Necro FAQ Street Fighter III: Third Impact By Hajime Owari ( Ver. 1.2 12/15/99 Unpublished Works Copyright 1999 Hajime Owari (Brad Tsunekawa ) ======================================================================= ---------- Disclaimer ---------- This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronic, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Brad Tsunekawa ( All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. The game "Street Fighter III - Third Strike" and the "Street Fighter" game series is copyright (c) Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of America. ======================================================================= Author's Notes: I am under the assumption that you, the reader, are familiar with the SFIII:3S game system and have no need for me to go over any basics. ======================================================================= Table of Contents ----------------- I. Basic/Command Moves II. Special Moves III. Super Moves IV. Strategies/Suggestions/Tips V. Acknowledgements VI. Revisions ---------------------- I. Basic/Command Moves ---------------------- Jab (LP) -------- The same as all other Character's Jabs (LP) in the game. Combos into most moves. Leaves you wide open if used in mid-air. Strong (MP) ----------- -Standing/Neutral Necro swings his arm straight out. This attack lacks range and combos into nothing. I would advise this move only as a desperate anti-aerial. -Standing/Back Necro crouches down slightly and swings his elbow over his back (I guess you should see it for yourself). This move combos well into attacks (i.e. Tornado Hook) , but, there are more effective alternatives such as a Standing/Back Forward (MK) or Crouching Fierce. -Crouching Necro perform a stretching palm strike at an app. 45 degree angle. This move is a great long range anti-aerial when your opponent is jump from far to mid screen. For you Dhalsim players, imagine the standing Forward (MK)and a slightly higher angle. -Jumping Necro's jumping Strong (MP) is perhaps the inverted version of his Crouching Strong(MP). When in mid-air he/she punches downward at a 45 degree angle. Dhalsim players, similar to a jumping Fierce. Fierce (HP) ---------- Necro's Fierce is quite powerful and probably one of his most useful basic attacks. -Standing/Neutral Necro stretches/swings one arm out horizontally at his opponent. This move practically clears the screen and barely whiffs an opponent who is near the edge of the screen. Good move to pressure opponent into jump. Performing this move too often could result in a Dragon Punch counter or any other move with solid priority. -Standing/Back Necro Performs an uppercut that goes almost completely vertical and can reach the top of the screen for those high flying hurricane kicks/floating Q's/ and other high, over the head, jumpers. This is a anti-aerial move and a knock down move and sets your opponent up for a juggle. This move can be followed up by various specials and the Magnetic Storm super (I), but at this time I advise that it is followed up by a Crouching/Back Fierce to produce the most damage, floor your opponent, and distance him from you. -Crouching/Neutral This is a low version of Necro's Standing/Neutral Fierce (HP), but it does NOT hit low. From what I've seen there are no major difference between a Standing/Neutral Fierce (HP) and a Crouching/Neutral Fierce (HP). So it is your choice on what you would rather use, but I would advise the Standing version. -Crouching/Back Necro swings his elbow out (somewhat larger compared to his Standing/Back Strong (MP)) and if the blow connects it will quickly knock your opponent down and across the screen. As stated before this is a good follow up to the Standing/Back Fierce (HP) uppercut. This is also a good, quick counter (faster than a sweep) to opponent's who walk too close. -Jumping Necro reaches out horizontally with both hands about 1/4 to 1/2 screen length. I use this as my secondary jump-in attack. Necro's Jumping Fierce takes out distance and close-range jumpers, and hits long- distance projectile throwers. Short (LK) ---------- The same as all other character's Shorts (LK) in the game. Combos into most moves. Leaves you wide open in mid-air. Forward (MK) ------------ Necro's Forward (MK) lacks solid priority, but has it's uses. -Standing/Neutral Necro stretches and swings his leg out between low and mid-level heights and attacks at about the range of a standard shotokan sweep. This attack is good for distancing your opponent, since it is much faster than Necro's Crouching Forward. -Standing/Back Necro perform a small knee attack that can be comboed into his Spinning Punch and is a good, close-range push move. -Crouching Necro kicks/stretches his leg out app. 1/4 screen length and hits low. It's a long-distance low attack, but is extremely slow. Good for keeping opponents who like to stay on the ground away. -Jumping Necro performs a diagonal kick upward which can be used to take out opponents higher in the air than him (although it is a rare for this to happen). Roundhouse (FK) --------------- Necro's Roundhouse is interesting to say the least. His sweep is especially useful. -Standing/Neutral Similar to Dhalsim's standing Roundhouse (FK) although not as fast. This a way to discourage opponents from leaving the ground or for tapping long range. -Standing/Back Necro performs a much larger version of his Standing/Back Forward (MK) attack. The knee is larger in size, the attack is much much faster, and the knee hits much much higher. This move is an effective anti-aerial IF you can get the timing down, although it doesn't allow you to juggle like the Fierce anti-aerial does. I've found this move to be a good counter to a jumping Chun-Li. -Crouching Necro's sweep is terrific. It hits low, has 1/2 screen range, and comes out quickly. He basically performs the equivalent of Shotokan style sweep, but the sweeping leg is much longer. Learn the length of this attack and scare your opponents into crouching more often. -Jumping Necro's Jumping Roundhouse (HP) is like a longer air-born version of his Standing/Neutral Forward (MK). This move hits people who are behind you if you happen to jump over them, but Necro's jump movement is so slow that this is an ineffective tactic. I suggest sticking to the jumping Fierce (HP) if you plan to use a mid-air attack. ======================================== Special/Super Moves Notation: | | QCF - Quarter Circle Forward (D,DF,F) | HCF - Half Circle Forward (B,DB,D,DF,F)| QCB - Quarter Circle Back (F,DF,D,DB,B)| HCB - Half Circle Back (D,DB,B) | ======================================== ----------------- II. Special Moves ----------------- Drill Kick D+K (air only) This move is very much like Dhalsim's Drill Kick. For those of you who haven't seen it...well, try it out for yourselves. The only difference is that Necro's Drill Kick hits twice. Having a Drill Kick gives you the power to switch directions in mid-air at anytime. Also, having two hits allows you to use the first hit to take out a jump opponent and right when they land they'll get hit again. This move is a good way to close distance with projectile characters and stop yourself from jumping too far/short. The power of the kick button controls your angle. A Short (LP) Drill Kick attacks at a 20-30 degree angle, Forward (MP) at a 45 degree angle, and Roundhouse (HP) at a 70-80 degree angle. Electric Shock F,D,DF+P The Electric Shock move is only effective as an anti-aerial attack. Jab (LP) hits 1 time, Strong (MP) hits 2 times, and Fierce (HP) hits three times. The move does moderate damage and I suggest using the fierce version all the time. This move is especially good when your opponent begins to parry or you just can't get that basic anti-aerial out. Snake Fang HCF+K This move has moderate range, comes out pretty fast, does good damage, and hits low. Basically Necro "snakes" his hand out a little beyond sweep distance and grabs the opponent by the leg. He then proceeds to toss them over his head against the other side of the screen. I suggest using this move often and switching it up with Necro's other High/Low moves (i.e. Raging Cobra) when your opponent is rising or thinks he's a safe distance. There is possibility of a juggle combo after this move if your back is to the wall, although nothing is confirmed yet. I am not positive how using a stronger kick button affects the results, but I'm assuming it does slightly more damage and leaves you open slightly longer. Raging Cobra QCB+K (Can be EXed) This move has deceivingly moderate rage and solid damage. Necro lays back on one leg, stretching/bending it in the process, and then, because of the tension, springs back and kicks with his other leg. It's hard to picture, but just try the move. The Raging Cobra acts as an overhead attack and, to reiterate, has deceivingly moderate range (about Shotokan sweep range). Using a stronger kick button does slightly more damage and takes slightly longer to come out. EXing the move allows it to hit 2 times instead of the 1, although I believe it only hits for 2 when you're right next to the opponent. Flying Viper QCB+P (Can be EXed) This is the good ol' anti-fireball SFIII series move (all characters have an anti-fireball move). Necro jumps forward and up twice as high as a hop overhead (Strong (MP) + Forward (MK)) and then chops/reaches forward with both hands knocking the opponent down. This move is an overhead and a good anti-fireball move when your opponent is about 1/4 to 1/2 screen away. Unfortunately this move is not as quick and in no way as deceiving as the Raging Cobra. Although this move can also be used for when your opponent falls short on a jump in and he/she's prepared for the sweep. The EX version is faster and does slightly more damage. Spinning Punch QCF+P (Can be EXed) This is your one and only solid combo move. Necro spins, swinging his elbows, while moving forward. The Jab (LP) version of this hits 2 times, Strong (MP) hits 3 times, and Fierce (HP) hits 4 times. The Strong (MP) and Fierce (HP) number of hits are not confirmed because this move leaves you somewhat open if you perform this move too close. This move connects with Standing Jab (LP), Standing Short (LK), and Standing/Back Forward (MK). Also, if you connect with this move and the last hit does NOT knock your opponent down, but instead spins your opponent around so his/her back is to you (i.e. result of Alex's QCF+P move), your opponent will be open for a Jab (LP) Spinning Punch or an EX Spinning Punch. The EX version of the Spinning Punch is quick and can be used after your you block an opponent's attempt to sweep you, after a parried fireball, etc. Any ground move that leaves your opponent open for a good second. ---------------- III. Super Moves ---------------- I. (1 Short Bar) Magnetic Storm QCF,QCF+P Repeatedly press P (25-35% damage) Considering how few of Necro's moves are good EXed this short bar super isn't a bad choice. This move is a much more powerful version of the Electric Shock move in which Necro steps forward and huge bolts of electricity cover his body. Those huge bolts pull your opponent into the super (similar to Ryu's EX Hurricane Kick). This super can only be stopped by a projectile. If an opponent is in a mid-sweep, a jump kick, etc. it will not interrupt your super. Necro is practically invincible. Also, because Necro steps forward, you can hit opponents that are as far as sweeping range. One more good trick is to perform a drill kick in which you barely clip your opponent on the second hit and then perform the Magnetic Storm right after. Many of your opponents will think you're wide open after the second hit. II. (1 Moderate/Long Bar) Slam Dance QCF,QCF+P Close Range (app. 30% damage) Slam Dance is a throw super. It has high priority (as do all throw supers) and is great for taking down those turtles (people who block all day long and play too defensively). Slam Dance has the same invincibility that Magnetic Storm does although can only be used on grounded opponents. This is a great wake-up/get-up move when your opponent is standing right next to you. Especially effective against those people who like to overhead, sweep all day long. Also, having the large bar allows you to counter opponents who sweep non-stop with an EX Spinning Punches (the only good EX move IMO). III. (2 Short/Moderate Bars) Electric Snake QCF,QCF+P (app. 20-25% damage) The Electric Snake is not too flashy like the other supers. Necro sends a flash of electricity along the ground and if it hits it shocks and knocks down your opponent. The super only hits low and I believe (not confirmed since I have not used this super often) that it goes under most projectiles. I do NOT recommend this super as it does leave you wide open for most attacks, does not do well in desperate situations, and despite the 2 short/moderate bars for EXs, I would recommend the more useful Slam Dance super. ======================================================================= Author's Strategy Notes Necro can be played however you'd like. With Necro you have powerful long-range and short-range attacks and any strategies I give are mere suggestions or tricks that I use against opponents. I do NOT give strategies on defeating the computer or in defeating a particular character played by a person (since people's playstyle ALWAY vary). If you do have problems with a particular person's style of play I will be happy to respond to you via e-mail ( ======================================================================= ------------------------------- IV. Strategies/Suggestions/Tips ------------------------------- Keep That Opponent on the Ground Necro has lots of low/high ground moves and this strategy is obvious. Necro has Snake Fang (hits low), a long-range sweep, Flying Viper (overhead), and Raging Cobra (overhead). When your opponent is getting up switch it up on him. Most opponents block low on getting up so the Raging Cobra is a good choice. After you hit him with this mix things up. Necro has a powerful close-range ground game. Magnetic Storm Trick If you're using Magnetic Storm as your super then this is a good way to trick your opponent into getting hit by this super. Perform a Drill Kick so the second hit barely clips your opponent. Most people will then assume that you're wide open after the second hit and attempt to hit you (sweeping being the most common reaction). Perform a Magnetic Storm once you hit the ground and you'll almost always snag them with it. ------------------- V. Acknowledgements ------------------- - GameFAQs ( great FAQ writing tips and directing me to Kao Megura's site. - Kao Megura for his wonderful site ( filled with FAQ writing tips, suggestions, and copyright law warnings. - Rook for the challenge he provides me in having to cope with very effective (and sometimes annoying) tactics. - Those hard-core SF regulars who frequent Naughty Nicks (Stockton,CA) and provide hours of great competition. ------------- VI. Revisions ------------- v1.0 (12/14/99) ---- -NecroFAQ is created. v1.2 (12/15/99) ---- -Made massive formatting corrections. -Revised disclaimer. -Added a Table of Contents. -Added acknowledgements section. -Added Revisions section. ======================================================================= Hope you've enjoyed the Necro FAQ. If you have comments, suggestions, questions, or anything else SFIII:3S related please feel free to e-mail me at -Hajime Owari