............. . ......#... ...########... .......... ....... ..... ....... ...######.. ..####........ ....########... .####... ..##. ..#####. ....######... ..#####....... ..##.......###...#####... ..##. ..#####.....#####.... ....########..####.... ..##...########..###. ..#####....#####..... .........##..####.... ...##...####.########. ..#####....######...... ..........###...###.......##....###...#######. ..#####....##########.. ..#########... ...#########... .###.....####.....####.........#####.... .............. ............ ...................####.. .............. ..... .............. ..###................ .......... ..#####.... ..##.. ..##...#####.....#######....########....######...####..###.. ..##......##...###......##.....##..###....##...##........##.......... ..##########...######...########...###....##...#######....##########.. ...##.....###...###......##....##....##....##...##.................###.. ...##. ..##..######....#......##....#######....######............###.. ...##. ...................................................########... ...... ...... .. .. .............. ________________________________________________________________________ FAQ/Walkthough By: |Jason Howell (CAHowell) and me frog Version History: |2.0 Date Created: |1/08/03 Last Updated: |1/25/03 Blocks Required: |2 (Gamecube) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Use Ctrl and F to pull up a search box, and type in the numer of the section you want to go to. /------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 010.........................Table of Contents | | 020.........................Version History | | 030.........................Introduction | | 040.........................Game Basics | | 050.........................Walkthough | | T10.........................-Team Sonic | | T40.........................-Team Chaotix | | TE0.........................-Emeralds | | TF0.........................-Final Story | | 060.........................Extra missions | | TSE.........................-Team Sonic | | TCE.........................-Team Chaotix | | 070.........................Ranking Guide | | 07A.........................Hoax Section | | 080.........................Reader Info | | 090.........................F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) | | 09A.........................Backlog | | 100.........................Legal Info | \------------------------------------------------------------------/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 020. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Howell's updates: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 8, 2004: Beginning of Guide. Version 1.0 January 9, 2004: Jason here. I added the Game Basics and Introduction parts to the guide, as well as the Introduction part. me frog said he will be working on several of the levels tomorrow, and I will show the differences between the teams in the walkthough. If you have any other info, please email one of us. January 9, 2004: Not much to say. me frog said he would be working on the other 4 stages, and I will leave that up to him to post it (or email it to me). To anyone who is angry the guide is small, we are going to be working our asses off this weekend, trying to give you the highest quality service. January 10 2004: MAJOR update today. me frog added Team Sonic's section from level 2 to 9, including bosses. More updates comming soon, along with the completion of the normal ranking section and a lesser enemy section made by me. January 13 2004: Added Team Sonic's Lost Jungle, The Team Dark Team Battle, 1 New Hoax, and Team Chaotix's Seaside Hill. That's pretty much it....also, we are now accepting any fan help, such as secret passageways in levels, boss strategies, and other info that would be helpful. You will be credited for your work (and we do check the method, so don't send us any hoaxs). January 17 2004: At last, me frog has fully completed the story mode part of Team Sonic, meaning I will start on Team Rose, and he will continue with Chaotix. Enjoy! January 20 2004: Just to let you know, me frog finished the ENTIRE Team Chaotix guide, and I am in the process of putting it up. The parts that are up are levels 2 to 5, and hopefully, I can get more up before this is updated. Also, in terms of when I will be starting the Team Rose/Dark info, it should be this weekeded. A few things came up over the weekeded that I had to deal with. Now, in terms of corrections: -The grinding button on the GCN is the B button, not the A button like I accedently said. -The "Not accepting any fan help" was suspose to be "Now accepting fan help. January 20 2004: Finally added all of me frog's Team Chaotix's levels to the guide. Team Rose's guide should come out around this weekend. January 22 2004: Well, I finally updated the guide on my own. Added info and corrections as follows: -Added GCN controls -Added Emeralds Section -Added Final Story Section -Added Backlog, to show what we have planned. Yea....Anyways, Team Roses section should come this weekened, and after that, I will try to complete the Ranking section, Add the enemies list, and finally finish Team Dark's part. Also, email me or me frog if there is anything else you want us to do. February 3,2004: Oh my fucking gods and jesus...it is the Moneky.9 update! No, no Team rose/dark...yet, but a whole shitload of updates! -Corrected me frogs final section -Added all the missions for Team Sonic and Chaotix. Also, note the layout of the other missions, I sorta messed up. Should be corrected in the next few updates....Anyways... February 4,2004: Eh, I'm sorry about the whole joke thing. Bordom = FAQ Writers do NOT mix well. Anyways, for an update on the team rose guide, I am at 8 levels right now, and will update the guide with the Team Rose section when I am done with it, which should be tomorrow (Depending on my plans), or friday night. See you next update! P.S: For you Xbox and PS2 owners, a control guide for those versions will come soon, perhaps friday. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- me frog's updates: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 24 2004: OMG it's me frog! Yeah, I told Jason I'd update the FAQ this time so here I am... Anyway, here's what was added today... -Added "me frog's version" of the Final Story -Added the "Extra Missions" chapter -Added the "Reader Help" chapter -added some things to the backlog So... that's basically it. Here's WHAT TO EXPECT next update (from me at least) -add some more extra missions for Sonic and Chaotix -start on the multiplayer info (won't finish it though) -start on the Secrets section (won't finish it though) Bye for now! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 030. I N T R O D U C T I O N --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ me frog's Intrduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey, me frog here, your favorite FAQ author! I've been planning to do a Sonic Heroes guide for months now. Hell, this is probably one of the FAQs that I'm most excited about, mainly because it's my first REAL Sonic FAQ (the other is just a demo, that doesn't count). Of course, I've been a Sonic fan for years, and I look forward to typing out an excellent in-depth guide full of adventure and suspense and drama and... okay I'll stop now. Anyway, this is the sixteenth FAQ that I have written at GameFAQs, and will probably be one of the better ones that I have written. If you aren't viewing this FAQ from GameFAQs, then (well first, you're viewing it from one of the four sites above, right?) I'm not sure what guide number this is for that site. Anyway, enough about that. You might've noticed that this is a co-authored guide with Mr. Jason (Jason Howell, CAHowell, you know). I've co-authored with Jason once before, and I've read a lot of his work. Let me tell you that you're going to get ALMOST as good as information out of his part of this FAQ then out of mine. Just kidding, he's a great author, and deserves a lot of recognition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason's Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome, Sonic fanboys/girls alike...I am Jason Howell, the other author of this guide. I've been contributing for awhile, and I am now up to 21 FAQ's, making this the Twenty-second. In terms of my relation to the guide, I will be mostly working on the layout and the Team Dark/Rose Parts, while me frog focuses on Team Sonic/ Chaotix and the multiplayer parts. Although the guide does seem shallow now, it should be rather large near the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040. G A M E B A S I C S --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Basics: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed Characters: The most used characters. Speed characters are the fastest of the 3 types, but usually do not have that many abilities. Speed characters have the ability to do the homeing attack (A twice), and the light speed dash (Sonic and shadow only). The speed characters are: -Sonic -Shadow -Amy -Espio --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Characters: The main choices for combat. Power characters are the strongest of the 3 and have several abilities. Powers ranging from destroying debris, to flying up on air vents, to using a special homing attack with your other team mates are a few of the abilities Power Characters can use. The Power Characters are: -Knuckles -Omega -Big -Vector --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying Characters: The least used of the 3. Flying characters only have two purposes: Bring down flying enemies, and lift your team mates above ledges. Flying characters are always in flying mode, unless the other two characters are unusable. The Flying characters are: -Tails -Rouge -Cream -Charmy Team Differences: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Sonic: The most rounded of the 4. Team Sonic offeres the basic thrill for newbies and veterans alike. The levels are harder then Team Rose (More enemies and longer), but easier than Team Dark (Less enemies, same length). If you have played the previous Sonic Adventure games, it may be a good choice to start with Team Sonic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Dark The Hardest of the 4. Team Dark provides a good challenge to people who have already beaten Team Sonic and want to complete each character on 100%. Team Dark's team has the same length as Team Sonic, but more enemies, bigger jumps, and different styles of getting to the end. If you beat Sonic Adventure/2 with all emblems/A rankings, then Team Dark would be a good one to start with. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Rose: The Easiest of the 4. Team Rose is best for the newbie at heart, and best for those who skipped the previous games, or even sonic games all together. Team Rose has the shortest level path then Team Sonic and Dark, less enemies, and easier boss battles. Like I said earlier, if you avoided Sonic Adventure/2, then team rose will be a good introduction. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- T. Chaotix: The oddball of the 4. Team Chaotix's gameplay is mostly a mission based objective thoughout the levels the other 3 go though, only with goals, such as collecting things. If you are good at collecting from the previous two games, team chaotix is your team. Gameplay: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changing Characters: When you want to change your character to the main lead, press either Y or X (GCN Version) to switch between the two. The character's icon that is on the left is the Y button, and the one to the right is the X button. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Blast: The special move of each team, Team Blast is a move that can either defeat all enemies onscreen and stop time for a small period of time, or stun the bosses (Besides the Lesser Enemy based bosses). To fill the Team Blast Gauge (Located on the upper right of the screen), you must either: -Collect Rings -Kill a Enemy -Do a attack -Get a Team Blast Item box ..To charge it. Once it is full, the letters "team blast" will appear instead of the gauge along with the Z button (Again, GCN). Press the button to execute it. You lose your Gauge every time you either die, or change levels. *Update* Each Team's Team Blast has a different effect, although all Team Blast have the ability to instally kill any non-boss enemies, each is different. Here is a list of the different Team Blast: -Team Sonic's has no special properties, but can sometimes stun bosses. -Team Dark's has the ability to stop the time (and timer) for about 15 seconds, give or take a few seconds. -Team Rose's gives you a shield and Invincibility after execution. -Team Chaotix's gives you a random ammount of rings based on the ammount of enemies you destroyed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Levels: A new addition to the game. Levels are both for points and to help you execute attacks easier. Near your characters icon is a collection of three holes, that shows your current level. To gain levels, you must: -Get the color orbs that enemies drop -Get them from a item box ...to gain a level. Levels increase your attack power and allow you to even damage. You lose all your levels when you either die or change levels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rings: The basic form of life in each sonic game. Rings both fill your team blast gauge, protect you from harm, and give you a extra life after you collect 100 rings in a row. When you come in contact with a enemy, you will lose all of your rings, but they will fall out and let you pick them up again. Only the team leader can be damaged, team members that are hit do not lose your rings. You lose your rings when you either die, get hit by a enemy, or switch levels. Another side note is team mates can also pick up rings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Gates: A special gate that appears in each level. There are two different types of character gates: -Gates that tell you what to do (Power, Speed, or Flying) -Gates that change your leading character. In terms of the gates that tell you what do do, they are flying monitors that either have the words "Speed, Power, or Flying" in them, along with a color. When you get to one of these Monitors, switch to that teams character and do whatever action is required. In terms of the gates that change your character, they are actual gates with both a monitor and a transpartent barrier with a color matching the action Required. When you pass though one of these gates, they automaticly change the main character --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grinding: Back from Sonic Adventure 2 and the Sonic Advance games is the grinding ability. To grind, you must find a rail and either jump on it or walk on. While Grinding, press the B button (GCN and possibly the Xbox version) to speed up. Press the directional pad in either the right or leff direction, along with A, to change rails. To get off, press A to jump --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death: Both different and similar to other sonic games. Death has expanded to fit the team's needs into it as well. In terms of instant death, if the main character gets hit without any rings, or if all team mates fall into a void, that will count as a instant death and take a life from you. In terms of switching death, if the main character falls, but if another team mate is not falling with you, you will switch to that team mate (Example: If Knuckles, and only knuckles, dies in the casino level, it will switch to one of the other characters and knuckles will reappear once everyone is on safe ground.) It is a bit differnt in team battles. If you get hit with or without rings, you will be stunned and unusable for a few seconds. If the team leader is hit without rings in a team battle, he will NOT die, but be knocked back. It is only when all 3 characters are immobile will you lose a life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls: Gamecube Version: :::Speed formation::: ------------------------------------------------------ Homing Attack Button Used: B button twice Info: A attack used increase the ammount of air time. If used on a row of enemies, you can bounce off them and to where ever they lead. ------------------------------------------------------ Spin Button Used: While running, Hold B button Info: Used to increase speed on ground, be careful when using near a bottomless pit. ------------------------------------------------------ Rocket Accel Button Used: Hold B button Info: Used to get across areas in fast motion. Can be used either as a attack or to destroy crates. ------------------------------------------------------ Triangle Jump Button Used: A Button on narrow walls. Info: Used to cross areas without a floor. To cancel the move, press the B button. ------------------------------------------------------ :::Flying Formation::: ------------------------------------------------------ Flying Button Used: A Button Info: Used to cross areas without floors, Flying is the main effect of Flying Characters. You can stay in the air as long as you want, but when you start moving, your flying gauge will decrease. You will fall if it is fully deplenished. ----------------------------------------------------- Thunder Shoot Button Used: B Button Info: The main attack of flying characters. Used mainly to stun enemies for a short period of time. If the character hit's a amored enemy, he will be unusable for a short period of time. ----------------------------------------------------- :::Power Formation::: ----------------------------------------------------- Fire Dunk Button Used: While in Air, press B Button Info: A homing attack using the other characters. It is a powerful attack that can range depending on the characters current level. The actual attack launces the characters at a angle, so the higher you are, the greater the chance that you can attack a enemy. ---------------------------------------------------- Combo Attacks Button Used: B Button Info: A collection of moves that is usually a punch attack, a counter blow, and a wave of energy/musical notes/etc. Varies apon Power Character ---------------------------------------------------- Triangle Dive Button Used: A button while in Air Info: Used to create a slower decent while away from fans, but the main use is to go up on areas that have a fan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Formation: Although not important at first, team formation semi-important later in the game. When your speed character is the lead character, your team mates will form in a line and follow you (Like tails in Sonic Adventure/DX). When a Power character is in the lead, the formation will be a character on each side. When a flying character is in the lead, the characters will grab their legs and hold on. In terms of uses, although un-important, speed formations will serve for crossing small platforms, power formations will serve for collecting rings, and flying is mainly used for switches (The characters let go and go on the switches) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 050. W A L K T H R O U G H --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Sonic: {T10} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Sonic's quest begins with the intro of Knuckles and Tails flying in the tornado and looking for Sonic. Once they find him, they give him a note from Eggman (Robotnik) to stop him. That is where are hero's quest begins. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 1: Seaside Hill | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 60,000 Mission Bio: "Head for the whale island!" You'll start out on the stage running on a straightaway. You'll hit some speed boosts and shortly after, collect four rings. The level will start to go downhill a little and you'll hit another speed boost. Once you pass "Fly" sign you'll automatically switch to Tails. Use him to fly through the hoops and up onto the elevated area. Once on the ground again switch back to Sonic. The question mark sphere will tell you that if you hit all of the springs in front of you, you'll get bonus rings. So drop down the ledge, collecting the ten-ring capsule. Hit all three springs to get some bonus rings and then go up to the ledge. Once you pass the "power" sign you'll switch to Knuckles. Stay spread out and you'll collect all of the rings on the ledge. Hit the dash panel and you'll fly across the water. Once you're on the other side hit the checkpoint to level up. Stay spread out to collect all of the rings and hit the dash pad. Go through the loops and you'll collect some ring capsules. Once you're done with the loops, go up the hill and collect the rings as you take the turn. On the other side of the turn you'll see three of Eggman's robots. Destroy them and then you can either use Knuckles to destroy the block, revealing a spring, or you can just use Tails to fly up to the ledge. Once you're on the top of the ledge, destroy the two blocks and hit all three springs to get the five-ring bonus. Get to the top of the ledge, and switch to Tails. Flu up onto the ledge to your left. Grab the ten ring capsule, and then hop down the ledge. Destroy the robot and then grab the rings. Inside one of the wooden containers is a ten ring capsule, so grab it. Switch back to Tails and fly through the hoop. Hit the springs and get the bonus, and then grab all of the rings on the next ledge. Fly to the balloon and pop it to get a one-up. Fall down onto the ledge and get the rings. You'll automatically switch to Knuckles when you go under the "power" sign. Break the box and hit the springs to go up to the ledge. Go through the hoop and then destroy the four robots. Break the four boxes that are in your way and then hit the dash pads. As you go down the hill you'll instantly switch back to Sonic again. Grab the rings, and take the turn when you get to the bottom of the hill. Make sure you go through the checkpoint and then go through one of the three different loops (they all lead back to the same place). At the end, you'll instantly be shot to an island across the water. Now where you get shot to when in the cannon depends on your formation. When Tails is the leader, you'll get shot up to some high ledges that you need to maneuver through. As Sonic, you'll go straight to the next island. On the island, grab the ten ring balloon and destroy the enemy (it takes two hits). Go to the end of the island and the ruins will instantly start to rise. Jump across them and take out the hovering enemy. Switch to Tails and fly up. Switch back to Sonic when you're at the top. Hit the dash pads and you'll go through a checkpoint and into a little vehicle. You'll automatically move forward in this vehicle; you just move left or right. There are rings everywhere here, so move left or right to grab them. When you reach the end, a message should pop up saying "Passed!" Go through the ruins and grab the five ring capsule. Hit the dash pad and on the other side of the water, run up to the box. Destroy it and hit the spring it reveals. Destroy the box on the next ledge and there will be a twenty ring capsule and a spring. Hit the spring to be sent up and back onto the main path. Take out the two robots and then switch to Tails. Fly up and hit the springs. You'll be sent through two hoops and onto the next ledge. Use the light dash to get the rings on the right side, and then use Tail's thunder attack (press B) to take out the hovering enemies. Jump up the ruins and then fly through the hoops. Grab the ten ring capsule and then hit the dash pad on the left side. Instantly switch to Tails and then jump through the hoop. Switch back to Sonic and then run forward and destroy the two robots. Switch to Knuckles and destroy the boxes, and then switch back to Sonic. Destroy the robot on the other side and go across the little ledge. Hit the dash pad at the end and you'll go through some hoops and hit a ten ring balloon. When you land, grab all the rings and then hit the dash pad. Go down the straightaway as Sonic and hit the dash pads at the end. Make sure to go through the rainbow rings to gain 2600 bonus points. Destroy the flying enemies and then use Tails to fly up the ledge. Destroy the five flying enemies and then hit the springs. Destroy the three flying enemies that you see and then take the only path available, collecting all of the rings. Continue until you hit some boxes. Use Knux to destroy them and then continue. Destroy the two robots in the long hallway and then destroy the boxes at the end. Go down the hill and then destroy the three enemies in the huge room. Jump into the cannon located in the center as Sonic and you'll be shot into some springs. You'll go up a bunch of springs, through some hoops, and then through a checkpoint. You'll then jump into a vehicle like the one you jumped into earlier. It's the same as before, just a lot longer. Remember to collect as many rings as you can. At the end, rush forward and grab the rings and then take one of the three loops. Continue down the one path as Sonic, going as fast as you can. When you see a bunch of enemies, use your team blast to destroy them all. Continue down and then hit the dash pads. You'll go through a HUGE loop and then when you end up on the other side you'll be going at a breakneck speed. Take the path and then go down the hallway. Destroy the enemies and proceed. Hit the dash pads at the end. You'll fly up to an island where you'll be told to use your team blast. Use it to destroy all the enemies, then run past the crater (drop in if you want some rings), and hit the goal ring. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 1: Ocean Palace | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 50,000 Mission Bio: "Escape from the ancient ruins!" A sea palace... cool. Nice music, eh. Anyway, you'll start on a long, straightforward path. Stick to Sonic to get through it quickly. Eventually, you'll come to a loop, so go through and continue down the path. After you go straight up, you'll collect a power sphere for Knuckles and end up in front of four speed boosts. Switch to Power Formation and hit the boosts. Go off the dash ramp and if you were in Power Formation like I told you to get in, you'll go through all three rainbow rings and collect some bonus points. When you land, run up to the door and have Knuckles punch it twice to get it open. You'll be greeted by a bunch of Eggman robots, so quickly switch to Sonic to get rid of them all quickly. As you head down the path, a bunch of obstacles will start to fall in your path. Knuckles can take care of these for you, so keep punching through them until you get to a "fly" sign. Fly up with Tails and use the dash hoop to be shot to the next platform. Here, switch to Sonic and proceed to go down the straightforward path. Once Knuckles mentions that the pillars are collapsing, move over to the far left side of the path and stay there so you aren't crushed. Once you reach the end, Light Dash through the rings and switch to Knuckles once more. Use the Triangle Dive when you're on the fan to hover up. Now bust open the cage to get a key. Once you have that, switch to Tails. Use him to fly up all the debris quickly. Switch to Knuckles and stay in the center of the path. Otherwise, you'll be crushed by pillars. Punch the door twice to open it, and go through. Head down the path, destroying the enemies as you go, and then switch to Tails and fly up the ledge. We could switch to Sonic and head down, but we're taking the upper path for now. There is a straightforward path here with a lot of rings, but it also has a bunch of spiked balls. Go through, Light Dashing through the rings, until you reach the end. Use Knuckles to break open the door and switch to Sonic. Use the homing attack on one of the walls and traingle jump to the end (make sure to get the balloon, which has a Power Sphere for Sonic). At the end, hit the dash pads and go through the rings to be boosted to the next area. Run forward and you'll automatically switch to Knuckles. Use the Trinagle Dive to reach the next platform. Stay in the center here to avoid being crushed, and destroy the enemy. If you wish, you can use the Triangle Dive to float up the first fan and grab a ten-ring balloon. Otherwise, head up the second fan. Ignore the hill for now and head north all the way, then east. Change to Power Formation to collect all the rings at once, and bust through the pillars to find an extra life. Head back to the hill you passed, and you'll instantly switch to Sonic. Stay centered here to collect two rows of rings at once, and continue down the straightforward path. When you reach the end, go through the Power Gate and you'll switch to Knuckles. Destroy the debris and head north. Defeat the enemies here and head up the stairs in Power Formation. By doing that, you'll collect all the rings. At the top, bust open the door and defeat all the enemies. Hit the dash pads and you'll go down a bunch of paths, eventually ending up on a huge turtle. As Sonic, enter the cannon and destroy the enemies once you reach the next platform. This will let you enter the cannon, which will blast you to a spring, which will blast you to a platform. The enemies here have shields, so use the Blue Tornado to get rid of them. Once you defeat the enemies, hit the dash pad to be rocketed to the next platform. Here, defeat the enemy and then bust open the containers to find a twenty ring capsule. Hit the next dash pad. On the next platform, defeat all the enemies here using Blue Tornado and the homing attack. This will reveal two targets, so use either one of them to be sent up to the next platform. Here, run forward and hit the checkpoint, then use the springs to be sent up to another platform. Defeat the enemies here and using Knuckles, destroy the blocks in the left corner to reveal a shield. Now head up the path that's to your right and switch to Tails near the area where the block falls. Fly up and defeat the enemies here to reveal a power sphere for Tails. Defeat all of the enemies here and then head up the hill and hit the springs. Switch to Knuckles and use Triangle Dive to float up to the next platform. Bust all the blocks here using Knuckles and follow the path east. Here, break open the door and switch to Tails. Fly up when you get near the gap and you'll go through a hole in the ceiling. Turn around and hit the springs here. Have all three characters activate the switches at the same time to open some cages containg ring capsules and a 1-Up capsule. Drop down here and head back to the gap. Use the homing attack on a wall and Triangle Jump all the way across. Here, hit the checkpoint and then hit the dash pads. After being blinded by the sunlight, a huge boulder will begin to chase Team Sonic. Switch to Sonic so you can run fast, and head down the hill, avoiding the boulder. Eventually, you'll be sent up to a second platform, where you have to continue running from the giant boulder. It can be a bit difficult, since there are TWO rocks now, but keep going and eventually you'll reach the end of the rock chase. Here, just head striaght and up the stairs to reach the goal ring. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Special Stage 1: Ocean Palace | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Well, you're first special stage is definitely an easy one. There's nothing here but lots and lots of spheres. That's right, nothing to get in your way. You have to constantly be collecting spheres to increase your time, otherwise the stage will instantly end. Remember to get to Power Formation if you see three rows of spheres all next to each other. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======\ |Boss: EGG HAWK HP: 50 (Eggman Boss) | |========-----------------------------------------------------------======| | | |After some conversation, you'll engage in your first boss battle! | |Yipee! This is a pretty simple fight, but it can be a little tough | |if you're still not used to the controls. You'll first start on a big | |runway, so run in the middle to collect lots of rings and avoid the | |fire that the Egg Hawk is shooting. | | | |When you get to a sandy area, stop running and wait for the Egg Hawk to | |land. Eggman will do his roter attack, so you'll have to destroy both | |roters (they're like the wings). First, take out the two small | |guns that are near the things connecting the roters. The roters | |themselvestake lots of homing attacks to destroy, but once you do, | |the battle is a lot easier. | | | |Anyway, keep running now, but make sure you don't get too close to the | |Egg Hawk, or you'll take damage. After you end up near the sandy area | |again, take out the two things next to the roters that connected them | |[roters] to the main craft. Keep doing homing attacks on them, and | |Eggman will eventually get up and you'll have to chase him down the | |runway again. | | | |When he lands in the sandy area, continue attacking him. When his health | |stops going down, head to the opposite "wing" and start attacking that | |one. If the health stops going down AGAIN, aim for Eggman's main craft | |itself. Eventually, you'll destroy one of the three targets, which will | |destroy the whole craft, thus ending the battle. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 3: Grand Metropolis | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 60,000 Mission Bio: "Rescure the city until the control of Eggman!" I LOVE this level, it's just so fun and never gets boring. Okay, you'll start off on a hill that's taking you down. Just sit bakc and watch since you don't have to do anything. When you hit the dash pad, you'll end up on a blue path. This is strange, since even if you stop, you'll continue moving forward. If you try to move forward youself, you'll go very fast. Once you reach the end, hit the springs to be sent over the wall. Hit the dash pads here and go down the blue path. Defeat the enemies on the next platform, but don't bother with the crates; they have nothing inside of them. Switch to Sonic now and run up the blue path. At the end, jump and go forward to grab a balloon with a blue power sphere. Head forward and you'll see a big gap, but lots of enemies hovering over it. If you've played the previous Sonic Adventure games, you'll know that you should use the homing attack on the enemies to get across. Once you are on the other side of the gap, you'll encounter a strange enemy. You can't defeat this enemy using homing attacks, so switch to Knuckles and punch it instead. This will open that path, so head across. You'll come to a strange swsitch here, so stand near it and press B. Push the control stick forward to open a door containing some capsules. Once you've grabbed the capsules, head back out and destroy the enemy to reveal the path. Defeat the enemies on this path and hit the checkpoint on the other side. Head down the blue hill, collecting the rings as you go. Once you get to the bottom, run forward and hit the springs to be sent up to the next platform. Use Tail's thunder bolt to defeat all the enemies. Next, run forward and you'll be given a choice. You can fly up and go through the dash pads with Tails, or you can run forward with Sonic down the blue platforms. Let's go with Sonic, since he's cooler (sorry Tails). Anyway, go down the blue platforms and eventually you'll just have to hold forward and the game will do the rest for you. When you reach the end, hit the checkpoint. Push the switch on the right into the wall to open the door. Defeat the enemy inside and break the crate to reveal a floor switch. Press this to open another door opposite the one you're in. Inside this area, there's a balloon with a 1-Up. Now defeat the enemies to reveal the path. Cross it and defeat all the enemies here. Now comes the fun part. Head forward and use the light dash to collect all the rings. Defeat the enemies and use light dash again to cross the gap. Defeat all the enemies on the next platform and you'll come to another huge gap. Use light dash again to cross it. You'll end up on a blue platform. There are some rings here, so use light dash a final time to get them all. An enemy will appear once you get up the blue path, so defeat it. Use the switch to open the door so you can continue. Here, head forward on the blue path and press B just as you reach the end to cross the gap using the light dash. On the next platform, use homing attacks to defeat all the enemies. Once you fall off, turn around and use Knuckles to break the crate. You'll reveal a ten ring capsule. Now go straight and defeat the enemy to lower a gate blocking a switch. Use the switch to open the door. Head south and defeat the enemies here, then grab the item on top of the crate. Hit the spring to be sent up to a blue path. Grab all the rings on it and then go around (or bust through) the containers. Use the blue tornado to get the robot's shield off and then defeat it to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the door. Get the ring capsule on top of the crate here and defeat the enemy that drops down. Now drop down and hit the checkpoint. You'll find a pole here, so get near it and use blue tornado. You'll head up and be shot over the wall blocking your path. Defeat the enemy here, grab the ring capsule, and use the pole to reach the next platform, which is a blue path. At the end of this path, use a homing attack on the two enemies. When you destroy the second, push forward and when you get near the rings, use a light dash to get across the gap. Head down the many blue paths that there are here, and at the end defeat the enemy. Now hit the springs and head forward here. Defeat the enemy and hit the switch to open the door. You'll be inside the room with nothing but a pole, so use the blue tornado to head up. Hit the dash pads once you get to the top and you'll end up on a rail. Hold B to accelerate as you go down. Make sure Sonic is the leader, so when you reach the end you can use light dash to get all of the rings. Continue grinding on the rails, collecting the rings as you go, and you'll end up on a platform with a blue pole. Head up it, and you'll go up a bunch of springs. Once you're in control again, defat the enemies to reveal the path. Before you go, head down the blue path here (you'll have to jump to get across since it's going against you) to reach a key in a cage. Destroy the cage to get the key. Now head back down the blue platform and go down the path that the enemies revealed. Head straight and hit the dash pads to go down a long series of blue platforms. Switch to Sonic and you'll end up going down a bunch of blue paths. Once you're down all of those, you'll have to go up a hill with cars going everywhere. Stay centered to avoid the cars and press B at the end to light dash across the gap. Now just keep heading straight until you reach the goal. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Special Stage 2: Grand Metropolis | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Here, there are some spiked balls that you'll have to avoid, which can be tough. Other than that, it's pretty easy. Remember to collect as many spheres as possible to make chains so you can get some big points. Whenever you're in power formation, always stay that way so you can get the spheres that are spread out. Other than that, there's nothing I can say except for stay focused and don't dawdle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 4: Power Plant | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 45,000 Mission Bio: "Escape form the chaotic plant!" The moment you drop into the plant, head straight, going down the blue path. Hold forward for a while and watch what happens until you land in front of a Speed Formation Gate. Head straight, down the blue path (don't forget to collect the rings!), and you'll go through two corkscrews before hitting a spring, which will send you up to another blue path. Head straight here and defeat the two enemies to reveal a blue path, but this one is attatched to the wall. Just approach it and you'll instantly head up to the next platform. You'll see an enemy that's attatched itself to the ground by means of electricity. Use Tail's thunder shoot to knock the enemy to the ground, and then use Sonic to defeat it. This will reveal three platforms, so jump up them and destroy the electric enemy that's waiting for you at the top. Defeat it to reveal a vertical blue elevator. Head up to the next platform, which has another electric enemy. After defeating it, the path will open, so head straight, down the blue path, and then go up the blue elevator. There is a floating cage here with a power sphere, so jump with Knuckles and bust open the cage to get the sphere. Continue forward and defeat the three enemies to cause a pillar to rise. Use Tails to fly up to the pillar, and then jump up and the team will grab on to a hook, carrying them up to the next platform. Defating the two enemies will cause a bunch of pillars to rise. Use these pillars to climb up to an area with a fly sign, signaling you to switch to Tails and fly straight up. This will take you up to a vertical elevator, so go up and head down the path here. Make sure you avoid the dropping weight and hit the checkpoint. Switch to Tails and fly up here and you'll grab on to a hook. When you get to the next platform, you'll see a bunch of balloons in the air. Use Tails to fly to the first balloon. This contians some "wings" which give you extra flying time. Each balloon here has wings, so keep grabbing them until you get to the dash hoop. When you land on the platform below, go across the blue path and defeat the electric enemy. Now, look to your left to see a couple of enemies and a platform near them. Fly to that platform and defeat the robot here to lower a cage that has a switch. Hit the switch and then a pole will rise. Use the blue tornado to get up the pole and you'll be taken to a rail. Go down it and you'll grab a bunch of rings, and end up on a blue path. Head straight for a while and you'll eventually reach a blue elevator. When you get to the top, use thunder shoot to defeat the three enemies, which will lower a switch. This switch will cause a big pole to rise, so you just need to head up to reach the next platform. Here, defeat the strange enemy to make a bunch of steps stick out of the wall. You can either drop down and take the long, non-cool way, or you can take the steps. You'll have to jump and fly to get across. Once you're on the other side, grab the hook to be taken to a platform near a rail. Fly up to the rail and switch to Sonic once you're on. When you reach the end, jump and go right to end up on another rail. Once you're done with this rail, hit the dash pad to be sent up to an elevator. The blue platform in the middle will make you move slowly around the pole in the middle, but you don't want that. Locate the area with all the rings and stay there as much as you can to grab a bunch of them [rings]. Eventually, the elevator will stop. Light dash around the row of rings before you do anything else. Then defeat the three enemies and the elevator will continue to move up agiain. Make sure you stand near the area with all the rings. A row of rings will appear, so light dash to grab all of them, otherwise they'll disappear under the elevator. Once you are through with the elevator, defeat the enemy that's blocking the gate to reveal a blue path. Then head straight for a while, watching Team Sonic go into a green sphere and then back out again. Once you have some real control once more, head forward, down the blue path. At the end, light dash through the rings and then defeat the enemy in the center of the next platform. Head up the blue elevator and you'll hit a target that takes you to a blue platform. Switch to Tails and then fly up to the highest hook. You'll grab a bunch of rings on your way up. Jump to the platform near you and head north. Use a light dahs to get the rings and the hit the springs to head up. You'll notice a bunch of fireballs on a blue path here. Touching these hurt you, so either go around them or jump over them as you head up the path. Here, destroy the two enemies (make sure you avoid the fireballs again) to reveal a blue elevator. Head up, and watch out for the fireballs as you defeat the turtle robot thing. This will make a bunch of platforms rise, so use Tails to fly up them and onto the next platform. Now LOOK AT THE ORANGE SHADOWS NEAR THE BLUE ELEVATOR! These are shadows of fireballs, so make sure you don't float near them. When you reach the top of the elevator, defeat the enemy to make a platform rise. Go up it using Tails and then fly up to the next platform. Here, take the high path, defeating all of the enemies, dodging the fireballs, and stepping on the platforms. If you fall during any of this, you have to take the long, uncool way, so DON'T FALL! God... Anyway, when you reach the end, there is a rail with some rings. After you get off that rail, take the pole up, being careful to avoid the fireballs. Hit the checkpoint here, and then hit the dash pad. You're now on another elevator. This elevator is different, since it now has flames. It also has rows of rings that you can light dash through. Like the other elevator, it'll stop and make you defeat some enemies before you can continue. This elevator is also much longer, so you'll have to wait a little before you finally reach the top. When you DO reach the top, defeat the two enemies to open the path. Now head straight for a while, holding forward, until you finally start to drop down. Get all the rings and head straight. There is an enemy surrounded by flames. The best thing to do is to use Tail's thunder shoot to clear the flames, and then defeat the enemy. A blue elevator will then appear, so take it up to the top. HIT THE CHECKPOINT HERE! The next part can be very annoying, and you might die a few times during it. Hit the dash pad to enter the final part of the level, the energy storage tank. Immidiately switch to Tails and use the dash hoops to fly up to all of the platforms. You'll then have to switch to Sonic and defeat a bunch of enemies. At the end of the enemies is a row of rings that you have to light dash across. This type of stuff will continue for a while, so do your best not to end up fried (the lava is rising, remember?). Eventually, you'll come to two enemies with a cage. Defeat the two quickly to open the cage, which will reveal a target. This target takes you out of hell (a.k.a. the energy storage tank). Anyway, the goal ring is just in front of you here. Yay! /=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======\ |Boss: Team Rose (heh..heh..) HP: - (Team Battle) | |=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======| |Well, you're fighting Sonic's love here. Wait, WTF? Never mind... Anyway,| |this is a simple and VERY fun battle. You're facing the entire Team Rose | |here, and you have to force them out of the arena. However, you lose if | |Team Rose forces Team Sonic out of the arena. | | | |Anyway, switch to Tails and continue to use thunder shoot against Team | |Rose. Collect rings while you're at it to make you more powerful. The | |more rings you have, the more powerful thunder shoot is. Eventually, | |all three will go out of the ring and you'll win. Now shouldn't this | |have been the first boss battle? | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 5: Casino Park | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 40,000 Mission Bio: "Dash through the giant theme park!" When you start, dash into the cannnon to be shot into a huge pinball machine. Now you have to play some pinball in order to reach the next part of the level. You can control the team, but not that well. You can also control the flippers, so use A to flip all the flippers on the board. There are dash pads and targets that can help Sonic reach the top, too. Once you are at the top, you'll fly down and encounter the first of Eggman's robots in this level. Destroy them and head up the stairs, collecting the rings. Destroy the robot here and then use homing attacks on the green, floating balloons. These platforms send you high into the air, so maneuver over to the platform with the floor switch. This will make a bunch of rings appear, so light dash across the gap. Destroy the enemy here and then push the switch out to open the big door next to the switch. Here, smash the cage to get the special stage key, and then head over to the glass. Switch to Knuckles, jump in the air, and press B to break the glass. Now drop down and you'll be in another big pinball area. There are some nice things you can get on your way down to the bottom. Once you reach the bottom, you'll be in another huge pinball machine. This machine is a bit tougher than the one at the start, since it's larger and doesn't have as many targets or dash pads. There are many different paths you can take to the top though, so if one path doesn't work then try a different one. Eventually, you'll reach the top. Hit the dash pads and Sonic will roll down to a platform containing a checkpoint. Hit the checkpoint and then smash through the metal blocks to find an invincibility capsule. Grab it and head back out. Hit all the springs to be sent up to the next platform. Here, defeat all the enemies and then run up to the strange spring-thing. Punch it using Knuckles to be sent over to another casino machine. Go through, collecitng all the rings, and then you'll end up in a little ball tunnel like the ones in Metroid. Anyway, choose your path when you are given the option (they are basically the same), and you'll end up on another giant pinball machine. This one is an easy machine, since it has lots of springs and dash pads. Maneuver to the top of the machine, where you'll end up on a green platform. The ??? mark sphere here explains about slot machine rings and rewards, so pay attention since slot machines can lead to big payouts! Now, get on the dice here and wait until you reach the big stretchy dice. Wait until you can reach it, then jump. When it's at it's highest point, switch to Tails and fly as far as you can northeast. When you land, you should be at the top of a huge pinball machine. Drop down below the green hill going down deep into the machine, and then send youself up through the tunnel and down the green hill (zone...). You'll drop to a low platform. Hit the springs here to be sent up to a platform with three enemies. Destroy them and you'll notice the switches are placed high up, so Sonic can't reach them. This part was hell for me to figure out :( Anyway, switch to Tails (I never thought of that), and that will make Tails high enough to reach the switches. Pull both switchs to open the door leading to the next area. There is what I like to call a "tractor beam robot" here, which will catch one of your characters. If it does, that character won't be able to escape and you won't have them for the rest of the level or until you die. Once that robot is gone, head to the glass area behind where the robot was. Use Knux to break the glass and drop down. Head to the back and defeat all the enemies, and then fly up to the next area. Punch the spring thingy to be sent to the next platform. Enter the cannon to be shot into the slot machine on the giant pinball table. After exiting, head all the way down to reach the next area. Defeat all the enemies here, and you'll then have to climb up a bunch of dice. BE CAREFUL, since there is an endless abyss below the dice, so if you fall, you die. Once you're on the other side, defeat the enemy to reveal a spring. Hit this spring to be sent high up to the next platform. Here, you'll end up in a pinball machine. Go down and you'll drop to a lower platform which has a checkpoint and a bunch of green balloons. Use these balloons to be sent to another platform. Here, rush past the enemies and the door and hit the dash pad. You'll be sent to a platform with a bunch of springs. Hit these springs to be sent up to an area with a door. Defeat the enemies here and then switch to Tails. Fly above the door to find a switch. Watch Tail's icon and when you see a B button symbol appear, press B to grab onto the switch. Pull it out to open the door. Defeat the enemy here and then break the glass. You'll drop down onto a huge pinball machine. Roll all the way down to end up near another pinball machine. Roll down this one and you'll be in a big Metroid Morph Ball type area. You'll end up in front of some stairs, so head up them to find the goal ring. Whew, that was an odd stage! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 6: Bingo Highway | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 32,000 Mission Bio: "Blast down the high speed slides!" Holy crap, a lot of this stage is going to be tough to write for, since it's hard to see where you're going to end up. Okay, you'll start off rolling down a very fast and fun slide. Your characters are going to get separated here, but stick to Sonic for now. As you're rolling down, grab the rings and then hit the ramp. After the ramp you should see three different "Morph Ball Tunnels". Enter the LEFT one and roll down it for a while. When you land, Tails and Knuckles will join you if you happened to separate earlier. Defeat the robot with the searchlight, but make sure that it doesn't actually see you with the light. If it does, two additional robots will appear and you'll have to defeat them. Once all the enemies are defeated, the door will open. Run through the tunnel, getting the rings, and switch to Knuckles before you enter the fan. Use the Triangle Dive to get up the fan so you can continue. Fly all the way up and then float forward to grab a balloon with a shield. Defeat the three enemies here (two have tractor beams and one has a shield that you can get rid of using Blue Tornado). Once they're gone, head over the glass and break the cage with Knuckles to get the Special Stage Key. Once you do that, jump with Knuckles and press B to break the glass. Go through and you'll fly down a small slide. At the end, you'll hit a bunch of springs and end up on a casino table. You can't destroy the searchlight enemy with Sonic or Tails due to its armor being too strong. Jump up with Knux and use the same technique you used to break the glass and the enemy will be defeated. Remember, two more enemies spawn if you're caught by the enemy's searchlight. Once all enemies are gone, turn around and activate the switch that you just revealed. Now the dice have stopped spinning, so use Tails to fly across the dice and on to the card table on the other side. If you fall, you'll have to go through a long, but easy alternate path that will take you to the same place you would end up anyway. Activate the checkpoint on the card table, and use Knuckles to punch the target. You'll be sent onto another high-speed slide. Again, make sure that you stick with whichever character is your leader as you go down. As you're going down, try as hard as you can to get all of the big numbers. If you get enough, you'll get a BINGO and grab lots of rings. At the end, you'll go through a Morph Ball Hole which will lead you to a pinball machine. This is one huge machine, and it can take quite a while to reach the top of it, since there are no boosters to help you get up. However, you can grab lots of rings on the way up, so don't hesitate to; those extra lives are always handy. If you happen to fall below the bottom flippers, don't fret; you'll go down a Morph Ball Hole and be shot back up to the machine. Once you make it through Hell's Machine, destroy the two tractor beam robots. Ahead of you is a capture robot; these guys are dangerous, since they take away any characters that are captured. Destroy him and then use the green springs to be sent up to the dice. When the dice is at its highest point, fly over to the next platform. Destroy the searchlight enemy (it spawns a tractor beam enemy if you're spotted) and continue down the path. Destroy the enemy and then fly across the gaps using Tails and the dice. On the other side, hit the checkpoint and then the spring. Roll down the hill here (preferable in Power Formation, since you can then grab all of the rings) and you'll drop down to a second hill. After rolling down this one, you'll hit a bunch of springs and be sent up to another platform. Defeat the two robots here first. The electric enemy is preventing you from reaching the switch, so stun it with thunder shoot and then destroy it with Knux (you can't destroy it with Sonic or Tails). Hit the switch to open the door, then run down the hall. Use Triangle Dive when you reach the fan and float up to the yellow suspended platforms. Use them to bounce over to a balloon with Invincibility inside of it. Now defeat all of the enemies on the ground to reveal a switch. Activate this switch and it'll open the door. The ??? spheres here tell you about BINGO, so listen up! Break the glass with Knuckles once you've listended to the ??? spheres, and you'll drop down onto a high speed slide. These also have BINGO spheres on it for you to collect, so grab them on the way. BE CAREFUL, since there are lots of holes in the middle of the area, so stick to the sides unless you're grabbing a BINGO sphere. Remember, if all three characters meet their doom here, you die. Anyway, once you've reached the end, you'll be dropped on to a, you guess it, pinball table. Here, you're trying to go down to the bottom of the table, although there are some slot machines at the top if you're feeliing lucky. Once you drop all the way down you'll be on a bunch of springs. Bounce over to an area that has no floor and just a bunch of floating platforms that bounce you up into the air. You fall, you die, isn't it simple? Anyway, these platforms disappear after you bounce on them three times, although you really just need to bounce on them once. Carefully make your way across, then head straight and defeat all of the enemies. Now use the green springs to bounce up high to the next platform. You'll see a circle of rings here, so use light dash to grab them all. Then hit the checkpoint and punch the target with Knuckles. This will send you over to the next platform. Here, defeat all the enemies (remember, the electric enemy can only be destroyed by stunning it with Tails and then punching it with Knux) before you do anything. Now, you can break the first four panes of glass and destroy all the boxes to find a total of twenty rings, but the important panes are the last two. Destroy the upper left pane and there's a switch inside one of the boxes. Press it to halt the dice blocks. Now break the upper right pane and find the spring inside one of the boxes. Hitting it will send you up to the first dice block, so you can make your way up the dice to the next platform. Here, defeat the enemy, and then enter the Morph Ball Hole. After going through a LONG tunnel, you'll end up in a BINGO slide. Yay! Or ummmmmm... not yay. This is one hell of a dangerous slide, since there are TONS of holes and you're going at high speeds. To top it off, it's pretty difficult to control Sonic, so you're going to have a pretty hard time. You DO get three chances (since there are three characters, remember?) before you die, so that's good. I'd concentrate on actually staying alive instead of grabbing the BINGO spheres, unless you've played this level a lot and are familiar with this slide. After surviving the slide, you'll end up on another slide. However, this slide has no holes. You'll end up on yet another slide after that, but there are a ton of rings on this slide. Continue to slide down even more slides. The final slide has the goal ring, but it's blocked off by some walls. You have to hit these walls three times to destroy them, so use the flippers to aim and send yourself into the walls. Once they're gone, shoot yourself into the goal ring. /=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======\ |Boss: ROBOT CARINVAL HP: - (Enemy Boss) | |========-----------------------------------------------------------======| |This is one easy, but long boss fight. What you're doing is defeating a | |bunch of enemies, and they all come in waves. There's twelve waves, and | |a number of rings here. Only grab one ring at a time, since you're going | |to need a lot. The first two waves has a bunch of flying robots. | | | |The third wave involves four flying robots and then three bots with some | |spiky weapons. The fourth wave has nine (I think) flying robots that | |just shoot at you. Use rapid homing attacks to defeat these guys. The | |next wave is very easy: just four electric robots that Tails can destroy | |using Thunder Shoot. Next is some bomb-dropping enemies and then enemies | |with spikes. You should have a Team Blast here, so use it to defeat all | |of them at once. | | | |The next wave involves a TON of flying enemies, but they're stationary | |so use multiple homing attacks to defeat them all. The next wave sucks: | |it's a ton of tractor beam enemies, and if all three of your characters | |are captured, you're screwed. To defeat them all, use the springs here | |to bounce up to a balloon with a Team Blast Icon. | | | |Use this team blast to defeat all enemies. The next wave has a bunch | |of turtles, but they are pretty simple dispite how they look. Knux | |can take them all out in one punch. For the one in the middle, wait | |until he pokes his head out of the shell (you have to be at a | |distance), and then rush in for the kill. The next wave is a bunch | |of electric and bomb-dropping enemies. | | | |Tails can take all of these guys out in one hit if he uses thunder | |shoot. The next wave is odd: it has a bunch of heavily armored bomb | |dropping enemies, a ground enemy with a shield, and then some turtles. | |Take the turtles and the shield enemy out first, then use Knuckles to | |defeat the bomb dropping enemies. The final wave has a bunch of shield, | |spiked enemies that shoot lasers at you. If you don't have a team | |blast, they can be difficult. However, you should have a blast so use | |it to finish the battle. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 7: Rail Canyon | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 35,000 Mission Bio: "Head for the terminal station!" I love this stage! Grinding is so freaking fun! Anyway, after a short cinema, you'll find yourself on a LONG rail. There are three, and Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are on different ones. Hold B to grind and use the control stick to balance so you don't fall off (although it's very hard to fall off anyway) or lose speed. Don't switch rails with any character because then a rail will be empty and you won't be able to collect any rings that are on that rail. Even by holding B and staying balanced, you'll eventually lose speed. However, there are speed boosters that can continue to speed you up, so make sure you hit those. When you come to some "breaks" as I like to call them, you'll know you're near the end. These "breaks" are some small, wodden lines that Team Sonic smash through to slow them down. Once you reach them, you'll eventually head to a spring and bounce up. Here, hit the checkpoint and switch to Power Formation so you can grab on the rings and grind all three rails instead of just one. Once you reach the end of this rail, defeat the enemies and head around on the left to find the Special Stage Key in a cage. Smash it with Knux, and go around to the back of the pillar in the center. There's a robot sleeping here, so destroy it and then grab the pulley to head up. Let me note that you can smash the barrels here with Knuckles, although these barrels only contain a total of seven rings. At the top, head down the hill in Power Formation and you'll hit a switch. These will change the direction of the rails that you were just on, causing you to go in a different direction. You'll instantly slide onto the rails. When you get off, defeat the enemy and then head forward. Grind on one of the two rails (I chose the left) and hit the switch. This will add some more rails that you'll continue to grind on. Keep going until you hit a spring, in which you have to land on more rails. Doesn't this remain you of Final Rush from Sonic Adventure 2? Anyway, continue to grind until you hit a booster and fly off the rail. You now have to head down even more rails, so make sure to land or you'll fall to your death! After going throuogh a few loops, you'll hit the breaks and be shot up by the spring. You should now use a homing attack on the balloon to get a shield. When you land, hit the checkpoint and run forward and defeat the enemy. If you want a Team Blast Icon, turn left and then break the containers with Knuckles. Inside the little cave that you just revealed is a barrel that has a Team Blast Icon. Head out of the cave and use blue tornado on the pole to fly up. Hit the switch here to open the door, and defeat the enemy inside. Run forward and jump on the rails. This is tough, since there are trains coming at you here. For the first part, stay on the right set of rails. When you see a trian coming toward you, quickly shift to the left set. You should avoid being hit. Continue grinding until you reach a big area with a circle of rings. Light dash to get all of the rings, and then head to the back of the pillar in the middle to find a pole (one of the barrels here has a five ring capsule if you're interested). Now go up the pole and defeat the enemy. Light dash across the row of rings and on the other side, activate all three switches at once by assigning each switch to a different character. Now head forward, past the lasers you just lowered, and defeat the enemy here. Fly across the gap with Tails and then hit the checkpoint that's in front of you. Switch to Power Formation and run at the springs, making sure each character hits a different spring. You're now going to go through a HUGE series of rails with loops and twists and rings. If each character is one their own rail, you can collect all the rings this way. Halfway through you'll go against some armored trains, but they're no real threat. When you finally reach the end, hit the checkpoint and then run forward. Defeat all of the enemies to lower the cage with the switch. Hit the switch and begin to grind all of the rails. Here's another long series of rails, but there are no dangers here that you have to worry about. Once you reach the end, jump off the rails to avoid hitting the big train. Run to the right and jump on the metal container to find a pulley. Take it up and jump over the gate. Here, defeat the enemy in the little cave to lower a cage with a spring. Head up the pole in the next area and activate the checkpoint here. Then run forward, defeat the enemy, and use triangle dive to head up the fan. Here, land on the rails. You're never going to go anywhere if you don't move, so head down and hit the booster to be shot back. On your way back to the booster, jump on the platform above to to start grinding on some more rails. Here, grind for a while and some trains will start to go. This is a tough part, but you can get past on your first try if you concentrate. Whenever you see an arrow pointing to a rail next to you, jump on that rail. If you don't, a train will come and knock you off the rail, causing you to lose a life. Once you get off the rails, hit the checkpoint and grind the rails. Make sure you grind fast, since the rail will disappear and if you're still on it, you'll die. Land on the platform with the speed boosts and grind the rail here. When you land, defeat the enemies, then switch to Tails. Approach the edge of the platform, jump, and use thunder shoot. It should hit the target, causing a pole to rise. Head up the pole and you'll end up on a rail. After doing lots of grinding that no one would ever be able to do in real life, you'll have to land on a middle rail near a balloon. Grind straight and you'll head right into the goal ring. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 8: Bullet Station | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 40,000 Mission Bio: "Destroy Eggman's base!" It's getting creepy around here... hey I'm just quoting Tail's bad acting voice. Anyway, you start out on a short rail, and when you land, defeat all of the enemies. They are tough, since they have machine guns and shields. Once they're dead, head forward and use a homing attack on the wall. Here, use homing attacks from wall to wall to reach the other side. Stop before a twisting platform, and wait till it evens out horizontally. If not, you'll fall below and have to take a short, but tough path. Once you reach the other side, destroy the capsules with Knux (you can fit through them, but the middle capsule has a five ring capsule). Follow the arrow and defeat the enemy. You can destroy the capsules here, but the only thing is a five ring capsule. When you're ready, jump on the rail and grind to the other side of it. If you fall, you'll have to defeat an enemy and take a weight up. Not hard, but frustrating. On the other side, grind the MIDDLE rail to the end, since the other two have two armored trains. At the end, fly up the structure and break the duct with Knuckles. You'll fall down to the transport train. Hit the checkpoint and break the wooden containers for a ten ring capsule, then continue forward. If you wish, you can destroy the crates near the enemy to find a power sphere for Knuckles. Continue on, destroying the tractor beam enemy. Now, destroy the engine with Knuckles, and you'll end up on a rail (how did you end up there?). Make sure to switch to the left or right rail near the end, since a spiked ball blocks your progress in the middle rail. Continue to grind the rail for a big and when you land, light dash across the rings. Now, as Sonic, jump in the cannon. You'll bounce off some targets. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING UNTIL YOU SEE A PLATFORM! If you do, you'll fall short (don't know why, you just will) and die. When you see the platform, push forward and you'll grind on a rail. Fall off and you'll land on a second platform. Grind that rail and you'll be on the upper level of the structure with the cannon. Head around the big hole (don't worry if you fall, you'll just end up on the lower level again), and defeat the enemies. This will reveal two switches. Leave the left switch as it is and hit the right switch. Now head left to the rail and grind it all the way to the top. Hit the checkpoint here and head straight, avoiding the dangerous weight. Now, jump on one of the two rails and hop off before you fall. Head down the hill and use triangle dive when you're near the fan to go up. Head up the pole next, and you'll end up on a rail Don't grind the middle one, since there's an armored train that's heading down it. If you do grind the middle, simply use a homing attack to defeat the train. Now, activate the three switches by assigning one switch per character. Head through the door you just opened, collecting the rings, and break the duct with Knuckles. Fall down and head forward when you land. Destroy the capture enemy and go up the stairs, killing the two robots there. Now jump in the cannon to be shot to the next area. Head right here and defeat the enemy, then light dash acroos the narrow platform. Defeat the enemies here, then fly over the fence. Break the two capsules to reveal two switches in addition to the switch in plain sight. Activate all three switches to open the door on the other side of the fence. Fly to that door and go through. Jump in the giant cannon here to be shot out (against Knuckles's wishes, I might add). You can move in the air here to collect lots of balloons (which is cool). When you land, make sure you go on the left or right rail, since there's no rail in the middle. Grind the 500,000 feet of rail placed here, and use triangle dive to head up the fan once you land. There are two more fans that you need to go across on the next platform. Once you land, defeat the enemy and light dash across the row of rings to make it across the large gap. Grind the rail here and grab onto the pulley to be lifted up to the next platform. Destroy the duct here and you'll fall to another train. Head to the end of the first car and grind the rail to reach the second car, which contains an enemy. Defeat the enemy, and then you'll have to use Tails to fly to the car on your right. Go forward here, defeating the enemy, and then head up the pole. This will shoot you to the next car. Defeat the enemies here, then smash the containers so you can have a clear view. Use homing attacks on the two walls to reach the next car. Here, destroy the enemy and the engine to end up on some more rails. You'll end up in a cart like the one way back in the first level. This is a very hard bobseld to ride, since you can take damage. Each time you take damage, a character is thrown off. If Knuckles is thrown off, you won't be able to steer. You can't jump with the sled if Tails is thrown off and the speed decreases if Sonic is thrown off. Try as hard as you can to make it through here (it might take a couple of tires). Once you finally make it, land on one of the three rails and grind all the way to the next platform. Here, head straight and use Tails to fly up to the ledge with the switch (make sure to defeat the enemy here). Leave a character on the switch, then go back to the door and leave a character on the switch there. Finally, head south and hit the final switch to open the door. Go through the door and head down the hallway. Jump into the cannon and you'll fly straight into Eggman's base. Here, grab the HUGE amount of rings with a ligh dash, then break the containers in the center. The goal ring is here. Yahoo, that stage was teh fun! /=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======\ |Boss: EGG ALBATROSS HP: Various (Eggman Boss) | |=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======| |This ****ing boss ****ing pisses me off the ****ing piece of ****ing | |****. ****! Anyway, there are a TON of parts to the Albatross that you | |have to defeat, starting with the cannons. Attack the cannons on either | |side (I started with the left) that are located on the wings. Once the | |two cannons on the wing are down, start attacking the wing itself. | | | |Use rapid homing attacks so you can stay in the air. Once the wing is | |down, you'll have to focus on the propeller. Again, multiple homing | |attacks in the air will help you take this down without getting hit | |once. After the propeller is destroyed, you have to attack the actual | |body of the Egg Albatross. Attack only the middle body. | | | |Once you destroy the middle body, Eggman will retreat. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 9: Frog Forest | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Ranking Requirements: 35,000 Mission Bio: "Get through the forest where the wild animals live!" After a nice scene where a long-time Sonic nemesis is shown once more, you'll begin the ninth level. Here, you'll start grinding through this forest and end up near some weird "flowers" as I like to call them and some enemies. Defeat the enemies and use the flowers to bounce up to the next level. Here, defeat the robots and run forward, going through quite a few loops. When you stop, head up to the ledge with the frog. It will summon some rain, making some flowers appear. Use them to hop onto the rail, which you should grind all the way down. When you land, you'll be swining on a vine. You must swing to the next vine by pressing A when the vine you're on is as far as it can be forward. When you end up on the next vine, swing over to the ledge, where the frog will make rain. This will make mushrooms grow. These mushrooms bounce you high into the air, and you can use these to get to the high ledge. Jump from mushroom to mushroom, and when you reach the ledge, hit the checkpoint. Drop down in the hole in the middle of the wooden containers and use Knuckles to break all of the containers. This will net you the Special Stage Key and quite a few rings. Once you have the rings and the key, use Tails to fly through the dash hoop and onto the next platform. Here, DON'T light dash these rings unless you are looking to get the "A" ranking. If you do light dash, there's a chance you'll fall and die. Jump to the next ledge and have Mr. Froggy (not Froggy, Big's pet) make rain. This will make a platform appear, so hop to that platform and to the next ledge. Defeat the enemy here and fly up to the platform sticking out of another ledge. Fly up to that ledge and aim at the target. Hit it using thunder shoot to lower a cage. Fly over to that cage and grab the yellow power sphere. Now fly over to the platform with the lone bud on it. This is what I like to call a "mini mushroom" which grows into a big mushroom when you touch it. So do so (touch the mini mushroom) to be sent to the next ledge. Here, hit the target to fly over to the next platform. Now, rush down the hill. Go through all of the loops and twists and crap and stop when you reach a frog. Wait until it stops raining, then continue upward. If you didn't wait, there would be no platform at the end of the vertical path, so you'd fall to your death. Fly through the dash hoop and hit the springs to be sent up to a higher part of that platform. Here, wait until some floating platforms appear, and use them to hop over to the area with a checkpoint. From here, hop over to the huge flower with rings. Grab the rings and fly to the platform with a cage and two enemies. Destroy the enemies to lower the cage, which has a red power sphere. Now, punch the target with Knuckles to be sent over to an area with a mini mushroom. This will bounce you to a second mini mushroom, which will bounce you to a high platform. From here, jump over to the floating platform on your left and then jump to the platform with a REAL flower. Use the blue tornado on it,and you'll fly over to a volcano-type mountain. You'll fall down the center,so make sure you grab the balloon on your way down. When you land, hit the speed booster and you'll end up on a rail. Grind it down to a vine, which you should use to fly to the next platform. From here, hit the dash ramp and defeat the enemies once you land. Hop up the containers and kill the golden robot to free a frog. This frog will make a bunch of flowers and platforms grow. Use these flowers and platforms to end up on a small, floating platform with some rings. CAREFULLY fly from platform to platform, on to a big area. Head forward here, defeat the turtle, and fly up to the next ledge. Here use the flower to fly to the huge mushroom. You have to control this flower using the control stick, but it's really hard to do. When you land on the mushroom, use the vines to swing to the next platform. Destroy the gold robot here to destroy all other robots. From here, head forward and follow the path until you reach a target which you should punch with Knuckles. Now rush down the steep hill and head through the six loops, grabbing the invincibility on the way. Here, defeat the enemies and head around the left corner. Hit the mini mushroom and defeat all the enemies once you reach the next platform. From here, summon the frog and then grind on the ivy. It looks like you'll fall, but the ivy will continue to grow as you grind. At the end of the ivy is the goal ring. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 10: Lost Jungle | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 32,000 Mission Bio: "Venture through the deepest part of the jungle!" To start this strange level off, head forward, down the twisting paths. You'll encounter a huge enemey at the end. To defeat this enemy, rapidly punch with Knuckles and retreat when it starts spinning wildly. This guy has about 25 HP and he can't be defeated with Sonic or Tails. Once he's gone, grab the power sphere that's left behind and head up. Jump to the next platform, where you should leap to the ivy. Swing over to the next platform, which has a mini mushroom that you should use to reach a higher area. Grind down the rail and you'll see a black frog up ahead. These guys aren't cool, since their rain kills plants. The one here isn't a threat, since you don't need any of the plants that surround you, but try to avoid the later ones, okay? Okay. Follow the path, and leap up to the ledge. Collect the rings and hit the three springs at the end to be sent up to an area with a spiky enemy. Don't attack it when the spikes are sticking out; wait until the spikes go back in. Grab the Special Stage Key in the cage here and jump up to the ledge. Grab the rings and use Tails to fly to another ledge. Here, hit the checkpoint and follow the long path, defeating the two enemies on your way. Go through the loops here and grind the ivy down to a black frog. It will make a bunch of flowers roll toward you, which you need to avoid. Once the flowers have stopped rolling and the frog has disappeared, head up the path and follow it to the end. Fly up the four platforms here using Tails (defeated the spiky enemy on the way), and then run forward. Break the containers here and you'll find a ring capsule. Head down to the end of the path where there's a flying enemy. Defeat it and you'll then need to use the ivy to fly to the next platform. Here, use the flowers to bounce up to the next ledge. If you fall, you won't die, but you'll end up in a much earlier part of the level. Once you're on the next platform, defeat the enemy and use Tails to fly to the next ledge. Here, head forward and do a homing attack on the spring to reach another ledge. Hit the checkpoint and then head forward. Use all of the ivy to reach the next area. Here, defeat the huge, heavily armored enemy to free a frog. It makes some rain fall, but thep lant it grows seems to do nothing. I don't know why, don't ask me. Anyway, continue down the path here and then go through the loop. You'll end up either on a platform with enemies or on some ivy. They will take you to the same place, which is a mushroom that has a black frog. This frog will release more flowers that you have to avoid; however, the flowers will also kill off the enemies. Head up the hill and past the enemies and flowers. Here, there's a real flower which Sonic should use blue tornado on so he can grab onto it. The flower will fly you over to a small platform, but a black frog will instantly make the platform disappear, causing you to fall. When you land, defeat the tractor beam enemy and head down the path, collecting all of the rings. At the end, defeat the enemy to lower a cage that has a mini-mushroom. Use it to reach a path which you should follow until you reach another mini-mushroom in a cage. This cage is protected by two heavily armored 25 HP deadly killing assasians so you should use Knuckles to focus on them one at a time, okay? Hit the mushroom and you'll be sent up to the start of a long loopy thing, so switch to Sonic and hold forward. Watch the team run through everything and when you finally stop, you'll be in front of a nice green frog. This frog will spawn a mushroom which you should use to get up to the next platform. Here, run past the enemy and the frog and leap over to another platform that's below. Defeat the enemies here and leap carefully across the platforms to the next area. Kill the enemy here and run up to the platform with a flower. Use it to fly to inside a beehive type thing and back out of the beehive thing. When you land, kill the robot. Then go around the left and use the flowers and springs to reach the top of the next platform. Here, summon the frog and defeat the enemies. Use the mini-mushroom to grind one of the lines of ivy over to some enemies. Defeat the enemies to lower a cage which has a frog in it. This frog will make a bunch of platforms grow, so use these platforms to fly up to the next ledge. There's a black frog here that will make all the platforms that you're on shrink, so get off quickly. Run forward, following the long path, until you hit a checkpoint and a green frog. This green frog will make some ivy grow that you should grind on. When you land, hop across all of the platforms and start swinging on the ivy. A giant alligator will pop up, but just keep swinging on the ivy to reach the end. Here, use the mushroom to reach the goal ring. /=======-----------------------------------------------------------=======\ |Boss: TEAM DARK HP: - (Team Boss) | |========-----------------------------------------------------------======| |After a shocking surprise encounters Sonic, it's time to fight Team Dark!| |Holy **** this is the easiest battle. All you have to do is stand there | |and use Blue Tornado to defeat these guys in ten seconds. Remember that | |Team Dark will eventually use Chaos Control, which freezes time. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 11: Hang Castle | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 45,000 Mission Bio: "Infiltrate the mysterious castle!" After Knuckles freaks out Tails, you'll be running down a long path. Just sit back and watch as you grab five rings and hit a dash ramp. Once you land, begin running forward and grab the rings. Defeat the three enemies and ignore/defeat the freaky pumpkin that appears, and go through the door. Defeat the pumpkin here and use a homing attack on the blue sphere. The castle will flip and the music will change. Switch to Tails and fly up the ledge. There are two searchlight enemies here that can only be defeated with Knuckles. Remember not to get caught or you'll make some more enemies appear. Once the two searchlight enemies are gone, run forward and you'll find a bunch of rings. Use a light dash to cross the gap. You'll drop down into an empty room except for a cage with a blue sphere. Head to the back of the room and bust open the containers to find a switch. Activate this switch to turn the castle back to normal. Once it's normal again, break open the cage for the Special Stage Key. There's nothing in the other containers, so don't bother breaking them. Now switch to Power Formation and begin running forward. Keep heading down and you'll collect a bunch of rings and go through a ton of loops. When you finally land, you should see a bunch of containers on the floor. As Knuckles (you should already have him in front already), jump in the air and press B to break these containers, causing you to fall to a lower level. Run forward here and hit the blue sphere to flip the castle once more. You'll end up on a rail, so hold B to grind down. At the end, quickly switch to the rail on your right unless you want to fall into oblivion. You'll hit some springs and be sent to a platform with some strange symbols and a bunch of enemies. The magician robot can heal other robots, so make sure you take him out first (he has, I think, 7 HP). Then take out the other robots and make your front character Tails. Fly over to the next ledge and you should notice some torches. The ??? sphere tells you that there is an invisible path if you follow the torches. Damn, this game would be a lot cooler if they didn't give the solution to every puzzle. Anyway, head straight (don't worry about the swinging knife, it won't hit you) to reach the next ledge. Here, defeat the electric, armored searchlight enemy using Tails and then Knuckles. This will reveal a switch which, when pressed, will make a bunch of rings appear. Press B to light dash across 30 rings and end up on another ledge. Here, you'll want to jump on one of the two floating platforms (being careful not to fall!) and you'll be taken to a huge hole. Drop down and throw the blue sphere to end up near the area with the containers in the floor. This time, the door that was previously closed is now open, allowing you to continue. Switch to Power Formation and run straight, collecting all of the rings. Defeat the enemies here and then continue forward. Kill the magician robot, then the two shield robots, and use Knuckles to punch through the target. You'll be sent to another ledge, where you should run straight. The floating enemy here does continuous fire, so you should use Tails's thunder shoot instead of trying to defeat it with Sonic. Head forward down the path and hit the dash pad to be sent down a rail. When you land, hit the checkpoint and hit the dash pads. Continue to hit dash pads until you run into a wall. When you do, make sure you're in the center of the wall (or you'll fall) and you'll land on a blue sphere. This will switch the castle once more, and you'll fly up to a dash ramp, which you'll automatically hit. This will send you over to another rail, which you should grind down until you hit a wall. Stay where you are and you'll fall down to a big, floating platform. Here, jump onto the floating elevator to the next platform, which has two flying, armored searchlight enemies. Destroy them (making sure not to get caught of course!) and then switch to Tails. Use thunder shoot on the two targets to get a total of 800 points and ten rings. Then fly over to the floating elevator and use it to reach the next platform. Here, switch to Power Formation and run through all the rings and hit the three springs for even more rings. You'll end up on a level with a bunch of enemies. Defeat all of the enemies (the magician robot first, of course). This will lower a cage that has a blue sphere in it. Hit this to flip the castle once more and be sent up to a green pool. Turn around here and hit the switch to make a whopping fifty rings appear! Once you're rich, head straight and grab the rings. DON'T light dash though, or you'll fly right off the edge. Instead, make sure to follow the invisible path by the torches. There are turns here, so don't run straight this time. Once you're finally on the other side, switch to Tails and fly above the door. Grab onto the switch and pull it out. This will open a door which you should go through. Defeat all the enemies and switch to Tails again. Fly up the ledge and head down the hallway, defeating all the enemies as they appear. At the end, hit the checkpoint. You're now near a strange tower. Head around to the back and defeat the two armored enemies to open a hole in the ground. Inside is a blue sphere which you should activate. Head all the way up to the top of the tower and jump through the hole. Head up all of the paths, defeating all of the enemies as you go by. Remember not to get caught by the searchlights! Anyway, at the end is a blue sphere which you should hit. When you land, it seems like there's no way out. There isn't, and you're stuck here forever so turn off the game and play something else. Just kidding, turn around and bust the containers to reveal a switch. Switch to Tails and then pull the switch to make a TON of rings appear. Light Dash through all of these rings (41 to be exact) and when you land, defeat the armoed searchlight enemies, as well as the magician, to open the door. Head up the stairs and switch to Tails. Hit the target switch with thunder shoot to reveal a blue sphere. Hit it to be sent to another platform. Hit the target switch to raise a pole, and then sit back and watch the scene where you are sent to the odd statue. Switch to Knuckles and then use Sonic and Tails as fireballs to bust through the wall. Grind down and head forward. Eventually, you'll be running down a HUGE tower. At first, stay in Power Formation, collecting all of the rings. When you see the rainbow hoops, jump through them for some extra points. Stay in Speed Formation now, rushing down and jumping through the rings at the end. This tower goes like this for a while, eventually ending up in tons of spiked balls that you have to dodge. At the end, you'll fly straight into the goal ring. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 12: Mystic Mansion | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 36,000 Mission Bio: " Escape from the haunted castle!" Tails doesn't seem to be scared anymore... oh well! Grab the rings and defeat all of the enemies here, then head up the stairs. Defeat the lone robot here to open the door. You'll be in a small corridor with a couple more enemies. Defeat them to open another door, which you should go through. Here, you'll find a door that seems to lead no where. Go around the door and break through the metal containers to find a switch. Hit it and that will reveal a blue sphere that's on the opposite side of you. Hitting this blue sphere will cause you to fly up to another area, and the door here will actually lead to something. However, it's closed. Defeat all of the enemies to open the door and then go through. Carefully head around the shadows and use Knuckles to break the cage and get the Special Stage Key. Now use Tails to fly up and land on one of the huge weights. Head up to the ledge and hit the checkpoint here, the break the wooden containers on your right for a shield. Now throw the switch to open the door which leads to a big room. Defeating all the enemies here will only lower a laser wall which you can easily jump over, so ignore the enemies unless you're looking for the A Rank. Hit the blue sphere to be sent back to the floor again. A bunch of mean enemies should drop down, but you should have a Team Blast by now, so use it so you don't have to face these tough guys. Head straight and at the end, jump off the ledge and use blue tornado to be sent down. Here, head straight and avoid the purple enemy, unless you want your rings stolen. Jump up, destroying all of the containers to get some goodies, and jump into the trolley at the end. Head down, avoiding the ghosts and lasers. Remember, if you get hit by a ghost or a laser, you loose a character. Losing all three characters will make you lose a life. You'll hop into a second trolley, which you should take down to the next area. Remember to jump when you're over the balloons to get some good stuff. When you land, smash the containers for some nice items and, more importantly, the Special Stage Key. Defeat the enemy to open the door. Here, you will probably be tempted to hit the middle sphere, but don't since it's not working and you'll probably jump right off the ledge. Hit the right blue sphere to make the skeleton move to a position where you can fly to the plates he's holding out. Jump up to the top plate, defeat the enemy, and jump over to the next ledge. Here, hit the blue sphere and turn around. Grind the rails across to the platform with the pulley (if you fall, use Tails to fly back up). Take the pulley up and climb the stairs. Head down the path and defeat the cloaked enemy before it steals all of your lovely rings. Locate the cracked wall and use Knuckles to break through it. Head around the cage and then break through the next wall. Defeat the cloaked enemy here, and then go back to the previous hallway with the cage and grab the twenty ring capsule. Now head back to the room with the fan and go around the fan. Smash through the wall here and throw the switch, then use Triangle Dive to glide up. Go through the hole and then head up the stiars. You'll find a locked door, so switch to Tails and fly above the door. Pull the switch out and then go through the door you just opened. Triggering the blue sphere here will make the statues come alive. Defeat all the enemies that you spawn to open the door. Head through and defeat the enemy to open the next door. Here, a HUGE armoed enemy will drop down. This guy is tough, so listen up and I'll explaini how to beat him. You can't defeat him with Knuckles's attacks until his armor is down. Get close to him, and when he begins to spin, retreat. Wait until he's stopped spinning, then quickly switch to Tails and use thunder shoot to knock him down. This will make his head gear fall off, so switch to Knuckles and run over to his head. Keep punching the guy until he gets up, and then you'll have to repeat the process of avoiding his spin then using thunder shoot. This dude has about 25 HP. You can also use a Team Blast to avoid all of this, if you have a Team Blast. Once this guy is gone, you can run to the pond and jump in for one ring if you wish. Make sure you retreat quickly though, or a pumpkin will appear and take away all your rings. Climb up the stiars and hit the switch to flip the mansion. Jump down the stiars and head into the fountain area to drop down to a lower ledge. Head forward and jump to the trolley. Ride it all the way down, and at the end you'll end up grinding a green rail. When you see a red rail on your right, jump to it unless you want to fall. You'll end up on another trolley, where you should go through and jump to avoid the lasers. When you land, switch to Tails if you want to get a Special Stage Key. Fly up to one of the platforms with a skeleton face on it, then fly up to the middle platform. Use thunder shoot to knock the cage with the key down, and then jump down to the cage and smash it with Knuckles to get your key. Now hit the checkpoint if you haven't already done so, and head forward. Defeat the enemy to open the door. You'll be in another big room with a bunch of bad guys, so kill them (being careful not to accidentally leap off the ledge). This will lower a cage that has a blue sphere in it. Upon hitting it, the walls will become narrow. Again, the game will give away how to get past this part (-_-), so use Triangle Jumps with Sonic to get to the white rails. Drop down to the rails and grind them to the other side. Here, continue forward and jump down the hole when you reach it. You'll be in some messed up watery room thing. Activate all three switchs at once to make a bunch of rings appear. Use light dash to cross the gap and you'll be in a big room. Here, rush over to the right path and hit the blue sphere. Switch to Knuckles and use triangle dives to reach the ledge with Satan's favorite enemy. Use Team Blast if you have it, otherwise just defeat it as best you can. Once he's gone, head down the left path and hit the blue sphere. Switch to Sonic and use homing attacks to cross over to the main platform. Remember that you should pause for a brief moment after each homing attack, or you might not hit an enemy and fall down the pit, making you do this and a couple of other rooms over again. Once you're on the main platform, defeat all the enemies and head down the middle path. Hit the blue sphere and then carefully make your way across the pits using all of the platforms given. Once on the other side, defeat ht enemies to finally lower the cage. Hit the blue sphere to end up out of the castle. Now, simply cross the bridge to the goal ring. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: ROBOT STORM Difficulty: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |NOTE: At any time when you're doing homing attacks as Sonic, you may | |accidentaly fall off a ledge. If you do, use the blue tornado and | |SOMETIMES you'll jump back up to the ledge if there's an enemy close | |to you. This trick is useful in all places, but especially here. | | | |Another huge wave of enemies, you'll have to first start off with a | |ton of stationary flying robots. Grab one ring and then homing attack | |all of them. Once they're gone, a bunch of ground robots with spears | |will appear. Again, homing attacks work best here. Next, a huge bunch | |of ground robots will drop down. Switch to Knuckles and just have him | |punch his way through all of the enemies. Now, hit the blue sphere | |and you'll be sent to an area with a ton of golden turtles. Use Team | |Blast to get rid of them. Next, a bunch of robots will drop down. | |Knuckles should punch through all of these. A few magicians will | |appear, and switch to Sonic and use the homing attack to kill all of | |these evil dudes. The cage with the cannon will now lower. | | | |Enter the cannon to be shot to the next area. Defeat all the robots | |that appear with Knuckles. Next, a huge, non-armored enemy will appear | |with four robots. Stick with Knux and keep punching these guys to defeat | |them. The next wave is three non-armored, HUGE robots. You may think | |Team Blast is a good idea, but just get them all close together and | |start rapidly punching with Kncukles. On rare occasions, these guys | |sometimes take each other out with their huge hammers! Nice! Once they | |are done for, hit the blue sphere to be sent to a platform with 20 | |(!!!) flying robots. DON'T use Team Blast, but do it the hard way, using | |Tails's thunder shoot. Yeah, it sucks, but you'll want your Team Blast | |for the final wave. | | | |The next wave is two capture robots and a bunch of trains on a rail. | |Use Tail's thunder shoot to kill all of these guys easily, so you | |don't have to jump to the rail and risk dying. The next wave is like | |a breather, since it's only a bunch of ground robots that can be | |taken out easily. Oh, and check how many points you have. 0_o Enter | |the cannon to be shot to the final wave. This has a bunch of golden | |enemies with shields, an armored huge enemy, and a magician. You're | |thinking, You can use the Team Blast and wipe 'em out instantly, but | |if you didn't do what I said, there's still a way. Switch to Tails | |and leap up into the air. Stay in one place and start using thunder | |shoot. Take out the magician first, and then proceed to take out the | |golden robots. | | | |Once they're all gone, focus your attention on the armored enemy. If | |you're having a hard time getting the shileds off the gold enemy, then | |hop down and use Blue Tornado. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 13: Egg Fleet | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 20,000 Mission Bio: "Get to Eggman's flagship!" After Eggman taunts Team Sonic, you'll start off on Eggman's shop. After you hit a dash ramp, make sure to land on the rail. Grind all the way down and when you land, head straight, and don't go back to collect any rings if you missed some. All the cannons here fire rapidly, and it's difficult to avoid them unless you use Knuckles to take them out (but it isn't worth it). Once you pass the cannons, defeat all the enemies to open a door. Go through and head down as Sonic as fast as you wish. At the end, jump and use blue tornado to fly up the pole. You're sent up to a platform with some cannons and a robot. Defeat the robot and head straight, avoiding the cannons. Hit the springs here to fly up and then land inside the cave. Rush down and into the cannon, which will send you into another cannon, an evil one. You'll destroy this cannon, revealing a path. We could take the path that you revealed, but we're gonna take another path, just to be different from everyone else :) So turn around and defeat all the enemies, then use Knuckles to destroy the other cannon. Hit the spring and you'll be sent to a ledge with a rail. AS KNUCKLES grind this rail over to a fan. If you didn't switch to Knux, you wouldn't be able to switch to him now for the fan, causing you to be forced to fall off. You COULD try to get onto the rail anyways, but it's rare that you end up on the rail. Anyway, use triangle dive to get on the rail and grind it all the way down to some springs. Hit these springs to be sent up to a platform with a cage containing the Special Stage Key on your right. Break it open with Knuckles and grab the key, then hit the springs to be sent up to the next ledge. Here, hit the checkpoint and jump to the floating platform. Jump to the final floating platform from here and then jump and use light dash in the air. If you miss, there's a platform you can fall on, but you might also fall down into the sea. Head south here and you'll end up on some rails. Grind them over to an area with a lot more cannons. Yay. Head forward, avoiding the cannons, and then you'll encounter a new robot. Each time you try to do a homing attack on it, it'll use its shield, preventing you from causing damage. Instead, use Knuckles fireball technique to destroy the robot and its helpers. Now, go through the door you just opened and you'll find a stationary propeller. Use blue tornado to ride the propeller. You'll now have to go through a series of balloons and rings and cannon fire to get to the next battleship. Whenever a character tells you to move up or down, do so to avoid being shot. Make sure to grab all the balloons and rings you can! When you land on the battleship, hit the checkpoint and head straight. Here, destroy the huge cannon with Knuckles and head up the ledge. From here, jump to the floating platform and across the gap. If you fall, just switch to Knuckles and use the triangle dive on one of the fans to get back up. Once on the other side, switch to Tails and fly up the series of platforms. When you get to the top, head over to the left tunnel and go through. Fly over to the platform with the pole and head up the pole using Sonic's blue tornado. Once on the next platform, destroy the cannon and head through the shortcut it revealed. Defeat the enemy here to open the door which you need to go through. At the end here, you should see a huge conveyor belt which you can't run through or jump through, due to the lasers. Instead, use rocket accel. You might not know what that is, but it's when you run forward and press B to duck and charge forward. It's basically a really crappy version of the spin dash (where the hell is that in this game, anyway?). When you reach the end of the conveyor belt, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles will blow a hole through the battleship, knocking one of two hundred out of the battle. Only 199 left! (Not really.) When you fall down, you'll land on a rail which you should grind down. Switch to Knuckles and use the triangle dive across all of the fans. When you get to the other side, grind the rail down to the next platform. Here, I was lazy and just used Team Blast to wipe out all of the cannons and enemies here and I suggest you do the same. Then throw the switch to start the fan up. Use triangle dive to head up the fan, and then head up the huge series of fans here. When it seems like you can't head up anymore, go onto the ledge that you see. Destroy one of the cannons to reveal a spring which lets you continue. Go up a lot of more fans, and when you finally reach a checkpoint you'll know that you're done with the fans. Hit the dash ramp and head straight once you land on the next battleship. Destroy the cannon blocking the path and head down. STOP when you reach the "Speed" signs or you'll probably fly right off. Use light dash on all of the rings to continue. Hit the springs here for some rings and then grind the rail down to the next platform. Here, hit some more springs to be sent onto another big battleship. Head straight and destroy the cannon blocking your path so you can continue. Head down the tunnel and at the end you'll find a rail. Grind down and then you'll end up near another stationary propeller. Use blue tornado and grab on to start another adventure through the skies. This one is a bit harder than your last adventure, but it's still very fun. Again, you'll have to dodge cannon fire, but it's pretty obvious to tell where the cannons are going to fire. Sometimes, Kncukles will tell you when to move up or down, so do so to avoid getting hit. Once you land on the next giant battleship, head straight, grabbing all of the rings and wiping out all the cannons in your way. At the end, switch to Knuckles and use your excellent flying skills to head across. Here, use Tails to fly up all the ledges again and then take the right tunnel. Is it me, or is Eggman not orginial AT ALL since this battleship is exactly like the last one. You should be farmiliar with the layout, so follow it until you reach the conveyor belt. Use rocket excel here to the end to clear the mission. Yes, I know it looked like your game froze, but it really didn't. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 14: Final Fortress | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 62,000 Mission Bio: "Destroy the flagship's core!" Well, here you are... the final fortress and final level of Team Sonic and it is pretty damn difficult. First off, how did the weather change so quickly? Fifteen seconds ago it was sunny and now it's all thundery and rainy. Doesn't matter. You'll start off grinding on a rail. When you stop, hit the springs and rush forward. The floating platform that you're on will start to slowly collapse, so rush forward and use a light dash on the rings to grind the rail. Grind it all the way down to a huge platform with a big enemy. No, this one doesn't have all the armor like the last one did, it's just... huge. Defeat it and drop down the hole in the center that you can reveal with Knuckles. Instantly, the ground will start to shake, signaling that your area is about to collapse. Quickly rush forward and jump to the big floating platform. Switch to Tails and fly right, where the is a similar floating platform. When you land, jump to the area in front of you with all the rings. Switch to Power Formation to grab the rings, then destroy the top-right cannon/structure (forgot which one it was). Anyway, this reveals a spring that you should hit and you'll be sent up to a platform with a checkpoint. Fly as far as you can with Tails, but you'll probably drop down and land onto a platform below. Just continue straight, using Kncukles to destroy the structure when you run into it (this is assuming that you fell below, which you probably did). Hit the spring to be sent up to a platform with a huge armored enemy. Defeat it and this will lower a cage that has a switch. Throw the switch to acitvate a pole. Wait for it to rise all the way up, and then use it to be sent over to some rails. Use those rails to grind to another pole which you should use blue tornado on to be sent to yet another rail. Grind over to some platforms that are about to collapse. Quickly use Tails to fly over to either ledge on the left or right side, and defeat the enemy on that ledge. Fly up to the middle ledge, BUT STAY ON THE EDGE ONCE YOU LAND! Although you may not notice it, there's a shadow of a weight that will fall on you if you walk under it. Instead, fly on top of that weight and then fly up to the next platform from there. Defeat the evil robot here and then use Knuckles to bust through the metal containers in the ground. When you land, rush forward and break the obstacle near the enemy using Kncukles continue forward until you finally end up in a dead end with two robots. Defeat the robots to open a hole through the floor. You'll eventually end up in an area with lasers. Jump over the lasers, collecting the rings, and then defeat the golden shield robot here. It's exactly the same as the new shield robot you met in the last level, it just has a TON more HP, so Team Blasts are reccomended. Once he's gone, fly over the laser wall and touch the checkpoint. Head forward and you'll find a huge switch. Jump on it to activate it. This will blow the area you were on up. Yay. You'll end up grinding some rails. Stick to the middle rail to avoid troble. Eventually, electricity will appear on the other two rails, forcing you to stick to the middle for the whole time. When you fly off the rail, land on the next left/right rail because the middle one has electricity. A huge laser will fire at you, so be careful. When you finally land, you'll find no checkpoint :( Just a mean golden shield enemy. Go past the fan and switch to Tails. Use thunder shoot to activate the target switch and that will turn the fan on. Glide up with triangle dive and head over to the next platform. Here, there's no ??? sphere to tell you what to do! That's a first, don't you think? Anyway, use the Triangle Jump to head across the gap. On the other side, defeat the enemies and activate the switch to reveal a pole. Fly up and head forward. Smash the cannon and grind the rail to end up on a platform with a bunch of cannons and a golden enemy. Defeat the enemy and destroy all of the cannons to reveal three switchs. Activate all of them at once to get the fan working. Use triangle dive to glide up. Once you've landed, defeat the mean enemies here to lower the cage. Hit the switch and then punch the target with Knuckles to be sent to a rail. Grind up it and jump to the platform when you reach it. Use blue tornado to head up the pole to be sent to a rail. Grind it down and then you'll go to another rail. After you grind this rail, you'll be near a fan with some enemies. Defeat all the enemies then head to the back. Fly up with Tails and pull the switch out to activate the fan. Take this fan up to the next platform, which has a big armored enemy. Defeat it and then open all metal containers to grab some rings. Once you have that, hit the target that you revealed to be sent to a platform with two big enemies. Defeat them (being careful not to fall) and then switch to Tails. Use thunder shoot on the target switch to make a pole rise out of the ground. You'll be sent to a platform with THREE huge enemies. Hope you have your Team Blast ready. If not, use Knuckles and rapidly punch to defeat them. Once they're gone, go through the door. Activate the checkpoint and step on the self-destruct switch. I hope you're ready for hell. Grind the rails as normal until some lasers appear. You'll have to make sure that you're avoiding the lasers. You'll have to do lots of switching between rails to avoid them all. Whenever a character warns you of laser fire, make sure you switch to a rail without the fire. When you see a bunch of rails to your right, start rapidly switching between them. Near the end, you'll see a huge laser charging. Be ready to jump when it fires or be ready to take a hit. Once you land, jump on the self-destruct switch to be sent to the goal ring. Yes! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |FINAL BOSS: Egg Emperor Difficuly: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Okay, when you start off, run forward, dodging Eggman's attacks. He | |likes to send yellow lasers at you, which you should go around or | |jump to avoid. Collect the power spheres and continue to dodge his | |attacks. When you get to the dash ramps, wait until Eggman is a little | |bit away from you, so you don't run into him when you dash through | |the air. Continue on and hit the dash ramps once you encounter them. | |You'll be sent to a big platform with lots of enemies and some cannons. | |Your first priority is to get up a Team Blast, so defeat all the | |enemies until you have one. Once you do, use it to really deplete | |Eggman's HP. His shield has, I think, 100 HP and the actual Egg Emperor | |has 150 HP. Once you have done the Team Blast, you'll have to do | |physicial attacks. | | | |Focus your attacks first on the shield. Switch to Knuckles, who should | |be at level two, and start rapidly pressing B near Eggman. You can hit | |the body and the shield at the same time doing this, but you have to | |be _in front_ of Eggman. Once he starts moving again, follow him. When | |you reach the big platfomr again, Kncukles should be level three. This | |makes EVERYTHING easier, so run up and start rapidly pressing B. When | |you get Team Blast, use it and then keep pressing B after the Team | |Blast. Eventually, Eggman's shield will disappear. He's now in REALLY | |bad shape, and probably has only 30 or so HP left. If you keep | |pressing B with Knuckles, you can defeat him and get an "A" rank. | |Congragulations! | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Everything will explode and Team Sonic will watch. Team Sonic will be talking to Tails and Kncuckles and then Amy will run after Sonic. Sonic wimps out (really, he does) and Amy has to chase after him. The end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Chaotix: {T40} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, not pronounced CHOWtix, like a regular Chao, but like "Chaos". Team Chaotix is a detective agency with aboslutely no work given to them forever. When Charmy the bee finally rushes in with work from a mysterious character, Vector and Charmy's eyes instantly become dollar signs at the thought of cash. Espio, the leader, is unsure of the request, saying it sounds fishy, but Charmy and Vector talk him into taking the assignment. So Team Chaotix's adventure begins! NOTE: These guys don't have as much fast-paced action as the others, since each stage involves collecting or finding something. Before you go, "NOOOOOOOOOOO! NOT MORE KNUCKLES AND ROGUE STAGES!!!!!!!!" listen to me. These guys aren't like the Knuckles and Rogue stages from the Sonic Adventure series. They are NOTHING like it, since you still have to go through a fast paced stage, while stopping occasionally to grab something. For some of the levels, there's only one thing at the end, so you just go through the whole stage as normal until you reach the end. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 1: Seasdie Hill | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Requirements: 45,000 Mission Bio: "Find 10 hermit crabs!" When you start, run forward, going through the loops. Head up the hill and collect all the rings, then turn the corner. You'll find your first [HERMIT CRAB] on a tiny platform. Head forward to notice a flower. Have Charmy fly up to it and press B to open the flower. Get used to this technique, since you'll be doing it a lot. Jump in the warp to go to a later part in the stage. Head up using the springs and defeat the enemy here. Smash the rock to find your second [HERMIT CRAB]. Run down the hill and hit the springs at the end. When you stop, you'll find yourself at a checkpoint. Touch it and jump up to the ledge. Switch to Vector and smash the cage to get a Special Stage Key, which allows you to enter the special stage of that zone. Once you have that, go forward and hit the springs to fly up to the next ledge. Here, smash the rock using Vector. Switch to Espio and rush down the hill, going through all of the loops. When you land, the ruins will rise, allowing you to jump to the beach. Here, you'll find two sets of stairs made out of some ruins. Jump on the first step on the left to get a [HERMIT CRAB]. Now, head all the way up to the third step on the right by using Charmy. Smash the rock with Vector to get your fourth [HERMIT CRAB]. Now, hop down onto the beach and defeat all of the enemies. Then jump in the cannon as Espio to be sent up to a high platform with a bunch of rings and a dash ramp. Get all of the rings there, then hit the dash ramp. You'll be sent to another beach. Hop up to the top of the ruins and punch the rock with Vector. This will send it flying, revealing a fifth [HERMIT CRAB]. Halfway there! Now, head up all of the ruins using Charmy. At the top are three dash pads and a sixth [HERMIT CRAB]. Yay! Switch to Espio and hit the dash pads. Fly down the path until you encounter rocks blocking your path, which you should use Vector to break. Stick with Vector and run down the path to break some more rocks. Continue down, defeating the enemies, and hop in the cannon as Vector. Shoot all three Chaotixes out, and when you are in control smash the nearby rocks to get a seventh HERMIT CRAB. Now head back to the cannon and hop in as Espio. Shoot youself over to a speed gate, and head through. Use Charmy to open the flower and warp to an area with the eigth HERMIT CRAB. Warp back and use the springs to head up. Switch to Charmy and fly to the ledge with the rings. Go down the path and defeat the enemies, then drop down to the ledge near a beach. This ledge has an enemy and a big rock. Using Vector, push the rock to the left to get the ninth HERMIT CRAB. One left! Hop down and push the right rock forward to get the final HERMIT CRAB. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 2: Ocean Palace | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 50,000 Mission Bio: "Rescue the Chao trapped in the palace!" When you start, run forward and hit the springs. Switch to Vector and punch the door open using two punches. Run forward, defeating all the enemies and busting all of the ruins that fall. At the end, switch to Charmy and fly up the ruins. Switch to Espio and proceed to run down the long path. Near the end, weave in and out of the crumbling pillars and rush forward to the fan. As Vector, jump into the fan and press A to do the bubble blow. When you land, defeat the flying enemy and bust open the cage to get the Special Stage Key. Break the ruins on your left to reveal a spring, then run forward breaking all of the ruins that you see. At the end, bust open the door using Vector and then head forward defeating enemies. At the end, use Charmy to fly up the ledge and then use Espio to run through the path using dash pads. Collect the rings, but make sure to avoid all of the spiked balls. At the end, switch to Charmy and fly through the dash hoop to get a balloon with a power sphere. Run down and defeat all of the enemies here and bust the door open. Head forward and switch to Espio. You have to use triangle jump on the walls here. To do that, you need to press A as you go from wall to wall. Start off using a homing attack on one of the walls and go from there. On the other side, run forward and use the bubble blow move to head up the fans. Glide over to the next couple of fans and head up high from there. Once you've reached the next platform, head all the way to the end of it [the platform]. Bust all the ruins and grab the rings and 1-up, then return to the hill that you passed. Head down as Espio and at the end you'll automatically switch to Vector. Break the ruins that fall on you and then head forward and defeat all of the enemies. Go up the stairs in Power Formation to collect all the rings, and break down the door. Switch to Charmy and press B near the flower to open it. Jump in and you'll teleport to an area that's in front of a Special Stage Key. Defeat all the enemies here using Team Blast or Vector or your choice of whatever you want, and then head down. Use Vector to fly up the fifteen million fans and at the end, rush toward the cage and break it to grab the [LOST CHAO]. Good job! Mission complete! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Egg Hawk Difficulty: Easy | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |This guy is very simple, and similar to the battle as Sonic, Tails, | |and Knux. I'm assuming you've done this battle with Team Sonic, so you | |should know by now. If not... | | | |You'll first start on a big runway, so run in the middle to collect lots | |of rings and avoid the fire that the Egg Hawk is shooting. When you get | |to a sandy area, stop running and wait for the Egg Hawk to land. Eggman | |will do his roter attack, so you'll have to destroy both roters (they're | |like the wings). First, take out the two small guns that are near the | |things connecting the roters. The roters themselves takeb lots of homing | |attacks to destroy, but once you do, the battle is a lot easier. | | | |Anyway, keep running now, but make sure you don't get too close to the | |Egg Hawk, or you'll take damage. After you end up near the sandy area | |again, take out the two things next to the roters that connected them | |[roters] to the main craft. Keep doing homing attacks on them, and | |Eggman will eventually get up and you'll have to chase him down the | |runway again. When he lands in the sandy area, continue attacking him. | |When his health stops going down, head to the opposite "wing" and start | |attacking that one. If the health stops going down AGAIN, aim for | |Eggman's main craft itself. Eventually, you'll destroy one of the three | |targets, which will destroy the whole craft, thus ending the battle. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 3: Grand Metropolis | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 65,000 Mission Bio: "Clear out the enemies of the city!" Okay, you need to destroy ALL 85 robots in the Grand Metropolis to proceed. Note that I'll tell you how many enemies you should have every time you defeat ten enemies. When you start, you'll be running on a blue platform. This is a strange platform that shoots you forward at high speeds. When you stop, you'll see your first four enemies. This will open the path, so you should run straight on it in Power Formation so you can grab all the rings. Enemy number 5 is here sleeping, as well as some conatiners with some cool stuff in them. Once you have all of the crap in the containers, head up the blue platform to find enemies six and seven waiting for you. Make sure you smash the conatiners to get some cool stuff, like a shield. Hit the springs as Espio to be sent up in front of your next two enemies. Use homing attacks to defeat all of the enemies and you'll land on a floating platform with two more enemies. You should have eleven enemies defeated now. Grab the power sphere in th eballoon and then head to the platform. Don't drop down, since there's nothing there. On the big platform, switch to Vector and defeat the next enemy. This will make the path appear, so head down and use Espio to defeat the three enemies at the end. Follow the path (grabbing the Special Stage Key with Vector, of course) and then defeat the next three enemies. Switch to Charmy and fly over to the dash hoop. The hoop will propel you to the next platform, which has a checkpoint. Have Vector level up, since you're going to be using him to defeat lots of enemies. Continue down the path, hitting the dash ramp and then rush down the blue path. Kill the two enemies at the end and you should have enemy number twenty defeated. Grab the invincibility and then go up to the next platform. There's seven enemies here, so kill them all and then turn around. Push the switch that's located on the wall all the way in to open a door. This door has a switch which you should hit. Then head to the path, grab the power sphere, and go up the blue path. There are four enemies here, so kill them all and you should have thirty-one bad guys defeated. Hit the dash ramp and then rush down the blue path. Hit the dash ramp at the end to be sent inside a big building. Defeat the long enemy here with Vector. Now you should see a switch on the wall that's located to the left of the entrance to the building. Push it in and you'll open a door with a lone enemy in it. Now go to the opposite wall and push the switch there to open another door. There are three enemies here, so defeat them all. Now head down the path and defeat the three enemies here. The wooden containers here have only a power sphere and five rings, so it isn't worth breaking all of them. If you want the items, the power sphere is in the first wooden container on your right, and the rings are in the third conatiner on your left. Head forward and defeat the three enemies here. You should now have forty-two enemies. Run forward and kill the turtle and you'll hit the halfway mark with the enemies! Now jump in the cannon as Vector and you'll be in control of the cannon. There are three enemies hovering halfway across the big gap. Aim the cannon at one of the enemies and press A to fire on of the characters at the enemy you targeted. Do the same for the other two enemies to defeat them all. If you missed an enemy, just drop down into the chasm and hti the springs that are at the end. Now hit the dash hoops once you've defeated all of the enemies and you'll find a couple more enemies that you should destroy. Switch to Charmy and open the flower, then jump into it to warp to another area. However, DON'T do this if you want two power spheres. If you want them, drop down past the flower and destroy all the crates. Once you've warped with the flower, head down the long hallway and defeat the lone enemy. As you're approaching the dash pads, two more enemies will drop down. Defeat them and check your enemy count. It should read fifty-one. Head up the dash pads to find yourself on a blue path. Defeat all enemies on it then drop down. Switch to Charmy and jump on the spring, then hover in the air and use thunder shoot to defeat all enemies. Head forward some more and punch out the turtle with Vector. Throw the switch that you just revealed and head down the hallway. Defeat the lone enemy and jump through the dash hoop. You'll be on a blue path, so run forward to defeat two enemies, making your enemy count sixty-one. Continue forward and use Vector to punch through the shield of the enemy. Hit the switch and then defeat the sleeping bad guy. Drop down to the platform and hit the checkpoint, then hop into the cannon as Vector. Again, you have to aim the cannon at the three enemies to continue. When you shoot Vector out, make sure you fall through a dash hoop so that you can be sent back up to the big platform. Hop back into the cannon as Espio to be shot to a blue platform. Head forward and defeat the enemy, then drop down. Defeat the two enemies here, and then you'll find a pole. As Espio, jump up and press B to use the lief swirl move. Head forward and you'll automatically switch to Charmy. Defeat the lone blue enemy here. You should now have seventy enemies down. Fifteen left! Fly over the wall and head forward. Defeat the two enemies and hit the springs and kill the turtle using Vector. Then go forward and through the door. Use Espio's leaf swirl again to fly up and then head forward. Do the homing attack on the two enemies to reach the other side, then defeat the turtle with Vector. Hit the springs and then begin grinding, defeating all the enemies as you grind. When you reach the blimp, you should have eighty-one enemies down. Defeat the two enemies here. Two left! Go up the pole and you'll end up outside the tower, in front of two enemies. Defeat them and all enemies will be down. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 4: Power Plant | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 45,000 Mission Bio: "Defeat the 3 gold turtle robots!" Playing with some nice music, you're supposed to locate three golden turtles and destroy them. They are spread far out around the city, so it can be tough to locate them. However, they aren't really hidden in tough places, so you should find them all. Head forward and destroy the green turtle, and then head up the blue elevator. These elevators work just like the blue paths, except they shoot you up. So fly up and then run forward and defeat the electric flying enemy with our favorite bee. Go forward, and defeat the enemy to make the platforms rise. Jump up the platforms to find some more enemies, which you should defeat to make a blue elevator appear. Head up and defeat the enemy with Charmy to reveal the blue path. Head forward, down the path, and then stop when you reach the cage. On the right wall is a switch which you should throw to lower the cage. Using Charmy, open the flower to grab a power sphere. Continue on and defeat all the flying enemies here with Charmy. This will make a pillar rise, so fly up to it and jump to the pulley. Defeat the lone enemy here to make a bunch of pillars rise. Make your way to the top pillar and fly straight up. You'll be caught by the force of a blue elevator. When you reach the top, you should notice a cage containing the first of the [GOLDEN TURTLE ROBOTS]. Defeat all the enemies here, avoiding the turtle's blasts, and then bust all the metal containers around the outer perimeter of the wall. One of them has a switch which you should hit. That will lower the cage, so head forward and use Espio's lief swirl to flip the turtle over. Do some homing attacks to defeat it. You now have [TWO TURTLES LEFT]. The next turtle is very close. Head out of the room to find an area with two weights. Fly up to the second one and when the weight is at its highest point, take the pulley up. There's a [GOLDEN TURTLE ROBOT] here. To lower the cage of this turtle, you have to activate all six target switches. Target switchs are little targets floating in the air. To hit them, you have to use Charmy's thunder shoot. So, as Charmy, hit all of them to lower the cage. Using lief swirl with Espio, flip the turtle over and kill it. You have [ONE TURTLE LEFT]. Drop down to the platform with the weights and head down the path. Defeat the single flying enemy here and throw the switch that you made appear to make a pole rise out of the ground. Take it up and then using Charmy, perform thunder shoot on the cage to make it fall to the ground. Then bust it open with Vector to grab the Special Stage Key. Now grind the rail down, collecting the rings, and then take the blue path and elevator up to the next area. Defeat all of the enemies here and then throw the switch. Take the pole that just appeared up to the next platform. There, defeat the green turtle to open the path. Now drop down into the pit, and head forward. Defeat the enemy to make some ledges stick out of s ome walls. Jump on them and head forward. Drop down and you'll spot the final [GOLD TURTLE ROBOT]. Yay! The easiest thing to do here is to just use a Team Blast and instantly defeat the turtle. Good job! Mission complete! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Team Dark Difficulty: Easy | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |If you've done Team Sonic's story, this battle should be no problem. If | |you haven't then it'll still be a simple fight. If you haven't done a | |Team Battle, let me explain how it's done. If you are hit with no rings, | |it doesn't matter. You are simply knocked out termporarily. The goal is | |to knock Shadow, Rogue, and Omega out of the ring. However, if they | |knock Espio, Charmy, and Vector out of the ring then you'll lose. | |Whenever a certain character falls out of the arena, then you can no | |longer fight with them for the rest of the battle, except for one way: | |there's a glitch that allows you to get back any lost characters. Simply | |use the Team Blast move and everyone will come back. Don't waste your | |Team Blast, since it will not harm Team Dark. | | | |There are plenty of power spheres in the crates and out in the open, so | |grab all of those first. Then switch to Charmy and proceed to do thunder | |shoot. Not the easiest way to defeat them, but it isn't complicated at | |all. If you want an easy way, you'll have to practice a little (thus | |making it a hard way... sorta). Have Vector reach level three and have | |him rapidly press B until all the bubbles are released. This can easily | |knock Team Dark out of the ring, but the characters in Team Dark charge | |at you so much you may not have time to release the bubbles. I adivse | |you to knock Team Dark down and then release all of the bubbles. The | |final way is neither easy nor hard. Switch to Espio, stand near a ledge, | |and use lief swirl. | | | |It's risky, because you might fall off, but you can throw Team Dark off | |the legde easily. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 5: Casino Park | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 40,000 Mission Bio: "Win 200 Rings!" Holy crap, EASIEST. STAGE. EVER. You simply have to collect 200 rings, which can be done under 2 minutes if you're quick (my record is 1.41.xx). At the start, collect all rings in front of you (18 total). Now use the dice elevators to reach the next platform, which has a single enemy. Defeat it and then use Power Formation to hit all three springs, bringing your ring total to twenty-eight. As Espio, jump in the cannon to get onto the pinball machine. Here, you want to hit all of the yellow squares. They turn orange and red as you hit them more and more times, and eventually disappear. Each time you make a square vanish, you get ten rings. And then there are the slot machines, where you can win up to 200 rings! Anyway, send yourself to the top of the pinball machine once you've gotten enough rings (you should have at least 60 by the time you leave). As you roll down, hit the checkpoint and turn around. Break the metal container and throw the switch to open a door, which has two ten ring capsules. Use the springs to reach the next ledge and instantly use Team Blast to defeat the enemies. This way, you don't risk getting hit and losing all of your rings. A bonus of using Team Blast is that you get extra rings. Head up the stairs, collecting the rings, and then punch the target with Vector. Roll down the Morph Ball Tunnel (that's what I like to call them) and then you'll grab a lot more rings to add to your collection. When you're given a choice of Morph Ball Tunnels, take the left one for five rings. You're now in a pinball machine, which you should stick to to collect the remaining rings that you need. If you need too many rings, there's another slot machine up ahead with more opportunities. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 6: Bingo Highway | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 32,000 Mission Bio: "Collect 10 casino chips" You need ten chips to enter Eggman's hideout, so you need to collect them all here. Run forward to get your first [CASINO CHIP]. Hit the springs to fly up, and you'll spot a new type of robot here. This robot is the searchlight enemy, which spawns new enemies if it spots you. So using Espio, defeat it with homing attack. Hit the switch to open the door, and run down the hall. Switch to Vector at the end and fly up using bubble blow. When you reach the top, float down and defeat all the enemies to lower a cage that has your second [CASINO CHIP]. Run over the glass and grab the Special Stage Key from the cage, and then run back to the glass. As Vector, jump up and press B to shatter the glass. You'll fall onto a high speed slide which you should roll down. At the end, you'll be sent to a platform with another searchlight enemy. However, this has some good armor and can only be defeated by Vector. So use Charmy's thunder shoot to knock it down, and then switch to Vector and defeat it. Turn around and you'll spot a switch. Hit this to put the dice back in control of themselves. Jump to one of the die when it gets close, and let it take you over to the next platform. Hit the checkpoin and switch to Vector. Punch the target and you'll be sent far down. Follow the path here until you reach a pinball machine. Grab some rings if you want, but when you're ready, head up to the top and leave. Here, defeat the two enemies and run up to the green springs. Use them to bounce up to another [CASINO CHIP]. Now fly up to the die and then to the ledge and defeat the enemy, then head down south. Jump on the die and on the second one is a [CASINO CHIP] which you should grab. Now jump to the platform with the checkpoint. Hit the checkpoint and then the springs. Roll down the high-speed slide and then you'll fall to a second slide. At the end, hit the springs to be sent up to the next platform. Defeat the enemy that's in the middle of the two dice and grab the [CASINO CHIP] that it was guarding. Halfway done! Run forward and defeat the enemy, then head through the door. Go down the tunnel, defeating the enemies, then switch to Vector at the end. Glide up with the bubble blow. When you reach the top, you'll see a bunch of floating platforms. Use them to bounce to the last floating platform, which has a [CASINO CHIP]. Now head forward and defeat the enemies, then open the door. Break the glass but MAKE SURE YOU AREN'T STANDING ON IT WHEN YOU BREAK IT! Break it from a distance, then jump and use bubble blow. There's a [CASINO CHIP] that's in midair as you float down, so be sure to grab it. When you're actually on the slide, roll down, collecting the BINGO chips. About halfway down you'll have to roll across a thin bridge. Across that thin bridge is another [CASINO CHIP] which you should grab. Roll down and in the distance you'll see a bunch of yellow walls. These walls are the ones that make you bounce. It the middle of all of the walls is a [CASINO CHIP]. Grab it and continue down the slide. Eventually, you'll go through a Morph Ball Hole and down to a pinball field. There's a [CASINO CHIP] near the top of the pinball field, so grab it. Good job! Mission complete! NOTE: If you missed any Casino Chips, there are more in the level further on. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Egg Carnival Difficylty: Medium | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |After some Eggman blab, you'll begin the third boss fight. This is | |different from the others since you're facing waves of enemies. Team | |Sonic players will be farmiliar with this battle, but if you aren't, | |here's a strategy. The first wave is a few weak flying robots which can | |be defeated easily by using the homing attack. The next wave is the | |exact same thing (wonder why they did that). Wave three is four robots | |that occasionally shoot lasers at you, and then three fighter planes | |that charge at you. Homing attacks kill these guys easily, but you have | |to wait for the planes to come toward you. The fourth wave is nine | |flying enemies that can shoot bullets at you. Switch to Charmy and use | |thunder shoot to kill all of these guys. | | | |The fifth wave is very easy; it's four electric, armored robots. Use | |Charmy to knock each one down, then switch to Vector and punch them. | |Next is a bunch of bomb-dropping enemies and some robots. Just use your | |Team Blast here, since you should have one by now. Now a bunch of flying | |robots will appear. As Espio, do rapid homing attacks and every robot | |will easily die. Four tractor beam robots and some fighter planes are | |next. Homing attacks galore! (You'll want to save your Team Blast for | |the next wave, though you might want to use it here). The next wave is a | |TON of turtles which you'll want to instantly use your Team Blast on. | |The next wave is a TON of bomb-dropping enemies and electric enemies | |that can be annoying. | | | |However, once you get up in the air and start using homing attacks, they | |can't touch you. Next is a couple of turtles and armored bomb-dropping | |enemiems. Vector should be at level three, so rapidly press B to easily | |defeat everyone. The final wave is a ton of shielded laser shooting | |robots, but a single Team Blast can take care of 'em. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 7: Rail Canyon | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 32,000 Mission Bio: "Infiltrate the terminal station!" You'll start off grinding on some rails. Team Sonic players are going to think that you aren't going to be grinding on these rails for long. You're freaking wrong. You'll be grinding for easily about a minute and a half before you actually reach solid ground. Pay no attention to the rhino cars when they appear, just keep grinding. The speed boosts help keep you going fast, but to go even faster, you can just hold B the whole time. About halfway through, you'll pass over a blue rail. Colored rails indicate that you can change the direction of them. You should reach a small floating platform with some switches on them. Jump to that platform and hit the switch to change the colored rail from blue to pink. This will make that rail go somewhere else. Fall off the floating platform and you're in front of the colored rail again. Keep grinding for a little more until you reach what I like to call "breaks", which are walls that prevent you from going too fast. When you reach the end, hit the springs and then run forward. Grind the rails and when you reach the other side, defeat the enemies. Go around the pillar and smash all the wooden containers, then switch to Charmy. Fly to the top of the pillar and break the barrel with Vector. Hit the switch and return to the colored rail that you just grinded. Grind it to the end, then head past or defeat the enemies. Choose a rail and grind it down. Ignoring the rhino cars, continue to grind. When you're forced to leap to another rail, head to the middle one. Continue to grind for quite a while. When you reach the "breaks", jump off to the right and head right. Switch to Charmy and make the flower bloom. Jump in the warp and you'll be sent to the other side of the gate. Head out of the little cave and defeat the robots to lower the cage. Hit the spring to be sent up to a ledge. Touch the checkpoint here, then throw the switch to open the door. Grind all the rails here and when you can jump to some rails on your right, do so. When you start going in circles, jump to the platform and head around to the area with the two barrels and some enemies. Defeat the enemies then use Vector to smash the barrels. Throw all three switches at once to lower the lasers, letting you enter the little cave. Using the flower, warp to the next area. Follow the path until you encounter some rails, which you should start grinding. STICK TO THE MIDDLE RAIL THE WHOLE TIME! When you fall off the first rail, make sure to land on the second rail and continue grinding. Keep going until the rail disappears and you land on a platform. Defeat the enemy here to lower the cage with the rails switch. Hit it an some rails will lower, letting you grind to the next platform. Just hold B the whole time (even when you think you're about to fall into oblivion; you'll just fall onto another rail) and then jump off to the right when you see the train that looks like Satan's face. Fly over the two walls here to be around the train. Jump back on the rails to continue grinding. When you see another train, quickly jump to the right again and hit the springs. Go over the fences and start grinding again. Keep grinding until you reach a platform with an enemy. Defeat the enemy and then switch to Charmy. See the big Satan train with all the platforms in the middle? Fly over to it. Defeat the first enemy you see to lower the cage with a rail switch. Hit it and continue over to the other side. Once the train is gone, grind the rails up to the floating platform again. Jump to the rails closest to you and start grinding. When you see a platform on your right, jump to it. Defeat the two robots and then the rhino car (use thunder shoot for the rhino) to lower the cage. Activate the switch and jump back on the rail. Now just... grind. Yeah, grind to hell, just grind. The game will take care of everything and you'll eventually find yourself right in front of the goal ring. Remember... simply grind. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 8: Bullet Station | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 32,000 Mission Bio: "Destroy 30 capsules" Your mission here is to destroy 30 capsules developed by Eggman. You'll start out grinding a huge rail. Just wait until you stop grinding and land on a central platform. Your first [FOUR CAPSULES] are here. Now jump in the cannon as Espio to be shot up to some springs. Don't touch anything until you see a floating platform. THEN push forward. When you land on the upper level of the platform with the cannon, head around the big hole and defeat the enemies. Destroy the [CAPSULE] and then activate the right switch. Head left and grind the blue rail up to the pink rail, and then the normal rail. When you land, head forward and defeat the tractor beam enemy, then destroy the [CAPSULE] that's behind it. Jump down below into the gap to find your seventh [CAPSULE]. Destroy the wooden crates here to find a switch that reveals a spring. Take the spring back up and out of the gap. Head forward and defeat the enemy here and then take a flying leap to the floating platform. The eigth [CAPSULE] is here. Now switch to Charmy and use him to fly over to the next ledge. Break the two [CAPUSLES] here and activate both switches, then take the pole up to the next ledge. Grind the rails over to the next area, where there are two more [CAPSULES]. Activate all three switches to open the door and then head down the corridor. Defeat the enemy here and then break the duct using Vector. Fall down and follow the long path here until you reach a cannon. Jump in and you'll fly to the next area. Touch the checkpoint and follow the path across a narrow bridge. Head south here and fly over the fence and break the [CAPSULE]. Then go back and hit the switch that you passed to open the door. Head down to the big room with the giant cannon. Go around the cannon and you'll find two [CAPSULES]. Halfway there! Now jump into the cannon and you'll be shot out. Make sure to collect as many balloons as you can while going down the canyons. When you land on a rail, make sure to land on the left or right one, since there's nothing in the middle. Now just hold B until you reach a fan, which you should use bubble blow to go up. On the next ledge there are two fans and a [CAPSULE]. Grab the capsule and head up using the fans. Defeat all the enemies and then touch the checkpoint. There are a bunch of fans in front of you, so using bubble blow, head up them. When you reach the fan with the switch, touch the switch and then float up to the platform on your left. Break the two [CAPSULES] you see here and continue floating across all the fans. Grind into the little cave and break the [CAPSULE], then hit the spring. Head across the platform and break the duct, and you'll fall into the high speed transport tunnel. Head across the first car and grind to the second car. Defeat the tractor beam enemy and then break the capsule. Ten left! Now, using Charmy, fly to the car on your left. Head down the car and defeat the enemy and break the three [CAPSULES] there. Head to the back of the car and use leaf swirl to head up the pole. You're sent to the fourth car. Defeat the enemies and avoid the spiked balls, then use the homing attack on one of the walls to begin a series of triangle jumps. When you reach the rotating platform, make sure that it's horizontal before you try to pass it; otherwise, you'll fall off. On the fifth car, use Vector to break the engine core. You'll appear grinding on a rail. Shortly after, you'll hit some springs and fall down to a bobsled. For people who have done Team Sonic, you already know how to work this. However, let me explain it to people who haven't played. Each time you hit an obstacle, you lose one character. Losing Espio makes you go slower (though you'll always want to be moving slowly; press B for the breaks) and then losing Charmy prevents the bobsled from jumping ( very bad, since you can't avoid most obstacles). If Vector is down, you'll have very little control over the bobsled, which makes it nearly impossible to avoid obstacles near the end. Press A to jump over an obstacle and use the control stick to steer. There are many [CAPSULES] near the end of the ride, so collect them all and you'll hit thirty. Good job! Mission complete! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Egg Albatross Difficulty: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |This ****ing boss ****ing pisses me off the ****ing piece of ****ing | |****. ****! Anyway, there are a TON of parts to the Albatross that you | |have to defeat, starting with the cannons. Attack the cannons on either | |side (I started with the left) that are located on the wings. Once the | |two cannons on the wing are down, start attacking the wing itself. Use | |rapid homing attacks so you can stay in the air. Once the wing is down, | |you'll have to focus on the propeller. Again, multiple homing attacks in | |the air will help you take this down without getting hit once. After the | |propeller is destroyed, you have to attack the actual body of the Egg | |Albatross. Attack only the middle body. | | | |Once you destroy the middle body, Eggman will retreat. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 9: Frog Forest | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 40,000 Mission Bio: "Get though the forest without being detected by the frogs!" There's a few green frogs in this level that will summon rain if they notice you. If they notice you and summon rain, you have to start over. Why you have to start over, I have no idea. Oh well. Anyway, when you start, head forward and hit the giant fruit to bounce up to the next ledge. Switch to Vector and defeat the turtle, then switch to Espio and head through the huge series of loops, as usual. When you hit the dash ramp, you'll be propelled to an area with the first frog. There's an alternate path made up of flying platforms to your right. Take that path to avoid being spotted by the frog. Hit the fruit to bounce up to the yellow platforms. From the yellow platforms, climb/fly until you reach some ivy that looks like a rail. You can grind this ivy, so jump onto it and grind all the way down to the bottom, where you'll grab on to some more ivy. This ivy is different, since you can use it to swing across gaps or tall areas. So when the ivy is at its highest point, press A to leap to the next ivy rope. Keep doing this until you're sent up to the next platform. Destroy the cage here and grab the Special Stage Key, and then hit the checkpoint. Fly through the dash hoop using Charmy. Next, collect all the rings and jump to the next green platform with the two enemies. Defeat the enemies and you should notice a frog that is guarding a capsule. To get this capsule, simply switch to Charmy, aim at the capsule, and use thunder shoot. You'll grab an extra 1-Up. Now jump to the yellow platform and from there, jump to the small ledge. There's something that I like to call a "mini mushroom" on this ledge. These look like little ovals, but when you hit them they spring you high in the air and turn into mushrooms. So touch this mini mushroom to be sent up to a higher ledge. Switch to Vector and punch the target to be sent to another big area. You'll instantly switch to Espio, but switch right back to Vector. Make sure you're in a good Power Formation as you run down the hills. If you are, each character will go through a separate loop, and you'll grab power spheres for all three characters. Once you go through the loops, switch back to Espio. Keep running until you see a frog. Here, stop and use leaf swirl. This makes Espio invisible, so the frogs can't see him. Go around the third frog and hit the dash pads, then the mini mushroom. On the yellow platform, switch to Charmy and fly through the dash hoop. Stick to Charmy as you hit the springs. When you're at the peak of you're jump, push forward in the air and then start to fly to the floating green platform. Land on it and hit the checkpoint. Then jump to the yellow platform, and then the green platform with the power sphere and target. Punch the targget and hit the mini mushroom, then jump to the platform with the flower. Using leaf swirl, grab onto the flower and let it take you inside a cave of some sort. Hit the dash pads once you land and grind all the way down. Once down, use leaf swirl once more to become invisible. Jump to the platform with all the frogs, and if you're invisible you can slip by without being detected. From here, jump up the floating platforms and hit the target with Vector. Head forward once you've landed and defeat all enemies. Fly up to the ledge and then activate the flower. Use it to fly over to the next area. From there, the path is fairly straightforward. Just remember to turn ivisible whenever there are frogs and you'll get by easily. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 10: Lost Jungle | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 40,000 Mission Bio: "Rescue 10 Chao!" Your mission here is to find ten Chao lost in the jungle. When you start, follow the path, defeating the two bomb-dropping enemies. A HUGE enemy will drop down near the end. You're going to see this guy a lot from here on out, so listen up on how to beat him! Okay, get close to him and wait for him to start spinning his huge hammer. When he does, retreat and then wait until he stops spinning. He'll be really dizzy, so switch to Charmy and use thunder shoot to knock him down. Now switch to Vector, rush in, and pound on him. Once he's down, the cage will lower, revealing a spring and your first [LOST CHAO]. Now head forward, following the straightforward path. Avoid/defeat the enemies and when you get to a punch of circular platforms, switch to Charmy. Use him to fly up to the second platform, which has another [LOST CHAO]. Now turn around and fly up again. You'll spot another platform with a [LOST CHAO]. Good. Now defeat the spiked enemy WHEN THE SPIKES ARE INSIDE and then grab onto the ivy rope. Use it to fly to the next ledge, which has a Special Stage Key inside of a cage. Grab the key and then head to the end of the ledge, which has an enemy. Defeat it and jump onto the ivy rope. Use it to swing to the next platform, which has a green frog. No, this one can spot you. Make it rain to grow a bunch of fruit which you can use to bounce up to the next ledge. On this ledge, bounce on the fruit again to get to a ledge with some wooden containers. Inside one of the containers is a [LOST CHAO]. Defeat the bad guy here and then use the spring to reach the checkpoint. Hit it and then switch to Charmy. Fly over to the ivy ropes and use them to fly to the next area, which has another huge robot. Defeat it and this will lower a cage that has a [LOST CHAO]. Halfway done! Now, as Espio, rush down the huge series of loops and when you finally land, defeat all the enemies. DON'T hit the target yet. On one of the mushrooms is a [LOST CHAO]. Now head forward and use the target to reach the next ledge. Head forward and the black frog will make fruit fall on the enemies, killing them. Go up the hill and jump up onto the small platform to get a [LOST CHAO]. Head up the hill and using the flower, fly to the next part of the level. Have the frog summon rain to grow a bunch of platforms. On one of those platforms is a [LOST CHAO]. Now proceed forward on the platforms (drop off if you want a Special Stage Key) and fly up to the next ledge. Defeat the enemy here to lower the cage that has a [LOST CHAO]. One left! Just head forward and follow the straightforward path until you get to a big cave. Defeat the two huge enemies here to lower the cage door and get the final [LOST CHAO]. Good job! Mission complete! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Team Rose Difficulty: Easy | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |After a few misunderstanding comments, you'll engage in a battle. This | |battle is exactly like battling Team Dark, and if you've done Team | |Battles with any other team, this is REALLY simple. Remember to first | |grab the power spheres, and then the trick where using a Team Blast | |brings back all of your lost characters (though it doesn't hurt the | |enemy). | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 11: Hang Castle | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 35,000 Mission Bio: "Get the keys inside the haunted castle!" After an amusing scene, you'll be given your next mission by your clent. This time, you need to find and grab ten keys so you can open the doors inside the castle. When you start, smash the crates and head forward (as Espio). Run through the loops and hit the springs. Charmy will mention that he senses keys and sure enough, your first [CASTLE KEY] is located on a little platform. Next to it is the Special Stage Key, so grab it. Now head over to the wooden containers that are built inside the floor and smash them. Fall through the hole. When you land, grab the capsule and head out of the tower that you're in. Defeat the enemy here and you'll notice a blue sphere. These strange spheres are actually switchs that reverse the castle. So if the castle is right-side up, it'll be flipped upside down and vise -versa. Touch it and you'll fly up to a rail. Just hold B, even when you think you're going to fall (you won't). Once you're off the rail, switch to Charmy and jump up onto one of two elevators. Take this elevator up to the next platform, which has an armored searchlight enemy. Defeat it and fly up to the next area, which has a second [CASTLE KEY]. Now drop down and you should see two torches. Run straight, and you'll go up an invisible path. When you finish the invisible path, defeat the enemies and hit the switch. Then open the flower and use the warp. You're now inside another big tower. There's a second blue sphere in this tower, so flip it and then you'll appear right where the first Castle Key was. Head forward, through the now-opened door. Head down the hallway and grab the third [CASTLE KEY]. Then head up the stairs. Jump on the platform, which turns out to be an elevator. This will take up up high to a big tower. When it takes you all the way up to the top, jump on the platform and grind the rail UP. Yes, up. Grab the ring capsule and then follow the path to the end. There's the fourth [CASTLE KEY] here, so grab it. Return to the rail and grind it all the way down. Head forward once you've stopped and hit the checkpoint, then touch the blue sphere. Once the castle is flipped, you should notice another [CASTLE KEY]. Halfway done! Now switch to Charmy and fly up to the platform that's directly above where the fifth castle key was. Open the flower and warp to the top of a tower (yeah, I'm a natural poet). Grab the sixth [CASTLE KEY] here and warp back. Switch to Charmy and fly up to the next platform, with the two armored searchlight enemies. Defeat them and then fly to the elevator. Use it to reach the next platform, where you should hit the switch. Head forward and hit the springs. Defeat all the enemies in this area and then touch the blue sphere. Once the castle is flipped, turn around to find the seventh [CASTLE KEY]. Exit the green pool and you'll have to cross a second invisible bridge. This one is tougher, since it's longer and has many turns. Near the end is the eigth [CASTLE KEY]. When you finally reach the other side, destroy the crates to the left of the door and pull the switch out. Then bust the wall to the right of the door and pull the second switch. Head through the door and go straight. Go around the platform with the magician and smash the cracked wall to get the ninth [CASTLE KEY[. Only one more to go! Head up the ledge with Charmy and then defeat the enemy here. Activate all three switchs (at once) to open the door. Head through and touch the checkpoint, then go around to the back of the huge tower. Drop down into the little hole and you'll fly up to the top of the tower. Jump into the hole here and then proceed to head up to the, um... "bottom" of the tower. Once there, jump over the cage and pull the switch out. Then touch the blue sphere and you'll fall right in front of the final [CASTLE KEY] so grab it. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 12: Mystic Mansion | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 25,000 Mission Bio: "Blow out all the red torches!" You can't get out of the castle until all red torches are blown out. There are sixty red torches (but just for the record, they look orange) that you have to extinguish, and they're usually in groups of two to four. To put out a torch, use Espio's leaf swirl move. Oh, and DON'T put out the blue torches. They always make a red torch somewhere in the castle light up again (usually nearby), causing you to blow it out once more. Okay, at the start there are four [TORCHES] for you to put out. Head up the stairs and defeat the enemy, then go through the door. Go up the stairs and out the hallway, and then into the huge room. Go around to the back of the door and jump on the platform. Defeat the enemy here and switch to Charmy. Fly straight up and you'll see a target switch. Use thunder shoot to hit it, and then head over to the cage that you passed. Touch the blue sphere and then defeat all the enemies to open the door. Go through and blow out the four [TORCHES] and then you'll enter a bigger room. Grab the Special Stage Key and then get rid of the two [TORCHES] here. Then switch to Charmy and fly up to the top of the weight. From there, fly up to the next platform. Hit the checkpoint and then hit the switch to open the door. Defeat all the enemies in the next room and blow out the [TORCHES] here. Head up the stairs and hit the blue sphere. Simply use a Team Blast to defeat all the enemies that appear, and then head down the hall. Blow out the two [TORCHES] in this room and then open the flower and jump in. After you warp, head forward, burn the two [TORCHES], and defeat the enemy to open the door. Head forward and activate the right blue sphere. Using the plates that the skeleton has, jump to the flower, open it, and hop in. You'll appear in a long hallway. First, go and blow out all twelve [TORCHES] in this hallway. You should now have thirty torches, so you're halfway done. Once you're done, go a little past the flower and use Charmy to fly up. You should see a target switch, so hit it with thunder shoot. Now locate and head through the door you just opened and then touch the blue sphere. Head down the hallway here, putting out the four [TORCHES]. Now head forward and use the triangle jump to get to the other side of the big gap. Head down the stairs and drop down the gap. At the bottom, switch to Vector and break the cracked wall here to reveal a switch.. Hit the switch and head up using the fan. Glide to the open door and take out the two [TORCHES]. Then hit the springs and walk up to the big door. Switch to Charmy and fly straight up. Grab the switch above the door and pull it out. Go through and hit the blue sphere. Defeat the enemies that appear to open the door. In the next hallway, put out the two [TORCHES] and hit the switch to open the door. You'll now encounter a big robot, and I'll explain how to beat this tough guy. You can't defeat him with Vector's attacks until his armor is down. Get close to him, and when he begins to spin, retreat. Wait until he's stopped spinning, then quickly switch to Charmy and use thunder shoot to knock him down. This will make his head gear fall off, so switch to Vector and run over to his head. Keep punching the guy until he gets up, and then you'll have to repeat the process of avoiding his spin then using thunder shoot. This dude has about 25 HP. You can also use a Team Blast to avoid all of this, if you have a Team Blast. Once this guy is gone, you can run to the pond and jump in for one ring if you wish. Make sure you retreat quickly though, or a blue torch will appear and take away all your rings. Once he's gone, head up the stairs and put out the two [TORCHES]. Twenty left! There are two more [TORCHES] in the next room. Grab them and enter the warp. Here, put all all of the [TORCHES] and grab all the rings. Then switch to Vector and proceed to take out every cracked wall in here to get the stuff inside. One of the walls reveals the path that you should take. So use that path and put out the two [TORCHES] here. Now you'll want to get under the shadow and retreat quickly. A weight will drop, so jump on it and you'll be taken up to three switches. Hit them all to open the door. Touch the checkpoint in this room and now use a combination of flying and grinding to reach the platform on the right, which has two [TORCHES] and a switch. Now head to the exact opposite side of the room and put out the two [TORCHES] there. Once that's done, make your way to the door you opened earlier. Head through to be in a room with a ton of lasers. Defeat the enemy, collect the rings, and then switch to Espio. Jump up on the platform and find a safe place to touch the blue sphere without getting hit by the lasers. Once you find it, touch the sphere and then defeat all the enemies. Grab onto the pulley and head down the little well. You're in a very strange, messed up room. Put out all the [TORCHES] here and then open the flower. You'll warp outside the castle. Put out the two [TORCHES] near you and head across the bridge to put out the final two [TORCHES]. Good job! Mission complete! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Robot Storm Difficulty: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |After the client acts a little strange, it's time to fight another huge | |wave of enemies. Another huge wave of enemies, you'll have to first | |start off with a ton of stationary flying robots. Grab one ring and then | |homing attack all of them. Once they're gone, a bunch of ground robots | |with spears will appear. Again, homing attacks work best here. Next, a | |huge bunch of ground robots will drop down. Switch to Vector and just | |have him punch his way through all of the enemies. Now, hit the blue | |sphere and you'll be sent to an area with a ton of turtles and some | |electric flying enemies. Use Team Blast to get rid of them. Now some | |golden robots and searchlight robots will appear, and you should have | |another Team Blast with you, so use it. | | | |Next is a bunch of magicians and flying robots. Take out the magicians | |first, so they can't heal, then attack the flying robots. Now jump in | |the cannon as Espio to be shot to another platform. The first wave on | |this platform is a bunch of shield enemies. Vector should be level | |three, so rapdily press B to have him spit out a bunch of bubbles to | |defeat everyone easily. Next, a huge robot and some smaller robots will | |come out. A simple Team Blast will kill 'em. Three huge robots and some | |bomb-dropping enemies should come out now. Vector can easily defeat | |these guys with his bubbles and Charmy can kill the bomb-dropping | |enemies in one hit using thunder shoot. Now run forward and touch the | |blue sphere. A HUGE batch of flying enemies will appear. | | | |Switch to Charmy and fly straight up. Remain in one place and use thunder| |shoot to kill everyone. The next part is tough. Use the cannon and jump | |in as Vector. Aim the cannon at all of the flying enemies and start | |killing them off. Use the dash hoops to head back to the platform and | |repeat. Next, a bunch of robots will appear. Simply use Vector to kill | |them. Jump into the cannon to be shot to the next platform. Simply use | |your Team Blast to kill them all. You should have another Team Blast for | |the final wave, so use it again to finish the battle. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 13: Egg Fleet | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 33,000 Mission Bio: "Infiltrate the flagship without being detected by enemies" If a SINGLE enemy spots you, you lose. Sound tough? Sort of, but remember Espio's leaf swirl makes him ivisible. You'll be using that a lot in this level. Okay, you'll start off by grinding some rails. Grind all the way down to a platform and follow the path. When you spot the first batch of enemies, become invisible and make your way to the switch that the enemies are guarding. Hit the switch to lower the gate. One more thing: I advise you STAY invisible until you need a different character, so I'm not gong to tell you to "stay invisible even after you do this" or something. Okay, so head through the gate your just opened and stop at the "FLY" sign. Switch to Charmy and fly up the platforms until you spot another enemy. Use leaf swirl to get by, and quickly switch to Vector when you reach the conatiners. Smash them and jump through, then proceed forward. Hit the springs and enter the little cave on your left. When you encounter the lasers, become invisible and walk through them, then activate the switch. Switch to Charmy and hit the springs, then fly up to the dash hoop. Head over to the platform with the rail, and start grinding the rail down. Grind all the way until you reach an area with a Special Stage Key and some springs near you. Grab the key and hit the springs to fly up to the next area. Follow the path here until you hit the "FLY" sign. Switch to Charmy and fly over to the next platform, which has a cannon on it. In case you haven't noticed by now, the cannons don't count as enemies. Head to the left and into the little cave. Become invisible and walk through the lasers, then hit the switch. Switch to Charmy and fly up the solid containers, then hit the dash ramp. Grind the rail down to what looks a lot like the beginning of the level. Head past the cannons and become invisible. Here, it might be a good idea to DEFEAT all the enemies first (while still invisible, of course) because you'll have to use Vector in an area close to the enemies. Once the enemies are down, switch to Vector and smash the two cages that have switchs. Activate all three switchs at the same time to open the door. Head down and hit the springs to be sent to a platform with two flowers. It doesn't matter which one you choose, since you go to the same place. Once you've warped, use leaf swirl and kill the sleeping enemy. Now switch to Vector and jump over the gate and onto the huge fan. Using bubble blow, glide past the enemies on your left and head to the ledge straight ahead. Make sure you land on the right side, so you avoid the enemy. Smash the cages here and then hit the dash ramp. Head past the cannons and stand in the exact center of this area. Use your Team Blast here to destroy all the cannons, making your next job MUCH easier. There are a ton of switches here, but you don't have to activate them all at once. Just touch each one and one point and the door will open. Make sure you avoid the laser while throwing the switches! Go through the door once you've opened it and head down to the end. Open the flower and jump in. When you warp, fly over to the left side and then head up to the ledge. There are two rotating lasers here, so you'll want to wait until the path is clear before flying through the lasers. Then jump on the containers and fly up to the next ledge. Here, become invisible and head over to the giant cannon. Destroy it with homing attacks and you'll spot an enemy with a shield. Each time you attack, it'll raise the shield and prevent you from hurting it. You have to walk away for it to lower the shield again. Jump in and get three or four homing attacks in quickly and then the 'bot will raise the shield. Walk away, wait for him to lower the shield, and do three or four more homing attacks. Repeat the process until the robot is dead. Yeah, it's a slow process, but the best way to go without getting detected (unless you have a Team Blast). Once the robot is dead, the door will open, so head on through. Jump over all of the gates and touch the goal ring to clear the area. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 14: Final Fortress | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== A Rank Points Needed: 65,000 Mission Bio: "Find the keys to the cell where the client is locked up!" Congragulations, you're at the final level of Team Chaotix! Your client has been captured by Eggman (figures, he's been leading you to kill Eggman this whole time) and you must rescue him. So wait... if this never happened, then what would your last mission be...? Anyway, you must find five keys here to rescue the client. Head forward when you start and defeat the enemy. Then punch the target with Vector and grind the rail. Defeat the enemies once you land to lower a cage that has the first [CELL KEY]. Fly to the lower platform in front of you and switch to Espio. Start running down the hill and when you get to the tall platform, switch to Charmy. This is a huge gap that you have to make, so jump as far as you can, then start flying. Once on the other side, use triangle jumps to get to the next platform, which will start to fall. Retreat to the next platform and you'll have to make it over to a large elevator with Charmy. From there, jump to the next platform, which has a bunch of cannons. Ignore them and go forward. Fly up to the pulley on the left here and take it up. Hit the checkpoint and then punch the target with Vector. Quicky switch to Espio and jump across the huge gap with triangle jumps. You have to avoid the lasers, because if you're hit, you must take a lower route. Once on the other side, head forward and jump over the lasers when you reach them. Go up the path here and defeat the huge, armored enemy. This will lower a cage containing the second [CELL KEY]. Yahoo. Now hit the spring and fly up to the rail. Grind it over to the platform with the two enemies. Defeat the enemies and then jump into the cannon. Head over to the pole and take it up. Grind the rail down to the collapsing platforms. Quickly switch to Charmy and fly up to one of the ledges that has a cannon. From there, fly up to the main ledge and bust the cannon there to reveal a spring. Take it up and defeat the enemy here. Break the metal containers and drop down. Take the straightforward path (use Espio's camelflogue ability to slip past the lasers when you reach them) until you reach a dead end with two sleeping enemies. Kill them to open a hole in the floor. Fall through and you'll hit a spring. This will send you up to some more lasers. Fly over them using Charmy and defeat the gold robot here. This will lower the huge door, revealing the path and a [CELL KEY]. Only two left! Fly over the lasers with Charmy and then touch the checkpoint. Hit the self-destruct switch and you'll appear on some rails. Whenever you see electricity flowing through a rail, quickly jump to one without electricity. Otherwise, a laser will fire at you and you might die. Once you reach the end, defeat the gold robot to lower a cage that has a [CELL KEY]. Only one left! Fly over to the next ledge with Charmy and use triangle jumps to get to the ledge with the cannon. Destroy it to reveal some springs. Hit them and destroy the next cannon to reveal more springs. Bounce up to the next ledge and defeat the enemy that appears. Fall into the little hole and hit the switch to make a pole lower. Take it up and then head forward. Destroy the obstacle and hit the springs, and then head to the rail. Grind it down and use a Team Blast to wipe everything out. If you don't have one, you'll have to do it the hard way (sorry). One of the cannons has a Special Stage Key if you want it. Jump up to the target and punch it with Vector. Don't touch anything and you'll land in front of a dash pad. In Power Formation, hit it and land on the rails. Grind them to the end and defeat all the enemies here to lower the cage containing the final [CELL KEY]. Good job! Mission complete! /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |FINAL BOSS: Egg Emperor Difficulty: Hard | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Okay, when you start off, run forward, dodging Eggman's attacks. He | |likes to send yellow lasers at you, which you should go around or jump | |to avoid. Collect the power spheres and continue to dodge his attacks. | |When you get to the dash ramps, wait until Eggman is a little bit away | |from you, so you don't run into him when you dash through the air. | |Continue on and hit the dash ramps once you encounter them. You'll be | |sent to a big platform with lots of enemies and some cannons. Your first | |priority is to get up a Team Blast, so defeat all the enemies until you | |have one. Once you do, use it to really deplete Eggman's HP. His shield | |has, I think, 100 HP and the actual Egg Emperor has 150 HP. Once you | |have done the Team Blast, you'll have to do physicial attacks. | | | |Focus your attacks first on the shield. Switch to Vector, who should be at| |level two, and start rapidly pressing B near Eggman. You can hit the body | |and the shield at the same time doing this, but you have to be _in front_ | |of Eggman. Once he starts moving again, follow him. When you reach the big| |platfom again, Vector should be level three. This makes EVERYTHING easier,| |so run up and start rapidly pressing B. When you get Team Blast, use it | |and then keep pressing B after the Team Blast. Eventually, Eggman's shield| |will disappear. He's now in REALLY bad shape, and probably has only 30 or | |so HP left. If you keep pressing B with Vector, you can defeat him and get| |an "A" rank. Congragulations! | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! Eggman will melt into liquid and then Team Chaotix will come and rescue their client. They'll ask if Dr. Eggman is there, and Eggman will realize that Team Chaotix realized that Espio, Charmy, and Vector knew it was him the whole time. Then... why did they go on with the mission? Anyway, after some talk, Charmy will get pissed at Eggman and start stinging him wildly :) Emeralds: {TE0} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding the Emeralds: -The first thing you must know about the emeralds is what they are used for. The one, and ONLY uses for emeralds is to get into the final stage. Now, in order to find all of them, you must have at least one team beat the game (Or get to the Final Fortress stage). The emeralds are only found on the even stages, meaning levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Fortunatly, it doesn't matter what team gets the emeralds, since it counts for all of them, so it would be a good idea for Team Rose to get them, since their stages are the shortest and easiest of the 3 teams. Now, to enter a special stage, you must find a Golden Key in the level and not die. The keys are usually in a cage, and sometimes hidden, so look well thoughout the levels. Once you complete the stage with the key, you will enter the special stage. The Special Stages: -Once you are IN a Special Stage, you must know what to do. In order to win a emerald, you must catch it before it reaches the end. Sound Simple? The emerald is a bit faster then you, doesn't slow down, plus the fact that there is mines in the stages. In order to catch it, the Team Icon in the Bottom part of the screen must be even with the Emerald Icon. How to catch up to it? There are special colored orbs in the stages that increase a gauge in the upper right of the screen. This gauge shows the energy you can use to do a turbo boost. To use a turbo boost, use the B button. Another thing you must know is the black mines. They can greatly slow you down and cause you to lose the race, so try to move to the side or middle when you see them. In terms of strategies, there really isn't any. Although many complain that the 3rd level emerald is the hardest, they all increase in difficulty (More mines, less orbs, etc) level by level, so the best thing to do is simply avoid the mines, stay in the middle, and use the turbo boost as much as you can. General Tips: -Stay in the middle. The controls seem to mess up when you go on the celing or far sides, so try to stay in the middle if possible. -Avoid mines. It's OK to hit 1 mine field, but two or more can cause you to lose. Move to the side when you see the black-ish orbs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Stage: {TF0} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you can access the final stage, you must have these things done first: -All 7 Chaos Emerals (Read Above) -All Team's Stories complete Once you do that, the final stage will become accessable. Go to the story screen and press right, pass chaotix, to find a screen with Metal Sonic on it. Press it to access the final battle. NOTE: There are two different strategies for each boss. Jason has typed up one strategy and I (me frog) has typed up another. If one isn't working for you, try the other. Jason's strategy is right after this, and me frog's strategy is after Jason's strategy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason's strategy for Final Story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Major Spoilers* You will see Team Chaotix talking to the REAL Robotnik about who was really in command. Then, it will cut to a scene of Metal Sonic absorbing the Egg Fleet's metal and energy. After some conversation about the chaos emeralds, the final fight will begin. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Metal Madness Difficulty: Medium/Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |The first all team battle. You start out as Team Rose, and work your way | |up to Team Chaotix, then Team Dark. Each fight is pretty much the same, | |but there is a few things to know. Metal Madness's weak spot is the plate| |near it's tail. In order to damage it, you must use the characters that | |are the OPPOSITE of the current color. For example, if it is red, don't | |use a Power character, for it will have no effect. | | | |Each Team has it's own area, rings, and Power Cores to level up. To get | |these, you must break the nearby boxes. In terms of attacks, Metal Sonic | |has a Tail Swipe attack, a firebreath attack, a Ice Missle attack, and a | |Freezing missle. | | | |Jump to avoid the fire and Tail Spipe attacks, and dodge the ice attacks | |(The Ice attacks have the ability to freeze the characters, and if all | |three are frozen, you will lose a life). Fortunatly, you will start off | |with whatever team you were on if you die, so you don't have to fear much| |Another way you can dodge some of the attacks is to either. A: Use a | |Flying Character, or B: Use a Cannon. Once you defeat him with Team Dark,| |you will beat this form and move on. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Once you defeat Metal Madness, he will transform even farther and grow wings, and take to the air. Next, Sonic will transform into SUPER sonic and give Tails and Knuckles a barrier using his Super form power. After the cutscene, the final boss awaits! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |FINAL BOSS: Metal Overlord Difficulty: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Like all other Super Sonic fights, you are limited in time. You have 50 | |rings, and each ring takes up one second. Although you can get more rings| |on the battlefield, you must not waste time. The goal of this battle is | |to use Team Blast 5 times, and if you know anything about Team Blast | |attacks, it can take awhile. | | | |So, how do you raise your gauge? Collecting rings will do it, and | |countering the overlords attacks will raise the gauge. In this battle, he| |has a Ice-like attack, Spines from his back, and using a ship as a weapon| |To raise the gauge, you must have Super Sonic destroy the ice attack, | |Tail's counter the spines, and have knuckes destroy the ship. Once your | |Team Gauge is full enough, use it as soon as you get it. Once you hit | |him 5 times with team blast, you will beat the final boss, and get the | |true ending. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Once you beat Metal Overlord, you will see the true ending and have a new task: Get all A Ranks. Congradulations! You wasted your time getting the chaos emeralds just to face the final boss! Don't you feel special now? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ me frog's strategy for Final Story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, after getting the seven Chaos Emeralds and beating all stories, you finally get to play the last story, with Super Sonic and an awesome boss. Of course, you have the awesome soundtrack to play as you fight the boss. This is one very fun story. SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! OMGWTFLOL! TURN BACK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED! SECOND TO LAST WARNING! LAST WARNING! SPOILED! Team Chaotix will be talking to Eggman, and then Vector will order that Eggman explain who locked him up. He'll start to speak, and then Team Sonic will be running forward, only to spot Metal Sonic laughing and ordering everyone to kneel to him. After blowing up the structure he's on and you watch a huge transformation of him turning extremely super, you'll see Eggman saying how Metal Sonic has transformed. Then all of Eggman's robots will run away :) After Eggman speaks, he'll ask for the seven Chaos Emeralds. Everyone will get out the emeralds they have and then they'll all join up and prepare to face Metal Sonic, or shall I say...END SPOILERS! END SPOILERS! END SPOILERS! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |BOSS: Metal Madness Difficulty: Medium | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Team Rose | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | *** | |You start off the whole thing as Team Rose. Metal Madness has some strong| |attacks. His first involves him shooting out a bunch of different spikes | |onto the field. These can be avoided easily, but there are a lot of them | |so you might get hit. Note that there's a limited amount of rings for | |you, so don't grab them all at once. Metal Madness also has a tail | |swinging attack, which involves him sweeping his tail across the field. | |To dodge that, simply jump. The last attack Metal Madness has is a | |flamethrower attack. This wipes the spikes from the field, and you simply| |have to jump as the flame approaches you. You should notice a glowing | |circle on Metal Madness that's similar to the one that was on the Egg | |Emperor. | | | |You have to attack that circle, but using homing attacks will have no | |effect (it'd be too easy otherwise). Instead, you'll have to switch to | |Big and rapidly press B. This will shoot Amy and Cream at the circle, | |causing damage. Metal Madness has 99 HP, but you make him lose a couple | |of hit points each time you hit. Keep attacking until he loses all HP. | |Now it's time for Team Chaotix. | | *** | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Team Chaotix | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | *** | |Team Chaotix doesn't have some MAJOR differences in the battle, but Metal| |Madness has some new moves and some more HP. He also has a new defense | |system which can be quite annoying. The defense system is this: as Metal | |Madness changes the color on his sphere, different attacks become useless| |If the color is blue, you can't attack in Speed Formation. You can't | |attack in Flying Formation if it's yellow, and Power Formation attacks | |are useless when the circle is red. If the circle is red, always use | |homing attacks. If it's blue or yellow, stick to Vector's fireball | |attacks (where you stand in one place and press B rapidly). Flying | |Formation attacks pretty much suck since it's hard to get just a single | |hit in. | | | |The new attack is quite annoying. Metal Madness shoots out missles and | |when they land, they form a block of ice. If one of your characters | |happens to be standing on the spot where the ice hits, they'll be trapped| |You have to destroy the ice with one of the other characters to free them| |If all three characters are captured, you lose a life. You have to hit | |Metal Madness 99 more times before he is defeated, and then you move | |on to... | | *** | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Team Dark | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nothing that new here, but there's a lot of level up spheres for Shadow | |and Omega. Make sure that you snatch these spheres to put Shadow and | |Omega at their maximum levels. To get even MORE power, make sure you | |jump in the cannons as different people. If you want to grab the balloons| |in the sky, jump in the cannon as Omega and then shoot Shadow and Rogue | |out. Aim the cannon back at the regular platform and press B to exit | |safely. You should have Team Blasts ready here, which can cause mega | |damage. If you stop time when the sphere isn't red, you can continue to | |do attacks with Omega, causing further massive damage. Overall, this | |should be one of the easies teams to fight with. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Metal Madness will start to transform even more and then fly off into the sky. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles will grab arms and Sonic will transform into Super Sonic (yeah!) and then Tails and Knuckles will become some cool ball things. /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |FINAL BOSS: Metal Overlord Difficulty: Easy/Medium | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Like in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, you're fighting as Super Sonic. Like in | |Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, it's extremely fun. Like in Sonic Adventure 1 and| |2, there's an awesome song playing in the backgroud. And like Sonic | |Adventure 1 and 2, it's pretty easy. The fight this time takes place high | |above the skies, where your're playing as Super Sonic and then Tails and | |Knuckles follow behind you in the yellow spheres. Team Sonic is pretty | |much chasing Metal Overlord as he runs back. In all Sonic games that have | |had Super Sonic, you need rings to power your energy, and this one is no | |exception. You start out with fifty rings, and you lose one ring each | |second. There are different balloons around the sky that contain rings. | | | |You'll want to run into them and you'll grab some more rings. Okay, Metal | |Overlord has five attacks, and they are all pretty easy to avoid. The | |first should be defeated with Sonic. Metal Overlord sends waves of ice out| |at Team Sonic. This will knock Super Sonic back, causing you to lose some | |time. To break through this ice, press B as your moving forward to speed | |up. Metal Overlord sends out several chunks of ice at once, so you'll have| |to press B a few times. The next attack involves Metal Overlord sending | |out a bunch of missles. Switch to Tails and use thunder shoot on all of | |these missles to take them all out. If they hit you, it'll cause you to | |lose a bit of time. Let me tell you now that there is a second, quicker | |way to block these two attacks, using just Sonic. | | | |However, it's a risky move to perform, since it sucks up rings. If you get| |close to Metal Overlord and jump and press B, you'll perform the light | |dash. This wipes out all missles/crystals that Metal Overlord is shooting | |at you, but then again it also causes you to lose quite a few rings. Only | |use this attack if you have around 35+ rings, and even then you might want| |to avoid it. The next attack is rare, but it'll happen three or four times| |in the battle. When Metal Overlord takes a sudden dive lower into the | |skies, you should pass a huge ship. Metal Overlord wants to attack you | |with this ship, so switch to Knuckles and rapidly press B. This will cause| |Knuckles to do pretty much an upgraded version of his level three attack | |(sorta like a level four attack) where he sends out fireballs non-stop. | | | |This will destroy the ship. The fourth attack is Chaos Control, and it can| |piss you off. In random points in the battle, Metal Overlord will use the | |dreaded Chaos Control. This reverses the colors of everything and freezes | |Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles for twenty seconds. You still follow Metal | |Overlord around, because he can still move, but you can't actually dodge | |his attacks. Your ring count doesn't go down, but this can leave you open | |for many attacks. To make the twenty seconds go down faster, move the | |control stick around and rapidly press the A button. Metal Overlord likes | |to use Chaos Control, and then instantly throw a ship at you right after, | |so get ready to instantly switch to Knuckles once you aren't frozen | |anymore. | | | |Finally, Metal Overlord uses the same technique where he traps the | |characters in blocks of ice, and you have to destroy them to get free the | |characters. The other teams will be shouting bits of advice to you, but | |it's pretty predicatble anyway. You can't actually hurt Metal Overlord | |with regular attacks, since he's too strong. Instead, you have to use Team| |Blast attacks. To get some Team Blast, grab lots of rings and then make | |sure you dodge and counter as many attacks that Metal Overlord performs as| |you can. Once you get the Team Blast, use it and you'll perform a "Super | |Sonic version of it that can only be performed in this battle. Metal | |Overlord won't die until you use five Team Blasts in this battle. Once | |you've used three or four Team Blasts, balloons will stop appearing. | | | |This will make your source of rings vanish. This isn't good, so you'll | |want to be sure to have lots of rings before you use that third Team | |Blast. Make sure to have at least thirty saved up, which should last you | |for the rest of the battle. Remember, dying doesn't cause you to start the| |WHOLE scenario over again; you only have to start the fight at the | |beginning of Metal Overlord. Have fun with this battle! | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ TEH ENDING!!!!!!! SPOILERS! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! LAST CHANCE! TURN BACK OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE! 3 2 1 SPOILED! Metal Overlord will transform back into regular Metal Sonic. Sonic will invite Metal Sonic for a rematch any time. Amy will chase after him, and he'll leave. Rouge will start to leave too, saying she'll hunt for more treasure. Knuckles will then chase after her. Ohhhh... next, Team Chaotix will start to leave, but suddenly remember that Dr. Eggman owes them a huge sum of cash. Eggman will try to sneak away, but Team Chaotix will chase after him. Finally, Omega and Shadow will be standing, holding Metal Sonic. Next, Sonic will be running down a path and the credits will roll. Congagulartions! You just beat Sonic Hereos! END SPOILERS! END SPOILERS! END SPOILERS! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 060. E X T R A M I S S I O N S --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Sonic: {TSE} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 1: Seaside Hill | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Get to the Goal Ring within 5 minutes!" The first timed objective in the game is definitely not hard, unlike the first in Sonic Adventure 2. If you've played SA2, you'll have absolutely no trouble beating this. Basically, any path with Sonic is going to be faster (most of the time). There are lots of rings that are lined up in straight lines, so you should always make sure to use light dash. If you use light dash on all rows of rings, you can cut off what is easily ten seconds of your time total. When you get to the big sandy beach, jump in the cannon instead of switcing to Tails and flying over the sea. If you're going for the "A" rank make sure you memorize the location of the rainbow rings; there are many of them and having all three characters go through the rings can get you some major bonus points. Also stick to Sonic whenever there's some huge loop, and defeat all enemies as quickly as you can. If you run into a bunch of enemies, use Team Blast instead of taking time to defeat them the harder way. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 2: Ocean Palace | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Get to the Goal Ring within 5 minutes!" Another easy timed objective, though it can be a bit more challenging than Seaside Hill. The trick here is to be ready for when ruins fall, so you can either avoid them or punch through them the moment they appear. If you memorize where the ruins fall and stick to Knuckles until you've cleared an area of ruins, you can cut down your time dramatically. There aren't that many rows of rings to light dash here, but I suggest you still light dash for all rings that you see. As you're running toward fans, switch to Knuckles and don't wait right before you touch the fan. That way, you won't mess up and lose time. When you have the choice of taking an upper path with Tails or a lower path with Sonic, choose Sonic's route. Yes, it has a lot of crumbling ruins, but it's a quicker way if you are able to avoid the ruins. Remember to destroy enemies as you go by, and don't stop to wait for them, and you'll clear this easily with an "A" rank. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 3: Grand Metropolis | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Get to the Goal Ring within 5 minutes!" First off, let's have a moment of silence and honor Sonic Team for being able to think of original objectives. Once that's done, you'll want to start the mission. Again, this is easy, but getting an "A" rank can be a bit tough if you don't know the city that well. The blue paths here are really useful for when you want to go fast. Whenever you see a blue path in front of you, rush forward and start going up. If there's a LOT of enemies near it, you may want to stop and defeat them for points, but if you're just going for a good time. Ignore the enemies. Whenever you have alternate paths you can take, always try to take the upper one, since that's usually the quickest path. If you find a personal shortcut that's on a lower path, by all means use that shortcut. Always make sure that you're Sonic when you're going on a blue path, so you can get maximum speed. Since this is the level where you're taught light dashes, there are huge rows of rings here. Instead of stopping before the rings and lining yourself up with them before you dash, try to light dash while going at full speed. If you mess up, you lose a couple of seconds, but it's a good risk to take since you'll cut off some time if you don't stop. When you hit the rails, make sure to hold B and DEFINILTELY make sure that you light dash the final row of rings (near all of the cars). ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 4: Power Plant | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Get to the Goal Ring within 9 minutes!" The two major dangers here are the elevators and the energy storage tank. The rest is simple, if you've been able to make it through the last three levels in 30 less than the given time. For the elevators, you should start destroying the enemies even before the elvator stops. That way, by the time the elevator reaches the stopping point, it'll keep going. It sounds confusing, but you'll see what I mean. In the energy storage tank, you have to know which characters to use an when. For example, at the start you fly up four dash hoops before you need to switch to Sonic. When you get to the top, simply use a Team Blast so you don't lose anymore time trying to kill the enemies. For the rest, make sure you never pause when killing enemies. Getting an "A" rank is a iittle tricky here, since you have to kill lots of enemies while getting under the time limit. However, if you've gotten an "A" rank on the last three, it should be a bit more simple. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 5: Casino Park | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Get to the Goal Ring within 5 minutes!" Let's call this your first "hard" timed stage. I didn't beat it on my first try, which make it hard. Okay, the only reason that this level can be even remotely difficult is because of the pinball machines. It can take a while for you to get up to the top, especially at the huge pinball machine near the end. If you memorize how the pinball machines work and get farmiliar with them, this becomes a lot easier. You also have to remember that some switchs simply can't be gotten to from on the ground, and you might have to use Tails to fly up to some places. That's basically it. BINGO Highway "Get to the Goal Ring within 6 minutes!" ======================================================================== This is, without a doubt, one of the most annoying stages you'll play. You can get REALLY close to getting to the goal within the time limit, but sometimes you'll be three seconds away and your time will run out. Again, the pinball tables can be a huge nusicance if you take a while on them, and once you get to the slides with all the holes, you might die and lose LOTS of time. You'll have had to play this stage a couple of times through before you can actually beat it with an "A". Most areas here are no problem, like the on-foot sections where you simply run to the next part. You should be able to do those with no interruptions. Your priority here is to finish quickly, so don't bother stopping to line yourself up with something like a BINGO card. Time is lost by doing that, and you don't have enough time as it is. At the final part, where you need to bust through the wall to get to the goal ring, it will REALLY help if you have all three characters. Chances are they've fallen off the edges when you were going down the slide beforehand, but if you're lucky and do have the characters, you can bust through the wall in a few seconds. Otherwise, it can eat up your time trying to get to the goal ring, and you shouldn't have that much time left anyway. =========================================================================== Rail Canyon "Get to the Goal Ring within 5 minutes!" =========================================================================== Another tight one, but you should finish with at least fifteen seconds to spare. The trick here is to switch between rails, so you are always hititng speed boosts, and therefore going as fast as you can on the rails. When you were playing the original levle, you might've noticed that your characters slowed down a lot since they weren't hitting enough speed boosts. If you keep switching rails right after you hit a speed boost on one, you'll hit another. By doing this, holding B, and keeping your balance you can shave off a HUGE amount of time. Make sure not to react too quickly when rails explode, or you may find yourself falling into the canyons below you. When you get to the last huge rail part, with all the trains, you'll want to make sure to collect as many rings as possible. This way, you can hit the trains and not die instantly. When you get to the FINAL area, where there's a bunch of rails to choose from, take the very center rail and you'll grind straight into the goal ring, which should save you two or three seconds. =========================================================================== Bullet Station "Get to the Goal Ring within 6 minutes!" =========================================================================== The first time I finished this, I had less the three seconds before the time ran out. It shouldn't be the same for most of you, because I didn't do some of the things that would've helped. For one, when you fall into the high speed transport tunnels, head straight to the engine core, ignoring everything you can if possible. While you may not think so, this actually cuts off a good chunk of time for you. Also, always stay balanced and hold B when you're grinding rails. And when you reach that narrow bridge at the beginning that's over a huge pit, use a light dash on the rings there to cross safely. That way, you won't have to waste your time inching toward the other side with fear of falling. If you see a fan ahead, make sure to switch to Knuckles beforehand. This cuts off a couple of seconds in all. Okay, a few more things: first, when you get near the end where the three switches are located in three different places, switch to Tails and run toward the back, near the switch that's on the ledge (defeating the enemy on your way there, of course). I find this easier, since you don't have to worry about flying while you're going to throw the next two switches. When you jump into the kart, go full speed and make sure Sonic does NOT fall off. Otherwise, you'll slow down a lot and you can lose quite a bit of time by doing so. =========================================================================== Frog Forest "Get to the Goal Ring within 5 minutes!" =========================================================================== Yet another one where you are tight when it comes to time. The first time I did this, I was very, very close to the goal, but ran out of time. The second time, I finished with two seconds left. A very helpful thing that can save you a couple of seconds is right at the beginning of the level. Right when you reach the end of the first ivy branch, jump and you'll go through a ring. This will send you over to the loop, so you don't have to run forward and hit the flower, which can cost you time. Always make sure that you're going through those huge loops with Sonic, since he's the fastest one in the bunch. Also, whenever you see a golden enemy, take him out FIRST. This eliminates all other enemies, which saves even more time. When you're on the swinging ivy, make sure to jump the FIRST time you swing forward, since you'll have to wait about a second before you can jump otherwise. Even with all of these time-saving methods, you should finish with a tight time. Still, an "A" rank should be easy if you take out all the enemies on your way to the goal and if you don't die. =========================================================================== Lost Jungle "Get to the Goal Ring within 6 minutes!" =========================================================================== LOL! I don't know what Sonic Team was thinking when they gave the objective of six minutes, it can be beaten in less than five, even if you make a ton of mistakes! And getting the "A" rank is absolutely no problem either. There are so many enemies that are just placed randomly, and all you have to do is simply run past them. When you get to the spot where the two giant robots are guarding a cage, simply use a Team Blast. Always make sure Sonic is the leader when your going down those really steep hills, too. Also, make sure you survive the crocidile encounter and you've got this and an "A" rank in the bag. =========================================================================== Hang Castle "Get to the Goal Ring within 6 minutes!" =========================================================================== This is a VERY tight time. I was less than a second away from the goal ring and had pretty much NO interruptions in the level and the time ran out. Okay, you'll want to be grinding full speed when you get on rails (don't try to jump from rail to rail the first time you grind something, even though it looks like you'll fall off). Also, on the second path with the invisible torches, it's best if you memorize the path of the torches so you won't be slowed down dramatically trying to figure it out. A helpful hint, you sometimes have to jump across graps before you can make it to the other side. You'll want to always switch to the required characters in advance, and NEVER take out an enemy unless you need to. If you have to take out a large group of enemies, like right near the green pool area, then attack using Team Blast. =========================================================================== Mystic Mansion "Get to the Goal Ring within 7 minutes!" =========================================================================== Hmmmm... don't know how to express the difficulty of this. It certainly isn't easy, but then again it isn't difficult either. I guess you could call it moderate difficulty, but that may not fit either. All I know is that I was able to grab a nice little "A" rank my first time through, and that was without dying or anything. The whole thing isn't hard, you just have to know when to do things like activate Team Blasts or switch characters. Okay, there are two huge, armored robots in this level. These guys can take forever to defeat, so just use a Team Blast on each. If you try to fight them the hard way, you can lose lots of time unless you're REALLY good. The huge, armored robots are located just after the room where the statues come to life, and then in the final room with the three altars. Whenever you're going through a straightaway, always switch to Sonic. If you see something that Tails or Knuckles should take care of, switch to them in advance to save at least a second (and each second is valuable). =========================================================================== Egg Fleet "Get to the Goal Ring within 9 minutes!" =========================================================================== Um... if you need help with this, I don't know how you managed to complete this level in the first place. Nine minutes almost sounds like a glitch. Seriously. The very first time I did this, I finished with two minutes and thirty seconds left on the clock, and my time only got better from there. Some helpful tips so you can get the "A" rank is to use Team Blast whenever you get near the new robot, since they can take some time to defeat. Also, you'll want to make sure that you don't get hit at all during the propeller rides, because you can then shave off quite a few seconds. That's it basically, other than run fast and don't hesitate. =========================================================================== Final Fortress "Get to the Goal Ring within 9 minutes!" =========================================================================== I thought this was going to be pure hell, but it turned out that it wasn't. It DID take me a couple of tries to get the "A" rank, but I was able to complete it on my first try with thirty seconds to spare. The only thing that might give anyone a hard time are the enemies that take more than ten seconds to defeat. The E-200 robots and the big ARMORED robots should be taken out with Team Blasts. Don't worry about the regular big robots without armor, since they're easy to take down. Remember that there are THREE big armored robots at the very end, before the second self-destruct switch, so save your Team Blast for that battle or kiss your emblem goodbye. The lasers might also give people some trouble, especially near the end. Just hold B and keep your balance, and then jump as far right as you can when you get the chance. This guarantees that you'll make it through alive. Near the end, when the HUGE laser is charging, just keep holding B and you should make it past the laser before it starts to fire. Here's another helpful tip: when you're grinding near the area where there's a HUGE chunk of platform that collapses, there is actually a shortcut you can take. Right before you get off the rail, jump and use blue tornado to be taken up to a pole. You'll go through a series of poles, allowing you to save at least fifteen to twenty seconds. Nice. =========================================================================== Team Chaotix: {TCE} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 1: Seaside Hill | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Find all 20 hermit crabs!" I was completely stuck on this level until some helpful people from the message boards gave me some answers to questions I had. There are twenty hermit crabs this time, and the first one is the hardest one to get. Follow the path, going through the loops, until you see three rows of rings next to each other. Rotate the camera so you can see off the right edge, and you should see a hidden platform. Drop down, grab the 1-Up, and then the first [HERMIT CRAB]. Yay. Head back up and follow the path around the bend. Jump up and grab the [HERMIT CRAB] here. Now switch to Charmy and open the flower. Use it to warp to the next platform. From there, hit the springs and then defeat the enemy. Switch to Vector and smash the block to find your third [HERMIT CRAB]. Smash the wooden containers and hit the dash pad. Jump up the ledges here to find another [HERMIT CRAB]. Now head forward to another ledge. Touch the checkpoint and then head up. Defeat all the enemies around the blocks, and then switch to Charmy. Fly up to the left pillar to find a fifth [HERMIT CRAB]. Bust the ruins as Vector and rush down the hill as Espio. Go through all the loops and crap here and then when you finally land near the moving ruins, head forward. Jump on the first block on your left to get a sixth [HERMIT CRAB]. Now make your way up to the big block on the right (that's on the third pillar). Smash it and grab the [HERMIT CRAB] underneath. Switch to Charmy and jump in the cannon and you'll be shot to a eighth [HERMIT CRAB]. Now DON'T hit the dash ramp! Instead, jump to the platform on your right that has the wooden container. Break it for another [HERMIT CRAB]. Fly to the next platform and then head forward. Jump to the center platform in beach and then push the big block here south using Vector. This reveals another [HERMIT CRAB]. Now switch to Charmy and fly up the ruins. At the top, grab the [HERMIT CRAB] and head up the wall. Hit the checkpoint, switch to Charmy, and fly up to the ledge on your left. Here, make your way over to the wooden container. Inside is a [HERMIT CRAB] so grab it and then drop off the ledge. Head down the path, smashing the blocks. When you get to the beach with the cannon, switch to Vector and enter the cannon. Make sure it's aimed to the left, and blast yourself over there. A [HERMIT CRAB] is inside one of the blocks. Head back to the cannon and enter as Charmy or Espio and follow the path until you reach a platform that has a bunch of rings in front of it (they seem to be suspended in midair). A closer inspection will reveal that some ruins rise whenever you get close, making a path. Follow this path and hit the dash ramp at the end. Touch the checkpoint now and open the flower using Charmy. Jump in to warp to an area with a [HERMIT CRAB]. Now fly up to the ledge and then jump onto the pillar here. Fly up to the next area. Here, follow the path until you reach some dash hoops with ruins under them. DON'T get onto the ruins, since they collapse. Instead, switch to Charmy and fly into the dash hoop, which sends you through two more dash hoops. Grab the invincibility and head down the path. Smash the blocks with Vector and fly up the ledge with Charmy. Here, push the block down to reveal a [HERMIT CRAB]. Now backtrack to the dash hoops and drop all the way down near the beach. In a grassy area behind you, there's a block. Push it left to reveal a [HERMIT CRAB]. Drop down and push the block on the right for another [HERMIT CRAB]. Now use Charmy to cross the sea and head onto the second beach. On the first half of this beach is another [HERMIT CRAB] wandering around. Grab it and head near the end. Fly up to the top of the pillars and hop all the way to the last one, which has a [HERMIT CRAB] on it. Jump into the cannon as Espio and you'll hit all the springs here. Run down the hill and hit the dash ramp at the end. Go through the rainbow rings and head straight to grab the final [HERMIT CRAB]. Good job! Mission complete! ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 2: Ocean Palace | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Rescue Chao without being detected by the enemies!" Same mission as before basically, except if an enemy spots you, you're scewed. Anyone who's played level thirteen with Espio, Charmy, and Vector should have experience in not getting detected by enemies. Remember, Espio's leaf swirl attack makes him invisible, so enemies can't spot him. When Espio is invisible, defeat all the enemies before moving on. Also, STAY invisible until you need another character. Always remember that if you run into a shield enemy and Espio cannot defeat it, simply walk past, and stay quiet as you smash ruins/fly up somewhere. When you reach the area with the Chao, you'll find a ton of enemies guarding the cage. Take out all the enemies except for the sleeping one with the shield, since Espio can't defeat him. Head to the back of the cage and smash it with Vector to grab the Chao without being detected. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 3: Grand Metropolis | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Clear out the enemies within 8 minutes!" This is quite a simple stage, and you should be able to clear it out with over a minute to spare. Basically, just follow the real guide that I've written and do it at a nice speed. Always use homing attacks when you can, because they're the most efficient way to defeat all bad guys. That and Vector's level three move can take out many enemies at once. And please, do not hesitate to use Team Blasts, although it's a good idea to save them for when you meet groups of enemies that are (1) in groups of at least four or (2) are a small amount of enemies in hard- to-reach places. Yeah, I realize the strategy for this emblem isn't super long, but following it will promise that you'll get the emblem. ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== | Level 4: Power Plant | ========-----------------------------------------------------------======== Mission Bio: "Defeat the 5 gold turtle robots!" Playing with some nice music, you're supposed to locate five golden turtles and destroy them. They are spread far out around the city, so it can be tough to locate them. However, they aren't really hidden in tough places, so you should find them all. Head forward and destroy the green turtle, and then head up the blue elevator. These elevators work just like the blue paths, except they shoot you up. So fly up and then run forward and defeat the electric flying enemy with our favorite bee. Go forward, and defeat the enemy to make the platforms rise. Jump up the platforms to find some more enemies, which you should defeat to make a blue elevator appear. Head up and defeat the enemy with Charmy to reveal the blue path. Head forward, down the path, and then stop when you reach the cage. On the right wall is a switch which you should throw to lower the cage. Using Charmy, open the flower to grab a power sphere. Continue on and defeat all the flying enemies here with Charmy. This will make a pillar rise, so fly up to it and jump to the pulley. Defeat the lone enemy here to make a bunch of pillars rise. Make your way to the top pillar and fly straight up. You'll be caught by the force of a blue elevator. When you reach the top, you should notice a cage containing the first of the [GOLDEN TURTLE ROBOTS]. Defeat all the enemies here, avoiding the turtle's blasts, and then bust all the metal containers around the outer perimeter of the wall. One of them has a switch which you should hit. That will lower the cage, so head forward and use Espio's lief swirl to flip the turtle over. Do some homing attacks to defeat it. You now have [FOUR TURTLES LEFT]. The next turtle is very close. Head out of the room to find an area with two weights. Fly up to the second one and when the weight is at its highest point, take the pulley up. There's a [GOLDEN TURTLE ROBOT] here. To lower the cage of this turtle, you have to activate all six target switches. Target switchs are little targets floating in the air. To hit them, you have to use Charmy's thunder shoot. So, as Charmy, hit all of them to lower the cage. Using lief swirl with Espio, flip the turtle over and kill it. You have [THREE TURTLE LEFT]. Drop down to the platform with the weights and head down the path. Defeat the single flying enemy here and throw the switch that you made appear to make a pole rise out of the ground. Take it up and then using Charmy, perform thunder shoot on the cage to make it fall to the ground. Then bust it open with Vector to grab the Special Stage Key. Now grind the rail down, collecting the rings, and then take the blue path and elevator up to the next area. Defeat all of the enemies here and then throw the switch. Take the pole that just appeared up to the next platform. There, defeat the green turtle to open the path. Now drop down into the pit, and head forward. Defeat the enemy to make some ledges stick out of s ome walls. Jump on them and head forward. Drop down and you'll spot the third [GOLD TURTLE ROBOT]. Yay! The easiest thing to do here is to just use a Team Blast and instantly defeat the turtle. There are now [TWO TURTLES LEFT]. Now fly up onto the platform that just stuck out and proceed forward. Defeat the enemies here to make some pillars rise out of the ground. Switch to Charmy and fly up the pillars. Next, hit the springs here to be sent to the next platform. Open the flower and jump in. You just avoided a huge elevator. Head over to the enemies and defeat them, then go to the path that they open. Head through all the loops and corkscrews and stuff and stop when you reach a checkpoint. Located near you are four flowers. Open them and grab the stuff inside if you wish, and then head down the path. Defeat the enemy and head up the blue elevator. Take the pullies up, and when you reach a blue path with fireballs, head up. Make sure to be careful of the fireballs unless you want to get hurt. Defeat the enemies when you reach the top and then follow the path until you see some more enemies, which you should kill. Once that's done, head up the elevator and kill some more enemies. This will make a bunch of pillars rise. The path is very straightforward from here, and it should be no trouble at all to get through. When you reach a bunch of enemies in the air, use homing attacks on them to cross the huge gap. At the end, open the flower and jump in to be launched to the next area. Here, open the next flower to be warped to an area with a cage that has the fourth [GOLDEN TURTLE ROBOT]. I got lazy and used a Team Blast, and that's what you should do too. [ONE TURTLE LEFT]. Follow the path here, and drop down into another room. The final [GOLDEN TURTLE ROBOT] is here, so kill it. Good job! Mission complete! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASINO PARK "Win 500 rings!" =========================================================================== This is a very easy mission, though it may seem hard. Getting the "A" rank should be simple, and should be gotten on your first try. Okay, you basically want to go through the same path as you did before, collecting all the rings. The path is fairly straightforward, and you can win LOTS of rings from the slot machines, which should be your main source of income. The Team Blast symbol is a wild, but that can be dangerous, especially if you have three people in the slot machine. You can lose up to 200 rings from the Eggmans, so don't get in the slot machines if you have a lot of rings. When you get to the area with the stairs blocking the lasers, use Espio to turn invisible. Head through the lasers and then open the flower at the end. You'll be warped to a cannon that will shoot you into a special "VIP" pinball table. You can win LOTS of rings here, but if you fall through the hole at the bottom, you go back to a regular pinball table. Make sure to grab a lot of rings (you might even hit the 500 mark here) before you fall down. You're very close to the end here, so you'll have to use the flower to warp back to the beginning. Once you do, head through as normal and you should get your 500 rings in no time. =========================================================================== BINGO Highway "Collect all 20 casino chips!" =========================================================================== Start by running forward and getting your first [CASINO CHIP]. Head up the springs and defeat the enemy. Go through the door and switch to Vector, the fly up the fan. Here, defeat all the enemies to lower a cage that has a second [CASINO CHIP]. Head forward and then when you get to the platform with the searchlight enemy, drop to the pinball table below you. Grab the [CASNIO CHIP] that's in front of the LOST HOLE and then quickly get away from the lost hole. Now defeat the enemies and hit the switch, then head up to the BINGO slide. Here, you'll want to make sure you hit the ramp, since the fourth [CASINO CHIP] can be gotten by hitting that ramp. Now slide down to the area that's just before the ninth chip. Make sure to go through the middle slot, and you'll grab a [CASINO CHIP] as you head down. Now make your way up to the area with the electric enemy. Here, use the green springs to get to the highest point with a sixth [CASINO CHIP]. Follow the straightforward path and you'll come to a seventh [CASINO CHIP] that's on a dice block. Yay. Now drop down to land on a pinball table. Here, there's a [CASINO CHIP] in one of the collumns, so grab it and then head to the top and drop down onto the floor. Now hit the checkpont and then start rolling down the slide here. When you drop down to a second level, use the flippers to grab the [CASINO CHIP] that's behind the little square walls. Roll down the rest of the slide and then defeat the electric enemy in between the two dice. There is a [CASINO CHIP] there, so you're now halfway done. Head down the tunnel next and then use the fan to float up. Bounce on all the platforms here to the end with a [CASINO CHIP]. Now go through the door by defeating the enemies and break the glass WHEN YOU'RE NOT ON IT. Switch to Charmy and drop down. When you pass a [CASINO CHIP], use Charmy to fly up and grab it. Okay, now follow the path until you see a split that's just after a hole. In the middle of that split is a [CASINO CHIP]. Grab it and head to the bridge that goes over the lower level of the slide. There's a [CASINO CHIP] across the bridge. Now roll down until you see a bunch of walls blocking your way. A [CASINO CHIP] is in the middle of the walls. Continue down the rest of the slide as normal. Land on the pinball table and make your way up to the top, below the slot machine. There's a [CASINO CHIP] here. Now head to the bottom of the machine. Drop down the hole and grab the [CASINO CHIP] that's in the air. Now get onto the dice. If you missed any chips that were on the slides, now's your chance to get them back! Drop down to the lower level and open the flower and you'll appear near the short slide that has the ninth chip. Once you have all the chips and are on the dice, head across. Use the springs to be shot up to another platform, where you should grab the [CASINO CHIP] here. Two left! Locate the two switches on each side here and activate them. This will open a door below you, so drop down and switch to Espio. Use leaf swirl to become invisible and head through the door to find a vault. Grab the [CASINO CHIP] here and head back to the location with chip eighteen. Open the flower here to be sent to a new pinball table. Locate the green arrow below the slot machine. It's pointing to the final [CASINO CHIP]. Good job! Mission complete! =========================================================================== RAIL CANYON "Infiltrate the terminal station within 6 minutes!" =========================================================================== This can be pretty difficult, since the end is a bit of a puzzle. At the start, you'll want to make sure you jump on the platform with the button the FIRST time (if not, you'll have to go in another big circle, causing you to lose time). Switch from rail to rail as you hit speed boosts, so you'll hit other speed boosts and keep a constant speed forward. If you hold B and balance perfectly the whole time, you can go even quicker. So the main part of the stage is pretty easy, just don't delay or stop and all that crap. When you reach a checkpoint that's right in front of a cannon (it's the final checkpoint) you should have at least 2 minutes and 50 seconds. When you get to the area with the big train in the circular rail, you should have at least a minute left. That's plenty of time to get to the end of this tough level. =========================================================================== BULLET STATION "Destroy all the capsules!" =========================================================================== Your mission here is to destroy all the capsules developed by Eggman. You start out grinding a huge rail. Just wait until you stop grinding and land on a central platform. Your first [FOUR CAPSULES] are here. Now jump in the cannon as Vector and shoot yourself to the area with all the springs. You'll be shot to some [CAPSULES]. Return to the cannon and jump in as Espio to be shot up to some springs. Don't touch anything until you see a floating platform. THEN push forward. When you land on the upper level of the platform with the cannon, head around the big hole and defeat the enemies. Destroy the [CAPSULE] and then activate the right switch. Head left and grind the blue rail up to the pink rail, and then the normal rail. When you land, head forward and defeat the tractor beam enemy, then destroy the [CAPSULE] that's behind it. Jump down below into the gap to find your ninth [CAPSULE]. Destroy the wooden crates here to find a switch that reveals a spring. Take the spring back up and out of the gap. Head forward and defeat the enemy here and then take a flying leap to the floating platform. The tenth [CAPSULE] is here. Now switch to Charmy and use him to fly over to the next ledge. Break the two [CAPUSLES] here and activate both switches, then take the pole up to the next ledge. Grind the rails over to the next area, where there are two more [CAPSULES]. Activate all three switches to open the door and then head down the corridor. Defeat the enemy here and then break the duct using Vector. Fall down and follow the long path here until you reach a cannon. Jump in and you'll fly to the next area. Touch the checkpoint and follow the path across a narrow bridge. Head south here and fly over the fence and break the [CAPSULE]. Then go back and hit the switch that you passed to open the door. Head down to the big room with the giant cannon. Go around the cannon and you'll find two [CAPSULES]. Locate the steel containers in the wall and smash them. Grab the two [CAPSULES] that you revealed. Now jump into the giant cannon and you'll be shot out. Make sure to collect as many balloons as you can while going down the canyons. When you land on a rail, make sure to land on the left or right one, since there's nothing in the middle. Now just hold B until you reach a fan, which you should use bubble blow to go up. On the next ledge there are two fans and a [CAPSULE]. Grab the capsule and head up using the fans. Defeat all the enemies and then touch the checkpoint. There are a bunch of fans in front of you, so using bubble blow, head up them. When you reach the fan with the switch, touch the switch and then float up to the platform on your left. Break the two [CAPSULES] you see here and continue floating across all the fans. Grind into the little cave and break the [CAPSULE], then hit the spring. Head across the platform and break the duct, and you'll fall into the high speed transport tunnel. Head across the first car and grind to the second car. Defeat the tractor beam enemy and then break the capsule. Now, using Charmy, fly to the car on your left. Head down the car and defeat the enemy and break the three [CAPSULES] there. Head to the back of the car and use leaf swirl to head up the pole. You're sent to the fourth car. Defeat the enemies and avoid the spiked balls, then use the homing attack on one of the walls to begin a series of triangle jumps. When you reach the rotating platform, make sure that it's horizontal before you try to pass it; otherwise, you'll fall off. On the fifth car, use Vector to break the engine core. You'll appear grinding on a rail. Shortly after, you'll hit some springs and fall down to a bobsled. For people who have done Team Sonic, you already know how to work this. However, let me explain it to people who haven't played. Each time you hit an obstacle, you lose one character. Losing Espio makes you go slower (though you'll always want to be moving slowly; press B for the breaks) and then losing Charmy prevents the bobsled from jumping ( very bad, since you can't avoid most obstacles). If Vector is down, you'll have very little control over the bobsled, which makes it nearly impossible to avoid obstacles near the end. Press A to jump over an obstacle and use the control stick to steer. There are many [CAPSULES] near the end of the ride, so collect them all. Grind the rail down to the next area, and then hit the checkpoint. Now go back to the rails and jump to the area with the springs. Grind and you'll turn the rails blue and be sent to an area with four [CAPSULES]. Now return to the checkpoint. Use leaf swirl to become invisible and then go through the lasers. Hit the switch then run forward. Switch to Charmy and fly up to the floating platform. Here, hit the switch and then drop down to the lower level with two [CAPSULES] Inside the little cave is another [CASPULE]. Hit the spring and fly up, and then drop down the duct. You're on another high-speed transport train, where you should go around collecting all of the [CASPULES] here, including the ones on top of the trains. All the remaining [CAPSULES] are here. Good job! Mission complete! =========================================================================== FROG FOREST "Hurray and get through without being detected by the frogs!" =========================================================================== This is one EASY stage. Basically, you can run through the last part with Espio only (invisible) which can cause you to shave off a lot of time. Other than that, running fast and holding B when you grind should guarantee completion with AT LEAST 30 seconds left. Yeah, short explination, but this is a very easy stage. =========================================================================== LOST JUNGLE Your mission here is to find ten Chao lost in the jungle. When you start, follow the path, defeating the two bomb-dropping enemies. A HUGE enemy will drop down near the end. You're going to see this guy a lot from here on out, so listen up on how to beat him! Okay, get close to him and wait for him to start spinning his huge hammer. When he does, retreat and then wait until he stops spinning. He'll be really dizzy, so switch to Charmy and use thunder shoot to knock him down. Now switch to Vector, rush in, and pound on him. Once he's down, the cage will lower, revealing a spring and your first [LOST CHAO]. Now head forward, following the straightforward path. Avoid/defeat the enemies and when you get to a punch of circular platforms, switch to Charmy. Use him to fly up to the second platform, which has another [LOST CHAO]. Now turn around and fly up again. You'll spot another platform with a [LOST CHAO]. Good. Now defeat the spiked enemy WHEN THE SPIKES ARE INSIDE and then grab onto the ivy rope. Use it to fly to the next ledge, which has a Special Stage Key inside of a cage. Grab the key and then head to the end of the ledge, which has an enemy. Defeat it and jump onto the ivy rope. Use it to swing to the next platform, which has a green frog. No, this one can spot you. Make it rain to grow a bunch of fruit which you can use to bounce up to the next ledge. On this ledge, bounce on the fruit again to get to a ledge with some wooden containers. Inside one of the containers is a [LOST CHAO]. Defeat the bad guy here and then use the spring to reach the checkpoint. Hit it and then switch to Charmy. Fly over to the ivy ropes and use them to fly to the next area, which has another huge robot. Defeat it and then head to the left to find a [LOST CHAO]. Defeating the robot will also lower a cage that has a [LOST CHAO]. Now, as Espio, rush down the huge series of loops and when you finally land, defeat all the enemies. DON'T hit the target yet. On one of the mushrooms is a [LOST CHAO]. Now head forward and use the target to reach the next ledge. Head forward and the black frog will make fruit fall on the enemies, killing them. Go up the hill and jump up onto the small platform to get a [LOST CHAO]. Head up the hill and using the flower, fly to the next part of the level. Have the frog summon rain to grow a bunch of platforms. On one of those platforms is a [LOST CHAO]. Now turn around and use Charmy to fly up to the platform here that has a [LOST CHAO]. Now proceed forward on the platforms (drop off if you want a Special Stage Key) and fly up to the next ledge. Defeat the enemy here to lower the cage that has a [LOST CHAO] ! Just head forward and follow the straightforward path until you get to a big cave. Defeat the two huge enemies here to lower the cage door and get the next [LOST CHAO]. Now open the flower and warp. Follow the path and then when you get to some floating platforms, switch to Charmy and fly forward. You should see a high platform that has a [LOST CHAO]. Yay. Drop down to the next platform and defeat the enemy to lower a cage that has a [LOST CHAO]. Head forward, past the laser door, and you'll find a [LOST CHAO] hanging around the mushrooms. Almost done! Now go to the laser door and head through using leaf swirl. Take the flower up. When you reach the top ledge, defeat the enemies and summon the rain. Head to the left side and jump on the platform, then fly up to the [LOST CHAO]. Go to the right and hit the fruit and grab the [LOST CHAO]. Now hit the spring that's in the cage and then swing on the ivy. Defeat the enemies to get the nineteenth [LOST CAHO]. If you look left, you should see the final [LOST CHAO] floating in the air, so grab it. Good job! Mission complete!] =========================================================================== HANG CASTLE "Find 10 keys without being detected by the enemies!" =========================================================================== Another enemy avoiding level. It's, like all the others, pretty simple since leaf swirl can be used to get past pretty much everyone. The pumpkin ghosts don't count as enemies, so you don't have to worry about them. What is probably the biggest thing you have to worry about is the lovely searchlight enemies here; they like to move around a lot. For the armored ones, I suggest you just try to avoid them as best as possible instead of trying to take them down. Okay, that was a short mission description, but it is pretty easy, like I sad before. =========================================================================== MYSTIC MANSION "Blow out all the blue torches!" =========================================================================== This is a difficult level. You have only forty-six torches to blow out, but they are in some funky places. The first one is right in front of you, so blow it out to get your first [BLUE TORCH]. Another note, I'm not going to tell you how to get from room to room directly, since you should already know how. Okay, so head up the stairs and go through the door, then head up the hall here. In the next room, defeat the enemy and use thunder shoot on the target switch to lower the cage. Flip the mansion over and defeat the enemies, then head through the door. When you get to the room with the cage and the key, blow out the two [BLUE TORCHES] on each side. There is a fourth [BLUE TORCH] under the weight, so get that one too. Now fly up to the next ledge and hit the checkpoint, then head through the door. Head through the next room, flipping the mansion and defeating the enemies. When you get to the room with the flower, blow out the torch behind it (you can float on the air here, so don't worry). Warp and then touch the checkpoint. There is a [BLUE TORCH] that's above the door here, so blow it out. Then defeat the cloaked enemy and blow out the [BLUE TORCH] that is near the enemy. In the next room, DON'T touch a switch, and use Charmy to fly to the plates. On each plate is a [BLUE TORCH], so put them out. Return to the switches and hit the right switch. On the plates will be more [BLUE TORCHES], so blow out the two there and then head to the blue sphere behind the flower. Blow out the two [BLUE TORCHES] on the platforms and then hit the right switch again. Head to the flower and jump in to be warped to the strange hallway. In this hallway, you can find four [BLUE TORCHES] high in the air. Put them all out, then locate the target switch and hit it with thunder shoot. Find the blue sphere now and then flip the hallway. When that's done, hit the checkpoint and then put out the [BLUE TORCH] in the air. Using the triangle jump, head across the gap. Jump so that you're directly over the next [BLUE TORCH] that's near the gap and then use leaf swirl. You'll put out the torch and fall on the platform. Go through the door and drop down. Locate the cracked wall and smash it to find a switch. Hit it and take the fan up to the now-opened door. Next, head forward and hit the springs, and then switch to Charmy. Fly above the door and pull the switch out. Defeat all the enemies in the next room and then head through the door. Go down the hallway. In the next room, run past the huge armored robot and then jump NEAR the blown out torch. A [BLUE TORCH] will appear, so put it out. You should now have twenty torches put out. Defeat the huge armored robot and then head through the door. Put out the four [BLUE TORCHES] here and then head to the next room. Bust all the walls and you'll find a couple of [BLUE TORCHES] and you'll also reveal a hallway. Once you have the torches, go through the hallway and then put out the two [BLUE TORCHES]. Make the weight fall and then get on it. Go through the next door and hit the checkpoint. You're now in the spider web room. Yahoo. Now exit the room and use Espio to become invisible. Activate the switch to flip the mansion. Put out the three [TORCHES] here and head down the well. There are four [BLUE TORCHES], but they are only a reflection. Not to worry! Putting out the four red torches will also make you put out the blue torches! Okay, you should only have six left. Use the flower to warp to the next area. Here, switch to Charmy and fly to the left platform. There are three platforms next to each other, and they each contain a [BLUE TORCH]. Now go to the right side to find three more platforms with the last three [BLUE TORCHES]. Good job! Mission complete! =========================================================================== EGG FLEET "Hurray and get to the flagship without being detected by the enemies!" =========================================================================== Holy crap, they give you WAYYYYY too much time for this level. Seriously, I finished with two minutes left on my first try and got the "A" Rank. You can maneuver through half of the level just usuing Espio when he's invisible, and that can actually save a lot of time. As long as you remember to use leaf swirl, everything can be done easily. The only thing that might be difficult is the final enemy at the end, the one with the shield. It can take quite a bit of hits to defeat, and you have to do it as Espio only or you'll be caught; if you don't have a Team Blast, it can take easily thirty seconds to defeat, but you should still have plenty of time leftover. =========================================================================== FINAL FORTRESS =========================================================================== Congragulations, you're at the final level of Team Chaotix! Your client has been captured by Eggman (figures, he's been leading you to kill Eggman this whole time) and you must rescue him. So wait... if this never happened, then what would your last mission be...? Anyway, you must find five keys here to rescue the client. Head forward when you start and defeat the enemy. Then punch the target with Vector and grind the rail. Defeat the enemies once you land to lower a cage that has the first [CELL KEY]. Fly to the lower platform in front of you and switch to Espio. Start running down the hill and when you get to the tall platform, switch to Charmy. This is a huge gap that you have to make, so jump as far as you can, then start flying. Once on the other side, use triangle jumps to get to the next platform, which will start to fall. Retreat to the next platform and you'll have to make it over to a large elevator with Charmy. From there, jump to the next platform, which has a bunch of cannons. Ignore them and go forward. Fly up to the pulley on the left here and take it up. Hit the checkpoint and then punch the target with Vector. Quicky switch to Espio and jump across the huge gap with triangle jumps. You have to avoid the lasers, because if you're hit, you must take a lower route. Once on the other side, head forward and jump over the lasers when you reach them. Go up the path here and defeat the huge, armored enemy. This will lower a cage containing the second [CELL KEY]. Yahoo. Now hit the spring and fly up to the rail. Grind it over to the platform with the two enemies. Defeat the enemies and then jump into the cannon as Vector. Shoot yourself into the metal boxes to reveal a switch. Hit it and then you'll activate the fan. Use it to fly all the way up to the top and then float to a platform with a [CELL KEY]. Head over to the pole and take it up. Grind the rail down to the collapsing platforms. Quickly switch to Charmy and fly up to one of the ledges thing a do-dads ledges that has a cannon. From there, fly up to the main ledge and bust the cannon there to reveal a spring. Take it up and defeat the enemy here. Break the metal containers and drop down. Take the straightforward path (use Espio's camelflogue ability to slip past the lasers when you reach them) until you reach a dead end with two sleeping enemies. Kill them to open a hole in the floor. Fall through and you'll hit a spring. This will send you up to some more lasers. Fly over them using Charmy and defeat the gold robot here. This will lower the huge door, revealing the path and a [CELL KEY]. Only six left! Fly over the lasers with Charmy and then touch the checkpoint. Hit the self-destruct switch and you'll appear on some rails. Whenever you see electricity flowing through a rail, quickly jump to one without electricity. Otherwise, a laser will fire at you and you might die. Once you reach the end, defeat the gold robot to lower a cage that has the sixth [CELL KEY]. Halfway done! Fly over to the next ledge with Charmy and use triangle jumps to get to theledge with the cannon. Destroy it to reveal some springs. Hit them and destroy the next cannon to reveal more springs. Bounce up to the next ledge and defeat the enemy that appears. Fall into the little hole and hit the switch to make a pole lower. Take it up and then head forward. Destroy the obstacle and hit the springs, and then head to the rail. Grind it down and use a Team Blast to wipe everything out. If you don't have one, you'll have to do it the hard way (sorry). One of the cannons has a Special Stage Key if you want it. Jump up to the target and punch it with Vector. Don't touch anything and you'll land in front of a dash pad. In Power Formation, hit it and land on the rails. Grind them to the end and defeat all the enemies here to lower the cage containing the sixth [CELL KEY]. You'll also trigger a switch which lowers a pole. Head up and defeat the enemy, then use the target to be sent up to the next platform. Defeat the huge enemy here and then follow the level's path until two giant armored robots drop down. Defeat them with Team Blast and you'll lower the cage with the [CELL KEY]. Now use the flower to warp to the next area. Smash the blocks here and grab the [CELL KEY] floating in the air. Only two left! Now punch the target and make your way over to the big hall with no floor. Jump on the collapsing platform and quickly use triangle jump to get across (avoiding the spiked balls, of course). If you fall, you'll end back at a WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY earlier point in the level, so make sure you don't fall. Once you reach the other side, defeat the robot to lower the cage that has a [CELL KEY]. One more to go! Use the flower to warp, and then defeat the E-200 bot. Now you have to make a _REALLY_ hard triangle jump over a laser wall. What I advise is to jump onto the flower (you'll warp back, but just warp back to this area again and STAY ON THE FLOWER) and then jump. At the VERY TOP peak, use a homing attack on the left wall. Use the triangle jump over the lasers and you should _JUST_ make it. If you get hit by the laser, you still have a shot though; simply jump again (you should be able to) and do a homing attack on the wall. Once on the other side, go to the three different platforms and kill all huge robots. Then go back to the cage you saw and get the final [CELL KEY]. =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 070. R A N K I N G G U I D E --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to Prima's guide for this info: Main Stages: /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Stage Name: | Scores Required: | |----------------------------|----------|-----------|----------|----------| |Name of Stage: |Sonic |Dark |Rose |Chaotix | |----------------------------|----------|-----------|----------|----------| |Seaside Hill |A: 60,000 |A: 70,000 |A: 48,000 |A: 45,000 | | |B: 55,000 |B: 65,000 |B: 42,000 |B: 40,000 | | |C: 50,000 |C: 55,000 |C: 35,000 |C: 35,000 | | |D: 45,000 |D: 45,000 |D: 28,000 |D: 28,000 | | |E:-44,999 |E:-44,999 |E:-27,999 |E:-27,000 | |----------------------------|----------|-----------|----------|----------| |Ocean Palace |A: 50,000 |A: 90,000 |A: 40,000 |A: 50,000 | | |B: 45,000 |B: 85,000 |B: 35,000 |B: 45,000 | | |C: 40,000 |C: 70,000 |C: 30,000 |C: 37,000 | | |D: 32,000 |D: 55,000 |D: 25,000 |D: 32,000 | | |E:-31,999 |E:-54,999 |E:-24,999 |E:-31,999 | |----------------------------|----------|-----------|----------|----------| |Grand Metropolis |A: 60,000 |A: 65,000 |A: 50,000 |A: 65,000 | | |B: 55,000 |B: 60,000 |B: 45,000 |B: 60,000 | | |C: 35,000 |C: 50,000 |C: 38,000 |C: 50,000 | | |D: 30,000 |D: 40,000 |D: 28,000 |D: 40,000 | | |E:-29,000 |E:-39,000 |E:-27,999 |E:-39,000 | |----------------------------|----------|-----------|----------|----------| MORE COMMING SOON! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07A. H O A X S E C T I O N --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palmtree Panic Hoax: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You get some clever people when going on the message boards. Take this person for example: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I was toying with Action Replay while playing Heroes tonight, and came up with this screen when I tried to go into BINGO Highway with Team Rose: http://whatomatic.mspencer.net/panic.jpg Palmtree Panic from Sonic CD? Whatever the case, the game seems like it's loading the level for about 5 seconds before it locks. Maybe they were going to include Palmtree Panic as an unlockable for getting all the emblems, but cut it out due to time constraints? Whatever the case, it's still interesting nonetheless. If you care to give it a try, I decided to write it down. F5VE-B2FJ-169G8 Q354-82AQ-4NYNG HPJY-XQZF-RPR4F AQ15-21TE-Y2A1B 4WZN-XPD2-12WX5 4PPC-PV7F-G5TM2 94HV-JV8M-WMMGM PU70-WJMT-G6QUT J7DM-0JUD-MQ2YG C77F-VF1F-M5HA4" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and that was all he wrote...Never responded to questions or anything else.. anyways, here is why it is false: -Although it can be believeable (Sonic Cult's Sonic CD discovery), the AR code doesn't work. Although there are some games that do not require a Master (M) code, I imputed the code in my AR (Action Replay) and it came up as invalad. Although it cannot be fully proven without the M code, there is a very high chance that this is fake. Seen any other hoaxes? Send them in to jasonkhowell@mailpanda.com, and you may have your fake find published! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 080. R E A D E R I N F O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any information you'd like to add to this FAQ? Send it in! Any help would be appriciated! If your information appears to help in some way (and it has to do with Sonic Heroes) then we'll post it here! These are some helpful tips to get an A ranking against some bosses. /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Sent in by reader: Acid Fox | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Robot Storm - Team Chaotix | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |There's a much easier way to make it through the part when you have to beat |the flying robots using the cannon with Vector (which took me too much time |and kept me from getting an A ranking). While it's true that a Team Blast | |doesn't reach those enemies, you can jump on the grind with Charmy, then | |jump a little closer and keep flying in the same position while attacking | |(Charmy should be in level 3, but considering all the power ups that you | |get up to that point, it shouldn't be any problem). Doing this you get rid| |of them in a matter of seconds. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Egg Alabtross - Any Team | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |I know that this is kinda obvious, but when attacking him with homing | |attacks, it's best if you try to get the other 2 members of your team to | |attack him as well, this reduces his energy much faster. And when he's in | |his final form, it's better to attack him from bellow rather than trying to |hit him from above (you just have to run under the albatross and | |jump. The... eh, I don't know, I think it's the belly or the neck of the | |bird, it's the weakest and most exposed spot). | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Egg Emperor - Any team | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |While in the main platform, the flying character is VERY useful against | |Eggman (With the sonic team is easy too with knuckles, and with the dark is |easy too with omega, but I had some trouble beating the crap out of eggman| |with Big and Vector, because sometimes they would just jump when attacking, |apparently because I was too close to him), I managed to get an A ranking | |with both the Chaotix and Rose team using both Charmy and Cream in no time, |since the attack not only hits him, but also leaves him oppen for | |another attack, all you have to do is keep attacking (after having taken | |out the cannons that surround the place, of course). I assume that this | |also works with Tails and Rouge, but I haven't tried it. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Metal Madness | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |You said that you have to use the opposite of the color the orb of metal | |sonic is, but just using another character than what the color of the orb | |is is enough (I say this because it's kinda risky to attack him with Amy, | |Espio or Shadow, there's a high degree of possibilites that you might get | |hit if you just keep attacking him without touching the ground, so | |attacking him with Vector (there's no need to use the cannon, you can just| |jump and shoot Charmy and Espio, that saves a lot of time), Charmy, Rouge | |and Omega is much sefer and easier. (I don't even mention the rose team, | |why with the 2 team blasts. Oh, you can also dodge it's ice attacks flying, |so basically you can avoid all of it's attacks doing this (well, at least | |I've never been hit while flying) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| If you have any tips, feel free to send them to Jason or me frog! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 090. F . A . Q --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I can't save. How do I? A. When loading up, DO NOT press A. Instead, just press start. It should begin normally and save after each level. Q. When does it save? A. After each level, boss fight, and special stage. Q. Is there a chao garden in this game? A. No Q. Is there a option to change the Voice Acting to Japanese? A. No --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09A. B A C K L O G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To-Do List: -Finish Ranking Guide.........(Jason) -Finish Team Dark.............(Jason) -Finish Team Rose.............(Jason) -Add Enemy List...............(Jason) -Add more extra mission info..(Jason) -Add multiplayer info.........(me frog) -Add Secrets section..........(me frog) -Add Super Hard Mode info.....(Jason and me frog) -Add more extra mission info..(Jason) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100. L E G A L I N F O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections Done by Jason: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Table of Contents -Version History (Jason's updates) -Gameplay Info -Legal Info -Introduction (Self) -Game Basics -Emeralds -Final Story (Jason's version) -Layout -Ranking Section -FAQ -Hoax Section -Backlog Section Sections Done by me frog: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Version History (me frog's updates) -Reader Info -Team Sonic (Fully Complete) -Team Chaotix (Fully Complete) -Extra missions for Team Sonic (complete) -Extra missions for Team Chaotix (complete) -Introduction (Self) -Final Story (me frog's version) Legal Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of Jason Howell and Me Frog. This FAQ can not be re-published under any site without consult from the author. Certain in-game content (as in enemy status info, etc can be re-published on any FAQ or Site, but must be written in your own words. If the content in this guide is published in full or with minor word change, action can range from contacting your Internet Provider or Website Provider, to legal action. Allowed Sites: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.ign.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banned Sites: www.cheatcc.com www.zeldaguide.com Credits: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prima Guide: For Ranking info, general info tgfcoder: For the ASCII art (http://geocities.com/tgfcoder/stuff.html) Contact Emails: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason: howellgames@howell-games.com (Mail for Team Dark/Rose, and other info. me frog: cskull@frogdesign.com (e-mail me about anything, I don't really care as long as it isn't spam and as long as it has to do with Sonic Heroes.)