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Punch those in when you bring up your comptuer's FIND ability to instantly skip to that section. It's an easy way to get to one part of the FAQ without having to slow down. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(01)| VERSION HISTORY | VH01 | I'll describe the updates here | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(02)| INTRODUCTION | IN01 | Here's the intro for this guide| +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(03)| GAME SCRIPT | GS01 | The actual script! | |(3a)| Team Sonic | GSTS | Script for Team Sonic | |(3b)| Team Dark | GSTD | Script for Team Dark | |(3c)| Team Rose | GSTR | Script for Team Rose | |(3d)| Team Chaotix | GSTC | Script for Team Chaotix | |(3e)| Last Story | GSLS | Script for Last Story | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(04)| MISC. SCRIPT | MS01 | Additional text in the game | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(05)| SONG LYRICS | SL01 | The lyrics for all theme songs | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(06)| LEGAL INFO | LI01 | The legal info for this FAQ | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(07)| CONTACT | CI01 | My e-mails & rules of contact | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |(08)| CREDITS | CC01 | Credits and closing for the FAQ| +--------------------------------------------------------------+ *** ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Version History %%%%%| VS01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== *** +-----------+---------------+------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.1| Jan. 26, 2004 | Okay, so the script got posted. Good. What I +-----------+---------------+ added today was a new chapter, Song Lyrics, and I got that complete. The Misc. Script should begin on Friday, and I should have it finished by Sunday ------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.0| Jan. 24, 2004 | Well, basically the whole regular game script is +-----------+---------------+ done for all Teams, including the Last Story. I should have the Misc. Script done tomorrow. Don't expect a massive amount of updates for this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------- *** ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Introduction %%%%%| IN01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== *** Yo, your favorite FAQ author is here with another guide, this time telling you the script of the game. Yeah, everyone might be pissed that they can't collect all emeralds to get to the Last Story, or maybe they're just stuck and want to see what happens! Guess what, this guide will list all the dialogue in the game, giving you the story in a box... or word document (sorry for the bad joke). Okay, this is going to be a short guide, but let me explain NOW that this guide will contain some mega SPOILERS! Yeah, you've been warned NOW so don't go complaining to me later saying that you got the whole game spoiled for you. Okay, I'm doing a new layout here, which is pretty different from most of my other layouts. If anyone has read my other FAQs, you'll notice that my layouts slowly get better, but I think that this is probably going to be the best one. If I'm not shot down for doing it, it's going to stick to the rest of my FAQs. This is my seventeenth FAQ on GameFAQs, and probably going to be one of the shorter ones. I used to only do in-depth FAQs, but when I started to write regular FAQ/Walkthroughs, I couldn't get out. I wrote a Game Script for another game at one point, but had it taken down. This script should stay up, and it should be my last in-depth FAQ for a while. *** ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Game Script %%%%%| GS01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== *** ONCE MORE THIS SCRIPT HAS SPOILERS! YEAH! SPOILERS! You have been warned. Anyway, I'll describe how the characters react and their movement, the setting, and the text. I'll also say what happens where, and give each cinema scene a name. So here it goes, starting with Team Sonic! NOTE: I round the seconds up or down, so if something is 57.43, I'll list it as 57 seconds. *** +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Team Sonic GSTS | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~ o-----------------------o |Cinema 1: Opening Scene| o-----------------------o----o |Approximate time: 57 seconds| o----------------------------o (Sonic is running through a bunch of loops, then heads out to a clearing. Tails and Knuckles approach him in the Blue Tornado) Tails: Hey look! It's Sonic! (They fly down to him) Sonic: Yo Tails! Long time no see! Tails: Sonic! Check this out! (Tails hands Sonic a letter and Sonic starts to read it. It turns out that the letter is from Dr. Eggman) Eggman's voice: Muhahahaha! Guess what Sonic Heroes? I've finally developed the ultimate weapon! In three days, I will conquer the world! Think you can stop me? Muhahahahaha! Sonic: Hmmmm! Sounds like an invitation to party! Tails: What are we gonna do Sonic? Knuckles: Don't worry, we've got this one! Sonic: Think I'd miss this! I'll crack that Eggman wide open! Let's party! o-----------------------o |Cinema 2: Amy and Sonic| o-----------------------o----o |Approximate time: 10 seconds| o----------------------------o (After clearing level four) Amy: Gotcha! My darling Sonic! Sonic: Amy, what are you doing here!? Amy: Sonic, this time there's no way outta marrying me! o-------------------------------o |Cinema 3: Return of Metal Sonic| o----------------------------o--o |Approximate time: 32 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Albatross) (The Eggman you defeated turns out to be fake) Fake Eggman: Muhahaha! Once again, you fools have been tricked! Tails: It's a fake? Eggman: From these canyons, watch as I conquer the world with my air fleet! And there's nothing you can do to stop me! Sonic: Drat! A trap to stall for time! (Sonic and Knuckles run off) Tails: It's not an Eggman robot... Sonic! Knuckles! Wait for me! (Tails runs off, and then the fake Eggman rises up and forms into Metal Sonic) Metal Sonic: All life form data... successfully copied! o----------------------o |Cinema 4: Shadow Lives| o----------------------o-----o |Approximate time: 38 seconds| o----------------------------o (After clearing level ten) Shadow: Look it's that hedgehog! Rogue: Wonder what the big rush is all about? Betcha those guys will end up getting in my way and making trouble! Knuckles: Hey, isn't that- Tails: Sonic! Sonic: Heh! Talk about being stubborn and full of surprises! Rogue: Long time, no see boys! Too bad you had to come all this way for nothing! We'll take it from here! Kncukles: What'd you say? Omega: Sensors locked on Eggman! Non-complaint intduers will be destroyed! Sonic: Didn't you know? We have a date with Eggman to! Shadow: Well then! It'll be a date to DIE for! Sonic: Hey! That's my line! o----------------------o |Cinema 5: Ending Scene| o----------------------o-----o |Approximate time: 38 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Emperor) (All of Eggman's ships start to blow up) Kncukles: Boy, talk about cutting it close... Sonic: Eh, not really! Knuckles: C'mon, tell me you weren't scared? If it weren't for us, you wouldn't of had a chance! Sonic: Well maybe you're right! Thanks Knuckles! You too Tails! Amy: Aha! Gotcha Sonic! SONIC! Sonic: Later guys! I'm outta here! (Sonic starts to run) Amy: Hey, wait up Sonic! Get back here! ~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Team Dark GSTD | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~ o-----------------------o |Cinema 1: Opening Scene| o-----------------------o----o |Approximate time: 83 seconds| o----------------------------o (Rouge drops down into a base. She punches in a code and the door opens) Rogue: This must be it! I've found Eggman's secret treasure! (She walks in and a robot wakes up. He steps forward quietly. Meanwhile, Rogue sees a capsule and opens it. It turns out to have the long lost hedgehog Shadow. At the same time, the robot, named Omega, starts shooting wildly. Shadow jumps out of the capsule and pushes Rogue down to the ground) Shadow: Stay here! Rogue: Shadow! (Omega and Shadow fight for a couple of seconds.) Omega: Must eliminate all Eggman robots! Rogue: Huh? (Just before the two charge at each other, ready to kill the other, Rogue breaks up the fight) Rogue: Hey, hold up! (Screen fades to where the three are talking) Rogue: Now I get it... now I know what this is all about! (Rogue points to Omega) You're mad at Eggman for sealing you in this room! (Rogue looks at Shadow) And you... you can't remember anything, can you? Then let's get this settled! We can start looking for Eggman together! (Everyone grabs hands) Rogue: Ah yeah, baby! This makes us a TEAM! o--------------------------------------o |Cinema 2: Team Chaotix Meets Team Dark| o----------------------------o---------o |Approximate time: 23 seconds| o----------------------------o (After clearing level four) Rogue: Man! Who are those creeps over there? (Espio turns around) Vector: What's up Espio? Espio: And you are? Rogue: Just what do you think you're doing here? Vector: Who's this broad? Espio: Our client's advirsary perhaps? Charmy: You mean the bad guys? Rogue: You guys don't fool me! I know what you're after! Better stay outta my way! o----------------------------------------o |Cinema 3: Ultimate Lifeform Data Copied!| o----------------------------o-----------o |Approximate time: 29 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Albatross) (Shadow looks down at the Eggman that turns out to be fake) Fake Eggman: Muhahahahaha! Muhahahaha! (Shadow notices a robot Shadow that's broken in half. He stares at it) Rogue: Shadow... Shadow: Let's go! (After the three leave, the fake Eggman forms into Metal Sonic) Metal Sonic: Ultimate life form data... has been copied. o--------------------------o |Cinema 4: Sonic and Shadow| o--------------------------o-o |Approximate time: 38 seconds| o----------------------------o (After clearing level ten) Shadow: Look it's that hedgehog! Rogue: Wonder what the big rush is all about? Betcha those guys will end up getting in my way and making trouble! Knuckles: Hey, isn't that- Tails: Sonic! Sonic: Heh! Talk about being stubborn and full of surprises! Rogue: Long time, no see boys! Too bad you had to come all this way for nothing! We'll take it from here! Kncukles: What'd you say? Omega: Sensors locked on Eggman! Non-complaint intduers will be destroyed! Sonic: Didn't you know? We have a date with Eggman to! Shadow: Well then! It'll be a date to DIE for! Sonic: Hey! That's my line! o----------------------o |Cinema 5: Ending Scene| o----------------------o-----o |Approximate time: 63 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Emperor) Omega: Eggman target completely destroyed! (Rogue enters a part of the base) Rogue: Now let's find that secret treasure... (Rogue gasps as she notices all of the capsules around here contain Shadow robots. Omega then walks in) Omega: Prepare to destroy immediate area! (Rogue starts to exit, but stops) Rogue: Hey Omega... did I ever tell you that Shadow is a robot, and... oh never mind... good luck! Omega: You know about cloning... the original must exist somewhere. (Rogue is outside again, talking to Shadow) Rogue: All this for what? Nothing! I might as well go look for that Master Emerald, since that irritating ECHIDNA is here. Shadow: Heh! Some things never change, do they? Rogue: Whaddya saying? What else is a famous treasure hunter supposed to do? ~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Team Rose GSTR | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~ o-----------------------o |Cinema 1: Opening Scene| o-----------------------o----o |Approximate time: 54 seconds| o----------------------------o (Amy is looking at a newspaper) Amy: Ah, I wonder where Sonic is? (The wind blows the paper out of Amy's hands) Amy: OH NO! (Cream the Rabbit flys over and trys to catch the robot, but fails. Cheese the Chao catches it instead) Cream: Amy, please be more careful with our only clue! Amy: You're right, I'm sorry! (The wind blows Cream up toward the sky, but Cream and Cheese are caught by a fishing rod, which turns out to be Big's) Amy: Nice catch Big! [Amy, Cream, and Big look at the newspaper, which shows Chucola (Cheese's brother) and Froggy (Big's pet) being taken away] Big: Froggy... Cheese: Chucola... Amy: Cheer up guys! You know we'll find him! No time to waste just standing here! C'mon, let's get going! o-----------------------o |Cinema 2: Sonic and Amy| o-----------------------o----o |Approximate time: 10 seconds| o----------------------------o Amy: Gotcha! My darling Sonic! Sonic: Amy, what are you doing here!? Amy: Sonic, this time there's no way outta marrying me! o---------------------o |Cinema 3: False Alarm| o---------------------o------o |Approximate time: 36 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Albatross) (The Eggman you fought melts into liquid) Fake Eggman: Muhahahaha! Muhahahaha! Amy: Hey! It's just a stupid copy! Big: Froggy! Where are you! Let's go home... Cream: Cheese? What's wrong? Cheese: It's Chucola Chao... Amy: A CHAONAPPING? Cream: But... why? Amy: I'm not really sure! But betcha Dr. Eggman has something to do with it, and we're not gonna let him get away! C'mon, let's get going! Cream: OK! Big: Okie dokie! o--------------------------------------o |Cinema 4: Team Chaotix Meets Team Rose| o----------------------------o---------o |Approximate time: 30 seconds| o----------------------------o (Team Chaotix walks up to Team Rose) Vector: Excuse me miss! I was wondering if I could ask you something! Amy: If it's about a date, it'll halfta wait! Vector: A DATE! You think this is a joke, you little brat? Espio: Now hand over that Chao nice and easy! Cream (guarding Cheese): I betcha you're the ones who took Chucola Chao! Vector: WHAT?! (Everyone stands staring at each other. Charmy hesitates, confused. Suddenly he speaks) Charmy: Yeah, time to rock and roll! o----------------------o |Cinema 5: Ending Scene| o----------------------o-----o |Approximate time: 37 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Emperor) (The Eggman you fought melts into liquid, and Chucola and Froggy appear) Big: FROGGY! Cheese: Chao chao chao chao chao! Metal Sonic's voice: Chaos data... has been copied! Cream: I'm so glad for you Cheese! Cheese: Amy Chao Chao! Cream: Hey! Isn't that mister Sonic over there? Amy: Aha! I got you Sonic! SONIC! (Cream and Big start to laugh, and the screen fades) ~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Team Chaotix GSTC | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~ o-----------------------o |Cinema 1: Opening Scene| o-----------------------o----o |Approximate time: 51 seconds| o----------------------------o (Vector is leaning back in his chair, listening to the sterio. Espio is leaning against a locker and sleeping. Suddenly, Charmy the Bee busts in with a pacakge) Charmy: It's here! Yeah! Vector: WOAHHHHHH! (Charmy crashes into Vector, and the package flys out into the air. Espio shoots a knife and makes the package stick to a wall.) Vector: What's wrong with you? Charmy: It's here! It's here! We've got work! Vector: WHAT! (A speaker falls out of the pacakge) Speaker (mysterious voice is speaking): I've heard good things about you, and require your detective services! And I can pay handsomely! (Charmy and Vector's eyes turn to dollar signs) Espio: I've got a bad feeling about this! Vector: C'mon Espio! You know our policy! We never turn down work that pays! Charmy: Yeah, you know our policy! Vector: C'mon, let's go! Charmy: Yes sir! Espio: Roger! (They all run off) o--------------------------------------o |Cinema 2: Team Dark Meets Team Chaotix| o----------------------------o---------o |Approximate time: 23 seconds| o----------------------------o (After clearing level four) Rogue: Man! Who are those creeps over there? (Espio turns around) Vector: What's up Espio? Espio: And you are? Rogue: Just what do you think you're doing here? Vector: Who's this broad? Espio: Our client's advirsary perhaps? Charmy: You mean the bad guys? Rogue: You guys don't fool me! I know what you're after! Better stay outta my way! o---------------------------o |Cinema 3: Suspicious Client| o---------------------------oo |Approximate time: 32 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Albatross) (The Eggman you were fighting during the Egg Albatross battle turns out to be false) Vector: Good job boys! Guess that Eggman was a fake after all! Client: Of course it was! Listen carefully! There's a jungle just to the north of here! Go there immidiately! Vector: Got it! Charmy: You know what? Our client sure seems to know a lot about this Dr. Eggman guy? Espio: Definitely an agent... a relative perhaps. Vector: Strangely enough, I had the same weird feeling about our client's REAL identity! It could be you know who... o--------------------------------------o |Cinema 4: Team Rose Meets Team Chaotix| o----------------------------o---------o |Approximate time: 30 seconds| o----------------------------o (Team Chaotix walks up to Team Rose) Vector: Excuse me miss! I was wondering if I could ask you something! Amy: If it's about a date, it'll halfta wait! Vector: A DATE! You think this is a joke, you little brat? Espio: Now hand over that Chao nice and easy! Cream (guarding Cheese): I betcha you're the ones who took Chucola Chao! Vector: WHAT?! (Everyone stands staring at each other. Charmy hesitates, confused. Suddenly he speaks) Charmy: Yeah, time to rock and roll! o-----------------------------o |Cinema 5: Surprising Identity| o----------------------------oo |Approximate time: 54 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating the Egg Emperor) (The Eggman you fought melts into liquid) Vector: Guess he was a fake after all! Espio: What do you mean after all? (Vector is banging on the door that's trapping their client) Vector: We're here to save you! Dr. Eggman, I presume! (Vector breaks down the door and they find Eggman sitting in a cell) Espio: What's going on? Charmy: What's up? Eggman: You knew it was me all along, didn't you? Vector: It's all part of being a good detective! Espio: Were we fooled that easily? Charmy: You're rotten! Eggman: Hey hold on you guys! It's no trick! Besides, I plan on paying you! As soon as I conquer the world, I will PAY you! (Team Chaotix is silent for a moment) Vector: Some nerver promising what you aint got! Espio: We've been had! Eggman: Wait! Charmy: Take this you bad man! (Charmy runs over to Eggman and starts stinging him wildly, and the screen fades) ~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Final Story GSFS | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~ PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FIRST THREE CINEMAS ARE SHOWN ONE AFTER ANOTHER o------------------------o |Cinema 1: The REAL Enemy| o------------------------o---o |Approximate time: 12 seconds| o----------------------------o (Team Chaotix are talking to Eggman, just after Charmy is done stinging him) Vector: Then who was it? Who locked you up here for trying to conquer the world? (Eggman hesitates before speaking) Eggman: It was... (Screen fades) o--------------------------------------o |Cinema 2: Metal Sonic's Transformation| o----------------------------o---------o |Approximate time: 85 seconds| o----------------------------o (Team Sonic is running toward a tall structure, which has a mysterious figure on it). Mysterious figure: Heh heh heh... (Upon closer inspection, the creature turns out to be Metal Sonic) Metal Sonic: All living things kneel before your master! (Metal Sonic causes the pillar to explode, and then begins to undergo a LONG transformation. Once the transformation is done, Metal Sonic becomes a huge monster and the screen fades). o-------------------------------o |Cinema 3: The Power of Teamwork| o----------------------------o--o |Approximate time: 64 seconds| o----------------------------o Eggman: Metal Sonic has finally transformed! (All of Eggman's robots start to flee the ship) Sonic: So THAT'S Metal Sonic? Eggman: It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of Chaos, and is super strong! We can't defeat it! ARGH... If only we had the seven Chaos Emeralds! (The four different teams begin to hold up the emeralds, and Eggman becomes surprised). Eggman: What's this? But how? Even with the emerald's power, our chances for victory are slim! It would take a miracle! Sonic: Just leave that to me Doc! Amy: Sonic, no! Tails: I'm going with you too! Sonic: Tails... Knuckles: You can count me in to! Sonic: Knuckles! Shadow: OK guys! We'll buy you some time! That way you can use your super powers! (As Sonic looks around at all the teams, they all nod, accepting the challenge of distracting Metal Sonic). Sonic: All right then, let's get ready to do this. We'll show that creep the real SUPER POWER of TEAM WORK! o--------------------------------------------------o |Cinema 4: Super Sonic and the Seven Chaos Emeralds| o----------------------------o---------------------o |Approximate time: 41 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating Metal Madness) (As Metal Sonic transforms into an even MORE powerful monster, he flys up and disappears into the sky. Team Sonic grabs hands and Sonic then summons the seven Chaos Emeralds, and the emeralds circle around him, Tails, and Knuckles. As the theme "Sonic Heroes" plays, a fash occurs. Sonic then becomes Super Sonic and Tails and Knuckles have glowing yellow spheres appear around their bodies. They then fly off into the sky to fight Metal Sonic and the screen fades). o--------------------------o |Cinema 5: The Final Ending| o--------------------------o-o |Approximate time: 71 seconds| o----------------------------o (After beating Metal Overlord) (Metal Sonic melts back into his regular form) Metal Sonic: It's no use... but why can't I defeat you? Sonic: Because... we're Sonic Heroes! Amy: Sonic! Sonic: Anytime you want a rematch, just let me know! I'll be waiting! (Sonic jumps forward) Tails: Hey, Sonic wait up! Amy (calling to Big and Cream): Sorry to leave like this, but I can't get my Sonic get away! Cream: Good luck, Amy! Big: Bye-bye! Knuckles: Sonic sure has his hands full! Rogue: Guess I'm outta here too! I guess I'll go look for someone else's treasure! Knuckles: Man! She never gives up, does she? (Knuckles calls to Rogue) Knuckles: Oh no you don't! WAIT! Vector: Guess that's it for this case! Espio: Guess so! Charmy: But what about our money! Vector: MAN, I almost forgot! (Eggman is trying to sneak away, but is caught by Team Chaotix, who starts to chase after him) Vector: THAT SLIMEBALL! (Omega is standing on the ship, holding Metal Sonic's limp body. Shadow looks at Metal Sonic and the screen fades to another area, where Sonic is running with Tails and Knuckles). Sonic: Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste! Yeah! We are SONIC HEROES! (Screen fades and credits roll) ~~~ ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Misc. Script %%%%%| MS01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISC. SCRIPT ON THE WAY! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Song Lyrics %%%%%| SL01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== *** Hey, lyrics are part of scripts, right? So it's only natural that I put the six songs in here. Please note that the lyrics may not be totally accurate, since I had to listen closely to find out what they were and probably messed up a few times. Finally, I'd like to thank Liger Zero Cave Unit, who's FAQ helped me every time I simply found it impossible to figure out a lyric. o---------------------------------o |Song 1: Sonic Heroes (Main Theme)| o---------------------------------o |Approximate time: 88 seconds | o---------------------------------o What goes up, must come down. Yet my feet don't touch the ground. Seeing the world spinnin' upside down. A mighty crash without a sound! I can feel your every rage. Step aside, I'll turn the page. Breakin' through your crazy maze. Like a laser beam, my eye's on you! Watch me throw the night away Watch me save the day Feels like the storm is getting rough, Heading your way! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Find you! Can't find you! Now stay in your place! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Setting the stage for a Hero's parade. Sonic Heroes! Heroes! Heroes! Give us a reason and we're on our way. o----------------------------------o |Song 2: We Can (Team Sonic's Theme| o-----------------------------o----o |Approximate time: 195 seconds| o-----------------------------o Woooooo! All right! Ohhhh yeah! Look out, down below! Sonic, it's time to go! Can't stop this party till we save the world! This time, we're not alone! We've got some friends along! And as a team we can become even stronger! Together, we can overcome all the odds! It's never as hard as it seems! And everyone can do something special! The secret is sharing your dreams! Ohhhh yeah! We can make it, if we all stick together! We won't give up (NOT EVER) And everything's gonna be all right! We all bring out the best things in each other! Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own! Sonic is in the lead! Givin' us greater speed! Tails keeps us flyin' high, and safe of trouble! With Knuckles by our side, this is a safer ride! We'll save the world, and teach that Eggman a lesson! Together, we can overcome all the odds! It's never as hard as it seems! And everyone can do something special! The secret is sharing your dreams! Ohhhhh yeah! We can make it, if we all stick together! We won't split up (NOT EVER) It's easier with my friends by my side! We all bring out, the best things in each other! Together we are stronger than anyone else can be on their own! So much better than alone! (Better than alone) And together we can overcome all the odds! It's never as hard as it seems! We can make it, if we all stick together! We won't give up (NOT EVER) And everything's gonna be all right! We all bring out the best things in each other! Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own! Can't stop us because together we are strong! YEAH! o----------------------------------------o |Song 3: This Machine (Team Dark's Theme)| o-----------------------------o----------o |Approximate time: 262 seconds| o-----------------------------o (Music plays for a while before the lyrics start) A shadow of myself... just who am I? Scan horizons, a tragic mystery. You could of left me here, sealed inside the pod. No one would ever know the Chaos Control. My true identity... the power that is me! (Chorus singing) We all danced in fire! Trapped in this machine! Don't know how long we've waited as the Eggman's watches! We all danced in fire! Looking through a screen! Don't know how long we've waited as the Eggman watches! (End Chorus) With Rouge in the fight electric vibes, Change surroundings, a jewel in history... A treasure disappears, as she goes... Miss her as we look away, and no one knows. This power is a key... This power changes me! (Chorus singing) We all danced in fire! Trapped in this machine! Don't know how long we've waited as the Eggman's watches! We all danced in fire! Looking through a screen! Don't know how long we've waited as the Eggman watches! (End Chorus) E-123... You didn't know now I'm gonna show you! The power that is me! You try to take me down, Stop the show! It seems you've never tasted fear or loss of control. The power lives in me... The power that is me! (Chorus singing) We all danced in fire! Trapped in this machine! Don't know how long we've waited as the Eggman's watches! We all danced in fire! Looking through a screen! Don't know how long we've waited as the Eggman watches! (End Chorus) o-------------------------------------o |Song 4: Follow Me (Team Rose's Theme)| o-----------------------------o-------o |Approximate time: 210 seconds| o-----------------------------o (music plays for a bit before going into the lyrics) Anywhere you wanna go, anything you need to know, all the best in life... I want to get it for you! Baby, I just feel so fine, I imagine that you're mine! Inside my world, you're gold! I only want to protect you! Whatever I want, I get! I want, shooting stars! Whatever I need, I have! When I'm with you! Follow me inside! Outside! Through the stratosphere! The moon is shining for you... it knows that I adore you. Suddenly all the sadness, will just slip away! And you will see what I mean! If you just follow me in my Dreams! I was searching everywhere! Suddenly, I saw you there! And my love arrived, just in the nick of time. Life floats on a movie screen! You're the star of my scene! Live on the edge of a knife... larger than life! Whatever I want, I get! No one could take your place! Whatever I need, I have! When I see your face! Follow me inside! Outside! Through the stratosphere! The moon is shining for you... it knows that I adore you! Suddenly all the sadness, will just slip away! And you will see what I mean... if you just follow me in my dreams! Follow me inside! Outside! Through the stratosphere! The moon is shining for you... it knows that I adore you! Suddenly all the sadness, will just slip away! And you will see what I mean... if you just follow me in my dreams! o-------------------------------------------o |Song 5: Team Chaotix (Team Chaotix's Theme)| o-----------------------------o-------------o |Approximate time: 211 seconds| o-----------------------------o *whispers* Team Cha-o-tix! Once upon a time you could be a bad guy and you'd live to see another day! But now you'd never manage, boy you'd be brain damaged, just to think that you could get away! The power calls upon the dream team! A force where one and one makes three! And when the trails go cold, and the lies have been told... This crew will find what you can't see! Danger hides where the hyper bee flies and the ninja stars fly too! The muscles is Vector! He's the best collector, and is sworn to fight for you! TEAM CHA-O-TIX! They're detectives you want on your side... TEAM CHA-O-TIX! Their directives help you track your crime... Come along for the ride! Truth can run but not hide... For all! The game! Is on! Now! Remember when stealin' used to be a good dealin' where the crooked life would always pay... Well now that the team's in town that's all gone underground, but it's a worry to this very day! A challenge has been issued by the Eggman! This mission's gonna need them all! And though his hopes grow thin and the outlook is grim theese three are gonna heed his call! Yeah! Charmy's thing is dishin' out the first sting as the green one cheers them on! Espio is clearly ready to go! I doubt they'll do you wrong! TEAM CHA-O-TIX! They're detectives you want on your side... TEAM CHA-O-TIX! Their directives help you track your crime... Come along for the ride! Truth can run but not hide... For all! The game! Is on! TEAM CHA-O-TIX! Sonic Heroes, what's your problem, please? TEAM CHA-O-TIX! Watch those three go make the outlaws bleed! There's no way you can win (TEAM CHA-O-TIX)! If it's trouble, you're iin (TEAM CHA-O-TIX! They're. Gonna. Kick. Your- *gong sound* TEAM CHAOTIX! o-------------------------------------------------o |Song 6: What I'm Made Of (Metal Overlord's Theme)| o-----------------------------o-------------------o---------------------------+ |Approximate time: 217 seconds| NOTE: This time may be wrong, due to the fact | o-----------------------------o that the song loops back to the beginning each| | time. | +-----------------------------------------------+ I don't what you're thinking as you turn to me! Cause what I see in my two hands is enough to set me free! I can fight the feeling to resist it over time. But when it's just too much to take you sneak up from behind! Try to reach inside of me! Try to drain my energy! Let me show you just What. I'm. Made. Of! Simple curiosity! Try to take a bite of me! Let me show you just What. I'm. Made. Of! NOWWWWW! Like a million faces I've recognized them all! And one by one they all become a number as they fall! In the face of reason 'cause I can't take no more! And one by one they all become a black mark on the floor! Is it me (is it me) you say (you say) you're looking for? Let me show who I am and what I have in store (have in store)... HEY! HEY! YEAHHHH! Try to reach inside of me! Try to drain my energy! Let me show you just What. I'm. Made. Of! Simple curiosity! Try to take a bite of me! Let me show you just What. I'm. Made. Of! NOWWWWW! You can take another life long try (you can take another try)! Try to reach inside of me! Try to drain my energy! Let me show you just What. I'm. Made. Of! Simple curiosity! Try to take a bite of me! Let me show you just What. I'm. Made. Of! NOWWWWW! (loops back to the beginning) *** ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Legal Info %%%%%| LI01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |MAJOR NOTE: This FAQ will be hosted by ONLY GAMEFAQS.COM, IGN.COM, | |NEOSEEKER.COM, AND GAMENOTOVER.COM! NO! YOU CANNOT PUT THIS ON YOUR SITE! No| |matter how many times I say don't, WAY too many people take my FAQs without | |my permission. I have grown to trust only these four sites, who haven't | |actually stolen any type of work from people. Even if you want my FAQ, sorry| |but thanks to some certain sites, only these four are allowed to host it. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note that if you DO steal my FAQs, you will regret it. Seriously regret it. Stealing someone's work without asking is something that FAQ writers get reallypissed off at. Stealing someone's work and crediting someone else for it isPLAGIARISM! That is a SERIOUS viloation and I assure you, you'll pay dearly if you plagerize any of my work. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Contact %%%%%| CI01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== My e-mail address is cskull@frogdesign.com. There are a few things that you can e-mail me about, and few things that you can't. First the things that are okay... Information on the game. No this does NOT mean full dungeon guides, because if it isn't there I haven't gotten to them yet but I will. It means additional TIPS on beating a dungeon or correcting information that I messed up. Secrets are _TOTALLY_ accepted. Praise mail. I used to be agianst this, but now I realize how rare praise really is. Just don't send me things like, "Yer faq is kewl, lol!!!" Suggestions for the FAQ. Something like, "Why don't you add such and such in your FAQ. NOT "Why don't you totally re-do your FAQ because it sucks!" That is just plain rude and annoying. If you don't like my FAQ, tell me things to make it better! The things that you CAN'T e-mail me about are... Spam. This is the NUMBER 0NE thing that you must not send. I get at least twenty spam e-mails a day and I don't need yours it doesn'thelp. Please don't send any. Asking permission to use this FAQ. No, you can't, so don't bother. Only four sites, which I have listed at the top of the guide, can use this FAQ. Hate mail. No I don't appreciate it if you send me an e-mail saying, "Your FAQ is the biggest piece of **** ever created! It sucks!" That just fills up my inbox and it really annoys me. Spelling/Grammar mistakes. I used to get about ten e-mails a day saying, "You spelled these two words wrong." or something like, "You used inappropriate grammar in this chapter." Please people! I can find those on my own! And that wraps up the contact. Once again my e-mail is: cskull@frogdesign.com ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Credits %%%%%| CC01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== CJayC- for his awesome game site and posting this FAQ on it Nintendo- for creating the best line of video game systems. I love you Nintendo. NO, NOT IN THAT WAY FOOLS! Sonic Team- aside from Nintendo, they're my favorite company. They make the Sonic games, after all! tgfcoder- for the awesome ASCII art you see at the top __ / _| _ __ ____ ___ | |_ _ __ ___ __ _ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | _|| '__| / _ \ / _` | | | | | | || __/ | | | | | (_)| | (_| | |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \___/ \__, | __/ | |___/ You can check out all of my other work at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/11408.html This FAQ is copyright 2003-2004 me frog ---------------------------------END OF DOCUMENT------------------------------