Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Complete Walkthrough v.1.20 Last update: 5/22/04 Created by: JediMeister ( Copyright 2004 Alvin Shek Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction - Legal Info - Version History - About the Author 2. Weapons - Lightsaber - DL-44 Blaster Pistol - E-11 Blaster Rifle - Tenloss Disruptor Rifle - Wookiee Bowcaster - Imperial Heavy Repeater - DEMP 2 Gun - Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Weapon - Stouker Concussion Rifle - Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System - Throwable weapons - Thermal Detonator - Detonation Packs - Trip Mines 3. Level Maps 3.1 Yavin Jungle Training Area 3.2 Tier 1 Missions Mercenary Activity - Tatooine Droid Recovery - Tatooine Emergency Assistance - Bakura Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel Cult Investigation - Corellia 3.3 Hoth Ice Planet Hoth Echo Base 3.4 Tier 2 Missions Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta Meet Contact - Zonju V Covert Operation - Kril'Dor Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant Cult Investigation - Dosuun 3.5 Vjun Vjun Bast Castle Lower Floors Bast Castle Interior 3.6 Tier 3 Missions Cult Sighting - Chandrila Cult Investigation - Tanaab Dismantle Device - Yalara Force Theft Investigation - Byss Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell 3.7 Taspir III Taspir III Imperial Power Station 3.8 Korriban Sith Crypts Sith Ruins 4. Enemies 5. Credits 1. Introduction Legal Info This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Version History: v 0.25 - Played the demo released on 9/5/03 and wrote initial walkthrough. Later included locations of located secret areas. v 0.30 - Included weapons list and random notes on dueling various enemies. v 0.50 - Received game in mail and wrote walkthrough for first tier missions and Hoth. v 0.75 - Finished second tier missions and completed walkthrough v 1.00 - Finished third tier missions and submitted to the web. v.1.01 - Included secret areas and tips submitted by readers. Keep checking for more updates. v.1.02 - Included tip by Andrew Gaut regarding Ragnos on higher difficulty levels. Also included general tips submitted by Dharmon. v.1.03 - Adding submitted secret areas and tips by Abu Sayeed Ahad and Robert Lavigne, and other assorted secret areas found by myself. v.1.1 - Received permission from JarJarBinks to post a copy of his Tanaab walkthrough from the JA LucasForums. It's a whole lot more detailed than mine. Wrote up a whole bunch of secret areas, too many to count. I think that's the last of them unless someone has other ones to contribute. v.1.11 - Included several more secret areas from Hoth, Taspir, and Korriban. v.1.12 - Included alternate strategies for Rax and Tavion. v.1.20 - Added general strategies developed by other gamers. The following sites are permitted to host this as well as my other walkthrough: RavenGames About the Author This is my second game walkthrough, the first being Star Trek Elite Force II. As I am still new at this, any recommendations or constructive criticism are very welcome. I will also be accepting tips and other strategies developed by fellow players. If you would like to contact me, just send me an e-mail with the words JA walkthrough in the subject line. 2. Weapons: 1) Lightsaber - The weapon of a Jedi. A beam of pure energy, capable of slicing through virtually any known substance and capable of blocking energy bolts. Dangerous to both user and foe alike in hands of a novice, but effective and deadly with the guidance of a true master. Primary fire is differing slashing and swinging attacks depending on the player's movements. Secondary fire is a force-powered lightsaber throw. 2) DL-44 Blaster Pistol - Possibly the most common firearm in the galaxy due to its customizability. Primary fire is an accurate single bolt. Secondary fire is a charged shot using up to five energy units. 3) E-11 Blaster Rifle - Once the weapon of choice of Imperial Stormtroopers, this weapon is now used by mercenaries and smugglers. Primary fire is a slow but damaging shot. Secondary fire is more rapid and as a result even more inaccurate than the primary fire. Secondary fire uses up energy packs twice as fast as primary. 4) Tenloss Disruptor Rifle - Rips apart matter at the molecular level. Primary fire is a fast shot which almost instantaneously hits its target. Secondary fire utilizes the attached scope, allowing for greater accuracy and charged shots. A fully charged shot can completely disintegrate an enemy. A non-charged shot uses three units of energy. A fully charged shot uses thirty units. 5) Wookiee Bowcaster - A primitive weapon, it fires greenish bolts of energy which are effective against both personal shields and bodies. Primary fire is either a single bolt or a charged shot of up to 5 bolts. Secondary fire is a highly reflective shot which can bounce off walls. Uses five energy units per shot. 6) Imperial Heavy Repeater - A weapon which definitely fits the description more quantity than quality. Like most rifles, it is inaccurate at long range. Best for up-close-and-personal ranges. Primary fire is a spray of metallic bolts. Secondary fire is an energy grenade useful for eliminating groups of enemies. Secondary fire uses thirty units of ammunition per use. 7) DEMP 2 Gun - An electromagnetic pulse gun. Most useful against electronic devices. Primary fire is a single bolt which affects droids. Secondary fire is a charged shot capable of damaging organic persons as well. The secondary fire has splash damage within a radius of three meters. A single shot uses eight units. A fully charged secondary fire uses thirty. 8) Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Weapon - Usually used by higher ranking Stormtroopers, this weapon is known for the danger it poses to both the victim and the user. Primary shoots hot shards of metal in a shotgun-like spread. Secondary fire releases two bouncing mines, which detonate either upon contact with an enemy, or otherwise detonate within three seconds. Both primary and secondary fire use eight units of ammunition. 9) Stouker Concussion Rifle - One of the most dangerous weapons in the galaxy. Kills most targets with a single shot. Primary fire is a powerful explosive shot which can launch enemies into the air. Secondary fire is a burst of ionized particles which almost instantaneously reaches its target and throws them violently. Uses forty units of ammunition for primary fire and fifty for secondary fire. 0) Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System - A rocket launcher. Primary fire releases a single dumb missile which flies straight to its intended target. Can be pushed. Secondary fire is a tracking missile which locks onto the target. It can be pushed away but will re-seek its target. -) Throwable weapons Thermal Detonator - A grenade which releases energy and heat to destroy everything around it. Primary fire is a time- delayed detonator which explodes after four seconds. Secondary fire detonates on contact with any surface. Ten may be carried at any one time. Detonation Packs - An explosive with a remote detonator. Primary fire places the pack. Secondary fire detonates any placed detonation packs. May carry five. Trip Mines - Useful against a pursuing enemy or as a delaying tactic. Only 5 may be carried at a time. A laser extends from the casing to the nearest parallel surface. If either the casing is fired upon or the beam is broken the mine will detonate itself and any other explosive devices nearby. Some weapons use the same type of ammunition. For example, the blaster pistol and rifle use blaster packs. The disruptor rifle, the bowcaster, the DEMP use power cells. The repeater, the flechette, and the concussion rifle use metallic bolts. General Notes On dueling single-bladed reborn: These are generally the easiest variant of the reborn in Jedi Academy. Do not try to do the ground stab with any of the reborn. More than half the time you will be jump kicked and be on the receiving end of a ground stab yourself. The easiest strategy is the hop around like a madman slicing them as you flip and twirl around the area. If its becoming too hot a situation for you, use speed and run the heck out of there. You usually have time to heal yourself before the reborn catches up with you and more often than not the reborn will kill himself trying to reach you. Rolling stabs are also useful. Revision note: If you manage to jump on a Jedi's head and knock him down, the ground stabs can be quite effective on the lower leveled duelists. On dueling dual-sabered reborn: The key things are to keep on moving. The moment you stop moving, the npc will either grip you or lightning you. So keep moving. Another thing, always keep on jumping. Keep your reticle on the opponent and you may even connect with a few lucky swings to his head or shoulders. If he uses the saber barrier, throw your lightsaber and finish him off. On dueling lightstaff reborn: When they start doing their kata or twirls, just throw. In between, use the same strategies as against the dual-sabered reborn. A useful move, that is, if you're using dual sabers, is the DFA move. You can on average connect on two of the strikes. The other two stances, that is, the single saber and lightstaff provide no easy methods to rid yourself of this enemy except the rolling stab. Never attack when they begin a kata unless you throw your lightsaber. Also key to dueling are acrobatics. For example, if you're cornered up against a wall, use the wall-grab jump and get out of the corner you've backed up into. Or just jump over the person and stab them from behind. If you're knocked down and the opponent is going for a groundstab, just forward or back kick them. Again, don't try your own groundstab, throw the lightsaber. Jumping also allows you to land on top of an enemy and possibly force him to the ground much like a kick. Another useful combination of attacks and evasion is the cartwheel. Dharmon also reports that similar to the reborn in JO, thermal detonators are effective against the duelists after you've eliminated their cultist buddy. However, don't try to use this on blue and red duelists as they will push it back in your face. Regarding Saber Locks: Try to win every saber lock. I know this is a no-brainer but depending on which direction you push while in the saber lock, e.g. left, right, forward, or back, you will almost always perform an instant kill move. With a single lightsaber, the finishing moves are either a stab to the chest, or an upward diagonal swipe from right to left. With two lightsabers, again, either a stab to the chest, a move where you knock the enemy's lightsaber away and perform a double cut at chest height, or also a third, and most rare occurance, where you throw your second lightsaber around the enemy and slice him up as you hold off his lightsaber. With a lightstaff, you perform an upward slice to finish off the enemy. Mission Tiers: You only have to complete four of the five missions in a given tier. Because I went through all the missions, I came out with three extra force points. However, these aren't particularly necessary. The extra force points can be used to beef up your offense if you're light by investing in lightning or grip and to get mind trick or heal if you're dark. Force Powers: Force sense is by far one of the most useful powers. At any level force sense will allow you to see mission objectives that are nearby. Powerups are colored yellow, enemies in red, allies in green, and objectives in blue. The most practical use of this power is to guide you through a level. The best case of such use is on the Ord Mantell mission vs. Boba Fett. After you rush through either door near your fighter, sense will enable you to see the three detonators you must plant near each stockpile. This force power is also useful on the Bakura and Kril'Dor missions, as they allow you to "see" the bombs you must deactivate. The above tip was recommended by Jean Eric-Preis. The next useful powers are mind trick and absorb. I didn't really find the dark powers all that useful except lightning and grip, but that may be because I stayed primarily light in order to get absorb and protection. Note that mind trick can be used on the Wampa as well as the Rancor. Bizarrely I could only manage to trick the Rancor once and every other time it resisted the mind trick. The above tip was submitted by Julius Petty. Grip is one of the crucial powers if you go darkside. Not only does it lower the defense of your saber wielding enemies (at least temporarily), but you can also use it on the weaker saber enemies to toss them over cliffs or into lava. Use of grip and saber throw simultaneously is also an efficient way of eliminating reborn. This tip was posted by Lasse Pedersen and Adrian Toh. Note that you can also push the enemies as they are gripped and send them flying. Against normal enemies, e.g. the non-lightsaber guys, push and pull are useful powers. Speed + fast style are an efficient way for killing the maximum number of stormtroopers possible. The lightsaber twirls, e.g. crouch + w + attack cuts through normal enemies like butter. For bigger concentrations of enemies, use mind trick to even the odds by tricking the trooper with the most powerful weapon. This tip was submitted by Dharmon. I have to agree with Dharmon. Mind trick was my most frequently used force power on most missions. Mind trick is most useful on levels such as Vjun against those Hazard Troopers, on Dosuun when you're weaponless, and on the Byss Dreadnaught mission. I'm sure there are more places where mind trick can be used effectively, but these were the missions where I found it the most expedient. Another tip regarding non-jedi submitted by Jeremy Guebert: I've noticed that the only stormtroopers with weapons better than the standard blaster rifle always have orange shoulder pads. (with the exception of Hazard Troopers) (this info is based on Padawan difficulty only... please correct me if this is different on higher difficulty levels). This is quite true, and I'm surprised I forgot to include it in the previous revisions. If you take out the officer or the higher ranking stormtrooper, usually wearing grey or tan colors the other stormtroopers will scatter allowing you to hunt each one down instead of trying to hold off several shots at a time with your lightsaber. Dueling Tip submitted by Robert Lavigne: I have a tip for single or dual saber fighting that works great in almost all circumstances. This is a trick I picked up playing RUNE a few years back, and is incredibly effective in most sword fighting games I have tried. The idea is to start with a quick tap on any strafe button, and then immediately redirecting in the opposite direction and hitting the attack button. This consistently lures your opponent(s) to one side while also ensuring that you swing horizontally which keeps away any opponent you're not hacking to bits. Then of course if you persist in the same direction your character spins on himself and swings his saber around neatly, hard to direct but deadly and hard to defend for ennemies. I greatly enjoy battling multiple reborns in this fashion, and I usually save the game before such duels and then return over and over again... Other random general notes submitted by Sauli Aalto: First dueling with the reborn. When dueling with multiple of them simultaneously, acrobatic-strategy is the safest, but when there is only one of them - with any kind of weapon, it has proven to be very lethal attacking him using simultaneously force speed rank 2 or 3 and very rapid lightsaber attack (tapping attack-button like a madman). Usually this combo makes you able to finish a reborn with single raber at ease before he even gets chance to hit you. If his saber is on your way, he might cause some minor damage to your shields, but less than 20 points even though. With dual-sabered reborn this tactic is effeccient usually only from behind (but hey, correct timing with force speed and you have plenty of time to circle around him and then slash him good). Additionally, force speed and saber -combo can be very useful also with multiple reborn as a startoff for the fight, but to try this you should have enough room to pull back if situation gets too hot and also see your opponents beforehand (ie. from distance with force sense) to know their position (only way to be not surprised if force speed fades out sooner as you expected. My second point was about force abilities since I have found force grip the most useful of all force powers. At level3 you are able to kill almost all of the regular enemies with a very simple trick: Grip the bad guy off the soil and smash him back to ground. And this can be done with a single sharp vertical mouse movement. Barely bacause this I prefer growing grip to the highest level as the first power in the beginning of the game (regardless of wether you wish to become light or dark jedi) And the tactical use of this little griptrick follows: On most of the missions you are able to see enemies beforehand using force sense. All single guards are very easy to eliminate silently and gaining no damage. Using grip doesn't usually catch attention of other, more distant enemies on the same area, but using saber does. This makes you able to take out a few lonely enemies on large areas before the majority of them notices you. Then, when you face larger squads of stormtroopers, one of them has usually annoying flechetteweapon or even rocketlauncher. If you rush close enough before the firing begins, you are able to take out that bastard at once. After that, dealing with the rest of the squad will be a lot easier. Even if you fail to finish him to ground, he drops his weapon and spends a while searching for it unarmed (and you get a second chance to grip). Also it is useful to notice how long radius grip actually has. Sometimes you are able to pick enemies off ledges to same level with you using grip (and they, of course, lose their weapons same time). Finally grip is useful also against the reborn and even the real dark jedi - used as combo with force absorb. Thus you are able to grip the dark one and punch him to the ground several times - and they are helpless, because if they try to do something against you, you only gain more force power (and that is more time to keep him gripped). Punching to ground three or four times is usually lethal for the most of the reborn. The real dark jedi don't die on this but even though they will lose a huge bit of energy. When facing multiple reborn simultaneously, you can also use grip to convert one of them as a hammer to hit the others. Only weakness of this strategy is that when absorb fades away after awhile gripping, you are totally out of force power for a while. More Force suggestions submitted by Svetzolar Todorov: I noticed it was more focused on lightside powers and grip and lighning from the dark side powers. So I thought I might present you some useful info about the drain and rage powers. Let`s start with drain. On lvl1 it`s only draining from a close range. Lvl 2 is like lightning level 2 - affects one target from a greater range. Level 3 is the ultimate - it affects everyone in line of sight; it seems it is quite like lightning though it heals in addition to damage. I found it useful mostly when maxed to lvl.3 - that`s the only way you can lose less force points, gain more healthpoints (about 1/4 higher than your base), and not waste too much time on doing so. You should better max it early in the game or after you go through Hoth base to get the most of this force. It`s not to be underestimated though as it adds additional health points (well it`s actually for a short time but it`s useful when in the heat of the battle). Also if you drain non-jedi you drain their life-force allowing you to kill them with drain. Draining Reborn and Cultists though drains their force points only, but I think draining them of health occurs when you are very close to them, actually right beside them. When you drain them that way there is a moment of 2-3 seconds after the draining when they stay with deactivated lightsaber and do nothing so you can use it to your advantage. I can`t remember of anything else about that force power so I'll head to rage now. Rage lvl.1 is rather annoying - your health goes down to 1 but you get 10 seconds of immortality. Lev.2 is more or less the same thing. To use rage on lvls 1 and 2 means to be sure you`re gonna kill your opponents and to be sure to have heal or drain to restore your health. Rage gives you a nice damage protection too. The ultimate rage comes on lvl.3 at the cost of only a small part of your health points for 10 seconds, 50%speed , 90% damage immunity, which allows you to dive into the big melee and rip heads off without caring about loss of shields or health( except you get a really nasty hit while raged but on the rate of speed you`re moving it`d happen only if you`re not careful), and of course, immortality. Why take rage? 1st beacuse you can kill Tavion on Jedi Master with a couple of blows of your lightsaber :) 2ndly it makes fighting any saberwielders faster and safer. You may sacrifice a grip fora rage if you like, it`ll be more handy at times. Like 3rdly on saberlocks. When you enter a saberlock immediately tap rage (which i forgot to mention, makes your attacks stronger) and chop your opponent. It works ALWAYS unless your enemy escapes the saberlock which i doubt he can do as fast. Also you can deal with those nasty hazard troopers (though a bit roughly). That`s all I remember now for rage. This force power shouldn`t be underestimated for it`s first 2 levels because of the massive bonuses it provides on lvl3. I`ve tested those two force powers on Jedi Master and it`s been quite the test - they proved their worth as I found out that dark side is easier than light side.:) Let me give you my force power recommendation : you max them out one by one in the following order lightning, heal/drain(better heal),rage,absorb and grip. I don`t have anything against other powers : I think they`re all useful - there aren`t any that are given without purpose, but those five, I`ve figured, are what can make you a powerful adversary. 3.1 First Missions 3.1.1 Yavin Jungle From the start, head forward through the weeds in the stream, and up to the right. Cut down the tree. Head upstream and face two reptiles. Kill both or let Rosh shoot them. Proceed ahead. When you can proceed no longer get up onto the streambank with the stone building. After Rosh shows off his growing Force powers, enter. To the left is another one of those weird reptiles. Saber him and walk forward. Cross the bridge. On the other side, to the left, behind some rocks is another reptile. In the clearing ahead, you'll hear Rosh comment that you can make another bridge with a cut tree. Head up your new bridge. Exit left and face another reptile. Just past it, you'll come upon a cutscene which introduces some more familiar enemies: stormtroopers. And, surprise, so soon, your first duel. This guy is a dead pushover, with emphasis on DEAD. After he's passed on to join the Force, a cutscene will lead you into the next level. 3.1.2 Training Area As you start, follow Kyle's instructions and enter the door in front of you. Wait for a cutscene and enter the next room, where you will face several remotes. Don't worry, you won't face them all at the same time. The best strategy is to use saber throw to eliminate them rather than having to slice at each one. In the next room is a broken bridge. Jump over the gap and push the different colored wall in front of you. Walk through and prepare for battle. Apparently Luke has a saber wielding droid. After he's delimbed or whatever, proceed onwards into the door just past a stone pillar on the left side of the room. Cutscene with Jaden. Listen to Kyle give some advice and then pull the switch. Head forwards and take a right at the next opportunity. Head downstairs The second column on the right, furthest from you holds a medpack. Push to reveal. Remember what Kyle said? Use Force Sense and see the stones you must pull to make it out of the room. There are three total. The first one is to the right of the door as you enter. That said and done, when on the upper level, exit left and through the series of doors. In a room with a pillar, turn right and take the door on the left. In the next room you'll have to use speed to make it through either door. It doesn't particularly matter. Enter the single door. By the end you'll transition to a cutscene which will introduce you to the next level. 3.2 Tier 1 Missions 3.2.1 Mercenary Activity - Tatooine Recommended Force Power: Mind Trick Lvl. 1 Recommended Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, a throwable weapon of choice Would you like to know why I suggested bringing along the Blaster Rifle? Well, if you go without it, you only have 30 shots with the blaster pistol. With the rifle, you have a full loadout. First things first, stay out of Chewbacca's line of fire. Yes, yes, he's a lovable furball but his aim sucks especially since he hits you more than he hits the enemies. As the mission starts, there are four enemies in this area. One Rodian, two blaster toting mercs, and a Trandoshan armed with a repeater. I suggest eliminating one or two of them with your pistol as your saber defense skills are somewhat limited. After they are all dead, retreat into the last alcove on the right and enter the door. A Trandoshan awaits you to the left, a merc to the right, and two Rodians further in the room. Continue straight ahead, through the door and exit through the right. Two more mercs await. Either interrupt their conversation rudely or politely wait for them to finish and then kill both. Exit out the door. To the immediate right is a Trandoshan. To the left in the main area are two mercs. One you can snipe with your weapon of choice but the other you will have to kill in person. There are two more enemies in the adjoining two alcoves to the right, a merc with a bowcaster, and another Trandoshan with a repeater. After they are both killed, two more enemies will run out of the door in the alcove with the merc. A Gran with thermal detonators will also enter the area from a walkway above. The simplest way to deal with these numerous enemies is to snipe each one with your pistol. When the two mercs are eliminated, three more enemies will enter from the door nearest the ship parts. After they are dead, walk into the next area through the door they entered from. If you would like to refill health and shields, the door which the two mercs ran out from contains a shield generator and a medpack. In the next area are a Trandoshan and a merc to the left. Mind trick both to make it go easier on yourself. Exit the hallway through a door to the right as you face the wall where the two enemies were and come upon Kyle's ship, the Raven's Claw. Secret Area: The rightmost alcove behind the boxes has a belt of grenades and a shield booster. The last alcove of the open space leads to a cutscene. After the cutscene, mind trick the two guards and slice and dice. Exit through the door ahead and meet the checkpoint. After the checkpoint, proceed cautiously into the next room. Inside are several trip mines, easily avoided, a Trandoshan, and two Rodians, one armed with a blaster, the other with a disruptor rifle. Mind trick the Trandoshan who is to the left of the room next to some boxes. After you kill him, stay behind the boxes. The Rodian with the blaster is probably running around by now, so kill him and then the one with the disruptor by either using speed or mind trick. Exit through the door behind the Rodian. Activate speed or have mind trick ready and kill the Gran at the head of the stairs. Past him, to the right, are two Weequays and a merc. Mind trick all three and kill them. A healthpack and shields are in the room. Exit through the door onto the walkway overlooking the Millennium Falcon. Mind trick the Rodian as he enters through the door across from you and kill him. Keep in mind that even though you mind trick him he still may fire so don't run straight at him, run along either side of the walkway. Enter through the door and through the next door and see two Rodians. Mind trick both and kill and proceed up the elevator. Hit the switch, and enter the other half of the control room to meet the new and improved Reborn. After trading a few taunts, cut him down and hit the other switch to deactivate the tractor beam. Head back onto the elevator which will disembark you a level below where you originally got on. Turn around 180 degrees and exit through the door to see Chewbacca, hale and hearty. Through the smallish door on the right, opposite end of the hallway, you see the Falcon once again. There are an average of two enemies in each alcove. The first alcove on the left has two mercs, the next has two Rodians, and there are two more Rodians in the area. One is by the first two Rodians, and the other one is hiding behind boxes on the far side of the area. Once all are dead, Kyle arrives. 3.2.2 Droid Recovery - Tatooine Recommended Force Power: Heal Lvl. 1 Recommended Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Bowcaster, a throwable weapon of choice From the start area, head right. You'll come upon Jawas under attack by three Sand People. There is a fourth up to the right with a rifle sniping at you. Past the arch the fourth Sand Person was firing at you from are three more Sand People approaching from the right. On the left side of the rock on the left, you will find a Disruptor Rifle and accompanying ammo. A belt of grenades is behind the area from which the Sand People rushed you. Head further into the canyon. When you can see the moisture farm up ahead, four more Tuskens (Sand People) will attack you, one armed with a rifle, and three going for hand-to-hand. A fifth one is on the cliff above the farm. Enter the farm. Clear each cave section until you reach a door. Inside is a secret area. Secret Area: Inside is a large shield booster. Backtrack until you see a path leading up on the left. A few more Sand People will have spawned. Clear them and head up. At the first turn, behind some explosive crates are two blaster packs. Head up and exit outside. There are two Sand People waiting to the left. As you approach the first building on the left, three Sand People rush. There is a sniper hiding in the building on the right. It appears he's guarding some supplies, medpack, small shield booster, and Thermal Detonators. After that, cross the canyon using either of the arches. Three Sand People are on the level area, and another is perched atop one of the buildings. Head past all the buildings to the back of the area and enter another cavern. Inside are more Tusken Raiders. To the right of the first cavern are shields and a belt of thermal detonators. Exit the area to find a Sandcrawler. To the left of it facing the back are three Sand People. Go around to the front of the Sandcrawler. Take out the four Sand People, and head for the door. When Jaden says, "I wonder if I can get up there," go back out and pull down the mechanical crane. Jump on and let it go back up. Upstairs are three enemies. Two on the "ground" level, and one on a catwalk above. To go face-to-face with the third one, jump up onto the boxes on the right and onto the catwalk. Hit the switch. Transitional cutscene. Another Raider shows up on the uppermost catwalk. Jump back down and go to the opposite side of the room. The elevator is blocked by a cart of some kind. Pull it and head up the lift. Kill the Raider and head through the door. Through two more doors, you will come across a molten metal pit. Notice that the side closest to you is quite cool. You must be wondering why it is cooler? The simple answer is that the pipe to the left and below is dripping water. Throw the lightsaber and cut the pipe. Head across and through the door on the right. Inside and to the right are flames. Don't even try to run through them. Instead, go to the left most aisle. Notice that one of the flames intermittently dies? Jump when its gone while hugging the wall. Kill the Raider on the other side. Hit the switch by the Jawas. Go around them to a lift that was unreachable due to the flames. Take it down. Three Tusken Raiders await you in the first room. Head through the next door. Throw your lightsaber at the enemy you can see through the boxes to the right. Then push the cart. Kill the four remaining Tuskens and head for the back of the room. Pull the next cart to reveal the R5 unit. Hit use on the droid. It will take the lift down. Drop down after it. There are several Tuskens waiting, six to be precise. After they're dead, the level will end. A cutscene showing the Jedi trainees relaxing. Rosh is sure acting strange, eh? 3.2.3 Emergency Assistance - Bakura Recommended Force Power: Mind Trick Lvl. 2 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, Bowcaster, throwable weapon of choice Walk around the platform heading in the direction of the main door. Notice all the dead workers and the marks that look suspiciously like those left by a lightsaber on your landing platform. Enter and head for the security station on the left. Here you'll find out your objectives. Secret area in the room. Secret Area: As you enter the room, there should be a grate to the right of the door you just entered from. Cut open the grating and help yourself to shields and health. Heading for either door will alert two stormtroopers who enter from the door by the console. The other door holds a tripmine trap, a ammunition generator, a medpack, and three blaster packs. Back to the door with the stormtroopers. Kill both. A secret area lies under the stairs in plain sight. Secret Area: Thermal detonators and a large shield booster. Heading upstairs, there are two more stormtroopers. The door leading left takes you to stealth-cloaked enemies. Past them is a control room. But return to the first hallway. Shoot the mines and walk outside. Directly in front is a set of explosives. Use to deactivate. Return to the control room where two enemies are waiting, a stormtrooper armed with a repeater and one armed with a rifle. After both are dead, head past them and come upon a hallway of flames and steam. Hug the left wall to get around the first obstacle. For the steam, wait until the steam from the right side of the wall dissappates and then run through. For the last set of fire, walk onto the panel and jump when the flames from the upper left die down. Exit through the door ready for the automated sentry to the right. Down the ramp is another stealthed trooper. Notice the door with a security lock. Head back up the ramp and through the other door. You can jump over all of the mines except the last set. You shoot the one on the left by hugging the right wall. In the next room are two stormtroopers and an officer. Mind trick one of the stormtroopers and slice up the leftovers. The officer holds a key which will open up the security lock. But first, go up the steps leading to four mines. Shoot the middle two mines and jump past. Two more spec ops stormtroopers await you outside. Kill both and deactivate the second bomb. Return to the locked door and open it. Two stormtroopers await you outside. Cross the walkway and go to the right. Kill the stormtrooper with his back to you and continue. Enter the door and kill the officer and three stormtroopers. Collect the officer's key. Face the stealth-cloaked commando at the end and kill him. Open the door, which leads back to the room with the security console. Backtrack and this time take the left path from the bridge. Two foolish workers, while trying to kill you, accidentally blow themselves up. Peek around the corner. The stormtrooper all alone right there is going to run to a stationary blaster if you get any closer. So don't let him and snipe him. Take the level path and enter the first door you come to. Kill the stealth commando. Exit out the other door. Take a right immediately and take the lift down. Circle around the base of the tower to find a secret area. Secret Area: Medpack and detonators. Head back up. Through the next door in line are two stormtroopers. After you've killed them, go to the back of the room and exit. Outside are two commandos and an officer. When all are dead, deactivate the third bomb. Secret Area nearby. Secret Area: After deactivating the bomb, go around the four storage tanks to find some health and shields. If you need or want shield or ammunition, follow the walkway and down some stairs. Otherwise, go back to the building in the middle and open the door with a key you should have grabbed from the last officer. Inside are three enemies. The first is a stealth commando between the first and second columns, and another stealth trooper and stormtrooper on the top level. After the first stealth trooper is dead, you can pull the two up top down one at a time and finish them. If you go downstairs, health, shields, and grenades await you. If instead you take the lift up, take a door, you will be in close proximity to two bombs. One is in the room below you. The second and last one is past the door to the right on the top level. You have to jump to reach the door. The one on the top level is guarded by two stormtroopers and a commando. You can see the commando using sight. Deactivate this bomb and exit through the door. Two stormtroopers will spawn on the upper floor as will another commando on a catwalk below. Kill everyone in the room and deactivate the last bomb. Inside the room is the last and final secret area. Secret Area: There's a set of energy conduits that go around the two sides of the room. Jump up to where they meet to find the secret area. Contributed by _SeHT. Take the lift back up and jump across to the platform the two stormtroopers were on. Exit through the door behind them and come upon two commandos. Two stormtroopers are in the next room past them. Drop down and surprise two more stormtroopers. Exit out the door and turn left. Kill anything and everything on the way. Remember that door which led back to the security console? It was reached by going completely around the building and through a door across a walkway, which returns you to the main room where you first discovered your mission objectives. When you return to the main door, more enemies await, in the form of four stormtroopers. Two to the right and two to the left. If you have mind trick 3, mind trick one or two and kill the rest. Head back across the walkways to your ship to end the level. It has been brought to my attention as well as through my browsing on the Jedi Academy Forums that you can't take the long way to return to your ship. You can only take the path I have listed above, otherwise the main door will not open. The solutions to this are quite easy. First, make sure you have disarmed all five bombs. Second, take the path listed above and enter the room from the right of the entrance. Otherwise, if you don't want to walk around, just noclip through the wall. 3.2.4 Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel Recommended Force Powers: Force Heal Lvl. 2 Recommended Weapons: You really won't need any so the choice is yours. You start off the mission by crash-landing on the planet. You mission is to retrieve the parts necessary to repair your ship. However, there are a bunch of creatures similar to the sandworms in Dune between you and the pieces. The key part of the level is to stay for the most part off the sands. Any time you run more than three seconds on the sand, you're probably doing something wrong. The first piece is the power cell. The way to get this part is to jump on top of the piece of wreckage in front of you. From there, jump from piece to piece until you see a brown rock in front of a big stone formation. Hop on top of the whole structure. You ought to be able to see the power cell on the ground. Pick it up and jump on top of the pillar-like rock formation. As you jump from rock to rock, they begin to sink so return as fast as you can to your ship and place the power cell in the second compartment on the right. Go back outside. The power coupling is near where you got the power cell, by another group of rocks. From these rocks, jump down, grab it and immediately jump onto a nearby box. Make your way back and place it inside. The damper is the furthest from you, near the front end of the merchant ship, by another group of rocks. Make your way to these rocks and then grab it. Immediately after grabbing it, jump back onto the rocks and make your way back to the ship. The power convertor is in the front most merchant ship piece. Make your way here by first going from the back piece. Jump inside and onto the walkway, over the railing, using the box. Past the door and to the right is the convertor. Return to your ship, and place the last part. End of level. Andy Winters submitted the following tip: For the most part, you can use Force Speed to get to any of the destinations. Instead of jumping between pieces of wreckage or boulders, choose the "safe" area you want to go to and use Force Speed to get there. Also, you can throw thermal detonators on normal mode to attract the attention of the worms and move them away from your location before you run. This was a pretty useful strategy. Now I understand why there were so many grenade belts strewn through the map. I kept wondering if they were a way to kill the sand burrowers, but now we know one of the uses for them. Another thing a few people have submitted. You can actually kill a sand burrower or two with your thermal detonators, but they'll just respawn again. 3.2.5 Cult Investigation - Corellia Recommended Force Power: Force Protection Lvl. 1 Recommended Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Disruptor, throwable weapon of choice You start in front of a door you cannot open. If you walk on the ledge to the right you find the first secret area. Secret Area: Medpack, small shield booster, detonation packs. Jump from one of the L-shaped pipes (there are two of them on the back of the tram) on to the top of the car. Kill the two mercs up top and then drop down. Turn around and kill the two mercs in the room with the droids. Go back to the last car and kill the remaining merc. Pick up the det packs if you like and hit the switch. You can now run on the connectors between cars. Jump up on top of the car. Proceed ahead. On the next car, a Weequay starts to shoot at you with his bowcaster. Reply in turn with your blaster. Drop down slowly and jump across to the next car. Jump on top of the boxes and get back to the top of the car. On the next car a Rodian will shoot at you. Below is a merc armed with a blaster rifle. Take him out if you like, and then jump across, staying up top. Here comes another duel. He's another easy kill. Another merc is in the room below. You can break the glass and drop down and kill him. To get back up top, jump on either of the big L-pipes and jump back up top. Gently slide down to the bottom level of the car. Jump across. Enter the room and kill the three mercs. One to the right as you enter, and the other two on the far side of the room. Exit the room. Turn around and backpedal. You should see the tip of a Weequay's head. Snipe him and then jump to the next car. Jump onto the walkways on the left or right of the car, each supported by two guidewires. Drop down. If you hear a conversation and you can't see anyone, use sense, they're most likely on the other side of the tram. Enter through the door the merc with the repeater is guarding. Inside are two mercs. After both are dead, examine the raised section of plating. It is in fact an elevator. Ride it up. You should be in a room with a blue force field. See the red fuse boxes on either side? Either saber 'em or shoot them. I recommend shooting, personally b/c you'll get shot a couple of times by the two mercs, a Rodian and a Weequay behind the force field. Take the time to admire the huge amount of ammunition before you. Unfortunately, you can't pick up any. Oh well. You can however pick up the trip mines and break through the glass up top. Jump onto the yellow canisters and run across the connectors, there are two of them and they're grey. Cross the next connector, there's only one. Move forward cautiously. There is a Rodian with a disruptor up ahead. I don't think you can snipe him so the alternative is to drop, use speed and run to the side to the left or right of the metal ramp. Secret area. Secret Area: Look back to the car you just jumped from. Standing to either of the side of this car you should be able to notice the lights of an ammo generator, jump across to find a medikit, small shield booster and ammo generator. Heal up whatever HP damage you took, and speed up and slice him. Snipe the merc across the way. Cross on the shipment of pipes, and snipe the next two visible mercs. Drop down, jump across. Checkpoint! There's another duelist to your left as you enter the room. Kill him and also the merc in the room. Bomb? Hey, its that yellow thing in the middle of the tram car. Hit it and go forward. There is no urgency so suck up the shields and ammo generators in the room as necessary. There are three mercs ahead. Two you can see on the next car, and the other one is on your tram to the left of the exit. Snipe the ones you can and jump across. On the next car are two more visible enemies, a Rodian and a Weequay. Shoot both and jump across. There are two more mercs on this tram car. Kill both and then also the Weequay across the way. You probably see your next duel if you're looking closely. Kill him as well as the merc inside. Before you walk in and end the mission, consider jumping up on top of this front tram car to find a secret area. Secret Area: Above are a shield booster and health medpack. Walk to the controls and hit use. Mission accomplished. The last two secrets were submitted by Abu Sayeed Ahad. A cutscene introduces you to your next mission, the snowy world of Hoth. I'm going with the standard loadout of disruptor, bowcaster, and grenades. 3.3 Ice Planet Hoth 3.3.1 Ice Planet Hoth Recommended Weapons: DEMP gun As you start out, even though Jaden thinks he should use the Taun Tauns, you really don't need them. Its more of a hassle this early than it is any use. Secret Area: Before proceeding forward, go into the cave behind your starfighter and investigate. Kill the wampa within and go past him to find a pack of trip mines and health. Advance until you can see the outline of an Imperial and let fly blaster bolts. Snipe every single snowtrooper you can see. Advance until you can see their outlines in the fog and snipe each one. When you see a group of four, and an accompanying E-Web stationary blaster cannon, snipe the one on the left first. He's the one who runs for the blaster so if you eliminate him first you should have an easy time with the other three. Keep moving after you take a shot so you can avoid their shots. Just past them is a cave entrance blocked by a pile of rocks. Jump in. Whoa, doesn't this look a little familiar? Perhaps a wampa or two around? Let's see. When the path starts to slant up, you can see the outline of one. My advice is to run as fast as you can back up to the beginning of the cave. From the rocks you can safely saber throw him into a new fur coat. Watch out though, sometimes he can get up onto one of the rocks and pummel you from his new vantage point. When he's dead, advance further into the cave. When you come to a fork, take the left. The right is a secret area. Secret Area: This fork of the path is filled with a large shield booster, two medpacks, and a stack of trip mines. Advance further until the cave begins to narrow. Eventually it will open up into two Taun Tauns approaching you. Snipe the two snowtroopers and throw the probe droid to scraps of metal. Jaden will comment that this is not where the Imperials entered. So turn around and follow the beacons of light. Two snowtroopers are hiding in ambush behind a few boxes. Snipe both and proceed. A few more snowtroopers are ahead. Snipe them as well. When you see an E-web cannon, notice that there is a single stormtrooper nearby. Without him, the cannon cannot operate. So shoot him, please. On the remains of the AT-AT walker the cannon is mounted on are also shields and health. Approach cautiously. When an AT-ST looms out of the fog, take a deep breath. Return to the cannon and reposition it so that it is facing the general direction of the AT-ST. Run towards the AT-ST until it follows you. A few shots from the cannon, its over, baby. Note that you can also use the DEMP gun to kill the AT-ST with little to no fuss. Return to the gate the AT-ST was guarding. Kill the lingering snowtroopers and hug the right wall. There should be a box you can use to jump over the gate. There is a probe droid just over the wall. Enter through the main doors. Inside waiting are three snowtroopers. Below are more snowtroopers. Take the lift down to face them. Take the lift back up. Now take the other lift. You are now within close proximity to two secret areas. Secret Area: Use your lightsaber to cut the grating and step into the room. It contains a large shield booster. Secret Area: Turn around, kill the snowtroopers and the officer. Inside this control room are ammo and shields. There is another room adjacent that is covered with shards of ice. Push and enter. Contains health, tripmines, and thermal detonators. For a bit of nostalgia from the movies look up and hit the main control panel in front of the window. Ion cannon!!! Back to the mission. There is a switch on the opposite side of the room from Ion Control which you need to hit in order to open a locked door below. Take the lift back down, and another lift down. Now the formerly locked door is open, find out what's inside. A snow filled hallway. Take the door on the right and kill the four snowtroopers within. Congrats! You found the power core. Through the next door are two more snowtroopers. Again, through the door. The right passageway takes you to a shield booster hidden behind a box. The left passage takes you to a medpack on a box. Straight ahead is the rest of the mission. Within are three snowtroopers who run you when they hear your footsteps. Take out the next two snowtroopers and head through the door. Checkpoint! Inside the room are two snowtroopers, a shield generator, medpack, and three blaster packs. Take the lift up, ready to mind trick some poor souls. Three snowtroopers are upstairs. Kill, them, and then walk...outside? Ah well. Jump over the boxes and man the cannon, something on the order of ten snowtroopers are about the bust the party. After they are dead, turn around and backtrack back to the door to find a secret area. Secret Area: Around to the left after exiting the door are grenades and blaster ammunition. Like Jaden said, keep following the beacons. When an E-web starts to fire, take cover fast, and check where its coming from. It oughta be the top of an AT-AT. There's another snowtrooper covering him. Behind the AT-AT are a probe droid and yet another snowtrooper. Continue following the beacons. Along the way you'll encounter yet more snowtroopers. Eventually you'll reach the front doors to Echo Base. But wait, they're closed. Ignore that for now, and enjoy the kind gifts of the game designers, a pair of shield and ammo generators. Secret area nearby. Secret Area: While facing the doors, go to the left and hug the wall. Eventually it will sink down into a depression holding health and trip mines. It took me a helluva time to find this so be happy!!! Remember that AT-AT the cannon was mounted on? It's actually a damned bunker with a forcefield set up on the other side. Cut through the power posts and drop down. Kill the two snowtroopers and then drop down where you can see the ladder. There are three more snowtroopers. After they're dead, drop down in the jagged gash you see in the skin of the walker. The first secret area was submitted by Abu Sayeed Ahad. Mind trick is extremely useful against the Wampas on this level. It may take one or two stabs at the hotkey but it will keep the Wampa silent and nonmoving as you swipe away at it. 3.3.2 Echo Base Keep on walking forward. You'll end up on some kinda supply container with a medpack and a large shield booster on it. Peek over the edge and hear three snowtroopers. Kill them. Exit the cavern through the only unlocked door. Three foolhardy snowtroopers rush. Cut them down and proceed. You will hear the talking of four snowtroopers below. Mind trick one or two and finish the rest off. From the entrance to the area there are two paths, left and right. Right takes you to a secret area. Secret Area: Three snowtroopers enter talking. Mind trick one and kill the rest. Discover a medpack and small shield booster beyond them. Now take the left path. As you come around the corner, mind trick one or two. Hopefully they'll kill the E-web operator. Or alternatively mind trick the operator and have him blast his buddies. Exit through the door and enter... the medical ward. Mind trick as many snowtroopers as you can. Inside is a shield generator. Head towards the next door. Duck into the alcove on the right and discover a secret area. Secret Area: Small shield booster, medpack, and detonation packs. In the next room are two snowtroopers. The tube opposite the lift holds a medpack which you can pull to yourself. Take the lift up. Checkpoint! Above are three snowtroopers. Mind trick...ah, you can do it yourself. Rinse, wash, and repeat. When they're dead, head left from the entrance. Inside the next room are an E-web operator and a snowtrooper. Mind tricking the operator as he takes control of the E-web is one of the most effective strategies. Anyway, take the ramp down and head out the exit on the lower level. Three snowtroopers inside. Kill them and take the unblocked exit. Checkpoint! There's a large shield booster and an ammunition generator in the next room. Pass through the green door. Kill the next three snowtroopers, and return to the icy hallways. Turn the corner and find just one snowtrooper. Don't worry, three more rush from the side passages. Two snowtroopers on your side is quite helpful in this battle. Exit through door. Four snowtroopers next. Three at the next hallway. Eventually you'll reach and empty room with shield and ammo generators. Suck them dry and take the lift down. Two snowtroopers are down here but their fighting will draw the attention of a third. Mind trick another at the end of hallway to start the motion. At the end of the next L are another pair of snowtroopers. Continue ahead, mind tricking as you go until you enter a wrecked control room, girders hanging everywhere. A cutscene will ensue. Run around the computer bank and slice up the duelist. Exit room from passageway on other side. Continue onwards until you see a wampa attacking a Taun Taun. Kill the wampa. If he manages to grab you, just hit attack, I think it must be an instant kill move, but not sure. Just past it are two more ammo and shield generators. Checkpoint! (How many checkpoints is this for this one level?) You should probably be getting worried. Through the door is a big boss battle. Extremely similar to that of the battle between Kyle and Tavion. Every now and then you can sneak in a combo on the Twi'Lek. Save every time you do damage. She doesn't seem to use a lot of force powers, mostly saber skill. Eventually, she'll run after you cut her up so much she looks like a chewtoy. More cutscenes. You find out from Luke you get promoted to Apprentice. This means you can pick and additional saber style. I picked fast b/c I want to use dualsabers. But hey, whatever goes, its up to the individual player. 3.4 Tier 2 Missions 3.4.1 Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta Recommended Force: Mind Trick Lvl. 3 or Force Protection Lvl. 2 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, Repeater, throwable weapon of choice. Secret area from the start. Secret Area: Turn around and jump onto the beam to the left and above of the pipe. Then jump from rock to rock that you saw in the cutscene to the watchtower against the wall. Shields and mines are here I believe. Walk forward and then turn left before the fan. Cut the grating and listen to the mercs talk. The prisoner's can't get far because of...the Rancor! Cut either of the grates and drop down. Kill the two mercs, and the two Grans, as well as the Weequay at the end of the hall. Don't forget the two Trandoshans who are unloading their repeaters at you. Mind trick one and let them duke it out. There are two ways out of here. One is through the green tube room from which the Gran came running out, and the other is from where the Trandoshans were. If you want to free the prisoners, hit the switch in the room that the lift takes you to. The green tube room's exit is on the left of the room as you enter. Inside are four enemies, a Weequay with a security key, and three Grans. The security key opens up the door that leads to your exit. The green room holds a secret area. Secret Area: Opposite to the exit leading to the pipe is a mesh door. You can slice it with your lightsaber to reveal two sets of power cells. To get to the prisoners, jump through the window of the control room to the ground below. A rancor immediately begins the attack when you contact the prisoners. Mind trick will distract it temporarily leaving you time to run away or alternatively slice him up while he's distracted. Leave the prisoners in the hallway and open the door leading back to the pipe for them. You have freed four of the Hutt's prisoners. To reach the other prisoners, return to the locked room that was by the lift. You automatically picked up a key from one of the Hutt's prisoners as they were escaping. Walk through the door and take the lift down. Two Grans await you, with three more further in the bar area. Exit through the door. On the straight level path, ignoring the lifts for now are three workers, a Gran with thermal detonators, a Weequay, and a Rodian. The last three are in the room to the right. The Rodian will snipe at you so mind trick one of his buddies. Now walk around. There are three lifts, three control rooms. Enter each one, eliminate the opposition and hit the switches. The first control room, which I'm numbering going from the entrance to the back, on the left holds three guards. Run into a corner and mind trick two, kill the survivors. Hit the switch, drop down, run to the prisoners and they will know where to go. They will run ahead until they can see the rancor. Draw the rancor away from the prisoners by throwing at it until it starts to follow you. Then mind trick it or lure it back to the ground exit. From the safety of inside you can throw the rancor to death. Each time you free prisoners, more mercs will spawn in the bar, so beware. Also, another rancor spawns every time you kill it. The third time you free the prisoners, the mercs will set up trip mines in the bar, along with two guards. Mind trick both or either and sneak past the mines by jumping into the area with the bartender. Secret area in the bar. Secret Area: Use force sense on the taps behind the bar. Using your saber, slice a hole in the wall and find a large shield booster. When you go to the last control room, by my definition the one on the right, there is a Gran and two Weequays. Mind trick the two Weequays to do the dirty work and repay them by slicing them. Hit the last switch, drop and start killing the rancor to distract him from the prisoners. Run after the prisoners and eliminate the three waiting Trandoshan guards. If you don't kill them, they will kill the prisoners, ending your mission. Escape back to the tunnel to finish the mission. The first and third secret areas were discovered by Mike of LucasForums who was kind enough to permit me to include them in this version of the walkthrough. 3.4.2 Meet Contact - Zonju V Recommended Force Power: Force Absorb Lvl. 1 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor and Repeater, throwable weapon of choice. Once you start out on the swoop, several swoops will attack. You can ignore them or try to take them out with your lightsaber, or the laser cannon mounted on the bottom of your swoop. To use it press your attack key without a weapon in your hands and it will open fire. Note that it will take a few shots in order to kill a person or their swoop, whereas it takes one swipe with your saber. However, by no means get off the swoop. You will be cut down instantly. Continue on the straight path, until you come to an unpassable gate. Get off the swoop, jump up, and then drop down. Walk towards the building at the far end of the area. Cutscene. Fill up on the shields or ammo from the generators and then proceed out the door. Get onto one of the swoops and leave 'em in your dust. Keep on going straight until you get a message on your screen. When the game tells you to use turbo to jump the chasm, do so. And also turn a slight right otherwise you will crash into the wall on the other side. Keep going on the same path until a cutscene ends the level. General strategies: weave from left to right, zig-zag, be everywhere but where they think you will be. Also, if you see someone heading straight for you, move to the side. If you are coming into a narrow pass, ram him until he has nowhere to go but into the wall. A few rest stops along the way provide some nice goodies in the form of health and shields. You find out Rosh has been captured by the Imperials. What do you think the next missions are going to be? 3.4.3 Covert Operation - Kril'Dor Recommended Force Power: Force Lightning Lvl. 1 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor and Flechette, throwable weapon of choice Your mission, should you choose to accept, will be to serve as the whole of a ground force accompanying Wedge Antilles to capture a gas platform held by the Imperial Remnant. Enter the large hangar bay door in front of you. Kill the stormtroopers and TIE pilot within. There are a pack of trip mines on boxes. Then take the lift up. Directly above you is an automated turret as well as a TIE pilot on the opposite side. Kill both and take the lift on the other side. Exit through the door. The first enemy you see will be a jet-equipped trooper, armed with a repeater. Mind trick him and then kill him. Turn left from the door and cross the walkway to the shield generator. Hit use on the beacon, which is on the far side of the dimple. Enter cutscene. The next beacon, to be placed on the hangar, is directly behind you. Another cutscene. An Imperial worker will attack you. Push him off or slice him. Face the door to the hangar bay and jump onto the uppermost pipe, from there to the roof of the hangar, and to the barracks building which is to the right. Hit the beacon and watch the cutscene. Return to the hangar bay. Take the improvised walkway down, it used to be a support strut of the grid holding the TIEs. Walk through the door ready to mind trick some people who will attack from the central platform. A total of five will attack. Mind trick two and let the sparks fly. The comm station is to the right path of the platform where the stormtroopers just attacked. But wait, you can't get in through the front door. Look at the comm station. See the huge walkway that leads from the biggest and baddest platform? Hey, why don't you try to get up there. Two stormtroopers are waiting outside. Enter and face two or three stormtroopers on each level, which are reached by taking the lifts up. Ignore the lifts down for now. On the second floor, are two stormtroopers. One to your right, and the other by the next lift. The third and final floor holds two flechette wielding characters. But hey, you can mind trick through glass and gratings now. Hit the switch on the top floor and break the glass with your lightsaber. Out the window is a secret area. You'll have to work for it though. Secret Area: Go around the ledge to find a pipe leading to the comm tower a floor or two below. Drop from ledge to ledge while quicksaving between drops. When you've finally made your way down, walk across to the comm building, watchful of the waiting jetpack stormtroopers. After both are dead, continue across and pick up the goodies. I recommend getting these secrets after blowing up the comm tower, otherwise you'll have to backtrack back up the tower after making your way back down using the ledges. This was contributed by Mike "txa1265" of the LucasForums. Exit right on the ledge and drop to the walkway below using the tower's awkward construction. Run towards the comm tower. Another jet-pack stormtrooper will appear. Use the same strategy as before and place the beacon. Take the lift down. If you face the platform you'll see a secret area. Secret Area: Thermal Detonators and health. Go back around the platform and enter through the door. Now, concern yourself with the lifts that go down. In case you can't tell the difference without riding down on it, there are green and red arrows. The red arrows point down. The green arrows point up. Take the lift down and face the lightsaber wielding opponent. It is a whole bunch easier if you lure the stormtroopers outside in and mind trick them. They serve as a good distraction for the lightsaber guy, during which you can push him and stab or push him into the electrified area below. There should be one last stormtrooper across the way. Kill him and then take the lift down. Place the beacon and watch the cutscene. The control room was the room from which the stormtroopers rushed you. To get there, take the lift back up. When you reach the top, two jetpack stormtroopers will attack. Mind trick one to force him to kill his buddy. When both start ignoring you, saber throw the enemy one to death and finish off his compatriot. Make your way back to the control room tower. If you don't remember which one it is it has three doors with blue borders on the bottom. Enter and take the lift up. Inside are four enemies, and two automated turrets. To be cheap, just run for the beacon and run for it. Otherwise, turn on speed, kill the officers and the stormtrooper, throw the turrets to pieces. Then calmly pick apart the duelist. When he's dead, hit the beacon and head back down. The four platforms Wedge mentions are next to the tallish cylindrical towers. Walk around the platforms, they are all within close proximity to each other and deactivate the bombs. Make your way back to the hangar bay and your ship. Inside are five enemies. One is a lightsaber duelist and the other four are stormtroopers. Mind trick the stormtroopers so they mutiny. While the duelist is thus distracted, stick him in the back. Finish off the stormtroopers and proceed through to your ship. 3.4.4 Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant Recommended Force Power: Force Absorb Lvl. 2, Force Lightning Lvl. 2 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, DEMP, throwable weapon of choice Since Racto blasted the most direct route to him, you'll have to find your own. Turn around and circle around your figher to the other side of the platform. From here, you should see the next building across you can jump to. It has boxes on it. You'll face two mercs, a Rodian, and a Trandoshan. Mind trick to simply things. Keep going around until you see a Rodian in a floating platform. Mind trick him and then run around the platform you're on to wipe out the merc. Note that on Jedi Knight difficulty, there is another Rodian sniper in the area. He is in the buliding directly in front of you when the vehicle is to your right. I used speed to snipe him, or you could just avoid him. Jump across the gap onto the floating vehicle. Kill the two Weequay who rush from the right steps on the building across. Finish off the Rodian. Jump to the other side and take the steps on the left up. Come upon three mercs. Kill them and then jump to the next roof over. On the next roof are two Trandoshans and three mercs. On the roof of this building is a Gran who starts tossing 'nades at you. Jump up onto the lampost and from there to the top where you can finish him. Jump to the next rooftop. Behind the box furthest from you is a new enemy, an assassin droid. Its tactics are simple: it drops its shields when its shooting or running. When it does, run around it with force speed and chop it up. Your saber cannot break through its shielding so don't even try. Also, its shielding will hurt you severely if you run into it. You can alternatively use the DEMP against it to overload its circuits. Secret area nearby. Secret Area: Turn around and face the building you jumped down from. Use the box to get to the highest level on the roof and go around to the left to find a large shield booster. After its dead, jump to a landing platform across the way with a speeder on it. As soon as you jump down two mercs will rush. Enter the room they just vacated and find two Trandoshans and a lift. Kill both and then take the lift. A Gran is nearby. Push him over the edge. Proceed down the walkway that's above your ship. Two Trandoshans and a Weequay are hiding in ambush. Mind trick a pair and kill them all. Further ahead are two more Weequay and another assassin droid. Past them is another roof you can jump to. Break the force field generators with your lightsaber then kill the merc hiding behind the second pair of generators. Another merc is laying in wait behind the boxes ahead. Walk to the other side. Around to the left are shield and ammo generators guarded by a merc. To the right is possibly the biggest ambush in the entirety of the game. Mind trick all you are able to and proceed when the carnage is finished. Jump over and take care of the droid located to the left. Past him if you need is are a large shield booster and a medpack. Now go to the right. Jump across and over the obstruction to get to the Racto's side of the bridge. Approach the door and find a checkpoint. Inside the room are a cultist and his lightsaber wielding buddy. Kill the cultist, the guy wearing green first. After he and his partner are dead, exit through the lift past the door to the right. Twin medpacks are in the rearmost right corner of the room. Upstairs a cutscene will introduce you to four of the assassin droids. Same tactics as you would with one. Stay close to one and when its shields go down, run in slashing and cutting. Save after you kill each one. When the last one goes down, Racto will open up the barrier thinking you're dead. But, aha, surprise! Please, remind me who the guy with the lightsaber against his neck is? Mission complete! The secret area above was also found by txa1265. 3.4.5 Cult Investigation - Dosuun Recommended Force Power: Force Absorb Lvl. 3, Force Lightning Lvl. 3 What did the droid say in the briefing? Do not engage members of the cult. Only investigate. Well, gee, Kyle, that ain't gonna happen now is it? You're in the damn brig! Ah well, things could be worse. But wait, things are worse. You no longer have possession of your lightsaber. Ah well, you'll pry it from Rax's hands. First things first, jump up and out, mind trick the guard as he exits and grab a blaster rifle from the nearby rack. Hopefully he'll remove all threats. But, on the off chance that he didn't, be prepared. There are a total of five stormtroopers, and one is armed with a repeater. Proceed ahead and view a transitional cutscene. When he's done firing, duck into the unlocked door. Save. To the left is a forcefield and to the right are trip mines. Kill the two stormtroopers just behind the forcefield at an angle. If you're skilled you can kill both with a shot each. Then slowly peek around the corner. There is a stormtrooper armed with a flechette gun. There is also a sentry on his side of the forcefield. Take a potshot at the sentry, that oughta draw the stormtrooper's attention, then blast him. Take out the forcefield. Next, turn around and blast at least two of the mines behind you. Ignore the other doors, they're locked for now. Within are a stormtrooper and an officer with a key. Kill both and then turn around. The door on the left opens when you use the key on the lock. Within are four Imperial workers. Two are to the right, one is beneath the stairs, and the fourth is up the stairs in front of some computer panels. Blast all four and then hit the switch up the stairs. Take the lift on the opposite side of the room. At the top there is only one Imp worker and his back is towards you. Sneak up and shoot him. Grab the belt of grenades on the ground. Walk through two doors. Two stormtroopers are in the next room. One armed with a repeater, and one with a blaster rifle. Mind trick the one you can see, he being the one with the repeater. He'll kill the other, while you repay him with a shot to the head. Hit the switch on the console. This will unlock all the doors nearby. Forget exiting through the main door. Exit the way you entered. Secret area nearby. Secret Area: Inside the room next to control area, look up at the wall in front of you. Notice the hole in the wall and the three boxes blocking the way? The fourth box is missing. Jump up and collect a DEMP gun for your troubles. I have a suspicion that Raven upped the destructive capabilities of the DEMP because it took many less shots to kill an AT-ST in JA than it did in JO. Take the right door at the next opportunity. Just outside are two stormtroopers, standing by the smallish doors to the left. Mind trick one, and kill both. Go past them to the large door behind. Inside are two officers, as well as eight stormtroopers. Mind trick two at a time and all should be fine. The second officer and two stormtroopers are in the room in the middle. The last officer is on the other side of this barracks area. Rush him with full auto. For the inner room, blast the forcefield, and mind trick both stormtroopers. Shoot to kill. Vacuum up all the powerups inside, if you need them, then return to the smallish doors in the large hallway. Inside this room, on top of one of the lockers is a disruptor rifle. Head back out to the main hall and enter the lifts (the smallish doors). Exit and then take the closest door to the lifts. Enter the control room on the left. Mind trick the stormtroopers so they kill the officer. Enter and kill the survivors. Examine all the camera stations available to you. They show you your next destination. Exit and take the second door on the left, including the lift doors. In the intervening room to the firing range, there is a secret area. Secret Area: Look up to the stack of boxes. Notice the explosive crate? Shoot it and then drop down behind it. Tucked within are shields and detonation packs. Hey, this must be that target range the stormtroopers were talking about before you interrupted them. Hit the switch nearby to lower the forcefield, and use the cannon to blast holes in the wall behind the furthest targets. Just before you jump through, shoot the explosive case on the other side. It will become apparent as to why you must do this soon. As you jump out, an AT-ST walks out from the gate to the left. You can kill him now or later. Get yourself into the hole you blasted with the explosive crate and jump in. Shoot the explosive crates by the control room to blast open the glass. Jump in and eliminate the officer. Hit both switches. One opens a door to the rest of the level inside the AT-ST area, and the other opens up the door behind the switch. Jump over the mines and hit the switch on the right. Start running towards the door on the other side and take the lift up. Get in the AT-ST and blast the troopers outside. The AT-ST is also still outside. Blast all and then return to the tower holding the AT-STs. Stop near the upper level so you can jump up. Take the other door on the same level. Exit through the other door that you did not use to get onto the upper floor. Take the stairs up but have speed and sight ready. When you reach the top of the stairs, the fat guy is waiting for you. Get yourself some cover and then run for the E-web cannon on the other side. Blast him as well as the three troopers and the hiding commando. The commando is near the right side of the path. Your primary target, of course is the guy with the concussion rifle. After he retreats, remove the other four from existence. Note that you can also just backtrack down to the AT-ST bay and use an AT-ST to blast Rax into retreating. This is a much much safer method especially since you'll chase away Rax before he can do too much damage to you, and it also protects you since you're inside the AT-ST instead of firing without cover from the E-web cannon. Tip submitted by Joel Sutton. Continue along the wall until you reach a checkpoint by a door. Checkpoint! Just before you enter, you hear the familiar sound of stealthed commandos. There is one to the left. You can see him with sight. I recommend using both speed and sight so you can bag him before he hits you. There are two on the other side as well. Shield generator is nearby. Use it if necesary. Backtrack. Within this walkway are two additional hallways you probably passed. If you went left from the entrance they are on that side. Take either hallway, it will lead to a door which opens up onto a hangar bay. Kill everyone inside and then go into the control room in back. Note: There is a stealthed commando in the room armed with a disruptor. He is by the left entrance to the control room. It would be advisable to kill him first as he is the most dangerous, and then mind trick the rest. Inside the control room are two officers. Mind trick the grey uniform one and then snipe the other one. Enter and hit the switch, opening the door behind you. Take the lift down and walk to the other side of the bay, past the doors. A cutscene introduces Rax again. This time you have some proper weapons. Try and get up to the level where he is. When you do make it up, or if you do make it up, follow him around the top level. When he's near, turn on speed and blast him with your blaster rifle full auto. After about 10 seconds of sustained fire his days as an Imperial are over. Alternate Boss Strategy: I was just watching my friend play today and he found a sweet spot to snipe at Rax without having to jump all the way up. Once you enter the docking area, go right. You should see a lift along the wall. Take it up and from this position, Rax has only one position to shoot at you. But you have the sniper rifle... From this spot you can fire away with little fear of his attacks. Sure, a shot or two may make it into your hiding spot. But have no fear, he'll be dead after a few shots from the disruptor. Use force sense to keep track of him and then zoom in on his leg, which is possibly the only visible body part of his. Even on Jedi Master difficulty, two fully charged disruptor shots were sufficient to kill him. Alternate Boss Strategy: If you raid the area with the elevator along the right, you should find a rocket launcher. Make your way up to the top level and keep pounding Rax with your repeater secondary fire. After expending all your ammo, the game will automatically go to the next weapon, the rocket launcher. After you lock onto Rax and fire off two rockets the battle is over. Tip submitted by Kai Ito. If you're going to pick one darkside power, this level almost demands that you pick lightning, or even better yet lightning level 3. This will fry most of the stormtroopers before they even have a chance against you. Tip submitted by Marie Godin. 3.5 Vjun 3.5.1 Vjun Note: You'll face the famed Hazard Troopers here. I hope you're ready for them. As the mission starts, duck under the Raven's Claw for cover. You'll have to run through the acid rain to the nearest cover. But wait for a moment as the first Hazard Trooper shows up. Let Kyle take care of it. Wait for him to return and then turn use a combo of speed and protection to run over the concussion rifle and to cover. Run all the way to the end of the cover. Another Hazard Trooper is in here and Kyle will eliminate him. Just stay far far away from either of them. When the trooper is dead, turn on speed and protection and run up the path the the left with your concussion rifle out. Fire at the emerging Hazard Troopers, and then retreat. Kyle will kill both of them. Wait for force to recharge and run back to the entrance. If you don't mind heading back out into the rain again, there is a secret area below the ramp flush with the wall, under the highest point of the ramp. Secret Area: This secret area holds shields and health. There are shields by the entrance so just heal up and pick up the shields. Head down the ramp. Halfway down, three stormtroopers will run in from the door across the way. You can take all three before Kyle sees them and steals your kills. Continue ahead and you'll enter a control room of sorts. Step back and let the Jedi Master deal with this. When they're all dead. Head through the door. Ammo and shields are in this control room. When you pass through the next door, three stormtroopers are already waiting for you straight ahead in the alcoves. Turn on speed and waste them. The two side doors lead outside to more Hazard Troopers. Turn on speed and protection, run outside, attract the attention of the Hazard Troopers. Run back in and let Kyle handle the four of them. There is one on the ground as well as one on the roof on each side. Kyle will kill all of them for you. Out the door to the left are two secret areas. Secret Area: One of the panels on the surface of the octagonal pad can be broken. It holds a belt of thermal detonators. Secret Area: This secret area is on the roof of this hallway. To get up there, use protection to jump up after Kyle has eliminated the waiting Hazard Troopers, by using a box outside. Up there are two sets of detonation packs as well as health. The door in front is a checkpoint and just beyond are three unsuspecting Imperials, and officer and two stormtroopers. Again, you can kill them without even trying. After they're dead, take the ramp up in the hallway to the right. See Kyle wipe out almost the whole entire garrison entirely by himself. Well, actually, you can help by mind tricking a few while he's at it. When they're all dead, go out the door on this level. Speed and protection again to run under cover. Enter the door to find shields, ammo, and health. Exit through the next door. When the door opens, backpedal and take cover behind Kyle. He'll finish off the Hazard Trooper. Proceed ahead until it opens outside again. Use speed and protection to run under cover of some platforms. Wait for force to recharge between platforms. A few moments later, you will see an archway of sorts. When you run towards it, three stormtroopers are waiting to the right before the archway. So turn on protection for the rain and then speed when you get closer. One of the stormtroopers is operating an E-web, so he's number one to die. Ignore the archway for now. A secret area awaits you within. Secret Area: Using protection to run through the archway, go right, where you can see a gap between some rocks and the structure itself. Inside this small covered alcove are shields and health. Rest under cover and then run back outside to the left when ready. Take cover under the first overhang you come to. Keep on going until you see an overhang with three stacks of canisters. Run in and duck. Ready mind trick. Mind trick two of the incoming Hazard Troopers and watch the show. Kill the remaining one at range with your concussion rifle. Continue ahead, staying away from the rain. When you are next to the river, turn left. Continue in this direction. Health and shields lay on top of some canisters nearby. A secret area lays at the mouth of the river. Secret Area: This non-covered area holds shields and health, but isn't really worth it, considering you'll get hit by the rain on the return trip since you don't have any force left. At the second bridge-like structure, run across and turn left. Take cover before the rocks. When ready, run across with just protection on and jump from rock to rock. Around the corner are two TIE bombers. They begin a cutscene of them bombing the area. Right after the cutscene, hit speed and rush the door to the right. Three stormtroopers race out. You can take them b/c speed is on. If the timing is right you'll only lose three health and shields. Around the pillar in front is an officer. Further in the corridor to the right is another Hazard Trooper. When you hear the hiss of the door, turn around and retreat. Kyle will mostly kill it. You can help by using speed, running around it, and throwing or slicing while Kyle's doing most of the work. After its dead and your force meter is refilled, go out the door. Turn on protection and speed, run left until you see the ramp. Go up the ramp and kill the stormtroopers. Two more stormtroopers are waiting under cover to the left. If you use sense on a nearby roof you can see several sets of detonation packs inside a storm hatch. You'll have to cut open the hatch and then pull to get the packs. This is not a secret area. When they're dead and force is full again, run for the only open door, which is the one by the last two stormtroopers you just killed. When you enter, four stormtroopers attack. If you need shields drop down into the room below, where a large booster awaits. Follow the corridor. When it begins to widen, two duelists are nearby. You can take both, but Kyle will probably beat you to it. The next next room from here has several opponents. Help Kyle out by mind tricking. Proceed along the coiling corridor through several rooms of computer equipment. When you open a door and you see a protocol droid in front of some consoles, head up the ramp. A cutscene starts and Kyle goes back to the control room. A harder duelist shows up. This duelist is so hard, especially with a single blade. He uses strong style almost exlusively and has insane defense. After he's dead, Kyle will have unlocked the door. Head out with protection on and run for the gun emplacement. A few shots later, its all over. Run back inside, down the ramp, and now towards the right. This takes you back to a door that was locked. Do you remember the one? It was the one opposite of the door which you entered to find four stormtroopers waiting. Run down the steps, this time to the left and get yourself back indoors ASAP. Eventually you'll return to the outdoor canyon. You know the drill by now, go right with speed + protection. Go on until you see a building. Run up the ramp and close to the door, then you'll have completed the objective by reaching Bast Castle. This mission begs you to use protection. If you don't...may your God or gods help you. You can survive for sure, but you'll take a lot of damage along the way which could easily be avoided by putting one measley force point on protection beforehand. If you lack protection, run through every outdoors area with speed and use the secret areas I listed above to reduce the pain. If you also lack comment. On the other hand if you have drain this would probably make this level a little more bearable. 3.5.2 Bast Castle Lower Floors Follow Kyle towards the lift. He finds out that its inoperable. Where to go? A secret area is nearby. Secret Area: The platform where the AT-ST is docked can be jumped to. On top are two healthpacks. The platform next to it has a belt of thermal detonators. Hug the wall until you find an open grating. Approach to open a transitional cutscene. Garbage, eh, sounds delicious! Jump out ASAP b/c here come the crushers. Don't follow Kyle he's going a different place than you. Go up the other chute ready with mind trick. You will come up in a room with an Imperial officer and three stormtroopers. Enter the control room after cleaning up. A secret area is nearby if you exit left and turn left again. Secret Area: At the end of the hallway are a set of boxes. Pull the middle one and slice the grate behind to reveal some health and blaster ammunition. Exit through the only door. Ignore the locked door and open the next one. Checkpoint! You hear sounds of battle. Rush in and help Kyle tackle three duelists. Go back to the locked door. Kyle will open it. Enter cutscene. See the machinery on the wall that look like pumps to drain the water? Push the non- rusted ones to get them working. Follow Kyle up the broken conduit to the ceiling of the room and jump up. Around the corner is one of those annoying mobile turrets. Let Kyle take care of it since you can't block its shots. Or just simply throw and hope you don't get hit. Continue along in the vents until you see an airtube. A secret area is inside this airtube but its very difficult to reach. Secret Area: Halfway up the airtube is a level you can squeeze into. Inside are shields, health, and thermal detonators. However, you can only grab either the health or the grenades and shields b/c they are on opposites sides of the airtube. Follow Kyle up and get into the alcove he squeezed into. Let him kill the turret. In the next room, Kyle will use his level 3 force jump to get to the top. You however, must use speed to run through the laser conduit when it isn't firing. Four stormtroopers total in the next room as is a set of trip mines behind a pillar on the right of the room as you enter. Jump on top of the moving object and jump to the upper level before it lines up with the green beam. Meet up with Kyle. Secret Area nearby. Secret Area: Go to the room Kyle jumped up into. Inside are trip mines, health and shields. Go through two more doors. In this room, two duelists will drop from the ceiling and three stormtroopers come in on the opposite side of the room. After they're dead, go into the next room, and kill the stormtroopers and the officer in the room below. The room below has ammunition and shields. Proceed into the next room where six stormtroopers await, two close to you, the other four on the far side. Kill them all. Return to the control room area. Take either of the two lifts up. The room above has several stormtroopers, and one is even armed with a rocket launcher. Kill them all and then take either door to exit. In the next room are two stormtroopers, one armed with a flechette, and another with a rocket launcher. Proceed into the adjoining room where two jet-packed troopers attack. Mind trick either and then kill the other one. Jump on top of the bunker with the boxes up top. A similar platform on the other side holds health and grenades. The one you want has trip mines by the boxes. Look at the laser emitters. You can use force pull on them to feed the energy back into the machine. After you've pulled all four, a cutscene will bring you into the next mission. 3.5.3 Bast Castle Interior Jump up after healing or refilling on shields nearby. The room above holds a jet-pack stormtrooper and three of the regular variety, as well as an officer. Mind trick the jet-packed stormtrooper and one of his buddies. Take advantage of the distraction and saber the remaining troopers. When everyone is dead, exit through the door. In the next room are two chatting duelists. Attract them and lead them back out into the large arena like area you just exited. After they are dead, take the lift up where another duelist is waiting. After he's dead, head through the door. These duelists aren't exactly pushovers, but a quick kata or two, or even a rolling stab, oughta finish them off. Out the door, head right. Four stormtroopers approach from across the room. Mind trick 'em. After they're dead, proceed across the walkway. Another duelist will run out to oppose you. Wait for him to throw his lightsaber and when you knock it to the ground, throw your own lightsaber. Through the door, in the next room is a tempting shield generator. However, peek around to the right and notice the two stormtroopers and automatic turret. Deal with them how you wish. Take the lift nearby upstairs. There are four stormtroopers. Detpacks if you need them are on the last bunk to the right. Note that on Jedi Knight difficulty, there are two automated turrets mounted on the ceiling, which makes this room somewhat more difficult. Run to kill the troopers and then turn around and worry about the turrets when you have cover. Exit through door. In the hallway ahead is another duelist. This one is more skilled than most of the ones you have previously faced. However, this also means he uses katas more often, which means you can throw at him while he's trying to hit you. Go around the column in the next room. There is a duelist, a cultist with a blaster rifle, and three regular stormtroopers. Listen in on the conversation about some sorta throne room. The column in the middle of the room is actually a lift of sorts. After you mind trick the stormtroopers, kill the cultist and duelist. Then head upstairs using the lift. Inside are two duelists, one hard, one easy, e.g. one red and one yellow. In case you haven't noticed, like in Jedi Outcast, the duelist's colors indicate their difficulty. Yellow/orange is weakest, followed by blue, and then red. If you need it, a small shield booster and medpack are to the left of the lift. Back up to the side of the room and then blast the explosive crate by the window. Below are a duelist, a cultist and a jet-pack stormtrooper. The cultist uses grip primarily. Stay away from him or better yet, shoot him from above before dropping down. His death makes this room infinitely easier. Jump down and when the jet-pack stormtrooper starts to attack, mind trick him to distract the duelist. Kill the duelist and then shoot down the stormtrooper with you concussion rifle. He drops metallic bolt ammo in the form of his repeater gun. You hear a conversation between Jaden and Kyle. Exit through the only door in the hangar, which is on the far side from the hole you blew in. There are shields, health, and ammo just by the door. Enter and get accosted by another duelist and cultist pair. This cultist is another force user. After both are dead, get yourself up to the area they were waiting from. Hint: use the nearby boxes and machinery. Through the door and in the next room is your first dualsaber opponent. If he starts his saber barrier, don't hesitate to throw your saber into his face. Generally, just run around, try and attack him when he's cartwheeling. Also, keep jumping, you can hit him on the shoulder or in the head. After he's dead, pick up the DEMP gun in the room. I have a feeling you'll need it. Enter the next room and hit the switch in the middle. Prepare yourself for a gauntlet of foes. Your first group will be two droids, interrogator droids to be precise. Next come two mobile turrets, followed by two assassin droids of the type you fought on Coruscant. You know the drill. Two or three swipes for each and they're done. Now enter two saber droids, the same kind as the one you fought in training. However, these are definitely much more difficult than the one you originally fought. Wait, you have a DEMP gun. Use the secondary fire to wipe them out. Before you leave the room through the door that just opened, collect the shields and health in the nearby alcoves as necesary. Exit to a checkpoint. Take the lift down. To the right are a matched pair of cultists with blaster rifles. Eliminate them up close and personal and enter the next room. On Jedi Knight difficulty, in the room below is a blue cultist who uses lightning to fry you as you appear on the lift. Don't give him a chance and slice him up with absorb on. Inside is a dualsabered opponent, and this guy really uses them to the fullest extent. If you can get in a saber lock, whoop his butt. That's about all the advice I can give you. When you're done wiping the floor, check out the broken Vader statue by the window. Then head up the ramp. One of those cultists will start shooting at you from the upper level. Ignore him and enter the door on your level. Up the ramp and around is another duelist. Kill him and end up on the top level of the room with the broken statue. Head across to the door on the other side. Continue ahead until you see a person waiting for you. Its your first saberstaff opponent. Use the strategies I outlined above. If he starts doing the twirl, wait until he's almost done, and throw your lightsaber at his legs. Proceed through the door, ready for anything. Cutscene. Well, I guess you know who the boss of this level is now, eh? The key to winning this battle is to take out the two cultists defending the boss. They are some of the hardest npcs in the entire game, so several pointers: use protection and absorb. They use push so much that its as if they have unlimited force. In any event, after they die, the boss is quite easy. Just keep on running around slicing him up. When its over, watch the cutscene. On higher difficulty levels, more duelists will appear in the rooms listed below: the throne room, where there are an additional cultist armed with a blaster rifle and a yellow duelist await you, and also in the room directly above the throne area, which now holds two cultists, one blue, one green, and the green one is armed with a blaster rifle. Congrats! You have been promoted to Jedi Knight! You can now either pick to learn the last single lightsaber style or switch to a staff or dual sabers. I personally prefer dual sabers, but the choice is once again yours. 3.6 Tier 3 Missions 3.6.1 Cult Sighting - Chandrila Recommended Force Power: Force Protect Lvl. 3, Force Heal Lvl. 3 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, Concussion Rifle, throwable weapon. As you start the mission, push the rock. Enter the area with your lightsaber(s) drawn. A dual-sabered opponent will drop from above. After killing him, exit to the right and jump down, but not all the way. Listen in on the conversation between two mercs or eliminate them and pick up the concussion rifle. Head along on the level path until you see a cultist and a reborn. Jump across and engage them. The reborn is single-bladed and the cultist is like most of the other ones you will encounter, meaning he uses force grip exclusively. Exit down to the left watching for the crumbling platform. In the next area are three mercs and a tougher Reborn, still single-bladed. Eliminate them anyway you choose. On the side of the walkway with the two mercs is the first secret area. Secret Area: Before jumping up to the second archway, snipe the waiting merc with your disruptor. Jump up and then walk down the ramp to a medpack and a shield booster. Take the archway with the downward leading path and come upon a merc setting explosives on the bridge. Speed across before it explodes or jump across after the fact. Head up the imposing stairs to face three single-bladed reborn. The best strategy is to draw out the first one on the left by himself, and then face the last two 2 vs. 1. After they are eliminated, head to the door on the right. Using sense, pull the marker on the door to open it. Just beyond and down the the stairs is a dual-sabered opponent. After he's dead, exit to the right where a Reborn will jump from below to attack. Checkpoint! When he is no longer among the living, drop down to the platform directly below the gap. In close proximity are two secret areas. Secret Area: Look back up towards the platform and notice a small alcove flush with the wall. Jump up and find rocket ammo. Secret Area: Turn around after dropping onto the platform. Jump onto the raised step and wall-walk to the other side. You should end up on top of an archway. Drop down to find a merc with his bowcaster guarding a shield booster. In any event, drop down another level to find a broken bridge, a single-bladed Reborn on your side, and a cultist, and another single-bladed Reborn on the opposite side. Two paths here. Either eliminate the Reborn on your side and then jump across to kill the two enemies on the other side and the attendant merc, OR, bypass them and jump onto the beam on the left and slide down. Below are two mercs and a dual-sabered Reborn. Whichever path you take you will have to face them. Note: if you pick the first path, there is the slightest chance that the cultist will grip you mid-jump and release you to your death. I suggest if you take path 1, eliminate him first. On the other side awaits the Reborn. After dueling him, take advantage of the shield booster and medpack at your disposal. Jump over the steps to the right and kill the waiting merc. Head down the path and eliminate the three enemies I mentioned above. The merc in the archway is guarding a shield booster. Get onto the platform which juts out over a series of stone steps. Nearby is a secret area. Secret Area: Jump from this platform to the platform above which has a flower-shaped crystal on it. Long jump (speed+jump) to the platform in the distance. On this platform and the adjoining walkway are two medpacks and a shield booster. From this platform you can also snipe the cultist in the next area. Jump back across onto the jutting platform, again using long jump to continue. Drop down and engage the one or two enemies (one is the cultist, and the other is the Reborn) and continue, hugging the wall. If you continue on the path, you'll come across a wide open area, and a dual-sabered Reborn to the left. Look along the edge of the walkway until you see a platform which you can drop down to. From here you can snipe at the three mercs in the next area, as well as the cultist, leaving you with just the Reborn to deal with. After you eliminate the three mercs, the Reborn will make his way up to you. If you don't feel like dueling, push him into the abyss as he's jumping. Make your way down the way he came up, and drop to the broken platform. Note: From the second platform, don't jump all the way down, peek over the edge in front of you, drop down, and then jump to the last archway. Jump across and kill the cultist. Jump up to the platform above and onto the bridge. Only five more enemies left. One Reborn with the single-blade, two dual-sabered opponents, one cultist, and the boss of this level. The cultist you can snipe from the bridge, using the pistol. Take out his Reborn buddy and proceed into the immense final area. The dual-sabered enemies are in plain sight. The boss, armed with a lightstaff awaits you in the final chamber, in front of the Jedi Knight's coffin. The easiest way (but also the cheapest and most cowardly) to beat this chamber is to just run around the Reborn, activate sight, push the two blocks in the final chamber from the top of the steps leading to the coffin, and run back out to the bridge, leaving the three Reborn to be crushed as the burial chamber comes down around them. The hard way is to fight them and then seal the tomb. As you start to cross the bridge, it starts crumbling. Long jump across to finish the level. Matt sent in the following strategy for avoiding the cultists within the pillared room with the sense+pull door: I just wanted to point out that there are a couple of kindof hard jedi fights you can skip in the cult sighting mission on chandrila. The first time playing through, I was having a really difficult time with the two jedi that you have to fight after crossing the bridge that is blown up as you arrive at it. It wasn't bad the second time through, but just exploring about, I realized you could skip a section of the map there. If you head to the far end of the bridge from where you approach, you can do one of those force long jumps (speed+forward+jump) to the right and land on a platform near the next bridge. You get hurt pretty bad, but you survive it. 3.6.2 Cult Investigation - Tanaab Recommended Force Powers: Well, I think I've covered most everything you need. From now on the choice is yours. Recommended Weapons: Doesn't really matter you won't use 'em at all. Watch the intro cutscene. If the dead cultist is any indication, stay the heck away from that mutant rancor. From the start, run straight ahead. Jump up to an alcove with a switch on it. The switch will activate a crane which will pick up a crate covering a door. A cultist and his duelist pal are just inside. Lure out the duelist and let the rancor eat him. The cultist is a pushover, just keep on slicing. Before you go through the next door, I really really recommend using Force Absorb. One of the enemies, the cultist, has level 3 lightning which really really cuts through you like nothing else. After this, the level wholly degenerates into a mad, frenzied, though wholly enjoyable romp through the area. Whenever you see a green door, enter within. Note that some doors do not open until the enemies around it are dead. Which either means you had better be extremely good at dueling or simply lure the rancor to eat them. At the end of one of the hallways, hit a switch which will clear a box nearby allowing you to jump up there. Secret area up here. Secret Area: Before you jump down to the other side, turn right, jump up to the other crates, and walk all the way to the end of the crates, to the big pipe with the electricity all over it. Now, look about 45 degrees to the right, see the big blue glowing transparent door? Jump over to that platform, go to the left of the door into the small alcove, and there is a medpack and a large shield booster. Keep running until you find another door. Just outside the door should be a switch, which will lower a box into position. Walk through the door. Checkpoint! Run up the ramp in the room and kill the duelists inside. I believe there are three of them, two dualsabers and one staff. They almost exclusively use push, grip, and lightning. So absorb would be quite useful as well as protection. When they are dead, you can take a small rest. Secret area nearby. Secret Area: Run outside, past the rancor, towards the blue forcefield at the end. On the left side there should be a small alcove with some goodies. Return to the control room, and hit the switch up the ramp when the rancor is in front of the control room. The first secret area above was discovered by JarJarBinks of the forums. I know that my walkthrough for this level is not the most detailed of all the levels and I found someone who let me include a copy of their detailed Tanaab level walkthrough. Hope this is of more help that mine. Credit goes to JarJarBinks of the forums: Avoid any enemies the whole way through the level unless they block your path, like at the end in the control room. As soon at you start out, turn on force speed and go to the wall on the opposite side of the room from where the Mutated Rancor is released. Look for a platform you can jump on, there is a lever on the platform, pull the lever, then infront and slightly to the left of you a crate should raise. Go to where the crate was sitting and there should be a door, go in the door and walk down the small hallway (watch out for the cultists [1 with a saber, 1 force user]). Now you are in the second room, but you aren't safe yet, shortly after you exit the small hallway the Mutated Rancor should start beating on the big doors, it shouldn't take long till he destroys them so no time for breaks. Turn on force speed and keep going forward till you run into the wall. Now turn right (if your force speed runs out let your force recharge about 25-30 points then reactivate it) and there should be a big hallway, walk down the hallway, if you went the right way there should be a big blue glowing transparent door up high at the end of the hallway. When you get to the end of the hallway turn left, there should be a locked door, go up to the locked door and a reborn on the other side should unlock it (If he doesn't just wait, it only opens if the rancor is close by). Go through the door. You're now in the third room, but again, no time for breaks, because shortly after you exit the last room the Mutated Rancor starts beating the wall around the door, eventually breaking through. Go left down the hallway (if your force speed runs out again let your force recharge to 100 before you reactive force speed again, you will need the extra force points), there is a lever at the end, pull it and it should raise a crate atop a bunch of other crates. It may look high but you can make it (this is where you need the extra force points [50-60]), force jump onto the crates. *Secret 1: Before you jump down to the other side, turn right, jump up to the other crates, and walk all the way to the end of the crates, to the big pipe with the electricity all over it. Now, look about 45 degrees to the right, see the big blue glowing transparent door? Jump over to that platform, go to the left of the door into the small alcove, and there is a medpack and a large shield thingy (+50). Now go back to the crates where you were before.* Jump down to the over side and keep going forward till you get to a small control room with the big glass window. On the one side of the control room (outside) there is a lever, pull it and a crate should lower. Go into the small control room with the big glass window, go up to the bigger control room with 2 floors and alot of glass windows, wait till the Mutated Rancor gets right infront of the glass windows then hit the lever on the second floor (be fast, he can grab you through the windows) and then the crate should squish the Mutated Rancor into the big blue glowing transparent door at the end of the hallway. 3.6.3 Dismantle Device - Yalara Recommended Force Power: Force Grip Lvl. 1 Recommended Weapon: Disruptor, Concussion Rifle, throwable weapon of choice Approach the door with lightsabers drawn. On the other side is a blue alien. His gun is similar to that of a bowcaster but is not a solid projectile. It seems to be some sort of gas instead. Back up immediately or take damage. Grip or mind trick the alien and then walk around the column after you've killed it. Again, through the door, and mind trick the two aliens. Enter the door behind them, and take the lift up. Along the way, Jaden comments that the aliens are Noghri. There are five enemies to the left, and two to the right. Three of the five enemies are stormtroopers, and the rest are Noghri. Enter the structure directly in front of you. Within are two more Noghri. After you are done, take the final door on the ground level. Inside this pump room are several enemies, but as long as you take your time clearing the area, e.g. use mind trick, then there should be no difficulty. Take the door to the right and come upon a lift you should get on. As you get off, three stormtroopers are waiting for you. Turn left and exit through the door. Inside are an officer and his three stormtrooper friends. Hit the workable switch inside. Return to the pump room, and jump through the fan up the airstream. You will hit a grating that is electrified, and then land on the other side. You'll lose about eight shields. Jump past the fan and confront the pair of duelists. The door past them leads to several Noghri and stormtroopers. It also leads to a duelist and his cultist pal. Wait for the stormtroopers to die and then use the disruptor to shoot the Noghri. It takes about four shots in the head, non-charged. The hallway to the left leads to two more Noghri as well as shields and ammunition. Head past the duelist, after he's dead of course, for the door behind him. Checkpoint! Two duelists rush you as you pass through the door. Backpedal to draw them back into the hallway. Both use strong style only. Head through the door and towards the fan on the left. A lightstaff duelist will drop down. Kill him and then go up the airshaft. Inside are four stormtroopers and an Imperial worker. Kill them and then go to the right side of the platform and collect a small shield booster to repair the eight shield points you just lost. Head through the door on the left. Up and to the right is a lightstaff enemy, and several stormtroopers are ahead. Mind trick the stormtroopers while you wait. Then rush out and confront the lightstaff user. Across the wooden bridge are two more Noghri. Mind trick them and then kill them. Enter the structure in front of you. A ramp leads up to a lightstaff duelist. Below the ramp are shields and ammunition as well as a secret area. Secret Area: Smash your lightsaber against the hole directly below the ramp and use the beams to make your way down. Up the next ramp are a duelist and his cultist friend. Use absorb to make it up to the cultist and saber him. Then kill his buddy and head up the tower. At the top, next to a door are two dualsabered opponents. Lure them outside and finish them there. Head back up with your concussion gun. Shoot only the sabered opponents and then rush in with speed to finish off the Noghri. Go around and take the lift up. At the very top are two duelists and several Noghri. Kill them all and hit use at each of the four explosives to set them. Cutscene and end of level. 3.6.4 Force Theft Investigation - Byss Recommended Force Power: Force Grip Lvl. 2 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, Concussion Rifle, choice of throwable weapon The Raven's Claw has been impounded by an Imperial Dreadnought. Your mission is to disable the tractor beam and Kyle will set the self-destruct. From the start watch Kyle go Qui-Gon and shove his lightsaber into the door to melt the lock. Return to the docking bay and head through the door on the lower level to the left, using the front of the Raven's Claw as a refernce point. To the right in the niche is a single stormtrooper. To the left are more troops as well as an automatic turret on the ceiling. Continue ahead to the next door, killing all opposition. In the next room are more enemies, approximately five of them, and an officer holds the security key. The room also holds an autmatic turret. Ammo and shields are behind a trip mine trap. Use the key to open the door to a lift and ride it up. Peek around the corner to the right where two stormtroopers are talking. Interrupt with your lightsaber and proceed to demolish the enemy. Soon two Hazard Troopers will approach, so prepare to use either mind trick or speed + protection + concussion rifle to eliminate them. A worker is also in the room with them. When all concerned parties are room temperature with the exception of yourself, proceed through the door by the formerly alive troopers. Inside are two officers and the switch to deactivate the tractor beam. Jump down to lowest level in the tractor beam room to find a secret area. Secret Area: The secret area is behind the elevator. The room on the other side leads to a few stormtroopers and workers. Nearby are trip mines you can push or pull them into. After you've turned off the tractor beam, start heading back to the Raven's Claw. However, the ship will be rocked by an explosion and more stormtroopers appear. Mind trick two or three. An automatic turret is up to the left and further in the room are more Hazard Troopers. Mind trick one and kill the survivor with your own concussion rifle. Proceed forward until you are almost touching the forcefield. Mind trick the mech trooper so he will kill the other ones with his rocket launcher. Nearby are health and rocket ammo. Head through the door. Three stormtroopers are in the next room, along with their officer. If you continue down the corridor, you'll find more enemies. But first, duck into the room nearby which has two stormtroopers, an officer, and a droid. It overlooks the Raven's Claw. Head back out to find a few workers to the left. The door in front leads to a room with two Hazard Troopers and two standard stormtroopers. Mind trick both Hazard Troopers for a good show. They will kill the two standard ones. You just slice them up while they're waiting. The two Hazard Troopers approach from far side of the room, from the left. Take the lift up. Kill the two stormtroopers and officer to the left as well as the stormtrooper with the flechette to the right. Kill everyone and then take the ramp down at the far right from the left. Kill the troops in the room and then take control of the turrets. There are a total of four TIEs you must shoot down. Make your way back the lift. Three stormtroopers and an officer will attack. Kill them and then take the lift down. Go straight until you hear Kyle taking on some Imperials and then lend assistance. The closest enemies are approaching from the left. Kill them and also the ones harassing Kyle in the hangar bay. When they are all dead, the mission ends. 3.6.5 Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell Recommended Force Power: Force Grip Lvl. 3 Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, Concussion Rifle, throwable weapon of choice An intro cutscene introduces you to your constant foe for this entire level... Boba Fett. Fett is armed with a rocket launcher, flamethrower, blaster rifle, and a disruptor rifle. The first order of business is to get yourself indoors ASAP, meaning down the parallel trenches in the arena. When you're ready, head for the doors into the western and eastern sectors of the city. There are three weapons caches in each sector. When you're done, make it back to your ship. Use speed and your concussion rifle to bring him down to earth. The strategy with Fett is quite easy. Its the implementation that's hard. If he locks onto you with a rocket, use push to push it away. If he fires with the disruptor, Jaden will automatically use force speed to dodge it. When he fires his blaster use the lightsaber to deflect the shots. The flamethrower is what he uses when you're close to him. If you aren't close, don't worry about it. Once you've defeated him, he's down for the count. Good luck on this mission. Use force sense to keep track of Fett as well as to find the stashes which are marked blue when you have sense on. Once you finish, Luke will call everyone back to the Academy. There you'll find out that your eventual destination will be Korriban. 3.7 Taspir III 3.7.1 Taspir III Rosh has sent a distress signal from an Imperial outpost. Kyle has decided to go and try to rescue him. Recommended Weapons: Disruptor, Concussion Rifle, throwable weapon of choice There are two stormtroopers outside the main doors to the power station. A jet-pack stormtrooper will see you coming and hover down. Mind trick him so he will attack the stormtroopers. Another pair of stormtroopers is just behind the doors. Two stormtroopers are in the same room as you, one on either side. In an adjoining room are an Imperial worker and a stormtrooper armed with the flechette. Exit after they are dead, the door in the room is a broken elevator. Go back into the main room and take the only unlocked door. Go down and hit both switches. Turn around immediately and mind trick the Hazard Trooper before he shoots you. Kill him and then hit the switch at the end of the corridor to the left. It will extend another walkway above. Return back inside, and take the now open door to the immediate left where a stormtrooper is. Ride the lift up. When you first enter, a stealthed commando is to the left. Inside this room are two stormtroopers, an officer, and a worker. Kill all five enemies. The door directly ahead leads to the platform the jetpacked stormtrooper was on. The door to the right is the rest of the level. Outside are a duelist, a force using cultist, and a stealth commando. After they're dead, proceed across the walkway. Secret area behind you. Secret Area: From the area where the stealth commando was, face the building and jump around it to the left. There is a visible ledge which holds health and rocket ammunition. There are two stormtroopers on the opposite end. Kill both and then proceed indoors through the blue-tinted door. Inside are a duelist, a blue cultist (the one that throws lightning), two workers and two stormtroopers. Use absorb to defeat the wannabe Jedi pair and then kill the stormtroopers and workers. Go around the core to the other door. In this room be careful. Use force sense to see all the enemies, including the stealthed ones. Kill them all and try to head out the door. However, the walkway is broken. Notice that the reticle is pointing at one of the boxes to use force? Use push to push the box and use it as the spring point to jump through the mesh and into the air duct system. Follow the path around and then cut through the mesh with your saber. Ignore the door for now, continue around and kill the workers and the officer. Grab the key from the officer's body and now return to the door and open it. Outside by the comm dish is a duelist, dualbladed. To the far left in the distance is a jetpack stormtrooper who rushes to confront you when he sees you. Mind trick him as he gets nearer and saber him to death. As you proceed on foot two more jetpacked stormtroopers reveal themselves, as does a sniper on the roof of the building. The sniper you can kill with force sense and the your concussion rifle. For some reason the sniper rifle misses him the first time around every time. Mind trick both or one of the jetpack guys and have him take potshots at the other. Eventually, both will die. Continue across until you reach the building. A secret area is nearby. Secret Area: Go around the side of the building to the right and jump from ledge to ledge. The uppermost one holds health and shields. When you jump from the rocks onto the building platform, checkpoint! Two officers and stormtroopers are inside. The officers are directly in front of you and the stormtroopers are to the left. Go around the core to the left and up the stairs. You can see the duelist in third person. Kill him and head more upstairs. A cultist and a duelist approach. Turn on absorb and kill both. Further up the stairs a duelist will drop from above. Backpedal and take him out. Head further up and then turn right. Mind trick the trooper and use sense to see the duelist in the alcove to the left armed with a lightstaff. After you kill him, ignore the door in front, it just leads to the broken walkway. Take the one to the right. Before reaching the door, kill the officer to the left hiding in the dark. Exit outside and face the two duelists on the bridge. One is armed with a staff, the other with dualsabers. Enter the room and kill the five stormtroopers and workers inside. Shields and ammo are nearby in the form of generators. Walk outside. There are three enemies. Two duelists across the bridge, and a jetpack stormtrooper to slight left. Shoot at the stormtrooper with the concussion rifle and mind trick him as he gets closer. Then snipe the cultist in the head with your blaster. Long jump across, kill the duelist. Then pull the jetpack in so you can kill him. Around the rock to the right, while following the path, are two jetpack stormtroopers. One is on the roof and one is hovering over the walkway. Mind trick one and then kill both. Two secret areas are nearby. The first one is outdoors. Secret Area: Walk forward off the path to a block below. Turn around and look for a gap between the landscape and the building. Once through, hug the right wall, and slide down to the ledge below. Around the corner you will find shields and rocket ammunition. To make it back up, simply jump back up to the path. Enter the door to find two stormtroopers. Pull them and kill both. A stealth commando is down the ramp on the right. Find him with sense and kill him. Further down the circular ramp is a duelist, armed with a single lightsaber. Kill him and see the next duelist further down. This one is armed with a lightstaff. After he's dead, proceed down. At the very bottom are two commandos and a worker. Kill the three and go out the door. Before you go, remember that there's a third secret area in here. Secret Area: Drop down into the central area with the core. At the very bottom of this dark area are shields and health. If you can't find them, use sense. Shoot the cultist and kill his buddy the duelist then go through the door behind them. To the left and right are a duelist and a cultist. Use absorb and kill both. Continue through the hallway to the other side. Open the door and checkpoint! Several Hazard Troopers stomp out of bays. They exit out separate doors, but you can still mind trick them. Wait until all are dead, and jump from the broken bridge towards the bay on the left. Continue on the walkway all the way to the other side of the lava. Explore the bays the Hazard Troopers came from for shields and ammo. On the other side, go through the door. A dualsabered opponent will drop from the right. Back up and duel him outside. Then face the other duelist who is armed with a staff. Go through the door. A duelist and a cultist are on the far side of the bridge. The cultist is the one on the right. Snipe him and then kill the duelist. Pass through the door behind them. Kill the three workers and the accompanying two stormtroopers and continue through. In the next room are more stormtroopers, workers, and an officer. Kill them all. The first door on the right leads outside to shields and health. Return inside and fight the duelist guarding the other door, armed with a staff. Kill him and head outside. Across the bridge is a commando and another jetpack stormtrooper. Mind trick the stormtrooper as he attacks and kill the commando yourself. When done, kill the jetpack. The ledge to the left of the bridge takes you to some shields. Enter and kill everyone inside, using sense. The first door on the right takes you to a duel. A dualsabered opponent will drop from above and to the left. The red tinted door takes you to health. The last door continues the mission. Ride the lift up. A lightstaff opponent will attack the moment the lift comes to a stop. Kill him and then proceed to the right where a dualsabered opponent drops from the ceiling. Use sense to find the commando in the room, to the left, behind some boxes. Enter the two side-by side doors. To the right when you enter is a staff wielding opponent. Also in the room is an officer. Proceed to the next door on the right wall. Exit to find another duelist armed with a single saber on the bridge. This guy has some huge HP. I only managed to kill him after I knocked his saber into the lava. This duelist is wearing the same outfit as those uber-force users so that may explain his enormous HP and defenses. Continue through the empty hall to the door on the other side. 3.7.2 Imperial Power Station During the cutscene, you'll confront Alora, the red Twi'Lek, once again. After a few parting words, she brings the ceiling down. After the cutscene, look up at the statue in the corner. Could that be Marka Ragnos? Anyway, go around to the left, through the pair of gates and get on board the lift. Through the door is a duo team of cultist and duelist. Rush in and get the first kill with the cultist. Then take your leisurely time with the duelist. Continue through the corridor and out the door. Inside this room are two workers. The door to the left is the only one you can take. Watch out, it has flames. Enter and a cutscene will begin. Immediately afterwards, two duelists will drop down. One armed with a lightstaff, the other with dualsabers. Kill both and exit through the door opposite the one you entered from. Take the lift down. In the next room, two more duelists confront you. When both are dead, exit through the door across the way and through another. Secret area nearby. Secret Area: In the first room after you killed the duelists, look up. The pipe to the left from the entrance can be jumped up to. It holds a large shield booster. Use sense if you can't see it. When you can finally see the sky again, jump onto one of the pipes and make your way up to the top. Midway through Alora will taunt you. After the cutscene, jump up and face the duelist and his cohort, the ever present cultist. Secret area time! Secret Area: After they are defeated, face the structure in the middle of the room. Turn left about 45 degrees. Use force sense to see the shields and health and jump up. Exit through the door on the right, its the only one unlocked. Walk ahead to receive a checkpoint! Exit outside and face the dualsabered opponent. You can push him or pull him into the lava and see him melt. Go inside again, and through another door. The next door holds five stormtroopers. Four armed normally, and one with a rocket launcher. The other two are to the left. Exit through the door on the right. Inside are a cultist and a duelist. Again, same rule as before, kill the cultist first. Go down the ramp. Another pair will drop. Kill both. At the intersection, to the right is a locked door. To the left is one of those very skilled force users who were protecting Rosh on the Vjun mission. However, this time, he's not only a force user. He also has dual lightsabers. This guy is really really hard. He has heal lightning lvl. 3, protection lvl. 3, absorb lvl. 3, and drain lvl. 3. So in other words, he is a little bitch. Use absorb and protection to kill. I think a secret area is in order here, considering that the reborn probably just drained your shields. Secret Area: Backtrack back to the head of the ramp on the other side of the room. Look up and jump on top of the green pipe you can see. Follow it to the other end to find a large shield booster and health. After he is dead, go out to the left, past where he was. When you come upon an open area kill the worker, hit the switch, get on the conveyor, turn on speed, and run through before the forcefield reactivates. Enter cutscene. Run to the to the other side of the conveyor belt as the steam turns off. Stop between the second and third set of sprayers. Jump to the archway with the forcefield and then to the belt directly below it. Then drop to the walkway below. This will be a hard hit but use heal to fix it. Make your way across, to the door Alora was outside in the cutscene. Before you do, there's a not-so-helpful secret area. Secret Area: From the bottom conveyor, drop to the ground below, its survivable and look around for some kinda drain pipe. Crouch within to find rocket ammo. Enter and take the lift up. Kill the worker outside. Jump onto the conveyor belt and make your way across avoiding the steam jets. Near the end there should be a control platform similar to the one you entered on. Jump to it. Further in the corridor are another lightsaber duo. One duelist and a cultist. Use absorb and protection and they will be helpless against you. Out the door is a worker, and another duo. The cultist is to the right, and the duelist to the left. After he's dead, go left. Wait for the sidesmasher to go, then run when the electricity is gone. Jump onto a platform above and save. When the first vertical smasher goes up, use speed and run to the space between the first and second smashers. Then when the second one goes up, run through. Inside are two workers and a lightstaff user. I somehow managed to smush the duelist between the blocks and the blue forcefield, much like the rancor. Alternatively you can just fight him. Before you exit through the door, take some time to find the secret area in this room. Secret Area: The secret area is to the right from the exit door, by hugging the wall. It takes you around the smashers to shields and health. Alternatively, you could have reached this by using speed while in the smashers area. After making it past the electrified area, when the forcefield deactivates ahead of you, you could have used speed and run into a gap on the right, and I don't mean the alcove you can take cover in. Exit through the door and go along the corridor. Checkpoint! Kill the duelist and then turn around. See the forcefield where a cart of sorts enters the room? Jump up there, onto the next cart, and from there to where Alora was talking. A cutscene will begin. You are given the choice of sparing Rosh or killing him. To be a light Jedi, spare him. Otherwise strike away. I chose light. A cutscene begins, after which you are placed in control and fight Alora. Using protection and absorb, I only lost 40 shields. If you go dark, an extra cutscene happens in which Kyle forgives Rosh for going dark and pronounces him a Jedi as Rosh dies. Otherwise, Kyle rushes to deliver Rosh to a medcenter and you continue on to Korriban. 3.8 Korriban 3.8.1 Sith Crypts I'm writing this section assuming you went lightside. If not, you'll have to fight all the Jedi as well as the cultists, making it twice as difficult given that the Jedi have protection, absorb, and heal. There are also a few places where duelists are substituted with Jedi. Use sense to find the nearest enemy. He should be a lightstaff wielder. Help your friends kill him and then proceed further into the crypts, helping other Jedi you meet along the way. Eventually you can take a left turn. Do so and enter. You should have a total of four Jedi with you if you saved the two along the way. Use absorb to negate push and pull. Secret area outside. Secret Area: Go back to the hallway just before the room with the pushable statues. Look up. Jump onto one of the beams and look around. There should be an area you can make your way to by jumping from beam to beam to find health and shields. When there are no more enemies remaining, push the statues to open up a hole below. A set of stairs form leading down. Use absorb to kill the cultist along with his duelist friend. Head down the stairs. On the way you will meet a lightstaff user. Finish him quickly. Run down and help fellow Jedi with the duelists. Go up to the door with a triangular window in it. Use force sense to see the symbols you must push. There are only three symbols. Head down with force absorb ready to kill the cultist and his pal the duelist to the left and the cultist to the right around the pillar. Return to the entrance. Pull the discolored rocks and use them to jump on top of the pillar. A dualsabered duelist will attack, kill him and jump to the very top of the pillar. Jump to the nearby platform and head down. Along the way, two duelists jump in from the sides. Kill both with rolling stabs and continue down. Alternatively if you have dualsabers, you can stab both with the help of speed. Help out the Jedi take on the duelists. Look for a huge hole in the ground which you can enter. Avenge the Jedi in the tunnel and pull the duelist as he retreats. Continue into the next chamber where there are two duelists and a cultist. Explore the lower level. You should come upon two more duelists and a cultist. As soon as you defeat these three, another pair will come rushing in. Use absorb against the cultist's lightning. Proceed into the next area and help out against the cultists. Secret Area: When you're done, look back towards the entrance of the room. You should see a gap between the wall and the ceiling. How to get up there? Jump onto one of the archways nearby and from there to a ledge leading to the gap. Within are shields. When you're finished, head for the carving with a hole in it. Enter. Checkpoint! Drop down from beam to beam, and look for an opening you can reach. If you want a secret area, instead go up by jumping from beam to beam. Secret Area: On the top of the uppermost beam are rocket ammo and a large shield booster. Now go up and jump into the room. A cultist is to the left, and a duelist is across the room. Kill both and then take the exit down. The next room holds two duelists. Again, use absorb and protection. Go down further the path to a room filled with lava. Use the stairs and jumping blocks and get to the other side. Upstairs are two duelists to the right, and a cultist to the left. Kill the cultist first. Then use absorb and protection to wipe out the two duelists. At the end of the room, two more duelists with lightstaffs drop down, and a dualsabered opponent from the right. Kill all three and then break the supports to the stone block in the back of the room. Also cut the two chains nearby, and return to the room where you had to use sight and push in the proper blocks, by jumping up near the two statues. The door you opened by breaking those supports is at the opposite end of the panels you had to push. A lightstaff user and a dualsabered opponent will rush. Another lightstaff duelist will appear, one of those insanely supreme force users. In all likelihood, he'll kill your support (if you went light) so you'll have to finish him off. Exit through the door to end the level. Note: If you went dark, just avoid most of the fighting between the duelists and Jedi and just go for the final door after you broke the supports. 3.8.2 Sith Ruins I am also writing this section on the premise that you went light. If not, its still the same path. Just you'll have to kill everyone, and I mean everyone to get there. As soon as you start, kill the dualsabered duelist outside. Head down the ramps and slide off the structure to the sand below. Walk left. Along the way you'll face several enemies. When you see fighting in the distance, move it. Walk down to the rock and use it to jump across to the other side. Secret Area: From the rock, drop down to the left before jumping and go into the crack in the wall. Within is a large shield booster. On the other side is one of the dark masters armed with a staff. He is fighting three of your fellow classmates. Unfortunately by the time you get over there, they'll all be dead. Use absorb and protect. When he's dead, push the crumbled part of the pillar and use it as a bridge. Snipe the cultist, the one closest to you. Then kill his partner. Slide down the pit using the column below. Enter the structure on the left, which looks like a small bunker of sorts. Jump from rock to rock to get to the topmost level. Peek out to the left. Mind trick the stormtroopers and then jump over to get their attention. Mind trick everyone you can and then kill them. Weave between the shuttles, killing the cannon fodder as you run along. Help out another Jedi with the two duelists and cultist. Secret Area: By the parked shuttles, look for some half-broken pillars and obelisks. Jump up to the highest one and then jump onto the top of the brick building, the one without pillars on top. Make your way to the other side and grab the rocket ammo, health, and shields. If you jumped to the other building you can make your way onto the rocks supported by the pillars. Up here is another health pack and shields. I've never managed to grab the shields, I always miss the jump. Sometimes a duelist is up here just push him off the edge and down to the very distant ground. Backtrack to the tomb with a statue on top. Go up the long flight of stairs. A lightstaff duelist is waiting. After he's defeated, head down. A dualsabered duelist will attack. After he's dead, enter the great hall. A cultist is to the left and a duelist to the right. Continue along the walkway. Ahead are two more duelists, a staff user and a dualsaber opponent. After they have been defeated, head into the final room. You will first fight Tavion. She uses the staff to shoot you but you can jump over the beams. Or better yet, use speed and cut her up as she tries to keep up with you. After you've defeated her once, she'll infuse Ragnos with the power of the staff. His spirit will leave his body and possess that of Tavion. S/He uses a sword infused with the power of the dark side. S/He uses primarily lightning and drain which are negated with use of absorb. Eventually you'll have hurt it enough and the game is done. Enjoy the ending cutscenes where you reunite with Rosh and are given praise by both Kyle and Luke. Congratulations, you have beat Jedi Academy! Note that the duel above is much more difficult on higher difficulty levels, e.g. Jedi Master. Tavion/Ragnos uses lightning, rage, a healing/rage sort of combo, drain, push, and pull. On Jedi Master you must have a very good sense of which attacks do the most damage, which in most cases is the saber twirl, which is the crouch + foward + attack. On most standard duels this will kill off the opposition, but if used with speed and/or absorb/protection, makes this relatively easier. Above tip submitted by Andrew Gaut. Alternate Tavion/Ragnos Strategy submitted by Jason: Tavion is a pushover, just try and conserve armor. On Jedi Knight difficulty, Ragnos has the same force powers as Andrew Gaut describes on Master level, including the healing/rage which is REALLY ANNOYING. You will die more to this character than all other deaths in the game combined basically. My tip for defeating him is to always use absorb and wait to hit him until he throws the sword at you. Since his sword throws are really long you should be able to get a free hit in before the sword comes back. Always jump a medium distance away when the sword comes back so hopefully he'll throw it again and not use the healing spell. If he uses the healing spell (which you can't damage him during the animation) just start hacking away as much as you can since you have nothing to loose now.. either you die or he gets full hp anyway. After getting Ragnos down to about half health I lucked out and pushed him into a corner while his sword was thrown. w+c+attack just cut him to shreds. Just keep attacking and jumping away from his swings. Absorb will keep you alive, protect is marginal at best. If you need it you're getting hit too much to live long anyway. IMO hit the heal button or sense his hp instead. Your first duel with Tavion is much the same if you went dark. This time around she uses the staff not as a laser of sorts but like some sorta hammer which will knock you go the ground. Same strategy as before though, cut her up as much as possible. Except this time you cut Tavion down in the first encounter before she even wakes up Ragnos. The second fight of the hall is with Kyle. One of the reasons I picked dual sabers instead of staying single bladed or going with the staff was because I knew that Kyle could pull your lightsaber away. If he pulls your staff or your saber away, you are completely defenseless. However, if you have dual sabers, you still have a lightsaber to deflect his attacks with. Use what force powers you have, in addition to speed and Kyle will eventually be defeated. You have turned to the dark side! Good for you! You end up flying to the Star Destroyer, killing the Admiral, and taking over the ship. The Imperial March theme plays during the credits. 4. Enemies I will try and put this list in a coherent order, that is, the order you first encounter them in, from the first mission after the shuttle crash to the last mission on Korriban. - Stintaril - A sort of reptilian quadruped. Emits a sonic attack which incapacitates its enemies as well as draining the shields and health of the recipient of such an attack. On higher difficulty levels they are more aggressive and some will actually jump at you. If this is the case, backpedal and throw them to death. - Stormtrooper - Encountered first on Yavin 4 near the end of the first level. Armed mostly with the standard issue blaster rifle, though some are armed with the more deadly flechette and repeater rifles. There are one or two who carry rocket launchers. - Duelist - A member of the disciples of Ragnos, who uses primarily a lightsaber of some sort. The yellow and blue varieties use single blades whereas the red variety uses the more powerful dual and lightstaff sabers. Yellow also rarely uses force powers. Blue can block force push attempts. Red has an extremely high ability with the force and frequently use force attacks to augment their offensive capability. - Remotes - I think you only face them once, and that is on Yavin 4 during your run through the training. They shoot relatively harmless laser attacks. - Saber Droid - Used by lightsaber users to test their abilities with the lightsaber. The droids move quite fast but the first one you face in training is quite easy compared to the ones you face on Vjun. While the ones on Vjun can be defeated with masterful use of the lightsaber, they can also be destroyed with the use of the DEMP gun or other more conventional weapons. - Mercs (Mercenaries) - Hired by the disciples of Ragnos to make your life difficult. For the most part, they are armed with blaster rifles. A few rare ones use repeaters or bowcasters, and even more rarer mercs use the disruptor rifle or concussion rifle. - Sand People (Tusken Raiders) - Nomads in the sands of Tatooine. Use melee weapons called gaffi sticks. They attack in groups of three or four at a time. There are a couple on the Tatooine mission who are armed with blaster rifles which function as snipers. - Commandos - Elite members of the Imperial Special Forces. Armed either with blaster rifles or blaster pistols. Their standard equipment is stealth suits which make them invisible to enemies. They are not immune to force sight, and the light reflecting off their armor. - Sandworms (Sand Burrowers) - Carnivorous worms with rings of teeth. There are a number of them on the planet Blenjeel. They cannot be killed. They sense their prey through vibrations in the sand, so the environment around should be used to avoid the burrowers at all costs. - Snowtroopers - The cold weather variant of the Stormtrooper. All are armed with blaster rifles. - Wampas - The main predator on Hoth. Hunts for Taun Tauns primarily but will eat other organic creatures foolish or brave enough to face it. - AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) - A bipedal walker armed with a laser cannon, concussion grenade launcher, and a missile launcher. Vulnerable to force lightning lvl. 3 as well as stationary cannons. - Alora - A female Twi'Lek with reddish skin. A chief member of the disciples of Ragnos, trained personally by Tavion. You will face her twice in the game, once on Hoth, and once on Taspir III on the mission to rescue Rosh. The first time she uses a single lightsaber, and the second time she uses dual sabers. - Rancor - Bipedal creatures with clawed arms and legs. Primary attacks are grabbing and slapping. If you get caught in its grasp, attack madly until it releases you. - Swoop Gang - a group of swoop racers who are hired to kill you on Zonju V. Armed with blaster rifles, they will try to shoot down your swoop or ram you into nearby walls or off cliffs . If you get off your swoop because it is too damaged, either get on another one quick, or prepare for a very one-sided battle. The swoop riders will try to run you over by coming at you head on. An alternative if your swoop is damaged is to hit strafe and jump while side-by-side with another swoop. You will jump onto the other vehicle and toss the rider off. Has a turbo gear which activates a sudden increase in thrust. - Jetpack Stormtrooper - A stormtrooper equipped with a jetpack to allow him to hover while he pelts his enemies with repeater fire. - Assassin Droids - A new variety of assassin droids, armed with blaster rifles. Equipped with shields which deflect lightsaber attacks as well as damage the attacker if he/she gets too close, it is a true danger to non-Jedi and Jedi alike. It is only vulnerable when its shields go down to allow it to open fire on a target. - Rax - The commander of an Imperial base on Dosuun. A cruel and sadistic person, he likes to hunt live people. Armed with a concussion rifle, he is a dangerous person. - Hazard Trooper - A heavily armed variant of the standard stormtrooper, the Hazard trooper is equipped with power armor and is armed with the concussion rifle. Two shots from another concussion rifle are enough to eliminate this powerful enemy. When Kyle accompanies you on the Vjun mission, I recommend letting him tackle them. - Cultist - A member of the disciples of Ragnos. Uses the Force for attack and defense. Sometimes armed with blaster rifles, the majority accompany their duelist counterparts into battle. If you can get the jump on them, just fire a single charged pistol shot into their head. Otherwise, use Force Absorb to negate their annoying use of push and pull and for the blue variety, lightning. The cultists come in three colors: green, blue, and red, green being the easiest enemies. Blue primarily uses force lightning to zap you while their duelist rushes in and slices you as you're vulnerable. Red cultists are similar to green cultists and generally just jump around and give support to the duelists. Note: Green cultists can also use grip to incapacitate you while their duelist pal throws his lightsaber. - Rosh Penin - A former student at the Jedi Academy under the tutelage of Kyle Katarn, and friend of Jaden Korr, he was captured by the Imperial Remnant and was retrained to use the dark side of the Force by Tavion. - Tavion - Desann's apprentice from JO. Apparently she's lost her mind since Kyle tossed her away like a discarded piece of garbage and now wants to kill all the Jedi with her scepter. She is your primary foe in the game. - Mutant Rancor - A rancor found on Tanaab, genetically modified and chemically induced by the disciples of Ragnos to be very aggressive and territorial. Cannot be killed with weapons due to its unusually high health. Its attacks consist of slaps and swipes with its clawed hands as well as some kind of poison breath which is damaging to both health and shields. - Noghri - Blue-skinned aliens who were the personal death squads of Darth Vader. Use staffs which fire a projectile gas which drains an enemies health. It will also lower an enemies personal shields should the projectile make contact. - Boba Fett - The most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy. He wears Manadalorian armor and utilizes a huge arsenal of weapons as well as a jetpack. Fett is armed with a flamethrower, a blaster rifle, disruptor rifle, and rocket launcher. As long as you keep him in sight, you should have no problems. If he fires off a rocket at you, push it away. Any other shot you can deflect except the flamethrower, which he only uses when you try to use your lightsaber on him. He is impervious to lightsaber throws as well. - Marka Ragnos - A dead Sith Lord who tries to get Tavion to revive himself. 5. Credits The following people contributed to the evolution of this version of my walkthrough. I would like to thank all of them. Jean Eric-Preis - Force Sense tip. Lasse Pedersen - Use of force grip in dueling reborn. Adrian Toh - Use of force grip in dueling reborn. Andy Winters - For tip on Blenjeel, use of thermal detonators. Mike - txa1265 - For secret areas on Coruscant, Kril'Dor, and Nar Kreeta. Neil Madden - For tip on Blenjeel, use of thermal detonators. JarJarBinks of the JA forums for use of his detailed Tanaab walkthrough and the secrets of the level. Julius Petty - Use of mind trick on rancor and wampa. Marie Godin - tip for Cult Investigation - Dosuun. Bob Smith - correction regarding Marka Ragnos. Andrew Gaut - Marka Ragnos duel info. Dharmon - General strategies vs. normal enemies. Hey Dharmon, sorry I forgot to post this up in the last update. Hope this makes it up to you. _SeHT - for last Bakura secret. Abu Sayeed Ahad - For Corellia tram secret areas, Hoth secret areas. Robert Lavigne - Dueling tips. Joel Sutton - Rax encounter #2 with AT-ST. Jason - Tavion/Ragnos strategy. Matt - Chandrila - avoiding cultist jedi Jeremy Guebert - suggestions against non-jedi enemies. Kai Ito - Alternate Rax Joris boss strategy. Sauli Aalto - Tips regarding dueling and force point allocation Svetzolar Todorov - Huge section tip regarding use of darkside force powers. I'd also like to thank Raven and LucasArts for yet another great SW based game.