Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter By RaptorN2 Version 1.2 Last Update: 05-10-04 Date Published: 08-02-02 This Document is Copyright 2002 If you wish to use this FAQ or parts of it on your own web page, email me for permission first Email comments, questions, reports of inaccurate information, and requests to I will reply as fast as I can. NOTE: On 05- 09-04, I traded this game in at GameStop. Versions: Version 1.0 - 08-01-02 - Put FAQ on GameFAQs Version 1.1 - 02-20-03 - Fixed minor problems; added a few things Version 1.2 - 05-10-04 - Updated some information I. Rating II. Controls A. Flight B. Combat C. The HUD D. Using the Force E. Using Wing-Mate Commands III. Menus IV. Codes V. Pilots and Ships A. Story Mode B. Bonus Craft C. Non-Usable Units 1. Spacecraft 2. Ground Units 3. Other VI. Tips VII. Walkthrough A. Story Mode 1. Act 1 2. Act 2 3. Act 3 B. Bonus Missions 1. 1-Player 2. 2-Player VIII. Contributors I. Rating ------------------------------------------------------------- Length: (9/10) - The length of this game is very good. The Story Mode (15 Missions) was decent, however it could be beaten in one day of continuous play. The Bonus Features on the game are very nice. You can view bonus movies as you progress through the game, win single player and two player bonus missions and win bonus craft for accomplishing mission bonuses. These two features cause me to give Jedi Starfighter's length a 9/10. Controls: (10/10) - The controls in this game are very nice. They have undergone a few changes from Starfighter's setup but are very similar. The use of the two analog sticks may be difficult to adapt to at first, but you will eventually get used to them and even like them. You will probably get to like the system of controls because of the freedom it gives you. Because of this freedom, I give the control setup of the game 10/10. Replay Value: (9/10) - The replay value in this game is very good compared to some of the other games that have recently come out. The replay value in Story Mode was decent, and with the added value of the Bonus Features, it is very good. Once you have beaten Story Mode, you can either go back and redo levels to win bonus levels or craft, or you can play missions with the ships you have already won. These Features combined give Jedi Starfighter's replay value a 9/10. Sound: (9/10) - The sound in every game is crucial to it's amount of excitement, and the Sound in Jedi Starfighter delivers that excitement. The sounds in Jedi Starfighter are very nice and sound very "Star Wars-ish." From the sound of the lasers firing to the sound of switching targets, everything sounds good. In addition to this, the background music is from Star Wars with exceptions to the music when playing as Nym. The only poor thing I thought about the sound in this game is the constant and sometimes badly placed comm. chatting. All of this causes me to give sound a 9/10 in Jedi Starfighter. Graphics: (9/10) - I am very impressed with the graphics of this game. From the look of laser bolts hitting enemy ships' shields to the look of exploding ships. Almost everything in this game has good graphics, taking advantage of the power of the PS2. The only thing I thought could have been better was the look of exploding large ships. This all gives Jedi Starfighter's graphic rating a 9/10. II. Controls ---------------------------------------------------------------- A. Flight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R1 - Zoom in R2 - Boost L2 - Brake Right Analog Stick - Roll* Left Analog Stick - Controls nose START - Pause Menu SELECT - Toggle between cockpit view and chase view B. Combat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X Button - Fires primary weapon (Hold down for Continuous Fire) O Button - Uses selected Secondary weapon Triangle Button - Target nearest enemy** Square Button - Target enemy in sights*** L1 - Hold to be able to use D-Pad to communicate with allies D-Pad - Select Secondary weapon (While holding down L1: Communicate with allies)**** *Pressing this down will auto-level your ship. **This can also target the last enemy that hit you. ***Holding this down will hi-light all units. While doing this, looking at a unit will target it. ****Different Ships have different secondary weapons. C. The HUD Top-Right Corner - Comm Window: Shows the person who is talking at some times. Center of Screen - Targeting Sight Shows where your laser fire is going to end up. Changes look when switching secondary weapons. Bottom-Left Corner - Ship Status Shows shields (in green), hull status (in yellow), selected secondary weapon, and number of secondary weapons remaining or meditation meter. Has different design for different craft. Bottom-Right Corner - Target Display Shows name of target and small image of it. Red Arrow - Target Pointer Points the direction to get to your target. Also shows target's shield power and hull status. Red Brackets Around Enemy - Current Target Tracker Is around your current target. Also shows target's shield power and hull status. Blue Brackets Around Ally or Enemy - Objective Tracker Is around things that either have to be destroyed (blue and red) or protected (blue and green). D. Using the Force - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jedi Starfighter is one of the first games allowing players to use the Force. Throughout the game, you will eventually be allowed to use four different Force powers. You can use these by selecting one with the D-Pad and then holding down the O Button. Timing is everything while using the Force. If you don't hold down long enough, you will have a weak attack called Connect. If you hold down too long you will release an even weaker attack called Disconnect. However, if you hold down just long enough, you will release a powerful Force attack. To achieve the perfect timing you have to watch the particles coalescing around you (or your target). You should let go of the button when the particles are white. Only letting go at that instant will be Clarity. These are the four Force Powers and what they do. Force Shield (Up) - Creates an energy barrier around the Jedi Starfighter, deflecting blaster bolts for a certain amount of time. Connect - Laser bolts are randomly deflected Disconnect - Laser bolts are randomly deflected for a short amount of time Clarity - Laser bolts are deflected back at the enemy. Force Lightning (Right) - Zaps and destroys small enemy craft. Connect - Lightning destroys target and small amount of craft around it Disconnect - Lightning destroys only the target Clarity - Lightning destroys target and large amount of craft around it Force Reflex (Down) - Puts world in slow motion while you can still turn and shoot like normal. Connect - Slows time down for a short amount of time Disconnect - Slows time down for an even shorter amount of time Clarity - Slows time down for a longer time than Connect Force Shockwave (Left) - A shockwave blasts in all directions, destroying all near enemy craft. (This is the most mental energy consuming attack) Connect - Wave runs over a moderately sized area Disconnect - Wave runs over a small area Clarity - Wave runs over a large area E. Using Wing-Mate Controls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wing-Mate Commands can be issued on all appropriate missions by pressing and holding the L1 button while manipulating the directional buttons. These commands are the same for all ships. Wing-Mate controls cannot be used with bonus craft. Up: "Attack My Target!" - Allies will attack your Target Right: "Report In!" - Allies will come to you Down: "Protect Me!" - Allies will come to you and attack things near you Left: "Protect My Target!" - Allies will attack anything attacking your target III. Menus ------------------------------------------------------------------ Title Screen: Story Mode - Either begin training or just skip straight to Mission 1 Bonus Features - Play Bonus 1 Player or 2 Player missions, toggle on or off Bonus Craft and view bonus material. A. Bonus Material: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Player Bonus Missions: Escort Duty, Advanced Prototype Test, Riding Shotgun, The Lone Gunship, Jango Fett 2 Player Bonus Missions: Escort Duty, Classic Dogfight, Droid Hunter, Showdown over Geonosis, The Lone Gunship Bonus Craft: X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Advanced Zoomer, Advanced Jedi Starfighter, Sabaoth Fighter, Advanced Freefall, Advanced Havoc, Republic Gunship, Slave I Bonus Material Special Lucas Arts Video (Bounty Hunter) - Available At Beginning of game Star Wars Racer Revenge Trailer - Available At Beginning of game Vehicle Concept Art - Requires completion of Mission 5 Bonus Objective In-Game Concept Art - Requires completion of Mission 6 Bonus Objective Movie Concept Art - Requires completion of Mission 7 Bonus Objective Movie Concept Art 2 - Requires completion of Mission 8 Bonus Objective Team Photos - Requires completion of Mission 10 Bonus Objective My Day at Work - Requires completion of Mission 11 Bonus Objective Nym Comic Book Art - Requires completion of Mission 12 Bonus Objective Movie Outtakes - Requires completion of Mission 15 Bonus Objective Team Commentary - Requires completion of all Hidden Objectives Options - Adjust Settings, Save/Load Games, and Enter Codes. Controller 1 - Adjust Configuration on Controller 1 Controller 2 - Adjust Configuration on Controller 2 Sound - Adjust sound settings Code - Enter Codes Save - Save Game Load Game - Load Game Credits - View credits for game IV. Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter these codes in the Options Menu NOHUD - No Cockpit Display QUENTIN - Invincibility DIRECTOR - Different Camera Angles (SELECT Cycles through views, R1 Zooms) JARJAR - Inverted Controls (Up is down, Left is Right, etc.) MAGGIE - Programmer Message SIMON - Get Simon Pics HEADHUNT - Get Bonus Craft Z-95 Headhunter PNYRCADE - Get All Missions and Bonus Material V. Pilots and Ships --------------------------------------------------------- A. Story Mode - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adi Gallia - A Corellian Jedi Master born and raised on Coruscant, Adi Gallia is a headstrong woman, the daughter of highly placed diplomats. Well-educated and will-spoken, she has earned the respect of her peers in part because of her no-nonsense attitude. Also a skilled fighter pilot and member of the Jedi Council, Adi seemed like a natural choice to test out the prototype Jedi Starfighter. The Jedi Starfighter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Quad-Pulse Lasers Secondary Weapons: Force Powers [Up: Force Shield] See "Using the Force" [Right: Force Lightning] See "Using the Force" [Down: Force Reflex] See "Using the Force" [Left: Force Shockwave] See "Using the Force" The ride of choice for the Republic's Jedi. This new modified prototype of the Delta-7 ship is small and agile. It has been modified to include an enhanced engine with hyperdrive capabilities and also an enhanced repulsorlift system that allows the pilot to maneuver with a high degree of accuracy and high angles of approach. Its top-of-the-line quad pulse lasers may be weaker than average, but their high rate of fire makes up for this limitation. The ship's light armor can make it extremely vulnerable to enemy attacks. Nym - An imposing Feeorin alien with a long criminal history and brilliant tactical skills, Nym's underhanded actions have made him a prime enemy of the Trade Federation. Ten years ago, the Trade Federation seized control of his base on Lok. In the Years since, Nym has been assembling a small pirate resistance movement in the hopes of eventually reclaiming his base and driving the Trade Federation from the Karthakk system. The Havoc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Dual-Triple Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: Bombs, Missiles, and Mines [Up: Energy Bombs] Unlimited amount, but takes time to reload [Right: Cruise Missiles] Slower than Proton Torpedo, but just as good [Down: Cluster Missiles] One shot releases many of these. They rip right through shields and attack the hull [Left: Proximity Mines] Float in space until enemy flies close enough to it to detonate it. Can also be dropped to the ground While not as fast as the Jedi Starfighter, the Havoc is a well-rounded and dangerous strike number. In fact, some say it is the most powerful Starfighter in the sector. Handcrafted, the bomber was stolen by Nym and his crew. During the past few years Reti and Nym have made numerous modifications to it. While it is still equipped with six laser cannons. The Havoc can have a number of different bombs available for use during combat. Reti - A talkative Toydarian, the same species as Watto, Reti is an accomplished mechanic, knowledgeable mercenary, and Nym's confidante. He worked with Nym to modify the Havoc but now this adventurous and friendly creature is ready to take the controls of his very own shim, the Zoomer. The Zoomer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Four Front-Mounted Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Heavy Cannon [Up: Heavy Cannon] Salvaged from a Tusken Raider Skiff, this gun bypasses energy shields This overhauled small freighter has long wings and is best utilized for short-range combat thanks to its rapid-fire laser cannons. Jinkins - The original designer of the Havoc, Jinkins now has his own ship: the Freefall bomber. Born on Clack'dor VII, Jinkins has a natural love of science and all things technical. His curiosity can sometimes get him in trouble, but it also makes him a valuable fount of knowledge. Jinkins is known for being able to remain calm and collected even in the face of great danger. The Freefall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Long-Range Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Mechanized Drone Fighters [Up: Mechanized Drone Fighters] Small and agile. Release as a group and swarm enemies. Almost impossible to hit It's fitting that Jinkin's ship is a technical marvel with the latest in spaceflight technology. This is a gunship-style craft that has a number of unique features to it. Siri Tachi - A powerful and respected Jedi Knight, Siri Tachi trained as Master Adi Gallia's Padawan learner, While she may be young, Siri's confidence and determination have made her an effective Jedi whose recent missions have kept her far from Coruscant. As a result, she has not seen Master Gallia in several years. The Jedi Starfighter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Quad-Pulse Lasers Secondary Weapons: Force Powers [Up: Force Shield] See "Using the Force" [Right: Force Lightning] See "Using the Force" Siri flies a Jedi Starfighter similar to the one piloted by Adi Gallia. (See Adi Gallia's Jedi Fighter description above for more information.) Havoc's Turret - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Laser Bolts Secondary Weapon: Missiles [Up: Missiles] Will follow locked-on enemy Republic Gunship's Turret - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Laser Bolts Secondary Weapon: Missiles [Up: Missiles] Will follow locked-on enemy B. Bonus Craft - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X-Wing - Complete Mission 3 Bonus Objective - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Four Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: Torpedoes and S-Foil [Up: Proton Torpedoes] Strong Lock on Missile [Right: Close S-Foils] Gives X-Wing Increased Maneuverability (Cannot Shoot in this mode) TIE Fighter - Complete Mission 4 Bonus Objective - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Two Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: None Advanced Zoomer - Complete Mission 7 Bonus Objective - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Four Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: Guns, Missiles and Mines [Up: Heavy Cannon] Salvaged from a Tusken Raider Skiff, this gun bypasses energy shields [Right: Cruise Missiles] Slower than Proton Torpedo, but just as good [Down: Cluster Missiles] One shot releases many of these. They rip right through shields and attack the hull [Left: Proximity Mines] Float in space until enemy flies close enough to it to detonate it. Can also be dropped to the ground Advanced Jedi Starfighter - Complete Mission 8 Bonus Objective - - - - Primary Weapon: Quad-Pulse Lasers Secondary Weapons: Force Powers [Up: Force Shield] See "Using the Force" [Right: Force Lightning] See "Using the Force" [Down: Force Reflex] See "Using the Force" [Left: Force Shockwave] See "Using the Force" Sabaoth Fighter - Complete Mission 9 Bonus Objective - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Four Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: None Advanced Freefall - Complete Mission 10 Bonus Objective - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Two Long-Range Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: Drones, Missiles and Mines [Up: Mechanized Drone Fighters] Small and agile. Release as a group and swarm enemies. Almost impossible to hit [Right: Cruise Missiles] Slower than Proton Torpedo, but just as good [Down: Cluster Missiles] One shot releases many of these. They rip right through shields and attack the hull [Left: Proximity Mines] Float in space until enemy flies close enough to it to detonate it. Can also be dropped to the ground Advanced Havoc - Complete Mission 12 Bonus Objective - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Dual-Triple Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: Bombs, Missiles, and Mines [Up: Energy Bombs] Unlimited amount, but takes time to reload. Hold down to release Plasma Scourge weapon: a Super Energy Bomb that drains several ammo cells [Right: Cruise Missiles] Slower than Proton Torpedo, but just as good [Down: Cluster Missiles] One shot releases many of these. They rip right through shields and attack the hull [Left: Proximity Mines] Float in space until enemy flies close enough to it to detonate it. Can also be dropped to the ground Republic Gunship - Complete Mission 14 Bonus Objective - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Two Laser Cannons Secondary Attacks: Missiles and Beam [Up: Concussion Missiles] Faster than Cruise Missle. Unlimited, but must reload [Right: Beam Weapon] Don't have to worry about leading with this. Unlimited, but must reload Slave I - Complete all Hidden Objectives - - - - - - - - - Primary Weapon: Two Laser Cannons Secondary Weapons: Torpedoes, Mines [Up: Torpedoes] Fast Lock-on Missile [Right: Proximity Mines] Float in space until enemy flies close enough to it to detonate it. Can also be dropped to the ground C. Non-Usable Units - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Spacecraft - - - - - - - - - - - - - Droid Starfighter - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Has no Shields. Very Common. Scarab - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Has Shields. Very Common. Spy Ship - Toth's Fleet Weapons: None Notes: Only seen on Mission 1. Lander - Trade Federation Weapons: Laser Turrets x4 Notes: Launches Starfighters. Defenseless on the underside. Troop Transport - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Basically a Flying MTT. Drop Ship - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Drops Enemy Ground Units. Bomber - Trade Federation Weapons: Bombs Notes: Drops multiple bombs on allied units. The Liberator - Nym's Fleet Weapons: Lasers Notes: Must be protected. Armed Freighter - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Has Good Weaponry. Hex Bomber - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Hex Missiles Notes: Deploys Hex Missiles. Hex Deployer - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Hex Missiles, Lasers Notes: Deploys many Hex Missiles from long-range. Freighter - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Have no weapons. The Tritus - Nym's Fleet Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Must be protected. The Kethor - Nym's Fleet Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Collides with the shield generation on Mission 7. Tug - Toth's Fleet and Nym's Fleet Weapons: None Notes: Attaches to large things and pulls them around. Sabaoth Destroyer - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Lots of laser turrets Notes: Big and strong. Sabaoth Frigate - Toth' Fleet Weapons: Lasers Notes: Also known as a tractor beam ship. Transport - Republic Weapons: Lasers Notes: Carries clone troopers. Must be protected. Missile Frigate - Trade Federation Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Has strong weapons. Geonosis Fighter - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Hard to hit head on. Good weapons. TF Cruiser - Trade Federation Weapons: Missiles and Lasers Notes: Tries to destroy Nym's cannon. Core Ship - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Good health. Mere Transports - Nym's Fleet Weapons: None Notes: Must be protected. Lieutenant Bella - Trade Federation Weapons: Missiles Notes: Very fast at some times. Sabaoth Defender - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Decent Health. Sabaoth Destroyer - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Lots of Heavy Turrets, 6 Capitol Turrets Notes: You cannot penetrate their shields. Captain Toth - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Lasers, Energy Missiles Notes: Fairly fast. Dagger - ??? Weapons: Lasers Notes: Only in bonus missions. Dianoga - ??? Weapons: Lasers Notes: Decent health. Morningstar C - ??? Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Very good weapons. The Duergo - ??? Weapons: Energy Missiles, Lasers Notes: Very, very fast. Good health. 2. Ground Units - - - - - - - - - - - - - Battleship - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Good health. Launches Bombers and Fighters. U-Boat - Trade Federation Weapons: Missiles Notes: Dives under water for short periods. Cannot be hit under water. Droid Starfighter (Walking) - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Regular Droid Starfighters in Walking Mode. Tractor Beam Tower - Trade Federation Weapons: Tractor Beam Notes: If you fly into the Tractor Beam (in red) you will be frozen in place until you destroy the tower. Sub Dock - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Launches U-Boats. Harro Ruuk's Submarine - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers, Missiles Notes: Dives under water like the U-Boat Ore Extractor - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Buildings on Mission 6. Missile Launcher - Trade Federation Weapons: Missiles Notes: Launches Multiple Missiles that follow you. Barrack - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Deploys different enemies. Goes underground when not in use. STAP - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Is controlled by a Battle Droid. Battle Droid - Trade Federation Weapons: Laser Notes: Is tiny. Weapon shakes you up, but doesn't do much. AAT - Trade Federation Weapons: Laser Cannon Notes: Weapon is fairly strong. Clone Trooper - Republic Weapons: Laser Notes: Must be protected. Super Battle Droid - Trade Federation Weapons: Laser Notes: Faster rate of fire than normal battle droid. CG Droid - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Fair Health. IGB Droid - Trade Federation Weapons: Energy Missiles Notes: Fires multiple missiles at a time. Revenant Speeder - Nym's fleet Weapons: None Notes: Must be protected. 3. Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Data Pod - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Carry Ship IDs. Are only in Mission 1. Laser Turret - Trade Federation Weapons: Laser (Duh...) Notes: Can be mounted on land or bigger ships. Capitol Turret - Trade Federation Weapons: Strong Laser Notes: Can be mounted on land or bigger ships. Mine - Trade Federation Weapons: Umm... Explosion? Notes: Float on surface of water. Explode when ship gets close enough to it. Hex Missile - Toth's Fleet Weapons: Dragon Fang stuff Notes: Explode on impact. Landing Pad - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Ships land and launch on it. Shield Generator - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers, Energy Missiles Notes: Cannot be hurt by you. Planetary Defense Gun - Trade Federation Weapons: BIG Laser Notes: Shoot huge laser bolts. Planetary Defense Platform - Trade Federation Weapons: Lasers Notes: Lots of weapons. Transmitter - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Secondary Transmitter in hangar. Control Box - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: 1 on back of each mirror tower on mission 9. Control angle of mirror. Reactor - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Must be destroyed on mission 9. Barrel - 1st Trade Federation 2nd Nym's Fleet Weapons: BIG Laser Notes: Can be fired after being put together. Capacitor - 1st Trade Federation 2nd Nym's Fleet Weapons: BIG Laser Notes: Can be fired after being put together. Focus Array - 1st Trade Federation 2nd Nym's Fleet Weapons: BIG Laser Notes: Can be fired after being put together. Casing - 1st Trade Federation 2nd Nym's Fleet Weapons: BIG Laser Notes: Can be fired after being put together. Missile - Trade Federation Weapons: Umm... Explosion? Notes: Launched from Trade Federation Cruiser Generator - Trade Federation Weapons: None Notes: Must be destroyed in mission 14. Shield Generator (2)- ??? Weapons: None Notes: Creates shield around space station in "Jango Fett." VII. Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Keep the Enemy in Front of You Don't let him get behind you! 2. Use Boost and Brake Properly Use the boost to catch up to faraway enemies and to get away from trouble Use the brake during turns to turn very sharply 3. Use Force Lightning Properly It is best to use Force Lightning when the enemies are closely grouped 4. Use Force Reflex Properly It is best to use Force Reflex when the enemies are spaced out 5. Use Force Shield Properly It is best to use Force Shield either when fighting a large group of enemy fighters, or large ships 6. Use Good Strategy's When Playing 2 Player Cooperative Sometimes it is best to split up and attack separate targets 7. Use "Attack My Target" Properly Use "Attack My Target" when attacking large ships 8. Watch Your Shield Strength Once your hull has been damaged, your shield will take twice as much time to recharge as normal 9. Use Proximity Mines Properly Proximity Mines are best used when put in front of or in the middle of Large groups of enemy fighters 10. Run Away When in Trouble If your shields are down (to the bottom bar), boost as far away from the enemies as possible VIII. Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------- A. Story Mode 1. Act 1 Mission 1 - The Informant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Reti Objectives: [] Destroy All Trade Federation Fighters [] Destroy the Trade Federation Lander Bonus: [] Destroy Escaping Data Pods Hidden: [] Destroy the Spy Ship 2P Hidden: [] Complete in 4 Minutes or Less The first wave of enemy fighters will consist of 1 Droid Starfighter. After you destroy it three waves of 4 Droid Starfighters will eventually come and then a wave of 6 Scarabs will come. After them, 4 Scarabs will come, accompanied by a Trade Federation Lander. If you cycle through targets around this point in time, you will notice an unknown ship. Destroy it and you will have completed the Hidden Objective. Then proceed in destroying the Scarabs, and then start attacking the Lander. While fighting the Lander you can either take out the 2 guns on top and the 1 gun on each wing, or you can just attack from the bottom and not risk getting hit. Note that the longer it takes you to destroy it, the more starfighters it will send out. I suggest holding down on the brake while heading towards it to get off the most shots in one line. Anyway, once its hull is down to about 2/3 health, it will shoot out 3 Data Pods from the top. Destroy all of them to complete the Bonus Objective. After this proceed in destroying the Lander in a nice explosion. Mission Complete. Mission 2 - Unlikely Allies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Reti Objectives: [] Destroy Scarabs so Nym can Launch [] Protect Jinkins in the Communications Center Bonus: [] Destroy all Subs Hidden: [] Allow No Enemy Craft to Land on the Beach 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Trade Federation Battleships You start the Mission with 12 Scarabs in the area with you. Once you destroy them all, you will have completed your first objective. After they are all gone, a Trade Federation Battleship will come, along with 2 Troop Transports, a couple of Scarabs, 4 Droid Starfighters, a few Subs and a big transport back towards the base. Take out the Troop Transports and Droid Starfighters before they can get to the beach. Continue destroying Scarabs and Droid Starfighters until another Trade Federation Battleship comes, accompanied with a couple of Scarabs and some Subs. This Battleship will launch Bombers and Scarabs until either: 1. you destroy enough Bombers or 2. you destroy it. Then Take out the rest of the Scarabs, allowing Jinkins to escape. Mission Complete Mission 3 - Prison Break - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: Jenkins Objectives: [] Liberator Must Survive [] Destroy the Space Station Defenses [] Prevent Enemy Transports From Docking [] Liberator Must Rescue Crew to Safety Bonus: [] Destroy the Airlock Door Hidden: [] Destroy All Walking Starfighters in Hangar 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Station Doors You start the Mission facing the Space Station and a couple Droid Starfighters and Scarabs. Destroy them and then follow orders by destroying all 8 of the Capitol Turrets and Laser Turrets. Doing this will complete the first Objective. Sometime during that you will receive a message and a new target. Hurry towards the target, an Airlock Door, and destroy it. This will complete the Bonus Objective. Eventually, you will notice a Troop Transport, escorted by a few Scarabs. Destroy it and another one will appear, escorted by an Armed Freighter and a few Scarabs. Destroy these and yet another one will come, escorted by another Armed Freighter and some more Scarabs. Once this last Transport is gone, head towards the Liberation and destroy any enemy starfighters attacking it, giving it time to jump into hyperspace. Mission Complete. Mission 4 - Turning The Tides - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: Jinkins Objectives: [] One Demolition Boat Must Reach the Base [] Destroy the Base Entry Door [] Defeat Harro Ruuk Bonus: [] Both Demolition Ships Must Survive Hidden: [] Destroy All Tractor Beam Towers 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Trade Federation Sub Docks You start this Mission facing a small group of islands. To your left there is a small island with a Sub Dock next to it. Anyway, you must protect the 2 demolition ships. You do this by destroying all of the mines and U-Boats in the water, all of the enemy fighters and bombers in the air, and all of the laser turrets and tractor beam towers on the islands. Continue blasting a way through the water for the ships and eventually you will get to a base-looking thing where you can target an exhaust door. A distance away from the front of the base, you will see another small island with one of the Sub Docks next to it. Once your Demolition Ships have destroyed the base, you will receive word that something survived. It is Harro Ruuk in his submarine thing. This submarine dives and surfaces, just like the U-boat, and fires lasers and Missiles. Just treat him like any other U-Boat, use lots of bombs and Missiles, and he will be gone in no time. Mission Complete. 2. Act 2 Mission 5 - Poisoned Skies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Reti Objectives: [] Protect the Space Port [] Destroy All Hex Deployers Bonus: [] Protect the Island Shelter Hidden: [] Destroy All Enemies 2P Hidden: [] Protect All Buildings Right at the beginning of the Mission you have to destroy all of the Hex Missiles in the sky. You will have to destroy 3 waves of these missiles. I suggest using Force Lightning to destroy a couple at a time. Anyway, after you destroy the Hex missiles, you have some new enemies. There will eventually be 4 waves of Hex Bombers, escorted by Sabaoth Fighters. Try to ignore the fighters and focus on the bombers. Use Force Lightning and your lasers to take them out before they can reach the island. After you have destroyed all of the bombers, there will be 3 more waves of Hex missiles. On the third wave, there will also be a few more Hex Bombers, accompanied by 2 Hex Deployers. Forget about the bombers and concentrate your firepower on the Deployers and the missiles they launch. While doing this you can either use Force Shield, or use Force Lightning to take out some fighters. Both will work well. Mission Complete. Mission 6 - Mount Merakan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: Jinkins Objectives: [] Destroy All Buildings Bonus: [] Destroy All Trade Federation Freighters Hidden: [] Complete Mission Within 9 Minutes 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Containers (Gear-Looking things on the ground) You start the mission facing one of the 9 Ore Extractors. Use energy bombs and lasers to blow it up. SAVE YOUR CRUISE MISSILES FOR THE 10 FREIGHTERS. If you head to the Landing pad to your right quickly enough, there will be 3 Freighters taking off. Destroy them and then destroy the Landing Pad. Continue around the mountain, destroying any missile launchers you see, until you spot more Freighters. Destroy them. You can now start destroying some more Ore Extractors and the other Landing Pad, until you receive word that some more Freighters are trying to escape. Cycle through your targets until you spot them and destroy them. Once these freighters are gone, continue destroying Ore Extractors until you receive word from Jinkins that the last of the Freighters are attempting to escape. Locate them and destroy them. This will complete your Bonus Objective. After that, finish up the rest of the Ore Extractors. Mission Complete. Mission 7 - Hammer and Anvil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Jinkins Objectives: [] The Tritus Must Survive [] Protect the Kethor [] Destroy All Planetary Defense Guns [] Destroy All Planetary Defense Platforms Bonus: [] Tritus Takes No Hull Damage Hidden: [] Destroy the 3 Escaping Trade Federation Freighters 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Sabaoth Craft You start the mission head on with some Scarabs and Droid Starfighters. You can destroy them is you want, but they are not the main threat. The main threat will be all of the bombers that are launched against the Kethor and the Tritus. There will be 3 waves of about 15 bombers and you must take them out. I suggest Force Reflex to take out a bunch of bombers before they can reach your ships. After you have taken care of all of the bombers, you will have a Planetary Defense Gun set as a target. Destroy it using Force Reflex. After you destroy this one, take out the other one the same way. Sometime during that you will hear that enemy ships have come from behind you. Focus on the larger enemy ships (like the Lander) and take out some Sabaoth Fighters. Continue doing this until the Versai guy rams his ship into the Shield Generator. After his sacrifice, destroy the 2 Planetary Defense Platforms. Mission Complete. Mission 8 - Demolition Squad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Jinkins Objectives: [] Order Commandos Into Each Shield Generator [] Two Commandos Must Survive Bonus: [] All Commandos Survive Hidden: [] Destroy All Landers and Superfreighters 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Defense Barracks Start this mission out by destroying all 7 Heavy Turrets around the base. After you have done this, target the Bunker closest to your guys and use the Wing-Mate command "Attack My Target." This will make them run into it. Once the Bunker has been destroyed, look for the Defense Barracks that will have popped up from under the ground. Destroy as many of these as you can, before they go back underground. Once they have gone underground, attack the STAPs and Battle Droids they have released. Once you are sure you have gotten them all, command your guys in to the next bunker. Once it has been destroyed, a Dropship will appear if you don't destroy it before it reaches the ground, it will send out a few AAT Tanks. Aside from this, there will also be some STAPs and Battle Droids and released from the Barracks you have not destroyed, and Droid Starfighters. Once the area is clear, send your people to the next bunker. After that one is destroyed, there will be some Droid Starfighters, Scarabs and a Lander, which will release AATs if it is not destroyed. Of course there will also be some more STAPs and Droids from the Barracks you have not destroyed. Once you have taken out all the enemies, send your guys into the next Bunker. By now you might have destroyed all of the Barracks. If you have, you will be up against some Droid Starfighters, Scarabs and another Lander. Destroy all of these and send your guys to the next Bunker. After this bunker is destroyed, there will only be some Droid Starfighters and Scarabs. Destroy these and send your guys into the next and final bunker. Mission Complete. Mission 9 - The Dragon's Den - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: Havoc's Turret Objectives: [] Clear All Enemy Units From Landing Pad [] Destroy Transmitter Inside Hangar [] Destroy Control Boxes on Solar Towers [] Bomb the Reactor Core Bonus: [] Destroy All Bombers Hidden: [] Prevent All Hew Deployers From Escaping 2P Hidden: [] Prevent All Dropships From Landing You start the mission looking at a big base with a Landing Pad on top. You must first destroy the 3 Hex Bombers on the Pad. While doing this, be careful, there are lots of laser turrets and battle droids, which will shoot at you. Once you have taken out the bombers, attack the 2 dropships with your new attack, Cluster Missiles, and then some Sabaoth Fighters will come and eventually, 8 more dropships will come. Destroy these dropships before they can send out a bunch of AATs. After you destroy all of the dropships, head back to the Landing Pad and destroy all of the laser turrets and droids, allowing your ally to land. Eventually, you will receive orders to fly into the hangar and destroy the Transmitter. While you are in the hangar, you can destroy the containers if you want to, but be sure to destroy the 2 Hex Deployers. After you have destroyed them, proceed in destroying the Transmitter, which will be highlighted. After this, get out of the hangar and gain some altitude. Destroy enemy fighters until the poles with mirrors turn on and you are ordered to destroy the Control Boxes. 1 box is located on the back of each pole. Be careful not to run into the reflected light while you are destroying the Control Boxes because it will hurt you. While you are destroying the boxes, you will hear that a ship is approaching the tower. Hurry over to the Landing Pad and destroy the bomber before it can land. Once you have done this, continue destroying the Control Boxes. Once you have destroyed all of these, you will once again have to go into the hangar, this time to destroy the Reactor Core. TO DESTROY THE REACTOR: Aim yourself towards the half circle in the hangar door and fly in between the pipes. You will see a small flickering green square. Shoot, and drop bombs at this square. Eventually the core will blow. Mission Complete. 3. Act 3 Mission 10 - Tug of War - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: Jinkins Objectives: [] Destroy the Trade Federation Tug [] Recover the Barrel [] Recover the Capacitor [] Recover the Focus Array [] Recover the Casing [] Destroy All Tractor Beam Ships Bonus: [] Destroy All Missile Frigates Hidden: [] Lose No Friendly Tugs 2P Hidden: [] Destroy "Reavers" When you start the mission you will have to look to your left. The tug will be highlighted as a target and you must destroy it. Once you have destroyed it, you only have to destroy enemy tugs coming from the Sabaoth Destroyer, destroy enemy fighters attacking your own tugs and destroy the 3 Missile Frigates near the Destroyer. Continue doing this until your tugs have recovered all of the pieces. After all of the pieces have been recovered, the Sabaoth Destroyer will launch a ton of fighters and some new enemy frigates will drop out of hyperspace. You have to destroy the 3 Sabaoth Frigates, which will be right next to the Tritus. Mission Complete. Mission 11 - Escort to Geonosis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Siri Tachi Objectives: [] Escort the Transport to Geonosis [] Destroy One Group of Missile Frigates Bonus: [] Destroy the Pursuing Missile Frigates Hidden: [] Destroy All Trade Federation Landers 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Missile Frigate Groups Start the mission out by destroying any Droid Starfighters you can see. You will have to destroy Droid Starfighters until 2 Landers come out from the asteroid field, behind the transport. Try destroying the Landers before the 2 Missile Frigates appear behind them. I suggest using Force Shockwave while right next to the Landers to take them out. However, while doing this, you must also protect your transport from fighters. Eventually, some Geonosis Fighters will come from in front of your transport and then 6 Missile Frigates will come from the planet. Destroy the Geonosis Fighters with force lightning and then all you will have to do is destroy 1 group of Missile Frigates (3 Frigates right next to each other), allowing your transport to escape to the planet. Mission Complete. Mission 12 - Cannon Fodder - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: :Jinkins Objectives: [] Defend Tugs and Cannon Parts [] Clear the Landing Pad For Cannon Assembly [] Destroy the Trade Federation Cruiser Bonus: [] All Tugs Must Survive Hidden: [] Destroy All Turrets 2P Hidden: [] Destroy Cruiser Without Using the Orbital Cannon You start the mission facing a big asteroid, covered with turrets. Your first goal is to destroy the 6 Capitol Turrets on the asteroid. Once you have destroyed all of these, there will be lots of waves of bombers, attempting to destroy your cannon. You can take out a few waves of these if you like, but your main goal is to destroy the 4 Missile Frigates on one of the Landing Pads. You should then destroy any turrets and droid starfighters you see on the pads. Once the cannon parts have made it to the pad, you will receive word that a Trade Federation Cruiser has entered the area. It will take some time for it to be within visual range, but when it is, head towards it. This cruiser will eventually fire volleys of missiles at your cannon. You have to destroy these missiles before they hit it. After a couple of waves of missiles, your cannon will be ready to fire. To fire the cannon, target something, and then use your wing-mate command "Attack My Target" to fire it. Note that it takes the cannon a couple of seconds to recharge in between shots. Mission Complete. Mission 13 - Attack of the Clones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Siri Tachi Objectives: [] Protect All Gunships Until Troops Debark [] Half of the Clone Troopers Must Survive Bonus: [] Destroy the Trade Federation Core Ship Hidden: [] Destroy All Bunkers 2P Hidden: [] Lose No Clones This mission is simple enough. All you have to do is destroy anything and everything the enemy throws at you. At the beginning of the mission, they will launch tons of Droid Starfighters out of barracks. When these barracks come to the surface, you should destroy them, or they will just keep sending stuff. You will know when the barracks are surfacing because your allies will say so, and you will know how to find them because they will be highlighted on your screen. Anyway, destroy these bunkers and eventually your gunships will deploy the troops. Once the troops are on the ground, the enemy will start launching Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, AATs, CG Droids, IGB Droids, Geonosis Fighters, and Droid Starfighters. The Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids will come out of bunkers that can be destroyed, thereby stopping them completely. The AATs and CG droids (The Spider-looking Things) will be released in pairs from one of the 2 cave barracks, which cannot be destroyed. The other cave barrack will launch IGB droids (The big-wheeled tanks with energy missiles) in pairs. The Droid Starfighters and Geonosis Fighters will come out of barracks located around the core ship pit, these barracks too can be destroyed. To destroy the core ship, just send the gunships to attack it after they have released the troopers. While they are doing this, and for the rest of the mission, all you have to do is destroy all of the barracks and everything that they launch. Do this until the clone troopers make it to the base. Mission Complete. Mission 14 - Heart of the Storm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Nym Second Player: Havoc's Turret Objectives: [] Destroy All Missile Frigates [] Destroy Enemy Fighters [] Escort the Mere Transports [] Escort the Revenant Speeders [] Destroy All Enemies Inside Dome [] Defeat Lieutenant Bella Bonus: [] Destroy All Escaping Dropships Hidden: [] All Mere Transports Must Survive 2P Hidden: [] Remove All of Toth's Shields Start the mission out by destroying the 5 missile Frigates and 2 Dropships with the Orbital Cannon. Then destroy any AATs, heavy turrets, and enemy fighters you can see. Once you have destroyed these, a bunch of Droid Starfighters will be launched from the dome and you will be informed that 1 ship is escaping from the back of the dome. It is Toth. Ignore him unless you are in 2-player because he is very fast. Anyway, destroy the Droid Starfighters before they can damage your transports. You will have to destroy two waves of these fighters and then the transports will land. You will then have to protect the revenant speeders by destroying the 4 heavy turrets by the door to the dome and any AATs on the ground. Once the people on the speeders have blown up the door, tons of Droid Starfighters will fly out of the new opening. Destroy all of these and then enter the dome. There will be several heavy turrets and 4 generators. Once you have destroyed all of these, another ship will come out from the center of the floor in the dome. This is Bella. Before she can get out of the dome, be sure to hit her with as many rounds of Cluster Missiles as possible. If you didn't destroy her there, keep firing at her as she flies around, and use Cluster Missiles when she turns around after firing missiles. Soon you will have defeated her. Mission Complete. Mission 15 - The Jedi Master - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Second Player: Siri Tachi Objectives: [] Destroy All Hex Deployers [] Destroy All Enemy Fighters [] Destroy Toth's Fleet [] Protect Mere Cruisers [] Defeat Toth Bonus: [] Destroy All Hex Bombers and Missiles Hidden: [] All Mere Cruisers Must Survive 2P Hidden: [] Destroy All Turrets On Destroyers and Flagships This is it. You start the mission facing 8 Hex Deployers, along with a ton of Hex Bombers and Sabaoth Fighters. Take out as many Deployers and bombers as you can before they launch the Missiles. Destroy as many missiles and bombers as you can, before they go faster and reach the planet. Once the Missiles and bombers are gone, take out the remaining Deployers and fighters. Eventually you will be informed that enemy reinforcements are coming. The reinforcements consist of several Sabaoth Defenders, Fighters and 2 Sabaoth Destroyers. You will soon learn that Juno will be arriving soon and you have to destroy all of the capitol turrets before he gets here. There are 6 of these turrets on each Destroyer. Destroy these turrets and Juno will come. Protect these 3 ships by destroying any enemy fighters you see while they plummet the destroyers with laser fire. After the first destroyer is gone, and the second one is badly hurt, another Sabaoth Destroyer will enter the area. Hurry over to it and destroy all 6 of the capitol turrets on it. Juno's ships will eventually start firing upon the third destroyer. Once it is destroyed, you will receive word that 1 ship escaped. Toth. He is actually pretty easy to beat. He fires energy missiles and lasers. All you have to do is fire at him and use Force Lightning several times and he will be gone in to time. Mission Complete. B. Bonus Missions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. 1-Player Escort Duty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Objectives: [] Protect All Friendly Craft Bonus: [] None Hidden: [] None This is a pretty simple mission; all you have to do is destroy everything that comes in the area. When you start the mission, there will be single waves of different fighters. But towards the end 4 or 5 waves of different enemies will come at you at a time. These enemies consist of Daggers, Sabaoth Fighters, Droid Starfighters, Dianogas, Geonosis Fighters, and Morningstar Cs. Destroy all enemies using Force Lightning, Force Shockwave and Force Reflex. At the very end, 4 Missile Frigates will come; destroy them before they destroy your allies. Mission Complete. NOTE: From: Sir Quake-A-Lot I was playing the Escort Duty bonus mission and had to take a break, so I paused it for about five minutes. When I came back, the final attack wave showed up to harass the convoy and it was made up of TIE Interceptors and standard TIE Fighters. A couple of X-Wings also appeared to fight them off. I've played the Escort Duty mission dozens of times, and I notice that the game throws different waves of enemies at you every time, and I've even gotten assists from Naboo N-1s once or twice. Advanced Prototype Test - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Adi Gallia Objectives: [] Survive Fighter Swarm for 45 Seconds [] Destroy All Enemy Targets Near the Convoy [] Damage No Convoy Craft [] Stay Between the Platform and the Rings [] Destroy All Enemy Fighters Bonus: [] Complete All Tests on the Attempt Hidden: [] None This mission is just for further training. To survive the first task, all you have to do is use Force Shield whenever you can, and boost around a lot. To beat the next task, all you have to do is destroy the 6 Morningstars without hitting your own ships and without going past the red rings. To beat the final task, start by using Force Shield and boost past the mob. You should first attack the Morningstars, because their missiles cannot be blocked by your Force Shield. Once you have taken out the Morningstars, you can take out the remaining Daggers. Riding Shotgun - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Havoc's Turret Objectives: [] Destroy 90 Enemy Craft [] Nym Reaches Landing Pad Bonus: [] Destroy 120 Enemy Craft Hidden: [] None This Mission is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is destroy as many enemies you see. Different things are worth different amounts of points. Droid Starfighter - 1 Troop Transport - 5 Scarab - 1 AAT - 1 The Lone Gunship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Republic Gunship Objectives: [] Destroy All Confederate Forces Bonus: [] Gunship Takes No Hull Damage Hidden: [] None On this mission, all you have to do is destroy every single enemy. They will throw wave after wave of IGB Droids, Droid Starfighters, Scarabs, Battle Droids and Super Droids, and AATs. Not to mention, a few Geonosis Fighters and 4 Landers, towards the end. To beat this mission, just use your special weapons a lot and fire at everything. Jango Fett - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Slave I Objectives: [] Disable the Duergo [] Defeat All Enemies Bonus: [] Destroy the Station Shield Generators Hidden: [] None You start the mission in the middle of an asteroid field with a bunch of Dianogas and Daggers coming at you. Destroy all of them. Once you have destroyed all of the fighters, head towards the Missile Frigates. Destroy them before you go any closer to the Space Station. Once you get close enough to the Space Station, a red shield will appear all around it. To get rid of the shield, all you have to do is destroy the shield generators (the things with the spinning wheel). After you destroy that, you will be free to fly around. To defeat the Duergo, I suggest boosting around, holding down X, and using special weapons occasionally. Eventually you will disable him. Mission Complete. 2. 2-Player Escort Duty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Jedi Starfighter Second Player: Havoc Objectives: [] Protect All Friendly Craft. Bonus: [] None Hidden: [] None This is the same mission as in 1-player mode, but with 2 players. The main difference is that there is only 1 Transport. For further information, look above at 1-player Escort Duty. Classic Dogfight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: X-Wing Second Player: TIE Fighter Objectives: [] First Player to 5 Kills Wins Bonus: [] None Hidden: [] None This is a good way to compete with your friends. Each player has allies of his own type and has to find out which one of the enemies is the other player. They have to do this to each other 5 times and then they will win. Good tips include, looking for enemies that are not in formation, looking for enemies that are firing wildly, and sending your allies after the one you know is the other player. Droid Hunter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Jedi Starfighter Second Player: Freefall Objectives: [] No More Than 25 Craft May Reach the Orb Bonus: [] Less Than 10 Droids Reach the Orb Hidden: [] None On this mission, all you have to do is keep as many enemies as possible (if not all) away from the blue orb. To do this, the first player should use lightning and shockwave a lot and the second player should stay near the orb, firing from long range. There will to tons of Droid Starfighters, Scarabs, Sabaoth Fighters, and a few Geonosis Fighters thrown at you. Showdown Over Geonosis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Jedi Starfighter Second Player: Slave I Objectives: [] First Player to 5 Kills Wins Bonus: [] None Hidden: [] None This is the way to test your skills against your friend. This isn't as fair of a way though, because the Slave I is a lot better than the Jedi Starfighter (The JS only has force shield and lightning). The battle takes place in a dense asteroid field so you can take cover. If you are piloting the Jedi Starfighter, I suggest taking cover while your force meter is recharging, and then either using lightning from long range or using shield and then charging at him. If you are the Slave I, use your missiles when you can see the other player, and place the proximity mines in different places. Good Luck! The Lone Gunship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Player: Republic Gunship Second Player: Gunship Turret Objectives: [] Destroy All Confederate For Bonus: [] Gunship Takes No Hull Damage Hidden: [] None This is very similar to the mission 1-player, aside form that you have a real person using some of the turrets and there is one less Lander. See the 1- player version above for more information. VIII. Contributors ---------------------------------------------------------- Sir Quake-A-Lot -