***STAR WARS BATLEFRONT 2*** **UNIT GUIDE*** **CREATED BY MICHAEL SMITH a.k.a smit_massacre** **CONTENTS** 1. Introduction 2. About Battlefront 2 3. How to use this FAQ 4. Units: The Empire 4a Storm Trooper 4b Shock Trooper 4c Scout Trooper 4d Imperial Engineer 4e Imperial Officer 4f Dark Trooper 5. Units: Rebels 5a Rebel Soldier 5b Rebel Vanguard 5c Rebel Smuggler 5d Rebel Marksmen 5e Bothan Spy 5f Wookiee Warrior 6. Units: Republic 6a Clone Trooper 6b Heavy Trooper 6c Clone SharpShooter 6d Clone Engineer 6e Clone Commander 6f Jet Trooper 7. Units: CIS 7a Super Battle Droid 7b Assault Droid 7c Assassin Droid 7d Engineer Droid 7e Magnaguard 7f Droideka/ Destroyer Droid 8. Space Units 9. Hero Units 9a Darth Maul 9b Count Dooku 9c The Emperor 9d General Grieous 9e Jango Fett 9f Boba Fett 9g Anakin Skywalker 9h Darth Vader 9i Obi Wan Kenobi 9j Mace Windu 9k Yoda 9l Ki Adi Mundi 9m Luke Skywalker 9n Han Solo 9o Chewbacca 9p Princess Leia 9q Aayla Secura 10. Hunt Specific Units 10a Gungans 10b Geonosians 10c Wookiee 10d Tusken 10e Jawa 10f Ewok 10g Wampa 11. FAQ 12. Special Thanks 13. Copy Right ************************** *** INTRODUCTION *** ************************** This is my first ever guide and I've decided to do it on one of my favourite and best games ever; Star Wars Battlefront 2. You can see what you'll find in the above contents and I'm hopeful it will help anyone new to Battlefront and the type of gameplay it is. Hopeful anyone reading will find this FAQ useful and above all helpful in becoming an efficient killing machine on the battlefield. ********************************* *** ABOUT BATTLEFRONT 2 *** ********************************* Get ready for the rise of the Empire. Wage an epic conquest across the Star Wars galaxy. Take control of powerful Jedi and legendary heroes while wading into the mayhem. Fight through the cold reaches of space amongst swarms of star fighters. March across war-scarred battlefields from Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. More intense combat. Bigger Battles. More unit classes and vehicles. New weaponr and abilities. Welcome to Star Wars Battlefront 2! Star Wars BF2 offers epic action on a huge scale through many game modes. There are many ways to conquer the opposition. Before stepping onto the battlefield each player selects a class with unique abilities. In deep space or on the planets surface, players work to advance and gain territory taking out enemies and capturing their command posts (basically respawn points). Missions also have key objectives that must be met in order to achieve victory. *** HOW TO USE THIS FAQ *** This FAQ will tell you first the faction, unit name their equipment, pro's and con's (the good and the bad) and an overall rating, followed by some tips and strategies given by some members of the GameFAQ's community. (Your thanks will be given in the appropriate section). This guide will also tell you of the special unit types found in "Hunt" mode and the it will tell you of the Hero units also. If you have any further questions please refer to the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) sction to see if your answer will be found thier. If not then email me at WWW.Wendyanythin@aol.com and en-title your question: SWBF2: [Your question here] any other unknown emails will be deleted and unanswered. Now onto the Units! By the way you can copy&paste a sections name (not the number) and insert it into "Find" (Ctrl+F) and you will be automatically directed to it. ******************************* *** UNITS: THE EMPIRE *** ******************************* ***STORM TROOPER*** Equipment: Blaster Rifle Blaster Pistol Thermal detonators Pro's: -All round good troops -Decent firepower with all of the equipment -Good amount of readily available ammo -Effectiv at clearing rooms Con's: -No special Attributes Overall Rating: 8/10 One of the Empire's best troops. Effective at almost any needed task and the bulk of the army. You cannot fault 'em TIPS: Group Storm Troopers together with Dark Troopers in front for asaults in close quarter combat. Together they can overwhelm any enemy positions However, go easy on the grenades as the friendly fire will kill you and your team mates. TIP;rdbizzle1986: i usually aim to the head and fire in bursts not hold it down. especially for the stormtroopers whose blasts scatter a lot if it is held down making it hard to get a hit. ***Shock Trooper*** Equipment: Rocket Launcher Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonator Mines Pro's: -Effective weapon for vehicles and turrets. -Big splash damage radius -Mines can be useful for traps Con's -Mines very visible in some locations. -Slow reload time -Rocet launcher poor against aware singular opponents. Overall: 7.5/10 Mostly for vehicle maps although good for maps with tight corridors and such. TIPS: Place mines in grassy,hidden areas to avoid the chance of them being seen by enemy troops. Also place your mines near the enemy spawn points for the element of surprise. Also blast at eney vehicles with a combination of grenades and rockets as so other troops will have a less hard time. ***Scout Trooper*** Equipment: Sniper Rifle Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonator Auto Turret Pro's: -Fast Dashers -x2 Zoom -Campers choice -2 shots kill Con's: -5 shots per clip and slow rate of fire -Poor close up -Ineffective on non-sniper friendly maps Overall: 7/10 Effective on sniper friendly maps but else where will have a hard time. TIPS: When finding a place to snipe ensure your back is covered and the enemy won't jump you. I suggest getting groups of Storm Troopers to follow you and stay with you while you camp. ***Imperial Engineer*** Equipment: Shotgun Fusion Cutter Detpack Dispenser Health and Ammo Pro's: -Can restore own health -Powerful close range weapon -Can fix up vehicles and hack into enemies Con's: -Poor at long range -No actual secondary weapon Overall: 8/10 Shotgun alternative for the Storm Trooper. Although not the most effective in a frenzy distance fire fight. TIPS: You can heal up injured team mates with the health and ammo dispenser as well as heal up yourself. Careful not to do this in a fire fight however as it could cost your life. TIP;rdbizzle1986: try not to shot the shotgun until you are as close to the target as possible.the detpacks work well when placed in choke points you can wait for a group of enemies and blow them all up. ***Imperial Officer*** Equipment: Mortat Launcher Sonic Blaster Rage (attack increase) Recon Droid Pro's: -Sonic blaster is effective -Mortars have good range -Rally gives men a War Hero bonus temporarily -Orbital Strike with Recon Droid is devastating. Con's: -Mortars don't blow up instanly -One ammo for each sub weapon -Recon Droid easily destroyed Overall: 7/10 Not the best Officer but still effective if put to best use. TIPS: Use the Recon droid's orbital strike to take out enemies vehicles or to clear a path to their command posts. ***Dark Trooper*** Equipment: Arc Caster Commando Pistol Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Can fly -Effective weapon that can go through multiple opponents. -Bigger amount of health than normal troops. Con's: -Jetpack is more of an extended boost and takes ages to charge up. -Arc Caster can take awhile to charge -An uncharged Arc Caster is very much ineffective. Overall: 7/10 Not the best specialist unit in the game but not by far the worst. The jetpack while very much temporary is still useful. TIPS: Use the "Jump-pack" to get to high of ledges or escape danger rather than to attack enemies in the sky. Use the Arc Caster uncharged when in a hectic fire fight and charge up while you look for enemies. From: zergdeath With the dark trooper, I like to charge up the lighting gun and then run in with 2 or 3 soliders on follow commands. Once I find some enemies (5 of more) out in the open then fire the gun. The proceed to jetback backwards about ten feet charging the gun again and you will kill 5 enemies. Then your CPU guards will guard u as u reload and repeat. ******************************** *** UNITS: REBELS *** ******************************** ***Rebel Soldier*** Equipment: Blaster Rifle Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Camoflauged on woodland levels -Effective weapon like all Trooper classes -Good at all jobs Con's: -The wood land camo can be a dead give away in some areas -No special attributes Overall: 8/10 Nothing bad to say like all of the soldiers in this class type. TIPS: Use your camoflauge to an advantage on wood levels and hide in foilage and bushes etc. The storm troopers white armour is a dead give away so use this as your advantage to stage ambushes and attacks on unsuspecting folk. ***Rebel Vanguard*** Equipment: Rocket Launcher Blaster Pistol Mines Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Good amount of health -Effective weapon for vehicles -Mines good for traps Con's: -Slow rate of fire -Limited ammo -Rocket launcher can't hack it against single units Overall: 7/10 The same as all the other heavy class units really. TIPS: Play like you would any the other Heavy class unit and go for vehicles and groups of enemies. Use mines for traps around ammo and health droids at enemy CP's. ***Rebel Smuggler*** Equipment: Shotgun Fusion Cutter Detpack Health and Ammo Dispenser Pro's: -Can restore own health and re-supply with ammo. -Powerful close-mid range weapon -Can hack enemy vehicles as well as make turrets. Con's: -Poor long range weapon -No alternative weapon Overall: 8/10 Shotgun fans alternative for normal troopers. TIPS: Use detpacks to destroy enemy turrets and vehicles and when close to a vehicle use the fusion cutters to hack into it a render it useless for a couple of seconds then take out the occupance. *** Rebel Marksmen*** Equipment: Sniper Rifle Blaster Pistol Auto Turret Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Actually has a voice this time -6 ammo as well -2 hits will kill Con's: -Weak health -No good upclose Overall: 7/10 Good Sniper, bad everything else TIPS: Use the auto turret to protest you while you camp but be careful as it doesn't follow you and you only have the one at a time. From: Martyn the Assassin snipers are MUCH better when covered by an auto turret or AI soldier, and the higher the ground the better better angle for headshots ***Bothan Spy*** Equipment: Incinerator Stealth Regeneration Timebomb Pro's: -Can turn invisible -Incinerator eats through health -Time bombs are great vehicle killers -Regeneration helps out team mates immensely Con's: -Stealth lasts as long as your stamina bar -Low amount of health -Rgeneration only works well with large groups Overall: 8/10 Good but not great TIPS: Her's a bunch from GameFAQ's users. From: swjm For Bothans, always remember that your stealth is based on your stamina. Never run or Roll when Stealthed, unless avoiding a grenade or something. Also, Don't take on big groups of units, stick to picking off 1 or 2 guys at a time. The bothan's gun takes far too long to reload. From: mikeTherob with bothans if you get endurence their stealth lasts forever + sneak into an enemy command post crouch down while invisble once the they lose the CP get up and whipe everyone out with incinerator and finish capturing ***Wookiee Warrior*** Equipment: Bowcaster Grenade Launcher Thermal Detonators Health/ammo dispenser Pro's: -Zoom with Bowcaster -Can replenish own health and ammo -Large amount of health -Accurate weapon when charged Con's: -Slow reload times -slow runners -Thermals not as good as old Timebombs Overall: 8/10 Again good but not great. The lack of Timebombs isn't made up by the zoom. TIPS: Find a nice spot to snipe a fully charged and zoomed Bowcaster for a one hit kill. If not go out on to the battle and use the launcher to blow up vehicles a large groups of enemies. Thanks annoyingjk3 for the tip! ********************************* *** UNITS: REPUBLIC *** ********************************* ***Clone Trooper*** Equipment: Blaster Rifle Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Good Rifle -Nice Reload speed Con's: -No special attributes -Gun needs to be shot in bursts at all times -Need group attacks on Droidekas and vehicles Overall: 8/10 No serious faults, just like the Storm Trooper. TIPS: Use Clone Troopers as the bulk of an attack squad. When multiplied by four or five units their rapid rate of fire is enough to put anything away. When encountering Droidekas seek cover and blast from distances. ***Heavy Trooper*** Equipment: Rocket Launcher Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonators Mines Pro's: -Effective weapon for vehicles and turrets -Big splas damage radius -Mines useful for traps Con's: -Mines very visible against light back drops -Very slow reload times -Rocket launcher too slow to fight most troops Overall: 7/10 For vehicle maps mostly. Good on maps with tight corridors where they can use the Rocket Launcher to it's maximum effect. TIPS: Place mines in grassy areas or at enemy CP's for the element of surprise. Blast the enemies vehicles from as far awy as possible as this will cause maximum damage. From: Yellow_Death Put mines on ammo droids get 6 kill with a pistole hit the week points AND use mines wisely. ***Clone Sharpshooter*** Equipment: Sniper Rifle Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonator Auto Turret Pro's: -Excellent Dashers -x2 Zoom -2 shoots can kill -Campers choice Con's: -5 shots per clip and a slow rate of fire. -Poor close up with the Sniper Rifle -Ineffective on maps with nowhere good to snipe. Overall: 7/10 Effective on maps where they can snipe in good locations such as Kashyyk. TIPS: The Sharpshooter should hold back at long distances preferably near ammo droids as they are constantly re-supplied with sniper rounds. Pick off Droideka's -their personal shield makes them easy to spot. Wait for it to drop before firing a couple of rounds to eliminate these droids. ***Clone Engineer*** Equipment: Shotgun Fusion Cutter Detpack Health and Ammo Dispenser Pro's: -Can restore own health and re-supply with ammo. -Powerful close-mid range weapon -Can hack enemy vehicles as well as make turrets. Con's: -Poor long range weapon -No alternative weapon Overall: 8/10 Shotgun fans alternative for normal troopers. TIPS: Use detpacks to destroy enemy turrets and vehicles and when close to a vehicle use the fusion cutters to hack into it a render it useless for a couple of seconds then take out the occupance. Stay out of big scale fire fights as you'll get completely owned. From: Martyn the Assassin if you're hurting and need health try to keep an engineer with you at all times, they AI IS somewhat intelligent (it could outsmart paris hilton) and will give you the ammo and health packs ***Clone Commander*** Equipment: Chain Gun Blaster Pistol Rally (Defense increase) Recon Droid Pro's: -Infinate ammo with an awesome weapon -Recon droid good for recon XD -Rally effective in fire fights when with lots of team mates. Con's: -Weapon overheats fairly quick -Weapon doesn't fire straight away a it has to heat up. Overall: 8/10 Probably the best commander class unit. TIPS: Get as many team mates following you as possible then when on an assault run activate rally to make your troops harder to kill. ***Jet Trooper*** Equipment: EMP Launcher Thermal Detonators Commando Pistol Pro's: -Ability to fly -EMP is effective against Droideka's shield Con's: -Slow reload -Limited amount of rockets Overall: 8/10 Slightly better than the Heavy Trooper with the air advantage. TIPS: Use the Jet pack to move around the maps faster and reach usually unreachable areas to blow up enemy units or vehicles. From: Linc_101 When facing jetpack enemies, always try to attack from under them, as that's their weak point (sorta of obvious, but sometimes it's easy to forget in the heat of battle). **************************** *** UNITS: CIS *** **************************** ***Super Battle Droid*** Equpment: Wrist Blster Tri-shot Wrist Launcher Pro's: -Improved Tri-shot -Decent secondary Rockets Con's: -Slower rate of fire than before -No alternative secondary weapon and you only have 3 rockets. -Rockets themselves are slow Overall: 6.5/10 The weakest of the standard troopers with poor equipment and low ammo for the rockets. TIPS: Save your rockets for Jedi or vehicles or even huge grouped up enemies. Use your Tri-shot at a distance as it is for some reason more effective. From: Grievous2488 Their wrist rocket does some descent damage to enemy infantry, so whenever you see a group of enemy infantry try to fire at their center and aim for their feet. The Wrist Rocket is also quite effective for attacking enemy manned turrets. On the other hand, the Wrist Rockets are not as strong as the thermal detonators and they are not strong enough to leave any significant damage to enemy vehicles. Each individual blaster shot they fire is stronger than the individual shots of the clone trooper's blaster, but the Super Battle Droid's rate of fire is toned down, so you should always try to make every shot count and try to aim for your enemies' head. Their alternative Tri-Shot energy blast should only be used whenever you are literally anywhere from 1-10 ft. from the enemy and can make a good transition from the Wrist Blaster to the Tri-Shot blast. If you happen to be using the Wrist Blaster first and the enemy comes close I find it effective to quickly tap the alternative weapon change button and blast him with the Tri-Shot as it is mostly efective only at close range. ***Assault Droid*** Equpment: Rocket Launcher Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonators Mines Pro's: -Good amount of health -Effective weapon for vehicles -Mines good for traps Con's: -Slow rate of fire -Limited ammo -Rocket launcher can't hack it against single units Overall: 7/10 The same as all the other heavy class units really. TIPS: Play like you would any other Heavy class unit and go for vehicles and jedi. The splash damage will hurt an enemy but the chances are they walk away from it. ***Assassin Droid*** Equipment: Sniper Rifle Blaster Pistol Thermal Detonators Auto Turret Pro's: -Now 6 shots instead of four -Good at running -Auto turret good for camping defense Con's: -No really effective close combat weapon -Sniper rifle has limited ammo Overall: 7/10 Just like all the other sniper classes. TIPS: When playing as the Assassin Droid look to take out Clone Commanders or Jet Troopers as these will cause the rest of your troops the most hassle. Also like all other snipers find a good vantage point to camp and activate auto turret to take out any enemy soldiers coming up from behind. ***Engineer Droid*** Equipment: Shotgun Fusion Cutter Ammo and health Dispenser Detpack Pro's: -Can restore own health and re-supply with ammo. -Powerful close-mid range weapon -Can hack enemy vehicles as well as make turrets. Con's: -Poor long range weapon -No alternative weapon Overall: 8/10 Personally better than the Super Battle Droid. TIPS: Use detpacks to destroy enemy vehicles or switch the fusion cutters to hack into it a render it useless for a couple of seconds then take out the occupance. Stay out of big scale fire fights as you'll get destroyed. From: hippydude0 hokay the cis have an advantage on polis messa any droid can walk can walk into the space area without dyeing so use it to your advantage and slice the enemies AAT's and take a squad to the furthest enemies CP ***Magna Guard*** Equipment: Bulldog RLR Radiation Launcher Neuro Poison Recon Droid Pro's: -Bulldog homes in on the enemy -Nice amount of health -Neuro poison does major damage -Nice back up weapon Con's: -No staff like in the film -Bulldog is slow and easily dodged -Only one Neuro poison -Recon droid can be near useles sometimes -Not the fastest unit around Overall: 8/10 A good Commander class unit but just not fun to play in most cases. TIPS: I couldn't think of any, so Luckily Glitch119 saved my life! From: Glitch119 lock on to your enemy and aim it at the enemy. If you aim and the rocketgoes anywhere near ur opponents body (oppenent has to be locked on)then the rocket will hit the head for an instant kill. ***Droideka*** Equipment: Repeating Blaster Shield Emitter Pro's: -Almost invincible in corridors -Infinite shield uses and ammo -Fast and powerful blasters -Speedy when in ball mode -Can't be head shotted Con's: -Slow getting out of ball mode even slower moving around in out of ball mode. -Can't protect back too well as you turn slow -Blasters over heat quite quickly -Defenceless when in ball mode Overall: 9/10 The best CIS unit by far. TIPS: A cleverly placed Droideka can handle its self very well indeed and will completely own most Clone troopers. Be careful when your shield is down however as you easily killed and also be careful in your ball mode as again your defenceless. From: Glitch119 1 shot at the shield then the shield starts to lose energy. So conserve ur energy by deactivating ur shield when enemies r no where in sight. From: Martyn the Assasin droidekas are good "human" shields to be mortar units behind have the droideka in front of you slowly advancing and lob grenades over it) From: thedivinewanderer Droidika's are most vunerable when they are deploying. My strategy is to roll behind some cover, then deploy into standing mode, put on your sheild and waddle out from to face the enemy. ****************************** *** SPACE UNITS **** ****************************** In space battles you are given two units; The pilot and the Marine. Seeing as these units are near enough identical I'll be doing the unit synopsis as: Pilot and Marine and not doing each individual factions. ***Pilot*** Equipment: Blaster Pistol Timebomb Fusion Cutter Pro's: -Can heal any space fighter. Useful in dog fights. -Timebombs can take out the core systems from inside the enemy ship. Con's: -Limited amount of ammo for timebombs -Pistol overheats when you need it the most -No good at taking out other pilots or Marines Overall: 9/10 The best space unit for taking the fight to space and for destroying the core systems. TIPS: Fly into the enemy starship with the transport craft to allow yourself and other team mates to spawn from inside the opponents own ship. Also use the time bombs to blow up the core systems from inside. ***Marine*** Equipment: Blaster Rifle Rocket Launcher Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Good for clearing out auto turrets and a room full of pilots. -Rocket Launcher effective for taking out vehicles. Con's: -Poor at taking out the core systems from inside -Poor space fighters as they can't repair the ship Overall: 7/10 Obviously the worst Space unit. TIPS: Use the marine for taking out pilots from the inside and blowing up starfighters for the enemy. When you go with a Pilot your extra firepower will be a great support. **************************** *** HERO UNITS *** **************************** Throughout the game you will have the chance to paly as the hero unit of your faction. You do so by completing certain objectives in Single player Campaign and by scoring an X amount of points in Instant Action or Multiplayer. This is a run down of the playable heroes. ***Darth Maul*** Equipment: Double Saber Force Push Saber Throw Pro's: -Fast Combo and dash attack -Effective anti air combo -Multi hit dash attack and saber combo Con's: -Plain Force powers -The kicks in his saber combo do very small amounts of damage. Overall: 8.5/10 One of the best out there but the force powers let him down in comparison to others. TIPS: Use Maul like you would Rambo and go on A killing spree of blood and mayhem. The Push/saber Throw combo is particularly effective against multiple Foes. ***Count Dooku*** Equipment: Lightsaber Force Lightning Force Choke Pro's: -Choke/Lightning combo -Dash attack doesn't cause you to stop still Con's: -Very slow Combo -Force Lightning is friendly fire keen -Dash attack is weak Overall: 7/10 Faster Version of The Emperor TIPS: Play carefully as Dooku as strength isn't his Strong point. It's cunning and that's what you Have to be. Choke a single enemy then switch to Force Lightning to attack his friends around him. Also you're dash attack may be weak but at least you Can give any troops behind you an easier time by taking Some health off. ***The Emperor*** Equipment: Lightsaber Force Lightning Force Choke Pro's: -Choke/Lightning at same time like Dooku Con's: -Exactly the same as Dooku's except amplified! -SLOW SLOW SLOW!!! Overall: 4/10 The only thing worth doing is the Choke/Lightning combo. TIPS: Don't be him unless you want to lose or you thing You are going to. In most cases a Storm Trooper is better than The Emperor. ***General Grievous*** Equipment: Lightsabers Rage (Attack Increase) Pro's: -Combo hits everywhere -Rage helps team mates out a lot! -Effective backwards attack -Dash attack is strong Con's: -Only the one jump -Combo can be hard to use -No distance attack Overall: 6.5/10 Rage is effective for team mates but nothing else is special. TIPS: Use Grievous carefully and block often as blaster fire Is the biggest threat seeing as you can't throw your Lightsabers. Use Rage with team mates present As otherwise it's a waste. ***Jango Fett*** Equipment: Westar 33 Blaster Flamethrower Wrist Rocket Timebombs Pro's: -Very accurate pistol -Pistol has zoom -Flamethrower eats through health -Very long dash run Con's: -Weak pistol with limited ammo -Timebombs near useless except on vehicles and turrets -Flamethrower has small amount of ammo -Wrist Rockets are slow Overall: 6.5/10 The weaker of the two Fett's but better than Leia as A blaster character. TIPS: Fly up high and start to snip on unsuspecting enemies To rack up a few kills and then get to planting Timebombs On the opponents vehicles. ***Boba Fett*** Equipment: EE-3 Blaster Rifle Flamnethrower Wrist Rocket Detpack Pro's: -Detpack is an instant kill on troops and very damaging to unsuspecting heroes. Also an excellent trap. -Accurate and effective weapon. -Long dash Period -Flamethrower eats health. Especially on turret users. -Jetpack recharges slightly faster than Jango's. -Fast reload for Blaster Con's: -Limited ammo -Blaster Rifle only fires in bursts. -Slow Rockets. Overall: 7.5/10 A lot better than almost all the other blaster heroes. TIPS: Use the Detpacks as traps for unsuspecting prey And on vehicles for decent damage. Boba's weapon is Also a guaranteed kill on most troops so conserve the ammo As it will go fast. ***Anakin Skywalker*** Equipment: Lightsaber Saber Throw Force Choke Pro's: -Choke/walk up slash combo effective -Fast effective combo -Dash attack is effective if you activate it early -Can easily take on multiple opponents. Con's: -Dash attack can be awkward -Force choke is limited to your stamina bar -No force lightning to do the Choke/Lightning combo Overall: 8.5/10 Arguably the best on the darkside although not the Coolest. TIPS: Charge straight ino the battle using choke on singular Foes and your dash on groups. Play it safe and there should Be no reason why you should die. ***Darth Vader*** Equipment: Lightsaber Saber Throw Force Choke Pro's: -Dash attack has a wide ark. -Good combo -Choke/slash combo again effective -The 'float' jump is better than 4 jumps in some cases. Con's: -Slow paced -Again no Force Lightning but this time because of metal arms. Overall: 8/10 Anakin with slow movement basically. TIPS: Play like you would Anakin but this time your Dash is just as effective on single foes. Your speed Is your only concern so dash as much as possible. ***Obi Wan Kenobi*** Equipment: Lightsaber Force Push Saber Throw Pro's: -Effective combo -Anti-air attack Con's: -Difficult dash attack Plain Force powers Overall: 7.5/10 Too much reliance on his push and throw Let Obi Wan down. TIPS: Use Force Push to knock people of Platforms or stages for easy kills. Charge into Groups with your dash attack. ***Mace Windu*** Equipment: Lightsaber Force Push Saber Throw Pro's: -Fast, Effective combo -Special jump and R trigger attack is good for attacking vehicles on top. -Long range saber throw Con's: -Dash attack is awful -Plain Force powers Overall: 8/10 Just a little bit better than Luke TIPS: Use your dash attack to pound away at enemy Groups and vehicles as your chance to hit anything Is increased. Like you should with Aayla Pull groups Of enemies towards you and then attack then with a combo. ***Yoda*** Equipment: Lightsaber Force Pull Force Push Pro's: -Invincible in water -small and hard to hit -Pull has long range -5 jumps Con's: -awkward to use combo -No projectile attacks -Combo isn't very damaging Overall: 6/10 Good but not great TIPS: Use your push to knock enemies of stages Or platforms and use Pull on enemies hero to Get him/her closer as so you can go for The kill. ***Ki-Adi-Mundi*** Equipment: Lightsaber Saber Throw Force Pull Pro's: -Good combo like Luke -Pull has long range -Dash attack amazing against vehicles Con's: -Plain Force Powers Dash attack useless against single enemy units Overall: 8/10 Good but dash attack on troops lets him down TIPS: Use your dash attack to pound away at enemy vehicles As it is most effective. Like with Aayla pull groups of enemies Towards you and unleash your combo on them. ***Luke Skywalker*** Equipment: Lightsaber Saber Throw Force Push Pro's: -Fast Lightsaber combo -Push/saber throw combo deadly Con's: -Plain Force powers -Third dash attack hit unlikely to connect Overall: 7.5/10 Again Good but not great TIPS: Luke's combo is great for on the go action So use it effectively in groups of enemies to Rack up the kills. Use the Push/Saber throw Combo to tacke distance enemies. ***Han Solo*** Equipment: DL44 Blaster Fusion Cutter Detpack Rally (Defense Increase) Pro's: -Amazing blaster -Detpacks are good like for traps and clearing out vehicles -Fusion Cutters make you the best hacker around -Rally great in large fire fights. -Infinate ammo for Blaster and takes ages to overheat. Con's -Fusion cutters near useless on non vehicle maps -Long time to wait if gun overheats -Rally useless with no team mates nearby Overall: 7/10 Best blaster character for the Lightside TIPS: Use detpacks on turrets on Kamino and Vehicle's on Utapau. Also aim for the head At all times. ***Chewbacca*** Equipment: Bowcaster Guided Rocket Timebomb Rage Pro's: -Lot's of health -Sniper scope, x2 zoom -Guided missile useful on tanks -Rage good in groups Con's: -Ammo goes fast -Timebombs only useful for vehicles -Not very fast Overall: 7/10 Not bad but not great either TIPS: Use your guided missiles from far away and Use the boost for maximum damage. Snipe On grouped enemies with the Bowcaster from Afar. ***Princess Leia*** Equipment: Sporting Blaster Invurnerability Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Accurate weapon -Invurnerability in large groups is killer -Thermal Detonators good for clearing out groups. -x2 zoom Con's: -4 shots and your gun overheats -No alternate weapon. Overall: 4/10 Just bad TIP: Snipe if you want but you may miss as the gun is Too accurate and overheats quick. Aim for the head At all costs. ***Aayla Secura*** Equipment: Double Lightsabers Saber Throw Force Pull Pro's: -Good combo for groups -Pull can be used at great distances -Good dash attack Con's: -Combo poor for one on one -Plain Force powers. Overall: 8/10 As good as Mace TIPS: Use pull to get large groups of Enemies towards you then use your combo To whipe them all out. ********************************* *** HUNT SPECIFIC UNITS *** ********************************* These are the Hunt Exclusive Units within the game. The objective of Hunt is the Hunting team attempts to eliminate the entire hunted team within the time limit. If the Hunted team survies until the end of the match they are victorious. ***GUNGANS*** Equipment: Fusion Cutter Thermal Detonators Pro's: -20 Thermal Detonators -Throw very far Con's: -No actual weapon -No EMP grenades like BF1 -Too much reliance on turret building and using them. -No special attributes Overall: 3/10 The amount of grenades you carry and how far the Gungans throw them get's them this grade. TIPS: Build turrets and use them to blast the CIS apart. Failing that throw grenades everywhere, especially were they spawn. ***GEONOSIAN*** Equipment: Sonic Blaster Pro's: -Can fly far large amounts of time. -Powerful and accurate weapons. -Easy to get headshots with. -Splash damage Con's: -Slow dash and normal run speed. -No alternate weapon. -Physicaly weak with hardly any health. -Small splash damage -Flight takes awhile to recharge fully. Overall: 5/10 Slow dash and slow run speeds make them a below average character but their ability to fly out balances this and their low health is balanced by a good weapon. TIPS: Your opponets are Snipers so keep moving inwards for the kill and fly to close the gap between you and the opponent. The sonic gun is very accurate so aim for the head on idle or still enemies. ***WOOKIEES*** Equipment: Wookiee 1: Bowcaster Fusion Cutter Wookiee 2: Bowcaster Thermal Detonators Pro's: -Good amount of health -Bowcaster is accurate with spread damage -Charge shot is fast and powerful -Can fix turrets with Fusion Cutters -2x scope with the Bowcaster Con's: -Ammo depletes fast -Not all blaster bolts will hit -Wookiee 1's alternate weapon is near useless. Overall: 8/10 One of the best hunt units by far. The rate your bowcaster ammo goes just let's it down as it means you having to keep going to the ammo droid or scavenge for pickups. TIPS: Take out the Magna guards operating Recon droids as they are left wide open. Also use your scope to your advantage and pick off groups huddled together in the distance. ***TUSKEN*** Equipment: Tusken Raider: Tusken Cycler Tusken Hunter: Bolt Action Rifle RAIDER: Pro's: -Accurate weapon -Decent firepower -Above average rate of fire -Decent reload time Con's: -No alternate weapon Overall: 8/10 HUNTER: Pro's: -Good dash speed -Very accurate -Unlimited sniper ammo -Fairly easy to use without having to snipe. Con's: -Slow rate of fire -Only x1 scope -No alternate weapon Overall: 6/10 Your choice. If you like to snipe go with the Hunter, stick with the Raider for anything else however. TIPS: If your sniper use the huge walls located near the crashed ship to get the best vantage point of the map. ***JAWA*** Equipment: Ionization Blaster Fusion Cutters Pro's: -Blaster is powerful. Takes a third of the enemies health. -Stuns target when they get hit. -Small=harder to hit Con's: -Very slow when dashing -Doesn't jump that high -Secondary weapon near useless Overall: 8/10 Very good weapon that stuns targets as well as deals heavy damage is a winning combo. TIPS: Stay out of open areas as snipers can pick ypu off. Also use small spaces to launch sneak attacks. ***EWOKS*** Equipment: Tribal Spear Sharp Rocks Pro's: -Far throwing ability -Small and hard to hit -Camoflauged by trees/grass -Almost instant kill spears Con's: -Terrible dash -Rocks can be hard to use and hit enemies with Overall: 7/10 Almost instant kill spears and rocks that lead to a follow up attack are all useful. Size helps alot also and gives you that little bit of an edge. These things counter balance the bad dash and at times bad accuracy of spears. TIP: Don't bother with dashing and save your stamina for rolling out of blaster fire. Throw rocks at Storm Troopers then follow up with a spear to insure that kill. ***WAMPA*** Equipment: Claw Pro's: -Lots of health -Basically a jedi without force powers etc. Con's: -No wepons or anything else -Big target 0verall: 9/10 By far the best Hunt unit in the game with power, speed and durability. TIPS: Take out the Rebels auto gun turrets to help keep you alive for a little longer and take out Wookiees and Bothan Spies as these will give yuo the most trouble. Also the Wampa has an attack similar to Mace Windu's if you jump and attack. From: Linc_101 If you're Wampas (hunt on Hoth) their jump attack move is very powerful and can kill multiple rebels at the same time. They also have a OHK attack, or as I like to call it, the "Hug" attack, which can be done with the pull of the Left Trigger (Though there is a one second delay time to "charge up" the attack, so press the trigger a bit early). ******************************** *** SPECIAL THANKS *** ******************************** This section is just a list to thank all those who contributed into making this FAQ, if you'd like to be here then email me at www.Wendyanythin@aol.com with the title being: SWBF2:[your tip OR question here] rdbizzle1986 swjm Linc_101 Yellow_Death Glitch119 Martyn the Assasin zergdeath Grievous2488 thedivinewanderer annoying jk3 hippydude0 **************************** *** COPY RIGHT *** **************************** Lucas arts and the Lucas arts Logo are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. Starwars battlefront is a trademark of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. All characters and names belong to them with all rights reserved. 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