+-------------------------------------------+ |ELENA STREET FIGHTER 3: 3RD STRIKE FAQ 1999| v1.3 +-------------------------------------------+ "It is sad to hate people. Let's try to understand each other and get along instead.." -(Elena to Urien) By: Star Scream (foo82@hotmail.com) NOTE: THIS FAQ REQUIRES THAT YOU HAVE SEMI-DECENT KNOWLEDGE ON STREET FIGHTER 3: 3RD STRIKE. THIS KNOWLEDGE CONTAINS TOPICS SUCH AS THE DASH, BACKSTEP, HIGH JUMP, HIGH AND LOW PARRY, MID-AIR PARRY, VARIOUS THROW TECHNIQUES, LEAP ATTACKS AND EX TECHNIQUES. ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT NESSASARY, KNOWLEDGE ON STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 3 (ADON AND CAMMY) AND KING OF FIGHTERS (BENIMARU AND IORI) WILL ALSO HELP. AS REFERENCES TOWARDS THESE GAMES WILL BE MADE DURING THE COARSE OF THIS FAQ. THANK YOU.. +-----+ |INDEX| +-----+ [1]-Introduction [2]-Why use Elena? [3]-What type of character is Elena? [4]-Move legend [5]-Notes on Elena's normals [6]-Elena's normals [7]-Notes on Elena's specials [8]-Elena's specials [9]-Notes on Elena's super arts [10]-Elena's super arts [11]-Super art selection [12]-Credit to +----------------+ |[1]-Introduction| +----------------+ "It was a great fight! I wanted it to last forever" -(Elena) In 3rd Strike Elena continues to seek a mysterious wealthy man in the Mediterranean who might be able to aid her on a quest to cure her dying people. Elena is a bright and young teenage girl who wants nothing more but to witness the safety of her people and to make a few friends (Ubuki + Yun). She efficiently makes use of the Capoeira style of fighting which was taught to her at a very young age... +------------------+ |[2]-Why use Elena?| +------------------+ One of the reasons I took interest towards Elena is because she is a combination of my two favorite characters from Street Fighter Alpha 3, which are Cammy and Adon. Elena shares many similarities between these two characters and in my opinion she is better than both of them. Elena is different and for this reason alone you should be considering her selection in your next fight. She has the capabilities to beat any other player in the game and if the area in which you play is anything like mine, you will find yourself playing a lot of shotokan players. Well, Elena has numerous ways to counter shotokan players and get around their tactics. One other reason to use Elena is because she is one of the few characters in the game that is able to EX all her specials! (The others being: Urien, Twelve, Remy and Chun-Li) +--+ If a special move has EX capabilities, when you perform the move |EX| press 2 attack buttons at the end of the command (instead of the +--+ usual one) to perform it's EX variation. For example: Hugo's Shock Wave: D,DB,B+(any)P Hugo's EX Shock Wave: D,DB,B+(any)2P By pressing 2 punches (2P), Hugo will now activate an advanced version of the Shock Wave. The move will now inflict more damage. Characters such as Akuma/Gouki + Gill have no EX moves.. +----+ Using an EX move consumes a portion of your Super Meter. If you |Note| perform an EX move without enough power on your Super Meter you +----+ will fail to perform the EX variation and you character will perform his/her normal version of that special. +------------------------------------+ |[3]-What type of character is Elena?| +------------------------------------+ The best way to describe Elena's fighting techniques would be a combination of Adon and Cammy. She lacks a projectile (i.e Ryu) and is no big grappler (i.e Hugo). Elena is a short ranged hit and run character. Most of her specials require you to be close to you opponent or mid-ranged. Elena possesses quick leaping attacks and if used efficiently can be one of the most annoying characters in the game. She has many moves that allow her to get in quick hits and recover very well. It is also possible to say that she is one, if not the fastest character in the game... +---------------+ |[4]-Move legend| +---------------+ [LK]-Light Kick/Short [MK]-Medium Kick/Forward [HK]-Heavy Kick/Roundhouse [LP]-Light Punch/Jab [MP]-Medium Punch/Strong [HP]-Heavy Punch/Fierce [F]-Forward [B]-Back [U]-Up [D]-Down [DF]-Down-Forward [UF]-Up-Forward [UB]-Up-Back [DB]-Down-Back +----------------------------+ |[5]-Notes on Elena's normals| +----------------------------+ One thing that sets Elena apart from the rest of the 3rd Strike characters is that she has no punches. Elena's punches are basically high kicks. Use this to your advantage. When in close, mix up the basic chains. Due to her speed and her attacks resembling kicks your opponent will not know whether to block/parry high or low. If you find yourself in this position but your opponent simply turtles (blocks low), throw them. If you find that tactic to cheap for your liking substitute the throw for an overhead attack (i.e F+MP/MK+MP or a LP Mallet smash). Notice that Elena's punch attacks (high kicks) seem to have more range then her basic kick attacks. For this reason it is recommend that if you wish to play a poking game, use her punch attacks (high kicks). Poke your opponent back, when you believe that they are to close then use a LK Spinning Scythe. Completion of all steps of the Spinning Scythe is up to you. It is recommended that you complete all 3 steps if you are 1 inch away from your opponent. If any closer, 2 steps are recommend due to the recovery time (more information on Spinning scythe in [8]-Elena's specials). Also note that Elena's light attacks are some of the fastest in the game. +-------------------+ |[6]-Elena's normals| +-------------------+ "You are too old to stand a chance against me!" -(Elena to Oro) +---------------+ Standing it is a high kick aimed at you opponents |Light Punch/Jab| head. Crouching it is a kick aimed at your opponents +---------------+ mid-section. This is one of the fastest pokes in the game. Use this often when in close you wear you opponent down. Great linker also.. Rating: 3.7/5 +-------------------+ Elena's standing Medium Punch looks very similar |Medium Punch/Strong| Light Punch. Its crouching counter part is also +-------------------+ the same as her crouching Light Punch. The Light Punch should be your choice over the medium due to its speed and difficulty to parry. It is recommended that you do not use this move in the air as its reach is not great.. Rating: 2.3/5 +------------------+ Along with Elena's Light Punch, Light Kick and |Heavy Punch/Fierce| Medium Kick, this should be one of your most used +------------------+ normals. While standing Elena will execute a kick aimed at your opponents head (like its medium and light counter parts), this will go over a crouching opponent. Crouching it looks like the medium and light punch crouches. While crouching it has greater recovery time and can be used to catch late jumpers. Rating: 3.1/5 +----------------+ While standing Elena will give a short and sharp poke |Light Kick/Short| towards your opponents shin area. When crouching +----------------+ (like the Light Punch)it is one of her best pokers. Also can be used as a linker to specials and super arts (i.e Scratch Wheel/Spinning Beat). Also mix it in with crouching Light punches to wear your opponent down. Once again, this is one of the fastest normals in the game and should play a great role during combat... Rating: 3.8/5 +-------------------+ When standing Elena will direct a strong kick |Medium Kick/Forward| towards your opponent's mid-section. The recovery +-------------------+ is not as good as it could be. You may find good opponents that will parry it and counter. Stick with the Light Punch and Light Kick due to their great speed. Rating: 2.4/5 +---------------------+ While standing Elena will throw a high kick that |Heavy Kick/Roundhouse| is similar to her standing Heavy Punch. The +---------------------+ recovery time it slighting slower than her standing Medium Kick and for this reason you should only use it if you can connect. It's range is too short to make it a great poker. While crouching Elena will extend both her legs out in an attempt to trip her opponent. This has excellent range, but the recovery time is long. Fast opponents will be able to block your attempted crouching HK and trip you back. When used with DF (Down-Forward), Elena will execute her command attack which is a slide trip. This modified trip will slide under shotokan fireballs. Note that the recovery time on the slide is so bad that you should stay away from it all together, unless you slide under a shotokan fireball (because you will surely to hit your opponent in this case). Rating: 2.9/5 +-----------------------------+ |[7]-Notes on Elena's specials| +-----------------------------+ Elena's specials are effective against any opponent if done right. Use the Scratch Wheel on jumpers or to combo into (from a LK). The Rhino Horn should be used on a stunned opponent if you don't have a super ready. The Rhino Horn can also be used to step up a Healing session. After connecting with a HK Rhino Horn quickly dash back once or twice and begin Healing. Use the Lynx Tail for maximum damage against stray super arts and when your opponent misses you with a special. The Mallet Smash should be used constantly to apply pressure on your opponent. Its recovery time is great so in most cases you will get away with it. Lastly the Spinning Scythe. This move will do great amounts of damage to your opponent and the recovery time is also great. Know what specials to do and when to do them. Remember that you don't win games with just specials. Mix in Light poking attacks to wear your opponent down and bring then down slowly. +--------------------+ |[8]-Elena's specials| +--------------------+ "It's okay! Take it easy! There's no use crying after losing the battle!" -(Elena to Yun) +-------------+ |Scratch Wheel| How to perform: F,D,DF+(any)K +-------------+ EX: YES The Scratch Wheel is you basic anti-air special. When performed Elena will swing her leg upwards and leap into the air. It knocks down on contact and is able to be comboed (i.e from a LK). Use the Scratch wheel often to scare you opponent from jumping in. As with most anti-air specials the light version will cause less recovery time (LK in this case) and the heavy version (HK in this case) will do the most damage but has the longest recovery time. It is recommend that you stick to Elena's heavy kick version. The light kick version does have a great recovery time but ends to quickly. In some cases you will perform the LK Scratch Wheel and it will finish while you opponent is still in the air. The real problem with the Scratch Wheel is it's invincibility (lack of). When opponents such as Sean perform the Ryubi-Kyaku and you perform the Scratch Wheel most of the time you will also take damage and the Scratch Wheel will not totally cease the Ryubi-Kyaku. But this problem can be overcome by performing the Scratch Wheel in advanced. When you being to see you opponent jump perform the Scratch Wheel earlier than you would with a Shotokan dragon punch. In EX mode the Scratch Wheel will gain more vertical and horizontal leap. Elena will also inflict additional damage if it connects. Rating: 3.8/5 +------------+ |Mallet Smash| How to perform: F,DF,D,DB,B+(any)P +------------+ EX: YES The Mallet Smash is Elena's most versatile special. When performed Elena will leap towards and kick downwards at an uncanny pace. The closest move I can relate this to is Adon's jaguar kick in Street Fighter Alpha 3. Unlike the jaguar kick, the Rhino Horn doesn't arc as high. It has a great recovery time and best of all is an overhead attack (great at surprising turtles). Although the Mallet Smash doesn't inflict a great amount of damage it should be used every now and again to catch ducking opponents by surprise. The Mallet Smash is also great for leaping over shotokan fireballs. If the Mallet Smash is done too close to you opponent you will find Elena leap over your opponent. You will also be left open for a brief moment. Due to this move containing a leap at the start it can not be comboed. Rating: 4/5 +---------------+ |Spinning Scythe| How to perform: (x3 MAX)D,DB,B+(any kick)P +---------------+ EX: YES When performed Elena will go into a series of medium height kicks. The command can be entered up to a maximum of 3 times for full effect. If the first kick of the Spinning Scythe connects and you continue the 2nd and 3rd commands of the Spinning Scythe, they will also connect. This move is basically a small 3 hit combo. The move has great recovery and is good for applying pressure to an opponent or to simply force your opponent back. Due to this moves recovery do it when ever you get the chance. Even if you opponent is going to block all 3 hits. If you execute a HK Spinning Scythe and all three hits connect with your opponent it does tremendous amounts of damage. In EX mode the Spinning Scythe is faster and does great amounts of damage. Also a great move against late jumpers. It is sometimes possible to trick your opponent into thinking you are going to apply all 3 hits of the Spinning Scythe, when you only perform 2. They will anticipate a 3rd and in this time you have a quick opportunity to hit them with an overhead (MK+MP) or throw. Rating: 3.8/5 +----------+ |Rhino Horn| How to perform: B,DB,D,DF,F+(any)K +----------+ EX: YES The Rhino Horn is Elena's most devastating special in her arsenal. When performed there is a small amount of start up to begin with... Elena will then leap towards her opponent (at a speed that resembles Sean's Hadou Burst) and kick them. The move travels 3/4 of the screen (when executed with HK) and knocks you opponent down on impact. I have noticed that this move is difficult to parry for an opponent due to its surprising speed. The main reason in which you should not be using the Rhino Horn is its bad recovery. When blocked/parry you will be open for around 1 second and your opponent will get in a free hit (for some reason, most human opponent usually only counter with a crouching HK). The Rhino Horn is great to use for a cheap win if you opponent has 1 or 2 amounts of ticking damage left. Other than that only use it to surprise you opponent 1 once or twice. It is not bad against late jumpers either. In EX mode Elena gains more pace and does a heap of damage. Rating: 2.6/5 +---------+ |Lynx Tail| How to perform: B,D,DB+(any)K +---------+ EX: YES The Lynx Tail is basically Benimaru's Shinku Katategoma (from King of Fighters). When performed Elena will stand on her hands while swinging her legs in a fluid motion along the ground. She goes into her first set of swings, halts, then goes into another set of swings (with her legs). A good player will use a crouching HK while you are in the pausing session. The Lynx Tail's recovery is dependent on how deep you are. If you are just in Crouching HK range you will be able to get out of the Lynx Tail. Any closer and fast characters such as Yun and Yang will be able to combo you. It has a slight start up that makes this special slow in comparison to her others. It is possible to connect with this move against missed super arts and stray Dragon punches. If you can manage to make it connect it is one of her most damaging specials. Rating: 2.9 +-------------------------------+ |[9]-Notes on Elena's super arts| +-------------------------------+ Like every other character in 3rd Strike, Elena has 3 different super arts. 2 of her super arts are damaged based attacks, while her third (which is my favorite) super art rejuvenates her. Against the cpu it is probably advised that you select one of the first two super arts (as the computer seems to have a habit of instantly hitting you out of your healing session). The Spinning Beat can be comboed into at uncanny speeds but keep in mind that if you cancel a special into a super art, the super art's damage will be reduced. Note that of the 2 damaged based super arts, the Brave Dance has start up at the beginning (this will make it more difficult to combo into), while the Spinning Beat comes out the instant you execute it (great wake up call!).. +-----------------------+ |[10]-Elena's super arts| +-----------------------+ "The beat of the earth...the sound of the wind...you should feel it too..." -(Elena) +-------------------------+ |Super art 1.Spinning Beat| How to perform: D,DF,F(x2)+(any) Kick +-------------------------+ The Spinning Beat can be charged up by a maximum of 3 separate levels. Depending on which kick you use to activate it (LK/MK/HK) will set of different levels. Using LK will set off level 1, MK level 2 and HK level 3. The Spinning Beat is Elena's standard damage based attack. When performed Elena will begin a number of attacks that resemble cartwheels. The Spinning Beat can also catch jumping opponents but is recommend that you use it on a grounded opponent for maximum effect. Any opponent foolish enough to parry the Spinning Beat will succeed, only to then be hit by the attacks that follow. Against a good opponent don't use this unless you are positive it will connect. The recovery lag after a blocked Spinning Beat leaves you open for your opponent to do just about anything. Best if comboed from a LP then LK. Use it for wake up calls! Rating: 3.7/5 +-----------------------+ |Super art 2.Brave Dance| How to perform: D,DF,F(x2)+(any) Kick +-----------------------+ This super art can be charged to a maximum of 2 levels. Once again it is a damaged based super art (inflicts damage) that if connects can do large amounts of damage. While the Spinning Beat has no start up, the Brave Dance does. Elena will first leap forward then go into a series of somersaults. If blocked it is very punishable. The only advantage I can see that the Brave Dance has over the Spinning Beat is its leaping effect at the beginning which can help you connect without having to be right next to your opponent. For example if Hugo performs an Earthquake Bomb and fails because you were to far, a Brave Dance will dash up to Hugo and start to attack. While in that situation you would have to firstly Dash up to Hugo manually (tap F,F) then start a Spinning Beat. Once again, a blocked Brave Dance is punishable. If the Brave Dance is blocked it will not go into the rest of the move (like Sean's Hyper Tornado and Iori's Maiden Masher). Due to this, it will not get you any ticking damage. Note that you can also use the Brave dance as an anti- air against late jumpers. Rating: 3.8/5 +-------+ |Healing| How to perform: D,DF,F(x2)+(any)Punch +-------+ Healing is one of the most underrated super arts in the entire game. It is also probably the most innovative super art in a Capcom game yet! When executed Elena will crouch low and flash. During this time a portion of her health will be regenerated. If you are hit during a Healing session Elena will stand up and the Healing will come to a halt. Overall you need around 3 seconds for the Healing to complete. When you opponent thinks they have won the match, commence Healing and your right back in it. With a combination of well timed Heals and specials (to get your super meter up), its possible to stay in a match forever (and win many time overs). The amount of life that Elena will receive from a full Healing session has been boosted greatly (from 2nd Impact). With a whole 3 seconds Healing you will receive a bit over 1 quarter of your life back. This is one of the most underrated super arts in the entire game. Rating: 4.1/5 +------------------------+ |[11]-Super art selection| +------------------------+ The human opponent you are playing against should be a deciding factor in which super art you select. The following is a recommend list of which super arts should be used against a certain opponent (also in order of usefulness)... +----+ 1.Spinning Beat |Alex| 2.Healing +----+ 3.Brave Dance In Alex's case all Elena's super arts can be put to use. Spinning Beat and the Brave Dance can be useful for the brunt of your attacks. While specials and well timed Heals can keep you in the game forever. After connecting with a HK Rhino Horn dash back. This is the moment when it is probably best to begin a Healing session. Use the Spinning Beat (to your advantage) after you block/parry Alex's Air Stampede. It's also possible to begin a Brave Dance the moment Alex rushes towards you with an Elbow Smash for a guaranteed hit.. +-------+ 1.Brave Dance |Chun-Li| 2.Spinning Beat +-------+ 3.Healing In this case Healing will not be as effective (but not useless). Chun-Li can simply cease your healing session with a well timed fireball. But still.. her fireball doesn't seem to have as much priority as that of the shotokan's. For this matter Healing still makes a fun and plausible battle. After connecting with a HK Rhino Horn dash back and then start to Heal. The Spinning Beat and Brave Dance should be comboed into Chunners from a standing LK and executed straight after a stray Spinning Bird Kick. For a guaranteed hit use the Brave dance on a stray Hyakuretsu-Kyaku.. +------+ 1.Brave Dance |Dudley| 2.Healing +------+ 3.Spinning Beat Pressure you opponent by walking backwards and forwards constantly. Don't make a move until your opponent does, then when they make a mistake strike with the Brave Dance. Mistakes such as a blocked/Parried Machine-Gun Blows and stray Jet Uppercut. Healing can be great against a Dudley that is obsessed with Cross Counters. When you see Dudley execute the Cross Counter, begin a Healing session. Try not to trade hits with Dudley when he is using the Cross counter as you will take the brunt (due to Elena not being able to take hits as well as the other characters in the game).. +-----+ 1.Spinning Beat |Elena| 2.Healing +-----+ 3.Brave Dance The Spinning Beat should be your first pick for an effective super art. This is mainly due to the fact that Elena players attempt a number of jump in attacks during the coarse of battle. The Spinning Beat is good for catching stray jumpers. Healing is also useful due to the fact that Elena (opponent) will need to be close to stop you. So at a full screen length kick back and begin to heal. Dash forward and make use of the Brave Dance when Elena misses a Scratch Wheel or if you see a Mallet Smash approaching... +-----------+ 1.Brave Dance |Gouki/Akuma| +-----------+ In my opinion probably the best character in the entire game! Gouki/Akuma can be a very hard character to select a super art against. Healing is definitely out of the question as Gouki/Akuma has multiple counters to cease your healing sessions. It may also be hard to connect with the Spinning Beat due to its short range and Gouki's/Akuma's keep away tactics. For this reason you should stick with the Brave Dance. Punish Gouki/Akuma's stray Dragon punches and misses super arts with the Brave Dance for maximum effect... +----+ 1.Healing |Hugo| 2.Brave Dance +----+ 3.Spinning Beat Once you master the art of Healing you can win many matches against slow characters such as Hugo. Dash back from Hugo and execute Healing when you have some distance between one another. The Brave Dance should be used when Hugo attempts a grapple and misses. Combo the spinning beat from a HK jump into a standing LK but only if you are sure it will connect. Never underestimate the power of Hugo. In my opinion he is one of the best character in 3rd strike (Along with Remy).. +-----+ 1.Brave Dance |Ibuki| 2.Spinning Beat +-----+ You should cross Healing off you list because Ibuki has numerous ways to punish you once you initiate it. The Brave Dance is obviously your best option. Because it is so quick you can execute it the moment she descends from the Hien and Kunai Dagger.. Combo the Spinning Beat when leaping over her stray attacks. +-----------+ 1.Brave Dance |Ken Masters| 2.Spinning Beat +-----------+ Another great characater! Ken will fireball you out of Healing so use the Brave Dance on Ken's stray super arts and Dragon punches. If your playing a shotokan that uses a lot of fireballs leap over them and combo into the Spinning Beat. Wait for Ken to strike first then you react to the situation. Do not attempt to play offensive because a good Ken opponent has a move up his sleeve for everything you throw at him/her. I have found that by walking backwards most Shotokan players will see this as an opportunity to throw a fireball at you. So when up close, being to walk backwards and when your opponent throws the fireball jump over it and combo into a Spinning Beat. This is a good trap that works on some Shotokan opponents. +------+ 1.Spinning Beat |Makoto| 2.Healing +------+ 3.Brave Dance After blocking a Hayate go into a HK Scratch Wheel then cancel into the Spinning Beat. Due to Makoto's lack of a projectile, Healing is possible in this battle.. Use healing to give you the edge. The Brave Dance should not be used after blocking a Hayate due to the tiny amount of start up at the beginning. Instead make use of it after a stray Fukiage.. +-----+ 1.Spinning Beat |Necro| 2.Healing +-----+ 3.Brave Dance Jump in and combo into the Spinning Beat to wear him down.. If you decide on the Brave Dance be sure you can connect or Necro will punish you severely for your efforts. Healing can play a great role against Necro. Although his extendible limbs may poke you, if you dash back and make just enough room to start a Healing session on most occasions you should be okay. If Healing is the super art that you wish to select use it as often as possible while still applying pressure on Necro. If you have an efficient amount of life left don't simply use Healing when the times comes. Against Necro you should wait until you obtain a good opportunity, then perform it. Most Necro human opponents don't react in time to stop your Healing as it comes out surprisingly quick... +---+ 1.Healing |Oro| 2.Spinning Beat +---+ Playing against an Oro Healing is the key to your victory. Due to your opponent having to have to charge to throw a projectile at you (to stop the Healing) you can basically almost always get away with it. If you play your cards right and time your Healings you can basically Stay in the entire match. With the Spinning Beat I suggest that you use it when you leap over a Nichirin-Sho and then combo.. +-+ 1.Spinning Beat |Q| 2.Heal +-+ 3.Brave Dance All supers work very well against Q. If Healing is used efficiently it is possible to stay in the game forever (against Q). Block/Parry his lunging attacks (Dashing Head Attack/Leg Attack) and counter with the Spinning Beat. The Brave dance will not work as effectively as the Spinning Beat due to its small start up lag at the start. For this reason it is recommended that you stick with the Spinning Beat for a Damage based super art (this doesn't mean it is useless). The Spinning Beat should also be used as a wake up call if your opponent is standing on top of you. Although if timed right the Brave Dance can counter an incoming Dashing Head/Leg Attack for a guaranteed hit.. +----+ 1.Healing |Remy| 2.Brave Dance +----+ If your playing an expert Remy.. well good luck! Because you're going to need it. Remy is simply one of the most devastating characters in the game. Healing is actually plausible in this match up due to Remy having to charge to throw his projectile. Because Healing takes about 3 seconds to complete you will have the upper edge. Use Healing wisely to stay in the match. The Brave Dance would have to be your second choice. Because the Brave Dance begins with a small dash of invincibility, you will be able to catch Remy during/after his Rising Rage Flash. Most Remy opponents that you will play may turtle so remember what your overhead attacks are for (MK+MP). Oh and one last thing, If you opponent selects Hundo no Supernova as their super art try not to jump over their projectiles. The moment you jump over his/her projectile they will Hundo no Supernova you for a great deal of damage. Parry all Remy's projectiles until your opponent decides to take the match to you.. +---+ 1.Brave Dance |Ryu| 2.Spinning Beat +---+ One of the best characters in the game! Just about every good Ryu player will fireball you before you Healing is complete or jump in with an old school combo (Jump in HK, crouching MK, fireball). Your going to have to use the Brave Dance and catch him during a Hurricane Kick or stray Dragon punch. The Spinning Beat plays it's part when you leap over a fireball and combo into it (Jump in HK, standing LK, Scratch Wheel, cancel into a Spinning Beat). Like Dudely, don't make a move. Pace backwards and forwards and wait for your opponent to strike first then counter it. Playing an offensive game against a good Ryu opponent will be your downfall... +----+ 1.Spinning Beat |Sean| 2.Healing +----+ 3.Brave Dance Sean's lack of a fireball in my opinion makes him better (than the other shotokans) and will make it a tiny bit harder for you to find an opening. The Spinning Beat and Brave Dance can basically be used for the same purposes against a human Sean opponent. Punish Sean with them accordingly after stray Dragon Smashes and missed Hyper Tornado. With timing (once again) Healing can keep you the match forever. Keep an eye out for the Sean Tackle, you can counter it with a Brave Dance for a guaranteed hit. +------+ 1.Spinning Beat |Twelve| 2.Brave Dance +------+ 3.Healing The Spinning Beat will not be that hard to combo into Twelve due to his lack of an efficient anti-air. You will be able to find an opening within Twelve after parrying/blocking the D.R.A. Healing is not definitely out of the question as most human opponents find it hard to react with an accurate N.D.L in time. +-----+ 1.Spinning Beat |Urien| 2.Healing +-----+ The Spinning Beat should be your best choice against a Urien opponent. Leap over his projectiles and combo into it. This is probably the only way your are going to be able to super art a good Urien opponent. Although it's possible to Spinning Beat a stray/blocked/parried Vicious Knee Drop (but a good Urien player will never miss with it). Most human opponents will not be able to react in time for your Healing session, so Healing is possible against Urien. Once you initiate a healing session some good opponents will actually positional themselves while you are healing and Aegis Reflector you (sometimes even more than once). The Brave Dance is not really practical in this particular battle because you may find it hard to obtain an opening against a good Urien player (due to multiple keep away tactics).. Capcom have actually beefed up the Chariot Attack and you may find it hard to Spinning Beat counter it. Play it safe and don't take any unnecessary risks.. +----+ 1.Spinning Beat |Yang| 2.Healing +----+ 3.Brave Dance The Spinning Beat is the best super art against Yang. This is due to it having no start up time and ability to catch your opponent while jumping. This is vital if you wish to match Yang in speed. When Yang is away from you, start to Heal. Even if you are only taking off small amounts of damage from your opponent at a time, it doesn't matter. Healing will give you the upper edge as long as you try to use it every chance you get. Use the Brave Dance on you opponents mistakes (such as a stray Senkyu-Tai). +---+ 1.Spinning Beat |Yun| 2.Healing +---+ 2.Brave Dance It is possible to apply similar tactics with Yang against Yun. Jump in and Combo the Spinning Beat (after a Scratch Wheel). If you connect with a HK Rhino Horn dash back and begin to Heal. Healing will play an important role against Yun if you wish to stay in the match. The Brave Dance can be charged up by 2 levels. Don't be tempted to use both levels at the first opportunity. If Yun creates an opening use 1 level of the Brave Dance. The other one will come in handy against Yun's dashing attacks. +--------------+ |[12]-Credit to| bLaCkKaSuGaNo -(arkane_1@hotmail.com) +--------------+ Capcom -(www.capcom.com) Fighters.net -(www.fighters.net) GameFaqs -(www.gamefaqs.com) Kao Megura -(Kmegura@hotmail.com) Zeku -(gungnir@?????)