SoulCalibur II Yoshimitsu FAQ Written By: Kevin Ohol This FAQ was written using the PS2 version of the game Copyrights: ---------- This FAQ was written and intended for use on Use of this faq on any other site other than Gamefaqs, without my permission is violating copyright regulaions. This FAQ and any part of it may not be reproduced or copyed in any way, exept for personal use. It may not be reproduced without askede for permision from myself in advance. Copying or reproducing this FAQ is strickly prohibited and violation of copyright. Copyright 2003, Kevin Ohol If anyone is to send me help on writing my FAQ (mistakes, something i dont know) then they will be given credit wherte it is needed. If you feel that I have not credited you either at all or not good enough then e-mail me at Unfortonally I dont check my e-mail enough so I might not be able to credit you for your actions for a while. Table of Contents ---------- I. Yoshimitsu Ia. Profile Ib. Yoshimitsu's Story II. How do I Play as Yoshimitsu? III. Move List IIIa. Stances IIIb. Command List IIIc. Wall Jump IIId. While Crouching IIIe. While Rising IIIf. Back Facing Enemy IIIg. While Crouching Back Facing Enemy IIIh. Jump Delay IIIi. Jump IIIj. 8- Way Run IIIk. Throws IV. Weapons V. Contact Me VI. The Ending ---------- I. YOSHIMITSU ---------- Ia. Profile: ---------- Age: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown (Base of Mt. Fuji, Japan) Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Birthdate: Unknown Blood Type: Unknown Disiplne: Manji Ninjitsu Family: Entire clan was massacred. Ib. Yoshimitsu's Story ---------- There once was a ninja clan that was massacred at the hands of a vengeful lord. Yoshimitsu, the sole survivor of that clan, swore to avenge the fallen. He did not give up even after losing his right arm during an encounter. Yoshimitsu traveled across the sea, following a rumor about an ultimate weapon. When he finally reached Europe, he came upon a series of mysterious killings that wreaked havoc and spread terror across Europe. This reminded him of his clan, and thus changed his plan. Yoshimitsu followed the trail of the mass murderer to Ostrheinsburg Castle, but the castle was empty of any signs of life. After Yoshimitsu had left the castle, he sensed the presence of a sinister force in his katana. Yoshimitsu left on a journey to quell the negative energy within the sword. But unexpectedly, someone stole the sword. Knowing that only misfortune would resultif the cursed sword fell into the wrong hands, Yoshimitsu traveled the continent in search of his weapon. During his travels, he devoted himself to serving the weak and underprivledged. Four years passed, and Yoshimitsu devised a scheme to plunder treasures in order to give money to the poor. The tomb Yoshimitsu infioltrated belonged to a man known as the "Merchant of Death." He was able to reach the traesures, without encountering the rumored guardian of the tomb. And there he found his long-lost sword, along side a metal fragment that emanated the same evil energy as his katana. He left his tomb with his sword and metal shard in hand. If there was other things that possess the same evil energy within, it was up to him to find them and rid them from this world. Without a doubt in his mind, Yoshimitsu left on a journey. ---------- II. How Do I Play as Yoshimitsu? ---------- In order to play as Yoshimitsu complete the last mission in the second chapter. After you defeat Yoshimitsu he will be a playable character. ---------- III. Move List ---------- For the Move list this will be the set up, Move Name Command Attack Level Damage Special Notes about the move If one of these slots arew empty for a move that means that there is no Command, Atk Lvl, Damage ect. This is how the Attack Level goes, L= Low attack M= Middle attack H= High attack Directional Butons will also have a special set up. Here is the key to the Directional Buttons, >= Right ^ <= Left <- -> ^= Up d d= Down I also must make another statement, (Thanks to Nonexistent Guy) the moves change after you do a Soul Charge. IIIa. Stances ------- All stance moves need to be put in while in the stance. First you need to input the stance move. At that point Yoshimitsu will enter the stance. While Yoshimitsu is in his stance you can in put the normal moves. Stance Moves Will be marked with S.M./ move name. Sword Pogo ---------- S.M./ Sword Pogo A+B - - Special Stance, press G to quit the stance. Becomes Unblockable after Soul Charge. Rolling Spark A L 32 - Pogo Hop B or any directional button input M 45 Possible to hold with B Kangaroo Kick K M 33 - Pogo Rush > A+B LLL 16,16,16 hold r A+B to increase the distance of the attack Skull Spliter A+B H 22-30 Possible to hold Meditation B+K - - Special Satnce, Shifts to Meditation, regains lost health Meditation ---------- S.M./ Meditation B+K - - Regains lost health. G to cancel Warp < or > - - Special movement Warp Rolling Shark A L 32 - Warp Moon Slayer B M 30 Unblockable Warp Kangaroo Kick K M 35 - Warp Shark Attack A+BK HM 30, 25 - Shark Deathcopter A+B > H-M 30, 70 Unblockable Sword Pogo ^ - - Special Stance, changes into Sword Pogo stance IIIb. Command List ---------- Now on to the actual moves. They are divided up into sections ( throws, 8 way run, wall jump ect.) These moves can be executed while in the position that the section states. Enjoy. Rapid Gole AA HH 13, 16 Press G during first hit in order to cancel Stone Fist <+d AAAAA MMMMM 18, 15, 15, 15, 15 - Parting Grass d A SM 13 - Harding Wealth >+d AB MM 23, 23-25 Possible to delay second hit Stone Backhands < AAAAA HHHHH 18, 15, 15, 15, 15 - Mouthless <A H 16 - Flagstaff >>A M 30 - Sword Sweep d d+< < A L 38 - Rapid Grace BB MM 17, 19 Press G during the first hit to cancel Ninja Blade Rush BA M 20-69 Attack throw on close range counter hit Death Slash d+< B M 25-78 press and hold d+< B for unblockable Autumn Drizzle d B M 18 - Manji Carve Fist d bA SM 13 - Clansmen d+> B M 25, 31 Posible to hold Sleet B M 24 - Sword Spirt Low >B d L 22-26 - Sword Spirit Upper > B ^ H 30 - Firmiana Branch >>B M 25 - Firmiana Solar Kick >> BB+K MM 25, 30 Depending on the buuton input timing, cancel first hit. Hold B+K to shift to back facing enemy. Firmiana Shark Attack Combo >> BB+KA+BK MMH 25, 20, 35 - Firmiana Deathcopter >> BB+K> hold A+B MMH-M 25, 20 Unblockable. >>BB+K> hold A+B < or d to change distance on forth hit. Sword Impale < > B MM 48 Unblockable. Triple Spin Kick KKK HHH 15, 19, 26 Press G during the first hit to cancel. Kangaroo Kick d+< K M 35 - Sweep Kick d K L 12 - Mid Kick d+> K M 20 - Bullet Cutter < KB MM 26, 30-78 < K hold B for an unblockable second hit Zig > K H 47 - Zig-Zag > KK HM 47, 50 - Double Zig > K d K HL 47, 22 - Knee Bash >> K M 32 - Digging Spirt d A+B M 30 Possible to hold. d A+BA to change to Sword Pogo Digging Cyclone d A+BB MM 30, 15 - Back Hand > A+B H 18 Hold > A+B to shift to Soul Siphon Deathcopter ^+> A+B M 70 Unblockable. Deathcopter Attack d during Deathcopter M 43 Unblockable Deathcopter Trick < during Deathcopter M 66 Unblockable. The damage amount changes depending on the air time. Sudare Wheel ^ or ^+< A+B M 30 - Crying Spirit Wheel >> A+B M 54 Press G to cancel. Crying Spirit Sword to Death >> A+B d B L 28 - Cyclone Lift d+< B+K M 15 - S.M./ Meditation B+K - - Special Stance. Recovers lost Health. S.M./ Sword Pogo A+B - - Special Stance. Changes to sword pogo. Circium d+> B+K M 32 - Spinning Evade < B+K - - Special Action. B or K additional inputs increases the number of rotations. Drains health. A to shift to Sword Pogo. d B to change to Meditation. Become Dizzy (Thank you VGMaster96) Ninja Sun Flare << B+K M 44 << B+KA to shift to Sword Pogo. << B+KB to change to Meditation. Press G to cancel. Door Knocker > B+KBBB MHHM 22, 16, 16, 31 Possible to delay the second, third and forth hit. Poison Wind ^+> B+K M 22 ^+> B+K < to step back after hit. ^+> B+KA to change to Sword Pogo. ^+> B+KB to change to Meditation. Steel Wind ^+> B+KK MM - Possible to delay second hit. ^+> B+KK< to step basck after the second hit. ^+> B+KKA to shift to Sword Pogo. ^+> B+KKB to shift to Meditation. Solar Kick >> B+K M 35 >> hold B+K to shit to back facing enemy. Shark Attack >> B+K A+B MH 35, 30 - Shark Attack Combo >> B+K A+B K MHM 35, 30, 25 - Shark Deathcopter >> B+K > hold A+B MH-M 35, 30, 66 Unblockable. >> BB+K > hold A+B < or d to change distance of forth hit. S.M./ Meditation While Down facing up - - Special Stance. Changes to Meditation. Yoshimitsu Flash A+K MK 23 - Fake Turning Suicide >> A+K M - (Thank you VGMaster96 for pointing this out) Unblockable. Drains Heath. Turning Suicide >> hold A+K M 122 Unblockable. Drains Health. Standing Suicide d A+K M 122 Unblockable. Drains a lot of health. Manji Blood Petals During Turning Suicide or Standing Suicide, AAA MMMM 122. 25, 25, 25, 25 Unblockable. Drains health. Iron-Fist Possession Any directional input K+G - - Random moves from the list below. Can be done in a succesful or failed attempt as long as you grab them as long as you grab them with it. (Thanks to VGMaster96) Iron-Fist Possession moves (happen randomly) Deadly Boomerang - H - - Slap - H - A for additional attack (H) Drunken Master Walk - - - Special movement. Force - M - Unblockable. Heaven Divide - M - Unblockable. NG Somersault - - - Special Action. ^ A+B+K to attack (M/M) Shadow Step - - - Special Movement. Burning Knuckle - M - Unblockable. Greetings - M - Unblockable. Blazing Kick - M - - Lightning Uppercut - M - Unblockable. Possible to hold. Stone Breaker - M - - Flap - - - Special Action. Miss. IIIc. Wall Jump ---------- Demon Ravage A L 25 - New Moon B M 42 - Sleet K M 25 - IIId. While Crouching ---------- Parting Grass A SM 15 - Snowflake B M 18 - Heretic Sword d+> B M 35 - Torent K L 12 - Spinning Low Kick d+< KKKKK LLLLLL 14, 11, 11, 11, 11 - Lunging Sweep d+> K L 22 - Circium d+> B+K M 32 - IIIe. While Rising ---------- Sunflower A M 35 - Tangled Blade B M 25 - Hayabusa K M 28 - IIIf. Back Facing Enemy ---------- Reverse Splinter Gale A H 18 - Reverse Drizzle B M 35 - Reverse Koragashi K H 23 - IIIg. While Crouching Back Facing Enemy ---------- Reverse Grass Part A L 15 - Reverse Snowflake B M 26 - Reverse Dust Banisment K L 15 - IIIh. Jump Delay ---------- Demon Ravage A L 25 - New Moon B M 44 - Sleet K M 25 - IIIi. Jump ---------- Demon Reave A H 35 - Quarter Moon B M 30 - Manji Jump Kick K M 30 - IIIj. 8-Way Run ---------- All directional buttons in this catagory have to be held down during the move, in order to execute the move. And all moves need to be executed while runing. Flagstaff > A M 30 - Firmiana Branch > or >+^ or d+> B M 25 - Firmiana Solar Kick > BB+K MM 25, 20 Depending on button input timing, cancel first hit. Hold > BB+K to show back to show back to enemy. Firmiana Shark Attack > BB+KA+B MMH 28, 30 - Firmiana Shark Attack Combo > BB+KA+BK MMHM 35, 20, 25 - Firmiana Shark Deathcopter > BB+K> hold A+B MMH-M 35, 20, 25, 66 Unblockable. > BB+K> hold AB < or d to change distance of fourth hit. Ninja Blade Rush > or >+^ or >+d bB M 20-45 Attack throw on close-range counter hit. Sliding >K L 28 Sliding. Crying Spirit Sword > or <+^ or <+d or < A+B M 54 Press G to cancel. > or <+^ or <+d or < A+BA to cancel, shift to Sword Pogo. > A+BB to cancel, shift to Meditation. Crying Spirit Sword to Death > A+B d B L 28 First part cancelled. Solar Kick > B+K M 35 Hold > B+K to shift to back facing enemy. Shark Attack > B+K A+B MH 35, 30 - Shark Attack Combo > B+K A+B K MHM 35, 30, 25 - Shark Deathcopter > B+K > hold A+B MHM 35, 30, 66 Unblockable. > B+K > hold A+B < or d to change distance of third hit. Fake Turning Suicide > A+K - - > A+K A to shift to Sword Pogo. Turning Suicide > hold A+K M 122 Unblockable. Drains Health. Kabuki >+^ or >+d or ^ or d A M 28 - Firmiana Solar Kick >+^ or >+d BB+K MM 25, 28 Depending on button input timing, cancel first hit. >+^ or >+d B hold B+K to show back to enemy. Firmiana Shark Attack >+^ or >+d BB+K A+B MMH 25, 28, 30 - Firmiana Shark Attack Combo >+^ or >+d BB+K A+B K MMHM 25, 30, 35 - Firmiana Shark Deathcopter >+^ or >+d BB+K > hold A+B MMH-M 25, 20, 35-65 Unblockable. >+^ or >+d BB+K > hold A+B < or d to change distance of fourth hit. Knee Bash >+^ or >+d K M 20 - Deathcopter >+^ or >+d A+B M 70 Unblockable. >+^ or >+d A+B < or d to change distance of attack. Circium >+^ or >+d B+K M 34 - Prayer ^ or d B M 28 - Whirlwind ^ or d K H 24 ^ or d KA to shift to Sword Pogo. ^ or d KB to shift to Meditation. Sudare Wheel ^ or d A+B M 31 - Cyclone Lift ^ or d B+K M 16 - Mist Banishment <+^ or <+d A L 38 - Crying Hell Flames <+^ or <+d BAB MHM 22, 23, 49 Press G during third hit to cancel. <+^ or <+d BABA to cancel third hit and shift to Sword Pogo. <+^ or <+d BABB to cancel third hit and shift to Meditation. <+^ or <+d BAB d B to cancel third hit and shift to Crying Spirit Sword to Death (Low). Bullet Cutter <+^ or <+d or < KB MM 26, 31-82 <+^ or <+d or < K hold B for Unblockable second hit. Crying Spirit Sword to Death <+^ or <+d A+B d B L 29 First part canceled. Ninja Flare Sun <+^ or <+d or < B+K M 44 Press G to cancel. <+^ or <+d or < B+KA to shift to Sword Pogo. <+^ or <+d or < B+KB to shift to Meditation. Mouthless > A+G 65 A to escape throw. Rainbow Drop d <+d < A+B 70 A to escape throw. Soul Siphon > K+G 30 A to escape throw. Recovers health. IV. Weapons ---------- Yoshimitsu (1P and 2P) Most Familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Shiranui Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks defense. Offense: 120% Defense: 65% Kastane Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. Offense: 130% Defense: 80% Zantetsuken Good offense, but vulnerable to impact. Offense: 130% Defense: 100% Dha Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense. Offense: 84% Defense: 100% Kagekiyo Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but requires energy to weild. Offense: 100% Defense: 70% Pakayun Speed increases with Soul Charge, but lacks defense. Offense: 100% Defense: 70% Monohashizao Long reach, but requires energy to weild. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... Offense: 140% Defense: 100% Hihirokane Lengendary weapon. Weild it to discover its true power! Offense: 130% Defense: 100% Sheperds Crook Yoshi had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. Offense: 80% Defense: 80% V. Contact Me ----------- In order to contact me to tell me something i dont know or if there is a mistake in my FAQ, my e-mail address is If you an e-mail to me, make sure you put Yoshimitsu FAQ as the subject or I might never read the e-mail. VI. The Ending ----------- Well i have now completed my first ever FAQ. I tried my hardest to make a good FAQ. And remarkably it didn't take me as near as long as I thought it would. I look forward to making more FAQs in the future. When, I dont know. About what, I dont know. But for now I have to say good bye. Salutations. Copyright 2003 Kevin Ohol