________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ SPARTAN: TOTAL WARRIOR ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Contents ________________________________________________________________________________ i) Introduction ii) Bestiary iii) Armoury iv) Tactics v) Walkthrough vi) Arena Challenge Hints vii) Legal Waffle ________________________________________________________________________________ i) Introduction ________________________________________________________________________________ This is a walkthrough for the XBOX version of Spartan: Total Warrior. This game is great if you like taking on entire armies single handily. Yes, there are some parts to scoff at (mythical beasts), but forget it and have a good time playing. The Secrets counter (visible at end screen) seems to count some Secrets as bonus objectives. So if you want 100%, get those objectives done. This is only my thoughts on how to play. If you have a better idea, please share it, or feel free to ask for help. I might take a couple of days to get an answer to you, but I will answer your mail. You can reach me at: prince_khorne@yahoo.co.nz. I also need help finding the following Secrets: Concept Art 24 on ACT 3, Chapter 1: Revolution Big thanks have to go out to J.C. Crosby, who found all of the secrets I was too lazy and/or angry at the level design off to get. ________________________________________________________________________________ ii) Bestiary ________________________________________________________________________________ Allies: Spartan Swordsman A simple soldier. Sword and Shield combination. Spartan Hoplite Soldier armed with a javelin/spear. Spartan Archer Ranged bowman. Effective in numbers. Sapper A Spartan soldier carrying a bomb, which can be lit. If he takes too much damage he will run around on fire and then explode. Suffers from poor A.I. and wishes to commit suicide. Civilian Weak male or female. Attacks with fists. Ten killed one Roman. Pollux Sword and Shield combination. He is one of the brothers, so never dies. Helps you out in some levels, but is hard to notice, except for his red hair. Castor Armed with a spear, this brother never dies (except for the last level if you don't get to him in time). Breaks locks for you, unless you have to find a key. Seems bemused by simple technical aspects such as levers. From the first level, we learn that he becomes the King of Sparta. Leonidas The current King of Sparta. Uses sword and shield. Can be killed on the first mission. Appears in the third mission but is not noticeable. Electra Uses a sword and throws knives. Rolls around a lot. Cannot die (except for the last level if you don't get to her in time). Archimedes Seemingly brilliant inventor. However he is weak and a bit thick on the mission where you must defend him. Isn't this always the case. ________________________________________________________________________________ Enemies: Roman Recruit A simple soldier, small, who does limited damage and dies swiftly. Roman Soldier Similar to the Recruit, but tougher. Roman Archer Weak, no armour, and has a bow. Poor accuracy, always good for a laugh. Roman Heavy Legionary Tall, fully armoured and defends a lot. Can take some punishment until later levels. Centurion Tall, with large shield and a headdress. Use Shield Bash and attack to kill quickly. Barbarian Warrior Seems to be holding a mace? Easy to dispatch. On par with a Soldier. Barbarian Raider Holds a two-handed sword. Can defend. Stronger than a Warrior. Barbarian Hunter Holds a two-handed axe. Strong, defends a lot, and is tough to kill. Barbarian Berserker Holds knives? Quite strong, uncaring of pain. Gigantes Very tall, ogre-like creature. Variety of attacks. Does a lot of damage and can take a lot of punishment. Undead Warrior Slow but strong. Must have Fatality ([X] over body) when 'killed', to prevent it rising again. Skeleton Warrior Fast, but does little damage. Appears in packs. Skeleton Archer Ranged attacker, similar to Skeleton Warrior. Praetorian Guard Purple Roman Soldier with better strength and toughness. Praetorian Archer Purple Roman Archer with better accuracy. Praetorian Legionary Purple Heavy Legionary. Stronger and tougher. Praetorion Carnifex Carries a curved two-handed sword. Fast and as strong as a Centurion. Follows similar attacking pattern. Assassin Spring loaded footwear with blades. Twin swords, a no-I-won't-lie-down attitude. Difficult to kill as he won't stand still. Don't get me started on multiples. Infernus Short ranged flamethrower. Weak, but explosive (run away from them when they are on fire). Hoplomachus Heavy Axe Gladiator Stronger variation of Hunter in silver armour. Thracian Light Arms Gladiator Sword and Shield combination. Easy to kill. Retiarius Trident Gladiator Can use a melee attack, or flings a trident at you from range. Weak. ________________________________________________________________________________ Bosses: Talos A mechanical construct (golem). Defeated by activating the three catapults on the first level. Crassus Commander of the Romans attacking Sparta. A technique is to shield bash, then attack while his defences are open. Make sure you have no Romans behind you, as they can be annoying. Use the Power of the Gods single attack from the Blades of Athena to do damage as well. Crassus does melee attacks, single turn-to-stone attacks (don’t worry, it wears off), and the area of effect stone attack (worry, this one is permanent). Crassus runs off after he has sustained enough damage, and will use area of effect stone attacks. Beowulf Leader of the barbarian hordes. Annoying for his brute strength and reliance upon allies. Defend constantly. When he swings at you, roll out of the way, then shield bash an opening and attack him. Blades of Athena work best as they are fast. Electrocute him as well. After a while, Berserkers jump into the fight. Radial bash everyone, then kill the Berserker if you need Health and Power. When Beowulf is holding the fire, shoot him to make him drop it. More Berserkers appear as Beowulf loses health, but follow the method above. Nemesis This is a construct identical to you in every way except weaponry: he has the [Spear of Achilles]. You should run around and grab the pickups when they appear, trying to beat him. He will also use a Powered attack on you, which can be prevented by blocking (drains one Power bar). If he lights up on fire, run. Simplest way is to use Powered attacks on him, and get the pickups before he does. You can also shield bash like every previous boss. Once he is dead, you complete the mission and get the [Spear of Achilles]. Hydra There is you, all by yourself. Stand in between the pillars, and notice a head pulling back. Soon it will strike at you, so run out of the way. When it comes in, use a Powered single attack to blow its head up. Run to the chest and get the [Fire Arrows] (Save the [Fire Arrows] in between the pillars). Shoot the head to cause some damage and spawn more heads. Get more Power by attacking the head as it is over the ledge. After about a third of the total health is lost, a large head will appear. This head breathes fire at you, so hide behind a pillar, and roll if you catch on fire. With the large head in the open, the smaller heads will strike simultaneously, so you can now use the [Fire Arrows] between pillars. When a little health is left, the other heads disappear, leaving the large head. It will breathe fire and attack like the other heads. When attacked it drops Power and Health pickups. Use a Powered attack and then fire its neck to complete the mission. Ladon This is the steed of Sejanus. Simply hop onto the Lightening Gun and fire ([A]) at the dragon whenever it pops up above the roof. Catapults? will also fire at you. Simply point and shoot the Gun at the fireballs and it will explode them. As the dragon loses health, the fireballs appear more rapidly and in greater numbers. You may also have Romans running at you. Fry them. Continue shooting at Ladon to kill him. Sejanus Wielder of dark magic. Commands Undead Warriors and Romans, but not both at the same time. He will use his sword to attack and defend. Once enough damage is done he will shield himself in a purple cloud, which repels you, and then teleport to another location on the rooftop. He will then use a magical attack on you. Electra may distract him, but you have to do the damage. Use Power attacks or shield bash, then attack. Rage attacks may also work. Priestess Acts as a conduit for Sejanus. The Priestess is protected by a force field (the cloud). Stay on the middle ground, and around the central flames. This keeps you out of the range of the Infernuses. The Priestess will swoop at you, and repels you if you are nearby. She will use an attack that fires three balls of light which are flammable. You can block or evade these. When she uses this attack, you can shoot her, or use melee if she is close, as her shield disappears. Shooting her with the cloud back rebounds a fireball at you. The other way to do damage is to shoot the Infernuses, and try to explode them when the Priestess is nearby. The first Priestess is by herself. The second and third Priestesses have both split into two forms, while the fourth and final Priestess is split into three. The multiple forms are harder to keep track of, but are weaker when split. The best method is to shoot them, as it is easier to keep track of them. Undead Sejanus He won't stay put. Concentrates on magic more than weaponry now. Sejanus uses magic attacks, and will also raise Undead Warriors. Keep damaging him as you did before. Be careful on the bridge of Undead, as you can be pushed off. Dodge the flame attacks, kill the Undead and then hurt Sejanus. Follow him as he teleports. Continue these steps to kill him. Minotaur Rampaging bull, killing both Romans and you (if you're not careful). Romans come out of the doors at intervals, either as many Soldiers, or as a few heavier infantry types. The Minotaur can grab and throw you if you are nearby, and will run you down. He can be hurt with Power attacks, for example from behind, or by blowing up the bombs in the crates around the place. You can light the fuse as he starts charging from far away, or you can target the explosives with arrows and blow them up as the Minotaur gets near them (recommended). Final Boss (Protected to prevent spoiling plot) He is immune to Rage attacks. He defends with his shield, and prances around with big melee attacks. He will also pick you up and throw you. His Power abilities is creating two duplicates of him. These duplicates attack like him, but die as soon as you wound them. They can also be hit with Rage attacks. When he throws Power pickups, they will resurrect random soldiers who will attack you. Somehow, Spartan Sappers are in the Arena. The last Power attack is a line of fire that follows you around, and explodes when it reaches you. Simply jump over it, and head for the boss. You can attack him here to break his concentration. You just have to shield bash him, then attack while his defences are open. Use the radial Power attack of the Medusa Shield to freeze the enemies when they are nearby, and use Power attacks on the boss. He takes a while, but he is the final boss. ________________________________________________________________________________ iii) Armoury ________________________________________________________________________________ Sword A simple blade. Bow A simple ranged weapon. Blades of Athena This weapon is fast, but does less damage then your sword and shield. You can electrocute one or many enemies with Power of the Gods. A radial Rage attack hits multiple enemies in a circle around you, so is quite effective. Spartan Ballista Fires explosive bolts that do an area of effect attack. Limited ammunition. Roman Ballista Fires single bolts. Self reloading. Medusa Shield You can use Powered attacks to turn single or multiple opponents to stone. Bow of Power Kills a single enemy outright, or fires an explosive bolt injuring several enemies with a radial attack when Power of the Gods is used in conjunction with the bow. Death Biter This is slow, but quite powerful. Radial shield bash, then perform a radial attack on enemies is the most effective method. A single Powered attack sends an enemy flying up into the air, where the fall kills him, while a Powered radial attack sends everyone in a circle flying. The best part about this weapon, is that often a single radial attack completely fills the Rage bar, allowing mass slaughter. Hero Armour Allows training for Legendary status. Spear of Achilles This weapon has a long reach and a good speed. A single Rage attack impales one enemy, while a radial Rage cuts a swath through multiple enemies. Powered single attacks explode enemies, while Powered radial attack will cause you to burn enemies with every attack for a short while after activation. Lightening Gun Used to kill Ladon, the dragon steed of Sejanus. A self charging weapon, it will blow up when you could really use the help trying to defeat Sejanus. Legendary Armour Signifies that you are a Master of War. ________________________________________________________________________________ iv) Tactics ________________________________________________________________________________ You can shield [L] which ever weapon selection you have. You just hold the weapon across your body. YOu are still vulnerable to enemies from behind however. Use Shield Bash ([L] + [B]) to knock enemies back, and prevent them from shielding. You can then attack them with [B] or [A] while they recover. At times, enemies might fall to the ground. Use Fatality ([X] over body) to kill them before they get back up. Use Rage attacks as soon as you can ([L] + [B] or [A]). They do enormous amounts of damage. Use radial attacks when surrounded, unless an Assassin or Carnifex is nearby, in which case attack them. However, Rage attacks may not work on bosses (most noticeably the last boss) if they are defending themselves. A handy method for getting past a shield is to jump and then attack while in the air ([Y] + [A]). This can strike through an enemy's defenses and sometimes destroy the shield. Change weapons by standing still (making no attack or movement) and then press left or right on the d-pad. The order (by pressing the [Right] button) is Medusa Shield and Sword, Spear of Achilles, Death biter, Blades of Athena. The Roll maneuver. While rolling, you cannot be hurt, so roll, use radial or single attacks, then roll again. Thanks to Jesse W for this. It does make the hardest difficulty easier to get through. ________________________________________________________________________________ v) Walkthrough ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 1, Chapter 1: The Storm Breaks ________________________________________________________________________________ When you gain control of the Spartan, head east to the walls. Each tower will roll in, with the north most tower reaching the walls first. The small soldiers are easily killed, while the Centurions (soldiers with large shields and funny headdresses) should be bashed with your shield, then attacked with your sword. An alternative strategy is to run up to where the Spartan Archers are standing, grab fire arrows, and shoot [WHITE] then [A] or [B]. Once all three Centurions are dead, a cut scene will show a Sapper coming out of a building. You must walk in front of the Sapper, keeping enemies off him. If the Sapper starts running around screaming on fire, then get out of the area, as he is about to explode. Sappers respawn from the building. The order of towers that the bombs are placed at is: Middle, Left, Right. After each bomb is placed, you must light the bomb (then run) before the next Sapper spawns. After all the towers are destroyed, follow Castor and Pollux. At the first set of stairs to the South that you follow them up, head to the left side at ground level to find a chest with [Archimedes’s Diary]. When you get to the gates, you are automatically locked in. Head South in this area. Kill any Romans in your way, but make sure that there are some alive. Run up the big stairs at the South-west corner, then head west at the end of the landing. The chest has fire arrows, use to kill any Romans that followed you. On the level with the two Health Shrines you will find a chest containing [Arena Bonus Item]. To the North-east, on the wall is a chest containing a secret as well, [Archimede's Diary]. Run back to the main area, and kill all the Romans. Once they are all dead, you get two objectives: Protect King Leonidas and Protect the Gates. Run to the large portcullis that Pollux broke the lock off, and release any Spartans behind it. As a Spartan dies, another will appear behind the grill, but only release them if they are in numbers (i.e.: 6+). Standby the gates and use radial attacks to clear enemies from them. If the King is under heavy attack, it is likely that his guards are dead, so release some more, and help them out. The gate receives the most amount of attackers, so you should be at hand there. After a period of time lapses (Approx 3 minutes), then you automatically move through to the next area. Follow the main group to the next area. Don’t go to where the game wants you to go though. By a circuitous route get to the South side of the walls. At a stairwell from a building you should see a chest, which contains [Archimedes’s Diary]. Then run to the Red Arrow. You must now protect the Cauldron, which means fighting off any enemies attacking the mechanism, protect the gates, by stepping in the golden circle and pressing [X], dropping oil on the attackers, and firing the catapults, by stepping in the golden circle and pressing [X]. The order it goes is: Protect cauldron, then when the command is given, activate the cauldron. You must now protect the cauldron, then activate the catapult when the command is given. Catapults are activated from North to South. Do this three times to complete the level. You get six tokens. Secrets 4/4. Concept Art 1,2,3. Fire Arrows I ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 1, Chapter 2: A Spartan Welcome ________________________________________________________________________________ Put four tokens into health, and the rest into damage, then go to continue to start the level. Open every chest on this level. Some secrets are [Fire Arrows] and maybe even [Arrows]. When you gain control of the Spartan, follow Castor. He will make a zigzag course up to the trenches. Providing you keep running, none of the arrows should hit you. Jump into the trenches before fighting the soldiers. To get through this area, you must run into the trench to the east and open the chest there. Use the fire arrows on the explosive barrels near Castor, then fight the soldiers through the gap. Break the chest against the east wall, then light the bomb. In this area is a gong. An Alarm-ringer will run to the gong and hit it, which spawns reinforcement Romans from the red tents. Killing the Alarm-ringer will buy you time to kill the other Romans. An Alarm-ringer will only spawn if there are other Romans alive in the vicinity, so killing the others is a priority. Grab the fire arrows from the chest in front of you, and target the explosive barrels to blow the Archers up. Kill the Archers on the ground at the far end, and any other Romans. The Alarm-ringer will have a red triangle above him, so kill him to prevent reinforcements. The other crates in this area contain [Arrows]. Near where Castor stands is a Water Tower. Go up the few steps, then climb the ladder and press [X] inside the gold circle to contaminate the water. Go back down to Castor and open the gate once he breaks the lock. In the next area are a lot of heavily armoured soldiers. Run up and attack them, as you will want to get the chest behind them, which contains [Archimedes’s Diary]. To defeat them, back into a corner and defend. Use a radial shield attack when they surround you, then a radial attack once they fall back, and then retreat to the corner. Do this until they all die. Across the bridge in the trench that Castor wanted you to follow him in is some [Arrows] and an [Arena Bonus Item] in the chests. Run over the bridge to get an [Arena Bonus Item] from the South-east corner. Behind the jail are three chests. The outer chests have arrows; both fire and normal, while the middle explodes after five seconds of kicking it. The North-west corner has another Water Tower. The North-east corner has a Siege Weapon that can be destroyed by a bomb found in a nearby crate. Then go meet Castor and open the gate. Follow him up the ladder, then break open the crates and light the fuse. Jump down then run over the ramp and into the Maintenance trenches. Follow Castor and kill all who cross your path. Then blow up the Siege Weapon and run back into the trenches, heading South-east until you find a chest with [Archimedes’s Diary]. Then open the gate. In this area, defend, while running forward to the Ballista to the West. Jump on here and shoot the enemies. The ammo recharges, while reinforcements keep running out of a red tent. You can also zoom in and out by pressing up or down with the thumb stick. After a while they stop, and you can open a gate. Follow Castor up the ladder and get [Archimedes’s Diary] from the chest. Run up to Castor, then climb down the ladder, jump down from the box, and then run over the ramp. When you see the troop march to your side, grab the [Fire Arrows] from the crate, and shoot the explosive barrel. There is a gong to the west of the prison, where I suggest standing and fighting of all who come up to you. Once they are all dead, open the gate, and you gain the [Blades of Athena], and one Power of the Gods meter. This weapon is fast, but does less damage then your sword and shield. You can electrocute one or many enemies with Power of the Gods. A radial Rage attack hits multiple enemies in a circle around you, so is quite effective. Kill all the enemies, and follow your allies to defeat the Romans attacking the prisoners. Castor will open a gate, and you can now run through. Run over the ramp, kill the Romans, run over the bridge, kill the Romans, then run over the next bridge. Kill the enemies, then climb the ladder and contaminate the Water Tower by the next bridge. Then meet up with your allies and kill the next group of Romans. Follow your group and kill all until you get to the exit of the camp. Retrace your steps until the second to last group that you killed. There should be a Siege Weapon nearby to destroy. Make sure you open every chest. Then open the gate. Run to the Ballista on the camp side of the bridge to the west. Aim for the gate, and shoot at clusters of soldiers. If one or two make it out, don’t worry, your allies can take care of them. When all the bolts are used up, run across the bridge, and jump in either of the Ballista there. Aim for the middle of the bridge, the Ballista hurts your allies as well. If too many slip through, run to the prisoners and defend them. If you hold out for the allotted time, it is mission over. Just don’t get stuck on the wrong side of the bridge. You get six tokens. Secrets 11/11. Concept Art 4,5,6. Explosive Keg I, Arrow Pickup II. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 1, Chapter 3: The Last Stand ________________________________________________________________________________ I put three tokens into Health, and three into Damage, for a total of 7 Health and Five Damage. When you get control, follow the trenches till you get to the front lines to the North. Then follow the trench West to the far end. Now kill all who come at you, and follow the stairs until you get to the first Ballista. Kill the guards, then blow up the bomb inside the nearby crates. The gates will open, so go through. Follow the track to the next Ballista, and blow it up. Jump through the resulting gap, heading South. The Optional Objective relating to the Arms Dump is here. Destroy the boxes, light the fuse and run. Follow the stairs down. Off the edge is a chest containing [Arena Bonus Item]. Now head East to Leonidas, and fight off the Romans. To the West side of this battlefield is a Health Shrine. Jumping on to the ledge here and then jumping North around the wall results in finding a chest containing [Archimedes’s Diary]. Go back to the battle. The coloured green light will emanate in a circle. You have maybe ten seconds to get out of radius, or you turn to stone. You can destroy the statues to get pickups. After a while, you will have to kill all of the Centurions (6). Do this, then head to the gates. To the right of the gates is a chest containing [Archimede's Diary] in a nook in the wall. Watch the cutscene. Heading left will cue the next part, so head straight (North). There will be a chest with [Arrows]. Directly behind this chest is a couple of blocks that can be jumped onto (the NE corner of this section). Once up on this next ledge, you will find a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. Thanks to J. C. Crosby for help finding this Secret. Jump into the first courtyard, then fight your way to the tower. The bomb is in the nearby crates. Light it, and the tower will burn down. Follow the rush into the next courtyard, and run up the ramp and jump onto the next tower. The bomb is in the crates. After this tower collapses, run over the rubble into the next courtyard. Head up the stairs to the West, then head towards the tower. You will have to run and jump onto the pedestals to reach the next tower. Light the fuse, then jump down ONTO THE LEVEL WITH THE PEDASTALS. Here is a chest containing [Arena Bonus Item]. You must now kill all the Romans. Follow Castor up the stairs to the West and head left. Open the gate, and kill all who oppose you. Climb the ladder, and kill these Romans (5 Centurions and 4 Archers). Across the bridge is a lever opening the gates. To get back down you head East, down the roof and the ledges. Then run into the temple. Here is the Shrines and two chests with [Arrows]. Romans will jump down off the ledges. After a while the reinforcements run out, and the Archers jump down. They can also be shot. Then bombs are placed, and you must fight your first boss. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Crassus A technique is to shield bash, then attack while his defences are open. Make sure you have no Romans behind you, as they can be annoying. Use the Power of the Gods single attack from the Blades of Athena to do damage as well. Crassus does melee attacks, single turn-to-stone attacks (don’t worry, it wears off), and the area of effect stone attack (worry, this one is permanent). Crassus runs off after he has sustained enough damage, and will use stone attacks. There are four Health Shrines on the ledge with the Medusa, and four Power Shrines on the corners of the steps. Follow these steps, and Crassus dies easily. You gain the Medusa Shield. You can now use Powered attacks to turn single or multiple opponents to stone (very handy, do not underestimate its worth). Mission over. You get six tokens. Secrets 6/6. Health Shrine I, Arrow Pickup II, Concept Art 7, 8, 9. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 2, Chapter 1: The Badlands ________________________________________________________________________________ Put 3 tokens into Health and Damage, for a full Health bar (10) and 8 Damage. When you get control, run into knots of barbarians. They may defend, so shield bash and attack. Defend or evade the overhead attacks of the Hunters. Once all are dead, head across the bridge. The first brazier is in front of you. Head around the camp and knock over all the braziers. The line of fire will move to the next brazier that you should tip. Once all tents are burning, kill the remaining barbarians and the gate will burn through. Along the South side of the village is an [Arena Bonus Item], and another [Arena Bonus Item] behind the next tent to the East. Run through the gateway. Barbarians run out of the cave, so head quickly along the path. Once up the ramp, break the box, and light the fuse. Now fight your way to the now open gate, and kill the barbarians. The chest contains [Archimedes’s Diary]. Kick over the brazier, then run through the gate, and blow up the second cave with the bomb in the crate. Now head along the new path, and cross the bridge to blow up the final cave. By the ramp is an [Arena Bonus Item]. Grab fire arrows from a chest and run to your allies’ position. Bringing out the bow should target an explosive barrel, which when fired will provide a bridge. Head across and kill all in your path. Then head down the path to the north. Head East to the chasm, and hit the lever to lower the bridge. Run to the other bridge shown to get fire arrows and [Archimedes’s Diary]. Now head up the ramp that twines around the central spire and run to the back of the tent. Break the boxes and light the oil to burn the tents. Kill the barbarians, then head through the gates. The first oil to light is behind the NW most tent in a crate. The second is NE tent. Third is SE tent. Fourth is West of the third, and fifth is the remaining tent. Clear the camp and head through the gates. Jump the chasm to the North by Castor. Head down the ‘steps’ and find the Gigantes. Roll around it while it charges, and attack its back. If it picks you up it will throw you, or it can knock you back with a punch. If both arms are raised, attack it, unless you are on low health, as you will be flung backwards when the arms are brought down. Kill it, the hit the lever to the SW to lower the elevator. Kill the barbarians then head up the steps and across the bridge. Follow the path until you get to the area with three chests. They contain the key, [Archimedes’s Diary], and an explosive (east most chest. Head back across the bridge and down the path to the south. Insert the key, then pull the lever. Kill the remaining barbarians to complete the level. You can now use the Bow of Power, which kills a single enemy outright, or fires an explosive bolt injuring several enemies with a radial attack when Power of the Gods is used in conjunction with the bow. You can now use the Barbarian arena. You get six tokens. Secrets 6/6. Concept Art 10, 11, 12. Spartan Archers, Kickable Brazier I, Arrow Targetable Explosive I. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 2, Chapter 2: The Wild Bunch ________________________________________________________________________________ Fill your Damage bar, and put remaining into Power. This mission is hard. Firstly, get the secrets. There is [Archimedes’s Diary] in a chest to the NE. The NW corner has an [Arena Bonus Item]. Talking to the villagers is a little pointless, but can be done. Other chests littered around the village contain [Fire Arrows]. Head to the gate, and venture outside. Fight off the Berserkers, and head back to the village. Now it gets difficult. The gate was not worth the effort of closing it, and there are two gaps in the walls. If one silo is destroyed, it is mission over. Use radial attacks at the gate until you hear that a silo is being attacked. Head over there, and kill. Run between silos. When the rush gets heavy, ring the bell at one silo, and defend the other. After a set period of time, two Gigantes jump down. Now use [Fire Arrows] to burn them, and attack them as they run around. When both are dead, kill the remaining barbarians, and the others that bust through the fence to the East. Then heal fully, and head out to the East. Follow Electra as she heads up the hill, hiding where she does. Defend as well, as this blocks shots. When at the top, run to the red arrow. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Beowulf Defend constantly. When he swings at you, roll out of the way, then shield bash an opening and attack him. Blades of Athena work best as they are fast. Electrocute him as well. After a while, Berserkers jump into the fight. Radial bash everyone, then kill the Berserker if you need Health and Power. When Beowulf is holding the fire, shoot him to make him drop it. More Berserkers appear as Beowulf loses health, but follow the method above. When Beowulf is dead, you get the weapon [Death Biter]. This is slow, but quite powerful. Radial shield bash, then perform a radial attack on enemies is the most effective method. A single Powered attack sends an enemy flying up into the air, where the fall kills him, while a Powered radial attack sends everyone in a circle flying. The best part about this weapon, is that often a single radial attack completely fills the Rage bar, allowing mass slaughter. A single Rage attack buries the hammer in the body of the enemy, then flings him away. I believe this is the best animation of the game. When you gain control, head to the SE most chest to get an [Arena Bonus Item]. Other chests have [Fire Arrows]. Then kill the barbarians to complete the mission. You get six tokens. Secrets 3/3. Concept Art 13. Allied Gigantes, Kickable Brazier II. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 2, Chapter 3: The Ruin of Heroes ________________________________________________________________________________ Put the remaining tokens into Power, and you upgrade to Hero status, giving you cool armour and a helmet (which is usually absent in cut scenes). Right behind your starting position is a chest with [Archimedes’s Diary]. Head East and jump the chasm. As the doors open, stand in the doorway to prevent being surrounded, then radial attack the enemies. This is a good place to use the Hammer. In fact, I used it most of the way throughout this level. Head through the doorway, then go North. Past the Health Shrine is a chest with [Arena Bonus Item]. Head further North, then attack the large group of Romans. After they are dead, find the crates to the West, and light the bomb in one of them. Jump on the conveniently placed blocks, then head along the bridge. The NE most corner of the West side has a page of [Archimede's Diary]. Head up the ramp and through the door. Defeat the enemies. The chest by the door has respawning [Arrows]. Head to one of the levers. When pulled, a lever will drop a shield, which should then be shot with your Bow. More enemies appear. Repeat this on all three points, and then you end up outside the door. Head quickly over the bridge, and shield bash the enemies. There are bows, so be careful. Once everyone is dead, run up the stairs, pull the lever and go through the door. The North most chest where you stand has [Fire Arrows]. The Undead will 'die', but must have Fatality performed on them ([X] over body), otherwise they rise up again. They do burn when set on fire, and disappear when hit by fire. Move through the corridor, pulling each lever as you reach it. Once all four are pulled, the door opens. You do not have to kill the Undead. You can simply bash them out of the way, and since they are slow, evade them. When through the door, it will shut. To either side of the ledge you are standing on are shrines. FULLY HEAL. The next part has Archers where you have to get to, and lots of Romans on the circuitous route you must take. Defend while moving. You can bash Romans out of the way to reach the Romans (advised, see why later). Head East, then North to meet the first group. Head East again then South to go up the ramp and onto the ledge with archers. Head North here to find crates that contain explosives. When the explosive blows up, the weight smashes open the Trojan Horse, and will release Skeletons. These are fast, so use the Twin Blades. They do not get up when killed, so there is no need to perform Fatality moves. They will attack both you and Romans, so will be a distraction. Kill everything in this room, and head North along the East wall to head up a ramp. Once you receive CHECKPOINT REACHED, head East to find three groups of Romans. The only difficult part is the Assassins. These prance around, dodging your attacks, and can take a bit of punishment. The best tactic is shield bashing then attacking, or Powered single attacks. Do not shield bash them into a wall, or they will spring back into you. Grab the [Fire Arrows] once everything has stopped moving, then head West. Across the chasm should be an explosive keg, visible when standing on the ramp. Shooting it will give you a bridge to the other side, where you can find an [Arena Bonus Item]. Head up the next ramp and pull the lever. Go through the automatically closing door. The rock structures can be targeted, so demolish each to destroy the Undead guardians. Once all three Obelisks are destroyed (you might have to knock down the Undead first), the gates will collapse. Go through to find yourself by the bridge where you met Sejanus. Grab the page from [Archimede's Diary], and cross the bridge. Defeat the enemies in the room with the six Sarcophagus, and get the [Arena Bonus Item] in the SE corner. Then head through the doorway where Sejanus was standing. Fully heal, and prepare for the Boss fight. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Nemesis This is a construct identical to you in every way except weaponry: he has the [Spear of Achilles]. You should run around and grab the pickups when they appear, trying to beat him. HE will also use a Powered attack on you, which can be prevented by blocking (drains one Power bar). If he lights up on fire, run. Simplest way is to use Powered attacks on him, and get the pickups before he does. You can also shield bash like every previous boss. Once he is dead, you complete the mission and get the [Spear of Achilles]. This weapon has a long reach and a good speed. A single Rage attack impales one enemy, while a radial Rage cuts a swath through multiple enemies. Powered single attacks explode enemies, while Powered radial attack will cause you to burn enemies with every attack for a short while after activation. You get five Tokens. Secrets 6/6. Concept Art 14, 15, 16. Allied Swordsmen, Power Shrine I, Arrow Pickup III. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 2, Chapter 4: The Ghosts of Troy ________________________________________________________________________________ Put three tokens into Health and two into Damage. Exit the room that you start in, and you'll be out in the room with the Sarcophagus. Run to each bomb and light the fuse. Kill the remaining Skeletons, and the other door can be blown open with another bomb. The chest to the left side of this corridor contains a page of [Archimede's Diary]. Head into the room. There are several Obelisks that need destroying. Grab [Fire Arrows] from any of the chests and shoot the exploding barrels on the ledge with the Archers. To slow others down, break the jars and light the oil. In a chest along the walls is a key, which allows access through a door to the NE. On the way to the door look to the right of the first ramp for a chest with an [Arena Bonus Item]. In the new room, along the top ledge that stretches around the edges are Archers with nearby explosives. Grab [Fire Arrows] from the chest behind you, and target the barrels. Head towards the Health Shrine visible below Sejanus. Nearby is respawning [Arrows] and [Fire Arrows]. Shoot the barrels to your left to set off a chain reaction. Head to this area, wiping out the Archers and Warriors as you go. Where the edge is shortest, jump. Head up the ramp to unlock the door. Jump towards Castor. To the right of the door is a chest that can be jumped to by a roundabout method, which contains [Arena Bonus Item]. Open the door to get to the next area. Defend the Spartans from the Skeleton Warriors, then head up the ramp to the right of where the Skeletons were pouring over. The stone chest has an [Invisibility Potion], while there is a page of [Archimede's Diary] in the wooden chest. Grab the potion and follow the men up the ramp. Kill the enemies here, and pass through the door. Here you have to shoot each of the uncovered targets, then fight the Skeletons that pour across the bridge, then pull the lever in the room across the bridge. This unlocks new targets. Repeat until no targets remain (6 targets), then kill the Skeletons that come across the last bridge. There is respawning arrows in a chest by the second set of targets. Once they die, kill the Archers, unless they have already died, and go through the door. Follow your allies through the L-shaped room, and pull the lever. Go right through the door and jump to the chest to find [Archimede's Diary]. Then follow your allies around the room. You should notice that your on the ledge where the explosive barrels were. Go through this door. Here you can let your allies attack and thin down the ranks, as the Undead and Romans will also attack each other. Once everything is dead, you will be in a new room. Kill the six Carnifexes and six Assassins (very difficult, distract them and let your allies gang up on one if its too hard), then move on to the next area. Defeat each rank of Undead to allow Castor to break the lock at the far end. Use fire (Powered Spear or [Fire Arrows]) to make the battle quicker. When Sejanus shoots fireballs at you, evade or defend. If on fire, roll ([L] + [Y]). The fireballs also burn Undead. Once the gate is over, it is mission complete. You get five tokens. Secrets 5/5. Concept Art 17, 18, 19. Fire Arrows III, Arrow Targetable Explosives II. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 2, Chapter 5: The Sentinel ________________________________________________________________________________ Put the tokens all into Health ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Hydra There is you, all by yourself. Stand in between the pillars, and notice a head pulling back. Soon it will strike at you, so run out of the way. When it comes in, use a Powered single attack to blow its head up. Run to the chest and get the [Fire Arrows] (Save the [Fire Arrows] in between the pillars). Shoot the head to cause some damage and spawn more heads. Get more Power by attacking the head as it is over the ledge. After about a third of the total health is lost, a large head will appear. This head breathes fire at you, so hide behind a pillar, and roll if you catch on fire. With the large head in the open, the smaller heads will strike simultaneously, so you can now use the [Fire Arrows] between pillars. When a little health is left, the other heads disappear, leaving the large head. It will breathe fire and attack like the other heads. When attacked it drops Power and Health pickups. Use a Powered attack and then fire its neck to complete the mission. You get five tokens. Secrets 0/0, Trojan Relics Arena ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 2, Chapter 6: Resistance ________________________________________________________________________________ Put two tokens into Health to fill the bar, put three into Damage, for a total of five. This mission is set in the city of Athens. Being a city, it is hard to describe the whereabouts of items, so I've included them all in the first free time that you have for exploration, and put them in the most concise form possible. You must now defend Archimedes. He has limited Health, which you will want to preserve. The first Assassin is up a series of ramps, the first located at the NE of the Civic Square. He is an Archer guarded by two Heavy Legionaries. Kill them and head to the South side of the Square to find another ramp. Follow it, heading up. Kill the group, then head to ground level and defeat the Assassin. Head along the ledge that curves along the West and North walls, then go up the ladder mid way along the North wall to get the next group. The next is two Assassins on ground level. The next is a group up a ladder at the NW corner. The next is a lone Archer accessed by jumping towards the chest visible from the location of the second group of assassins. The last is on the level where the first group was located. Head down the NE most passage to find an [Arena Bonus Item]. Follow the path along, and there will be a page of [Archimede's Diary]. Go through the next large set of gates. To the North is a ramp that has a Power Shrine and a ladder. Up the ladder are shrines and [Archimede's Diary]. The opposite ledge has a Poster to deface, and [Archimede's Diary] above it. Below and South is a Roman Dwelling to burn by smashing the pots and burning the oil. Head South then West at the crossroads (away from the double shrines on the road) to find another Roman Dwelling and a Poster in the far corner. Opposite the Dwelling is another Poster on the ledge. Head further South, and then East by the Power Shrine in the corner. There is another Roman Dwelling on ground level, and a Poster and Roman Dwelling on the dark ledge. Opposite them is a ladder in the sun that has [Arena Bonus Item] at the top. Head SE to find the Second Square. Head through the North corridor. The East corridor leads back to the Civic Square. At the first crossroads, head West to find [Arena Bonus Item] past the gates and a Roman Dwelling (last) to burn. Visible further West should be the double shrines on the ground. Then head East of the Dwelling and North once past the gates to find the Bacchus Inn up a stairwell. Head up the next set of stairs to find the last Poster. Then talk to the Innkeeper to find more Spartans. Just follow the Spartans, they know where they are going. Don't take shortcuts, there aren't any. If replacement Spartans are needed, they are supposedly at the Bacchus Inn (never needed them, so wouldn't know). Once all groups are dead, you should find yourself at the Second Square. Head East to get to the Civic Square, and meet up with Koinos on the ledge. Now you must hunt down the spies. It starts off with one, who you should catch up with in the Second Square. The second spy originates from there and has a bodyguard. The number of spies increases, and gets harder to track them down. Just knock the bodyguards away, as it can take too long to remove them (especially Assassins). Once the last spy dies, you have to kill all remaining Romans, which are any bodyguards and the Archers on the ledges. Once they are all dead, you must head back to Archimedes. This can be difficult. You must stay with him, and he is slow. The first group of Romans appears just off the Civic Square (what, did you think it was a simple escort task? Shame on you). Stick close to Archimedes, and shield bash enemies away. Once they are all dead, head around the corner to find three Romans. Escort Archimedes to the Second Square, where the next large bunch of attackers appears. Keep close to find the next bunch, which Archimedes runs past into the next lot of Romans. This can take a while with multiple Assassins and Carnifexes. Archimedes eventually reaches the safe house, which has been compromised (duh). Fight off the Romans, and wait while Archimedes gets directions. They turn out to be wrong, and you fight off another bunch of Romans. You head the right way, until Archimedes refuses to continue until he knows there is no Romans around the corner (hmmm, I wonder what's around the corner?). Kill them, then wait while the next squad moves past. Archimedes gets inside, but locks you out until you kill all the Romans. For the Archimedes Escort objective I would use the Spear, for its reach, speed and damage. Freeze enemies with the Powered radial Medusa Shield attack if you are being overwhelmed and then radial attack with the Hammer. Mission complete. You get five tokens. Secrets 16/16. Concept Art 20, 21, 22. Allied Hoplites, Fire Arrows II, Power Shrine II. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 3, Chapter 1: Revolution ________________________________________________________________________________ Put all tokens into damage to fill the bar. This is the city as seen at night. There is a similar area, but some parts are shut (Bacchus Inn) and others are opened (Temple District). I will again describe the Secrets from the Civic Square as was done above. Follow the brothers to the Civic Square. Once there, fight of all the Romans. Once they are all defeated, you can follow the brothers to the temple, or get Secrets (outlined below). First talk to the man to the SE of Civic Square to hear about Agrippa. From the Civic Square, the first secret is to the West of the brothers, on the rooftop. Use the nearby ramp to get [Fire Arrows]. Go to the next rooftop to the West and jump to the next part to find a Poster. There is a second Poster, [Arrows] and [Fire Arrows] on the large area rooftop to the East side of the Square. Head through the North West most exit of the Square, and follow the path until you come to Archimede's Hideout. Nearby should be an area now open that you previously could not get to. Go through here and find the first Roman Dwelling to burn. There should be a large building with a greenish glow around it. Go up the ramp along its side to find a Poster and [Archimede's Diary]. The ramp along the North wall has a Roman Dwelling, Poster and a Health Shrine. Back on ground level you should find another Roman Dwelling to the SE corner of the square. The next area to the East has red lights, and the next ramp has a Poster. Also, a Healer is here at times, fully healing you. Ares tells you that you have uncovered a Secret and the words Godlike appear. On ground level to the South of this ramp is a Dwelling. The Shrine is further South, and has Carnifexes on the ramps. Do not go near them. There is a [Rage Potion] pickup to the NW up some steps in this area. To the South is a Dwelling up the stairs, and Sejanus' Mansion further on. Head back to the brothers and get to the Shrine. Now you must rescue each Sister. They are being accosted by a Carnifex and several Soldiers. Once each Sister is freed, talk to her. Once all Sisters are freed, head to the Shrine and witness the cutscene. You may find balconies of Archers and squads of Romans moving around. Run into the Shrine and talk to the Contact. Now follow the marker to get the key. Head back to the brothers, and unlock the gate. In the area that you got the key is a citizen that asks you for help in finding his wife. You find his wife with a Praetorian at the area with the building lit up with green lights. A Carnifex says "Spartan! Get in here woman." Kill the Carnifex and the Soldiers, then head back to the man for a [Archimede's Diary]. Grab the [Invisibility Potion] and head to the Prison. Run up the steps and light each fuse in front of the cells. Then fight off the reinforcements until a Carnifex appears through the door. Kill the rest of the Romans. In the cell to the South is a chest with [Arena Bonus Item]. Then follow the Spartans out of the jail. You must now follow them to Archimede's house, where you will turn around and head back to the Shrine. On the way you will find three Carnifexes menacing a woman. Kill them to get an [Arena Bonus Item]. Kill the Romans, grab the key, and unlock and open the gate to Sejanus' Mansion. You must kill everything in one area to get to the next. Sejanus will open the gate to the next area and teleport away. When the purple cloud appears, run, as it sends fireballs spinning in every direction. There are Archers, and Sejanus will also use his spray of fireballs, which can be blocked. Once you defeat all the enemies, head up the stairs after the brothers, and you will have completed the mission. Thanks to J.C. Crosby and Jamie Price for help in the secrets I missed. You get five tokens. Secrets 16/17. Concept Art 23, 24, 25. Invisibility Potion, Health Shrine II. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 3, Chapter 2: The Eye of Apollo ________________________________________________________________________________ Put all five tokens into Power. This is a level where you continually head upwards through a tower until you battle Sejanus. Follow the brothers up the ramps, and defeat the soldiers that you come across. The chest contains [Fire Arrows]. head outside and defeat the Romans there. Along the West side is a chest with an explosive (NW most chest) and another with [Archimede's Diary] (SW most chest). Then head to the lever and pull it. This will open the first light post and shut the door that you came through to get to this area. Sejanus will appear. He will use fireballs on you. Once you kill the Romans, Castor will break the lock and you can open the door and go through. Defeat the Romans as you head up the ramp. At this height they will die as they hit the ground, so you can shield bash them off the ramp. Use the Health Shrine if you need to. The next outer area has three Assassins. Pull the lever, defeat the new Romans, evade the attacks of Sejanus (fireballs and the purple cloud), and pull the lever once Castor breaks the lock. Go through the door. Head up the ramps again and kill the Romans both inside and out. Expose the third crystal, and do the usual to get to the next area. You will be shown the Roman Infernus. When they use there flame attack, keep out of range or roll to put the flames out. Their attacks hurt there own soldiers as well. To kill them I advise using the jump attack ([Y] then [A] when in the air), using your bow, or hacking at them like usual. When enough damage is caused then they will run around on fire. When they pause then clear out of the area, as they will explode shortly. Defeat these and their support, then head through the door to get the next crystal exposed. The West side of the crystal tower has a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. Kill the Romans and head through the doorway, up the ramp, and you will be on the rooftop. You must now run to each corner and activate the towers. There will be Romans at each tower, and others running around. Try and conserve as much health as possible for the Boss battle ahead. Once all the towers are activated, the Lightening Gun is activated. At the middle point of the West side of the roof is a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Ladon This is the steed of Sejanus. Simply hop onto the Lightening Gun and fire ([A]) at the dragon whenever it pops up above the roof. Catapults? will also fire at you. Simply point and shoot the Gun at the fireballs and it will explode them. As the dragon loses health, the fireballs appear more rapidly and in greater numbers. You may also have Romans running at you. Fry them. Continue shooting at Ladon to kill him. You will now have to fight Sejanus. He will kill Pollux, and then resurrects him. Its up to you and Electra (really just you) to kill Sejanus while Castor holds off Pollux. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Sejanus He will use his sword to attack and defend. Once enough damage is done he will shield himself in a purple cloud, which repels you, and then teleport to another location on the rooftop. He will then use a magical attack on you. Electra may distract him, but you have to do the damage. Use Power attacks or shield bash, then attack. Rage attacks may also work. These methods should kill him. Mission complete. You get five tokens. Secrets 3/3. Concept Art 26, 27, 28. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 3, Chapter 3: The Gates of Saturn ________________________________________________________________________________ Put the five tokens into Power to get legendary status and some more armour. You will now be on a battle field with Ballistas and Catapults. Watch to the NW in the direction of the target until you see the nearby ground hit by a Catapult (approximately five seconds from start). Now run in as much of a straight line as is possible. Light the fuse at the target, then head into the building to get [Arena Bonus Item] from the chest. Now head back behind the rock. The next part is difficult. Shield continuously as this defends against bolts from the Ballistas. Run back to the start position, hiding behind the rocks when you can. Do not run if there is bolts being fired at your general direction. Once at the start position, head North to the building. You can kick the door in by pressing [X]. Kill the Roman, and fire the ballista at the targets. Once they are all destroyed, jump off, and head to the SW corner. There should be two fallen trees on fire shaped like a V. Run around to find a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. Then run to a ladder and climb up to Castor. Listen to the poorly scripted dialogue (looks like Castor didn't memorise the script). Firstly, head up the stairs, and jump onto the ledge dividing the two staircases. Kill the Archers here. This is difficult, as you have to get four Sappers to the fractured wall to the NW, amidst continuous Roman reinforcements. It does not help that the Sappers seem to have a death wish either. Beware the Infernuses, and try to guard the Sappers as best you can. Use the twin swords, as clearing an area with a rage attack can be helpful. Once all four bombs are placed, light one, then run. In the new area, you will have to kill the Carnifexes. After they are all dead (they will respawn for a period of time), then you will have to kill the remaining Romans. Having cleared two areas of the castle, a foolish soldier declares that you have taken the entire castle. Yeah right. Head up the stairs while defending and kill the Archers. You can knock them off the walls. Once everyone is killed, you move to the next area. This can be difficult. Undead Warriors continually respawn from the ground. After a while, the gate opens, and Roman Soldiers come out. Kill everything, and move to the next part. [Fire Arrows can be gathered from the tower. Hit the lever to knock a hole in the wall, and head up the stairs. Follow the ledge around the walls to find a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. Head back to the top of the stairs and jump the remains of the gate using the boulders. Head along the path. Evade or shield bash the enemies as they constantly respawn. Hit the lever at the end of the path (guarded by a Carnifex), and release your men into the courtyard. Kill all the enemies and then head up the other steps (the ones where the gate is now opened), and follow the path to the Priestess. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Priestess This is fairly simple. You are stripped of your Power, but are on full Health. The Priestess is protected by a forcefield (the cloud). Stay on the middle ground, and around the central flames. This keeps you out of the range of the Infernuses. The Priestess will swoop at you, and repels you if you are nearby. She will use an attack that fires three balls of light which are flammable. You can block or evade these. When she uses this attack, you can shoot her, or use melee if she is close, as her shield disappears. Shooting her with the cloud back rebounds a fireball at you. The other way to do damage is to shoot the Infernuses, and try to explode them when the Priestess is nearby. The first Priestess is by herself. The second and third Priestesses have both split into two forms, while the fourth and final Priestess is split into three. The multiple forms are harder to keep track of, but are weaker when split. The best method is to shoot them, as it is easier to keep track of them. Once you have killed the Priestess, grab the [Arrows] and heal if you need to, then jump into the centre pit, and press [X]. You will be transported back and have your Power returned. Now head back down the path to the next Priestess. Go through the now raised gate and kill the Infernuses. Climb the ladder and fight the next Priestess. She is split into two forms. Follow the above method to kill her (must kill both forms). Go through the double doors to get to the next area. Head South of the door to find a chest with [Arena Bonus Item]. Then head North to jump down the building. Open the gate with the lever to release your men into the courtyard. Kill the Carnifexes, and follow Castor up the stairs. Pull the lever to deploy the bridge, then open the gate with the lever once Castor has broken the lock. In here you will have to kill the Romans until an Infernus blows a hole in the gate when it explodes. Then fight the next Priestess. This is also split into two. Once done, head back down to ground level, then go up the other set of steps. Grab the [Arrows] and [Fire Arrows] from the chests. Head to kill the fourth Priestess, who is split in three. As you reach the portcullis, look to the left side. There will be a gap in the railing, leading to a ledge. Move around the ledge, cautiously edging past the Power and Health Shrines to find a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. Then you will fight Sejanus for the final time. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Undead Sejanus Sejanus uses magic attacks, and will also raise Undead Warriors. Keep damaging him as you did before. Be careful on the bridge of Undead, as you can be pushed off. Dodge the flame attacks, kill the Undead and then hurt Sejanus. Follow him as he teleports. Continue these steps to kill him. Mission complete. Secrets 5/5. Concept Art 29, 30, 31. Explosive Keg II, Arrow Targetable Explosive III. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 3, Chapter 4: Death and Circuses ________________________________________________________________________________ Jump over the rail, then head along the passage to the right. At the far end is a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. On your way back you will run into a squad of Romans. Head along the other passage, and you will see three Assassins. Keep going, and you will see poison gas coming out of a vent. Just before the Assassins reach you, the gas should stop, allowing you to run through. You can then bash the Assassins back into the gas as it starts up again to kill them. Head across the bridge and kill the Romans. You can knock them off the edge, but be careful, as they will also do the same to you. Grab the [Fire Arrows] from the chest, then run back across the bridge and blow up the barrel by the grate. Head through and you will be attacked by Archers. Shoot the Arrow Targetable Explosives to kill them all easily. There is an Archer on your side of the tunnel to kill if you need reloads and [Fire Arrows] in the chest. Then two Carnifexes will attack you. Interestingly, one of them is called Vicius in the cutscene. However on the stat bar, their names are different. Once you have killed them, head through the now open gate. You must now fight gladiators. Once you kill them all, grab the key, and unlock the gate. You should see a [Rage Potion]. There is a Health Shrine through a corridor to the SW, and a Power Shrine and a chest with an [Arena Bonus Item] to the NE. Grab the [Rage Potion], then kill the Romans that pour out of the walls. A Spartan Swordsman will open the gate for you afterwards. Follow the new path and head across the bridge. You will be attacked by more Romans. If the Swordsman is still alive he will compliment you. Head across the bridge, away from the poison. Kill everything, and get past the Ballista. Once everything is dead, the room with flames will be unlocked. Kill the Romans, then go through the room, and open the other gate. Shut off the poison. Now run and jump on the Ballista to kill as many Romans as you can. Once they are all dead, head back to where the poison was, and kill the Romans and gladiators. Continue along the passage, and kill the Romans and gladiators in the next room. Once they are all dead, a gladiator will kick his way through some boards. First go through the NE most passage to get [Arrows] and [Archimede's Diary] from the chests around the corner. Then jump through the opening. Hit all three of the levers to shut off the drink. Then Romans will come through the big doors. The chest at the bottom level by the ramp has [Arrows]. Head up the ramp and through the doors. Kill the Romans in this room. Then there will be others through the double doors fighting gladiators. Head up the stairs and kill the Archers, then open the door. Kill the Infernuses, then the other Romans should be a simple matter. Heal if you need to, then follow the corridor around. More Romans will come out of doors. Kill them, and an Infernus will appear. Kill him for a key, then unlock and open the gate at the corner of the corridor. Go through and heal. Blow up the floor with the bombs in the crates and jump down the impromptu staircase. Kill the Archers on the other side of the chasm. On the far side of the poison vents is a ladder, and a chest with [Arena Bonus Item]. Climb the ladder. Hit the lever to free the Spartans and the gladiators. Kill the Gigantes. The rest should be easy. Pull the levers with the other Spartan and follow them. Once through the third gate, you will face the Minotaur. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: Minotaur This is difficult. Romans come out of the doors at intervals, either as many Soldiers, or as a few heavier infantry types. The Minotaur can grab and throw you if you are nearby, and will run you down. He can be hurt with Power attacks, for example from behind, or by blowing up the bombs in the crates around the place. You can light the fuse as he starts charging from far away, or you can target the explosives with arrows and blow them up as the Minotaur gets near them (recommended). There is a chest with [Archimede's Diary] in the North most part of the cross shaped room. Kill the Minotaur. Mission complete. ________________________________________________________________________________ Jeremy Warren has this to say: On the minotaur boss fight, you can kill all the soldiers to power up, then use the radial power attack to turn him to stone, and use a single rage attack, this will kill him quick, if you keep powering up and dont get run down. Secrets 5/5. Concept Art 32, 33, 34. Vial of Rage, Health Shrine III, Gladiator Battle Arena ________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 3, Chapter 5: Gods of Battle ________________________________________________________________________________ You must get to Electra. She can die if you waste too much time, so head for her. To the West of you start point is a chest with [Archimede's Diary] behind the wall. When you get to Electra, kill the Romans. You must then run to Castor, who will die when time runs out. Ignore the Roman patrols. Go into the Coliseum, and up the stairs. Castor will then help you kill the Romans. head back downstairs, and head East. Kill all the Romans, and then open the gate when Castor has broken the lock. Grab the [Fire Arrows] from the chest, then head through the archway to the East. Blow up the barrel by the door, and pass through. The SE corner of the room through the door has a chest with [Archimede's Diary]. Head through the gate by pulling the lever. You will see the arena. Jump down and kill everything. You can light the explosives if you wish. Once the first group is dead, then you will have to fight off more Romans. Finally, Infernuses and Assassins will come through. After enough of these have been killed, an Infernus will set up in front of some gates. Kill this one to explode a hole that you can get through. Fight your way up the stairs once you raise the portcullis. Head to the gate, and then the kill every Roman. The reinforcements stop after a while. Once everybody is dead, the gate will be opened by civilians. Gladiators and Romans will start fighting. You must fight your way through them and get to the East side of the staircase on ground level to find [Arena Bonus Item] in a chest. Then head up the stairs. The East side has a block of crates. Smash through them to reveal a set of steps to get over the fence. Head to ground floor, and head North of the steps. There is a chest with [Archimede's Diary] near the inner wall. You have to ignite the explosive around the barrels to get yourself a ramp to the next floor. Head towards the Emperor. So now you are the son of a God. That explains your demi-god abilities. However, the final boss is tough. ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSS FIGHT: (Protected to prevent spoiling plot) He is immune to Rage attacks. He defends with his shield, and prances around with big melee attacks. He will also pick you up and throw you. His Power abilities is creating two duplicates of him. These duplicates attack like him, but die as soon as you wound them. They can also be hit with Rage attacks. When he throws Power pickups, they will resurrect random soldiers who will attack you. Somehow, Spartan Sappers are in the Arena. The last Power attack is a line of fire that follows you around, and explodes when it reaches you. Simply jump over it, and head for the boss. You can attack him here to break his concentration. You just have to shield bash him, then attack while his defences are open. Use the radial Power attack of the Medusa Shield to freeze the enemies when they are nearby, and use Power attacks on the boss. He takes a while, but he is the final boss. Kill him, and its mission complete. ________________________________________________________________________________ Jeremy Warren has this to say: I've found that using 3 Powered shots from your bow to take about a 1/3 of his health away works best. You can use rage attacks on him. Only the single rage attack, and you have to shield bash him and keep swinging till you have Rage, then use the attack when he is about to swing at you to do a decent amount of damage. Secrets 4/4. Concept Art 35, 36, 37. Power Shrine III. All Stars Arena ________________________________________________________________________________ vi) Arena Challenge Hints ________________________________________________________________________________ The easiest arena is the first. Yes you do have low stats, but so do the enemy. Simply stand in a corner (ie: between a wall and a shrine), and shield bash then radial attack the enemy. I got 560000 on my first attempt by doing this. The second level is difficult as the number of Gigantes increases, but shoot them with [Fire Arrows] first. Trojan Relics is difficult, but kill the Skeletons first, then kill the Undead. Praetorian Colosseum I have not completed, as the numbers of Assassins always overwhelm me. Gladiator battle is a simple version of the Barbarian Arena. Easy to complete. All-Star Arena uses the toughest creatures from each arena, and would finish with the final boss. I've not got to that point yet though. Tips: Do not use allies. While tempting, you do not get points for enemies they kill. And the Gigantes is annoying, as it can hurt you also while charging or self-destructing. Save the [Invisibility Potion] and [Vial of Rage] for later levels. They will be more useful then. Use [Invisibility Potion] to go after Archers, with the [Rage Potion] to attack strong enemies. When on low Health, leave one enemy alive, but shield bash them away. Heal at Shrines while they are knocked down. To get high scores, go to Trojan Relics. Kill the Skeletons, and then attack the Undead. Do not use Fatality. Instead, let them get back up. You will get points for doing multiple hits. You can do this multiple times to get the desired score. ________________________________________________________________________________ vii) Legal Waffle ________________________________________________________________________________ The following sites may use this walkthrough: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.neoseeker.com www.1up.com