By Sabermaster Version 2.0. This FAQ belongs to me, you may use it on your website as long as it's credited to me. Please Do not e-mail me. Sabermaster's guide to getting the most out of your Jedi Consular First off we'll want to Start with Statistic's as a Jedi Consular you'll rely on your Force Abilities more then your Combat abilities, with this being side your Force Abilities are directly effected by your Wisdom, and Charisma. The reason for this is simple enough honestly. Wisdom show's is used to show how wise, and knowledgeable you are in the ways of the Force, your Charisma how strong of a personality you have the Stronger a Personality you have the easier it is for you get to know people, to get them to see your way, so these should be your highest Stats, But you don't want to neglect your Intelligence either as it effect's your SP, you want to at least have an Intelligence modifier as it'll increase your Skill Points and as Jedi Consular this end up being kind of low. From their go to Constitution as this effect's you're HP. So that said at Creation your stats should probably look something like this: Strength: 10, Dexterity: 10, Constitution: 13, Intelligence: 14, Wisdom: 15, and Charisma: 15. Also you gain a Stat increase at Fourth Level. In my personal view you should dump these into Wisdom and Charisma, starting with Wisdom, then Charisma, then repeat. Next we'll move to Class: Scoundrel Per Level: 6hp, 8sp + Intelligence Modifier Feat Progression: 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 Class Skills: Demolitions Stealth Awareness Persuade Security Starting Feats: • Melee weapons Proficiency • Blaster pistols Proficiency • Blaster rifles Proficiency • Sniper Shot • Critical Strike As the Scoundrel levels they gain these Special feats: Special Feats: Level 1: Sneak Attack I (advances every second level after), Scoundrel's Luck Level 6: Improved Scoundrel's Luck Level 12: Master Scoundrel's Luck Class Description: Running the gamut from lovable rogue, diabolical murderer, light-fingered cutpurse and lone wolf, Scoundrels come in all shapes, sizes and motivations. Their exploits are often legendary or infamous across several star systems and rare is the Scoundrel without at least one bounty on his head. In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the Scoundrel is the classic jack of all trades but master of none, depending upon his intentions, a Scoundrel is one part soldier, one part diplomat and one part thief. Their skills lend themselves equally to talking their way into a restricted area, sneaking in through a window or outright blasting their way in. The Scoundrel is likely to be an early choice of character based on the number of skills and feats they acquire early, the tradeoff for all these skills is that the Scoundrel gets the smallest vitality increase per level. Whilst being considered the weakest in combat, the Scoundrel can perform devastating sneak attacks from close range aimed at the vitals of an unfortunate target. When the opportunity arises to walk down the path of the Force, the Scoundrel's choice is as varied as his motivations, many of the combat inclined choose the path of the Guardian, others more diplomatic choose the role of consular whereas the more stealth and guile kind choose the Sentinel to best make use of their talents. The classic Scoundrel weapon is the blaster pistol, quick to draw and just as quick to hide when the authorities arrive. Many find it necessary to carry heavier firepower and often take a blaster rifle or 2 heavy blaster pistols for that added punch. Given the tendency for deals and schemes to go sour at exactly the wrong time, it is a rare or foolish Scoundrel indeed who remains unarmed. An Example of a Scoundrel: Han Solo, or Lando Calrissian Now with that out of the way, you'll want to start off as a Scoundrel. The main reason for this is due to the skill points it provides, but also the skill's Awareness, and Persuade this will be very useful to you as you progress through the game as a Jedi Consular prefers to solve a problem through reason. So you'll want to put as many Skill points into those two skill's as needed, but don't overlook your other skill's as well, especially Stealth and Security, and it's definitely worth it to put as many skill points as possible in treat injury. Anyways as a Scoundrel your more focused on skills then Feat's so you usually gain fewer Feats then the other two classes. A Scoundrel gains a Feat at every Second level. A chart of this Progression can be seen here: Feat Progression: 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 From Scoundrel we move hopefully to Jedi Consular. But First off let go over all Jedi Classes and what they get as they progress: Jedi: Starting Feats: • Jedi Defense • Melee weapons Proficiency; • Blaster pistols Proficiency • Lightsaber Proficiency As a Jedi Progresses in Rank they gain these Special Feats: Level 1: Jedi Sense Level 6: Knight Sense Level 12: Master Sense Now then it's worth going into Jedi Sense in detail: Jedi sense +1, +2, +3 (Jedi only) Description: This enhances a Jedi's defense bonus by 2, 4, or 6 points. It is extremely useful for unarmored Jedi Reason Why: Your Force Abilities are restricted by the fact most of them don't work in anything but light armor, so by taking Jedi Sense you negate that because of the fact it increase's your Defense. Incredibly useful, and the fact you get it for free in addition to your Feats. Is even better. Jedi Consular Per Level: 6hp, 2sp + Int Mod Feat Progression: 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 Force Abilities Progression, 1:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:2, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1, 10:1, 11:1, 12:1, 13:2, 14:1, 15:1, 16:1, 17:1, 18:1, 19:1, 20:1 In addition a Jedi Consular gains these Feats as they level Special Feats: Level 1: Force Focus Level 6: Improved Force Focus Level 12: Master Force Focus Force Focus: Increasing the Difficulty class of your Force powers. Force Focus makes your offensive force powers harder to be resisted by your enemies, adding a +2 bonus for each Rank of it you gain. Class Description: As a trained diplomat, the Jedi Consular is often the quiet voice of reason amid the turmoil of argument. Though of scholarly persuasion, a Jedi Consular is far from inept with a lightsaber. Ever seeking to extend their knowledge, a few have been corrupted to the dark side by manipulating the greed for information. In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the Jedi Consular is a force for persuasion and diplomacy, seeking to defuse any situation and only resorting to violence when all other options have been exhausted. The Jedi Consular begins play as a member of a different class and embraces their Force abilities later in the story. The Consular embraces a wider sphere of experience than the combat intensive classes such as the Soldier or Jedi Guardian and as such gains more skill points per level. The taint of the Dark Side can influence the decisions of the Jedi Consular, the little white lie that turns nasty or the lure of forbidden knowledge being the most common. The primary weapon of the Jedi Consular is persuasive language but they also carry a lightsaber should violence be the only remaining option. Being diplomats, the majority of Jedi Consulars specialize in relatively basic single bladed combat techniques more for defense than offence. Despite this, many Consulars find that an aggressive dual saber or double blade style is necessary to survive should negotiations fail. Example of a Jedi Consular: Yoda. A Jedi Consular gain's a new feat at ever other level, you can see a chart of this progression here: Jedi Consular - 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18. Now then a Jedi Consular gain's little in the way of Feats. Which isn't a bad thing by any mean's as he more then makes up for them by the sheer number of Force Abilities it gains a chart of which can be seen here Force Abilities Progression, 1:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:2, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1, 10:1, 11:1, 12:1, 13:2, 14:1, 15:1, 16:1, 17:1, 18:1, 19:1, 20:1. The most interesting thing about this is that a Jedi consular gets an additional force power at level 5, 9, 13, 17. So in conclusion while a Scoundrel and Jedi Consular gain fewer feats, they gain them at about the same rate. While this may seem like a huge disadvantage at first, they make up for it by the sure number of force abilities you'll gain. For there let's move onto Feats important to the Jedi Consular: FEATS: Empathy (Regular, Improved, Master) Description: This feat is only useful for the player character and should not be given to anyone else. It increases the bonus when attempting persuasion, awareness, or treat injury. Only access this feat if your player character is focusing on these skills. It is not worth taking to full progression. Reason Why: Probably the most useful Feat Tree for a Jedi Consular. This will allow you to make the most out of your Dialog with NPC's due to the bonus it allows to the skill's listed above. Max it out as soon as possible, hopefully before you gain your Jedi levels and even if you think it might not be useful just trust me on this. ;-) Jedi Defense +1, +2, +3 (Jedi only) Description: This impressive feat allows you to deflect incoming blaster bolts; when encountering enemies with this weapon type, its useful for Jedi only. A great feat to utilize if you are without armor. Reason Why: Due to the fact all but the lightest armor restricts Force abilities your going to want to Grab this as soon as possible do to the Defense bonus it provides against enemies using blaster's trying to take pot shot at you from a distance. Max this out if you can. Dueling (Regular, Improved, Master) Description: Don't ignore this feat; It grants you a +1 bonus to attack and defense in combat (+2 and 3 at higher levels). Reason Why: Try to get at least one of two levels in Dueling while it might not seem that impressive compared to the Two weapon fighting Feat tree, the Bonus it provides to your Attack and Defense is hard to over look, as you'll be wearing little more then light armor, and with lower HP then the Guardian and Sentinel ever little bit helps. Take at least one level, or two. But don't max it out unless you want to. Conditioning +1, +2, +3 Description: This gives a +1, 2, and 3 to all saving throws. Increases changes of avoiding damage and other negative effects. Give this to everyone. Reason Why: This is pretty useful as it increases your Saving throws. But I have a hard time justifying maxing it out. Though it's up to you. Personally, I would maybe spend one feat on this. Max it out only if you want to. Toughness (regular, improved, master) Description: This feat grants you an extra point of +1 vitality. At improved level, you'll also receive -2 to damage taken. At master level, you'll receive another +1 vitality. There are more impressive feats to allocate points to than this. Reason Why: As a Jedi Consular you have fewer HP then the Guardian and Sentinel, so every little bit helps but I've always found the Toughness points a waste of a Feat, so considered taking it at least once, but don't max it out. As an aside it's my personal view that Feat's such as Flurry, Critical Strike, and Two Weapon Fighting while useful are hard to justify while playing as a Jedi Consular. As you'll be focusing more on your Force abilities then your combat one's your going to find increasing your Defense to be much more useful. And while Empathy may seem like a waste of three feats as a Jedi Consular you'll find it to be incredible useful. Also since your going to become a Jedi regardless spending any Feats on Rapid Shot, Sniper shot is great waste of them as your Lightsaber is just more useful. Now onto Force Abilities. Force Abilities: As a Jedi Consular you have great access to Force abilities and if you wanted to could probably dabble in them all. I'm going to go over the one's I feel that will be most useful to you in my view. I'll start with Force Abilities most useful to the Light Side, then Force Abilities most useful to the Dark Side. Cure, Heal - Light side Description: Every Jedi should have at least Cure, and possible Heal because it also cures poison. However, if your player character is moving to the dark side, ignore this power you'll be more concerned with smiting everything in your path. This is a fine ability to have if you are stranded away from other party members. When you have characters with this power, sell those med-packs. Reason Why: As a Consular it'd be a good idea to grab Cure, then Heal as soon as possible as your Wisdom and Charisma are probably going to become very high as you level this will become more and more effective allowing you to Cure, or Heal more damage as your Progress. Max this out as soon as possible. Force Aura, Shield, Armor – Light Side Description: a good power for Jedi who can't wear armor. Jedi should ascend to the force armor power, except Juhani. Bastila and Jolee should try this power. This is useful when going into combat, although it isn't worth the expenditure if you're dark side--take the hit. Excellent to cast before combat or during a long drawn-out fight. Reason Why: As a Consular your more reliant on your Force Abilities then your Physical one's, and since armor heavier the light affect your Force Abilities it's best to max this out as soon as possible. Max it out. Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master speed - Universal "YYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEAAAAA" -Jedi Master Yoda. Description: This is a great power for any Jedi type, as it isn't restricted by type. However, you cannot cast this in armor. This power allows you to run quickly (thus covering previously explored areas with ease) and also adds to defense and attacks at higher levels (knight +1. Master +2) at master level, your two extra attacks are akin to having an extra character! Any Jedi (except those wearing armor) should utilize it. Excellent to cast before combat or during a long drawn-out fight. Reason Why: Useful to even non Combat oriented Jedi, you'll want to at least Grab Burst of Speed at an early level. Though grabbing Knight Speed, and Master Speed won't be as important right away. You should max this out at a later level as soon possible. Force Valor, Knight, Master – Light Side Description: Less useful to those of the dark side but still gives a major benefit, increasing all attributes and saving throws. To the light side Jedi, the benefits are incredible and the effects are felt through the party. Knight and Master levels give the party poison immunity, while Master adds +5 to main attributes. This is the key power for any light side Jedi. Excellent to cast b4 combat or during a long drawn out-fight Reason Why: Do I need to explain this? Max it out as soon as you possible can. Force Resistance, Immunity - Universal Description: Don't use this until you start fighting dark Jedi later in your adventure. For Jedi without armor, this is another useful way of defending themselves. Because you can't cast this with armor, give this to Bastila and Jolee. This power has its uses against Jedi foes only. Reason Why: Max this out, but don't do it until as least level ten or so. This won't be as useful to you at the beginning but when you do start Facing other Jedi, it will become incredibly useful and should be taking advantage of. Affect, Dominate Mind - Universal Description: These aren't the Droid's your looking for. Only available to the player character, this allows you to disrupt the thought patterns of those you are conversing with and allows for new dialog options. Don't use this if you are fighting your way through the game instead of employing diplomacy. However, this power provides shortcuts and opportunities to increase rewards for some quests. More essential for a dark side player, as you can be more menacing without resorting to violence. Reason Why: Useful if someone's not being forth coming with information, but as your Persuade level should be very high, don't take it beyond Affect Mind. Stun, Stasis, Stasis Field – Light Side Description: These powers render one or more enemies helpless and can change the tide of battle by allowing your party to take on one opponent without fear of attack by his comrades. Stasis field affects enemies standing near your target, allowing you to incapacitate several foes in one round; but cannot be cast while wearing armor. Dark side character can achieve the same effect at a lower force point cost with fear, horror, and insanity. None of this power affects droids. Reason Why: This will become more useful as you start encounter groups, as stunning your enemies will give your party an edge in battle as they won't be able to fight back. Max it out, but not at the cost of other abilities. Stun Droid, Disable, Destroy – Light Side Description: At least one of the Jedi in your party should be able to cast power from this line. They not only render droids temporarily immobile, they also (once disable and destroy have been obtained) inflict damage. These powers are also available while wearing armor. Reason Why: This'll be useful, but I don't really see a need to take it beyond Disable. So max it out only if you feel the need, but it'd probably be better to have one of your other Jedi do so instead. Force Push, Whirlwind, and Wave- Universal Make like Qui-gon while saving the Queen. Description: A very effective set of powers; any alignment can use it and it can be cast with armor on. The great advantage of this attack is that it inflicts damage, incapacitates briefly, and hits multiple enemies. 1 or more Jedi should employ this. For those that follow the light side this is a must. However even dark side Jedi should employ this. Reason Why: This is very useful used in conjunction with Stun, Stasis, Stasis field, use Stun, Stasis, or Stasis Field, on a group of Enemies then follow it up with Force Push, Whirlwind, or Wave. Max it out. Force suppression, Breach-Universal Description: Not essential powers, but useful if you're up against difficult dark Jedi. These give you force based bonuses. Only 1 character can perfect them, and the armor restriction is a bind because it merely removes an enemies force valor or master speed powers. Possible give this to Bastila! Reason Why: Only take this if you don't give it to another Jedi. Don't bother with Throw Lightsaber, Advanced Throw Lightsaber as you'll want to keep your Saber on you at all times. Most useful to a Dark Sider Wound, Choke, Kill - Dark side "Apology accepted Captain Needa" – Darth Vader Description: Dark side Jedi should ignore stun power and go for wound, choke or kill. These are useful because this offensive attack stuns and damages the opponent. It can only affect one person at a time when you master the kill path you will defeat any opponents you succeed in attacking if their health is at 1/2 level or less, allowing you (for example) to strike down a foe to 1/2 health with regular combat, then allow your Jedi to finish them. Make sure Jolee and your player character has this. You can cast this with armor, making it the most useful offensive power. Reason Why: Make like Darth Vader. This'll be useful for taking out enemies weaker then yourself at later levels. But the ability to Stun them is extremely useful as well. Max it out. Drain Life, Death field – Dark Side Description: This is a preferred power: it damages your foes and heals you. This is popular with dark Jedi. A good alternative to force lightning, use this when you're low on health and confronted by enemies. Death field turns the tables on a weakened character and a healthy foe. Give this to a dark side player character, and possibly Jolee. Reason Why: Weaken your enemies while making yourself Stronger. Useful for healing yourself as well, at the cost of your enemies life. Max it out. Fear, Horror, Insanity – Dark Side Description: This is yet another way of weakening, but not damaging a foe. When enemies cower in fear, they act as if they are stunned. This isn't essential, and only one Jedi in your party (ideally the player character) should use this. Employ this to slow an enemy and have your non-Jedi party finish them. Similar to stun but for dark side Jedi only. Reason Why: This is useful for Stunning groups of enemies especially used in Conjunction with Force Shock, Lightning, Storm. Shock, Force Lightning, Force Storm – Dark Side So be it Jedi – The Emperor. Description: This is a favorite among Jedi masters. It is straightforward and dispatches enemies without laying a finger on them. At second and 3rd levels, it damages group of creatures at once, regardless of type. Use this as a sure fire tactic to success. Jolee and your dark side character should try this. You cannot cast it in armor, so employ it with Jedi who stand at the rear with ranged power attacks. Force storm is the most power Jedi attacking in the game. Reason Why: Make like the Emperor or Count Dooku. Fry enemies from afar, make Luke Skywalker cry like a Bitch. Incredibly useful due to the sheer damage abilities it offer's. A very deadly combination is to use this in Conjunction with Fear, Horror, and Insanity, then hit them with Drain Life, or Death Field, then follow it up with Force Shock, Stun, or Storm. Max it out. Affect, Dominate Mind - Universal "These aren't the Droid's your looking for." – Obi-wan Kenobi Description: Only available to the player character, this allows you to disrupt the thought patterns of those you are conversing with and allows for new dialog options. Don't use this if you are fighting your way through the game instead of employing diplomacy. However, this power provides shortcuts and opportunities to increase rewards for some quests. More essential for a dark side player, as you can be more menacing without resorting to violence. Reason Why: Useful if someone's not being forth coming with information, but as your Persuade level should be very high, don't take it beyond Affect Mind. Slow, Affliction, Plague – Dark Side Description: This is a useful power for a single Jedi to use in your party (but not the Jedi who is utilizing stun). Used to create a less dangerous enemy, it drops your foe's attributes and poisons them at higher levels. The enemy is weakened but still fighting at greatly reduced effectiveness. Don't give this to light side Jedi; plague is not, so don't advance the power to third level if you're planning on wearing more than Jedi robes. Reason Why: Honestly I would avoid this until later levels, and not bother maxing it out until I had everything else I wanted first. What to take at First level: Light Sider As a First level Scoundrel take Empathy as your first feat, and try to finesh upgrading it by the time your reach Jedi Consular. As a Jedi Consular grab Jedi Sense, for Force Abilities grab Force Cure, and Force Armor, then at Second level grab Burst of Speed then go from there. Dark Sider: Grab Flurry, and try to max it out before you reach Consular, then upon reaching Consular grab Jedi Sense, and Force wound, and Force Shock. Lightsaber Crystal Combinations I thought I would offer a good suggestion for a Jedi Consular Lightsaber Jenruax + Solari + Any Lightsaber Color Crystal: An Jenruax Crystal increase your Blaster Deflection bonus of +5, and the Solari Crystal offer's a +5 Enhancement. May the Force be with you.