------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPY HUNTER WALKTHROUGH|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ by Caleb Stoffel\jak_and_daxter2222@hotmail.com Last Updated: October 21th, 2003 This FAQ was Born: October 2nd, 2003 This is the Final Version of my FAQ: no more updated will be done Best Used With: A PS2 copy of SpyHunter and a Memory Card with at least 38 kilobytes of free space. |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |********** ******* * * * * * * * * ***** ***** ***** | |* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | |********* ******* ** **** * * * * * * ***** ***** | | * * * * * * * * ** * * * | |********* * * * * ***** * * * ***** * * | |----------------------------------------------------------------* *--| CONTENTS -------- 1- INTRO finished 2- SPYHUNTER'S HISTORY AND FUTURE EVENTS finished 3- MISSIONS finished A: Mission 1: Training Mission 1: Test Track License FINISHED B: Mission 2: Dragon Strike FINISHED C: Mission 3: Route Canal FINISHED D: Mission 4: Swamp Venom FINISHED E: Mission 5: Double Vision FINISHED F: Mission 6: Columbian Extract FINISHED G: Mission 7: Training Mission 2: IES Testing Facility FINISHED H: Mission 8: Escort Service FINISHED I: Mission 9: German Blitz FINISHED J: Mission 10: Terrorist Lock Down FINISHED K: Mission 11: French Kiss FINISHED L: Mission 12: Locked Keys FINISHED M: Mission 13: Venetian Blind FINISHED N: Mission 14: Final Mission : Eye of the Storm FINISHED 4- THANKS finished 5- COPYRIGHT STUFF finished ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-INTRO||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok. This fact was started because when I first visited the PS2 SpyHunter Page at GameFAQs.com, there was only one FAQ! I thought the page could use some spicing up. Plus, the oppurtunity to become famous and start writing FAQs sounded cool. Thus, this walkthrough was born. It contains no cheats, no weapon stats, vehicle stats or enemies stats. Just a very straight forward and to-the-point walkthrough. In some cases, the walkthrough will be expansive and in other cases it will be short. In both cases, you will get the information needed to beat the game. In most cases, you probably won't need a walkthrough to begin with. This is fairly easy game, that is really straightforward with limited puzzles. But I will help you with information, tips, tricks and cool things to do when you DO reach the hard spots. This is my first walkthrough or FAQ, so bear with me on the grammar or ASCII art if it is bad! If you have any questions or comments, email me at jak_and_daxter2222@hotmail.com. I am planning more walkthroughs and in depth FAQs for more PS2 games. If it's Xbox or Gamecube, forget it! I might do some PC FAQs. Another small note about the walkthrough: I will mention the names of enemy vehicles, maneuvers or weapons in the walkthrough without explaining what they are or do in some cases. The SpyHunter Game Manual does a much better job of this, so I don't have to explain it to you. Whether you're the worst gamer ever, or the best, there's something that will help everyone. Please take some time to study maneuvers, enemies and weapons. Plus, use any techniques that I don't mention in the levels. Experiment a little bit. This will ensure a guaranteed good gaming experience and a make it a little less painful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2- SPYHUNTER'S HISTORY AND FUTURE EVENTS|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Based on mega arcade hit in 1983, SpyHunter is a car combat game of sorts, in which you, a nameless pilot of the G-6155 Interceptor, work for a spy company called IES. IES and their agents are trying to stop an evil company named NOSTRA, from taking over the world. They have convinced powerful organizations and world leaders that they will restore peace to our world. But they are deceived. NOSTRA's first operation will be to unleash the Four Horsemen, four satellites that will drain the world of all power. In this 2001 game, published by Midway Games and developed by Paradigm Entertainment, your single objective is to put a stop to these "Four Horsemen." Well, actually that happens at the very end of the game. Precedingly, you will destroy power communications, bases, agents, and other menacing forces of evil that are a part of NOSTRA. It suffers from a few control problems and repetive level designs in my opinion, but otherwise is a solid car combat game. This November SpyHunter will be returning to consoles everywhere in two different forms. First, in early November, Midway Games will release its old school collection of games, named Midway Arcade Treasures. MAT will feature the 1983 version of SpyHunter plus other hits such as DEFENDER, DEFENDER II, GAUNTLET, JOUST, RAMPART KLAX, SPLAT!, 720 plus 14 more. It also has an MSRP of $19.95, so it's a safe bet. For those of you who want a better sequel to SpyHunter of 2001, you're covered. Later in November, SpyHunter 2 hits shelves. This sequel has a cool, sleeker car. Plus, you have someone else working alongside you in your missions. More vehicle modes(can you say snowmobile?) more weapons, longer missions, more missions, the old maps, plus new maps and end-of-the-level bosses are enough reasons to make you excited. Believe me, it'll be $49.99 but every penny will be worth it. I also have an "insider" in Midway, who says there will be a SpyHunter 3, to coincide with the SpyHunter movie starring (guess who?) The Rock. Also in SpyHunter 3, you will have the ability to exit your car at anytime and jack other cars. We'll see about that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3- MISSIONS||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: You are about to embark on the first half of Spy-Hunter. In these next 7 levels, you'll learn the ways the the Type I G-6155 Interceptor, destroy a very dangerous enemy helicopter, destroy communications, destroy a clone of your own Interceptor and have a great time doing it! These levels are pretty easy, so don't worry too much about the difficulty. Have a good time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3A: Mission 1: Training Mission 1: Test Track License||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 7 Time To Complete: 8:00 MIN Level Summary: Complete one lap around the Test Track at the IES Training Facilty to earn Spyhunter status and begin official field work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, remember to start a new game. Then go to Operations to begin the adventure. Select Test Track License. The main objective here is to learn the controls and handlings of the G-6155 Interceptor. You will go through several areas including slalom course through barrels, slalom course through gates, a shooting range, and others. As my duty as your humble walkthrough writer, I shall guide you through that process step by step. You start out outside your garage with a long stretch in front of you. Since this is your first and easiest mission, there's not much you gotta worry about. Just stay concentrated and travel the level with ease. Go forward. Drive around the barrels, and be careful not to hit them, for they are a part of the mission objective. After the turn, there is a long road in front of you. There are several barrel lines covering the road. Take your time and travel at a leisurely speed. After that, turn left and go around the barrels. Go up the road leading to the opening doors. You are now in the Slalom Gate Course. Go through the first gate. Go up the hill and through the second gate. Right in front of you is the third gate. Enter it. To the side is the fifth gate, and after that on the left is sixth gate. Go again on the right to the seventh gate. Ignore the explosions, they're only meant to make your experience tension-filled. Go ahead to the gate on the left (#8) and then the one on the right (#9). Now here's where things get a bit tricky. There is now a line of barrels in front of you. You want to go all the way to the left where there is a slight incline that you can drive over. Thus you don't hit the barrels and don't lose your mission. Go through the next two (#10 and #11)and proceed to the opening doors. This is the beginning of the shooting range. You want to be careful not to hit any cardboard civilian vehicles, as it is one of your objectives not to harm the innocent. Continue down the road, destroying only those that have a red bullseye on them. There are only three. Your fire button is R1. Continue to the opening doors. Now we have the second part of the shooting range. If you sped up back there, slow down now! Make the turn shooting the fourth target (assuming you destroyed the cardboard cars). Now shoot the fifth that should be right in front of you. Make a right, and go on the sidewalk to destroy the sixth target, making sure not to gain any civilian casualties. In the more dangerous levels, you can afford to gain a few civilian casualties. But here, you'll lose after the second or third one. Now destroy the seventh target by the left. Go down the road shooting the target on the left and then on the right. You should now have the Target objective complete. It is your Primary objective. Go through the opening doors. The camera now circles around your vehicle in slow motion, showing you how it transforms into a boat when you enter water. This area is the rest of Slalom Gates. Continue to go through the gates as before. You'll notice that you're going a little bit faster than usual, which is exactly why you should tap the brakes. When you get the message that says 4 Gates Left, turn to far right and go through that gate. Now slow down, because there's a gate right before the waterfall. Enter it and go through the next two. You should now have completed all Slalom Gates. Go through the opening doors. Now this is the Satcom Area. It's very simple really. Just go up the ramps, and angle your car up the ramp to get the satcom. There is four satcoms. You should now get a message saying Satcom Objective Complete. Go through those opening doors again. You are now in the Tracking Area. This is important! Do not, I repeat, do not smash these boats or fire lethal weapons on them. Only fire your tracker, by pressing Circle. And be as fast as possible! They won't be around forever! Also make sure not to place trackers on civilian boats, or crash into them. After this, you should get a message reading Tracking Objective Complete. Go through the opening doors. Alright, this is one of your final objectives. Drive past the corner, being careful not to hit any cones or barrels. The best way to clear these jumps, is to get as close to the ramp as possible, and then double tap the gas to use turbo. If you hit 50M or above, you passed. If you hit 1-49 M, you lose. Good Luck! Go through the opening doors. Your vehicle is now going to go into motorcycle mode. You'll have to navigate yourself through more barrels again. Be careful! Watch how fast your little speed demon goes, or you'll crash into the barrels. Enter the weapons van. After you are out of the weapons van, you'll have to go through the final stage of the level. Follow the turn and go through the green lights at the end of the lane. Whew! You just mastered all the fine traits of the G-6155 Interceptor and are now hitched in for the ride! Hit X to continue and save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3B: Mission 2: Dragon Strike|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 7:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Nosta is testing a new helicopter code-named "Dragonfly." Destroy it and rendezvous with IES van in Frankfurt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ This mission's pretty easy. You only have 4 objectives to complete, whereas the previous mission had 7 objectives. The main objective is to destroy the helicopter called "Dragonfly." Lets get started. You'll start in a car garage. Don't shoot any cars, and make your way to the exit (it's right in front of you). Make sure you shoot the metal garage door and you don't just smash into it. You will not go through if you do so. Go forward and powerslide your vehicle through the right turn. Repeat again in the next area. Make a very sharp right through the glass and once through turn left. The right way is blocked by semi trailers. This area has busily moving semis. Watch your turning. Get through the semis and take a right. You should see the Dragonfly waiting for you on a high platform. Press L1 to switch to missiles. Then press R1 to fire upon him. After destroying him, head for the exit. If you want to, take out your machine guns and destroy the gate. It's not really necessary. The "Destroy Dragonfly Helicopter" objective is now complete. As soon as you hit the road, you'll see the first of five transport trucks. Destroy it. The quickest and most effective way is to fire two missiles upon the vehicle. After that, continue on down the road, until you get to a T. Take a left, as the right is blocked by two Bullseye's and a moving semi. Continue until you get to a small blockade with men on foot firing on you. The damage potential here is very minimal. Just charge through the wooden blockade, running the guards over if necessary. You are now on a country highway, and will soon meet a Switch Blade. It's a sleek mafia type vehicle with a metal blade on the side. It will get right on your side and start grinding away, which can prove to be damaging to your health. There are several ways to get rid of these pests. Either destroy them from a distance before they have the chance to hurt you, or when they get on your side, hit the brakes and fire upon them, or finally turbo boost ahead of them and give them a taste of oil slick (press L2). Two missiles will do the job, if you fire upon them. Also be careful of the pedestrian traffic. It's one of your objectives NOT to hurt them and could be possibly the easiest, if you do not infere with them at all. On the road ahead is the second transport truck. These guys are easy. Just destroy it the way you did the last one. Enter the small town, and don't worry about the left road. It's just another road, but with more enemies. Destroy any Switch Blades that get in your way. There may be a couple Bullseye's also. Destroy them too. They're not hard. As soon as you exit the small town, take a left onto the dirt road. Smash through the harmless wooden gates. Keep going until you get to a barn. Smash through the entrance. Angle your vehicle so that you get the satcom suspended in mid-air. This is the first of four satcoms. Continue down the country highway. There's another Switch Blade coming up. If you're out of missiles (most likely) just use your machine gun. It works just as well. Go up the ramp and into the Weapons Van. When you exit the WV, continue down the road until you get to a impassable block. Take a right. You are now on the main highway. There will be two or three NIA's(Non-Indentified Agents) in front of you. Dispatch them. The following information is critical! Stay the very right of the road. You'll need to in order to get the second satcom. Use turbo to fly over the ramp and obtain the satcom. You may notice the third transport truck. It's being guarded by a Road Lord. Missiles will dispatch this guy easily. Continue down the road after destroying the transport truck. Take a right. You will soon encounter the fourth transport truck. Destroy it. Then take a right down the dirt road. Here's a quick note on civilians: Right now, you can destroy a few of them. That doesn't mean you go a carnage wreaking rampage. It means if you accidentally destroy a innocent car while trying to destroy an enemy or obtain an objective, its OK. Just try to be more careful. Later in the game, it will only take one or two civilians killed to lose that objective. So don't get used to it. Anyways, back to the walkthrough. Go down the dirt path and over the yellow pond. Don't miss the upcoming ramp. It's small and blends in with the environment. Turbo Boost up the ramp and get the third satcom. Continue down the road. Destroy the fifth and final transport truck. That objective should be done now. OK, listen up! This is the final point of the level, so pay attention. Keep going down the road, until you see a subway on the right. Right in front of the entrance is the final satcom. No ramping or turbo boosts required. Go down the subway, and out of it onto the main road. The satcom objective is now complete. And so is everything else. Just make it to the extraction point in one piece. Just go down the road and eliminate any enemies you see. There should just be one Switch Blade. Go through the green lights and finish your mission. Hit X and save your game to continue your career as a Spy Hunter! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3C: Mission 3: Route Canal|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time To Complete: 6:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Satellite images show heavy Nostra activity in Venice. Comb the canal, disrupt communications and track all cargo ships. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ Mainly, in this level, you will learn how to track targets in action. Plus you will remain learning the skills of past levels. And it's in the canals of Venice, which has always proved to be a cool location for action sequences, at the cinema and also in the arcades. You start inside a shed, in amphibious mode, with nowhere to go but forward. You can destroy the shed doors either by driving through them or by gunning them down, either way works just fine. Go down the canal, shooting any men on boats as you meet them. Soon, there will be a guy driving a boat. He's very non-lethal, and a few machine gun bullets will take him down. After him there is a Barrel Dumper. Either use machine guns or missiles to dispatch him. Just beware of the barrels! After that be sure to take a sharp right up the concrete dock to dispatch the first of five satellite trucks. If you can, take out some of the Mortar Things (?) on the dock. They will follow you into the water, so watch out! As soon as you go off the dock, place a tracker on the first of three cargo ships. Be careful not to destroy him. Up ahead is a blockade filled with wrecked ships and gas barrels. They forgot one section. The concrete dock. Drive up onto it, and destroy the next transport truck. Be careful not to go off the dock just yet. There is a satcom up ahead. Destroy the Mortar Thing quickly before he does any damage to you. Not critical, but definitely smart. Almost as soon as you destroy him (if not before) hit the turbo. You will sail up the small hill and get the satcom. Go through the riverside cafe and onto the water. Go back up onto the docks ahead and shoot anyone that gets in your way. Take a right through the tables and up the hill. Destroy the third satellite truck. Go off the dock and into the water. Keep traveling down the canal destroying any enemies that try and stop you. Now there is the second cargo ship. Be careful as there is a Barrel Dumper guarding it. Track it and then continue. Turbo boost up the big ramp to get the second satcom. Continue down the canal until reaching the weapons boat. Go in. Continue down the canal until you reach the men on boats. Dispatch them and continue up the surface of the small town. There is a satcom here but you don't really need to use turbo. I never had to. After obtaining it, take care of all the NIA's surrounding you. The road will collapse up here and using turbo won't help you. In fact you are supposed to fall. You are now in a dark underground area. Drive through the doors, using your machine guns before hitting the doors. In the next part are the two remaining satellite trucks. Dispatch them. Exit the underground area. You will now be back in the town. Dispatch the NIAs. Ok, this took awhile for me to catch, so listen up! There is a set of stairs leading up to small porch. Use the stairs as a ramp to get the final satcom. Turbo is not needed. It will just make you go higher and miss the satcom. When you land in the water, fire a tracker at the final cargo boat and head for the rendezvous point. Press X to save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D: Mission 4: Swamp Venom|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 7:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Nostra is using the swamps as a toxic dump. Shut down all operations and track all Nostra transport trucks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, you ready for this? Cool. You now have lock-on missiles. Press L3 to lock on to targets and R1 to fire. Go through the non-hazardous barrels. Watch out for the other red gas barrels. Be sure to lock on and destroy that tower with your lock-on missiles. Shoot the gate down with your machine guns and destroy any of the white trucks in your way. Destroy the other tower before he shoots missiles. Take a left into the river ahead. Shoot or dodge the red gas barrels in the water. If you hit them, they will get rid of your health rapidly. Go up the dirt lane and get the first satcom of four(no turbo required). Destroy any enemies that are in your way. Shoot down the tower. Shoot down any Bulleye's in your way and go into the riverbank on the right. Dodge the barrels as before and go up the dirt lane and get the second satcom(again turbo is not required). Watch out for the Mortar Thing and white trucks. Enter the Weapon's Van. After exiting it, go into the water. The Combine Control Towers are here. Just lock-on and destroy all seven of them, while eliminating any enemies on the way. Those includes boats, towers and Mad Bombers. After you get all of them, go through the red laser grid(no, you can't avoid it). Avoid the mine, and go up the ramp and onto the ship(no turbo required). Get the satcom, without using turbo. Go straight up the next ramp, except this time, use turbo to get the final satcom. You should sail right over the ship, get the satcom and land safely in the water. Destroy any boats in your way, and go through the next laser grid, destroying any mines in your way. You can't avoid this. Go up the road on the left, and place a tracker on the first truck. Be careful not to destroy it. Go into the middle river, and onto the left road and track the second truck. Be careful of the Mortar Thing guarding it. Get the road on the left again and place a tracker on the final truck. Go on the highway and through the rendezvous point. Press X to save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3E: Mission 5: Double Vision|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 7:00 Minutes Level Summary: The Weapon Van was disabled and an interceptor was stolen. Hunt down and destroy interceptor at all costs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, this level is really fun. This one and the last one are most fun levels in Spy Hunter(in my opinion). Among getting the satcoms and destroying the comm towers you have to destroy a clone of your own vehicle. Yep the exact same thing. Everything you learned before and performed in your G-6155, he will do better. So watch out. Use my expertise and helpful advice to get you through this somewhat challenging level. Oh and another thing. Remember before, when you would get about halfway through a level and you could enter a weapon's boat/van? Since the Weapons Van was hijacked, there will not be one duing the level. So watch your ammo meter, Rambo! Anyways, let's get started. Take a left past the fountain. Smash through the metal gate(no health downgrade involved). Ok, as soon as you smash through the gate, you will see the interceptor as a target. He has the same health as you and the same weapons as you. There is also a meter that tracks how far away from you he is. If he is in front of you a ways, it will read for example 75 RANGE. If YOU are ahead of him, it will read for example -75 RANGE. Try NOT to get ahead of him. It's a lot more dangerous than when you're behind him. Don't shoot any missiles at him. It may not make much sense now, but later you and him will be in an open stretch of water, so missile shooting will be a lot easier. Now, he could swerve and the missile could hit a building or landscape object. Even a civilian. So, stick to the machine guns for now. I'll let you know when a good time is to start shooting the missiles. Don't worry; this guy's goin' down! Keep firing machine guns at him when there aren't any civilians in the way and watch out for smoke and oil slick. Keep an eye out up ahead for a comm tower up in the mountains. Lock-on and shoot it, with your missiles(providing that there is no civilians in the way). Go through the stone tunnel. Up ahead, there is some missile-shooting towers, watch out for them. If you're speedy enough, you shouldn't have to worry about shooting them. Just before you go in the lighted tunnel, look above in the mountains for the second comm tower. Destroy it, and continue through the tunnel. As soon as exit, take a left through the shrub. Keep going down the dirt path, until you see the third comm tower. Lock-on and shoot it. You don't have to go flying across to that other section. It's still pretty cool though. Keep going down the concrete road until you see another concealed dirt road on the left. Go down it. Lock-on and shoot the comm tower and keep going down the road until you get the first satcom. Go down the concrete road. Go through the small town and lock-on and shoot the comm-tower. NO MORE COMM TOWERS!!! See those fake white doors on your right? They're not fake. Smash through them and get the second satcom, while flying through the air into the water. Sizzling action doesn't get any better than this. Aside from getting the next two satcoms, the rest of level is just a one-on-one battle against your boss-like enemy. This is when you can use your missiles. Use them fast and use them good. Keep going until you see a red laser grid. Take the right path in the mountain. Go off the dirt ramp and get the third satcom. If you have defeated the interceptor now, good for you! If not, just keep lobbing missiles at him when you get a chance. Keep to the left side of the stream. Go up the ramp on the far left and get the last satcom. By now, you probably completed every objective. So just enjoy the ride and make it to rendezvous point in one piece. There will be a few aerial enemies trying to stop you; if you have missiles, shoot em' down, if not, just ignore them and keep moving. Get to the rendezvous point and press X to save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3F: Mission 6: Columbian Extract|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 7:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Nostra is transporting prototype "anti-interceptors". Locate and destroy all prototypes then rendezvous in the jungle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ This level is pretty fun also. You'll start out in a farm. You have to destroy a different type of interceptor, as the summary says. It's a prototype. I call it the car in "Back to the Future". Anyhow, ya gotta destroy it. The first two just sit there, so it just takes a few bullets or two missiles to destroy them. Another thing is you have to escort an IES cargo truck to safety. You start the level guarding. Any enemy you encounter until you meet a freindly helicopter, destroy. And don't land any stray bullets on the truck either. Plus, you've gotta get those four satcoms again. Let's start! Go forward and around the truck, being careful not to hurt it. Destroy the tower and white truck in front of you. There will be another white truck up ahead, so be ready. Destroy it and the next white truck also. Up ahead there's another tower. Destroy it, too, along with next FOUR white trucks. Now the truck will be safely transported. See that ramp up ahead? Turbo boost over it and onto the ship. Take out the swirling Mad Bomber, you'll be glad you did these guys are like bees. So annoying! You'll notice a new target is the hull of that ship. Lock on and shoot it. Enter the ship and lock onto the first prototype. Destroy it also. Go off the ship and head for that dock. Get the second satcom(no turbo required). Lock onto and shoot the hull of the second ship and destroy the second prototype as you did before. Go off the ship, into the water and into the weapon's boat. Once out, go up onto the concrete dock. Shoot any enemies in your way. Go up onto the ship via the small ramp. Go off the ship and onto the road. Destroy the Mortar Things. Go into the water stream in the middle of the road and shoot the silver door on the boat labeled NOSTRA. Go up the ramp and get the third satcom. Head off the end of the ship and onto the small dock. Now go back in the water. Destroy any enemies. Shoot the hull of the third ship and enter. This time things are slightly different. The prototype is now going to fight back. It'll only take about three or four missiles though to bring him down. After doing so, take care of any enemies and continue down the river. Go up onto the road on the left. Destroy the Mortar Thing. You should be out of missiles unless you have a GameShark. If you do have Shark, I don't know why you are reading this. Anyways, take a right off into the deep chasm. Keep going down this wide alley until you see an opening on the right. Go through it. Keep in the middle. You should soar out and get the last satcom. All right. Just get to rendezvous point. Alive. Keep heading down this long stretch until it ends. Then take a right onto the smooth road with metal gates on the sides. Just keep going on to the end and you'll win. Press X to continue and save your game. NOTE: Ok, here's were things get harder. First off, there is no more satcoms. YES!!!! But, you'll be driving in more sleeker intercepter, the Type II and along with that have more stuff that'll learn in the next level. Along with stopping the Four Horsemen, you'll also infiltrate a lot of Nostra's bases. It will much harder to complete objectives so watch out. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3G: Mission 7: Training Mission 1: IES Testing Facility||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 7 Time to Complete: 7:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Familiarize yourself with the new Type II Interceptor. Complete Training at Test Track to earn advanced certification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ As I said before, this level is the beginning of the hard stuff. You will have to combine all of your skills and some new ones to defeat it. The course is basically the same as Level 1, except with new objectives, more objects and altered objects. Let us begin! Go down the road, and dodge the barrels. You'll notice you have a faster interceptor now. Watch your speed! Navigate through the barrel zone and go up the ramp into the Slalom Gate course. Go through as before and on the first ramp, DO NOT USE TURBO. When you reach the second gate use a little turbo, and save at least 75% for the last ramp. Go to the far right of the barrel line as before, and use all the turbo in your meter to go up the ramp. Go through the opening doors. Take out your scanner by pressing circle. It replaces your trackers. Shoot down the cardboard cars that have a yellow dot on them. Be very careful about the civilians! One death, and its over! When you're done here, go through the opening doors. After you lock-on and shoot the first target, stop. That's right, stop! First lock-on and shoot the target to the right, assuming that there's no civilian's in target range. Stay to the right and accelerate slowly forward. When you're in range and there's no civilians, shoot the target in front of you. Now weave through the cars and drive onto the unoccupied road. Shoot the targets and go into the last Slalom Course. Lock on and shoot the final target, while weaving through the gates. Be careful, it slowly is going down to where you cannot shoot it. Swift but sudden lethal accuracy is what we're going for here people! Keep weaving through the gates until it says at the bottom of the screen "4 GATES LEFT." Then go to the very left part of the river and go through the hidden gate. Get through the final three, and that objective will be completed. Go through the opening doors. Immediately, press L1 until your EMP is out. It's a small turret on the right side of your vehicle. Shoot it at the large screen labeled EMP. Go down the waterfall. Go up the ramp and shoot the second EMP target with(what else) EMP. Do the same with the final target. You have shift your car a little bit, but otherwise it's pretty easy. Go through the opening doors. Press circle to activate your scanner. Take the left path past the first laser grid. Now take the right path past the second laser grid. Go up the ramp and over the final laser grid(no turbo required). That objective should now be complete. Go through the opening doors. You are now out of boat mode. Turbo boost up the ramp as before, keeping in mind that the distance is longer(75 meters instead of 50 meters). Go through the barrels and through the rendezvous point. Congratulations! That is a very tough mission! Press X to save your game and continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3H: Mission 8: Escort Service||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 7:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Escort IES agents and their cargo to the Extraction Helicopter. Investigate bomb threats in chunnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ This mission isn't too hard if you listen to my careful advice. You have to protect a small boat with IES agents and disable several bombs in the train tunnel. All in all, this is a pretty easy mission. You start in a water tunnel in boat form. Dodge these mines either by slalom or by shooting your machine guns at them. It's easier to use your machine guns, because some will fall. Continue down the tunnel past the men in orange suits. When you get to a waterfall, shift your vehicle to the far left and through the wooden gate. There is no mines in this area. Continue until you get to the large lake. Directly in front of you should be the boat. Do not shoot it. Instead destroy any enemies you see on the way to the extraction helicopter. Not all of them, but just as many as you can. Go into the weapons boat. You can take the left or the right path, it doesn't matter. The right is better. Take out any barrel dumpers or mad bombers on the way. There is an upcoming building you need to infiltrate that is guarded by hidden lasers. You'll need to turbo boost over a sunken boat in order to reach it undetected. Take a right into the small river and turbo boost over the boat and into the hidden base. Shoot the lock outside the gate. Now crash in, lock on and shoot the target. Exit the base, and go back on the main path. Go onto the small highway. Destroy the slick and the helicopter. Continue down the highway and take a sharp left. Shoot EMP at the first bomb. Go down towards the tunnels. Shoot EMP at the second bomb. Go in the left tunnel. Head onto the small walk on the left. Shoot EMP at the third bomb. Go into the right tunnel. Go up the middle walk and shoot EMP at the fourth bomb. Since it's your only option, go into the left tunnel, head up the walk on the left and shoot the final bomb. As small as this walkthrough is, the level doesn't really deserve much length. I hope it helps. Press X to save your game and continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3I: Mission 9: German Blitz||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 5 Time to Complete: 7:00 MINUTES Level Summary: We are unable to get an Interceptor into the defense plant. Use any available vehicle to get to weapon's van, then carry out objectives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When I first played Spy Hunter, this mission was the hardest. Even harder than the last in my opinion. In this mission you will disable three more bombs with EMP, destroy three more comm towers with missiles, a new method; scan and destroy three cargo trucks all while keeping the civilian casualties very low. To scan and destroy, press circle to bring up the scanner. Beware, some trucks are civilians, and if you destroy any one of them it's game over. But the one's with a yellow smudge on them are the enemy. Destroy them. Oh yes, the hard part! You DO NOT begin in your prized Interceptor. Oh no. You begin in a small, slow foreign vehicle that looks horrible. It's very hard for two reasons. 1: you have to use it for sharp turns and some jumps to navigate the plant. 2: you only have 50 seconds in which to do so. Then your remaining 6 minutes will count down, after you have exited the plant. Ready? Here goes. You begin in the warehouse parking lot. Burn some rubber. Head left into the plant. Dodge the crates as carefully as possible and smash through the boxes in the middle. This next jump, you need to angle your vehicle so you go to the far left and are lined up to go through the small opening in the crates. After doing so, go around the crates, smash through the boxes and go into the next section. Go through the small opening formed by crates, and as soon as you do so, take a sharp left. Go forward, winding past the crates. You don't have to pull of anything fancy on the next jump, just try to aim your vehicle a little more to the right. Go through the boxes on the far left. Repeat on the next line. But on the third line, go right and out of the warehouse. If you follow these instructions very carefully, you should wind up out the warehouse with a good time. Once out, head into the weapons van and continue your objectives. Go down the country road, annihilating any enemies in your way. Just before you reach the town, take a right. Swerve pass the gas barrels and up the ramp shooting the comm tower in the process. Keep going into the town, until you reach the subway. Go down it. Just before it ends, shoot the wall on the right. It should collapse. Crash through the gate and barriers, and shoot the first bomb with EMP. Go up the docks and back onto the main road. Shoot the comm tower on the left and continue down the highway. Watch out for the tanks. Scan the truck up ahead. As you can see, it's got a yellow smudge in the middle. Destroy him!!! After doing so, continue onto the highway. Destroy any enemies in your way. The next truck is a fake, but the following one isn't. Destroy him. Go into the weapon's van. The next truck is another fake. Ignore him and continue down the highway. Take a right up to the gas station. Take out your EMP, and shoot the bomb. Exit the gas station and go back on the main highway. When I played it, there were three trucks. Every player's experience is different, so don't take my word for it! Check every truck and destroy the one with the yellow smudge that objective is now complete. Continue down the highway. Take a right onto the small road, destroying the final comm tower in the process. Take a left onto the dirt path. Destroy any enemies in your path. Smash through the guarded door and take a left up to the roof and shoot the final bomb with EMP. Go through the rendezvous point. Press X to continue and save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3J: Mission 10: Terrorist Lock Down||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 6:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Terrorist Support Groups have been mobilized so NOSTRA consolidation is suspected. Neutralize all enemy activity in Panama. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ Besides destroying the usual comm towers and keeping the civilian casualties minimized, you will have to shoot and destroy hidden missiles on missile launchers. Plus you will have to destroy several stolen attack jets. There are all in one place. It won't be hard to take them out. The missiles, on the other hand, are a little bit harder. Each one of the three has been very care- fully hidden, so be sure and use my expert advice to infiltrate the hidden locations. You will start on a giant lake. Go forward, past the ship on your left. Shoot the water enemies in front of you. Lock on and shoot the first of six comm towers. It's on the left on a small mountain. Go up the ramp on the left and in the process shoot the second comm tower that is to your right. Go into the tunnel. DO NOT go of the ledge on your right. Soon, you should see a message at the bottom of the screen that says "TIMER ACTIVATED:MISSILE LAUNCH IN 9." It counts down to zero. If you do not destroy that missile within 9 seconds, it's game over. DO NOT shoot it with EMP. The best way is with lock-on missiles. Shoot it, then exit the tunnel. There should be a good number of helicopter's and jet's swarming around you. While keeping an eye on the road, annihilate them with your missile inventory. Take a right at the blockade of crates. Go onto the small road and crash through the gate. Go into the weapon's van. Continue down the dirt path, once out. Take a left into the hidden path. Destroy any enemies in your path. Lock-on and shoot the second missile. Go onto the breaking bridge. Just before you crash into the wooden gate, lock-on and shoot the third comm tower. Go down the dirt path, destroying any enemies in your way. Lock-on and destroy the fourth comm tower on your right. Smash through the wooden gates. Destroy the Bullseye's in front of you. Smash through the gates until you reach the short tunnel. Go through it and back into the lake. Go down the lake, destroying any enemies in your path. Once you get to the harbor, look for a comm tower on the left. Shoot it. Lock-on and shoot the crane that is holding the crate. This will allow the crate to fall and make a sufficient ramp. Turbo boost up it, lock on and shoot the final missile. Head out of this area and onto the ship below. Shoot the stolen jets and head off. If you don't complete the objective where you have to destroy the jets, then you missed one. They're all here, just make sure you get all of them. Go off the ship and into the water. Head on the small ramp and onto the road on the left. Lock-on and shoot the final comm tower. You should have all objectives completed. Just keep following this road to your rendezvous point. Once there, press X to continue and save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3K: Mission 11: French Kiss||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 6 Time to Complete: 6:00 MINUTES Level Summary: French Security reports a major command center exists near La Palud. Use stealth to penetrate base then disrupt supply lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ In this level, you've got six objectives. SIX! Well, no matter, with my help it will feel like one objective. You've gotta avoid lasers in a river, so that you can penetrate a hidden base, you've also gotta destroy the supplies in that base, destroy three more comm towers, five more transport trucks, disable a bomb while racing 40 racecars all while keeping minimum civilian casualties. Let's begin. You begin inside a small garage with a wooden door. Shoot it down with machine guns. Take out your swarming missiles(sweet!) and shoot down the comm tower ahead. As you make this next turn, notice the door on the building in front of you. It's destructible. Shoot it down and the one after it, and fly off the roof into the lake. Take out your missiles and shoot down the second comm tower. After this is done, shoot down the helicopter and the final comm tower. That objective is now complete. Go over the waterfall. OK, this is probably the most trickiest section in the level. There are hidden lasers everywhere and you must avoid them at all costs. Press circle to equip your laser detector and avoid the yellow lines. Take a right past the laser grid and go up the dirt ramp(no turbo required). Go through the middle, where there is no lasers. Now take a left, avoiding the ramp on the right which is blocked by lasers. Turbo boost up the next ramp avoiding the long laser grid. Go up the ramp on the right, and enter the base. As soon as you go in, shoot the green container on the right. Now slalom through the course, and exit the base. Lock-on and shoot the boat carrying green containers. As well as hordes of enemies, there are two more boats carrying green containers left. Destroy them and anyone else that gets in your way. After this is done, go up onto the highway. You will have to destroy some transport trucks while on this civilian filled highway, so avoid using the swarming missiles. Use your machine guns and point them at the truck ONLY. But before you do any of this, go into the weapons van to refill health and ammo. Then go into the small tunnel. Be sure to equip your machine guns BEFORE entering the tunnel. The first truck is heading towards you, so be ready. Destroy it and the next two on the highway. The helicopters block off the highway, so take the right exit onto the racetrack. DO NOT DESTROY ANY OF THE RACECARS! They are civilians! Avoid damage with them and find a way out of the racetrack. Then equip EMP and shoot it at the bomb. You may now destroy the opposing helicopters. Go into the small canal and once out, shoot the fourth transport truck. All that's left is destroying the final truck and getting to rendezvous point. The best way I've discovered to destroy him is to get right on the edge of the pier not into the rendezvous point, and shoot him from there. Press X to continue and save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3L: Mission 12: Locked Keys||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 6:00 MINUTES Level Summary: NOSTRA is transporting GPS codes to its facility in the Keys. Infiltrate secret base, and disable all power sources. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ We're back to 4 objectives again, but don't get used to it. These are the final three missions, and they're harder than completing 100% of THPS4 in 20 minutes! Well, maybe not that hard! Anyhow, there is a few things I need to say before we begin. Before, you may have ignored enemies. If you do so in this level and the next two, you will be neutralized faster than you can think. Whenever possible, annihilate as many enemies as possible. Plus, you may have not noticed the MSN time ticker in the top right hand corner of the screen. Notice it! These missions will require you to race the clock, especially in the final mission, Eye of the Storm. Well enough of that, here's what you're doing. Firstly, you have use a stealth powerup(a hidden helicopter with a ring you go through) to infiltrate a hidden base and disable the generators within with EMP. Secondly, you have to scan and destroy four loaded trucks, destroy six transmitters and no civilian casualties. I hope you have good insurance. Let's begin. You begin in a swamp river. Go down the river, dodging the gas barrels. Lock on and shoot the first transmitter with swarming missiles. Shoot down any enemies in the way while dodging more gas barrels. Go up the road on the left. Drive up the ramp and over the river onto the right dirt road. Shoot the second transmitter. Go back into the river and shoot the third transmitter. Go onto the main road. The truck up ahead is not loaded, so ignore it. Go right onto the green grass. Go down the destroyed road dodging the mines. Head off the road and into the water. Lock-on and destroy the fourth transmitter. Go back onto the main road. Head to the grass on the right again and go onto the small road. Keep dodging the mines, and lock-onto the fifth transmitter. Go off of here back onto the main road. Head into the small road on the left and destroy the final transmitter. Go back onto the main road. Go onto the right river and dodge the mines. At the end of the river, go into the weapons van. Go onto the small half-destroyed road on the right. Stay on this road and do not go into the river. And the end of the road, go through the stealth ring. This is required to enter the secret base. You have a small amount of time, so use your turbo and avoid hitting civilians and get to the base. You will encounter the first two trucks on the way. Scan them first, to make sure they're not civilians, then shoot them. Go into the secret base. You don't need to be in stealth mode the whole time you are in the base, but it is wise to because of the many enemy forces inside. Shoot all the generators with EMP and exit the base. Scan and shoot the two remaining trucks and go through the rendezvous point. Press X to continue and save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3M: Mission 13: Venetian Blind|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 5:00 MINUTES Level Summary: In a desperate move, NOSTRA has positioned an ICBM somewhere in Venice. Destroy missile and find hidden submarine base. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, this one is hard as is the next one. The final two. These levels will ask of you every thing you've learned so far. A cool part about this level is you get a new weapon. Not just a new weapon. The most powerful weapon the G-6155 Interceptor has to offer. It is called the rail gun. When deployed it shoots powerful rays that obliterate anything and everything in its path. Use it sparingly. After you beat this mission, you will upgrade to a lock-on rail gun which is very, very useful. Anyways, in this mission you have to locate and disable a hidden rocket with EMP. You also have to destroy 7 scout subs which isn't easy, and disable a nuclear sub. Let's get started. Go down the town road and shoot the enemies on foot in your way. Go up the stairs to your left and, using it as a ramp, go through the blue ring. This enable a nine-second stealth mode, needed to destroy the first scout sub. After you destroy it, go up the lane on the left and get some more stealth. You need to stay on this road to get another sub scout, so be careful. Destroy the second scout sub in the water to your right. Continue down the road, and get some more stealth. Go over the small step of stairs and in the process, lock on and shoot the third scout sub. Keep going down the road, until you get to an open area. See that really, really high skyscraper? That's the rocket you have to disable. Get out your EMP, and disable it. There should be quite a large number of enemies around you and all of them can be taken care with one tap of a button. So get out the weapons you deem necessary for this ugly task and take care of business. On your right, there is a cathedral with steel doors. Fortunately, they're destructible. Go through and up the steep steps of stairs. Go out the painted glass window and get some more stealth. Destroy the sub scout. Head into the canal. Go into the weapon's boat. After you're out, on your left, go through the blue ring and get more stealth. Lock-on and shoot the next sub scout. After that there will be another blue ring. Go into it again. Take a sharp right and go up the small road with enough speed to soar into the air lock-on and destroy the scout sub. Go up the first ramp without turbo, land on the second and use turbo the crash through the doors into the area with the nuclear sub. Use EMP to degenerate it. Get out of that area, and onto the road. Shoot down any enemies in your path. Go up the ramp and get some stealth (for the last time!). Lock-on and destroy the last sub scout. Continue down the canal and into the rendezvous point. Press X to continue to the final mission, thus saving your game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3N: Mission 14: Final Mission: Eye of the Storm||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Objectives: 4 Time to Complete: 9:00 MINUTES Level Summary: Worldwide conflicts are stabilized. The last NOSTRA stronghold has been located in the Mideast. Infiltrate base and terminate operations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL WALKTHROUGH:------------------------------------------------------------ This is it! The final mission. You've been playing through 13 missions over rough and treacherous terrain just to get here. In this level you minimize the electronic operations in an outpost with your trusty EMP, you will stop four SCUD missiles from launching at freindly countries and you will FINALLY disable the Four Horseman, NOSTRA's most devious plan yet. All while minimizing civilian casualties of course. They are giving you NINE MINUTES! to complete this task, but it is not a long time. In fact, it is just the needed time to complete the mission, if not dangerously close. Just remember one thing: This is the beginning of the end. It has just begun. Instead of the usual boring monotonous SpyHunter theme song, you get the instrumental version of Saliva's "Spyhunter Theme", a much more entertaining song if you're into rock and/or heavy metal. You will start in a desert canyon. Go forward and let the mayhem begin. Keep going until you see a tower on the left. At that moment immediately turn right and smash through the wall to get some MORE stealth. Fly off the small gap, going through the blue ring and landing on the other side of the road. Go into the secret base and disable electronics with your EMP. Now just continue down the desert canyon, shooting down any enemies. Soon the floor will collapse and you will fall down into a river. There will be more enemies, so just keep firing. At the end of the long river, go up the sand bank and into the weapon's van. This is where civilians come in so watch out. You're probably thinking "This isn't hard!" Trust me. It will get hard. Go into the small town. On the right is a smashable wall, hidden by plants. Smash through it and get some more stealth. Fly off the small road, and into the small hut. There's nothing in here, it's just a small change from the road, so just exit and smash through the huge steel door. Navigate your way through the towers that incapacitate your weapons. The first SCUD missile will be on your left and the second one on your upcoming right. Destroy both of them with either missiles or the railgun, not the EMP. IMPORTANT!!! This next part is crucial to getting all of the SCUD missiles. You need to turbo boost over the small hill and onto the high building in order to destroy the third SCUD missile. Afterwards, use the remaining turbo to fly out of the high building and shooting the final SCUD missile in the process. All we gotta do now is disable the Four Horsemen with EMP and get outta there! Shoot the laser generators on the left or right to disable the lasers. Go around the large arena destroying the small posts. This will disable several lasers that will really damage your health if you go through them. After you've disabled the lasers and gone through the tunnel that they are in, continue down the desert path. Make a path through the tank blockade by destroying the middle one. After this is done, take a sharp right. This will avoid a collapsing pit full of health-diminishing lasers. Shoot the posts allowing entry through the doors. Afterwards, you will encounter lasers. Slalom through them. When you get to a water area with huge gears, just slalom through the huge gears and shoot down the posts to get to the next area. Dodge through the lasers in the next area and go through the doors. OK, this area is with the Four Horsemen. It's probably the most difficult section of the game. There is posts all around that you have to shoot. This will open bars of shielding energy. Shooting down all the bars of energy will release the shield surrounding the Four Horsemen. Once the shield is down(trust me, it'll take awhile), lock on and disable the Four Horsemen with EMP. Then go through the rendezvous point. You did it. You finally completed the game. You disabled the Four Horsemen. Congratulations! You can add another game to list of games you have beaten in your gaming history(if you have such a list). Press X to save your game. I hope you have enjoyed this experience playing SpyHunter while reading this walkthrough. I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4: THANKS||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First off, I want to thanks GameFAQs.com for creating an awesome site and allowing this FAQ to be a part of it. I want to thank you the reader for taking the time to read it, thank you Midway Games and Paradigm Entertainment for SpyHunter, one awesome car combat/driver/racer/action game. Also thanks to all my freinds and family for all their support and reading the FAQ. Last but not least, Jesus Christ!!! Thank you everyone for making my very first FAQ, a memorable one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5: COPYRIGHT STUFF|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Please email with your thoughs and/or suggestions on improving this FAQ. DO NOT send me hate mail, viruses or spam. If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, please email me first. As of now, www.gamefaqs.com is the only website that has permission to use it. Thank you for your cooperation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||THE END|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2003 Caleb Stoffel