============================================== Star Wars Battlefront II: Weapons Guide ============================================== By Sturm_the_Dark ========================================= [Contents: Ctrl+F, then type the number.] ========================================= ---------------------------------------------- | KEY | | | | *Weapon* = Not capable of dealing damage | | **Weapon** = Area effect | ---------------------------------------------- [1.0 Introduction] [1.1 Weapons Introduction] [1.2 Example guide] [1.3 Ranges (in table)] [1.4 Further Reading] [2.0 REBEL ALLIANCE] [2.1 Rebel Soldier] === [ INFANTRY ] [2.11 Blaster Rifle - Rebel Soldier] [2.12 Blaster Pistol - Rebel Soldier] [2.13 Thermal detonator - Rebel Soldier] [2.14 Statistics] [2.2 Rebel Vanguard] === [ ASSAULT ] [2.21 Rocket Launcher - Rebel Vanguard] [2.22 Blaster Pistol - Rebel Vanguard] [2.23 Thermal detonator - Rebel Vanguard] [2.24 Mines - Rebel Vanguard] [2.25 Statistics] [2.3 Rebel Marksman] === [ SNIPER ] [2.31 Sniper Rifle - Rebel Marksman] [2.32 Blaster Pistol - Rebel Marksman] [2.33 Thermal detonator - Rebel Marksman] [2.34 Auto-turret - Rebel Marksman] [2.35 Statistics] [2.4 Rebel Smuggler] === [ ENGINEER ] [2.41 Shotgun - Rebel Smuggler] [2.42 *Fusion Cutter* - Rebel Smuggler] [2.43 Detpack - Rebel Smuggler] [2.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* - Rebel Smuggler] [2.45 Statistics] [2.5 Bothan Spy] === [ SUPPORT ] [2.51 *Stealth* - Bothan Spy] [2.52 Incenerator - Bothan Spy] [2.53 Time Bomb - Bothan Spy] [2.54 **Regeneration** - Bothan Spy] [2.55 Statistics] [2.6 Wookiee Warrior] === [ SPECIAL ] [2.61 Bowcaster - Wookiee Warrior] [2.62 Grenade Launcher - Wookiee Warrior] [2.63 Recon Droid - Wookiee Warrior] [2.64 Time Bomb - Wookiee Warrior] [2.65 Statistics] [3.0 GALACTIC EMPIRE] [3.1 Stormtrooper] === [ INFANTRY ] [3.11 Blaster Rifle - Stormtrooper] [3.12 Blaster Pistol - Stormtrooper] [3.13 Thermal detonator - Stormtrooper] [3.14 Statistics] [3.2 Shock Trooper] === [ ASSAULT ] [3.21 Rocket Launcher - Shock Trooper] [3.22 Blaster Pistol - Shock Trooper] [3.23 Thermal detonator - Shock Trooper] [3.24 Mines - Shock Trooper] [3.25 Statistics] [3.3 Scout Trooper] === [ SNIPER ] [3.31 Sniper Rifle - Scout Trooper] [3.32 Blaster Pistol - Scout Trooper] [3.33 Thermal detonator - Scout Trooper] [3.34 Auto Turret - Scout Trooper] [3.35 Statistics] [3.4 Imperial Engineer] === [ ENGINEER ] [3.41 Shotgun - Imperial Engineer] [3.42 *Fusion Cutter* - Imperial Engineer] [3.43 Detpack - Imperial Engineer] [3.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* - Imperial Engineer] [3.45 Statistics] [3.5 Imperial Officer] === [ SUPPORT ] [3.51 Sonic Blaster - Imperial Officer] [3.52 Mortar Launcher - Imperial Officer] [3.53 **Rage** - Imperial Officer] [3.54 Recon Droid - Imperial Officer] [3.55 Statistics] [3.6 Dark Trooper] === [ SPECIAL ] [3.61 Arc Caster - Dark Trooper] [3.62 Blaster Pistol - Dark Trooper] [3.63 Thermal Detonator - Dark Trooper] [3.64 Statistics] [4.0 GALACTIC REPUBLIC] [4.1 Clone Trooper] === [ INFANTRY ] [4.11 Blaster Rifle - Clone Trooper] [4.12 Blaster Pistol - Clone Trooper] [4.13 Thermal Detonator - Clone Trooper] [4.14 Statistics] [4.2 Heavy Trooper] === [ ASSAULT ] [4.21 Rocket Launcher - Heavy Trooper] [4.22 Blaster Pistol - Heavy Trooper] [4.23 Thermal detonator - Heavy Trooper] [4.24 Mines - Heavy Trooper] [4.25 Statistics] [4.3 Clone Sharpshooter] === [ SNIPER ] [4.31 Sniper Rifle - Clone Sharpshooter] [4.32 Blaster Pistol - Clone Sharpshooter] [4.33 Thermal detonator - Clone Sharpshooter] [4.34 Auto Turret - Clone Sharpshooter] [4.35 Statistics] [4.4 Clone Engineer] === [ ENGINEER ] [4.41 Shotgun - Clone Engineer] [4.42 *Fusion Cutter* - Clone Engineer] [4.43 Detpack - Clone Engineer] [4.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* - Clone Engineer] [4.45 Statistics] [4.5 Clone Commander] === [ SUPPORT ] [4.51 Chaingun - Clone Commander] [4.52 Blaster Pistol - Clone Commander] [4.53 **Rally** - Clone Commander] [4.54 Recon Droid - Clone Commander] [4.55 Statistics] [4.6 Jet Trooper] === [ SPECIAL ] [4.61 EMP Launcher - Jet Trooper] [4.62 Commando Pistol - Jet Trooper] [4.63 Thermal Detonator - Jet Trooper] [4.64 Statistics] [5.0 CONFEDERANCY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS (CIS)] [5.1 Super Battle Droid] === [ INFANTRY ] [5.11 Wrist Blaster - Super Battle Droid] [5.12 Tri Shot - Super Battle Droid] [5.13 Wrist Rocket - Super Battle Droid] [5.14 Statistics] [5.2 Assault Droid] === [ ASSAULT ] [5.21 Rocket Launcher - Assault Droid] [5.22 Blaster Pistol - Assault Droid] [5.23 Thermal detonator - Assault Droid] [5.24 Mines - Assault Droid] [5.25 Statistics] [5.3 Assassin Droid] === [ SNIPER ] [5.31 Sniper Rifle - Assassin Droid] [5.32 Blaster Pistol - Assassin Droid] [5.33 Thermal detonator - Assassin Droid] [5.34 Auto Turret - Assassin Droid] [5.35 Statistics] [5.4 Engineer Droid] === [ ENGINEER ] [5.41 Shotgun - Engineer Droid] [5.42 *Fusion Cutter* - Engineer Droid] [5.43 Detpack - Engineer Droid] [5.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* - Engineer Droid] [5.45 Statistics] [5.5 Magnaguard] === [ SUPPORT ] [5.51 Bulldog RLR - Magnaguard] [5.52 Radiation Launcher - Magnaguard] [5.53 **Neuro Poison** - Magnaguard] [5.54 Recon Droid - Magnaguard] [5.55 Statistics] [5.6 Droideka] === [ SPECIAL ] [5.61 Repeating Blasters - Droideka] [5.62 *Shield Emitter* - Droideka] [5.63 Statistics] [6.0 Space Unit Classes] [6.1 Rebel/Imperial/Clone/Droid Pilot] === [ PILOT ] [6.11 Blaster Pistol] [6.12 Fusion Cutter] [6.13 Time Bomb] [6.14 Statistics] [6.2 Rebel/Imperial/Clone/Droid Marine] === [ MARINE ] [6.21 Blaster Rifle] [6.22 Rocket Launcher] [6.23 Thermal Detonator] [6.24 Statistics] [7.0 AWARD Weapons] [7.1 AWARD/Elite Rifle] [7.2 AWARD/Elite Wrist Blaster] [7.3 AWARD/Precision Pistol] [7.4 Particle Beam Rifle] [7.5 Remote Rocket] [7.6 Flechette Shotgun] [7.7 Statistics] [8.0 Legal] [9.0 Contact] [9.1 Contact Info] [10.0 Credits] --- End of Contents --- ================= 1.0 Introduction ================= Hi there! And thanks for coming to read this guide. This guide is to, hopefully, give you a better and fuller understanding of the weapons arsenal in Star Wars Battlefront II. Or you could just read it for your own enjoyment. Or indeed anything else - the choice is yours. I will assume you know all the controls, most of the troops available to you and have a good idea of the game itself. If not, I would recommend looking at another guide which takes you through this or read the instruction booklet that comes with the game. Otherwise you might find it difficult reading through this guide! One other thing - the weapons will be sorted by character (so for example, a Stormtrooper will cover the Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol and Thermal detonator). ======================== 1.1 Weapons Introduction ======================== Since this guide is about weapons in Battlefront II, this section will just give a brief overview of all the weapons available to you. The weapons in Battlefront II are very varied; but each has its own use and is far from pointless, although some may be more useful than others. Remember that for almost every weapon, there is another that can be used effectively against it. Most weapons have ammo (ammunition), but for the remainder which don't do overheat instead. Always keep re-suppling or letting your weapon cool down, because getting caught surrounded by enemies with no ammo is certainly NOT a situation which you would want to be in. Some "weapons" featured in this guide are not capable of dealing damage. Again, these are far from useless and can sometimes be very powerful. ================= 1.2 Example Guide ================= ===================================== [ChapterNumber] [Weapon] (Unit Class) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Brief description of the weapon, what it does etc. IN-DEPTH: An in-depth look into the weapon. On some, this won't be needed. Also bear in mind that most weapons mentioned twice (for example, the Blaster Pistol) will only get a description based on using it as that unit class. ========== Strengths: ========== > Any strong points/advantages about the weapon. Note: If the weapon has been mentioned twice, and is identical, I will only put strengths on using it as the unit class. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Any weak points/disadvantages about the weapon. Note: If the weapon has been mentioned twice, and is identical, I will only put weaknesses on using it as the unit class. ------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: [Score out of 10] ------------------------------------- This table appears at the end of every unit class section: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | [Weapon] | [Limit] | [Shots]/s*| [Area] | [Damage] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | [Weapon] | [Limit] | [Shots]/s*| [Area] | [Damage] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | [Weapon] | [Limit] | [Shots]/s*| [Area] | [Damage] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Short for second ===================== 1.3 Ranges (in table) ===================== AMMO LIMIT: Ammo Limit/Infinite FIRE RATE: Shots per second (s) BLAST AREA: None/Small/Medium/Large DAMAGE: None/Minimal/Low/Medium/High/OHKO (One hit knockout - basically, a one-hit kill. This will be only used for anti-infantry weapons). =================== 1.4 Further Reading =================== ------------------------------------- "TIGHT" MAPS AND "OPEN" BATTLEFIELDS: ------------------------------------- A "tight" map is simply one with lots of narrow corridors/small spaces, where everyone is bunched up together really tight. An "open" battlefield is the complete opposite, where there is plenty of open space and the enemies are normally spaced out quite well. Generally, open battlefields are harder to win than tight maps. Below is a list of all the planetary maps in Battlefront II, put into "tight" and "open" categories. TIGHT MAPS (from most extreme to least extreme): 1. Mustafar 2. Death Star 3. Tantive IV 4. Polis Massa 5. Jabba's Palace 6. Kamino 7. Coruscant 8. Tatooine/Mos Eisley OPEN BATTLEFIELDS (from least extreme to most extreme): 9. Dagobah 10. Felucia 11. Utapau 12. Mygeeto 13. Naboo 14. Yavin 4 15. Kashyyyk 16. Hoth 17. Endor 18. Geonosis -------------------------- FACTIONS AND UNIT CLASSES: -------------------------- There are 4 factions in the game, split into 2 eras. In Instant Action and Galactic Conquest, each one has unique advantages and disadvantages which may help or not help you at all. Each faction has an INFANTRY, ASSAULT, SNIPER and ENGINEER class. These unit classes tend to be very similar with only minor differences. Each faction also has a SUPPORT and SPECIAL class. These classes are always unique and vary a lot. They require a certain number of points to be used in battles, and are equipped with special weapons which normally give them an advantage over typical infantry. For space battles, two different classes are used - the PILOT and MARINE class. These classes are always identical, with no major differences. A Pilot is recommended for space combat (obviously), and a Marine is best for on-deck combat/sabotaging the enemy's critical systems. ------------ JEDI/HEROES: ------------ A hero becomes unlocked in a variety of ways. In Rise of the Empire, when certain objectives are completed the hero will become playable. In Galactic Conquest, you must purchase the Leader bonus. In Instant Action, you can choose your own settings on how the hero can be unlocked. Since there is already a Heroes FAQ, heroes' weapons will not be mentioned in this guide. ________________________________________________________________________ ======================== 2.0 Rebel Alliance ======================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Rebels are a good all-round team, and are pretty standard with most of their unit classes. Because of this, it's easy to get your head round most of their weapons and so it's probably best to start here. NOTE: For most of the weapons featured across lots of different units (such as blaster pistols, rocket launchers and sniper rifles) see THIS section of the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================= 2.1 Infantry Class: REBEL SOLDIER ================================= ================================== 2.11 Blaster Rifle (Rebel Soldier) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Your standard fast-firing blaster. This is what you'll be using to kill most enemies. It fires around 4-5 shots per second, which doesn't really leave the CPU opponent any time to counter-attack. Furthermore, a head shot is fairly easy to manage with this and doing so makes killing enemies a lot faster. The only real problem with this is if it runs out of ammo, which is easy to fix anyway. ========== Strengths: ========== > This particular rifle is very accurate. > Great for all-purpose shooting; effective against all enemies (except vehicles). > Very high ammo limit. > Easy head shots - perfect for enemies in turrets with their heads exposed. > Good for long-range shooting, because of its accuracy. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > If the enemy steps out of the way (this normally happens on Elite difficulty), it can prove a real problem because while you're still firing, he can just blast you and take out most of your life or kill you. > If you run out of ammo and can't resupply, you're screwed. > Useless against vehicles, incredibly weak against turrets. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8.5/10 -------------------------- =================================== 2.12 Blaster Pistol (Rebel Soldier) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This weapon is one of the most common in Battlefront II. You will find it on every unit class except Engineers and some Special/Support unit classes. It's not very powerful, as the name might suggest, but like everything it has uses. IN-DEPTH: Even a pro would use this from time to time - the reason why? When your primary weapon (e.g. a blaster rifle) needs to reload, IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE, those precious few seconds of reloading may cost you your life. Switch to the blaster pistol, fire away and kill the enemies which threaten you most. Then simply retreat for 1 or 2 seconds before using your (now reloaded) primary weapon. Just remember, the enemies may take some punishment before dying because of its limited power, but it's better than waiting for your weapon to reload while being shot in the face. Again, head shots will help you greatly here. With a head shot, the enemy may die within 2 or 3 more shots, which saves you time and health. But just be careful not to go O.T.T with this weapon, otherwise it'll overheat. And THEN you are really stuck. ========== Strengths: ========== > THE perfect weapon for finishing off enemies, when your primary can't. > Your next-best choice for when your primary weapon needs reloading. > Has a reasonable fire rate for a pistol. > Infinite ammo, always handy. > Also accurate. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > NOT very powerful. > Using this against groups of enemies is sure to result in death - for you. > Overheats fairly quickly, and if it does, just run. > Vehicles and Turrets? Don't even go there. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 6/10 ------------------------ ====================================== 2.13 Thermal Detonator (Rebel Soldier) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This IS the most common weapon in Battlefront II. This is your all-day, very multi-purpose and standard-issue secondary weapon - something which is in fact very similar to a hand grenade. Ideally suited for taking out groups of clustered enemies, simply press the secondary fire button to throw one of these and after 2 seconds, it will explode. Although, annoyingly, those 2 seconds may just be enough for some (or all) the enemies to get away; but it also works vice versa - so when an enemy has lobbed a detonator at you, you have 2 seconds to get away from the blast. Doesn't sound like much, but a simple roll or even sprinting away will save most of your health. IN-DEPTH: To help you (and the enemy), when thrown, the detonator will show a faint red circle around itself. The idea of this is to show the danger zone - so if you're standing in the centre of the circle, 99% of the time you WILL go flying. The circle also gets fainter the further away from it, so if the detonator goes off and you're in the fainter, outer part of the circle, you may only lose half your health. The detonator also has a horrible habit of bouncing off walls and rolling along the ground. What this means is that if you get your aim SLIGHTLY off-target, it may hit a wall and bounce back right in the middle of your teammates or just by your feet. Unfortunately, thermal detonators are not intelligent - and will just explode wherever it lands. This can get INCREDIBLY ANNOYING, when you aim at a bunch of enemies but it bounces off a wall and your teammates go flying. Just remember, although it seems a pretty simple weapon to use, you've got to have accuracy or bad things will happen. Especially for a Rebel Soldier and other infantry classes, the detonator is the best way of attacking vehicles. It doesn't deal as much damage as a Rocket Launcher, Time Bomb, Detpack or Mines (or any other high-damaging weapons), but it deals a fair amount of damage - and it's FAR more than you will ever get from a blaster rifle. This does, however, have one massive disadvantage. If your teammates or you get too close to the vehicle, their own detonator will explode right by them, nearly always OHKOing them. Through this, you may lose a truckload of reinforcements, especially if the driver just rams the vehicle into your army, loaded with detonators (it's not suicide bombing, because the driver doesn't die until after a while). This is why it's always better to use a Rocket Launcher or other anti-vehicle weapons. ========== Strengths: ========== > The infantry class's only weapon which is actually useful against vehicles. > Perfect for groups of clustered enemies (on some maps, it can be a life-saver). > Very effective against smaller turrets; particularly laser turrets. > Large blast area. > It sticks to destructable objects (such as medical droids), which can be quite useful. > Has quite a long throwing distance. > Very powerful, will either kill or take out most of the life of whoever gets caught in the blast. > Useful for sabotaging enemy vehicles/starfighters and critical systems (life support, engines etc.) > SENDS PEOPLE FLYING. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > When thrown at a vehicle, your teammates may get caught in the blast - which normally results in losing tons of reinforcements. > Explodes no matter what, meaning it could be in the middle of your teammates and it does this. > Not as effective as Rocket Launchers or other anti-vehicle weapons against vehicles. > Will bounce off walls and roll quite far; normally more than you expect. > Not a particularly high ammo limit. > Slow fire rate. > The enemies will do anything to get out of the blast - this normally happens on AI Elite. > IS affected by slopes and angled walls. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 2.14 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Rifle | 300 | 4-5/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 4 | 0.5/s | Medium | High/OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================= 2.2 Assault Class: REBEL VANGUARD ================================= ===================================== 2.21 Rocket Launcher (Rebel Vanguard) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This weapon simply fires one rocket at a time which explodes on whatever it hits. Accuracy's not a really big thing here, because it's likely you'll be hitting big targets anyway... This is ideally used for attacking vehicles. It's much better than a thermal detonator, because it causes much more damage, has a small blast area and it can be fired from a greater distance. IN-DEPTH: One place where this is really effective is, in fact, space battles. Marines carry a rocket launcher, which is perfect for taking out the enemy ships before they take off. It's actually much more powerful in space - it can destroy Scout Class Fighters and Multi-purpose Fighters n ONE shot, and can HALVE the health of a bomber (it's OK against transports). You can use this in two ways - the first, easier way, is to simply go round and destroy every enemy ship you see, earning you 1 point per craft destroyed. The second is to wait until an enemy pilot/marine gets in a craft, THEN destroy it, earning 4 points. The problem with this is you could aim at it, but then the pilot could take off and by the time you would have reloaded, he would have gone. To combat this problem, simply aim at the craft ASAP and don't even give the pilot a chance to take off. One clever thing which you can do with this weapon is to "lock-on" to your enemy by holding the lock-on button. This will aim the rocket at the vehicle more slightly. The rocket won't do anything too clever, so don't expect for it to go round sharp corners and avoid objects. But locking on can curve the rocket slightly, and crashing straight into the vehicle. Personally, I'm not an expert at this, but I have done it before and when it works, it really does help. Unfortunately, it's not exactly a fast-firing weapon, and takes absolutely ages to reload. As said before, you'll be hitting big targets, so missing shouldn't be a problem (from a certain distance). However, if you do miss, by the time you've reloaded it's likely the enemy vehicle would have sped away. This weapon is NOT DESIGNED to use against infantry (god, that was like a safety warning). Although it deals high damage, and can even OHKO an enemy infantry if you're accurate, its blast area is small. It's basically a flying thermal detonator, with a much smaller blast area. What's wrong with that, you say? A number of things. 1) It travels at a much slower speed than a blast from a blaster, so it gives the enemy much more time to get out the way. 2) Its blast/impact area is small, so the enemy doesn't have to move far to dodge it completely. 3) By the time you've reloaded or got out your blaster pistol, you're basically dead. Although the CPU seems to be quite fond of doing this - but don't be afraid if you see a rocket being fired at you. Simply exploit these weaknesses and you'll come out fine. Ammo shouldn't really be something to worry about. You have 7 rockets, which should be more than enough providing you re-supply when you reach a round 1 or 2 rockets left. Remember you won't be using them quickly, because of the reload time. One last tip: Always look at the 5 red dots when you're reloading this weapon. They change from being 5, to 3, to 1, then they disappear. You can actually fire it on the last dot, before it appears reloaded. Small changes can make big differences. ========== Strengths: ========== > The best weapon against vehicles, when you aren't standing right by it. > Locking-on can really help in some situations. > Excellent against starfighters and other enemy craft. > Can be launched from a safe distance. > Deals high damage. > Has a small blast area, so your teammates don't get caught in the blast. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Has an incredibly slow reload time. > Not effective against fast vehicles (Speeder Bikes, STAPs) because they can just speed away. > Powerful, but slow and small-impacting against infantry. > Locking-on can't turn the rocket into Superman. > If you accidentally fire this next to the wall or at the ground, the infamous message saying "Player killed himself" will appear. Be warned. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ==================================== 2.22 Blaster Pistol (Rebel Vanguard) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As an assault class, this is your only weapon which you can actually use against enemy infantry. It's much more important to a Vanguard than a standard Rebel Soldier, who has a blaster rifle. Since you'll be using it a lot more, it can actually get easier using it, because you won't be frantically shooting at enemies in your face - while your primary weapon reloads. Just aim for heads and even retreat around a corner or to a medical droid if you have to. ========== Strengths: ========== > Your only anti-personnel weapon as an assault class. > Very useful, more useful than a standard infantry class will ever find it. > Less frantic shooting. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > None really; not effective against turrets and vehicles, but you have your rocket launcher for that. > Can overheat, but just retreat a little and let it cool down. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ======================================= 2.23 Thermal Detonator (Rebel Vanguard) ======================================= In actual fact, you won't be using detonators that often, and certainly not that much against vehicles. As an assault class, they are ideally suited for groups of enemies or weaker turrets/injured vehicles where you don't want to waste a rocket. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can finish off an injured vehicle/turret which saves a rocket. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Won't be needed that much. > You only have 2. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ =========================== 2.24 Mines (Rebel Vanguard) =========================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Oh man. These things are just awesome. They do exactly what they say on the tin - which is that they stay still, and if any enemy wanders over them, they explode. Sound normal? There is a difference. IN-DEPTH: And that difference is their blast area. Put simply, it's MASSIVE. If a convoy of enemy troops is coming towards your army down a narrow corridor, and one steps on a mine, the ENTIRE convoy will die and go flying, 100% guarenteed. On tight maps like Polis Massa, Mustafar and Tantive IV, these things can be DEADLY. But for some stange reason, the CPU rarely lays mines, and when it does, they are really easy to avoid. Maybe the designers thought it would be too harsh to lay mines in tight places? Meh, it doesn't matter. But mines aren't just amazing against enemy infantry. If an enemy vehicle, which is a pretty large thing, wanders over a mine, the damage caused will just be insane. Once I laid a mine and waited for an enemy AAT to approach me. It had around 75% health. As it came closer, it wandered over my mine and KABOOM! OHKO. It's actually so insane it's funny. However, mines are mines, and enemies can simply walk past them, jump over them (sometimes) or use a detonator (which the CPU rarely does) to get rid of the mines. But if just ONE enemy makes the slightest mistake, it spells the end for everyone. Yes, friend or foe. ========== Strengths: ========== > INSANE damage. > INSANE blast area. > Actually amusing to watch. > A killer on tight maps. > Amazing against vehicles; far better than any rocket launcher. > OHKOs ALL Jedi. Does this get any better? > Great for defending key areas. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Mines don't move. > In an open battlefield, they're pretty useless. > Easily destroyed with a detonator. > You and your teammates can get caught in the massive blast. > You can only lay 4 mines at a time. > They can be a pain if your dim CPU teammate steps on an enemy mine. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 2.25 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Rocket Launcher | 7 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mines | 4 | 1/s | INSANE | INSANE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================ 2.3 Sniper Class: REBEL MARKSMAN ================================ ================================== 2.31 Sniper Rifle (Rebel Marksman) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: A weapon with two levels of zoom and ideally used for (you would never guess) sniping. The accuracy is almost all down to you, as the weapon itself is very accurate anyway - as you would expect. Timing and patience is the key to using this weapon; it is not to be used offensively. Just wait for the perfect moment, when an enemy's head fits just inside the targeting area, then fire. IN-DEPTH: Its firing rates and damage to vehicles is poor, but you won't be needing either of these things when sniping - you will have had more than enough time to reload between shots. Enemy CPU snipers always seem to stand out in the open, which makes them very easy to kill. They can get annoying, shooting you from where you can't see, but they are sitting ducks as they are always stationary. They shouldn't be too much of a threat. There's really nothing noteworthy about using this weapon, or any clever tricks which you can do with it. Don't use this on the frontlines, obviously, as it's far from effective there (much like the Rocket Launcher), and will normally result in death for you. Just find a secluded spot - which is much easier on some maps than others - then zoom in to a particular spot and wait for the right moment. Then simply zoom out again until you find another good spot with enemies, and rinse and repeat. Ammo shouldn't be a problem, but to make sure you don't run out, stand next to an ammunition droid if you can. Of course, your health is your first priority, so don't worry about ammo too much. Other than that, enjoy using this very unique weapon and hitting enemies where they least expect you to. ========== Strengths: ========== > Two levels of zoom. > Amazingly accurate. > Actually quite powerful as well; will OHKO most enemy infantry (excluding Droidekas) with a single head shot. But hitting them in the body hurts too. > Very unique; there's no other weapon in the game designed for long-range shooting. > PERFECT for shooting exposed heads. I once tried simply zooming in on one laser turret, where the head is normally exposed, then sniping whoever got in it! It was quite amusing to watch. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > If you miss, you'll probably be spotted after a while. > When zooming, you can't see anything else around you. > Fairly small ammo limit. > Useless against vehicles. -------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6/10 (but 8 or 9 if you use it well) -------------------------------------------------------- ==================================== 2.32 Blaster Pistol (Rebel Marksman) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Again, the same blaster pistol which the Vanguard and Rebel Soldier possess. You'll be using it less than the Vanguard, since snipers are normally in secluded spots anyway, unless you're on the frontlines. Ideally, this is used for any intruders which start shooting at you while you're sniping. You don't stand much of a chance if that happens, but it's always worth a try. ========== Strengths: ========== > A last-resort weapon which might just save your life. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not very powerful. > That's about it. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ ======================================= 2.33 Thermal Detonator (Rebel Marksman) ======================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: WHY on earth would you be needing these? Especially as a sniper, lobbing detonators from high places isn't exactly accurate, and enemies would have likely moved out the way anyway. It's another frontline-type weapon which, since you're not on the frontlines, is pretty useless. I suppose someone would find a use for it someday. ========== Strengths: ========== > Useful for attacking groups of intruders? That might happen, you never know. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > You will hardly ever need them, unless you're on the frontlines. > You only have 2 anyway. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 2/10 ------------------------ ================================= 2.34 Auto Turret (Rebel Marksman) ================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Now, these are pretty nice things indeed. They shoot around 4 or 5 powerful, quick blaster shots at any nearby enemies (more than enough to kill them). And after 1 or 2 seconds, they fire again. If you've ever played Galactic Conquest and used the Autoturrets bonus (or seen the enemy use it), this Auto-turret is identical to the ones on allied command posts, except they don't spawn again if they're destroyed. Eventually, this Auto-turret will run out of energy if it does not get destroyed, but that takes quite a while and will have earned MUCH more than what it's worth by then. IN-DEPTH: Like the autotturrets bonus, it's ideal for defending command posts, as lone CPU enemies will almost certainly die while trying to capture. Unfortunately, it does not have a lot of health, and can easily be destroyed by a detonator or even a few blaster shots. But still - these little devices will annoy the enemy so much (by constantly shooting), if it gets destroyed, it doesn't matter. After all, you CAN just go to an ammunition droid and get another one... ========== Strengths: ========== > VERY annoying. For the enemy. > Deals a good amount of damage. > Great for defending key command posts/areas. > Good in open battlefields, where there is a larger area for it to shoot. > Can be used very cheaply. No Auto-turret left? Simply go to an ammunition droid and get another one! > The CPU rarely uses Auto-turrets, unless they have used the Galactic Conquest bonus. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > You only have 1. =( > Can be destroyed easily. > Less effective on tight maps. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 2.35 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Sniper Rifle | 37 | 0.5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Auto-turret | 1 | 4-5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================== 2.4 Engineer Class: REBEL SMUGGLER ================================== ============================= 2.41 Shotgun (Rebel Smuggler) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: This is a weapon of extremes - absolutely amazing up-close, but near useless from far away. It's essentially the complete opposite of a sniper rifle. IN-DEPTH: What this weapon does is fire a cluster of shots in many directions (but all forwards, obviously). The closer you get, the more shots will hit the enemy, and the more likely he is to die. From far away, only a few shots will hit him, meaning very low damage. It's so powerful up-close (literally in the enemy's face), it can OHKO a JEDI. That's really not normal for such a standard weapon - the only other real way which you can OHKO a Jedi are mines, but they are easy to avoid. This isn't, especially when it's right in your face. This practically forces you to go directly into the enemy, which is by all means dangerous and likely to get you killed (no kidding. The description of the Rebel Smuggler, "Saboteurs and Slicers whose taste for danger is invaluable to the Rebel cause" doesn't mean nothing, you know). It can wreak havoc, particularly on the more heavily-armed or skilled units (espeically human players). From far away, the shotgun will NEVER deal great damage, so always get as close as possible unless you have to shoot to save your life. The problem is, if you're used to using a weapon with greater range (such as a Blaster Rifle), you'll be shooting a lot further away than needed, and it'll take ages to kill a single enemy. Unless you use the shotgun fairly often, it might take some getting used to - and by all means use Instant Action as a way of practising. Unlike other classes, where you have a primary weapon (Blaster Rifle, Rocket Launcher etc.) and normally a blaster pistol as a secondary, the Engineer class doesn't. This means you'll be using the shotgun constantly, as the fusion cutter can't attack. It's a weapon very easy to screw up with - you could get killed far before striking distance, and its fairly long reload time can also mean serious punishment. The key to using this weapon is to dive in, take your shot, and dive out. Once you've fired and hopefully killed an enemy, retreat a little so the weapon can reload, then simply do the same again. If you want to be risky you can just go mental, but then you might be caught reloading and then, with no secondary weapon, you are properly doomed. ========== Strengths: ========== > Deals INCREDIBLE damage from up-close. > High ammo limit, despite firing numerous shots at a time. > There's no other weapon like it. > No real worries about getting head shots. > Accuracy is not a problem, since you'll be at close-range anyway. > Can hit more than one enemy at a time, if they are all in front of you and at close-range. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Near-useless from a pretty short distance (which also makes Engineers very vulnerable to snipers). > The only real weapon the Engineer has for combat. > Fairly long reload time between shots. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ===================================== 2.42 *Fusion Cutter* (Rebel Smuggler) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Though it can't hurt anyone, this handy little device can help you and your teammates a lot. Furthermore, it's only carried by Engineers for planetary battles and Pilots in space, which makes it exclusive to this unit class. Some players may spawn as an Engineer not because of the Shotgun or anything else, but the Fusion Cutter. It repairs, slices and can be used for a number of nifty little tricks. IN-DEPTH: 1) It repairs. Almost ANYTHING. Ammunition droids, medical droids, most destroyed turrets, shield generators, damaged vehicles - almost anything with HEALTH can be repaired by this thing (except other players). This can help mainly you but also your team by a long shot, because they can use now-repaired turrets and recieve health/ammo from fixed medical or ammunition droids. You can basically go round fixing almost everything. 2) It slices. To "slice" into a vehicle, simply run up to it and hold down the primary fire button. The words "Slicing 00%" should appear - if not, move closer. After every few seconds, it will go up (the rate depending on the TOTAL, not current health of the vehicle). When it reaches 100%, the enemy driver will be forced out, you can climb in and you will recieve a Vehicle Regeneration bonus - this means your vehicle will slowly recover health after being damaged. Slicing can be really useful for when your teammates are haplessly lobbing detonators and killing themselves, or if you're finding one vehicle a bit of a pain. This DOES work better on some vehicles than others. Armoured Tank Droids are pretty easy to slice because of their poor turning circle, but Alliance AAC-1s are harder because they can just speed away or turn really quickly. Enemy-occupied starfighters which have not taken off are REALLY easy to slice, but they can always take off at the crucial moment. Also note that command vehicles (mobile command posts) are immune to slicing - so don't bother. 3) This is a really cheap tactic, but works really well if you're with another human player in space. Say your opponent has used the Sabotage bonus - all your starfighters are really damaged and will get destroyed pretty easily. Simply get one player to stay in the hangar, with their Fusion Cutter, and repair all the damaged starfighters. Scout Class Fighters and Multi-purpose Fighters will get repaired in literally under 3 seconds; Bombers may take slightly longer. Obviously, the other player (the better pilot) should just do the usual - take out the critical systems, land in the enemy hangar and wreak havoc, shoot down enemy starfighters, etc. This will NOT work for singleplayer, since you'll be in the hangar all battle and your dim CPU teammates will not get the job done quickly enough. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can repair literally almost ANYTHING. > Most things are repaired within a few seconds. > Slicing is always useful for certain situations. > Can be a HUGE help to your army, particularly if they are human players. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Slicing can take a while, and some enemy vehicles may speed away. > You have to be next to the object to repair it, which may leave you out in the open (particularly when you only defence is a shotgun, which is near-useless from far away). > Repaired droids, turrets and vehicles can still be used by the enemy. ------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------- ============================= 2.43 Detpack (Rebel Smuggler) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: An explosive device which can be detonated remotely. To do this, simply press the secondary fire button to plant a detpack. Pressing it again (without changing weapons, of course), will cause it to explode. The number of ways of how this can be used are countless, but the detpack does have one BIG weakness - blast area. It's not the usual massive explosion, but rather a small pop. IN-DEPTH: This means you can't just plant a detpack, run round a corner and destroy a load of enemies with the detpack. However, it is ideally used for destroying tough enemy vehicles and bases (possibly destructable command posts). One prime example of where this is useful is Endor, where it wreaks havoc on the Shield Bunker to the north. Because you can detonate it remotely, you can guard the entrance to the bunker or run round the back and detonate it there. Unlike a time bomb, where if you can't get out you will get caught in the massive explosion, with the detpack you can detonate it pretty close to you and you will recieve little harm. The detpack is also fairly good against vehicles, escpecially where there's a lot going on and you want to get some cover. It's a simple case of Hit-and-Run (or run-and-hit) - plant the detpack, get out of the action, and detonate. Since the blast area is small, like the Rocket Launcher, it's unlikely your teammates will get killed. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can be remotely detonated, so there's absolutely no fear about getting caught in the blast. > Excellent for ambushes (as the game states) - it can detonate at any moment. > Great for destroying tough enemy vehicles and destructable command posts. > Also good at destroying turrets. You can simply plant a detpack on a turret and watch as the dim CPU enemy sits in the turret while the detpack explodes. Fun stuff. > High damage. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Small blast area. > Not great for taking out enemy infantry (mines/time bombs/thermal detonators are better). > Not a particularly high ammo limit. > You CAN plant a detpack then accidentally press the same button, meaning it explodes in your face. Even though you may fly, it's going to kill you. > On maps with no tough enemy vehicles and/or destructable command posts, it's pretty useless. ------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 5/10 to 8/10 (depending on the map) ------------------------------------------------------- =============================================== 2.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* (Rebel Smuggler) =============================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Does what it says on the tin. It's simply a dispenser (no kidding) that when used, places health and ammo on the ground - identical to the ones which you get from dead enemies. This does, ironically, work for yourself too - so as an Engineer if you are running low on health simply dispense some for you to use! Seems like a life support device. IN-DEPTH (sort of): Anyway, this can help your team (obviously). If one guy's running low on health, be generous and give some to him. If you ever run out, you can just go to an ammunition droid and get some more, as always. There is, however, one VERY cheap trick you can use with this weapon. If you're running low on health from capturing a command post, once it's captured, swap out for the Engineer class. Then simply use the health + ammo dispenser to give yourself some health + ammo, then swap back to the class you were before! It's MUCH easier than trying to find health from dead people, or standing next to a medical droid for ages while it heals you. ========== Strengths: ========== > Great for giving yourself health. Yay. > All sarcasm aside, it can be a life saver, and normally is. > Also great for giving your team health - be generous. > Quicker than going to medical/ammuntion droids. > Always useful, no matter what. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Can be picked up by the enemy, as usual (though it rarely happens). ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 2.45 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Shotgun | 305 | 0.75/s | None | Varied | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Fusion Cutter | Infinite | Continuous | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Detpack | 5 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Health + Ammo Dis. | 5 | 0.75/s | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ============================== 2.5 Support Class: BOTHAN SPY ============================== =========================== 2.51 *Stealth* (Bothan Spy) =========================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Instead of getting a primary weapon as a Bothan, you get a primary "effect". When used, Stealth makes you completely invisible, and even though you can't see yourself it's perfectly able to understand what you are doing. It only lasts for a few seconds (normally around 5) but you'll basically be invincible for that time, unless you're right up against the enemy. This WILL NOT make you pass through walls and other crazy stuff - if it did, it would be the most broken thing in the game. Though it would have been funny if you could. IN-DEPTH: Stealth is your best friend when you're sneaking into enemy lines, and without it you'd probably be dead. End of. It's also good for getting past large groups of enemies which you don't have the firepower to take care of, or getting to enemy command posts unseen. The Bothan is a very sly unit - take advantage of it, especially Stealth, since no other THING in the game can do this. Unfortunately, when the effect fades (and believe me, it WILL after not very long), you'll soon be in a world of pain if near enemies. Be quick about getting past enemies, or they will spot you and you'll get shot (or killed) before your next chance to use Stealth again. Normally, this gap is around 4 seconds. Also, although the enemy can't see you, you can still get shot while invisible, so try to avoid areas of heavy enemy fire. ========== Strengths: ========== > You go INVISIBLE, for crying out loud! > No other thing in the game has anything like this. > Perfect for sneaking past the enemy. > Unlimited ammo/uses. > Great when used in combination with the Incenerator and Time Bomb. > Can quickly conceal yourself when under enemy fire. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Short time for being invisible, and can leave you being visible when you don't expect it. > Does not make you completely invincible. > Will NOT make you go through walls. ------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 9/10 ------------------------- ============================= 2.52 Incenerator (Bothan Spy) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: The Incenerator is a fairly odd weapon, despite it's doom-sounding name. Like the shotgun, it's only effective at close range, but its range is even more limited than the shotgun. Use it like a fusion cutter, as the closer you get the more likely you are to hit the enemy. It fires a series of blasts which will quickly drain the enemy's health and probably kill them before they have any chance to counterattack. IN-DEPTH: Because it has almost no range, it's not brilliant against large groups of enemies, and is more effective man-to-man. Unlike blasters, where you can kill someone from a fairly good distance and continue shooting, the Incenerator will only last a real maximum of 2, 3 or (if you're lucky) 4 kills in one burst. Why, then you ask, do we need this weapon? It's most effective at killing well-armoured or skilled units (including Jedi), or the enemies which your teammates can't get to, deep inside enemy territory. You are pretty much forced to use Stealth in combination with the Incenerator, but that's not a problem. Surprisingly, it's not as effective as a shotgun when at close range. But to compensate, it leaves a DoT (damage over time) effect on the enemy, and even if you retreat having only taken out half their health, the Incenerator's DoT will almost certainly kill them. But after all, using Stealth to get close then firing a shotgun would be quite broken. But it's not a bad weapon, especially man-to-man and in general. And of course, there are Time Bombs to use against vehicles/turrets. ========== Strengths: ========== > Good at eliminating superior/hard to reach enemies. > No worries about accuracy, because you'll be at close range anyway. > Drains health quickly. > Leaves a powerful DoT. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Short range - slightly more than a fusion cutter (basically, pretty close.) > Difficult to use unless you activate Stealth. > Most effective man-to-man, which you won't always need. > Not great against vehicles/turrets, but you have Time Bombs for that. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- =========================== 2.53 Time Bomb (Bothan Spy) =========================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This bomb is, simply, a masterpiece in the world of Battlefront II. It is not thrown like a detonator, but planted like a detpack. The only difference is...the explosion and damage is HUGE. After 5 seconds and counting down (you will see the numbers appear above the bomb, hence the name Time Bomb), it will explode for literally miles, causing absolute chaos if there's anything important near it (for example, a group of enemies). Just be careful so you don't get caught in the blast, as it is MUCH larger than a detonator's. Anything that does is almost guarenteed dead. IN-DEPTH: You can really use these things anywhere. Since they cause so much damage and have a huge blast area, wherever they explode, you can use them against turrets, vehicles (especially starfighters), enemy installations and even mobile command posts. With a detonator you have to worry about walls and rolling and throwing at vehicles - with the Time Bomb, just get to a safe place. Then wreak havoc. This nifty little device is ideal in so many places, but some excellent places to use it are tight places (like mines), near enemy command posts (so when they spawn, they just get blown up), tough enemy vehicles, enemy barricades and occupied enemy starfighters. Like the detpack, the Time Bomb "sticks" to its target, which does mean that if a pilot drives a vehicle with a Time Bomb on it, it will stick to the vehicle until it explodes. This is actually MUCH more useful in space, because if a pilot takes off in a starfighter WITH A TIME BOMB, it will stick ON THE STARFIGHTER and actually EXPLODE IN MID-SPACE. It can destroy Scout Class Fighters, Multi-Purpose Fighters and even BOMBERS in one blast. It won't do much harm to Transports, but they're easier to take out in space anyway; since they are slow-moving and not agile. But if you do blow up an enemy Starfighter (with a pilot in it), you will still recieve the usual 4 points. Also in space, Time Bombs are far more effecient at destroying critical systems than Rockets and Detonators. However, you do have to spawn as a Pilot to use Time Bombs, and they are only equipped with commando pistols for shooting enemies, whereas a Marine has a blaster rifle. But that's the Time Bomb. Just a beauty. ========== Strengths: ========== > Huge explosion and damage, will OHKO all enemies for quite some distance. > Sticks to its target, which also applies to starfighters in space. > Devestating in crowded areas. > Amazing against turrets - in particular low-health ones. Watch as the helpless CPU enemy sits in the turret while the Time Bomb is counting down... XD > Great for destroying tough enemy installations; such as Wooden Barricades, Bridge Controls, Gate Winches and Destructable Command Posts. > Great against vehicles (I find them more useful than detpacks). > Good when planted near enemy command posts (so when they spawn, they die instantly). > Combined with Stealth, you can get close as a Bothan then wreak havoc with one of these. > It can be destroyed(?) but it's almost impossible to do. > The CPU never uses Time Bombs. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > The blast and damage is even bigger than the detonator, so your teammates/you will have to take even more care to not get caught in the blast. > Enemies will be more enthusiastic to run away from a Time Bomb. > Some enemies may not enter a vehicle (this includes starfighters) if it has a Time Bomb on it. > Not a high ammo limit - you could do with more. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ================================== 2.54 **Regeneration** (Bothan Spy) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Each faction in Battlefront II has an exclusive area effect, and each one is only found in the Support class, hence the title. When used, nearby teammates/enemies will be affected by this, depending on the area effect itself. Regeneration causes all nearby teammates to slowly recover health, much like the Bacta Tanks bonus in Galactic Conquest. It also affects the caster (the Bothan). IN-DEPTH: This can really be used anywhere, even if nearby allies still have full health, because the effect stays for infinitely long. Therefore, if they get hit at any point, they will still recover/regenerate health. Use a similar strategy for when you are affected by Bacta Tanks - take cover when your health is low; don't run head-on into the enemy. Of course, it will help no matter what you do, but it can be used more effectively than others. ========== Strengths: ========== > Regenerates health. Straight and simple. > Covers a fairly large area when used (in all directions). > Great for playing defensive. > The effect lasts until the next time you die. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > You can only use it once, unless you go to an ammunition droid. > Doesn't recover health very fast. > Will not help much if you go head-on into the enemy/climb into a vehicle - but your dim CPU teammates may do this anyway. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ================ 2.55 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | *Stealth* | Infinite | 0.25/s | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Incenerator | 300(?) | 8-10/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Time Bomb | 3 | 0.3/s | Large | Very High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | **Regeneration** | 1 | Irrelevant | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================== 2.6 Special Class: WOOKIEE WARRIOR ================================== ================================ 2.61 Bowcaster (Wookiee Warrior) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: Ah yes, the Bowcaster. This fires 5 blaster shots, all forwards, with one heading dead straight and the other 4 heading off at angles; 2 to the right and 2 to the left (at around 20 and 30 degrees on either side). This weapon can also be charged, which increases its damage and number of shots released. IN-DEPTH: The Bowcaster's reload time is very long (for a primary weapon), which is around 1 shot per every 1.5 seconds. Also, it doesn't seem to be very powerful unless fully charged, which takes even longer. Therefore, this can be a very annoying weapon, particularly if you have fully charged it then miss. You can counter this by getting up-close, but the Bowcaster is not designed for close-range combat, and a shotgun is FAR better. One thing which some players may not recognise is that the Bowcaster has 2 levels of zoom, like a sniper rifle. So this weapon can also be used for sniping, but try to snipe "offensively". By this I mean that you shouldn't worry about patience, getting spotted and finding secluded spots; just shoot enemies from a long distance. Since it's accurate but not very powerful (unless charged), head shots/injured enemies should be your priority. Head shots, obviously, because the normally-weak Bowcaster will cause much more damage - and injured enemies because it has a large range. So really, you can do almost anything with this weapon, except fighting vehicles and heavy turrets. You can get in close so more shots will hit enemies, fire from far away where enemies may not see you, target the weak, target heads, charge for more power...the possibilities are endless. However, it's not as effective as any specialised weapons (such as Sniper Rifles), so if you're after just one thing (sniping, close-range combat), the Bowcaster is not for you. But it does open up a lot of things which you couldn't do otherwise. ========== Strengths: ========== > Large targeting area. > Two levels of zoom. > Accurate. > Can be charged for more damage and blaster shots. > Good against almost everything except vehicles and heavy turrets. > Can be used to snipe "offensively", for the more impatient players. > Fairly useful at close range. > Excellent in open battlefields. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Long reload time. > Not very powerful unless fully charged. > If you miss, the enemy will almost certainly counterattack before you can do anything about it. > Not as effective as specialised weapons (e.g. sniper rifles if you're sniping with a Bowcaster). > You will not need all 5 blaster shots most of the time. > REALLY ineffective on tight maps. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ======================================= 2.62 Grenade Launcher (Wookiee Warrior) ======================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: This is a weapon which you'll be using A LOT, if you're at close range. It can be charged, but can easily be fully charged in 2-3 seconds, and doing so controls the throwing distance of the grenade. But what's so much better about this than a detonator? Exploding on contact. A detonator gives a generous 2 seconds to get away from the blast. The Grenade Launcher, though it does not fire grenades as powerful as a detonator, WILL explode on the first enemy it hits - OHKOing it instantly. If it doesn't hit anything, it will simply act as a normal detonator (except it will be green), and explode after 2 seconds with a slightly smaller blast than a detonator. Pretty neat, huh? IN-DEPTH: The Grenade Launcher is actually easier to use than a detonator, because it fires toward your target on-screen, and charging it controls how fast and far it flies. If the grenade is red (like a detonator) it means that it's probably going to hit something. And if it is green, it means the opposite. It also has a MUCH higher ammo limit (15, to be exact), which doesn't sound like much, but it's far more than the measly 4 or 2 detonators you normally get. Combined, this makes it a pretty neat weapon, along with the fact that it's far more damaging than a Bowcaster will ever be. Unfortunately, like everything in life, there's a catch. And that catch is the dreaded OPEN battlefield. It's an absolute NIGHTMARE trying to use this in the open at close-range, frantically firing at an enemy who can easily sidestep and avoid it completely. And by the time you would have hit him, he would have you on so little health you'd be THIS CLOSE to death, unless you're already dead (which is more likely). However, it is possible to use this in the open, as long as the enemy doesn't spot you and starts to move/shoot - as it's almost impossible to shoot a grenade at a moving target, since it doesn't have great range. Unless you get to a distance where he can't really see you or what's coming, stick to other weapons. On the tightest of the tight maps though (see 1.4) this works like a dream. The smaller blast does not affect much, as the corridors are narrow anyway, and since enemies will be really close you can inflict splash damage - or even kill 2/3 enemies in a single blast. It's much easier to aim than a detonator, so you will be able to have more control over it, and dodging the grenade in tight spaces is almost impossible. So there we go. A pretty neat weapon. ========== Strengths: ========== > Easier to aim/more accurate than detonators. > Explodes on contact. > Causes splash damage for any nearby enemies. > OHKOs ANY enemy which it lands on. > Very short charge time. > Still causes a lot of damage when on the ground. > Effective against turrets, OK against vehicles. > Deadly on tight maps. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Difficult to use on open battlefields, unless at the right distance. > Small blast area; will prove less effective than not. > Can't be thrown as far as a detonator. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ================================ 2.63 Time Bomb (Wookiee Warrior) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: All Timb Bombs are identical in Battlefront II. As a Wookiee Warrior, you will probably be needing these for enemy vehicles, tough enemy structures and tight/crowded spaces. ========== Strengths: ========== > Your weapon of choice vs. enemy vehicles and tough enemy structures. > Also good in tight/crowded areas. > Good for blocking off chokepoints. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not a high ammo limit. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================================== 2.64 Recon Droid (Wookiee Warrior) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Now this is something which you might find very useful. When released, the controls will be transferred to the Recon Droid, and you will be able to fully pilot it while the officer remains hidden. This Recon Droid is equipped with a pretty standard blaster and a Self-Destruct feature. But the great thing is that when the Recon Droid gets destroyed, it does not affect you in any way, other than using up ammo. Therefore, you can kill enemies without risking your own life! And as it happens, it can be pretty effective at doing so. IN-DEPTH: The Recon Droid does not have ALL the infantry controls. It cannot boost, jump and definitely not roll, as well as command other teammates (Can you imagine that? A talking Recon Droid?). You must also be aware of doors (OMG yes, doors) as they sometimes will not open for you, and a closing door can destroy the Recon Droid instantly. Usually, a few tries and the door should open. It's blaster has one level of zoom, which is very useful seeing as you won't be at close-range unless you want to Self-Destruct. The blaster is slightly, but only slightly, more powerful than a Blaster Pistol and is basically a slower-firing Blaster Rifle - around 3-4 shots will kill an enemy. Zooming is useful for getting those precious head shots and avoiding shooting your teammates, if you're with them. Self-Destructing may seem a waste of a Recon Droid, but if a bunch of enemies finds an exploding Recon Droid next to them, they have a good reason to run away. But it's not the usual explosion from, say, a Time Bomb - instead, it spreads outwards, instantly OHKO'ing ANYTHING in the blast. And unlike other explode-y things in Battlefront II, you either get caught in the blast (AKA you die) or you get out of it unscathed. It's full health or no health, basically - there's nothing in between. Sadly, there is one large drawback to Self-Destruction, and that is the time. It takes a good 4-5 seconds to Self-Destruct, and although you may appear invincible, it's still very easy to get destroyed in the process. A single blaster rifle shot will be more than enough to destroy the recon droid instantly. However, where Self-Destructing IS more useful though, of all places, are open battlefields. In tight spaces, with so many blaster shots flying around it's almost certain you're going to get destroyed. The Recon Droid has a very large blast area when it has Self-Destruct, and it is less likely that you'll get destroyed in the process. Also be weary of the droid's VERY low health. As said, one shot from a blaster will do some serious damage, and it's very easy for the enemy to destroy you in one shot. Even crashing into walls and solid objects will cause you some harm. Use the zoom and fire from places where the enemy least expects you to, and simply find an open patch with a few enemies to Self-Destruct in. But when the Recon Droid does get destroyed, simply find another ammunition droid and get another - absolutely free. So whenever you want to scout, protect your teammates or just blast enemies without risking your own life, the Recon Droid is the weapon for you. ========== Strengths: ========== > When destroyed, it does not affect you, except use up your ammo. > The blaster is actually fairly useful. > Self-Destructing causes a lot of damage over a large area. > Is small and can't be spotted easily. > Unlimited ammo for the blaster. > The blaster does not overheat quickly. > Can kill enemies without risking your own life and handle things your teammates can't. > Can be sent out numerous times (but only one at a time), if you have the ammo. > Self-Destructing is very useful in open battlefields. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Very low HP, will often be destroyed in one shot. > Self-Destructing takes a fairly long time. > Not very useful in tight battlefields. > You only have 1. > If the officer gets shot, there's not much you can do about it. > When Self-Destructing, the blast may kill some of your teammates. > Doors will not always open first time, crashing into things WILL hurt. > No jump/boost ability, meaning it can be quite slow. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ================ 2.65 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Bowcaster | 300 | 1/s | None | Low-High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Grenade Launcher | 15 | 1.5/s | Small | High-OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Time Bomb | 3 | 0.3/s | Large | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (1) | 1 | 2/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (2) | 1 | N/A | Large | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) = Blaster. (2) = Self-Destruct. ________________________________________________________________________ ======================= 3.0 Galactic Empire ======================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Empire is actually quite a powerful team, as combinations of Blaster Rifles, Arc Casters and Mortar Launchers/Sonic Blasters will soon wipe out most traces of the enemy. But it does have its weaknesses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================ 3.1 Infantry Class: STORMTROOPER ================================ ================================= 3.11 Blaster Rifle (Stormtrooper) ================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: This rifle is very powerful, but VERY inaccurate. In fact, it's the most inaccurate rifle in the game - just slightly more than half your shots will be in the centre of your targeting area, and the rest will miss. They will still be inside the targeting area, but they usually go really far out from the centre. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to prevent this (unless you use the AWARD rifle, which is powerful and accurate). Just aim and pray that most of your shots will hit the enemy, and maybe get a head shot or two. Normally, this is easier than it sounds, and it's perfectly able to use this as you would with any blaster rifle. Also, this rifle does have more power than the Rebel Soldier's version. Whereas the Rebel's rifle needs around 5 shots to kill an enemy, the more inaccurate but more powerful Stormtroopers' rifle can do it in 4. Sometimes. ========== Strengths: ========== > Packs a bigger punch than the Rebel Soldier's version. > Fires just as fast. > More effective closer to the enemy, as more shots will hit them. > Useful when used in numbers, as the inaccurate blasters will cover a wider area. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Very inaccurate, just over half your shots will hit the centre of the targeting area. > Inaccuracy does NOT mean it covers a wider area (except in numbers) - 99% of the time, shots off-target will miss and not help you at all. > Head shots are harder to accomplish. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8.5/10 -------------------------- ================================== 3.12 Blaster Pistol (Stormtrooper) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Exactly the same as always. Use it for when your primary weapon needs reloading, or shooting exposed heads (since it's more accurate than the Stormtrooper's rifle). ========== Strengths: ========== > More accurate than the Stormtrooper's rifle. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not as powerful as the rifle. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ===================================== 3.13 Thermal Detonator (Stormtrooper) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Identical to the Rebel Soldier's version. Use it exactly as you would normally. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 3.14 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Rifle | 250 | 4-5/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 4 | 0.5/s | Medium | High/OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************ ================================ 3.2 Assault Class: SHOCK TROOPER ================================ ==================================== 3.21 Rocket Launcher (Shock Trooper) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This Rocket Launcher is just as effective against vehicles/turrets, but even less effective against infantry. You have to be almost bang-on target to OHKO an enemy infantry, so don't try it unless you have to. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Even less effective agaist enemy infantry. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- =================================== 3.22 Blaster Pistol (Shock Trooper) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Accurate, fast-firing and useful, the blaster pistol is still what you'll be using against enemy infantry. It's completely identical to all the other blaster pistols in the game, as usual. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ====================================== 3.23 Thermal Detonator (Shock Trooper) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As a Shock Trooper, useful against groups of enemies and things which your Rocket Launcher/Blaster Pistol can't take care of. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ ========================== 3.24 Mines (Shock Trooper) ========================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: All mines are identical in Battlefront II. Use them as a Shock Trooper as you would normally. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 3.25 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Rocket Launcher | 7 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mines | 4 | 1/s | INSANE | INSANE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* =============================== 3.3 Sniper Class: SCOUT TROOPER =============================== ================================= 3.31 Sniper Rifle (Scout Trooper) ================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Same as the Rebel Marksman's, Clone Sharpshooter's and Assassin Droid's sniper rifles, except it shoots green lasers instead of red/blue. Therefore, use it as you would normally, as there are no other differences to worry about. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6/10 (but 8 or 9 if you use it well) -------------------------------------------------------- =================================== 3.32 Blaster Pistol (Scout Trooper) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Useful for enemy intruders to your quiet, peaceful spot, or just frontline killing in general. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ ====================================== 3.33 Thermal Detonator (Scout Trooper) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Again, not very useful as a sniper. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 2/10 ------------------------ ================================ 3.34 Auto Turret (Scout Trooper) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: A device that fires 4-5 blaster shots per burst at any nearby enemies. Useful for defending key areas, yourself, or attacking for you. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 3.35 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Sniper Rifle | 37 | 0.5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Auto-turret | 1 | 4-5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ===================================== 3.4 Engineer Class: IMPERIAL ENGINEER ===================================== ===================================== 3.41 Blast Cannon (Imperial Engineer) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Different name, but it's identical to all the other shotguns in-game (except from the Flechette Shotgun). Useless from long-range, awesome at close-range. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ======================================== 3.42 *Fusion Cutter* (Imperial Engineer) ======================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Functions and performs like all other fusion cutters. Repairs almost anything and slices into enemy-occupied vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: > Already explained. ------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------- ================================ 3.43 Detpack (Imperial Engineer) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: It's also the same story here. A powerful remote explosive, ideally for attacking enemy vehicles (especially tough ones), destructable command posts, and turrets. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 5/10 to 8/10 (depending on the map) ------------------------------------------------------- ================================================== 3.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* (Imperial Engineer) ================================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: It dispenses. Health and ammo. And whoever picks it up gets it. Pretty self-explanatory. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 3.45 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blast Cannon | 305 | 0.75/s | None | Varied | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Fusion Cutter | Infinite | Continuous | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Detpack | 5 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Health + Ammo Dis. | 5 | 0.75/s | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* =================================== 3.5 Support Class: IMPERIAL OFFICER =================================== ===================================== 3.51 Sonic Blaster (Imperial Officer) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: The Sonic Blaster can be a very useful weapon in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. And, as it turns out, it's not that difficult to use. It fires a series of shockwaves, and so the closer you get, the more energy the shockwaves will have and so it will deal more damage. Providing you get close enough, it can easily OHKO most enemy infantry, and still deal a fair bit of damage from long-range. Although long-range shooting isn't really ideal for this weapon. IN-DEPTH: The main problem you may have, especially from long-range, is accuracy. But the weapon itself IS accurate, and nearly all shots land in the centre of your targeting area. It's the size of the shockwaves, and juding where they are going to land, is the difficult part. Since the shockwaves start out quite big, you can be put off to where they might land. You might say, "Just aim like normal, because the weapon is accurate anyway." But I guarantee that, mainly from long-range, you will soon be firing in a mad flurry of shockwaves, all missing the enemy (and even if they do hit, they might not do a lot of damage). Close-up, this is an awesome weapon. And it's OHKO range (the range it needs to OHKO an enemy) is MUCH greater than the shotgun and Incenerator. It also has a large impact area, because the shockwaves do have a certain size, and it's always a LOT larger than a blaster rifle's. Even though enemies may still dodge it, a sidestep won't save them now, which can help you a lot. Against vehicles and turrets, it's not great, but as an Officer you have other things for that. Sort of. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can easily OHKO most enemy infantry, and from a fair distance. > Large impact area (not blast, because it doesn't explode). > Great for hitting enemies when they are off-guard. > Deals good damage from long-range. > Not a bad fire rate. > Useful on almost all maps. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Accuracy may be a problem because of the shockwaves' size. > Perhaps you could do with more ammo. > Head shots are hard to accomplish. > Not very powerful against vehicles/turrets. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ======================================= 3.52 Mortar Launcher (Imperial Officer) ======================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Almost identical to the grenade launcher; the obvious differences are the name and I'm guessing it fires mortars (no, really?). The charge rate, fire rate, damage, range AND ammo limit is the same as the Wookiee's Grenade Launcher, which is really what matters. As an Imperial Officer, it's really your only weapon to use against vehicles and turrets, because the Recon Droid is slow and has very low health. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Your only real weapon to use against vehicles and turrets, and it's not very effective. The best way to counter this is to just stay away, or swap out for another class. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================================ 3.53 **Rage** (Imperial Officer) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: This area effect is exclusive to the Empire, if you don't count Heroes. It increases all the damage you do, with every weapon (but I'm not sure about turrets and vehicles). The amount of damage with blasters is similar to the Enhanced Blasters bonus in Galactic Conquest, which is a lot. To use Rage most effectively, simply go to a crowded area full of your teammates (maps with 1 starting command post are ideal), and use it. As usual, it will not affect enemies. ========== Strengths: ========== > Significant damage increase. > The effect lasts forever, until the next time you get killed. > Affects an unlimited number of teammates. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > You only have 1, so it's easy to waste. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ =================================== 3.54 Recon Droid (Imperial Officer) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: The same remotely-controlled droid which has a Blaster and Self-Destruct device. Useful for killing groups of enemies, dealing fair amounts of damage to vehicles/turrets, and shooting enemies when you don't want to risk your own life. ========== Strengths: ========== > Deals great damage to vehicles and turrets, if you get there. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Good damage when Self-Destructed, but slow and it's low health doesn't help either. Therefore, the Mortar Launcher is a much more efficient weapon for attacking vehicles and turrets. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 3.55 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Sonic Blaster | 35 | 1.25/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mortar Launcher | 15 | 1.5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | **Rage** | 1 | Irrelevant | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (1) | 1 | 2/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (2) | 1 | N/A | Large | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) = Blaster. (2) = Self-Destruct. ************************************************************************* =============================== 3.6 Special Class: DARK TROOPER =============================== ============================== 3.61 Arc Caster (Dark Trooper) ============================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This weapon is one of the BEST (and deadliest) in Battlefront II. End of. It also only comes with the Dark Trooper - the closest copy of this is the Ionisation Blaster which the Jawas have in Hunt mode. When UNCHARGED, this weapon can easily OHKO most enemies. It's range is similar to the Sonic Blaster at this point, so jump into position with your "repulsorlift" (as the game calls it) jetpack, and simply fire from a reasonable distance. It should take out most enemy infantry in a single strike, and if not, you can always use your blaster pistol or even a detonator to finish them off. But the real beauty of this weapon is when it's charged. Charging does all the usual stuff; in this case, it increases range and damage, but by a LOT. The range is so long, it's almost infinite like a blaster, and if it hits anything it can deal some very serious damage, if not OHKO enemies instantly. However. This weapon, the Arc Caster, can CHAIN when charged. And obviously, the more it's charged, the more enemies it can hit from a greater range. But the damage stays the same - which means you can OHKO a whole group of enemies in one blast when this thing is charged. When half-charged, it can hit up to around 2 or 3 enemies at a time. Fully charged, it can hit 4 or 5. It's deadly, especially on tight maps, where enemies are very crowded and it's very likely to hit a lot of enemies. But it's not exactly useless on Open Battlefields either - the range this thing has while chaining, when charged, is just astonishing! You can hit one enemy then hit another from a much greater range than you would expect. This can take out entire GROUPS of enemies, and it's much more effective than a detonator, since the enemies don't have any time to run away. I'll say it again: it's deadly. Sure, the fire rate may be slow, charge time fairly slow, but that's not anything near what it can do on the positive side. Combined with a jetpack and blaster pistol, as a Dark Trooper, you'll be having a lot of fun using this. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can take out enitre groups of enemies in ONE blast - 2 or 3 when it's half-charged, 6 or 7 when fully-charged. > Will normally OHKO any enemies you come across. > Massive range when fully charged. > Massive chaining range when fully charged. > Useful against heroes/skilled players. > A devestating weapon on any map; probably slightly more effective on tight maps. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Does not cover a very wide range - so if the enemies are spaced out fairly well horizontally, it will not chain as effectively. > Fairly slow fire rate; may get annoying, particularly if you miss. > Fairly slow charge time (but if you're righting one-on-one, you don't need to charge it anyway). ------------------------------------------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 to 9/10 (depending on map and user) ------------------------------------------------------------ ================================== 3.62 Blaster Pistol (Dark Trooper) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As a Dark Trooper, useful for when your Arc Caster needs reloading, or finshing off the occasional enemy which hasn't been OHKO'ed from the Arc Caster. ========== Strengths: ========== > Good for finishing off enemies. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ===================================== 3.63 Thermal Detonator (Dark Trooper) ===================================== Useful for when you want to see a bigger explosion, or not get too close to the action. Also very handy for taking care of fairly spread out enemies (or at least making them run), because of the detonator's large blast area. ========== Strengths: ========== > Useful for throwing around corners on tight maps, as the Arc Caster can't really shoot round corners. > Can make enemies run when they're spaced out, which could make it easier for you to kill them. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ================ 3.65 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Arc Caster | 25 | 0.75/s | None | OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ ========================= 4.0 Galactic Republic ========================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Republic is a pretty neat team, especially for making scrap metal out of those annoying droids. They have a very neat Blaster Rifle, and the new additions, the Clone Commander and Jet Trooper aren't bad either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================= 4.1 Infantry Class: CLONE TROOPER ================================= ================================== 4.11 Blaster Rifle (Clone Trooper) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This particular rifle is amazingly accurate. Because of its accuracy, aiming for heads never fails, which is what you should be doing most of the time. Super Battle Droids (your most common enemy) are equipped with a slightly more powerful Wrist Blaster and a dangerous Wrist Rocket, so kill them easily with a head shot, if you can, before they have the chance to cause any serious damage. ========== Strengths: ========== > Very accurate; perfect for head shots. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Slightly less powerful than the Droid's Wrist Blaster. And that's very slightly. > You can't get in head shots when your opponent keeps moving, or is in your face. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8.5/10 -------------------------- =================================== 4.12 Blaster Pistol (Clone Trooper) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Same old Blaster Pistol, same old uses. Mostly useful for shooting when the rifle needs reloading. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 6/10 ------------------------ ====================================== 4.13 Thermal Detonator (Clone Trooper) ====================================== This has been changed from Battlefront I, where Clone Troopers carried an EMP Grenade instead of a detonator. They were basically the same thing, except the explosion was different. Anyway, it's the same detonator as always. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 4.14 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Rifle | 200 | 4-5/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 4 | 0.5/s | Medium | High/OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================ 4.2 Assault Class: HEAVY TROOPER ================================ ==================================== 4.21 Rocket Launcher (Heavy Trooper) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As always, ideal for taking down well-armoured targets. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- =================================== 4.22 Blaster Pistol (Heavy Trooper) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Use this to kill enemy infantry, as the Rocket Launcher is very inefficient. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ====================================== 4.23 Thermal Detonator (Heavy Trooper) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As a Heavy Trooper, useful against groups of enemies and things which your Rocket Launcher/Blaster Pistol can't take care of. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ ========================== 4.24 Mines (Heavy Trooper) ========================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: All mines are identical in Battlefront II. Use them as a Heavy Trooper as you would normally. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 4.25 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Rocket Launcher | 7 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mines | 4 | 1/s | INSANE | INSANE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ==================================== 4.3 Sniper Class: CLONE Sharpshooter ==================================== ====================================== 4.31 Sniper Rifle (Clone Sharpshooter) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Same as all the other Sniper Rifles, except this shoots a blue laser. So if you want to be a sniper and like the colour blue, next time choose the Republic. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6/10 (but 8 or 9 if you use it well) -------------------------------------------------------- ======================================== 4.32 Blaster Pistol (Clone Sharpshooter) ======================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Useful on the frontlines or killing pesky intruders. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ =========================================== 4.33 Thermal Detonator (Clone Sharpshooter) =========================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Not very useful as a sniper, unless you're destroying low-health enemy vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 2/10 ------------------------ ===================================== 4.34 Auto Turret (Clone Sharpshooter) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: A device that fires 4-5 blaster shots per burst at any nearby enemies. Useful for defending key areas, yourself, or attacking for you. It's identical to all the other Auto Turrets that come with sniper classes. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 4.35 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Sniper Rifle | 37 | 0.5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Auto-turret | 1 | 4-5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================== 4.4 Engineer Class: CLONE ENGINEER ================================== ============================= 4.41 Shotgun (Clone Engineer) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Identical to all the other shotguns in-game (except from the Flechette Shotgun). Very powerful up-close, useless from far away. The closer you get, the more damage it will do. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ===================================== 4.42 *Fusion Cutter* (Clone Engineer) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Functions and performs like all other fusion cutters. Repairs almost anything and slices into enemy-occupied vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: > Already explained. ------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------- ============================= 4.43 Detpack (Clone Engineer) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: An explosive device which can be detonated remotely. Press the Secondary Fire button once to plant a detpack, then simply press again to detonate it. Useful against tough enemy vehicles/destructable command posts. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 5/10 to 8/10 (depending on the map) ------------------------------------------------------- =============================================== 4.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* (Clone Engineer) =============================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Great for giving yourself or other people health. Yay! ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 4.45 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Shotgun | 305 | 0.75/s | None | Varied | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Fusion Cutter | Infinite | Continuous | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Detpack | 5 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Health + Ammo Dis. | 5 | 0.75/s | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================== 4.5 Support Class: CLONE COMMANDER ================================== =============================== 4.51 Chaingun (Clone Commander) =============================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Damn, this weapon is FUN ^_^. It's the fastest-firing weapon in the game, which makes it perfect for shooting along narrow corridors. Once warmed up, the Chaingun will fire a VERY punishing series of shots, and will not overheat until around after 7 seconds of firing! Only Droidekas (with shields) are able to survive this weapon in a single burst. However, the Chaingun's weakness is open spaces, where enemies have much more room to move around and dodge all the chaingun's shots. And even if you do hit, each shot only does minimal damage, so it's just quicker to use a Blaster Rifle or a similar weapon. IN-DEPTH: You may have noticed that the game says it's "Slow to warm up", but in reality this isn't going to be a nightmare. It takes literally 1 second to warm up before it begins firing, and although it can be annoying sometimes you'll hardly notice it. Also, don't underestimate the firing time of the Chaingun. Avoid overheating, but always keep firing (if you need to) until the red dots around the reticule/targeting area ALMOST reach the end. But you still have a blaster pistol as a backup weapon, if anything bad happens. The Chaingun itself does not do much damage; it's the fire rate which makes it deadly. Most enemies will die in less than a second if you keep hitting them. Unlike other weapons, if you do miss with the Chaingun, it doesn't matter as much because it has such a fast fire rate. In a crowded area, you can basically shoot everywhere and still cause a lot of damage -_-. Go ballistic. It normally works. ========== Strengths: ========== > Extremely fast fire rate; the fastest in the game. > Not so much of a penalty if you miss. > Unlimited ammo. > Shots can fly fairly far out, which can be useful because it increases the Chaingun's targeting area (unlike the Stormtrooper's Blaster Rifle). > Can fire for an incredibly long time (7 seconds) before overheating. > Very few units in the entire game can withstand this weapon in a single burst - the main ones being Droidekas and Heroes. > Going ballistic DOES work. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Cools down slowly after overheating. > Almost harmless against vehicles and turrets. > Average at shooting exposed heads. > Can be a pain if you want it to fire instantly, since it takes a second to warm up. > Each shot only does minimal damage. > Harder to use when the enemy is up-close and has plenty of room to move around, since only a few shots will hit them and it will be a time-consuming kill. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ===================================== 4.52 Blaster Pistol (Clone Commander) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: A life-saver if the Chaingun overheats. Otherwise, you won't be using it very often, unless some enemies become very annoying and you can't kill them with the Chaingun. ========== Strengths: ========== > Very useful is your Chaingun overheats. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not very powerful, which doesn't help you as a Commander. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 5/10 ------------------------ ================================ 4.53 **Rally** (Clone Commander) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: Each faction in Battlefront II has an exclusive area effect. Rally significantly increases defence for you and nearby teammates around you. This can really help when attacking and capturing an enemy command post, attacking well-armoured or skilled targets, or just playing defensive. It may just save your life if you get hit by a normally powerful weapon (e.g. the weapons on vehicles). This won't affect vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > A noticeable defence increase. > Can help with offensives or playing defensive. > May just save your life if you get hit by a powerful weapon. > As usual, the effect lasts until te next time you're killed. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Won't save you from everything (like mines). > You only have 1. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================================== 4.54 Recon Droid (Clone Commander) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: No different from all the other Recon Droids in-game. Equipped with a fairly useful Blaster and a Self-Destruct sequence. Useful for reconissance (AKA looking around), and killing enemies without risking your own life. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- =============== 4.55 Statistics =============== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Chaingun | Infinite | 10/s | None | Minimal | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | **Rally** | 1 | Irrelevant | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (1) | 1 | 2/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (2) | 1 | N/A | Large | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) = Blaster. (2) = Self-Destruct. ************************************************************************* =============================== 4.6 Special Class: JET TROOPER =============================== =============================== 4.61 EMP Launcher (Jet Trooper) =============================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: A weapon which you can really use anywhere, providing you know how to use it. It's essentially a Rocket Launcher which is MUCH more effective against enemy infantry but less effective against vehicles and turrets. When fired, this will fire an EMP Grenade that will travel in a straight line (exactly like a Rocket Launcher) and explode on contact. IN-DEPTH: It's a fairly unique weapon to say the least - there's not many weapons in the game which you can use as freely as the EMP Launcher. If any enemy infantry get hit by this weapon, it's a guarenteed OHKO, which also makes it effective at killing high-armoured/skilled enemies (especially heroes, since it can't be blocked by their lightsabers). It still has enough power to destroy some turrets instantly, but damage against heavy turrets and all vehicles (except light vehicles) is fair - but less than a Rocket Launcher. Unfortunately, it does have a VERY slow fire rate, especially if you're on the frontlines and you need to fire quickly. Enemies WILL penalise you if you miss on the frontlines, by shooting you and forcing you to retreat or use your Commando Pistol. The ammo limit is OK, but don't waste it because you only have 7. But apart from that, those are the only two major weaknesses. I personally find it harder to use from the air, because you can't really hover and so it's harder to aim. But then again, it does make enemies harder to hit you, so it's your choice. ========== Strengths: ========== > Very versatile - effective against infantry AND turrets/most vehicles. > Fairly large blast area. > Deals great damage to infantry, anyone who gets hit will be killed instantly (except Droidekas). > Effective against well-armoured/skilled enemies, but obviously not in vehicles. > Explodes on contact? =========== Weaknesses: =========== > The fire rate is about the same as a Rocket Launcher (i.e. VERY slow). > It's a big penalty if you miss. > Travels fairly slowly through the air. > Possible to run out of ammo. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ================================== 4.62 Commando Pistol (Jet Trooper) ================================== The same as a Blaster Pistol, only with a different firing sound and a slightly faster fire rate. Again, this is the backup weapon if the EMP Launcher can't fire fast enough/needs reloading. ========== Strengths: ========== > Slightly faster fire rate than a Blaster Pistol. > Good for finishing off enemies/killing those which are too quick for your EMP Launcher. > May just save your life. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not very powerful, like a Blaster Pistol. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 6/10 ------------------------ ==================================== 4.63 Thermal Detonator (Jet Trooper) ==================================== This is a weapon that is perhaps more effective from the air, because you can throw it at much longer distances. Great when used in conjunction with the EMP Launcher (i.e. devestates groups of enemies). Also good at giving that bit of extra firepower when attacking heavy turrets/vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can be thrown at longer distances from the air. > Works well with the EMP Launcher. > Useful for giving that extra bit of power against heavy turrets or vehicles. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not a high ammo limit. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 4.64 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EMP Launcher | 7 | 0.3/s | Medium | High/OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Commando Pistol | Infinite | 4-5/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 4 | 0.5/s | Medium | High/OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ ================================================= 5.0 Confederancy of Independent Systems (CIS) ================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A very powerful team, no questions asked. The Super Battle Droid is an offensive powerhouse, the Magnaguard is too, and the Droideka - don't even go there. Although to compensate, the droids do have less health than the Clones and some other weaknesses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================================== 5.1 Infantry Class: SUPER BATTLE DROID ====================================== ======================================= 5.11 Wrist Blaster (Super Battle Droid) ======================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Powerful, accurate, but slow-firing. This is the Droids' version of a standard Blaster Rifle, but it's more like a cross between a Blaster Rifle and a Blaster Pistol, except with more power. It does more damage than the Clone Trooper's Blaster Rifle, but is also fairly accurate. It's not wildly inaccurate like the Stormtrooper's rifle, but accurate enough to get in head shots when you want them. But as a price for this power and accuracy, it's fire rate has been reduced. It's still enough to leave the enemy no time to counterattack, however. Because the Wrist Blaster is powerful and accurate, head shots are even more deadly, which includes shooting exposed heads. Aim for heads, as usual, but you still have a Wrist Rocket if you find head shots hard. ========== Strengths: ========== > Powerful and accurate - not many weapons in the game have these two attributes. > Head shots are even more deadly. > Still fires fast enough so the enemy can't counterattack. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Has the slowest fire rate out of all the "Blaster Rifles". > Also has the lowest ammo limit (150). -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8.5/10 -------------------------- ================================== 5.12 Tri Shot (Super Battle Droid) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This weapon is very useful for killing enemies up-close or using when your Wrist Blaster needs reloading. It's similar to a Shotgun, except it only fires 3 shots (in a triangle-shape, hence the name Tri Shot) and is less powerful up-close. But it's still enough to OHKO most enemies if all 3 shots hit them, which makes it very deadly. And since it only fires 3 shots instead of a whole cluster, each one packs a bigger punch, so it is possible to deal good damage from a fair distance away. Overall, this is normally much more effective than a Blaster Pistol, since when you're reloading, most of the time enemies will be up-close. However, it does overheat VERY quickly, so you won't be able to fire it constantly. Keep that in mind, because if it does overheat, it will be a long time before it can be fired again. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can instantly kill most enemy infantry if all 3 shots hit them. > Great at close-range, which is where enemies will be more often than not. > Each shot is pretty powerful, so it can cause decent damage from long-range. > Unlimited ammo. > Usually more effective than a Blaster Pistol. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Overheats after being fired a mere 3 times. > Since it overheats rapidly, it will take longer than normal to cool down before it can be fired again. > Can't be fired constantly (like a Blaster Pistol) because it overheats so quickly. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ====================================== 5.13 Wrist Rocket (Super Battle Droid) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: An interesting alternate to the standard Thermal Detonator. The blast area is smaller and is not as effective against vehicles/turrets, but instead of being thrown it travels (like a rocket) in a straight line and explodes on contact. This makes the Wrist Rocket MUCH easier to aim, since it travels towards the centre of your targeting area. The Wrist Rocket is much more of an anti-infantry weapon than anything else. Your Super Battle Droid teammates will not even bother shooting at enemy vehicles with their Wrist Rockets (unless they are really desperate), because they hardly do any damage. It's the same story for heavy turrets and it may take 2 or 3 rockets to destroy some light turrets. HOWEVER, when this thing is flying down a narrow corridor, there's not much anyone can do about it. ========== Strengths: ========== > Does the same damage as a detonator against enemy infantry. > Usually more effective than a detonator against enemy infantry too. > Moderate damage to light turrets. > Good splash damage; any nearby enemies will lose a lot of health. > Perfect for hitting the enemy when off-guard. > Easier to aim than a detonator. > On tight maps, it's bound to hit something when flying down a narrow corridor. > On maps without vehicles/heavy turrets, it doesn't have any major weaknesses. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not effective against vehicles - your fellow Super Battle Droids will not even bother to shoot vehicles with their Wrist Rockets, unless they absolutely have to. > Not effective against heavy turrets. > Smaller blast area than the detonator. > Slow fire rate. > Less effective on open battlefields. ------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8/10 to 9/10 (depending on the map) ------------------------------------------------------- ================ 5.14 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Wrist Blaster | 150 | 3-4/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Tri Shot | Infinite | 2/s | None | Varied | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Wrist Rocket | 4 | 0.5/s | Small | OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================= 5.2 Assault Class: ASSAULT DROID ================================= ==================================== 5.21 Rocket Launcher (Assault Droid) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As the CIS, your most practical weapon for taking out Republic vehicles, since the Wrist Rocket doesn't do much damage. This Rocket Launcher is identical to all the others in-game, except the rocket is a different colour. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- =================================== 5.22 Blaster Pistol (Assault Droid) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Use this to kill enemy infantry, as the Rocket Launcher is very inefficient. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ====================================== 5.23 Thermal Detonator (Assault Droid) ====================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: As an Assault Droid, useful against groups of enemies and things which your Rocket Launcher/Blaster Pistol can't take care of. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ ========================== 5.24 Mines (Assault Droid) ========================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: All mines are identical in Battlefront II. Use them as an Assault Droid as you would normally. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 4.25 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Rocket Launcher | 7 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mines | 4 | 1/s | INSANE | INSANE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================= 5.3 Sniper Class: ASSASSIN DROID ================================= ================================== 5.31 Sniper Rifle (Assassin Droid) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Identical to all the other Sniper Rifles. Two levels of zoom, very accurate, a decent ammo limit and fire rate. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6/10 (but 8 or 9 if you use it well) -------------------------------------------------------- ==================================== 5.32 Blaster Pistol (Assassin Droid) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Useful on the frontlines or killing pesky intruders. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 4/10 ------------------------ ======================================= 5.33 Thermal Detonator (Assassin Droid) ======================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Not very useful as a sniper, unless you're destroying low-health enemy vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 2/10 ------------------------ ================================= 5.34 Auto Turret (Assassin Droid) ================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: A device that fires 4-5 blaster shots per burst at any nearby enemies. Useful for defending key areas, yourself, or attacking for you. It's identical to all the other Auto Turrets on sniper classes. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 5.35 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Sniper Rifle | 37 | 0.5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Pistol | Infinite | 3-4/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 2 | 0.5/s | Medium | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Auto-turret | 1 | 4-5/s | None | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ================================== 5.4 Engineer Class: ENGINEER DROID ================================== ============================= 5.41 Shotgun (Engineer Droid) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: The same shotgun as always, the same very varied damage. Deadly up-close, harmless from long-range. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 7.5/10 -------------------------- ===================================== 5.42 *Fusion Cutter* (Engineer Droid) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: This is identical to all other fusion cutters. Repairs almost anything and slices into enemy-occupied vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: > Already explained. ------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------- ============================= 5.43 Detpack (Engineer Droid) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: An explosive which can be planted and detonated remotely. Useful against tough enemy vehicles/turrets, and even destructable command posts. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 5/10 to 8/10 (depending on the map) ------------------------------------------------------- =============================================== 5.44 *Health + Ammo Dispenser* (Engineer Droid) =============================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Drops health and ammo, and whoever walks over it gets it - friend or foe. Great for giving yourself health! Yippee! ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ================ 5.45 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Shotgun | 305 | 0.75/s | None | Varied | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Fusion Cutter | Infinite | Continuous | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Detpack | 5 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Health + Ammo Dis. | 5 | 0.75/s | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* ============================== 5.5 Support Class: MAGNAGUARD ============================== ============================= 5.51 Bulldog RLR (Magnaguard) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: This is essentially a mini Rocket Launcher. But don't be fooled by it's size, because it has the ability to dish out some VERY serious damage, and in a reasonably short time too. It fires a series of small rockets (at a rate of 2 a second), but EACH ONE is as powerful as a Wrist Rocket, meaning if any enemy infantry get hit just by one, they will die instantly. It's also not bad against vehicles and lighter turrets, except each rocket does low damage. So the more rockets you hit on-target, the more damage you will do, and the more effective it will be. IN-DEPTH: But the Bulldog RLR, despite its amazing anti-infantry damage, does have one major weakness. It's one of the easiest weapons than can be avoided, if you only count weapons which can be fired. The rockets travel through the air fairly slowly, which leaves the CPU or other players bags of time to get out of the way. Normally, a few rolls can be enough to dodge ALL of the rockets in a single burst, and then leaves the user open to counterattack because of reloading. On Open Battlefields it's a nightmare, especially when the enemy has plenty of room to roll about. It's still possible to kill enemies, but you'd be much better off with a Blaster Rifle or another weapon. This weapon does have a VERY fast fire rate for the amount of damage it does. In theory, you could kill 7-8 enemies in a single burst, but in reality, this never happens. But it does cause fairly good splash damage, which is more effective on Tight Maps - since everyone is bunched up together. And since it can fire a lot of rockets, there will be a lot of splash damage unless the enemies retreat. The Bulldog RLR can be a weapon of extremes, like the Shotgun - not very effective on Open Battlefields, but devestating in small areas. On Tight Maps, with so many rockets flying around, the enemy will be forced to retreat or *try* and dodge the rockets. Otherwise, they'll get blasted and bad things will happen. Usually CPU enemies retreat (cowards!) but sometimes they won't be able to in time and just get blasted. Nice. And as said, it's average against vehicles/turrets. The Magnaguard doesn't have any REALLY effective anti-vehicle weapons, but combinations of rockets (Bulldog RLR) and radiation grenades (Radiation Launcher) can harass the enemy. Against lighter turrets, a single burst of rockets is enough to completely destroy it. As for heavy turrets, take care of them in the same way as enemy vehicles. ========== Strengths: ========== > Very fast fire rate for a weapon that can deal so much damage. > Each rocket (yes, EACH ROCKET) can OHKO most enemy infantry. > Good splash damage; more common on tight maps. > Decent against vehicles/heavy turrets. > Good damage against light turrets. > Deadly on tight maps, especially against clustered groups of enemies. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Much harder to use effectively on open spaces. > The rockets fly through the air fairly slowly. > Easy to dodge. > Not a high ammo limit. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ==================================== 5.52 Radiation Launcher (Magnaguard) ==================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Very similar to the Grenade/Mortar Launcher. The only major difference is that when it explodes on the ground, it releases a burst of what I guess is radiation. It's shown as a few (normally 3) green ripples, which shows the blast area. Apart from that, everything else is the same. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================================== 5.53 **Neuro Poison** (Magnaguard) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Neuro Poison is the CIS's area effect. But instead of being beneficial to your allies, it's harmful to the enemy. Neuro Poison makes all nearby enemies slowly drain health, and keeps draining unless they recover some health. To use Neuro Poison most effectively, simply run into a group of enemies (it's much easier than it sounds), and use it. Obviously, it will not affect you, and hopefully you will have affected a whole bunch of enemies. ========== Strengths: ========== > Drains enemies' health, and fairly fast. > Can affect a whole load of enemies. > Affected enemies can't be cured unless they recieve some health. > Useful against heavy armored/skilled enemies. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > You only have 1. > The enemies may get shot soon afterwards and die anyway, meaning it can be wasted quite easily. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ============================= 5.54 Recon Droid (Magnaguard) ============================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Identical to all the other Recon Droids in the game, in every way possible. Equipped with a moderately powerful Blaster and Self-Destruct device. ========== Strengths: ========== > Already explained. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Already explained. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 5.55 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Bulldog RLR | 35 | 2/s | Small | OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Radiation Launcher | 15 | 1.5/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | **Neuro Poison** | 1 | Irrelevant | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (1) | 1 | 2/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Recon Droid (2) | 1 | N/A | Large | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) = Blaster. (2) = Self-Destruct. ************************************************************************* ============================ 5.6 Special Class: DROIDEKA ============================ ================================== 5.61 Repeating Blasters (Droideka) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: And we close this section of the guide with two of the most powerful weapons in Battlefront II. These blasters can kill enemies VERY rapidly, because of their incredibly fast fire rate. If you combine a Blaster Rifle's damage and a Chaingun's fire rate, it will end up as something very similar to the Repeating Blasters. It's much more efficient at killing than a Blaster Rifle, since enemies won't have any time to breathe, let alone counterattack. Additionally, it can fire for a long time before overheating, and has infinite ammo. But it does have weaknesses. IN-DEPTH: The key to using this weapon well is precise shooting, not just firing wildly (particularly in Open Battlefields). Deploy from ball mode and quickly kill your target before they have ANY chance to counterattack. 90% of the time, the dim CPU AI will not even notice you until you start firing. And if they do, you always have your shield. This way, you can kill a whole LOAD of enemies in one life, by eliminating them one-by-one. Epic. Groups of enemies are a different story. Activate your shield ASAP, because the Droideka's low health will result in death otherwise. Because the shield can take A LOT of punishment, either kill the attacking enemies one-by-one or just try to inflict as much damage as possible. Going on the offensive normally works, because of the amount of health the shield has. With great offense AND defense, you should be able to outlast almost all groups of enemies (if they don't include vehicles or turrets). Accuracy will be your biggest problem when using this weapon. Out in the open, however, it's fine. But unlike a Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol or any other accurate weapon, it's extremely difficult to shoot exposed heads with. And since the Repeating Blasters are your only "fireable" weapons as a Droideka, you can't just blow up the turret/vehicle either, since the Repeating Blasters only do minimal damage. The best way to counter this problem is to, quite simply, run away. You can get far more kills if you're on the frontlines instead of wasting your time trying to shoot an exposed head. Also, avoid overheating. Again, you have no secondary weapon, so if this weapon overheats you can't do anything until it cools down enough. This makes you a sitting duck and loses precious shield time. Fortunately, this weapon can fire for around 6-7 seconds before overheating - by which time most or all enemies should be dead. Head shots still cause increased damage, but it's much harder to do with this weapon. But that really doesn't matter because it kills enemies SO quickly. ========== Strengths: ========== > Very fast fire rate and reasonable damage. Often kills enemies in less than a few seconds. > Leaves absolutely no time for the enemy to counterattack. > One of the most efficient weapons in Battlefront II; you can kill a truckload of enemies in a single life. > The CPU will not even notice you until you start firing. > Effective against Jedi and especially skilled players (i.e. humans). > Infinite ammo. > Can fire for a long time before overheating. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Very difficult to shoot exposed heads with this weapon. > Head shots are hard to accomplish. > If you do overheat, you have no secondary weapon. > Deals minimal damage to vehicles/turrets. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 9/10 ------------------------ ================================ 5.62 *Shield Emitter* (Droideka) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: This is not just a shield...this is a friggin' EPIC shield that can take more punishment than you'll ever see in a lifetime. There are two ways which the shield can be lost - by keeping it activated, or taking so much fire that it dissipates. Activating the shield will start depleting the bar on the left, and taking fire will further reduce the bar. If the bar reaches the bottom, the shield will dissipate and it will not be able to re-activate until it reaches a certain level. Truth is, it can stay activated for a very long time no matter what. The shield has the combined health of around six typical infantry. SIX!! And that means it can take a MASSIVE amount of punishment. IN-DEPTH: As a Droideka, the shield is practically your life. Since the Droideka walks VERY slowly and takes a long time at coverting to ball mode, it's incredibly easy to kill without a shield. You won't need it 100% of the time, but it's always good to activate it in case something bad happens. However, don't waste the shield - shield time used in one place could be better used in another. In other words, the shield is more important in different places than others. Always make sure the bar on the left is near-full before entering areas of heavy fire. Knowing where and when to use the shield can be a devestating skill - to the enemy. In addition to areas of heavy fire, it's always a good idea to have the shield ready when capturing enemy command posts. Don't keep it activated all the time, but if an enemy spawns (particularly if you can't see them) and starts firing at you, you're dead without a shield and nearly invincible with it. Pretty high stakes. Just if you notice ANYTHING, activate your shield - it's better safe than sorry, or in this case dead. Most enemies will not stand a chance against a droideka one-on-one, so kill them ASAP before they can deal major damage to your shield. To give an idea of how much health this thing has, I was a Droideka on Coruscant, near CP 3 - the enemy's starting CP. There were around 7 enemies (clones). I got hit by a Rocket (from a Rocket Launcher), around 3 detonators, an EMP Grenade (from an EMP Launcher), and took A TON of Blaster Rifle and Blaster Pistol fire. And guess what? I defeated them all, with my shield just about active. Not only that, but I took over a nearby enemy-controlled CP with ease, even with the shield at only half health. There ARE a few weapons which will OHKO a shield (mines and time bombs are the main ones). However, since a Droideka walks so slowly it will take ages to walk into a mine, and Time Bombs give you plenty of time to convert to ball mode and speed away. So really, the only way to destroy a Droideka's shield is to just fire everything you have at it, and eventually it will dissipate making an easy kill. Vehicles and turrets are also effective against Droideka's shields - so use them if you're against one, or speed away from them if you are one. But overall, this is a really powerful weapon, defensively. Combined with the Repeating Blasters, Droidekas can absolutely devestate enemy infantry. ========== Strengths: ========== > Takes an INSANE amount of punishment. > Lasts for a long time before dissipating. > Recharges fairly quickly, can be used in less than a second after dissipating (but it will last for around that long as well. Keep that in mind). > Infinite ammo. > Great for protecting yourself when capturing enemy command posts. > Almost essential in areas of heavy fire. > Excellent for killing well-armoured, but in particular skilled enemies. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > A large target, so it's easy to hit. > Vehicles and turrets can deal a fair bit of damage and you can't counterattack (because the Repeating Blasters are useless against these targets). > If the shield dissipates, you must either keep using your shield in small bursts or retreat into ball mode. The first will eventually get you killed, and the second may also cost you your life (as the game says, a moving Droideka is a vulnerable Droideka). ---------------------------------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 9.5/10 to 10/10 (depending on the map) ---------------------------------------------------------- ================ 5.63 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Repeating Blasters | Infinite | 7/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Shield Emitter | Infinite | Continuous | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ ========================== 6.0 Space Unit Classes ========================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Space Battles feature two unique classes. The Pilot class has the nifty ability to repair his own starfighter if damaged, and also carries a fusion cutter for quick repairs. The Marine class is effective at on-deck combat and sabotaging the enemy's starfighters and critical systems from the inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================= 6.1 Pilot Class: REBEL/IMPERIAL/CLONE/DROID PILOT ================================================= ================================== 6.11 Commando Pistol (Pilot class) ================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Basically the same thing as a Blaster Pistol, except with a different firing sound. Useful for destroying Auto-Turrets inside enemy hangars and enemies who intrude you sabotaging their ship. It's not recommended that you use this against enemy pilots and marines, because it's not very powerful (as always) and you will get outnumbered and eventually die. ========== Strengths: ========== > Useful for destroying Auto-Turrets inside hangars. > Also useful for killing intruders. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not very powerful. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ================================ 6.12 Fusion Cutter (Pilot class) ================================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: In space, this repairs damaged starfighters VERY quickly and can also slice into enemy starfighters in a short time as well. If your team has been affected by the Sabotage bonus in Galactic Conquest, this can repair Scout Class fighters and Multi-purpose fighters in a few seconds. Bombers normally take a little longer, and Transports take a few centuries - so don't bother with them. You can just stay in your hangar and keep repairing the starfighters, but that can get boring after a while and it leaves your dim CPU teammates to do the fighting. ========== Strengths: ========== > Repairs damaged starfighters in a jiffy. > Also slices into enemy starfighters in a jiffy. > Repairing your damaged starfighters can counter the Sabotage bonus very well. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Slow at repairing bombers and transports. > Slow at slicing into bombers. > The enemy can very easily take off while you attempt to slice. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ============================ 6.13 Time Bomb (Pilot class) ============================ BASIC DESCRIPTION: Practically the best weapon for sabotaging, but the ammo limit is not high and you'll have to visit ammunition droids frequently. Be careful not to get caught in the blast area. DO NOT plant two Time Bombs next to each other, otherwise the first one that explodes will destroy the other, and you will have wasted a Time Bomb. ========== Strengths: ========== > Deals heavy damage to critical systems. (2 time bombs can destroy the Auto-Defense Mainframe, 3 time bombs can destroy Life Support/Engines, and 5 time bombs can destroy the Shield Generator). > OHKOs all starfighters, except transports. > Large blast area; effective at taking out large groups of enemies. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > You WILL need more than 3 time bombs, so you will have to reload frequently. > Easy to waste. > Slow fire rate. > Easy to get caught in the blast. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 6.14 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Commando Pistol | Infinite | 4-5/s | None | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Fusion Cutter | Infinite | Continuous | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Time Bomb | 3 | 0.3/s | Large | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************* =================================================== 6.2 Marine Class: REBEL/IMPERIAL/CLONE/DROID MARINE =================================================== =================================== 6.21 Rocket Launcher (Marine Class) =================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: Identical to the planetary Rocket Launcher, expect it only has 4 ammo instead of 7. As explained in the Rebel Vanguard section, useful for destroying enemy ships before they have a chance to leave the hangar. Unoccupied starfighters reward you and your team 1 point, and occupied starfighters reward 4 points. Also good at taking out critical systems - this is most effective when it's fired from long-range. ========== Strengths: ========== > Useful at disposing of enemy starfighters. > Can destroy everything expect a Shield Generator in 3-4 rockets (2 for the Auto-Defense Mainframe). Bear in mind that Life Support can be destroyed in 3 rockets, if you fire it from the back of the room. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not strong against transports (time bombs are more effective). > You can get caught in the blast. > Not effective against enemy infantry. > Low ammo limit. > Slow fire rate. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 6.5/10 -------------------------- ================================= 6.22 Blaster Rifle (Marine Class) ================================= BASIC DESCRIPTION: Identical to the respective faction's infantry Blaster Rifle, except for the CIS where the Super Battle Droid has a wrist blaster. The Droid Marine's rifle is similar to be Rebel Soldier's, except with a bit more power and a bit less accuracy. This is the best weapon for killing enemy pilots/marines. ========== Strengths: ========== > Effective against marines and especially enemy pilots. > Can finish off some critical systems, but deals almost no damage. A detonator is more suited to this job. > High ammo limit. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Deals minimal damage to starfighters and critical systems, and almost none to Transports/Shield Generators. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ===================================== 6.23 Thermal Detonator (Marine Class) ===================================== BASIC DESCRIPTION: It's the same detonator as always. In space, this deals heavy damage to Scout Class and Multi-purpose fighters. Deals low damage to enemy critical systems, but it's useful for finishing off targets where you don't want to waste a precious rocket. Also useful for damaging bombers and annoying groups of enemies. ========== Strengths: ========== > Useful for finishing off damaged targets. > Can disperse or sometimes kill pesky groups of enemies. > Deals medium damage to bombers and heavy damage to other starfighters, except Transports. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Not a high ammo limit; you could do with more. > Deals low damage to Transports - very ineffective. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 7/10 ------------------------ ================ 6.24 Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Rocket Launcher | 4 | 0.25/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blaster Rifle | 150 | 4-5/s | None | Medium | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Thermal detonator | 4 | 0.5/s | Medium | High/OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ ===================== 7.0 AWARD Weapons ===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now THIS is a real section of the guide. AWARD Weapons are some of the most powerful (and useful) weapons you'll ever come across, and can only be used by getting certain requirements. Though these requirements are tough (some of them are very tough indeed), the AWARD weapon is often more than rewarding. Use these weapons well, because if you don't die after 30 seconds, you'll lose the weapon the next time you're killed. And getting that requirement all over again can be a difficult challenge. If you reach Elite status (32 of the same medals), the requirement for getting the AWARD weapon will become slightly easier. If you reach Legendary status (64 of the same medals), you'll be able to permanently keep the AWARD weapon on every battle, even after you die. One of the major advantages to the AWARD rifle, pistol and sniper rifle is the fact that their shots have no travel time, unlike their regular versions. This makes them excellent for long-distance fighting, as you won't have to time your shots (thanks to Keegan Smith for pointing this out). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================================== 7.1 AWARD/Elite Blaster Rifle (Infantry/Marine Class) ===================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------- | REQUIREMENT: 12 Kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life | | ELITE REQUIREMENT: 9 Kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life | --------------------------------------------------------------- | AWARD NAME: Frenzy | ---------------------- BASIC DESCRIPTION: Oh. My. God. This is an INSANELY USEFUL weapon, and is as quick and deadly as a snake's bite. It fires 3 blaster shots, in VERY quick succession - to be precise, in less than half a second. Then, after just under a second, you can fire it again! This weapon can make enemy infantry fall like leaves, which is probably why it has a very tough requirement (12 kills in a single life is A LOT). IN-DEPTH: To give you an idea of what this is really like, here's a useful everyday example: PEW-PEW-PEW! Dead. *a second* PEW-PEW-PEW! Dead. *a second* PEW-PEW-PEW! Dead. *a second* PEW-PEW-PEW! Dead. *a second* - now repeat for a further 6 kills or so. You should be getting around 10 kills PER LIFE with this weapon, and if you aren't, practice (unless you're taking lots of enemy fire, then there's not much you can do about it). 10 kills even on AI Elite should be fairly easy, and it's much more effective than a Blaster Rifle, so get used to using it. On AI Normal, if the first shot hits an enemy, 99% of the time the second and third will too, and the enemy will die (if it's infantry). Since the AWARD Rifle is incredibly precise, there's no chance the second and third shots will miss. On AI Elite, it's still very easy to kill enemies in a single blast, but sometimes the CPU will move out of the way, and dodge your second or third shot. He'll probably then start firing at you. Quickly kill him before more enemies arrive; use your blaster pistol if you have to. This can be a pain if it happens, but if you can't kill the annoying enemy fast enough, move on to another area. Don't waste your time over a single kill, when you could be getting 5 or 6 elsewhere. Head shots are very deadly with the AWARD Rifle. If you do get a head shot, a second AWARD Rifle shot will kill them or a few Blaster shots. But normally, head shots aren't a problem because the AWARD Rifle can kill them instantly anyway. Unfortunatly, this weapon does have three (sort of) major weaknesses. The first is reload time - and as you may have guessed, it's long. It's about as long as a Blaster Rifle, but it's still enough to cost you your life - especially if you're surrounded by enemies. If you're caught reloading, either use the good ol' Blaster Pistol or retreat a bit. Retreating gives you a chance to get your breath back, but if the enemies are on low health then use the Blaster Pistol (except for space). The second is the fact that you can't fire it continuously. Once it's fired, you have to wait a second before it can be fired again. But the main problem isn't the actual second; it's the penalty if you miss. If you do miss, you have to wait another second, and you can end up shooting all day long but waiting AGES - and the CPU AI will penalise you for it, by blasting you. Don't shoot wildly and hope that you'll hit something, because most of the time you won't and end up a reloading sitting duck. It's very different from a Blaster Rifle. And the third (and perhaps most annoying) is when it's at close range. Using the AWARD Rifle at close-range is similar to trying to use a sniper rifle - powerful, accurate, but slow-firing and a TINY targeting area. The problem is that even if you miss once, most enemies can deal a ton of damage before you even have a chance to shoot again (This happens ALL THE TIME on AI Elite). Try not to get into close range, but sometimes enemies will approach you. If the inevitable happens (as explained above), either try to retreat a little or use a blaster pistol to finish them off. If you have 3 or more attacking enemies, using a blaster pistol is the better option. But overall, if you manage to get this, it's one of the most efficient killing machines in the game - except it's like that on ALL maps. On a side note, the weapon is very similar to Boba Fett's EE-3 Blaster Rifle. Therefore if you are still considering whether to get to Legendary status, try out Boba's rifle on instant action. ========== Strengths: ========== > Kills enemies in less than HALF A SECOND if they don't move out of the way, which is unlikely. > Very hard to dodge, since it is so quick. > Powerful and extremely accurate - about as accurate as a Sniper Rifle. No kidding. > Great at long-range, because of it's accuracy. > If the enemy's off-guard, they don't stand a chance. > NO CHANCE of the enemy counterattacking. > One of the few weapons which is powerful on ALL maps. > Quite a high ammo limit. > A dream for shooting exposed heads. > A head shot is almost guarenteed to result in death. > The CPU will almost never dodge on AI Normal, and rarely on AI Elite. > Good at killing well-armoured/skilled enemies (including Jedi). > One of, if not THE most efficient weapon(s) in the game. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > At close range, you're more likely to miss and enemies will deal a ton of damage until you kill them. This can happen even if you only miss ONCE. > Takes a fairly long time to reload. > A brief 1 second pause after every time it's fired (except when it needs reloading). Can get annoying, especially when faced with groups of enemies. > The 3 shots still count as 3 ammo. So if you have 177 ammo left and fire this weapon, it will leave you with 174. > Useless against vehicles and heavy turrets. Deals minimal damage to light turrets. > The requirement can be tough to achieve, even on Elite. ----------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 9.5/10 to 10/10 ----------------------------------- ************************************************************************* ================================================== 7.2 AWARD/Elite Wrist Blaster (Super Battle Droid) ================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------- | REQUIREMENT: 12 Kills with a Wrist Blaster in one life | | ELITE REQUIREMENT: 9 Kills with a Wrist Blaster in one life | --------------------------------------------------------------- | AWARD NAME: Frenzy | ---------------------- BASIC DESCRIPTION: Exclusive to Super Battle Droids. Basically the same as the AWARD Rifle, except it has only 144 ammo instead of 180 and has slightly more power. The extra power doesn't really do much, since the AWARD Rifle is powerful enough anyway, unless you're up against well-armoured enemies. ========== Strengths: ========== > Slightly more power than the AWARD Rifle. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Less ammo than the AWARD Rifle. But hardly anything to worry about. ----------------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 9.5/10 to 10/10 ----------------------------------- ************************************************************************* ============================================================== 7.3 AWARD/Precision Pistol (All Classes with a Blaster Pistol) ============================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- | REQUIREMENT: 6 Kills with a Blaster Pistol in one life | | ELITE REQUIREMENT: 4 Kills with a Blaster Pistol in one life | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | AWARD NAME: Gunslinger | -------------------------- BASIC DESCRIPTION: This is a very neat upgrade from the bog-standard Blaster or Commando Pistol and one which will come in very handy. The AWARD Pistol has the same fire rate, but does WAY more damage and also has one level of zoom, which might be useful. Just keep in mind that this pistol DOES have ammo (96 to be precise), so it does reload instead of overheat and you may have to visit an ammunition droid at some point. IN-DEPTH: Firstly, it's not as powerful as the AWARD Rifle, but if it was it would be the most broken thing in the game. Also, unless you clock up 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol as an infantry class, you won't be needing it anyway - and the AWARD Rifle is far more useful. Where you WILL be needing this, though, is in space. As a pilot, if you land in the enemy hangar for a bit of sabotage, your Commando Pistol is your only anti-infantry defense. And let's face it - it's not powerful, and if you get caught surrounded by enemies you're dead. If you destroy all 5 Auto-turrets INSIDE the enemy hangar (which is actually pretty easy, since they don't move), that leaves you with just one more kill before the AWARD Pistol can be used. Once you get it, kill as many Marines, Pilots and Auto-turrets as you can. Overpower enemy pilots with your superior pistol, and shoot marines in the head for an easy kill. Auto-turrets will be a breeze. Don't forget about the level of zoom either - it can really help when shooting across the enemy hangar. The only thing which the AWARD Pistol isn't very good at is eliminating groups of enemies (especially marines). Plant a time bomb to disperse the crowd. If you ever get this on planetary battles (it's much easier to get it in space), then use it by all means, unless your primary weapon is more powerful versus enemy infantry. As an Assault or Sniper class, it can be a really big help. The Precision Pistol doesn't have many weaknesses, other than the fact it has ammo; so reloading can be a bit annoying. Each shot takes out around half the health of an enemy pilot/marine (it takes 3 shots to kill them; 2 with a head shot). It'll differ much more on planetary battles, since each unit class has varying amounts of armor. But what we have here is a very nice upgrade to a basic Blaster Pistol. On a side note, the weapon is very similar to Jango Fett's Westar-33 Blaster. Therefore if you are still considering whether to get to Legendary status, try out Jango's blaster on instant action. ========== Strengths: ========== > A LOT more powerful than the Blaster Pistol. > One level of zoom - can be useful at times, but mainly (you'll never guess) for when shooting across distances. > Actually more powerful than a standard Blaster Rifle, per shot. > One of the easier AWARD weapons to obtain, especially in space. > Very useful as a pilot in space. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Has ammo, so you can get caught reloading in the middle of a battle. > Fairly low ammo limit, but this is easily fixed. Once you reach around 10-20 ammo, it's time to make a visit to an ammunition droid. > There are better anti-infantry weapons. If you're an infantry class, work towards the AWARD Rifle, NOT the Precision Pistol. > Still useless against vehicles/turrets, like the regular Blaster Pistol. -------------------------- Overall Usefulness: 8.5/10 -------------------------- ************************************************************************* ====================================== 7.4 Particle Beam Rifle (Sniper Class) ====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- | REQUIREMENT: 6 Head Shots with a Sniper Rifle in one life | | ELITE REQUIREMENT: 4 Head Shots with a Sniper Rifle in one life | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | AWARD NAME: Marksman | ------------------------ BASIC DESCRIPTION: Okay. From the little experience I have with this upgraded sniper rifle, it seems fairly decent. It does have one level of zoom instead of two, though, but that shouldn't really make a big difference - as long as you're a bit more accurate. I think it also shoots quite a lot faster than a Sniper Rifle too, which helps with timing your shot. You can also "drag" the beam across the screen, which does mean it can hit multiple enemies in a single shot. It also fires, as a more precise figure, 60% faster than a normal rifle (thanks to Ike730 from GameFAQs for this). According to I_like_poop, the requirement is fairly tough and and while you're waiting for it to fire again, the enemy may shoot you. It's also more effective against Droidekas' shields. The one-level zoom is also equal to the two-level zoom you normally get on a sniper rifle (thanks to Spartan_Jedi117). According to Keegan Smith, the weapon seems to have a range limit, unlike the normal sniper rifle which can hit pretty much anything you can see. For example, he decribes a time where whilst sniping from the elevated CP on Geonosis, when he got the rifle he suddenly wasn't able to hit any enemies whatsoever, even when aiming right at their bodies. Accuracy was understood to not be a problem, and the same thing happened when he tried to target a Spider Walker. Also according to Keegan, it can be an aggravation trying to hit strafing/running enemies at a distance, because it doesn't do all its damage at once, so if you don't track while letting off the beam, they can survive, making you waste another shot finishing them off. But the most aggravating thing is not being able to hit at the same extreme ranges, forcing you to wade into the thick of things to keep up your kill streak, putting you in more danger. Looking at it that way, the beam rifle seems more like a penalty than an award, doesn't it? Note: The below section is entirely thanks to I_like_poop. ========== Strengths: ========== > OHKO if the AI doesn't move out of the way. > Head shots are easier to accomplish. > Can kill multiple enemies (usually 2) in a single life. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Only one level of zoom. > Deals minimal damage to vehicles/turrets. > A fairly slow fire rate. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ************************************************************************* ======================================== 7.5 Remote Rocket (Assault/Marine Class) ======================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | REQUIREMENT: 4 Critical Hits with a Rocket Launcher (on a vehicle) | | in a single life | | ELITE REQUIREMENT: 3 Critical Hits with a Rocket Launcher (on a | | vehicle) in a single life | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | AWARD NAME: Demolition | -------------------------- BASIC DESCRIPTION: Useful, but that's a very tough requirement on most maps (remember, some maps don't have vehicles at all). And even if the map DOES have vehicles, the critical hit location can be very hard to hit - you'll be lucky to even hit this location once! (With a Rocket Launcher). Even so, this weapon does exactly what it says on the tin; it's a rocket which is remotely-controlled, while the officer remains hidden (a bit like a Recon Droid). The controls are exactly the same as a Starfighter in space, which includes tricks! For maximum damage, press the boost button like you would in a starfighter before making impact. IN-DEPTH: It's remote-controlling ability means that it can be launched from pretty much anywhere on the battlefield, out of harm's way. Keep in mind that it also travels quite fast, even without the boost, and actually missing the target can be quite likely. You won't be needing the tricks, and using them generally just makes the rocket harder to control - since you can't really see it when it's dancing around the screen. Like the Rocket Launcher, the Remote Rocket is a very slow weapon. It's slower than the standard Rocket Launcher because of all the guiding you have to do, but just standing near the vehicle and using the Remote Rocket won't make any difference. Fortunately, the Remote Rocket is the only AWARD weapon which can be used without losing your standard weapon. In other words, you can switch between the Remote Rocket and Rocket Launcher, which doesn't happen with any other AWARD weapon. So if the Remote Rocket is being too slow for you, you can always use the regular Rocket Launcher. I find the Rocket Launcher much easier to aim, because you're not constantly moving, but of course it can be completely different for some people. If you get the hang of the Remote Rocket, use it by all means, but if it's too slow and hard to control, stick with the Rocket Launcher. ========== Strengths: ========== > Can be fired from infinite range - on the battlefield, obviously. > Deals slightly more damage than the Rocket Launcher. > You don't have to be facing the critical hit location to hit it. > Accelerating deals more damage, which is better than firing from long-range with a Rocket Launcher (which reduces accuracy). =========== Weaknesses: =========== > A very slow weapon, and can cost you a lot of time (which may leave your dim CPU teammates to fight the main battle, and they'll probably lose). > Low ammo limit (but it's so slow this won't matter too much). > Very tough requirement; like I said, you'll be lucky to get even one critical hit with a Rocket Launcher. > Can be harder to aim than a Rocket Launcher, since you're constantly moving. > If you get fired at by the enemy, there's not much you can do about it. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 6/10 ------------------------ ************************************************************************* ====================================== 7.6 Flechette Shotgun (Engineer Class) ====================================== --------------------------------------------------------- | REQUIREMENT: 9 kills with a shotgun in one life | | ELITE REQUIREMENT: 6 kills with a shotgun in one life | --------------------------------------------------------- | AWARD NAME: Regulator | ------------------------- BASIC DESCRIPTION: And the guide comes to a close with a SERIOUSLY powerful upgrade to the standard Shotgun. The Flechette Shotgun doesn't have anything fancy about it - in fact, the only difference from a normal Shotgun is the amount of damage it deals, and a slight increase in accuracy. But the difference is HUGE. Since it's so much more powerful, you can use it at a greater range than a normal Shotgun, which is really useful. Other than that, just use this like a standard Shotgun, except with MUCH more power. You'll soon find a lot of enemies crashing to your feet. ========== Strengths: ========== > Massively more powerful than the standard Shotgun/Blast Cannon. > Actually sort of easy to get, especially on Elite. It's hard, like all AWARD Weapons, but possible. > Can be used at a greater range than the Shotgun. =========== Weaknesses: =========== > Still is limited to fairly close-range combat. ------------------------ Overall Usefulness: 8/10 ------------------------ ************************************************************************* ============================== 7.7 Statistics (AWARD Weapons) ============================== Note: Medium+ means slightly more damage than Medium. Medium- means slightly less. Varied+ indicates that damage is varied, but higher than normal. The Rebel's Elite Rifle has an ammo limit of 216. The Republic's has an ammo limit of 144. The Elite Rifle shown in the table is the Empire's, which has an ammo limit of 180. The Rebel's Flechette Shotgun has 168 ammo. The Republic's Flechette Shotgun has an ammo limit of 336. The CIS's has an ammo limit of 252. The one shown in the table is the Empire's, which also has an ammo limit of 252. (Thanks to Spartan_Jedi117 for the above two paragraphs, who cleared this up). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Weapon | Ammo Limit | Fire Rate | Blast Area | Damage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Elite Rifle | 180 | 1/s* | None | Medium+ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Elite Wrist Blaster | 144 | 1/s* | None | Medium+ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Precision Pistol | 96 | 3-4/s | None | Medium- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Particle Beam Rifle | 24 | 1/s | None | OHKO | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Remote Rocket | 4 | 4-5/s | Small | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Flechette Shotgun | 252 | 0.5/s | None | Varied+ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *One burst (3 shots) per second. _________________________________________________________________________ ================== 8.0 Legal Info ================== This guide is mine and is protected by copyright. Any unauthorised use of this guide is illegal. If you would like to use this guide elsewhere, send me an e-mail first and I will consider your offer. This guide is hosted on GameFAQs. _________________________________________________________________________ =============== 9.0 Contact =============== Only contact me if you fulfill at least ONE of the four reasons listed below: 1) You would like to contibute to areas which need more information. 2) You want to point out something that is wrong. 3) You want to give feedback (constructive criticism, please). 4) You would like to use this guide elsewhere. E-mails saying things like, "Dude, this guide is the SUXXORZ" will just be ignored and deleted. Also, do not try to start an arguement/debate, as they just waste time doing other (more important) things. If you still feel the need to contact me, in the below section are the contact details you need. ================= 9.1 Contact Info ================= E-mail: alexsheng1@gmail.com ...And believe it or not, that's about it. _________________________________________________________________________ ================ 10.0 Credits ================ -------------- Credits go to: -------------- You, for reading this guide. Pandemic Studios, for creating this awesome game. George Lucas, for creating Star Wars itself. Me, for writing this guide. Ike730, for helping with the Particle Beam Rifle section. I_like_poop, for also helping with this section. Spartan_Jedi117, for clarifying the ammo limits on the AWARD Weapons. Seth G, for clearing up some spellings. Keegan Smith, for contributing to the Particle Beam Rifle section and clarifying the travel time for the AWARD weapons. ----------------------- | Thanks for reading! | ----------------------- === END OF DOCUMENT ===