Welcome to... _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ STATE OF EMERGENCY For the Sony Playstation 2 Complete FAQ/Walkthrough Written by Keith McMullen Current version: Version 1.2 Completed: 08/08/2011 Last revised: 02/26/2012 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ **NOTE** To jump to a certain section of this guide without having to scroll through, hit Ctrl + F on your keyboard and use the [XXXX] search tool next to the section that you want to view. 01. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [INTR] 02. Version History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VRHX] 03. Game Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [GMBA] > Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CNTR] > Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [STRY] > Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CHAR] > Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WPNS] > Chaos mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CHMD] > Revolution mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [RVMD] 04. Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WKTR] > Capitol City Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MALL] > Chinatown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CHTW] > East Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EAST] > Corporation Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CORC] 05. Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [XTRA] > Unlockables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [UNLK] > Cheat codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CODE] 06. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CRDT] 07. Legal info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LGIF] _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. INTRODUCTION [INTR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sup. So I decided to write a guide for State of Emergency after popping it into my PS2 after not playing it for years. It's a pretty fun game, not to mention a very violent game and, at the time of its release, somewhat controversial (who would've thought it was made by Rockstar?!) I wanted to do an FAQ for a game that was pretty linear, and since I hadn't played this in so long I figured that this would be the perfect one. If you have any questions or comments, send me an email at: kmfx24 [at] yahoo [dot] com Please include the words "State of Emergency" in the title because I get a lot of mail, and this way I can quickly filter it out. I'll try to respond as quickly as possible, however keep into consideration the fact that I don't check my email every day. Any type of criticism or information is accepted, and if I use any information supplied to me I will certainly give you credit. Thanks for reading and I hope this guide can be of some help. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02. VERSION HISTORY [VRHX] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Version 1.2 (02/26/2012) - Revised the formatting a bit. Also changed my stance on posting this guide on websites other than GameFAQs, -> PLEASE READ UPDATED LEGAL INFO! <- Version 1.1 (09/05/2011) - Just fixed a few spelling and grammar mistakes. Version 1.0 (08/08/2011) - Finished the completed version of the guide. I'm pretty sure I covered all areas, although my section on chaos mode could be a little more in depth, but I don't really play it much as that type of stuff isn't really my cup of tea. This guide turned out a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be, I forgot how many missions there were in this game. Well, it's done, and I don't plan on any major updates in the near future, but we'll see. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03. GENERAL INFORMATION [GNIF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ In this section I'll be listing basic information about the game, such as the characters and different gameplay modes. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CONTROLS [CNTR] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The controls in this game are pretty simple, and don't take long to learn (although I hate using the analog sticks for movement, I would much rather use the directional pad, so I found that a bit annoying...) Up arrow: Show map. Left analog: Character movement. Right analog: Rotate camera. L1/R1: Re-center camera. L2/R2: Rotate character left and right while standing still/Press to sprint while running (only lasts for a short period of time). Start: Pause game/Bring up mission information screen. Select: Adjust game settings/Save/Load/Quit. Triangle: Perform 360 degree knockdown attack. Square: Kick/Attack with object. X: Punch/Throw object. O: Pickup object/Drop Object. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- STORY [STRY] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There isn't much of a story to this game, as if that's really surprising given its content. Basically democracy has been thrown out the window and has been replaced by a power simply known as "The Corporation". Well, as it turns out people apparently don't like totalitarian regimes that oppress and torture civilians (who knew?) So they riot. And in this game you can play as one of five civilians who decide to join an organized, underground resistance movement called "Freedom." Surprisingly enough the members of this group are known as "Freedom Fighters." And that's pretty much the general story. The timeline of events, taken directly from the instructional manual, reads as follows: 2010: We accepted that the only way the global economy could successfully sustain growth through a period of environmental deterioration was to give more power to big business. 2015: It was learned that there was no longer a need for elections and that for years the democratic process had given us only a weak government. 2019: The media was nationalized to ensure that productivity and happiness were promoted by appropriate reporting of events. 2023: Opposition to authority was liquidated permanently. and The Corporation took complete control. This period saw sustained growth of our economy. The people were happy and they knew it. Business flourished, and despite many environmental problems, our economy grew threefold. 2029: An attempt by work shy non-believers to rebel was crushed by the security forces. The people rejoiced, for they knew they were being taken care of better than they could take care of themselves. Now, In 2035: More weak and ignorant lowlifes are attempting to challenge the authority of The Corporation. A state of emergency has been declared and they will learn the error of their ways. They must not be allowed to stand in the way of progress. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHARACTERS [CHAR] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Taken from the instruction manual): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Playable characters | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Roy MacNeil (aka "Mack") ------- A disgruntled ex-cop who refused to carry out The Corporation's brutal enforcement methods. Anna Price (aka "Libra") ------- A lawyer who hates The Corporation for their efforts to get her to sell out her liberty clients. Hector Soldado (aka "Spanky") ------- A charismatic ex-gang member who has tired of The Corporations treatment of innocents. Ricky Trang (aka "Freak") ------- Orphaned in high school when his parents were arrested as political dissidents by Corporation security. Eddy Raymods (aka "Bull") ------- Ex-sports star who refused to participate in Corporation sponsored match fixing. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Capital city factions | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Freedom Movement ------- The good guys, this is who you're "working" (so to speak) for. They give out the missions and it's up to you to make sure they're successful. The Corporation ------- The bad guys, this is who you're fighting against. They are the ones who started it all, and it's up to you to take them down... by any means necessary. The Mall Rats ------- The first type of gang that you'll encounter. They just hang around the mall doing nothing but causing trouble (then again... so is everyone else.) But for whatever reason they'd rather beat you up then partake in the looting. These guys are pansies, easy to take down. 3rd Street Killaz ------- Aww snap, these killaz got a "z" in their name so you know they mean business. You'll find these guys on the East Side, and they're a little tougher than the mall rats. But nothing a few bullets can't take care of. Muerte 13 ------- They may not have the best fashion sense, but they do pack quite a punch. It's best to stay away from these guys, as they travel in large groups. Jade Hill Gang ------- The local gang of China Town, lurk around their turf and they won't think twice to come attacking. Skinheads ------- I think their name pretty much says it all. They're skinheads. Would you want to mess with any in real life? You should probably do the same in the game. Civilians ------- Not really that much of a character, these are people just running around in the background causing mayhem. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WEAPONS [WPNS] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There's quite a variety of weapons to use in this game, each with their own pros and cons. You can also pick a lot of stuff up in the environment and use it as a weapon. Melee weapons ------- There's several different types of melee weapons, each varying in their own effectiveness. This includes baseball bats, batons, hatchets, and swords. Street Furniture ------- Many things in this game can be used as weapons, including benches, trashcans, signs, etc. If it isn't nailed down, you can probably pick it up. Taser ------- Stuns your enemy, leaving them temporarily incapacitated. Eventually you'll kill them after repeat stunnings, however this is best used as a quick escape tool. Pepper Spray ------- Works pretty much the same as the taser does. Pistol ------- Not really the best weapon, it's rather weak and really only effective at 1v1 situations (which don't come across often in this game.) Not very useful when you have a swarm of guards rushing you. Uzi ------- A decent short range submachine gun, it delivers a pretty good punch at close range and has a rapid fire rate. Pretty much the standard go-to-gun for the Freedom Fighters. Shotgun ------- An excellent crowd control gun, useful for taking out large groups of guards rushing you up close. One to two shots is all you'll need. AK47 ------- A heavy damage, medium range automatic rifle that will quickly mow down anyone near it. M16 ------- Military grade assault rifle, much like the AK47 in terms of damage but with a greater range of fire. Expect any Corporation military units to be carrying one of these bad boys. Mini-gun ------- The ultimate "take down anything in your way" gun, this huge gun, along with its huge clip size, is usually mounted on helicopters... but not this time. Grenades ------- Roll one of these guys over to your enemy and they will soon be no more. Takes a little bit of practice to get the throw down right though. Molotov Cocktails ------- Much like the grenades, except requiring less accuracy. Just be careful not to burn yourself at the same time... Flame-thrower ------- A great close range weapon, anyone who comes into contact with these flames will quickly drop to the ground. Repeated flaming will quickly result in a rather unpleasant death. Grenade Launcher ------- Accurately firing this thing takes a bit of a learning curve, however it's a great way to lay down a quick volley of grenades to seriously blow some stuff up. Tear Gas Launcher ------- This fires out, you guessed it, tear gas. It has its pros and cons - for one it will temporarily stun any Corporation guards, causing them to drop their weapons, but it will also do the same to you. Also be careful as any guards wearing gas masks will be unaffected. Rocket Launcher ------- The ultimate weapon in total destruction, this will take out buildings, cars, crowds, you name it. Unfortunately you have a rather limited supply of rockets. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHAOS MODE [CHMD] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chaos mode is one of the two different ways you can play the game. Unlike Revolution, in chaos mode there are no missions. Instead your main goal is to score as many points as possible. There are three different ways to score points in chaos mode: - Kill Corporation forces and gang members - Destroy buildings/cars/street furniture/etc. - Complete short objectives (different from the missions in Revolution) Upon selecting chaos mode, you will see there are a few different types of gameplay in this mode: - Kaos - Fixed Time 3 min - Fixed Time 5 min - Last-Clone Standing - Timed Last-Clone - Unlimited Time +------+ | Kaos | +------+ In this mode there is a countdown timer that is always running, but can be topped by completing stages and collecting time pickups. If the timer runs out or your health reaches zero, it's game over and your final score is calculated. If you score is high enough you can put it on the high score board. - Time pickups: These are golden tokens that are dropped by killed opponents. Run over them to pick them up, the amount of extra time they give will be shown when you pick them up. - Health pickups: These are green and white tokens that are dropped by killed opponents. Run over them to pick them up. Objectives ------- In Kaos mode there are objectives that can be active, they are indicated by a colored fist and the objective arrow. Objectives are bonus tasks that will greatly increase your score if completed. An objective is active until you complete it or reject it. To check the objective, pause the game (press start.) Successfully completing an objective will also give you a 50% health boost! Threats ------- These are enemies that appear on the map and are indicated by a red skull and crossbones above their head. Their goal is to kill you, so take them out. Score Multipliers ------- During Kaos mode, a score multiplier may be active for a bit. It will tell you what type of object is the current multiplier, and by how much (for example: Cars x3 - destroy a car and get 3 times the amount of points.) Civilian Penalties ------- Occasionally during kaos mode a civilian penalty warning will appear on the screen. During this time you will lose points for every civilian that you kill. Stages ------- There are four different stages in kaos mode. To unlock different stages you must reach a certain score. Once that score is reached a brief message will appear on the screen telling you so, and you are rewarded with some extra time and health. +------------------+ | Fixed Time Games | +------------------+ This mode plays just like kaos mode, except there is a time limit and no time pickups. You can either play a 3 minute or 5 minute game, and there are no objectives. +---------------------+ | Last-Clone Standing | +---------------------+ This is not available from the start and must be unlocked by achieving level goal scores in timed games for that level. For Last-Clone standing games you have to kill all of the clones in the level in the fastest time possible. When there are only 10 clones left a radar will appear to help you find them. After the last clone is killed the game ends and if your time is low enough it will be on a high score board. +------------------+ | Timed Last-Clone | +------------------+ Also no available from the start, it is unlocked for each level by achieving level goal scores in timed games for that level. In his mode of play you have to kill 200 enemies within 3 minutes. If game will end if the time runs out or if you kill all of the enemies before the time runs out, in which if your remaining time is high enough you will be able to enter it on a high score board. +----------------+ | Unlimited Time | +----------------+ This is unlocked by completing every level in kaos mode. This is just like regular kaos mode except there is no time limit, you play until you die. However this mode has a higher degree of difficulty than regular kaos mode. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REVOLUTION MODE [RVMD] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Revolution mode is the main story mode of the game, and if you want to truly complete the game, then you must complete this mode. There are four total levels, and five playable characters (three of which must be unlocked.) In revolution mode you will run around a large map and take orders from Freedom Fighters, who have a colored fist above their heads. There are several different types of missions, as defined in the game manual: - Kill: You have to hunt down and kill one or more specific targets. - Steal: You need to steal an important item from a target, and then return it to a designated person/place. - Escort: You need to lead and protect a specific person as they complete an objective. - Protect: You need to protect a certain person or building from invasion. - Rescue: You must rescue a friendly target from an enemy, and then usually escort them to safety. - Destroy: You must demolish a building with the use of grenades/rockets/ molotov cocktails. You can manually save in this game after every mission. You cannot save in the middle of a mission. If you die, you will have the option to repeat the level, and the game will automatically safe for you and respawn you back before the last mission in which you died (you will have full health.) The next section in this guide covers a complete start to finish walkthrough in revolution mode, please refer to that section if you have any more questions. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04. WALKTHROUGH [WKTR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The game is pretty linear, you go through each map taking missions that are given to you by one of the Freedom Fighters. Sometimes there will be more then one on a certain map, and they're difference is designated by the color fist icon above their heads. Bringing up the map will also show you their locations in case you can't find them. So in order to advance through this game you need to complete all the missions, although when there are more than one missions available you don't have to necessarily complete them in the same order that I do. For each mission I list what I believe to be the best way to complete it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CAPITAL CITY MALL [MALL] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The first map is the Capital City Mall, and if you're starting this game from new you can only play as Mack or Libra. Whoever you decide to choose, run up to the red Freedom Fighter right in front of you and talk to him to start the game (and receive your first mission.) .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ELIMINATE THE GANG MEMBERS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Welcome to the revolution. You've come just in time. Looks like someone | | tipped off the mall rats to our little 'business venture' and they have | | sent a couple of goons to spy on us. Make yourself useful, kill them both!"| | | | - Follow the red arrow around the corner to where the two mall rats are | | standing. | | - Beat them to death (when they fall on the ground stand over them and press| | "X" or "Square"). | | | | >> UPDATE << | | "Diego said you were legit, I guess that proves it! You sure you never | | worked for the post office? Meet your contact in front of Maxi's bar!" | | | | - Follow the arrow around the corner to the bar where the red Freedom | | Fighter is standing outside of. Approach him for a new mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE DETONATORS FROM BIG DOLLAR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Victor sent you, right? We're gonna take out the security control room. We | | have smuggled in a set of detonators disguised as mobile phones. The phones| | are in the window of Big Dollar. Get these detonators, and watch out for | | the mallrats - they're looting everything that's not bolted down!" | | | | - Pick up the baseball bat ("O"). | | - Follow the arrow to Big Dollar. KO the two mall rats that approach you. | | - Smash the window, drop the bat, and pick up the detonators. | | | | >> UPDATE: BRING DETONATORS TO AUTOSHACK << | | "You got the gear! Nice job. Take them to our demolitions guy over at the | | Autoshack - and hurry!" | | | | - The Autoshack is right next to Big Dollar, run up to the door. | | | | >> UPDATE: ELIMINATE MALL RATS << | | "You blind or something? The mall rats are on to you. Take 'em out!" | | | | - Beat up the mall rat with the meat cleaver so he drops it. Then pick it up| | and hack them to death. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Are those 'special' phones we ordered? Thanks, buddy. It's gonna be one | | hell of a show. Go see Victor at Maxis - he's got another job for you!" | | | | - Return to Maxis bar. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH SABOTEUR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Not bad for a first timer. Go hook up with our saboteur and escort him to | | the security control room while everyone is out to lunch. Make sure he gets| | inside, then wait for him to return. Now get going!" | | | | - Follow the arrow around the corner to the saboteur outside Big Dollar | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT SABOTEUR TO SECURITY STATION << | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND SECURITY STATION WHILE SABOTEUR PLANTS EXPLOSIVES << | | "You ready to do this? Let's go!" | | | | - Follow the arrow south and take out the 3 guards. Pick up their baton | | when they drop it and use it against them. | | - When the saboteur goes inside 3 more guards will come from the left. Take | | them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT SABOTEUR TO SAFETY << | | "What, you just gonna stand there and watch? Move your ass!!!" | | | | - Run back to the Auto Shack. There's only 2 guards that will come rush | | you. Take them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Nice working with you. See you around!" | | | | - Return to Maxis bar. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE SECURITY PLANS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Looks like that blast shook them up a bit! They're trying to evacuate the | | mall with some vital documents. We need to find out what they're up to! Get| | those plans and bring them back. They're escaping out the back door. | | Hurry!" | | | | - Run up the elevator to your left. Turn left and follow the path straight | | to TJ's Sporting Goods. Wait there. | | - The VIP will be coming up the elevator in front of you along with a few | | guards. He'll come up first so just beat him once he does then take out | | the guards. Finish off the VIP. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN PLANS TO MAXIS << | | "You got the plans! Way to go. Take them back to victor in front of Maxis." | | | | - Drop your baton if you still got it. You're about to be ambushed by a | | bunch of guards. If they circle you press triangle to do a spinning move | | and knock them all out. | | - Once they guards are taken care of return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DELIVER PLANS TO BOOKSTORE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The corporation isn't going to stop until they get their plans back! Our | | hacker at the book store is waiting to upload them to the underground. Make| | sure they get there!" | | | | - Pick up the uzi. Follow the arrow south to find a few guards pushing you. | | Drop the uzi and just take them out with your fists, theres not too many | | of them. Pick up the uzi once they're dead. | | - Approach the hacker. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE BOOK SHOP << | | "Our lookouts just phoned - the Corporation is about to attack the shop! | | Protect the bookstore while I upload the plans! | | | | - You can't let any of the guards into the bookstore. Stand a little to the | | south of it and face the bookstore. Hold L2 to stay in position and use | | the left analog stick to spray the uzi. | | - Shoot down the guards as they come. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks, buddy. That was some fancy footwork there. Take this as a little | | token of my esteem." | | | | - Take the gun the hacker drops and just wait there. Several guards are | | going to rush you from the north, and they got pistols too. Shoot them | | down once they come. | | - Return to Maxis bar. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE SECURITY PASS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Wanna hear a secret? We're going to bug the Corporation phone exchange! | | But first we need a security pass. There's a phone executive coming in the | | back entrance. Liberate that pass from him!" | | | | - You have to be quick. Run up the escalator to your left and sprint to the | | mall exit following the arrow. Once you round the corner you will get | | rushed by a group of guards. Ignore them and just focus on quickly killing| | the executive. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN PASS TO MAXIS << | | "Messy, but very effective. Good job. Take it back to Maxis." | | | | - Go back the way you came. A few guards will come out shooting at you, I | | would just ignore them and sprint past them back to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH HACKER HACKER AT CANDY GIRL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our phone freak is waiting for you at Candy Girl. Escort him to the phone | | exchange so he can use the pass and plant those bugs!" | | | | - Pick up the uzi. | | - Follow the arrow up the elevator to Candy Girl. Use your fists to kill any| | guards you run into on the way, not the uzi. | | - Approach the hacker. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT HACKER << | | "Oh, great! A rookie! Stay close, and watch my back!" | | | | - Follow the arrow down to the first floor. Outside the phone exchange are | | a few guards. Take them out quickly so they can't hurt the hacker. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND PHONE EXCHANGE << | | "You've been detected! Stop them from getting inside!" | | | | - A group of guards will be coming from the right. Mow them down. | | - Next a group of guards comes from the left. Mow them down also. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE HACKER TO SAFETY << | | "Ok, the bugs are set. Let's get the hell out of here!" | | | | - Go back to Candy Girl. There will be a group of guards coming to attack | | him right around the corner of the phone exchange, take them out. Then at | | the top of the escalator there will be two guards with guns. Take them | | out quickly. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Forget what I said earlier. You're all right! Now head back to Maxis." | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: WAIT FOR THE MOLE TO HAND OVER LIST AND THEN SILENCE HIM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Bad news. Looks like our little phone tapping operation just exposed a | | mole in our ranks! He's going to hand over a list of our operatives to a | | Corporation executive in a few minutes. Wait for him to hand over the list,| | then take him out and retrieve the list. It's going to be hairy, so take | | this..." | | | | - Nice, a shotgun! Grab it and follow the arrow just a few feet down to an | | open area where you'll see a ton of guards standing around. Just stop a | | few feet in front of them and chill there. | | - The mole will come running out of the store in a few seconds and run into | | the circle of guards to talk to the executive. Again, just stand there and| | wait. Have your aim focused on the mole awhile. | | | | >> UPDATE: SILENCE THE MOLE << | | >> UPDATE: STOP THE EXECUTIVE << | | "That's the list! Take out the mole!" | | | | - Just quickly mash X and blow away the mole. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETRIEVE LIST << | | >> UPDATE: ELIMINATE THE EXECUTIVE << | | "Good! You got him, now get the list off the executive." | | | | - Again, just mash X once you close the mission window and kill the rest of | | the guards. | | - Grab the list off the dead executives body. | | | | >> UPDATE: DELIVER LIST TO MAXIS << | | "Good work. Now bring me that list!" | | | | - A group of guards with guns should be around the corner. One shotgun blast| | should take care of them. | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE MEDICAL ID CARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Remember those plans you lifted? Looks like the Corporation has been | | messing around with those 'free inoculations' they're handing out. Get an | | ID card off one of the Corporation doctors so we can hack into the medical | | system and find out what they're up to!" | | | | - Keep the shotgun if you still have some shells in it from the last | | mission. | | - Go up the escalator beside you and follow the arrow to find the fleeing | | doctor. Kill him to get the ID card. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN CARD TO MAXIS << | | "Get that card back here, and quick!" | | | | - Just book it straight back to Maxis. Shouldn't be far. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: KILL THE CORPORATION DOCTORS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our hackers have discovered plans for some kind of nanotech chip inserted | | in each syringe. The Corporation has set up a free clinic over by Joypad. | | You've got to stop them hurting more innocent people, kill the doctors!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and follow the arrow up to the second floor. | | - The doctors are hiding in a corner protected by a group of guards. Mow | | down the guards with the uzi, then watch out for any remaining guards | | coming in from behind as backup. | | - Once all the guards are dead kill the doctors. | | - Don't destroy the crate! | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN MEDICAL CRATE TO MAXIS << | | "Don't just stand there! Grab that medical crate and bring it to Maxis." | | | | - Pick up the crate and run back to Maxis. Just run past any guards on the | | way there. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH TECHNICIAN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of our techs thinks he's found something interesting about those | | nanotech chips. Go find him and see what he's got." | | | | - Grab the uzi and follow the arrow right down the road to the tech. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND TECHNICIAN FROM ATTACK << | | "It's worse then we thought! Those chips are designed to turn their victims | | into mindless mad bombers to discredit the resistance! Oh shit! Here they | | come!" | | | | - Bombers will come to attack the technician. They will have a big bomb | | symbol above their head. You can tell where they're coming from by | | following the arrow - it points to their location. | | - There will be 3 of them. Shoot them before they get too close. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT TECHNICIAN TO CANDY GIRL << | | "Thanks! You saved my life! Take me to Candy Girl. I've got to publish my | | findings!" | | | | - Go back to Candy Girl. Don't use the escalator by Maxis though, use the | | other one that's in front of TJ's Sporting Goods. | | - At the top of the escalator, just wait for a bit facing Candy Girl. One | | last bomber will run around the corner there. Kill him. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "I won't forget this! I owe you my life!" | | | | - Return to Maxis. Watch out for two more mad bombers as you turn the first | | and second corner. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE BARREL FROM SCOOTERS | | DELIVER BARREL TO AUTOSHACK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Magruders is a popular hang out for the Corporation security forces. Time | | to close them down for good! Go steal a barrel from one of the windows of | | Scooters Bar and take it to our demolitions man at Autoshack, where he'll | | make a little 'modification'." | | | | - Grab the shotgun and follow the arrow up to the bar. | | - Take out all the mall rats with the shotgun. | | | | >> UPDATE: DELIVER BARREL TO AUTOSHACK << | | "Time for a sud run! Take it back to Autoshack!" | | | | - Pick up the barrel and run down to the Autoshack. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Nice job. I'll fill this up with our special 'brew' and give you a call | | when it's ready." | | | | - Run back to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PICK UP BOMB FROM AUTOSHACK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Reggie called. The bomb is ready. Head over to the Autoshack and pick it | | up." | | | | - Head over to the Autoshack to pick up the bomb. | | | | >> UPDATE: DELIVER BOMB TO MAGRUDERS << | | "Ready to play delivery man? Magruders doesn't open for another hour. Leave | | the barrel just outside the door, no one will notice it. When you are done,| | meet me across the plaza, and I'll detonate it with a remote control | | detonator." | | | | - Take the bomb to Magruders. It's right next to Maxis bar. | | - Run up to the door of Magruders and drop the barrel. | | - Run over to Reggie. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT REGGIE << | | "Shit! Something's wrong with the detonator! I've got to fix it. Cover me!" | | | | - Pick up the uzi and mow down the guards that come out of Magruders. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Okay, it should be fixed. Let's go!" | | | | - Kill any remaining guards. Shortly after the bomb will blow up. | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE MEDICAL SUPPLIES | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We got a man down! The Corporation raided one of our bases, and our agent | | barely made it back alive. He needs medical help right now, but the | | Corporation has raided our supplies. Get over to Westco Drugs and steal | | some supplies from one of the shop windows!" | | | | - Follow the arrow over to Westco. | | - Kill the guards standing outside. Then grab one of their batons and smash | | one of the windows. | | | | >> UPDATE: DELIVER MEDICAL SUPPLIES TO MAXIS << | | "Take the medical supplies back to Maxis!" | | | | - Grab the supply crate and run back to Maxis. | | - A group of guards will start shooting at you. Just ignore them and keep | | running back to Maxis to end the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE FREEDOM OPERATIVE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "In retaliation for bombing Magruders, the Corporation is going to publicly | | execute one of our operatives! Get over there and bring our man back alive!| | But be careful, it could be a trap!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and follow the arrow down a few feet to find a bunch of | | guards ready to execute the Freedom Fighter. Mow them down with the uzi. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT OPERATIVE TO CANDY GIRL << | | "Thank god! I thought I was over! Get me over to the safe house at Candy | | Girl!" | | | | - Watch out for a few special agents with guns that come up from behind and | | try to shoot him. Quickly take them out. | | - Run back up to Candy Girl. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks, you saved my life! You're needed back at Maxis!" | | | | - Head back to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH MAD WILLY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've been trying to strike a deal with Mad Willy, the owner of the local | | gun shop, but he's afraid of Corporation reprisals. I need you to represent| | Freedom in the negotiations. Go meet him and see what he has to say." | | | | - Follow the arrow up to the second floor to find Mad Willy. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETRIEVE WILLY'S SWORD << | | "So you want my help? Fine, but first I need a wee favor. Those bloody mall | | rats stole a priceless antique from my collection - a katana from the Mong | | dynasty. Get it back before the thieving bastards pawn it!" | | | | - Follow the arrow over to where the mall rats are. There will be a whole | | bunch of them guarding the sword. | | - You can either just rush through them and grab the katana and use that to | | slice them up, or grab one of the bats/hatchets they'll drop and use that.| | Either way just chop em' all up. | | - Once you have the katana run it to Mad Willy. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "My sword! Brilliant work, mate! You've kept your end of the bargain. Now | | I'll keep mine. Tell yer man I'm in." | | | | - Return to Maxis and tell him the good news. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT THE GUN STORE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has discovered our deal with Mad Willy and have sent in | | their goons to take over his shop. They're going to kill him for helping | | us! We don't leave our people hanging. Go protect his store!" | | | | - Run up to Willy's store and grab the AK47 sitting outside. A few guards | | will come up from the right, mow them down. | | - Next more guards will come from the opposite direction - again, the arrow | | up top follows them, so just watch that. | | - One more squad of guards is coming from the same area as the last. If you | | run out of AK47 ammo just run up and beat em' down. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT FREEDOM OPERATIVE TO MOVIE THEATER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is 're-educating' one of our operatives in the movie | | theater. We need to get him out alive! We're sending in an agent disguised | | as a Corporation workman. Once he's inside he'll set off gas grenades. | | Escort both operatives back to base when they come out!" | | | | - Run straight up to the theater and kill the four guards outside. | | - Wait for the Freedom Fighter to enter. | | | | >> UPDATE: STOP CORPORATION INTERROGATORS FROM ESCAPING << | | "The place is crawling with Corporation interrogators. Don't let them | | escape!" | | | | - Three interrogators will come running out after the gas grenades go off. | | - The easiest way to make sure none escape is to just stand by the 'down' | | escalator. It's the only route they have to go. Beat them to death once | | they try to go down. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND THE MOVIE THEATHER << | | "Well done, that's the last of the interrogators. There's a wave of security| | goons on their way out! Protect yourself!" | | | | - There'll be several more guards outside the theater now. Simply dispose | | of them like normal. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT FREEDOM AGENTS TO CANDY GIRL << | | "Good job, now lead out agents to the Candy Girl safehouse." | | | | - Make your way over to Candy Girl. You'll run into 3 different sets of 2 | | guards. They have extra armor, so they take a little more to take down. | | - Grab their baton (if you don't have one already) once you've knocked one | | down and use it to beat your way to Candy Girl. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT FREEDOM AGENT TO BLOSSOMS << | | "Could you escort me to Blossoms? I've got urgent business there!" | | | | - Blossoms is down on the first floor, near Candy Girl. Run down there, and | | kill the last 2 guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks. If you're ever looking for another job, you can find me here." | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND CANDY GIRL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our bug at the phone exchange just intercepted some bad news! The | | Corporation is sending round a squad of shock troops to attack our safe | | house at Candy Girl! Get over there as fast as you can, and stop them from | | entering the building!" | | | | - Run over to Candy Girl and approach the Freedom Fighter standing outside. | | - Don't pick up the uzi just yet. Wait for the first rush of guards to come,| | they won't have any guns just melee weapons. Kill them with your fists/use| | their dropped weapons. | | - Now pick up the uzi. The next wave of guards will have uzi's as well. Take| | them all out, and if you run out of ammo quickly grab one of theirs. | | - Finally, a mad bomber comes... quickly shoot him before he can get inside.| | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good job! They're falling back! Report back to base." | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | - Watch out for a mad bomber chasing you on the way back - just run past | | him. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP THE CORPORATION CLEAN-UP SQUAD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Code red! We've got Corporation clean-up squads coming to take back the | | mall. These guys are brutal! Do everything you can to stop them!" | | | | - A few groups of guards with armor + uzi's are running around shooting | | people. Just use all you got and take them out. Grab their uzi's when they| | drop them and use them against them. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Well done. They don't even know what hit them. Report back to base." | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE CORPORATION ITINERARY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've just intercepted an interesting email. The head of Corporation | | security for this sector is visiting the riot area. His secretary is | | carrying a copy of his itinerary. This is a perfect opportunity for us to | | hit the Corporation hard! Find the secretary and get that itinerary!" | | | | - Go up the escalator by Maxis to meet up with the secretary on the second | | floor. He'll be guarded by a few guards with guns, just quickly dispose | | of him first then you can worry about the guards. | | - Grab the itinerary. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE WITH ITINERARY << | | "You've got the itinerary. Quick! Bring it back!" | | | | - A whole crap load of guards with guns will be rushing you, just ignore | | them and book it back down to Maxis! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: SILENCE CORPORATION EXECUTIVE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Okay, this is it. The target arrives in the car park in just a few minutes.| | He's going to be well protected, so watch your ass!" | | | | - Ok follow the arrow into the blown up wall which will lead into a | | parking garage. There's going to be a lot of guards here. | | - I suggest taking out the lone guard all the way on the left once you | | enter the garage. He'll have a uzi, so grab that from him and try to | | take down as many other guards as you can with it. | | - Just spam triangle to knock down the guards as they surround you, then | | finish them off one by one. | | - Once all the guards are dealt with go to the back of the garage to find | | the target. He's unarmed and harmless, so killing him is easy. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Mission accomplished! Get back to base!" | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy is going to be gone from Maxis now. Instead, now you'll be taking missions from a yellow guy outside of Blossoms. Head over there to find out your next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH HACKER BY PAYPHONES, PROTECT HACKER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We're hacking into the Corporation records mainframe to 'borrow' some data.| | Meet our hacker by the payphones at the front door and cover him while he | | works. Once he has the data, make sure he gets to Candy Girl safely." | | | | - Follow the arrow over to the hacker. | | - Two waves of guards will come attacking. Knock one down so they'll drop | | their baton, pick it up and use it to finish off all the guards. | | - Try not to let the guards pound on the hacker too much, he's going to need| | all the life he can get for the next part of this mission. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO SAFETY << | | "Ok, that's finished, let's get the hell out of here!" | | | | - Run back up to Candy Girl. | | - Outside of TJ's Sporting Goods there are several guards with handguns. You| | need to take them out as quickly as possible so they don't kill the | | hacker. | | - Once they're dealt with take him to Candy Girl. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks buddy. Nice working with you." | | | | - Return to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETIRE CORPORATION INFORMANTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our experts have decoded the data we hacked out of the corporation | | mainframe - looks like we've got a list of Corporation informants! They | | must be 'retired' before they jeopardize our cause. Here's the list. Get | | to work." | | | | - You've got 5 informants to take out. Just follow the arrows to find where | | each one is at and take them out one by one. | | - Some weak guards will try to stop you as you go from informant to | | informant. Just ignore them and deal with the informants first. | | - Once you take out the first 5 you'll get a message saying there's more of | | them than they thought. | | - Just follow the arrow and take out the rest of the informants. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | | | - Return to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH FREEDOM AGENT BEHIND PRO-TECH | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "More news out of our listening station - the Corporation is secretly | | supplying weapons to gangs via the Pro-Tech gun shop. These are the same | | gangs that have been carrying out some of the Corporation's dirty work. | | Time to shut them down. An agent is waiting for you round the back of the | | shop." | | | | - Head over to the back of the Pro-Tech shop to meet with the agent. | | - At the front of the shop will be 4 guards that you'll run into on your | | way there. They aren't hard to take out though. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY PRO-TECH << | | "I hear Pro-Tech's going out of business. Take these and help speed up the | | process." | | | | - Ooh, molotov cocktails! That's a new one. Grab one of them and head around| | the corner to the front of Pro-Tech. There will be a group of guards | | there, simply throw the cocktail into them and blow em' all up. | | - Run back and grab another cocktail. Now run up to the front of Pro-Tech | | and lob that bad boy into the store. Ka-Boom! | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | | | - Return to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: TAKE OVER THE CORPORATION STOREROOM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've got confirmation of a Corporation security weapons cache in a | | storeroom upstairs. Take the storeroom and hold it until someone relieves | | you. | | | | - Head up to the storeroom. Once you get there you'll be greeted by a whole | | bunch of guards. None of them have fire power though, so they aren't that | | hard to take down. Just remember, triangle is your friend when dealing | | with big groups! | | - Head inside the storeroom. | | | | >> UPDATE: HOLD THE STORE ROOM UNTIL RELIEVED << | | "Phase one complete. Now hold the store room until someone relieves you!" | | | | - A few waves of guards will be attacking now. Grab the uzi in the middle | | of the room and start unloading into them as the first wave comes. | | - Don't worry if you run out of ammo. After the first group of guards is | | dead a fully-loaded uzi will respawn in the middle again. Grab it and | | take out the second wave the same way. | | - Finally, some backup arrives! And so does the final wave of guards - this | | time with shotguns! Grab another full uzi and start spraying into them, | | you'll have help from some allies, who also have shotguns. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Okay, you've done well. Report back to base." | | | | - Head back to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT JEWELER TO HIS SHOP | | DESTROY ANY MALL RATS IN THE AREA | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Jewelry store has always been useful for laundering Freedom assets, but| | the mall rats are giving the owner trouble. Escort him to his store and | | make sure he gets to the shop unharmed. He won't feel safe until all of the| | mall rats in the area are eliminated." | | | | - Grab the uzi and meet up with the Jeweler. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE JEWELER << | | "Are you with Freedom? Thank goodness! The mall rats are after me!" | | | | - Head up to the second floor and lay waste to the mall rats. Uzi vs bat? | | Pretty obvious which is going to win. | | - Let him enter his store. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE JEWELRY STORE << | | "Please, protect my store!" | | | | - If you're out of ammo, which you probably are, quickly pick up one of the | | dead mall rats bats. | | - A large group of mall rats will descend upon the store, and they have | | handguns. But as you've probably noticed by now, handguns really aren't | | that damaging. Just beat them down with the bat, and don't let any into | | the store. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thank you! Long live Freedom!" | | | | - Return to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STEAL CORPORATION CASH DELIVERY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Now that we've secured the Jeweler's services, I need you to intercept a | | Corporation cash delivery being made at the bank and bring it to the | | Jeweler's shop. Watch your step!" | | | | - Just wait right by the escalator and you'll see the target come running | | up with a few guards on his tail. They got shotguns, so quickly knock | | down the target, then one of the guards and take his shotgun. Use it to | | get rid of the target as well as the rest of the guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN CASH TO THE JEWELRY STORE << | | "You got the cash, now get to the Jewelry shop!" | | | | - Just book it back up to the Jewelry store asap! | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Now head back to base!" | | | | - You heard the man, return to Blossoms. | | - Use your shotgun to take out any other guards you run into along the way, | | or if you're pressed for ammo just sprint past them to safety. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DESTROY FAT MOMMA'S | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our boys have discovered that Fat Momma's Bar is actually a Corporation | | covert surveillance post! No wonder the food was so bad... Destroy the | | building asap." | | | | - Fat Momma's is just south of Blossoms. Grab a molotov cocktail and run | | down to it. | | - A few guards are guarding it with some guns, honestly it's easiest to just| | lob in the cocktail and ignore the guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BLOSSOMS << | | "I wonder if they heard that? Get back to Blossoms." | | | | - Return to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT AGENTS IN BANK DURING ROBBERY | | ESCORT AGENTS TO JEWELRY STORE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Time to play 'Robin Hood', we've got a team ready to take down the bank and| | deliver the funds to the Jeweler's shop. Stand guard outside the bank while| | the caper goes down, then provide escort back to the Jewelry shop." | | | | - Grab the uzi and head up to Candy Girl to assemble your posse. | | - Follow the arrow down to the bank, and mow down the guards standing in | | front of the door. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND THE BANK << | | "We've been spotted! Stop the enforcer's from getting inside!" | | | | - A group of guards will be coming from the right, just use the uzi and | | unload on them, none of them have firearms. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT AGENTS TO JEWELRY STORE << | | "Let's go, people! Take us to the Jewelers asap!" | | | | - Run back up to the Jewelry store. You're probably out of ammo but it's not| | a big deal, you'll only run into a few guards on the way there and since | | your allies are armed with handguns they'll be a lot of help as well. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BLOSSOMS << | | "Good job. You can cover our six any time! Now report back to Blossoms." | | | | - Head back down to Blossoms. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy is gone from Blossoms now, and the red guy is back at Maxis Bar. Head back over there to get your next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD THE FREEDOM AGENT TO THE MALL RAT BASE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Those mall rats have stepped way over the line this time. We found out | | they're running a kidnapping ring, providing 'escorts' for high-ranking | | Corporation officials. Help get our man Gibson into the building, and he'll| | tear-gas the place. Hit the Corporation execs as they come out, but | | protect the girls!" | | | | - Meet up with Gibson outside of the Autoshack. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE AGENT TO THE MALL RAT BASE << | | >> UPDATE: ELIMINATE THE CORPORATION EXECUTIVES << | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE GIRLS << | | "Lead the way!" | | | | - Head over to the building that the arrow is pointing out and take out the | | two mall rats in front. | | - Let Gibson go inside and tear-gas the place. Two execs will come running | | out with several guards behind shooting. | | - Ignore the guards and take out the execs. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "I think that'll make a lasting impression! Now get back to base!" | | | | - Head back over to Maxis Bar. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET WITH MALL RAT LEADER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Looks like the mall rats are ready to negotiate. Their leader wants to meet| | in the car park to settle our dispute. Of course, it's probably a trap, | | but I need to be sure. This is a risky mission, but you're the only one I | | trust on this one. Get over there and meet him, but be careful!" | | | | - Head over to the parking garage and go beat up some mall rats. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEAT THE MALL RATS << | | "This is our territory. Freedom can clear the hell out, or face the | | consequences. We're gonna start with you!" | | | | - Beat up on the 3 mall rats and a few of their friends will join in. Just | | knock one down, grab their bat and go to town on them. There are a few | | more roaming out in the mall that you need to take care of, just follow | | the arrow to them and take them out also. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "I guess we won't see much more of them, for now. Get back to base and | | report in!" | | | | - Head back to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: WIPE OUT THE MALL RATS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The mall rats were spotted running into Scooters Bar after the ambush. Time| | to take them out, once and for all!" | | | | - Grab the molotov - you know what this means - and head up to the bar. | | - Throw the molotov to get rid of the guys standing around outside. Or you | | could save it for later for one of the other groups that will come out. | | - Once the ones hanging around outside are taken care of a group will come | | out from inside. Deal with them the same way. | | - Once that group is taken care of yet another group will come out from the | | bar. One of them is armed with an uzi, but he's no real threat. Just | | finish them all off. | | - Still more to come. This time a few of them have shotguns. Grab the | | shotgun once you knock them down and use it to quickly wipe the rest out. | | - One other way you could take out these groups that I've found effective is| | to grab a hatchet and just stand right in the doorway, and once they come | | out just start hacking away. You'll literally chop off half their heads | | before they even start attacking. | | - The big boss will come out after the others have all been taken care of, | | and he's got a mini gun! Just run up and quickly take him out, it's just | | one guy, afterall. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "What's up with youths these days? Must have been too many violent video | | games! Head back to base for debriefing." | | | | - Return to Maxis. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DELIVER MONEY TO ARMS DEALER | | PICK UP WEAPONS | | BRING THE WEAPONS BACK HERE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We're meeting a heavy weapons dealer for a major operation. This is so | | secret, so I can't even tell you what the target is... yet. I need you to | | make the exchange. Take the money to the arms dealer." | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head up to meet the dealer. On the way a few guards | | with shotguns will attack you, just keep your distance and unload into | | them with the AK47. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE WITH WEAPONS << | | "Three, four, five-hundred big ones. Yup, looks like it's all here. Nice | | doing business with you. Have a nice day!" | | | | - Grab the crate and run for Maxis. The annoying thing about this part is | | you'll run into a few groups of guards with shotguns, and if you get hit | | by the shotgun you'll drop the crate. So I've found that if you kind of | | run in a zig zag pattern you'll dodge most of their shots. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP THE CORPORATION REINFORCEMENTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "I think we've got the Corporation on the run! They're rallying the last of | | their re-inforcements near the federal office. Now is our chance to take | | the mall once and for all! There's a present waiting for you on the upper | | floor. Get over there and rain on their little parade." | | | | - Run upstairs and grab the grenade launcher in front of the now destroyed | | Pro-Tech. Now go back down in front of Maxis. | | - See those crap load of guards? Launch some grenades into them. I've found | | that the best place to do this from is right at the bottom of the | | escalator. | | - Once you're out of ammo with that run back up the escalator next to Maxis | | and to your right should be an AK47. Grab it and use it to take down the | | remaining guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good work, that's all of them!" | | | | - Return to Maxis bar. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DESTROY KEY CORPORATION-SUPPORTED SHOPS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "I guess we've really stirred up the hornet's nest! Lookouts have spotted a | | major attack force moving to take back the mall. Let's leave them a little | | surprise when they get here! Our people will cover you while you torch | | key Corporation-run shops. While you keep the Corporation busy, our | | operatives are going to launch a surprise attack on their headquarters! Use| | whatever weapons we have left in the area under construction, on the other | | side of their headquarters. Get to it!" | | | | - Here we go, final mission for the Capital City Mall! Follow the arrow to | | the hole in the wall where some Freedom Fighters are along with a few | | molotov cocktails. Now, where to first? | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY ROCKET BURGER << | | "Ok, our first target is the junk food supplier, rocket burger." | | | | - Grab a cocktail and head over to rocket burger. Ignore the guards that are| | shooting at you, your backup can deal with them. Chuck the cocktail into | | rocket burger. | | - Head back to the hole in the wall area. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY CLOTHES POUR HOMME << | | "Next, take out Clothes Pour Homme! Their days of using child labor are | | numbered! Light it up!" | | | | - Grab another cocktail and launch it into the store, it's directly to your | | right. Then head back to the hole in the wall. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY CLOTHES POUR FEMME << | | "Good, now hit Clothes' sister shop, Clothes Pour Femme." | | | | - Getting the hang of it? This one is just right next to (what was) Clothes | | Pour Homme. Grab a cocktail and bring it down. Come back to the hole in | | the wall. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE BANK << | | "Now take out the Bank!" | | | | - Not much of a challenge for the last mission, now is it? Repeat the same | | process. You know where to go once you're done... | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE ANTIQUE STORE << | | "Ok, now take out the antique store. No more trafficking in stolen | | property for him!" | | | | - Grab a molotov, follow the arrow and destroy the antique store. It's near | | Blossoms. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY WESTCO DRUGS << | | "Now hit Westco Drugs. Let's send them a message - no more genetic | | manipulation!" | | | | - Remember where this place is? Bring it down just like the rest! | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE CORPORATION GOVERNMENT OFFICE << | | "Good work! Now destroy the Corporation nerve center for this sector!" | | | | - Finally! Enough of those little stores, time for the real deal! Grab that | | badass looking rocket launcher and head towards the office. | | - Run up the escalator in front of the hole in the wall and shoot an RPG | | through one of the windows of the building to complete the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ You did it! The Capital City Mall has been liberated! Good job, but it's not near over yet! The Corporation still has control over a few more areas. Let's head over to Chinatown and cause a little mayhem... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHINATOWN [CHTW] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome to the second stage of State of Emergency. It's only going to get more hectic from here on. You also have unlocked a new character to play as - Spanky. Pick whoever you want to play as and let's get familiar with some new surroundings. First of all press the "Up" button to bring up the map and you'll notice that there are 4 different fist icons now, each a different color. This means there are now 4 different agents that you can take orders from right now. The arrow above your head will point to whatever agent you're closest to, and it will also be the same color as that of the agent. There is no particular order you have to go in when it comes to accepting missions. By no means do you have to follow the same order that I do. So to start things out I'm just going to approach the guy closest to me when I start, the red guy. Let's begin. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT MS. GRANT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Time for a quick lesson on the local gangs. We've got two sets - the 3rd | | Street Killaz and the Jade Hill Boyz. The Killaz have been running an | | extortion racket in the area, bullying the innocent locals. If we can stop | | the Killaz, it will gain support for Freedom. The Killaz are going to | | attack Ms. Grant at the pawnshop for refusing to pay up, make sure she | | lives." | | | | - Follow the arrow around a few corners and approach Ms. Grant. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND MS. GRANT << | | "Hello, Sweetie! Are you here to help me? I got you a little something to | | help out." | | | | - Grab the pistol and use it to take out the first wave of Killaz. One of | | them will drop a hatchet, grab that once you're out of ammo. | | - Slice up the second wave with the hatchet. The fat dudes take a bit of | | hacking to go down. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks, Hon. That was some sick stuff! I owe you one!" | | | | - Return to the red guy for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE THE FIREWORKS SHOP OWNER | | ESCORT HIM TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The 3rd Street Killaz are determined to make an example of someone. They've| | grabbed the owner of the Fireworks shop and are taking him to see their | | boss at Rhythm Records. Rescue the poor guy and get him to the safe house."| | | | - Run forward a bit into the intersection and wait for the fat man to come | | running down the street with a few Killaz on his tail. Take them out quick| | cuz a few are going to be coming from the other direction - with guns. | | - Once all the Killaz are taken care of escort him to the safe house. | | - Return to the red guy for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD FREEDOM FORCES TO TAKE BACK SAFE HOUSE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Killaz have struck back! They've raided one of our safe houses and are | | holed up inside. Take a group of our guys over there and get rid of them. | | They need to learn better manners." | | | | - Go over to the group of Freedom Fighters. | | | | >> UPDATE: TAKE BACK THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "Hey! We're with you, lead the way!" | | | | - The Killaz are right across the street at the safe house. Your guys will | | get taken out pretty quick, they aren't much help. Just hack away at the | | Killaz using all you got. A few have guns, shotguns and uzi's, take them | | out first then pick up the weapon once they drop it. Not too hard. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "They Killaz are on the run! Head back to base!" | | | | - Return to the red guy for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* The red guy will run away after you return to check in with him after that last mission. The arrow is now pointing to the green guy, who is just down the street. Let's go see what plans he has for us. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT FREEDOM LEADER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our leader is giving a speech at the temple. The Corporation would love to | | make an example out of him. You've been assigned to be his bodyguard. I | | guess I don't need to tell you how important this job is? See that he makes| | it there safely!" | | | | - For such an important job they sure don't give you any firepower! Anyway, | | run down the road to meet up with the Freedom leader, apparently. | | - This guy sure takes his time. Two secret service guys will rush him with | | pistols, run ahead of him to take them out before he gets near them. Once | | they're dead, keep running ahead. | | - A little ways up there are a few more secret service guys with pistols. | | Take them all out before he can get near them. | | - Two more guys left up top near the temple. One has a shotgun. Drop him and| | take the shotgun and start blowing off heads. | | - Occasionally check back with the leader to make sure no one slipped by | | you and is beating the crap out of him. | | - Return to the green guy when he makes it to safety. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT WASHINGTON | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The man you escorted to the temple is Marcus Washington. I'm sure you've | | heard the name before. He's one of our movement's founders. Protect him | | while he delivers his speech. Failure is not an option." | | | | - Head over to where Marcusis and grab the AK47. A few Corporation guards | | will come from behind and start attacking. However they just go for the | | citizens, so just take them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: COVER THE TEMPLE ENTRANCE WHILE MR. WASHINGTON ESCAPES << | | | | - A few more guards will run up now, this time with a few shotguns. Drop the| | shotgun users, steal the gun and blow the rest of them away. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Mr. Washington has escaped, now get out of there!" | | | | - Run back to the green guy for the next mission. | | - HINT: Try to keep one of the dropped shotguns for the next mission, it | | will make things easier! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* When you return to the green guy he will also now run away. Let's go over to the yellow guy and see what missions he's got in store for us. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DELIVER MEDICAL CRATE FROM BEHIND BEERHUT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Welcome to China Town! Max tells me you're the one responsible for the | | Capitol City Mall operation? Respect! We could use an operative like you | | around here. You're just in time. The Corporation is moving a | | pharmaceutical shipment. It's currently stored behind beerhut. Go get me a | | crate and bring it back here. It'll be well guarded, so watch your ass!" | | | | - The crate is on the other side of town. Run over to it, there's a few | | guards standing around it and once you start attacking them a few more | | will come. It's nothing really hard, but if you still got a shotgun from | | the last mission you can easily blow through them. | | - Pick up the crate in the corner. | | - Run past any more guards and just B line it straight for the yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET THE INFORMANT BEHIND THE BANK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "While our chemists work on the crate, I'll need to get the 411 on what this| | is all about. One of our informants will meet you behind the bank. Bring | | me back any information he has to report!" | | | | - Go meet up with the informant in the small alleyway. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO THE MISSION GIVER << | | "So, you're looking for information? Yeah, I've got something to share with | | you." | | | | - Oh gee, didn't see that one coming. He'll turn on you and drop a whole | | crap load of tear-gas. Oh another big surprise - tons of guards come out | | of nowhere and start blasting away at you. Just run past them all and go | | back to the yellow guy, he's not far. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STEAL LAB DATA FROM SCIENTIST | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The crate you captured contained a gene-altering drug, but we're not sure | | what it does. The crate was addressed to Dr. Hunter. He's the mad-man | | responsible for the chemical weapons atrocity last year. We need to know | | what he's up to this time. Go track down one of his lab assistants and see | | if they're carrying any useful info." | | | | - Follow the arrow straight to the assistant. He'll be surrounded by guards,| | but none of them have any heavy firepower. Just take him down while also | | fighting the guards and grab whatever the assistant drops. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE WITH LAB REPORT << | | "You've got a research report!" | | | | - Run straight back to the yellow guy with the report and hand it in for | | your next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: TAKE ON THE GUARDS IN FRONT OF WESTCO DRUGS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The report you lifted suggests the drug is made to modify physique and | | behavior. We know Westco Drugs is fronting the research facility. Get over | | there and clear out the guards, then await further orders. Watch your | | back!" | | | | - Run over and take out the guards. It's pretty simple, take out the ones | | with the shotgun first, then pick it up and use it against them. | | | | >> UPDATE: GO MEET THE CONTACT BEHIND AUTOSHACK FOR MORE INSTRUCTIONS << | | | | - Run back behind autoshack and meet the contact there for a mission update.| | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY WESTCO DRUGS << | | "That lab has got to go! Take these molotovs and get rid of hunter's little | | mad science project!" | | | | - Bet you never would've guessed that, with all those molotovs there, huh? | | - There's a nice 50% health pack there if you need it. | | - Don't grab a molotov just yet. Hopefully you still got some ammo if that | | shotgun that you picked up. Run back towards Westco and start blasting | | away at the guards that attack you. Once the area is cleared out go back | | for the molotov. | | - Throw the molotov into one of the windows of Westco to complete the | | mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* If you take a look at the map you'll now notice the yellow man is also gone. The only guy remaining is the blue man, so we might as well head on over to him. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET WITH SGT. BUCKLAND OUTSIDE HOMEWORLD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Check this out - Sgt. Buckland of the prestigious Corporation Enforcer | | Corps needs our protection! Seems he's been caught embezzling, and the | | Corporation is after his ass. If we agree to protect him, he'll show us a | | way around HQ security. Meet him outside Homeworld and see if he's legit." | | | | - Grab the shotgun and run down the street to find Buckland. | | | | >> UPDATE: FOLLOW AND PROTECT SGT. BUCKLAND << | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT BUCKLAND TO SAFETY << | | "Are you with the Freedom network? Here's the deal. I'll show you the | | loophole in the HQ security, then you have to escort me safely back to your| | leader. Do we have a deal? Fine, let's do it!" | | | | - Follow Buckland into the alley, where you'll get ambushed. | | - A few guards with shotguns will attack you from the right, just blast | | them away with your shotgun. Buckland is actually pretty helpful too, so | | this shouldn't be too hard. | | - Just follow the arrow to escort him to safety. Ignore any shooting guards | | from behind, they won't kill Buckland and he should stick pretty close to | | you. | | - Once he's inside head back to the blue guy for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: NEUTRALIZE THE CORPORATION BANKER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "I've been having a very interesting little talk with Sgt. Buckland. Seems | | there's a European banker in town to help the Corporation expand their | | empire overseas. We can't let that happen. He's in the car park waiting for| | transport to the airport. Make sure he misses his flight." | | | | - Run back through the alley to a small secluded parking garage. Inside are | | a bunch of guards guarding the banker who is hiding in the corner. A few | | of the guards have pistols, deal with them first, then beat on the rest. | | - Take out the banker once the guards are down. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Security's on to you! Get back to base!" | | | | - Sprint back to the blue guy. You'll run into a few guards with shotguns | | once you're back on the streets, but just run past them to safety. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* The blue guy will now become the green guy. Why? Who knows. But let's just stick with him for now until he goes away. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD YOUR TEAM TO GANT CABLE | | PROTCT GANT CABLE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We're going to hit the bank today. A team of our operatives are waiting for| | you at the gun shop. They're going to drill through from Gant Cable into | | the bank vault next door. Lead the men to the back entrance of Gant Cable | | and try to avoid trouble." | | | | - Go join the 3 other operatives standing right next to you and pick up the | | Ak47 sitting there as well. | | - Head over to Gant Cable, but DON'T go through the main streets. Instead | | go through the alley. There are a bunch of guards in the streets with | | pistols and shotguns, and they will quickly kill your 3 men and then it's | | mission over. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND GANT CABLE << | | "Get round to the front of the shop and stop the Corporation from entering!"| | | | - Go around to the front and start mowing down the guards who come up with | | the AK47. Don't let anyone in. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE TEAM TO SAFETY << | | "Our team is leaving the bank, and they've recovered a vital accounts disk. | | Make sure that disk gets back to base!" | | | | - Start fighting off the swarm of guards. If your agent Johnson gets | | killed... | | | | >> UPDATE: RETRIEVE THE DISK << | | "They killed Johnson! Go get the disk he was carrying and bring it back to | | base!" | | | | - Grab the disk and just run back to the green guy. `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE BOMB FROM FIREWORKS SHOP | | PLANT BOMB IN FRONT OF BANK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've captured a number of vital bank records, but we need to cover our | | tracks. If we destroy the bank, it will take them time to discover what | | we've actually stolen. Go pick up the bomb from the Fireworks shop and | | plant it in front of the bank. We'll detonate it remotely." | | | | - Run up to the Fireworks store, on the way there a few guards with shotguns| | will ambush you. Steal the shotgun and use it against them. | | - Pick up the crate in front of the store, and run across the street to set | | it in front of the bank. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's close enough. Now get out of there before we trigger the bomb!" | | | | - Drop the crate and quickly run away. Next thing you'll know, boom! | | - Mission accomplished. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* The green man is now gone. Let's go down to the purple man, just check your map for his location (he's where the red man use to be.) ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH GIBSON AT THE WEST GATE | | ESCORT HIM TO THE SAFE HOUSE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've brought in Mr. Gibson, our demolitions expert, for a high-level OP | | against the Corporation and their European partners. I believe you and | | Gibson have already met, meet him at the west gate and escort him to the | | safe house." | | | | - Follow the arrow to Gibson and approach him so he starts following you. | | - A few guards with pistols will rush you. Quickly take them out. | | - Go through the alley, you'll run into less guards that way. | | - Take out any guards in your way, and even though Gibson has a pistol, | | don't expect him to help. I've never even see him fire it (wtf?) | | - Once he's in the safe house its mission accomplished. Return to the purple| | guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE SECURITY PASS FROM FOREIGN DELEGATE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We'll need to get Gibson a security pass for the next phase of the mission.| | There is a foreign delegate at the bank right now with a pass that meets | | our requirements. Get the pass and bring it to me." | | | | - Run over to the bank to find the target guarded by a bunch of guards. | | Just focus on taking out the target, ignore the guards, they don't have | | any big guns anyway. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN PASS TO BASE << | | "You have the Corporation pass!" | | | | - Run back to purple guy with the pass for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT GIBSON TO HOTEL | | DIVERT THE GUARDS OUTSIDE THE HOTEL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Okay, it's game time. The Corporation is having a secret conference with | | their European partners at the hotel. Gibson will use his pass to get | | inside, but it might not pass close inspection. I need you to create a | | diversion outside to distract the guards when Gibson enters the building. | | Do whatever it takes!" | | | | - Run over to Gibson to pick him up. | | - Run over to the hotel. To the right is a group of guards, one of which has| | a shotgun. Take him out first and steal the gun then blast away the | | others. | | - Another wave of guards will come after that, also with shotguns. Take them| | out quickly. | | | | >> UPDATE: STAND CLEAR OF THE BLAST << | | "The bomb's set, let's get the hell out of here!" | | | | - You heard the man, start running! Once the bomb goes off the mission is | | over. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Purple guy will be gone now. Let's go over to yellow guy since he's the next closest. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT CHURCH TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "There's something up, and I don't like the sound of it. One of our best | | men, Mr. Church, was sent to meet one of our informers. But he hasn't | | returned. He was last seen near Blossoms Florist. Bring Church back here | | if you find him, otherwise report back with whatever you find." | | | | - Run over to find Mr. Church just about dead. He brings some grim news... | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCAPE << | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO THE MISSION CONTACT << | | "It's a trap! Leave me and get out of here!" | | | | - TONS of guards and special agents will rush you with pistols and shotguns.| | - Don't even bother fighting, just sprint past them and run back to the | | yellow guy to end the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: FOLLOW BISHOP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "This is a dark day. I just got word two other operatives have been | | ambushed and killed. We suspect one of our agents, Bishop, is the traitor, | | but we need proof. Bishop is at the Laundry, and we think he's meeting a | | Corporation contact. Follow him wherever he goes, and don't lose him!" | | | | - Follow the arrow to Bishop, and then follow him into the alley. He'll meet| | up with a bunch of Corporation agents. Just stand there until their | | meeting is over. | | | | >> UPDATE: ELIMINATE BISHOP << | | "That meeting is all the proof we need. Don't let either of them escape!" | | | | - Kill Bishop and the one agent, then return to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND THE LAUNDRY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Thanks to Bishop's treachery, the Corporation has discovered our operations| | room at the Laundry. Get over there and make sure no one enters the | | building! Washington has returned to the temple for reinforcements." | | | | - Run down to the Laundry and you'll come into contact with a group of | | guards rushing you. Once you shoot one the mission will update. | | | | >> UPDATE: RESCUE WASHINGTON << | | "Washington has been captured! Once you've secured the Laundry go and | | rescue him before he reaches the HQ!" | | | | - Quickly get rid of the rest of the guards, and then follow the arrow to | | Washington and kill the guards surrounding him. | | - Once all the guards are killed Washington will follow you, take him back | | to the safehouse. | | - Return to yellow guy for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: USE TEARGAS TO RESCUE WASHINGTON FROM THE TEMPLE | | ESCORT WASHINGTON TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Hey! Just in time! We've got a bad situation over at the temple. The | | Corporation has raided the temple, and Washington is trapped inside with | | the rest of our people. Take this teargas and get Washington back to the | | safehouse. Hurry! We're counting on you!" | | | | - Grab the teargas launcher and run up to the temple. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND THE TEMPLE << | | "Everyone's still trapped inside! Try to buy us some time while we cover | | Washington's exit!" | | | | - Start launching the tear gas around the temple and to the areas where the | | guards are standing. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT WASHINGTON TO SAFETY << | | "Washington is escaping! Cover him and get him to safety!" | | | | - Washington will come out of the temple and follow you. | | - The teargas will cause the guards to drop their weapons and be temporarily| | stunned. Use this opportunity to escape! Just run straight for the | | safehouse with Washington following you. You shouldn't run into any | | trouble on the way. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Now the yellow guy is gone. The only one left on the map now is the red guy. So head over to him for your next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE SECURITY ORDER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "There's something going down at the Corporation HQ, but we don't know what.| | There's a security agent outside coordinating activities. I need you to | | steal his orders. Watch your back! There's a lot of security about, and the| | agent will run at the first sign of trouble!" | | | | - Run over to the agent and just go straight for him, ignore the guards. He | | goes down easy. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You have the orders! Bring them back to base!" | | | | - Run back to the red guy, ignoring all the guards along the way. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE MEDICAL NOTES | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The orders you intercepted are vague on details, but we know the | | Corporation is about to unveil some new genetics program. One of Dr. | | Hunter's key assistants is arriving in the parking lot under the HQ | | shortly. Get whatever notes he's carrying and bring them back here." | | | | - Run into the parking garage. Kill one of the guards with the uzi, and then| | pick it up and kill the rest. Finally, kill the assistant and grab the | | notes. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN REPORT TO BASE << | | "You've got the report! Bring it back to base!" | | | | - Run back to the red guy, ignore the guards. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD YOUR TEAM TO CORPORATION HQ | | ELIMINATE THE CORPORATION CHIEF | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We know from the report you stole that the Corporation is introducing a new| | genetically modified shock troop into active service. There is a ceremony | | about to take place outside the Corporation HQ to introduce them, and the | | Chief of this new division will be there. You have one of our teams at your| | disposal. Let's shake things up!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and assemble your team. Head on over to the HQ. | | - You'll notice a crap load of guards. The ones with the double red arrow | | are the ones you'll need to kill, as well as the big fat guy in the | | middle. Kill the Chief first so he doesn't have time to escape, then start| | unloading on all the guards. | | - Once they're all dead it's mission complete. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy is still here, he's just in a new location now. There are also two more agents: yellow and blue guy are back. Let's head down to blue guy since he's currently the closest. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: FOLLOW THE JADE HILL BOYZ BEHIND BEERHUT | | RESCUE KIDNAPPED AGENT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Jade Hill Boyz have kidnapped one of our people to ransom him to the | | Corporation. Some of the Jade Hills are hanging out behind beerhut. Follow | | them, but be cool. Try to find out where they're holding our boy, then | | rescue him and bring him to the safe house. | | | | - Go to the area where the Jade Hill Boyz are, but don't get too close. Wait| | for them to start running, then follow them. | | - They'll run into the parking garage. | | | | >> UPDATE: RESCUE THE AGENT << | | "Our operative is being held in an alley behind the red brick factory!" | | | | - Before you go anywhere, see those Corporation agents that are now | | attacking the Jade Hill Boyz? Wait until the Boyz are dead, then go in | | there and kill the rest of the Corporation guards. Grab one of their guns | | if you can. | | - Now follow the arrow to where the agent is. Kill the Jade Hill Boyz around| | him. If you didn't kill the Corporation guards before you came here, | | they're going to show up also and make things a whole lot harder. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE AGENT TO SAFETY << | | "Get the operative to the safe house! Move!" | | | | - You know where to go. Run back to the safe house then go back to the blue | | guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: NEUTRALIZE 5 CORPORATION AGENTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has no idea you rescued our operative. This is a good | | opportunity for some hit-and-run tactics. There's five agents out looking | | for you. See that they don't make it back to base." | | | | - Just use the arrow to find the agents and kill them. Once you kill the one| | with the AK47, you'll be given an update. | | | | >> UPDATE: KILL THE LAST AGENT << | | "They've called for backup! Take out the last agent and get out of there | | before you're trapped!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 off the dead agent and follow the around around the corner | | to where the last agent is. Blow him away. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You've done it, now get out of there!" | | | | - Run back to the blue guy, use any remaining bullets you got in the AK47 to| | take out any guards you run into along the way. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DESTROY THE JADE HILL BOYZ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Jade Hill Boyz think we're an easy target. We're going to show them | | just how wrong they are. They think they're going to kidnap our leader at | | Blossoms today. That's not going to happen, because you're going instead. | | Kill them all. This is a lesson they won't forget." | | | | - This stupidity of this mission boggles my mind, it's like "hey go kill | | a whole bunch of armed and lethal gang members who will be carrying bats, | | knives, shotguns, and other fire power, but you don't get any gun." | | Whatever. | | - This still isn't very hard. Run over to Blossoms and you'll spot a group | | of Jade Hill Boyz coming at you. One has an uzi and one has a handgun, | | take out the uzi guy first then use that against the others. When that's | | out of ammo pick up the hatchet and use that. | | - Another wave comes after this one, except they got shotguns. Target the | | shotgun users first, then use the shotgun against the others. | | - One more wave after this, deal with it the same way. | | - Sometimes if there's any 3rd Street Killaz nearby they'll come by and | | actually help you out by fighting with the Jade Hill Boyz. Just be sure | | not to attack the Killaz or else they'll target you instead. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Blue guy is gone now. Let's go to yellow guy since you should be right by him now (he's at Blossoms.) ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE EXPERIMENTAL RIFLE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've noticed the local enforcers using a new king of assault rifle. We | | could possible replicate it, if we could get a working model. There is a | | group of enforcers at ProTech. Go get us one of those gun crates and bring | | it back here!" | | | | - Run over to ProTech. That group of guards standing there with AK47's don't| | look too friendly. | | - Quickly knock one of them down so he drops an AK47. Pick it up and mow | | down the rest of them. | | - Pick up the crate. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN WEAPONS CRATE TO BASE << | | "You've got the crate! Now bring it back to base!" | | | | - Just run back to yellow guy. You'll run into a few guards on the way, but | | it's nothing major, just run past them and ignore them. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: FOLLOW CORPORATION ENFORCER AT ROCKET BURGER | | FIND THE SOURCE OF THE MODIFIED WEAPONS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Those guns have been specially modified to fire a larger projectile at a | | faster rate and we need to know where they're stored. A waitress at Rocket | | Burger heard one of the enforcers say he's going to pick up his modified | | rifle after work. Find out where he's going and report back here!" | | | | - Run down to Rocket Burger and wait for the guard to come walking out. | | - Follow him down the street and let him enter the building. | | | | >> UPDATE: KILL THE ENFORCER << | | >> UPDATE: GET BACK TO BASE << | | "That's it, now kill him and get back to base!" | | | | - Just kill him and run back. If you want to kill the rest of the guards | | then grab the one guys AK47 and use that against them. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DESTROY WEAPONS SHIPMENT BEHIND AUTOSHACK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Now that we know who's doing the modification, we need to shut down the | | supply. There's a shipment in the alley behind autoshack. Destroy all of | | the weapons, then report back to base when you're finished. Good luck!" | | | | - Follow the arrow to where the crates are. There will be a few guards there| | at first, and once they're taken care of a whole bunch more will show up. | | - Take out the ones with the shotguns, then use it against them. Easy. | | - Pick up the flamethrower and toast all of the crates. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You've destroyed the shipment, now get out of there!" | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy will now run away. All that's left is red guy, so lets head over to him. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: WAIT FOR INFORMANT TO GET DOCUMENT | | RETRIEVE DOCUMENT FROM INFORMANT | | DON'T KILL INFORMANT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "This mission requires a delicate touch. One of our agents inside the | | Corporation has some important news for us. When he leaves the HQ, pretend | | to mug him and take the information he's carrying. Make it look good, or | | the Corporation will be on to him. Just don't kill him!" | | | | - Follow the agent and let him go inside the building then come back out. | | | | >> UPDATE: STAGE MUGGING TO RETRIEVE DOCUMENT << | | "He has the document, go get it!" | | | | - Just run up to him and deliver one quick kick/punch to retrieve the | | document. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN DOCUMENT TO BASE << | | "Okay, enough already! You've got the document!" | | | | - Enough already? What kind of guy can't take one lousy kick. Anyway the | | large group of guards surrounding him will now start shooting at you, just| | ignore them and run straight back to red man. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE MR. CLARK FROM THE COFFEE SHOP | | ESCORT CLARK TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The docs you recovered from our agent confirm the rumors we've been | | hearing. The Corporation secret service is doing a sweep of the area, | | looking for Freedom sympathizers. We've been able to evac everyone except | | Mr. Clark. We've been unable to contact him. Go to the coffee shop and find| | him. When you have him, bring him back to the safe house." | | | | - Run over to where Clark is, and kill the guards and agents standing near | | him. | | - Approach Clark to have him follow you. Run back to the safe house. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE THE CORPORATION PRISONER | | ESCORT THE PRISONER TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has arrested a civilian and are going to publically execute| | her for supporting Freedom. We can't let her die! The death squad is | | escorting her to the square outside the temple. Rescue the civilian and | | bring her to our base at the laundry." | | | | - Run over to the intersection in front of the square outside the temple to | | find the prisoner being escorted to the area by several Corporation | | agents with guns. | | - Run over and quickly attack ALL of the agents, that way they focus their | | attack on you instead of her. Then just kill them all. | | - Once they're all dead just have her follow you back to the laundry shop. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: NEUTRALIZE 3 CORPORATION DEATH SQUADS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is doing a street-by-street sweep for our safe house. We've| | got to protect the building! There are three death squads - do whatever it | | takes!" | | | | - Run over to the safe house and grab the uzi sitting by the corner. Wait | | for the first squad to come. | | - Once they come unload on them with the uzi. You shouldn't have any problem| | taking them all out. Wait for the next squad. | | - Fire on the next squad when they get there. If you run out of ammo, steal | | one of their guns that they drop. Pick up a shotgun for the last wave. | | - One last squad. These guys are a little more heavy duty. But since you | | should have a shotgun down, they'll go down quick. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy has now relocated up to Blossoms, and in his place is purple guy. There is also a green guy too. Let's go to purple guy since he's closest. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE FREEDOM PRISONERS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our recent actions against the Corporation has led them to outlaw all | | public gatherings. They've shut the temple down and are holding prisoners | | in the courtyard outside. One of our men is in that crowd! Go and bust him | | out before they discover who they have!" | | | | - Run up to the courtyard outside the temple and take down the guard on the | | right with the shotgun first, then use it to take out the others. They | | only have pistols, so it's nothing hard. Approach the Freedom prisoner | | once they're all dead. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE PRISONER TO SAFETY << | | "Thank god! Get me to the laundry!" | | | | - Run back to the laundry to end the mission. Return to purple guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET THE INFORMANT OUTSIDE HOMEWORLD | | ESCORT HIM BACK TO THE SAFE HOUSE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of the temple escapees wants to talk to us about what the Corporation | | is up to. He'll meet you outside Homeworld. Bring him back to the safe | | house for debriefing." | | | | - Run over and meet the informant. | | - Don't go through the alley, instead stick to the main street to the south.| | - Just run past the guards as they start shooting, the informant has a lot | | of health and should survive. | | - Run to the safe house for a nasty surprise... | | | | >> UPDATE: ELIMINATE THE INFORMANT << | | "There's something wrong!" | | | | - Quickly kill the informant before the rest of the guards chasing you | | arrive! But like I said, he has a lot of health so it takes a bit of | | beating to take him out. | | - Return to purple guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: REPORT TO THE BANK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our techies have discovered more about those nanotech chips you stole back | | at the mall. They're similar to the tracker chips implanted in Corporation | | employees except these have some kind of psychoactive control component. | | This might explain why our informer turned on you. We're getting reports | | of a group of civilians going nuts outside the bank. Get over there while | | we find out what's going on." | | | | - Run over to where all the crazy civilians are and just chill for a moment.| | You don't have to do anything. | | | | >> UPDATE: LOCATE THE SUBSONIC TRANSMITTER << | | "We're picking up a subsonic transmission somewhere near you. We think this | | might be triggering the psychotic behavior! Find the source and bring it | | back to base for examination." | | | | - Follow the arrow to the dude running to Corporation HQ. Quickly kill him | | and ignore the guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN THE DISK TO BASE << | | "You've got a data disk! Back to base!" | | | | - Sprint back to the purple guy, ignore any guards. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ELIMINATE 3 CORPORATION SCIENTISTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Three of Hunter's doctors have been spotted heading into the temple square.| | We know they're involved in the psych-project so make sure they don't make | | it to their destination!" | | | | - Run over to the doctors and quickly take them out. There will be a lot of | | guards with them, just ignore them and focus on taking them down. | | | | >> UPDATE: REPORT TO THE PAWN SHOP << | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE TEMPLE << | | "We've tracked the signal! It's coming from the temple! So that's why the | | Corporation wanted it so badly! You'll have to destroy the building quickly| | before everyone goes mad. Gomez, our guy at the pawn shop, has something | | for you that should help." | | | | - Ok now that you don't got to worry about the doctors finish off all of the| | guards. Then head to the pawn shop, it's right by Blossoms. | | - You'll find a nice, shiny rocket launcher sitting there for you. Pick it | | up and fire one off into the temple to blow it up! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Purple guy is gone now. Let's head over to red guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STEAL A PC FROM JOYPAD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of our hackers has reason to believe that the Corporation has been | | placing illegal decoding devices in consumer PC's to destroy all digital | | privacy. Get over to joypad and get us one of those new PC's so we can find| | out if this is true." | | | | - Run down to Joypad and engage the guards. Take out the one with the | | shotgun and then blow out the windows to Joypad. This will cause two | | computers to fall out onto the street. | | - Pick up one of the computers and book it back to red guy. Ignore any | | guards shooting at you on the way. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE ACCESS CODES FROM CORPORATION TECH AT TJ SPORTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Okay, so our hacker was right! The Corporation is eavesdropping on every | | PC out there! We're going to give them something they didn't bargain for. | | First, we'll need an access code to the mainframe that controls the | | bugging system. One of their top PC techs is at TJ Sports. We're pretty | | sure he has the codes we need. Go get those codes." | | | | - Run over to the target and quickly take him out. A bunch of guards with | | shotguns will meet up with you and start shooting, just focus on the guy | | with the codes. | | - Once he's dead grab the data disk if you don't already have it. Then run | | as fast as you can back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT AND PROTECT THE HACKER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our hackers have found a way to crash the Corporation's mainframe using the| | little 'bug' they placed in the consumer PC's. We're going to launch the | | attack remotely from a public phone, but we'll have to keep moving or we'll| | be traced. Protect our hacker while he crashes the system!" | | | | - Go meet up with the hacker. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO PHONE 1 << | | "Okay, let's do it!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and follow the hacker to the first phone which is right | | across the street. | | - A few guards will come from both directions and start shooting, quickly | | take them down with the uzi. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO PHONE 2 << | | "That was close! They almost got us. Time to move!" | | | | - Now follow him to the second phone. Kill any guards that come near you, a | | few will come from the direction you just ran. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO PHONE 3 << | | "They're getting closer. Gotta move on." | | | | - Follow him to phone 3. Take out any guards along the way, there should be | | one with a shotgun following you. Since you're probably out of uzi ammo by| | now, take that if you can. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO PHONE 4 << | | "Almost done. One more should do that trick." | | | | - The last phone is right down the street. He should make it there and be | | done before any of the guards chasing you can even get to him. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's it! They aren't going to know what hit them!" | | | | - Follow the hacker back to the base. This is probably the hardest part. You| | don't really have to worry about the guards chasing you from behind | | because they won't catch up to him, however on the way back to the base | | you'll run into a few guards with shotguns. Try to run ahead and hit them | | once so they don't focus on the hacker. But then just run past them, don't| | take the time to stop and kill them. | | - Once you're back at the red guy it's mission over. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ELIMINATE THE CORPORATION EXECUTIVE AT THE EAST GATE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "While our hackers were poking around the mainframe, they managed to make a | | slight alteration to one of the chief executive's travel itinerary. Instead| | of arriving at the west gate to Corporation HQ, he's arriving by the east | | gate - with minimal security! Take him out before he makes it inside!" | | | | - Run down to the east gate and kill the executive. Again, like usual, just | | ignore the massive amount of guards and focus only on the target. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Take it easy, killer. You got him. Get back to base!" | | | | - Run back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy will run away. Now the only one left is green guy, so go down to him for the next few missions. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ELIMINATE THE KILLAZ NEAR MAGRUDERS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "I guess the local gangs still don't appreciate our being here. The Killaz | | and Jade Hill Boyz are considering joining sets to take us out. We can't | | let that happen. A number of Killaz are hanging out at Magruders. Take them| | down, then lead some Jade Hills into the same area and do the same. When | | their gangs find them, they'll think a fight broke out, and start warring. | | That should keep them occupied... for a while." | | | | - Run down the road to find the group of Killaz standing there. Start | | beating up on them, and take whatever they got. There's a few with some | | bats, a pistol, and an uzi. Once you start attacking them a few more will | | run up from behind, two of which have a shotgun. I think it's pretty | | obvious what gun you should jack from them now. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD SOME JADE HILL BOYZ TO MAGRUDERS << | | "Some Jade Hill Boyz have been spotted in the alley behind Magruders. Lead | | them back to the site of the attack." | | | | - Hopefully you still got some ammo in that shotgun. Run down to the alley | | to find 3 people from the Jade Hill Boyz standing there. Run up and punch | | one of them, then run away to get them to follow you. Take them up to the | | dead bodies of the Killaz (keep running north until you get the update.) | | | | >> UPDATE: ELIMINATE THE JADE HILL BOYZ << | | "That's close enough, now take them down!" | | | | - Blast away with your shotgun, or whatever else you got. You only need to | | kill those 3, so it shouldn't be too hard. | | - Return to green guy once they're dead. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ELIMINATE THE JADE HILL BOYZ IN THE MAIN SQUARE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The leader of the Killaz has set up a meeting at Rhythm Records with Jade | | Hill to discuss the truce. Make sure the Jade Hill Boyz don't make it to | | the meeting. The Killaz will take it as a snub. The Jade Hill targets are | | coming via the main square and through China Town. Go get em'!" | | | | - This is actually pretty easy. Run down the main street to meet up with | | the gang by the bank. | | - See the one chick with the shotgun? Aim right for her, take her down and | | grab the shotgun. Blow them all away with it to complete the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET THE LEADER OF THE JADE HILL BOYZ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Surprise, surprise. The Jade Hill Boyz want to talk peace with Freedom. | | We've arranged a meeting for you with the leader of Jade Hill to negotiate.| | She says she has a job for us. If we do it, they're with us. Meet with her | | and see what she has to say." | | | | - Run all the way up to the northern section of the town to meet with the | | leader of the Jade Hill Boyz. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE RECORD SHOP << | | "The Killaz are in a league with the Corporation. We're just trying to | | protect our neighborhood! Help us get rid of them, and we'll help Freedom. | | Take down their hangout at the record shop, and you've got some valuable | | friends." | | | | - Grab the uzi. | | - Follow the arrow down to a group of Killaz standing outside the Record | | shop. | | - Unload on them with the uzi, and kill the second group that comes after | | they're dead. | | | | >> UPDATE: USE THE MOLOTOVS TO DESTROY THE RECORD SHOP << | | "Some of the Jade Hills are outside Beerhut with petrol bombs. Those should | | do nicely!" | | | | - Run over, grab a molotov, and then chuck it into the shop. | | - Return to green guy to end the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET WITH THE JADE HILL BOYZ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Killaz have hit the Jade Hill Boyz pretty hard in retaliation for | | siding with us. Go see if there's anything we can do to help." | | | | - Go meet with the Jade Hill Boyz in the same place that you did last time. | | | | >> UPDATE: HELP THE JADE HILLZ DESTROY THE KILLAZ << | | "You've hit them hard, but there's more to do. They're on the streets | | looking for us, let's take them out!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head out with your gang. | | - When you run into the Killaz unload on them. There will be a second wave | | of them coming, a few with shotguns, just take them all out too. If you | | run out of ammo pick up a weapon one of your guys dropped (they'll | | probably all be dead by now) or pick up one of the Killaz weapons. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Green guy is gone now, and red guy has appeared. Go to him. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE DISK FROM THE CORPORATION DOCTOR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of our informers has told us that the Corporation is about to start | | something very big. He doesn't know what, but he knows one of Hunter's | | doctors is heading for the Corporation main building. Intercept him and | | get anything he's carrying." | | | | - Run up to the square courtyard to find the doctor surrounded by some | | Corporation agents. They're all packing uzi's though, so nothing really | | tough. Just kill the doctor to get the disk. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN THE DISK TO THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "You have the data disk, take it to our man at the safehouse!" | | | | - Run to the safe house, you won't even run into any guards on the way. Give| | it to your guy. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | | | - Return to red guy. They'll be a bunch of guards and stuff around the | | corner, but just run through them. It isn't very far to the red guy | | anyway. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET THE HACKER AT ROCKET BURGER | | PROTECT THE HACKER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The disk confirms it - they've boosted the power of the psychomatic | | nanotech chip. They're transmitting a signal so strong it can affect the | | whole damn city from a single transmitter! You've got to put a stop to it | | fast before the entire population goes postal and kills each other off! Our| | hacker is going to try to pinpoint the transmission on foot. Meet him at | | Rocket Burger and play bodyguard until he finds it." | | | | - Grab the shotgun and go meet up with the hacker. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE HACKER << | | "Watch my six, homes! Let's do it!" | | | | - Let the hacker run ahead. The crazy citizens actually won't attack him, | | just let him run right through them then run up to them. Then they'll turn| | on you. | | - Just let the hacker keep running ahead while you occasionally stop and | | blow off the heads of anyone following you. Don't stop for each individual| | person, let them come at you in a group to maximize the shotguns | | effectiveness. | | - Run up to the hacker once he stops outside of the Corporation HQ. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "I've got a fix on the location, we have to get back to base!" | | | | - Run back to the base. Take the main road instead of the alley. | | - Things get a little hairy as you get near the base. A few guards and | | civilians ambush you. One of the guards has a shotgun. Take him down and | | steal his shotgun and use it on the others. | | - There will be one last group of crazy civilians literally right outside of| | the safe house. One of them has a hatchet if you don't have any ammo left,| | that works pretty nicely. | | - Let the hacker go into the safe house to end the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD THE CORPORATION GUARDS TO THE AMBUSH OUTSIDE THE LAUNDRY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The transmitter you guys found has one hell of a security force defending | | it. If we're going to take it out, we need to start with the goons outside.| | We're setting up a little trap for them, and... well, you're the bait. Lead| | them to our ambush point outside the laundry, and try not to get caught. | | We're counting on you. Good luck!" | | | | - Follow the area to the target and kill him. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE GUARDS TO THE LAUNDRY << | | "Ok, they're on to you! Run like hell!" | | | | - Run back to the red guy. There will be an AK47 sitting there on the | | ground. Grab it, and wait for the guards to come running into your trap. | | - Works like a charm, with the help of your boys shoot em' up. Talk about an| | easy mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: CLEAR THE GUARDS FROM THE PARKING LOT OF THE CORPORATION HQ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The transmitter building is too big to take out with one bomb, so we've got| | to set up a chain reaction. The car lot out back is perfect, we've | | arranged for Gibson to plant the bomb there. The explosion should weaken | | the infrastructure enough to take the whole complex down. But first we need| | you to take care of any security personnel guarding the parking lot before | | he arrives." | | | | - The easiest way to actually do this is to run all the way around (by the | | street that runs to Corporation HQ) and kill all the guards in the area at| | the very top left of the map. There will be a few armored guards with | | shotguns outside the parking garage, and a few agents inside with guns. | | Kill them all. | | - Now go back and pick up Gibson. Follow him into the garage and let him | | enter the little door. Now you don't have to worry about anyone attacking | | him! | | - To make this next part easier, when Gibson starts walking into the door, | | stand right outside the parking garage facing away from the garage. Wait | | for Gibson to come back out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Okay, that baby's ready to go. Get me back to the safehouse!" | | | | - Standing outside of the garage, you'll see two new armored guards spawn | | there, just waiting to ambush Gibson. Pump some lead into them (hopefully | | you got one of the guards shotguns when you killed them.) If not just | | take them out quickly regardless. | | - Return to the safehouse via the alley. You will run into some more guards | | by the courtyard. Quickly kill them. | | - You should be clear the rest of the way to the safehouse. Once Gibson is | | inside it's mission accomplished. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy is gone, and blue guy has no appeared. Go to him for the final mission of China Town! ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: USE FREEDOM WEAPONS TO RAID THE CORPORATION HQ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has triggered the psychomatic transmission! The citizens | | are going insane! We need you to weaken the main supports at the front of | | the building, then Gibson will trigger the bomb to take out the rear. That | | should bring the whole thing down on those Corporation bastards! This is | | the last of our arsenal. Take whatever you need and try to stay alive long | | enough to complete the mission. We're counting on you! Good luck!" | | | | - Ignore all those other weapons and just grab the grenade launcher. Head | | out towards the Corporation HQ. | | - You'll see an army comprised of crazy civilians and Corporation guards | | swarming you; again, just ignore these and keep your sight right on the | | HQ building. | | - Run up to it and lob one grenade inside. That's literally all you have to | | do! What a joke. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ China Town is now liberated as well! Two down, two to go! Let's move onto the East Side now. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EAST SIDE [EAST] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You now have another new character available to you - "Freak". Pick one and begin on your journey through the East Side. Much like China Town, there are usually several different Freedom Fighters who you can take missions from, each with a different color. Again, it doesn't matter which order you go in. I'm going to start with yellow guy, since he's the closest from where you spawn. So go up to the yellow guy for your first mission in this new territory. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET MR. ADAMS OUTSIDE THE THEATER | | ESCORT HIM TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Hola, Vato! We've been contacted by a Mr. Adams who is accused of crimes | | against the state. The Corporation has already made one attempt on his | | life. If we protect him, he's offered us some info he thinks we'll find | | useful. Meet him outside the theater and take him to the safe house." | | | | - Follow the arrow to Mr. Adams to get him to follow you. | | - A few guards will come attacking. Just keep running to the safe house, and| | hope that Mr. Adam is close behind. You can't stop and take out all the | | guards, they'll kill him very quickly. Just book it to the safe house. | | - Return to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: FOLLOW THE CORPORATION HIT SQUAD TO MRS. ADAMS | | PROTECT MRS. ADAMS | | ESCORT MRS. ADAMS TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Heads up! You got Mr. Adams to safety, but now they're going after his | | wife! The assassins are hanging out by Scooters. We don't know where Mrs. | | Adams is, so follow them to the hit, then rescue her before they can finish| | the job. Get her back to the safe house, pronto!" | | | | - Go follow the hit squad to Mrs. Adams. You'll be able to tell who she is | | as they're approaching her, she's standing outside of the liquor store, | | and she's the only civilian not running around like mad. | | - Quickly start hitting all of the hit squad members to get their attention | | off Mrs. Adams and onto you. Then proceed to kill them. A few guards will | | join in on the fun too. | | - Once they're all dead take her to the safe house. | | - Return to yellow guy | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE HIT LIST FROM CORPORATION HIT MAN AT TJ SPORTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is running a special assassination squad out of the bail | | bonds officer. Their assassination goons are working out of this office. We| | need to know who else is on their hit list. One of their sergeants is at | | TJ Sports with some of his heavies. Take any documents he's carrying and | | bring them back." | | | | - You should spot the target just up ahead. Run over and take him out, | | ignoring the guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN THE HIT LIST TO BASE << | | "You've got the list! Quick! Return it to the safe house!" | | | | - Make a mad dash to the safe house and approach the Freedom Fighter. He | | tells you to watch his back until he gets inside. Screw that, just book | | it back to Hector! (Who apparently is the yellow dude.) | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP CORPORATION HIT SQUAD LEADER AT BUS STATION | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The leader of the assassination squad is at the bus depot. Find him and | | make sure he doesn't leave the area." | | | | - Just like last time, run up to the target and just focus on taking him | | out. Forget about the guards, they're only shooting bullets afterall. | | - Run back to the yellow guy to finish the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: USE GRENADES TO DESTROY BAIL BONDS OFFICE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Yo! Check this out! We think we've got a solution to our problem with the | | death squads. Let's just blow their base up! What do you say? You game? Go | | pick up some grenades and get to it!" | | | | - Don't run straight to the left, run up north by the safe house and | | approach the Freedom Fighter that way. | | - You'll run into a few guards, one with a shotgun who will fire at you. | | Just run past them and go to the grenades. | | | | >> UPDATE: USE GRENADES TO DESTROY BAIL BONDS OFFICE << | | "Here are the grenades to destroy the bail bonds office. Use them wisely!" | | | | - Quickly grab a grenade while running past and head right down to the bail | | bonds office. It's directly south of you, then to the right, behind the | | camouflaged truck. Quickly lob a grenade in there to destroy the building | | and to get all these guards off your back. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy is now gone. Let's go to blue guy since he's literally right next to you. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: INTERCEPT SAFE HOUSE LIST AT GAS STATION | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Man, I never thought I'd see the day, the Muerte 13 gang is trying to sell | | a list of our safe houses to the Corporation! They're going to hand the | | list over at the gas station. Get over there and get that list! Vamanos!" | | | | - Your first encounter with the deadly Muerte 13! It's not that hard. Run | | over to the gas station and kill the target to get the list. One of the | | guys has a shotgun and one has an AK47, but they shouldn't do too much | | damage to you. | | - Run back to the blue guy (also named Hector?? Or is it the same guy? But | | wait a minute they were both on the map at the same... bah, forget it!). | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT THE VIDEO STORE INFORMANT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The informant that tipped us off about Muerte 13 is in trouble. They know | | he snitched and are going to take him out. Go to the video shop and protect| | him! Hurry!" | | | | - Run up to the video store informant and grab the uzi. Use it to take down | | the first wave of Muerte 13's, target the guys with the pistols first. | | - When you're out of ammo pick up one of their hatchets and use that to | | attack them. | | - Just keep fighting off round after round. There's quite a few of them, but| | they come at you in small numbers so it isn't too hard. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE MUERTE 13 MAP FROM THE NORTH GATE | | RETURN THE MAP TO BASE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Time for a little payback. We're gonna pull the same trick on Muerte 13 | | that they tried with us. There's some M13's coming in from the north gate, | | and they're carrying a map of gang hideouts. Get the map so we can find | | their crib!" | | | | - Run up to them and just start hacking away (hopefully you still have a | | hatchet or something from the last mission.) | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY EL COCO'S WITH GRENADES << | | "Very interesting! So their main hangout is El Coco's, huh? You'll find | | some grenades at the coffee shop. Put El Coco's out of business." | | | | - Ok just ignore any M13's left that are attacking you and go run back to | | where the blue guy is to grab some grenades. | | - Run over to El Coco's and quickly lob a grenade through the window, then | | run back to blue guy as fast as you can because there will be a swarm of | | M13's on your tail! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Blue guy is now gone. Let's go to green guy next. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE PIERCE FROM NORTH GATE | | ESCORT PIERCE TO SAFE HOUSE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Looks like a Corporation official named Pierce is in trouble with his | | handlers. There's a death warrant on his daughter for supporting Freedom. | | If we help him and his daughter, he's promised us some inside information | | on Corporation ops. He's being taken to the HQ from the north gate. Rescue | | him from the guards and escort him to the safe house." | | | | - Run over to find him surrounded by a bunch of guards. I suggest you take | | them all down with a 360 spin, then grab one of their dropped batons and | | go crazy on em'. | | - Just book it straight back to the safe house with him, a few guards with | | pistols and shotguns will start attacking, run past them and hope that he | | survives. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT PIERCE'S DAUGHTER AT MAGRUDERS | | ESCORT HER TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Mr. Pierce has refused to help us until his daughter is safely in Freedom's| | hands. The Corporation has tracked her down to Magruders. Wait until she | | leaves, rescue her from the security force and return her to the safe | | house. Give 'em hell!" | | | | - Run up to find three agents guarding her. They shouldn't be hard to take | | out, the one guy has a uzi you can use that, just be careful not to hit | | the girl. | | - Take her back to the safe house. As you turn the corner by the gas station| | some guards from the north gate will come attacking, one of which has a | | shotgun. Run ahead and attack them first so they focus on you, and take | | that guys shotgun. | | - Once they're all taken care of make a straight dash for the safe house. | | - Run back to green guy to complete the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: COVER PIERCE WHILE HE SEEKS VENGEANCE | | ESCORT HIM TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Pierce has spilled his guts to our intelligence department. Now he's asked | | for one more favor, he wants a piece of those bastards that ordered the hit| | on his daughter! The executive is at the bank right now. Take Mr. Pierce | | over there and cover him while he opens up a can of whup-ass. When he's | | done, take him to his daughter waiting near Auto Shack where we can arrange| | their escape." | | | | - Run over to the safe house to pick up Pierce. | | - Take him over to the bank and kill the guards. | | - The executive him come out of the building. Just deal with the guards, | | Pierce will kill him. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT PIERCE TO HIS DAUGHTER << | | "Wow, that felt good! Now take me to my daughter!" | | | | - Run down to where his daughter is. The tricky part of his mission is when | | a group guards come to attack you, one of whom has a shotgun. Running past| | them doesn't work (at least I never got it to work) so you have to quickly| | kill them. | | - Get the guards shotgun and keep it for the next mission. | | - Have him meet up with his daughter and let them both enter the building. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Green guy is gone now, leaving only red guy left. Lets go to him. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE CORPOTATION DOCUMENTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Welcome to Mi Barrio, homes! You're in the east side now. I'm Hector, and | | I'm Freedom's main man in the area. That was some loco business you pulled | | in Chinatown. Let's see what you can do here! A Corporation agent is being | | escorted from the south gate near Autoshack. Jump him and bring me any | | documents he's carrying." | | | | - Hopefully you still got that one guards shotgun from last mission, it will| | make things a lot easier. | | - Run down to the south gate to find the target heading for the HQ. Quickly | | take him out with the shotgun and take the documents he was carrying. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Right on! You've got his documents! Get back to base." | | | | - Ignore any guards, and run back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT AGENT COLE TO THE THEATER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Those papers you stole say there's a big Corporation meeting down at the | | movie theater. Our boy Cole is going to sneak in and see what they're up | | to. Go meet him and get him into the building." | | | | - Run over to where Cole is, but before you go pick him up, see the movie | | theater there next to the gas station? And see those guards with the heavy| | firepower? Yeah, take them out, and grab that M16 (ooh, that's a new one!)| | - Now go pick up Cole, and head to the movie theater. | | - A few more guards will come out of the theater as you approach it, but now| | that you got an M16, just mow them all down with it. | | - Let Cole enter the building. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: CLEAR OUT THE GUARDS IN FRONT OF THE THEATER | | PLACE THE BOMB OUTSIDE THEATER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Cole says all the delegates are already in the theater, so now is a good | | time to strike. Make sure there are no guards outside, Cole will cover your| | back. Once they're gone, take the bomb from behind Scooters and put it | | outside the theater. We'll take care of the rest!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and run over to the theater. | | - When you start shooting the guards Cole should run away. Make sure you | | don't kill him! | | - Once they're all dead run across the street and pick up the bomb. Take it | | over to the theater. | | | | >> UPDATE: GO TO SCOOTERS << | | "That's close enough, now get across the street so we can detonate it!" | | | | - Drop the bomb and run back over to Cole. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good! Now get back to your contact." | | | | - Book it back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: INTERCEPT CORPORATION ORDERS NEAR PRISM AUTO | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Listen up, the military has come to town. We need to know why. There's a | | Corporation executive with them giving the orders. Bring me back any | | information he's carrying. At present the soldier boys are on stand-by | | beside the Prism Auto dealership. Watch your step!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and follow the area to find the executive with a bunch of | | military guards surrounding him. Stand a few feet away from the executive | | and just blast him away with the AK47. He'll drop some documents, pick | | them up. | | - The guards will start shooting you. Just ignore them, you should be able | | to get out of there with most of your health still intact. | | - You will run into more military all the way back to Hector. Again, just | | run past them you'll be fine. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT AGENT COLE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The military has been sent to check out the city before the arrival of | | Corporation's chief operations officer. Cole is going to plant a bomb on | | his route at the rail bridge. We need you to make sure nobody messes with | | him while he sets up. Escort him to the safe house when he's done." | | | | - Run over to the guards in the middle of the street and start attacking | | them. Go for the guy with the shotgun, then steal it and use it to kill | | the rest of them. | | - By this time Cole will come down to where you are and a few more guards | | with pistols will come. A few will rush Cole, take care of those ones | | first and don't let them kill him. Then kill the others. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT AGENT COLE TO SAFE HOUSE << | | "That's it, let's get out of here!" | | | | - Now's where things get really tough, I hate this mission. A bunch of more | | guards come from EVERY direction and swarm on Cole. You have to act really| | fast, killing them and diverting their attention to you. Once most of them| | are dead or on the ground, make a mad dash back to the safe house. | | - I had to play this mission many times to get Cole to live long enough to | | get back to the safe house. In my opinion this is one of the toughest | | missions yet (and most frustrating.) | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: NEUTRALIZE THE CORPORATION BOMB SQUAD | | RETRIEVE CORPORATION SMARTCARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Problem, homie! The Corporation is wise to us, and they've sent in a bomb | | squad to sweep the area. They're searching the good shop now. Don't let | | them discover the bomb, then bring me their communicator smartcard before | | anyone finds out they're in trouble." | | | | - The bomb squad is leaving Corporation HQ, go down there to find them | | marching down the street. Two of them got M16's, target one of those guys | | first so you can steal the gun, then just mow them all down with it. | | - One of them will drop the smartcard, run over it to pick it up. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN CORPORATION SMARTCARD TO BASE << | | "You've got the smartcard! Take it back to Hector!" | | | | - Make sure all of the bomb squad guys are dead before you run back. | | - Once they are, run back to Hector to complete the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: SWEEP THE BLAST SITE FOR CORPORATION SURVIVORS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Everything is in place and the target is on his way. We'll detonate the | | bomb. Your job is to deal with any survivors. If the target survives the | | blast he'll probably run for the HQ - make sure he doesn't make it!" | | | | - Follow the target along with his group of guards. Once they get under the | | bridge the bomb will go off, causing mayhem. | | - The target will start running to the HQ, separating himself from his | | guards. Now is the time to attack. Catch up to him and beat him down. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Target neutralized, get out of there." | | | | - Run back to Hector, you'll have a lot of military chasing you but just | | ignore them. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy is gone now, and the next closest is purple guy. Let's go and see what plans he has for us. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: INTERCEPT SECURITY ORDER | | RETURN ORDERS TO BASE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Well, I guess we really pissed them off that time! The Corporation is going| | to take some harsh action against us, but we don't know what or where. | | There's a security force massing outside Beerhut. There's a department of | | security official inside. When he leaves, get the orders he's carrying and | | bring them back to us!" | | | | - Run over to Beerhut, and don't attack those guards. Just stand outside and| | wait for the security officer to come out. | | - Once he does, kill him. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You have their orders! Back to base!" | | | | - You would think you have to go back to purple guy, but you actually need | | to run up the street and hand the document to a guy standing outside Candy| | Girl. | | - Now run back to purple guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: REPORT TO CANDY GIRL FOR FURTHER ORDERS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is about to launch an attack against us. Get over to Candy | | Girl - our contact there has more information for you." | | | | - Run back over to Candy Girl to meet the contact and get an update. | | | | >> UPDATE: RESCUE HOSTAGES NEAR BUS DEPOT << | | "This is a new low for the Corporation. They've taken civilian hostages and | | are going to execute them unless we give up the location of our East Side | | base. The hostages are being held near the bus depot. Rescue them!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and head over to the bus depot. This is a tricky situation- | | there are a bunch of guards surrounding a small group of civilians. Once | | you start attacking the guards a few will turn and attack you, while some | | will just go straight for the civilians. If too many civilians die, it's | | mission over. | | - Kill a few of the guards, then quickly take out any that you notice are | | attacking the civilians. The civilians should run away, at which point you| | should be free to finish off the guards with no worry. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP THE CORPORATION SHOCK TROOPS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is going after us with a vengeance, and they don't care who| | gets in the way! They've deployed some new kind of shock troops to hunt us | | down. Those animals are killing everything they see! We've got to stop | | them!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and run down the street to meet up with the shock troops. | | - Start shooting everything with the AK47. Don't worry if you run out of | | bullets, the shock troops are carrying M16's and shotguns. Pick those up | | and continue the slaughter. | | - Once they're all dead you win. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Purple guy is gone now. Head over to yellow guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT THE HACKER | | ESCORT HACKER TO SAFE HOUSE AFTER VIRUS UPLOAD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Since we destroyed the bank in Chinatown, the other banks have become | | vulnerable due to increased traffic. Our hacker, Edison, has developed a | | virus to disable the alarm systems for the bank. Escort him to the ATM so | | he can upload it. Make sure Edison gets back to the safe house when he's | | done." | | | | - Head down to Edison, he's right below you in the corner. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO ATMS << | | "Let's go!" | | | | - Run over to the ATM to be attacked by a few guards, one of which has a | | shotgun. Obviously target him first. Edison should, thankfully, head | | straight for the ATM. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT HACKER << | | "Cover me while I upload the virus!" | | | | - It will only take a few seconds for him to do this, just mash on a guard | | or two. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HACKER TO SAFETY << | | "The virus is uploaded, get Edison out of there!" | | | | - Just make a mad dash straight for the safe house, Edison is pretty good at| | following you closely and the guards will stop shooting him to pursue you.| | But they won't catch up so long as you don't stop. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: EXTRACT FREEDOM AGENTS FROM BANK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've broken into the bank to steal confidential files, but something went | | wrong! Our guys are surrounded by the security forces! Get over there and | | rescue them!" | | | | - Run over to the bank and get in nice and close to the group of guards | | outside. Unload on them with the AK47. One of them has an M16, grab that | | when you run out of bullets. | | - After they're dead a few more guards will come out of the building across | | the street. Take them down too. Once they're all dead you will get an | | update. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT BANK TEAM TO BASE << | | "We've got the information we need to take down their banking system - let's| | get back to base!" | | | | - A group of Freedom Fighters will come out of the bank. Head back to base, | | only to be greeted by a massive group of guards near the gas station. | | - Your guys will at least hopefully do some damage to them, but they will | | most likely be killed. Don't worry though, when they do you get an update.| | | | >> UPDATE: RETRIEVE THE BANK INFORMATION << | | >> UPDATE: RETURN BANK INFO TO BASE << | | "An operative has been killed! Get the information he was carrying and get | | it back to the contact!" | | | | - Find the information on the ground and run over it to pick it up. | | - There will probably still be a lot of guards left with some heavy fire | | power. Don't bother killing them all, now that you got the information | | just run back to the yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy is now gone, leaving only blue guy. Run over to him for the next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT RECORD SHOP OWNER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Hey, man! We got word the Skinz are making trouble for the locals. They're | | about to attack the record store. Get over there and protect the owner! | | He's a good man!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and run down the street to find the owner outside. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE RECORD STORE << | | "Please protect my store!" | | | | - You can follow where the skinheads are coming from with the arrow. First | | some will come from up top. But bats vs. AK47? Not a problem. | | - Take out the next group that comes from the south. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ATTACK THE SKINZ AT THE RAIL BRIDGE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Another group of skinz has set up blockades under the rail bridge to | | control their part of town. Go get rid of them, they're pissing me off!" | | | | - Run over and kill the skinz underneath the bridge. Some guards will attack| | you too, just ignore them and go for the skinz. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ELIMINATE THE SKINZ AND CORPORATION AGENTS OUTSIDE CANDY STORE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Word on the street is the Corporation is meeting with the skinz to discuss | | supplying them weapons. Go over to the candy store and bust them up!" | | | | - As you approach the candy store a bunch of skinheads will rush you. Take | | out the one with the shotgun then steal his gun and use it until it's | | empty. | | - One of the guards standing up by the candy store has an uzi, I would | | suggest taking that next. | | - Kill all the remaining guards and skinheads. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ATTACK THE SKINZ AT PREMIERE PIZZA | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The skinz are massing up at their base in Premiere Pizza. I think they're | | planning an attack against us. Why don't you go break up their little | | fiesta before they get started?" | | | | - Oh boy, you get a bat! Well it's better than nothing, I guess. Grab it and| | head over to the pizza place. | | - Start basing in some heads. The one guy has a fully loaded uzi, drop the | | bat in favor of that and use it up. Once it's out of ammo pick up one of | | the (what are now probably many) melee weapons on the ground. | | - More and more skinheads will come out of the shop. Just keep killing them | | as they do, it shouldn't be too hard, none of them have strong weapons. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Blue guy is gone now, and now yellow guy and red guy have appeared. Let's go to yellow guy first since he's closer. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT PRISM AUTO INFORMANT TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of our informants just reported that our spy at the Prism Auto | | dealership has been ratted out. Escort her back to safety before the | | Corporation has a chance to bust her." | | | | - Run over to the dealership to meet up with the informant and have her | | follow you. | | - A couple of guards will come running from the gas station and start | | attacking. Take them out with the uzi and just finish them off hand to | | hand. | | - When you get near the safe house there will be another small group of | | guards. Take out the one with the shotgun and knock the others down. Don't| | bother killing them if they're on the floor, just keep running to the | | safe house and get her inside. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT THE FREEDOM TEAM TO TAX OFFICE | | PROTECT TEAM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation must really be messing with their own people! We've got | | another batch of defectors giving us good info. There's a big stash of cash| | being held at the tax office. We've got a team waiting outside Candy Girl | | to intercept it. Lead them to the tax office and help them out!" | | | | - Head over to Candy Girl to pick up your boys. | | - Grab the uzi and head over to the tax office. | | - Kill the military outside of the office, and make sure you grab that M16 | | that one of them drops! Let your team go inside the tax office. | | - Wait a little bit for them to come back out. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE TEAM TO CANDY GIRL << | | "Ok, we've got the cash! Back to Candy Girl!" | | | | - You're going to run into a huge mob of military on the way back. Unload | | on them, but chances are your guy with the cash will get killed. No | | worries, because... | | | | >> UPDATE: RETRIEVE THE STOLEN CASH AND RETURN TO BASE << | | "Our man with the loot has been killed! Get the cash and bring it back to | | the contact!" | | | | - Run over and grab the cash. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You have the cash!" | | | | - Ignore whatever guards are left and just run back to the yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE THE DEFECTORS LEAVING MAXIS BISTRO | | ESCORT DEFECTORS TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We're staging another kidnapping to rescue the latest batch of defectors. | | The defectors are leaving Maxis Bistro with an armed escort. Bring the | | defectors back to the safe house alive!" | | | | - Run across the street to find the two defectors with a bunch of agents | | surrounding them. I don't recommend using the agents guns against them, | | as you run the risk of killing the defectors as well. Just take all of the| | agents down with your fists/melee weapons. | | - Take the defectors over to the safe house. The path should be clear. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: COVER THE FREEDOM TEAM | | DESTROY THE REVENUE OFFICE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of the defectors told us the Corporation has an extensive collection of| | records on our operation down at the revenue office. We can't possibly | | steal the information, but we can destroy the building. Our guys are going | | to storm the place, grab the rocket launcher and back them up!" | | | | - Rocket launcher time! This mission is simple. Grab the rocket launcher and| | run over to the tax revenue building. Just pump a rocket into it to | | destroy it. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "There it goes! Now get out of there before backup arrives!" | | | | - Just run back to yellow guy, ignore the military backup. | | - KEEP THE ROCKET LAUNCHER! It will come in handy for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy is gone now, go to red guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE BUILDING PLANS FROM THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS | | KILL ALL THE CONSTRUCTION WORKS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is converting a building for some super-secret project. We | | need to know what those pigs are up to! Construction workers are scheduled | | to arrive at the base via the south gate. One of them should have the plans| | on him. Why don't you go borrow them?" | | | | - Hopefully you still have the rocket launcher with at least 3 rockets or | | so still in it. Run down to where the workers are and fire off a rocket or| | two into them. It should take them all down along with the military forces| | protecting them. | | - Run over and grab the building plans lying on the dead worker. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You have the plans!" | | | | - Run back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DISTRACT CORPORATION GUARDS AT WESTCO DRUGS | | DON'T DESTROY MEDICAL CRATES | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Guess what? Our little friend Dr. Hunter is visiting the local Westco! Good| | thing we planted a bomb among the medical crates, eh? There's some security| | guys looking around the place. Don't let them find the bomb. Just don't | | damage it, ok?" | | | | - Head over to Westco and take out the guards standing there. They have | | shotguns and M16's, so once they drop them be sure to make use of them | | yourself. | | | | >> UPDATE: STAND CLEAR AND WAIT FOR DR HUNTER << | | "Hunter is on his way! We've armed the bomb, so get to a safe distance!" | | | | - Just wait for Dr. Hunter to appear and head over to the store. The bomb | | will detonate, but... | | | | >> UPDATE: DON'T LET DR. HUNTER ESCAPE << | | "He's survived the blast! Quick - make sure he doesn't escape!" | | | | - Just beat Dr. Hunter down to end the mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: KIDNAP DR. WILSON AT THE WEST GATE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've been contacted by Dr. Hunter's successor, Dr. Wilson. He wants to | | defect, but since our attack he's been put under heavy guard. We're going | | to stage a kidnapping to get him to safety. They are taking him to their | | HQ via the west gate. Get rid of the guards and lead him to a safe house!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and go down to the west gate. When you start firing on the | | guards two will ambush you with... flamethrowers! Damn. Knock one of them | | down quickly then take the flamethrower and use it on the rest of the | | guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT DR. WILSON TO SAFETY << | | "You saved me! Get me out of here." | | | | - The safe house is just a short run north, take him there. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy is gone now, and purple and blue guy have appeared. Let's go to purple guy first. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH AGENT PRICE OUTSIDE THE FURNITURE SHOP | | PROTECT AGENT PRICE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "One of our agents is trying to get back to the safe house under the jazz | | club, but she thinks she's being followed. We can't let her get captured | | or killed. Meet her outside the furniture shop and lead her to the jazz | | club safely. Watch your back!" | | | | - Follow the arrow over to Agent Price. | | - Do NOT approach her just yet. See all those agents standing around her? | | Start attacking them. This way they'll focus their attacks on you, and | | not Price. If you approach Price, the mission will update, and they will | | all just immediately start attacking her, killing her in seconds. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT AGENT PRICE TO THE JAZZ CLUB << | | "Are they gone? Great, let's get to the club!" | | | | - Go lead Price to the jazz club. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE REPORT FROM AGENT AT BANK | | DELIVER REPORT TO JAZZ CLUB | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Another of our agents is trying to get a report to the meeting at the jazz | | club, but he thinks he's under surveillance. We're gonna pull a switch on | | them. Meet him in front of the bank, take the report, and get it to the | | club." | | | | - Once you get near the bank you'll receive a message saying that the agent | | is dead and you need to get the report. You'll see it over by his dead | | body. Just run up and grab it. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN REPORT TO BASE << | | "You've got the report!" | | | | - You're going to run into a lot of guards shooting at you on the way back. | | Just ignore them and run back to the purple guy, you should have no | | problem surviving. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND THE JAZZ CLUB | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've been snitched! The Corporation is going to raid the jazz club any | | minute! Hold them off with everything you got while we get everyone out! | | Move, vato!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and gold your ground outside the jazz club. Use the arrow | | up top or the map to see where the guards will be coming from. Shoot them | | as they come. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT WASHINGTON AND PRICE TO CANDY GIRL << | | "Marcus Washington and Agent Price are leaving the safe house. Provide | | escort to their extraction point by Candy Girl!" | | | | - Go over to the back of the safe house to pick up Price and Washington. | | - Grab the AK47 sitting there. | | - There's going to be a bunch of smoke everywhere. Just wait by where you | | got the AK47, a group of armed guards is going to be rushing you from the | | south (where the purple guy is), shoot them down once they come. | | - A few more pistol wielding guards will attack from the south also. Just | | take them out as well. | | - Run to Candy Girl. The path should be clear. | | | | >> UPDATE: CLEAR OUT THE CORPORATION OUTSIDE THE JAZZ CLUB << | | "Time for some retaliation. Go clean up the Corporation garbage surrounding | | the jazz club!" | | | | - Ok grab the AK47 and book it to the jazz club, run away from any guards | | shooting at you for now. | | - Outside the club are a whole crap load of guards, a lot of them heavily | | armed. Thankfully you've been given a full recharge on your health; | | you'll probably need it. | | - Unload all your ammo on the guards. Pick up any dropped weapons to finish | | off the rest once you run out of AK47 ammo. There should be plenty of | | shotguns and a few M16's to choose from. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Purple guy is gone now, so go to blue guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT THE HACKER | | ELIMINATE THE SKINZ GUARDING THE PAY PHONES | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Skinz are paying an awful lot of attention to a certain pay phone | | outside Big J. We need to know what they're up to over there. Edison is | | going to plant a bug, but first you're going to have to get rid of the | | baldies guarding it. Good luck!" | | | | - Once you accept the mission the skinheads guarding the phone will start | | attacking you (they're right across the street.) Go over and kill them. | | - Run up to the safe house to pick up the hacker. | | - Take him down to the phone. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE HACKER << | | "This will just take a sec." | | | | - A bunch of skinheads will start running at you, but they're pretty far | | away. The hacker should finish before they even get to you. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE HACKER TO SAFETY << | | "The bug is in place. Get me back to the hideout!" | | | | - Just run back to the safe house. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT AGENT COLE TO THE CORPORATION MEETING | | ELIMINATE ANY SKINZ IN THE AREA | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We just listened to a call on the skinz special hotline. The Corporation | | want to have a meeting with the skinz in front of the bank. We need to know| | what it's about. Agent Cole is going to pose as a skin and stand in for | | them. You make sure the skinz don't show up." | | | | - Run ahead to find the group of skinheads heading towards the meeting. Take| | them out. The one guy has a shotgun, get rid of him first then steal the | | gun. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT AGENT COLE TO THE CORPORATION MEETING << | | "Cole is waiting near the Prism car dealer disguised as one of the skinz. | | Meet him and make sure he makes it to the meeting, but don't get involved."| | | | - Run over to the dealership to pick up Cole. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT AGENT COLE << | | "Okay, I'm going in. Watch my back." | | | | - Cole will walk over to the agents, stand there for a bit, then come | | running back to you. That can't be good... | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT AGENT COLE TO SAFETY << | | "I've been rumbled, let's get out of here!" | | | | - Start running to the safe house. A few guards with guns will run into you | | on the way there, I suggest quickly disarming them of their guns (whether | | that be by using a quick 360 attack or just bashing on them all) and then | | continue running to the safe house once they're disarmed. As long as they | | have no guns they'll just run after you and Cole, but they won't be able | | to catch up. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT THE EXPLOSIVES EXPERT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "There's another meeting going down between the Corporation and the skinz | | at the gas station. What do you say we just light the whole place up and | | call it a day? Escort our explosives expert to the station and make sure | | he gets the job done." | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head over to the explosives expert. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROVIDE COVER FOR THE EXPLOSIVES EXPERT << | | "I'm going in. Cover me." | | | | - Kill the group of guards coming from the right of the gas station. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE FREEDOM AGENT TO SAFETY << | | "Ok, get me out of here!" | | | | - Just run straight back to the safe house. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: WAIT FOR THE CORPORATION TO ARRIVE AT THE GAS STATION | | DESTROY THE GAS STATION | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Everything is set. The skinz leaders are already at the station. Wait for | | the Corporation to arrive and then blow up the building. There's three gas | | bombs at the front of the building. Light it up!" | | | | - Run up to the gas station to find three molotovs in front. You can use | | one of them to take out the skinheads and agents standing around, or you | | can just ignore their fire and run up and lob one right into the gas | | station. Either way, just throw one in there to blow it up. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Okay, that's it! Back to base!" | | | | - Run back to blue guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD SKINZ ON TO MUERTE 13 TURF NEAR THE VIDEO SHOP | | ELIMINATE THE SKINZ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The gangs are getting out of control, but we've got a plan. The skinz are | | massing over by the Prism dealership. The skinz and Muerte 13 have been | | feuding for years. If you can get both gangs together, I bet our task would| | be that much easier. Make sure the skinz take a beating." | | | | - Run over to the dealership to find a huge army of skinz. Run up close to | | them until they start attacking you. | | - Now run back to where your safe house is, see all those Muerte 13 guys | | there? The skinheads will follow you and meet up with these guys. Then | | just sit back and watch the fight (and kill any skins who ignore the 13's | | and come after you.) | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Blue guy is gone, and now red guy is at your safe house. Approach him for the next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ATTACK THE CORPORATION GUARDS AT GATE 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Remember those construction blueprints you stole? We finally figured out | | what they're for. The Corporation has built a genetics lab in their East | | Side headquarters. They've been making genetic enhancements to their shock | | troops to make them stronger and more lethal! We need to divert some of | | these enhanced troops so we can plan an attack on the lab. Go attack the | | guards at gate 2!" | | | | - Grab the AK47. 120 ammo? Hell yeah that's what I'm talking about. | | - Run down to gate 2 and unload on the line of military guards standing | | there. | | - Some more guards will now be coming from the other direction. Don't worry | | if you run out of ammo, several of them have M16's and the one has a | | flame-thrower! Burn them to a crisp! | | - Try to conserve some flame-thrower ammo for the next mission. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP THE GUARDS PROTECTING CORPORATION HEADQUARTERS | | PROTECT FREEDOM AGENTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Get over to the HQ and clear the guards from the gate. When the area looks | | relatively safe, our bomb experts will move in. Return here after they've | | entered the building." | | | | - If you've still got some flame-thrower ammo great, use that. If not just | | grab the AK47, it will do fine also, even though it doesn't have that | | much ammo. | | - Run down to the Corporation HQ and unload on the military guards standing | | outside. Another wave will come out of the HQ after they're dead. Just | | grab one of their M16's if you run out of ammo. | | - Wait for the Freedom agents to enter the building. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "They've in! Get back to the contact." | | | | - Run back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: EXTRACT THE FREEDOM AGENT | | ESCORT AGENT TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Reports from our demolitions team are real bad! They planted most of the | | bombs, but they were spotted and driven out. The only survivor is pinned | | down at the front gate! Get over there and help him get to the safe house!"| | | | - Grab the M16 and head to the front gate. | | - Kill the guards standing outside the HQ. | | - Run to the safe house. You'll run into some guards by the dealership, but | | it's not many and you should be able to quickly take them out so long as | | you still have ammo. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND THE FREEDOM BASE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation captured one of our operatives and have found out the | | location of our base! They're sending a raiding party to take us out. Hold | | them off while we destroy vital documents!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and take out the first wave of guards. Follow the arrow to | | see where they're coming from (or check the map.) | | - A second wave is coming from the south. They're military guards with | | M16's. Kill them and steal one of the guns, as you're probably out of | | ammo by now. | | - A third wave is coming from the same direction as the first. Take them | | out. Grab a shotgun if you're out of ammo again. | | - Yet ANOTHER wave! From the same direction as the last. These guys got | | grenade launchers too! Quickly get rid of them. | | - The last wave comes from the south. Kill them quickly. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy is gone now and yellow guy has appeared, and he has the final mission of the East Side for you! So go over to him and find out what it is. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: JOIN THE ASSAULT ON THE CORPORATIONS HQ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "With our base gone, we've got nothing to lose. It's time for one more | | assault against the Corporation HQ. We're sending in everyone we can to | | swamp the security outside. Help em out!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head over to Candy Girl to meet up with your boys. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE FREEDOM TEAM ON CORPORATION HQ ASSAULT << | | "We're ready! Let's go!" | | | | - A large group of guards will meet up with you by the gas station. They | | should be taken care of pretty quickly with the help of your friends. | | - Run up to the Corporation HQ. | | | | >> UPDATE: USE ROCKET LAUNCHER TO DESTROY CORPORATION HQ << | | "There's a rocket launcher in the HQ forecourt! Go get it!" | | | | - Grab the rocket launcher to your right. | | - Fire one away into the HQ to win! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ Alright! Yet another Corporation-controlled city liberated! There's only one more place left, and it's the Corporation central headquarters. It's time to launch "Operation Liberty", and you can bet it isn't going to be easy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CORPORATION CENTRAL [CORC] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the final stage and, obviously, the toughest. You have unlocked the fifth and final character now, named Bull. Once you jump into the Corporation Central, taking a look at the map you'll notice this place is mostly narrow, confined streets, as opposed to the larger, more open area that was East Side. Also you'll notice that there is currently only one Freedom agent, a red guy, standing in front of you. So we have no choice but to approach him for the first mission. (You may want to run around a bit first to get familiar with the area.) .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT BOTH STRIKE TEAMS TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Welcome to the front line. You can call me Shepherd. The city center is the| | heart of the Corporation. This is where all the magic happens, so to speak.| | This is where Freedom is going to take its first city back from the | | Corporation, and you're going to have a front row seat. But first things | | first. We're setting up two strike teams in the south side. Escort the | | teams to their safe houses. Move out!" | | | | - Just wait there and a team of Freedom Fighters will come out of the door. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT STRIKE TEAM 1 TO THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "They sent you?! This must be bigger then I thought!" | | | | - Follow the arrow to the safe house, it's right down the street. Watch out | | for any guards that come to attack you. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT TEAM 2 TO THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "Okay, go get the other team." | | | | - A few guards with guns will come out of the bank behind you and start | | shooting. They only have pistols so just take them out easily. | | - Once the area is clear run back and pick up team 2. | | - The safe house they need to go to isn't the same as the one the first | | team went to. It's still not far though, so just follow the arrow to it. | | - Take out any guards that pick you out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's everyone in position. Report back to Shepherd." | | | | - Go back to the red guy. | | - A few more guards will start shooting you. Just book it back to Shepherd | | they're of no concern. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy will now change is location to right outside of Toy Toy, which is right down the street. Go meet him there for your next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT OPERATIVE TO MUSEUM MEETING | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Our teams are in position. You're going to escort one of our | | representatives to the museum, where he'll be delivering an ultimatum to | | the Corporation. Either democratic elections are held immediately, or they | | face the consequences. I doubt they'll agree to it, but they can't say we | | didn't give them a chance." | | | | - Yeah, they'll agree to this alright... | | - Wait for the agent to come out of Toy Toy. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE FREEDOM AGENT << | | "Ready to go? Watch my back." | | | | - Run down to the museum and let the agent go inside. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's the offer delivered. Let's get out of here before they try to make | | examples out of us!" | | | | - And surprise surprise, the guards start attacking you. They're not very | | hard to deal with though. Just grab one of their batons and beat em' all. | | - Run back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DESTROY THE 3 CORPORATION VEHICLES IN THE SOUTH SECTOR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has three assault vehicles parked near the south sector of | | the city. Our demands stated that all assault vehicles within civilian | | communities fall back to Corporation property. Let's show them we mean | | business. Go pick up molotovs and get to work." | | | | - Follow the arrow to the agent to get the molotovs. | | | | >> UPDATE: USE PETROL BOMBS TO DESTROY CORPORATION VEHICLES << | | "Here's the petrol bombs. Good luck." | | | | - You got three vehicles to destroy, and only four molotovs. So you can only| | screw up once. Take out and go destroy the first vehicle, and then take | | out the guards so they aren't constantly on your tail, but there shouldn't| | be too many as the explosion takes care of most of them. | | - Repeat the same process with the second and third vehicle. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's all three! Back to Shepherd!" | | | | - Run back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy now becomes yellow guy, but he's still the only agent on the field. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: PROTECT CIVILIANS FROM CORPORATION DEATH SQUADS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation security is running house-to-house sweeps for our | | supporters. Word is they're going to be doing on-the-spot executions of | | anyone they think might be harboring our agents. They want to find us? | | Let's not disappoint them!" | | | | - Track down the first squad and kill them. Another group will come out of | | the building they're near once you do, kill them too. | | - Now there is another squad to take out. Follow the arrow down to them and | | take them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Very good. The civilians are safe. Back to Shepherd!" | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT OPERATIVES TO SAFETY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Now that you have stopped the search parties finding out operatives, we | | want you to escort them home, before the Corporation try again." | | | | - Grab the M16, and instead of following the arrow to pick up the first | | operative, we're going to do something else first that will make this much| | easier. | | - Go down south and turn left (to where Shepherd first was when you started | | this level.) See that row of guards then covering the whole street? Take | | them all out. | | - Now go pick up the first operative. | | - Follow the arrow and grab the second operative. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT AGENTS TO ROCKET BURGER << | | "Take us over to Rocket Burger please." | | | | - Since all those guards are now dead, just run to Rocket Burger without any| | worries. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good, they're both safe, now get back to base." | | | | - Return to Shepherd. There will be a HUGE mob of guards that swarms you, | | just ignore them and run straight back to him. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND ROCKET BURGER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "There's been an unfortunate development. Someone has tipped off the | | Corporation to our safe house below Rocket Burger. There's a squad of | | troops on their way. Make sure they don't make it." | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head over to Rocket Burger to find a group of Freedom | | Fighters ready to defend it with you. | | - Take out the first squad, they don't have any firepower so they're easy. | | - The second and third gun have uzi's and the such, if you run out of AK47 | | ammo loot one of the guns of your fallen buddies. | | - You'll get a message saying they've spotted an enforcer heading our way | | with a heavy gun. It's just a lone guard with a minigun, and he comes from| | the same direction as the rest of the guards. Kill him. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good work, report back to base." | | | | - Grab the mini-gun! | | - Return to Shepherd. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy will run away, and now green guy has appeared. Go to him. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: FOLLOW CORPORATION EXECUTIVE TO HOTEL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has called an emergency meeting of their top executives. | | We need to know where they're staying. Follow one of the executives until | | he leads you to their hotel. Don't let him know he's being followed, and | | don't get caught!" | | | | - Follow the executive around a bit until he finally makes his way to the | | hotel. Obviously don't get too close to them so you don't blow your cover.| | | | >> UPDATE: CLEAR THE GUARDS FROM OUTSIDE THE HOTEL << | | "They're staying in the hotel. Take care of those guards outside and report | | back to base." | | | | - You still got the mini-gun, right? It will make quick work of those | | guards. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | | | - Run back to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: CLEAR THE AREA OUTSIDE OF THE HOTEL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has been kind enough to place their top executives in the | | same hotel. Very foolish of them, don't you agree? Our operative is going | | to destroy the hotel. First you'll need to remove the security force | | guarding it outside. Go!" | | | | - Grab the uzi. | | - Wait for your guy to come out of Rocket Burger. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE EXPLOSIVES TEAM TO THE HOTEL << | | "Ready to do this? Let's go!" | | | | - Lay waste to the guards outside. | | | | >> UPDATE: MAKE SURE THE CORPORATION EXECUTIVES DON'T ESCAPE << | | "Ok, I'm going in to plant the bomb. Make sure none of the execs escape!" | | | | - More guards appear to the right, in the courtyard area. Quickly kill them | | and grab a uzi if you're out of ammo. | | - A few agents come out of the building, kill them. | | | | >> UPDATE: DON'T LET THE CORPORATION EXECUTIVES ESCAPE << | | "The executives are trying to escape, stop them!" | | | | - Two executives will come out now, quickly kill them before they can get | | far. | | | | >> UPDATE: STAY CLEAR OF THE BLAST << | | "Move! It's gonna blow!" | | | | - Run away once the Freedom Fighter comes out. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE FREEDOM AGENTS TO ROCKET BURGER << | | "We did it! Take me back to Rocket Burger and we'll call it a day." | | | | - Just book it back to Rocket Burger, the path should be clear. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP THE CORPORATION DEATH SQUADS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "A food riot got out of hand and the Corporation has decided to put it to | | an abrupt end. Their death squads are moving through the crowd. Let's even | | the score." | | | | - Yup, another death squad mission. Grab the uzi and run up north to the | | death squad that's attacking the Collectors Lot building. While they're | | distracted with that, quickly take down the guys with flame-throwers and | | then pick it up and use it against them. | | - By the time they're all dead the second death squad will meet up with you.| | Do the same thing to them. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's all of them. Return to base." | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: TAKE ON CAPTAIN BURNS WHEN HE EXITS THE BUILDING | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Killaz have finally started to reciprocate. They run a social club | | above Candy Girl, and it turns out one of their regulars is none other then| | Captain Burns, the man responsible for the recent death squads. When he | | leaves the building, take him out." | | | | - Grab the uzi and run over to Candy Girl. When you approach the door | | Captain Burns will start to come out, along with some guards. | | - Just mow them all down as they're walking out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Mission accomplished. Get back to base." | | | | - You'll have a bunch of Corporation agents shooting at you. Just ignore | | them and run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH THE SUPPORT TEAM AT THE MINI MALL | | DO BATTLE WITH THE 2 CORPORATION DEATH SQUADS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The state of emergency is escalating throughout the city. The Corporation | | is taking decisive action to control the city. There are two death squads | | in the area taking up strategic locations. Take them out by force. You'll | | find backup waiting for you in the mini mall." | | | | - Run over to the mini mall to find your backup as well as an AK47. | | - Head out and lay waste to the first death squad. Pick up any of their | | guns if you run out of ammo. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE SECOND DEATH SQUAD << | | "That's the first group, now find the second." | | | | - Now go and kill the second squad. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's both fire teams neutralized. Return to base." | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy is gone now, leaving only red guy. So run over to him for the next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: NEUTRALIZE THE SKINZ LIEUTENANT IN THE SUBWAY STATION | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Very interesting developments. The leader of the Killaz gang has contacted | | Freedom. The Corporation has been supplying weapons and training to the | | Skinz, which is making life very hard for the Killaz. They've agreed to | | help us if we take care of their little problem. A skinz lieutenant is in | | the subway station. See to it that he comes to harm." | | | | - Run down to the lower level subway station to find the big fat skinhead | | protected by a bunch of other skinheads. Go straight for him while trying | | to keep the others off your back with 360 attacks. It takes a bit of | | beating to take him out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN THE ID CARD TO BASE << | | "You've got his Corporation ID card. Take it back to Shepherd as proof." | | | | - Run back to Shepherd with the card. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE THE KILLAZ LEADER AT THE SUBWAY STATION | | RETURN HIM TO HIS GANG AT THE MINI MALL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The skinz didn't appreciate the Killaz new found patriotism. They've got | | the Killaz leader and are beating him to death in the subway station. Get | | over there and bring him back to his gang at the mini mall. I can't offer | | you any backup, but this should help." | | | | - An AK47? Yeah, that should help. Run down to the same place as last | | mission and lay waste to the skinheads that are there. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE KILLAZ LEADER TO THE MINI MALL << | | "Get me the hell outta here!" | | | | - Take out any remaining skinheads. The Killaz leader has a good deal of | | health, and he also fights back, so he should be able to hold his own. | | - Return to him his gang at the mini mall. | | - Return to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET THE KILLAZ AT THE MINI MALL | | LEAD A KILLAZ ATTACK ON THE SKINZ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Killaz are planning to take back their hideout in the subway station, | | but with their leader recovering from his run in with the skinz, they're | | unorganized and useless. Meet the gang by the mini mall and lead the | | attack. Show them how it's done!" | | | | - Go meet up with the Killaz in the mini mall. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE ATTACK ON THE SKINZ << | | "Yo, wassup? We got a little present for you, let's go!" | | | | - Grab the uzi in the middle of them (it's kinda hard to see) and head down | | to the lower level subway station again. | | - Unload on the skinheads, you should be able to take a lot of them out. | | - Just finish the rest off with your fists. Don't let all of the Killaz die,| | but that shouldn't be a problem. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Right on, homie! Respect!" | | | | - Return to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* The red guy outside of Toy Toy will not turn into green guy, and red guy will reappear over by Rocket Burger. Let's just take the next mission from green guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DELIVER WEAPONS FROM PRO-TECH TO THE KILLAZ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The skins are trying to take the subway back from the Killaz, and they've | | brought along some new toys for the job. We need to make sure the Killaz | | survive the attack. We're going to provide weapons so our new friends can | | defend themselves. Go steal them from Pro-Tech and take them to the contact| | in the subway." | | | | - Run over to Pro-Tech. You'll have to fight several guards with pistols. It| | shouldn't be a problem killing them, but make sure you grab one of their | | guns if you don't have one! | | - Shoot out one of the windows of Pro-Tech to reveal the crate of weapons. | | - Pick up the crate and carry it down to the contact. A bunch of guards will| | shoot at you on the way there, like normal just ignore them and run past | | them. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks, Homes. We needed some new hardware!" | | | | - Run back to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND THE SUBWAY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The skins are on their way! Help the Killaz defend the subway. This AK | | should help. Good luck!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head down to the subway to meet up with the Killaz. | | - The skinheads will come from both directions. With the help of the Killaz | | and your AK47, you will have no problem taking them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Victory is ours! Killaz rule!" | | | | - Run back up to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH THE KILLAZ IN THE SUBWAY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "While the skinz are away licking their wounds, we're going to strike back. | | Meet the Killaz in the subway. They'll give you more information when you | | arrive." | | | | - Grab the AK47 and run down into the subway to meet up with the Killaz. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE ATTACK ON THE SKINZ IN THE PARK << | | "The skinz are rallying in the park. Let's take them down." | | | | - Kill the group of skinheads standing by the monument. | | - Another group of skinheads will come out from Candy Girl after the first | | group is dead. | | - Again, with an AK47 and an army of Killaz behind you this is another easy | | mission. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's the last of them. Good work. Get back to base." | | | | - Head on over back to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Green guy will run away, so head on over to red guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: KIDNAP THE BANK MANAGER AT THE COFFEE SHOP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've got a special mission coming up, but it needs a little preparation. | | The manager of the bank is having his lunch at the coffee shop. When he | | leaves, see to it that he accompanies you to one of our safe houses. He'll | | be heavily guarded, so watch your back. Make sure the manager survives." | | | | - The coffee shop is right next door to Rocket Burger. Kill the two agents | | outside. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE BANK MANAGER TO THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "Please, don't hurt me! I'll go with you! I'll go!" | | | | - You're going to have a few guards rushing you, but all they have are | | batons. So just run past them, the bank manager will follow, and they will| | just chase you there. | | - Let the bank manager enter the safe house. The guards won't catch up to | | you until he already has. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "He's safe. Get back to base." | | | | - Run back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH THE FREEDOM TEAM IN THE SUBWAY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The bank manager was most helpful. He's provided out men with the access | | codes to some of the Corporation's accounts. Our operatives are waiting | | for you in the subway. Escort them to the bank while they make their | | withdrawal and see that they make it back in one piece." | | | | - Before you go down to meet up with the team, head over to the bank (it's | | right across the street from Toy Toy). | | - See those guards standing outside? Kill them all. | | - Now run down and meet up with your team. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE TEAM TO THE BANK << | | "Lead the way!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 in the middle of the subway station. | | - Head up to the bank. Since you already killed that group of guards the | | coast will be clear and your team will enter no problem. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND THE BANK << | | "We're going in. This should go smoothly, but keep your eyes peeled in case | | there's any trouble." | | | | - Check the map to see where the guards are coming from, and kill them as | | they approach. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE TEAM TO BLOSSOMS << | | "We've got the funds. Get us to Blossoms before they discover what we've | | done!" | | | | - Uh, guys, I do believe they already have discovered what we've done... | | - Kill anymore guards rushing you. | | - Check the map. There are guards stationed at almost each way back to | | Blossoms, minus one. Go down the subway, and by the Corporation HQ. That | | way is the only clear way. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Thanks! Get back to Shepherd!" | | | | - Go back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: WAIT FOR THE CORPORATION EXECUTIVES TO ENTER THE BANK | | DESTROY THE BANK WITH THE ROCKET LAUNCHER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We've electronically redistributed a large portion of the Corporation's | | funds. Now let's destroy the bank itself. When you see the Corporation | | executives enter the bank, destroy the building. You have five rounds. | | Make them count!" | | | | - Grab the rocket launcher and head over to the bank. The executives should | | enter shortly after you get there. | | | | >> UPDATE: DESTROY THE BANK << | | "They're in the bank. Do it now!" | | | | - Ignore the guards shooting at you, and just fire off a rocket into the | | bank. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "The bank and executives are neutralized. Back to base!" | | | | - Run back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy relocates to up my Blossoms and is replaced outside of Rocket Burger by yellow guy, and there is also a green guy out by Toy Toy. Let's just stick with yellow guy for now. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET THE CORPORATION DOCTOR IN THE PARK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "A Corporation doctor wishes to defect. Meet him in the park, but be | | careful - it could be a trap." | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head up to the park to meet the doctor. | | | | >> UPDATE: DON'T LET THE CORPORATION AGENTS KILL THE DOCTOR << | | "They followed me here! They're going to kill me!" | | | | - A few guards will come rushing from both directions, just wipe them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: TALK TO THE DOCTOR << | | "Good work. See what information he has for us." | | | | - Just chill for a bit. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO OUR AGENT << | | "Thanks. I owe you my life. The Corporation is doing unspeakable things, | | things I couldn't live with anymore. They said if I leave the company, they| | would kill my wife, help me rescue her, and I'll help you against the | | Corporation!" | | | | - Run back to yellow guy, ignore the large croup of guards by the museum. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: SAVE THE DOCTOR'S WIFE FROM THE CORPORATION ESCORT | | BRING THE DOCTOR'S WIFE TO THE PARK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The doctor's wife doesn't know he's defected to Freedom, but the | | Corporation has her under tight security. She's shopping at Clothes Pour | | Femme. Get rid of her escort and bring her to meet her husband in the | | park." | | | | - Go beat down the guards that are with her as she's shopping. | | - She will come out of the store shortly. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE DOCTOR'S WIFE TO THE PARK << | | "Who are you? Where are you taking me?" | | | | - Run up to the doctor in the park. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE DOCTOR AND HIS WIFE TO THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "Thank you so much! You've done everything you said! Could you take us back | | to your base now?" | | | | - Take them back to Rocket Burger. The path should be clear. | | - Return to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LOCATE THE SIGNAL DEVICE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The doctor tells us the Corporation is going to trigger another wave of | | mad bombers using their nanotech chips. If we can find the control box, he | | will switch it off and disable the triggering signal. Bring me that box! | | Hurry!" | | | | - There's a few mad bombers coming your way, just hold up tight and shoot | | them as they come. | | - After you will a few the arrow will be pointing down into the subway. Go | | down there. | | - Pick up the signal device in the middle of the room. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN THE SIGNAL DEVICE TO ROCKET BURGER << | | "You have found the device! Take it back to the safe house in Rocket | | Burger." | | | | - Run back up to Rocket Burger and approach the doctor. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE TECHNICIAN << | | "Cover me while I disable the device!" | | | | - There's going to be 4 mad bombers coming. They all come from the same | | general direction, so this is a piece of cake. Just follow the arrow and | | shoot them as they come. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's it! The signal is disabled!" | | | | - Just go back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy will run away, let's go to green guy now. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: ESCORT THE TEAM TO THE CORPORATION ARMORY | | CLEAR THE AREA OF GUARDS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We need some heavy firepower for our next operation. There's a Corporation | | armory nearby. You take care of the guards outside while one of our agents | | goes inside and steals the weapons. Go!" | | | | - Go pick up your team at the mini mall. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE TEAM TO THE ARMORY << | | >> UPDATE: CLEAR THE GUARDS PROTECTING THE ARMORY << | | "Lead the way!" | | | | - Grab the AK47 and head over to the armory. It's near Corporation HQ. | | - Quickly mow down the guards in front of the armory. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND THE ARMORY << | | "We're going in!" | | | | - Ok here's what to do to make this easy. Once your guys go instead head up | | to the very front of Corporation HQ. There will be 2 groups of guards | | there, one will be rushing you and the other will just be hanging back. | | Kill all of them. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE TEAM BACK TO BASE << | | "We've got the weapons. Let's get out of here!" | | | | - Since you've already killed those two groups of guards your guys will have| | a clear path back to base. They'll run there by themselves. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Well done! Our operatives made it back with the weapons! Now get back to | | your contact!" | | | | - Run back to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LURE THE CORPORATION GUARDS TO THE MINI-MALL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We are going to use a trap to eliminate the guards in front of the museum. | | Lure them to the mini-mall where we have an ambush waiting." | | | | - Run over to the museum and punch/kick one of the guards standing there. | | | | >> UPDATE: LURE THE GUARDS TO THE MINI-MALL << | | "They should be following you, lead them to the mini-mall." | | | | - Run to the mini mall. Your team will swarm them. Kill any guards that make| | it past them and target you. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's all of them. Good work!" | | | | - Return to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH THE FREEDOM AGENTS | | DESTROY THE MUSEUM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Now it's time to destroy the museum. We have some weapons stashed in the | | mini-mall along with our operatives who will try to help you." | | | | - Run back over to the mini mall again. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE ATTACK ON THE MUSEUM << | | "Let's do it!" | | | | - Just grab the rocket launcher, forget about the M16. | | - Run over to the museum. Pump a rocket or two into the group of guards | | outside to quickly kill them all. | | - Just save one rocket for the museum itself. Fire it inside, and boom! | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You did it, report back to base!" | | | | - TIP: To make the next mission easier, go back and grab that fully loaded | | M16 now. Make sure you get it before returning back to the green guy, or | | it will disappear! | | - Go back to the green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Green guy now runs away also, leaving only red guy. So head on up to him for the next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: STOP THE CORPORATION MILITARY LEADER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has called in an elite military strike force to take back | | the city. They're getting desperate, now! We must prove that even these | | elite troops are no match for the revolution. An important military leader | | is arriving with the first wave of troops at the plaza gate. Intercept him | | before he makes it into the Corporation HQ!" | | | | - Hopefully you took my advice and have a fully loaded M16. Run a little | | ways over to find a huge group of military soldiers, most equipped with | | M16's themselves. | | - Unload into them. If you run out of ammo, quickly grab one of their M16's.| | - The military leader will show up very soon, just kill him once he does. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Target neutralized. Return to base!" | | | | - Run back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: FIGHT THE CORPORATION SERGEANTS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The military has deployed two squads at the south gates. As we've seen in | | the past, the Corporation crumbles when their leaders are dispatched. Go | | specifically for the sergeants. This grenade launcher should help. Move | | out!" | | | | - There are three sergeants to take out. | | - Pick up the grenade launcher and head over to the one by the museum. | | - Lob a grenade into the group of guards to kill them, then I suggest | | dropping the launcher for one of the M16's. Kill the sergeant if he | | already isn't dead. | | - Head over to the second group, and target the sergeant. Kill a guard or | | two for their M16 if you need more ammo. Don't bother killing all of them.| | - Now head over to kill the last sergeant. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good, you killed them all!" | | | | - Run back to red guy, ignore any guards shooting at you (there will | | probably be a lot.) | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: CLEAR 2 CORPORATION BLOCKADES | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The military strike force is falling back. They've blocked off the main | | entrances to the plaza to protect the Corporation corporate buildings. We | | have the military on the run! The last wave has arrived at the plaza and | | they're trying to block off the main entrances to the plaza so they can | | protect the Corporation business park. Clear both blockades. Take this for | | backup." | | | | - Run over the kill the first blockade. | | - The second blockade will come rushing you. Kill them too. Like usual, pick| | up any of the M16's lying around if you run out of AK47 ammo. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "The blockades are cleared. Back to base!" | | | | - Run back to the red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy will now become yellow guy, and green guy and red guy will appear. Let's just stick with yellow guy for now. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET WITH THE SUBWAY WORKER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation executives are going to attempt a mass exodus via the | | subway to safer ground. We're going to make sure they miss their ride by | | shutting down the subways, somehow. A subway worker has offered us | | information in exchange for a cash bribe. Make sure he gets the money and | | see what he has to say!" | | | | - I highly suggest you grab a baton, or some type of melee weapon, off of | | a guard for this mission. I'll explain why later. | | - Head down to the subway to meet with the worker. | | | | >> UPDATE: NEUTRALIZE THE 3 CORPORATION AGENTS << | | "Hey, listen. I think the Corporation is on to me. There are three shady | | looking guys in dark suits following me. Before we can make this little | | transaction, you're going to need to get rid of them, or we don't have a | | deal!" | | | | - Just kill the three agents that rush you, shouldn't be too difficult. | | | | >> UPDATE: CLEAR THE SUBWAY OF LAST CORPORATION AGENT << | | "There was another agent! He's making a run for it, don't let him get away!"| | | | - This part is tricky. The last agent starts booking it for the HQ, and he | | has a good head start on you. | | - Quickly run up the escalator and catch up to him. He takes quite a beating| | to go down, this is why I suggested having a melee weapon, you'll kill | | him quicker. | | - Return to the subway worker. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Cool, that was some hell of a fight. I've arranged it so that the next time| | you come by, there's only going to be one guy left monitoring the power | | switch. Go get rid of him and shut down the generator. The trains won't be | | able to run. Nice doing business with you." | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: NEUTRALIZE ANY WORKMEN GUARDING THE SUBWAY GENERATOR | | SHUT DOWN THE GENERATOR | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "So you're ready for your next mission already? Excellent. The subway | | generator doors have been left open. Get over there and get rid of any | | workmen guarding the generator, then shut it down." | | | | - Head over to the subway and find the little area with the workers. | | - Some guards will be there shooting at you, but just ignore them and take | | out the workers. | | - Once they're all dead just run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND THE SUBWAY STATION | | WAIT FOR BACKUP TO ARRIVE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The military didn't appreciate the power cut to the subway. They've sent a | | squad of men to take back the station. You must hold them off. We're | | sending you some backup to help out. The Freedom network is counting on | | you!" | | | | - Grab the grenade launcher and get your men. | | - Run down and lob a few grenades into the group. Your guys will die pretty | | much instantly, but thats ok. | | - Grab any M16's on the floor and use them to finish off any survivors. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "We did it! They're on the run!" | | | | - Return to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy will run away. Let's go down to red guy. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RESCUE THE PRISONERS BEING TAKEN TO CORPORATION HQ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has sunk to new levels of depravity! This time the | | Corporation has arrested suspected Freedom sympathizers and plan to use | | them as human shields around the Corporation HQ. The political prisoners | | are being taken from the prison to the HQ. You've got to rescue them! Kill | | the guards holding them and lead them to our safe house at Blossoms!" | | | | - Run over to the group of prisoners. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT THE PRISONERS TO THE SAFE HOUSE << | | "We knew you'd come! Let's go!" | | | | - Quickly start taking out the guards and knocking the weapons out of their | | hands. The prisoners will actually fight back and help you. | | - As long as all of the prisoners don't die, you'll be good. Lead whoever | | remains back to the safe house. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good work, we knew you could do it, now return back to base." | | | | - Head back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE WEAPONS FROM THE AGENT IN THE SUBWAY | | DESTROY THE PRISON | | DESTROY THE COURTHOUSE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "We're going to make sure the Corporation don't use their political prison | | center anymore. While the prison is empty, I need you to destroy the | | prison and courthouse. An agent is waiting for you in the subway station | | with some weapons for the job. Get moving!" | | | | - Run down to the subway and meet up with the agent. | | - Grab the rocket launcher and follow the arrow to the building. Launch one | | rocket into it to take it down. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's both buildings destroyed. Get out of there!" | | | | - Return to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND BLOSSOMS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Good work! The prisoners are safely inside our safe house and the legal | | establishment is on its knees. The Corporation has sent troops to | | recapture the escaped prisoners. Prevent the Corporation from entering | | Blossoms!" | | | | - Run over to Blossoms and grab the uzi. | | - Kill the first wave of military with the uzi. Steal one of their M16's | | when you run out of ammo. Make SURE you have an M16 for the next wave. | | - Kill the second wave and grab yet another gun afterwards. | | - One last wave, except these guys come from the south. Take them out. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "Good work, that's the rest of them!" | | | | - Run back to red guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Red guy will run away, leaving only green guy. Run over to him for the next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: MEET WITH THE ROGUE CORPORATION VIP IN THE PARK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "I'm afraid I've got some very bad news. Marcus Washington was captured | | last night during a Corporation sting. They're going to execute him on | | live television. We cannot let this happen! Thankfully, we've been graced | | with some unexpected help. A top ranking Corporation VIP has requested a | | meeting with us in the park. This could be a trap, but our sources say he's| | legit. Attend the meeting and find out what he wants. Hurry!" | | | | - Grab the uzi and head up to the park to meet with the VIP. | | | | >> UPDATE: PROTECT THE CORPORATION VIP << | | "I've been followed! They're going to kill us!" | | | | - Guards will be coming from both sides, and they have pistols. Quickly mow | | them down with the uzi before they can kill the VIP. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT HANSEN TO BASE << | | "Thank you. You've done your country a great service. My name is John | | Hansen. I was one of the founders of the Corporation when we were just a | | Corporation, not a regime. I've been horrified by what it's become as you | | are. We were supposed to be helping the country grow stronger, not | | subjugating its people. When the killings started, I knew I had to do | | something. That's why I secretly funded your very own Marcus Washington so | | he could set up Freedom. I told Marcus that if he were ever in danger, I'd | | bail him out. I think that time is now. I must talk to your leader, | | Shepherd. There's no time to waste!" | | | | - Escort Hansen back to the safe house at Toy Toy, then approach the green | | guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: DEFEND THE FREEDOM BASE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is on to Hansen, and they've launched a full-scale attack | | on our base! Use whatever weapons you need and hold them off! You must | | succeed!" | | | | - That mini-gun so do nicely! Grab it and just wait. Let your guys go take | | care of most of the first group of guards. Kill any remaining survivors. | | - Kill the second wave as they come. Again, let any remaining guys of yours | | do whatever until they're dead, then kill any remaining guards. | | - Kill the third and fourth wave. This should be no problem with that | | mini-gun of yours. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You've pushed back the attack! Return to base!" | | | | - Keep the mini-gun if you still got ammo in it. | | - Run back to green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD THE RESCUE TEAM AT ROCKET BURGER TO THE CORPORATION PLAZA | | RESCUE WASHINGTON | | ESCORT WASHINGTON TO THE SAFE HOUSE AT TOY TOY | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "Hansen has told us the route that Washington will be taken to the firing | | squad. They will take him from the Corporation HQ to the center of the | | plaza. Our special ops guys are waiting for you at Rocket Burger. Take | | them with you, free Washington, then lead him to the safe house at Toy Toy.| | Good luck. We're counting on you!" | | | | - Hopefully you still got some ammo in that mini-gun, if so, keep it. | | - Lead your first group of guys over to Rocket Burger to meet up with the | | second group. | | | | >> UPDATE: LEAD THE RESCUE TEAM TO THE CORPORATION PLAZA << | | >> UPDATE: RESCUE WASHINGTON << | | "So you're the shit-hot operative we've been hearing about? Let's see if | | you're as good as they say. Move out!" | | | | - Run over to where Washington is about to be executed and mow down the | | group of guards there. | | | | >> UPDATE: ESCORT WASHINGTON TO TOY TOY << | | "Hey, just in time! No time for pleasantries, let's get the hell out of | | here!" | | | | - Just lead Washington back through the subway and into Toy Toy. | | - Approach green guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Green guy is gone now, and yellow guy has appeared on the map. Run over to him for the next mission. ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RENDEZVOUS WITH THE FREEDOM TEAM | | LEAD THE ATTACK ON THE CORPORATION TROOPS MASSING IN THE PARK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation is deploying a mass of troops in the park. I think this is | | their final assault against Freedom. We're going to use the element of | | surprise to our advantage. I want you to lead a hit-and-run strike against | | the troops in the park. Good luck!" | | | | - Meet up with the squad that comes out of Rocket Burger. | | - There is a fairly large group of military soldiers right by Rocket Burger | | as well. Let your team take them out, then steal one of those M16's. | | - Run up to the park and help take out that group of military guards! You | | should have no problem with your backup. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "That's it! The strike force is eliminated! Very good!" | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: CAPTURE THE WEAPONS IN THE PARK | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Corporation has done a weapons drop in the park to re-supply their | | troops. We're going to capture it before the troops can retrieve the | | weapons. Get to the weapons and hold the park at any cost!" | | | | - Run over to the park where the big statue is. | | | | >> UPDATE: DEFEND THE PARK << | | "Grab a weapon and hold this position!" | | | | - You got a lot of weapons at your disposal here! Grab whatever you prefer | | and go crazy. | | - Despite all the weapons, this is actually somewhat difficult because you | | will take a good beating. This is what I suggest: start off with the | | grenade launcher. Check the map to see where they're coming from, and | | lob one or two grenades over there to kill them all. You should still | | have enough grenades to take out the next squad too. Next, move on to the | | rocket launcher. Once that's been exhausted, go to the flame-thrower and | | start running around like crazy. I suggest staying away from the AK47s | | because they take the longest to take out a large group of enemies, | | meaning more time for you to take damage. | | | | >> UPDATE: RETURN TO BASE << | | "You did it! Get back to base!" | | | | - Run back to yellow guy. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: LEAD THE CORPORATION TROOPS INTO THE TRAP ALONG SOUTH STREET | | ATTACK ANY SURVIVING ENEMY TROOPS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The final battle is under way! We have set a booby-trap along the south | | streets. Lead the Corporation forces into the blast area, and Cole will | | trigger the blasts. If any of the troops survive, finish off the job. The | | fate of Freedom is in your hands. The revolution is now!" | | | | - Go kill the first squad of guards standing near the museum. | | - Now run up to the park and go kick/punch one of the guards in the next | | squad. | | - Now that they're following you, lead them to the blast area. | | - After the blast kill any survivors. Don't worry if the blast goes off | | before they even get there, it still "kills" a bunch of them. | | - Run back to yellow guy when finished. | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ******************************************************************************* Yellow guy runs away, and green guy has appeared by Toy Toy. This is it, the final mission! Run up to green guy to find out what it is, but I'm sure you've guessed it by now... ******************************************************************************* .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MISSION: RETRIEVE THE ROCKET LAUNCHER FROM THE SUBWAY | | LEAD THE ATTACK ON THE CORPORATION HQ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The last stage of our assault is in place. We're going to storm | | Corporation's Capitol City HQ. There is a rocket launcher and a squad of | | our agents in the subway station waiting for you. We want you to destroy | | each of the main buildings in the plaza, before taking out the HQ at the | | end of the plaza. Good luck! The rest of the free world is with you!" | | | | - Run down to the subway to meet up with your squad and to grab the rocket | | launcher. | | - Head up the escalator, and use the arrow/map to find out which buildings | | to destroy. The first one will be on the left, enshrouded in gas. You'll | | drop your rocket launcher if you go near, so just shoot one from afar to | | take it down. | | - As you destroy each building the arrow will point to the next. You have | | five buildings to destroy, including the HQ, and you only got 5 rockets, | | so you need to make them count. | | - Finally, after the first four buildings are destroyed, fire your last | | rocket into Corporation HQ to bring an end to this regime! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------´ "That's the last of them! This city is free! The Corporation is on the run, but no matter where they go, the resistance is waiting for them! Due to our success here, already branches of Freedom are starting up across the country. This nation will be free once again, and we couldn't have done it without you. Washington has specifically request your help setting up his new operation on the west coast. But for now, enjoy the moment. You've earned it! It's been a pleasure serving with you... Freedom!" So, you did it, you won! Congrats. Now just watch the final cut scene and it's all over! _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05. EXTRAS [XTRA] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UNLOCKABLES [UNLK] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are two main modes of play: Chaos and Revolution. Characters can only be unlocked for both modes of play via Revolution mode. However maps must be individually unlocked in both modes. Additionally, chaos mode has a few different sub-modes that you can play. Not all of these are available from the start, and they too must be unlocked by playing other certain chaos modes. Most of the following numbers I have taken from the game manual. +-----------------+ | Revolution mode | +-----------------+ Character | How to unlock ---------------------------------- McNeil | Available from the start Libra | Available from the start Spanky | Complete The Mall in Revolution mode Freak | Complete Chinatown in Revolution mode Bull | Complete East Side in Revolution mode Map | How to unlock ---------------------------------- The Mall | Available from the start Chinatown | Complete The Mall in Revolution mode East Side | Complete Chinatown in Revolution mode Corp Central | Complete East Side in Revolution mode +------------+ | Chaos mode | +------------+ Character | How to unlock ---------------------------------- McNeil | Available from the start Libra | Available from the start Spanky | Complete The Mall in Revolution mode Freak | Complete Chinatown in Revolution mode Bull | Complete East Side in Revolution mode Map | How to unlock | Score to reach ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mall | Available from the start | 250,000 Chinatown | Complete The Mall in Kaos mode | 500,000 East Side | Complete Chinatown in Kaos mode | 1,000,000 Corp Central | Complete East Side in Kaos mode | 1,500,000 +---------------------+ | Last-Clone Standing | +---------------------+ Map | How to unlock | Score to reach ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mall | Available from the start | 100,000 (3 min) | | 150,000 (5 min) Chinatown | Complete The Mall in Kaos mode | 150,000 (3 min) | | 200,000 (5 min) East Side | Complete Chinatown in Kaos mode | 150,000 (3 min) | | 250,000 (5 min) Corp Central | Complete East Side in Kaos mode | 200,000 (3 min) | | 300,000 (5 min) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHEAT CODES [CODE] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Having a tough time getting past a certain mission? Keep dying or running out of ammo? No problem, there are tons of codes for this game. Of course that takes out any kind of challenge or fun (at least in my opinion), but sometimes some of those missions are rather tough (especially since you never seem to be given the proper equipment for most of them.) Credits goes to all those who posted these codes at GameFAQs.com, because that's where I got them. **NOTE** These codes can be entered at any time during game play. +-----------------+ | Character codes | +-----------------+ Invulnerability ------- L1, L2, R1, R2, X Infinite Ammo ------- L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle Infinite Time ------- L1, L2, R1, R2, O Big Player ------- R1, R2, L1, L2, Triangle Little Player ------- R1, R2, L1, L2, X Normal Player ------- R1, R2, L1, L2, O Complete Current Mission ------- Left, Left, Left, Left, Triangle Looting on the Rise ------- R1, L1, R2, L2, Triangle Punches Decapitate ------- L1, L2, R1, R2, Square +--------------+ | Weapon codes | +--------------+ Infinite Ammo ------- L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle Spawn Pepper Spray ------- Left, Right, Down, L1, Square Spawn Taser ------- Left, Right, Down, L1, O Spawn Pistol ------- Left, Right, Down, L1, Triangle Spawn Shotgun ------- Left, Right, Down, L2, Triangle Spawn Grenade ------- Left, Right, Down, R2, Square Spawn Molotov Cocktail ------- Left, Right, Down, R2, X Spawn Grenade Launcher ------- Left, Right, Down, R1, Square Spawn Tear Gas ------- Left, Right, Down, L1, X Spawn AK47 ------- Left, Right, Down, R2, Triangle Spawn M16 ------- Left, Right, Down, R2, O Spawn Flame-Thrower ------- Left, Right, Down, R1, O Spawn Mini-Gun ------- Left, Right, Down, R1, Triangle Spawn Rocket Launcher ------- Left, Right, Down, R1, X _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06. CREDITS [CRDT] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Thanks to GameFAQs.com for posting this, as well as providing me the cheat codes. If there is something in this guide that is incorrect or you think that I am missing, please send me an email (see introduction section) and I will certainly give you credit. Until then, all other information in this guide has been supplied by myself and myself only, minus the cheat codes and what info I have taken from the provided game manual. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07. LEGAL INFO [LGIF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This document is Copyright (c)2011 by Keith McMullen. It is for personal use only, and may not be reproduced and sold under any circumstances. I do not care if you post this guide on your website; you do *NOT* need to email me for permission. All I ask is you do not alter any information contained in this guide. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. For the most up-to-date version of this FAQ/Walkthrough please visit the version posted on GameFAQs.com - this is the only place I personally submit my works. Any other website hosting my guides hold the full responsibilty of keeping them up-to-date. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Thanks for reading! ~KMFX24 STATE OF EMERGENCY FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.2 (Last revised 02/26/2012) End of document _______________________________________________________________________________