------------------------------------- -SONIC HEROES SUPER HARD MODE FAQ v1.0 - ------------------------------------- By Pelord (pelord@hotmail.com) ********************************** Contents ********************************** A. About the FAQ B. Updates C. General Info D. Stage Information E. Other ********************************** A. About the FAQ ********************************** This is a FAQ made as a general guide to the "Super Hard" Mode in Sonic Heroes for the PS2/GameCube/XBox. I'm basing this FAQ off the XBox version of the game, but I'm sure everything is the same for all versions. I won't be going into full level walkthroughs in this FAQ, since you should already know the main layouts of the levels already, if you are reading this :P I'm only getting into the main differences between the levels in Super Hard Mode and the normal Story mode levels here. ********************************** B. Updates ********************************** April 29, 2004 - First release. ********************************** C. General Info ********************************** -HOW TO UNLOCK SUPER HARD MODE- First things first, you need to know how to unlock Super Hard Mode before you can play it. Here's the breakdown on what you need to get... 120 Emblems (56 1st missions, 56 2nd missions, 8 bosses) 141 A Ranks 7 Chaos Emeralds (In other words, everything) -WHAT SUPER HARD MODE IS- Now to explain what the heck Super Hard Mode actually is. You play through the 14 main levels of the game as Team Sonic, in which you encounter areas and challenges that appeared in all four of the team's stories. The levels are mostly combinations of the Team Sonic and Team Dark levels, but there is a little amount of Team Chaotix thrown in as well. There are no bosses, no emblems, no rankings, and no emeralds involved. There are suprisingly enough, no continues, either. If you lose all of your lives, you have to start back over at Seaside Hill again (ouch). -EXTRA LIVES HINT- If you need some extra lives, play through a stage that you can easily gain lives, then quit before completing the stage. Your level progress isn't saved, but your lives count should be. ********************************** D. Stage Information ********************************** Here, I'll try to describe the level differences between the normal Story Mode stages and the Super Hard Mode stages. I'll also try to make note of any difficult spots that may cause a bit of a problem. -SEASIDE HILL- There really isn't much to say here, but there are many places where you need to use the Light Speed Dash to cross large gaps. There are also quite a few spiked spheres scattered in several places, especially the bobsled rides. -OCEAN PALACE- Just a few differently placed objects and enemies placed about, really. The 'Turtle Islands' actually seem to be a bit easier here, for some reason... but that just might be me... There is a 1up near the final checkpoint, just before the rock chase. -GRAND METROPOLIS- This is nothing more then Team Dark's level with differently placed enemies, and a few more areas where you need the Light Speed Dash (and sometimes a combination of jumping across a group of enemies using Sonic's homing attack, then the Light Speed Dash). You shouldn't have any problem with this... -POWER PLANT- Once again, this is mostly what you went through as Team Dark. However, this is where you start to enounter some very annoying enemy placements. The real problem in this level will arise when you reach the energy core room. You have to be faster then usual if you want to beat the burning energy from getting to you. At the point where there is a barrier blocking you from moving upwards, you have to use Knuckles to destroy one of them, which can take a few seconds to set up. The final biggie here is the very end. After escaping the core, you are surrounded by three Gold Turtles, in which you HAVE to defeat in order to reach the Goal Ring. I prefer a Team Blast for such an occasion. (The only good news here is that there is a 1up right next to the final checkpoint, which is right at the entrance to the core.) -CASINO PARK- You might as well go for the ring bonuses while you are here, to get some extra lives. There are the common Light Speed Dash areas, as well as some new target switches. At the point you would normally cross a gap, leading you to a gold colored ramp with speed boosters, you have to cross said gap by jumping across those green star blocks. I suggest using Tails for those. Some of the locked doors have the pull-switches in some odd places as well... the first locked door has them to the far left and right of the surrounding area, and the second one has them high up above the door, to the left and right. The Pinball tables themselves haven't seemed to change, unless you count the additions of the enemies, but then again, Team Dark had them too. There is also a very sneaky robot which tries to drop in on you right in front of the Goal Ring. Don't let him suprise you... -BINGO HIGHWAY- By now, you better like using the Light Speed Dash... anyway, the first thing you might notice is in the first 'elevator' shaft... the fan isn't moving, so you need to use Tails to fly up to a boost ring to get to the top. There isn't much else to talk about here, except for one point in the level where you run into a big red "X" that seems to be blocking your way. Look around the blue pipes to find a way on top of them, and go over the top of the "X". The only other thing to mention are the spiked flying robots on the slides, but those aren't really a problem. -RAIL CANYON- Not only did they throw the occasional spiked sphere and/or enemy on a rail here and there, but a few rails are missing, and there are a few more giant trains to worry about. At the point where you first start to see the large trains, stay to the right side until you see a train fly past you from behind, then follow it. Be careful when you get near solid ground again, because the train is circling the area. You need to pay close attention to the rails after you pass the area with the 'Rhino' robots racing along the side of you. At one point, you will find a parked train in a station, with a switch in a cage. You need to switch to Tails and place Sonic and Knuckles on a switch on each side of the train to open the cage. The 'large fan' area is another point of interest. You need to defeat all the enemies around the area, and you will notice that there are three flying robots in the distance. You can either try using Thunder Shoot to get them, or Sonic's homing attack. Defeat them all to get access to the switch which allows you to use the triangle dive on the fan to float upwards. Immediately after this area, you will reach the spiraling rails with the two spiraling trains. While avoiding the trains, try to get onto the rails that lead into the right-hand side tunnel. These rails will get you past the trains. -BULLET STATION- Strangely enough, you start this level at Team Sonic's regular start point. Right away, you have to worry about enemies on the very first rail you start on! It's not too bad though... After the first train tunnel, when you reach the area where you would hit the switch to change a set of rails, there are a bunch of regular switches. Destroy the robots to lower the first two cages, then hit those, and so on, keeping in mind you'll have to switch to Tails to keep Sonic and Knuckles on the last two. Your first REAL change of plan comes after the checkpoint where the two Rhino robots ride the rails to your left and right. After those rails, the pole you would usually use to cross the large pit is replaced by two of those grey spinning platforms. You have to run across them as Sonic, then use the Tornado jump at the end of the second platform, to grab the pole. After dropping through the next grating in the floor, the nearby cannon is gone, and you have to jump across a spinning platform, then Light Speed Dash across. You need to take the long way into the cannon room (in case you couldn't guess). When the cannon launches you, be ready for a complete mess of spiked spheres to dodge. The next train tunnel is missing the pole, so you need to jump on top of a grey platform above a train to get across to the next train car. The train car with the area where you use the triangle wall jump has a spinning platform in the way, as well. The bobsled ride has quite a few spiked spheres in the way, but for the most part, you can go by them slow, just as long as you get enough speed to jump the lasers. The door to the final cannon room is opened by shooting several target switches with Thunder Shoot. Fly over the large pipe wall near the entrance to the cannon room to find an enemy guarding a 1up. -FROG FOREST- Near the start, the path is blocked off by a large grey mushroom. You can either fly over it, or look to the right of it, and grind the ivy rail. The flower rides have added spiked spheres (who would of guessed? :P). The large pit before the second flower ride requires you to fly to the first platform as Tails, then using Sonic's homing jump on the fruit to get across. Near the end, you have to run around the tall mountain while defeating robots that appear around it, in order to open a cage. The rest of the level is similar to Team Dark's level. -LOST JUNGLE- Not too many suprises here, unless you count replacing the normal large robots (with the giant hammers) with the armored ones. The second giant armored robot is guarding a 1up, if you are interested. There is one area immediately after a checkpoint where the swing vines have been removed, and you need to use Sonic's homing attack on the robots to cross the large abyss (ABYSS! :P). The flower ride has spiked spheres in the way (big suprise there). Since you probably finished this level as Team Dark with an A Rank, there shouldn't be any problem here. Just be on the watch for a few random enemies on the last ivy rail. -HANG CASTLE- Two things you'll notice right away... the HUGE ghosts, and a lot of unlit torches. To light the torches, attack them as Knuckles. Several places where you need to light torches include near the beginning, the room with the pole just after the second flip switch (the switch, by the way, is guarded by invisible flames which appear when you get close to the switch), at the end of the invisible path outlined by blue flames, the tall tower a bit after the middle of the stage (which has a 1up at the top of it, near the switch), the door that leads to the area with the Eggman/Metal Sonic statue, and the door with the Goal Ring behind it. The area with the statue of Eggman/Metal Sonic doesn't have the swing poles, and you have to use Sonic's homing attack on a group of enemies (and a ghost) to cross the pit. (After hitting the switch to invert the area, you might feel like using Team Blast on the enemies that run at you, but if you do, you'll take out a few of the flying enemies in the process, and you won't be able to jump across the others.) -MYSTIC MANSION- This one has it all. You'll be lighting more unlit torches to unlock doors all throughout this level. There are some in and around the big room with the lone armored robot, just before the room where you need to use the triangle wall jump to reach the web rails, and in the room with the white light stuff and ghosts (it is that room before the 'three altars' area). In the room with the large skeleton statue, the left platform has a large hammer robot on it, but it's best to just avoid fighting it. I shouldn't have to explain that the bobsled rides have more ghosts and lasers to worry about, but I might as well (and I just did!). The 1up that appears on a rail just after the long bobsled ride with the Rhino robots is still there, though. At the point where you would usually drop into the well to reach the room just before the 'Three Altars', there is a switch instead. This switch teleports you to a circular room with a lot of breakable walls. Seem a bit familiar? You should figure out what comes next... the spider web room! Switch to Tails, and grind on the web as normal, dropping Sonic and Knuckles off at the switches on the far left and right of the room. After this, you eventually reach the 'Three Altars' area. The Tails part of this area has fewer platforms (it also has one of those extra flight power balloons), and the Knuckles part only has one fan to get you across. The Sonic part is the same, but it's easy for the robot on the center platform to shoot you while you are crossing the pit. -EGG FLEET- There really isn't much to talk about here. There are a lot more cannons and E-2000 robots (including the Gold ones), but nothing you can't really handle. Before the second propeller ride, a rail is missing, but you can easily jump across using Sonic and a homing attack on the balloon there. You will have to destroy all of the E-2000 robots to unlock the doors in the way, but you should be used to that by now. In case you didn't know about it, during the second propeller ride, is a ship with a 1up on it. While flying, you'll pass by a ship that has another propeller on it. That one has the 1up on it. -FINAL FORTRESS- Mostly Team Dark's level, but there are some things that you should keep an eye out for. At the point in Team Dark's level where you have to hit the three switches to activate a fan that shoots you HIGH up (it's surrounded by cannons and an armored robot, it's also where the last Team Chaotix cell key is), you have to switch to Knuckles, leave either Sonic or Tails on the bottom most switch, punch the target to reach the top area, then leave your other teammate on the second switch, and use a cannon (not the attacking ones, the ones you go inside) to reach the third switch (the second and third switches are under cannons). The next thing to watch for are the rails with the laser cannons. A couple rails have E-2000 robots on them, so be careful of what's in front of you. The laser cannons themselves will try to fire at the rail you are on, so watch the rail for when the laser is about to fire. You can either go slow and dodge the lasers, or try to speed up to avoid them from firing at you. The final HUGE laser requires a lot of speed in order to get by it without blasting you, but it's not too difficult to get by it. Some say you can use Tails to fly past the laser, but I've never had to do it. The final thing in your way is right at the Goal Ring. It's in a cage, and to remove it, you have to defeat two large armored hammer robots. Defeat them, and you are done. Enjoy watching the end credits again (which are the same as the Final Story credits), and gaze in awe at the 'THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!' screen with a picture of Team Sonic on it. Don't you feel a little ripped off now (j/k)? ********************************** E. Other ********************************** -FAQ ADDITION REQUESTS- If anyone has anything important that I can add to this thing, please e-mail it to me (pelord@hotmail.com). I'd appreciate anything related to the unlit torches in the haunted stages (I probably missed some of them), and some 1up locations would be helpful too. Some other things to add to my short Stage Information for levels like Ocean Palace/Grand Metropolis/Frog Forest would be nice, but I'm not looking for long, dragged out walkthroughs... Please make note in your subject line that you are sending me something related to Sonic Heroes, or your message will probably be deleted. You will be credited for anything I use. -FAQ USAGE- If you want to use this FAQ on your site, e-mail me first at pelord@hotmail.com. I'll probably say yes, but let me know about it first. As with the FAQ Addition Requests, please make note in your subject line that you are sending me something related to Sonic Heroes, or your message will probably be deleted. I don't care if you cut and paste pieces and stuff from this FAQ onto a site or message board, but don't claim it as your work, and if anyone asks where it came from, make sure to mention it came from this FAQ. DO NOT cut and paste the entire FAQ (or the entire Stage Information section) anywhere without e-mailing me about it first. -OTHER GAME RELATED THINGS- I don't think I can really stop this, but please, DO NOT e-mail me anything about this game that isn't related to the Super Hard Mode. I will not answer any questions about the game related to getting A Ranks, getting the Chaos Emeralds, defeating bosses, second missions, or anything like that, by e-mail. ============================================================ -THANKS TO- GameFAQs SEGA Sonic Team Someone who told me that section D (Stage Information) was labeled incorrectly (it was labeled as C) ...and YOU (as MegaMan X... I mean, FAQ reader person :P) Find 'ColonPee' (:P) 5 times in this FAQ. "A new day brings new adventure. But for now... Rest easy, Heroes."