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Legal Disclaimer 2. Introduction 3. FAQ History 4. Walkthrough 4A. Mission 1 - The Beginning 4B. Mission 2 - Spawn's Turf 4C. Mission 3 - The Evening News 4D. Mission 4 - A Very Old Enemy *BOSS* 4E. Mission 5 - Desk Job 4F. Mission 6 - Seas Of Blood 4G. Mission 7 - Power Behind The Throne 4H. Mission 8 - Unwelcome Attentions 4I. Mission 9 - Angel Attack 4J. Mission 10 - Mayhem *BOSS* 4K. Mission 11 - Cause And Effect 4L. Mission 12 - Falling Angels 4M. Mission 13 - The Living Forest 4N. Mission 14 - The Hellhole 4O. Mission 15 - Hell On Earth 4P. Mission 16 - Heaven's Soldier *BOSS* 4Q. Mission 17 - Descent Into Hell 4R. Mission 18 - Meeting With Malebolgia *BOSS* 4S. Mission 19 - Bat Out Of Hell 4T. Mission 20 - Rogue Angel Rescue 4U. Mission 21 - Citadel Of Heaven 4V. Mission 22 - Angel Station 4W. Mission 23 - The End Of The World? *BOSS* 5. Credits _____________________ ________________________/ \________________________ ( \_______ 1. Legal Disclaimer _______/ ) \ ======= \_____________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== O--------------------------------------------------------------------------O | Version: 2.0 | | Author: Chris Quigley (aka SayainPrince) | | E-Mail: GermanDragon[at]gmail[dot]com | O--------------------------------------------------------------------------O This file may be not be reproduced except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site without consent from me. Currently, the only sites with permission to host this FAQ are: www.GameFAQS.com (Where you'll always find the newest version) www.NeoSeeker.com www.IGN.com www.TheGenie.Net www.EvermoreForums.com www.GamerHelp.com Copyright (c)2004 Chris Quigley. All rights reserved. _____________________ ________________________/ \________________________ ( \_______ 2. Introduction _______/ ) \ ======= \_____________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== This guide contains spoilers, and is not meant to be used if you'd like to figure out things on your own. Also, as I write it, I am redoing the game, in Normal Mode. There may be small differences compared to Easy or Hard Mode. Also, I am NOT writing this guide to help you get comics. In fact, in several occasions, I will knowingly give a path leading away from comics, as this guide is made for a direct walkthrough of the game. It is also my first FAQ. It can be used for personal use. If you wish to use any part of it for public use, please e-mail me, I will likely say yes. My E-mail is: GermanDragon[at]gmail[dot]com. _____________________ ________________________/ \________________________ ( \_______ 3. FAQ Histroy _______/ ) \ ======= \_____________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== Current Version: 2.0 +--------------+==========================================================+ | Version 2.0 | So, here I am 6 months later, finally giving this FAQ | +==============+ the reformat that it's been screaming for. | | 7/15/04 | | +==============+ | | 101KB | | +==============+==========================================================+ +--------------+==========================================================+ | Version 1.0 | The final two missions are fniished, and that makes this | +==============+ guide complete! I also made another format for the FAQ, | | 1/24/04 | but it still kind of looks like crap. I'll fix it later. | +==============+ | | 101KB | | +==============+==========================================================+ +--------------+==========================================================+ | Version 0.9 | The first 21 missions are now complete. I guess I really | +==============+ should have just done the final two missions... | | 1/11/04 | even a FAQ Histroy section at that time. | +==============+ | | 88KB | | +==============+==========================================================+ +--------------+==========================================================+ | Version 0.7 | The FAQ Histroy section was added with this update. The | +==============+ Walkthrough was also built on, so that it covers up to | | 1/7/04 | mission 16. This was released only for feedback, and was | +==============+ not actually submitted to GameFAQs. | | 69KB | | +==============+==========================================================+ +--------------+==========================================================+ | Version 0.5 | This was the first released version of this FAQ. It had | +==============+ up to mission 9 in the walkthrough section. There wasn't | | 1/3/04 | even a FAQ Histroy section at that time. | +==============+ | | 41KB | | +==============+==========================================================+ _____________________ ________________________/ \________________________ ( \_______ 4. Walkthrough _______/ ) \ ======= \_____________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4A. Mission 1 - The Beginning |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "The city has been attacked by some unknown force that only Spawn can see - And now demons run rampant in Spawn's alley. Spawn sets out to clear the streets of demonic trash." A. The First Hell Field ======================= As you begin, you will be given instructions on some of the moves Spawn can do. You'll also notice several items that you can pick up right away. You may also want to bring your axe down on the garbage cans, or other obstacles, as they hold items as well. When your ready to move on, approach the glowing hell field, and get ready for your first battle. It's nothing big, just one Imp. Take him down, and the hell field will vanish. B. Using Your Hell Powers ========================= As you move up the alley way, you will be told how to use your Hell Powers. You can practice on a group of Imps that will emerge in front of you, or you could take them out any way you want. (I personally think its fast and easy to use chains.) C. Spawn's Jumping Skills ========================= The Imps you defeated will drop soul orbs. You'll want these later, so pick them up. You should also clear the alley of any other items before you leave. When you have all th items, you can walk to the area that the hell field faded from. Several double jumps will have you to the top, and into a new area. D. Spawn's Chains ================= You will be ambushed by a group of imps when you walk into the area you are entering. The game will tell you to use your chains, nd thats probably best, for this situation. Walk through the alley, killing Imps that appear - remember, they may come from behind you as well. There is also a surplus of things that can be destroyed. E. The First Guardian ===================== There will be a web-fence, with what seems to be a monster growing on it. Once a task has been fulfilled (In this area, it is defeating all the Imps) the guardian, will open its "mouth". You can now destroy it, and move forward. F. Shotgun Time! ================ Immediately after passing through wear the web was, you'll find the Sawed Off Shotgun. Now you'll be able to kick some ass! Use your chains to grapple over the wall, and get ready. In the next area, various Imps and Flying Imps will attack you. You'll notice that there are two hell fields in the area. Slaughtering the first wave of demons will result in the first field going down, letting you access a side-alley. Defeat the enemies in the side-alley, and back in the main alley, to have the second hell field fade. Now you can move forward again. G. The Claw Demon ================= This part doesn't exactly warrant its own section, but I'm breaking up this guide by tasks, and it seems the Claw Demon was a specific part of the tutorial in Mission 1... Anyway, You'll be told you can flip it, you should do so, and then either use Agony,chains, or the shotgun to take it out while he's on its back. Personally, I think chains work the fastest. After defeating it, the exit will form in front of you. Touch it, and get ready to move on! ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4B. Mission 2 - Spawn's Turf |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "A strong demonic presence lurks somewhere in the bowery. Spawn takes to the rooftops to track it down and show who the true master of this city is..." A. Greeted By Imps ================== As the level begins, you are on what appears to be a empty street. However, when you move forward, towards the end of the street, a wave of Imps will emerge, including some Flying Imps from the air. You shouldn't have much trouble with them though. Upon defeating them, a nearby hell field will disappear. B. Learning To Wall Jump ======================== The hell field that just faded, left a small area between to walls open. The game will then tell you how you can do a wall jump. You can use these walls, to get to your next destination, using this skill. Get between them, and jump of one wall onto the next, and continue this pattern until you reach the top. C. Over The Rooftops ==================== Once you reach the top, and you approach the edge of the building, the game will tell you how to glide. Jump over the ledge, and use this technique to make it to the building across from the one you are on. From the second building, to get to the building above you, you will have to make use of Spawn's grappling skills, with his chains. Do a double jump off the ledge, and at the height of your jump, grapple on and pull yourself up. You can now move to the opening between the fence on top of the third building, to enter a new area. D. The Parking Lot ================== You will find yourself in a parking lot. The first thing you should know about this area, is that while you are fighting, you can always destroy one of the cars or trucks. They often hold necroplasm orbs, health orbs, or valuable ammo. Move into the parking lot, and you will be greeted by a new type of enemy, the Fire Demon. You can take him out with any of your weapons, however, once again, I approve of the chains. They do quick easy damage, and if used right, can keep him from using his fire attacks. Once he appears to be dead, you may notice that he leaves an organ type limb on the ground. You must attack it quickly, or he will reform, and you'll have to take him down again. The best way to destroy this limb, is with Agony. Jump, and attack while in the air, to bring agony down on top of it. This will defeat the limb in one blow, and give you a technique point to boot. After you defeat the first Fire Demon, you will once again have to fight an array of Imps and Flying Imps, complete with another pair of Fire Demons. I suggest taking out the Imps and Flying Imps first, so you can fight the Fire Demons, which are probably more of a threat, without having to worry about other enemies. After you have cleared the area of demons, you can head to the Guardians on the side of the parking lot opposing that you entered on. Destroy it, and leave the lot. From here, do some more double jumps up the walls, and land on an upper platform on the building. You can leave this area from here. E. Hotel 696 ============ As you enter this area, you will have to glide to a building across from where you start. This building bears a sign with the words "Hotel 696" (Also, know that you can hit the letters to get items, and that hitting the middle one, flips the 9, so that the new number is "666"). Some more Imps and Flying Imps may form while you are on this building, so be ready. When you are done with them, and you have flipped the 9, you can move on. Move to the edge on the left hand side of the building, and look for a grapple sign. Double jump toward it, and glide forward, and when you are close enough, grapple to it. Get ready to take care of some more lesser demons (once again, Imps and Flying Imps.) When you take care of all of them, the large hell field will vanish. Glide over to the building that was previously blocked by it. More of the Imps and Flying Imps will attack. You are probably used to that by now though, heh... Grapple back to the building you came from, and take a look to the other side. You should see a building with an unmarked check-point obstacle on it. Take a double jump and glide to that building (you may have to pull yourself up from the side, once there.) You will once again be barraged by enemies, but you can handle them, ya? Ince done, the hell field next to the building you re on will fade away, opening the path to one last building for you to get. Glide to it, and wait, as a Whip Demon, a new type of monster, forms. All of your attacks work on it, but she has some nice attacks of her own. Watch out for her electric blasts, and her whips. And if she goes into a crystalis shield, back off, and wait to hit her when she re-emerges. Use some of your hell powers if you must, as there's no enemies beyond her in this mission, that you must save necroplasm for. Overall, she shouldn't give you to much to gripe about. When you finish her off, you are rewarded with the exit mark, and a pair of Semi-Auto Pistols. (I love them as weapons.) ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4C. Mission 3 - The Evening News |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "The abandoned newspaper factory has become the lair of many vicious demons - but something much worse is also hiding here..." A. The Storage Room =================== You'll start out the mission, in a storage room, of the newspaper company. There are numerous crates around the room,that can hold valuable items, but there is also a Berserker, a new type of demon for you to fight. The shotgun is effective, but not an efficient way to fight him. Your chains and pistols are useless against him. It's best to take him out with Agony. Try to keep your attacks in one long chain, so he cant counter with his blades. When the original Berserker is defeated, two more will take its place, so be ready. I like to try and separate one, and take them out one at a time, however, while using this strategy, make sure to watch your back while the second one is still alive. Upon defeating both of them, a guardian on the wall, that is covering a control panel will open. Kill it, and destroy the control panel, to unleash a cart on a cable, from the top of the room. You can double jump on top of this cart, and from there, double jump up, onto the platform, from which it fell. Once there, several Flying Imps will be unleashed Into the rooms. There aren't that many though, you should have them butchered in a short amount of time, causing another guardian to be opened. You can find it against the wall, covering a lever. You can activate this lever by hitting it repeatedly with Agony. This will cause a cart on a cable to slide outward, from on top of the large shelfs in the middle of the storage room. B. Over The Wall ================ You should double jump - and glide if necessary - onto the cart. From there, you'll be able to make it to the top of the shelfs in the middle of the room. There is a control panel waiting to be smashed on top of the shelfs, when you destroy it, you can jump down to the side of the room you haven't accessed yet. C. Second Half Of The Room ========================== There will be two Imps, and a Berserker to greet you, when you land. Take out the Imps first, as they are weak, then focus on the Berserker. As on the first side, there are crates with items placed around th room. Defeating the first wave of enemies releases another, simply use the same strategy, and dismiss these lesser demons as well. After these guys are finished, yet another, third wave will attack you. The third wave is the last wave though, once they are defeated, another guardian will open, revealing yet another control panel. Destroying this one, will cause the cart that leaves the storage room to begin moving. Double jump onto the metal ladder-lift, type thing that leans against the shelfs, and from there, double jump back onto the shelfs. Wait for the moving cart to come back to the shelfs, and then hitch a ride into the print room! D. The Print Room ================= When you enter the print room, you'll be on a platform above the main part of the room. Jump down, and begin clearing the place of Imps. When defeated they will be replaced with more Imps, and the second wave replaced with Imps and a Berserker. After that wave, the room will become filled with Flying Imps. Get out your chains, and bring them all to the ground! When your done, head to the corner of the room, where there is a large machine, next to a platform on the wall. Double Jump onto it, and from there, jump to the platform on the wall. Here, you will find the Madcap SMG Machine gun. Your new toy! You'll also find another guardian and a control panel. If you cleared out all the demons, you'll be able to access it. You can now access the lift, and go to the next area. E. Clearing The Garage ====================== When you exit the lift, you'll be in an area that looks like a garage, so that's what I'm calling it. It's full of Berserkers. Your new gun, the madcap, isn't effective on them, so you'll have to stick to the old methods of ass-kicking, heh. The Berserkers may get some back up of more Berserkers several times, but when its all over, you get a new surprise: Flying Imps. By defeating the Berserkers you unlock a guardian on one side of the room - it's on a platform up on the wall. By defeating the flying Imps, you unlock a guardian on the opposing side of the room, also on a platform. Grapple up, and destroy the control panels that each guardian had, and you will have finished the last task of this mission. The exit will appear back on the lower level. __________*BOSS*O=====================================O*BOSS*__________ (________________| 4D. Mission 4 - A Very Old Enemy |________________) *BOSS*O=====================================O*BOSS* Introduction ============ "Spawn's oldest enemy is back in town, more determined than ever to take his rival out. Spawn has other intentions..." O==========================================================================O | BOSS: VIOLATOR | O==========================================================================O | You'll start off on a raised platform, and you should notice, that they | | go all the way arounf the room, complete with grapples for your chains. | | You'll have to stay on these platforms, because any time you spend on the| | ground, will descrease your health. If you faill, you can use any of the | | grapples to pull yourself back up. | | | | Violator has several attacks. He can use an energy blast, however that | | shouldn't be too hard to dodge by simply moving or jumping - Make sure to| | do so, however, because if you touch it, not only will you take immediate| | damage, Spawn will also be set on fire! | | | | His more tricky attack, is smashing a platform, causing it to fall - | | slowlu making it harder to move around without fall. Take not however, | | that he can't break the platforms in any of the four corners of the room.| | Eventually, all of hte platforms will be restored, assuming you don't | | defeat the Violator by this time - which is probable. | | | | All of your weapons can hurt Violator, but it's obviously not a wise move| | to use your axe. You should use your guns (Madcaps work best, but any | | will do.) if you don't mind using your ammo. If you run out, or feel that| | you need to save it, switch to your chains instead. If you want to do | | even more quick damage, toss a necroplasm ball at him, or infect him with| | Demonic Fury. | | | | This really isn't a tough fight. You should bring him to his knees in a | | fairly short time, at which point, you'll see a short cutscene - This one| | is kind of funny - and then you'll have finished off the mission. | O==========================================================================O ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4E. Mission 5 - Desk Jon |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Having penetrated Jason Wynn's office, Spawn finds that it, too is overrun by Demons. But that wont stop him from finding the information he needs..." A. A Set Of Doors ================= When you begin the level, you'll notice two doors in front of you. One has a guardian on it, with the guardian ready to be killed, and the other a normal door. The one with the guardian leads to an optional room with some items and enemies, but in this guide, I am doing a straight walk through, so if you wish to take the optional room, continue with this guide after you use the door without a guardian on it. B. To The Lobby! ================ In the next room, you will be greeted by a group of Wynn Soldiers. If you get close to them, they may resort to physical attacks like kicking you. From a distance,they will use guns. They supposedly wear bullet proof armor, but in reality, you can kill them by any means you choose. After the Wynn Soldiers are defeated, you are greeted by a pathetic new enemy, the Possessed Soldiers. These guys don't even have legs, or weapons! They will crawl around in an attempt to punch at you. You can take them out real easily, with any weapon in your arsenal. You will be attacked by more Possessed Soldiers after the previous group of them is defeated. This wave comes with a Meat Puppet. More will appear as you fight. They aren't very strong however. They will attempt to spin into you, but a slashing combo from Agony will send them back to hell! Stay on the attack, and soon you'll open a guardian on the door to the next room. Go through the door, to find yourself in a large open area, that I've decided is probably the lobby. C. The Lobby ============ When you enter, the lobby is not empty, down on the ground floor, Imps are running around, ready to be slashed apart. As you fight them, a new type of enemy may bother you, the Robot Drones. Robot drones are weak, it's best to take them out with chains quick though, because if you give them enough Time, they do have one powerful attack beam. Also, defeating them using your chains will give you easy technique points. There may also be some Imps on the 2nd or 3rd floors of the lobby. If you don't see a short video sequence of a guardian opening, check up there for the Lesser Demons. After you see this sequence, you will again be attacked. More Imps and Robot drones, and some berserkers as well. When your done playing with your "friends" head back up to the third floor, and enter the door, that you've seen with the open guardian. D. Hallway-Type Office ====================== There is an office room here, that seems to serve as nothing but a fancy hallway to the next room. Well, anyway, when you enter, there is a Fire Demon on the other side, and defeating it, unleashes an Imp and three Berserkers after you. There is a bunch of furniture in the room for you to destroy if you need some power-ups. As you fight this group, more Imps will come after you. Still, nothing big. And defeating them, opens the guardian that guards the door to the next room. E. A Very Bloody Room ===================== When I entered the room, I thought "Dang...This place is bloody" and it is. Although, thats irrelevant, I thought it was a pretty cool way to classify this room, heh. Ok, back to the game... In this room, there are a few Possessed Soldiers, and a Meat Puppet flying around. As usual, as you defeat them, more will come in their place. If possible, try to kill the Meat Puppets first, as the Possessed Soldiers aren't nearly as dangerous. Defeating this group of demons, opens the guardian guarding the door to Wynn's office. You can now move forward to the last area in this level. F. Wynn's Office ================ When you enter, a small group of Wynn Soldiers will immediately attack you. Kill them quickly, and you'll find yourself facing a barrage of Imps again. As you attempt to destroy the group of Imps, several Berserkers will form as well, and more Berserkers will come as you fight the original ones. When the final Berserkers fall to Spawn, the exit will appear in front of Wynn's Desk. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4F. Mission 6 - Seas of Blood |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Wynn's computer showed a shipment of heavy weapons being delivered to the docks this evening. Spawn heads there to claim them - because the files also mentioned an escaped experiment heading towards the city..." A. Spider Tank (Mini-Boss) ========================== When the mission starts, you'll have no choice but to move forward, and soon, you'll see a shot video. A Hell field will appear behind you, and all around the area. Then, a Spider Tank, a mini-boss, will move in. The fight begins! The Spider Tank's movement is limited. While attacking, it won't move, and when it does move, it wont turn. You'll lose health if it rams you while moving, but it isn't hard to avoid. When it stops, be aware, that it has a main cannon, which you'll want to stay clear of, and two chain guns on its back - obviously, you'll want to avoid these too. All your weapons work on him, but I think the best way to attack, is to use your Madcap, and strife around it when it stops; If you keep moving, he will usually not be able to hit you. When he begins moving, quickly dodge, and follow him, get in as much attacks as possible before he turns around - your Demonic Fury Hell Power works good, if you nail him with it while he's turned around. Continue this pattern until he is defeated. If you run out of Madcap ammo, you can still use any other weapon - even the chains work efficiently in this fight. By defeating him, the hell field that leads onward will drop, and leave the path onward open - you'll also get a nice pair of Dual Mini-guns! Booya! B. More Hell Fields =================== After you pick up the Mini-guns, walk a few steps forward, and more hell fields will rise up around you. You'll be attacked by Flying Imps, and Berserkers. what kind of sucks, is that the Mini-gun is non-effective on Berserkers, so take them out the old fashion way. You can always test it out on the Flying Imps, but I'd just take them all out the normal way. After you kill the demons, and any back up that comes - which there is not a lot of, in this case - the hell fields will drop, allowing you to access the next area of the mission. C. Bulldozer (Mini-Boss) ======================== You'll enter into an area, with lots of warehouses. It may seem surprisingly empty, because, as you move, no enemies will form to attack you. But as you reach a stone wall on the opposite side of the area, another mini-boss will come to attack you, Bulldozer. When he originally appears, you can't damage him - you can only damage him, when he lifts his shield-like front. So, simply run back, until he stops moving. When he stops, he will call upon 1 to 3 Berserkers, depending on how low his life is. However, you can't focus on them yet, because at this time, he lifts his front part. To be able to attack him, equip your Hell Speed Hell Power, and activate it. While in your super speed, dodge or jump over the Berserker(s) and focus your attack on his eye, until he drops his shielding again, at which point, you'll have to focus on the Berserkers. Be ready, as he may decided top charge forward again, and this will damage you, if you aren't prepared. By defeating the Berserkers, you might gain health or necroplasm - necroplasm would be good, as you need it to use Hell Speed - if at any time you run out, you'll have to attack Bulldozer without hell speed, and that may prove more difficult, as the Berserkers will be attacking you as you try to attack him. Pick up any power-ups that are dropped, and try to keep this pattern up. If you are successful, Bulldozer will be defeated, and you'll be granted access to move forward, into the warehouse, through the door ahead. You'll also pick up a very powerful set of guns, the Brimstone Cannons. You'll want to do some owning with these guys! D. The Warehouse ================ Inside the warehouse you'll notice that most of the room is blocked off by a large hell field. Well, you'll face a large group of demons, composed of RobotDrones, Flying Imps, and Berserkers, and when you are done, the field will drop. Here, you'll have a chance to test your new Brimstone Cannons, if you want (which by the way, work on Berserkers, although are weak against this kind of Demon.) When you defeat them, take the stairs up, until another hell field goes up around you, about halfway up. You'll take on another wave of Robot Drones and Flying Imps; And as you defeat them, more Berserkers. Defeat a few rounds, and the hell field will go down, and you'll be shown a short movie of a door with an open guardian. You'll see a broken staircase, which you can grapple over. Do so, and move forward until you reach the door. Go into it, and smash the control panel, to unlock a door on the lower level. Jump down, and go through this door to reach the next area. E. Security Compound ==================== This next area actually involves stealth aspects. There are lots of mounted guns around the area, as well as control panels. The guns give off laser beams, and if you are spotted with one of the beams, the guns will shoot at you with a machined gun. However, if you are to smash a gun with your axe, it will stop emitting its beam temporarily. As you start, take a left, and knock out the gun at the corner nearest you. Then, attempt to make it across this open area, to the corner, with a gun and a pair of control panels; Take out both. Now, head back to where you started this area. This time, take a right. Disable the gun that is immediately around the corner, and run to the control panels near where its laser was pointing. Destroy them quickly, and be ready to move though, from this spot, several of the surrounding guns are able to shoot at you. Not far from where you are, there is a stack of 2 crates, next to a single crate, these ones are made of metal, and are against a wall. Run to them, and use them to climb up onto the wall. There are two more control panels here. There is a metal ventilation duct type thing there. Jump onto it, and you should see a grapple on top of a metal pillar double jump and grapple to it, and from there, glide over to the next wall that you can stand on. There is a control panel on it. On this platform, too, there is a vent. Stand on it, and grapple onto the next metal pillar. From this pillar, glide to the roof of the building in the middle of the area. Walk across the roof, and double jump/grapple onto a metal pillar on the other side. From this pillar, glide to the last set of control panels, which are on the platform in front of you. Destroy them ,to have the exit revealed, and complete the mission. _____________O========================================O_____________ (_____________| 4G. Mission 7 - Power Behind the Throne|_____________) O========================================O Introduction ============ "The military warehouse is heavily defended. In order to preserve his powers for the trials to come, Spawn heads underground to knock out the warehouse power systems..." A. The First Generator ====================== In this mission, you'll have to destroy to generators, but they aren't exactly close to each other. We'll just start by taking a left from the beginning. There's a new type of enemy waiting for you, in the room you start in, the Hell Leach. They are generally quite weak, but watch out for their vomit projectile, because it drains your necroplasm. But as they are weak to all your weapons, they can be taken out pretty easily. After dispatching the Hell Leaches, move forward to the door that's marked "Exit". You'll enter another part of the subway, with some flying Imps in it. You don't have to fight the enemies in this area, since there is no guardian, so do as you wish, and when your ready, move to the end of the train tracks. A Fire Demon should emerge, you may or may not take him out, but either way, take either of the Exit doors to enter the next section of the subway. In this next room, there was apparently a train crash, as it's blocking the way forward. So, take a left, and enter the doorway on the side. Walk forward up the train tracks found here, until you come to another opening on the right; Enter it. When you are through that door, there is another opening, and inside, you see the first generator - just take it out with your axe or something. B. The Second Generator ======================= Before you can begin your hunt for the second generator, you'll have to do some backtracking. Retrace your steps, until you are back at the entrance to the level. When you are there again, this time, begin heading to the right, the path we didn't take previously. There will be an Exit door on the left, that you can go through. There is a large hole in This area, and you won't be able to jump it. But, on the other side, on top of the train car, there is a grapple mark for your chains. So do a double jump, glide forward, and grapple and pull yourself to it. Behind the train, you'll probably have the fortunate of facing a Lamenting Demon, although, it seems in some occasions he doesn't show up at this point. If he does, you'll want to target him, but keep moving. He has the ability to create fireballs at your current position, and if you aren't moving, you'll be hit. He also has the ability to create Hell Eyes, which are weak, floating eyeballs, that will attack you (a few chains will take them down and score you a technique point, though). He'll also slap a you, and possibly start a green forcefield around himself if you get to close. So don't attempt to slash him with Agony, use chains or guns. When your ready, choose one of the Exit doors - which both lead to the same place - and move onward! In the next room, there's a few Flying Imps to greet, you, but they're not much of a threat. There is also another large pit, but this one can be crossed with a double jump, and a glide. Once across, take the door way on the right side of the room, and head through a narrow hallway, until you are back in a room with train tracks. Take a look down the tracks, and you'll notice another generator room. Head down and axe it! This will cause the exit portal to appear outside the generator room - assuming you've followed this guide and got this generator second. Another mission is done! ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4H. Mission 8 - Unwelcome Attentions|________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Having gained access to the military warehouse, Spawn enters, only to find that the demonic infestation has spread here, too..." A. Warehouse Entrance ===================== You'll start out in a large open room, with platforms above you (You can reach them, via several grapple points on the edges of the platforms. A group of Wynn Soldiers are waiting in the room, and will attack you as soon as the mission starts. Dispatch them, and wait for the next wave of enemies. After the Wynn Soldiers are defeated, you'll encounter a set of Robot Drones, and some Possessed Soldiers. Once you kill off all of the Possessed Soldiers and defeat the Robot Drones as they come. Take to the metal platform on the ceiling. In one of the corners, there is a control panel. You can destroy it, and jump back down to the floor. There is a second control panel on a door on the side of the room parallel to where you entered. Destroy that control panel as well. Now the door will be open, and the next room can be entered. B. The Magma Room ================= I've classified this room as the "magma room" because in the middle, there is a stream of magma. You'll definitely want to avoid this, if you want to survive this mission. Your immediately greeted by a gang of Robot Drones. As they're defeated, they'll regenerate, as most enemies do. However, this group, in particular, seems to do it a very large amount of times. So, you may want to proceed to destroying the control panels in this room as you fight the Robot Drones. The first control panel, is directly above where you enter. Grapple up to the metal platform above the door you entered, and take it out with Agony. On the same platform,on the left hand side, is a second control panel to destroy, and on the opposite side of the room, there is another door. Above this one, on a metal platform, is the third control panel. After you destroy all three control panels in this room, drop down to the floor again. Right below the third control panel is a door, leading to the next area, where you'll fight a familiar mini-boss a second time. C. Spider Tank: Round 2 (Mini-Boss) =================================== You'll be fighting another Spider Tank. I don't think we need to go over the strategy again, as it's already explained the first time you fight him, in the Seas Of Blood Mission (See Mission 6, Part A). One change that I'd like to mention though, is that now you have the Brimstone Cannons and the Mini-guns. Both are very effective weapons. The Mini- guns do fast easy damage, and the Brimstone Cannons make heavy hits on him. Beating this guy should be a breeze, especially considering you've already whooped his ass back at the docks! Heh. By beating him, you'll pick up the extremely powerful Burst Missile Launcher (Oh yeah! ) and the exit of the mission will appear. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4I. Mission 9 - Angel Attack |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "An unexpected ambush greets Spawn as he leaves the military warehouse. If Spawn is killed here, he'll never find his answers..." A. An Angel Ambush! =================== This mission is very short. You'll start outside of the warehouse, and that's where the entire level will take place. Here, you'll have your first run- in with an enemy of Angelic origin; The Angel Hunter. The Angel Hunters generally like hand-to-hand combat. When they are far away, they'll jump at you with their Javelin. If they are close enough, they'll thrust it at you. If they manage to pierce you with the Javelin, they are going to turn it into a short combo, where they keep thrusting it to you. They can also teleport near you, if you get to far from them. Your strongest attacks against them, are your hell powers. One necroplasm ball almost completely drains them of there health! A very fast way to defeat one, is to use a necroplasm ball, then deliver the final blow with your chains. If you run out of necroplasm, though, you'll have to find a new attack pattern, your guns work fine. The Angel Hunters will keep coming, for a while. There's not so much as to make this mission incredibly difficult however, in fact, it's pretty easy. When you defeat the final Angel Hunter, you'll be shown the exit. __________*BOSS*O=====================================O*BOSS*__________ (________________| 4J. Mission 10 - Mayhem |________________) *BOSS*O=====================================O*BOSS* Introduction ============ "Spawn's lengthy recovery of the heavy weapons is completed just in time - As the escaped experimental soldier is almost in town..." O==========================================================================O | BOSS: CY-GOR | O==========================================================================O | It's time for another boss fight! This guy may seem incredibly hard at | | first. However, after you learn his weakness and how to predict his moves| | he's not that hard at all; If you have necroplasm at least. | | | | Cy-gor has some strong moves, but they are all easily predictable by the | | way he moves his hands. If he lifts one, or both hands, with blue flames | | on them, he is going to do a shockwave. If he lifts both, you'll be safe | | in the middle, if it's just one, run to the other side to avoid it. | | | | Sometimes, he'll punch the wall. This means he's about to pick up a piece| | of rubble and throw it at you. You can dodge this by simply running or | | jumping out of its path, or you can destroy it, and stun him temporarily | | by hitting it with a heavy attack (necroplasm ball, Brimstone Cannon, or | | the Burst Missile Launcher). If he begins flinging his arms in the air, | | he's about to pound the ground. This will crate a shockwave that you have| | to jump over. | | | | Cy-gor is extremely weak against necroplasm balls. Depending on how much | | you upgraded your necroplasm meter between stages, you can get from 3/4 | | of his health, or even kill him! However, if you didn't upgrade it, you | | won't get nearly as much out of this trick. | | | | Once you run out of necroplasm, you should focus on using the Brimstone | | Cannons, as they don't diable your ability to run and jump, like the | | Burst Misisle Launcher does. If you run out of Brimstone Cannon ammo, | | switch to the Burst Missile Launcher. However, swtich weapons before he | | attacks, or you'll have toruble dodging. | | | | If you run out of Burst Missile Launcher ammo too, and he's still alive | | by the offchance, move down the ranks to your other guns. Soon he should | | die, and you'll finish the mission. | O==========================================================================O ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4K. Mission 11 - Cause and Effect |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Demons, angels, and cyber-enhanced soldiers run amok in the city. Spawn sets out over the rubble to meet Mammon's mysterious allies. But a surprise is waiting for him..." A. Lesser Demons Await You ========================== When you enter, you don't have much choice but to go forward. Hop over the pile of rubble in front of you, to reach the next area. Two claw demons and a Berserker are waiting for you. You can actually continue moving forward, but if you do, there are a lot, and you can gain lots of soul orbs. If you fight, I suggest taking out the Berserker first, then focusing on the two Claw Demons. After you take out the Claw Demons, two more Berserkers will emerge for you to fight. And soon, a Fire Demon will appear as well. If you still continue fighting as opposed to moving on, another Claw Demon and Fire Demon will greet you next. After that, is the final wave, consisting of Fire Demons, Claw Demons, AND Berserkers. B. Climbing Rubble ================== The next area starts you off in an alleyway with several Berserkers and a Claw Demon at the end waiting for you. More claw demons and Berserkers will formas you fight. When you get a chance, move on through the alley and into an open area. When your done with the Claw Demons and Berserkers, jump the the pile of rubble, between the two destroyed buildings. From here, double jump into the third floor, of the building on the right. From the edge of the third floor, you can jump to the 4th floor, and from here up to the roof. If you succeeded in destroying All the Claw Demons and Berserkers in the area, there will be an open guardian. If not, you'll have to go back, and slaughter any enemies you missed. When it's opened, kill the guardian, and enter the next area. C. Over The Alley ================= You'll start on top of a roof, in this area. Jump down to the main section of the roof below. On the right hand side, you should be able to see a green check mark, on a roof over the alley. Thats where you need to be, so double jump, and glide over there, and exit to the next area. Also, if you take the time to look down, over the edge, you'll notice that your in the same area that you were in, in the "Lesser Demons Await You" section of this FAQ. If you fall, you'll have to climb back up to this rooftop, by going back through the rubble; So try not to fall, heh. D. Fire And More Rubble ======================= This area has more destroyed buildings, but it also has a stream of magma in the middle, that you'll obviously want to avoid - Hence the name of this section. When you begin, take a left, and jump into a floor of the building. Carefully jump from floor to floor, until you get to the top. Once at the top, jump, and glide to the building next to you, on the same side of the magma as you. You'll be attacked by 2 new types of Angels. The first, is the Assassin. They fire destructive guns, and can transport around at will, as well as hover in the air. These are another enemy weak against necroplasm. Weapons like the Brimstone Cannons are also good, as well as attacks from Agony. The second new type of Angel you'll be fighting, is the Brute. He will attempt to punch you with his fists. He also has the abilities to generate shock waves. They also have the ability to jump really far - Don't think your safe if you glide to another building - As well as throw energy balls at you. I think its best to use Hell Powers for these guys. Infecting them with Demonic Fury, or tossing a Necroplasm Ball work well. When you defeat them all, you'll hear a guardian open. You can reach this guardian by gliding over the magma, and climbing over the rubble between the two buildings. Double jump, and lift yourself onto the ledge in front of you. The guardian is up here, and should be open. Destroying the guardian will reveal the exit portal, and you can finish off the mission. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4L. Mission 12 - Fallen Angels |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Several new types of Angel are abroad in the city, and they seem dedicated to Spawn's destruction. Yet Mammon sent Spawn this way to meet with his informants. Did Mammon send Spawn into a trap?" A. Angel Hunting ================ You begin, near three large statues of horses, with a street that goes around the area in a large circle. There are angels on that street that your going to have to destroy! Head onto the street at any point, and begin heading around it, killing any enemies you see. Remember, there are cars, and you can destroy them to get power-ups. When you destroy some of the angels, more may take there place - Depending on how many you've already killed. After you kill off them all, a much stronger angel will appear... B. Reaver (Mini-Boss) ===================== Now, I'm not sure if this actually qualifies as a mini-boss... His health bar is small, like a normal enemy's, however, he's quite strong, and you only face him once. So, he'll be labeled as a mini-boss in my book. The Reaver has a sword, and he seems very capable of handling it while fighting. He knows moves from basic slashes, to doing combos, and if you get to far, he'll even throw it at you. He can both walk, and run, and make a shield around himself, to block your moves. However, he's a very simple opponent, if you are able to time your combos right. If you manage to hit him with a 3-hit combo with agony, you've basically won the fight. He will stumble back, giving you time to end your combo. run forward, and start it again, before he regains his balance. You can do this throughout the whole fight for a very easy win. Also, just for the sake of having a detailed description of Reaver, if you attempt to use your guns, particularly the heavier ones, such as the Burst Missile Launcher, or the Brimstone Cannon, he may or may not set up his shield in time. If he does, he will take no damage, as the projectile will go through his body without exploding. When you drain Reaver's health bar completely, you'll be shown another short cinema. You'll have a little more of the story revealed to you, and you'll have finished off Mission 12. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4M. Mission 13 - The Living Forest |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Spawn senses the power of hell emanating from Central Park. Leaving Mammon and The Reaver to their plans, Spawn heads to the park to investigate..." A. Into Central Park ==================== When you begin, walk forward. About the time that you reach where the raised ground you are on, and the ground below, battle music will begin playing. Hell Leeches will begin forming on the path in front of you, and possibly the path behind you. Note, that when you begin, there is a path on the right, that leads to a now-closed guardian. Hell Leeches may form on this path as well. Up ahead, there is a fork in the road, however, both ends lead to dead-ends. There is no need to come up here at all, unless you can't find anymore enemies, and the guardian won't open. As you defeat some of the Hell Leeches, a new type of lesser demon will form to attack you; The Tree Demon. From up close, they tend to try to slap you, and if you are at a distance they may try to ram you. Agony is very effective on this type of monster. In the event, that you have cleared the area of demons, a Lamenting Demon will form, in front of the guardian. He serves as the final enemy between you and the guardian of this area. When he's defeated, destroy the guardian, and smash the branches it was guarding, and the path to the next area will be opened. B. Tree Demon Attack ==================== Immediately after you enter this area, a hell field will rise behind you. This should be your first clue that you are about to be attacked by enemies; and it's correct. You'll have to face an assault by a group of Tree Demons. What is special about this area, is, that spurts of magma will randomly erupt where you are standing; So it's better to keep moving as you fight. There is no way to tell where it's coming from, and it's impossible to stop (until you open the guardian in this area.) After you defeat the last of the Tree Demons, head to the right-hand side of the area. There will be a guardian, with a newly formed Lamenting Demon in front of it. By destroying the Lamenting Demon, the guardian of the area will open, and the fire will stop firing at you. You can move onward again, now. C. Field Of Chaos ================= Upon entering this area, yet another hell field is set up behind you. Once again, you'll be doing some fighting! This area is nothing but a large field, either, so there are no little tricks to pull, it'll be straight fighting. Keep in mind, spurts of magma erupt from the ground in this area as well. The first enemies that arrive to fight, are the Hell Leeches, which you know by now are quite weak. After them, however, comes a more formidable group of enemies; Three Claw Demons. If they bunch together into a group, it's best to try and hit at least two of them with the same uppercut with Agony, to flip more then one at the same time. Once one is flipped, you can pull it from the group, and begin your massacre on it. Just try not to get stuck between two or more of them, and you should be fine. The first few kills, will result in a new Claw Demon being formed, to take the place of a killed one. However, after that, they'll stay dead. At which time, a Lamenting Demon will enter the field. You know the drill for these guys. Once again, defeating the Lamenting Demon unlocks the guardian, which was across the field from where you entered. Use Agony's blade, and your ready to go again! D. Winding Paths ================ There's a winding path in front of you, when you first enter this area. When you reach the end of it, you'll be attacked by some Tree Demons. Take them out with easily with Agony, and take a right at the end of the path. You'll be at another path junction, with the right being blocked off by branches; Smash the branches, and kill any Tree Demons that were previously behind them Now, turn around, and take the left path. Head up the path, killing any more Tree Demons you encounter, until you reach a part of the ground where the other side is higher then where you're standing. Jump up, and tear apart the group of Tree Demons that are there. Now, begin heading back down, on the path that you came to this dead end with. Several more Tree Demons may form on the way back, but they shouldn't pose much of a threat. When you get back to the winding path that you entered from, you should see a Lamenting Demon waiting for you. Kill him, and move forward via the guardian and branches behind him. E. The Second Field =================== Again, you'll find yourself in a field. Waiting for you in it, to start with, are two Claw Demons, and a Lamenting Demon. Also, watch out for the blasts of magma from the ground in this area as well. As you probably know by now, the Lamenting Demons make little explosions that appear wherever you are. Because of this, it's a good idea to take out the Lamenting Demon before bothering with the Claw Demons. The best way to do this, for me, seems to be to lock on, and keep moving around him while using your chains. When the Claw Demons jump at you, immediately do a side-jump of your own in the opposite direction. An even better way, is to use your chain gun, however, this may not work, because due to the time it takes for the gun to warm up, before it fires, may cause you to be hit by the Claw Demons. When the Lamenting Demon is destroyed, focus on the Claw Demons, using the same technique that worked for you in Section C of this mission ( Field Of Chaos.) These are not the final enemies though. After defeating them, near the guardian, another Lamenting Demon will appear. He's all alone, so use whatever method you want, to kick his ass! Once again, the Lamenting Demon is the key to opening the guardian, so after you beat him, move ahead. F. The Last Leg Of The Park =========================== Yet again, you're put into a field with a bunch of enemies to kill. Starting, again, with a Lamenting Demon, and two Demon Claws. Use the same strategy you used in the last section, when you had to face the same line-up. A second Lamenting Demon will form after the first one, and the Claw Demons have been dispatched. Once it - And any Hell Eyes it may have produced - have been destroyed, the exit will form in the field. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4N. Mission 14 - The Hellhole |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "A Hellhole has opened up in Central Park, releasing Demons and malevolent forces into the city. Now Spawn must fight to avoid being sucked down into hell with the rest of the Earth!" A. Facing The Newborns ====================== This mission is sort of like Mission 9 (Angel Attack) in the sense that your in one area, and you face an ambush of enemies. However, this time your in Central Park - Near the Hellhole. The enemy you'll have to face, is a new brand of demon, the Newborn. They are related to the Imps, however, these guys are definitely not as pitiful. They move slow, but if you get within a close-enough distance, they will scratch at you. The Newborns will come in waves of three, and it's not the best strategy to attempt to take them on as a group. Keep moving, and when you get a chance, move in close to one, and seperate it from the group with Agony. Keep slashing, and pushing it away, as you move away from the other two, until it's defeated. The in-game encyclopedia says that using Agony is effective, but dangerous, however, I still say it's the best way to go, as it will save you necroplasm, and ammo; And in actuality, it's not that dangerous if your careful, and stay on the attack. When you defeat all three of them, three more are formed in their places. They will repeat this process many times, however, due to there speed, if you follow the strategy I've stated, on defeating them, you should come out of this, losing little or no health. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4O. Mission 15 - Hell on Earth |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Angel experiments are responsible for opening the hellholes in parts of the city near Central Park. Spawn goes to investigate one of them, which has appeared in an opera house..." A. Theater Entrance =================== This mission takes place in an opera house, and waiting for you as you begin, is a Claw Demon, and a Hell Leech. Of course, you know by now, that enemies rarely come in a single wave, heh. By defeating them, a second Claw Demon and another pair of Hell Leeches will form. Five Hell Leeches appear after you kill off the second wave of enemies, and they are followed by a trio of Claw Demons, upon their defeat. When they are gone, the guardian of the door leading to the auditorium will open, and you'll be granted access to move on. This area isn't particularly difficult, but if you take damage, and need heath, there are plenty of breakable obstacles in the area. One to take note of, is the soda vending machine near the entrance, which will hold a valuable Health +25% orb. B. The Auditorium ================= You'll enter into the auditorium, from the back, where what remains of the seats are. The stage is on the opposite side of the room. Before you continue into battle, remember, there are lots of chairs, and many of them hold health, necroplasm, or ammo. Ahead, is a Berseker, and on stage, another pair of them. Upon defeating these guys, another pair of Berserkers will form, and you'll begin seeing the little explosions in the air, that tell you a Lamenting Demon is near. The Berserkers will be either on the stage, or in the audience, take them out at your leisure. To find the Lamenting Demon, hop up onto the stage, and head to the back of to the the stage and to the right hand side. He should be just next to the first large pillar, waiting to be slaughtered. By defeating the Lamenting Demon, you will cause a Whip Demon to form on the left hand side of the stage, and a second Lamenting Demon to from in the audience. Odds are, the Lamenting Demon won't be bothering you from that distance, so take out the Whip Demon first, then head back for him. Head back onto the stage; There's another Whip demon, as well as a Claw Demon waiting for you. Since Berserkers are weak, it may be better to quickly kill it, and fight the Whip Demon one-on-one. Now, get back into the audience. Another Whip Demon and Berserker should have appeared. Use the same tactics as before, to destroy both of them - Unless, however, the Berserker is on stage, which is possible, in which case take them out separately, however you see fit. Now we're read to move backstage. If your not on the stage already, get onto it, and move to the back on either the left or right side. Both sides have a door with a now-open guardian on it. Go through one - it doesn't matter which, as they both lead to the same place. C. Backstage Fighting ===================== You'll enter into the backstage are of the opera house, which is loaded with props; Most noticeable, is a large Viking boat, which you jump on top of. This can actually be very useful, as you can attack enemies below from up there, and they will not be able to get you - well, the Berserkers can, but you'll be safe from Whip Demons that will soon come. Waiting for you as you enter; Three Berserkers. Defeating them results in the arrival of a Whip Demon, along with another Berserker. Quickly take out the Berserker first, then take on the Whip Demon - This is a very good chance to use the boat, to avoid taking any damage. Jump onto of the boat, and begin using your chains on the Whip Demon. She has no means of following you, up onto the boat, and none of her attacks can hit you; You can kill her with ease from this point. Her defeat is avenged with the arrival of a Berserker... Or actually, you can just kill him with a few Axe Slashes, heh. When he's gone, again you'll face two Whip Demon and two more Berserkers. You know what to do - take out the Berserkers first, and take out the Whip Demons from above the Viking boat. If one of the Whip Demos happen to be to far from the boat to target, you can either wait for them to come within range, or just take them out the regular way; It's probably easier to just do it the second way as well, but remember, you can always do the first if you need to save health. After them, you will again fight two Berserkers and another Whip Demon. Then, you do some fighting with a new type of enemy, the Angel Warriors. D. Angel Warriors ================= Angel Warriors look much like Angel Hunters, except they wear gold as opposed to blue armor. They arem uch stronger, however, and they prefer ranged combat. They have the same Javelin skills as Angel Hunters, but generally don't use them, unless you forced them into close combat. What you'll have to watch out for, is their prayer, which causes fire balls to fall from the air over where your standing. This can do quite a bit of damage, if you get hit by some of them. if you manage to hit one, they'll stop this prayer. They can also cause a large beam to emit from their Javelin, and when they do so, they spin, causing it to move in a large radius. You can simply jump over this though. They can be dealt with efficiently with any of your weapons - and especially to necroplasm, however, I don't suggest wasting it on such a weak enemy unless you have too. In this level, there is only one wave of the Angel Warriors, and it consists of a mere three enemies. This shouldn't take long at all. When they are dead, the exit portal will appear on the stage, and you can finish the mission. __________*BOSS*O=====================================O*BOSS*__________ (________________| 4P. Mission 16 - Heaven's Soldier |________________) *BOSS*O=====================================O*BOSS* Introduction ============ "The angels have decided to take Spawn alive, to power their ultimate weapon for the war against hell. They send their finest soldier to complete the task - the Anti-Spawn, Redeemer..." O==========================================================================O | BOSS: THE REDEEMER | O==========================================================================O | It's once again, time to face of with a boss, to test your strength. | | Personally, I see this as a fun boss, as well as an easy boss. You should| | have few problems kicking his ass, if you follow the strategy that I'm | | about to give you. | | | | As the fight starts, the Redeemer is floating in front of you. While in | | this position, he can toss blue fire balls down at you - they are easy to| | dodge if you keep moving, however. You should take advantage of the time | | he is in the air - You can get in some fast, easy damage here. | | | | While he's moving, it's best to use the Madcapm if you have the ammo for | | it. If you don't, the other guns swill work. Hell, even the chains and | | Necroplasm Balls make good attacks for this phase of the fight. | | | | If at any time, you either see the Redeemer put his arms up, or you see | | any pillars with grapples for chains, you know he's about to release | | large shockwaves that will cover the whole arena. So, when you see either| | of these signs, grapple onto the first pillar available, and wait until | | the shockwave fades, before jumping down again. | | | | As you fight him, he may land on the ground. This is to use another one | | of his attacks. He'll take out an extremeley ( I mean damn - It's huge!) | | sword, made of energy, and do one slice. It will either be horizontal or | | verticle, so be ready, with either a sideflip or a jump. Before he gets | | back in the air, try to hit him with a heavy attack, like the Burst | | Missile Launcher, or the Brimstone Cannon. | | | | As I've already said, this fight is not hard. When you completely drain | | the Redeemer of his health, you'll be shown another cinema, and you'll | | finish off the mission. Next stop: Hell! | O==========================================================================O ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4Q. Mission 17 - Descent into Hell |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Spawn has returned to hell. There is only one way out - to strike a new bargain with his master, Malebolgia..." A. Welcome To Hell ================== So, hell really is made of fire and brimstone, heh. Well, first, before we go in depth with this mission, I'm just going to give you a little tip; Falling off the platforms is not dangerous. It's annoying, as you'll be brought farther back in the stage (depending on where you fall, you'll be brought back to a different platform.) That being said, let's tackle this mission! As you begin, there's a large gap in front of you, but it's not so big, that a double jump and a glide won't get you across. From the platform you land on, there is a small chasm, that blocks another platform. Jump over it, and follow the curved platform up to the top. Move to the edge of the platform, and you should see another large platform sticking out of the magma, at a distance from where you are. It's to far to jump, but there's a grapple on it, that you can reach by gliding and using your chains. B. A Hell Sentinel ================== As you move forward, you'll be told (by an in-game message) about Hell Sentinels. They are the strange looking statues that guard paths in the area. This first one, guards the bridge to the gap in front of you, leading ahead. Hit the guardian, with Agony or your chains, and keep hitting it, until you see a large rocky platform rise from the fire, and bridge the gap in front of you. Remember, it will sink if you take to long crossing it, so just run across. C. To The Next Level Of Hell ============================ After you've crossed the bridge, you'll have a choice to go left or right. Be aware, that the left path holds a Claw Demon, that may decide to come down the path, and look for a fight - although, you can just kill it, heh. Take the right path, and grapple up to the raised platform. You'll be on another path. This path also has a fork in it, in which, you should go right. You should now be near two more Hell Sentinels. Each one of them holds guards one half of the bridge forward, so to get across, you'll have to hit each one quickly, and run across, before either of the halves drop. The best way to do this, is to hit the left Hell Sentinel repeatedly with chains, until the first half of the bridge is as high as it will go. Immediately, turn to the right, and begin hitting it with your chains as well. By the time the second bridge is fully up, the first will already be starting to fall. So jump to the first one, and run across. At the end of it, jump up to the second one. From here, you can make it to the other side of the chasm. Near the wall, on the ground, you should notice one patch of ground that seems different. Stand on this ground, and target onto the Hell Sentinel. As you it it with chains, the patch of ground your standing on will begin rising. Keep hitting the Hell Sentinel to get to the top,where by double jumping, you can enter the door to the next area. D. Climbing A Mountain ====================== This area is like a mountain - Hence the title - that has some parts with simple paths, and some with other, more difficult ways to climb. If you fall off into the magma, you'll be brought back to the bottom. Walk forward from where you begin, and jump over the small gap. Continue until you reach the end of the path your on, where you'll see a larger gap. See that platform to the left of where you are? That's where you need to be; Jump, and glide to it. From there, you can double-jump forward, onto the ledge above, and in front of you. Walk along the path, until you see two holes in th wall, emitting flames. It is possible to run by both when they stop, and leave unscathed, however, getting caught in th flames, can really do some damage, as you can't move until the flame stops, once your stuck. I find it best to use Hell Speed when the flames stop, and run by them that way, you'll be much safer. After you pass the two "flame holes" (the game makes no mention of these, so I'm just going to call them this from here-on to make things easier) move ahead, to reach a Hell Sentinel. After you hit it numerous time, a bridge will rise; Jump to it, and run across, and once reaching the other side, jump to the platform in front of you. A Lamenting Demon will form - Or it may have already. You can fight it if you want, but another one will form, as will another after that. You don't get anything (aside from orbs) for defeating them, so I'd avoid fighting them altogether, due to the small ledge you'd be fighting on. On the platform where you now stand, there's a passage leading through the center of the mountain; Head through it. Upon reaching the other side, some Hell Leeches will form, so get ready to kill. When your ready to move on, head toward the left. There are 3 more flame holes in the wall. You could use your Hell Speed, or even risk running through them normally, however, this set can be avoided altogether. If you notice, there is a little tab of land, on the right side of the path. From here, you can double jump, and glide across th gap, to the other side, without having to deal with the flame holes. On the other side, past the flame holes, there are a few more Hell Leeches, and then a chasm for you to jump across. You'll land on a platform with a wall with a skull on it. Walk around it, and prepare for the tricky part of this level. You'll have to wall jump up to the platform above you, jumping back- and-forth between the two walls here. however, as well as there being two flam holes directly after you make it to the top, there are numerous on the walls your jumping between as well! I suggest using Hell Speed again, and starting your jump from the left wall. If you time your jumps wisely, you can dodge the flame holes on the wall. Since you can't actually see the flame holes at the top until your there, but, if you make a wall jump, off the right wall, at the top, you can glide, and pass over both of them. Proceed forward after passing the two flame holes, and there will be a Hell Leech or two waiting for you; Not much of a problem. Followed by - yet again - two flame holes. as you pass, a Lamenting Demon will even form behind you. I'd suggest just moving on. When you reach a spot where the magma is splashing down on the platform your on, do a double jump to see a platform above you with a grapple point for your chains. Grapple up to it. From here, double jump toward where the magma is falling, and you'll see another platform. Grapple onto it as well. There are two Hell Leeches on this platform waiting for you, but when your done with them, move to the edge of it - The edge you didn't jump onto from. Double Jump, and grapple onto the platform above you. The door leading inside the mountain is on this platform. E. Inside The Inferno ===================== This place, is very dangerous, because in this place, falling IS deadly. You'll have to start the entire mission over from the beginning if your not careful. That being said, it's time to get going. There is only one path downward, so you'll have to take it. As you move downward, Hell Eyes will begin attacking you; That's because there's a Lamenting Demon waiting for you farther down. As you move, the first obstacles you'll encounter, are two verticle moving platforms. Not to bad, just wait until they lower down, and jump across. Next you'll see another pile of magma falling to the platform, just jump around it. A little past that, you'll see a gap, with a Lamenting Demon on the other side. You can actually target him before jumping over, and kill him with your gun - Safe out of attacking distance from him. When you beat him, the magma level will begin to drop, allowing you to continue. You should probably wait for the magma to drop all the way before you try to continue - Remember, it's death if you fall in. When you begin going again, there are two small gaps, for you to jump over. They are followed by a larger jump; This time you'll double jump, and glide across. After that, is another small gap. From here, you'll see two Lamenting Demons on the next platform. This time, they may be a little to far away to hit, without getting on the same platform as them. If they are, jump over to it, but stay near the edge that you jumped onto. They will not be able to hurt you with the explosions from there. Take them out at your leisure - watching out for Hell Eyes of course. Approach the edge they were at, and the magma will again begin dropping. After the magma lowers, jump over the pool of lava in front of you, and walk to the edge of the platform your on. Again, there's a verticle moving platform. When it lowers, almost to the bottom, jump and glide towards it; Remember, ALMOST to the bottom, if it's at the bottom when you jump, it'll be to high for you to land on by the time you reach it. Glide forward, off of the moving ground your standing on, glide to the next platform. From here, there are two gaps, that you can easily jump over. So do so, and stop on the next platform. Again, there's a Lamenting Demon waiting for you after the next jump. Target him from where you are, and shoot hi, or use a Necroplasm Ball, to take him out from a distance. Then you can jump across to where the Lamenting Demon was. The magma will drop for the final time, and reveal the exit portal at the bottom. Don't get cocky just yet though. Falling will still kill you, and there are still two more gaps. Glide across both, and you'll be able to use the exit portal. Now you can be cocky! _______*BOSS*O========================================O*BOSS*_______ (_____________|4R. Mission 18 - Meeting With Malebolgia|_____________) *BOSS*O========================================O*BOSS* Introduction ============ "Malebolgia may agree to free Spawn - If he can defeat his would-be -successor..." O==========================================================================O | BOSS: FRENZIED VIOLATOR | O==========================================================================O | This guy is back for another beating from you! There are a few changes | | that I'm gonna tell you, but this is essentially the same Violator that | | you faced back in Mission four - He's sporting new colors though. | | | | In terms of layout, the area is much the same as it was last time, except| | this time it's in a Hellish environment. This shouldn't be a problem, but| | keep from dropping out of the arena, into blackness, as that leads to a | | certain death. | | | | The four corner platforms can still withstand Violator's attacks, that he| | will make in an attempt to knock them down, however they now pose a | | threat of their own - Although admittedly, it's not a big deal. There are| | organic looking statues on each one, that can shoot flames out at you. | | They don't do it too often though, so you'll be able to avoi it, if you | | only go to these platforms when you have to. | | | | The strategy that you'll use to attack Violator, will be the same as last| | time. In fact, the only difference, is that now, you can use some of your| | newer weapons, like the Burst Missile Launcher, which do alot of damage. | | | | It seems Frenzied Violator does have one trick that the regular Violator | | did not, though. If he bends over partly, he might be getting ready to | | throw some electric-looking orbs at you. You can dodge them by moving, or| | grappling away. They'll follow you, but they have a relatively short | | span of existence. | | | | Since this boss is essentially a repeat, I don't see a reason to have to | | describe it again, you know the drill, ya? When you're done, you'll see | | another short video of Malebolgia making a deal with Spawn, and then you | | will finish the level. | O==========================================================================O ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4S. Mission 19 - Bat out of Hell |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Malebolgia has cut a new deal. Spawn must destroy the angel weapon before it fires again. But jealous demons will try to prevent Spawn's escape from hell..." A. Back up The Inferno ====================== Perhaps when you were coming down this place, in Mission 17, you were wondering why there were grapple points on many of the platforms? Well, know you know. You'll be climbing back up - with the magma slowly coming after you, so be careful not to take to long. Begin moving upward, and grapple over the first three gaps ( you'll have to do a double jump and glide to make the second one ). Simply jump over the next two small ones. Next, you'll have to get on the moving platform, and ride it up, so wait for it to lower, and double-jump onto it. When it's at the peak of its verticle path, jump, and glide onto the next platform. Jump over the small magma pool, and continue, grappling over the next chasm. After that, there are two more jumps, the first can be done with a double jump, and the second with a double-jump, glide, and grapple combo. There are small gaps on this platform as well, one with magma in it. Jump over both, and grapple over a third that comes after them. A little up ahead, is another small magma pool for you to jump around, and it's followed by two more verticle moving platforms. Jump to the first when it's at its low point, and from it, jump to the second one. Once on the second, you can easily make it to the final path, leading up to the exit of the inferno. B. Destroying The Cylinders =========================== When you enter this area, you'll be shown a bunch of cylindrical shaped objects. They drop power-ups when you destroy them, but more importantly, by destroying them all, you'll open the exit from the area. When you begin, jump off the left side of where you are, and land on the platform below. Lesser Demons will appear throughout this area, but for the most part, it seem random (on the platform you landed, I've had to fight Whip Demons sometimes, and Fire Demons other times for example. Because I've this, I'm just gonna explain where the cylinders are, and you can kill what you want, heh. Walk to the right-hand edge of the platform, and look across, past the magma that's falling from above. You'll see a ledge with a grapple point on it; Jump and grapple to it. The first cylinder is on the same platform as the grapple. Walk off the left edge of this platform as well, and you'll land on another platform below you. Go to the right, avoiding the flame holes in the walls, and jump down, when you reach the two walls you jump kicked between back in Mission 17. Jump down, watching out for the flame holes in the walls. At the bottom, go left, and destroy the cylinder on the path with you. Now, jump and glide across the gap that's in front of you, onto the next platform. Walk along the path, until you reach some flame holes. Remember, these are the ones you can jump around, so do so. Now, you're back at the passage through the mountain. The next cylinder is inside it. Continue through the passage, until you emerge on the other side. Now, take a glide off the right-hand side, and you'll (hopefully) land on the platform with the next cylinder on it; Destroy it. This was the last cylinder, you'll be shown the exit of the area open. Turn around, and jump over the small gap, and go through the exit. C. Escaping Hell ================ When you enter the area, there's a grapple in the air in front of you, grapple onto it. There is another grapple in the air after that. Grapple to that from the first one, and then grapple to a third one from the second one. From there, you can jump to the next platform. A Whip Demon and two Flying Imps await you, but you can probably own them without a second thought by this point. When your ready, double jump near the edge, and grapple onto a grapple point in the air. There are seven grapple points that form a curve up to a higher platform. Move from grapple to grapple until you reach it. From here, move to the edge of the platform, that you jumped up onto. Double Jump, and glide forward, to the next platform. You'll have to fight another Whip Demon and a Lamenting Demon now. When your done, move to the left of the platform. There is another grapple point in the air, grapple onto it, and again, go through a chain of grapples, until you make it to the next platform. A group of Flying Imps will be waiting for you, unaware that they are pitiful, heh. After killing them off, several more will come, but they are still just Flying Imps, and can be taken care of easily. Move to the edge of the path you're on, and look for a grapple point, on a nearby platform. Double-jump and glide towards it, and grapple to it. From this platform, double-jump and glide to a platform little further out, and grapple onto it. Do this technique one more time, and you'll find yourself on a platform with two layers. It also has a Lamenting Demon on it, while playing sometimes (At least once, I've played and it did not appear.) Defeat it, and get on the top layer of the platform - If you aren't already. Ahead, you'll see a platform with whitish-grey rock on it. Double-jump and glide to it. Walk off the edge of it, while going forward, and you'll get a brand new, kick-ass weapon, the Inferno Cannon! You'll also reach the exit portal, and finish off the mission. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4T. Mission 20 - Rogue Angel Rescue |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Hunters are tracking down the traitors to heaven's cause Spawn must find them and persuade them to join him if he is to launch an attack on Angel Tower..." A. Pursuing Rogue Angels ======================== This level is really easy and short, once you know what to do in it. However, before I begin writing the actual guide for this level, let me explain a new enemy you'll find in this level: The Angel Predator. Along with Angel Warriors and Angel Hunters, make up the set of enemies you'll encounter in this mission. Angel Predators looks just like the Angel Hunters or Warriors, however they wear pink. They can shoot fire balls, release shock waves, use javelin attacks, and even teleport. However, like the Angel Warriors and Angel Hunters, Agony can deal damage, and Hell Powers will drain their health a lot. Now for the actual level guide! When you begin, jump over the turn styles, and cross over the tracks. There are some angels in the area - You don't have to fight them, but you can. Defeating them causes more angels to come..you know how it works. On the other side of the tracks, is a stairway. This leads to the next area. When you enter the new area, head onto the tracks. You'll see a wall of fire, that keeps rising, and dropping. Approach it, and when it drops, jump over it. You'll now face a blue ghostly figure. This is actually not an enemy, but a Rogue Angel. Approach it, to cause it to disappear. Take a right around the train car that's ahead, and go up the next set of stairs. Again, you'll enter an area with train tracks. Get on the tracks, and move up them. You'll be attacked by Angel Warriors in this area - If you decide to fight them, know that there are three waves of them. As you move up the track, you'll see another Rogue Angel. Again, approach it so it disappears. Ahead is a small room with a control panel in it. Destroyig this will cause a trin car that you'll see later in the mission to move - Although this is useless, as the train doesn't have to move at all, you can pass it easily either way. So, just get off the tracks, and head up the stairs, left of the control room. You'll find a set of three more fire walls in the next area. Carefully proceed, jumping over them when they are lowered. Past the thrid one, is an open gate to pass through, with another Rogue angel behind it. "Collect" this one as well. Continue up the tracks, taking care of - Or running from, if you choose - the Angel Predators and Angel Hunters that attack you. On the far end, is another control room, with a Rogue Angel at the door. This control panel is important, so get the Rogue Angel, and destroy the control panel. Now turn back, and head up the stairs, outside of the control room. In the next area, you'll be attacked by two Angel Warriors. Defeat them both, and a third will come; Kill her as well. Now, head forward, to the end of the track. If you hit the control panel in the previous room, a path will be on the magma. Jump on it, and move to the edge of it. Jump to the second path from here, and move to the edge of that as well. The next Rogue Angel is here, so collect it and turn around. Move back to the first platform, and double-jump, and glide towards the left side of the train car, on the other side of the platform - The one you haven't been to. Go behind the train, and through the gates, to rerach the next area. Move forward, and continue up the tracks. You may be attacked by angels, although sometimes, you will not. Farther up the track, is another fire wall. Jump over it, and you'' find the last Rogue Angel. After he vanishes, the exit portal will appear. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4U. Mission 21 - Citadel of Heaven |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "With the help of the Rogue Angels, Spawn infiltrates Angel Tower. Now he must fight through an army of angels to reach the transporter room at the top..." A. The First Floor ================== Soon after you begin, you'll hear a voice say "security breach". At this time, you'll be attacked by three Angel Hunters. After defeating them, you'll face a pair of Angel Predators. The door will open after you kill them both, but before you leave, there are a number of destroyable objects in the room - You can restore health and ammo before you move on. In the next room, just outside the door, there are two cylinders - the idea is to smash both of them; When they're destroyed, you'll have to cross the section of floor that has lasers on it. They'll take health if you touch them, so wait until they both rise, then pass through. On the other side of the room, destroy both cylinders as well. The door will open once all four cylinders are destroyed, but you'll also be attacked by an Angel Predator and an Angel Hunter. Take care of them, and pass through the door, and through the short hallway it leads to. You'll find yourself in a large room. There are numerous objects in here that hold power-ups, if you need them, but there's nothing important in it. Go through it, and into the next room, where you'll find an Angel Warrior; Destroy it, and take the elevator up, to floor two! B. The Second Floor =================== When you get off the elevator, you'll be in another large room. Again, you'll be attacked by Angel Hunters, that you can easily defeat. As you move forward, in the room, you'll see two cylinders. Destroy both, and move to the large door at the end of the room, where there's a third. By destroying all three, the door will open, allowing access to the next room. Here, you'll again fight two Angel Hunters. When you take care of both of them, go through the open door, and through the short hallway that follows it. You'll fight another group of Angel Warriors, three of them, to be more precise. After defeating them, the door to the next room will open. And guess what? There are a few more Angel Hunters! Slaughter both of them, and when your done, look for the cylinder in the room. Upon destroying it, you'll be shown a door opening in back at the elevators. So do some back tracking, and go through it. Next stop: Floor Three. C. The Third Floor ================== When you get off the elevator, approach the door on the left-hand side of the room. It will open, and allow you to continue. There are a lot of lasers in this room, so you'll have to be careful; And remember, the little gaps in the floor are where lasers are, between theses gaps are safe-spots. Also, watch out for two Angel Hunters that like to try to mess you up, by attacking you while your crossing the lasers - Hell Powers would be the best choice, to get them to die fast. After crossing the lasers, approach the next door, and move onward when it opens. There is an Angel Hunter in hear as well, but that's not a problem - Especially when there's only one - So kill her, quickly. There are three cylinders in this room. One, right by the door where you enter, another about halfway through, on the side of the room with windows, and the last close to the door on the far-side of the room. Destroy all three to open the door. In the next room, you'll again deal with some Angel Hunters -these ones will come in waves. When you defeat them all, and they stop re-spawning, go forward, and board the elevator, again. D. The Fourth Floor =================== First, go through the door in front of you, and through the hallway after it. There three Angel Hunters in the following room, waiting to die. There are also three cylinders in plain sight. By destroying all three, you'll open up a door. You'll go through another short hallway, and into a larger room. This room contains a more comlex series of lasers. You're still safe between the gaps though, so be careful, and pass through them. On the other side of the lasers, there are two cylinders; Destroy both to open the door, and get attacked by Angel Hunters. When your ready, move on through the next short hallwy, and into a mostly emtpy room. There are three cylinders in it, but that's about it - Although, an Angel Hunter or two may attack you. Go through the door that just opened, and go through the hallway. You'll lenter a small room with an elevator in it. Take that elevator, and prepare for you're arrival in the trasnporter room! E. Transporter Room =================== From where you enter, head out into the middle of the room. You'll by a small group of angels, an Angel Predator, an Angel Warrior, and an Angel Hunter. They actually thought they'd be able to put up a fight by themselves, heh. After killing all three of them, the exit portal will appear, and you'll finish the mission. ________________O=====================================O________________ (________________| 4V. Mission 22 - Angel Station |________________) O=====================================O Introduction ============ "Having reached the Angel Station, the staging area of all angelic operations on earth, Spawn must find the power chamber of the ultimate weapon, and try to reverse its effects..." A. First Cylinders ================== his is easily the longest, most annoying level in the game. Well, we better start on it. When you start, continue down the path that Spawn is facing, and go through the door. Head down the ramp in front of you, and destroy the cylinder in the middle of the area. Now, take a left (from where you entered) and go through the red door. here is a new type of enemy in the large open areas of this level; The Space Station Crews. They are strong, and can set up shields. Also, watch out for their Halo, which they can attack with. Using your Hell Powers work best on them. You'll be in a hallway. Take a left at the opening ahead, and pass by the lasers, being careful not to get hit. Take a left and go through the purple door.You'll be in a green hallway, with two more cylinders to destroy. When you break both of them, head back through the door you entered from. Continue all the way up the hallway, through the purple door on the other side. There's another green hallway with two cylinders; Destroy both and leave the room again, and go to the part of the previouis room, where you can walljump; Walljump up to the next floor. From here, cross the first laser grid, and go through the blue door. You'll be brought to a hallway with one cylinder. Destroy it, and turn around again. Now, go through the second, and go through that blue door; Destroy the cylinder in the path after it, and head back. Go all the way back to the room where you started. B. Remaining Cylinders ====================== There are two more doors that you haven't been in yet. Head to each one, respectively, and clear out the cylinders the same way you did in Section A of this mission. When you're done, come back to this room again, and you'll have a new way to advance in the mission. C.The Second Floor ================== Now, a platform in the middle of the room will be rising. Take out any of the angels in the room, so they won't knock you off it, then jump on, and ride it to the top. There are three doors, but one of them - the green one - is locked. Go through either of the other ones. In these rooms, there are platforms overhead, with grapple points on them. So, head into the middle of the rooms, and grapple up. Each one has a organic orb tpye thing, with tentacles on it. Take out Agony, and axe them until they change colors. Once you have both rooms done, head back to the green door that was previously locked, and you'll be able to enter it. This is the control room. You'll be barraged by enemies, Space Station Crews, Angel Hunters, Angel Predators, and Angel Warriors. Once they are all defeated, the exit will appear. Also, as a note, the Space Station Crews can't climb, or fly, so once they are formed, or knocked ot the ground floor, you'll be safe attacking from the top floor. Now it's time for the final mission... _________*BOSS*O=======================================O*BOSS*_________ (_______________| 4W. Mission 23 - The End of the World?|_______________) *BOSS*O=======================================O*BOSS* Introduction ============ "One hurdle remains before Spawn can free the earth and himself. The ultimate form of The Redeemer - The Metatron." O==========================================================================O | BOSS: THE METATRON - PHASE ONE | O==========================================================================O | You'll be facing The Redeemer again, for a final showdown, but this time | | he won't be as easy as he was before. He has two forms, the first, which | | looks much like a Scorpion. Get ready to do some ass-kicking! | | | | The Metatrpm in his scorpion form can toss blue balls of energy at you. | | He can also attack you with his tail if you get within range, as well as | | his pincers, so try to avoid being close to him. Another attack that he | | has, is to shoot his pincers out, on an electric beam - The range isn't | | large, but you should avoid it none-the-less. | | | | His last attack is probably his most powerful, but is easily avoided. He | | fires a large blast of enerhy at you. He's immoble when he does this, | | though, so just dodge it, and hit him a few times. | | | | The best way to hurt him is to use the Brimstone Cannons. The reason for | | this, is that, often, a blast between his front pincers will cause him to| | fall back and drop some ammo. The Inferno Cannon is also good, but due to| | it's limited ammo, you have to be sure to make the shots count, and hit | | him only while his pincers are down - Otherwise, the damage is minimal. | | | | You'll want to save your Burst Missile Launcher ammo for the second part | | of the battle, so switch to youer weaker guns, or even your chains, if | | you run out of Inferno Cannon, and Brimstone Cannon ammo. | | | | After doing some damage to him, he'll put up a shield, and begin to | | restore health. He'll also be generating small "Metablades". As a side | | note, these aren't in the encyclopedia. You should take them out as quick| | as possible with your chains - The faster you kill him, the faster the | | Metatron lowers his shield, and stops regaining life. They may even drop | | power-ups, if you are lucky. | | | | Continue this pattern, trying to save as much Necroplasm and Health as | | you can, for this second part the fight. Every time you do a perceptible | | amount of damage to him, he'll put up his shield again, which realy is | | annoying, but eventually, he'll transform. | O==========================================================================O O==========================================================================O | BOSS: THE METATRON - PHASE TWO | O==========================================================================O | In his second form, Metatron takes the form of a giant robotic humanoid | | creature. This is the most difficult part of the fight, but if you saved | | your Burst Missle ammo, you should be able to win. | | | | He is capable of firing blasts at you, however, you can dodge them just | | by running or strifing. As you move, hit him with your chains, or a weak | | gun - not with your missiles. His attack that you should be careful of, | | however, is when he jumps. He can get to any part of the platform, and | | deal quit a a bit of damage - It even sends out shockwaves. | | | | You can dodge it, by gliding a perfectly aimed glide, or by running in | | Hell Speed. However, as soon as he lands, quickly get back, because this | | is where he lets his guard down for a second. Get right in front of him, | | and blast him directly head on with the middiles. He'll be knocked back, | | stunned, and likely, he'll drop more ammo! When you kill him, you'll | | have beaten the game! Congratulations! | O==========================================================================O _____________________ ________________________/ \________________________ ( \_______ 5 . Credits _______/ ) \ ======= \_____________________/ ======= / \___________________________________________________________________/ =================================================================== SayainPrince: This is me. I wrote the FAQ. TGFCoder: He made the ASCII logo for me. Namco: Level introductions were taken directly from their game.