STREET FIGHTER III: 3RD STRIKE - HUGO By Russell Ibarra/Azure Night (Pretty Boy Version 1.0 October 24th, 2000 +------------+ |Introduction| +------------+ Hey everyone! I've been playing video games for most of my life. I've been playing Street Fighter games ever since I was about 10 years of age and I saw Street Fighter 2: CE in an arcade. I was, of course, just a button mashing kid for the most part, and I would be amazed when I did a fireball with Ken. Haha, those were the days. Ken was my favorite up to the SFA days when I started learning how to play with skill. Then I remember when SF III first came out and I was about 14-15 years old (I forgot) and I was amazed by the graphics. I was confused by it at first, with parrying, selecting one super, and the new characters. I stuck to Alpha until the day that SF3:2nd Impact came out. I picked Ken at first, feeling safe with him, but I got bored with him and wanted to try someone new. I remembered Hugo from his ol' Final Fight days (Another game I like) so I started picking him. He did a lot of damage and everything but I didn't take the time to learn him (Being an impatient kid) up until about a year ago. I started using him when I moved closer to my city's arcade, and playing 3rd Strike. I thought he was fun to play as but he soon grew on me and became a favorite of mine, so I played as him against the experts there and eventually became good with him. I've been learning his style, and found effective ways to play as him ever since. Oh and I give lots of credit to JChristopher for the FAQ he wrote subsequently leading to my learning of him and develope my own style of play. If you wanna learn Hugo, you should read his also if you didn't already. Feel free to E~MAIL me about this, wether it be comments, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism (I'm sensetive, be nice. lol), things I missed that you think I should add, or anything else, I don't care, I just like getting E~MAILs =). And I'll put up any info you give me if I think it's good enough. Please, make any info you wanna give me look orginized and be spelled right because I am a perfectionist and that saves me the time of fixing what you sent to me and making it organized =). You can also IM me should you feel like it. Please be somewhat talketive though as I do not like to hold up entire conversations by myself as it usually happens when people I dunno IM me. Hehe, NOW! This is my first FAQ, so, umm, on with the FAQing, or something. =) +-----------------+ |Table O' Contents| +-----------------+ 1. Legal Junk 2. Hugo's story 3. Legend 4. Colors 5. Universal Moves 6. Normal Moves 7. Special Moves 8. Super Arts 9. Combos 10. General Strategies A- Landing a Gigas Breaker and other throws B- Taunting C- Overveiw and general things 11. Hugo's Ending 12. Thanks +----------------------------------------------+ |1. That legal stuff I was talkin' about before| +----------------------------------------------+ This FAQ is not to be used to make profit in any way what-so-ever, and is not to be put up, or linked to from any other website without first E~MAILing me and getting my personal consent. Oh yes, and this document copywrite 2000 Russell Ibarra. So, ha! It's mine! I am also not responsible for any deaths or serious injuries. Do not access this FAQ from your bath tub, or any other watery place, as it can result in death. Do not read this FAQ while operating heavy machinery. Do not read this FAQ under the influance of alchohol. And get down from there/put that down you'll put an eye out! And if I found out you violated my copyright, you better believe I'm suing your arse =D +--------------------------------+ |2. Hugo's story and other things| +--------------------------------+ Hugo used to be one of the henchman for the Mad Gear gang in Metro City. I'm sure if you played it, you remember his name was Andore and was pretty tough to fight in packs. But anyway... when the Mad Gear gang was defeated by Hagger, Guy, and Cody, Poison (Another character in FF) convinced Hugo to join Pro-Wrestling, and she would manage him. After he became very successful in the sport, he learned of a new Street Fighter tournament and signed up to prove his strength, and ability. And I know it looks like it by the way he stands, but Hugo is not drunk. lol. I always thought his animations were bombness though. Pros and Cons of Hugo as a fighter: Pros (Yay for pros) +Has the most attack power in the game. +Great defense (Right up their with Q and his taunt raises defense just like Q's does =)). +Excellent range. +Nice variety of over heads and anti air attacks. +Great poking abilities +Great throws (Duh, geeze, he's Hugo man) Cons (Boo, I hate cons) -He's slower than a mo fo. -Has bad recovery for most of his more powerful attacks. -Isn't easy to use. Yes, he's fun, but you need practice to be good with him, he's not easy to learn like the Shotos. Note: I like Ken, so I'm not anti shoto. But I don't like Gouki that much =| Now, I think the pros outweigh the cons! I hope I didn't miss any though... I'll add more later if I'm reminded of any. +---------+ |3. Legend| +---------+ Now most of you smart people should know this, but just in case someone gets confused, here's the abbreviations etc. this FAQ... U-up U/B-up/back B-back D/B-down/back D-down D/F-down/forward F-forward U/F-up/forward LP-light punch MP-medium punch HP-hard punch LK-light kick MK-medium kick HK-hard kick P-any punch K-any kick PP- 2 punches at once KK- 2 kicks at once QCF-quarter circle forward QCB-quarter circle back HCF-half circle forward HCB-half circle back (I bet you guessed that one huh?) DPM-dragon punch motion(F,D,D/F for those who don't know...) 360-rotate the joystick a full circle 720-same as above except circle must be done twice +-at the same time ,-then /-or And I believe that about covers it =) +----------------+ |4. Hugo's colors| +----------------+ LP- pink clothes, black hair, tan skin (Default color) MP- purplish-pink clothes, black hair, tanish brown skin. (It's ugly, trust me) HP- black clothes, white hair, white skin (Ahh, my favorite one. Looks soo cool =)) LK- green clothes, black hair, tan skin (Looks pretty cool) MK- yellow clothes, yellow hair, white skin (Kinda ugly, if you ask me) HK- blue clothes, black hair, tan skin (Also looks pretty cool) HP+MK+LP- orange clothes, reddish brown hair, black skin (Another cool one) Now for his "Hold Start colors" for the DC. Note: You must beat it with him before you can use these. Start+LP- purple clothes, black hair, tan skin (Looks cool) Start+MP- light blue clothes, black hair, grey skin (Yes, his undead color is back!) Start+HP- hotpink clothes, green hair, white skin (Tacky as hell, but kinda cool) Start+LK- white clothes, black hair, tan skin (Looks cool, but I like HP better =)) Start+MK- dark orange clothes, dark blue hair, greyish skin (Pretty cool, another undead looking color) Start+HK- blackish blue clothes, greyish blue hair, black skin (Weird, yet cool) +------------------+ |5. Universal Moves| +------------------+ Parry- Forward the moment your opponent's attack hits you. You can also parry in the air. Low Parry- Down at the moment a low attack, and only a low attack, hits you. Red Parry- Parrying right after blocking a hit. Must be a combo for Red Perry to register. Throw- LP+LK. Standing still and pressing LP+LK makes Hugo choke the opponent if you get a hold of him. Pressing either direction and LP+LK makes him do a scoop slam should the throw connect. Always use scoop slam if you decide to use the LP+LK throws with him, it's more damaging and can't have damage lessened like the choke. Universal Overhead- MP+MK Taunt- HP+HK. Note: Hugo's defense raises with each taunt, and maxes out after 3 taunts, and it lasts a whole round. It also raises attack power, but not throw power. Holding HP+HK makes the taunt longer, but also makes his throws do more damage. (Moonsault Press, Meat Squasher, Ultra Throw, Shootdown Backbreaker, and Gigas Breaker). Pressing HP+MK+start in the arcade has Poison come out too. In the DC version, it's done by pressing HP+HK+Up. Dash- F, F or B, B Super Jump- D, U or D, U/F or D, U/B EXing a move- Either done by pressing PP or KK instead of one P or K in order to make the move, stronger, faster, or give more hits. Hugo doesn't rely too much on these though. +-----------------+ |6. Normal Attacks| +-----------------+ Here I will list all of his normal attacks and the way I use them... or if it's just crap. Some have other uses that I will name later on. -LP- A very useful attack, indeed. Hugo jabs the opponent's neck with his fingers very quickly. Nice priority, speed, distance, and recovery too. You can link 3 in a row. When you are poking with these very the speed that they come out so it throws off parry timing, or snuffs any attacks they might use if they think you are done attacking. Pretty much always use the standing one, ducking is the same in affect, but wont hit out of the air like standing will. Jumping LP just sucks, man, never EVER use it. -MP- His MP is another goody. The standing one is a slap to the face, which has almost half screen range. It can be used to stop dashing attacks that you see coming, and is a good anti air attack at that. Ducking is the same as LP but slower, stronger, and has a tad bit more range. I don't use it all that often. Also, like his LP, it sucks ass in the air, do not use it unless you think it necessary to use it for air to air attacks. -HP- This move is really cool. Hugo brings his elbow up and smashes it down on the opponent's head. Causes equal to, or more than some other characters special moves. It's an overhead attack that's great for turtlers, and an air attack you see coming, but it's harder to use as anti air. F+HP makes him swing his fist around walloping the opposition in the side of the head and making them turn around. But it has slow recovery as well, so you can't follow up, BUT it's a pretty good anti air for jumps that fall short. It has about half screen distance so it's nice for catching people off gaurd. His ducking HP is a nice little move too. Hugo does a rising head butt. Never use it as a ground to ground attack as you are surely gonna be punished for it's lame recovery time by a super, or nice combo. But it's an excellent anti air attack, and is meant to be used as such. His jumping HP is pretty good in certain situations. It has nice range so you can smash the side of their head with it if they're outta range of any other air attacks and are starting an attack. Also pretty good air to air use if you jump away and they try to follow, or they are already in the air it'll send them away. You can also press D+HP in mid air to get Hugo to do a body splash. Has good priority, come's out fast, and you can do cross up attacks with it. Also a pretty good air to air when up close to a jumping foe. -LK- His LKs have somewhat limited use, as most of his other attacks do what his LKs do better. His standing LK is slower than his LP, and has less distance if I remember correctly. He just kicks at their shin. So don't use it as much unless you wanna buffer it into a Meat Squasher, or mix up poking patterns. Don't use it a lot though, LP is mucho better. Ducking LK has it's uses. Hugo slides his foot out at the opponent's feet. It's a little faster then D+MK and you can annoy oppents with this and the D+MK so they will duck low more often so you can get some powerful overheads in. An OK low poke. His jumping LK plain sucks arse on damage and anything else. MK is better for air to air than this, so NEVER use it or I will hunt you down and woop up on you. -MK- Ahh, this is better. His stand MK is a 2 hit kick. He boots the opponent in the head and then stomps down. It's a damn good anti air too, comes out fast if you're surprised by a quick jump. The stomp part is also an overhead. Ducking MK is a nice litte trip move. He does LK kinda, but his foot goes out a farther. It has good speed but the recovery ain't anything to write home about. Good move, I'll explain more uses with it later. His jumping MK is also a very good move. It comes out fast, has nice priority, good air to air attack, but has kinda crappy range. But it's a good one to do if you jump up and meet your foe in the air. It has other uses also, which I will explain later. Stay tuned! -HK- Hmm, his HKs are pretty good, but usable mainly in certain situations only. For standing HK Hugo jumps up and drop kicks the opponent, sending them far away, reeling from the force of Hugo's big feet. It's an overhead, which is cool, but it has some lame ass recovery and start up. He falls flat on his face, and will be terribly punished if he misses the attack. You can hold F or B to make it go in either direction, but not by a lot. I hardly use this move. His D+HK is better. It works as an overhead, good aniti air, and comes out fast enough to snuff any attacks you see coming. Mainly air attacks is what I use this on. His jumping HK is pretty good. It has OK range, good damage, but comes out a LITTLE slow, so MK would be a better reactionary air to air. Good for jump in combos though (Yes, he has a COUPLE) +----------------+ |7. Special Moves| +----------------+ -Palm Bomb- QCB+P [EX] This is a really good move. Hugo pulls his hands back behind him, then claps them to together hard. Yeah, it's a bit slow but who cares? It has great combo abilities, and it's a good pressure move. You can do multiple ones, one after another, to keep pressure on, and catch some opponents off gaurd. Use different punch strengths to change the speed of each clap to throw off parrying attempts. It's powerful, and stuns the opponent long enough to cancel into practically any other move. But I will go into those combos later on. Don't use it randomly though, you will get attacked if they see it coming since it has slow start up, so parrying before doing it is a good idea or jumping in with a move before hand. Most of the time use the LP version to start since it goes fastest and you can still combo off it or link into more Palm Bombs. I know it's not a combo, but linking 2, or 3, or more at a time is good for pressure. If your opponent is blocking your Palm Bombs, trip them, or do an overhead depending on if they are stand blocking, or duck blocking. EXed, it does 3 hits and you can combo off it. More on that later. -Monster Lariat- QCF-K [EX] An ok move... Hugo runs forward and clothesline's the opponent. I never use the HK version, if they are that far away, they will see it coming. I always use LK or MK version if I use it. One of the lesser used moves. But if they jump away from you if your close doing an MK one can take them outof the air. The LK version can take them out the air if they are closer. It's pretty cool, but I don't over use it. Also, occasionally, I do an LK one JUST out of range so it wiffs, then I do a ducking MK or Gigas Breaker. They might try to parry it and them pressing forward at the air only gets them closer to an attack. Use it sparingly though, or they will catch on and punish you. -Ultra Throw- HCB+K A good throw move that sets up combos and the Shootdown Back- breaker nicely. Hugo grabs the opponent and hurls him at the opposite wall so hard they bounce off toward him. Strength of K determines how far the opponent flies off the wall. There are many things you can do after this move, which I will go into later. -Shootdown Backbreaker- DPM+K A good anti air throw move. Hugo jumps high and across the screen, and if he catches a jumping foe, he falls down with the opponent on his shoulders, breaking his/her back, then tossing him/her away. Plenty of time to do a taunt after his and raise the ol' defense =) Good anti air move, and can be used after an Ultra Throw so you know it'll connect. -Moonsault Press- 360+P Always use HP version. No difference in speed if you wiff, so using LP or MP will only make it weaker, so HP is the only strength you should use. It's his trademark and what everyone knows him for. A very powerful throw. Hugo grabs the oppontent, jumps into high the air doing a flip and falls down, the opponent under him, crushing him/her with his own body. I'll add stuff for landing his throws later on. -Meat Squasher- 360+K Another pretty cool move. Hugo puts his hands out, makes a wierd faceand runs slowely at the opponent, and if he gets a hold of him/her he picks him/her up and runs to the other side of the screen, jumps up, and smashes their body, with his own against the side of the wall. Hard to connect by itself, but link it off other moves gives it a better chance of connecting. More on that later. +-------------+ |8. Super Arts| +-------------+ I use all of Hugo's Super Art's equally to keep my syle mixed up a bit. All of his supers rock in their own way. -Gigas Breaker- 720+P (One big super bar) "EIN! ZWIE! DRIE! END!!" (Ein zwie drie is one two three in German) Hugo attempts to grab the opponent and start a 3 hit chain throw that is unblockable. If you succed in grabbing him/her Hugo does a small backbreaker, then a bigger one, and for the finale, does a big Moonsault Press. A great super in my opinion. Takes off fantastic damage, and good for punishing a blocked, or parried attack. It has lots more range than a normal Moonsault Press (Think along the lines of a Shin-Ryu-Ken) so it's nice to grab someone from far away and have them get mad and say "But look how far away I was!", AH HA HA HAA! =) More on landing this later on. -Megaton Press- QCF, QCF+K (2 moderately sized super bars) "Megaton! PRESS!!" Does just what he would for the Backbreaker, except this time when you grab your foe, he goes up into the air, doing flips and says "Megaton!" and then tosses the opponent to the ground and smashes him/her with his body saying "PRESS!!" Does great damage, and is highly comboable. Use it like you would use a Shootdown Backbreaker. Also has high EX stocks. He may not use EXes that much (Quite rarely as a matter of fact) but if you decide to do one there's plenty super bar left to go around =) -Hammer Mountain- QCF, QCF+P (2 moderately sized super bars) "Hammer Mountain!" OK, it may say Hammer Frenzy on super select, but he says "Hammer Mountain!" during the super so that's what I'm calling it =) Anyway, it's his only non-grapple super. Can be comboed into from many things, which I'll go into later. You can also hold P down to delay the move to throw off a parry attempt, or close in but holding it down for too long will result in not doing it. Just holding P down if they jump over you is a good idea so you wont do the super and have all that recovery. Also good for EX stocks. +---------+ |9. Combos| +---------+ He has some good powerful combos that you'll want to know. -Easier- Jump in HK, D+MK/MP QCB+P, MP QCB+P, D+MK QCB+P, Hammer Mountain QCB+MP/HP, Monster Lariat (LK version or EXed. It wont combo off a LP Palm Bomb mind you) QCB+MP/HP, HP/F+HP QCB+MP/HP, D+HK QCB+PP, Shootdown Backbreaker/Megaton Press/Lariat (HK one) -Harder- Jump in HK, D+HK (Gotta jump in pretty deep) Jump in HK, Monster Lariat (LK version of Lariat. You have to jump in DEEP.) QCB+HP, QCB+LP, EX Monster Lariat QCB+HP, QCB+LP, Hammer Mountain (Delay HM just a TAD so it connects. Yes it works, but timing's tight.) (Closer to side of the screen) HCB+K, QCB+P, super cancel into Megaton Press. (Impressive indeed. Gotta be pretty fast with the cancel though, and you must use the HK version or you got a wasted super.) +--------------+ |10. Strategies| +--------------+ A- Landing a Gigas Breaker and other throws One thing you will HAVE to learn how to do when playing as Hugo is learn when to throw, and how to connect them. Do not concentrate on trying to throw the whole round though, because it will make you easy to attack. The key is moderation, using a throw when you see a good chance. You have to learn to parry well, because parries lead into your throws or supers. Here are some things I do that help lead into throws... - Parry, throw or Gigas (I said this already, but what the hey) - Jump in with MK, delay just a second, then throw. You can do a Gigas Breaker after this too, but you gotta do it carefully so you don't jump again. - MP+MK for his little hopping knee, delay, then throw. Mixing up attacks after the overhead is a good idea also so they don't know what to expect. Another over head, a trip, or a throw. Good for starting a Gigas Breaker motion while you are in the air. - Block an attack, throw or Gigas. - Get attacked, then throw or Gigas. What I mean is, say Sean does his Tornado Kick, even if that hits you he will not have any time after landing to counter or jump away from your throw because you will have more time to throw after being attacked then he has time to jump away. Works against many other attacks too. - Jump in and do a Gigas Breaker or throw without attacking. Be prepared to parry an anti air. If you mix up doing jump in attacks and not doing jump ins they will have to guess on weather to parry, attack, or jump away. Be ready to parry the anti air too. - Dash up then do Gigas Breaker if they are on defense. When they are backing off and are still a bit close, doing this is cool, because after you dash the Gigas Breaker still has a lot of range. - If someone is standing next to you while you are on the ground try a throw as you rise. Most people wont stand next to you, or they will try to trick you into attempting a throw by standing close to you, then jumping straight up then attacking. Once you find out if the person knows to stay away from you as you rise, or jumps when you try to throw. Next time parry the attack and counter attack as you see fit. You can also do a Megaton Press as you rise to make them think twice about trying that on you. You aren't that stupid! Don't take the bait! Augh! Unless it's a newbie and you know it, then Gigas Break him to hell, BWA HA HA! Ahem... sorry. B- Taunting Taunting is something you should do with Hugo, just like with Q. Basically, 3 taunts makes you take half Hugo's normal damage. But when's a good time to taunt? You should ALWAYS taunt after a Shootdown Backbreaker, as they have nothing to do and you will not be attacked. If you are on the other side of the screen and the opponent isn't doing anything and doesn't have a nasty quick dash attack (IE Dudley's Machine Gun Blow, Makoto's Hayate etc), you should taunt. You can also taunt after an Ultra throw, but dagnabbit, do a backbreaker, THEN taunt. Also if you Palm Bomb an air born opponent you can taunt and get away with it. Just use it when you are sure you will not get any retaliation. If you have a Gigas Breaker fully charged, do a backbreaker and then do his extended taunt (Hold HP+HK) to power up your throws. Then do a Gigas Breaker watch allll that life go away. Bye bye! Hehe. C- Overveiw and general things Hugo is slow. You can't always be on offense with Hugo or you will get beat for his rocovery time and slowness. You're opponent may get frusterated with parries followed by throws, but it's a very effective thing that's worth learning. Don't JUST do that for counter attacks though. Poking with LP to stop a foe. MKs, MPs, D+LKs, and D+MKs are good for poking, or countering an on coming attack. But learning to counter attack is half of his strategy. Well timed HPs are good to use on rising foes because, in my experience, most opponents will duck and block as they rise. If they high block, trip them as they rise and mix that up to keep them guess. Unless, of course, they attack as they rise. Then back off a bit and see what they do. If they're new the will try to do Sho Ryu Kens or things like that as they rise so you can just block or parry the high recovery move and counter as you see fit. His Palm Bomb attacks are good for pressure and stunning, and mixing things up. I talked about it in the Palm Bomb description though, so I wont go into that. But doing those Palm Bomb strategies on a rising foe, or someone backed in the corner is pretty good. You can also jump in and do an HK or D+HP and then start your Palm Bomb attacks so you have time from the block or attack stun to start them up. Keep your eyes open to keep track of if you hit your foe or not, because you have to be quick and do a Palm Bomb combo after you see it connect (Eg, do a Hammer Mountain if you see the clap connect). If you have them in the corner LK Lariats work good for detouring people who want to jump out of the trap. MKs work well for that too. He's good in the corner, so doing MKs to keep them grounded and poking with LPs, doing Palm Bombs an the like, should be frusterating for them. Also, remember his MP+MK mix ups. You know, trip, overhead, or throw after the MP+MK to keep them guessing. Don't always throw out backbreackers at random because they will make you pay with a nasty anti air attack, or combo. It's a good move that you should use on constant jumpers to keep them out of the air though. He is a counter attacker, but when your opponent goes on defense, you can get a pretty good offense with Hugo with everything that I've explained. And most of all be patient! You need time to learn how to use his moves and strategies effectively. You might be able to use all the strategies that you've read in these FAQs about him, but the more experience you get with him, you'll get more dangerous, and develope you own strategy we need more people out there that use Hugo. +--------------------+ |11. Ending and Quoes| +--------------------+ -Winning quotes- I am number one! I held back. If I'd used any more force there would be a huge mess! It's a natural instinct for you to fear my size and strength! Strange... is suicide a popular activity where you come from? The bigger I am, the harder they fall! The force of your body smashed the pavement! Help me fix it! Would you be able to get up if I sat on you? Lets find out! You enjoyed that didn't you? Let's do it again! -Hugo and Ryu's conversation- Hugo- So you're the man Poison has been talking about. Hugo- We're recruiting those who have the potential to become great wrestlers. Hugo- Let's make you a deal. Promise you'll join us if you lose. Ryu- Very well, I might learn something worthwhile from wrestling. Ryu- But I won't lose! I will show you the true meaning of power! -Hugo's Ending- While some guy gets the belt in the middle off the ring, the ring starts to shake and then Hugo and everyone else flips the ring over from underneath. The whole SF cast is standing behind Hugo on the toppled ring as Poison proclaims they are running the place now. (Hugo's end drawing makes him look fat, huh?) +----------+ |12. Thanks| +----------+ JChristopher for writing the other Hugo FAQ, and the people that contributed to it. It helped me lots, and since then I just came up with new things to write about Hugo so I decided to write this. My buds at the arcade for helping me get to where I am today on the game. All of them being high level players helped me gain the experience and knowledge to play this game. Thanks to RIu, his FAQ had quotes that I forgot for Hugo. Capcom for making such a good game, and putting Hugo in the game. My mom for paying for AOL Those people that make Heath bars 'cause they're so damned good. The video game store for having this game the day it came out. And my keyboard for allowing me to type this! =) (C)2000 Russell Ibarra <--- Yeah! a copyright with my name on it!