit it and fly through the dash ring. Go up the platforms and through the ship like normal and you should reach another arena with another E-2000. Defeat it to lower the door and at the end is the goal ring. Trapped in a cage. Thundershoot the cannons first and then defeat the E- 2000 to lower the cage. Hit the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 14: Final Fortress Mission: Get to the core where Eggman is! A rank quota: 100,000! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A HUGE number of points are needed for this level defeat all the enemies and cannons you see, gat all you characters leveled up (especially Omega) and get through AFAP (as fast and possible). You start by being shot to a rail. Grind down it and defeat the enemies at the end. Home attack over the E-2000 and the next two enemies to reach a rail. Grind it to be sent to an upper platform with two hammerbots. Defeat them; hit the switch and light dash through the rings to get the 1up in the balloon. Drop down to the CHECKPOINT. If you didn't get across the enemies, drop down and run down the path; hit the dash pad. Fly between the moving platforms to get to an area with some cannons. Under the upper right cannon is a spring; use it to reach the first CHECKPOINT. Jump to the moving platform and jump, at its peak; home attack the enemy to deactivate the laser wall. Now you can use triangle dive to cross the gap. At the end, fall down and grab the blast gauge up and the shield. If you fell, you have to traverse the crumbling platforms or use triangle jump. Go down the path and defeat the enemies. Hit the dash pad and defeat the new E-2000. Doing this will lower a cage with a switch. Hit it and the pole will rise. Go up it and through the next series of rails and poles until you reach a straight rail. At the end, jump and hit the springs, home attack the enemy and use black tornado on the pole to be shot to a rail and a 1up. Hit the springs and use triangle jump to cross the gap. If you didn't hit the springs, fly up the crumbling platforms and grab the pulley. Destroy the E-2000 and use the weight to get to the switch; pull it out with Rouge to deactivate the lasers covering the hole on the floor. Go up the path defeating the enemies if necessary. Both paths will lead to another face off with an E-2000. Defeat it and fly above the lasers. Hit the CHECKPOINT and jump on the self-destruct switch. The area around you will explode and you will be shot to some rails. On the middle rail, there is an E- 2000 which has decided to make the rails his home so switch to the right or left rail just before you hit him so as not to allow him time to switch onto the rail you just switched to. Grind through the loop and the rails will crackle with electricity. Quickly switch to another rail before you get zapped by a giant laser that will sweep the rail. At the end of the rails, jump and fly through the dash ring to reach a rail. Grind it and grab one of the pulleys. Jump on the platform and triangle dive across the pit. Jump off the wall and light dash through the rings to get a 1up and grind the rail. Hit the spring, here; drop your partners on all three switches to start the fan. The first is right in front of you (Use Omega to drop them off). Drop one onto the switch and jump over to the platform with the enemy. Defeat it and go to the right or left, hit the dash pads and defeat the enemies on the platforms so you can drop your other partner onto the switch here. Jump into the cannon: Speed: If you dropped your partners off as Shadow, you will only have him left to hit the last switch. He will be shot to the rail. Jump back to the main platform and hit the dash pads to get to the other platform, defeat the enemy and hit the last switch. Fly: You will get shot high to the opposite platform. Power: Omega will be shot to the fan, go down to the dash pads and go to the opposite platform, defeat the enemies and hit the switch. If you weren't able to get to the dash ring before, drop down and defeat the E- 2000. Hit the switch with thundershoot and go up the pole. Continue through the platforms until you get to an arena with an E-2000. Destroy all the cannons and hit all three switches. Triangle dive up the fan and do the same thing I told you before with the three switches. Once all three have been pressed, triangle dive up the fan to get to a rail. Jump of and fly to the platform with some enemies to defeat and a shield. Keep going to a new arena with two E-2000Rs and some ground enemies. Defeat them and hit the switch with thundershoot. Triangle dive up the fan to the next level and defeat the armored hammerbot. Hit the target with Omega and defeat the two hammerbots on the next level. Thundershoot the target to raise the pole and use Team Blast on the next level to open the door. Hit the last CHECKPOINT and jump onto the self-destruct switch. Again, the area around you will go sky high and you will be thrown to some more rails. Grind down them and jump just before the rails drop so you don't hit the enemies on them and so you can jump through the rainbow rings. The lasers will start to fire again but this time, they will purposely aim for the rail your on (they no longer follow a set pattern) so stay on the rail as long as possible then switch so you can reach the end of the rail without all three of the rails being consumed by lasers. When Shadow says: "four lasers, what a waste", change between the rails quickly and build up as much speed as you can so you get past the giant Eggman eye laser. Hit the self-destruct switch and you will be shot to a large platform with the goal ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Egg Emperor HP: 150 (100 for his shield and 150 for the body) A rank quota: 3:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This battle is not much different than Team Sonic's other than some more enemies (there are now 2 E-2000s on the main platforms) but you have a HUGE advantage over Egg Emperor. Using Chaos Inferno will stop time and the Egg Emperor. Use the time while he's frozen to attack him. After you have dealt enough damage to Egg Emperor, he will explode and you will have beaten Team Dark's story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: The mystery thickens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team dark are standing over what they think is Eggman's dead body. Omega congratulates himself on his mission and Rouge decides to go inside and look for Eggman's treasure. What she finds she did not expect. She walks into a room lined with capsules with Shadow robots in them. Omega comes in and decides he wants to blow up the whole area. Rouge then decides to tell Omega that (in her opinion) Shadow is one of Eggman's robots. Omega asks her if she knows about cloning, and that the original Shadow must be somewhere. Rouge signs off to Omega and meets up with Shadow on the deck and he asks her if she found her treasure. She tells him that she better go get the Master Emerald and they walk off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This boss is only unlocked when you have beaten all four teams and have collected all 7 Chaos Emeralds. The final story is on the story selection screen to the right of Team Chaotix. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Interrogation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Chaotix are grilling Eggman about who locked him in his cell, but before he can answer, the screen goes black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: Metal transformation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic is running up the Egg Fleet looking up at the top of the tower. Someone or something is standing on the peak of the highest tower. Metal Sonic? He makes a small speech about how he is the master of all living things. He will raise his hand and lightning will strike it causing the tower to be destroyed. Metal Sonic will transform with bits from the destroyed tower into a giant monster. Egg pawns will run away as Sonic is flabbergasted that that is Metal Sonic. Eggman will explain that Metal Sonic has transformed using the team's data with the power of Chaos. He shouts that he wishes that they had the 7 Chaos Emeralds. Cream blinks once and pulls out an orange emerald, Big has the purple emerald, Rouge has the silver, Omega the green, Espio the red and Charmy has the light blue. Eggman then says that even with the emeralds, it would take a miracle. Sonic smiles and takes responsibility for that miracle and Amy fusses. Tails pipes up wanting to go with Sonic and Knuckles counts himself in as well. Shadow says that his and the other teams will distract Metal Sonic while Team Sonic gets the Chaos Emeralds ready. Sonic looks around at the other two teams. They all give him a nod of approval and Sonic revs up his team with one big cheesy line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub boss: Metal Madness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This boss if fought in four parts, Team Rose starts off on the platform to Metal Sonic's left side. There is a weak point on his hip that will change colors. If its blue, speed attacks are useless, red means power attacks are out of the question and yellow means... I think you know. Its team Rose's turn, the color never changes from blue so use Big or Cream to attack. Metal sonic attacks you with three attacks: He will sweep the platform with his tail which you should jump over, sweep the platform with a flamethrower and he will shoot some spines which when they hit the ground, will plant themselves there as giant icicles. Once you deal enough damage, Team Chaotix will take over on the platform to the right. The cannon here will shoot you to level up balloons. Metal Sonic attacks the same way as with Team Rose but instead of the flamethrower, he will home in on you with his right hand and will freeze any team member he touches and they will remain freezed until you free them (if all three team members are freezed, you loose a life) Deal enough damage and control will switch to Team Dark who are positioned on a platform in front of Metal Sonic. Metal sonic can attack with the flamethrower, the spines, and the freezing claws (but not the tail). The weak point in right in front of you. When Rouge is fully leveled up, her thundershoot will cause Shadow and Omega to get stuck in Metal Sonic for a small amount of time but do some incredible damage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: The power ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metal Sonic rages, sprouts wings and breaks away from the Egg Fleet and takes to the skies. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles give each other one nod and place their hands in the center. The Chaos Emeralds swirl around them. Sonic closes his eyes and erupts in flames as Super Sonic! Tails is knocked back, blinded but realizes that he and Knuckles have been encased in some bubbles that allow them to fly. Team Super Sonic flies off towards the camera to fight Metal Sonic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss: Metal Overlord HP: 5 team blasts A rank quota: 7:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Super Sonic comes up from below the clouds and confronts Metal Sonic. Like Sonic adventures 1 & 2, your ring count is constantly draining. You start with 50 rings and there are some balloons flying about with rings in them. Metal Sonic attacks with five different attacks. The spines and the freezing claws return which you should counter with Tail's thundershoot. Countering these attacks builds up your team blast very fast so try to get them all instead of dodging them. A lot of the time, Metal Sonic will use an ice blast; use Sonic's homing attack through it. He will also sometimes dive beneath the clouds and return with a chunk of the Egg Fleet which he promptly hurls at you. Use Knuckles to punch through this and DO NOT TRY TO DODGE IT. If you do, Metal Sonic will use Chaos Control that will freeze you for 20 seconds while he attacks you but your rings do not drain. Press all the buttons wildly (except start) to make the time go faster. The good thing about this battle is that all your characters start at level 3. The bad news is that the three weak spots on Metal Sonic have gone blank. So just counter his attacks and Eggman calls up to you (somehow) telling you that normal attacks are useless. You have to build up and use 5 team blasts to defeat him. When you get one, unleash it IMMEDIATELY. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles will use rapid homing attacks all over Metal Sonic. Once you build up and use 5 team Blasts, Team Super Sonic will do a new victory dance and Metal Madness will be unlocked in the challenge menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cutscene: The next adventure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metal Sonic will be lying on the ground in his Sonic CD form asking himself why he couldn't have defeated them. Sonic (again) gives him the same cheesy answer. "Because, were Sonic Heroes". Amy will run at Sonic and Sonic will tell Metal sonic that if he wants a re-match, he will be ready. Sonic runs off with Tails and Amy chasing them. Cream, cheese and Big wishing her luck. Knuckles shakes his head in sympathy that Sonic has a lot on hit hands. Rouge walks by and says that: "I think I'll go hunt for someone else's treasure". Knuckles shakes his head again saying that she never gives up. He then understands and chases after Rouge. Vector says that he thinks that this case is wrapped up but Charmy reminds him that Eggman still hasn't paid them. Eggman is seen trying to sneak off and Team Chaotix chases after him. Omega holds Metal Sonic's body and he and Shadow look over the horizon. Team Sonic is running through Seaside Hill and Sonic delivers his last line: "Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste! Yeah! We're Sonic Heroes!" All three members jump at the screen and pose as the screen fades. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extra Missions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each stage (excluding bosses) has an alternate mission you can complete for A ranks. Team Sonic's are based on speed and getting to the goal ring in a time limit. To get an A rank on these, you also have to get a certain amount of points. Team Dark's are combat based. You have to defeat 100 enemies. To get an A rank, you have to do it within a certain time (not a time limit). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Sonic extra missions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These missions rely on you getting to the goal ring within the time limit. The most annoying part about these missions, as soon as go over the time limit, words that say: TIME UP!, will flash across the screen. The first time I saw it, it scared me out of my wits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General tips: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since these missions are timed, use Sonic as often as you can. Even though they are timed, you do need to build up points so try to memorize where the rainbow rings are what paths are quick and have some enemies. Most important characters to level up: 1: Sonic, you need to level him up first so you can destroy enemies quickly with one home attack. 2: Knuckles, level him quickly so you can defeat the large enemies quickly. Also, the power level ups count for a lot of the points at the end of the stage. 3: Tails, its fairly important to level him up to destroy enemies with one thundershoot but his level ups don't count as much in the point percentage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 1: Seaside Hill Mission: Get to the goal ring in 5:00 A rank quota: 50,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeat enemies on the fly by using Sonic's homing attack and try to stick with him as much as possible. Don't use fire dunk because it leaves Knuckles at near standstill. Still, this shouldn't cause too much trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 2: Ocean Palace Mission: Get to the goal ring is 5:00 A rank quota: 45,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The same as with Seaside Hill, use homing attacks to defeat the enemies quickly and take Sonic routes over Tails routes. Take the speed path through the turtles to cut off time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 3: Grand Metopolis Mission: Get to the goal ring is 5:00 A rank quota: 58,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No major trouble areas. Take all the cannons with Sonic, you can use them as anyone else but only do it for point reasons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 4: Power Plant Mission: Get to the goal ring within 9:00 A rank quota: 40,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 minutes is a lot of time for this level so take time to defeat enemies for points. Again, take the speed routes and only take power and flight routes for point purposes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 5: Casino Park Mission: Get to the goal ring in 5:00 A rank quota: 45,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't get stuck on the tables and get through them as quickly as possible. Use team blasts on large groups of enemies like gold turtles especially and the stage shouldn't cause you too much grief. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 6: BINGO Highway Mission: Get to the goal ring in 6:00 A rank quota:32,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 minutes is a very tight time for this stage so blaze through it and you should get to the end with about two minutes to spare. Don't get stuck on the pinball tables and use team blasts on large groups of enemies. At the very end, if you don't manage to get in the middle cannel, go into the right or left cannel and hold right or left when one channel drops you into the next to jump off the channel and try to aim yourself directly into the alcove. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 7: Rail Canyon Mission: Get to the goal ring in 5:00 A rank quota: 35,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This may take a few tries because if you fall off, you start at the last checkpoint but without your points so restart the level and try not to fall off. Lean into the turns other than the loops at the end (it doesn't work there and it slows you down). In the big mix of rails, jump over the gaps in the rails to bypass the enemies and the checkpoint to make it to the next checkpoint faster. Make sure to get to the high rail after you hit the springs near the last checkpoint to be sent over it to a rail and jump at the end to get to a shortcut. Even though you have to get to the end in a time limit, you still have to defeat some enemies to get the A. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 8: Bullet Station Mission: Get to the goal ring in 6:00 A rank quota: 40,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not much of a challenge here, just don't get hit on the bobsled and loose Sonic or it will take a while to reach the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 9: Frog Forest Mission: Get to the goal ring in 5:00 A rank quota: 38,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again, not much of a challenge here, you can easily go through the level slightly quicker than normal with 50,000 points. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 10: Lost Jungle Mission: Get to the goal ring in 6:00 A rank quota: 30,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The level is fairly easy to get the A rank. There are enough enemies to keep you occupied for points, use Sonic as much as possible, use team blasts on the hammerbots, and try to survive the swamp chase and the A rank is almost certain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 11: Hang Castle Mission: Get to the goal ring in 6:00 A rank quota: 45,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may think that 6 minutes is enough time to get through the level but its not. My best time through this was 5:55. Don't defeat enemies unless you have to (like to open doors) and if you have to, use team blast. On the second invisible path, grab the balloon and switch to Tails, get some momentum going and you can jump and fly to the other side of the path. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 12: Mystic Mansion Mission: Get to the goal ring in 7:00 A rank quota: 36,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 minutes is not all that hard for this level. Getting 36,000 points in 7 minutes is. Use team blasts to defeat the two armored hammerbots and switch to characters in advance when you see an area they specialize in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 13: Egg Fleet Mission: Get to the goal ring in 9:00 A rank quota: 30,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not a terribly difficult A. Run fast and defeat large enemies with team blast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 14: Final Fortress Mission: Get to the goal ring in 9:00 A rank quota: 40,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I thought that this level would be pure hell but it only took a few tries. Take all the alternate routes I described in the walkthrough and use team blast on large enemies (save your team blast for the final enemies before the last checkpoint). On the final rails, keep grinding and changing rails. Press B at regular 4-6 second intervals to build up enough speed to pass the big laser. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Team Dark's missions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These missions require you to defeat 100 enemies. To get an A rank, you have to defeat them in a certain time but the level does not suddenly end when the time is up but you will be given a different ranking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stay with Shadow as much as possible to go through the straight-aways and use Omega to defeat large swarms of enemies. Team blasts are your best friends in these levels so use it on groups of 5 enemies or more to get the big 2000 point bonus without screwing it up by taking to much time to defeat them. If you reach the end of the stage without defeating 100 enemies, the goal ring will warp you back to the beginning with all the enemies reset, you will keep your level ups and defeated enemy counter. Most important characters to level up: 1:Shadow, the same rule applies to Shadow like Sonic so you can defeat enemies with one homing attack quickly. 2:Omega, same reason as Knuckles. 3:Rouge, same reason as Tails ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 1: Seaside Hill Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 7:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a very easy level because there are plenty of enemies. Take power routes as they normally lead to lots of enemies and use Shadow's homing attack (when he's at level 3) to defeat enemies quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 2: Ocean Palace Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 5:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use Shadow is the straight-aways and level him up first. Travel along the power routes on the giant turtles and the stage shouldn't be a problem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 3: Grand Metropolis Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 8:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the lower routes because the higher routes don't normally contain enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 4: Power Plant Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 7:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plenty of enemies in this level but the 7 minute time limit doesn't help. Check all the possible routes before moving on as to get all the enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 5: Casino Park Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 10:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a tough one because you might get stuck on the tables. Destroy the enemies on the tables before moving to the next one and check the gutter on the third pinball table to get even more enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 6: BINGO Highway Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 12:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because there are no flippers, this stage is going to be a lot harder than Casino Park. Aim for the enemies but you will probable need to use the reset ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 7: Rail Canyon Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 10:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeat all the enemies you see (including the rhino trains (they blow up (by reaching the end of the rail), and you get the credit for it)) and you will get an A no problem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 8: Bulet Station Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 11:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slow down at the end of the bobsled ride to get all the enemies and you might need to use the reset ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 9: Frog Forest Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 14:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The stage is compiled of straight-aways so go through it as quickly as possible, defeat all the enemies in sight and you WILL (or at least I needed to) need to use the reset ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 10: Lost Jungle Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 14:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not many tips for this level. Go fast and be destructive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 11: Hang Castle Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 11:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unfortunately, the ghosts don't count towards defeated enemies or this would be a really easy A. Go fast and don't hesitate when jumping over gaps. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 12: Mystic Mansion Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 11:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are lots of enemies in this level so you might not need the reset ring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 13: Egg Fleet Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota: 13:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comb each battleship before going to fight the E-2000 and you should be fine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage 14: Final Fortress Mission: Defeat 100 enemies A rank quota:12:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't know why they give you less time for this level than Egg Fleet. Take all the lower routes because they have more enemies and don't bother to defeat the enemies on the rails. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secrets and hoaxes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you who don't know what a hoax is, in this case, someone tries to deceive you into thinking something is true when they made it up. Hoaxes are sometimes done for fun and put on display so I'll give you some good ones. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Palmtree Panic? http://whatomatic.mspencer.net/panic.jpg Credit: Unknown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Palace? http://www.sonicworld.net/forums/uploads/images/8.jpg Credit: Gamerguy, sonicworld.net webmaster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sonic Heroes Dialogue of Doom http://www.planetdreamcast.com/sonic/see/dod/sonic_heroes.html A hilarious collection of pictures where speech bubbles have been added to convey the scene. Credits: Greig, Shadette, Gold Dean, Hinky the Pickle, Hedj, Hunter the Chao, Cyb the Hedgehog, Nightwolf, and Dash Speeds. Users of planetdreamcast.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.sonicveg.digibase.ca/ Has a HUGE selection of hoaxes even if they're not Sonic Heroes related ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have ever heard of an unlockable Team Metal Sonic with Metal Sonic, Eggman and Chaos, ignore it. You can hack the game to make a team resemble them though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secrets: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last Story: Get all 7 Chaos Emeralds and complete all 4 stories to unlock this story. Its to the right of team Chaotix on the story select screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHM (Super Hard Mode): Get all the A ranks, 7 Chaos Emeralds and complete all the stories to unlock this mode. You play through the game again with Team Sonic from Seaside Hill to Final Fortress but with no bosses, cutscenes, special stages or continues. The stages have been revamped with elements of all 4 teams to make it extra hard and there are a few oddities thrown in too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Team Battle Collect 20 emblems to unlock this mode in 2P. Force your opponents off a variety of fields: City Top, Casino, and Turtle Shell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Special Stage Collect 40 emblems to unlock this mode in 2P. First to grab the Chaos Emerald wins: Special Stage 1, 2, and 3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Ring Race Collect 60 emblems to unlock this mode. Get more rings than your opponent in different situations within the time limit: Egg Treat, chase a ring spouting Egg Hawk. Pinball, play a stage of pinball, and Hot elevator, grab the rings as an elevator from power Plant goes up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Bobsled race Collect 80 emblems to unlock this mode. Race your opponent in a bobsled on a seaside course, city course and a casino course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Quick race Collect 100 emblems to unlock this mode. Race your opponent through a short course: Road Rock, break through rocks and obstacles. Mad Express, traverse the bullet trains from bullet station, and Terror Hall, race through Mystic Mansion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Expert race Collect all 120 emblems to unlock this mode. Race your opponent through portions of Rail Canyon, Frog Forest and Egg Fleet. These levels have more obstacles and enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2P Metal Team Hold A + Y on the loading screen for any 2P level to have your team be replaced with metal versions of themselves (this DOES NOT work in 1P mode). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theme song and FMV sequences Complete each team's story to unlock their theme song and their cutscenes in the extras menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tips, tricks and glitches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes, things will happen which might benefit you or harm you. This is what is called a glitch. Sonic Heroes has a few of these that can help or hinder you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fall through floors Ive only had this happen once to me but sometimes you will be forced through an apparently solid floor and fall to your demise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ghost Pole When doing a level with Team Dark, use team blast just after you hit a switch to raise a pole. Use Black tornado where the post should be and you team will swing up an invisible pole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recover If you get hit and you fall off a platform as your speed character and there is an enemy nearby. Keep pressing A to jump once your character is no longer stunned and use blue/black tornado to home in on an enemy. This can be a real lifesaver (especially in Robot Storm). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blast gauge up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This comes in extremely handy in boss battles like Egg Albatross and Egg Emperor. Switch to your flight character and press B and either X or Y at EXACTLY the same time. Your flight character should try to thundershoot your team members but with no ammo. This will cause your blast gauge to shoot up about 1/4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to add to any of these sections to point out something I missed or to add some glitches, tips or hoaxes, e-mail me at atb@magma.ca and I will post your submission and credit you for it in the section below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank yous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you to Sonic Team for making another terrific game Thank you gamefaqs.com for hosting this All who made those hoaxes ~No submissions yet~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sonic the Hedgehog is property of SEGA. I do not own Sonic. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legal: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2005 Hyper Knuckles 18 This file may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than gamefaqs.com or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission by me. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~end of file~