Stolen Xbox Walkthrough +++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents +++++++++++++++++++++ 01: Controller 02: Level 1 - Museum 03: Level 2 - Prison 04: Level 3 - APEK Headquarters 05: Level 4 - Satellite Array 06: Concept art 07: Legal Jargon ++++++++++++++ CONTROLLER ++++++++++++++ The default settings for the XBox Controller are as follows RIGHT TRIGGER: Run up Wall LEFT TRIGGER: Wall Hug LEFT THUMBSTICK: Move RIGHT THUMBSTICK: Camera LEFT THUMBSTICK BUTTON: RIGHT THUMBSTICK BUTTON: Camera Reset. A BUTTON: Jump, Roll B BUTTON: Crouch X BUTTON: Interact, Fire in First Person Mode Y BUTTON: Smack WHITE BUTTON: Camera, First Person Mode BLACK BUTTON: Whistle D-PAD: Access Inventory **THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS** +++++++++++++++++++ Level 1: Museum +++++++++++++++++++ Primary Objectives: Break Into the Museum - Cross the rooftops and break into the warehouse - Find a way out of the warehouse and onto the museum roof - Cross the museum roof and find a way in Infiltrate the Exhibition Suite - Locate the Basement - Disable the Secondary Security Systems Steal the Samurai Ruby - Find the Samurai Statue - Upload the virus into the security computer - Break into the samurai exhibition hall - Remove the ruby from the samurai statue Exit the Museum - Escape from the museum across the rooftops. Secondary Objectives: Steal the Jade Figurine Steal the Golden Flower Steal the War Fan Photograph the electrical schematic Photograph the five reliefs GOAL: Cross the rooftops and break into the warehouse. Walk around the corner of the building and jump across the gap. Roll under the duct, and jump to the pipe. Swing to the next ledge and then shimmy to your left and pull yourself up. Climb up the building and swing across to the ledge. Enter the door on the right. GOAL: Find a way out of the warehouse and onto the museum roof Jump to the pole and swing across the room. Pick up the HEALTHPACK. Run up the dusty wall and vault off onto the boxes behind you. Climb up to the walkway above. Jump across and grab onto the ledge. Shimmy around the room to the left and drop down. Enter the door. Use the zip line to slide down to the museum. Goal: Cross the museum roof and find a way in Pick up the TRACKER and use it on the first guard. Pick his pocket to gain the ITEM 1 LEATHER WALLET. As you approach him, an indicator will appear. Pick his pocket when the indicator's in the center safe zone. Sneak past the first guard and up the crates near where you landed from the zip line. Near the billboard, you can jump to a pipe and swing across to the roof. Jump to the next roof, and pick up the SONIC EMITTER. Shoot a sonic emitter behind the second guard. Drop off the roof and pick up the other sonic emitter. Climb up the crate and activate the emitter to distract the guard. Vault over the fence when he turns his back. Roll forward twice and pick the guard's pocket to get ITEM 10 CELLPHONE. Roll back twice and hide behind the crates. Unequip the sonic emitter and quietly whistle. Climb over the crates as he rounds their corner, and drop down on the other side behind him. Run down the passage and vault over the next fence. Run up the wall, pick up the HEALTHPACK and enter the hatch. Goal: Locate the Basement Follow the duct to its end and listen to the guards. Pick up the HEALTHPAK in the corner. Examine the locker to pick up ITEM 22 TALISMAN. Pick the lock by matching the shapes. Then use the left thumbstick and align the lock until it turns green and registers. Exit through the door. Pick up the TRACKERS. Sneak past the security camera and pick up the SONIC EMITTERS. Use your sonic visor and then climb up into the ventilation. Pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 12 A FEW CENTS. Search the desk to pick up ITEM 31 SILVER CANDLESTICK. Also pick up ITEM 18 JADE STATUE and the HEALTHPACK. Also search the desk with the red tree on it to get ITEM 24 JAPANESE SCROLL. Climb into the ventilation shaft and pick up the NULLIFIERS. Duck behind the desk and use the nullifier on the light. Search it to pick up ITEM 4 MP3 PLAYER. Search the other desk to pick up a NULLIFIER. Pick the lock and open the door. Whistle to alert the guard, and then search the locker to pick up a NULLIFIER. Hide around the corner of the desk, and pick the guard's pocket when he begins to return to the office. You will get ITEM 5 KEYPASS. Pick up the HEALTHPACK. Enter the small supply closet and flip the switch to activate the computer terminal. Search the box to pick up ITEM 29 GOLD GOBLET. Shoot the locker with a sonic emitter. Make your way around to the computer terminal. Download the map information, and then hack open the door. Just move your cursor in the same sequence as the computer three times. Crouch near the terminal, and use the sonic emitter. As soon as the guard passes, roll into the room to pick up the SONIC EMITTER, TRACKER, and NULLIFIER. Roll back out. Use your sonic visor to look out for the guard patrolling behind the door you just unlocked. There is a small dark corner that you can hide in. Make your way around him and into the open door at the end of the hall. This guard is asleep. Inside the room, pick up the HEALTHPAK and TRACKERS. Search the first locker to pick up ITEM 32 GOLD CANDLESTICK, the next locker holds ITEM 25 RUBY NECKLACE, the last locker holds ITEM 26 GOLDEN BUDDHA. This guard holds ITEM 3 CHEWING GUM. There is a crate in the corner and inside is ITEM 30 JAPANESE DART. Hack the computer terminal, and download the level information. Enter the elevator. GOAL: Disable the Secondary Security Systems. Wall hug to the edge of the pillar and shoot the three visible cameras with a tracker. Walk towards the corner of the room and search the crates to pick up a TRACKER, and SONIC EMITTER. Make your way back around the room to the camera that is guarding a door. There is a NULLIFIER behind a pillar where you should wait. Roll under it when you have the chance (this is the only spot safe from it). Then roll to the door. Pick the lock and enter. Pick up the SONIC EMITTERS. Search the left most locker and pick up ITEM 28 SILVER GOBLET. Search the second locker to pick up ITEM 33 SAPPHIRE. The last locker holds ITEM 23 KATANA. Equip your camera and take a picture of the ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC. Back in the main room, stick to the shadows and shoot the remaining camera with a tracker. Make your way around the room and pick up the HEALTHPAK. Remember there is a blind spot just below the cameras. Enter the Machine room. Climb up the generator next to you. Shimmy around until your back is to the set of disappearing lasers with the HEALTHPAK in the center. Listen for the whooshing sound signaling their disappearance. Time your jump down and run up the nearby wall and jump backwards onto the generator. Shimmy around the corner and then launch off backwards over the fence to the next generator. Time your jump down to the floor and another set of dissipating lasers. Run up the wall and launch yourself over to the pipe. Follow it across and then drop down and shut off the generator. GOAL: Break into the Exhibition Suite Now that the Lasers are deactivated, run up the wall and grab onto the pipe. Swing over the fence and search the lockers left to right to pick up ITEM 6 PORTABLE RADIO, ITEM 2 FAMILY PHOTO, and HEALTH. Exit back into the room with the cameras. Hide behind the wooden crate near the pillar. One guard will come to check out the door to the machine room. Pick his pocket when he looks at the door and pick up ITEM 17 PACK OF SMOKES. Pick the other guard's pocket to get ITEM 11 DIGITAL CAMERA. Enter the door. Roll under the mid-body-level trip beams. When you get to the beams along the floor. Jump up to the ledge on the corner, and then jump across to the opposite ledge. Make your way past the tree lasers, and then jump back across to the opposite ledge and drop down. Enter the stairwell and climb up to the top, picking up the HEALTHPAK along the way. GOAL: Find the Samurai Statue Use your sonic visor to look for the guard. There are pillars you can jump up on and shimmy around to avoid the guard. At the left of the first T in the hallway, you can pick up a NULLIFIER. You can get another one by picking the guard's pocket. At the end of the hall, at the top of the stairs, is a sonic emitter. Pick it up. At the bottom of the stairs use your sonic visor to check the location of the guard and enter the door below. Avoid the guard and roll forward quickly to pick up the HEALTHPAK, and the roll back out of view. Shoot the cameras with trackers and avoid their view. Take a picture of the relief on the wall. Hack the terminal and download the map. Hide in the shadow of the office chair if you need extra time. Avoid the camera near the door and use your sonic visor to check the position of the guard. Make your way through the door at the top of the stairs. GOAL: Upload the virus into the security computer Enter the opposite door inside is a sleeping guard and a security camera. Quickly roll under the camera so you are not detected. Pick the locked door. Pick the guards pocket to pick up ITEM 13 GOLD PEN. Enter the storeroom and search the crate to get ITEM 27 PLAIN GOBLET. Enter the vent and pick up the NULLIFIER and TRACKER. Avoid the guards and hide in the nearby shadows to photograph the relief. Pick the lock to open the door. Pick up the TRACKER from the Shadow of second display case. To the left and right of the display platform there is a HEALTH PAK. Hack the terminal to lower the security beams. Steal ITEM 19 GOLDEN FLOWER. Pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 9 BREATHMINTS. Go back to the hallway avoiding the patrolling guard. Pick the pocket of the guard at the end of this hall to gain ITEM 14 SILVER FLASK. There is a small door at the end of the all. When patrolling guard is not around, and the patrolling guard walks to the shadows, roll past him quickly and take a picture of the relief and enter the bathroom. Pick up the TRACKERS, and enter the vent. Follow the vent to the next bathroom. Pick up the NULLIFIERS from the stall. Use the sonic visor to find the position of the guard, and exit the bathroom. Pick up the NULLIFIERS. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket to gain ITEM 0 GOLD WATCH. Also pick the lock on the nearby door. Use a tracker on the security camera. Enter the room and avoid the guards. Sneak up the right staircase follow the guard until you reach a large shadow where you can hide completely in the southwest corner of the room. Shoot the two guards with trackers. If you pick the pocket of the right guard you can pick up ITEM 15 PASSPORT. The other guard has a GOLD WATCH. Follow him around the room carefully and hide in the shadows again. There is a set of failing beams. Time yourself and vault over the edge and run up the side of the display. Shimmy around the corner to the left and jump back to the wall. Shimmy around to the right and jump to the cannon display. Shimmy left around two corners and jump to the wall. Shimmy right around the corners and around the final display. Jump to the fan display and hoist yourself up. Steal ITEM 20 WAR FAN. Jump from the top of the display over the beams towards the exit. Check your sonic visor and exit the room. Shoot a sonic emitter at the end of the hallway near the bathroom. Sneak past the patrolling guard, and shoot the camera with a nullifier. Shimmy under the window and use your visor and enter the door at the end of the hallway. Avoid the guard on the lower level. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 8 CREDIT CARD. Make your way up to the landing and around the catwalk to pick up a HEALTHPAK and NULLIFIER. Pick the sleeping guard's pocket to gain ITEM 14 POCKETWATCH. Hack the terminal. Sneak your way down into the control terminal. Hack the system and use the sonic emitter if necessary. You can hide up on the wall across from the control room door, or near the security camera. GOAL: Break into the Samurai Exhibition hall Exit through the other doors in the room with the catwalks. In the next passage there is a patrolling guard and a camera. Use your sonic visor to locate the guard. There is a small shadow in one corner you can hide in. Hide in the shadow. Take a picture of the relief in the same part of the passage as the camera. When the guard passes you away from the camera. Disable the camera and enter the door. Climb up all of the stairs and out the door at the top. Pick up the HEALTHPAK Jump across the roof to the dome, and enter the exhibition. GOAL: Remove the ruby from the samurai statue. Watch the lasers. Avoid the ones that whoosh in and out. There are some rectangular grids that mark safe spots to stop. You just need to rotate down them. Grab ITEM 21 SAMURAI GEM, GOAL: Escape from the Museum across the rooftops. Pick the lower guard's pocket to get ITEM 007 CAR KEYS. Make your way back up the stairs into the other door to the roof. Avoid the helicopter and pick up any HEALTHPAKS along the way +++++++++++++++++++ Level 2: Prison +++++++++++++++++++ Primary Objectives: Break Into the Prison - Enter the Sewers - Navigate the sewers and find a way into the prison Steal the Security system disk - Locate the Security control room - Access the security system console. - Locate the warden's security keypass - Locate the chief security technician's keypass - Remove the security system disk Escape the Prison Complex - Find a way out of the prison building and exit the grounds. Secondary Objectives: Locate and steal the grand tracker Steal the prison blueprint microfilm Steal the high security inmate list Photograph the three safe locations GOAL: Enter the Sewers Search the file cabinet to gain a TRACKER. Climb up the two metal cabinets. Run up the wall and launch yourself backwards onto the pipe. Follow it to the other side of the room. Drop down and pick up the HEALTPAK. Enter the vent. On the other side, drop down. Climb up the generator and vault over to the other side of the fence. Drop down and search the locker. Pick up ITEM 21 ROCKHAMMER. Drop into the hole. GOAL: Navigate the sewers and find a way into the prison. At the bottom, avoid the lights at all costs. Vault over the fence and roll under the fence to the right. Roll under the other side and vault over the next fence. Wait for the drone to pass, and then continue to vault forward avoiding the light until you reach the end of the tunnel. You will need to cut open the steel plate. Follow the tunnel to its end and use the ledges to make your way around the room. When you get to the metal scaffolding, climb up it and over the other side. Drop down and pick up the HEALTHPAK. Lower yourself onto the ledge and shimmy around the fallen scaffolding. Hoist yourself back up and climb up it again. Jump up to the pipe and walk across to the other ledge. Lower your self over the side and shimmy around the obstruction. Hoist yourself up and enter the door. Inside, carefully make your way to the floor. Flip the two switches, and some machines should rise from the floor. Climb back up where you entered, and jump across the gap and flip another switch to raise a gate. This is timed. So quickly use the pipe to swing to the next platform. Jump to the next one, and then jump to the wall. Shimmy across the wall and around the corner. Back flip off, and pick up the HEALTHPAK. Make your way and jump one more time to reach the open sewer gate. Follow the tunnel. GOAL: Locate the security control room. You will emerge in a bathroom, interrupting a urinating guard. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 08 DRIVERS LICSENCE. Pick the lock on this door. Use your sonic visor to look for the next guard. Crack the right safe to open the door. Pick up the TRIPWIRE. Search the open locker to gain ITEM 20 PRISON LAUNCH INVITE. Exit to the next room. Sneak past the drones and guards up to the third floor. Pick up the HEALTHPAK from the niche. Leap across the gap to the next bank of cells and make your way down to the second floor avoiding the drone and guard. Pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 07 GOLD PEN. On the first floor search the crates to get ITEM 10 TIE CLIP, and a SONIC EMITTER. Also pick up the HEALTH, SONIC EMITTER, and NULLIFIER in front of the locked door. Exit through the doors on the second floor. Follow the stairs to the bottom, and hack open the door. Stick to the shadows to avoid the guard. Pick his pocket to gain a NULLIFIER. Sneak up the stairs, and leap across the gap, but do not attract the attention of the upper or lower guard. Pick the upper guard's pocket to gain ITEM 15 SECURITY CHIP. Make your way up the third set of stairs. Jump across to the other set of cells, and jump up to the pipe holding the flag and shimmy across to the metal catwalk. Jump down and enter the hole you spotted earlier. Search the file cabinets to gain ITEM 1 FAMILY PHOTO, ITEM 03 ID CARD, and HEALTHPAK. Flip the six switches on the wall. At the terminal, download the map information and hack the system. Outside retrace your steps and check the newly opened cells to gain a TRACKER, HEALTHPAK, HEALTPAK, NULLIFIER, TRIPWIRE, and TRACKER. Sneak past the lower guard and into the next room. Use a nullifier on the light and then wait for the guards to settle back down. Pick the pocket of the guard facing south toward the door you entered through. Pick up ITEM 09 PAGER. Pick the pocket of the guard facing east and gain ITEM 11 LIGHTER. If you want you can pick the pocket of the guard facing away from the entrance, but he is just holding another family photo. In the kitchen file cabinets, you can find (left to right) ITEM 23 SOCCER STAR PHOTO and ITEM 25 CHESS PIECE. Check your sonic visor and exit the room. Approach the lasers. Run up the wall, and back flip to the opposite wall. Shimmy around the corner. If your back is to the beams they will not detect you, so time your shimmy so that you can avoid all three beams. If you need to back flip to the opposite wall, so you can shimmy around the corner and over the next set of beams. Use your sonic visor and enter the next room. Look out for the patrolling guard on the catwalks and stick to the shadows. Pick the sleeping guard's pocket to gain a TRACKER. Search the lockers to gain a TRIPWIRE, ITEM 22 RITA HAWORTH POSTER, and a TRACKER. Climb up the stairs and pick the upper guard's pocket to gain ITEM 31 ORGANIZER. Check the file cabinets to pick up ITEM 14 CIRCUIT BOARD, and ITEM 27 BELT. Follow the balcony around until you can vault over the railing and behind the white lasers. Pick up the HEALTHPAK and flip the switch. The sleeping guard will come stand between the two white laser doors. Shoot a sonic emitter out between one of the doors. Use it to distract the lower guard, giving you a chance to run up the steps and hack the terminal. Run up the wall and back flip to the hatch lid. Hoist yourself up and follow the vent to its end. Avoid the drone. Search the crate near the spindle to gain ITEM 4 PORTABLE RADIO. Climb on top of the vent next to the building and climb on the building roof. Use the pipe to swing across to the adjacent building. Pick the roof guard's pocket to gain ITEM 6 DIGITAL CAMERA. Sneak past the second guard. If you pick his pocket, he is holding another tie clip. Exit. Pick the sleeping guards pocket to gain ITEM 29 RAT TRAP, Pick the lock on the cage. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket to gain a HEALTHPAK. Crack the safe to gain the ITEM 16 GRAND TRACKER. Exit through the elevator. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket to gain ITEM 30 RABBIT'S FOOT. Climb up the stairs and run under the patrol light. Vault over the railing and approach the break in the wall. GOAL: Photograph the three safe locations Rappel your way down the wall photographing the safes as you go. Avoid the drones, by dropping up or down a level as they approach you. Drop when you get to the bottom and jump in the open window. Search the lockers and pick up HEALTH, SONIC EMITTER, NULLIFIER, and TRACKER. Watch the guard watching the super bowl. Yay for distractions. Shoot out the light with a nullifier. When the guard checks the corner, pick his pocket for ITEM 2 MP3 PLAYER. The guard right in front of the door holds a HEALTHPAK, if you pick his pocket. When the guard returns to his seat. Go around the edge of the room and keep rolling in the shadows. The third guard will get up and check out the counter. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 26 ELVIS WIG, then quickly roll away before he spots you. After he returns to his seat Check out the area behind the counter to gain ITEM 28 PROTOTYPE INHIBITOR. Use your sonic visor and then exit. Avoid the patrolling guard, put a tracker on him. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 24 PACK OF CARDS. Make your way in the shadows under the windows of the control room. Search the locker for a TRACKER. Pick the guard's pocket for a TRIPWIRE. Pick up the HEALTHPAK. Hide behind the door the patrolling guard passes, and then use your sonic visor and exit the room. Tag the guard with a tracker. You can pick his pocket for another ID card. Cut open the steal plate on the north side of the building and enter the room. GOAL: Access the security system console. Locate the warden's security keypass. Locate the chief security technician's keypass. Exit the control room, avoiding the guard. You need to make your way to the other side of the control room, and pick the lock on the door. Inside pick up the HEALTHPAK. As you approach the vault a guard will enter the room. Hide in the shadows to avoid him and wait until he leaves the room. Crack the safe and grab item 13 MIRCOFILM. Exit the room avoiding the guard. Jump up into the vent and make your to the end. Exit the control room and exit through the newly opened door. Hack open the first door that you come to and avoid the patrolling guard on the other side of the windows. Check the desk to gain a HEALTHPAK, the vault out the window. Avoid the drones, and jump and swing your way around the building to the open window. Check the file cabinet for ITEM 0 LEATHER WALLET. Crack the safe to gain ITEM 17 WARDEN'S CARD. A guard will approach as soon as the safe is cracked. So hide behind the desk. Tag him with a tracker. Pick his pocket to gain a SONIC EMITTER. Exit the office, and enter the side office about halfway up the corridor. Pick up ITEM 12 INMATE LIST. Pick pocket the guard in the northwest corner to gain ITEM 5 CREDIT CARD. Pick the remaining guard's pocket to gain a TRIPWIRE. Exit through the double doors, and through the office to the stairwell. At the bottom of the stairs, hack the security code and enter the door. Cut through the steel plate and use a nullifier to take out the two drones. Use the access terminal to download the maps, and hack the system. Enter the control room around the corner and climb up into the ventilation. Pick up the HEALTH and exit on the other side. Attach your rappelling line, and then shoot out the two drones. Drop down and grab ITEM 18 TECHNICIAN'S CARD. GOAL: Remove Security System Disk. Push the switches to activate the mobile cells. Climb up them and then around to a light structure. Shimmy around to the left and then back flip to the ledge. Climb inside the ventilation. Make your way back up the stairwell. Use the technician's card to de-activate the white lasers and enter the office. Search the locker to gain TRIPWIRE. Make your way backwards and hack the door at the top of the stairwell. Check on the guard, and then exit back to the control system room. Check for the guard and enter the security room. Raise the system and grab ITEM 19 SYSTEM DISK. GOAL: Find a way out of the prison building and exit the grounds. Avoid the guards and make your way back to the stairwell. Go up the stairs this time. Anya makes it to the roof and the red lady steals the disk. GOAL: Retrieve the security system disk from Breeze Follow her over the roof, jump roll and swing your way after her. Avoid her star attacks. Grab the disk and make your escape. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 3: APEK Headquarters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Primary Objectives: Find out more about APEK operations - Break into secure storage offices - Hack into data systems to gain further information Break into executive offices - Infiltrate offices of the CEO and his staff - Locate the workstation system disk. - Use the disk to activate the terminal Access to the APEK CEO's personal files - Break into the APEK CEO's office - Steal boardroom access swipe card - Open boardroom using access card - Break into APEK CEO's office using swipe card Break into the APEK VAULT - Gain access to the secure lift shaft - Break into the secure inner vault - Disable alarm status indicator - Disable vault communication link - Disable vault security Secondary Objectives: Seal confidential offering document Turn around. Climb on the ledge use the pole to swing across to the adjacent ledge. Pick up the TRACKERS. Use this technique to turn around and make it to the platform with the electricity. Cut open the steel plate and enter the ventilation shaft. Drop down into the office and search the desks for ITEM 28 PIZZA MENU, and ITEM 20 APEK STATUE. Use your visor and exit through the door. Track the drone and two guards in this area. Enter the south office. Search the desks for ITEM 32 PAPERWEIGHT ITEM 19 WORKSTATION DISK, ITEM 10 SILVER FLASK, and ITEM 29 MANAGER'S AWARD. Watch the guards and exit back to the hallway. Enter the other room the guard that patrols this room is guarding. Crack the safe on the desk and wall to steal the confidential documents. Pick the lock on the North center side of the hallway. Pick the northeast guard's pocket to get ITEM 18 PACK OF SMOKES. Pick the southwest guard's pocket to gain TRACKER. Enter the room you unlocked. Search the desk to gain ITEM 24 PROFIT SHEETS. Pick the guard's pocket for a PORTABLE RADIO. Climb up the tall cabinets and run up the wall and do a back flip onto the pipe, shimmy over the fence. When the guard turns his back silently drop down. Wait for him to turn his back again and then quickly flip the switches, and climb up the generator and make your way out the door. Go back to the starting office and climb in the ventilation and back outside. Climb up the platforms and use your back flip where needed. Use the light poles to swing over to the platform. Use your sonic shield and enter the door. Wait for the guard to put his head in his hands and then roll behind the bookshelf. Search the desk for ITEM 22 KILLIAN PROPOGANDA. Roll back to the bookshelf and hug around the left side to the shadow. When the guard puts down his head roll across to the bookshelf. Hug around the room in the shadows until you can get behind the guard. Pick his pocket for ITEM 17 TIE CLIP and get back into the shadow. Hoist yourself up into the bookcase and pick up the TRACKER. Jump across to the next bookcase and enter the vent. Pick up the TRIPWIRE and exit the vent. GOAL: Hack into data systems to gain further information Climb on the small box and hoist yourself up to the ledge. Run up the wall and back flip onto the storage unit. Climb onto the top, and jump over the beams to the next storage unit. Shimmy around to the opposite side and back flip over to the next unit. Jump across to the next unit. At the end, drop down twice to the floor. Go to the desk and hack the system. Use your sonic visor and exit. Shoot the guard with a tracker. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 1 LEATHER WALLET. Pick the lock on the door and then hide until the guard patrols by again. Pick up the HEALTPAK and hack the system. GOAL: Infiltrate the offices of the CEO and his staff. Make your way back out to the newly unlocked door. Hide in the nearby shadow. Be aware of the cameras and their blind spots. Pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 16 PAGER. Follow the guard sticking to the blind spots and the shadows in the corners. Use your visor and enter the door at the end of the hall. GOAL: Locate the workstation system disk. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket for ITEM 09 GOLD PEN. Run up the wall and jump to the storage bank. Pick up the NULLIFIER. Drop down. Run up the storage bank, and back flip to the vent. At the end, watch out for the cameras. Stick to the shadows. Search the desk for ITEM 24 APEK LEDGERS. Pick up the HEALTPAK and pick the guard's pocket for another HEALTHPAK. Make your way round the room. Use your visor and exit. Pick the guard's pocket for ITEM 24 BREATH MINTS. Follow the guard out and into the next area. Hide behind the soda machine and pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 13 DRIVER'S LISCENSE. Climb up the machine in the corner. Jump and grab the wires. Shimmy over to the nearby platform and grab the TRACKERS. Climb up the console. Now run up the wall and back flip over to the storage units. Avoid the drone. Hoist yourself up and jump across to the next console. Drop down to the edge and shimmy around to the wires, and then drop down the ledge in the corner. Grab the HEALTPAK and drop down behind the beams. Enter the room check the window then crack the safe. GOAL: Use the disk to activate the terminal Exit the safe room, and run up the wall and back flip onto the wires. Shimmy around the storage unit. Drop down on the other side. Avoid the guards and make your way back to the ventilation shaft. Pick the new guard's pocket to gain ITEM 2 CHEWING GUM. Follow the shaft and jump down. Access the terminal. Hack the system and enter the newly opened door. Run up the wall and back flip onto the storage unit. Hoist yourself up and drop down on the other side. Search the desk to gain ITEM 21 DRONE PIECE. Run up the wall and back flip onto the pipe. Swing out the open window. Use the pipe to swing to the new ledge. Jump up and then shimmy around the corner. Back flip to the next ledge. Look out for the drone. Drop down and pick up the NULLIFIER. Hang off of the edge and back flip under the other vent. Climb up and run up the wall and back flip to the next ledge. Drop down and pick up the NULLIFIER and then climb back up and into the vent. Run up the wall and back flip to the HEALTPAK. Run to the corner and then run up the wall and back flip. Hoist yourself up and jump across to the vent above the healthpak. Climb up. Enter the vent and follow it to the elevator shaft. Ride the elevator and hoist yourself up to the vent. Follow it and drop down into the shadow. GOAL: Break into the APEK CEO'S OFFICE. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket for a TRIPWIRE. Pick the sleeping guard's pocket for ITEM 14 PASSPORT. Hack the terminal. Roll under the camera and enter the door. Destroy the drone. Avoid the searchlight and pick the lock. Enter the room, and destroy the drone. Pick up the HEALTHPAK. GOAL: Steal boardroom access swipe card. Exit out the window, shimmy along the edge until you can't shimmy any more. Pull yourself up and climb up and over the pillar. Drop down on the other side. Shimmy until you can pick up a TRIPWIRE and then shimmy back. Climb back up to the top of the pillar and jump to the next pillar. Jump or use the pole to swing to the next pillar. Jump to the ledge and shimmy around the corner. Back flip over to the next ledge and drop down on the other side. Drop from the ledge to the vent and pick up the HEALTH. Run and jump to the next ventilation and climb up at the end and enter the window. Search the files for ITEM 27 PACKED PARACHUTE and a SONIC EMITTER. Crack the safe. GOAL: Open boardroom using access card Use your visor and exit. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket for more breath mints. Pick the stationary guard's pocket for ITEM 11 POCKET WATCH. Pick up the SONIC EMITTER under the table and exit through the door. Just avoid the guy in this level and exit through the other door. Enter the boardroom. Pick up the SONIC EMITTER and search the desk for ITEM STOCK REPORTS. Exit through the window. Shimmy around and back flip when needed. Avoid the drone. Back flip again, then run and jump over to the next ledge. Enter the window. Pick up the health and exit through the double doors. Approach the terminal and download the map information. A guard will come out. Hide in the shadows until he stops searching, and continue to hack. When the beams are down enter the office at the end of the hall. Knock the guard out and crack the safe. Search the guard for ITEM 0 GOLD WATCH GOAL: Break into APEK CEO'S office using access swipe card. Go back out into the hallway and use the swipe card. Search the desk for ITEM 30 CUBAN CIGARS. GOAL: Gain access to the secure lift shaft. Go to your left and drop down at the gap in the wall. Follow the ledge around the building and pick up the NULLIFIERS. Enter the shaft. Drop down at the end. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket to gain a NULLIFIER. Use a sonic emitter to sneak past him, and in the next area use your sonic visor. There is a lower guard and an upper guard. Get the SONIC EMITTER from the large crate near the door. In the opposite corner search the two crates to gain a TRIPWIRE and NULLIFIER. This is also a good shadowy spot to pick the lower guard's pocket for ITEM 15 PHOTO ID. Make your way back to the crate to the left of the door. Hoist yourself on top of it and jump to the crates on the other side of the door. Turn left and use the pole to swing across the room. Follow the crates to the vent and climb in side. Pick up the HEALTH along the way. Do a soft drop and pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 3 MP3 PLAYER. Search the lockers for HEALTH, TRACKER, NULLIFIER and a GRAND TRACKER. Pick the lock, use your sonic visor and enter the door. Avoid the two patrolling guards, and use your nullifier to disable the camera. Pick the lower guard's pocket to gain a SONIC EMITTER. Pick up a TRAKCER from on top of one of the crates. Use your sonic visor and exit the room. Avoid the two patrolling guards again. Pick the lower guard's pocket to gain another TIE CLIP. Jump on the low crate in the middle of the room. Jump to the large misty crate with the TRACKER on it. On the upper level there is a stationary guard, and a patrolling guard. Use the pipe to swing and soft drop to the balcony. Hide in the alcove. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket to gain ITEM 26 APEK ACCOUNTS. Pick the stationary guard's pocket to gain ITEM 31 BUSINESS CARD. Use your sonic visor and exit. Pick up the HEALTH and hide in the niche. Pick the upper guard's pocket to gain ITEM 6 SWEETS. There are two sets of pipes in the room that you can use to avoid the guard. Exit through the door on the other end of the catwalk. Use your visor and exit. Hide in the niche, then pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 8 A FEW CENTS. Roll away into the shadows towards the vent. Climb inside. At the end you will need to rappel down. The guard will wake up and start to patrol. After he approaches the lasers and shuts them off, lower yourself down to the desk. When he approaches the lasers on the other side, make your move and roll through them. You can hide from him around the security terminal and hack it. Also pick his pocket to gain ITEM 5 CREDIT CARD. Roll back through the beams when you get a chance and exit through the security door. There is a security camera around the corner. Nullify the lights and approach the elevator. Hack the systems. Enter the elevator GOAL: Break into the secure inner vault chamber Open the floor. Avoid the beams as you are lowered to the floor. At the bottom, enter the ventilation shaft and follow it to its end. Enter the vault power room. GOAL: Disable alarm status indicator. Disable vault communication link Run up the metal cage and back flip to the caution ledge. Shimmy around the corner and drop quietly into the shadows. Make your way around the electricity until you can pick up a HEALTH PAK. Cut open the steel plate. Make your way to the steel cage. Climb up and back flip off to the caution ledge. Shimmy around and back flip to the next cage. Pick up the SONIC EMITTER, and cut open the plate. Hide out of the guard's view and wait until he gets done searching for you. Make your way back to the other side of the glass and exit. Avoid the searchlight and enter the first door you come to. Stick to the right side under the glass. Wait until the guard walks away. He will look behind him, so wait. When he's no longer looking roll out and hack the system once. Roll back under the glass and wait. Do this three times. GOAL: Disable Vault security Make your way to the vent in the corner and climb up. Quietly drop down. Pick the guard's pocket to gain ITEM 12 GOLD NAPKIN RINGS. Either lure him outside of the booth with a sonic emitter, or knock him out and hack the system. Make your way back out and enter the door. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Level 4: Satellite Array ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Primary Objectives: Retrieve your Equipment - Follow the guards that took your equipment - Break into the cable car building - Hitch a ride up to the mountain - Locate your backpack and re-equip yourself Broadcast the Evidence - Find a way inside the mountain complex - Infiltrate the mountain top facility - Break into the elevator shaft to the upper levels - Find the keys that open the monitoring room - Find a way into the satellite disk control room - Bypass control room security nodes Secondary Objectives: GOAL: Follow the guards that took your equipment Jump up into the vent behind the crates and follow it to its end. Pick the patrolling guard's pocket to gain ITEM 18 TIE CLIP. Pick the stationary guard's pocket to gain ITEM 10 DIGITAL CAMERA. Climb up the other crates and grab the HEALTH. Make your way to the door. GOAL: Break into the cable car building. Pick the first patrolling guard's pocket to gain ITEM 14 DRIVERS LICENSE. Distract the stationary guard under the camera away from the camera by whistling, and then pick his pocket to gain ITEM 11 GOLD PEN. Carefully activate the forklifts in the area. Make your way to the southeast corner and pick the pocket of the guard patrolling there to gain ITEM 17 PAGER. Avoid the spotlight and pick up the HEALTHPAK also. Keep rolling under the trucks and activate the last forklift in the southwest corner. Pick up the HEALTPAK. In the southeast corner, run up the brick wall and back flip over to the crates. Pick up the HEALTHPAK and climb onto the truck. Jump to the light poles and use them to jump from truck to truck. Last swing to the raised crate, and then climb on to the truck. Jump from the truck to the roof of the building and pick up the HEALTHPAK. Enter the hatch. GOAL: Hitch a ride up to the Mountain Avoid the drone and make your way until you can find the vent. Run up the adjacent wall and back flip. Shimmy under the vent and hoist yourself up. Keep avoiding the drone. Shimmy around the corner and pick up the HEALTHPAK GOAL: Locate backpack and re-equip yourself Avoid the patrolling guard, and pick his pocket to gain ITEM 12 SILVER FLASK. Near. On the other side of the large crate you landed behind, and behind the three smaller crates is a HEALTHPAK. Watch out for the camera. Go back to your landing spot and vault over the fence. Shimmy behind the cable car avoiding the patrolling guard. Watch out for the guard. Hoist yourself up and into the control room. Grab the health and squat under the windows. When the coast is clear, flip the switch to de-activate the security camera. Sneak past the guard and out the door. When the guard's back is turned run up the wall and into the vent, follow it to its end. Quietly drop down and when the guard's back is turned climb over the scanning machine. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 6 CAR KEYS. Search the cabinet for ITEM 21 SKI MASK. Hit the button to open the door, and then exit. Avoid the searchlight. Search the lockers to gain ITEM 20 MORGAN PROPAGANDA, HEALTH and ITEM 29 ANTIQUE DOLL. Pick up the health behind the vending machine and make your exit. Watch out for the cameras and drones. Pick the first guard's pocket to gain ITEM 1 FAMILY PHOTO. Pick the next guard's pocket to gain ITEM 23 MONK'S BEADS. Climb on top of the trailers or crates and use the wires and light poles to get to the southwest corner. Carefully drop down and use the wires to shimmy across to the next edge. Avoid the guard and pull yourself up. Pick his pocket for ITEM 22 PLASTIC HANDCUFFS. Climb up on the crates to the roof, and walk along the ledge until you can drop over the fence. Pick up the HEALTHPAK and run along the path and up the crates at its end. Enter the hatch. Enter the control room and push the button. Hide beneath the first camera. Search the desk for a NULLIFIER and climb over the desk to enter the storage locker. Pick up your pack. GOAL: Find a way inside the mountain complex. Hide behind the door of the cage, and use knock out the cameras and distract the guard so you can hack the terminal. Pick his pocket to gain a SONIC EMITTER. Hack the computer to open the door, and exit. There's not need to shut down the two security cameras, you already know how to get past them. Make your way to the opposite corner of the complex on the south west side. Jump up on the crates, grab the HEALTHPAK, and cut open the steel plate. GOAL: Infiltrate the mountain top facility Follow the vent to its end and drop down. Do not touch the electricity and climb up the vent. Shimmy to its end and back flip to the adjacent vent. Run up the wall and flip to the pipe. Shimmy to the end and drop down. Use your visor and enter the door. Follow the guard, but beware as he enters the door, he will wave around his flashlight. Pick his pocket to gain the SONIC EMITTER. Pick the lock and enter the room. Flip the switch to power down the beams. Go back to where you started the level and go the opposite way down the corridor to gain a TRIPWIRE. Go the opposite direction and pick up the SONIC EMITTERS, and NULLIFIERS. Use your sonic visor and wait for this guard to finish his patrol. Pick his pocket to gain ITEM 2 MP3 PLAYER. Pick the lock to the door and enter it. In the room, climb up the tall crates and onto the roof of the building to pick up the SONIC EMITTER. Climb back down and enter the door. Search the lockers for ITEM 25 SKI GOGGLES and ITEM 26 ANTIQUE COMPASS. Download the map information and hack the terminal GOAL: Break into the elevator shaft to the upper levels Use your visor and exit. Watch out for the camera and patrolling guards in the next area. Go through the gate in the fence, and shoot the camera out with nullifiers. Pick the first lower guard's pocket to gain ITEM 3 ID CARD. Hide in the shadows and climb up the stairs. There is an outcrop on the landing you can hide behind. Pick the upper guard's pocket for a TRIPWIRE. Go back down the stairs, and climb up the crates in the corner. Vault over the fence and pick up the NULLIFIERS and TRACKER. Climb on the low crate in the area and jump up to the fence. Shimmy around to the right. Over the fence and drop down. Keep to the shadows and roll under the stairs. Check out the elevator. GOAL: Find the keys that open the monitoring room. Make your way to the back staircase. This time go up the left side, avoid the guard there and use a sonic emitter to distract him. Pick his pocket for ITEM 15 PASSPORT. Climb up the ductwork, and jump over to the roof of the control building. Enter the hatch. Search the drawers for ITEM 24 SIBERIAN HAT, and ITEM 13 GOLD NAPKIN RINGS. Crack the safe to gain the key. Make your way back upstairs and past the third patrolling guard. Go through the gate in the fence and encounter Breeze. Lock her in the room and continue on. Enter the room and cut open the steel plate. Follow the duct to its end to avoid the gases. Turn around, re-enter the room and search the lockers to gain ITEM 5 PORTABLE RADIO, and ITEM 27 THERMAL FLASK. Re-enter the vent and drop into the elevator shaft. When it stops, run up the vertical vent and back flip to the ledge. Hoist yourself up and grab the HEALTPAK. Climb up the next horizontal vent. Climb up the vent and shimmy over to the opposite end of the ledge. Back flip and hoist yourself up. Climb up and enter the ventilation. Follow it to its end and exit. GOAL: Infiltrate satellite disk control complex. Stick to the shadows and avoid the guard in the control room and the patrolling guard. When you can sneak past the glass and pick the pocket of the patrolling guard to gain ITEM 30 EVIL PLAN. Pick open the lock on the door. Follow the hall to its end and enter the next room. Watch out for the camera. Use nullifiers to disable it. Hack the system. Pick up the HEALTHPAK and TRACKER and throw the switches. Two guards will approach. Watch out for them. Make your way back to the control room and hack the system. Search the drawers for ITEM 16 PHOTO ID and ITEM 9 CELLPHONE. Pick the control room guard's pocket for a GRAND TRACKER. Enter the vent in the corner. Drop down in the storage closet. Search the crates for ITEM 28 GOLD SNUFF BOX and ITEM 8 BREATHMINTS. Sneak back out past the guards, under the window, and through the door. Avoid the searchlight. Cut open the steel plate on the other side of the vending machine. Enter the shaft. Pick up the TRACKER and NULLIFIER. Follow the duct to its end. The guards will automatically be alerted. Roll over to the tall crates in the corner to your left. Grab the NULLIFIER and climb up. Take out the guard up here and search him for another SILVER FLASK. Take out the next guard to gain ITEM 7 CREDIT CARD. Stay on the upper level, grab the NULLIFIER and deal with the last guard for ITEM 4 KEYPASS. Go to the end of the upper area and vault over the railing to the same upper area. Grab the HEALTPAK and TRACKER. Jump down to the lower area and pick up the HEALTHPAK and NULLIFIER. Exit through the door. Run up the wall and shimmy over the first set of beams. Roll under the next set of moving beams. Next run up the wall and back flip. Shimmy over the next beams. Drop, run up the wall and flip. Shimmy over the next beams. GOAL: Bypass control room security nodes Run up the stairs and use your visor. Pick the guard's pocket for a HEALTHPAK. Grab the HEALTHPAK. Enter the small side door. Follow the stairs down. Enter the generator room. Vault over the fence. Walk under the electricity on the right side. Climb up on the crate and pick up the HEALTPAK. Jump up and use the ledge to shimmy around the room. Climb into the vent shaft. Follow it to its end and drop down. Crouch under the first beam then go around all of the other ones. Climb up on the wide generator and climb over the fence. Use your visor and exit. Watch out for the three patrolling guards. Make sure to cut the plates in stages, or you will be detected. Pick the first guard's pocket for ITEM 0 LEATHER WALLET. Tag the guards with trackers. Roll into the shadows and pick up TRIPWIRE. Roll south into the next shadows. You can also time it to roll out and pick up the nearby HEALTHPAK. There is a steel plate on this node you need to cut open while avoiding the guards. Cut it open and roll back to the first shadow. You now need to roll to the west shadow. Cut this plate, and roll south two generators. Also pick the central guard's pocket to gain another PORTABLE RADIO. Pick up the HEALTHPAK and pick the last guard's pocket to gain another MP3 PLAYER. Exit where you entered. Jump back over the fence, and make your way through the electricity again. Run up the generators near the vent. Back flip off to the pole. Swing over the fence and make your way through the electricity and door. Go up the stairs and enter the door. Sneak out past the guard and go down the stairs. Enter the double doors. Nullify the drone and the security camera. Use your visor and enter the doors. Pick the guard's pocket for ITEM 19 LIGHTER. Use the vending machine to sneak past him and hack open the door. Enter. Attach your rappelling line and make your way down past the three guards. Detach at the bottom and enter the hatch. Crouch behind the terminal to avoid Breeze's star attacks. Hack the terminal to lower the white lasers. Then shoot all of the electrical boxes at the top of the room to lower the power. Then run forward and hack the system. There is a regenerating NULLIFIER in the center of the room that you can use if you need it. Breeze gets knocked out of the window. Now you can interrupt the broadcast. Game over. +++++++++++++++ Concept Art +++++++++++++++ Anya Action (3) Anya (5) APEK (3) APEK HQ (3) Breeze (2) Comic (5) Forge City (2) Killian (2) Louie (2) Apartment (3) Morgan (2) Museum (4) Night (2) Prison (3) Array (4) Turtle Guard (2) +++++++++++++++++++ Legal / Contact +++++++++++++++++++ This game guide is for personal, non-commercial use only. I was not paid to write it, and you should not be charged to read it. Please do not reproduce or alter this guide, in part or in whole without written permission. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright August 20, 2006 S. Evans. I may be contacted at beatrixgamer[at]yahoo[dot]com. Please include an appropriate subject with your e-mail. Sites with permission to post this guide: