Soul Calibur II (Console versions) FAQ/Movelist Version 1.34 Copyright 2003-2007 Written by White_Pointer Contents of this Guide: 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Legal Information 3.0 About the game 4.0 What's in this guide? 5.0 Unlocking the Unlockables 6.0 Control Conventions 7.0 Complete Character Movelist 8.0 Acknowledgements and Credits 1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soul Calibur II is the highly anticipated sequel to Soul Calibur, which is still regarded as one of the best fighting games of all time. I noticed that Gamefaqs did not have a full FAQ/Movelist for the console versions of Soul Calibur II, and since I needed one for my own website ( anyway, I decided to get cracking on one. So, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth, this guide was born. 2.0 Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guide is intended for personal use only. No profit can be made from this guide under ANY circumstances, it is to be used for non-profit only. This guide will ONLY be hosted on or Gamefaqs, unless you have my written consent to publish it on your own site and you MUST e-mail me to request my permission to use it. Also, do not publish any section of this guide ANYWHERE. Please explain in your e-mail what the theme of your site is, the approximate amount of unique visitors you receive each month and what materials the site covers. This guide may not be altered in any way, shape, or form. 3.0 About the game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soul Calibur II doesn't stray too much from the original formula as most of the gameplay has been left intact and hasn't changed much. Unlike the original which was only ported to the Sega Dreamcast, the sequel has been ported to three systems, the Nintendo Gamecube, Sony Playstation 2 and Microsoft Xbox, each has a unique special guest character. Which version you play is entirely up to you, so get out there and enjoy one of the best fighting games, if not THE best fighting game released in 2003! 4.0 What's in this guide? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guide is intended to be a full Character Movelist and FAQ for Soul Calibur II. What this guide covers: - Instructions on how to unlock the unlockable characters - Complete Character Move Lists - Short description of each character and their fighting style What this guide does NOT cover: - Anything to do with Weapon Master Mode (aside from unlocking the unlockable characters) - Unlocking all the galleries, battle theatres etc... - A description of the physical appearance of each character - A description of each battle arena - A description of the attributes of each weapon - A description of each of the different game modes (original and extra) - A List of the available unlockable weapons for each character - Complete Character Profiles - Anything (and I mean ANYTHING) you will find in the instruction manual. Seriously guys, everything from Soul Charges to Guard Impacts are explained in there, so if you are after explanations on those techniques, look there first. If you don't have a manual because you've rented the game or have a second hand copy, I advise you find one somewhere. If you don't have a manual because you have an illegal copy of the game, I express no sympathy for you. If you have any questions about this FAQ, feel free to e-mail me at the address specified at the top of this document. But, if you e-mail me just to insult or criticise, or about anything that appears in the "What this guide does NOT cover" list, or your question is already answered in this FAQ somewhere, it'll be going straight into my Trash. Capiche? So, if you don't get an answer within a day or two, I advise you to have a closer look through the FAQ. 5.0 Unlocking the Unlockables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There's a total of eight unlockable characters in the NTSC/PAL versions of Soul Calibur II. They are: Charade Sophitia Yoshimitsu Cervantes Seung Mina Berserker Assassin Lizardman Each can be unlocked by finishing certain missions in Weapon Master Mode. Which missions, you ask? These ones, I boldly answer! These are listed in the order you will probably unlock them: Yoshimitsu - Sucessfully complete chapter 2 mission 3. Charade - Successfully complete chapter 3 mission 1. Cervantes - Successfully complete chapter 3 mission 4. Sophitia - Successfully complete chapter 4 mission 5. Seung Mina - Successfully complete chapter 6 mission 3. Berserker - Successfully complete Subchapter 1 mission 1 (second play through). Assassin - Successfully complete Subchapter 3 mission 2. Lizardman - Successfully complete ALL Chapters (including Subchapters and Extra Chapters). To do this you will need to finish EVERY mission at least twice. ***A note on unlocking Lizardman*** I've received several e-mails asking how to unlock Lizardman. For those of you who don't know what 'successfully completing ALL chapters' means EXACTLY that. You must complete EVERY chapter. This means you must finish every mission at least twice. INCLUDING the missions within Subchapter 2 which many people miss when playing Weapon Master Mode. To unlock Subchapter 2, you must have completed all the other missions in the game and be at level 76 or higher. You won't acquire this level simply through normal playing though. Once you have finished all the available missions twice, you'll find that you will be several levels short of 76, so you'll need to go back and redo some of them to build up enough experience to reach at least level 76. Once you are at level 76 or higher, go back and complete Chapter 4 Mission 3 again. If you are at level 76 or higher, this will open the path to Subchapter 2. To unlock Lizardman, you must complete Subchapter 2 completely (meaning finish all four missions within Subchapter 2 twice just like you needed to do in the other chapters). Now that I have addressed that, please do not send me any more e-mails asking this, or they will be ignored. PLEASE NOTE: I have received several e-mails asking how to unlock Heihachi, Spawn and Link. If you are thinking of sending me an e-mail about it, then read this: - Heihachi is EXCLUSIVE to the Playstation 2 version, you CAN NOT use him on the XBox or Gamecube - Spawn is EXCLUSIVE to the XBox version, you CAN NOT use him on the Playstation 2 or Gamecube - Link is EXCLUSIVE to the Gamecube version, you CAN NOT use him on the Playstation 2 or XBox Now that I have made that perfectly clear, please DO NOT send me e-mails asking how to unlock these characters on the consoles they don't appear on. I will ignore you if you do. 6.0 Control Conventions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 CONSOLE SPECIFIC DEFAULT BUTTON CONVERSIONS First off...the console specific default button conversions. You really shouldn't need these since they are explained in the instruction manual, but this is just for completeness sake. Gamecube: A ... A Button B ... Y Button K ... X Button G ... B Button Playstation 2: A ... Square Button B ... Triangle Button K ... Circle Button G ... X Button Xbox: A ... X Button B ... Y Button K ... B Button G ... A Button 6.2 IN-GAME AND FAQ CONTROL CONVENTIONS First off I should explain why I have decided to adopt this notation. The reason is, quite frankly, the more "accepted" notation, for a lack of a better word, sucks (In my opinion, anyway). You want a straight forward moves list, not some encoded crap full of numbers and abbreviations that makes you need to scroll back up to where the author explained the notation just so you actually know how to read a move (let alone understand it). This is my own notation, and I believe it's much easier to read and much easier to understand than the other method. It's nice and consistent, it's more to the point, and there's no confusing numbers or abbreviations anywhere. Yes, I won't deny that it took me a long time to write this FAQ using this convention. But hell, I reckon you'll have a much easier time reading and understanding it. You're welcome to e-mail me with any comments about it. Basic Attacks: A ... Horizontal Strike B ... Vertical Strike K ... Kick G ... Guard [A] ... Hold Horizontal Strike [B] ... Hold Vertical Strike [K] ... Hold Kick [G] ... Hold Guard Slide Inputs: aA ... Double Tap A very quickly aB ... Slide from A onto B quickly aK ... Slide from A onto K quickly bA ... Slide from B onto A quickly bB ... Double Tap B very quickly bK ... Slide from B onto K quickly kA ... Slide from K onto A quickly kB ... Slide from K onto B quickly kK ... Double Tap K very quickly You may also see extended variations on these such as agA or b^B. Common sense would tell you that it means to slide from A to G to A quickly or to tap B then Direction Up then B very quickly (respectively). Adapt to the situation, although there isn't many cases in the FAQ where you'll see something like this, but make a mental note of it anyway. Movement Directions: * ... Keep Neutral -> ... Towards Opponent <- ... Away from Opponent ^ ... Up v ... Down \> ... Diagonal Down/Towards ... Diagonal Up/Towards [->] ... Hold Towards Opponent [<-] ... Hold Away from Opponent [^] ... Hold Up [v] ... Hold Down [\>] ... Hold Diagonal Down/Towards [] ... Hold Diagonal Up/Towards Miscellaneous: , ... Press the button or directions in sequence. E.g. Double tapping Towards then A would appear ->, ->, A + ... Press buttons together. E.g. Pressing A and B together would be shown A+B ~ ... Means the move sets up into another (usually changing stance, combining more than one move or moving into Guard Break) (Alternative) ... An Alternative way to perform a previously listed move (Delay) ... Wait slightly longer between attack button presses for that move (Cancel) ... Begins the move, then cancels that move before it fully completes (Hold) ... One or more buttons in the move are held down to make the move more powerful than it otherwise would be (Extended) ... An extended version of a previously listed move (usually meaning more hits or the move goes on for longer) (Additional Attack) ... Another attack that can be executed after a previously listed move before the opponent can recover If an alternate button or direction can be pressed, it will appear in parentheses () after the first button or direction 7.0 Complete Character Movelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahhh, the reason you are reading the guide. You'll notice there are several things listed for each character. I'll take a moment to explain what these are. I have a short description of the character, which is my own personal opinion of the character. I'll outline some strengths and weaknesses and try to point out if the character is good for you with your current skill level at the game. Following that are the movelists. "A Attacks" are those attacks where 'A' (Horizontal Strike) is the first attack hit. "B Attacks" are those attacks where 'B' (Vertical Strike) is the first attack hit. "K Attacks" are those attacks where 'K' (Kick) is the first attack hit. "Throws" are...errr...throws, and "Misc" are moves that don't fall into the above categories (normally requiring a stance change or a complicated attack sequence). I've ordered the characters in the way they appear on the character select grid, reading left to right, top to bottom: Link / Mitsurugi Heihachi / Necrid Taki Spawn Talim Cassandra Yunsung Raphael Kilik Xianghua Maxi Yoshimitsu Charade Nightmare Ivy Cervantes Sophitia Astaroth Voldo Seung Mina Lizardman (Random) Assassin Berserker Note: Lizardman, Assassin and Berkserker can only be used in the two-player modes, practice mode and team battle mode. They can not be used in other modes. 7.1 Mitsurugi **************** A well rounded character, Mitsurugi is for both average and expert players. He has a lot of moves and a number of different stances, and is a good balance between speed and strength. He wasn't the pin-up boy in the original Soul Calibur for nothing, he's a very solid character. Strengths: Strong hits, stances are not too confusing, plenty of ways to fool the opponent Weaknessess: A little slow, not a huge variety in moves and high/low mixups __________ A Attacks: __________ Twin Splinters A, A Disembowel A+-> or <-+A+K Double Reaver ->+A, A Swift Edge ->, ->+A, A Swift Edge~Half Moon Death ->, ->+A, v(^) Splitting Gold \>+A Knee Slice v+A Shin Slicer Drawn Air <-, <-+A Drawn Air~Relic <-, <-+[A] Parting Thrust v, \>, >, A Parting Thrust (Hold) v, \>, >, [A] Steel Slicer A+B Steel Slicer (Cancel) A+B, G Mist ->+A+B Phoenix Tail ->, ->+A+B Phoenix Tail (Cancel) ->, ->+A+B, G Cold Stitch v+A+B Relic <-+A+B Dividing Thrust A+K Swift Edge [->], A, A Swift Edge~Half Moon Death [->], A, v(^) Sudden Gale [\>]([/>]), A Double Scythe [v]([^]), A, A Double Scythe~Mist [v]([^]), A, A, -> True Vacuum Trooper Roll B, [v]([^]), Wind Hole ->, B Wind Hole (High) ->+B, ^ Wind Hole (Low) (Fastest Input) ->+B, v (Very Fast) Wind Hole (Low) ->+B, v Faint Wind Hole ->+B, <- Dual Wind Hole ->+B, <-+B Dual Wind Hole~Mist ->+B, <-+B, -> Heavenly Prayer ->, ->+B, B, B Heavenly Prayer (Hold) ->, ->+B, B, [B] Heavenly Prayer~Half Moon Death ->, ->+B, B, v(^) Heaven Cannon \>+B Rust v+B Flag Dance Forced God Divide <-, <-+B, B Forced God Divide (Delay) <-, <-+B, B Forced God Divide (Hold) <-, <-+B, [B] Stone Wall Thrust v, \>, ->, B Stone Wall Thrust (Hold) v, \>, ->, [B] Autumn Requiem B+K Full Moon Death -> (\> or />)+B+K or ->, \>, v, , \>, v, ], B, B, B Heavenly Prayer (Hold)(Alternative) [->], B, B, [B] Heavenly Prayer~Half Moon Death (Alternative) [->], B, B, v(^) Heavenly Dance [\>]([/>], B, B Heavenly Dance~Relic [\>]([/>], [B] Heavenly Dance (Cancel) [\>]([/>], B, B, G Hell Flash [v]([^]), B Blunt Flames~Mist [ Blunt Flames []([Hold Any Diagonal Direction])+B+K Wind Divide (While Rising) B Time Hole (While Crouching) \>+B Wing Blade~Cold Stitch (While Crouching) +K Rising Knee ->, ->+K or K, -> Front Kick \>+K Stalk Shaver v+K, B Stalk Shaver~Mist v+K, B, -> Hem Stitch ]([/>]), K Wheel Kick (Alternative) [v]([^]), K Bullet Cutter (Alternative) [<-]([+G Mist ->+A+B Mist Stab Combo (During Mist) A, A, A Mist Stab Combo~Relic (During Mist) A, A, A, B+K Dividing Thrust (During Mist) B Water Mist Kick (During Mist) K Divide (During Mist) B+K Relic (During Mist) B+K Mist Thrust (During Mist) A, B Mist Pursuit (During Mist) A, K Half Moon Death v(^)+B+K or ->, \>, v, , \>, v, (\> or />)+B+K or ->, \>, v, (\>, />), [B+K] or ->, \>, v, +A, A Step-in Attack Combo (Delay) ->+A, A Step-in Attack Upper Combo ->+A, A, B Bat Swing ->, ->+A Shoelace Slash \>+A Crouching Slash v+A Sword Trip )+A Cyclone Attack (Hold) ^(<\or />)+[A] Spin Attack v, ]+A Force Counter Slash [\>]([/>])+A Spinning Leap Strike v(^)+A Grass Cutter [+B Illusion Stab Combo ->+B (repeat rapidly) Running Hack ->, ->+B Half Moon Swipe \>+B Half Moon Swipe~Bow Stance \>+[B] Sword Plant v+B Down Slash )+B Hyper Dash Attack <-, <-+B+K Hyper Dash Attack (Hold) <-, <-+[B+K] Hyper Dash Attack (Cancel) <-, <-+[B+K], G Sword Sweep bA Sword Sweep~Spin Attack b[A] Running Spin Slash ->, ->+bA Running Spin Slash (Hold) ->, ->+b[A] Running Hack (Alternative) [->]([\>] or[ />])+B High Launcher [v]([^])+B High Launcher~Bow Stance [v]([^])+[B] Sword Chop []([\>] or [/>])+bA Running Spin Slash (Hold) (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+b[A] Bomb Stance [Hold Any Direction]+B+K Rising High Slash (While Rising) B __________ K Attacks: __________ Kick K Kick~Bomb Stance [K] Front Kick ->+K Front Kick~Bomb Stance ->+[K] Forward Roll ->, ->+K Mid Kick \>+K Low Kick v+K Double Kick Propeller Kick~Back Somersault [v]([^])+K, <- Back Somersault (Alternative) [<-]+K Leaping Split Combo (While Rising) K, v+B __________ Throws: __________ Arm Twist (Approach Enemy) A+G Running Slash (Approach Enemy) B+G Shield Shove (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Piggyback Throw (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Power Roll (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Swing Under (Approach Enemy) ->, ->+B+G __________ Misc: __________ Bow Stance (Alternative) A+B Boomerang Stance (During Bow Stance) A Bomb Stance (During Bow Stance) K Bow (During Bow Stance) B Bow (Hold) (During Bow Stance) [B] Bow (Low) (During Bow Stance) \>+B Bow (High) (During Bow Stance) />+B Bomb Stance (Alternative) B+K Boomerang Stance (During Bomb Stance) A Bow Stance (During Bomb Stance) B Bomb (During Bomb Stance) K Bomb (Powered) (During Bomb Stance, wait until last moment) K Boomerang Stance (Alternative) A+K Boomerang (During Boomerang Stance) A Boomerang (Side) (During Boomerang Stance) v(^)+A Bow Stance (During Boomerang Stance) B Bomb Stance (During Boomerang Stance) K Forward Roll ->, ->+K Force Counter Slash (Alternative) (During Forward Roll) A Rocket Stab (Alternative) (During Forward Roll) B Leaping Split Combo (Alternative) (During Forward Roll) K, v+B Side Roll (During Forward Roll) v(^) Spinning Leap Strike (Alternative) (During Side Roll) A Rocket Stab (Alternative) (During Side Roll) B Leaping Split Combo (Alternative) (During Side Roll) K, v+B Back Somersault <-, <-+K Force Counter Slash (Alternative) (During Back Somersault) A Leap Strike (Alternative) (During Back Somersault) B Knee Thrust (Alternative) (During Back Somersault) K 7.3 Heihachi **************** Heihachi is a really in your face character for obvious reasons, fighting with his fists (or more correctly, his wrist guards). Unlike other in your face characters like Talim and Taki however, Heihachi is slower and stronger and these facts put him in a class of his own. He has some strong hits and decent combos and is at his most threatening when continually on the offensive. Note: Heihachi ONLY appears in the Playstation 2 version. You CAN NOT use him in the Gamecube or XBox versions. Strengths: Strong and close range. Lots of moves to keep the opponent guessing and force them into evasive rather that countering strategies. Weaknesses: Not good at mid to far range or against faster characters. __________ A Attacks: __________ Thunder Twin Hammer A, A, B Thunder Twin Hammer (Hold) A, A, [B] Thunder Demon Kicker A, K Demon Shout Feint ->+A+B, v(^) Phoenix Wing ->, ->+A Dark Impact \>+A Body Hook v+A Rock Smasher +A+B Demon Breath A+B Twin Hammers <-+A+B Twin Hammers (Hold) <-+[A+B] Phoenix Wing (Alternative) [->]+A Twin Helix [\>]([/>])+A Oni Killer [v]([^])+A Hilt Crush [<-]([]+A+B Raising Hook (While Rising) A Low Hook (While Crouching) A __________ B Attacks: __________ Demon Slayer B, B, A Demon Executioner (Fake) B, B, A, B, v(^) Demon Kicker B, B, K Flash Punch Combo ->+B, B, B Flash Punch Combo (Delay) ->+B, B, B Demon Massacre ->+B, <-+A, B Demon Lair ->+B, <-+A, K Demon Backhand Spin B, ->+A Rage Demon Breath B, ->+A, B Rage Demon Breath Feint B, ->+A, B, v(^) Demon Uppercut ->, ->+B Demon Uppercut (Hold) ->, ->+[B] Twin Pistons \>+B, B Hammer Punch~Iron Hand v+B, B Body Blow , ->, B Rising Uppercut ->, v, \>, B Dragon Uppercut (Hold) ->, v, \>, [B] Lightning Hammer v+B+K Lightning Hammer (Cancel) v+B+K, G Demon Uppercut (Alternative) [->]([/>] or [\>])+B Demon Uppercut (Hold) (Alternative) [->]([/>] or [\>])+[B] Hammer Hand~Iron Hand [v]([^])+B, B Demon Chop [+B Body Blow (While Crouching) B Low Jab (While Crouching) +K Hell Axle ->, ->+K, K Side Kick \>+K Sweep Kick v+K Low Kick ]+K, K, K Spinning Demon~Tsunami Kick (At any point during Spinning Demon) *, K, K Spinning Demon~Uppercut (At any point during Spinning Demon) *, B Hop Kick ^+K Jumping Mid Kick ->, v, \>, *, K Jumping Low Kick ->, v, \>, *, K, v Rising Sun />+K, K Demon Scissors kB Tsunami Kick (While Rising) K, K Low Left Kick (While Crouching) K Low Kick (While Crouching) , ->+B+G Atomic Drop (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Guillotine Crop (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Freefall (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G __________ Misc: __________ Heaven's Wrath A+K Rising Cross Chop (While on ground) A+B Backroll Cross Chop (While on ground) <-+A+B Spring Kick (While on ground) B+K 10-String 1 (After Soul Charge) v+K, B, A, K, K, B, K, B A, K 10-String 2 (After Soul Charge) \>+K, B, A, K, K, B, K, B, A, B 9-String (After Soul Charge) \>+K, B, A, K, B, B, B, B, B Shadow Step (After Level 3 Soul Charge) ->+A+B+K 7.4 Spawn **************** Spawn is big and powerful, but not as slow as Astaroth or Berserker. He's still a mid range to far range fighter however and isn't comfortable against quicker and more nimble characters, although he does have some surprisingly quick moves that you wouldn't expect a character of that size to have. Having said that, if you can keep empty space between yourself and your opponent, and utilise his Levitation moves well, Spawn is a real badass who is very difficult to beat. Note: Spawn ONLY appears in the Xbox version. You CAN NOT use him in the Gamecube or Playstation 2 versions. Strengths: Devastating at mid range, lots of quick but strong moves. Weaknesses: Can't quite cope with faster characters. __________ A Attacks: __________ Dark Ripper A, A Shadow Cleaver ->+A, B, A Night Stalker Fury ->+A, B, B Night Stalker Fury (Hold) ->+A, B, [B] Dark Deed~Levitation ->+A, B, B+K Head Hunter ->, ->+A Divider \>+A Cleaver v+A Shadow Stalker , ->+A Hell Spiral (2)~Levitation ->, ->+[A+B] Necro Blast <-+A+B Necro Blast (Hold) <-+[A+B] Necro Blast (Cancel) <-+A+B, G Midnight Carver A+K, A Midnight Force A+K, B Shadow Spinner v+A+K Hunting Cry ->, ->+aB Head Hunter (Alternative) [->]+A Decapitator [\>]([/>])+A, A Lost Humanity [v]([^])+A Lost Humanity (Hold) [v]([^])+[A] Shadow Stalker (Alternative) [+B, B Lancer Kick ->+B, K Night Stalker ->, ->+B Jealous Rage <-+B Hell Splitter v+B Beast Killer , ->+bA Night Stalker (Alternative) [->]+B Malignant Reaver [\>]([/>])+B Necro Rage [v]([^])+B Necro Rage~Levitation [v]([^])+[B] Grisly Rush []+bA Night Rage (While Rising) B Night Rage~Levitation (While Rising) [B] __________ K Attacks: __________ Double Kick ->+K, K Devil Spiral ->, ->+K, B Devil Spiral~Levitation ->, ->+K, [B] Double Devil Kick ->, ->+K, K Abject Terror ->, ->+K, v+K Gut Wrench Kick \>+K Shadow Clipper v+K Triple Kick or <\)+K, K Spinning Heel [\>]([/>])+K Force Kick [v]([^])+K Avenger Sobat (Alternative) [+A, B Scourge Tusk (Hold) ->+A, [B] Scourge Storm ->+A, A, A Dark Slash ->, ->+A Inner Blaze \>+A, K Inner Blaze (Delay) \>+A, K Axis v+A, K Shadow Hook , ->+A+B Vulcan Sting \>+A+B Leviathan v+A+B, v+A(B) Fiery Vine ]+A Cadmus Spade [\>]([/>])+A Grand Valar [v]([^])+A, B Dragon Tail [+A+B Chaos Comet (Hold) (While Crouching) \>+[A+B] Chaos Comet (Cancel) (While Crouching) \>+[A+B], G Dark Discuss (While Rising) A, A Dark Discuss (Cancel) (While Rising) A, A, v Luminous Wheel (Back Facing Enemy) A+B Luminous Wheel (Hold) (Back Facing Enemy) [A+B] __________ B Attacks: __________ Dragon Tusks B, B Dragon Tornado B (repeat rapidly) Dreaded Horn ->+B Overlord Strike ->, ->+B Overlord Strike (Hold) ->, ->+[B] Ember \>+B, B Ember (Delay) \>+B, B War Hammer v+B Hell Raiser Lost Soul v+B+K Wind Drake ->+B+K Deadly Spikes (During Wind Drake) A Death Wing (During Wind Drake) B Deadly Dive (During Wind Drake) K Grave Caster bA Valar's Grasp bgB Overlord Strike (Alternative) [->]+B Overlord Strike (Hold) (Alternative) [->]+[B] Draco [\>]([/>])+B, A Draco (Delay) [\>]([/>])+B, A Draco (Cancel) [\>]([/>])+B, A, G Chaos Reign [v]([^])+B Chaos Reign (Hold) [v]([^])+[B] Soul Strife (Alternative) [<-]([+B, B Back Facing Enemy B+K Pyre Tusk G+/>(<\ or ^), B, B __________ K Attacks: __________ Horn Kick K, -> Giant Roundhouse ->+K Helm Drop ->, ->+K Giant Spin Kick \>+K Low Kick ]([/>])+K Talon Kick [v]([^])+K Raider [ Elder Swing (During Elder Topaz) A Elder Swing (Cancel) (During Elder Topaz) A, G Georgis (During Elder Topaz) v+A, v+A Tulisk (During Elder Topaz) v+A, A, A Tulisk (Cancel) (During Elder Topaz) v+A, A, A, v Beowulf (During Elder Topaz) B Beowulf (Alternative) (During Elder Topaz) v(^)+B Elder Dragon Blaze (During Elder Topaz) K, K, K 7.6 Taki **************** A very fast and agile fighter, Taki is perfect for those players who like being in the opponent's face. She has a good variety of attacks as well as some pretty useful longer distance moves, making her extremely unpredictable. Make sure you utilise her high/low mixups as much as possible to take full advantage of her close range speed. Strengths: Fast attacks, good evade-and-counter moves. Weaknesses: A bit predictable, not many moves that can hit enemy on the ground. __________ A Attacks: __________ Shadow Ripper A, A, B Shadow Ripper (Delay) A, A, B Silent Shadow A, A, ->+B Silent Shadow (Delay) A, A, ->+B Stabbing Shadow ->+A, A, B Silent Shadow (Alternative) ->+A, A, ->+B Darkness Illusion A, B, B Darkness Illusion (Cancel) A, B, B, G Darkness Illusion~Possession A, B, B, v, Shadow Run~Possession ->, ->+A, v, , ->+A, A Shadow Rush ->, ->+A, B, B Shadow Split \>+A Earth Scroll v+A, K Reaping Hook ]+A, v, ]+A, A, v, ]+A, B, B Burning Misery~Posssession [\>]([/>])+A, v, ]([/>])+A, B, B, B Dark Chaos [v]([^])+A, A, A Dark Chaos~Wind Roll 2 [v]([^])+A, A, v(^)+B+K Deep Chaos [v]([^])+A, K Weaving Blades [+K Shadow Banishment~Stalker B, A, A+B Shadow Banishment~Stalker (Alternative) B, A, v(^)+A+B Blood Scroll B, K, A Blood Scroll (Hold) B, K, [A] Dark Destroyer B, -> Silence ->+B Assassin's Strike ->, ->+B Assassin's Feather \>+B Dark Slicer Feint~Mekki-Maru v+bA Dark Slicer Feint~Mekki-Maru~Possession v+bA, v, , ->, B Seal of the Fire Dragon (Cancel) <-, , ->, B, G Ninja Cannon <-+B+K Ninja Cannon Feint~Mekki-Maru <-+b+kA Ninja Cannon~Mekki-Maru <-+B+K, A Ninja Cannon (Cancel) <-+B+K, G Assassin's Strike (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+B Illusion Scroll [v]([^])+B Scroll of Darkness [v]([^])+bA Assassin's Secret [+K, A Hurricane Punishment ->, ->+K Rapid Destruction~Wind Roll 1 \>+K, B+K Rapid Destruction~Wind Roll 1 (Alternative) \>+K, K, B+K Rapid Destruction \>+K, K, K Punishing Strike v+K, K Sealing Punishment +K, K, K Haste Alternate~Possession />+K, K, v, ]([/>])+K Heavy Burden~Possession [\>]([/>])+K, v, __________ Throws: __________ Strangulation Blade (Approach Enemy) A+G Departure in Fire (Approach Enemy) B+G Crossing the Cliff (Approach Enemy) ->, ->+B+G Dropping the Bottle (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Cellar Drop (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Jute Burial (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Bow Breaker (During Possession) A+G or B+G __________ Misc: __________ Possession v, Possession Rush (Alternative) (During Possession) v(^) Stalker A+B Stalker (Alternative) v(^)+A+B Stalker Blade A+B, A Stalker Thunder A+B, B Stalker Omen A+B, K, A Wind Roll 1 B+K Mekki-Maru Wind Roll (During Wind Roll 1) A Curse~Possession (During Wind Roll 1) <-+A Wind Death Sault (During Wind Roll 1) B, B, B Wind Sealing Rush (During Wind Roll 1) B, K, B Riptide (During Wind Roll 1) K Haste Alternate (During Wind Roll 1) ->+K, K, K Haste Alternate~Possession (During Wind Roll 1) ->+K, K, v, +A, A Mirage Fan Strikes ->+A, B Double Abaniko ->, ->+A, A Double Abaniko (Hold) ->, ->+A, [A] Razor Gale \>+A, A Tuhod Slicer v+A Spinning Low Hiwa /<+A Olisi Whirlwind <-+A, A Olisi Kick <-+A, K Olisi Kick (Hold) <-+A, [K] Tornado Assault <-, <-+A, A, A Tornado Assault Kamay <-, <-+A, A, A, v, \>, ->, B Ice Wind A+B Ice Wind (Cancel)~Back Facing Enemy A+B, G Shearing Blades ->+A+B Desert Gust ->, ->+A+B Crosswind \>+A+B Rapid Force v+A+B Twin Baraw Lift ]+A, A Double Abaniko (Hold) (Alternative) [->]+A, [A] Blade Cyclone [\>]([/>])+A Planchada Cyclone [v]([^])+A Spinning Low Hiwa (Alternative) [/<]([<\])+A Tornado Assault (Alternative) [<-]+A, A, A Tornado Assault Kamay (Alternative) [<-]+A, A, A, V, \>, ->, B Desert Gust (Alternative) [Hold Any Direction]+A+B Left Witik (While Rising) A __________ B Attacks: __________ Reverse Elbow Witik B, A Salisi Breeze B, B, A Salisi Breeze~Wind Sault B, B, A, ->+B+K Salisi Breeze~Wind Charmer 2 B, B, A, v(^) Salisi Breeze~Wind Charmer 2 (Alternative) B, B, v(^) Salisi Razor B, B, K Salisi Razor~Back Facing Enemy B, B, <-+K Salisi Razor~Wind Sault B, B, <-+K, [<-] Twin Fang Sahig ->+B, B Twin Fang Sahig (Delay) ->+B, B Paayon Thrust ->, ->+B Gust Hook \>+B, ->+B Gust Hook (Hold) \>+B, ->+[B] Satik v+B Handa Blade , ->, B Blue Sky (Hold) v, \>, ->, [B] Whirlwind Hambalas v, +B Wind Sault ->+B+K Wind Charmer 2 v(^)+B+K Tumbling Razors <-+B+K Paayon Thrust (Alternative) [->]+B Gust Hook (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+B, ->+B Rising Gale [v]([^])+B Isa Hampas []+B+K Wind Charmer 1 [Hold Any Diagonal Direction, up or down]+B+K Tumbling Razors (Alternative) [<-]+B+K Rising Elbow Blade (While Rising) B Rising Baraw (While Crouching) \>+B, B Rising Baraw (Delay) (While Crouching) \>+B, B __________ K Attacks: __________ Side Sipa ->+K Sipa Rising ->, ->+K Reverse Sipa \>+K Sweeping Breeze v+K, A Sweeping Gale (Hold) v+K, [A] Low Sipa Sweep /<+K Inner Sipa <-+K Sipa Trip <-, <-+K Sipa Slash [\>]([/>])+K, A Sipa Windmill [v]([^])+K Low Sipa Sweep (Alternative) [, ->, B+G Monsoon Season (Approach Enemy) v, \>, ->, B+G, <-, ->+A+B, v, +B+K Double Inwardi (During Wind Sault) A Double Bartikal (During Wind Sault) B Layout (During Wind Sault) K Wind Charmer 1 [Hold Any Diagonal Direction, up or down]+B+K Blade Cyclone (During Wind Charmer 1) A Tagga (During Wind Charmer 1) A+G or B+G Wind Charmer 2 v(^)B+K Turning Espada (Back Facing Enemy) A, A Baraw Strikes (Back Facing Enemy) B, B Diving Wind Kick (Back Facing Enemy) K Diving Wind Kick~Back Facing Enemy (Back Facing Enemy) ->(<-)+K Olisi Turn (Back Facing Enemy) A+K Baraw Punch Turn (Back Facing Enemy) B+K 7.8 Cassandra **************** At first glance, you may be forgiven for thinking she's a Sophitia clone but in actual fact Cassandra is very different from her sister. She has some good strong moves and isn't too slow either. She's an ideal character for beginners but also possesses some great attacks for the experts to take advantage of. Strengths: Good at mid to close range, good variety of strong and quick attacks. Weaknesses: Not much variety in high/low mixups, can be a bit predictable. __________ A Attacks: __________ Slide Flow A, A Slide Rush A, B, B Slide Sweep A, B, K Slide Tornado A, K False Slide Kick ->A, K Angel Snipe ->, ->+A Reverse Illusion \>+A, B Reverse Illusion (Delay) \>+A, B Under Slide Blade v+A Undertow , ->+A+B Twin Step Grace \>+A+B or <-, <-+A+B Gaia Quake ^+A+B Gaia Quake (Hold) ^+[A+B] Slide Feint agA Angel Snipe [->]([\>] or [/>])+A Shield Slide Rush [v]+A, A Shield Slide Rush Illusion [^]+A, A Silent Dawn [ Nasty Impale Alpha B, v Nasty Impale Omega B, v, B, B, B, K Shield Nova B, ->+B Shield Nova (Delay) B, ->+B Shield Nova (Hold) B, ->+[B] Angel's Wave B, K Artemis Dart ->+B Angel Rush ->, ->+B, B Heaven Lift \>+B Guardian Strike v+B, B Guardian Strike (Additional Attack) v+B, B, K Guardian Wings v+B, b^B, A, A Guardian's Judgement v+B, b^B, A, K Under Splash , ->+B+K Shield Slaps bA, A, A or ->, ->+bA, A, A Shield Slaps (Delay) bA, A, A or ->, ->+bA, A, A Heaven's Guardian <-, <-+bA Angel Rush (Alternative) [->]+B, B Rothion Mauler [\>]([/>])+B Elk Strike [v]([^])+B Elk Strike (Hold) [v]([^])+[B] Pure Stinger []+B+K Olympus Shower [Hold Any Direction]+B+K Exile (While Rising) B Shield Spikes (While Crouching) \>+B, B Shield Spikes (Cancel) (While Crouching \>+B, B, G __________ K Attacks: __________ High Knee ->+K Plasma Blade ->, ->+K Angel Side Kick \>+K Spring Under Kick v+K Seraphim Heel )+K, K Grace Sault <\+K or kB Seraphim Kicks [\>]([/>])+K, K Seraphim Tornado [\>]([/>])+K, *, K Hip Charge Surprise [v]([^])+K, K Gaia Kick (Alternative) [<-]([, ->+B+G __________ Misc: __________ Angel Step v, \>, -> Luminance Fall (During Angel Step) A, B Angel's Exile (During Angel Step) B Tornado Feint (During Angel Step) K Angel Step~Sidestep (During Angel Step) v(^) Luminance Fall (Alternative) (During Angel Step) v(^), *, A, B Guardian Wings (During Angel Step) v(^), *, B, A, A Guardian's Judgement (During Angel Step) v(^), *, B, A, K Seraphim Sault (During Angel Step) v(^), *, K, K Angelic Twirl v, +A, A Lashing Tiger (Delay) ->+A, A Lashing Tiger~Land Walk ->+A, <- Lashing Tiger (Cancel) ->+A, A, G Lashing Tiger (Cancel)~Wagging Tail ->+A, A, G, B Burning Ember ->, ->+A Leg Cutter \>+A Twisting Coils v+A Torso Cutter +A+B Roaring Flame ->, ->+A+B Forced Divide <-+A+B Forced Divide (Cancel) <-+A+B, G Burning Ember (Alternative) [->]+A Viper's Illusion [\>]([/>])+A, B Viper's Illusion (Hold) [\>]([/>])+A, [B] Willow Dance [v]([^])+A, B Willow Dance (Cancel) [v]([^])+A, B, G Wild Slash [ Tiger Maul ->+B, B Tiger Maul (Delay) ->+B, B Tiger Paw ->+B, A Shattered Wall~Crane ->, ->+B, -> Shattered Wall ->, ->+B, B Shattered Wall (Delay) ->, ->+B, B Shattered Wall~Crane (Alternative) ->, ->+B, [B] Wall Dance ->, ->+B, <-+B Wall Dance (Hold) ->, ->+B, <-+[B] Forced Flame Divide \>+B Flame Wave v+B, B Piercing Thrust +B Cresting Wave B+K Crushing Heel ]+B, B Wall Dance (Alternative) [->]+B, <-+B Wall Dance (Hold) (Alternative) [->]+B, <-+[B] Rising Cobra [\>]([/>])+B Eclipse Blade [v]([^])+B Opening Void Thrust [ Shredding Fangs~Crane (Alternative) K, K, -> Cobra Divide K, <-+A+B Raging Panther~Crane ->+K, K, ->+K Raging Panther ->+K, K, A, A Raging Panther~Land Walk ->+K, K, A, <- Raging Panther (Delay) ->+K, K, A, A Raging Panther (Cancel) ->+K, K, A, A, G Raging Panther (Cancel)~Wagging Tail ->+K, K, A, A, G, B Pursuing Cobra Divide ->K, K, <-+A+B Triple Circular Heaven Assault ->, ->+K, K, K Circular Heaven Kick~Crane ->, ->+K, -> Double Circular Heaven Kick~Crane ->, ->+K, K, -> Circular Heaven Cutter ->, ->+K, v(^), A Circular Heaven Crush ->, ->+K, v(^), B Circular Heaven Fangs ->, ->+K, v(^), K, K Double Circular Heaven Cutter ->, ->+K, K, v(^), A Double Circular Heaven Crush ->, ->+K, K, v(^), B Double Circular Heaven Fangs ->, ->+K, K, v(^), K, K Ripping Fang \>+K Viper Sweep v+K Warrior Dance +K Warrior Divide Raging Talons [\>]([/>])+K Roundhouse Kick [v]([^])+K Leg Sweep [ Crane Talon (During Crane) v+kK Stone Cleaver (During Crane) A+B Wagging Tail (During Crane) <-, <-+B Crane Swoop (During Crane) ->, -> Rage Fire Blade (During Crane Swoop) A, B Rage Fire Blade (Cancel) (During Crane Swoop) A, B, G Rising Crane (During Crane Swoop) B Rising Phoenix Kick (During Crane Swoop) K Land Walk v, Diving Viper (During Land Walk) A Silent Arc (During Land Walk) B Lightning Kicks (During Land Walk) K, K, K Lightning Kicks (Delay) (During Land Walk) K, K, K Coiling Viper Thrust (During Land Walk) B+K Coiling Viper Thrust (Cancel) (During Land Walk) B+K, G 7.10 Raphael **************** Another new addition to Soul Calibur II, Raphael is a swashbuckling expert. He can be a little difficult to use because he has many alternative ways to execute moves and some pretty confusing stances, and therefore is really a character for the average to expert player. He has okay speed, but has pretty long reach with that sword of his. Strengths: Quick, strong, good high/low mixups and has a long reach when throwing. Weaknesses: Lots of confusing stances that don't have much of a practical use. __________ A Attacks: __________ Attack au Fer A, A Attack au Fer Low A, v+A Moulinet A, B Moulinet~Preparation IV A, [B] Lunging Press A, -> Lunging Press~Preparation II [A], -> Hilt Strike ->+A Bloodlust ->, ->+A, A, B Bloodlust~Preparation II ->, ->+A, A, [B] Violent Blood \>+A Low Tondo Roversi v+A Dark Talon , ->+A+B Wyvern's Tail (Cancel) ->, ->+A+B, G Spinning Affondo Thrust \>+A+B Quick Parade +A+B Blood Roar~Preparation II />+[A+B] Bloody Funeral <-, <-+aB Bloody Funeral (Cancel) <-, <-+aB, G Bloodlust (Alternative) [->]+A, A, B Bloodlust~Preparation II (Alternative) [->]+A, A, [B] Merciless Stramazone [\>]([/>])+A, A Deadly Strikes [\>]([/>])+A, B Deadly Strikes~Preparation II [\>]([/>])+A, [B] Squalambrato Concierto [v]([^])+A, B Squalambrato Concierto~Preparation II [v]([^])+A, [B] Heel Snipe []([/>])+A+B Blood Roar~Preparation II (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[A+B] Quick Parade (Alternative) [+A, A, B Midnight Terror~Preparation II (While Crouching) \>+A, A, [B] Rising Wyvern (While Rising) A+B Rising Wyvern~Preparation II (While Rising) [A+B] __________ B Attacks: __________ Dui Montante B, B Double Appel Cut~Preparation IV ->+[B] Double Appel Cut ->+B, B Double Appel Cut~Preparation II ->+B, B Double Appel Cut~Quick Parade ->+B, B, +B, B, B Triple Botta in Tempo~Preparation III ->B, B, [B] Broken Thrust ->, ->+B Broken Thrust~Preparation III ->, ->+[B] Montante el Fin \>+B Fendante v+B Grave Needle ]+B Broken Thrust~Preparation III (Alternative) [->]+[B] Quick Mandritti [\>]([/>])+B Quick Mandritti~Preparation IV [\>]([/>])+[B] Death Guise [v]([^])+B Dark Heart [+B Shadow Stinger~Preparation II (While Crouching) \>+[B] __________ K Attacks: __________ Dark Moon ->, ->+K Venom Heel ->+K Venom Toe Kick \>+K Sweep Kick v+K Pirouette Sweep ]([/>])+K Venom Roundhouse [v]([^])+K Venom Side Kick (Alternative) [<-]([, -> Scarlet Roar (During Advance Step) A, B Affondo Fendante (During Advance Step) B Venom Toe Kick (During Advance Step) K Dark Abyss (During Advance Step) A+B Retreat Step v, , -> Prepartion I (During Preparation IV) A Raging Storm (During Preparation IV) ->+A Swift Botta (During Preparation IV) B Swift Botta~Prepartion II (During Preparation IV) [B] Dark Moon (During Preparation IV) K Side Movement~Preparation II (During Preparation IV) v(^) Haunted Talon (Alternative) (During Preparation I) A Dark Flood (During Preparation I) ->+A, B Enveloping Stocatta (Alternative) (During Preparation I) B Enveloping Stocatta (Hold) (Alternative) (During Preparation I) [B] Shadow Stinger (During Preparation I) v+B Preparation I (Alternative) (During Preparation II) A Heavy Mandritti (During Preparation II) <+A Dark Flood (Alternative) (During Preparation II) ->+A, B Enveloping Stocatta (Alternative) (During Preparation II) B Enveloping Stocatta (Hold) (Alternative) (During Preparation II) [B] Venom Toe Kick (Alternative) (During Preparation II) K Side Movement~Preparation II (Alternative) (During Preparation II) v(^) Preparation I (Alternative) (During Preparation III) A Lunging Press (During Preparation III) ->+A Lunging Press~Preparation II (During Preparation III) ->+[A] Affondo Fendante (During Preparation III) B Venom Side Kick (Alternative) (During Preparation III) K Venom Side Kick~Retreat Step (During Preparation III) K, v, +A, A, A Raging Phoenix Bo ->+A, A, B Raging Phoenix Soul ->+A, A, B, ^ Raging Phoenix Fang ->+A, A, B, v Cross Bo ->, ->+A Ling Su Upper \>+A, B Ling Su Rising Bo \>+A, B+K Inner Peace v+A Lower Bo Slice , -> Phoenix Roar A+B Phoenix Roar (Cancel) A+B, G Biting Phoenix ->+A+B Trick Bo \>+A+B Lower Bo Smackdown v+A+B Dirty Bo +A+K Phoenix Claw \>(]+A Gale Divide Haste [/>]+A, A Gale Divide [\>]+A, A Wind Divide Flare [v]([^])+A, A, A Wind Divide Flare~Monument [v]([^])+A, v, \>, -> Mountain Carve [v]([^])+A, B Mountain Carve (Cancel) [v]([^])+A, B, G Ling Shen Slice [+B Retreating Thrust ->+B, ^ or G+K Lower Bo Feint ->+B, v Heavy Bo ->, ->+B Heavy Bo (Hold) ->, ->+[B] Twin Bo Upper \>+B, B Waterfall v+B Advancing Bo +B+K Playful Phoenix v()+B+K Playful Phoenix (Cancel)~Down on Ground Face Down v()+B+K, ^ Playful Phoenix (Cancel)~Down on Ground Face Up v()+B+K, v Phoenix Lunge <-+B+K Sheng Mirage Kick bK Heavy Bo (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+B Heavy Bo (Hold) (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+[B] Raven Slaughter [v]([^])+B Phoenix Rage Thrust []([\>] or [/>])+B+K Rising Bo Feint [v]([^] or [+B River Thrust (While Crouching) +K Rising Phoenix ->, ->+K, K, B Sheng Side Kick \>+K Sheng Su Low Kick v+K Sheng Su Thrust +kB Rising Phoenix (Alternative) [\>]([/>]) K, K, B Mountain Sweep [v]([^])+K Sheng Heh Kick (Alternative) [<-]([, ->, A+G, <-, ->, A, <-, /<, v, \>, ->, B Festival of the Dead (Approach Enemy) v, \>, ->, B+G, <-, ->, A+B __________ Misc: __________ Retreating Thrust ->+B, ^ Retreating Thrust (Additional Attack) (During Retreating Thrust Hit) A Retreating Thrust (Additional Attack #2) (During Retreating Thrust Hit) B Monument v, \>, -> Inner Peace (During Monument) A Advancing Bo (During Monument) B Scythe (During Monument) K Heaven Monument (During Monument) A+B Heaven Monument Fall (During Monument) A+B, K Wave Divide (During Monument) A+K Rising Bo Feint (During Monument) B+K Rising Bo Feint (Cancel) (During Monument) B+K, G Monument~Side Movement (During Monument) v(^) Tribute v, +A Striking Lian Hua ->, ->+A Angry Shui Shian \>+A, K Angry Shui Shian (Cancel) \>+A, K, G Rhythm Halt v+A Chai Hua +A+B Great Wall ->, ->+A+B Lian Hua Cannon \>+A+B Yann Divide v+A+B Reverse Shui Shian ]+A Li [\>]([/>])+A Spinning Lian Hua [v]([^])+A Ing Hua [+B, A Advancing Rhythm (Delay) ->+B, A Deadly Rhythm ->+B, B Deadly Rhythm (Delay) ->+B, B Playful Rhythm~Laughing Bea Her Hua ->, ->+B, <- Playful Rhythm ->, ->+B, B Playful Rhythm~Laughing Bea Her Hua (Alternative) ->, ->+B, B, <- Lian Hua Upper \>+B Rhythm Break v+B Shan Ji +B+K Waterfall (Cancel) ->+B+K, G Waterfall~Bea Her Hua ->+B+K, v(^) Advancing Bea Her Hua ->, ->+B+K Lower Great Wall \>+B+K Quake Step v+B+K Quake Step (Cancel) v+B+K, G Hwu Dye ]([/>])+B San Jaan (Cancel) [\>]([/>])+B, G Playful Slice [v]([^])+B Vengeful Lian Hua (Alternative) [<-]([+B Mei Guei Hua Feint (While Crouching) \>+bB __________ K Attacks: __________ Heh Kick ->+K Woan Shyong Combo ->, ->+K, B Woan Shyong Combo (Cancel) ->, ->+K, B, G Sheau Shan Kick \>+K Woan Shyong Nibble v+K Circle Breaker ]([/>])+K, A Swallow Blade~Bea Her Hua [\>]([/>])+K, A, B+K Mei Hua Circle (Alternative) [v]([^])+K, B Mei Hua Circle (Alternative) [v]([^])+K, ^+B Circle Breaker (Alternative) [+A Tiger Pounce ->, ->+A Tiger Pounce (Cancel) ->, ->+A, G Lotus \>+A Tongue v+A Snake Scythe , ->, A Stone Wall~Left Outer aK Stone Kick aK, <- Serpent's Pleasure A+B Dragon's Sky~Behind Lower ->+A+B Serpent's Pleasure (Cancel)~Right Cross A+B, v Rage of Pleasure <-+A+B Rage of Pleasure (Hold) <-+[A+B] Guillotine Dance \>+A+K Tiger Pounce (Alternative) [->]+A Striking Snake [\>]([/>])+A Northern Lights~Left Inner [v]+A Northern Lights [^]+A Wave Slice [<-]([+A, A, A Scythe Fang~Left Outer (While Crouching) +B Branding Nunchaku~Left Inner ->+B, [<-] Dragon Splitter~Left Outer ->, ->+B Dragon Splitter ->, ->+B, G Biting Upper \>+B Falling Fang v+B Inner Biting Upper , ->, B Mantis Lunge v, \>, ->, B, G Fury~Right Outer B+K, B, B, B, A Dragon Cannon ->, ->+B+K Nunchaku Lick \>+B+K Tiger Slaughter v+B+K, B Twisted Loop <-+B+K Twisted Loop (Cancel) <-+B+K, G Serpent's Desire ->+bA, A, B Serpent's Desire (Hold) ->+bA, A, [B] Dragon Splitter~Left Outer (Alternative) [->]+B Return of Fear~Behind Lower [\>]([/>])+B Steel Dragon~Left Outer [v]([^])+B Mark of the Beast []([\>] or [/>])+B+K Hurricane [v]([^] or [+K Dragon Roar Bite~Right Outer ->, ->+K, B Dragon Roar Sweep ->, ->+K, K Snap Kick \>+K Illusion Kick~Right Outer v+K, B Illusion Low Kicks v+K, K Quick Slice , ->, K Hurricane (Cancel) v, \>, ->, K, G Falling Dragon kB, A Falling Dragon (Hold) kB, [A] Dragon Pounce kB, K Dragon Pounce (Hold) kB, [K] Back Kick [\>]([/>])+K Water Slice [v]+K, K Circle Kick [^]+K Rolling Sobat (Alternative) [<-]([+A Flagstaff ->, ->+A Hording Wealth \>+A, B Hording Wealth (Delay) \>+A, B Parting Grass v+A Stone Fist +A+B Band Hand~Soul Siphon ->+[A+B] Crying Spirit Sword ->, ->+A+B Crying Spirit Sword (Cancel) ->, ->+A+B, G Crying Spirit Sword to Death ->, ->+A+B, v+B Crying Spirit Sword (Cancel)~Sword Pogo ->, ->+A+B, A Crying Spirit Sword (Cancel)~Meditation ->, ->+A+B, B Digging Spirit v+A+B Digging Spirit (Hold) v+[A+B] Digging Spirit~Sword Pogo ->, ->+A+B Digging Cyclone v+A+B, B Deathcopter />+A+B Deathcopter Attack (During Deathcopter) v Deathcopter Trick (During Deathcopter) <- Sudare Wheel ^(<\)+A+B Fake Turning Suicide ->, ->+A+K Fake Turning Suicide~Sword Pogo ->, ->+A+K, A Turning Suicide (Hold) ->, ->+[A+K] Standing Suicide v+A+K Flagstaff (Alternative) [->]+A Kabuki [\>]([/>] or [v] or [^])+A Mist Banishment []([]([]([]([]([]([/>])+A+B Sudare Wheel (Alternative) [v]([^])+A+B Sunflower (While Rising) A __________ B Attacks: __________ Rapid Grace B, B Sword Spirit Mid ->+B Sword Spirit Low (Fastest Input) ->+B, v Sword Spirit Lower ->+B, v Sword Spirit Upper ->+B, ^ Firmiana Branch ->, ->+B Firmiana Solar Kick ->, ->+B, B+K Firmiana Shark Attack ->, ->+B, B+K, A+B Firmiana Shark Attack Combo ->, ->+B, B+K, A+B, K Clansmen \>+B Clansmen (Hold) \>+[B] Autumn Drizzle v+B Death Slash , ->, B Door Knocker ->+B+K, B, B, B Solar Kick ->, ->+B+K Solar Kick~Back Facing Enemy ->, ->+[B+K] Shark Attack ->, ->+B+K, A+B Shark Attack Combo ->, ->+B+K, A+B, K Shark Deathcopter (Hold) ->, ->+B+K, ->+[A+B] Circium \>+B+K Cyclone Lift +B+K Poison Wind~Sword Pogo />+B+K, A Poison Wind~Meditation />+B+K, B Steel Wind />+B+K, K Steel Wind~Sword Pogo />+B+K, K, A Steel Wind~Meditation />+B+K, K, B Ninja Blade Rush bA Manji Carve Fist v+bA Spinning Sword <-, <-+bA Spinning Sword (Cancel) <-, <-+bA, G Helm Spitter <-, <-+bB Firmiana Branch (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+B Prayer [v]([^])+B Crying Hell Flames []+B+K Solar Kick~Back Facing Enemy (Alternative) [->]+[B+K] Shark Attack (Alternative) [->]+B+K, A+B Shark Attack Combo (Alternative) [->]+B+K, A+B, K Shark Deathcopter (Hold) (Alternative) [->]+B+K, ->+[A+B] Circium (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+B+K Cyclone Lift (Alternative) [v]([^])+B+K Ninja Sun Flare (Alternative) [<-]]([]([\>] or [/>])+bA Tangled Blade (While Rising) B Heretic Sword (While Crouching) \>+B __________ K Attacks: __________ Triple Spin Kick K, K, K Zig ->+K Zig-Zag ->+K, K Double Zig ->+K, v+K Knee Bash ->, ->+K Mid Kick \>+K Sweep Kick v+K Kangaroo Kick ]([/>])+K Whirlwind~Sword Pogo [v]([^])+K, A Whirlwind~Meditation [v]([^])+K, B Bullet Cutter (Alternative) [<-]([+K Spinning Low Kick (Extended) (While Crouching) , ->+A+G Soul Siphon (Approach Enemy) ->+K+G __________ Misc: __________ Sword Pogo A+B Rolling Spark (During Sword Pogo) A Pogo Hop (During Sword Pogo) B or Any Direction Pogo Hop (Hold) (During Sword Pogo) [B] Kangaroo Kick (During Sword Pogo) K Pogo Rush (During Sword Pogo) ->+A+B Pogo Rush (Hold) (During Sword Pogo) [->]+A+B Skull Splitter (During Sword Pogo) A+B Skull Splitter (Hold) (During Sword Pogo) [A+B] Meditation (During Sword Pogo) B+K Meditation B+K Warp Rolling Shark (During Meditation) A Warp Moon Slayer (During Meditation) B Warp Kangaroo Kick (During Meditation) K Warp Shark Attack (During Meditation) A+B, K Warp (During Meditation) ->(<-) Warp~Sword Pogo (During Meditation) ^ 7.15 Charade **************** Well, not much to write about Charade. Each round he acquires the weapons and moves of a random character, so you'll need to recognize the stance he's in and the weapon he's carrying and then just refer to the appropriate section of this FAQ. Charade does NOT imitate Necrid, Inferno, Lizardman, Assassin, Berserker, Link, Heihachi or Spawn, nor does he have his own exclusive moves. Needless to say, you'll want to be pretty competent with all the regular characters before you start to use Charade on a regular basis. Strengths: The strengths of the character he is imitating. Weaknesses: The weaknesses of the character he is imitating. 7.16 Nightmare **************** The big mean dude himself, Nightmare in one of the strongest characters in the game and is also pretty good for beginners. Experts however will find much more use for him with his multiple stances and very damaging hits. His reach is also very good because his Soul Edge sword is so big. He's got a lot of power under that armour, unleash at will. Strengths: Extremely strong, very good at mid range, stances are punishing when used properly. Weaknesses: Not comfortable against faster characters, stronger moves are easily avoided and leave him vulnerable, can be predictable. __________ A Attacks: __________ Slash~Night Shade Stance [A] Evil Eye A, -> Slash Cross A, A, B Slash Cross~Night Lower Stance A, A, [B] Slash Cross (Delay) A, A, B Double Grounder A, v+A, A Double Grounder (Cancel)~Night Behind Stance A, v+A, A, <- Quick Spin Slash ->+A Right Slasher ->, ->+A Dark Bite \>+A Leg Slash v+A Shadow Slicer +A+B Flying Edge v+A+B Spin Slash Double Grounder A+K, A, v+A, A Spin Kick Slash Cross A+K, A, A, B Spin Kick Slash Cross~Night Lower Stance A+K, A, A, [B] Quick Back Spin Slash agA Quick Back Spin Slash~Night Reverse Side Stance ag[A] Right Slasher (Alternative) [->]+A Armlet Crusher [\>]+A Alternate Cross [/>]+A Advancing Slash~Night Reverse Side Stance [v+A] Advancing Slash~Night Behind Stance [v]+A, [A] Advancing Slash [v]+A, A, B Advancing Slash~Night Lower Stance [v]+A, A, [B] Revenge [v]([^])+A, A, ->+B Reverse Advancing Slash~Night Side Stance [^]+A Reverse Advancing Slash~Night Behind Stance [^]+A, [A] Reverse Advancing Slash [^]+A, A, B Reverse Advancing Slash~Night Lower Stance [^]+A, A, [B] Back Spin Slash (Alternative) [<-]([ Rampart Buster B, <- Sword Buster (Cancel)~Night Behind Stance B, <\ Mail Splitter B, B Buster Grounder B, v+A Buster Grounder (Hold) B, v+[A] Buster Grounder (Cancel)~Night Behind Stance B, v+A, <- Piercing Strike ->+B Quick Revenge ->+B, B repeatedly Piercing Strike (Cancel)~Night Lower Stance ->+B, <-+B+K Rook Splitter ->, ->+B Sky Splitter \>+B Sky Splitter~Night Behind Stance \>+[B] Shadow Buster v+B Shadow Buster~Night Lower Stance v+[B] Thrust Throw , ->, B Side Gauntlet Buster \>(/>)+B+K, ->+B Helm Divider bgB Helm Divider~Night Lower Stance bg[B] Armor Breaker bgB, B Armor Breaker~Night Behind Stance bgB, [B] Break Kick bgB, K Rook Splitter (Alternative) [->]+B Sky Splitter (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+B Sky Splitter~Night Behind Stance (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[B] Buster Grounder (Alternative) [v]([^])+B, v+A Buster Grounder (Hold) (Alternative) [v]([^])+B, v+[A] Buster Gorunder (Cancel)~Night Behind Stance [v]([^])+B, v+A, <- Gauntlet Buster (Alternative) [v]([^])+B, -> Rampart Buster (Alternative) [v]([^])+B, <- Sword Buster (Cancel)~Night Behind Stance (Alternative) [v]([^])+B, <\ Armor Pierce [v]([^])+B, B, B Armor Pierce~Night Lower Stance [v]([^])+B, B, [B] Break Kick [v]([^])+B, B, K Shadow Impact [+K Shoulder Rush ->, ->+K Shoulder Rush~Night Behind Stance ->, ->+[K] Axle Headbutt \>+K, K, B Grind Low Kick , ->, K, K, K, K, K Stomping (Hold) v, \>, ->, [K] Drop Kick ->, ->+kB Rush Crusher ->, ->+kK Shoulder Rush~Night Behind Stance (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[K] Rush Splitter [\>]([/>])+K, B Rush Splitter~Night Behind Stance [\>]([/>])+K, [B] Rush Crusher [\>]([/>])+kK Spin Slash Double Grounder [v]([^])+K, A, v+A, A Spin Kick Slash Cross [v]([^])+K, A, A, B Spin Kick Slash Cross~Night Lower Stance [v]([^])+K, A, A, [B] Spin Kick Combo [v]([^])+K, K Darkside Kick [(/>)+B+K Night Lower Stance <-+B+K Night Reverse Side Stance (Alternative) [v]+B+K Night Side Stance (Alternative) [^]+B+K Night Annihilation (During Night Behind Stance) A Night Annihilation~Night Side Stance (During Night Behind Stance) [A] Carving Edge (During Night Behind Stance) v+A or bA Carving Edge~Night Reverse Side Stance (During Night Behind Stance) v+[A] or b[A] Terror Stomper (During Night Behind Stance) B Knee Kick Rush (During Night Behind Stance) K, K Blood Bath~Night Side Stance (During Night Behind Stance) [A] Blood Bath (Sidestep During Night Behind Stance) A, A Hell Slayer (Sidestep During Night Behind Stance) B Cross Grounder (During Night Side Stance) A, A Double Grounder Alpha (During Night Side Stance) A, v+A Cannonball Lifter (During Night Side Stance) B Cannonball Lifter~Night Behind Stance (During Night Side Stance) [B] Spinning Retreat (During Night Side Stance) bA Night Front Kick (During Night Side Stance) bA Reaver (During Night Side Stance) A+B Reaver~Night Reverse Side Stance (During Night Side Stance) [A+B] Cross Grounder (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) A, A Double Grounder Alpha (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) A, v+A Cannonball Lifter (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) B Cannonball Lifter~Night Behind Stance (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) [B] Helm Shear (During Night Reverse Side Stance) bA Night Front Kick (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) K Reaver (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) A+B Reaver~Night Reverse Side Stance (Alternative) (During Night Reverse Side Stance) [A+B] Leg Hacker (During Night Lower Stance) A Leg Hacker~Night Side Stance (During Night Lower Stance) [A] Death Horn Charge (During Night Lower Stance) B Death Horn Charge~Night Behind Stance (During Night Lower Stance) [B] Cannonball Splitter (During Night Lower Stance) ->+B Death Claw (During Night Lower Stance) K Death Claw~Night Reverse Side Stance (During Night Lower Stance) [K] Rook Splitter Alternate (During Night Lower Stance) A+B 7.17 Ivy **************** Isabella Valentine, or Ivy as she prefers to be known as has the longest reach in the game with her snake sword. Some of her moves can literally stretch across almost the full screen length when both players are as far apart as possible (almost). She deals out pretty heavy punishment too. Her weakness is that she isn't very comfortable against players who like to be in the opponent's face, so if you are playing as Ivy, try and keep your distance and dish out the damage from there. Strengths: Devastating at almost any range, huge attack radius, a lot of powerful attacks Weaknesses: Takes some time to execute her more powerful attacks, not 100% comfortable against faster opponents. __________ A Attacks: __________ Biting Raven A, A Biting Raven~Whip State A, [A] Biting Raven~Spiral Serenade A, [A], Any Direction Raven Butt ->+A Raven's Egg ->, ->+A Cross Madness \>+A Cursed Mark v+A Ancient Wheels +A+B Insanity Light ->, ->+A+B Insanity Feast (During Insanity Light) [<-] Insanity Light (Cancel)~Whip State ->, ->+A+B, G Eye of Madness \>+A+B Eye of Madness~Spiral Lust \>+[A+B] Dominance v+A+B Razor's Bite )+A+B, A Royal Huntress v+A+K Raven's Egg (Alternative) [->]+A Wolf Lash [\>]([/>])+A Insanity Light (Alternative) [v]([^])+A Insanity Light (Cancel)~Whip State [v]([^])+A, G Ancient Wheels [+A+B Masquerade~Resting Madness~Spiral Lust (While Crouching) \>+[A+B] Demented Loop (While Rising) A+B, A or B __________ B Attacks: __________ Immortal Gale B, B Immortal Gale (Hold)~Whip State B, [B] Immortal Gale~Spiral Serenade B, [B], Any Direction Squire's Cage B, ->+B Caged Silhouette~Whip State B, ->+B, K Ivy Lash ->+B Ivy Lash (Hold) ->+[B] Biting Ivy Inner (Hold) ->+[B], v(^) Serpent's Breath ->, ->+B Serpent's Breath~Spiral Tribute ->, ->+[B] Cursed Heavens \>+B Curse Brand v+B Poison Ivy , ->, B Pleasure Change (Weapon Shape Change) B+K Embrace of Lust ->+B+K Embrace of Lust (Hold) (Short Distance) ->+[B+K] Embrace of Lust (Hold) (Long Distance) ->+[B+K] Fear's Void v()+B+K Fear's Void (Cancel)~Whip State v()+B+K, G Gnome Huntress (Hold) (Approach Enemy) \>+B+K Heel Explosion <-+B+K Heel Explosion (Cancel) <-+B+K, G Exile~Whip State <-, <-+B+K Exile~Spiral Lust <-, <-+[B+K] Ivy Lick~Whip State ^+B+K or ->+B, ^ Silhouette~Whip State ^+B+K, K or ->+B, ^, K Serpent's Breath (Alternative) [->]+B Drowning Madness [v]([^])+B Drowning Madness~Spiral Tribute [v]([^])+[B] Poison Ivy (Alternative) [] or [/>])+B Darkside~Spiral Serenade (Alternative) [<-]([\>] or [/>])+[B] Shameless (While Rising) B Asylum (While Rising) B+K Ivy Masquerade (While Crouching) \>+B Ivy Masquerade (Hold) (While Crouching) \>+[B] Pride (While Crouching) +K Mind Shatter ->, ->+K Mind Shatter (Hold) ->, ->+[K] Evil Sparrow \>+K Charmer Silhouette v+K Serpent Silhouette v, \>, K Rage Kick ]([/>])+K Royal Huntress [v]([^])+K Ramble Sobat [+K __________ Throws: __________ Primal Dominance (Approach Enemy) A+G Dominion Throw (Approach Enemy) B+G Sweet Dominance (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Heartless Guide (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Sunset Cradle (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Ivy Lick (Against Airborne Enemy) ^+B+K or ->+B, ^ Summon Suffering (Approach Enemy) \>, <\, ->, v, \>, , <\, ->, v, \>, +A+B Spiral Serenade (During Spiral Lust), Any Direction Spiral Serenade A+B Serpent Slash~Spiral Tribute (During Spiral Serenade) A Serpent Whip~Whip State (During Spiral Serenade) B, B Cross Kick (During Spiral Serenade) K Reeling Mind (During Spiral Serenade) A+B or B+K Raging Flames~Serpent's Embrace (During Spiral Tribute) A Lost Soul~Whip State (During Spiral Tribute) v+A Mistress' Justice (During Spiral Tribute) B, B, B Mistress' Justice (Extended) (During Spiral Tribute) B, ->+B, <-+B, ->+B, <-+B Cross Knee (During Spiral Tribute) K Fencing with Flames~Whip State (During Spiral Tribute) A+B Violent Spirits (During Serpent's Embrace) A, A Lamenting Tail (Alternative) (During Serpent's Embrace) v+A Whirling Exile (During Serpent's Embrace) B Whirling Exile (Hold) (During Serpent's Embrace) [B] Charging Serpent (During Serpent's Embrace) K Charging Serpent (Alternative) (During Serpent's Embrace) ->, ->+K Released Souls (During Serpent's Embrace) A+B Stinging Souls (Mid Distance) (During Serpent's Embrace) B+K Stinging Souls (Short Distance) (During Serpent's Embrace) <-+B+K Stinging Souls (Long Distance) (During Serpent's Embrace) ->+B+K 7.18 Cervantes **************** The big old ghost pirate dude is back and badder than ever. He's a character for the average to expert player, for sure, although beginners could find him a little easier to pick up than someone like Mitsurugi. He's got some very strong moves plus several distance attacks. He's a great character to stay on the offensive with, especially with his attack counters. Strengths: Plenty of powerful moves, a clever high/low mixup game, good at mid to close range, plenty of counters. Weaknesses: Can become a little predictable, is a little slow. __________ A Attacks: __________ Soul Swing A, A Crush Heel ->+A Lagging Wave ->, ->+A Scissor Wave \>+A Laser Wave v+A Dread Wave +A+B, B Windmill ->, ->+A+B Slant Cross \>+A+B Killer X v+A+B Eternal Curse +A+B Pressure Astern (Hold) />+[A+B] Anchor Whirlpool +aB Scissor Lifter (Hold) \>+a[B] Bridgette Slice <-+aA Lagging Wave (Alternative) [->]+A Dishonest Wave [\>]([/>])+A Gibbering Torpedo [v]([^])+A, A Tornado Slice [<-]([]([v] or [^])+A+B Full Sail Anchoring (While Rising) A, B Flying Dutchman (While Crouching) A+B Aft Dread Pressure (Back Facing Enemy) A+B __________ B Attacks: __________ Storm Generate B, v Wild Storm B, B, B Wild Storm (Delay) B, B, B Bloody Storm B, B, A Storm Flare B, B, <-+B Sail Nautilus ->+B, B Sail Nautilus (Hold) ->+[B], B Bile Lunges ->, ->+B Cannonball Lifter \>+B Cannonball Lifter (Additional Attack) (After Soul Charge) \>+B, B Spike Anchor v+B Slay Storm +B+K Anchor \>+B+K High Tide Anchoring v+B+K High Tide Anchoring (Hold) v+[B+K] Night Raid ]+B Cannonball Lifter (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+B Side Needle [v]([^])+B Riot Storm [+K Head Scratch Kick ->, ->+K Anchor Middle Kick \>+K Anchor Marooned Kick , ->+kB or kgK Head Scratch Kick (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+K Anchor Side Kick [v]([^])+K Anchor Swirl Kick [, B+K Pirate's Scheme (Alternative) (During Dread Charge) A+K Pirate's Tactics (Alternative) (During Dread Charge) B+K 7.19 Sophitia **************** One of the classic fighters, Sophitia returns in Soul Calibur II has one of the unlockables this time around. By and large she hasn't changed much since the original Soul Calibur, with all of her classic moves intact as well as some new ones to spice her up a bit. She isn't a bad choice for beginners, and experts should be able to exploit her high/low mixups with devastating effect. Strengths: Good high/low mixups, some strong combos and moves. Weaknesses: A little slow, not a huge variety in attacks. __________ A Attacks: __________ Slide Flow A, A Slide Tornado A, K Double Hilt ->+A, B Silent Cross ->, ->+A Angel Punisher \>+A Under Slide Blade v+A Iron Butterfly +A+B Gaia Quake ^+A+B Gaia Quake (Hold) ^+[A+B] Tornado High Kick A+K Tornado Feint A+K, K Silent Cross [->]([\>] or [/>])+A (Inverse) Shield Rush [v]([^])+A Silent Stream [+B Grace Heaven \>+B Guardian Strike v+B, B Guardian's Judgment v+B, b^B, A, K Under Splash , ->+B Guardian Upper <-, <-+B Temperance Strike B+K, B Temperance Judgment B+K, b^B, A, K Jet Stream Rush ->, ->+B+K, A, B Jet Stream Rush (Delay) ->, ->+B+K, A, B Nasty Impale B, v, B, B, B Heaven's Gate <-, <-+bA Heaven's Gate (Cancel) <-, <-+bA, G Olympus Cannon [->]+B Ascension [\>]([/>])+B Elk Strike [v]([^])+B Elk Strike (Hold) [v]([^])+[B] Guardian Upper [<-]([]+B+K, A, B Jet Stream Rush (Delay) (Alternative) [->]+B+K, A, B Olympus Shower (Alternative) [Hold Any Diagonal Direction, up or down]+B+K Exile (While Rising) B Guardian Upper (Alternative) (While Rising) B+K Guardian Strike (While Crouching) \>+B, B Guardian's Judgment (Alternative) (While Crouching) \>+B, b^B, A, K __________ K Attacks: __________ Kick Duo K, K Tornado Low Kick +K Gaia Kick <-, <-+K Plasma Blade ->, ->+K Angel's Sault ^(/>)+K, K Angel's Sault (Delay) ^(/>)+K, K Angel Fall ^(/>)+K, B Angel Stroke ^(/>)+K, A, B Grace Sault <\+K or kB Plasma Blade [\>]([/>])+K Angel Side Kick (Alternative) [v]([^])+K Gaia Kick (Alternative) [<-]([, ->+A+G Bottoms Up (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Round Knocker (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Broken Promise (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G __________ Misc: __________ Angel Step v, \>, -> Twin Angel Step v, \>, ->, v, \>, -> Angel Satellite (During Angel Step) A, A Angel's Strike (During Angel Step) B Painful Fate (During Angel Strike) <- Heaven's Judgement (During Angel Step) b^B, A, K Angel's Spring (During Angel Step) K Angel's Spring~Side Movement (During Angel Step) v(^) Angel Satellite (During Angel Step) v(^), *, A, A Jet Stream Rush (During Angel Step) v(^), *, B, A, B Jet Stream Rush (Delay) (During Angel Step) v(^), *, B, A, B 7.20 Astaroth **************** The big hulking huge axe-wielding guy himself makes a triumphant return in SCII. Astaroth hasn't changed much since the last instalment which will no doubt please old school fans of the series, he's still as big and as powerful as ever. His shortfall is that he's not brilliant at close quarters combat, so keep your distance. He has incredible reach and strength and plenty of powered up "fire" moves at his disposal. Use them wisely grasshopper. Not really for the beginners. Strengths: Lots of powerful moves that are difficult to avoid, lots of throws, excellent at mid to far range. Weaknesses: Slow, not comfortable against faster characters. __________ A Attacks: __________ Ax Split (Hold) [A] Annihilation A, A Annihilation (Hold) A, [A] Destruction A, B Grip Shot to Ax Volcano ->+A, B Grip Shot to Ax Volcano (Hold) ->+A, [B] Grip Shot to Ax Volcano (Hold) (Delay) ->+A, [B] Tornado Shot ->, ->+A Tornado Spike (Hold) ->, ->+[A], B Vicious Cycle \>+A(/>+A) Vicious Cycle (Hold) [\>]+A([/>]+A) Hades Break v+A Discus +A+B Offering \>+A+B Offering (Hold) \>+[A+B] Breath of Hades <-+A+B Breath of Hades (Hold) <-+[A+B] Minotaur Crush A+K Tornado Shot (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+A Tornado Spike (Hold) (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+[A], B Poseidon Crest [v]([^])+A, A Discus (Alternative) [ Ax Butt Charge B, ->, K Ax Side Cannon ->+B Ax Crash ->, ->+B Ax Volcano \>+B Ax Volcano (Hold) \>+[B] Hades v+B Hades (Hold) v+[B] Ax Grave +B Flying Divide (Hold) />+[B] Guard Crusher B+K Body Splash ->+B+K Body Splash (Hold) ->+[B+K] Ax Lower Cannon \>+B+K Ax Lower Cannon (Extended) (Close to Enemy) \>+B+K, B Demented Moon v, \>, ->, B+K Demented Moon (Cancel) v, \>, ->, B+K, G Ax Crash (Alternative) [->]+B Ax Volcano (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+B Ax Volcano (Hold) (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[B] Hades Cannon [v]([^])+B Azazel Tackle (Alternative) []+[B+K] Guard Crusher (Alternative) [<-]([+K Bull Rush ->, ->+K Bull Rush (Hold) ->, ->+[K] Dark Tamer \>+K, A Dark Tamer (Hold) \>+K, [A] Bull Low Kick v+K Reverse Tamer ]([/>])+K Bull Rush (Hold) (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[K] Stamp of Hades [v]([^])+K Stamp of Hades (Hold) [v]([^])+[K] Lower Command Kick (Alternative) [+K __________ Throws: __________ Maelstrom Divide (Approach Enemy) A+G Hades Destroyer (Approach Enemy) B+G The Rack (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Beat Down (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G On Silent Wings (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Drop of Lava (Against Crouching Enemy) v+A+G or v+B+G Flood of Lava (Against Crouching Enemy) \>+A+G or \>+B+G Flight of the Wicked (Approach Enemy) B+G, [<-] Titan Bomb (Approach Enemy) B+G, [->] Hades Destroyer (Hold) (Approach Enemy) [B+G] Dark Immolator (Against Downed Enemy) v+A Burial (Against Downed Enemy) v+A+B or v+B+K Wrath of the Damned (Against Airborne Enemy) B+G __________ Misc: __________ None 7.21 Voldo **************** Voldo has got to be the strangest character in the game by a long shot, he's very different from the rest of the cast. Beginners should avoid him like the plague, to master Voldo you'll need to invest quite a bit of time into it. If you can master him though he's an extremely strong character with no real weaknesses apart from his awkwardness. Strengths: Very confusing attack patterns, unpredictability, some very strong attacks Weaknesses: Awkward to use, some attacks can be avoided too easily __________ A Attacks: __________ Scissor Claw A, A Dark Shredder A, B, A Dark Shredder~Blind Stance A, B, A, <- Side Claw Kick A, K Jolly Ripper~Blind Stance ->+A Elegant Claw ->, ->+A Blind Blade \>+A Rat Cheeze v+A, A, A Rat Cheeze Kick v+A, A, A, K Mouse Cutter +A+B Gate Opener ->, ->+A+B Gate Prier ->, ->+A+B, K Blind Dive \>+A+B Blind Dive (Hold) \>+[A+B] Blind Dive (Hold) (Cancel) \>+[A+B], G Evil Bow v+A+B Guillotine Scissors Alternate <-+A+B Running with Scissors (Hold) <-+[A+B] Death Rose A+K Death Rose (Hold) [A+K] Death Rose (Hold) (Cancel) [A+K], G Insanity Trap ->, ->+A+K, K Web Weaver <-+A+K Web Weaver (Cancel) <-+A+K, G Elegant Claw [->]+A Silent Embrace [\>]([/>])+A Blind Blade (Alternative) [v]([^])+A Lunatic Doll (Alternative) [<-]([]([\>] or [/>])+A+B Gate Prier (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+A+B, K Mystery Dance [v]([^])+A+B Guillotine Scissors Alternate (Alternative) [<-]([+B, B Demon Elbow ->, ->+B Guillotine Scissors \>+B, B Ecstacy~Blind Stance v+B, <- Power Slave v+B, B Asylum Dance~Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) +B+K Super Freak Lunge~Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) ->+[B+K] Grave Digger bA Demon Elbow [->]([\>] or [/>])+B Despair [v]([^])+B Demon Pheromone (Hold) (Alternative) [<-]([+B Asylum Step (While Crouching) B Rat Bounce (While Crouching) B+K Rat Bounce~Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) (While Crouching) v+[B+K] __________ K Attacks: __________ Blind Drop ->, ->+K Mute Mid Kick \>+K Rat Kick v+K Scorpion Tail~Blind Stance ] Bending Kick <-+K Bending Kick~Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) <-+[K] Lunatic Flip <-, <-+K Demon Tail [\>]([/>])+K Mute Low Kick [v]([^])+K Scorpion Tail~Blind Stance (Alternative) [ __________ Throws: __________ Spinning Umbrella (Approach Enemy) A+G Catacomb Throw (Approach Enemy) B+G Sadistic Cross (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Fool's Inquest (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Bush Whacker (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Bloody Drill (Approach Enemy) K+G Blind Ownership (During Blind Stance) B+G Grave Robber (Hold) (Against Downed Enemy) +A Lunatic Wheel (During Blind Stance) ->, ->+A Lunatic Wheel (Hold) (During Blind Stance) ->, ->+[A] Mute Elbow Rush~Blind Stance (During Blind Stance) <-+A, B Rat Straight (During Blind Stance) ->+B Red Stitch (During Blind Stance) ->, ->+B Scarecrow (During Blind Stance) ->, ->+bA Blind Elbow Rush~Blind Stance (During Blind Stance) [<-]+B, B Death Ensnare (During Blind Stance) <-+B, B Blind Drop Kick (During Blind Stance) v+K Scorpion Tail (During Blind Stance) +A+B Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) v+A+B Freak Roll (During Mantis Crawl) A+B Freak Roll (Cancel)~Mantis Crawl (During Mantis Crawl) A+B, G Twisted Salute (During Mantis Crawl) A Asylum Breakout (During Mantis Crawl) B Blind Drop~Blind Stance (During Mantis Crawl - Head First) K Scorpion Kick (During Mantis Crawl - Feet First) K Fool Ritual (During Mantis Crawl) B+K Fool Ritual (Hold) (During Mantis Crawl) [B+K] Mantis Fire Dance (During Mantis Crawl) ->, -> Fool Ritual Fire Dance (During Mantis Crawl) ->, ->, B+K Mantis Crawl~Mantis Crawl (Flip) (During Mantis Crawl) v(^) Mantis Crawl~Mantis Crawl (Flip and change direction) (During Mantis Crawl) v(^), ->(<-) Superwyrm (A) (During Mantis Crawl - Head First) v(^)+A, A, A Superwyrm (B) (During Mantis Crawl - Head First) v(^)+B, B, B Scorpion Kick (During Mantis Crawl - Head First) v(^)+K Gravestone Cleaver (During Mantis Crawl - Head First) v(^)+B+K Superwyrm Escape (During Mantis Crawl - Feet First) v(^)+B, B, B Twisted Salute (During Mantis Crawl - Feet First) v(^)+A Blind Drop~Blind Stance (Alternative) (During Mantis Crawl - Feet First) v(^)+K Caliostro Rush v, \>, -> Caliostro Rush (Alternative) (While Crouching) Katar Slap (During Caliostro Rush) A, A Blind Slap~Blind Stance (During Caliostro Rush) A, <-+A Slap Behind Claw (During Caliostro Rush) A, \>+A Mad Shredder~Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) (During Caliostro Rush) B, [B] Mad Shredder (During Caliostro Rush) B, B, B Red Slaughter Kick (During Caliostro Rush) K Snake Eater (During Caliostro Rush) A+B Lunging Rat Bounce (During Caliostro Rush) B+K Rat Bounce~Mantis Crawl (Feet Towards Enemy) (During Caliostro Rush) [B+K] 7.22 Seung Mina **************** The female staff wielding character, Seung Mina makes a welcome return in Soul Calibur II. Although she possess some similar moves to Kilik, she's also got a pretty unique moveset that makes her distinctly different. She isn't a bad choice for beginners, and such is the case with just about all the characters, experts can really dish out damage with her awesome juggles and a good variety of powerful moves. Strengths: Excellent juggles, great at mid range, lots of moves to keep opponent guessing. Weaknesses: A little slow, some moves not as powerful as they could potentially be. __________ A Attacks: __________ Wild Gale A, A, B Wild Gale~Side Movement A, A, v(^) Blunting Kick ->+A, K Strangling Flower ->, ->+A Strangling Slash \>+A Sweeping Circle v+A Biting Strike +A+B Fang Barrage (Cancel) ->+A+B, G Opening Treasure \>+A+B Rapid Earth v+A+B Holding Treasure +A+B Seung's Crushing Long Blade (Cancel) />+A+B, G Seung's Quick Long Blade />+A+B, B Radiant Wing ^+A+B Circular Blade Kick A+K Zanbatou Smackdown ->+A+K Dancing Fang Sweep \>+A+K, A Dancing Blade Kick \>+A+K, K Fang Sweep v+A+K Power Fang Sweep <-+A+K Gale Stream aA, B Strangling Deception \>+A, A Strangling Flower (Alternative) [->]+A Willow Divide [\>]+A, A Heavy Willow Divide [/>]+A, A Falling Fang Divide [v]([^])+A, A Black Wing [v]([^])+A, B Black Wing (Cancel) [v]([^])+A, B, G Sparrow Sweep [+B, A Thrusting Fang ->+B, B Shadow Fang ->+B, v Heavy Fall ->, ->+B Lifting Heavens \>+B Spinning Divide <-+B Spinning Divide (Hold) <-+[B] Earth Poke <-, <-+B Glory Wing B+K Glory Wing (Cancel) B+K, G Wheel ->+B+K Rock Breaker v+B+K Retreating Sands +B+K Circular Heaven Slash bA Sheng Mirage Kick bK Willow Branch v(^), *, B Air Fang [B], (While Holding B) \>+K Heavy Fall (Alternative) [->]([\>]+[/>])+B Rising Void [v]([^])+B Spinning Divide (Alternative) [+K Circular Heaven Spin Kick ->, ->+K, K, K Circular Heaven Spin Kick (Delay) ->, ->+K, K, K Belly Crush \>+K Earth Kick v+K Liquid Rising +kB Wild Leaves [\>]([/>])+K, K Dark Sweep [v]([^])+K Thunder Kick (Alternative) [<-]([, ->+A Angel Punisher \>+A Reverse Illusion \>+A, B Reverse Illusion (Delay) \>+A, B Under Slide Blade v+A Undertow , ->+A+B Twin Step Grace \>+A+B or <-, <-+A+B Gaia Quake ^+A+B Gaia Quake (Hold) ^+[A+B] Tornado High Kick A+K Tornado Feint A+K, K Silent Dawn [ Angel's Wave B, K Sword Stab ->+B Shield Headbutt v+B, B Nasty Impale Alpha B, v Nasty Impale Delta B, v, B, B, B, B Nasty Impale Omega B, v, B, B, B, K Shield Nova B, ->+B Shield Nova (Delay) B, ->+B Olympus Cannon ->, ->+B Heaven's Wing <-, <-+B Temperance Headbutt B+K, B Falling Sword , ->+B+K, A, B Jet Stream Rush (Delay) ->, ->+B+K, A, B Jet Stream Rush (Alternative) [->]+B+K, A, B Jet Stream Rush (Delay) (Alternative) [->]+B+K, A, B Lizard Roll +B+K Ascension [\>]([/>])+B Exile (While Rising) B Shield Spikes (While Crouching) \>+B, B Shield Spikes (Cancel) (While Crouching \>+B, B, G __________ K Attacks: __________ High Knee ->+K Knockdown Kick ->, ->+K Knockdown Kick (Alternative) [->]+K Knockdown Sweep +K Spring Under Kick v+K Hip Charge <-+K Gaia Kick <-, <-+K Gaia Kick (Alternative) [<-]([)+K, K Seraphim Kicks [\>]([/>])+K, K Hip Charge Surprise [v]([^])+K, K Spring Under Kick~Triple FlipKicks v+K, kK, K, K Lizard Spring (While Rising) K __________ Throws: __________ Sword Lifter (Approach Enemy) A+G Air Launcher (Approach Enemy) B+G Overhead Slam (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Reptile Revenge (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Lizard Pounce (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Reptile Rumble (Approach Enemy from in front, left or right) v, , -> Reptile Satellite (During Lizard Step) A, A Headbutt (During Lizard Step) B Reptile Spring (During Lizard Step) K Triple FlipKicks (During Lizard Step) kK, K, K Lizard Step~Sidestep (During Lizard Step) v(^) Guardian Wings (During Lizard Step) v(^), *, B, A, A Guardian's Judgement (During Lizard Step) v(^), *, B, A, K Seraphim Sault (During Lizard Step) v(^), *, K, K Reptile Satellite (Alternative) (During Lizard Step) v(^), *, A, A 7.24 Assassin **************** Assassin is another special unlockable character exclusive to the NTSC/PAL versions of Soul Calibur II. Like Lizardman, he seems to possess moves from two other characters in the game, in Assassin's case it's Yunsung and Xianghua. However Assassin doesn't borrow as many moves as Lizardman does and actually possesses a pretty unique moveset overall. Like Lizardman, Assassin can only be used in the two player modes, team battle or practice. Strengths: Some very strong attacks, quick counters and damaging throws Weaknesses: Combos are not very powerful and can be easily interrupted Note: These are not the official move names as there is no in-game movelist for Assassin. I've just used the name of the identical move that Yunsung or Xianghua have, and made up my own for Assassin's exclusive moves. __________ A Attacks: __________ Blade Song A, A, B Blade Song (Delay) A, A, B Talon Destroyer A, A, K, K Talon Destroyer (Delay) A, A, K, K Cross Lian Hun ->+A Striking Lian Hua ->, ->+A Striking Lian Hua (Alternative) [->]+A Leg Cutter \>+A Twisting Coils v+A Shin Cutter ]([\>])+A Sword Undercut [) A+B Double Sword Arc (Additional Attack) A+B (While Enemy is Airborne), A+B Waving Flame ->+A+B Sword Poke [<-]+A+B Great Wall ->, ->+A+B Great Wall (Alternative) [->]+A+B Viper's Illusion [\>]([/>])+A, B Viper's Illusion (Hold) [\>]([/>])+A, [B] Willow Dance [v]([^])+A, B Willow Dance (Cancel) [v]([^])+A, B, G Flying Spin Kicks A+K Flying Spin Kicks (Alternative) <-(<\ or ^ or /> or ->) A+K Flying Spin Kicks (Alternative) [Hold Any Direction] A+K Lian Hua Kicks [v]+A+K, K Feng Yun Feint aK, B Double Feng Yun aK, K Rage Fire Blade (While Rising) A, B Rage Fire Blade (Cancel) (While Rising) A, B, G Sword Uppercut (While Crouching) A+B __________ B Attacks: __________ Burning Sky B, B Burning Sky (Delay) B, B Advancing Rhythm ->+B, A Advancing Rhythm (Delay) ->+B, A Deadly Rhythm ->+B, B Deadly Rhythm (Delay) ->+B, B Cyclone Blade Kick B, K Cyclone Blade Kick (Delay) B, K Cyclone Blade Kick (Cancel) B, K, G Shattered Wall ->, ->+B, B Shattered Wall (Delay) ->, ->+B, B Wall Dance ->, ->+B, <-+B Wall Dance (Hold) ->, ->+B, <-+[B] Forced Flame Divide \>+B Flame Wave v+B, B Loin Crush <-+B Loin Crush (Hold) <-+B Overhead Waterfall +B Cresting Wave B+K Crushing Heel +B+K Cyclone Slash bK Rising Cobra [\>]([/>])+B Eclipse Blade [v]([^])+B Opening Void Thrust [+K Quick Face Plant ->+K Quick Face Plant Combo ->+K, K Shin Trip v+K Midriff Winder <-+K Overhead Stomp ^+K Spinning Roundhouse <-, <-+K Spinning Roundhouse~Spinning Sweep <-, <-+K, K Triple Assassin Kick ->, ->+K, K, K Double Assassin Kick ->, ->+K, K Double Assassin Kick~Side Movement ->, ->+K, K, v(^) Warrior Dance ]+K, K, K Double Assassin Kick (Alternative) [->]+K, K Double Assassin Kick~Side Movement (Alternative) [->]+K, K, v(^) Raging Talons [\>]([/>])+K Roundhouse Kick [v]([^])+K Leg Sweep [+A, B Grip Shot to Ax Volcano (Hold) ->+A, [B] Grip Shot to Ax Volcano (Hold) (Delay) ->+A, [B] Tornado Shot ->, ->+A Tornado Spike (Hold) ->, ->+[A], B Vicious Cycle \>+A(/>+A) Vicious Cycle (Hold) [\>]+A([/>]+A) Hades Break v+A Discus +A+B Battle Axe Rise \>+A+B Battle Axe Rise (Hold) \>+[A+B] Breath of Hades <-+A+B Tornado Shot (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+A Tornado Spike (Hold) (Alternative) [->]([\>] or [/>])+[A], B Poseidon Crest [v]([^])+A, A Discus (Alternative) [, K Ax Side Cannon ->+B Ax Crash ->, ->+B Ax Volcano \>+B Ax Volcano (Hold) \>+[B] Hades v+B Hades (Hold) v+[B] Ax Grave +B Flying Divide (Hold) />+[B] Body Splash ->+B+K Body Splash (Hold) ->+[B+K] Demented Moon v, \>, ->, B+K Demented Moon (Cancel) v, \>, ->, B+K, G Ax Crash (Alternative) [->]+B Ax Volcano (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+B Ax Volcano (Hold) (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[B] Hades Cannon [v]([^])+B Canyon Creation (Alternative) [<-]+B Body Slash (Hold) (Alternative) [->]+[B+K] Hades Rising (While Rising) B Side Divide (Back Facing Enemy) B+K __________ K Attacks: __________ Thruster Kick [K] Hades Knee ->+K Bull Rush ->, ->+K Bull Rush (Hold) ->, ->+[K] Dark Tamer \>+K, A Dark Tamer (Hold) \>+K, [A] Bull Low Kick v+K Spinning Bull Low Kick ]([/>])+K Bull Rush (Hold) (Alternative) [\>]([/>])+[K] Stamp of Hades [v]([^])+K Lower Command Kick (Alternative) [+K __________ Throws: __________ Backbreaker (Approach Enemy) A+G Dropshot (Approach Enemy) B+G Gothic Spinal Tap (Approach Enemy from behind) A+G or B+G Bull Maul (Approach Enemy from left) A+G or B+G Berserker Face Plant (Approach Enemy from right) A+G or B+G Half Moon Slam (Against Crouching Enemy) \>+A+G or \>+B+G __________ Misc: __________ Low Disorienter v+A+G or v+B+G Battle Axe Scoop (Against Downed Enemy) v+A 8.0 Acknowledgements and Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Namco, for making such an awesome fighting game! Nyawu aka The Wu 2003 aka Christopher C. Wu for allowing me to use and adapt his excellent Heihachi FAQ AceStanley for giving me permission to use and adapt his great Spawn FAQ My two brothers who make the multiplayer much more fun, I wouldn't be anywhere near as good at the game without them to play against Myself, for spending all those hours writing this FAQ! (Especially manually working out the movelists for Lizardman, Assassin and Berserker, damn that was painful) If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this FAQ, feel free to e-mail me. Make sure you visit - The one-stop source for Fighters! Copyright 2003-2007 by White_Pointer