Sonic Chaos Boss FAQ(v.1.00) Written by Krazyknux(Fran Wilson) 2005 Version History Version 1.00(Jan 1st 2005) Decided to write this FAQ, started the FAQ, and finished up all the bosses. Contents: I. Introduction II. Boss Walkthrough III. Contact IV. Legal & Credits Part I-Introduction. This is the first FAQ i've written. I chose to do this because i thought i should contribute a FAQ and Sonic Chaos is a great game, but very overlooked. Expect to see more FAQS from me in the future! _______________________________________________________________________ Boss 1-Turquoise Hill Zone Act 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Description: An obvious Robotnik Gadget. This boss is a Ladybug with a spring on its back. Number of Hits: 5 Strategy: What a joke! I really hope you aren't reading this FAQ for help on this boss! meh, well ok then. First off stay to the left and you'll see the Ladybug strolling in. Now spindash at it and you'll hit it, and you'll return the the left of the screen. Now repeat that 4 more times, and voila! you've beaten the first _______________________________________________________________________ Boss 2-Gigapolis Zone Act 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Description: This is a funky looking boss. It's sort of a robot caterpillar with 4 body segments(including the head). Number of Hits: 4 Strategy: Now this boss is a little tougher than that last one. You'll first see him rise from the ground. Now hit him on the head. He'll throw his bottom-most body segment in the air, so stay on the ground. now once it's clear, hit him again. he'll now throw his bottom-most body segment rolling on the ground, so make sure to jump. Now hit him again, and he'll once more throw his bottom-most body segment at you in the air, so stay on the ground. now he'll regain his body segments, but no worry. just him him once more and he's through. _______________________________________________________________________ Boss 3-Sleeping Egg Zone Act 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Description: He's kid of a knock-off Robotnik on a pogo stick Number of Hits: 6 Strategy: Stay to the left! if you got the box with 10 rings in it earlier in this level, then one of the rings will always come back to you if you stay at the left. He'll first come down and he'll start bouncing. while bouncing he shoots at you! whenever he's low, jump on his head to hurt him, and head back to the left in case you get shot. now repeat that until he gets destroyed. _______________________________________________________________________ Boss 4-Mecha Green Hill Zone Act 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Description: I don't know what this thing is. some sort of rip off potato bug/monkey thing that shoots bullets out of its back Number of Hits: 9 Strategy: He's not very hard, in fact i'll bet you died more on the actual act itself than the boss! well, one good thing is he sticks in the same place the whole time: a tree. All you have to do is when he's low enough, hit him on the head. watch out though, sometimes his head is down, and he shoots bullets out of his back(either 1 big blue fireball, or 3 small yellow ones). _______________________________________________________________________ Boss 5-Aqua Planet Zone Act 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Description: This boss has 3 parts to it. the first part has these weird little things that look like robotic penguins walking around. The second part is some weird sphere shaped metal thing, with a face and some legs. Number of Hits: 2 hits per robotic penguin(6 of them). 17 hits for the 2nd phase, and 1 hit for the last phase. Strategy: I'd highly recommend tails for this one, because he can fly and you can get the 10 rings if you fly to the top most platform. Now for the little penguin dudes, all you have to do it hit them twice each that should be pretty easy. now the second part gets a little tougher but if you know how to do it, you can beat him easily. once he lands you can jump on top of him and if you manage to stay in the air, you can do that until you've hit him 17 times. another thing you can do is stay as far left as you can, and he'll keep on jumping on you. well if you picked tails and got the rings, you can stay there, keep on jumping and injuring him, while retrieving your ring each time you get hit. Cheap, but it works. Now the last part shouldn't be too hard if you still have your ring. stay to the rightmost part of the level, and once the boss shoots its first missile at you, spindash to the left and you'll dodge the next two missiles. Now after the missiles land, he'll start shooting 3 from the right side. head to the middle of the platform to dodge all 3 of them. now the boss will lower from the top, hit him, and you've beaten him. nice... _______________________________________________________________________ Boss 6-Electric Egg Zone Act 3(Final Boss) _______________________________________________________________________ Description: Whoa this guy looks dumb! Looks like Robotnik shoved himself into a can, and put some legs on it! haha. The second part of his machine looks different though. Number of Hits: 14 for part 1, 1 for part 2 Strategy: It's very easy to miss the rings in this level, but definitely get them. without them, the last boss will be very hard. To get 10 rings, after the beginning when you're riding on a little eleveator type thing, jump to a platform, and jump up into a tube. now press down a bunch of times, until the tube splits, and you can go down. you'll get 10 rings doing this. Now go back up and out, and head to the final boss. Now the walking can will come out. now jump on him and keep on jumping on him! He has 3 options of what he'll do: he can jump, he can shoot a missile straight out of his machine, and he can shoot a single missile that will bounce off the walls(that's the worst one). Make sure if you lose a ring to retrieve it, because this part is pretty tough. Once you've hit him 14 times, he'll turn on fire and go into a different machine. This time it's a lot easier(1 hit KOs though) ok once he he's in, head to the way right. he'll then zoom off to the left. THE SECOND HE LEAVES THE SCREEN, count to about a second, and JUMP. If timed correctly, you'll land on him, and you've won! If not then you either died, or he's coming around the other way, so do it again. Now the ending...if you didn't collect all the chaos emeralds, then Robotnik leaves you chasing after him, and you trip. then it says "try again", now if you DID collect all the emeralds, well then... i don't know, cause i haven't actually done that yet. >_<...Good job on completing Sonic Chaos! Part III. Contact You can contact me at Feel free to ask questions, and give praise/constructive criticism, but DO NOT spam, or bash my FAQ please. Thank you. Part IV. Legal & Credits This document is Copyright 2005 Fran Wilson. Do not take this FAQ without permission, or saying it as your own. Please also give credit where due. Credits: Thanks to -Me for creating such a great FAQ -GameFaqs for hosting this FAQ, and for being such a good website -Sega & Sonic Team for creating such awesome games, and an awesome mascot. -You for reading this FAQ Sonic Chaos is TM & Copyright 1993 Sega. All rights reserved.