Spider-Man 2 Web swinging & Fighting FAQ for PS2 Version 5.0 |MMMMMMMMM`^````N MMMMMMMMNNN`^^````````^`^`````^``| |MM MM MM``^^^^NN MMMMMMMMNNNN`^`^^``````^^```````^`| |MM M M MM`^````^`NNN MMMMMMMMNNNNN^````^^```^``^````^^^^| |MM MM MM^```^``````NNN MMMMMMMMNNNNN^``````^`^````^`^^```^| |MMMMMMMMM`^`^`````^^``NNNMMMMMMMMNNNNNNN`````^^^`````^`````^| |MM MM``^^^^^`^```````MMMMMMMMNNNNNNN^````^``^```^^^`````| |MM MMMMMMN`````^^^^````^^MMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN^^W`^```^^^```^``^^| |MM MMNNN``^````^^^^``MMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN``MM`````^^````^^``| |MMMMMMMMMNNNN^NN`````^^``MMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN``WxW```^``^`^^^```| |MM MM^NN^NNNN``^^``^^MMMMMMMMNNNNN^NN``MxxM`^````^```^``| |MM M MMMMM^^^^NNNN^N`````MMMMMMMMNNNNNNN^^^WxoxWW```^`^``^^^| |MM MMMMMMM^^N^NNN````^MMMMMMMNNNNNN^N``MxoooMM`^```^^`^`| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN^^NNNN`^^`MMMMMMMNNNNNN^```WxoooooWW```^`^^`| |MM MMMMMMMMMMM^^NN^````MMMMMMNNNNNNN^```MxoxxoooMMM```^`| |MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNMMMMMMNNNNNNN^`^^WWoxxxoooxxWW``^| |MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMNNN```^````MMMMMMNNNNNNN^^```WWoxxxoxMM```^`| |MM MMMMMMMMMMMNNN`^^^^^^^^^MMMMMMNNNNNNN`^`````WWxxWWW`^`^``| |MM MMMMMNNN^^^```^````^MMMMMMMMNNNN```^```^^`MM`^``^^```| |MMMMMMMMMMNNN^^^```^````^MMMMMMMMMNNNN`````^^^``^````^^``^^`| |MMMM MMMMNN`^^``^```^^^MMMMMMMMMMMNNNN^````^^````^^`^^^````^| |MMMM MMMM^^^NN``^``^M^MMM^^^MMMMMMNNNNN^``^``^````^^```^^```| |MMMMMMMMM^MNNNN`^^^MM^M^^M^MMMMMMMNNNNN`^^````^^`^^^`````^^^| |MMM M MM^MNNN^^^MMMM^^MMM^MMMMMMMNNNNN^`^`````^^```^^`````^| |MM M MMMM^MM^^MM^MMMM^MMM^MMMMMMMMMMMNNN``^````^`^````^^^`^`| |MM MM^^^^MMM^MM^^^MM^MMMMMMMMMMMMNNN```^``^```^^````^^^^| |MMMMMMMMM^MMMMMM^M^MMMM^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN```^^`````^^````^``| |MM M M MMMMMMMMM^^MMMMM^MMMMMMMMN^^MMMMMNN`^^^^``````^^`^```| |MM M M MMMMMMM^^MMMMMM^MMMMMMMMNN^`^^MMMMM^NN`^^```````^^^^^| |MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM^MMMMMMMMMN`^```^MMMMMMMMNN^^^```^`````| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^MMMMMMMMM^^`^````^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNN| |MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM^MMMMMMMMMMNN^^^^``^``^^MMMMMMM`MMNNNN | |MM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN``^`^`^``^`^^^MMM | |MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN``^``^^``^``^^^^N | |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN``^```^^^^``^``^`N | |MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^NN``^```^``^^^^``^``N | |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^N`^```^```^``^^^^^^NN | |MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN^^^^^^^```^``^```^``NN | |MM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN``^```^^^`^```^```^``NNN | |MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN``^````^`^^^^`^```^````NNN | |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^MMMMNN``^````^`````^^^^^^^^^`^^NNN| |MM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^MMNN```^````^````^```````^^^^^^^| |MM M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^NNN``^`````^````^^```^^```^^``| |MM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^N``^`````^``````^^^^``````^^| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN^^^^^NNNNN^N``^^^^^`^^``````| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNN^`^^^^^^^^^```````^^`````| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNN^NNNNNNN^``````````^^````| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNN^MNNNNNN`^``````````^^```| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNN^MMNNNN``^````````````^^`| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN^MMMNNN```^````````````^^| ------------------------------------------------------------ ASCII Art created and donated by: Arathorn5000 Table of Contents: I. Introduction...........................................................SM001 II. Version history.......................................................SM002 III. Controls.............................................................SM003 IV. Web swinging basics...................................................SM004 A. Moving from building to building B. Wall Crawling C. Flag poles, street lights, and other things D. Jumping V. Advanced Web swinging..................................................SM005 A. Cutting that Corner B. Speed Swinging C. In Air Trickery D. Wall Sprinting E. Web Zipping F. Double Line Catapult VI. Combo & Upgrade purchase list.........................................SM006 A. Web Swinging Upgrades B. Fighting Upgrades C. Air Tricks D. Misc. VII. Fighting Basics......................................................SM007 A. Starting attacks and combos B. Dodging Attacks C. In Air Moves D. Basic Strategy VIII. In depth fighting and boss strategies...............................SM008 A. Air Combo Greatness B. Fighting Multiple Thugs C. Mysterio's Flying Robots D. The Annoyingly Large Robot Guys E. Boss Fights IX. The "Noobs" FAQ.......................................................SM009 X. Future version plans...................................................SM010 XI. Closing & Copyright info..............................................SM011 _______________ ================================/ \============================== I. Introduction SM001 ================================\_______________/============================== Moo Goo Gai Pan? I agree! Wow, after so long I finally got something to update with. My work is now featured on yet another website (w00t for me!) and I have added in a "Virtual Pages" feature. See those little funny letters with a number next to them in the Table of Contents? Well young whipper snapper, all you have to do is press Control and F together (works with most browsers) and it will bring up a "search box" of sorts. From there, type in the Code of the section you want to visit and your Browser will search for spots where that code is found. Since it is only found in two places, the Table of Contents and the section you want to visit, it should make navigating the FAQ much easier. I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore, but whatever, it's in there now so live with it ^_^ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ==============================/ \============================== II. Version History SM002 ==============================\_________________/============================== 1.0- The very basics of the game are covered. As well as a small tidbit or two into some of the more advanced fighting. The combos available for purchase are all listed as well. 2.0- Added a full price list as well as the earliest chapter you can purchase the upgrade. Also, I added in a couple contributions I received, they are both in the upgrade listing. I also took the time to clean up the FAQ a bit in putting in different sections. July 9th, 2004 2.1- Added in contributor names ;) July 12th, 2004 3.0- Added the "Noob" FAQ, as well as some kick @$$ art by Arathorn5000! July 21st, 2004 4.0- Two new sites are added to my Copyright section. A few new questions in the n00b FAQ have been added as well. The layout of my FAQ has also been updated ^_^! August 26th, 2004 5.0- At long last you can easily Navigate my FAQ!! Yay!! October 14th, 2004 _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ================================/ \=============================== III. Controls SM003 ================================\______________/=============================== Square - Attack/Action Circle - Evade attacks/Stick to a wall Triangle - Webbing X - Jump R1 - Center camera behind Spidey R2 - Web swing L1 - Spider Reflex mode L2 - Sprint/Web Zip (must be purchased) Left Analog - Move Spidey Right Analog - Camera Control Up Directional - Also enters Spider Reflexes Down Directional - Locks onto a specific target Select - View map Start - Menu (Options, save/load, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ =============================/ \========================== IV. Web Swinging Basics SM004 =============================\______________________/========================== Ahh where the real fun begins!! Even though Bruce Campbell does a fantastic job instructing you at the start, you may end up forgetting some things due to everything you have to grasp in order to play the game. Here is where I come in. I will first explain the difference between “Easy” web swinging and Normal web swinging. In Easy Web swinging some of the dynamics to basic web swinging are altered. Mainly being that to break a web line you simply have to let go of R2. Where as in Normal mode you must manually break your line by jumping and then taping R2 again to continue swinging. So, your first intention is to use Easy right? Yes, while getting around at the start will be much easier, you will be unable to perform some maneuvers. One in particular is being able to hold a web line in each hand. This move really doesn’t serve much of a purpose throughout the game, however, I like being able to do all of the moves. So from here I will explain the basics of web swinging as if you were using Normal mode. ************************************** --A. Moving from building to building: ************************************** As stated in the Introduction, the mechanics of Web swinging (with normal mode) have changed a bit. Take a leap of faith towards a building and then press R2. Keep in mind that instead of being able to hook your web onto anything, as in previous Spidey games. You must be in the position to fire a line and have it hook onto something in Spider-Man 2, be it a building, street light, flag pole, even Helicopters and trees work! So you have gotten your first line out and hooked to a building, now what? Well, there are three ways of continuing your swing. The first is very simple, all you have to do is press and release the R2 button again while pressing the analog in the direction you want to go. Spidey will simply cut the line, make a new one, and continue swinging. This isn’t a very dynamic way of swinging though now is it? The second way is the one you should learn to do as it is the fastest, as well as the more dynamic. This is done by riding your web line to the maximum swing height, then pushing X to jump and break the line, then pressing R2 and the left analog in which ever direction you want to shoot a line and continue swinging. This method keeps your momentum going when you jump off, so it allows for faster web swinging. With some practice you can easily get anywhere in the city with ease. (Note: For an even faster swinging time, jump to break your line at the bottom of your swing arc to keep more momentum moving forward.) The third method I rarely use, but it is there. The move I was speaking of earlier where you hold a webline in each hand and do a swinging motion. This is done by first swinging, Let us say you shoot your line to a building on the right, at any point after the web hooks you then press and HOLD R2 while pushing left on the analog stick (assuming the first building you hit was on the right). Later on in the game (pretty early) you can by an upgrade for this move which allows you to catapult yourself forward quite a distance. But method two for web swinging is still by far the fastest. While you have a line in each hand you can move the left analog back and forth to make yourself swing back and forth, gaining momentum. To continue swinging let go of R2 and Spidey will drop the first line he created. Or you can jump and cut both lines. ******************* --B. Wall Crawling: ******************* What would Spider-man do if he didn’t have this ability? Again, some things for wall crawling have changed since the last installment of Spider-Man. You will no longer automatically grab onto a wall after hitting it, instead you will have to manually begin the action by pressing towards the wall and Circle. Or, after jumping from your Web line and heading towards a building, this can be performed as well. I don’t think I need to go into detail about how or why this move is important. And if I do, then you should not be playing this game. ************************************************* --C. Flag poles, street lights, and other things: ************************************************* Yet another new edition to this game is the ability to grab onto and swing around any type of pole that may be protruding off of a building. All you have to do is align yourself with the pole so that it looks like you are jumping onto it. From here press and hold Circle to grab the pole and begin twirling around it. To get off all you have to do is let go of Circle. Timing is of the essence. If you release yourself while pointed down you will only fall to the ground. But, if you dismount while Spidey is positioned up or forward, you will catapult yourself in that direction. Again, this is another move that is not all that useful, but hey, it’s there for you to do (Although will be invaluable during the Liberty Island sequence with Mysterio). ************* --D. Jumping: ************* Simple stuff here. Tapping X will do a little hop, while holding down X will charge your jump. You’ll notice the yellow bar on the left side of your screen begin to fill up as you charge your jump. Letting go of X at the maximum charge will let Spidey jump very, very, very, very, high. _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ ==============================/ \========================= V: Advanced Web Swinging SM005 ==============================\______________________/========================= OK, so you are Cruising around the city by now (hopefully) and you are beginning to wonder what other nifty things this game has right? Of course you are. ************************* --A. Cutting That Corner: ************************* So it’s not Gran Turismo, but if you want to be like Spidey you will have to learn where to place a web line as well as when to let one go. The further you press to the left or right on the analog as you fire your web line will determine how Spidey’s momentum shifts. For Instance: You are on a time based mission and need to get somewhere as quick as possible. Sure, you could just swing normally and probably make it in time, but if you plan on doing the challenges in the game you will need every second. So, to get to your destination you decide to go in between some buildings and veer off of the road. Let us say that your alley is to the right. The best thing to do is press to the hard right on the analog then fire your web. Instead of having to jump to break the line, then move yourself towards the direction you need to go and continuing to swing from there. Once Spidey creates a line that you pushed hard right on, he will begin to swing very sharply to make the turn without loosing your momentum. Practicing this would be a good idea, again, especially if you plan on doing some challenges. ******************** --B. Speed Swinging: ******************** Simple enough here again, while you are swinging press the L2 button to get an extra boost of speed. This will cause you not only to swing faster, but will also increase the maximum height of your swing do to the extra boost. This is the type of swinging you should learn to use. This, when used with a charged up jump will really make you feel like you are playing a Spider-Man movie! I found the easiest way to do all of this is right after you release R2 for your web line, immediately begin to hold X, and as you are coming up in your swing, press and hold L2. Spidey will literally soar through the air with this method. You could also just push and hold X & L2 at the same time to get this done. But it seems to me by waiting to push L2 until you are on your way up, you get a extra little something in your web swing. But by all means if it is easier for you to press and hold L2 & X together, right after you web is hooked, then by all means do it. Both methods work. ********************* --C. In Air trickery: ********************* While you are in the air with no web lines attached to you, you can pull off a couple tricks with style. All you have to do is press X while in the air to do one of these tricks. Asides from looking cool, this is an easy way to refill your hero meter, as doing tricks will reward you with an increase. Throw a line, break it, press X a couple times, then continue swinging. Easy enough? You can unlock other tricks by purchasing them in the stores. All of them are done by pressing X, pressing X again after your initial press will perform another trick. Once you get up to the tricks that require five or six presses of X while in mid-air, you will more than likely need a tall building to jump from to perform them. ******************** --D. Wall Sprinting: ******************** Pressing the sprint button (L2) and then pressing circle to attach to a wall will cause Spidey to run up the side of the building! He can only take a few steps like this though as gravity will kick in. There are a lot of things to do in a Wall run though. You can release and press circle again to enter normal wall crawling mode, you can jump off of a building you are running up to set yourself up for a web swing. Or the last, you can use your Web-Zip (has to be purchased) upgrade to move quickly and make it up the side of a building in record time. ************* --E. Web-Zip: ************* The ability to buy this upgrade is available pretty early on. Maybe it was the fact I was having wayyy too much fun Web swinging, but I did not find out just how useful this move was until almost the end of the game. This move is done by holding down L2 and then pressing R2 to shoot a line. While some are probably familiar with the Web-Zip in other Spider-Man games, this one (like most other things) works differently than previous Spider-Man games. You can no longer Web-Zip across an entire room from pillar to post. This move works while you are climbing the side of a building and while in mid air, assuming you have something you can web on to. This move is great for moments where you miss judge a jump and are plummeting towards the street. The reach for a Web-Zip is greater than that of a normal web line. While in mid air, performing this move will hook onto the closest thing in the direction you are holding the left analog. Spidey will shoot out some web and then pull himself in. This is also great for when you are chasing Black Cat. Web-Zipping will keep you from losing too much height if you begin to fall and have no where to hook a regular Web-Line. Keep in mind that even though this move does have better range, you still need something you can hook your web to. If you do this while climbing and press circle right after the line is shot, Spidey will do his wall run for some extra steps. What I like to do is keep circle held while climbing, hold L2, then tap R2. As soon as gravity kicks in and Spidey is about to fall, I just let go of circle and press and hold circle again to enter normal crawling. Rinse. Repeat. If you have to, practice using this move so you can get the distance and timing down. You will thank me later. Now are we ready to try some fancy stuff? Start web swinging close to a building and do a Sprint. Keep L2 pressed. As you near the building jump off then immediately press circle, this will put Spidey in wall sprint mode, begin charging your jump. Run horizontally and as you near the edge of the building let go of X to jump off and then press X a couple times to get a couple tricks in. After all of that press R2 again to Continue swinging. Pretty neat eh? ************************** --F. Double Line Catapult: ************************** This is another move that must be purchased. Position yourself good and get a web line in each hand. Swing back and forth while keeping X held to charge your jump. Once you have some nice height and momentum going release X to catapult yourself forward. This move is nifty and all, but will serve little purpose throughout the game. With all the options for web swinging I can guarantee a lot of you will be playing for hours just to see how you can link moves together to really make it look like something Spider-Man would do. _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ =======================/ \===================== VI. Upgrade and Combo purchase list SM006 =======================\_________________________________/===================== Here I will name all the attacks and upgrades available for purchase in stores as well as a brief description of them. I will also give my rating on each upgrade as to how useful it is. Prices and the earliest chapter they are available in are also listed now. *************************** --A. Web Swinging Upgrades: *************************** Swing Speed Level 1-8 - This increases the speed at which you can web swing. There are a total of eight levels you can purchase throughout the game. Some missions require you to buy this upgrade before you can move on, making it almost a must. Although having it, really doesn’t make a whole lot of a difference at first. It will become more important when you start doing time based missions and such. Rating: 4/5 Level 1 - 50 - Ch.2 Level 2 - 1,000 - Ch.3 Level 3 - 1,250 - Ch.6 Level 4 - 1,500 - Ch.7 Level 5 - 2,000 - Ch.9 Level 6 - 5,000 - Ch.13 Level 7 - 20,000 - Ch.16 Level 8 - 50,000 - Ch. 17 Slingshot Jump - Just get yourself a web line in each hand, charge your jump, move the left analog to get some momentum going then release X at the height of your swing. You won’t be using this much during the game. But it is a pretty neat trick. Rating: 2/5 600 - Ch.3 Web Zip- While you are in mid air, press and hold L2, then press R2 to shoot a web line straight out. After it hooks onto something Spidey will pull himself forward. This move becomes more and more useful. Just an example, you jump off of a building and realize afterwards you cannot make it to the next roof top. Perform this and you may actually stay high enough to reach it, but if not then you will hit the side of the building and it’s just a short climb up. This is really the most useful in missions when you have to chase Black Cat. Rating: 5/5 1,000 - Ch.3 *********************** --B. Fighting Upgrades: *********************** Note!: These are not listed in order that you can obtain them. I am going off the order they appear in the upgrade screen. Grapple - Hold Triangle and Circle together. This move will cause you to shoot a line out, yank in an enemy and catch them in a grapple. From here you can press Square to beat on them, or circle to throw them. It’s not a bad move to use when you only have one or two people on you. Anymore than that though and I would stick to other things to deal out punishment. Rating: 3/5 750 - Ch.4 Air Jump Off Kick - At any point during an air combo press X. Doing this will propel you higher into the air while your enemy falls to the ground. While this may not seem like much, it is actually a very important move which I go into detail on in section VIII In Depth Fighting. Rating 4/5 1,000 - Ch.3 Cannon Ball kick - Press Square while web swinging. This kick looks similar to the one you can do in Spider-Man 1. And it can even hit multiple enemies in your path! Be that as it may, I rarely use this. It’s all good to use it as an opening attack, or if you need to back off out of a tight situation. There are better things you can use though. Rating 2/5 500 - Ch.3 Rising Knee Kick - Square, Triangle, X. This a launch attack, meaning it knocks your enemy into the air for an air combo. Air attacks are great to use when you need to polish off a enemy while keeping yourself away from other enemies on the ground. Although I prefer to use the Square, Triangle, Square combo to launch them up. Either way it’s still useful. Rating: 3/5 1,000 - Ch.5 Yank Behind - Square, Triangle, Circle. You will web yank an enemy and throw them straight behind you. The enemy you yank will hit any other enemies standing behind you. This may sound neat, but once you start getting to enemies that like to block a lot, your time will be better spent trying to pull off Multi hit attacks. The web rodeo move is a lot better to use than this as you do full 360 swings so you can hit guys all around you. Rating: 1/5 500 - Ch.5 Earth Breaker Punch - Triangle, Square, X. Spidey will jump up a short distance then come smashing down to the ground. This move is great if you are surrounded as it can hit multiple enemies. That fact alone gives you reason to use this attack. Rating: 3/5 1250 - Ch.5 Level 3 Air Combo - Purchasing this will allow you to hit an enemy 3 times in the air. Rating: 4/5 1000 - Ch.5 Launch Kick - AFTER dodging an attack press Square, then X. Another launch move. There is another and much more useful dodge attack you can purchase. I never ever use this. Rating: 1/5 750 - Ch.5 Dizzy Strike - Square, Square, Circle. After you connect with this, your enemy will be stunned for a short time. It’s much easier just to shoot a quick impact webbing though. Rating: 2/5 1,000 - Ch.6 Multi-web Hammer - Square, Square, Triangle x6. Continuing a combo that you have at the start of the game, this allows you to repeatedly slam an enemy into the ground for up to six times. I would refrain from using this a lot though as it will leave you wide open for attacks. But it does do some nice damage. Rating: 3/5 1,500 - Ch.9 (Sent in by: The_haN hey dude... thot u might add something inside ur faq... The Web Hang move or wadeva u call it can be very useful... By pressing Square Square, Triangle, X is the basic Web Hang... Pressing Square, Sqaure, Triangle (x6) then X will land a six hit slam then hang... very useful for me...) The Hero Punch - Charge your jump meter to full, then press Square. This is another attack that can hit multiple enemies and even knocks them back. Even so, having to charge jump while trying to dodge or fight can be tricky. Rating: 3/5 1,250 - Ch.7 Interceptor Kick - Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square. This move is most useful on an enemy that is a distance from you. You will yank them towards you, kick them away, yank them back, and kick them again. It does decent damage. I like to use it a lot if I have enemies that have not noticed I am there yet. Rating: 3/5 1,000 - Ch,8 Level 4 Air Combo - Adds a 4th hit to your air combo and does quite a bit of damage. Rating: 4/5 2,000 - Ch.8 Jaw Launcher - Can only be done during Spider Reflexes. Square, Square, X. Yet another launch attack. I prefer to keep things on the ground when in Spider Reflexes. That’s just me though. Rating: 1/5 1,000 - Ch.9 Air Pile Driver - Must Have “Grapple” purchased! Get your goon in a grapple, then jump up and press Circle. I like to use this move if I have one or maybe two opponents left as it does some heavy damage. But again, trying to grapple with any more than that and you are wasting your time as you could be doing better things. Rating: 3/5 1,250 - Ch.9 Web Hanger - Square, Square, Triangle, X. You must be somewhat near a traffic light. Quite a neat little move. This is another good one if you have one or two opponents. Tie one up while you take care of the other. Or tie your one goon up then do a air combo with them tied to the post. They can break free eventually so be aware of that if you tie one up and go to take care of another. Rating: 3/5 2,500 - Ch.11 Double Heel Kick - Must first purchase Dizzy Strike. This is just a continuation of that combo. Square, Square, Circle, Square. Rating 2/5 1,000 - Ch.10 Stair Step Kick Combo - Must first purchase Jaw Launcher and be in Spider Reflexes. Square, Square, X, Square rapidly. Keep pressing Square as it will allow you to hit the enemy over and over with kicks. A pretty good move to have as it can take an enemy out pretty quickly. Rating : 3/5 1,250 - Ch.10 (Sent in by: Xylymphydyte I was reading through you FAQ and thought I might be able to add a couple things if you hadn't already found them. With the Stair Stepper Kick Combo: I've found it insanely useful for filling my hero meter. To do this, all you have to have is enough spider reflexes to initiate the combo, then, as soon as you're in the air with them, turn spider reflexes off. The resulting combo will almost always fill your hero meter completely. Also, if you find yourself with a completely empty hero meter than you just have to have for, say, the mech. suit guys, using your Hero Punch against nothing results in a small amount of your hero gauge filling. So if you're in a pinch and you can hide, it may be worth using. I haven't had to yet, but it's useful knowledge if one ever does.) Super Web - Triangle, Square, Triangle, Triangle. The last hit of this attack fires an impact webbing at your foe, making it tremendously useful for two reasons. One, they can’t move so you can take on other people. And Two, they can’t block when they are tied up, so combo away. Rating 3/5 1,500 - Ch.11 Whirlwind Kick - After dodging press Square, Square. This is the most useful dodge attack. You can kick an enemy many times causing a lot of damage. Asides from that though it hits multiple foes. So, anyone standing around you gets chunks of their life taken away. Rating: 5/5 3,000 - Ch.10 Rising Shoulder Charge - Fully charge a jump, then press Square while sprinting. This will knock enemies back and get you into the air if you need some breathing room. But, there are much easier options of doing so. Rating: 1/5 2,500 - Ch.13 Air Web Slam - You must purchase grapple first! First grapple an enemy, then jump into the air and press Triangle. Spidey will attach a web line to the foe, then spin around and slam them into the ground. A neat trick for sure. But, we go back yet again to grappling with three or more people around. There are just better things you can do. Rating: 3/5 1,500 - Ch.10 Spider Missile - While Wall Sprinting, or Wall jumping, press Square to execute a fast homing missile drop-kick. I’ve only actually been able to pull this off once. And because it is so difficult to hit correctly, that makes it relatively useless. Rating: 1/5 1,500 - Ch.13 Multi-Web Tie Level 1-3 - Upgrading this allows you to web up multiple enemies at once. It’s fairly useful but, keep in mind that it only works on enemies in front of you. Rating: 3/5 Level 1 - 1,500 - Ch.4 Level 2 - 2,000 - Ch.7 Level 3 - 2,000 - Ch.9 Wall Sprint Duration Upgrade - Increases the time you can spend during wall sprinting. I really did not notice too much of a difference after getting this. But I guess it is there...(Note: After I started a new game I certainly noticed the difference. So I will upgrade this to a 3/5 rating. This is good to have, but is not imperative to get in order to finish the game.) Rating: 3/5 1,000 - Ch.7 **************** --C. Air Tricks: **************** Note: A double jump is simply pressing X once while in mid-air. And all of these moves must be bought in order. The only purpose these moves really serve is that it is an easy way to refill your Hero Meter. The Inverted Widow - Press X during a double jump. 250 - Ch.3 Daddy Long Legs - Press X, X during a double jump. 250 - Ch.8 The Spinnaret - Press X, X, X, during a double jump. 500 - Ch.10 The Rolling Reporter - Press X, X, X, X during a double jump. 1,000 - Ch.12 Webtastic 360 - Press X, X, X, X, X during a double jump 1.500 - Ch.15 The Poison Spike - Press X, X, X, X, X, X during a double jump 2,000 - Ch.15 Note: A Falling Twirl is basically just taking a swan dive off of a building, do not press jump, just kind of run off. Super Fly Spider Guy - Press X during a falling twirl. 250 - Ch.3 The Web Freak Tango - Press X, X during a falling twirl. 250 - Ch.8 Manhattan Web Roll - Press X, X, X during a falling twirl. 500 - Ch.10 *********** --D. Misc.: *********** Fighting Arena - Purchase this and Shocker’s warehouse by the sea becomes a fighting arena for you. It’s a pretty quick way to build up some hero points. It is round based and each round gets tougher. 1,500 - Ch.16 Movie Theater - Buying this will allow you to watch the games movie sequences. 1,500 - Ch.16 _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ==============================/ \============================== VII. Basic Fighting SM007 ==============================\_________________/============================== Yes, even with Spider-Man roaming New York, petty thugs will never give you a moments rest. So, to change this, we will have to teach them all a nice lesson about what happens when you mess with Spidey. Gone are the days of a separate punch and kick button. Most attacks you start out with and most combo’s start with your basic attack button which is square. You’re move list is not all that much to look at when starting out. Which isn’t all that bad, it is much better to take things slow when it comes to fighting. ******************************** --A. Starter Attacks and Combos: ******************************** Here is a list of what you start out with when you first begin to play. Square - Punch Triangle (tap) - Shoots webbing at an enemy’s eyes/disarms them. It’s easier to disarm after you have webbed them up. Triangle (Hold) - Webs up an enemy Square, Square - 1,2 combo Square, Square, Square - Knockdown punch Square, X - Hop over head punch Square, Triangle - Web trip Square, Square, X - Jump-off kick Square, Square, Triangle - Web Hammer (By holding triangle and rotating the left analog stick you can perform the Web rodeo) Square, X, Square - Air kick (launches enemy) Square, Triangle, Square - Double fist (launches enemy) Triangle + Any direction on the left analog - Web Yank. You will yank the enemy in any direction that you are pressing. Rotate the stick 360 degrees to perform the Web Rodeo. Triangle, Square - Yank kick Triangle, Square, Square - Thrust kick Triangle, Square, Triangle - Web Blast (knock away) While holding L2 press Square - Rising uppercut (launches enemy) While holding L2, press Triangle - Impact Webbing (harder for enemies to dodge) Attacks to do while in Spider Reflexes: Square - Roundhouse kick Square, Square - Drop kick Square, Square, Square - Mule kick Square, Square, Triangle, Square - Rapid Punches ********************* --B. Dodging attacks: ********************* Circle to dodge, then press Square - Counter flip kick Circle to dodge while holding left on the analog, then press square - Counter Elbow Circle to dodge while holding right on the analog, then press square - Counter uppercut Circle to dodge, then press Triangle - Counter Web slam Circle to dodge while holding left on the analog, then press triangle - Counter web Hammer Circle to dodge while holding right on the analog, then press Triangle - Counter impact web ****************** --C. In Air moves: ****************** After launching your enemy, you can jump up and have a field day with them. All you have to do is jump, then press Square. You can only hit them twice when you first start out, but upgrades for this will be available later. ******************** --D. Basic Strategy: ******************** So those are your basic moves to start out with. Now for some beginner strategy. First off, learn to dodge as early as possible. You aren’t given very much time at all between the time your spider sense goes off to the time you are hit. It’s also a good idea to remember that the closer you are to an enemy with a gun, the less time you have to dodge. It’s best to first disarm them before charging in. It’s very easy to get surrounded. If you are getting attacked from all sides it makes dodging a heck of a lot harder. There’s no shame in jumping back to get yourself out of a tight jam. For those pesky criminals who are able to dodge your normal web shooting, try holding down the sprint button while you shoot. You will shoot impact webbing at them. This seems to work in most cases for your common criminals. And since the impact webbing also ties them up upon impact, they are easy prey to either disarm them or give them a beating. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ ==============================/ \========================== VIII. In Depth Fighting SM008 ==============================\_____________________/========================== I will repeatedly refer to some moves which must be unlocked, if you don’t have them, don’t worry. I’m merely just laying out some strategies for the different fighting scenarios. If you didn’t listen to me earlier, then go practice dodging now. ************************* --A. Air Combo Greatness: ************************* See I told ya I would go into detail on air combos now didn’t I? So why is that kick that I said was great to get in the upgrades section so great? OK, first get your Thug up into the air. Jump up, hit them twice with Square, then press X to perform your Jump off kick. Immediately after this press Triangle to throw out a web line and back on the left analog. Doing this will yank the goon up to your position where you can combo them again. The beauty of this is, you can pretty much do this over and over and over again. I kept one going for awhile and when I finally let the guy fall we landed on a roof top! I find it easier to keep the combo going if you only use two hits. ***************************** --B. Fighting Multiple Thugs: ***************************** Chances are a couple of them will have guns. And if one of them has an automatic you could be dead before you ever get to fighting. First thing is first, use Impact webbing to web up those guys with guns. Don’t bother disarming them because as you are fighting the other goons they will eventually break free and be able to pick their guns up. After you turn your attention towards the non gun holders, the best thing to do is wait for one to attack, dodge him/her then do the Whirlwind Kick counter. Fortunately for you the dummies will get up and try to hit you again. In two Whirlwind kicks you should have killed most of the melee thugs and the gun holders should be about to break free. Give them a fresh coating of your webbing and from here you can either disarm them, or go combo one until he/she is out cold. The combos I usually stick to are the Square, Triangle, Square combo, as it launches an enemy into the air, and of course, from there you can do an air combo. I also like the Earth Breaker combo because the last hit can hit multiple foes. But once you get the Whirlwind Kick counter, you’ll probably not be doing much in the way of combos. Only because the move does so much damage with so little effort. Towards the end of the game the criminals well get pretty good at dodging your web and blocking your attacks. Just remember that Impact webbing is your best friend. *************************************** --C. Fighting Mysterio’s Flying Robots: *************************************** The easiest and best thing to do here is actually let them come in close to you. Then jump at them and do an air combo. Since they fly, they don’t fall to the ground on the last hit. So that means you can do two combos on them which is what it will take to kill one. That’s all there is to these guys... ********************************************** --D. Fighting the annoyingly large Robot Guys: ********************************************** If there is something in this game that gives me a headache it is these things. The first time you fight them with Black Cat the best thing to do is actually get behind one of the containers and start taking out the little guys. With a little luck the big robot things will actually start to kill each other because they like to fire rockets at you non stop. If you get in trouble, get up to a roof top quickly. Spider Reflexes is a must here if you are fighting two or more of these things at one time. Just try your best to stay behind them and keep on the combos. If you find yourself unable to beat this level at all, even after taking out the little guys, just let Black Cat run around. She will actually attack them and eventually kill them (and you’re supposed to be a hero?). From this point on these guys will appear in missions around the city (yay for you). Stay clear of their rockets obviously. If you get in front of them and can dodge well enough, just keep dodging. Chances are they will hit one another and eventually kill each other. When there is only one left try again to stay behind him and take him down with combos. ***************** --E. Boss Fights: ***************** -Fighting Rhino: There’s nothing too difficult here. He is invulnerable to webbing and most of your attacks at first. He has one attack where he attempts to hit you three times with this large pipe he is holding. All you have to do is dodge the three hits and then proceed with a combo. -Mysterio’s Conquest of Liberty Island: At first this may seem like a tough fight but there really isn’t much to this. First use the floating platforms to make your way to the top of the Statue of Liberty. Once you are there you will see a large rotating device with eight poles sticking out of it. At the end of these poles are eight orbs you must smash in order to be able to stand in the center of the rotating platform safely. The hardest part is smashing the orbs. Start web swinging around the rotating platform until you can get yourself into the position to grab onto the pole. Once you grab onto a pole keep circle pressed until Spidey stops swinging himself around it. Once he has, you can safely let go of circle. Now crawl out along the pole to the end where the orb is, do a small jump, and then start pressing Square like you are going for an Air combo. Even if you over or under shoot your jump, the game is set up to kind of “Draw you in” to the nearest enemy when you are doing an air combo. It only takes two or three hits to destroy an orb. Immediately after you destroy an orb web swing to the next nearest pole and repeat the process. On the last orb, web swing to the center piece (sprinting while swinging helps!). In the very center of this piece you will see the “Mother Brain”. Just jump up to it and combo it. With any luck you will kill it now, if not, the orbs will soon reappear and the rotating blades will start up again. So if you see the orbs come back get off the center!! Just repeat the process to stop the blades again and finish off the brain. -Fighting Doc Ock at the Bank: This is only difficult because of the stupid guys standing around firing grenades at you. Your first priority is to take these guys out as quick as possible while trying to stay away from the good Doctor. Use impact webbing and your strongest combos to take these guys out. Don’t stand still too long as Doc Ock will eventually get to you and plus the other goons shooting grenades continuously. Once they are finally gone you can concentrate on the Doc. Dodge his attacks then immediately hit triangle to web his tentacle to the floor. Once his Tentacles are tied down you can run in for a combo. After you finish your combo jump away to a safe distance because his tentacles will soon be free. Just repeat this process until he is at half health. Once he gets to half he runs off. -Fighting Shocker: Once the fight starts you just have to work your way to him. He will be jumping all around while shooting at you. Once you get next to him, land a combo then quickly back away. Shocker will charge up and unleash a huge shock wave that covers about half the stage. Just keep at him and wear him down. -Fighting Mysterio in the Store: I just can’t figure out a pattern for this guy =/ I think I beat him with luck. *Joke off* Ok, seriously all you have to do is hit him once. That's it! Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, go directly to Jail. -Fighting Shocker in the OsCorp Lab: Ok, the neat little lock on target thing that you never use? Yeah, that! You’re going to want to use it here. Start out by continuing to web swing around the room while Cat figures out how to shut the machine off. Once she does, swing up to your platform and turn off Shocker’s shield. Turn on lock target and jump down to Shocker. Use the same method as before, combo, then back off. Eventually he will go back and try to use the shield again. Swing around until Cat calls for you. The third time he goes for the shield Cat says she is going to take them down permanently (thank god). So after she does, Finnish Shocker off. -Fighting Doc Ock on The Train: Use the same method as the bank scene. His attacks are a little faster now, that is all. -Fighting Doc Ock at his Lab: When you start this level out the Doctor is invulnerable to all of your attacks. And his attacks are more powerful and faster than ever. And to top it all off you have to deal with another stupid fusion machine that likes to shoot plasma bolts at you. Well, first thing is first, lets take out Doc Ock’s shield AND that friggin machine. You will notice power cables coming out from the machine, follow these as quickly as possible to the control panels and shut each one off. There are two that are kind of hidden, one is underneath the main floor on a wall. You can get there easily by the incredibly large hole in the floor. The other is up high on the side of a wall. After you disengage all of them a short cut scene will take place. When the game resumes it’s time to put down the Doctor. Before you do anything though, swing to the opposite side of the room to the largest open space. You know the drill by now, web up his tentacles then go in for a combo. What I found works best is that you can do an air combo for the maximum 4 hits, then as soon as you hit the ground land another couple hits, then back off. -Mysterio’s Fun House: Ok, so it’s not a boss fight, but some people have trouble with it. In the room with a bunch of mirrors and a hologram image in the center the easiest way to beat it is to do this... Don’t worry about the deformed Spider guys that come out, start breaking mirrors. What you are looking for is after you break one of the mirrors, a colored laser appears and is going towards the hologram image in the center. Now, from this mirror that has the laser, break every 3rd mirror. Every 3rd mirror hides another laser, once you have broken all the mirrors with lasers your clones will disappear and another laser will shoot down from the hologram revealing the exit. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ============/ \========== IX. The "Noob" FAQ (please for the love of god use this!) SM009 ============\_______________________________________________________/========== ********** -Question: How do I hang people from light poles? ********** Answer: YOU CANNOT PURCHASE THIS UPGRADE UNTIL CHAPTER 11!!!!! Did I say that loud enough? After you purchase it, the command is Square, Square, Triangle, X. And you MUST be at least in the general vicinity of a light pole or street light. This move can also be linked with the Multi-Web Hammer move. Square, Square, Triangle (X6), X. ********** -Question: How Do I unlock the symbiote suit? I heard it was in the game. ********** Answer: You can't, sorry. People have gone through with Hex Editors and found nothing about any other kind of skin, or suit, for Spidey. ********** -Question: What is this "Great, Super Secret, Ultra-Cool unlockable that Trey ********** Arch said was in the game?" Answer: Wall Sprint Duration 2 Upgrade? Again, nobody has found anything, even with a Hex Editor. To get the Wall Sprint Duration 2 Upgrade, collect all 150 sky scraper tokens. This will unlock the upgrade in the Spidey store. ********** -Question: I can't beat "Insert name of enemy here" how do I beat them? ********** Answer: Check my advanced fighting section. If it's a boss, check the boss strategy section. If it's an arena fight, Fuma's FAQ on the arena should serve you well. And you can find it right on GameFaqs.com! ********** -Question: I heard The Lizard was in the game, is this true? ********** Answer: That is still up for debate. The Hex Editor shows there is a skin named Lizard or something to that affect. And there is even a sewer entrance which looks like it could be entered. Many people, including myself, think that The Lizard was originally planned as a part of the game, but it was taken out due to the fact he may be making an appearance in Spider-Man 3 the movie. This could very well be the "Great, Super Secret, Ultra-Cool unlockable that Trey Arch said was in the game.". But, if it is, it is extremely well hidden. I will go on record as saying No, he is not in the game. ********** -Question: I heard Venom/Electro/Sandman/"Insert villain name here" was in the ********** game, are they? Answer: No, no, no, and no. ********** -Question: Is there a way to go past Roosevelt Island on the bridge? ********** Answer: No. The "Area Unavailable" is the way Trey Arch is trying to tell you that you can go no further. You have all of Manhattan Island, and Roosevelt Island to swing around in, so go do it. ********** -Question: I heard you can actually get 100.96% is this true? ********** Answer: Sure is! The maximum is not 100% but is actually 100.96%. The reason for this? No exact reason has been given for this. It could merely be a glitch that was not caught OR, my theory is that Trey Arch added in something when the game was nearly completed. Something like Mega Challenges, and did not have time or simply forgot to work out the percentage value. ********** -Question: I just exited Mysterio's fun house. My only objective is to ********** complete the Daily Bugle assignment, which I have. But the story is not progressing, what am I doing wrong/missing? Answer: Unfortunately, it seems some copies of Spider-Man 2 have a glitch that prevents you from going any further at this point. People on the GameFaqs message board have tried to restart the whole chapter, only to have it happen again. The best thing I can tell you is to delete your game data and restart. If the glitch has happened yet again, after you make your way back through the game, then take it back to where you got it from (don't forget your receipt) and get yourself a new copy. It seems that not all of the copies have this glitch, me and many others have not this happen. And I have played through that part three times. ********** -Question: Is it possible to play as Doctor Octopus in this game, like how you ********** could play as Green Goblin in Spider-Man 1? Answer: As of yet, no. It may be interesting to note though that a interview that was posted on the GameFaqs message board, a developer for the game was quoted as saying, "It was a real challenge to get him to swing from building to building". I can only assume he means creating the "physics" used to make him look and act appropriately. The interesting thing is though is that he never once swings from building to building during fights or in the cut scenes. Odd? ********** -Question: I have unlocked the Fighting Arena, but can't find it. Where do I ********** go? Answer: The Arena is located in the warehouse that you fought Shocker in the first time. To find it, simply look on your map, you might miss it at first though. The challenges are marked on the map as a circle with a star in it. The Fighting Arena is marked as a square with a star in it. It's along the shore line, so look for the square. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ================================/ \============================== X. Future Plans SM010 ================================\_______________/============================== None as of this moment. I think most everything about web swinging and fighting has now been covered. But, I am reluctant to put FINAL, on this version because, ya never know. Also I would like to add that I do try to respond to every E-mail I get. However, sometimes I got so many that I did not respond to everyone. Sorry for that. And to those who sent in contributions, I try to reserve that right for things that may not be known to the general gaming community. Or rather, things that I have not seen posted on the GameFaqs.com boards. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ==================/ \============== XI. Copyright, Closing, and all that good stuff SM011 ==================\_____________________________________________/============== Many thanks to Arathorn5000 for his Spider-Man 2 ASCII art! I'd like to thank The_haN & Xylymphydyte for their contributions. I'd like to thank GameFaqs.com for creating and maintaining an awesome website. I would also like to thank Trey Arch for developing the best Super Hero game to date. And of course, the people who have taken the time to E-mail me and tell me my FAQ was useful and good. Thanks ^^ This FAQ is Copyright 2004 by Josh Ford. The web sites with permission to host this FAQ are as follows... GameFaqs.com SuperCheats.com Wogaming.com Ps2fantasy.com TheGenie.net If this FAQ is seen being hosted by another site, you will be in violation of Copyright laws. If you want to post it on your site all you have to do is ask at.... Firetoss@hotmail.com