"Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" - the complete walkthrough version 2.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ References: two files from GameFAQs... one was the npc/spawn list compiled by =JSA=Lightning (it has a couple of spelling errors), and the other was the walkthrough done by JediMeister, in order to be sure of the Secret Areas... but as usual, I found better and easier ways to get to them. http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Thanks to C Hunt for the info on the two unknown Reborn (found on Vjun) Thanks to John Lesley for the Secret Area on the Boba Fett level (t3_bounty), and the new Secret Area #3 on Taspir 2. This file may be distributed anywhere on the Web provided that it is not altered in any way, and no fee is charged. Preferable distribution areas are GameFAQs and IGN. =============================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: This file is entirely my own idea and has in no way been sanctioned or authorized by LucasArts LLC (http://www.lucasarts.com/) or any other persons responsible for the creation, production, and distribution of the game. Any errors contained herein are entirely my own; use at your own risk. =============================================================================================== CONTENTS: References (above) Disclaimer (above) The Intro Recommended Systems - what kind of computer you need to play ATI vs. nVidia Updates/Patches Computer Stuff - screen capturing, multi-tasking Controls Console Commands Binding - creating your own macros and hotkeys ***Multiplayer for Singles ++Mods++ The Weapons The Force The Lightsaber(s) The Good Guys The Neutrals The Bad Guys Character & Lightsaber Creation ===The Walkthrough=== The Demo>>> The Full Game>>> The Cast - the actors who lent their voices to the game The Cheats Cheats in Multiplayer Mapping the Game Spawning - bringing people to life Spawning in the Demo Jedi vs. Jedi, Reborn vs. Reborn the Kyle Katarn series Copyrights Fan Sites / Mods Sites Signature/Versions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE INTRO I did a long Intro write-up for "Jedi Outcast", so I'll keep this one simpler (an expanded version of Kyle's tale can be found at the end of this document)... if you've played "Jedi Outcast", then this is the aftermath: Kyle Katarn is sticking around to help Luke Skywalker rebuild the Academy (partially destroyed by the Dark Jedi Desann) and to train new apprentices... You guessed it, that's you, a Jedi wannabe named Jaden Korr from Coruscant. However, you're a very special wannabe... because without any training at all, you've managed to construct your very own Lightsaber. You'll go on a series of missions - in some you'll be accompanied by Kyle - for a variety of reasons, mostly dealing with the Disciples of Ragnos, a new cult that seems to be backed by the Remnant. (again...) In style, this game isn't really anything new... same old "fight the Bad Guys" routines, same basic graphics & music. Okay, the graphics are slightly upgraded, especially in the cutscenes. What *is* new is more than worth the price of the game... Character Creation, Lightsaber Creation, and a choice of how to proceed. Instead of a linear game like "Jedi Outcast", where there's only one way to go in the game (one level leading directly to the next), this one has a variety of 'missions' at different difficulty levels (tiers) - you can do any of the missions in a Tier in any order you like, or skip some to do the next Tier, which means the next game won't be a repetition of the last. They've also brought back something from "Dark Forces II"... as you're an apprentice, you're still malleable - depending on your choices in the game, you could end up on either side of the Force (Light or Dark) at the end, which gives you even more replay ability. Unlike "Dark Forces II", however, it doesn't matter what Force abilities you use during the game or who you kill - there's just one spot in the game (near the end) where you need to perform a specific action... that's what decides which way you go. Two things that *haven't* changed from "Jedi Outcast"... because it's the same game engine, it has the same problems - your character will still get stuck at corners, bumps, protrusions... it's something you have to live with because of the 'clipping' that the game uses. The other thing is that - when getting information or instructions from someone - characters still *talk too much*! Yak yak yak yak yak... It's somewhat cute the first time around when you're learning the game, but after that... you'll start wishing there was some way to shut these idiots up (especially Luke and Kyle - they seem to like the sound of their own voices). There is one nice addition, however... now whenever you're properly positioned to aim at something - a door switch, a Regenerator, whatever - a hand icon will pop up on the screen... it makes it much easier to open doors this way. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RECOMMENDED SYSTEMS The same computer that ran "Jedi Outcast" might be able to run "Jedi Academy"... the memory requirements are higher, and you'll need DirectX 9.0 instead of just 8.0. You really need a better system, though. Minimum requirements: a Pentium III, 450 Mhz Windows 98/ME/2000/XP 256 Meg of memory a graphics card capable of Open GL and AGP, with at least 24 Meg memory, also with 3D Hardware acceleration a decent sound board (preferably not PCI) a mouse minimum of 640 Meg of hard drive space, plus 200 Meg for the Windows swap file and for saves DirectX 9.0 Personally, I wouldn't recommend playing the game on anything less than: a Pentium 4, 2 Ghz 512 Meg memory... 1024 would be even better a graphics card with at least 32 Meg of memory (and OpenGL and AGP) at least 1.5 Gig of free hard drive space plus, of course, a sound board and mouse Also note that the "readme" and "troubleshooting" files have a list of what video cards work with the game, and which don't. For the most part, any nVidia GeForce card will work well, as long as it has the memory. Most ATI cards will work, but there's a list of them and their problems in the files. I wouldn't recommend trying to run the game with Matrox or Voodoo. If you don't have a Force Feedback device attached to your machine, turn off the Force Feedback setting! (Controls, Mouse/Joystick) That setting can actually affect the game's performance, according to LucasArts. A suggestion: keep a copy of the configuration file backed up somewhere (after you've got it set up to your satisfaction)... if the game ever goes screwy and you need to reinstall (very rare, but you never know with Windows), it'll be easier to just copy the configuration back into the original directory (...\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\Base\jaconfig.cfg) instead of setting it up all over again - especially if you're like me and have a ton of binds. =============================================================================================== ATI vs. NVIDIA If you have an nVidia GeForce 3 or higher, and you have at least 32 Meg of memory on it, then everything in your setup can be set to "high" or "maximum"... set all your textures, etc for their highest level. If you experience any stutters or slowdowns during the game, shut off both 'Dynamic Glow' and 'Light Flares'... if you still have problems, try dropping some of the settings by one notch, starting with the 'Texture Detail'. If you have an ATI - especially any of the Radeon series - then it's recommended that you set your 'Video Quality' to 'Fastest'... this is true even if you have 64 Meg or more of video memory. Also, the ATI Radeon series may cause some problems under Windows XP or XP Pro... you may get an occasional game lock up, or a message asking if you want to send Microsoft an error report (don't) -- if you've got an ATI Radeon series board, make sure you save often. On the other hand, ATI boards (64 Meg and up) seem to produce crisper, sharper images. The settings as I've used them (no crashes or lockups): Computer systems: [custom-built desktop] Pentium 4 (2.66 Ghz), 512 Meg memory, 80 Gig hard drive, Windows XP Pro. Norton SystemWorks and Norton Internet Security running in the background. [Toshiba Satellite laptop] Pentium 4 (2.4 Ghz), 512 Meg memory, 60 Gig hard drive, Windows XP 'Home Edition'. Norton SystemWorks and Norton Internet Security running in the background. The video: [desktop] ATI "Sapphire" (Radeon 7000 series) with 64 Meg [laptop] nVidia GeForce 4 (DetonatorFX) with 32 Meg ATI nVidia ~~~ ~~~~~~ --Video-- Video Quality: Custom Custom Video Mode: 800x600 800x600 Color Depth: 16-bit 32-bit Full Screen: On Off Geometric Detail: Medium High Texture Detail: Medium Very High Texture Quality: 16-bit 32-bit Texture Filter: Bilinear Trilinear Detailed Shaders: Off On Video Sync: Off Off --More Video-- Shadows: Simple Volumetric Dynamic Lights: On On Dynamic Glow: Off On Light Flares: Off On Wall Marks: On On Anisotropic Filter: 50% 100% Note that even though the nVidia has only half the memory of the ATI - and on a slightly slower machine - the settings are at maximum, with no lockups or crashes. I also usually run a text editor (PFE 1.01) and a paint program (Paint Shop Pro 4) at the same time as the game, with no problems... something I wouldn't dare try on the ATI; even changing just one thing - such as turning the Dynamic Glow to "on" - on the ATI is enough to cause a lockup or crash in graphically intense areas. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UPDATES / PATCHES: If you haven't done so already, hit the LucasArts site (http://www.lucasarts.com/) and get any patches for "Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" - the latest (as of July 2005) is 1.01; if you bought the game after February of 2004, then it should already be updated to the latest version (it will say right on the CD what version it is). See the warning under "The Force" for a problem with any version of the game -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COMPUTER STUFF If you have any problems running the game, read the "readme" and "troubleshooting" files in your game directory... if all else fails, contact support at http://www.lucasarts.com/ -- LucasArts support is exceedingly excellent, and they'll get back to you in less than a week (presuming your question isn't answered by Yoda in the first place). You can't task switch out of this game... unless you set the screen to 'windowed' rather than 'full' - if you do that, you can click on your task bar or the Start button as needed... though I wouldn't recommend it. Note that when you go windowed, the game screen might not be centered... check your Windows manual to find out how to center it. Unlike the previous games, hitting your PrtSc (Print Screen) key doesn't leave a pcx graphic in your game directory... if you want to screen capture in the game, you'll need to go into setup and shut off the 'Full Screen', changing it to 'windowed'. This way you'll be able to access your taskbar and Start menu; open your paint program and paste the screen cap you just took. =============================================================================================== WARNING! Do not try any of this if you don't know what you're doing! If you're not sure how to use your computer or Windows, then don't play with any of this. LucasArts, Raven, and all the rest (including me) aren't responsible if you screw up your computer. If you do decide to go 'windowed' rather than full screen, here's what you need to do: before you even start the game, right-click anywhere on an empty section of desktop in Windows... don't click on an icon or any taskbar. In the context menu that pops up, left click on 'Properties'... on most systems, this will bring up your Display screen. If not, then go to the Start menu, Settings, Control Panel, Display. There, hit the 'Settings' tab and increase your screen size to at least one size higher (if it was at 800x600, bump it up to 1024x768), Apply and OK. Start the game, and under Setup, go through your Display settings and turn off 'full screen' (running it windowed), and make sure that the display size is smaller than what you just set Windows for (if you set Windows to 1024x768, set Jedi Academy to 800x600). Now any time you want to switch away from the game while you're playing, do the following: 1) hit your Esc key to get to the main game menu (pause, basically) 2) hit the Windows key on your keyboard (it looks like a four-pane flag waving) - this will give you your regular mouse cursor instead of the Jedi Academy cursor; don't click anywhere in or on the Jedi Academy window / screen or you'll return to the game 3) use your taskbar, quicklaunch bar or Start menu to kick up whatever program you want, such as Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop 4) to go back to the game, just click on its button in the taskbar, or move the cursor over the game screen and click Now any time you want to screen capture (or consult a walkthrough), just kick out to the game menu (your 'Esc' key), hit the Windows key, and use either your taskbar or Start menu to get to the program you need. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CONTROLS Your controls in this - just like "Jedi Outcast" - are almost infinitely configurable... set them up however you want, but the following is how I have mine. You may end up setting your controls just a little differently in "Jedi Academy", as there are more Force powers (and other things) to use. Note that to change any of your controls or setup, just click on the appropriate line, then hit the key you want to use for that command/movement... to 'erase' whatever they have set for a control, click on it and hit your Backspace, then click on that line again to set it for exactly what you want (which frees up a lot of keys for Binding... see further down) Attack = Mouse1 AlternateAttack = X WalkForward = Mouse2 or Up Arrow WalkBackward = Down Arrow TurnRight = Right Arrow, Mouse TurnLeft = Left Arrow, Mouse SidestepRight = D SidestepTurn = S SidestepLeft = A Crouch = C Use = Enter or Mouse3 ForcePush = F1 ForcePull = F2 ForceSpeed = F3 ForceSense = F4 ForceHeal = F5 ForceMindTrick = F6 ForceProtect = F7 ForceAbsorb = F8 QuickSave = F9 QuickLoad = F10 (binding) = F11 (binding) = F12 Weapons = 1-0, - (hyphen) (binding) = += (plus/equals) ForceDrain = Home ForceGrip = PageUp ForceLightning = V ForceDarkRage = End (binding) = PageDown ForceJump = Space (binding) = Ctrl (binding) = Alt (binding) = Del (binding) = Ins ForceUse = F ForceNext = , ForcePrevious = . WeaponsScroll = Mouse scroll wheel ViewSwitch = P LightsaberStyle = L Everything else on the keyboard - I use a laptop - is set for binding... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CONSOLE COMMANDS Other than actual gameplay, one of the most important parts of the game is the Console... hit Shift~ (the 'tilde', to the left of the 1 on a regular keyboard) to open the Console. Type in a command, and hit Enter... type in a cheat and hit Enter, type in a spawn, etc. During a Multiplayer game it can also be used to send messages to the other players. Note that gameplay does not stop while the Console is open, so be careful... to close the Console, just hit Shift~ again, or hit Esc. Also note that you can use the Console in the main menu, before you even begin a game. If you're unsure of a particular command - it may have several parameters - just type in the base command, such as "bind"... the variations on that command will appear in the Console, telling you how to input them and what they do. Cheats and spawns are also Console commands, but they're listed in a separate section of this file... the only Console commands I'll list in this section are the ones which don't require the cheats to be enabled. Also in the Console window you'll see other odds & ends of the game... 'Connected to server' messages, trisurfs, flares, errors, etc. To clean up all of that mess, just type in (without the quotes) "clear" and hit Enter. Other Console commands: bind [key] [command] - create a hotkey for a command string (usually a cheat), such as "bind f noclip" or "bind t npc spawn tavion" bindlist - lists all of the binds you've made, which also includes all the Setup and Controls clear - cleans up the Console mapname - tells you the name of the map you are currently playing, such as "taspir2" or "mp/duel4" version - this one should be obvious... tells you what version of JA you're playing Multiplayer-only commands: kick [player name] - boot that particular player/Bot from the game, such as "kick cultist" (without the quotes). For any character with a two word name (such as Bespin Cop), enclose it in quotes, as such: kick "bespin cop" kick all - kick everybody (except yourself) from the game, allowing others to join kick allbots - kick every AI Bot from the game To scroll through the Console, use your "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys. There are many other console commands, but you won't need them just to play the game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BINDING You can bind commands to a key to form a macro... for example, in your setup, you can change the key that allows you to Jump. Binding is for those commands that aren't listed in your setup (okay, the cheats). This way you can create a macro (hotkey) for any command you can think of, providing you don't run out of keys on your keyboard. How to... open the Console (Shift+~) and type: bind [key] [command] this will bind that command to a single key, such as: bind h helpusobi 1 this will bind the command "helpusobi 1" to the 'h' key... to issue this command, just hit your 'h' key. Note that you need to have the cheats enabled with "helpusobi" (or the new "devmapall") in order to use any of your binds. bind f12 npc spawn Tavion Note that while I've got "Tavion" capitalized in the line above, it doesn't need to be... in fact, none of the cheats or binds require capitalization, but it does help you when you're typing things in. For instance, you can go into the Console and type "g_saberrealisticcombat 9", or you can type it as "g_saberRealisticCombat 9" - it will accept it either way, but with the capitalization you can tell where one word ends and the next begins, making any spelling errors less likely. Any key can be bound... just type in the name of the key, such as alt or end (and all the others, such as pgup, tab, pgdn, home, del, ctrl), as in: bind end npc spawn stormtrooper However, while you can't distinguish between Shift keys (or Alt, or Control)... you can bind any of them, such as: bind shift npc spawn probe but you can't tell it "bind rshift npc spawn probe"... the game will just tell you that 'rshift' is not a valid key. Your best bet is to save your Ctrl, Alt, Shift, and other 'named' keys for actual moves/uses you can setup in the 'Controls' section of setup. Even better, use your keypad keys (presuming you're using a full size keyboard) for commands and controls in your Setup, freeing up a slew of other keys for binding. Obviously, you'll only need to bind commands that can't be found in your setup (in other words, cheats... or 'non-player' commands). Cheats are listed at the end of this document. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ***MULTIPLAYER FOR SINGLES LucasArts has added something different to this game... in previous games, you could 'play' a Multiplayer game without being connected to a server or the Net simply by choosing the "Create a Server" choice on the Multiplayer menu (you still can do that, of course), and making sure you set a minimum number of players when starting a game (the game will add AI 'Bots' to the game until that minimum number is met, or you can add them yourself). But now there's a new choice in the Multiplayer section (in addition to the above method): playing a Solo Game. It's basically... a Multiplayer game made for a single player, no connection needed. You can play most of the same games found in the 'regular' Multiplayer section, and with Bots you can have 'people' to play against... it's like having a whole new set of Single Player games. You'll note that there are fewer types of Multiplayer games available in "Jedi Academy" than there were in "Jedi Outcast"... "Holocron FFA", "Jedi Master", and "Capture the Ysailimari" are no longer part of Multiplayer. On the other hand, there are a couple of new types available, such as "Power Duel" and "Siege". For a list of all the Multiplayer games and maps available, see the section of this file dedicated to "Mapping the Game". You'll also notice that some items are no longer available... for instance, the Stationary Shield; instead, the Multiplayer games in "Academy" just use the regular Large (and Small) Shield Boosters (etc.) that can be found throughout the Single Player game. You'll also discover that the maps and levels in "Jedi Academy" are a bit different than the ones in "Jedi Outcast" - in particular ones like Outcast's "Bespin Streets" or "Deathstar", which were the size of small cities, have been replaced with smaller maps such as "Tatooine FFA" and "Rift Sanctuary". While the maps in "Academy" are smaller and much less complex - they don't have the dozens of floors that "Bespin Streets" did, or the dozens of lifts that the "Imperial Star Destroyer" did - they are still complicated enough that you can easily get lost if you don't pay attention, while small enough that you don't waste the entire game just trying to find the enemy. How to: Start the game as Multiplayer... since this is completely separate from the Single Player game, your configuration from there won't carry over, so go through the Setup and Controls until you've got everything just the way you want it (about the only real difference is the fact that the 'Anisotropic Filter' setting under 'More Video' won't allow itself to be cranked all the way to maximum). Note that there are a couple of additional Force powers: "Team Heal" and "Team Energize"... you need to be fairly close to a team member (or members) to use either of these, and they don't work on Bots. Once that's done, click on 'Profile'... set up your character and Lightsaber. Just as with the Single Player version, you can create your own character (the creation process is exactly the same), but you can also choose a character from the list... basically, every single character available in the Single Player game, plus a few imported from "Jedi Outcast". I usually use the new Tavion as my character, armed with a Saber Staff (with red blades... it's a "Jedi Outcast" thing), but you'll notice that there are two Tavions available - the left one (the facial tattoo looks a full mask rather than the split wing version of the new Tavion) is the original Tavion from "Jedi Outcast". One oddity about the "Capture the Flag" (CTF) and "Team FFA" games: player color depends on the game... that is, no matter what color you have your Lightsaber blades set for, they will change to the appropriate color for the team you're on. Not only that, but if you create your own character rather than use one of their pre-programmed avatars, then it doesn't matter what color you choose (costume/skin) during the creation process, because that too will change to reflect your team color... a Twi'lek female on the blue (Rebel) team, for example, will have a dark, vivid blue skin no matter what you have it set for. Once you've got your Profile all set up, select a game type to play... you've got "Free for All" (you against everybody else), "Capture the Flag" (just what it sounds like), "Duel" (you vs. one opponent in a Lightsaber duel to the death), "Team Free For All" (you and your team against the other team), and "Power Duel" (two against one in a Lightsaber battle). The only one missing from the list that's available in the 'regular' Multiplayer section is "Siege", which requires an online connection and other human players. "Free for All" is fun for sheer killing frenzy, while "Capture the Flag" is fun for points and team play. Both types of "Duel" games are good for honing your Lightsaber skills and techniques. After you select the type of game - "Free for All", "Duel", etc. - and you've chosen a specific map for that game from the scrolling list at the left, you'll come to a screen which lists the General Rules and the End Game Rules for that game... all these rules will be as you last had them, with the exception of 'Minimum Bots/Players' - fix that and click on 'Next' at the bottom. Some settings will also depend on what type of game you played last, so make sure you check them out - if the last type of game you played (it doesn't matter if it was five minutes or five months ago) was any type of 'Duel' game, then you'll have to reset the 'Kill Limit' as well. In the setup for each game, make sure you set a minimum limit for the number of players... the maximum defaults to 8 (but since you're not connected to a server, you can crank this up if you want and it won't affect performance), but the minimum defaults to 0 - just click on it, type the number you want and hit Enter; empty spaces in the roster will be filled out by AI Bots until the maximum number of players (including your character, unlike "Outcast") is reached. Also make your choices on everything else... will it be Lightsabers only, or will all weapons be available in the game? How intelligent will the AI Bots be? Do you want a time limit or capture limit? Also note that unless you set any of the games for 'Lightsaber Only', every player will have a Blaster Pistol in addition to whatever Lightsaber style they choose. That will bring you to a splash screen as the game loads... a Human Male vs. a Twi'lek Female. The next screen up will have a background showing the map you're about to play, and all the information about that game: the top line says "loading", and if you pay careful attention to it you'll see the mapname listed, such as "maps/mp/ffa1.bsp", as well as any weaponry (if you have it allowed) and any 'Bots you have set. Below that is the name of the level ("Vjun Sentinel"), the type of game ("Free for All"), the Capture/Kill/Time limit (whatever is applicable to the game at hand), the Force levels allowed, and the weapons allowed; at the bottom are the basic rules of the game (in this case, "Defeat your enemies to score points!"). The next screen that pops up is the Player Configuration... you can change anything you want in your Profile here, but the main thing you'll want to play with is your Force setup. Click on the Force symbol near the bottom, and into the Force powers screen... choose Light or Dark (Lightning, Grip, etc won't be available to you if you go Light, while Absorb, Protect, etc won't be available to you if you go Dark), and change your Force settings. To remove points from a Force power, click on it and hit your Backspace key, then assign the 'recovered' points to another power. Once they're set up to your satisfaction, click on 'Filename' and type in a unique filename... since each game version can use a different file, you can do so, depending on personal tastes - for example, in the "Capture the Flag" / "Hoth Wastelands" game you'd want a filename like "ctf-hoth". Save the file, and click on 'Apply Powers'... now whenever you choose this particular game to play, all you need to do at the beginning is select the filename from the list, and click on 'Apply Powers'. Of course, if you always play with the same type of Force setup in every game, just save it as "Custom" (without the quotes, obviously), and it will automatically be in place when you start a game... just click on 'Join Game' without even fiddling with your Profile. At the bottom of the screen click on any of the selections... 'Join Game' will randomly place you on either / any team, while the others should be obvious (I prefer being part of the Blue - Rebel - team rather than the Red - Imperial - team, but it doesn't really matter). If you choose the 'Spectate' selection (not available in all games), you won't actually be part of the game in progress - you can wander all through the map without getting hit, watching all the action... but you also won't be able to pick up anything or do anything other than watch. After that, just have fun... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Note that with the AI Bots, it doesn't matter who is who in the game... Good Guys will mix with Bad Guys on either (or any) team, and everyone can use a Lightsaber and the Force if you let them... it's funny seeing Mon Mothma wielding a Lightsaber or a Rodian using Lightning... and if you allow everyone to use the Force, watch out for the Snowtrooper - he's got a tendency to use Pull on you from behind, which could dump you off a ledge. Come to think of it, the Stormtrooper and the Swamptrooper will do the same thing... Also note that unlike the "regular" Multiplayer games, there is no 'Advanced' setup menu for each game... so you can't set 'Friendly Fire' on, for example (which allows you to damage and even kill your own teammates, though it'll cost you a point or even the game). Every once in a while when a new character joins the game, they'll look exactly like you, even though they're supposed to be somebody else. This is just a case where memory is trying to catch up with a game in progress... as soon as that new character isn't involved in a lot of action and killing, the proper avatar will register. It doesn't affect the game at all, obviously. One other thing you'll notice... in "Jedi Outcast", there were only two basic colors available to Bots for their Lightsabers: Good Guys had blue, while Bad Guys had red. In here it's anything goes, though Bad Guys will usually have red. All of them should be easy enough to figure out... and with any of the "Duel" games, there's very little level to discover - in fact, the maps for the "Duel" levels ("Power Duel" uses the same maps) are quite small, usually just a single room. In the "Capture the Flag" games, you get points for killing a member of the opposing team, points for stealing their flag, points for bringing their flag to your base, and points for killing a member of the opposing team carrying your flag. Note that your flag must be in place at your base in order for you (or your team members) to score by bringing the opposing flag to your base. If a flag carrier dies by falling into an abyss, the flag will automatically be returned to its proper base; if they're killed by an opposing team member, the flag will be returned to its base if touched its team member, or the theft will continue if picked up by an opposing team member. If you decide to play a CTF game, your best bet - if you've never played that map before - is to choose 'Spectate' rather than 'Join'... float around the level like a ghost and get to know it; usually in the CTF maps there's a central bridge of some sort, and it's usually the quickest way to the opposing team's flag. In any of the "Duel" games in "Academy", there are no weapons allowed other than Lightsabers, unlike the "Duel" games of "Outcast" where all weapons were available. Figure out your various controls and hotkeys... some can be handy, while others are quite useless - Radar, for example, is worthless in the "Capture the Flag" games, as it only shows your team members... and only if they're quite close to you, while it won't work at all in the "Free for All" games. If an enemy player 'cloaks' (only the Light players / Bots will be able to do this, and what they're actually doing is using Mind Trick), hit your Force Seeing quick... Another addition to your Force powers (only on a couple of the FFA levels, such as Tatooine and Taspir) are 'enlightenment' cubes, Dark and Light (presumably a new variation of the old 'Holocron' cubes). What they will do is - when active and grabbed - temporarily allow you to use *any* Force power in your alignment, whether you have numbers assigned to it or not. For example, if you are Dark and you only have numbers assigned to Grip and Rage, then you'd usually never be able to use Drain or Lightning... but if you walk through the 'Dark Force Enlightenment' cube, then *every* Dark Force power is available to you as long as the cube lasts. Only at level 1, but still... However, you will only be affected by those cubes aimed at your orientation - if your Force alignment is Dark, then walking through the 'Light Force Enlightenment' cube won't do anything for you; the best that it can do is deny that cube to other players for as long as it lasts. The 'Force Boon' cubes (for example, on top of the X-Wing in the "Tatooine FFA" map) will boost your Force mana... your mana will restore much more quickly once your powers are no longer in use, such as when Speed fades. One final note about your Force powers... unlike the regular Single Player game, you cannot use your Lightsaber (or other weapon) and a Force power at the same time; that is, during a battle when you want to trigger a Force power, let go of your fire button(s) long enough to trigger the Force. This only happens with certain Force powers, such as Push or Lightning... others, such as Speed or Rage, can be triggered at any time. One of the oddities in the Multiplayer games are the lifts... a lot of them don't seem to work properly (at least in the "Free for All" games) - sure, they'll work when you get on them (if they don't, move to the back of the lift), but there's usually no way to call them from the top; there are no switches or call buttons, and standing at the edge of the lift shaft doesn't summon the lift (the lifts work fine in the "Capture the Flag" games). However, this is just the way the lifts were programmed into the map (for those of you who build your own maps, the ones used in MultiPlayer are usually "func_plat"... who knows why). If you're playing "Capture the Flag" for real (connected to a server online against other human players), then I'd suggest a minimum of 4 players per team... more if everybody's connection can handle it. Leave one guarding your flag as a Protector, while the other three go after the opposing team's flag - one should be designated as the Carrier/Thief, while the other two are there solely to defend the Carrier. Once their flag is returned to your base, the Carrier and the Protector switch jobs; the two Defenders will trade places with the Carrier and Protector in the next game. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "JUMPING" One thing you can do for a bit of variety in the Solo Games... bind the maps so you can jump from one to another in the blink of an eye. For example: you started off in the "Free for All" map "Tatooine FFA"... just by hitting a bound hotkey, you can jump immediately to the "Rift Sanctuary" map, which will start a new "Free for All" game with that map, and probably with different AI Bots - and all your Force powers will be the same as they were in the last map, no need to change them. Of course, the cheats will also be enabled, but no one said you have to use them. Since you can't spawn in any of the Multiplayer games, you should have a bunch of keys free on the keyboard for binding (see the separate sections below for Binding and Spawning)... set as many as you want for devmap jumps. As an example, bind your 'T' key to "devmap mp/ffa5" (Taspir), bind your 'J' key to "devmap mp/ffa3" (Tatooine FFA), bind your 'V' key to "devmap mp/ffa1" (Vjun Sentinel), etc. Bind a bunch of "Capture the Flag" maps or "Duel" maps as well if you feel like it... now instead of having to kick out to the main menu and start a new game, you just tap a hotkey to jump to a new map. Note, however, that you shouldn't jump from one type of game to another... don't jump from a "Capture the Flag" game to a "Free for All" game, or any other type - it screw up the rules and goals, and objects such as the flags will not be in place. Well, okay... you can 'jump' from a "Free for All" (FFA) map to any other type of game, and the FFA rules will still apply, Bots will respawn when they're killed, etc. Note that most of the "Duel" maps (with the exception of the "Yavin Training Grounds") are quite small, meaning you're almost always going to be in the middle of a vicious crowd. The ones you can 'jump' to are: "Free for All" ---> "Free for All" "Free for All" ---> "Capture the Flag" "Free for All" ---> "Duel" "Capture the Flag" ---> "Capture the Flag" "Duel" ---> "Duel" "Duel" ---> "Free for All" "Duel" ---> "Capture the Flag" As you can see from this list, instead of just 5 "Free for All" maps you actually have 20... instead of just 10 "Duel" maps, you have 20. Of course, you need to start out in an FFA game in order to 'transfer' the FFA rules to another map. One thing you will need to watch out for, though... if you're using one of the "Duel" maps for FFA, when that particular match ends and everyone respawns, because it's such a small map everyone will tend to end up respawning in the same spot... you can die almost instantly. It doesn't happen all the time, thankfully. Another slight problem is the fact that the "Duel" maps don't have Shield Boosters or MedPacks in them... you're on your own; this can be a real problem if you use something like Rage. One other note on 'jumping', and a slightly odd one it is... if you jump to a CTF map during an FFA game, make sure you get off the 'spawn spot' (the place on the level where you and everyone else appears) *immediately*... when someone dies, they'll respawn in exactly that same spot, and nothing will save you if you're standing there when they respawn ("crushed into another dimension") - even god mode won't save you. Other than that, CTF maps can be interesting during FFA play - though everybody tends to stick around the same area. See the "Mapping" section of this file for a complete list of Multiplayer maps. My favorite? I have several... and even that depends on whom the AI Bots are, or what I feel like doing. Out of the actual FFA maps, I like the "Rift Sanctuary" (mp/ffa4) and "Korriban FFA" (mp/ffa2). For a "Capture the Flag" game I prefer the "Yavin Hilltops" map (mp/ctf3) - it easy to find your way around. I don't usually play any type of "Duel" game... FFA is a duel x10 (or 12... or however many Bots you use) - but some of the "Duel" maps are loads of fun to use during FFA, especially "Imperial Shaft" (mp/duel3)... the outer walkways are railed, yet the inner bridges are not; plenty of places to toss people from. Another favorite of the "Duel" maps is "Taspir Landing" (mp/duel5)... a nice open area to race around in, yet not so small that you're always in somebody's face, plus there are plenty of places where one good shove can do some damage. The "Generator Room" (mp/duel2) can be tons of fun to use as an FFA game... just get up on the ledge, and you can use Push or Pull to throw people into the central hole, no swordplay involved. Another thing you can do during any of these games - especially the FFA games - is to load it with all of your favorite 'targets'... just hit your Esc key to bring up the menu bar, and click on 'Add Bot'; cycle through the long list to find the particular character that you want to add. If you already have the maximum number of players allowed in the game, you'll have to kick someone in order to add a Bot... open the Console and type in "kick character" (without the quotes, obviously), where you replace the word "character" with the name of the person or Bot that you want to boot out of the game; for example, "kick cultist". My favorite targets to hack on are Tavion, Alora, Jan Ors, Rosh Penin, Luke Skywalker, and Kyle Katarn. Another way to do that is to be quick on the trigger... keep your finger on the Esc key, and as soon as you're spawned in the game, hit Esc, click on 'Add Bot', and make your selection; keep doing this until you've got all the Bots you want or you've hit the maximum (remember: your character counts towards the numeric maximum... so if that's set to 8, then you can only have 7 Bots in the game). There's no minimum to a certain type of player, either... in a real game, connected online with various other humans, there might be more than one person who uses the same avatar - if that happens, no one will have the same screen name anyway. It's the same in any of the Solo Games... if you want to load a FFA game with all Tavion Bots, go right ahead. When 'loading' one of the team games - such as "Capture the Flag" - make sure you set the appropriate team (Red or Blue) for each character before you add them... trying to add too many characters to a team will result in those characters getting kicked, if you have it set up so the teams are even. And one final bit of silly... do some artwork. (see the "Computer Stuff" section above for instructions on how to task switch and screen cap) During a FFA game in a Duel map (or almost any map), with a minimum of 8 players, hit your Esc key every once in a while - it pauses the game as it brings up the menu bar, and occasionally you'll see some odd, unusual, or even artistic combat... screen cap anything that catches your eye and save it as a jpg file. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = And, just for the hell of it... a list of all the NPC's (non-player characters, or Bots) that you'll encounter in the Multiplayer games, as well as what style (and color) Lightsaber they usually wield. Too much time, huh? The ones with a star after the name are ones you can't use as your own character avatar, while the ones with dashes after are ones you can use as an avatar, but won't show up as Bots. Alora (Hoth ver.) Dual red, red Academy Alora (ver. 2) ------ -------- ------- Bespin Cop Single purple Outcast Boba Fett Staff red, red Academy Chewbacca Staff orange, orange Academy Chiss Dual red, red Outcast Cultist Single red Academy Desann Single red Academy Galak Fyarr Staff red, red Outcast Gran Single red Outcast Imperial Officer Single red Outcast Imperial Worker Single red Outcast Jan Ors Staff yellow, yellow Outcast Jedi Dual purple, orange Outcast Jedi Trainer Staff yellow, yellow Outcast Kyle Katarn Single blue Outcast Lando Calrissian ------ -------- ------- Lannik Racto Dual red, red Academy Luke Skywalker Single green Outcast Mercenary* Single red Academy Mon Mothma Single blue Outcast Morgan Katarn Staff orange, orange Outcast New Reborn Single red Academy Noghri Dual red, red Academy Prisoner Single purple Outcast Rax Joris Dual red, red Academy Rebel Single yellow Outcast Rebel Pilot Dual orange, orange Outcast Reborn Single red Outcast Reborn Master Dual red, red Academy Reborn Twin* Staff red, red Academy Reelo Single red Outcast Rodian Single red Outcast Rosh Penin Single yellow Academy Imperial Saboteur Single red Academy Shadowtrooper Dual red, red Outcast Snowtrooper Single red Academy Stormtrooper Single red Outcast Swamptrooper Staff red, red Outcast Tavion (old) ------ -------- ------- Tavion (new) Single red Academy TIE Pilot Single red Outcast Trandoshan Single red Outcast Tusken Raider Single red Academy Ugnaught Single purple Outcast Weequay Single red Outcast Note that while some of these characters appeared in games long before "Jedi Outcast", only the latest two Jedi games are being considered for purposes of this list. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ++MODS++ WARNING: for those of you who have previous versions of this file, IGNORE the section on Mods and Skinning. DO NOT make any changes to the "assets1.pk3" file! See the separate "nightwolf-academy_skins.txt" file for all information on Skins and Mods. What, you might ask, are "mods"? That's short for "modules" or "modifications"... maps and scenarios you can add to a game. Mods are usually for multiplayer games, and they've been around in one form or another since the original 16-color "Duke Nukum" (and possibly even earlier). It's a little different in "Jedi Academy"... there are actually unofficial 'official' mods available for the game, made by Raven Software - the same folks who had a big hand in the game itself. They're available for free from various places around the web, including LucasFiles (http://www.lucasfiles.com/). The file is "jabonusmaps.exe" and is 13.8 Meg in size. Just follow the instructions that come with it... run the executable, and it will ask you for the directory where you have your game installed; put that in, and the file will automatically unzip to the proper place. Note that you should have the latest update to the game installed (1.01, available on the LucasArts site or at LucasFiles) After the mods are installed, check your directories... you should find a file called "bonus.pk3" in your "Jedi Academy\GameData\base" directory - if it's not there, search your hard drive to find it and then move it to there. That's all that's needed... the next time you run a multiplayer game (which includes the 'Solo Game' option), you'll have 6 new maps to play with; 1 Duel, 1 CTF, and 4 FFA. You can do anything with these new maps that you can with any of the others, including 'jumping' from map to map (see the section above), using the "devmap mp/duel_bonus1" cheat (or whichever map you're jumping to). The six new maps are: duel_bonus1 -- Coruscant Walkway ctf_bonus1 -- Rift of Shadows ffa_bonus1 -- Gas Mine ffa_bonus2 -- The Fortress ffa_bonus3 -- Conquest of Byss ffa_bonus4 -- Ord Mantell Canyon One little oddity about the mods... ffa_bonus2 looks a lot like the landscape you found in Ord Mantell (when going up against Boba Fett in Tier 3), while ffa_bonus4 looks a lot like Chandrilla (also from Tier 3)... I think they got the names of these two reversed. ffa_bonus1 (Gas Mine) is just like the Tier 2 "Kril'Dor" mission (where you helped Wedge Antilles), and is a lovely spot for Pushing people over the edge; it also has a lot of lifts, and even a fan that'll chop you to bits if you fall in it. This one has become my new favorite. ffa_bonus2, 3 and 4 are huge... especially #4 - lots and lots of area to cover. "Conquest of Byss" is basically a starship interior... lots and lots of ledges and levels, lifts, and hidey-holes. As a bonus, "Conquest of Byss" even has a pair of Ammo Regenerators hidden away in corners, which will help your weaponry situation. One really cute thing about this FFA... at one end of the main area - on the bottom level - is a lift; if you take it up all the way (two levels), you'll get to the Disruptor Rifle... but if you stop at the first level, there's a control panel that temporarily drops the forcefield at the bottom of the bay. Drop that while somebody's on it... it won't count as a kill, but it's still fun. If you want to make your own mods - not all that easy, but probably worth it in the long run - you can get the tools on the web as well, probably at the same place where you got the bonus maps. See the next section for editing the game... just the basics, though - if you want full instructions and tutorials, there are various places on the web, including the Massassi Temple (http://www.massassi.net/) and Map-Center (http://www.map-center.com/). Unfortunately, as of January 2006 Map-Center will be out of business... but DarthG (http://www.darthg.com/) is up and running, and he's saved many of the tutorials from Map-Center. The very best place to find mods, skins, tools, etc on the web for most any Star Wars game is at LucasFiles... http://www.lucasfiles.com/ One of the worst places to get *anything* from is FilePlanet... another place to avoid is jediknight2.filefront.com -- never bother with any site that wants to charge you a fee just to join or download maps. Fastest way through Raven's CTF Mod (Rift of Shadows): From Blue to Red: straight down the slope into the room with the railings and water, right and straight down that hall, Jump across the bridge, straight through that hall, in the next hall turn right and head straight up the slope. While no one likes a camper (someone who stays in the same spot all the time), it can be quite tempting in the "Conquest of Byss" FFA map... if weapons are allowed in the game, the top level of the ship - not that top catwalk where the Concussion Rifle is, but just below that - is a great area... you've got the PMS, an Ammo Regenerator, a Large Shield Booster, MedPacks... One note on Mods and modelling/skinning tools: if you've 'installed' either of the modelling or skinning files made by Raven (available at either LucasFiles or Massassi), then you'll have an additional directory set up in your game... open Windows Explorer and search for: c:\... Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\mp check both the maps and mp directories... most mods (player-created maps) will leave a "nav" file in either directory; if you've deleted that particular mod from your game (removed its pk3 from the "base" directory), then you should remove its 'nav' file from either of these directories. The *only* files you should have in either of these directories are the ".map" and ".siege" files; these are the ones 'installed' when you unzipped the "ja_mod_tools.zip". Not that the 'excess' nav files will cause any problems... it's just better to keep your directories 'clean'. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE WEAPONS Most of these you'll remember from the previous games... see the separate section for the Lightsaber and its moves. Most of your weapons have a secondary fire mode, which can come in handy in some cases. The default key for secondary fire is your "Alt" key, but you might want to remap it to something else. In some cases, you can shift your fire by 'leaning'... hold your 'use' key and hit the strafe keys while firing. The numbers in front of each weapon below are the top row of your keyboard... hit that to automatically switch to that weapon. There are, however, more weapons than can be handled by the numbers... scrolling through them is a good idea (if a little slow at times). 1 - Melee... good old hand-to-hand combat, believe it or not - but only if you somehow don't have your Lightsaber, which is ultra-rare primary: punch secondary: punch max ammo: N/A 1 - Lightsaber primary: slash (type of slash varies with style) secondary: varies with the type of Lightsaber; usually Throw primary+secondary: 'kata' moves, varies with each type of Lightsaber max ammo: N/A 2 - DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol... good for conserving Ammo, but not good against a crowd primary: single shot secondary: charged shot - how charged depends on how long your hold down the secondary fire key; releasing it fires max ammo: unlimited 3 - E-11 Blaster Rifle primary: automatic fire, slow rate secondary: rapid fire (uses lots of Ammo, aim is worse) max ammo: 300 4 - Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle primary: single high-speed shot secondary: scope zoom view, use the Primary button to fire max ammo: 400 Warning - your Lightsaber *cannot* defend against this! 5 - Wookie Bowcaster primary: single shot, hold down the fire button for a spread shot secondary: clustered shot straight through the crosshairs max ammo: 400 6 - Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse (DEMP) 2 Gun primary: energy ball secondary: fast attack energy ball max ammo: 400 Note that unlike the previous versions, this one can actually stun humanoids 7 - Imperial Heavy Repeater... your basic chain gun, uses Ammo very fast, not very accurate primary: rapid-fire solid projectile secondary: concussion grenade max ammo: 600 8 - Goban Arms FC-1 Flechette Weapon primary: shotgun style blast of flechettes (little metal razors) secondary: dual explosive mines max ammo: 600 9 - Concussion Rifle... they 'imported' this from "Dark Forces II" primary: tightly-focused energy pulse secondary: less focused, more recoil max ammo: 400 Warning - your Lightsaber *cannot* defend against this! 0 - Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System (PMS) primary: fire & forget rocket secondary: homing missile - hold the secondary fire key to lock onto a target (watch your crosshairs), release it to fire max ammo: 25 Your Lightsaber cannot defend against this... hitting the projectile will just get you caught in the explosion; however, PUSH works very nicely if you time it right - (hyphen) - Thermal Detonators primary: delayed explosion; hold the fire button down to throw it further secondary: impact blast... toss it far enough so you don't get hit also max ammo: 10 - (hyphen) - Laser Trip Mine primary: uses a trip laser; anyone breaking the beam sets it off secondary: uses a proximity sensor max ammo: 5 - (hyphen) - Det Pack (Detonation mines) primary: place the Det Pack on any surface (as many as you want) secondary: detonate them all max ammo: 10 Note that the '-' (hyphen) on your keyboard represents all the 'throwing' and oddball items... just keep hitting the - to cycle through them all. Also note that at the beginning of each mission, you start out with a Blaster Pistol and your Lightsaber... you get to choose what other weapons you want to use in the mission. Views and aiming: when you're using the Lightsaber, the only 'view' you have is "third person" (which has changed from "Jedi Outcast"), but when you're using any other weapon, your view automatically changes to "first person" unless you change it in the setup. Sometimes you can aim just a little better in the "first person" view, but I prefer the "third person" view at all times. You can change this in the setup, and in any case, you can switch back and forth between views - when available - by using your 'P' key (default). One cute note about the Trip Mines: you might not always find a use for them in the regular game, but they come in quite handy in the Free-For-All Multiplayer games... they work even better when clustered. When placing a Trip Mine, figure out where it should go so that when a character breaks the beam (or triggers the proximity sensor), they'll be closest to the Mine - and if you place several together, they'll all go off at once in sympathetic detonation, making a much bigger explosion and almost guaranteeing a kill. Just remember that other characters - whether human or AI Bots - aren't all that stupid, and will find ways to avoid the beam if they can. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE FORCE Most of your Force powers should be familiar to you... I'll list the default key for each, though you can remap them to anything you want in the Setup/Controls. Each of the "Core" powers has three levels; as you go through the game you'll get each power and its upgrades. LIGHT: you'll get to choose which one to upgrade at the beginning of a mission. ABSORPTION = n/a (I usually map this to F8) HEAL = n/a (I usually map this to F5) MIND TRICK = n/a (I usually map this to F6) PROTECTION = n/a (I usually map this to F7) CORE: the upgrades on these will be earned as you move through the game. JUMP = Space... hold down the key for higher/longer Jumps PULL = F2 PUSH = F1 SENSE = F4 SPEED = F3 Lightsaber Defense Lightsaber Offense Lightsaber Throw DARK: you'll get to choose which one to upgrade at the beginning of a mission. DRAIN = n/a (I usually map this to Home) GRIP = n/a (I usually map this to PgUp) LIGHTNING = n/a (I usually map this to V) DARK RAGE = n/a (I usually map this to End) Definitions: Absorb - the Jedi can actually absorb Force power used against them, such as Push. At the highest level, the Jedi can actually regain some of the Force mana expended by this power. When activated, you'll be surrounded by a blue aura. Protection - the Jedi will be protected from physical attacks (such as weapons fire) for a short time. When activated, you'll be surrounded by a green aura. Sense - an updated version of Force Seeing from "Dark Forces II"... you'll be able to sense beings and items for a bit of a distance, depending on what level you have. When activated, you'll be surrounded by a globe of multicolor energy. Items you're looking for will show up as blue, enemies as red, allies as green, and objects that you can pick up - ammo, health, etc - will show up as yellow. On some levels, Force Sense will let you see special symbols - Secret Areas or parts of your surroundings - that can be affected by the Force. Drain - you can literally steal the life energies from an enemy or enemies, adding it to your own (you won't go any higher than 125 Health, however)... you can actually Drain their life energies completely, killing them. You can't use it again until all the stolen life energies have been used up (they fade quickly). Rage - to quote from the game (for level 3 Rage): "the Jedi is protected against 90% of all damage, is 50% faster, has stronger attacks and cannot die." You'll need at least 10 seconds to recover after using this, and it does drain your Health slightly - you need a minimum of 25 Health to use this Dark power. When activated, you'll be infused with a red crackling aura. Note that some Reborn and Cultists use Drain and Rage at the same time, making them very deadly. Just be warned that Rage level 1 can drain your health points all the way down to 1. The rest of the Force abilities you should be familiar with, whether from previous games or from the movies. One note about Grip: it has changed ever so slightly... you will actually continue to 'grip' a body even after it's dead - as soon as the Bad Guy (presuming you are strangling a Bad Guy and not an ally) does their little death dance in midair, release Grip so you don't waste energy. WARNING! If you have version 1.01 or earlier (June 2004 or earlier), then Mind Trick is *reversed*, or acts as if it is, but only in one area of the game... level 1 is actually level 3 and vice versa; that is, if you have only one star on Mind Trick, then you're actually at level 3. The only level in the game that this really affects is "Nar Kreeta" in Tier 2, when you go up against the Rancor; on that level, make sure that your Mind Trick is not set any higher than level 2. Possibly it's just a goof in the game on that one level, and not a goof with Mind Trick. It doesn't matter if you use Light or Dark abilities throughout the game... it's near the end of the game where you get to choose which side you want to be on, and it has nothing to do with what Force abilities you choose to use. So grab some of the Dark abilities... they can be fun. You will get lectured by either Kyle or Luke at the end of a Tier if you have more Dark than Light abilities, but it's just a bunch of hot air - ignore them. Absorb and Protection can be used at the same time, providing you don't mind your Force mana being drained to almost zero. Note that the first levels of either Light or Dark Force powers are practically useless... they don't do too much (well, Mind Trick is handy), and they will drain your mana - and possibly health - almost all the way down. However, you need to get the first levels in order to get the second, etc. The first levels of your core Force powers, on the other hand, are very handy. For a little added power to your PUSH, run at the Bad Guy and PUSH them while you're still running... they'll go flying, even on the lower levels. There are some Force moves that, when used against a wall, will let you do all sorts of gravity-defying feats. For instance, run (but not Speed) straight at a wall, and just as you hit it, hit Jump... keep moving forwards, and you will literally run up the wall. Other combinations will let you run along a wall sideways (to get across a chasm, for instance) or run up it part way and back-flip off it just like in some movies. Check out your manual, and once you're in the game, hit your Tab key (default) to open your Datapad, and check out the 'Acrobatics' category in the 'Moves' section. One cute thing... if you're running forwards and you hit SPEED, then *immediately* hit JUMP, Jaden ends up soaring through the air like Superman. You don't get as much height out of the Jump as you normally would, but it certainly is cute - and you will go further than normal. The other Force powers in the game are all associated with your Lightsaber... "Saber Throw" is handled by your secondary fire key, and it does use Force mana, so watch yourself - while it may be fun, it can drain your Force mana quickly enough, and you're vulnerable until the Lightsaber returns to your hand. There are three levels of "Lightsaber Offense" which you earn as you go through the game, as well as three levels of "Lightsaber Defense"... see the next section for all of your Lightsaber needs. If you're using a Two-Handed Lightsaber, then your 'secondary fire' is actually a kick which uses Force mana... actually fairly handy, and quite fun. Note, however, that if you're not holding or using your Lightsaber, then your alternate attack key will do nothing for you... no kick. Also note that to use the secondary kick, you must be moving (any direction) - you can't be standing still. If you're in a Multiplayer game and you're kick kills someone, it'll say that you bludgeoned them to death... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE LIGHTSABER(S) If you thought the Lightsaber in "Jedi Outcast" was something special, you ain't seen nothin' yet. You have a choice of three different types of Lightsabers throughout the game (you need to earn them), from the standard single Lightsaber to Dual Lightsabers (one in each hand, originally seen in "Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II") to the Two-Handed Lightsaber Staff (the double-bladed beast used by Darth Maul in "The Phantom Menace"). The Lightsaber has several 'styles', including 'fast' and 'strong' -- again, you'll have to advance through the game to get each style. Hit 'L' on your keyboard (default) to cycle through the various styles... in your ammo meter on the right, when using the Lightsaber, the upper curve will show which style you're using: yellow for 'medium', blue for 'fast', and red for 'strong'. Note, however, that this varies for each Lightsaber. For example, if you're using the Two-Handed Lightsaber, hitting your 'L' key changes it to a single-bladed Lightsaber, and you'll be able to throw it with secondary fire. Your initial Lightsaber style is 'Medium'... the basic Jedi fighting technique. You'll be able to 'chain' up to five attacks - that is, you can do five attacks (different or the same) in a row and they'll all go smoothly, flowing from one to the next. Medium is also the best mode for going up against multiple enemies. 'Fast' style can chain unlimited attacks, but the damage isn't much. 'Strong' style is a heavy, slashing strike... lots of damage, but the stance and follow-through can leave you vulnerable for a moment. Lightsaber defense is completely automatic... you can actually defend against some kinds of physical attacks, such as weapons fire. Even at level 1, you'll be able to bounce some - but definitely not all - blaster fire back at your opponents. At level 3, you will not only be able to deflect weapons fire, but you will automatically bounce it towards the nearest threat... so a Stormie firing at you from a distance will actually end up killing his buddy nearby. The Lightsaber can also deflect fire from Ceiling or Floor Turrets, and bounce it right back at them, destroying them. However, your Lightsaber cannot defend against certain types of weapons fire... Rockets and Thermal Dets, obviously, should *not* be hit with your Lightsaber, as that will just cause them to explode, damaging or killing you... Push those types of weapons away. Fire from a Disruptor Rifle will automatically trigger Force Speed so the Jedi can dodge it... there is no defense at all against fire from a Concussion Rifle. A saberlock is always a possibility when you go up against an opponent with a Lightsaber... that's when the two Lightsabers lock together as each person tries to overpower the other. When a saberlock happens, keep hitting your 'primary fire' key, and at the same time try and Push out of the saberlock. If you're successful, you may even knock their Lightsaber out of the way just long enough to slash through them. If Push doesn't seem to be working, stop hitting your primary attack key just long enough to use Push. Check out the manual for the various types of attacks you can make... get used to them and practice them, because some day you really will need them... Get used to using your Jedi powers and the Lightsaber at the same time... if Luke and Obi-Wan can do it, so can you. In fact, there are times when you will *need* to use SPEED and your saber together... especially against Reborn and Force Cultists. Your sidestep moves (default keys are 'A', 'D', and 'V') can come in very nicely during a fight... if you're quick enough, sidestep just as they swing at you, and you should be in a good position to slash through their now-open defenses. If you miss, however... Movements and attacks... oh my Lord, have they upgraded and expanded these... everything from your standard slash to all sorts of fancy moves achievable only with use of the Force. Once you've chosen a weapon and are in the game, kick out to your Datapad for information on moves and attacks. You've got rolling attacks, stabbing attacks, Jumping attacks, fancy throws (wait until you see the double circular throw you can do with Dual Lightsabers), and special 'kata' moves (the Butterfly Strike you do with the Two-Handed Staff Lightsaber, for instance), and all sorts of other spectacular slashes and thrusts. Your 'kata' moves are usually done by hitting your primary attack button and then immediately hit your secondary attack button... and when I say 'immediate', it means you almost have to hit them together. Get used to your kata moves and how they work, and get used to maneuvering while the kata is going on... the Bad Guys won't stay still just because you're getting fancy. There are a pair of 'cheats' for the Lightsaber which really aren't cheats... they won't give you superpowers or protect you in any way. The same cheats could be found in "Jedi Outcast", and there they were worth something... here they're not much. In the Console, type (without the quotes, of course): "g_saberRealisticCombat 1" and you'll now slice and dice with the Lightsaber... sort of. In "Outcast", this same cheat meant that every time you hit someone, you chopped off a piece... arm, leg, head, whatever. Here, it just means that when you hit someone, you'll leave a mark - on very rare occasions will you actually chop something off. The number you type can be anywhere from 1 to 9, though it doesn't really seem to make a difference. The other cheat deals with color... again, not worth much as you can set your Lightsaber color during creation. In "Outcast" you only had the one (standard) Lightsaber, and it only came in blue. The code for this 'cheat' is as follows: saberColor [saberNumber] [blade1color] [blade2color] The colors available to you are green, yellow, purple, orange, blue, and red. To change the color on a single (standard) Lightsaber, type: "saberColor 1 green" (without the quotes, obviously) To change the colors on Dual Lightsabers: "saberColor 1 green" "saberColor 2 yellow" Note that you need to type the command twice, once for each hilt, while with the Saber Staff, you'd type: "saberColor 1 green red" There are also various other cheats for the Lightsaber, most of which will allow you to get the type of Lightsaber and style that you want... again, they're listed at the end in the "Cheats" section. One final note: remember that your Lightsaber makes noise... if you're trying to sneak up on someone (or just be stealthy), shut off your Lightsaber by hitting your '1' key. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE GOOD GUYS Despite the game being what it is, there are still a few good guys around... these are characters that you can interact with in one way or another during the game, usually only for a short while. The main thing to remember is that with the Good Guys, you need to keep them alive (for the most part)... letting them get killed will end the game for you. Rosh Penin - believe it or not, this dipstick is actually one of the good guys... though by the time the game is over, you'll want to lop his head off (and you'll actually get a chance to). Kyle Katarn - the hero of "Dark Forces II" and "Jedi Outcast"... usually he'll only be with you in cutscenes, but there are some points where you'll fight alongside him... or against him. Luke Skywalker - you'll only meet him in cutscenes. Chewbacca - our big hairy Wookie friend, he'll fight alongside you on one level. Watch it, he's not a great shot and will more likely than not send a crossbow bolt up your butt. Wedge Antilles - he fights with you in one level, but as he's flying around in an X-Wing, you don't have to worry about protecting him. various Jedi - it doesn't really matter if you keep them alive or not; it won't affect the game. However, they will end up getting in the way during your fights, so if you went Light, be careful. Elders & prisoners - save them from the Rancor R5 droid on Tatooine - rescue it from the Jawas -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE NEUTRALS Guess what... there aren't any. You've got the Jawas on one level that are the closest thing you'll find to Neutrals, but if they get killed it's no problem. You also have various droids throughout the game, but other than the one listed above you don't have to keep any alive... in fact, you can even kill C-3PO and R2-D2 on one level if you want. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE BAD GUYS The main Bad Guys in "Jedi Academy" are Cultists... the "Disciples of Ragnos", as they call themselves. Obviously, they're up to no good. You'll also run into old friends and make some new ones. The Cultists: most of these you can just shoot with regular weapons Basic (green and brown) Cultist - a complete wimp; uses a Blaster Rifle and Force Jump Grip (green) Cultist - uses, obviously, Force Grip... be careful Saber (brown) Cultist - guess... fairly easy to kill, actually Drain (red) Cultist - will try to steal your life energy Lightning (blue) Cultist - should also be obvious... Destroyer (red) Cultist - uses just about every Force ability, and can be fast The Reborn: some of these can be shot with a Concussion Rifle, but for the most part you'll have to go up against them with your Lightsaber(s). Most of the Reborn can use any of the Force powers... including Drain and Lightning. New Reborn (red or blue) - single Lightsaber Dual Reborn (red) - two Lightsabers Staff Reborn (red) - uses the Two-Handed Lightsaber Reborn Master (gray) - very nasty Dark Jedi: Rosh Penin - yeah, you read that right... on one level he'll be a Dark Apprentice fighting against you Alora - a Dark Jedi of the Twi'lek race Tavion - a newer version of the Dark Jedi apprentice from "Jedi Outcast"... this one a bikini babe who is very nasty Marka Ragnos - the resurrected (ghost, actually) Sith Lord. If you go Light, he'll possess Tavion and fight against you; if you go Dark, you'll never run into him. The Remnant: Stormtroopers - three or four different types, including snow hats Imperial Officers Jetpack Troopers - they fly through the air with the greatest of ease... usually armed with a Heavy Repeater. The best way (that I've found) to take care of them is to use Speed, then run at them and slash away - if they're on the ground. If they're in the air, hit Speed, then Pull them towards you and slash away. Hazard Troopers - heavily armored, difficult to kill unless you use a Concussion Rifle. Rocket Troopers - as the name says, they use the PMS. Not as heavily armored as the Hazard Troopers, they're easier to kill. Just as in "Jedi Outcast", Stormtroopers say some incredibly stupid things... such as "Identify yourself" or "Who are you?" while you're running at them with a Lightsaber. I usually yell "Santa Claus!" or "Elton John!" or something equally silly right back at them. Others: Human Mercenaries (Mercs) - these are the guys in the dark brown outfits, armed with Blaster Rifles... complete wimps Saboteurs - Mercs who can cloak themselves until they're almost invisible; if you look carefully, you'll see a pale blue outline when they're cloaked. They don't fire at you when they're cloaked, so if you can see them, that's the best time to kill them. Swoopers - Mercs who ride the 'swoop' (speeder bikes) in one level Noghri - blue aliens, total wimps that use a gas weapon Grans, Rodians, Trandoshans, Weequay - where you find one, you'll usually find the others... so they'll be listed below as GRTW Tuskens - the Sand People, found on only one level of Tatooine Rancor - found on Nar Kreeta, you can kill it with a lot of difficulty, but it'll just respawn... your best bet is to keep out of its way with Mind Trick. Mutant Rancor - found at the spaceport on Taanab... you *cannot* damage it in any way, and the only way to kill it is the way the level requires. Droids / Mechanicals: Assassin Droids - forceshielded droids; they use a Blaster Rifle Saber Droids - just like it says... Portable Assault Sentry (PAS) - automatic guns sitting on the floor; they'll track your movements Ceiling Turrets - just as it sounds... gun turrets mounted on the ceiling -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHARACTER & LIGHTSABER CREATION One of the neatest additions to "Jedi Academy" is the ability to 'create' your own character... you're an Trainee no matter what, but you can choose your species, even your costuming. There's no difference between the Demo and the full game as far as Character Creation goes... you've got 6 species to choose from, as well as a variety of outfits and faces. The species are: Twi'lek Female (remember Jabba's aide in "Return of the Jedi", the one with the two tentacles coming off his head? This is the female version) Zabrak Female (with devil horns; this is the one you see on the Jedi Academy screen when you load or reload a game) Human Female Human Male Kel Dor Male (this is the one you see on the Jedi Academy game launch screen) Rodian Male (I beat this at "Jedi Master" using a Rodian... it just seemed appropriate, somehow) After you've played through a few times, you'll start wishing that they had more species to choose from, and a little better variety of clothing. Oh, well... it's certainly better than anything that's come before. Once you've chosen what species you want (make sure you click directly on the name to change it), you can choose a color... for most of them, this just changes the costume colors a little; for the Twi'lek female, it changes her skin color. Next, choose what head you want, then torso, then legs. Once you've got your character all set up (is this a Jedi apprentice or a bikini model? And why do the female species have big butts?), you can move on to the Lightsaber creation screen... but think twice before moving on, because you'll be stuck with this character for the rest of the game. Okay, so the female characters look like Playmates - tiny waists, a bit stacked, skimpy outfits... but once you start playing you won't even really notice your character, as you'll be too busy staying alive. And hey - can any of you draw a character that well? I certainly can't... they've done a wonderful job with these graphics. Lightsaber creation... in the Demo, you can choose any of the three Lightsaber types and use it during the Demo, but in the full game you start out with just the standard single Lightsaber - you have to earn the others. You've got ye old-fashioned Standard Lightsaber, Dual Lightsabers (one for each hand), and the Two-Handed (Staff) Lightsaber, which is the double-bladed beast used by Darth Maul in "The Phantom Menace". Choose your Hilt style - this is purely for looks - and then your Blade Color(s), which is also just for looks. (hilt style and color can be changed later with cheats). Note that in this creation section, you can't change your blade color to red... but you can change it with the cheats if that's the color you want. Once that's done, start the game... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =============================================================================================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ===THE WALKTHROUGH=== Note: words in all caps throughout the walkthrough - such as PUSH - are Force powers... get to know your hotkeys. I'm not going to list every time you should save; kick out to the game menu (your 'Esc' key) often enough to save a level, and use your Quicksave (default 'F10') at many points during a level in progress. This walkthrough was written using the "Padawan" and the "Jedi Master" difficulty levels (the easiest and the hardest), but there's not too much difference between the difficulty levels. Higher levels will have tougher enemies (they won't die as quickly), and fewer items (weapons, ammo, healing) scattered about the area, as well as fewer Ammo and Shield Regenerators. The names in braces - the { and } - are the map names of the level. For example, {t1_sour} is the name of that Tatooine level... see the cheats at the end for ways to jump from map to map. There is no single way to go through the game (after the first two levels)... you can pick and choose - within limits - what missions you want to do first, second, etc. This gives you a little replay ability. The missions are set up in "tiers"... Tier 1 is easy, Tier 2 a bit harder, etc. Eventually you'll have to do them all, choosing your path - Light or Dark - along the way. Another nice change from previous games is the "respawning"... it used to be that if you backtracked through a level or had to retrace your path to get somewhere, it would be empty (of people) because you already cleared them out - in "Jedi Academy" when you retrace your path in a level you'll have more Bad Guys waiting for you, making it a little more interesting. This doesn't happen everywhere, of course, and it depends on how difficult you've made the game. At the beginning of most missions you're allowed to upgrade either one Light or one Dark Force power (the Core power upgrades must be earned as you move through the game)... what you choose is up to you. Where you can upgrade your Force powers, I've listed both Light and Dark choices... obviously, you can only upgrade one level at a time, but these will give you some suggestions. As for you cheaters out there... because you must choose a Force power to upgrade at the beginning of each mission, maximizing your Force powers (or beyond) with the cheats will mean that you will be unable to continue. Don't cheat if you want to play. After that, you get to choose your weapons for the mission... you start with your Lightsaber and a Blaster Pistol, and you're allowed to choose two more weapons and a throwing weapon. What you choose, again, is up to you... most of these you'll be able to pick up as you move through the level. Your best bet is the Blaster Rifle and the Bowcaster, plus the Thermal Detonators... your Blaster Pistol has limited ammo. By the later levels you'll be able to choose from every type of weapon available... but by that point, you won't need them, since most everything will be Lightsaber combat. One thing to note about your various moves: if you're knocked down by someone (or an explosion or fall), you can just hit your 'forward' or 'back' key to get up - but sometimes that will put you right back in danger... use your left or right 'sidestep' keys to roll out of the way before getting up. Also note that the first one to strike usually wins... if you can get in the first hit on a tougher opponent, or hit them when their back is turned, so much the better. Being nice doesn't count. One change this system forces that isn't as nice - but can be better for gaming purists - is the fact that you no longer can carry weapons and items from level to level (at least, not in the Tiers)... at the beginning of each level you'll have to choose weapons again, meaning that if you picked up something particularly nasty in the last level you won't have it with you in this one, unless you manage to acquire it again. Most of the missions are just Jaden on his/her own... every once in a while you'll have someone like Kyle or Chewie accompanying you, but for the most part you get thrown in to sink or swim. All this really means is that the Star Wars universe is a lot like the real world... when you get an apprentice, use them to do your dirty work. Good luck, and may the Force be with you. (Oh gawd, did I really say that?) =============================================================================================== The Demo>>> There are two missions in the Demo that you can do... Tatooine and Chandrila. It doesn't matter which one you do first, but I'll list them in the order that they're shown. Note that you have to do both missions... the second one will come up after you've finished the first, so get ready for a long time in front of the computer - though as soon as you start either mission you can kick out to the main game screen and Save your game in progress. Both missions are also part of the full game: Tatooine is a "Tier 1" (early and fairly easy) mission, while Chandrila is a "Tier 3" (midrange) mission. I'd suggest doing Tatooine first... Note that the Force and Weapons choices are suggestions *only* - you'll have to play the levels yourself to figure out what you want to bring. >>Mercenary Activity - Tatooine {t1_sour} [1 Secret] (Tier 1 mission) //Force powers, Light: HEAL 1, MIND TRICK 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: GRIP 1 //Objectives: Eliminate the Mercenary threat. //Enemies: Mercenaries, GRTW, Saber Cultist \\Light Force choices: Protect 1 \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets You're at Mos Eisley on Tatooine with Kyle... while he goes off to the Kreit Cantina to try and get some information, you get to sit here and guard the door (yawn), detaining anyone who tries to enter or leave. Of course it's not going to be that easy. Shots are fired, the door opens, and out comes... Chewbacca. He's on a mission for Leia Organa, so off you go... You start off with stairs at your back (where you just came from) and one of the hanger bays in front of you... this entire level is a big circle, with that tower as the hub of the circle, an outer surrounding wall, and 4 'spoke' walls connecting the tower to the outer wall, dividing the area into 4 hanger bays. Inside the inner 'spoke' walls are various alcoves and doors, and on top of those 'spoke' walls are catwalks leading to the tower. If you could see this level from above, it'd look like a rifle's crosshairs. {perspective note} If you want you can get on top of either the ^Raven's Claw^ or the ^Millennium Falcon^ during this level... there's nothing up there, of course, but you'll notice that both ships seem a little small - especially the ^Falcon^. Getting into your first outdoor area (hanger bay), you'll find (from left to right): a small and a large door (both locked) in one of the 'spoke' walls, the central tower, another 'spoke' wall with two locked doors, and an alcove in the outer wall with a door... the only unlocked door in the area. Take care of the Bad Guys in here, then head through that door. Inside on the left is a crate with a Trandoshan behind it, and he fires a Heavy Repeater... he should be your first target. Take out the rest, then head through the door down at the other end of the room. Immediately on your left you'll see an orange machine... this is an Ammo Regenerator - just get close enough to it, aim at it, and when you see the hand icon hit your 'use' button... your weapons will be recharged. This will last until your weapons are either fully charged or the Regenerator runs out of energy. Go through the next door... "Is it just me, or are the Rodians kinda creepy?" Nice to see that racism still exists in the Star Wars galaxy. Down to your left are the conversationalists, a pair of Mercs - kill them, then go through the small door nearby. "We need more cover - let's get back to our ship." In this next hanger are the smuggler ships that you passed in the opening cutscene... take out everybody in here, but watch out - a door in an alcove will open and two more Mercs will race out firing. If you're fast, you can duck through that door to get a MedPack and an Armor Regenerator... just like the Ammo version, aim at it and hit 'use'. Once these guys are dead as well, you'll get a brief cutscene... tractor beams grabbing both the ^Raven's Claw^ and the ^Millennium Falcon^. Once that's over, a small door in the 'spoke' wall will open and more Baddies will come running through... take them out (watch out for the Gran tossing TDs from on top of the wall) and then go through the door. Down at the end of this room are a pair of Baddies... kill them, then with your back to that door at that end, turn slightly left - that small door on your left is the only open one. In this next hanger bay is the ^Raven's Claw^ and the only Secret Area of this level. [Secret 1] as soon as you get through the door, turn sharply right... down next to the wall is a small crate-filled alcove; JUMP over the crates to get into the Secret Area behind them (MedPack and TDs). Head for the alcove with all of the octagonal brown/orange fuel tanks... as soon as you cross the threshold you'll get another cutscene: you go off to disable the tractor beams while Chewie stays to hold the fort. As you go through the door, a Weequay fires a rocket at a fuel tank, blocking the door... you'll have to find another way back. {Odd but true} normally anything you do in the game will show up in the cutscenes... that is, if you leave a weapon or body laying on the ground, it will show up in the cutscene; you'll also see Droids moving around in the cutscenes. However, this one is a bit odd... after you get through the door into this hanger bay - before triggering the cutscene - you can place a pair of Laser Tripmines at the door you just came through. Normally when you do this, anything that comes through the door will get caught in the blast... but in this case, the Bad Guys can walk right through the Mines without triggering them. Kill off the losers in here, then through the door where you'll find another Ammo Regenerator. You'll also get a "Checkpoint" message... these are spots in the game that are automatically saved; if you die, you'll have a choice of restoring to the last Checkpoint or your last Quicksave. In the next room are several Tripmines barring the way... you should be able to destroy the Tripmines by throwing your Lightsaber at the mines themselves, but apparently not yet - you can still destroy them by firing at them (even your Blaster Pistol will work for this), but in this case you don't want to waste the time. Duck around the crates on the left and proceed to do some killing. There are MedPacks and a Shield Booster on top of that large orange freight container, but I've never found a way to get up there. Head through the only unlocked door and up the stairs. Kill the Gran on the stairs and head all the way up... the door at the top is locked, so into the next room where you'll find C-3PO, R2-D2 and several Bad Guys (and possibly a MedPack). Kill them, and head outside on to the catwalk (this is where that Gran was throwing TDs at you earlier). Through the door - and the Rodian - at the end. Inside, head through the door ahead of you, kill the Rodians, and up the lift. In this new area, head to your right and that console... 'use' the switch to shut off the tractor beam for the ^Millennium Falcon^. Head through the door on either side of the lift, kill the Saber Cultist, and hit the switch in there to drop the other tractor beam. "The tractor beams are down, Chewbacca - I'm on my way." Back down the lift. You'll notice that the lift goes down a level further than where you got on... circle around behind it to the unblocked door and hit the switch beside it. Down this hall and out the small door on the right to your last hanger area and your last bunch of Bad Guys... once you kill them all, the level ends. Hey, quit messin' up the hair! Of course, if Chewie shoots me in the ass just one more time when I'm trying to kill Bad Guys, I'm going to take this Lightsaber and... Oddly enough, the level stats at the end don't list that Secret Area you found... that happens in a few places during the game. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>Cult Activity - Chandrila {t3_rift} [4 Secrets] (Tier 3 mission) //Force powers, Light: HEAL 1, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: GRIP 2 //Objectives: Stop them from desecrating the Jedi Tomb //Enemies: Mercs, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, Grip Cultists \\Light Force choices: Absorb 1 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Disrupter Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets (I love this level... plenty of Bad guys to hack on, and plenty of ways - and places - to send them flying) Long drop... but no worries. PUSH the huge rock in front of you, killing the Merc behind it. Get out into the open area, and almost immediately you'll be attacked by a Dual Reborn... watch yourself, and don't fall off the ledge! This entire level - with the exception of two big rooms - consists of bridges, small platforms and ledges... you can easily fall to your death in here, and it's a very long way down. On the other hand, you can shove Bad Guys off the ledges... Once he's dead, head down the ledge to your right... you'll hear an interesting conversation between a few Mercs. "I can hardly see in this thing... it's like being a Stormtrooper all over again." Drop off the ledge (carefully!) and down to the walkway. The big doors at either end of this walkway won't open - in fact, *none* of these big doors throughout this mission will open - so go down the ramps and do some killing (including another Saber Cultist)... if you time it right, you can catch the green Grip Cultist in midair when he tries to Jump up at you, PUSHing him into the rift, saving yourself a bit of trouble. You can either just JUMP over to that broken platform, or you can SPEED+JUMP across the broken bridge, JUMP up on top of the columns on the other side, and JUMP down to the archway and then the bridge... it doesn't matter either way, just what chances you feel like taking. Again, the door doesn't open, so make your way down the broken stairs to the next platform... it's easiest to jump down, but when you do, hug the wall - because your landing zone will crumble beneath you. Drop down to the next broken platform, then JUMP to the next... as soon as the Cultists notice you, a New Reborn will jump up to fight you; again, if you time it right, you can PUSH him into the rift. From this platform, look across the way... another ledge with a pair of archways, and to the left of them there's a platform sticking out in the air - that's Secret 1, and if you want to save yourself some trouble, snipe at the Merc on that platform with the Concussion Rifle. Drop down to the next area with the dumb Mercs... they must be dumb, as they just saw you take out a blue Reborn and yet they're trying to shoot you... oh well, easy deaths. If you feel like it, you can even use Force DRAIN on them. Across the bridge are a pair of ramps... the ramp up is blocked, so you'll want to use the ramp down - but first, get Secret 1. [Secret 1] JUMP up on top of the columns at the bottom of the ramp up, take out the Merc on the next platform up, and JUMP over to it... down the ramp for this Secret Area. (MedPack, Large Shield Booster) Note that when you shoot him, his Concussion Rifle might fall from the platform... but you can usually retrieve it later. From up here, look over the side to the broken bridge far below... you can snipe at the green Grip Cultist on the bridge (usually the one on the right) with the Concussion Rifle, saving yourself later trouble. Even more interesting, when you do this, the Reborn on the bridge might Jump out of the way... and over the edge into the rift. When you get near the bottom of the ramp you'll hear a chirping... that's an explosive charge in the middle of the bridge - proceed with caution. If the Merc in Secret 1 dropped his Concussion Rifle over the edge of the platform earlier, it might be on the ledge down here. Once you get on the bridge, go slowly until it blows, then SPEED+JUMP across to the other side and take out the Merc. The only way to go is up the stairs... but if you want to pause first and look around, do so - you'll see all sorts of friends that you'll eventually meet. Down the hall, and you'll run into at least three New Reborn... take them all out as best you can; if you angle left as you go down the hall, you might be able to take out the single Reborn on that side and rest up before facing the other two. There are two doors in this room and a blank wall... the doors, of course, won't open, but the supposedly blank wall is Force-affected; use SENSE on it, then use PULL on the glowing symbol high up on the door. Inside you'll run into a Dual Reborn on the stairs. Continue down the stairs and Checkpoint. At the bottom of the stairs and back out into the open... another New Reborn will challenge you. Get out on to this next platform and look around... for one thing, two Secret Areas can be found nearby. Get back on the ledge and work your way down to the end to get to Secret 2. Directly under this broken platform - in a hole in the wall - is Secret 3. [Secret 2] from the ledge, drop down to those columns (only about 15 points damage), and then to the archway... go in and kill the Merc and pick up this Secret Area. (Large Shield Booster). From the front of the ledge of Secret 2, look left... JUMP over to that next ledge, then go up the slope next to the stairs - from there, JUMP up to the small platform above and Secret 3. [Secret 3] from the platform, JUMP up into the hole in the wall. (Rocket ammo). Drop back down to the stairs... kill the Reborn on this side (but don't fall off the edge!), and then decide how you want to do the rest. "How am I supposed to get over there?" You can SPEED+JUMP across the gap in the bridge, but there's a Grip Cultist on the other side (if you didn't zap him from Secret 1) as well as a Reborn who might Grip you in mid-jump and drop you to your death... kill the Cultists from this side. Your best bet for getting over to the other side of this broken bridge is to JUMP up on top of the left column - from there, SPEED+JUMP over to the other side. At the top of the stairs on the other side is a MedPack and a Large Shield Booster, and hey, guess what... a door that won't open. Facing back across the gap, there's a broken platform high up on your left that you can't get to, and a slope leading down on your right... head down the slope. Partway down the slope is a small broken platform jutting out from the wall... below is a bridge and a waiting Reborn, and above is Secret 4. [Secret 4] from this small broken platform, JUMP up along the wall to the small ledge with the glowing crystal, then JUMP up on to the square structure. (Rocket ammo) From Secret 4, drop down to the walk below for various other health items, then retrace your path back to that small broken platform in the middle of the slope. Go down the rest of the slope and take out the Dual Reborn and the Merc waiting down there, then head down to the other end of this bridge and take out the Merc down there. From that end of the bridge, work your way around the square column on the ledge at the right and face out across the rift... across the way you can see a pair of figures in the area under where Secret 4 is; shoot the right one (a Grip Cultist) with the Concussion Rifle. Head back across the bridge to that small broken platform. Drop down to face the Saber Cultist and the Grip Cultist. After you take them out ("This place is amazing... it seems like it goes on forever."), go across the bridge and hug your way around the wall... "Great - how am I going to get down there without breaking my neck?" At the end of this ledge is another Dual Reborn, but you can PUSH him off into the void. Go back a little ways along this narrow ledge and drop down to the short bridge. From here, look down to the area with the broken stretch of platforms... just under that bridge in the distance you can see a figure standing on the edge of that platform - again, it's a Grip Cultist that you can shoot. Drop or jump from platform/archway to platform/archway and down on to the lighted bridge. It's possible that a Saber Cultist (from the same area where you just shot that Cultist) will try to join you, but he's a wimp and an easy kill. Around the edge of this ledge and drop down to the broken platform, JUMP across the gap, take out the Merc, head to the end of this area and JUMP up on top of the archway, then up to that platform. Take out the wimp Merc up here (there's also Rocket ammo here, and if you want, you can shoot the Drain Cultist on the other side of the bridge), then JUMP up on that ledge. At the end of this bridge is a Saber Cultist and a red Drain Cultist (after you go through the wimp with the Blaster Rifle in the middle of the bridge)... after taking them out, HEAL, regain mana, and Save... the final section contains some nasty Reborn. In the 'room of steps' you'll face off against two Dual Reborn... if you hit SPEED when you get the 'Checkpoint' message, you may be able to take one of them out quickly before facing off against the other. Into the next room for the last Bad Guy... At the top of the final steps - you can see the Jedi's coffin - is a Staff Reborn... hit SPEED at the bottom of the steps and go up and challenge him. (Actually, he doesn't seem that difficult... get in the first hit while you're SPEEDing, and it usually kills him. Obviously, killing him at the "Jedi Master" level is going to be much more difficult... he'll be using Dark Rage and Drain and Lightning...) Once he's dead - "I should reseal the tomb so no one else can disturb it." - stand at the bottom of the steps (facing the coffin)... see those apparently-sealed arches on either side? Use SENSE, and examine those arches... you'll see a big square 'button' in each arch (which will stay visible even after SENSE ends) - just use PUSH on each button, then get the hell out of here. "That should do it. Rest peacefully." Head back to that bridge (you don't need to run), avoiding falling debris on the way... the bridge will start to break apart as soon as you get on it, so JUMP across it to end the level. Hmmm... when did Jedi start using coffins? =============================================================================================== =============================================================================================== The Full Game>>> A little oddity about the way the missions are set up: some are two (or three) part missions - such as "Ice Planet Hoth" and "Echo Base" - where you need to do both (or all) missions to get through and make it to the next section... but some missions are set up in "Tiers", where there will be five missions in a Tier. You can do the missions in a Tier in any order you want, and you only have to do four of them, not all five... but of course doing all five gets you extra Force points to use (not to mention the fact that it's fun). Again, note that the Force and Weapons choices are suggestions *only*... you'll have to do the levels yourself to figure out what you want to bring. >>Yavin Jungle {yavin1b} [0 Secrets] //Force powers: n/a //Objectives: Find a way to rescue Rosh from the ledge he is on. //Enemies: Howlers, Stormtroopers, Saber Cultist Since you start out with a Lightsaber, you do have some basic Force abilities, but only those associated with the Lightsaber: defense, offense, and throw (the latter handled by your secondary fire button). Okay, so somebody isn't all that great a pilot... well, it's not really their fault. On your way to the Academy on Yavin 4 - you've been invited because without any training at all, you built your own Lightsaber - you meet the various other students, including a geeky boy by the name of Rosh Penin (by the time the game is over you're going to want to kill him... and hey, you actually can). Unfortunately, your shuttle comes under attack and is forced to land in the jungles of Yavin... There's a Medpack (health) on this side of the stream just under the shuttle. Jump in the stream and head up the next section (where the weeds are)... Rosh will suggest cutting down a tree; get out on the bank and do so, and he'll join you. Now head for the Massassi Temple. (By the time you've played through this game several times, you'll find yourself fantasizing about chopping Rosh' head off, or roasting him over an open fire... damned if I know how he's supposed to be Jaden's friend, as most of the time he comes across as an annoying, know-it-all asshole) You'll be attacked by Howlers (reptiles)... either let Rosh shoot them or use your Lightsaber throw; don't get too close, because their sonic cry can be damaging. When aiming a Saber Throw at the Howlers, get your aiming circle at them on red, then drop your aim slightly below that and let fly. Follow the bank around to the right and the temple... "There must be a way to open this." "No problem." Rosh shows off with his Force powers, using Pull on the lever inside the grate. Just through the door is another Howler. Cross the gorge on the stone bridge, and keep going down the valley... you'll run across another Howler (you'll hear it long before you see it), which is another easy kill. Another river, and there's another Medpack up on the right... jump across the stream, and again Rosh has suggestions about tree cutting. Do so, cross your new 'bridge', and head left. Just follow this valley, through another Howler, until you see the Temple... cutscene. Kill the two Stormtroopers, and now... your first Cultist. The Disciples of Ragnos are, obviously, evil Force users (there had to be some... this is Star Wars, after all), and there are two basic types: the Reborn and the Cultists. They range in power from absolute wimps to completely nasty... this guy is a Saber Cultist, and is fairly easy, but be careful. The easiest kill is to wait until he appears (almost instant), jump off the ledge to land on top of him, and stab him while he's on the ground... otherwise, get a decent distance away from him, then rush him and use your kata move (attack + alt. attack). Once he's dead, you'll get a good long cutscene... Jaden comes upon three people (one of them is Tavion, from "Jedi Outcast"... you'll meet her later on, and she is fun) using an instrument of some sort on the Temple - but Jaden is spotted, and knocked unconscious. Anyway... this is the end of this level - on to your training. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>Training Area {yavin2} [0 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: n/a //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: n/a //Enemies: Training Remotes, Howlers, Saber Droid Check your Datapad, and you'll notice that now you have the basic (core) Force powers of Jump, Speed, Push, Pull, and Sense - make sure you know the hotkeys for each one, because you will need them. Just do as Kyle said, and go through the door... immediately you'll have a cutscene with Kyle yakking away. Through the next door, and you'll face off against 5 remotes (one at a time, thankfully)... get use to swinging and throwing your Lightsaber. They can damage you some with their shots, but nothing major... and there are Medpacks scattered throughout this level. Once they're gone, head through the next door. In this next room there's a broken bridge, and down past it is a pair of Howlers... you need to go across the bridge (using JUMP), but if you feel like it, take out the Howlers first. After crossing the bridge, there will be a broken wall in front of you... PUSH it to break through. A short cutscene with Rosh being an jerk, and you get to face off against a saber-wielding droid. Be careful, but it's not too difficult; one good strong kata move should kill it on any difficulty. Once it's down, a door on the far side of the room (past the obelisk) will open. Yet another cutscene, then use PULL on the lever behind the grate to open the door (there's also a Medpack in here on the easier difficulties). Through the door on the right and down the stairs... in this next room there's a bridge with alcoves underneath it at either end - inside the alcove on the right, the left wall of the alcove is Force-affected (you can use SENSE to see it) - use PUSH on it to reveal a Medpack. Face the wall to the right of the doorway you came through, and use SENSE... you'll see three glowing symbols up on the wall (one to the left of the door, the other two to the right); use PULL on each of them to create stairs to jump up and on to the bridge. Follow the bridge and through the next two doors... in this next area, you can JUMP to the broken area in front of the waterfall if you want, but there's nothing there; just continue across the crumbling bridge. Through the next door, and in the room with the pillar, head into the short hall on the right, and through the left door (the only one in this room that will open). In this next hall, get yourself ready... the door ahead is linked to the two doors in the next room - as soon as this door opens enough to get through, SPEED through and head either to the left or the right, it doesn't matter which... they both lead to the same room. SPEED through that door before it closes (you may have to hit crouch while you're running to duck and roll through that second door). In this next room, head for the open door. Rosh is such an butthead, isn't he? = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -=Tier 1 Missions=- Note that these five missions can be done in any order, and you only have to complete four of them to move on to the next section. Your best bet, however, is to do all five in order to increase your Force powers. >>Mercenary Activity - Tatooine {t1_sour} [1 Secret] //Force powers, Light: n/a //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Eliminate the Mercenary threat. //Enemies: Mercenaries, GRTW, Saber Cultist \\Light Force choices: Heal 1 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets You're at Mos Eisley on Tatooine with Kyle... while he goes off to the Kreit Cantina to try and get some information, you get to sit here and guard the door (yawn), detaining anyone who tries to enter or leave. Of course it's not going to be that easy. Shots are fired, the door opens, and out comes... Chewbacca. He's on a mission for Leia Organa, so off you go... You start off with stairs at your back (where you just came from) and one of the hanger bays in front of you... this entire level is a big circle, with that tower as the hub of the circle, an outer surrounding wall, and 4 'spoke' walls connecting the tower to the outer wall, dividing the area into 4 hanger bays. Inside the inner 'spoke' walls are various alcoves and doors, and on top of those 'spoke' walls are catwalks leading to the tower. If you could see this level from above, it'd look like a rifle's crosshairs. {perspective note} If you want you can get on top of either the ^Raven's Claw^ or the ^Millennium Falcon^ during this level... there's nothing up there, of course, but you'll notice that both ships seem a little small - especially the ^Falcon^. Getting into your first outdoor area (hanger bay), you'll find (from left to right): a small and a large door (both locked) in one of the 'spoke' walls, the central tower, another 'spoke' wall with two locked doors, and an alcove in the outer wall with a door... the only unlocked door in the area. Take care of the Bad Guys in here, then head through that door. Inside on the left is a crate with a Trandoshan behind it, and he fires a Heavy Repeater... he should be your first target. Take out the rest, then head through the door down at the other end of the room. Immediately on your left you'll see an orange machine... this is an Ammo Regenerator - just get close enough to it, aim at it, and when you see the hand icon hit your 'use' button... your weapons will be recharged. This will last until your weapons are either fully charged or the Regenerator runs out of energy. Go through the next door... "Is it just me, or are the Rodians kinda creepy?" Nice to see that racism still exists in the Star Wars galaxy. Down to your left are the conversationalists, a pair of Mercs - kill them, then go through the small door nearby. "We need more cover - let's get back to our ship." In this next hanger are the smuggler ships that you passed in the opening cutscene... take out everybody in here, but watch out - a door in an alcove will open and two more Mercs will race out firing. If you're fast, you can duck through that door to get a MedPack and an Armor Regenerator... just like the Ammo version, aim at it and hit 'use'. Once these guys are dead as well, you'll get a brief cutscene... tractor beams grabbing both the ^Raven's Claw^ and the ^Millennium Falcon^. Once that's over, a small door in the 'spoke' wall will open and more Baddies will come running through... take them out (watch out for the Gran tossing TDs from on top of the wall) and then go through the door. Down at the end of this room are a pair of Baddies... kill them, then with your back to that door at that end, turn slightly left - that small door on your left is the only open one. In this next hanger bay is the ^Raven's Claw^ and the only Secret Area of this level. [Secret 1] as soon as you get through the door, turn sharply right... down next to the wall is a small crate-filled alcove; JUMP over the crates to get into the Secret Area behind them (MedPack and TDs). Head for the alcove with all of the octagonal brown/orange fuel tanks... as soon as you cross the threshold you'll get another cutscene: you go off to disable the tractor beams while Chewie stays to hold the fort. As you go through the door, a Weequay fires a rocket at a fuel tank, blocking the door... you'll have to find another way back. {Odd but true} normally anything you do in the game will show up in the cutscenes... that is, if you leave a weapon or body laying on the ground, it will show up in the cutscene; you'll also see Droids moving around in the cutscenes. However, this one is a bit odd... after you get through the door into this hanger bay - before triggering the cutscene - you can place a pair of Laser Tripmines at the door you just came through. Normally when you do this, anything that comes through the door will get caught in the blast... but in this case, the Bad Guys can walk right through the Mines without triggering them. Kill off the losers in here, then through the door where you'll find another Ammo Regenerator. You'll also get a "Checkpoint" message... these are spots in the game that are automatically saved; if you die, you'll have a choice of restoring to the last Checkpoint or your last Quicksave. In the next room are several Tripmines barring the way... you should be able to destroy the Tripmines by throwing your Lightsaber at the mines themselves, but apparently not yet - you can still destroy them by firing at them (even your Blaster Pistol will work for this), but in this case you don't want to waste the time. Duck around the crates on the left and proceed to do some killing. There are MedPacks and a Shield Booster on top of that large orange freight container, but I've never found a way to get up there. Head through the only unlocked door and up the stairs. Kill the Gran on the stairs and head all the way up... the door at the top is locked, so into the next room where you'll find C-3PO, R2-D2 and several Bad Guys (and possibly a MedPack). Kill them, and head outside on to the catwalk (this is where that Gran was throwing TDs at you earlier). Through the door - and the Rodian - at the end. Inside, head through the door ahead of you, kill the Rodians, and up the lift. In this new area, head to your right and that console... 'use' the switch to shut off the tractor beam for the ^Millennium Falcon^. Head through the door on either side of the lift, kill the Saber Cultist, and hit the switch in there to drop the other tractor beam. "The tractor beams are down, Chewbacca - I'm on my way." Back down the lift. You'll notice that the lift goes down a level further than where you got on... circle around behind it to the unblocked door and hit the switch beside it. Down this hall and out the small door on the right to your last hanger area and your last bunch of Bad Guys... once you kill them all, the level ends. Hey, quit messin' up the hair! Of course, if Chewie shoots me in the ass just one more time when I'm trying to kill Bad Guys, I'm going to take this Lightsaber and... Oddly enough, the level stats at the end don't list that Secret Area you found... this happens in several places during the game. ======= >>Droid Recovery - Tatooine {t1_surprise} [1 Secret] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Locate the missing Sandcrawler. Retrieve the droid from the Sandcrawler. //Enemies: Tuskens \\Light Force choices: Mind Trick 1 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets MIND TRICK is a good Force power to choose for this episode... it comes in handy against the Tuskens. However, it's not necessary. Head forward and right to where you see the moisture converter sticking up... you'll see a couple of Jawas ahead in the distance - they'll come under attack by three Sand People (Tuskens), with a fourth sniping at them from the rock arch; kill the Tuskens only, and pick up any ammo nearby. (Okay, it doesn't really matter if the Jawas are killed or not... but they won't attack you at all, so why bother?) Head under the arch and get attacked by more Tuskens... there's also a Tenloss Disruptor Rifle and ammo nearby (around the rock on the left). Under the next arch (there will be white buildings on the ridge above) and more Tuskens, including one sniping at you from the ridge above. Head into the buildings (a moisture farm) on the left... don't bother continuing straight and under those next arches; there's absolutely nothing up that way. Wander all through the farm, killing Tuskens and picking up items (weapons and ammo) as you go... don't go up the slope yet, but into the next room - behind that door is this level's only Secret Area. Also scattered throughout this moisture farm are brown fuel tanks (yellow symbol on the sides) - these will blow up when hit, so be careful... but sometimes they conceal items. [Secret 1] "You're not an R5 unit." Large Shield Booster. Head up the slope, through the door and outside... more Tuskens, and a couple of Gronk droids - you can kill the droids if you want, but you'll notice when you get close to them the hand symbol will appear, meaning you can 'use' them (nothing will really happen, though). More Tuskens, and to the right - at the cliff's edge - is a small building with two open arches; inside are more items. The building on the left can't be entered. Cross the canyon using either stone arch... on the other side there's a small empty building between the two stone bridges, and ahead (slightly left) is a droid standing in front of a building - there's a sniper up on the roof of that building, and there are more Tuskens in the area. You can ignore the droid (though there might be a MedPack at the top of those steps), and you can't get into any of the buildings, so head left and through the arch (Checkpoint). More Tuskens, more toys... just keep heading down the slope. At the bottom is an opening to the outside, more Tuskens, more Jawas... and the Sandcrawler. Circle all around this area for more Tuskens and items before going up the ramp on the Sandcrawler. "Wonder if I can get up there?" The door is locked, but if you look around and up you'll notice a small tracked vehicle being suspended from a crane... and it's Force affected. Use PULL on the vehicle, then ride it back up. More Tuskens up here, and on the left is a dumpster (?) on a conveyor... use PUSH on it, and examine the wall (cylinder) it was up against - "Hmmm. Need to reactivate the lift." By jumping from crate to crate you can get up on the walkways, and around at the end is a lever you can use. Get back down on the first deck, and enter the lift (the cylinder)... it'll take you to the upper walkway; head through the door at the end. Overlooking the hot magma, if you look down to your left you'll see a leak in the pipe - throw your Lightsaber at it to cool the magma, then just drop down (there are items - and Jawas - underneath the platform you were on). Or you can just drop down to the small section of cooled magma you see and Saber Throw from there. Head across the cooled magma and through the next door. Those flame jets will kill you, so watch out... watch out for the Tuskens in this area also. You'll notice that the upper flame jet on the left is intermittent... time it, and JUMP over the bottom one at the right time. One funny note... when I did it, one of the Jawas on the other side ran away from me - and straight into a flame jet. Use the lever in the area at the end, then get on the lift the flame jets were blocking. Dead droids - and Tuskens - all over the place in here ("How many droids do these Jawas have?"), but just head through the door. PUSH or PULL the dumpster on the left, kill the Tuskens, and at the back of the room is another dumpster... PUSH or PULL that, and behind it is the R5 you're looking for. "You must be the droid we were sent for. Doesn't look like there are any Jawas left to negotiate with. I guess you'd better follow me." Aim at it and 'use' it, then follow it... when it goes down the lift, drop down after it. Kill the Tuskens and end the level. - - - - - - - - - {t1_inter} After your first two missions - it doesn't matter which ones - there will be a brief cutscene of Rosh complaining that he doesn't get to do any of the important stuff while he's on a mission with Kyle... what a little twerp. After the cutscene you'll be back at the Tier 1 mission selection screen and can continue. ======= >>Emergency Assistance - Bakura {t1_fatal} [5 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 1, MIND TRICK 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: n/a //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Mercs, Cloakers, Saber Cultists \\Light Force choices: Protect 1 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets Just for trivia: the ship that Jaden uses is a Z-95 "Headhunter", which looks like a smaller version of the X-Wing... it's not the same Z-95 as was in "Mysteries of the Sith", but what the heck. Uh-huh... you knew Jaden wouldn't follow Luke's instructions and wait for Kyle... Head across the bridge... dead droids and people here and there, and marks that look like they're from a Lightsaber. Head around to your right and in the door. Inside there's a door at either end, and a viewscreen on your left... the doors won't open until you check out the viewscreen, but first you'll want to get the Secret Area in here. [Secret 1] slash the grate on your right, get the items (Medpack, Small Shield Booster) On the left side of the room is a viewscreen... use it, and you'll discover that Cultists have planted explosives - now you know what you need to do. Keep hitting 'use' to cycle through the different views and see all the explosives. Try going through the door next to the viewscreen first - you'll hear Stormtroopers yelling, then the door will open and you get to take them out. Once you've done so, head down to the door at the other end of the room... guarded by Tripmines you'll have an Ammo Regenerator. Use that, and head back to the door by the viewscreen. Take out the Stormtroopers in here, and under the stairs is Secret 2. [Secret 2] just crouch under the stairs for a Large Shield Booster and Thermal Dets. Head up the stairs (there may be a Shield Regenerator on the stairs), and inside the door are a couple more Stormies. "No wonder I was supposed to wait for Kyle... it's the Empire!" There's a ramp up - with Tripmines at the top - and an open door on your left. Head up the ramp first - back outside, 'use' the yellow tanks (the explosives) in front of you... "Okay, four more to go." The lift down here doesn't take you to anywhere, but while you're out here you can look around... look left and you'll see red panels through a window - that's where you'll be next. Ahead and around you'll see another set of explosives on another walkway, but not much else, so head back inside and that hallway at the bottom of the ramp. Through the door, into the next room, and through the next doorway you'll see an enemy (a Saboteur) that can cloak - be careful, and take him out quick. On the other hand, these Saboteurs are nothing special... one slash with the Lightsaber and they're plant food, and they apparently can't fire when they're cloaked - so look for the bluish outline and hack at it. Into the next room and kill the Stormies... just for fun, you can slash or smash those red glass panels on the wall. There may or may not (depending on your difficulty) be an Ammo Regenerator up on the control dais. Through the next door. Yeowch... save now and watch this stuff for a bit to get an idea of the timing. Hug the wall on the left at the right time to pass that first set of flames, then watch the steam on the right... when it stops, run through. Get up on that block on the right and jump across the fire when the flames at the left die. At the top of the ramp in the next room is a Portable Assault Sentry (PAS) - take it out quick; down at the bottom of the ramp is another Saboteur; go down and kill him. Down here there's a door, but it has a security lock that needs a key. Head back up the ramp and through the door up there. Laser Tripmines all down this hallway... take 'em out one by one (or just jump over them) and then through the door to face a pair of Stormies and a Remnant officer... kill them all and get the Security Key from the Remnant (just walk over the corpse). Head up the stairs - watch out for the Tripmines - and head outside... kill the Saboteurs and deactivate the explosives, then head back inside to that security door. While you're outside - again, that lift doesn't lead anywhere - you can look right and spot a pair of Stormies on another walkway... snipe at them if you want, or save them for later. There will be Stormies waiting for you in the hall where the Tripmines were; just take them out and head down the ramp - use the security key to open the door. There's a pair of Stormies just outside the door, and possibly a few items. If you look left you'll see the explosives platform where you just were. Cross the bridge and from here you can head either left or right... if you go right you'll end up back at the first room you entered on this level (with the viewscreen), so save it for later so you don't need to do it twice. As you head around this side of the building, a Stormtrooper in a window above will do something stupid and blow himself up... don't worry about it, but don't get hit by flying debris either. (In an odd note, whenever there's an explosion in this game, one of the pieces you see flying out of the blast is a Probe Droid leg) Keep going around the building and you'll come to a security door on the right, and a Stormie at a Blaster Cannon (they're called "E-Webs" in this game) further up - MIND TRICK the Stormie and then kill him as a way of saying thanks. Inside the door behind him is another Saboteur, but that's all. Around the side of the building is a lift; take that down for Secret 3. A note on the E-webs: you can use them, of course, but they can be touchy... you need to stand directly behind them - as if ready to fire the E-Web - in order to use it... aim down slightly, and when you see the hand icon, hit 'use'. Just hit 'jump' to 'exit' the E-Web... if that doesn't seem to work, make sure the E-Web is aimed in its original direction and try again. [Secret 3] around the base of the structure there's a Medpack and Thermal Dets. Follow the walk around to the left (keep going past the lift) - that door on your left is nothing, just the building you were just in - and head right along the next walkway and in that door. Kill the Stormies in here and out the door at the other end; sharply to your left will be a Remnant, some Saboteurs, and another set of explosives... kill the Remnant, take his key, and disarm the explosives. Only two left. Head around that structure (the big tanks) to the area behind them for the next Secret. [Secret 4] Medpacks and a Small Shield Booster. With the explosives at your back, head up the walkway and left - at the next structure, drop to the area below and down the stairs for Ammo and Shield Regenerators; get back up by JUMPing up the red crates. Head back to that E-Web. With the E-Web in front of you and the door at your back, the security door you passed before will be almost straight ahead... before you go in there, however, head around the left side of that building for a couple of Saboteurs (one will be throwing Thermal Dets). Once they're dead, go in the security door. Downstairs are TDs and healing items... take the lift up and kill. Two doors up here - facing the lift, you'll have one on your left and one on your right; head through the one on the left (the other one is locked, and just leads to the room where the Stormies blew themselves up as you came around the building). Inside, there's a door to your right and a lift to your left... take the lift down for the next set of explosives. At the bottom of the lift on your left may be Ammo and Shield Regenerators, and to your right will be a door... through the door for more Saboteurs and the fourth set of explosives. Kill and deactivate. There's a PAS next to the explosives, so be careful. Also near the explosives is a lift up... take that up to kill another Saboteur. Go in the door next to the lift, kill, and deactivate the next set of explosives... this is the area you first saw on the viewscreen, where the Cultists were chattering. Back out, and JUMP across the corner to the ledge where the Saboteur was - take a moment to look over the edge to see the ledge and the gray arches over those machines; the last Secret Area is down there but you'll get it later - and through the door, down the stairs and take on a group of Stormies and Saboteurs. Through the next door and kill everyone, and the next door is locked... back the way you came, JUMP back to the other ledge (and kill everyone), and jump across to that square grate. That door there leads back to the entrance to this building, and the lift here will take you to that glass platform below for more killing and the last Secret Area. [Secret 5] from the glass catwalk - kill the Saboteur - jump up to the area behind those gray arches... healing items at the end. Head back out of this building and back out the security door... head left and continue around that side of the building, passing the bridge you first crossed to get to this area. You don't *need* to go this way... you can just go back across that bridge and back to your ship - going this way will allow you to kill the rest of the Impys, that's all. As you go in this next door there will be an explosion - these Stormies sure are clumsy, aren't they? - and an Officer will run in... "We have you now." Yeah, right - kill 'em, get the security Key and through that next door. The steam in this next hall is easy to avoid, and you can see the Saboteur down at the end... through this security door and the area should look familiar - to your left is the Ammo Regenerator you first encountered, and through the door straight ahead is the first room you entered, with the viewscreen. Get back to your ship to end the level. Yeah, yeah... Kyle and his "Sorry I didn't get to Bakura" excuses... I suppose if you wanted to you could save this area as a spawning arena... save it under a separate filename, and spawn to your heart's content (see the section on Spawning at the end of this document), hacking, slashing and killing. It actually would make a nice area for spawning... not just because it's small, with some good open areas, but because it'll give you a chance to 'train' at this level. ======= >>Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel {t1_danger} [0 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 1, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Find and bring back to your ship an Energy Cell. Find and bring back to your ship a Power Coupling. Find and bring back to your ship a Damper. Find and bring back to your ship a Power Converter. Only one ship part may be carried at a time. Return a part to the ship in order to retrieve another. //Enemies: Sand Burrowers \\Light Force choices: Heal 2 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets Nice piloting... welcome to Dune. Lovely Sandworms (uninhabited... yeah, right) - and your weapons won't affect them. Thermal Dets will distract them (throw them towards an area, and when the Sandworms pop up go the other way), but for the most part you're going to want to stay off the sands. You can actually kill a Sandworm with a few TDs, but they just respawn... so avoiding them is best. As long as you're standing on a piece of wreckage - no matter how small - or a rock, they can't touch you. From where you start, turn to the left - you'll see several pieces of wreckage... this first one right next to the rock you're on, one slightly lower down with an oval thing on it, and another piece beyond that which has a broken grate (remember that piece of wreckage; you'll need it later); beyond the wreckage you'll see several rocks, including a round pinkish one. Head over to those rocks - avoiding the sand - and get up on the big brown rock at the end... the pink one will sink into the sand, so move quickly. Turn to your right. Look down and you'll see an object down on the sands, with several stone columns like stepping stones beyond it... use SENSE as you look down and the object will glow blue - that let's you know it's one of the items you need. Save and get ready... you'll have to move fast, which means Speed. Drop down (about 15 points damage) and grab the item (just walk over it), hit SPEED, and JUMP from column to column until you're back on solid ground again... you need to move fast because the columns will sink into the sand as well. Getting back to your ship, get up on the engine pod before racing to the ramp... even that small section of sand between the pod and the door isn't safe. This is the Energy Cell, and in your ship it goes in the passenger cabin area... just get close to the glowing red area (on the right as you enter the cabin) and it will snap into place. There's a couple of Medpacks at the back of the passenger cabin if you need them. Get back up on that wreckage and look towards the wreck of the Merchant ship... use SENSE and you'll see a blue glow in the rock columns to the left, one in the Merchant ship, and one way out in front of the Merchant ship. Get on the wreckage with the oval shape on it... follow that down into the wreckage, SPEED, and cross over to the next section of Merchant ship (though I don't think the Sandworms can get at you through this fused sand under the wreck, but...). Jump up on the catwalk and into the next room, drop down and grab the Power Converter. While you're in here, note the roundish hole in the side of the hull, and the emergency medical supplies (Medpacks) in that glass case. Head back to your ship and install the Power Converter in the first section of the ship, on the left. Back out, and back into that section of the Merchant ship where you got the Power Converter... head to that hole in the side and look down - that wing- shaped piece of wreckage down there is Force affected; use PULL on it. Drop down on to it and work your way from wreckage to wreckage out towards the front of the ship. Ahead and to your right is another pink rock and a pair of bigger rocks beyond it; SPEED to the bigger rocks without touching the pink one. Face towards the piece on the sands (the Damper), save, hit SPEED, run out and grab it, then back to the rocks by way of the pink one. Head back to your ship and install this Damper in the first section, on the left. Just one piece left now. For that last piece... get on that piece of wreckage with the broken grate, and look towards that set of rocks to the left of the ship wreckage... at the base of the rocks is a crate, and a piece of equipment on the sands beyond it. Drop down (about 23 points damage), SPEED, get up on that crate and recover... then get the piece, "Just the Power Coupling I need for the acceleration compensator.", and get back on the crate. To get back to your ship, just run downhill and into the Merchant ship... an alternate way is to get on those rocks - they're like a stairway - and jump to the top of the Merchant ship. Just as much fun, instead of returning to the crate you can run straight ahead and on to that next bit of wreckage, and from there to the top of the other section of Merchant ship. Install this piece in your ship on the right side, and it's the end of the level. Did you ever get the urge to yell "Fetch!" when throwing a TD to distract a Sand Burrower? - - - - - - - - Once you've finished four of the five missions in a Tier, you'll be given the choice of doing the fifth mission or returning to the Academy for the next stage of training... your best bet is to do the fifth mission, gaining just a little more Force power. ======= >>Cult Investigation - Corellia {t1_rail} [3 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Make your way to the front of the tram. //Enemies: Mercs, GRTW, Saber Cultists \\Light Force choices: Absorb 1 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets "And then Jan punches the Weequay right in the b--" "Can anyone hear me? They're trying to blow up the tram!" Don't fall off... You can't open that door in front of you, but if you head to the right you can get the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] go right, and all the way at the end of this narrow ledge are healing items and Det Packs. Jump up on top of either of those pipes and on top of the tram... kill the Mercs up here and keep heading forwards, then drop down to the yellow- striped ledge. "How do I turn that off?" You obviously don't want to try and get on those blue energy beams - not unless you like falling to your death - and the red conduits are electrified. Turn around and in. Clean out this room (apparently Goldenrod there is ticklish) and through the next door. Kill the Merc(s) in here - grab the Det Packs if you want, but you probably won't have a chance to use them - and throw the switch down at the end. Head back to that yellow-striped ledge, and you can now make your way across those either of those red energy conduits to the next car. Jump up on top of this car, do your killing bit, and work your way to the front of this car. Drop down to that next yellow-striped ledge - watch out for the sniper ahead - and jump across to the next car. You can make your way to the front of this car by going around the edges, but it's better if you get up on top... kill the Rodian up here, and watch out for the Merc sniping from the rear of the next car. Jump across to the next car and a waiting Saber Cultist. Be careful, you can easily go through this glass roof and into the car... if that happens, just get back out on top. Though if you want to, you can just PUSH the glass under the Saber Cultist to drop him into the car, then ignore him and continue along. After killing the Saber Cultist, get to the front of the car, carefully drop down to the yellow-striped ledge, and jump across to the next (watch out for the sniper on the roof of the car you just jumped from). Go in, do your killing bit, go out the other end. Jump up either side of the door to get on top of this car and do some more killing. Drop back down and jump across to the next car (how long is this thing, anyway?) (14 cars total). You can't get on top of this car (the one with the wire struts), so don't try... just make your way to the front, do your killing, and jump across to the next car. Work your way around the right side of this car - kill the Merc at the front - and in this door... kill in here, then get on that lift (that the crate is on) and take it up. "How can I get through there?" See the red things on the wall on either side of that forcefield? Shoot them both to drop the field, and watch out for the Bad Guys on the other side. Tons of ammo in here in the crates, but you can't touch any of it... however, there are all sorts of toys on top of the crates that you *can* grab. Break the glass ceiling and jump up and out. Cross either of the grey conduits - with Kyle flying by above, shooting the dickens out of the raiders - and across this car, then across the single grey conduit to the next. Watch out for the sniper on the next car, and the two down below on this one. At the front of this car, drop down and jump across. Once across, turn around and make your way to the yellow-stripe point on either side... look back to the car you just jumped from, and you'll see an Ammo Regenerator... that's the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] jump across to that Ammo Regenerator... other toys here as well. To get back, work your way to the front, to that blue piece with the energy beams coming out, and jump from there. Head up that ramp and jump across to the next section, watching out for snipers. Down the next ramp and jump across. Take care of any Bad Guys, and into the car... the bomb is that yellow thing in front of you (it should look familiar if you did the "Emergency Assistance - Bakura" mission) - disable it by using it, kill the Saber Cultist, and kill the rest of the Bad Guys in here. Out to the front of this car - use the Shield Regenerator inside if you need it - and jump across to the next car. Kill, jump across to the next, kill, jump across to the next. There's a Saber Cultist here waiting for you - kill him and all of the rest of the Bad Guys, then get the last Secret Area before heading inside. [Secret 3] make your way to the front of this car, jump up to the roof and get the healing items. Go all the way to the front of the control cabin and use the controls to save the day and end the level. - - - - - - - - Once you click on the "Return to the Academy" selection, you'll be brought to a screen showing your current Force allocation. Don't pay any attention to the commentary that Luke or Kyle give you... it has no effect on the game at all; they're just commenting on whether your Light Force powers (the total number of stars allocated to Light) outweigh your Dark Force powers. You could have *all* Dark Force powers right now and no Light at all, and it wouldn't affect the game; when the time comes, you'll be able to make a deliberate choice as to whether to go Light or Dark. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ah, back at the Academy... and Luke gives you his little speech about enemies siphoning Force from the places he's been. Rosh is his usual jerky self. Off to Hoth... hope you've got warm clothes. One thing I don't like about these next missions - and the other multi-part missions, such as Vjun - is the fact that you can't upgrade your Force powers. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -=Hoth Missions=- >>Ice Planet Hoth {hoth2} [6 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 1, ABSORB 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Investigate the site where Luke had his force vision. //Enemies: Snowtroopers, Probe Droids, AT-ST, Wampas \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, DEMP Gun, Thermal Dets The DEMP isn't *necessary* in this episode, but it definitely helps against the various Probe Droids you'll run across. Sure, you can use a Taun-Taun, but they're more trouble than they're worth. Before doing anything, though, pick up the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] in the cave behind your X-wing is a Wampa... and Tripmines. I'd suggest a lot of SPEED, and don't get too close to the Wampa. If you get grabbed by the Wampa and picked up, just slash out... you'll sever its arm and kill it, just like Luke did on Hoth way back when. Believe it or not, Taun-Taun have a 'turbo' mode... when you're riding one, hit your alternate (secondary) fire key to briefly speed up the Taun-Taun. Note that you won't have any weapons available to you at all while riding the Taun-Taun; once you dismount you'll have to turn your Lightsaber back on, or switch to whatever weapon you want to use. Oddly enough, 'turbo mode' on a Taun-Taun is enough to squash a Stormie as you run over them. Follow the glowing lights until you see Stormtroopers ahead... if you're riding the Taun-Taun, dismount now. Get through this first set, and watch out for the next set - they have a E-Web. Take care of the one on the left first (shoot him from a distance), as he's the one that runs to the E-Web. Jump over the rocks and into the cave. Here there be Wampas... when you see your first one through the snow, you can MIND TRICK it - that'll let you get close enough to use SPEED, and slice and dice. The path forks here - left is the way you need to go, right is the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] health items, Blaster ammo and Tripmines. Eventually you'll see another beacon, a couple of Taun-Taun, and more Stormies... kill them. You can go left or right here... head right first, taking out another Stormie and a Probe Droid (one shot with the DEMP will do it). "Doesn't look like they got in this way... there's gotta be another way in." Head back the other way, following the beacons. Past a couple of crates - and a couple of Stormtroopers - and you'll come to an open area... kill everyone in here, and up where that E-Web is should be a couple of Medpacks. Work your way carefully through the snow until you see an AT-ST... get up close enough to get it to notice you; when it chases you, get back to that E-Web and use it on the Walker, or just use the DEMP Gun. (A funny note: standing at the E-Web, with the AT-ST to your left, head right and up the slope to those two crates... "This isn't what it looked like in the holo-vids... the weather here must be fierce.") You can't get through that door the AT-ST was guarding, but up the slope is a crate next to the wall... use that to get over, but watch out for sniping Stormies below and another Probe Droid. One oddity about this outside area (inside the wall)... there seems to be an invisible enemy. Once you've destroyed the Probe Droid and killed the Stormtroopers, you'll notice that there seems to be an invisible 'something' making footprints by that rock... slash around that area with your Lightsaber, and you'll get the same kind of sparking display you'd get if you attacked a mechanical; it's almost like there's an invisible AT-ST there. Whatever it is (or isn't), it can't hurt you, so don't worry about it. Inside are several more Stormtroopers, and two lifts - one going up (on the right), the other down. Take the lift up. [Secret 3] at the top of the lift, slash through the grating and in. Through the door and kill... on the left is a console with a switch, use that to open the door at the bottom of the other lift. Up on the raised platform should be Ammo and Shield Regenerators, and through the ice-covered doorway is the next Secret Area. [Secret 4] PUSH the ice to enter. Just for fun, use the control panel on the raised platform, and look out the windows... Ion Cannon! The other door up in this control room won't open, so head back down the lift and down the next one to that now-unlocked door. Advance slowly down this snowy hallway and eavesdrop on some silly conversation... "Y'know, I used to race on the swoop circuit." "You did? Were you any good?" "One of the best, top three every race." "So how come you're not a scout trooper?" "Once I put the helmet on I couldn't see. I side-swiped another cadet and caused a pile-up that destroyed 12 speeder bikes. I was kicked out of the Trooper Corp." "Oh, tough." Through that door and do some killing. This is the power core, but you can't do anything with it... so through the next door, kill, through the next door. Three ways to go in here... to the right is a Small Shield Booster, to the left is a Medpack, and straight ahead (down the ramp) is the way you need to go. Through the next door and Checkpoint. Possibly a Shield Regenerator in here. Take the lift up, do some killing, and out the door. As soon as you're out the door, head around to the left for a Probe Droid and the next Secret Area. [Secret 5] Thermal Dets. Follow the beacons to a E-Web... get ready to use it, because a whole bunch of Stormtroopers are about to crash your party. After they're dead, "I guess I should keep following the beacons." As you head along, you'll end up coming under fire from the left... take cover, take out the nearby Stormie, and work your way through the bits of wreckage to that E-Web. Take it out, and continue to follow the beacons to the right... eventually you'll come to the entrance of Echo Base (after going through several Stormtroopers and Probe Droids), only to find it blocked. Work your way to the end of this area for the last Secret. [Secret 6] facing the doors, head left - down in a depression in the ground are a few items to pick up. So... how the heck do you get in? Head back to that last E-Web - down on the side of this bit of wreckage is a forceshielded hole... slash either of the posts and in. Do your killing, and drop down the ladder. Drop down the jagged hole in the floor to end this level. This is an interesting to save for spawning... after you've wiped out everyone but before you drop through that hole, head back out to the surface and save it under a separate filename, such as "spawning on Hoth". The blowing snow and adverse conditions can make for some very interesting battles. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Echo Base {hoth3} [2 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 1, ABSORB 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 1, PULL 1, PUSH 1, SENSE 1, SPEED 1, Lightsaber Defense 1, Lightsaber Offense 1, Lightsaber Throw 1 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Discover what the Imperials are doing in Echo Base. //Enemies: Snowtroopers, Saber Cultist, Alora, Wampa \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: n/a Only one way to go... down the tunnel. Drop down on the crates - some items here - and listen in on the conversation. "Anything to report?" "No sir." "Keep sharp - we've lost contact with the perimeter patrols." "It'll be the storm - or Wampas. You don't want one of those things surprising you." "I'm glad we're guarding this hole and not the Command Center." "Why? It's probably nice and warm in there." "I don't want to be anywhere near those Sith fanatics. They give me the creeps." "Yeah, I know what you mean." Drop down and kill the chatterboxes. Down at the far end of the room are two doors, but only one (behind the E-Web) is unlocked, so through that. Down that corridor, listen to the chickens ("Have you been by Auxiliary Hold B?" "Yeah, why?" "I thought I heard something down there... could be a Wampa." "We cleared this place out when we got here; there are no Wampas inside the base." "I don't know... I don't like going down there alone." "Let's go check it out - I'll prove to you there are no Wampas."), then drop down and kill them off. Standing at the top of the ramp - with your back to it - there's a corridor to your left and one to the right... left is the way to go, but right is the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] just entering this area is enough to get the Secret, but if you go all the way in you can kill some Stormies and pick up some health items. Down the left hall, watch out for the E-Web, and through the door. The medical area... complete with Stormies who are going to need a doctor real soon. Well, actually they'll need a coroner. Into the next room with the blue Bacta tubes and the Shield Regenerator in the corner. Through the next doorway - you'll see a droid up ahead - and just before the next door is the other Secret Area. [Secret 2] duck into the shadowy alcove on the right for healing items and DetPacks. Through the door - and the Stormies - and that big column in the center is a lift... opposite the entrance to it is a tube in the wall with a Medpack inside that you can PULL if you need it. Take the lift up, down the short hall, and do some more killing. There are several doorways in here... the one straight ahead leads to nothing, as does the one to the left of it; go to your immediate left and down the hall to another E-Web. Kill, and down either ramp. Note that if you just use you Lightsaber or a Blaster to kill these two, then the others will remain in the next halls... but if you use the E-Web at all, the other Snow Hats will come running up the ramps, allowing you to blow them away as well. There's only one way to go, so go there, do some killing, and out the next door. Hit the Ammo Regenerator if you need it, and through the door... kill, out the next door. Down the hall, kill, next door, kill, down the stairs, next door. Just keep going until you come to an empty room with no exits, a lift, and a Shield and Ammo Regenerator. Down the lift, obviously. Just keep following the halls, killing as you go... you'll come to a wrecked control room with beams and junk hanging all over the place. Cutscene. Whoops, more trouble. Kill the Saber Cultist - he isn't that difficult - and exit this area via the next set of hallways. When you get to the Wampa beating on the poor Taun-Taun, slice it up... down the ramp are a pair of Regenerators for you, and more trouble. Personally, I like saving this area - just before going through that door - as a separate level just before this final cutscene... that way I can reload it at any time to battle Alora again and again. This is obviously Alora... you've seen her before in cutscenes. She won't be easy at all, so strike and run, strike and run... Quicksave every time you manage to hurt her. If you use your Force Absorb - you'll be surrounded by a blue aura - you can absorb just a little of the power Alora throws at you when she tries to Push you. Eventually you'll damage her enough that she'll cut and run... but don't worry, you'll see her again. End of level, and back to the Academy. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cutscene... trouble for Luke, and Rosh is missing. But on the other hand, you've been promoted to Apprentice! At this point, you can choose a new saber style... personally, I prefer 'Fast'. Switch saber styles by hitting your 'L' key (default). When you get to your next mission, you'll note that all of your Core powers have been upgraded a notch to level 2. On to the next Tier... from here on you can also start making your choices towards the Force - which way do you want to go? Dark Force powers and their use don't necessarily mean turning towards the Dark side; it all depends on how you use them. However, it's much easier to 'misuse' Dark Force powers... Also note that you have two more choices available to you in the weapons category: Flechette and Heavy Repeater. The Flechette is nice, but it uses ammo quickly. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -=Tier 2 Missions=- >>Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta {t2_rancor} [3 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 1, ABSORB 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Infiltrate the Hutt's stronghold and locate the prisoners. You have saved 0 of 16 prisoners. //Enemies: Mercs, GRTW, Rancor \\Light Force choices: Protect 2 \\Dark Force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets WARNING! If you have version 1.01 or earlier (May 2004 or earlier), then you can only get through this level with Mind Trick 1 or 2... if you have Mind Trick 3 (3 stars set on Mind Trick), it will not work against the Rancor. I don't know if this is a bug in the game or not. You don't *need* Mind Trick to get past and around the Rancor... but it certainly helps; without it you'll have to use a lot of Force Speed. Y'know, there's no way the ^Raven's Claw^ can fit in that area as they show in the opening cutscene... its engine pod would be part of the rock and the pipe. Oh, well. It's a long way down... don't fall. You can start right out in here by getting the first Secret Area - but if you're faint of heart, you might want to skip it. [Secret 1] turn around and face out the pipe... get as close to the edge as you can without falling. Turn left, so you're not quite facing that rusted metal protrusion... what you need to do is start moving forwards (and continue to hold your forwards key), immediately JUMP towards that rock you can see, and while you're in mid-air turn left and land on the rock next to the pipe (or even land on that rusted protrusion), under its support. From there, jump from rock to rock and to that watchtower sticking out of the cliff. Make sure you Quicksave after every jump. Tripmines and Thermal Dets on the tower walkway. JUMP back rock to rock, up on the pipe support, and back into the pipe. Whew! The only way in should be obvious... down to the left of the fan is a grating; slash that and in. Shut off your Lightsaber before entering this vent so you can eavesdrop up ahead... "Did you put your bet in?" "Ah, why bother? The odds are terrible. Most prisoners don't even get 10 meters before the Rancor eats 'em. It's a waste of credits." "Maybe. But if one of them ever does get away, I'm gonna be rich." "Yeah, yeah - keep dreaming." A Rancor, huh? It doesn't matter which grate you slash and drop through, just get down there and kill. Up ahead is a short ramp leading to a room with a green conduit, and the hall goes further on, with steps on the left. Before you rescue the prisoners, make sure the way is clear... and get the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] in the room with the green conduit, slash the grate on the right wall for Power Cells. Through the green conduit room, and down those corridors, killing as you go. At the end, a Merc will be in front of a security locked door... kill him and take his key, and open the door - as you can see, you're back in the entry tube. Back to that hallway you dropped in on. Note that you don't need to clear the way yet... if you don't, when you rescue the first batch of prisoners they'll ask if the way is clear, and won't move - meaning the level won't advance - until you do. This way is just easier. Up the short stairs and into the room on the left - Trandoshans with Repeaters. There's a locked door in here, and a lift - take the lift up. In this control room are several Bad Guys (kill 'em), a lever on the panel, and a viewscreen at the end... there's also a small map on the wall - if you feel like drawing it out or screen-capping it, do so, but it won't do you much good. Use the viewscreen if you want, but what you need to do is use that lever. If you look carefully, you can see yourself in the cutscene... Go out the now-open windows and drop down; head for the prisoners. Get up next to the prisoners for a short cutscene... once its over, save, and get ready - the Rancor will be coming. (Now why does Jaden seem so surprised when they say Rancor? She/he heard the Mercs talking earlier...) Note: be careful if you go past the section of wall that the Rancor smashed in the cutscene... it spits electricity which can kill you. If you lose your way in the Rancor arena, just look for the double orange arrows on the walls... they point the way to the exit. Now, you can kill the Rancor by hacking and slashing at him, but even at "Padawn" level it's difficult - you have to keep using MIND TRICK and SPEED, and running off to HEAL. You can duck into the hallway the prisoners are in and he can't follow you... but if you do manage to kill him, he'll just respawn - so do as it says in the Objectives and just avoid him. Even better, in one area of the prison there's a dead-end hall (the green cell block)... lead the Rancor down there, and when he gets close enough to kill you, MIND TRICK him and run past him - he should stay in that dead-end for the rest of the level, giving you no problems. Head down the hallway the prisoners went down (if you get lost, follow the orange double arrows), and if you haven't cleared their path yet or gotten Secret 2, do so. The prisoners (once the path is clear) will give you a keycard (which will unlock that door in the lift room) and will head for the ship. Through that locked door and take the lift down... at the bottom is a bar/betting parlor. After you do your killing, jump behind the bar to get the last Secret Area. The bartender is about as much a threat to you as a butterfly, but you can still kill him if you want. [Secret 3] on the left side, use SENSE... hack and slash at that area until it opens up. Large Shield Booster. Through the door at the end of this room... as soon as you're through, turn left and go up the lift. Kill, use the lever, and again go out the windows to lead the prisoners to safety. If you run across the Rancor, get him to chase you away from the prisoners, MIND TRICK him, and lead the prisoners out. Watch the area carefully... make sure the Prisoners are clear, Mind Tricking the Rancor as needed, then play tag with big ugly. Actually, the prisoners can find the way out themselves... you just need to accompany them back to that main hallway to protect them from the Rancor (if you don't lead it off). That cell area they were in (green) is a good place to stick the Rancor... MIND TRICK it, let the prisoners get out, then lead the Rancor back to the green cells... once you're at the cell door and apparently trapped, MIND TRICK the Rancor and SPEED past him; he'll stay there for the rest of the level. Back to the bar (more Bad Guys) and that hallway through the door, but this time go straight - a little bit of killing, and at the end of this hall you can go left or right. Go left first (blue arrow), up the lift, kill, hit the lever... well, you know what to do by now. Rescue this batch, back to the bar (watch out for Tripmines this time), out and down the hallway on the right at the end, and release this last batch of prisoners. Make sure you get in front of them and near the end of the pipe to end the level. ======= >>Meet Contact - Zonju V {t2_trip} [0 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: n/a //Objectives: Meet the contact at his outpost. //Enemies: Swoopers (Mercs) \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark Force choices: Lightning 1 \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets Ride 'em, cowboy! This thing is a 'swoop', a souped-up, rock 'n roll version of a speeder bike... and just like a speeder bike, it's armed - as long as you're not holding a weapon (you won't be at the start), just use your primary fire key. This thing doesn't have much for armor (the red upper bar) obviously, so be careful... if you crash and burn you'll get killed. You *can* use your Lightsaber against other swoops (just hit your '1' key to turn it on), but obviously you'll have to get close. In fact, using your Lightsaber on the swoop is just like jousting... Just buzz off, following the trail... don't go over the edge or you'll die. You'll come under attack along the way by other swoops, just take 'em out, dodging and weaving... you can even maneuver them into the canyon walls or other obstacles. After a short while you'll come to a wall you can't get through... you'll have to get off the swoop and go over the wall the old fashioned way. Make your way to those buildings and the contact. Cutscene. Whoops... no info there. Inside, use the Regenerators and grab whatever you need, then exit via the other door. Steal one of their swoops and head off... just keep going straight, dodging and weaving. Eventually you'll go through a narrow opening in a wall, and ahead will be a 'rest stop' where you can pick up a new swoop. Before that, though, you'll cross a small section of water with a few obelisks in it... just after that is a wall that appears to divide the trail in two - either way leads to the same place (another desert structure with Bad Guys and more swoops), but if you go to the right of that wall, there are a few health items on the ground... be careful, because you'll need to get off the swoop to get them. Continue on down the trail. Eventually you'll come to another structure in the desert with a few more toys... beyond that are a set of pillars, and you'll see a message saying "Use turbo to jump chasm" (you use your turbo by hitting your Alternate Attack button) - you'll see what looks like a railed path between the pillars, take that. As you jump the chasm, angle right... or you'll crash into the wall on the other side. After that, just keep going until a cutscene ends the level. ======= >>Covert Operation - Kril'Dor {t2_wedge} [2 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 1 //Objectives: Place a targeting beacon on the roof of the Shield Generator building. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Mercs, Saboteurs, Jetpack Troopers, Saber Cultist \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark Force choices: Lightning 2 \\Weapons choices: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, Thermal Dets He's says it's easy, and you know what that means... In the door and kill, and get the Tripmines on the crates next to the lift at the far end. There are two doors - both locked - and a lift... obviously take the lift; watch out for the Gun Turret at the top above the lift (you'll also find Rocket Ammo in the rack). Kill, and head for the lift at the other end of the room, and out the next door... out here you'll be greeted by a Jetpack Trooper, an armored Stormtrooper that flies around with a Jetpack. If you go out the other door up here instead of up the lift, you'll end up on a gun platform with the Jetpack Trooper... but you'll be out here shortly anyway, so head up the lift. One way I've found to deal with the Jetpack Trooper, if you'd rather use a Lightsaber and not any other weapon... as soon as you spot them, hit SPEED, then either run at them and slash, or use PULL to get them in close and slash - it usually won't take more than one or two hits on the lower levels. The obvious way to go is left across that bridge, so go that way... when you get to that roof, hit 'use' to place the targeting beacon (you'll see where to put it). As soon as you use it, you'll get a cutscene of Wedge zooming in to drop torpedoes (?) on the beacon - don't worry, as the same cutscene will show Jaden getting out of the way in a hurry. Next, get back to the hanger roof and place one there. After that - you'll end up on that gun platform where you killed the Jetpack Trooper - you need to place one on top of the Barracks (jump up on top of the door arch, then up on the roof). Next stop, the Communications Array... get back into the hanger, down your new ladder, and out the small door at the narrow end of the hanger (opposite from where you entered this level). Straight ahead is a building with several doors (blue stripe on the bottom)... kill everyone outside (there's no one inside on the lower difficulty levels), and circle around the building to the right. You should see a building with a big dish antenna on it's roof - that's the Communications Array. You can't get up to the roof from inside the building, however, so head for the big building in the center of the area that has all those orange-striped ledges on it (it has a multicolor pipe going to it from the Comm Array and from this little building you're at). Kill everyone around the Comm Array building before heading for the ledge building, of course. At the end of the bridge from Comm Array to the ledge building is a lift shaft that's open to the air at the bottom, and has a sparking pedestal here - it can't be run from down here, just from the top. While you're at this pedestal, look up... that metallic protrusion next to the lift rail is one of the Secret Areas, but you'll get to it later. Circle this building and kill everyone, then return to this lift shaft. On your way around the building, you should have noticed a door... it's to the right of the lift shaft (as you face the shaft and the building) - go in that and do your killing bit. In here there are two lifts, one up and one down (appropriately marked)... take the one up, do your killing, take the next lift up, do your killing... facing out into the room from the lift, there might be an Ammo Regenerator around to your left, but there is definitely a green switch on the wall past that. Hit that switch to open the blast shields on the window, smash out the remnants of the glass, and climb out on the ledge. From here you can see the roof of the Comm Array, and the red spot where the targeting beacon needs to go. Work your way around the ledges until you're above the walkway leading to the Comm Array roof... if you're good, you might be able to drop from ledge to ledge until you're on that walkway, otherwise you're just going to have to drop the entire distance (about 40 health points). The easiest way to stand on the 'side' ledge (not facing the length of the walkway) and just move forwards... you should land on the next ledge down. Repeat the process until you're on the walkway. Note the lift here - that's the one with the busted pedestal below. Cross the walkway and place your beacon, but watch out for another of those Jetpack Troopers. Your next target is the Power Generator, but before you do that, get the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] from where you are at the lift, jump up on that first ledge, and follow it around until you're above a multicolored pipe crossing between buildings. Drop on to that and cross to the other roof, where you'll find Tripmines, a Medpack, and Thermal Dets. Get back to that walkway and the lift. Take the lift down, and grab the next secret Area. [Secret 2] while going down the lift, face the building and jump off to the little ledge on the left when it appears... Medpack and Thermal Dets. Head back inside the ledged building, but this time take the lift down... there's a Saber Cultist waiting down here for you, but he shouldn't be much of a problem. Out the only door - there's a pair of Stormtroopers just outside - and across the bridge to the next building; take that lift down. Place your targeting beacon... once that cutscene is over (don't fall off the ledge that Wedge just blew up) head back up the lift to be greeted by a pair of Jetpack Troopers. Across the bridge, in and up the lift, and head back to the central building with the blue-striped doors... go inside and take the lift up. Kill everyone - including a Saber Cultist - and place your beacon where indicated. Of course, if you don't feel like fighting (there's a Ceiling Turret or two up here as well), you can just SPEED to the beacon and activate it. Head for the storage tanks... get to them by going between the red tanks; two storage tanks per red tank platform. Get right up next to the yellow explosives - you saw the same things on Corellia and Bakura - and hit 'use' to deactivate them. Watch out for the Saber Cultist and Stormtroopers in the hanger as you head back to your ship. Of course, if you feel like just a little more killing, after you've wiped out everyone in the hanger head out the side door you haven't used yet... kill everyone around that octagonal building (the Shield Generator building) and the gun emplacement beyond it. Head back to your ship to end the level. ======= >>Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant {t2_rogue} [1 Secret] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 1 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2 //Objectives: Capture Lannik Racto. Gain access to Racto's office building. //Enemies: Mercs, Saboteurs, GRTW, Assassin Droids, Saber Cultist, Grip Cultist \\Light Force choices: Absorb 2 \\Dark Force choices: \\Weapons choices: Flechette, DEMP Gun, Thermal Dets Ah, Coruscant... the planet that is one big city. Coruscant... Jaden Korr's home planet. Maybe stop in to see Mom and Dad while you're here? Nah... bad idea. It seems that every Jedi game has a 'vertical city' level in it... the last several have had Nar Shadda (which is actually nicknamed "the Vertical City"), while "Academy" has Coruscant (first seen in "The Phantom Menace"). In fact, the music playing at the beginning of this level is the same music they had in "Outcast" for Nar Shadda... Assassin droids (last seen in "Mysteries of the Sith")... you know you're going to run into some. The DEMP isn't *necessary* in this episode, but it's the best way of destroying the various Assassin Droids you'll run across. So much for just crossing the bridge... guess you'll have to find another way. Head around to the back of your ship and JUMP across to that other platform; head around the ledge, killing everyone (there's a Medpack at the other end of the ledge as well). You'll come across a Rodian in a floater - kill him and JUMP across to the floater, then across to the next building. There are steps to the left and right; the ones on the right don't lead to anything, so go left and JUMP to the next roof. Kill the Bad Guys (watch out for the Gran tossing TDs from above the door), and then JUMP up to the next rooftop. Behind a crate on the edge of the roof you'll see a glow... that's an Assassin Droid. You can't damage them when their shields are up, and if you touch those shields you might even be killed... but they drop their shields when they're shooting at you. Either SPEED around behind it and chop it up, or use the DEMP Gun. It's easiest to do this from on top of one of the crates, or use them to hide behind. One it's dead, get this level's only Secret Area. [Secret 1] use the crate in front of the door to get up on top of the door, and from there JUMP up to the next ledge... follow that around to the left. Large Shield Booster. JUMP across to the landing platform with the speeder on it - kill the Mercs and in, kill the Trandoshans, up the lift. Cross the bridge, killing Bad Guys and another Assassin Droid, then JUMP across to the next roof. Kill the Bad Guys, slash the posts on the forcefields (or just JUMP over them), and down the steps at the end. From the bottom of the steps you have a Bad Guy directly in front of you, a walk to the left and one to the right... kill the Bad Guy in front of you and then head left, killing the Bad Guy and hitting the Shield and Ammo Regenerators. Head down the other way, into a crowd of Bad Guys. Once they're down, JUMP up on the ledge at the end... there's another Assassin Droid on the platform down below. Drop down to where it was, and back in the corner behind where it was are some health items. Head down to the other end of this ledge and JUMP across. JUMP over the pillar ahead to get to Racto's side of the bridge. You can JUMP over the next pillar, but there's nothing down that way... so in the front door. There are two Bad Guys in here... a Saber Cultist and a Force Cultist - kill the Force Cultist first (this is a green or Grip Cultist), then take on the Saber Cultist. There's an Ammo Regenerator just inside the door on the right, a Shield Regenerator on the left, down at the very end are a pair of Medpacks, and just before that is a large door on the right... through the door and on to the lift. Whoops... trouble. Four Assassin droids... take 'em out any way you can, and when they're dead, Racto will raise his barrier - gotcha! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Again, you're better off doing the fifth mission before returning to the Academy... ======= >>Cult Investigation - Dosuun {t2_dpred} [2 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2 //Objectives: Escape the Prison! //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Saboteurs, AT-ST, Rax Joris \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark Force choices: Rage 1 \\Weapons choices: Bowcaster, Flechette, Thermal Dets Rage at this level will drain your health all the way down to 1 point if you let it; you must have a minimum of 25 health points to use Rage at this level... try not to use it if you don't need to. It actually doesn't matter what weapons you choose for this mission, since you won't have them for long. Don't engage any members of the Cult... yeah, right! Kyle should know better than to say dumb things like that... First things first... get out of here, and then strangle Fatso... No weapons, no Lightsaber - but you're still a Jedi with force abilities, so JUMP up and out. Duck into that control booth and grab a Blaster Rifle, then out through the door... MIND TRICK any enemies and kill 'em all. Around to the left for a short cutscene... Fat Boy firing at you from a platform with a Concussion Rifle - hopefully he won't hit you, but after several of your shots hit him he'll duck back inside... and you can't Jump high enough to get on that platform. Head into the door here - "Attention. We have an escaped prisoner inside the main garrison. Initiate security lock down." - and kill the Stormies and the forcefield. All the doors down at that end are locked, so blow out the Tripmines on your right and through that door. (In case you're interested, there are 12 cells, only one of which had anybody in it - you - and in the center of the rows of cells is a lift) Remember - your task in this level is to escape, and get your Lightsaber back from Rax Joris... you're not here to start a war. On the other hand, if you feel like killing everyone... go right ahead. Kill the Officer and Stormtrooper inside, and take the Officer's key... use the Shield Regenerator if necessary. If the Officer isn't in this room, then he's probably just coming through the door into this building... watch your back. Back out into that hall, and the first door on the left will unlock with that key... just watch out for the PAS down near those doors. Blast the Bad Guys inside (including the one under the stairs) and head up the stairs... kill the Bad Guy up here and use that switch; go back down the stairs and use the lift in the corner of the room. Another Bad Guy up here, a couple of Medpacks, and a belt of Thermal Dets... through the next door (a locked door on your left) and the next. In this room you can get the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] turn aroun - see that hole in the wall up above with the three containers? JUMP up to the right of them for a DEMP Gun. Into the next room, kill the Troopers and use the switch on the console... don't bother going out through those double doors behind the console because they'll just take you to a scenic veranda. Facing back into the room, you've got large doors blocked by Tripmines, and a small door to the left - that's the way you entered this room. Head that way and back down the lift. You don't *need* to go out the large doors and through the rest of this floor... you just need to head back to that lift, so I'll list the rest of this floor as separate. (Skip this paragraph if you want) Blow the Tripmines blocking the larger doors, and out through them... on your left is the (formerly) locked door you just passed (before the Secret 1 room), and on your right is a tiny room with two doors, only one of which opens - if you go through the other door there may be a few Remnants in there, and there's a short set of stairs; kill everyone in there and then back out to the main hall. Head straight down to the end of the hall (ignoring those two lifts), and get ready to rumble... this is a barracks area with plenty of troops. Kill everybody in this barracks area, then blow away the forcefields in the middle section for a ton of ammo (and some healing items), and a Disruptor Rifle on top of one of the crates along the wall which will come in quite handy later when you're hunting Fat Boy. Head back out the large doors - the small one leads back to that room with the short stairs, and there (probably) won't be any Bad Guys in there now - to the hallway... go through the door on the right just past the lifts, take another right, and take the lift down to that storeroom with the stairs. (Skip to here) Down the lift, and go out the door here... to continue this level, go straight through the door ahead of you for Secret 2 and the firing range, or clean out the rest of this floor first. Again, I'll list the rest of this floor separately. (Again, skip this paragraph if you want) Head left down the hall... go through the big doors past the lifts and Joris' voice will echo out, "Not that way... hah hah hah." In through the next door for a control room... blow away anyone inside and check out the four viewscreens for a taste of what Fatso has in this base. Back out to the main hall, and go in that door leading to Secret 2 and the firing range. (Skip to here) [Secret 2] blow away the fuel tank up on top of the crate, and JUMP up into that area... drop down on the other side for Det Packs and a Shield Regenerator. Go through the next door and into the firing range... use the switch, and get on the E-Web - just keep shooting at the two targets as they pop up, and keep shooting when they're down... eventually you'll blow away the wall behind them (plus it's just plain fun). Beyond the new opening will be a fuel tank; make sure you blow that away as well... and if you look carefully, there's another fuel tank in past that window you just blew up - you can try and shoot it now, or wait until you get in there. Head downrange and out the blown-away wall. "Bet he wasn't expecting that." Run straight across and in through that blown-open window... because there will be an AT-ST down to your left. Get in here and blow away those other tanks you can see, and go in through that window. Kill, use both switches in here, and use the Regenerators if you need to, then out that door. JUMP over the Tripmines or blow away the bottom two, and you're back in the AT-ST hanger area. On your right is another switch, use it, then SPEED across the hanger and in the door on the other side (between the AT-STs). Up the lift, and get in any open AT-ST... blow away the Troopers outside, and that pesky AT-ST that's waiting out there (no, there's no secondary fire or turbo in the AT-ST). Once they're all dead, return the AT-ST to its parking place (darn), and go through the other door up here. Head up the stairs and get another cutscene of Joris shooting at you, then SPEED to the E-Web. Shoot at Fat Boy first to get a cutscene of him running away, then kill everyone else (there's a Saboteur that will have a Disruptor Rifle - if you didn't get one before, get it now). If you feel like it, at the top of the stairs you can get on the wall to your left, and from there down a long ramp to the ground below... but there's absolutely nothing down there. Continue down along the wall to the unlocked door... Checkpoint. Use SENSE just before going in the door... there's a Saboteur to your left in here, and other Bad Guys. Continue all the way around - ignore those two small hallways for now - killing all the Saboteurs. Once they're all dead, head back to the door where you came in - with it at your back, head left. Take either hall - both lead to the upper level of the TIE hanger bay. Kill everybody, then get into the control room at the end. There's a switch in here, an unlocked door at either end, and a locked door in the middle. Use the switch, through the now-unlocked door in the middle and take the lift down... head across the hanger to the other end - cutscene. A couple of different ways to do this... one way, obviously, is to just go up those stairs at SPEED and try to get near enough to shoot Fat Boy. Another way is to head to the right - take the lift up, and from up there you can use the Disruptor Rifle to snipe at Rax, using SENSE to spot him. In the room next to the lift, you can pick up a Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Missile System (PMS), which works very nicely. In any case, kill him off to end the level. Yes, you get your Lightsaber back... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In all three of the Vjun episodes you have a missing graphics image... open up your console at the beginning of any of the Vjun episodes and you'll see the following message in yellow: WARNING: R_FindImageFile could not find 'textures/impdetention/deathcon1_glow' in shader 'textures/impdetention/deathcon1' Shader textures/impdetention/deathcon1 has a stage with no image Obviously this doesn't affect gameplay, just the way the game looks. In each case, there will be a point in the level - usually an angled wall of some sort - where all you'll see for graphics is a white-bordered gray area... that's the "default" graphic (texture) for Academy. It just goes to show that even the folks who made the game can goof a little. One example is in Vjun3, after you go through the hanger... kill off the two Cultists, Jump up the crates and go through a short hallway before confronting a Dual Reborn - in that short hallway you can see several angled wall panels which only show that default graphic (known as an "alphasquare"). Another example is Vjun1... in that first hallway just after you encounter the TIE Bombers, the wall to the right will appear as the 'alphasquare'. -=Vjun Missions=- >>Vjun {vjun1} [5 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2, RAGE 1 //Objectives: Make your way to Bast Castle through the acidic rain. //Enemies: Hazard Troopers, Stormtroopers, Imperials, Saber Cultists, New Reborn, TIE Bombers \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Bowcaster, Flechette, Thermal Dets Since when did Darth Vader have a castle? You'll take the lead in this level with Kyle following you... make sure he keeps up with you, and make sure you give him time to Heal and rest up. As soon as it starts, get under the ^Raven's Claw^... this is not nice rain. When the first Hazard Trooper shows up, let Kyle handle it... note that the Hazard Trooper uses a Concussion Rifle and that Kyle can Push the blasts right back at it - something that only he can do; if you try it, you'll just get hit. Once that sucker is dead, start up your PROTECT, and use SPEED to race for cover (make sure you pick up the Trooper's Concussion Rifle along the way) - in this next area will be another Hazard Trooper; again, let Kyle kill him off. At the end of this area will be some healing items and ammo. Rest up, then SPEED + PROTECT up that ramp, and watch out for the Hazard Troopers at the top - once they come out, retreat under cover (to the left of the entrance, under the rock ledge) and let Kyle kill them off... once they're down you can race in to that entrance. The first Secret Area is nearby. [Secret 1] race all the way back down the ramp (to the bend), jump off to the right, and turn around, facing back towards the top of the ramp... straight ahead, to the left of the ramp (under the ledge up there) is this Secret Area. Healing items. In the door the Troopers came out of (there are Large Booster Shields just outside the door)... down the ramp. Partway to that next door, several Stormtroopers will come racing out... SPEED on ahead and kill them if you don't want Kyle to get the credit. In the door to a control room with a holo-globe... do a bunch of killing, and in here are an Ammo and Shield Regenerator. Through the next door, and you'll be charged by a Saber Cultist - let Kyle kill him if you want, or slash him yourself. Down through that door, and on either side of you will be doors leading to the outside - and there's a pair of Hazard Troopers out each door. PROTECT and run outside either door to gain their attention, then back in and let Kyle kill them off... do the same for the other door. Out the left hand door are the next two Secret Areas. [Secret 2] down below is a broken stone platform... one of the sections is breakable. Thermal Dets. [Secret 3] the other Secret Area is on the roof of this structure... get up on the crate to the left of the door, from there to the small ledge, then up on the roof. JUMP up to the right and over for a Medpack and some Det Packs. Through this next door are three Remnants, all with their backs to you... do it just right and you can kill all three with just one slash. In this next section there's a ramp up on the right, and at the top are a whole bunch of Remnant... by the time you get up there, Kyle may have wiped them all out, but why let him have all the fun? Head for that door at the end of this area, which leads back outside. SPEED + PROTECT to run for the next bit of cover... then in through the next door - Ammo and Shield Regenerators in here, plus some other toys. Out the next door and down through this corridor... when the door at the other end opens, back up to the covered area and let Kyle handle this Hazard Trooper. Through this hall, and back out into the open... left at the bottom of the ramp, and run from platform to platform, resting under each one. You'll see a lit M-shaped archway... watch out for the Stormtroopers and the E-Web to the right of it, rest up, and get the next Secret Area. [Secret 4] inside the archway on the right, get into the gap to the right of that slope. Large Shield Booster. From the E-Web, keep heading around down the valley (ignore the inside of that archway, as there's nothing in there but the Secret Area) hopping from cover to cover... you'll see a slope up on the right with three containers under a ledge - rest up there, and let Kyle handle the Hazard Troopers. Once they're dead, keep going from cover to cover until you get to the river... go left, along the river bank. You'll come across two bridges or dams across the river... ignore the first one and cross the second, but you might want to get the last Secret Area before you do. [Secret 5] all the way down the bank to the end of the river... a couple of healing items here which might not be worth it, since there's no cover. Don't fall in the river (otherwise known as Love Canal). Cross that second dam and turn left, following the bank on this side... get under the ledge and heal up. When you're ready, PROTECT and jump from rock to rock. Cutscene. Hit SPEED and race to the entrance, taking out the Stormies. Inside, continue on through, killing... further down the corridor is a Hazard Trooper around to the right; let Kyle kill it or take it on yourself. Out the door and back into the acid rain, and SPEED to the left - through the arch and up the ramp to kill the Stormies. Facing back down the ramp, you'll see a platform across from you - up on that platform and inside a hatch (all the way at the back) are some Det Packs, but it's not a Secret Area so don't bother unless you really want them; PULL once you've slashed the hatch. In the door and down the ramp, killing the Stormies (Kyle almost fried me with Lightning!)... there's a Large Shield Booster in the area below if you need it. Follow the corridor, and when it opens up (grey area), you'll run into two Saber Cultists and a Protocol Droid... kill them all if you want. Continue through the corridors, down the ramps and stairs, and in the next room will be more Remnant to play with. Keep going through the winding corridors until you get to a short ramp and a door... in that, turn right and up the next ramp and through that door - cutscene. While Kyle goes off to find the control room, you get to 'play'... a tougher New Reborn shows up. This guy isn't easy... kill him any way you can (the best way is to SPEED down the ramp and slash), and once he's dead, Kyle will have the door unlocked. Be careful, because on the other side of that door is the open air and the TIE bombers. Run for the gun to the left, and take out the TIEs. Note: if Kyle gets stuck anywhere after this, don't worry... you don't need him for the rest of this level. Back inside, and at the bottom of this first ramp go right and through the door... in the next room, go up the ramp and get ready to dodge the raindrops again. Back around to that long ramp, down it and to the left into the next area... in there is a door that is now unlocked, go through. Through this corridor and back outside (back where you were after the cutscene with the TIE Bombers)... head to the right, duck under cover, and go up the ramp to the door. End of level. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>Bast Castle Lower Floors {vjun2} [4 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2, RAGE 1 //Objectives: Find a way into the upper parts of the castle. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Jetpack Troopers, Saber Cultists \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: n/a Well, no more rain to worry about... follow Kyle to the lift - it doesn't work, but the first Secret Area is nearby. [Secret 1] JUMP up on the platform where the AT-ST is docked... Medpacks. On the other platform are TDs. Across from where you started is an open grating... a short cutscene, and you get to play in garbage. JUMP out as soon as you can (despite what Kyle says, the best place for you to Jump out is right here, on to that small ledge), unless you want to go on a squeeze diet... once the crushers have retracted again, head for the chute indicated (ramped up, across from where you entered this area). In the control room, kill the Remnants and head out through the door (all that switch on the console does is run the garbage crushers again). Out here, the door to your right is locked, so head left... there will be an unlocked door on your right, and a hallway to your left which has the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] at the end of the hall, PULL the middle crate, duck behind it and slash the grating... in for ammo and Medpacks, and don't forget the Large Shield Booster up on that ledge. Through the door, and Kyle is in the middle of a battle with 3 Saber Cultists... you can sit back and watch, but it's more fun if you join in. "That worked out well - I thought I'd have to search high and low for you." If you head all the way down to the end of this room, on the left will be a broken grate overhead... while it takes a bit of doing, you can actually JUMP up into that area - but it just leads to the chute that Kyle took to get into this room. There are also Medpacks on the right. Now head back to the locked door you just passed outside this room, and Kyle will open it for you... cutscene. Along the wall - to the left as you entered this room - are a number of pumps... most are rusty and grey, but three of them (one on each side of the angled wall) are bright red... use PUSH on each of the three to drain the water. Make your way up the conduit to join Kyle... but watch out - around the bend is a Sentry Droid, and they can be nasty. They'll 'open up' just before they fire, and much like the Assassin Droid, they drop their forcefields to fire... so the only time you can damage them is when they're firing at you. Follow the corridor around until you get to an active airtube... "Kyle!" "Relax kid, I've seen tubes like this before - we can ride them to the top." In the tube is the next Secret Area. [Secret 3] just walk out into the tube and ride the air currents up... maneuver yourself - bouncing up and down in the airflow - until you're above the red light, and you can get to the ledge. From there if you're careful, you can get around the entire area and pick up the items... Large Shield Booster, Medpacks, and TDs. Just walk out into the tube and ride the flow up... get into the hall where Kyle is, and you'll hear another Sentry Droid. In the next room is a laser firing... Kyle can just Jump all the way up, but you can't... watch the laser and time it, and use SPEED to run through its conduit when it isn't firing. Kill the Stormies in the next room, and watch the rotation of the laser arms... at the right point, jump up on an arm and up to the ledge above it - hit SPEED just as the laser stops and you should be okay. Jump up on to the next ledge and meet Kyle... in the room behind him, you can see various items - that's the last Secret Area. [Secret 4] in the room Kyle initially Jumped up to are Tripmines, a Large Shield Booster and a Medpack. After this point, it doesn't matter if Kyle follows you or not - you can get through the end of the level without his help. There are doors at either end of this ledge... with your back to the opening that Kyle is in, go right for a room of Stormtroopers, or left for a room of Stormies and a pair of Saber Cultists. It doesn't matter which door you choose, as both will take you to your destination. Go up the stairs (in either room) and through the door - kill all, and in the room below are Ammo and Shield Regenerators. If the Stormies from the other room didn't come and join you, then go out and kill them, then get back in here. In this room are two circular lifts (the glass one in the middle just goes to the room below), but it doesn't matter which one you take - just ride up and do some more Stormie killing. Watch out, though, as one of them is armed with a PMS that you'll want to keep. Take the door at either end - again, it doesn't matter which - and do some more Stormie killing. In the room with the vertical laser, watch out for two Jetpack Troopers... but you can actually PUSH them into that laser. If you haven't already, go out through the other door and do some more killing, but get back into this room to continue. In this room with the laser are two doors, each in a covered archway... JUMP on top of either one - one has Tripmines, the other has Medpacks and TDs - and JUMP up to the next ledge. Use PULL on each of the four reflectors (?) to end the level. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>Bast Castle Interior {vjun3} [0 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 2, PULL 2, PUSH 2, SENSE 2, SPEED 2, Lightsaber Defense 2, Lightsaber Offense 2, Lightsaber Throw 2 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2, RAGE 1 //Objectives: Investigate cult activities. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Jetpack Troopers, Saber Cultists, Grip Cultists, Drain Cultists, Lightning Cultists, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, Dasariah and Vil Kothos (aka the Repowering Reborn), Rosh Penin \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: n/a There's a Large Shield Booster and a Medpack right here, so take advantage of them. Kyle tells you that he's run into some problems, so you're on your own for the moment... you know that doesn't mean anything good. Actually, he won't rejoin you until the cutscene at the end of the mission, so you don't have to worry about him. "I wonder why the Imperials are here now?" JUMP up to the next room, where a Jetpack Trooper and several of the regular variety await you. There are four doors in here, but only one is unlocked, so through it (to the right from where you jumped up). "Are you new here?" "Yes." "You made a wise choice... the Master will soon return to lead us to glory." Yeah, right - SPEED down to that end of the room and take these two Saber Cultists out. Take the lift up, and take out the Saber Cultist up here. Out the door and onto the walkway you saw from below... take out the Stormies that come running (you can see Stormies and droids through that window, but there's no way to get in there, and no need to either), and as you approach the next door you'll be attacked by a blue New Reborn. Kill him off, through the door at the end of the walkway (you can't get to the other walkway in this room, and again you don't need to), kill the Stormies (and the Gun Turret), and take the next lift up. Kill the Troopers in here, and on one of the bunks are some Det Packs (in a silly note, on the wall next to this bunk is a picture of somebody's girlfriend). On the higher difficulty levels, there will be a pair of Ceiling Turrets in here as well. Out the next door. Ahead is a red New Reborn... SPEED and you can take him out quickly - watch out, because he uses Force Drain. As you approach the cylinder in the next room... "We're wanted up in the throne room." "For what?" "I guess they're almost done up there. We'll be leaving soon." Around that cylinder - a lift - and take out more nasty boys (a Saber Cultist, a brown Basic Cultist and some Stormtroopers). Up the lift, and be prepared... A Saber Cultist and a New Reborn up here - once they're dead, blow out those fuel tanks at the window... that'll bring on a Jetpack Trooper and another Saber Cultist, and a green Grip Cultist. Whew! "Jaden - I just got into the castle... looks like you took care of things down here. Where are you now?" "I'm in a hanger." "Okay, I'll be joining you soon." Through the broken area and down into the hanger, of course. None of the big doors in here will open, but down in an alcove are Ammo and Shield Regenerators, and a small door that will open. Another Saber Cultist and a red (Drain) Cultist in this next room. Once they're dead, there's an Ammo and Shield Regenerator in the alcove. Use the crates by the door to get up on that ledge. Jump across to the walkway, and if you go down to the angled windows you can see a red Reborn waiting in the next room. Through the door and greet him... he uses two Lightsabers, so watch out - this is a Dual Reborn. On one shelf in this room is a DEMP Gun and ammo. Out the open doorway and into the next room... four lifts will drop down as you enter. Use the switch in the middle of the lifts, and you've got yourself a droid fight on your hands... and yes, you do need to - the door that looks unlocked won't open until you dispose of these metal menaces. First are a pair of Interrogation Droids... pretty easy. Next are a pair of Sentry Droids, and once they're dead a pair of Assassin Droids will appear. Once they're disposed of - you do have a DEMP Gun, remember - a pair of Saber Droids will appear, and these ones aren't as cute and cuddly as the one you faced on Yavin... but as back on Yavin, SPEED and kata moves take them out. Once all of these are destroyed, alcoves will open all over the room to reveal healing items... use 'em, and that unlocked door will now be open to reveal a Shield Regenerator and a lift. Checkpoint. On the higher levels there will be a blue (Lightning) Cultist waiting for you at the bottom of the lift... use ABSORB and take him out quickly. In this room there is a big door - the other side of that hanger you blew into - a raised center section with a small door - and another big door... and a pair of wimp Basic Cultists. After they're disposed of, in through the small door to face a red, Dual Saber Reborn. Kill him off however you can. In front of the window is a big smashed statue of Vader... "Humph. Someone didn't like Vader much." Off to the left is a ramp with leads up to the walkway circling most of the room, and the way you need to go. There will be another one of those jumping Cultists up on a higher walkway, but if you just run down this ledge to the door at the other end, the idiot will try to get to you - and end up falling to his death. Through the door at the end to face another red Reborn up on the walkway, this one with just a single blade. Use SPEED, JUMP up and slash and he's pretty much history at the easier difficulties. Through the next door to the higher walkway. Through the door at the end of this walkway, and in this next room is your first Staff opponent... he uses the double-bladed Saber Staff made famous by Darth Maul; SPEED and take him out. Thankfully there's also Ammo and Shield Regenerators in this room. Through the next door, and cutscene. At this point I usually save this area under a separate filename ("Rosh on Vjun"), so I can come back to it at any time. Well, now you've found Rosh... what an asshole. What a *dead* asshole. Two red Reborn to deal with (these are "Repowering" Reborn, and what they actually do is a variation of the 'Team Heal' in Multiplayer mode), as well as Rosh... and on higher levels, other Reborn and Cultists will join you. Use lots of SPEED and ABSORB, and don't be afraid to retreat when necessary. On higher levels you may have more Bad Guys drop down from that area above the throne. Thankfully, there are also Medpacks and other toys scattered around the room, usually behind the columns. Rosh isn't all that strong, but he has some new powers, including Dark Rage... hack at him, use SPEED and whatever else to do damage to him. The two Reborn with him won't attack you unless you attack them, so leave them alone for now... you'll get your chance. Rosh will weaken, and the two Reborn will "repower" him... *that's* when they're vulnerable, so ignore Rosh and SPEED-hack them to death. Eventually both Reborn will be dead, and you'll have Rosh cornered... Cutscene - Kyle shows up, but so does Rosh's new master, Tavion (looking more like a bad girl bikini model than ever)! Kyle spared her life back on Bespin ("Jedi Outcast"), and apparently she didn't learn anything from that (you see? You *should* kill the Bad Guys instead of wimping out!) Anyway, that's the end of the level... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You've been promoted to Jedi Knight, and you get to build a new Lightsaber, or pick up whatever saber style you didn't choose last time. Personally, I prefer the double-bladed Saber Staff, but to each their own. If you do choose the Saber Staff, then your secondary fire is no longer a Saber Throw, but a Force-powered kick... it works very nicely. Hit your style key (default 'L') to retract one blade of the Staff, and now you can throw it with secondary fire; hit your style key again to bring back the second blade. I've tried it with the Dual Lightsabers, and I've tried it with the Saber Staff... I much prefer the Saber Staff - a more powerful weapon with nicer moves. All of your core Force abilities have been bumped up to level 3, the highest you can get without cheating. From here on out, your weapons choices will include *all* available weapons, including the Concussion Rifle and the PMS... but you won't really find a use for many weapons other than your Lightsaber. Well, okay... the Concussion Rifle comes in handy. Anyway, on to more missions. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -=Tier 3 Missions=- >>Cult Activity - Chandrila {t3_rift} [4 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2, RAGE 1 //Objectives: Tavion's minions are preparing for her arrival. Stop them from desecrating the Jedi tomb. //Enemies: Mercs, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, Grip Cultists, Drain Cultists \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: Rage 2 \\Weapons choices: Concussion Rifle, PMS, Thermal Dets If you did the Demo, then this is, of course, the other level from the Demo... and if you've played the Demo a lot, then you should know this one by heart and can practically run through it. For whatever reason - perhaps because I'm so used to it - the Reborn and Cultists seem a lot wimpier than they were in the Demo version, and are easily killed. (I love this level... plenty of Bad guys to hack on, and plenty of ways - and places - to send them flying) Long drop... but no worries. PUSH the huge rock in front of you, killing the Merc behind it. Get out into the open area, and almost immediately you'll be attacked by a Dual Reborn... watch yourself, and don't fall off the ledge! This entire level - with the exception of two big rooms - consists of bridges, small platforms and ledges... you can easily fall to your death in here, and it's a very long way down. On the other hand, you can shove Bad Guys off the ledges... Once he's dead, head down the ledge to your right... you'll hear an interesting conversation between a few Mercs. "I can hardly see in this thing... it's like being a Stormtrooper all over again." Drop off the ledge (carefully!) and down to the walkway. The big doors at either end of this walkway won't open - in fact, *none* of these big doors throughout this mission will open - so go down the ramps and do some killing (including another Saber Cultist)... if you time it right, you can catch the green Grip Cultist in midair when he tries to Jump up at you, and you can PUSH him into the rift, saving yourself a bit of trouble. You can either just JUMP over to that broken platform, or you can SPEED+JUMP across the broken bridge, JUMP up on top of the columns on the other side, and JUMP down to the archway and then the bridge... it doesn't matter either way, just what chances you feel like taking. Again, the door doesn't open, so make your way down the broken stairs to the next platform... it's easiest to jump down, but when you do, hug the wall - because your landing zone will crumble beneath you. Drop down to the next broken platform, then JUMP to the next... as soon as the Cultists notice you, a New Reborn will jump up to fight you; again, if you time it right, you can PUSH him into the rift. From this platform, look across the way... another ledge with a pair of archways, and to the left of them there's a platform sticking out in the air - that's Secret 1, and if you want to save yourself some trouble, snipe at the Merc on that platform with the Concussion Rifle. Drop down to the next area with the dumb Mercs... they must be dumb, as they just saw you take out a blue Reborn and yet they're trying to shoot you... oh well, easy deaths. If you feel like it, you can even use Force DRAIN on them. Across the bridge are a pair of ramps... the ramp up is blocked, so you'll want to use the ramp down - but first, get Secret 1. [Secret 1] JUMP up on top of the columns at the bottom of the ramp up, take out the Merc on the next platform up, and JUMP over to it... down the ramp for this Secret Area. (MedPack, Large Shield Booster) Note that when you shoot him, his Concussion Rifle might fall from the platform... but you can usually retrieve it later. From up here, look over the side to the broken bridge far below... you can snipe at the green Grip Cultist on the bridge (usually the one on the right) with the Concussion Rifle, saving yourself later trouble. Even more interesting, when you do this, the Reborn on the bridge might Jump out of the way... and over the edge into the rift. When you get near the bottom of the ramp you'll hear a chirping... that's an explosive charge in the middle of the bridge - proceed with caution. If the Merc in Secret 1 dropped his Concussion Rifle over the edge of the platform earlier, it might be on the ledge down here. Once you get on the bridge, go slowly until it blows, then SPEED+JUMP across to the other side and take out the Merc. The only way to go is up the stairs... but if you want to pause first and look around, do so - you'll see all sorts of friends that you'll eventually meet. Down the hall, and you'll run into at least three New Reborn... take them all out as best you can; if you angle left as you go down the hall, you might be able to take out the single Reborn on that side and rest up before facing the other two. There are two doors in this room and a blank wall... the doors, of course, won't open, but the supposedly blank wall is Force-affected; use SENSE on it, then use PULL on the glowing symbol high up on the door. Inside you'll run into a Dual Reborn on the stairs. Continue down the stairs and Checkpoint. At the bottom of the stairs and back out into the open... another New Reborn will challenge you. Get out on to this next platform and look around... for one thing, two Secret Areas can be found nearby. Get back on the ledge and work your way down to the end to get to Secret 2. Directly under this broken platform - in a hole in the wall - is Secret 3. [Secret 2] from the ledge, drop down to those columns (only about 15 points damage), and then to the archway... go in and kill the Merc and pick up this Secret Area. (Large Shield Booster). From the front of the ledge of Secret 2, look left... JUMP over to that next ledge, then go up the slope next to the stairs - from there, JUMP up to the small platform above and Secret 3. [Secret 3] from the platform, JUMP up into the hole in the wall. (Rocket ammo). Drop back down to the stairs... kill the Reborn on this side (but don't fall off the edge!), and then decide how you want to do the rest. "How am I supposed to get over there?" You can SPEED+JUMP across the gap in the bridge, but there's a Grip Cultist on the other side (if you didn't zap him from Secret 1) as well as a Reborn who might Grip you in mid-jump and drop you to your death... kill the Cultists from this side. Your best bet for getting over to the other side of this broken bridge is to JUMP up on top of the left column - from there, SPEED+JUMP over to the other side. At the top of the stairs on the other side is a MedPack and a Large Shield Booster, and hey, guess what... a door that won't open. Facing back across the gap, there's a broken platform high up on your left that you can't get to, and a slope leading down on your right... head down the slope. Partway down the slope is a small broken platform jutting out from the wall... below is a bridge and a waiting Reborn, and above is Secret 4. [Secret 4] from this small broken platform, JUMP up along the wall to the small ledge with the glowing crystal, then JUMP up on to the square structure. (Rocket ammo) From Secret 4, drop down to the walk below for various other health items, then retrace your path back to that small broken platform in the middle of the slope. Go down the rest of the slope and take out the Dual Reborn and the Merc waiting down there, then head down to the other end of this bridge and take out the Merc down there. From that end of the bridge, work your way around the square column on the ledge at the right and face out across the rift... across the way you can see a pair of figures in the area under where Secret 4 is; shoot the right one (a Grip Cultist) with the Concussion Rifle. Head back across the bridge to that small broken platform. Drop down to face the Saber Cultist and the Grip Cultist. After you take them out ("This place is amazing... it seems like it goes on forever."), go across the bridge and hug your way around the wall... "Great - how am I going to get down there without breaking my neck?" At the end of this ledge is another Dual Reborn, but you can PUSH him off into the void. Go back a little ways along this narrow ledge and drop down to the short bridge. From here, look down to the area with the broken stretch of platforms... just under that bridge in the distance you can see a figure standing on the edge of that platform - again, it's a Grip Cultist that you can shoot. Drop or jump from platform/archway to platform/archway and down on to the lighted bridge. It's possible that a Saber Cultist (from the same area where you just shot that Cultist) will try to join you, but he's a wimp and an easy kill. Around the edge of this ledge and drop down to the broken platform, JUMP across the gap, take out the Merc, head to the end of this area and JUMP up on top of the archway, then up to that platform. Take out the wimp Merc up here (there's also Rocket ammo here, and if you want, you can shoot the Drain Cultist on the other side of the bridge), then JUMP up on that ledge. At the end of this bridge is a Saber Cultist and a red Drain Cultist (after you go through the wimp with the Blaster Rifle in the middle of the bridge)... after taking them out, HEAL, regain mana, and Save... the final section contains some nasty Reborn. In the 'room of steps' you'll face off against two Dual Reborn... if you hit SPEED when you get the 'Checkpoint' message, you may be able to take one of them out quickly before facing off against the other. Into the next room for the last Bad Guy... At the top of the final steps - you can see the Jedi's coffin - is a Staff Reborn... hit SPEED at the bottom of the steps and go up and challenge him. (Actually, he doesn't seem that difficult... get in the first hit while you're SPEEDing, and it usually kills him. Obviously, killing him at the "Jedi Master" level is going to be much more difficult... he'll be using Dark Rage and Drain and Lightning...) Once he's dead - "I should reseal the tomb so no one else can disturb it." - stand at the bottom of the steps (facing the coffin)... see those apparently-sealed arches on either side? Use SENSE, and examine those arches... you'll see a big square 'button' in each arch (which will stay visible even after SENSE ends) - just use PUSH on each button, then get the hell out of here. "That should do it. Rest peacefully." Head back to that bridge (you don't need to run), avoiding falling debris on the way... the bridge will start to break apart as soon as you get on it, so JUMP across it to end the level. Hmmm... when did Jedi start using coffins? ======= >>Cult Investigation - Taanab {t3_stamp} [2 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 2, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2, RAGE 2 //Objectives: Defeat the Cultists. Find a way to stop the mutated Rancor. Weapons are useless against it. //Enemies: Saber Cultists, Grip Cultists, Lightning Cultists, Drain Cultists, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, mutated Rancor \\Light Force choices: Heal 3 \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Concussion Rifle, PMS, Thermal Dets Now *that's* big and ugly! Since weapons won't work against this beastie, you need to find other ways to kill it... in the meantime, you can let it kill the Cultists for you if you want - just stay out of its reach yourself. While you can JUMP up on the crates, the Rancor can smash them with ease... and you'll need some of them to get up to higher areas where the Rancor can't reach or where you need to go. Just watch out - this guy has some severe dragon breath. From where you entered (with the door at your back and the Rancor's cage on your right), run straight ahead, left turn, and straight ahead... over the various crates (with the Rancor in pursuit), ignoring the Reborn and Cultists in the area. At the end is a ledge with a lift on either side (and a Staff Reborn)... JUMP up on that and use the switch; a crane will lift a crate which was blocking a door. Just watch out, because the Rancor can reach far enough to destroy the big crate up on this ledge. Stay up here for a while and let the Rancor have his meals, then jump off and SPEED to that door and through. A Saber Cultist and a Drain Cultist (among others) in here, but at Speed they're pretty easy. If the Rancor isn't trying to break through the wall by now, use SENSE to locate him... you may need to go back through the corridor and lure him in this direction (yeah, you get to play bait). However, if you just continue on he may follow you anyway, breaking down the wall, so you might not need to lure him. Continue through to the next room, but make sure you use ABSORB - there's a blue Lightning Cultist in this next area. This is another open area the Rancor can get to, so be careful... though there are plenty of Cultists and Reborn for it to feast on. Head right and run down to the end of this area, through the doorway (it won't open until you've done a bit of killing and the maddened Rancor is hot on your trail, "I can't stop that thing!"), left, and SPEED down to that end - there's a switch on the left which will trigger a short cutscene. "What did I ever do to him?" See the crates the crane went over? There's your first Secret Area up in there. [Secret 1] JUMP up on the crates the crane went over, and turn right - JUMP up on that big set of crates (they formed the 'wall' of the corridor you ran down to hit the switch), and run all the way to the end. JUMP over to the ledge with the blue forcefield door, and to the left of the forcefield there's a small alcove with a Large Shield Booster and Medpack inside. If you can't get back up on that crate 'wall', you'll have to SPEED past the Rancor and JUMP over the crates again. JUMP up and over the crates that the crane went over, and straight ahead is an unlocked door into a small control room, with a switch just outside the door - use that, and hear Jaden speculate about trapping the Rancor. Inside the control room (Shield Regenerator in here), jump over the short wall... you can either go up the ramp (you need to, actually), or out the other door and to the other Secret Area. [Secret 2] SPEED down past the Rancor towards the blue forcefield... there will be a small control alcove on the left with a Medpack and Large Shield Booster. Up the ramp, and face off against a Staff and a Dual Reborn... however you do it, take them out right here before going further in to this control area. Once they're dead, go up to the top and there's a switch in front of the windows, along with another Staff Reborn - just be careful, because the Rancor can smash the windows and reach in. Use the switch to trap the Rancor and end the level. ======= >>Dismantle Device - Yalara {t3_hevil} [1 Secret] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 2, RAGE 2 //Objectives: Reach the top of the tower where the cloaking emitter is located. //Enemies: Noghri, Stormtroopers, Saber Cultists, Grip Cultists, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: Lightning 3 \\Weapons choices: Concussion Rifle, PMS, Thermal Dets The little blue aliens are supposed to be peaceful, but that won't prevent them from attacking you... be careful, because they use some sort of gas gun. Whoops, these aren't the natives... guess that explains why they're not peaceful. "Looks like no one's home... guess I should get up to the top and disable that cloaking device." As soon as you open the door, you'll get a short cutscene... as soon as it's over, back up quick and MIND TRICK the blue alien and then kill him. In this room you can JUMP up into either of those grated openings, but that won't get you anything other than a nice view. Through the next door, and again MIND TRICK the aliens before killing them. Some healing items in here. Through the next door and up the lift. "Noghri? How did they get here?" (These aren't the same Noghri as were in "Mysteries of the Sith", however). "Imperials? Now I'll have to destroy that thing." As if there could be any other result of this mission... There's a door on either side of that structure directly ahead of the lift, and a door down at the far left. Take a moment to look around and enjoy the view... then kill everyone in sight - PUSH them into the pool of water and they'll end up going over the falls. (Though believe it or not, you can drop into that pool and swim around with no worries, as long as you come up for air occasionally... but there's nothing in there) Once everybody outside is dead, head into the central structure and kill the Noghri in there (some Medpacks in here if needed), then head out and through that door at the end... kill the Remnants, and there will be a door on your right and a fan on your left; take the door and another lift. Clear out the Stormies and through the door - kill the Remnant in here (DetPacks on your left as well as some healing items), and use the left switch. Return to that room with the fan, and go through it; but before you jump into the airstream look around in the shaft. Across the way you'll see another fan that's stopped, and a grating across the shaft above it - that grating is electrified and will trim your shields a little (only about 8 points), but that can't be prevented. Land on the ledge outside the other fan, and looking into a room you'll see a Saber Cultist... he's not the only Saber Cultist in the room, but these guys are pretty easy. Fairly obviously you don't want to fall in that hole or hit that beam, and you can't Jump to the catwalks above, so out this next door. Down this corridor will be several Stormies, a few Noghri, a Saber Cultist and a Grip Cultist... you can actually take out the Cultist (the one without a Lightsaber) with your Concussion Rifle if you want, then take on the wimpy Saber Cultist. There's a hallway off to the left with more Bad Guys to play with, as well as a pair of Regenerators. Checkpoint. Through the door are a pair of wimpy Saber Cultists (didn't we hit this room already?), and around the corner is a Staff Reborn and a stopped fan. Take 'em all out (I managed to kick the Staff Reborn into the beam once), then through the fan and do this all over again - going up. Kill 'em all, pick up an items you need, and out the door. Another Staff Reborn (PUSH him over the edge), Stormies and Noghri... none of them any real problem. Check out the view while you're here... lovely. There's nothing down on that glass 'T' corridor (which you just went through), and obviously there's no way you can Jump across to that other tower with all its doors, so into the central structure. (I'm surprised that wooden bridge didn't collapse under me... that seems like the sort of thing that would happen in here, but I guess not) Before going up the stairs in here, get the only Secret Area. [Secret 1] smash the floor under the stairs and drop down... plenty of differing types of ammo at the bottom. Up the stairs for more Baddies, including a Staff Reborn and a pair of Dual Reborn, a Lightning (blue) Cultist and a Saber Cultist. At the top, cross the bridge (you can actually PUSH most of the Baddies over the edge before they spot you) and up the lift. If there's anything more fun than Pushing (or kicking) Reborn over the edge to their deaths, I don't know what it is... these guys are fairly easy, and once everyone's dead, all you need to do is go around the sides of this structure and set the explosives (just get up close to the red outline and use it). End of level, with Jaden diving off the tower (if you had tried that during the level in progress, you would have died... oh, well). One thing I don't understand... if the Noghri (as Luke says afterwards) were Darth Vader's assassins, then why are they fighting Stormtroopers? ======= >>Force Theft Investigation - Byss {t3_byss} [1 Secret] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 2 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 3, RAGE 2 //Objectives: Disable the tractor beam holding the Raven's Claw in place. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Hazard Troopers, Rocket Troopers \\Light Force choices: Absorb 3 \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Concussion Rifle, PMS, Thermal Dets While Kyle does his Qui-Gon bit with the door (don't even bother to go up and watch him, because he'll just make some snide remarks), head for the only unlocked door in the hanger bay, in the corner opposite the ^Raven's Claw^... do your Stormie killing impression as you race through the room and into the next (watch out for the Ceiling Turret). In the next room, more killing (items, weapons and Regenerators in these rooms guarded by Tripmines), and two doors, one of which requires a Key - into the small control room here to get it. In the locked door and up the lift. "What's with the increased security in Sector 7?" "Last week's break-in. I hear they captured the insurgents." "They did, but they refused to talk. There's no way to tell if they acted alone or if it was an inside job." "Ah, they'll talk. The Admiral will see to that." Across from the lift is a locked door which you'll need to get back to later. Kill 'em to let them know you're here, and keep moving - around the bend is another room up a short set of steps which will reveal a pair of Hazard Troopers. Just keep slashing and slicing through this area, avoiding the Tripmines as you kill and kill and kill... once you've cleared the area (including the room the Hazards were in), go in either door to a control center. Get the level's only Secret Area before disabling the tractor beam. [Secret 1] drop into the area (about 37 points damage) below the tractor beam switch... the Secret is behind the lift - healing items. Use the switch to disable the tractor beam ("Tractor beam disabled." "Good. Get back to the ship; I just need a little more time."), and head back to the ^Raven's Claw^. "Jaden, someone must have sent a distress signal - we've got incoming fighters!" He'll do some more screaming as you race back to where you need to go, but no worries - this isn't any kind of time limit to this level. The door across from the top of the lift will now open, so through and through for more Stormies, Hazard Troopers and a Ceiling Turret. Once they're all dead and gone, head over the forcefield and through those Baddies, then through the door in here. There's a side room here as this room curves around, but it's only overlooking the hanger bay... kill 'em anyway and continue on through the only unlocked door. You'll also find a Rocket Trooper or two in this area... they're more heavily armored than a regular Stormtrooper, but nowhere near as heavily armored as a Hazard Trooper... and as the name implies, they use the PMS. A couple more Stormies and Remnant, a couple more Hazard Troopers... kill 'em all and up the lift. Slaughter all, and keep going around until you come to a set of short steps... down those and kill (yes, that is a lift on your left which will take you to the upper level, where you can also find a gun to fire), then use any of the control pedestals at those viewports to play with the ship's guns and eliminate the TIE Fighters (there are only 6 of them). It doesn't matter which gun control you use, since any of 'em will wipe out all of the TIEs... but the first one on the left as you go in probably has the widest range of movement and the easiest background to shoot against. *Now* get back to the ^Raven's Claw^... Along the way a door will be open that wasn't before, and you'll hear Kyle use some of his catchphrases... get out there and help him kill everyone. Once they're all dead, run back to the ^Raven's Claw^ to end the level. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Once again, you'll want to do the fifth mission to pick up more Force powers... ======= >>Weapon Destruction - Ord Mandell {t3_bounty} [1 Secret] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 2, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 3 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 3, RAGE 2 //Objectives: Destroy all Weapon Caches. Six Weapon Caches left. //Enemies: Boba Fett \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: Rage 3 \\Weapons choices: Concussion Rifle, PMS, Thermal Dets Now what the heck is Boba Fett doing here? These games take place after the events of "The Return of the Jedi", and Luke fed Boba Fett to the Sarlac on Tatooine... he's worm food. Oh, well - possibly they confused things with "Attack of the Clones", where Boba Fett is still alive... (Remember - the only *official* (ie, 'canon') Star Wars sources are the six movies themselves... even the Christmas specials and the animated specials don't seem to count as canon) Further note: I've had various people email about Boba... and how in the novels, he actually managed to escape from the Sarlac and somehow survived. I'll reiterate what I said above, since many people don't seem to have read it: he disappeared into the Sarlac in the movies - and that's the only *official* story. Nothing else counts. "Can't we talk about this?" This one should be quite simple to figure out... get inside immediately (drop into the trenches - there's Ammo & Shield Regenerators down in there at the lower difficulty levels), head through the city destroying the weapons caches, and once they're gone, take on Boba Fett. Thankfully they included a map of sorts for this level... part of your Mission Objectives on your Datapad. Of course, Boba Fett will be chasing you around the entire time, and that map isn't updated as you eliminate each cache... just remember which direction your ship is and you should be okay. Just make sure that when you set the explosives - just get up close and hit 'use' - that you get the hell out of Dodge, because unlike Kril'Dor, there's no cutscene of you automatically getting out of the way... stick around and you'll blow up along with the caches. If you go back to the caches after you've blown them up, you'll find some weapons and ammo laying around. Note that you can't actually kill Boba Fett during you run through the city, even though SENSE will show his health at 0 if you hit him enough. [Secret 1] face the ramp at the back of your ship, and look up and right - you'll see a long narrow window in the wall, with a light above the middle of it... that's the Secret Area. To get into it, go up that ramp and through the door... down the steps and around to the right, and through that door in front of you. Through this short hall and turn right - there will be three crates on the right side (at lower difficulty levels they'll have a MedPack and Large Shield Booster on top of them), and through that door. In this next hall, one of the alcoves on the right has a dark hexagonal stone in it... that's actually a lift which will bring you up to that windowed room, where you'll find health and ammo. You'll have to drop back down to continue. Note, however, that at the end of the level it will still say "Secrets Found: 0 of 1" - why, I don't know. From the rear of your ship, go straight ahead - up the ramp and through the door - and to the right... in that door, and curve around to the left (to the right for Secret 1 if you haven't gotten it yet) - keep going for that cache. Back to where you entered this section, and with your back to that entry door go straight... you'll eventually come to a bunch of downed beams and a small bridge with three branches - straight from the short branch is a cache, and the door to the left leads to a cache. There are healing items in that sandy area under the bridge if you feel like dropping down and grabbing them. Last three: from the front of your ship there's a ramp and a door... run in there, and head to the right - there's a long hall and several doors, but just keep going straight to get to a cache. Back out the way you came, and from where you entered this area (just in front of your ship), follow that pathway around to the left, all the way down to the end - there will be a large brown door ahead, in that area is another cache. When you come out of that, head left and you'll see a smaller pathway to your right leading up to a door - in that, up the ramps, cross the platform and in the next door for the third cache. Once all the caches are destroyed, you get to take on Boba Fett - and he actually isn't that hard. The only place where you can actually kill him (well, defeat) is the area where your ship is... so you need to get back there. PUSH any rockets right back at him, automatically dodge disrupter fire with Force Speed, and bounce his blaster shots right back at him. Up close he uses a flamethrower, but up close you can also tag him nicely. Eventually he'll decide you're not worth it - since there's no bounty on you - and run away. End of level. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back to the Academy and Luke's briefing... more nastiness coming up, but first, you need to rescue Rosh. Drat. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -=Taspir III Missions=- >>Taspir III {taspir1} [4 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 3 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 3, RAGE 3 //Objectives: Gain access to the Imperial Power facility. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Imperials, Saboteurs, Jetpack Troopers, Saber Cultists, Grip Cultists, Drain Cultists, Lightning Cultists, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, Reborn Master \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: Concussion Rifle, PMS, Thermal Dets This level is actually a fun one to move around on... towers and walkways and all sorts of Bad Guys to play with. A version of this level can also be found in Multiplayer. Just head for the tower... as you get closer, you'll see a pair of Stormtroopers at the door, and a Jetpack Trooper hovering above - take him out with the Concussion Rifle or the PMS, then get up close and personal with the Stormies. More Remnant inside - easy kills - and a basic map of the area (you'll see more of these as you progress through the level). A small room off to the left with more targets inside, and a broken lift. In the main room, there are a pair of doors at the back of the room - the one on the left is unlocked, so through and head down the ramp. Two switches down here... hit the left one first for a short cutscene. After it's over, turn and shoot the Hazard Trooper before he spots you, then throw the other switch (which opens that locked door upstairs). Across the bridge and the door is locked, so go left and hit the switch down there, which extends another bridge. Back up the ramp, and the other door in this room is now open, with a waiting Stormy... easy kill and up the lift. Kill everyone up here, and check out the door at the back of the room first... that's the ledge where the Jetpack Trooper was before you entered this facility (Small Shield Booster). Take the other door to the rest of the level. Outside the door on the right is a Saboteur, and further on are a wimpy Saber Cultist and a red (Drain) Cultist... take 'em all out and get the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] face the door you came out of, and around the building on the left you'll see a ledge - JUMP over to that for a Medpack and Rocket ammo. Across the walkway (if you really wanted to, you could drop down the ledges on this side of the bridge and to the ground... but there's nothing down there, so why bother?) and greet the gate guards... inside you'll have more friends, including a Saber Cultist and a blue (Lightning) Cultist. The only door is around the other side of the room. Up the lift ("That Sith was really getting on my nerves, so I shot him. How was I supposed to know he was a friend of the Admiral?" "You'll be executed for sure." "No way - they don't know it was me." "Sure they do... your pistol has a tracking device in it - the higher-ups can tell when your weapon was fired and where." "You're kidding. Umm... I have to go check on something.") and more killing, including more Saboteurs. The blue door leads to a broken bridge, and while the switch at the end summons the lift, the lift door won't open... so PUSH that crate and JUMP up into the vents. In the next room, kill all, get Key, open door... use the viewscreen while you're here to see a Dual Reborn waiting at the big communications dish. Out the door, do some killing, down the ramp and follow the ledge... kill the 3 Jetpackers that show up along the way. At the bottom, you'll have a small platform you can jump to (which is how you need to go) and the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] go around the right side of the building and jump from ledge to ledge until you get to the top... Medpacks and Shields of both sizes. On to the platform (Checkpoint) and in the door... just a few Remnant to play with, nothing special. Around and up the stairs for a blue New Reborn, and continue... more Cultists and Reborn as you go up, and at the top is a Jetpack Trooper. There's a Staff Reborn in the alcove to the left of the green door, and a Remnant or two to round out the group. The green door just leads to the other end of that broken bridge (where the sniper was as you traveled outside), so head for the door at the end. Two Reborn out on this bridge, one a Staff Reborn and the other a Dual Reborn... as soon as the door is open, hit SPEED and hack them both to bits. Before going through the next door, JUMP up on the roof and across where you can snipe at some opposition, including another Jetpack Trooper (at the left on a ledge) and a green Grip Cultist waiting on the next bridge. Not much in this little building, but it does have a pair of Regenerators... head out the next door to take on anyone you haven't killed already. SPEED + JUMP across the broken bridge and do some killing, then head for the ledge... kill the Jetpackers as you make your way around, and get the next Secret Area before you enter the next building. [Secret 3] when you get to the end of the walkway, look down... drop to that ledge then down to the ground, turn and walk between the building and the cliff. Slide down the slope - make sure you land on that ledge - and pick up some toys around the corner. Be careful getting back up to where you were. There's an Ammo Regenerator around to the left, then go right and down the stairs, encountering Saboteurs, Reborn, and other playmates. Before you go outside again, get the last Secret Area. [Secret 4] drop into the central pit for health items. Kill the Bad Guys on the bridge and then two more just inside the door... just straight through here and out the next door for a Checkpoint. As you get on the bridge several Hazard Troopers will open fire... if you're careful, you can take them out with the Concussion Rifle. Check out the room on the right first - since you can just walk to it - for any items, then JUMP to the one to the left of the end of the bridge. Continue working your way around, checking out all the rooms the Hazards were in for items, then JUMP across (using the rocks) the lava to check out the ones on the other side (to the right of the bridge). After you've checked all these rooms, head down to the end and inside. Chop up the two Reborn inside and through the next door... shoot the Cultist (on the right) and slash the Saber Cultist to death. through the door, kill the wimpy Remnants, and through the next door... up the lift. The first door leads to a small ledge outside with health and shield items, and the second is guarded by a Staff Reborn... kill him and out the door. Take on the wimp Cultist and the Jetpack Trooper on the bridge, and JUMP over to the ledge at the left if you need Shields. Inside and wipe out the Impys... the first door here leads out to a ledge with a Dual Reborn (and around the corner, a Shield Regenerator), the second leads to a tiny ledge with a Medpack, and the last door leads to where you need to go next. Take the lift up to be greeted by a Staff Reborn, and around to the right is a Dual Reborn... a Saboteur is in here as well, probably behind those crates. The twin doors lead to a small room with a Remnant weasel and a Staff Reborn... kill them off then hit the last door, and a nasty boy - a Reborn Master. Kill him off (maybe even kick him off the bridge) and into the next area - straight through to end the level. Actually, there is an easy way to kill the Reborn Master... hit SPEED as soon as the door opens, run out just a little and GRIP the Reborn Master (presuming you have Grip 3) - as soon as you have him in your grasp, throw him out over the side of the bridge and let go... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>Imperial Power Station {taspir2} [6 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 3 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 3, RAGE 3 //Objectives: Find Rosh Penin. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Saber Cultist, Grip Cultist, Drain Cultist, Lightning Cultist, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, Alora, Rosh Penin \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: n/a Ah, Alora again... we're going to have to do something about her one of these days. Ugly statue up there... Ragnos, perhaps? You can head around to the left for a lift, or just JUMP up on that ledge for a closer look at ol' Horn Head... once you've satisfied your artistic curiosity, go through the door to be greeted by a Grip Cultist and a Saber Cultist. The Grip (green) Cultist will have his back to you, so a little SPEED and slash, and they're out of the way. Down the corridor, and the door straight ahead is locked, so through the one on the left - head for the door at the right, and get a brief cutscene... after it's over two Reborn will appear for you to play with. If you can PUSH them into the magma, so much the better. Of the two doors in here - remember where you came in - the one on the opposite side of the room is the only one that will open... take the lift down. Kill the two twits in here (just remember that your Lightsaber will shut off in the water) and through the next door... the first Secret Area is nearby. [Secret 1] as soon as you get through the door, look left... JUMP up on that angled pipe for a Large Shield Booster. It doesn't matter which door you take in here, as they both go to the same place - a room full of machinery with no exits. JUMP up on a pipe and head upwards... a brief cutscene with Tentacle Head; "Are all Jedi as weak as Rosh, or just Katarn's personal brats?" JUMP up on to the grated ledge for a Saber Cultist and a Grip Cultist. Get the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] face back out into the machinery room and angle left... see the two columns up on the wall? Not the ones at the very top, but the ones just below that. JUMP up there from the grate for healing items. Of the three doors in here, the one on the right is the only one that's unlocked... down the hall to the next door and Checkpoint. Play with the Dual Reborn on the other side, PUSHing him into the magma. Check out the satellite dish for an unlisted Secret Area. [Secret 3] JUMP over to behind the satellite dish for healing items... you'll have to crouch your way out, or JUMP on top of the dish to get back to the catwalk. Through the next hall and play with some Stormtroopers, then go through the door on the right (the only unlocked one) for a Reborn and red Cultist. Continue on down for a couple of surprise guests, and keep going... at the junction, there's a locked door to the right and a nasty Reborn Master on the left - take him out any way you can and then get the next Secret Area. [Secret 4] get back to that depression in the hall... at the top of the second ramp (closest to this junction), JUMP straight up to that ledge above for a Medpack and Large Shield Booster. Head through the door around the corner (where the Reborn was) - do some killing, and get ready... hit SPEED, use the switch, JUMP up on the conveyor belt and run through where the forcefield on the right was. Brief cutscene. SPEED through the steam while it's off, and do the same for the next bit of steam. JUMP (either side) to the top of the forcefield doorway, then down to the conveyor it's on, then down to the platform sticking out of the wall, and down to the next conveyor. (Or just drop down to that platform sticking out of the wall... either way, you're going to take some damage) The next Secret Area is below. [Secret 5] drop all the way to the ground, and inside a pipe is some Rocket ammo. Down to the end of the belt, and left into the doorway where Alora was. Don't bother with either platform sticking out above the conveyor because they lead nowhere. In through the door and take the lift up, out and greet the Impy. Get on to the conveyor and avoid the steam, and at the end is another control platform like the one you just came in on (at the end on the left) - JUMP over to it. In the corridor you'll run into another Bad Guy pair... hack 'n slash time. ("Our goal is near." "Yes! Soon Ragnos will be risen and he will guide us to a new age.") Through the next door and another Bad Guy pair (and an Impy)... after they're dead, watch the conveyor to the left for timing. Run through there while the electricity is off, then immediately duck to the right. Rest up, and get up on that strut stretching across the conveyor, being careful to stay in the middle so you don't get spiked. SPEED through when the smasher goes up, duck off to the right again, then through the next. Up the steps and do some killing (Staff Reborn and a couple of Impys), then get the last Secret Area. [Secret 6] down the ramp to the right of the door for healing items. (You might want to save this Secret Area until after your next fight, so you'll be fully healed for Alora) Through the door and along the corridor... cutscene ("Perhaps you too will learn to serve Tavion."), and kill your buddy (Staff Reborn) when he appears - for whatever reason, this guy is a real wimp... just hit SPEED as soon as the cutscene ends, and a couple of slashes takes care of him. There's Thermal Dets down on the other side of this short wall, and an Ammo Regenerator down on the side of the room in the trench (the area under the ledge Alora was on). Jump up on the short wall, then up on the crates... when a carrier appears on the rail, jump up on it and from there to the ledge where Alora was. A long and hokey cutscene... when it's over, choose your path: kill Rosh to go Dark, or shut off your Lightsaber (default is your '1' key) to go Light. I've got it saved at this point as "choose Light or Dark", so I can always come back to it and choose the other path. Personally, I've done it both ways... it's so much fun, especially at the end of the game. After that, it's just a matter of killing Alora (and possibly Rosh as well - and admit it, you've wanted to do that the entire game). As I mentioned at the end of Tier 1, it doesn't matter what your Force powers are set at right now... you could have *all* the Dark Force powers completely filled out and still go Light - all you need to do is shut off your Lightsaber. Anyway, make your choice and live with it for the rest of the game (not much longer now). Light: another cutscene, and then you get to fight Alora... once she's down (hopefully permanently), Kyle rushes the One-Armed Man to medical help while you go on to Korriban. Dark: kill Rosh with one swipe... another cutscene (which is beautiful in its killing potential - a shame you can't literally hack Rosh into tiny bits and pieces, but at least he's dead), and then you get to (finally) kill Alora. After you're gone, Kyle rushes in, pronounces Rosh a Jedi as he dies, then follows you to Korriban. Unfortunately, this is one of those levels where they don't list any stats at the end, Secrets and otherwise. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -=Korriban Missions=- >>Sith Crypts {kor1} [3 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 3 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 3, RAGE 3 //Objectives: Find a way through the Sith Catacombs to the Valley floor. //Enemies: Saber Cultists, Grip Cultists, Drain Cultists, Lightning Cultists, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn -- if you went Dark, then you have various Jedi to fight as well \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: n/a Depending on what choice you made on Taspir, this can be hard or very hard... if you went Light, you've got other Jedi and Apprentices who will travel with you and help you - but if you went Dark, you'll have to kill them as well. Actually, if you went Dark you just have to kill everyone, which is just a little easier, as far as finding your way... and heck, all you really need to do is sit back and let the Jedi and Reborn kill each other, then take on the winners while they're weak. One cute thing about the opening cutscene... the guy on the right always stays the same, but the apprentice on the left will be different each time you view this cutscene. If you went Dark on Taspir, these two will attack you immediately... the one who did the talking is a midrange fighter, but the other one is a wimp. In any case, be ready. If you went Light, these and other Jedi will accompany you on your mission... while the extra firepower is nice, they'll be trying to do the same thing you are: kill the Bad Guys, so watch your swings and don't kill them... don't get hit by them either; they can be worse than Chewie when it comes to friendly fire. Also note that if you do hit them during a fight, they'll think you've gone Dark and will attack you, leaving you with no choice but to kill them... well, sometimes they will. However, you don't *need* to keep the Jedi alive, so let them do the killing and dying for you. I'll just write this for the Light side... the very few instances of Dark will get their own paragraph or whatever. I will note, however, that if you went Dark, some of your Reborn attackers will be replaced by Jedi attackers. When the cutscene ends, go straight ahead (with your ship as orientation, imagine the nose pointing north - you need to go northwest), around the corner and down the stairs... you'll be attacked almost immediately by a Staff Reborn. You could also go around the other way and take him out there, then drop down to the stairs... either way, kill him quick and proceed down the stairs. Partway down the stairs you'll see a Dual Reborn attacking a Jedi, and further on another Jedi under attack... your best bet is to SPEED down the stairs and take out each Reborn quickly, before your companions get there. On the other hand, if you went Dark on Taspir, just let the Light and Dark fight it out amongst themselves... and kill the winners. At the bottom there's a hall off to the left with Reborn and Cultists, and straight ahead is a Reborn and a red Cultist - take those two out first, then the others in the room down the stairs at the left. Get the first Secret Area. [Secret 1] go back up to the hallway outside this room, and JUMP up on top of the statue immediately in front of you (at the intersection)... turn around and JUMP over to that ledge, then to the beam to the right of the ledge (as you face out back into the hall) - from there go beam to beam to get to healing items. Unfortunately, one or more of the Jedi may try to follow you up here, and if they fall from a beam they'll die. In the room with all the statues, look around... three of the statues (in the corners with the lights on their heads) are Force affected, and can be PUSHed. Stairs will drop down... head down them, but be careful that you don't go over the edge. Kill the wimpy Reborn in here, then head to either side for a long set of stairs going all the way down (your Jedi companions probably won't follow you). Near the bottom, hit SPEED... a couple of Jedi are under attack. Your first target should be the Dual Reborn - after that kill anyone else. Up on the platform at the end of the room is a triangular hole in the wall, surrounded by blocks... the blocks are Force affected, but you don't want to PUSH every single one - use SENSE to see the symbols on the ones you do need to PUSH (middle left, top right, bottom right), matching the ones on the floor; this will open up the triangle door. Checkpoint. Down the stairs, and you've got both Cultists and Reborn, plus a Reborn high up on the left wall... once the ones on the ground are dead, return to the archway where you entered this room and PULL the whitish blocks in the wall to form a pathway up. As soon as you get on top of the pillar a Dual Reborn will attack, but it'll be child's play to kick or Push him off the edge. From here it's obvious where you need to go... jump across to that opening and head down the ramp to where more Jedi are under attack, as well as the ambush you'll get on the way (if you went Dark, you'll be ambushed by Jedi instead of Reborn). Once all the Bad Guys are dead, pick up any healing items in the room and drop through the hole in the floor... into the hole in the wall and race down the tunnel, but no matter how fast you go you won't be in time to save the female Jedi. Avenge her death, and continue on into the next room where more Jedi are under attack. From where you entered this room, head left... you can also get up on the ledges via ramps at the end of the room, if you wish. Kill the Reborn and the Staff Reborn on the way, then use SENSE to find the red Cultist hiding up above... get up on the ledge opposite where he is, and you can PULL him to his death (if he didn't already die with the others). Through the arch on the end for a pair of Cultists and Saber Cultists. Through either door and into the next room for a bunch of Cultists and Reborn of all types... once they're all dead, pick up the next Secret Area. [Secret 2] jump up on either of those gray blocks on the center platform and turn back towards the entrance... look up and you'll see a gap; JUMP up and in for a Large Booster Shield and (for whatever reason) Rocket ammo. Head to the back of the room and through the hole in the wall... Checkpoint. Go down for the rest of the level, up for the last Secret Area. [Secret 3] JUMP up from beam to beam to collect (again) a Large Shield Booster and Rocket ammo. Drop from beam to beam until you can drop into the opening in the side (without getting a hot foot), up the ramp and into the next room... red Cultist and wimp Reborn in here. Out the only exit and down to a duplicate room (a pair of Shield Boosters in here), killing and killing... down further to yet another similar room, except this one is partly flooded with lava (and no Bad Guys in evidence). Cross the room and up the stairs to a pair of Reborn and a Cultist. Once they're dead, head down the hall... two Staff Reborn and a Dual Reborn. Once they're dead, break the two pillars supporting the block at the end, and get a brief cutscene of the other triangular door opening upstairs. Turn around and cut the two chains, which drops that grate that was upstairs. JUMP up on either of the statues in the center section and up for more killing action. At the opposite end of the room from the platform and the first triangular door you went through (after Pushing those blocks) is an opening - guarded, of course, by a Reborn Master - where the other triangle door used to be... do your killing bit and then through the door to end the level. For fun, after you kill this last twit but before you go through the door, save this as a separate area for spawning... it's got plenty of room to move around in, plenty of obstacles and ledges, and worse comes to worse you can actually make your way all the way back up to where you started this level for some open air fighting. Save it for Light, save it for Dark, save it for various difficulties, save it for various characters... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >>Sith Ruins {kor2} [2 Secrets] //Force powers, Light: HEAL 3, MIND TRICK 1, PROTECT 2, ABSORB 3 //Force powers, Core: JUMP 3, PULL 3, PUSH 3, SENSE 3, SPEED 3, Lightsaber Defense 3, Lightsaber Offense 3, Lightsaber Throw 3 //Force powers, Dark: LIGHTNING 3, RAGE 3 //Objectives: Navigate the ancient ruins and enter the Tomb of Ragnos. //Enemies: Stormtroopers, Grip Cultist, Lightning Cultist, New Reborn, Dual Reborn, Staff Reborn, Tavion -- depending on which way you went, you'll end up facing off against a possessed Tavion or Kyle Katarn \\Light Force choices: n/a \\Dark force choices: n/a \\Weapons choices: n/a As you go down the ramps and outside, you can see fighting in the distance, Jedi vs. Reborn... but you've got your own problems right here (on higher difficulty levels, at least). If you went Dark, just sit back and watch the battles between Light and Dark... then take on the winners. Down the ramps and down on to the sand (but not in that ditch at the bottom of the slanted section on the right), and head left, fighting along the way (hopefully with help). Watch out for the abyss coming up... get on the rock there and use it to JUMP across, but first get the Secret Area. [Secret 1] from the rock, drop down to the left - there's a Large Shield Booster in the crack in the wall. Once across, SPEED to the next fight... you might not be in time, but you can avenge the apprentices. In any case, do your killing and PUSH that pillar to form a bridge. Do some more killing, then drop (carefully) into the pit and crouch to enter the structure down there. Head right and jump from rock to rock to get to the top... head left to play with the Stormies. Get the last Secret Area before going up the ramp and in. [Secret 2] use the broken pillars to get on top of the stone building directly in front of the shuttles... health and other items up here. There are also items over on top of the next building (the one that's all pillars), but it's not easy to get over there. There's usually health and shields on the ledges of that building at the pit (the one whose ramp is broken off at the top of the pit), so grab them if you need them. Up the long ramp at that ugly (broken-horned) statue... new mission objective, which tells you you're going the right way, at least. Head on in and down, to be greeted by yet another Staff Reborn. On to the ledge, with more 'toys' to play with... as you get to the door, it opens and you get a cutscene. Light: finally... time to kill Tavion. Watch out for the bolts she shoots at you from the Scepter - but SPEED is nice. Once you 'kill' her, Ragnos will possess her body and you get to fight 'her' all over again. Instead of using the Scepter as a weapon, 'he' pulls a Dark Sword out from the Scepter and uses that against you. In either case, though, she's deader than dead. Neither fight, of course, will be easy... just keep trying. Dark: you'll kill Tavion (a definite kill... nothing 'perhaps' about it), but Ragnos won't possess anyone... instead, Kyle will come in and you'll get to fight him, 'killing' him (well, Jaden thinks he's dead, and buries him under a pile of rocks). Once that's done, you exit the tombs and head for the Star Destroyer in orbit and become its new commander - and perhaps more. Techniques for any of the final fights? Don't get close, unless they throw the Scepter / Sword at you, then Speed and hack before running away again. Use plenty of Absorb (Protect doesn't really seem to do much), and Heal often. Combinations work well, when you have the chance... especially if you can hack at her/him as you flip over her/him. When Dark, Kyle will almost immediately yank your Lightsaber away from you... if you have Dual Lightsabers, this will leave you with one that you can still use to fight. Otherwise, you'll have to use your Force abilities to stave him off until you can recover your Lightsaber. Hit and run, hit and run, hit and run... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE CAST Jaden Korr (male) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phil Tanzini Jaden Korr (female) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jennifer Hale Rosh Penin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Marsden Kyle Katarn, Saboteur 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Bennett Luke Skywalker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Bergen Tavion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kath Soucie Alora, Jedi Female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Grey DeLisle Boba Fett, Cultist 3, Stormtrooper 1, Rodian . . . . . . . . . . . .Tom Kane Wedge Antilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Cox Chewbacca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Himself Weequay, Imperial Worker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger L. Jackson Dasariah and Vil Kothos, Marka Ragnos . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Peter Lurie Racto, Rebel 1, Stormtrooper Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nick Jameson Protocol Droid, Cultist 1, Hazardtrooper 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Larry Cedar Gran, Trandoshan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jess Harnell Rax Joris, Rockettrooper Officer, Stormtrooper, Merchant 1 . . . Greg Berger Jedi 2, Reborn 2, Rockettrooper Officer, Noghri . . . . . .Dee Bradley Baker Jedi 1, Rockettrooper 1, Imperial Officer 2, Prisoner 2 . . . . . Cam Clarke Reborn 1, Cultist 2, Imperial Officer 1 . . . . . . . . . . .Alastair Duncan Voice Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kris Zimmerman As mentioned in my "Jedi Outcast" walkthrough, check IMDb (the Internet Movie Database) for any of the names listed above... http://www.imdb.com/ - in the search box at the upper left of the page, type in the name you want to search for. Most of these folks, as you'll notice, have never done anything but voice acting... video games and cartoons. Nothing wrong with that... it beats having to wear a suit and tie for a living, I guess. Even after playing through several times on different levels, both Light and Dark, I still have absolutely no clue who "Dasariah and Vil Kothos" are... (February 2005) Now *that* makes sense... "Dasariah" and "Vil Kothos" are probably the two Reborn/Cultists who are with Rosh on Vjun3, and probably the two who were with Tavion at the beginning of the game when she's draining the Massassi Temple. This hasn't been verified by LucasArts or Raven, but it make sense. Thanks to C Hunt for the tip. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE CHEATS Hit Shift+~ to open the Console... after that, just type in the cheats. See the top of this document for instructions on how to 'bind' keys (create a macro)... they can come in handy. Most of these are the same cheats found in "Jedi Outcast", though there are some new ones. You do not have to capitalize anything... all lower case works fine and will be accepted by the game; I just have capitals listed to make the commands easier to read. However, the game will accept capitals as well - type it any way you want. It's just easier to read "saberRealisticCombat" than "saberrealisticcombat". helpusobi 1 = enables cheat codes devmapall [mapname] = enables cheat codes, can jump to a new map example: devmapall t3_hevil god = God mode (invulnerability) Warning: sometimes an in-game cutscene will disable 'god' mode... you'll have to type it in again. Also note that God mode will *not* save you from electricity of any kind (such as electrified floors), and it will not save you from Force Drain (though you won't die from it) undying = boosts your Health Points to 999, but is not god mode noclip = no clipping (walk through walls) notarget = enemies will not target you thereisnospoon = Matrix camera work (brief and temporary, worthless); the same thing occurs depending on what you have "Slow Motion Death" set as in your Setup give health = 100% health give armor = 100% armor give force = 100% Force mana give inventory = all inventory items give weapons = all weapons give all = all of above gives (including Boba Fett's jetpack - to use it, jump up in the air and hit your 'use' key. You won't be able to fly upwards, but you can fly along a level trajectory for a little while. Hitting 'use' while you're standing on the ground will give you Rocket Ammo) setForceAll [123] = set all Force powers to level 1, 2, or 3 note: setForceAll 7 gives you the maximum, but it can also screw up the selections screen at the beginning of a mission... since your Force powers are maxed out, you can't choose a power to upgrade, and therefore you can't continue. setForceAll 0 = shuts off all of your Force powers You can also set your Force powers individually, such as: setForceGrip 7 (Speed, Jump, Push, Pull, Absorb, Protect, Sense, Heal, Grip, Drain, Lightning, Rage) -- for Mind Trick, use "setForceDistract #" setSaberAll [1-9] = maximizes your Saber abilities... setting it any higher than 9 will screw up the selections screen at the beginning of the next mission; changing this at all may screw up the selections screen saberColor [saber number] [blade1 color] [blade2 color] your available colors are: orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, & red example: saberColor 1 green you have to do a separate command for each saber hilt... so if you have Dual Lightsabers, you'd have two lines as follows: saberColor 1 green saberColor 2 yellow for a Two-Handed Lightsaber, you change the colors as such: saberColor 1 green red g_saberRealisticCombat [1-9] = slice & dice with the saber... the higher the number, the more 'powerful' the slice & dice (supposedly); in Jedi Outcast you'd actually slice off a limb every time, but not in here (darn) g_saberPickupableDroppedSabers 1 = allows you to pick up Lightsabers dropped by other people (I've never found a use for it) saber [1-9] gives you a single Lightsaber; the # is for hilt style example: saber 5 saber [1-9] [1-9] = gives you dual Lightsabers; # is hilt style example: saber 2 6 saber dual_[1-5] = gives you a saber Staff (double-bladed); again the # is just a hilt style, purely decorative example: saber dual_4 saberstyle [fast, medium, strong, dual] = gives you the appropriate saber style example: saberstyle fast The hilt styles: single & dual - 1=Arbiter, 2=Retaliator, 3=Consul, 4=Adept, 5=Praetor, 6=Sentinel, 7=Adjudicator, 8=Defender, 9=Firebrand For single (standard) and dual sabers there's also a "Katarn" style hilt available, but that's only in Multiplayer two-handed - 1=Guardian, 2=Avenger, 3=Vindicator, 4=Champion, 5=Vanquisher fly_xwing = if you've got a big enough area to maneuver in (somewhere outside), you can actually fly an X-Wing fighter that pops up around you. You need mondo memory and mondo graphics memory to pull this off; most of the time you'll probably just crash the game - in other words, don't bother drive_atst = drive the AT-ST... this actually pops up an AT-ST that you are driving in any level you want (there must be room for it, obviously); to exit the AT-ST, type in the code again mapname = not really a cheat; just type this in at the Console to find out which map you're playing (see below) devmap [mapname] = jump to that map (ie, t3_rift) - these are the names you see when you save a game, such as "t1_fatal" or "t3_rift"; 'devmap' also enables the cheats example: devmap t3_rift You can also jump to any of the Multiplayer maps with this cheat; see the "Mapping" section below for a list. npc kill all = kills *all* NPCs (this includes Chewie, Kyle, etc - be careful) npc spawn [character] = spawn that character... see the end of the file for the list example: npc spawn StormTrooper npc spawn vehicle [vehicle] = spawn any of a number of vehicles in the game example: npc spawn vehicle wildtauntaun iknowkungfu = you are the streetfighting master... (worthless); only useful if you've also used the "give all" cheat - look for a 'crossed fist' icon in your weapons inventory timescale [1-9] = speeds up the game (1 is the default setting) quit = fairly obvious... cg_drawfps 1 = shows your framerate on the screen (if you're tight on memory or graphics power, don't do this) com_maxfps [###] set your maximum framerate (you shouldn't really play with this one... change any graphics settings in your Setup) victory = win the level kill = commit suicide taunt = taunt... You only have to enable the cheats once during the game (every time you run it)... but you have to use God and any of the others at the beginning of every level. It does save, however, as do any of the other cheats you use... so as soon as you start a level, turn on your saberRealisticCombat (and/or whatever else you use), then save the level. Even if you exit the game and come back into it, your cheats will remain in the save, though you'll have to enable them again with 'obi'. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHEATS IN MULTIPLAYER Just like "Jedi Outcast", you can use some cheats in the multiplayer games. How to: If you are playing on your own server (you 'created' the server, or playing in the Solo Game option), then you type "devmap [mapname]", such as "devmap mp/ffa4". If you're not sure about a mapname, then just type in "mapname" and it will tell you. If you're playing on someone else's server, then you'll need to have 'rcon' (remote control) abilities... start by entering your password as "rconpassword [password]", where you obviously replace the part in braces with the appropriate password, such as "rconpassword cuteleia". Now during play you can type in "rcon devmap [mapname]", such as "rcon devmap mp/ffa4". Only a few of the cheats actually work in Multiplayer... as far as I can tell, the ones that work are "god", "noclip", "notarget", "give health", "give items", "give armor", and "give all". Note that even though "give all" works, it will not restore any Force mana, though it will restore all Health and Armor. Cheats like "setForceAll" or "setSaberAll" do not work, nor does "undying" or "saberColor". In a really silly note, one of the things that happens when you use the "give all" cheats is you end up wearing Boba Fett's rocket pack... see the "give all" cheat above for instructions on how to use it. It only works (or only seems to work) when you use the "give all" cheat, not "give weapons" or "give items". Every time you respawn or join a new game you'll need to use the cheats, though you only need to enable them once per session or map; if you switch to a new map (whether the same type of game or not), you'll have to enable the cheats again. If you 'jump' to a new map, the cheats will be enabled... you just have to activate the individual cheats. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAPPING THE GAME You can actually do a graphics 'map' of some of the levels, if you don't mind cheating... what you'll get is an overall view of the entire level showing where all the buildings are, though you'll have to label them yourself. How to: 1 - save the level you're on (just a Quicksave will do fine) 2 - switch your weapon to the Thermal Dets, Det Packs or Tripmines if you have them, the Blaster Pistol if you don't 3 - enable the cheats 4 - turn on the 'notarget' cheat 5 - turn on the 'noclip' cheat 6 - hold down your 'jump' key and soar straight up, through the roof... Just keep heading upwards... I don't think there's much of a limit on where you can go. Eventually, when you tilt your view downwards, you can see the entire level spread out below you. Screen capture it, and label everything... Sure, it won't show you where the Secret Areas are, it won't show you where the Bad Guys are, and it won't actually get you anywhere... but at least you can see what's where. After you're finished capping and viewing, just Quickload to bring you back. With some of the levels you won't see anything at any height, because of the mist or fog or clouds... and of course you won't see lower levels because they'll be hidden by the upper levels. You can 'soar' all over the place (just try and move as you usually would, including crouch), and you can maneuver around to see a building from the side, or the bottom, or just about any angle. Also note that on a couple of levels - such as taspir2 - you'll run into a game freeze if you try this noclip soar... your crosshairs will seem to blur, and then you'll seem to freeze in place, unable to maneuver; just QuickLoad to get out of it. Yes, you can map the multiplayer levels as well... load (or start) a Single Player game, and use "devmap [mapname]", such as "devmap mp/ctf3" - all single player cheats and commands will be available. However, most of the Multiplayer maps aren't worth mapping... with any of the "Duel" (or "Power Duel") maps, what you see is what you get, and mapping doesn't really matter with any of the "Free for All" maps either; the "Capture the Flag" maps are the only ones where you'd really worry about finding your way around (to find each flag and the shortest route between them), and they're easy enough to figure out. "Free for All" / "Team Free for All" mp/ffa1 = "Vjun Sentinel" mp/ffa2 = "Korriban FFA" mp/ffa3 = "Tatooine FFA" mp/ffa4 = "Rift Sanctuary" mp/ffa5 = "Taspir" "Duel" / "Power Duel" mp/duel1 = "Bespin Courtyard" mp/duel2 = "Generator Room" mp/duel3 = "Imperial Shaft" mp/duel4 = "Imperial Control Room" mp/duel5 = "Taspir Landing" mp/duel6 = "Yavin Training Grounds" mp/duel7 = "Rancor Pit" mp/duel8 = "Abandoned City" mp/duel9 = "Hoth Canyon" mp/duel10 = "Vjun Fuel Processing" "Capture the Flag" mp/ctf1 = "Imperial Landing Zone" mp/ctf2 = "Hoth Wasteland" mp/ctf3 = "Yavin Hilltops" mp/ctf4 = "Coruscant Streets" mp/ctf5 = "Factory" The mp/duel6 map (Yavin Training Grounds) is a beautiful one to play around in... big and wide open, with platforms and valleys to spawn and fight in; the only real problem with it is that spawned characters don't have a lot of initiative - if a Bad Guy is far enough away from a Good Guy, they probably won't attack them, especially if you're not near them. Most of the Duel maps are small, with little or nothing in the way of areas to explore, and of course none of the doors will open. Warning! If you try mapping the "Siege" maps you will run into trouble... these three maps are special ones, separate from all of the others, and will have certain things - such as active Blaster Cannons - in them even if you jump to them with the devmap cheat in Single Player mode. Encountering one of these items may lock up your game or even shut it down completely. "Siege" -- mp/siege_hoth mp/siege_desert mp/siege_korriban =============================================================================================== SPAWNING If you don't know what this means, then maybe you shouldn't use it... what it does is call up a character for you to play with. For example, if you spawn a Stormtrooper, one will appear in the room with you, and you can fight him/her/whatever - they act as they normally would during the game, and you can do anything to them you normally would during the game (as well as killing them). In the Console window, type (you must have the cheats enabled): npc spawn [character name] For instance, to spawn a Stormtrooper, you'd type: npc spawn stormtrooper You can also spawn any of the vehicles used in the game, anything that can be ridden, such as: npc spawn vehicle wildtauntaun Since "Jedi Academy" is based on the same game engine and code used for "Jedi Outcast", most (but not all) of the spawns available in "Outcast" are available in "Academy", even if that character isn't actually in the game anywhere (such as Desann). I've checked all of these myself to make sure they work... and added a few that weren't in the lists I've seen. There are some that you'll find on other lists that aren't here - either the game says they don't exist, or I decided for reasons of my own not to include them. The spawns with a + in front of their name are from "Jedi Outcast", but they will spawn in here; during gameplay, some of them can be found in Multiplayer, but not Single Player. Obviously, you don't type in the + when you're spawning them. The List: --Good Guys-- +bespincop chewie elder +jan jedi_random +jedi +jedi2 +jedif jedimaster +jeditrainer kyle +lando +luke +monmothma +morgan_katarn +prisoner +rebel +rebel2 rosh_penin --Bad Guys-- alora alora_dual bartender boba_fett cultist cultist_destroyer cultist_drain cultist_grip cultist_lightning cultist_saber +desann +galak +gran +gran2 +granboxer +granshooter hazardtrooper howler human_merc impcommander imperial +impofficer impworker lannik_racto mutant_rancor noghri rancor rax +reborn reborn_dual reborn_new reborn_staff +rebornacrobat +rebornboss rebornchiss +rebornfencer +rebornforceuser rebornmaster rebornrodian reborntrandoshan rebornweequay +reelo rockettrooper rockettrooper2 +rodian +rodian2 saboteur saboteurpistol saboteursniper sand_creature +shadowtrooper snowtrooper stcommander stofficer stofficeralt +stormpilot +stormtrooper +swamptrooper +tavion tavion_new +trandoshan tusken tuskensniper wampa +weequay +weequay2 +weequay3 +weequay4 The "reborn chiss" is, believe it or not, the bartender from Nar Kreeta (where you had to rescue the prisoners from the Rancor)... with two Lightsabers. Several of these Reborn spawns can only be found in the Multiplayer games, such as the "rebornrodian". The "shadowtrooper" is from "Jedi Outcast" (as marked above), but acts like it's from "Academy". One thing you'll notice when you spawn it is that you'll get a message stating that the game can't find the shader for the Force gem... in "Outcast", the Shadowtroopers had a green crystal in the center of their chests, and when you killed them you got the crystal, which fully restored your Force mana instantly. Even though you get the error message, you can still use the Shadowtrooper... in here, they use Drain, Rage, and other Dark powers which didn't exist in "Outcast", and when they die, you still get the Force Crystal (invisible though it is)... in fact, it can boost your mana to *above* 100 for a while. --Neutrals-- jawa merchant ugnaught --Droids (Good & Bad)-- assassin_droid gronk interrogator mouse probe protocol protocol_imp r2d2 r2d2_imp r5d2 r5d2_imp remote seeker sentry Note that while R2-D2 is listed, C-3PO is not... he falls in the "protocol" category. --Vehicles-- atst swoop swoop_cin swoop_mp swoop_mp2 tauntaun wildtauntaun x-wing z-95 Just be warned that some of these vehicles need a lot of room... try spawning an x-wing inside somewhere, and more likely than not it will explode after a few seconds. There are others, but I haven't included them for my own reasons. You can spawn characters anywhere in the game, on any level... any characters, even those normally used by Multiplayer. If you want somewhere to spawn a bunch of characters (both Good and Bad) just for fun and fighting, you can always spawn in any of the Multiplayer maps as well... just open the Console and type in (without the quotes) "devmap mapname", where 'mapname' is replaced with the filename of the map, such as "mp/ctf1". Do this via the Single Player game rather than Multiplayer, and you won't have anything to worry about (other than being killed by a Bad Guy) - since you're in Single Player mode, the 'goals' of the Multiplayer map in question won't apply, and you can run around for as long as you like on your killing spree... all weapons, ammo and health items available in the Multiplayer game will be available to you. One oddity I found... while doing this in the "Coruscant Streets" Flag map (mp/ctf4), I had 'god' and 'notarget' on so I wouldn't get clipped by any of the spawned characters (I just wanted to watch the fights, not participate in them), and Desann got Pushed off a ledge and into that abyss by one of the Jedi... and didn't die. So I said 'what the heck', and jumped down to finish him off - and as long as I was standing down there on the 'bottom' of the map, my Armor kept increasing until it hit 999. Also, when I hacked Desann to death down there, he disappeared in a sparkling flash... See the end of the "Mapping" section above for a list of all the Multiplayer maps. Note, of course, that you can't spawn when actually playing a Multiplayer game, whether you're connected to a server or not. =============================================================================================== SPAWNING IN THE DEMO One word: DON'T. If you try spawning something not found in the Demo, you'll get an error message stating "Cannot fall back on Stormtrooper model" (or some such), and you'll be back at the main game screen... if you're lucky. If you're not lucky, you'll crash out of the game. If you want to spawn, do it in the full game. =============================================================================================== JEDI VS. JEDI, REBORN VS. REBORN Unfortunately, unlike "Jedi Outcast" you cannot have Good Guy fight Good Guy, or Bad Guy fight Bad Guy... it just doesn't work any more, which is severely disappointing. If you want to see Good fight Good, do a Multiplayer game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- the KYLE KATARN series: "Dark Forces" (1995) "Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II" (1997) "Mysteries of the Sith" (1998) -- expansion pack for DF2 "Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast" (2002) "Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" (2003) If you've never met him before this, Kyle Katarn started out as an agent of the old Empire before he grew disgusted with them and turned his back on the dark ways. Accompanied by his companion/pilot/girlfriend Jan Ors, he offered his services to the Rebellion... and one of his first missions was retrieving the plans for the Death Star, and then ending a new super-powered droid menace backed by Darth Vader himself ("Dark Forces"). After the Empire fell, he became a mercenary, though the new Republic had first call on his services... when his father - a Jedi named Morgan Katarn - was killed protecting the secrets of the Valley of the Jedi, Kyle took up his Lightsaber and became a Jedi himself, defeating the Dark Jedi Jerec ("Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II"). After that, Kyle took on an apprentice, a former smuggler named Mara Jade... she too learned the ways of the Force, but during this time Kyle almost lost his soul in a dark Sith temple, and renounced the Force, giving up his Lightsaber ("Mysteries of the Sith"). Kyle was called back into service by Luke Skywalker when a Dark Jedi named Desann - a former student at the Academy - went on a rampage... Kyle killed Desann, though he allowed Desann's apprentice Tavion to escape ("Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast"). And now here we are... Kyle is helping to rebuild the Academy and train new apprentices - welcome to the rest of your life. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COPYRIGHTS: "Star Wars", "The Empire Strikes Back", "Return Of The Jedi" and all characters and creations contained therein are copyright (c) 1977/1980/1983 LucasFilms Ltd. (http://www.starwars.com/) "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" and all characters and creations therein is copyright (c) 2000 LucasFilms Ltd. (http://www.starwars.com/) "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and all characters and creations therein is copyright (c) 2002 LucasFilms Ltd. (http://www.starwars.com/) "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and all characters and creations therein is copyright (c) 2005 LucasFilms Ltd. (http://www.starwars.com/) "Dark Forces" and all contents thereof are copyright (c) 1995 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC (http://www.lucasarts.com/) "Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II" and all contents thereof are copyright (c) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC (http://www.lucasarts.com/) "Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast" and all contents thereof are copyright (c) 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC (http://www.lucasarts.com/) and Raven Studios (http://www.ravensoft.com/), with help from Activision (http://www.activision.com/) "Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" (http://www.swjediacademy.com/) and all contents thereof are copyright (c) 2003 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC (http://www.lucasarts.com/) and Raven Studios (http://www.ravensoft.com/), with help from Activision (http://www.activision.com/) the Quake III Arena engine used in the game is copyright 2002 iD Software (http://www.idsoftware.com/) "Jedi Academy" was done by Raven Software, and is copyright 2003 Raven Software (http://www.ravensoft.com/) Some game elements are published and copyright 2003 by Activision (http://www.activision.com/) =============================================================================================== FAN SITES / MODS SITES LucasFiles -- http://www.lucasfiles.com/ Massassi Temple -- http://www.massassi.net/ (more for "Jedi Knight" and "Jedi outcast", but they do have some "Jedi Academy" stuff) Map-Center -- http://www.map-center.com (extensive forums on mapping for Academy, Outcast, Wolfenstein, Doom, etc. Don't let the sharks bother you) Out of business as of January 2006 DarthG -- http://www.darthg.com (a lot of what you used to find on Map-Center, including forums and tutorials) QERadiant -- http://www.qeradiant.com/ (GTK, the map creation program for Jedi Academy) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- David "Nightwolf" Masters -- dmasters @ jlc.net the Roundhouse -- http://roundhouse.8m.com/ (Railroad Tycoon II) TerokNor -- http://tnhp.tvheaven.com/ (Star Trek silly, filks, fanfic) GTK / Jedi Academy -- http://www.jlc.net/~dmasters/jediacad.htm January/February 2004 -- walkthrough etc. for the Demo April/May 2004 -- the full game May 2004 -- version 1.1 (updated walkthrough, "Multiplayer for Singles") June/July 2004 -- version 1.2 (mapping, warnings, tier 1 Corellia, major update to the "Multiplayer for Singles" section, added "Console" section) July/August 2004 -- version 1.2a (minor updates to spawns and Multiplayer, added avatar list to Multiplayer) October 2004 -- version 1.2b (complete spell checking, minor tweaking, more Multiplayer) January 2005 -- version 1.3 (minor tweaking, added the section on Mods) January 2005 -- version 1.3a (more on mods/editing, tweaking) February 2005 -- ver. 1.3a (added the section on Editing the Demo, minor tweaking, more on skins) February 2005 -- ver. 1.3b (saved all editing/mods sections to separate file) February 2005 -- ver. 2 (major changes/additions to separate skins file, added warning to mods section of this file) July 2005 -- ver 2.1 (reformatted to fit 96 column width, added Secret Area info on the Boba Fett and Taspir2 levels) November/December 2005 -- ver 2.2 (updated to reflect all of the comments about Boba Fett, several other updates including Vjun and Taanab)