------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spider-Man 2 the Game - Full FAQ/Walkthrough By: giga_bowser91 For: NINTENDO GAMECUBE CONSOLE Version: 1.40 Started: 22/03/2005 Finished: 27/03/2005 - Version 1.00 29/03/2005 - Version 1.10 2/04/2005 - Version 1.20 30/04/2005 - Version 1.30 02/05/2005 - Version 1.40 *current version Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Buciu E-Mail: ssj4_gohan91@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .XBWZi . .r22XrrSZ0Z; . .;rrii:iii:ii;SZSi ,;;i:,,,::..,,,:::i;7SXi :7;:,,,.,,, .. ,::,:i:i7SX; . ,r7:.,,,,,: 2M@800; ,,:::ii:ii;i . :r;,. .. ,, .aM@; XW8i , .XMM. ...,. SMMr Z@8: S@M2 . SMX SMM7 i;. 8MMX iMM :WZWBX ;MMS ir;:i7Xr. :BMMMW :BSXSBBMMX i7i.......,i7r, ,0MM@B8WB :BXSXS;@Z ., ...,..,. .i: :8MMM0ZZaZB8 :BXSXSiM0 BX ... .. . XMM@B8ZZaaZZ00 :BXXXX;M0 BZ8Zr .. 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Version History=========================================[VRSION000] 1. Introduction============================================[INTROD001] 2. Controls and Game Screen================================[COTRLS002] 3. How-to-Use the Controls=================================[HTUTCT003] 4. The Basics==============================================[TBASIC004] *Health Bar *Spider Reflexes Bar *Jump Charge Bar *Hero Points *The Map *Trick/Race Challenges *Tokens and Hint Markers 5. Missions & Random Crimes================================[MISSIN005] *Citizens in Distress *Random Crimes *Daily Bugle Photo Missions *Mary Jane Watson meet-up-with missions *Mr. Aziz Pizza Deliveries 6. The Swingthrough========================================[SWINGT006] *Chapter I: What might've been *Chapter II: A Day in the Life *Chapter III: Punctuality is the Thief of Time *Chapter IV: All in a Day's Work *Chapter V: Meeting of the Minds *Chapter VI: Cat and Mouse *Chapter VII: Pride and Prejudice *Chapter VIII: Sugar and Spice *Chapter IX: When Aliens Attack *Chapter X: When Good Men go Bad *Chapter XI: The Underworld of Crime *Chapter XII: Shocking Developments *Chapter XIII: Cleaning the Slate *Chapter XIV: Burning Bridges *Chapter XV: To Save the City *Chapter XVI: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life *Chapter XVII: The Second Day of the Rest of Your Life 7. The Spidey Shop=========================================[SSHOPS007] *Locomotion Upgrades *Air Tricks *Combat Upgrades *Misc. 8. Awards List=============================================[AWARDS008] 9. Cheats, Secrets & Other Stuff===========================[CS&STF009] 10. Disclaimer & Contact Information=======================[DISKLA010] 11. Thank You to...========================================[THANKY011] 12. Closing================================================[CLOSED012] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Version History [VRSION000] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00: First version of this guide - 22/03/2005 Version 1.10: The first update, I fixed the ASCII...and the spelling mistakes - 29/03/2005 Version 1.20: Another update, I added a mystery and the Contact Information section - 2/04/2005 Version 1.30: A minor update, I fixed some mistakes and added a bit of infor- mation to the Secret Cosutmes section - 4/30/2005 Version 1.40: Another minor update. I added a website to the disclaimer sec- tion. I also added a little poll in the Cheats, Secrets & Other Stuff section - 5/2/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction [INTROD001] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome to my full Spider-Man 2 guide. My name is giga_bowser and I hope this guide will get you through the main part of the game...the story, of course. By the way, this game is great, no matter what other people say. It has excellent graphics, especially for the skyscrapers, and awesome gameplay where you get to freely explore a full replica of Manhattan Island. That's right, in this game you can go anywhere and do all the missions at your own pace. Other than the missions, half of the fun in the game is just swinging through the ci- ty and sight-seeing. Climb to the top of skyscrapers, dive down to the busy streets or run inside the buildings of Manhattan. This game rocks, and again I hope this guide helps you. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Controls and Game Screen [COTRLS002] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will tell you about the basic controls in the game, but first let's start with a little ASCII drawing of the controller: ;;L;; ;;R;; / \ / -Z- \ \ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; / ; ,;;;;;;; NINTENDO ;;;;;;, ; / ______ ; GAMECUBE ; -Y- \ / / ;;;; \ ; ; /---\ |\ / / ; oo ; \ ; ; ( A ) X \ ; \ ;;;; / ;Start/Pause; _\___/ | ; ; \______/ ; o ; /B \ ; |\ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \__/ /| | `.;;----; ;;;; ;;;; ;----;;.` | | ; \ / ___ ; | | / _|_ \ / / C \ \ | | ; \ | / \ \___/ / ; | | | \______/ \______/ | | | | | | \ | | / \_____/ \_____/ (NOTE: ASCII DONE BY PERFECT LIGHT) (USED WITH PERMISSION BY HIM) Okay, here is the basic layout of the controls... Controls Stick: Move Spidey/Wall Slide (must be near wall) C-Stick: Move Camera A Button: Jump (hold to charge) B Button: Attack (used for combos) X Button: Dodge/Stick to Wall/Swing on Poles Y Button: Blind/Disarm (hold to web-tie) L Button: Sprint (used to turbo charge swinging and impact webbing) R Button: Start Swinging Z Button: Recenter Camera behind Spidey Up on + control pad: Start Spider Reflexes-press again to stop Spider Reflexes Down on + control pad: Lock-On Mode Start Button: Pause Z + Start Buttons: Bring up In-Game Map L + R: Web Zip (must be purchased) L + Y: Impact Webbing L + X: Wall Sprint (must be near wall) =============== The Game Screen =============== Here's a little ASCII drawing of the basic layout of the screen MADE BY PERFECT LIGHT +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ _______ _______ | | / / __ \ <----Health Meter Boss Health-----> / __ \ | | / / / \ \ / / \ \ | || |_| |____| | | | | | | \ \ \__/ / \ \__/ / | | \_\_______/ <----Spider Reflexes \_______/ | | /\ | | || | | || | | || | | Jump Meter | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Spider-Man will appear | | Here | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NOTE: ASCII MADE BY PERFECT LIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. How-to-Use the Controls [HTUTCT003] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will tell you everything you need to know to be able to control Spidey in the game... Jumping and Charging your Jump: Okay, remember previous Spider-Man games. If you do, then you already know that spidey can barely jump in those games, forget the old games, this time you can CHARGE you jump. That's right, to charge your jump hold the A button. The ye- llow bar to the left of your health shows how high you are going to go when you let go of the jump button okay, got it? are you sure? you don't actually jump high unless you charge you jump. If you just TAP the A button you'll...do a little hop...a little...a little hop, thats because you didn't charge your jump Am I going to fast for you...okay, so now you know everything about the char- ging jumps... Wall Crawling: Moving right along let's talk, wall crawling. Again this has been enhanced and it is different than previous games. To wall-crawl in this game you must be near a wall then tap the X button. Simple, right? Right, so there's more to it right? well...yeah. If you hold the L button you will crawl faster, because, well pretty soon you are going to find normal wall-crawling really slow, so you might wanna use the L button to speed up your crawl. Crawling can be done after releasing a web line, jumping, wall-sliding etc. Now, there are some nifty moves you can use while in a crawl. The first one is up-jumping. Okay, so while you are crawling in any direction, hold the control stick in the direction you are crawling and hold the A button. Once you are at the desired strength of jump, release the A button, but keep holding the control stick. You will leap off your current position and jump away. You cans stick to a wall again after a "up-jump" by holding the X button again. The next trick is "away-jumping". To do it, just hold the A button while you are attached to the wall but NOT crawling. So just stand still, hold the A button and then let go. You will jump away from the current building. It is great for those times when you want to jump to a different building. Web-Tying and Yanking: The classic Spidey Action that ties up your foes. Hold the Y button while near an enemy and spidey will wrap him/her up in a case of his web. But be aware, some enemies can actually DODGE your web and some are actually unaffected by it Scary, huh? Anyway other than tying up an enemy you can also web-yank them. To do so, press a direction on the control stick while web-tying an enemy. If you want to look "cool" while doing it, try to rotate the control stick while web- tying and enemy...why? To perform a web-rodeo. It is a move where you spin your foes around and around in circles around you, damaging other enemies. In addition you can use this move to grab a civilian in danger. Wall-Sliding: Well, you heard the name before in this faq and thought to yourself...hmm? I wonder what that is. Well, don't wonder anymore because this is what it is. While you are falling or jumping go near a wall and...sort of...press the control stick "into" the wall and Spidey will press his feet on the wall and make him fall slower, which is great because you can also charge a jump and start swinging, but, if you want to look "cool" while wall-sliding, try to transfer it into a wall-sprint (explained later). How cool is that? Wall-Sprinting: Okay, this is probably the "coolest" move in the whole game. Why? Just look at it and you'll see. Anyway to perform it you must be near a wall then hold the L button and press X. Spidey should start sprinting ALONG the wall. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...MATRIX! Anyway so with this move you can continue a clean swing or just get around town in a really fancy way. Oh, almost forgot, you can transfer the wall-slide into a wall-sprint if you want... Pole Swinging: This is another one of those "cool" moves. Anyway, when you are near a traffic light or light post, hold the X button to start swinging around and around on the pole. If you let go of the X button you will fly off in the direction you are facing. Oh yeah, if you keep holding the X button until Spidey starts to slow down, he'll stop swinging on the pole and climb on top of the pole. So now you can just stay there OR you can hold up on the control stick and hold X to start swinging again. You can also tilt down on the control stick to slow down again and get on top of the pole again. You could also charge your jump and let go to fly of the lamp...I mean, if you want to, you can... Web-Swinging: Aha, this is where the real fun starts. It is tons, tons, tons different than previous Spider-Man games. To start swinging in this game first jump off a building...you always do what people tell ya, you know there is a word for that...LOSER! So now what, wise guy...just a little advice - while you're falling to your death you might want to shoot a web line to save yourself. Press the R button to shoot a web line...great, you made it. Now hold the A button to charge your jump. Then, when you are facing the direction you're want to go to, release the A button and you'll fly off the web line. Okay, now shoot another web line and keep going. Lather, Rinse, Repeat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you might expect combat, as many other controls, is different and enhanced from previous games. First of all there is an attack button (B). That's right, one. Yeah I know, everyone looks at the controller and whines 'there's only one attack button' but just because it's labeled "attack button" doesn't mean it's the only one you can use. In fact there are so many combos for you to buy and try out, and guess what, they're not just B, B, B, B, B, B,... that's right, you know the X, A and Y button. Of course you do, well you can combine those buttons (not literally, we don't want you ripping the buttons out and 'blen- ding' them, mind you) to start a combo. For example if you press Y, B, X you will perform an "overhead" web slam and that's just one of the many, many, many, many well...you know what I mean. Anyway this section will teach you some battle strategies --- scroll down, no really do... Okay, so you finally scrolled down, oh never mind that let's get on with it shall we, I'm missing lunch, by the way, can you wait a second, I'm gonna get myself a ham sandwich......(bite)...(munch)...(chew, chew, chew, swallow)... Okay, I'm back, oh sorry about, you know the (bite, chew, chew, swallow)... you know, but I'm hungry. Okay, I'm done, let's get on with it... Right, so you're in a fight against some baddies and you wanna take 'em out, right? Of course, you do so here are some strategies that you should use... When it is a 1-0-1 battle you can use anything you want, punches, kicks, web slams...blah, blah, blah. But if one of the guys has a gun you just might wanna DODGE it by pressing the X button WHEN YOUR HEAD FLASHES. That's right, not be- fore it flashes or after it flashes but WHEN it flashes or...you're gonna get a traditional smack in the face. So dodge the incoming shot or hit and then COUN- TER attack. Thats right you can web slam right after a dodge or you can just do a counter flip kick to knock the bad guy...POW!!! Okay, moving on, when the fight turns into a 7-0-1 you might want to try to either web-tie the enemy (hold Y button) or you can Impact Web them (L + Y) to stop them from attacking you. After you tied some or all of the enemies start teaching them about justice, you know by beating the snot out of them...If some of the guys have guns Spider Reflexes works wonders. To activate it press up on the D-Pad....(waiting)...finally...you done it. So what is Spider Reflexes, well mainly it slows down time (though you cannot use it to slow down, time based mission, *crowd sighs*), it speeds you up and makes your attacks a lot more macho...okay, stronger. Also, keep in mind that different attacks are also enhanced when you are in Spider Reflexes, for example the B button, when you are in normal mode it's just a basic punch, but in Spider Reflexes it performs a kick. The last strategy you might wanna use is the launching. To perform a launch attack first sprint after the enemy (L button) and then hold the B button un- til you are in the air, then beat them up by using the B button. When you first start out you will only be able to punch twice in the air, but you can extend your combo time in the air later on. Alright, now you know the basic stuff about beating bad guys up, so go out there and practice, practice, practice until your fingers are sore or until you become good at it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. The Basics [TBASIC004] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== The Health Bar: =============== Right, so as in many other games you have a health bar. Use this to keep track of your health while in the game. Your health goes down when you get hit, shot or just simply fall of a tall building and fall on the street. Do no let this meter reach zero, because if you do...well you have to start again (and if you are in a citizen in distress mission, you lose 100 Hero Points). To replenish your health bar you have to get a health token, which you get after completing a random or citizen in distress mission or you can buy it from the spidey shop. ======================== The Spider Reflexes Bar: ======================== Okay, in this game this bar replaces the classic web fluid bar. That's right, in this game you have UNLIMITED WEBBING so you don't need the unlimited webbing cheat code anymore. To increase this bar you can do air tricks, perform clean swings, dodge attacks and hit with your own attacks. Huh, what's that you have a question...okay. Oh, What's a clean swing you ask? Well it's one of those swings where you DON'T slam into the side of a building. Sure, you may be out of control but if you look, out of control you aren't being stylish. ==================== The Charge Jump Bar: ==================== Use this bar to keep track of how charged your jump is and how high you will fly when you let go of A. By the way, this meter only charges when you HOLD the A button. Hmm..that's about it...next! ============ Hero Points: ============ Alright, Hero Point are the "currency" of the game. You use them to buy up- grades in the many spidey stores around town. How do you earn hero points? Well you can... *Complete a Random Crime *Complete a Citizen in Distress Mission *Complete a meet-up-with Mary Jane Watson Mission *Complete a Daily Bugle Photo-op Mission *Complete a Mr. Aziz Pizza Delivery Mission *Find SkyScraper, Secret, Hideout and Buoy Tokens *Activate Hint Markers *Complete a Trick/Race Challenge How much hero points you gain...well, it depends. I mean all the Mary Jane mi- ssions, Daily Bugle and Pizza missions get harder and harder, but if you com- plete them you get an increasing amount of hero points for each one. For the random crimes and citizens in distress mission it differs between the type of crime. ======== The Map: ======== First let me tell you that this map is INSANELY USEFUL. Actually there are two types of maps, and they are both useful. I'll describe each type and how they work. First the mini-map is that small round map to the bottom-right corner of the screen. This map shows you the street and building layout, nearby enemies, nearby citizens that need your help, nearby ongoing crimes and it shows you hideouts and buildings that you can go into (such as your apartment, the Daily Bugle etc.). The second map is that HUGE map that comes up when you press Z + Start. This map is also called the zoom map because...well you can zoom in by pressing A and you can zoom out by pressing the Y button. This map shows you the hint markers, some tokens, and other icons which are described below: *The Trumpet Icon is the Daily Bugle *The House with MJ in the middle is Mary Jane's Apartment *The Pizza Icon is the Pizza Parlor *The Blue Circles with Stars are Trick/Race Challenges *The Blue Square with a Star is the Fight Arena *The Camera Icon is the Movie Theater *The Dollar Symbols are the Spidey Shops *The Big Green Question Marks are Hint Markers *The Small Green Question Marks are people that need your help *The Purple Double-Circles show location where are crime is happening *The Small Golden Dots are Tokens *The White Square is the go-here icon *The Blue Circle is the objective location *The Yellow Rhombus is the Mission way-point or this-way icon So now you now everything about the map, so using these maps you should find your objective no matter where it is. By the way you can also use the maps you find your way in case you get lost, but I know you, you're not gonna get lost.. ====================== Trick/Race Challenges: ====================== These appear as blue circles with stars in the middle. You can choose to accept these markers and start a challenges. Challenges vary between four levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard and insane. What is the difference? Well, in an easy race you can expect very easy races and the like. In medium challenges you can get slightly hard challenges. In hard, not only does it have hard races but you can also expect challenges that tell you to wall-jump across such-and-such or to wall-sprint from point A to point B etc. In insane challenges, it is the ultimate test that pits you with hard races and trick challenges. Only for the pros. Remember that there are 150 challenge marker spread across Manhattan. Another thing is that every challenge has a mega time. A mega time is basically te- lling you to do the challenge again but faster. For example if a race's time is 2 minutes 50 seconds the mega time might be 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Okay, do you understand. Anyway these challenges are the hardest things in the game. If you can complete them all you get an award. If you complete every challenge's mega time you get another award. ====================== Tokens & Hint Markers: ====================== These are basically just extra things to find and keep you busy. First let's talk about tokens. They are called Exploration Tokens because...well, they are spread about everywhere. There are 4 sets of tokens: SkyScraper, Secret, Hide- out and Buoy: SkyScraper Tokens: These tokens are mainly found on top of the tallest buil- dings around Manhattan (such as the Empire State Building). But, keep your eye open because sometimes they are also hidden on ledges around the buil- dings. There are 150 of these. Secret Tokens: This is without a doubt, the hardest set of tokens to find. They are hidden very well, in places like, between alleyways, behind trees, or sim- ply hidden in the places you are less likely to look. There are 75 of these. Hideout Tokens: These tokens are hiding in hideouts. Hideout are places where criminals are hiding. To find them look on the mini-map for a red structure. A red structure is indicating a hideout. Inside there is one of these tokens and sometimes, a pack of bad guys. There are 37 of these. Buoy Tokens: These are the easiest to find but the hardest to actually get. They are hovering above every buoy out in the ocean. How do you get them? Well you have to go the water's edge, sprint towards the buoy, charge your jump then leap for the buoy. Be aware as these will take a lot of skill, foul language and patience. There are 130 of these. Now for the Hint Markers. They are basically green question marks that give you tips on how to play, combat strategies, geography lessons and sometimes they give you plain stupid advice such as Black Cat's phone number. There are 213 of these. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Missions and Random Crimes [MISSIN005] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello again, okay, that was stupid but anyway this section will describe each and every mission in the game and how to accomplish it, THIS IS NOT A WALK- THROUGH, THIS JUST EXPLAINS TO YOU HOW TO FINISH THE RANDOM CRIMES AND THE CITIZENS IN DISTRESS MISSIONS. ===================== Citizens in Distress: ===================== These are missions that you choose to do. To activate one of these missions talk to a person that has a green question mark over his/her head (and is con- stantly shouting at you). After you talked to them, he/she will tell you what is wrong and how you can help. Here are the missions that they can give you: NOTE: YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THESE MISSIONS AFTER YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THEM Ambush: Sometimes, citizens will trick you and some bad guys will ambush you. Usually six to eight guys. SIX to EIGHT guys? Oh My....Okay, relax it's not that bad, okay, it's bad, okay it's really, really bad, especially if they have GUNS. Beat them up and remember to use Spider Reflexes if you are getting beaten up. After you defeated all the enemies, you will complete the mission. Falling Worker: Sometimes, when you talk to pedestrians, they will tell you that a worker is about to fall. Then a cutscene will show you where the wor- ker is and you have to save him. After the cutscene, run or swing over to the location (use your mini-map to find him) and crawl onto the building. Crawl to the location that the worker is at and hold Y to grab him. Then swing down to the ground and press B to drop them off. Remember, time limits are harsh in these missions (usually 20-30 seconds). After you dropped the person off, the mission will end. Gang Shoot-Out: Sometimes, pedestrians will tell you that some thugs are shoo- ting at the police. A cutscene will show you the location of the thugs. It's alway three thugs and they always have guns. After the cutscene, swing over to the location and beat up the bad guys. What I usually do is impact web all three thugs, then use B, B, B combos on each one. After you defeat the thugs the mission will end, but sometimes, the remaining thug gets into a car and drives off, so what are YOU going to do about it? Well, first start char- ging your jump while sprinting after the car, then when it is fully charged let go of the jump button and you should reach the car and get on top of it. If not, then keep trying in this matter until you do. When you are on the car, use the B button to damage it. WARNING: When Spidey's head flashes quickly press the X button to dodge the bullet. If you don't dodge the bullet, not only will you get damaged but you will also fall off the car and you're gonna have to get after it again. After you deplete the car's health bar, you have to deal with the remaining thugs, after you beat them up the mission finally ends. Injured Pedestrian: Sometimes, when you talk to a pedestrian, they will tell you that a person is injured and that he needs to get to the hospital, fast! A cutscene will show you the location of the person. Run to the location, pick the person up with the Y button then swing for the hospital. Follow the yellow way-point to find the hospital. After you drop him off at the hospital, the mission will end. Armored-Car Robbery: Sometimes, when you talk to a pedestrian, they will tell you that some thugs are holding up and armored car. A cutscene will show you the location of the crime. Swing to the location and beat them up, actually, wait. What I do is firstly I impact web all the thugs then I untie the cops for some extra hero points, THEN I beat the snot out of the bad guys. Sometimes, after you beat the thugs to a pulp, a guy will get in a car and make a run for it. Just like in the shoot-out missions, get after it and land on the car. Beat it up with B and dodge bullets with X. After the car stops, you have to beat the thugs up. First concentrate on the one holding the money bag. Beat him up first, collect the money bag then beat the other guy. After that the mission will end. Car Jackers: Sometimes, when you talk to a pedestrian, they will tell you that someone just got their car stolen. It could be 1-4 guys that are stealing the car. A cutscene will show you the location of the crime. After the cutscene, swing to the location and jump on the car. Use B to bash the car and X to do- dge the bullets fired at you. After you smash the car up, you must defeat the remaining bad guys. Use Spider Reflexes if they have guns and you are having trouble beating them. After you defeat those enemies, the mission ends. Battle Royal: Sometimes, citizens will tell you that some kind of super-vi- llains are attacking people. Okay, this mission changes as you progress through the story. After you encounter Mysterio's flying robots, they will be attacking people. To defeat the robots, do one or two air combos and they should fall. After you encounter Doc Ock's thugs at the bank they are going to replace the robots. The Ock thugs are a bit trickier. They are carrying a huge rocket laun- cher, and occasionally they will shot a grenade on the ground. When you see that happen, get away from that spot on the ground, because in two seconds it is going to explode and cause serious damage. So avoid the grenades and beat them up. After you encounter Shocker's thugs in the warehouse, they will re- place the Ock thugs. These thugs, in my opinion, are the easiest bad guys in the game. Why? Because one B, B, B combo will kill them. But the hard thing is, getting close to them, because they shoot homing electricity blasts. So DODGE the blasts and use a B, B, B (preferably an air combo) to take them out. After you encounter the Armored Battle Suits at the auction with Black Cat, they will replace the Shocker thugs. God, these things are hard, I mean, they shoot NON- STOP at you, missile after missile after missile...I hate them. Anyway, use Spider Reflexes or else you aren't even gonna come close to beating them with- out getting killed. And even with Spider Reflexes on, it's still hard. The only and easiest way to defeat these is to either continously dodge while atta- cking with air combos or to attack them from behind since they can't hit you there. But be aware, if there are more of one of these things at once, they can easily attack you even if you are behind one. Don't go on a killing spree if you can't beat this mission, I know it's hard. Anyway after you defeat all the super-villain minions the mission FINALLY ends. Robbery: Sometimes citizens will tell you that a bank or store is getting robbed. A cutscene will show you the location of the crime. After the cut- scene swing to the location and go inside the bank/store. Defeat the bad guys in here. Careful, some of them have guns. After you beat them all, the mission ends. Sinking Boat Crisis: When you are near the water-side and you talk to citizens, they might tell you that there is a boat that is sinking. This is very hard, and even I am having trouble with it, sometimes. What you should do is sprint to the water edge and charge your jump while you're doing it. Then when you see the boat, release the A button but keep holding L to gain distance. With any luck, you will land on the boat. Now, grab a person and charge your jump. Then sprint to the edge of the water and release again to try and land on the ground Now drop the person off and return for the others. Remember that if you fall into the water while holding a citizen you will fail the mission and lose 100 Hero Points. Anyway, after you drop every citizen off (usually 4-5) the mission ends. ============== Random Crimes: ============== These are crimes that randomly appear throughout the city. Unlike the citizens in distress missions you can forget about these and move on. You can even give up on them while you are in the middle of doing them. So it doesn't really ma- tter, but if you do complete them you receive hero points and a health token to restore your health. Here I describe the type of random crimes that appear and how to accomplish the missions. Remember that random crimes are indicated by a purple icon on the in-game map and the mini-map. Purse Thief: Sometimes, while you are swinging around, a lady might get robbed of her purse. Go to the location and chase after the bad guy as they are most likely to run. Web-tie him if he is far away then start wailing on him. When you smashed the bad guy to smithereens, he will drop the purse. Pick it up and give it back to the lady (indicated by a yellow/purple icon). Muggers: Sometimes, while you are swinging around, you might see about three thugs picking on a pedestrian. Go to the location and beat 'em up. Be aware as sometimes, they have guns. After you defeat them, the pedestrian thanks you and gives you hero points and a health token. Road Rage: Sometimes, when you swing around you might spot a car speeding through town. Swing after it and land on it. Then bash it up with B. Keep in mind that you don't need to dodge with X because the person doesn't have a gun. Theft Attempt: Sometimes, a purple icon appears directing you to a rooftop. Fo- llow it and it will lead you to a handful of thugs trying to break into a buil- ding through the rooftop entrance. Usually four guys (or girls) and sometimes they have guns. Beat 'em up normally or (the cheap and easy way) you could im- pact web them and then yank them off the building, causing an instant death. After you beat 'em all you get a health token and some hero points. Lost Balloon: Sometimes, you will hear a annoying child yell: "I LOST MY BALLOO HOON!!!" Go the location and lock on to the balloon if you want. To retrieve the balloon you must jump into it, thus grabbing it. This is very annoying, es- pecially when you miss, and you were one inch away from grabbing it. Anyway, IF you manage to grab it, return it to the child (indicated by a yellow/purple icon). Gang Wars: Sometimes, you will run into, two gangs of thugs, fighting each o- ther. Usually about 10 thugs. Be aware if they have guns and use Spider Reflex- es if you are having trouble taking them out. The easy way is to impact web them and then use B, B, B combos on them. ======================================= Mary Jane Watson meet-up-with Missions: ======================================= Mary Jane Watson...the girl next door...the girl you...oh hey, you're back. Anyway this is a meet-up-with missions, as the name suggests. Okay for this mi- ssion you have to go her apartment in Soho and read the note on the door. Then she will tell you where to meet her. After reading it, a timer starts. You have to get there before the timer reaches 0:00. Swing upgrades work wonders in these missions, so I suggest you leave them until you get the Swing Speed Level 8 upgrade as it will help...a lot! Anyway rush to wherever you have to meet her, and when you get there activate the switch icon to end this mission. There are six missions in total and each one harder than the last. If you manage to complete all six you get the "Lover not a Fighter" Award ============================== Daily Bugle Photo op Missions: ============================== Need some hero points? Willing to take some abuse? Then you should head over to the Daily Bugle building in Flat Iron. Go inside and talk to Robbie Robertson. He will tell you that he needs some photos for the newspaper. After you talk to him a timer will start. So hurry and get into the bathrooms and change to go outside. Once, you are outside a marker will show you the locations of the photo opportunities. Swing to them (again, swing upgrades help here) and use the B button to take a photo once you reach a photo op. Then get all the others and return to the Daily Bugle. Once inside, talk to Betty Brant and she will direct you to JJ's office. Prepare to get insulted by JJ first. He finally accepts them after he says they stink and gives you hero points. There are 10 missions in total and each one harder than the last but you get more time to get the photo ops. If you manage to complete all 10 missions you get the "Shutterbug" award. ========================== Mr. Aziz Pizza Deliveries: ========================== Do you need some hero points and are hungry at the same time? Then head to the Pizza Parlor (pizza icon on the in-game map) and activate the change icon be- hind the place to start the mission. To finish these missions you must deliver all the pizzas to all the customers in time, and without wrecking the pizzas. Again, swing upgrades help so you might want to leave them for later. Swing to the locations of the people who want the pizzas and then get back to the parlor in time. But be careful not to wreck the pizzas. How do you wreck them? First, if you do a double jump, it wrecks them. If you hit the ground hard, it wrecks them AND you get hurt. So don't do an of the....hey, now that I told you how to wreck them I hope you aren't going to start making pizza mess all over the city are you? I hope not. Anyway deliver them CAREFULLY and return for the parlor in time to pass the mission. There are 20 pizza deliveries to be made, and if you manage to pass them all you get the "Employee of the Month" award. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. The Swingthrough (Walkthrough) [SWINGT006] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me tell you a little about the chapters and the advancement through the chapters. Everytime you start a chapter, it starts with one of these nice slow-mo intros. The words zipping by at the bottom of the screen are the things you need to do in order to advance to the next chapter. You got me? "REMINDER" Don't forget to check the Spidey Store often to buy useful upgrades such as the web-zip or the air jump-off kick. You might need them, so you ne- ver know... ============================= Chapter I: What Might've Been ============================= To Do List: [] Learn the Basics Hello, sequel time already, huh? Well, since most of the stuff in this game is different than from previous games, they dragged me back to the days, where I tell you, what's up. Basically this is a tutorial chapter where Bruce Campbell a.k.a. Mr. Funny Dude tells you how to wall-crawl, charge your jump and about the destination markers and the mini-map. First things first, climb the buil- ding when he tells you to and get to the top. Now he tells you about charging your jump and about NOT charging your jump. So jump the gap between the towers. Now he tells you about destination markers and the mini-map. Listen very care- ful as this is very important and you NEED to know this. After he stops tal- king the chapter ends. ============================= Chapter II: A Day in the Life ============================= To Do List: [] Fight Crime [] Buy Swing Speed Upgrade from Spidey Store You start on top of the building where you finished last chapter. The first part of this chapter is one of the funniest things he does in the game. He tells you to JUMP off the building. That's right J U M P off the building. And to make you feel safe he gives a huge green arrow. So if the arrow shows it, it must be safe, right? Bzzzt...WRONG!!! So while you're falling to your death, he tells you to save yourself with the R button. Then he tells you to swing around for a while, you know do your thing. So swing around and practice all sorts of things that make you better at swinging. Alright, I'm back. So the next thing he tells you is...hey, what's going on down there...?!? Well, that's conve- nient. The arcade, just got robbed, so what are YOU going to do about it? Well you might want to teach them about justice...you know, by beating the feathers out of their backside. He teaches you how to fight with B and Y. Then he tells you how to perform a 'sprint uppercut'. After you beat the thugs, return the money to the arcade. Now listen, up as Bruce teaches you about the in-game map and about how useful that map is. After that, he tells you to buy the swing upgrade from the spidey store. You have to, in order to go to the next chapter. So if you want, buy it and start the next chapter, or you can just practice some more swinging... ============================================= Chapter III: Punctuality is the Thief of Time ============================================= To Do List: [] Go to Pizza Parlor [] Earn 2,000 more Hero Points As soon as the chapter starts, Spider-Man remembers that he is late for class with Dr. Curt Connors. Start swinging towards the destination marker if you want to get there. Once you are 3/4 way through, you hear someone scream for help, and if you didn't already guess, you must help the lady first. Talk to the policemen on the ground and some thugs will attack you. Beat 'em up and afterwards, more thugs arive. Use Spider Reflexes if you are having trouble because there are lots of them. Finally a thug will try and escape with the briefcase he stole. Sprint after him and beat him. Then grab the briefcase and return it to the lady. Afterwards, head for the original destination, Dr. Co- nnors class. He isn't happy about you missing class, AGAIN. After you just missed Dr. Connors class, Peter realizes that he is late for the meeting with Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson for his Birthday. So swing there and change on the roof of the building. That's all there is to this mission. Now what you should do is get those 2,000 Hero Points. Do voluntary missions and random crimes to stock up on them. After you get 2,000 it's time to go the Pizza Parlor. Swing to the location (look on your in-game map, if you get lost) and activate the change icon behind the parlor. This is, of course the easiest delivery mission. Just sprint to the location and swing back, and you'll make it with lots of time to spare. After delivering the pizza, Peter remembers that he is late for a date with MJ. Swing to the location (following the destination marker) and change between the alleyways. While MJ is telling Peter about her boyfriend, he notices some thugs going into the art gallery. He says goodbye to MJ and hurries off. Now, follow the destination marker into the gallery and you will find the thugs trying to steal some paintings. Bash 'em u using any combos that you've bought at the store or the normal B, B, B combo. Don't forget to dodge. After you finish dea- ling with the thugs on the first floor, go upstairs to fight the two machine- gun wielding baddies. Web-tie them and beat 'em up so they can't shoot you. After you defeat them, Spidey meets Black Cat and she runs outside. He follows her and she challenges him. For this mission you have to keep up with Black Cat while she is jumping from rooftop to rooftop. You should follow her example, as it is way easier than swinging after her. If you have the web-zip purchased, it helps a lot to reach those far away buildings. Remember that Black Cat leaves a white trail behind her. Keep following it. If you are lost, check the arrow a- bove Spideys head and it will point you in the direction of Cat. Anyway, once she gets tired and you reach her, the chapter finally ends. ================================ Chapter IV: All in a Day's Work: ================================ To Do List: [] Complete the Daily Bugle Assignment [] Buy Level 2 Swing Speed Upgrade from the Spidey Store [] Earn 3,000 more Hero Points Not long into this chapter, Peter figures he should head to the Daily Bugle, since he hasn't been there in quite a while. So swing to the Bugle (trumpet icon on the in-game map) and go inside through the vent on the roof. Talk to Betty and she will admit you into JJ's office. While JJ's reading about Quen- tin Beck, Peter cuts him off and JJ fires him. Then Robbie gives you your first photo op mission. Go into the bathroom and change back into Spider-Man to get outside. Then follow the destination marker to the locations of the photo ops and press B to take a photo. After you get all five, head back to the Bugle to return the photos. After you collect your hero point reward, head out of the Bugle and Spidey will notice an explosion. So he swings to the place and bumps into Rhino. Rhino will then talk to Spidey about how he always wanted to fight him and Spidey calls Rhino strong but dumb. Afterwards, your first Boss fight starts. !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: Rhino Difficulty: Easy Intelligence: Low Speed: Slow Attacks: Column Spin, Bull Rush, Spin Spidey To Defeat: Rhino is pretty easy for a first boss if you know what to do. Okay first try to approach him and he'll start swinging the black column. Dodge when Spider-Mans head flashes. Dodge three times and he'll make himself dizzy. Now turn Spider Reflexes on and use two B, B, B combos on him and then turn Spider Reflexes off as he will not be dizzy anymore. There is another way to damage Rhino. Get away from him and he'll start charging at you. When your head fla- shes dodge him and repeat the Spider Reflexes on, B, B, B combo x 2 strategy. Do no try to web him up, 'cause, he will grab the web line and slam Spidey into a wall. So repeat the above steps (except of course, for the web-tie thing) and you should have him defeated in no-time. After beating Rhino up Spidey hangs him to a balcony. If you want you can bash him up even more, just for fun, because it's so amusing to hear him begging you to stop. Sometimes, he says: "I'm getting dizzy...ugghhhhhhhhh!" But anyway what you are supposed to do now is to get the 3,000 hero points, if you haven't already done so, and to get the Level 2 upgrade from the store and any other combo you think you might need. After you've done all that, the fifth chapter starts. ================================= Chapter V: A Meeting of the Minds ================================= To Do List: [] Go to Dr. Otto Octavius's Apartment [] Buy Grapple Attack from the Spidey Store [] Earn 2,000 more Hero Points First things first. Not long into this chapter Peter remembers that Harry is going to introduce him to Dr. Octavius. Swing over to Dr. Octavius's apart- ment by following the destination marker. Remember that Octavius's house is near Central Park. Then when you get there you meet Harry and you both fo inside. Just as Octavius is about to explain to Peter how the Fusion Mechanical Arms work, Harry cuts him off and they leave. Dr. Octavius tells Peter that he would be happy if he came over to dinner. After you meet Dr. Octavius, you have to get the 2,000 Hero Points. Actually, you should get tons of Hero Points, not just 2,000 but a lot. Why? Because some new upgrades have appeared in the Spidey Store and you should sell out the store by buying every upgrade currently in stock. Don't forget to get the Grapple upgrade first...you'll need it. ========================== Chapter VI: Cat and Mouse: ========================== To Do List: [] Find the 5 Photo op Tokens [] Go to Mary Jane's Apartment [] Buy Level 3 Swing Speed Upgrade from the Spidey Store [] Earn 2,000 more Hero Points As soon as you start, Bruce is back. Yep and he tells you to find five photo op tokens that are spread about near Central Park. That's basically the first thing that you have to do. So follow the destination markers to find them and collect them. This is very easy, unless you're dumber than a box of rocks, in which case I ask you to turn the game off NOW! After you collect them all, Spidey runs into Black Cat again. Yes, you guessed it, another chase sequence. But, this one is easier than the last but that doesn't mean, you should start dawdling around, it's still tricky but just a little bit easier than the first one. So chase her in the same manner as you did the 1st time. Remember to rarely or never use swings and mostly rely on web-zipping and sprint jumping. After catching Cat again, Peter remembers to go to MJs apartment in Soho. Go there and read the note on the door. It will tell you that she is waiting for you at the movies and they start in 39.9 seconds. Start swinging you always tardy web-head if you even wanna make it. This is a stupid tip but anyway don't forget to swing jump using the A button to jump off your web-line. Anyway once you reach the theater, check the dumpster bin on top and change using the icon next to it. Now what you should do is get those 2,000 Hero Points and the Level 3 Speed Upgrade. After getting those this chapter comes to an end. ================================ Chapter VII: Pride and Prejudice ================================ To Do List: [] Complete the Daily Bugle Assignment [] Earn 3,000 more Hero Points As soon as you start Peter remembers that he should go to the Daily Bugle so start swinging and go inside through the vent on top. Once inside, talk to Ja- meson and he'll tell you to go to the Stadium for some picture to take. So get out of the Bugle and star swinging towards the Stadium (the little gold circle building). Go inside and you'll meet Quentin Beck as he challenges Spider-Man to the 1st challenge. For the first challenge, some escaped prisoners are running around the stadium and you must use the grapple attack (Y + X) to grab them. Once you have one run to the green pit and use X to throw them in. Be careful not to throw them into the red pits as it won't score anything. So keep going in this manner but keep and eye out for which pit is green. There are 3 pits in the arena and only one is green, the rest being red. Eventually they will change and a different pit will turn green. All you have to do is score more points than Quentin Beck by throwing prisoners into the green pit. After you easily beat him at the first challenge, Quentin Beck will create an obstacle course for Spidey to traverse. Okay, here is the deal. Spider-Man gets three lives. Quentin Beck is standing in a cannon on the other side of the arena and there are walls blocking his view. These wall constantly move and if he sees you he shoots you and you lose a life. When you get to the end of a part you have to press B to activate the switch and move on. So here's what you do: Obstacle Course Part a: For this challenge the wall are falling down one by one and you must sprint across before they fall down. Pretty easy if you ask me. Obstacle Course Part b: For this challenge there are two moving platforms. All you have to do is get on one, wait then go on the other and press the switch. Obstacle Course Part c: For this challenge the platforms flip so just stick to the wall and crawl along. This way you avoid the flipping platforms. When you get to the end, press the switch. Obstacle Course Part d: For this challenge you must crawl on the wall and wait until the platforms flip. To do it you should get on a platform then move across. The panel behind you should flip. Now move one platform ahead and the platform behind you should flip. Keep going in this matter until you reach the end. Now press the switch. Obstacle Course Part e: For this challenge the platform are moving up and down and you must crawl on them when they are straight. It is easy as all of them are. When you get to the end, press the switch. Obstacle Course Part f: For this challenge the platform are moving towards you so what you do is you have to perform little hops by tapping the A button from platform to platform until you reach the end. Pretty easy as well. Now press the switch. After you beat Beck's easy obstacle course, he complains to Spider-Man about how he done it. Then he tries to shoot Spidey with his cannon but it shuts down. Then Spider-Man just says: "See ya" and leaves. After the challenge you should get the 3,000 Hero Points and buy whatever new icons appeared at the Spidey Store. ============================= Chapter VIII: Sugar and Spice ============================= To Do List: [] Go to Dr. Otto Octavius's Apartment [] Buy Level 4 Swing Speed Upgrade from the Spidey Store [] Earn 3,000 more Hero Points As soon as you star this chapter, Peter remembers that he was invited over di- nner at Dr. Ocatvius's place, so star swinging and go there. When you get there a cutscene occurs and this mission is over. Just when you leave Dr. Octavius's place, Peter remembers he was supposed to see Mary Jane's play tonight and you have 3:20 to get there. Start swinging and follow the destination marker. About 3/4 way through your way an bomb goes off nearby and you have to go see what is happening. First, land on the roof and beat the sniper there. Now jump down to the street and beat the other thugs up but be aware that every thug has a gun. Use Spider Reflexes if you are ha- ving trouble. After you defeat them all, a truck runs away with a sniper on the back. Land on the car and beat the sniper off. Smash the sniper then go back the truck. Remember to dodge bullets fired at you with X while you are bashing the tin out of the truck. After you've cleaned the place up swing for your ori- ginal destination; Mary Jane's play. After you get there, you seem to be late and you see MJ come out of the theater and meet up with John Jameson. Suddenly, while Spidey is staring at them two Black Cat comes in and talks to Spidey. If you haven't already guessed it is another chase through Manhattan. Remember, do not swing often, rely on your jumping and web-zipping. When you finally catch up with her yous see some thieves on the street below. Get down there and smash 'em. Meanwhile, Cat noti- ces a nice, ancient statue and she runs off with it. After you've taken out all the guys, Spidey wants to talk to Cat but she is nowhere to be found. After the mission you have some free time in which you should get the 3,000 Hero Points and buy all the stock at the store, including the Level 4 Swing Speed Upgrade. Afterwards, the next chapter starts up. ============================== Chapter IX: When Aliens Attack ============================== To Do List: [] Complete Daily Bugle Assignment Not long into this chapter, Peter figures he should go to the Daily Bugle to see if JJ has anything for him. So start swinging to they Daily Bugle and go inside. Then talk to Betty Brant and she'll admit you into JJ's office. He will tell you that Quentin Beck is at a conference and he wants you to take some photographs. Then exit the Bugle and you're gonna have 1:30 to get to the the- ater and go inside. So swing as fast as you can using the boost whenever po- ssible. Just remember that you HAVE to go inside the theater and then upstairs and in the door to reach the goal. When you get there a cutscene will show you that some people are in trouble... two need your help immediately. First, charge your jump and leap for the right balcony. Get close to the person hanging and press Y to grab him up. Then char- ge your jump, leap for the balcony behind and swing the rest of the way. When you reach the balcony, use the B button to drop the person off. Then return for the person on the left balcony. After you save him the timer will stop and you have to save four more people...one on the right balcony and three on the stage where Mysterio's hologram is, but don't worry; it can't hurt you. So save the other people in the same manner as you did for the hanging ones. Web them up, charge your jump, leap for the high balcony and swing the rest of the way. Once you've saved all six reporters destroy the flying robots, which reminds me... Avoid them while you're trying to save the people. Then destroy 'em. Just leap up to them and hit use some air combos to finish them off. Once you've des- troyed all the flying robots, Mysterio will tell you that he is headed for a new target - The Statue of Liberty and then he disappears. Get out of the theater and follow the destination marker to the water-side. From here you should see some flying machines leading out over the water. So what are you going to do about it? How are you going to get to Lady Liberty? Oh I know, I know, you can swing from one machine to the other until you reach Liberty Island. Well, that's convenient right? Sure it is... So after you've swung all the way to Liberty Island, you will notice the green shield around the statue. Now attach a web line to one of the machine near the statue and they should zip you up to the top. Now start swinging and near the top of your swing arc, boost with the L button so you can gain altitude. Once you do, try to swing for the orbs and smash 'em with B. There are 8 of them and to defeat them you might have to go around the big, big platform twice, or even three times. So boost for the orbs and smash 'em with B, then start swinging a- gain for the other orbs. Once all eight orbs are smashed, swing really, really high and land on the big platform. From there you should see a "brain". Turn Spider Reflexes on and jump to the brain. Now bash it, bash it I tell you, be- cause if you don't...well then you have to destroy the orbs again... Once you have totally destroyed the "brain" the stature reverts back to its original state and Spidey asks a boatman if he can give him a ride back to shore... Once you reach shore, Mysterio will reveal to you where his hideout is located. Now follow the destination marker and you will reach Mysterio's apartment. Go inside and activate the elevator to get down to the basement. Here Mysterio will talk for a while and show you an enemy called Hop 'n Hack. These clown things are dangerous. Once you hit it, it pulls back and hits you with an axe. There are two ways to defeat it. One is to do a B, B combo then dodge so it misses or you can use a sprint uppercut and hit it in the air as it cannot a- ttack you in the air. Defeat it any way you want and go inside the mouth into the upside-down room. Here you will see three Hop 'n Hacks so defeat them using the above methods. Once you do, head into the next room. Here you will end up in a mirror room. At first it looks harmless, but eventually, Spider-Man clones come out of the mirrors so what you must do is smash the mirrors around the room while avoiding the Spidey clones. Act fast, as more and more come. Once you've smashed the mirrors a laser reveals the exit. Go inside and you'll see another hologram, you cannot hurt it though so just go out of the room and out of the house through the window and you're done. =============================== Chapter X: When Good Men go Bad =============================== To Do List: [] Buy Level 5 Swing Speed Upgrade from the Spidey Store [] Earn 3,000 more Hero Points Once you start this chapter Peter remembers that tonight is Octavius's presen- tation on fusion. Swing for his apartment and activate the change icon to go inside. Here a cutscene will occur that will show the machine going out of con- trol. So what's a Spider-Man gotta do? Okay, this is pretty hard. What you have to do is you have to destroy 4 consoles that are spread around the room to stop the machine from working. The first on is right in front of you. Now watch the machine's extending patter closely. When it is at small range jump for the right side of the room and destroy the console there. Now watch the patter a- gain as it has changed. When it's low jump for the right side and destroy the console there. Okay, last one. By now, the machine is really crazy and figuring a patter will be pretty difficult. Anyway when the machine's low jump for the right side of the room and destroy the console there. There you're done. JUST REMEMBER THAT SOMETIMES A BIG LIGHTNING BOLT WILL TRY TO HIT YOU. DODGE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN AS IT CAUSE DAMAGE AND IT SENDS YOU OFF-COURSE. Once you get out of Octavius's apartment a destination marker will appear and point you in the direction of Dr. Connors's class. Swing there as fast as you can but about 3/4 way through six of Mysterios flying robots attack you. One air combo or two should finish them off. Repeat for the others than swing for Connors class. Before you get there a cutscene with Doc Ock occurs and it shows him hurting Dr. Connors. After the cutscene activate the change icon to go inside. Peter will find Dr. Connors on the ground and call the ambulance. Afterwards, he'll go outside and change back into Spider-Man. What you should do now is get the 3,000 Hero Points and buy everything from the Spidey Store including the Level 5 Swing Speed Upgrade. Once you do that the next chapter starts up. =================================== Chapter XI: The Underworld of Crime =================================== To Do List: [] Meet Aunt May at the Bank [] Earn 4,000 more Hero Points As soon as you start, Peter remembers he was supposed to meet Aunt May at the bank for the loan thing, so star swinging. Once you get there activate the change icon to go inside. A cutscene occurs showing Doc Ock tries to steal the money. Peter hides and changes into Spider-Man... !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: Doctor Octopus (Dr. Otto Octavius) Difficulty: Easy Intelligence: Medium Speed: Medium Attacks: Tentacle Attack To Defeat: Before you take on the science squid you have to defeat the grenade launching guys running around. Remember what I said in the Crime Strategy sec- tion about them. Yeah, defeat them that way. But for those of you with short- term memory, which would be...most of you, I'll explain it again. Watch out for the grenades they shoot on the ground because they explode after two seconds. So just avoid them and use air combos against them to defeat them. After you beat all three of them, it's just you and the squid, erm, octopus. Okay, watch for one of his tentacles to turn yellow, that means it is going to attack. Get ready. When the tentacle turn red and your head flashes, dodge the tentacles and immediately press Y to pin his tentacle to the ground. Now turn Spider Re- flexes on and jump at him and use B, B, B air combos against him. If you've done it right, he should run away. If not you are gonna have to do it once more before he runs away. Once he runs away, three more of those Ock thugs appear and you must defeat them. Remember the strategy and smash 'em. Once you've done that, you end up outside and you have :30 to get up on top of the bank. Either use wall-crawl jumps or wall-sprints to get up on top. Once you do follow the helicopter on top. Either stay close to it or attach a web line to it and enjoy the ride. Once you've chased it for 10-15 seconds, Doc Ock places Aunt May on the train track and you must reach her before the train does. Web-Swing or web-zip over to her and the mission will finally and. Once you've saved Aunt May get the 4,000 Hero Points if you haven't already done so and buy everything that's available at the Store. ================================== Chapter XII: Shocking Developments ================================== To Do List: [] Go to your Apartment [] Earn 4,000 more Hero Points As soon as you start, Peter figures he should go to his apartment to check the electronic machine. Follow the destination marker and go inside. You will hear a message from JJ and he needs to see you NOW! So again, follow the destination marker and watch the cutscene. After a while Black Cat comes in and she tells him that she found Shocker a.k.a. Herman Shultz's hideout, but she is going to tell him only after another chase. For the, erm, third time, rely more on your jumping and web-zipping more often than your web-swinging and you won't have any problems. You two eventually end up at the Warehouse (later to become the Fight Arena). Go inside and a boss fight starts... !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: The Shocker (Herman Schultz) Difficulty: Easy Intelligence: Medium Speed: Medium-Fast Attacks: Homing Electricity, Energy Field To Defeat: Okay, first of all you might want to lock on to Shocker (down on the D-Pad). Now don't worry about the Shocker thugs as Cat will take care of them. Concentrate on Shocker. Learn his paterns. First get close to him while dodging his Homing Electricity and one you are up close and personal, turn on Spider Reflexes and beat him up. Once you see the screen get dark, turn Spider Re- flexes off and swing away because he is about to use his Energy Field which does serious damage. After the Energy Field is gone, repeat. Get close to him while dodging Homing Electricity, combo him and run away when he is about to use his Energy Field and repeat until Shocker falls. After Shocker is defeated, he shoots some Homing Electricity into Black Cat and being the sweet-heart that he is, Spider-Man checks if she's alright. In the mean time Shocker escapes. Better luck next time, Hero! After you've finished the Shocker part, it's time to get the 4,000 Hero Points and buy everything from the Store. ================================ Chapter XIII: Cleaning the Slate ================================ To Do List: [] Meet Jameson at the Daily Bugle [] Earn 4,000 more Hero Points As soon as you start, JJ needs to see you again so follow the destination mar- ker to the Bugle and go inside. Talk to JJ and he'll tell you that he wants you to take the pictures. Go outside and follow the destination marker. Once you're about 3/4 way through, a citizens runs out of a store complaining about aliens invading his shop. Change your destination and go to the store. Go inside and you'll meet with Mysterio... !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: Mysterio (Quentin Beck) Difficulty: Too Easy to explain Intelligence: Um...none Speed: Again, nothing Attacks: Err, none To Defeat: This has got to be a joke. This is so easy, but to make it LOOK hard Mysterio's health bar fills up three times. As if, just go up to him, and hit him with any attack and he's outta here!!! Um, that's all there is to this boss fight. Once you get out of the shop, you meet a girl and she gets scared of you and runs away. That really annoys Peter and he decides to go to the Bugle to give JJ some words of his own. When you're on the roof of the Bugle, Cat comes in and informs our hero, that she found Shocker's hideout, AGAIN! It's time for another Black Cat - Spider-Man chase through the city. Remember to mostly jump or web-zip as it makes it much easier than swinging. Anyway after some chasing you end up on a rooftop with some of those Shocker's thugs you have to defeat. I'll post the strategy again. These thugs, in my opinion, are the easiest bad guys in the game. Why? Because one B, B, B combo will kill them. But the hard thing is, getting close to them, because they shoot homing electricity blasts. So DODGE the blasts and use a B, B, B (preferably an air combo) to take them out. Afterwards, some more chasing is done, and you end up atop a rooftop again, with more of Shocker's thugs. Beat them using the stra- tegy above and continue with the chase. She eventually leads you over to Queensboro Bridge and over to Roosevelt Island. Follow her to an abandoned lab and go inside to start another boss fight with Shocker... !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: The Shocker (Herman Schultz) Difficulty: Medium Intelligence: Medium Speed: Fast Attacks: Homing Electricity, Energy Field, Energy Lift & Throw To Defeat: First of all, you can't hurt him while he has his defensive shield on so don't bother. Listen to Black Cat's advice and distract him while she finds a way to turn the shield off. So start swinging around the room until Cat tells you to activate the switch. First get up to her platform above, then jump for the platform directly across from here. Now activate the switch here and Shocker's shield will fail. Now, remember the strategy you used the first time. Go close to him while avoiding the blasts he sends, bash him up and then run away when he uses his Energy Field. After the energy field, his shield comes back online so swing around the room until Cat tells you to activate the switch again. Do so and repeat the strategy a second time. After he shoots another E- nergy field his shield comes back on, but this time after you turn the switch off, the shield fails permanently so now just bash him up normally. Remember that sometime he lifts you up and throws you away this time. After his life bar drains completely, you win. ============================ Chapter XIV: Burning Bridges ============================ To Do List: [] Earn 3,000 Hero Points Right after you beat Shocker, Peter remembers that Mary Jane's play is on to- night and he wants to see it. So get out of the lab and swing for it. Follow the destination marker and you'll eventually reach it only to be...late... again! Anyway after another tardy arrival, Peter feels he must talk to Black Cat so he goes in search for her. Follow the destination marker and you will eventually meet her on the Chrysler Building. Talk to her and she will challenge you to a race. Follow her and dive off the hawk statue into her direction the swing straight ahead until you get to the marker. Hopefully, you won, if not, it doesn't matter. After you win, or, lose, you and Cat crawl along a warehouse to see some thugs auctioning off the armored battle suits. Black Cat, even- tually dives in and joins the fight, but you, stay right there. Let Cat do the whole super-hero thing and don't worry, she has unlimited health. So let her defeat all the thugs and armored suits if you want, but if you don't, why don't you join the fight as well. Oh yeah, make sure you have lots of Spider Reflex juice, you're gonna need it since most of the thugs have guns here. Oh, if you want to take on the battle suits here's the strategy again for ya. The only and easiest way to defeat these is to either continously dodge while atta- cking with air combos or to attack them from behind since they can't hit you there. But be aware, if there are more of one of these things at once, they can easily attack you even if you are behind one. Don't go on a killing spree if you can't beat this mission, I know it's hard. Anyway after you defeat all the super-villain minions the mission FINALLY ends. After that LONG battle, it's time to see Cat again and for the last time. So start following the destination marker and you'll meet her and she'll give you some advice. She suggests you go see Mary Jane and tell her how you really feel. So follow the destination marker to her apartment and talk to her. But she doesn't listen and she's still gonna get married. All that talking for nothing. Anyway once you've finished everything here, it's time to earn 3,000 Hero Points and buy everything from the Store. Afterwards, the next chapter starts. ============================ Chapter XV: To Save the City ============================ To Do List: [] Go to your Apartment As soon as you start, Peter figures he should drop by his apartment to check the answering machine, see if he's got anything. So start swinging to your apartment and go inside. Listen to the voice, it's MJ. She's telling you to meet her at the dining place that you went in Chapter III. Then the timer starts and you have 1:50 to get to the place and change. Start swinging... When you get there change into Peter and a cutscene starts. Now, when you're inside and talking to MJ, our good ol' doctor swings by and tells Peter to find his arachnid friend or else. He also takes Mary Jane away. After the cutscene, another timer starts and you will have 1:50 to get to a tower in El Barrio, which is near the train track, so start swining and follow the marker if you wanna make it. Once you get there you talk to Ock a bit and he jumps on the train. Do what he does, jump on it and get near him... !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: Doc Ock (Dr. Otto Octavius) Difficulty: Medium Intelligence: Medium-High Speed: Medium Attacks: Tentacle Attack To Defeat: This battle is actually easier than the 1st because there are no stupid Ock thugs running around, shooting you. He does however attack faster now and this time, you must pin 2 of his tentacles to the ground before a- ttacking him. So use the same strategy you used before and beat him up. Oh yeah, don't get thrown off the train... Once you defeat Doc Ock, Spidey stops the run away train and faints. Ock grabs him and takes him to Harry's house. There, Ock grabs the Tritium and runs away. Harry is about to kill out hero but he takes off the mask and sees it's Peter. He drops the knife and Peter escapes the pathetic wires. Blah, blah, blah... who cares, let's get to the game already. Okay, after the cutscene a timer starts and you have :55 to get to the Ock lab and get inside. Try not to waste time and follow the destination marker. Go inside and touch the touch-down icon to start the mission. Okay, after a cutscene, you have to deactivate the fusion machine again. Except this time there are nine consoles, not four. What also makes this mission hard is the fact that Ock will try to hit you constantly, so remember in a time like this the X button is your bestest bud. Here are the locations of the consoles. [] Four are on the platforms around the room [] Three are in the side rooms on the lower floor [] One is underneath the dock, near the water - be careful [] One is high up on the wall - crawl up to get it Once you've destroyed all nine consoles...PREPAR FOR THE FINAL BATTLE... !!!BOSS ALERT!!! Name: Doc Ock (Dr. Otto Octavius) Difficulty: Hard Intelligence: High Speed: Too freakin' fast Attacks: Erm, Tentacle Attack, another Tentacle Attack, Tentacle Grab, Tentacle multi-hit....and some others... To Defeat: Okay, this battle is unlike any other boss you've faced before, be- cause it's actually hard, sort of. Okay, first things first. You better run to a side room because Ock can grab you and thrown you into the water. Now, once you're in a side room, lock on to Ock. Now watch for the tentacle to glow ye- llow. Get ready. When it goes red and your head flashes, DODGE and press Y to pin his tentacle down. Now repeat for the other three and when all four are down, turn on Spider Reflexes and go for it. Use attacks and do as much damage as you can before he breaks free. After he breaks free, repeat. Eventually he is going to get defeated. Once he is, a cutscene starts showing the end of Ock which is similar to the one in the movie...blah, blah, blah. Congratulations, you have just defeated Doc Ock. You've finished the story... almost, there is one more chapter, or two... =================================================== Chapter XVI: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life =================================================== To Do List: [] Earn 50,000 more Hero Points You heard me, 50,000 Hero Points you've gotta collect, but don't worry it's not that much, just look at all this stuff you can do to earn Hero Points: *Complete a Random Crime *Complete a Citizen in Distress Mission *Complete a meet-up-with Mary Jane Watson Mission *Complete a Daily Bugle Photo-op Mission *Complete a Mr. Aziz Pizza Delivery Mission *Find SkyScraper, Secret, Hideout and Buoy Tokens *Activate Hint Markers *Complete a Trick/Race Challenge You see, it's not going to take that long. Once you collect all the Hero Points go to the Store and buy everything that you can. Chances are most of the stuff is bought, but if not, get some more Hero Points and get 'em. Once you have them, practice all of them on your enemies. What there is another chapter? yes there is but don't worry, it's nothing much... ===================================================== Chapter XVII: The Second Day of the Rest of Your Life ===================================================== To Do List: [-] To-Do List Completed Okay, the big finale! In this chapter there are no missions. This is it. In this chapter, you can explore Manhattan to your heart's content. You should probably try to get the tokens, play the arcade games and try the other mi- ssions such as the Daily Bugle, Mary Jane and Pizzas. Whatever you choose to do, Manhattan is yours. Have Fun!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. The Spidey Store [SSHOPS007] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will tell you about everything you can buy at the Store. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locomotion Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== Swing Speed Upgrades: These improve your swinging speed ===================== Name: Swing Speed Level 1 Cost: 50 HP (hero points) Available: Chapter 2 Name: Swing Speed Level 2 Cost: 1,000 HP Available: Chapter 3 Name: Swing Speed Level 3 Cost: 1,250 HP Available: Chapter 6 Name: Swing Speed Level 4 Cost: 1,500 HP Available: Chapter 7 Name: Swing Speed Level 5 Cost: 2,000 HP Available: Chapter 9 Name: Swing Speed Level 6 Cost: 5,000 HP Available: Chapter 13 Name: Swing Speed Level 7 Cost: 20,000 HP Available: Chapter 16 Name: Swing Speed Level 8 Cost: 50,000 HP Available: Chapter 17 ============================= WallSprint Duration Upgrades: ============================= Name: WallSprint Duration Upgrade Level 1 Cost: 1,000 HP Available: Chapter 7 Name: WallSprint Duration Upgrade Level 2 Cost: 15,000 Available: After you collect all the Sky Scraper tokens (150) ========================== Other Locomotion Upgrades: ========================== Name: Web Zip Cost: 1,000 HP Available: Chapter 3 Name: SlingShot Jump Cost: 600 HP Available: Chapter 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Tricks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * These help refill your Spider Reflexes meter ================== Air Tricks Type 1: ================== Name: Inverted Widow Cost: 250 Available: Chapter 4 To Do: Press A after a Double Jump Name: Daddy Long Legs Cost: 250 Available: Chapter 8 To Do: Press A, A after a Double Jump Name: The Spinnaret Cost: 500 Available: Chapter 10 To Do: Press A, A, A after a Double Jump Name: The Rolling Reporter Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 12 To Do: Press A, A, A, A after a Double Jump Name: Webtastic 360 Cost: 1,500 Available: Chapter 14 To Do: Press A, A, A, A, A after a Double Jump Name: The Poison Pike Cost: 2,000 Available: Chapter 15 To Do: Press A, A, A, A, A, A after a Double Jump ================== Air Tricks Type 2: ================== Name: Super Fly Spider Guy Cost: 250 Available: Chapter 4 To Do: Press A while diving off a building Name: Web Freak Tango Cost: 250 Available: Chapter 8 To Do: Press A, A while diving off a building Name: Manhattan Web Roll Cost: 500 Available: Chapter 10 To Do: Press A, A, A while diving off a building ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *These are combos that you can use against enemies Name: Grapple Cost: 750 Available: Chapter 3 To Do: Y + X Description: While web-tying and enemy, press X to grab a bad guy. After you grabbed an enemy press B repeatedly to beat up the bad guy or press X to throw the bad guy Name: Air-Jump Off Kick Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 4 To Do: A (during an air combo) Description: During an air combo press A to launch higher up. From there you can web yank and enemy and continue the combo Name: Cannonball Kick Cost: 500 Available: Chapter 4 To Do: B (while web swinging) Description: While swinging press B to have spidey kick enemies. It can knock down multiple bad guys ======================= Multi-Web Tie Upgrades: These make you tie up more bad guys at the same time ======================= Name: Multi-Web Tie Level 1 Cost: 1,500 Available: Chapter 4 To Do: While web-tying an enemy, press and hold Y again to tie up a second enemy at the same time Name: Multi-Web Tie Level 2 Cost: 2,000 Available: Chapter 7 To Do: While web-tying 2 enemies at once, press and hold Y again to web-tie a third enemy Name: Multi-Web Tie Level 3 Cost: 2,000 Available: Chapter 9 To Do: While web-tying 3 enemies at once, press and hold Y again to web-tie a fourth enemy =================== Air Combo Upgrades: These make you punch up to 4 times in an air combo =================== Name: Air Combo Level 1 Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 5 To Do: Press B, B, B during an air combo Name: Air Combo Level 2 Cost: 2,000 Available: Chapter 8 To Do: Press B, B, B, B during an air combo *A quick reminder-to perform an air combo, launch your enemy into the air via attacks such as sprint-uppercut, jaw launcher etc. then jump up and bash the bad guy in the air ================ Fighting Combos: These are combos you can use against enemies ================ Name: Rising Knee Kick Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 5 To Do: B, Y, A Description: Launches an enemy into the air Name: Yank Behind Cost: 500 Available: Chapter 5 To Do: B, Y, X Description: After the combo, spidey yanks the enemy behind him and damages any enemies behind him Name: Earth Breaker Punch Cost: 1,250 Available: Chapter 5 To Do: Y, B, A Description: After the combo, spidey jumps up and punches the ground, scatte- ring nearby enemies Name: Launch Kick Cost: 750 Available: Chapter 5 To Do: B, X (immediately after dodging) Description: Launches an enemy into the air Name: Dizzy Strike Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 6 To Do: B, B, X Description: A powerful punch that makes the enemy dizzy Name: The Hero Punch Cost: 1,250 Available: Chapter 7 To Do: B (with a fully charged jump, while standing still) Description: A very strong punch that knocks a target away Name: Interceptor Kick Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 8 To Do: Y,B,Y,B Description: A very powerful kick combo Name: Multi-Web Hammer Cost: 1,500 Available: Chapter 9 To Do: B, B, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Description: After the combo, spidey web-ties and enemy and slams him/her into the ground up to 6 times Name: Jaw Launcher Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 9 To Do: B, B, A (only during spider reflex) Description: Launches an enemy into the air Name: Air Pile Driver Cost: 1,250 Available: Chapter 9 To Do: X repeatedly (while grappling in the air) Description: Repeatedly press X while grappling in the air, and spidey will drive the enemy into the ground. Usually a one-hit K.O. Name: Double Heel Kick Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 10 To Do: B, B, X, B (after purchasing Dizzy Strike) Description: After the dizzy strike combo press B again to knock out the enemy Name: Stair Stepper Kicks Combo Cost: 1,250 Available: Chapter 10 To Do: B, B, A, B repeatedly (only during spider reflex, after purchasing the jaw launcher combo) Description: After the jaw launcher combo, press B repeatedly and spidey will kick the opponent really hard many, many, many times Name: Whirlwind Kick Cost: 3,000 Available: Chapter 10 To Do: B, B (immediately after dodging) Description: After dodging press B, B and spidey will do a spinning kick that knocks away anyone around you. Name: Air Web Slam Cost: 1,500 Available: Chapter 10 To Do: Y (while grappling in the air) Description: Press Y while grappling in the air and spidey will use a web line to smash a bad guys head into the ground Name: Web Hanger Cost: 2,500 Available: Chapter 11 To Do: basic: B, B, Y, A advanced: B, B, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, A Description: After the combo spidey will jump up and hang an enemy to a light post or traffic light. You must be near a pole for this combo to work Name: Super Web Cost: 1,500 Available: Chapter 11 To Do: Y, B, Y, Y Description: After the combo spidey will shoot impact webbing at an enemy Name: Rising Shoulder Charge Cost: 2,500 Available: Chapter 13 To Do: B (while sprinting, with a fully charged jump) Description: Launches an enemy into the air Name: Spider-Missile Cost: 1,500 Available: Chapter 13 To Do: B (while wall sprinting, or wall-slide jumping) Description: Spidey jumps off the wall and delivers a very powerful headbutt Name: Super Spider-Missile Cost: 10,000 Available: After collecting all the tokens (392) To Do: B (while wall sprinting, or wall-slide jumping, after purchasing the normal spider-missile) Description: Just a stronger version of the spider-missile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Movie Theater Cost: 1,000 Available: Chapter 16 Description: Look on the icon on the map to find the movie theater. You can watch the in-game movies there Name: Fight Arena Cost: 5,000 Available: Chapter 16 Description: Look for the icon on the map to find the fight arena. You can access various fighting challenges Name: Health Cost: 1-200 Available: Any chapter, if you are damaged Description: This replenishes your health. How much it costs depends on how damaged you are ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Awards List [AWARDS008] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will tell you about all the Awards in the game and how to get them. You can Check them off if you want... Name: Employee of the Month To Get: Complete all of the Pizza Delivery Missions Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Shutterbug To Get: Complete all the Daily Bugle Missions Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Knowledge Seeker To Get: Activate all of the Hint Markers Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Silver Medallist To Get: Complete all of the Trick/Race Challenges Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 2,000 Name: Gold Medallist To Get: Complete all of the Trick/Race Challenges Mega Times Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 5,000 Name: Drenched Explorer To Get: Get all the Buoy Tokens Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 500 Name: Watchful Explorer To Get: Get all of the Secret Tokens Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 2,000 Name: Towering Explorer To Get: Get all of the SkyScraper Tokens Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 500 Name: Vigilant Explorer To Get: Get all of the Hideout Tokens Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 1,000 Name: Master Explorer To Get: Get all of the Exploration Tokens Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 2,000 Name: Friend to Children To Get: Return 25 Balloons Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Peace Maker To Get: Stop 25 Gang Wars Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Bane of Petty Thieves To Get: Return 25 Purses Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Thug Mugger To Get: Stop 25 Muggings Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Watch Dog To Get: 25 Rooftop Robberies Prevented Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Anger Manager To Get: Stop 25 Road Rages Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Stick-Up Artist To Get: Stop 25 Bank/Store Robberies Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Partycrasher To Get: Stop 25 Battle Royals Check [] Reward in Hero Points Name: Lifter of Spirits To Get: Save 25 Falling Workers Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Sucker To Get: Stop 25 Ambushes Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Automobile Avenger To Get: Stop 25 Car Jackings Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Life Preserver To Get: Stop 25 Sinking Boat Crisis Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Human Ambulance To Get: Save 25 Injured Civilians Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Honorary Deputy To Get: Stop 25 Shoot-outs Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Crime Stopper To Get: Stop 250 Random Crimes Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Good Samaritan To Get: Help 250 Citizens in Distress Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Champ To Get: Defeat 200 Enemies Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Mega Champ To Get: Defeat 500 Enemies Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Big Game Hunter To Get: Defeat Rhino Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Alien Buster To Get: Defeat Mysterio Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Shock Absorber To Get: Defeat The Shocker Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Tentacle Wrangler To Get: Defeat Doc Ock Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Speed Freak To Get: Buy Swing Speed Level 8 Upgrade Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Hardcore Gamer To Get: Complete all 4 Arcade Games Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 0 Name: Lover not a Fighter To Get: Complete all Mary Jane Missions Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Hero in Training To Get: Get a total of 15,000 Hero Points Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Hero To Get: Get a total of 45,000 Hero Points Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Super Hero To Get: Get a total of 100,000 Hero Points Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Mega Hero To Get: Get a total of 200,000 Hero Points Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 Name: Game Master To Get: 100% the Game Check [] Reward in Hero Points: 250 That's all of them. And remember only by getting all 40 awards, you have truly finished the game. Have fun!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Cheats, Secrets & Other Stuff [CS&STF009] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====== Cheats ====== There is only one cheat for this game and it is as follows... When starting a new game, enter your name as HCRAYERT but you must not have any previous save files for this to work. Once you start the game under this name, you will start at Chapter XVI with 201,000 Hero Points and lots of upgrades bought. If you're lazy and you just wanna skip the game you might want to use this code. NOTE: When you do have a save file, do this. Load your game up and go to the Save/Load screen. Now press NEW GAME and enter your name as HCRAYERT. It won't let you start but once you get out of the Pause menu, you will get 201,000 Hero Points and you can keep doing this cheat until you have the desired amount of Hero Points...have fun!!! =========== Fake Cheats =========== Okay, someone told me the following cheats and they are FAKE, they don't work. The first on is CEREBRA. If you have no save files and start a new game under this name you will start with the "Silver Medalist" and "Gold Medalist" award. I have tried it and it is fake. The second cheat is FLUWDEAR. He said that once you beat the game 100% on one save file, start a new game under this name on the same memory card and you will be able to choose a "level select" option. My cousin did that (I haven't 100%ed it yet) and it is fake. ======= Secrets ======= Most of you know this already but I'll post it anyway. CREDIT goes to PERFECT LIGHT. "Some people can see Ellis Island and Liberty Island, but are unable to get there. After all, it says 'anywhere you can see, you can go, ' right? Well, you are right, and I have figured out a way to get to those islands. Down by their location, you may notice a helicopter that flies over to southern Man- hattan, and then out over the water, crosses with another heli, and the comes back. Attach a web line to his helicopter, and it'll carry you out over the water. When the second heli crosses paths, leap from the one you're on, and attach to the other one. This second one will bring you to Ellis Island. To get to Liberty Island and climb on the statue, find the third helicopter over in Liberty's direction (while you're on Ellis Island). Latch onto it, and it will carry you over to Liberty Island. Beware, if you drop from the heli too soon, you'll hit the ground pretty hard and lose some health" REMEMBER, CREDIT GOES TO PERFECT LIGHT! ==================================== FALL OFF THE ESB AND NOT LOSE HEALTH ==================================== This is actually a pretty cool secret. Grapple a bad guy, the swing with him or her to the top of the Empire State Building. Now leap off and continuously press X and it will do a Air Pile Driver, however, even though you are so high you will not lose any health when you hit the ground. ================================= SWING WITH FIVE WEB LINES AT ONCE ================================= This, again only looks cool but it's not that useful. Okay, first web-tie four enemies at once. While you're tying them, press the R button to start swinging. You should swing but still tie the enemies and it will look like you're swin- ging with five web lines at once. ================================================= NOT LOSE HEALTH IF YOU FALL OFF A TALL SKYSCRAPER ================================================= This is very simple. Press R JUST, JUST, JUST as you hit the ground and Spidey will just land on the ground and not take any damage. It even works while fa- lling off the Empire State Building! ================ SECRET COSTUMES? ================ Okay, this topic has been debated ever since the game came out. Some people be- lieve there are hidden costumes in the game, others don't. Users on the PS2 board have a topic about these costumes and all these clues. One of them that interested me was the one about the billboard in MorningSide that said: "Ahoy! Tresure Seekers, Come visit McMahan's Forbidden Galleon. Open 10 AM - 7 PM. No Lid-Livers Admitted." Users were saying that it might be a clue to fin- ding the hidden costumes. And there were other interesting things and clues that players have posted. I personally think that there ARE hidden costumes but they are very well-hidden such as in a secret apartment or...who knows? Lately, players have discovered the mysterious label out in the water opposite of Ellis Island that says: "Governors Island". Apparently, there is no land near this label. I did some Google Search and I found some screenshots of Go- vernors Island in New York City. It's actually a place in the real NYC. Some wacky guy came up with a story that was rather interesting. He said that once you get 100%, Governors Island appears and a secret helictoper will fly around the island, that is said to take you there. On the island there are 3 "Activa- tion Tokens" that unlock the locked doors in the Daily Bugle that have costumes in them. It's just a story but who knows...? I will update this section as I find out more about this... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Favorite Conversations and Quotes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, here I post some of my favorite quotes and conversations that I've heard throughout the game. Spidey: "I think you zigged, when you should've zagged" When: When fighting thugs Spidey: "And then he turns it up a notch...BAM!!! When: When fighting thugs Spidey: "Skin-tight leather? Doesn't that kinda stick? Black Cat: "You'll never find out, that's for sure!" When: During Cat chasing missions Black Cat: "Shouldn't you be helping some old lady across the street?" Spidey: "Nah, I've already done that!" When: During Cat chasing missions Spidey: "Hi, guys, I'm here to BEET U UP!" When: When entering a hideout Thug: "Oh, crud!" When: When fighting thugs Thug: "Oh man, no, not cool!" When: When fighting thugs Spidey: "Hey, Shocker, you've been wearing that make up for two years now!" Shocker: "This make up, is a shock to you!" When: During cutscene before boss fight with Shocker Civilian: "Freakin' super-heroes, they think they own the place!' When: While swinging close to the ground Civilian: "Oh, how am I going to explain this?: Spidey: "Maybe you should've though of that before you decided to flip out!" When: After a road rage mission Quentin Beck: "How could he beat, my course? I spent weeks on it... Spidey: "I'm outta here, Beck" Beck: "NO, you just wait, how do you like it when I turn this cannon at maxi- mum power! ahhahaha!" *turns on machine* *stuffs up* Beck: "Oh c'mon, stupid machine, work, work!" Spidey: "Problems with your laser Beck? I hear they have pills for that now" *Beck punches the machine* Spidey: "See ya" When: During cutscene after completing the obstacle course Civlian: "Ahhh, some kind of aliens are invading my store!!!PLEASE HELP!!!" Spidey: "huh? Aliens attacking a Speedy Mart? Now this, I gotta see" When: During cutscene in Chapter XIII Female Civilian: "Spidey, ur the man!" Spidey: "Um, ur the...woman?" When: While swinging around the city Thug: "You're too predictable, Spider!" When: When ambushed Thug: "I'm taking you out Spider-Man!" Spidey: "I would like to see that, thank you" When: When fighting thugs Rhino: "Oh, Spider-Man, you don't know how long I've been wanting to give you a beating!" Spidey: "A Rhino eh? Let me just take a wild guess that you are strong but dumb When: During cutscene before Rhino fight Mysterio: "Ahhhhh! Speedy Mart Clerk: "Wow, that was sick dude. You rock so hard Spidey!" When: During cutscene at the Speedy Mart fight with Mysterio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Peter Parker was a normal school boy before he got bitten by a genetically engineered spider and he transformed into the super- powered Spider-Man. Mary Jane Watson: Mary Jane is Peter's love interest. She is also an actress in Broadway. Black Cat/Felicia Hardy: Felicia Hardy is also known as Black Cat. Whoever crosses cannot escape due to her awesome jinxing powers granted by KingPin Harry Osborn: Harry is now the president of Oscorp Industries. He is also Peter's best pal. The Rhino: Rhino is not the smartest of the super-villains but he is covered in a super-thick armor. "quote from previous Spider-Man game": "Hey, wait, I got a bingo...HA HA! you're always laughing at me, but who's your daddy now eh? hahaha...ha...oh wait a minute I made a mistake...." Shocker: Shocker is also known as Herman Schultz. A criminal who escaped from prison many times. He is equipped with electricity powered gloves. Doc Ock: Dr. Octavius was a scientist trying to give the world an infinite supply of energy. However, during an accident some mechanical arms took over his brain and now they control him. Together, they make Doc Ock. JJ: James Jonah Jameson is Peter's boss and also the Director at the Daily Bugle. Robbie Robertson: Robbie gives Peter photo op missions whenever the boss fires Peter. Betty Brant: She admits Peter into JJ's office. She also gives him his money. Mr. Aziz: He is the owner of the Pizza Parlor. He gives Peter Pizza deliveries and is not happy with Parker's progress at the moment. Dr. Curt Connors: Dr. Connors is Peter's teacher at the university. In the comics, he becomes the Lizard. Quentin Beck/Mysterio: Beck is just an illusionist and a special effects master that wants to prove that Spider-Man is a hoax. Bruce Campbell: He is very funny and he is also the narrator. Oh who cares about narrators. ==== Poll ==== This is a new section and it will change occaasionally. Here I will post a poll for you guys to give me your opinion on... Q. Should I add the Token Location Section to this FAQ? [] Yes, that's what this guide needs [] Maybe, Some people are having trouble finding them [] No, your guide is already bad, don't bother Select an option above and e-mail it to me. (See the contact section for more details on e-mail/IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Disclaimer & Contact Information [DISKLA010] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So you wanna contact me. Well you can either IM me or E-Mail me. BUT there are certain rules you must follow before you IM/E-Mail Me. These are: I. Do not spam, advertise stuff; I'm not interested II. Use proper, understandable English III. Do not use slang such as: "dood, ur FAQ rawked, but I need hlpe" ---No I will ingore your e-mail/message if you use slang, and try to limit spelling/grammar mistakes IV. Put "Spider-Man 2 Faq/Walkthrough on the Subject Line so I know what you're talking about V. Do not use abusive/offensive language; I will delete your e-mail/message Assuming you will follow these rules, here are my contact details: IM: ssj4_gohan91 (Yahoo Messenger) E-Mail: ssj4_gohan91@yahoo.com So by IMing/E-mailing me you can either contribute something such as a secret, hint, mystery etc. or tell me about a spelling/grammar error I've missed I would also appreciate if you gave me feedback about this FAQ, Thanks! This whole document is copyright (C) 2005 by Ovidiu Buciu. You may not use it on any other site other than: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.freewebs.com/spider-man2-thegame without permission. You may not sell this or use it for monetary gain. Do not claim that this is your own either. If I do give you permission to post this up on your website, give me full credit and do not place advertising banners or anything else. Just leave it as it is. Also, do not plagiarise my work. That's about it...next! Oh yeah, if you do any of the bad stuff above I will send nanobots to eat you a- live. Muahahahahahahaaaaaa!!! (I mean it, I really do!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Thank You to... [THANKY011] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank the following: *CJayC for running an awesome cheat and guides website *NotePad + which is the program I used to write this guide *mypeecee.org for letting me download NotePad + *ASCII Generator for that great GC Logo at the top *Word for spotting many spelling mistakes *Perfect Light for so many things -for the controller ASCII -for the game screen ASCII -for the Liberty Island Secret -and for encourging me to get this *awesome* game *All the readers of this FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Closing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOW! I actually wrote a whole walkthrough? WOW, I never did it before... Anyway I would sincerely like to thank you for reading this and I hope it helped in some way, shape or form. And remember if you need to talk to me, tell me a spo- tted mistake or want to contribute something e-mail me at: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ssj4_gohan91@yahoo.com \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ END OF DOCUMENT