The Q Faq. (version 0.1) by A.o.D. Purpose for this faq: To give prospective players and novices an idea of just what they're getting into when they pick Q in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike (hereafter referred to as SF3:3s or just plain 3s). Required Reading: Mr. Megura's General Purpose SF3:3s FAQ. It is good stuff. Summary: This FAQ will provide basic move information and application. It shall be brief and to the point. Table of Contents: 1. Colors 2. Normal Moves 3. Joystick Direction Moves 4. Throws 5. Command Input Moves 6. Supers 7. The Tauntâ„¢ 8. Comboing 9. Parrying 10. Specific Character Strategies 11. Quotes 12. Ending --------- 1. Colors Colors are irrelevant in your task of destroying the opposition. Cease this mindless pursuit of trivialities and proceed to the next section. --------- 2. Normal Moves Standing: Note: You will be using these very infrequently. Jab - It looks like your typical jab. Unlike almost everyone else's jab, this doesn't seem capable of comboing off of itself or into anything else of consequence. It shares the same weakness with almost all of Q's moves. Its fast enough to be a functional jab, and fortunately, don't expect any counter attacks from it, even from other jabs. Medium- Don't use this, useless. It requires to much space and time to be "safe". Fierce- A lunging two fisted punch. This is almost as useless as the medium. However, once it comes out, it stuffs almost any of your opponent's normal moves, and has an important function in juggling combos, and is easy to use in those instances, since this punch's hit duration. Short- A standing kick much like the shotoclone's. Doesn't combo. Forward- A barely acceptable poking kick. You might wish to use this to create some space, or to snuff an obvious attack. Its not too terribly slow, but it is slower than most other comparable kicks. It is the one move Q can cancel specials from, and that's only in the close version of this kick. Roundhouse- An especially slow kick that is almost identical to Q's forward kick. He lunges a bit when he does it, giving the kick more range, but also, more lag. Use at your own risk. Crouching: Jab- Same story as his standing jab. Acceptable as a close poke. Medium- A lunging hook. It has reach, and perhaps some poking possibilities, but is too slow to be practical. If your opponent does a far away Hurricane kick, this has a pretty good chance of snuffing the attack. Fierce- Too slow, it looks like it should be an overhead, but it isn't, in fact, it hits low. Whoopie. Yet another normal you don't want to use. This would be potentially useful if Q had a command overhead. Short- An OK low hitting poke that is like everyone else's except it doesn't combo. Forward- A low hitting kick that has speed comparable to everyone else's low forward. Use as appropriate. Roundhouse- A slow, highly vulnerable on the ground drop kick. It does have its uses, however, and those will be enumerated later. Jumping: Note: Much of Q's aerial arsenal is completely worthless, however, some of his normals do have a small amount of use. I'll enumerate those that might be of use to you. Medium- An upward reaching punch with a bit of distance to it. Use this to attempt to knock down jumpers that are higher up in the air than you are. Use this predominately against jumpers who fly faster and higher than yourself. Fierce- Not a whole lot of priority or reach on this one, but this and the Roundhouse allow you to continue with a combo on the ground. It is a bit easier to connect with than the jumping Roundhouse, thanks mostly due to its faster delivery. Forward- This kick sticks straight out from Q. Its not particularly fast, but its his best hope of stuffing another jumper or gaining a safe landing on a jump in. Roundhouse- This is slow, slow, slow, and it only hits opponents that are almost directly beneath Q. Use it as a really deep jump in for the combo (its practically the only way you'll combo with Q outside of a juggle). It knocks down opponents who are in the air. ---------- 3. Joystick Direction Moves B + Medium An uppercut with a slight delay. Its your absolute best anti-air. You'll probably be using this a lot. B + Roundhouse A funky little kick with a slow startup that hits low at the beginning and reaches high at the end to perform as an anti-air. It only hits once, has little range, and is slow as all hell, but can be useful as an anti air, or for some funky mind gaming. This is of very limited use, except to confuse an opponent. ---------- 4. Throws F/B + Jab and Short: Typical throw. Use this to position your opponent on the side you want them to be on. If you're in the corner, use this to turn the tables. There is another version of this throw, but there is no need to use it. ---------- 5. Command Input Moves Charge Back -> towards + Punch This is a rushing Punch, called the Dashing Head Attack. Jab goes a short distance, Medium goes just short of half screen, and Fierce travels just short of a full screen. It is very easy to counter this move unless you have the proper spacing, so ensure that you use the right punch for the job at hand. However, if you do have the spacing, only those moves with good reach and priority will stop you. Furthermore, you can trade with almost any move and the damage exchange will be in your favor. This move's reasonably quick charge time and fast recovery make it your poke weapon of choice. Its a decent counter attack against moves with slow startups and/or recoveries. More importantly, its one of the best ways for you to get close to your opponent, and that's what's really important with Q. Holding the punch button will cause Q to execute a rushing overhead with a slow delivery. I'd only recommend it against low skill players who are turtling heavily. Also, if the overhead is blocked, expect a massive retaliation. The EX version of this punch is marginally useful. It does decent damage, and it bounces your opponent off of the far wall. Use that opportunity to juggle him for extra hits. Charge Back -> towards + Kick This version of the rushing punch hits low, called the Dashing Leg Attack. It is just as slow and counter-attackable as the overhead version of the rushing punch. Use it only against someone afraid of getting nailed with an overhead.. or an idiot. QCB + Punch This is a three hitting High Speed Barrage. The Jab version swings low to hit crouching opponents. The Medium version will hit those that are standing. The Fierce version is an unreliable anti air. You'll use this predominantly to pressure your opponent when you're in his face. The object is to get him to keep his head down so you can whack away at his defenses. This also serves as a moderately decent snuffer, provided you anticipate your opponent's actions. The EX version of this move hits seven times for decent damage, and is fast enough to be counted on to beat most of your opponent's normals, and what specials that aren't instantaneous. HCB + Kick This is Q's command throw, the Capture and Deadly blow. Q grabs his opponent, and then hits them high into the air with an uppercut, setting up a golden juggle opportunity. The Strength of the kick determines how far away the victim is knocked into the air. It is the basis of most if his juggle combos. It has a slow start up, but its reach is somewhat better than that of most command throws. The damage it does isn't worth the risk unless you follow up with a juggle, so ensure that you tack on extra hits when your opponent. The best time to use this against your opponent is when they are getting up from being knocked down, and lack a reliable wake up move, when your opponent jumps over you but doesn't attack, or your opponent is doing some hardcore turtling. Also, this move should be your PRIMARY means of counter attack against whiffed specials and supers that have a long recovery time like fireballs you've jumped over, missed Shoryukens, flash kicks, and blocked air stampedes. ---------- 6. Supers Q only has one super, regardless of what the Super Selection screen may say. His Critical Combo may stock up a lot of EX moves, but Q doesn't particularly survive on those. Also, it is a piss poor juggling super, and the damage potential just isn't there. His total destruction may do insane amounts of damage, and it may even offer you two different methods of delivering the blow, but it isn't instantaneous, and any halfway decent player can avoid you until time runs out. A good player will take advantage of your more aggressive posture to find an opening and punish you. Instead, the only super you will use is the Double Deadly Combo (qcf x 2 + punch). It only holds a single bar, but that bar is long enough for two or three good EXs, should you need them, and you're almost certain to get a full bar by either the first third or half of the first round. It may not do as much damage as the total destruction, but it does do enough to be very much worthwhile. This super juggles for its full amount of damage, its fast, has priority over just about everything (It has been snuffed, but by a jumping character. I've used it to beat Shoryureppas and starting Shoryukens on the ground) and can be juggled after the super has run its course. Furthermore, you can cancel into this move immediately after connecting any normal rushing punch, even one that hits an airborne or juggled opponent. ----------- 7. The Tauntâ„¢ There is no question that Q's taunt is the most potent in the game. Without it, he is a fairly weak character. With it, he is the closest thing you'll see in a non-Marvel game to the Juggernaut. The taunt is fairly quick, meaning it can be performed when your opponent is knocked down or a full screen away with little fear of retaliation. Each time you taunt, the amount of damage Q takes is reduced by a small amount. Once you have taunted three times, Q only takes half damage from all attacks for the rest of the round. It is very important that you get all three taunts in early in each match. The best time to do so is when you've managed to knock your opponent off of your feet, whether it be by means of a juggle, sweep, or hitting them out of the air. However, if you find yourself a full screen away from a fairly slow, non-projectiling character, that is as good a time as any. Just remember, once you have that damage protection, almost any traded hit is in your favor, and any clean hit against your opponent puts him further in the hole. As long as you have 3 taunts under your belt, come from behind victories are much, much harder for your opponent. ----------- 8. Comboing Comboing with Q requires more effort and thought than with most characters, however, the dividends which they pay off with are handsome indeed. Unless you connect a jump in roundhouse, almost all of Q's combos will require that you juggle your opponent. Here is a run down of combos of varying skill requirements. B+ Roundhouse Cancel into the Taunt You must connect with the sweep part of this kick, and cancel into the taunt immediately. If you attempt to taunt once the foot swings up, it is too late to do so. A mostly useless "combo", except for the fact that it lets you sneak a taunt in (and that's a good thing). Unfortunately, it depends on the mostly unreliable B+Roundhouse. Standing medium -> High Speed Barrage 4 hits, moderate damage. This isn't a half bad poking combo. Use this as available to apply pressure to your opponent's defenses. Jump in Roundhouse or Fierce -> Standing close medium -> Medium High Speed Barrage Whoopee, 5 hits. A waste of time and not worth the risk. I won't list any more jump in combos. Capture and deadly Blow -> Rush punch. The timing on this is sensitive. Since the fall rate from this move is identical for all characters, its simply a matter of timing and knowing which punch to use. If you use a Short CnDB, use a Jab Rush. If you use a Roundhouse CnDB, use a Medium Rush. If the juggling punch connects with your opponent in the corner, follow up with either a medium or fierce High Speed Barrage. Short CnDB -> EX rush punch -> Standing Fierce A much flashier and damaging combo. You're essentially juggling twice and doing enough damage to seriously disadvantage your foe. The timing on the EX Punch is different from the regular punch, so it is recommended that you practice using it in juggles. CnDB -> Rush Punch -> EX Rush Punch -> EX High Speed Barrage This uses a lot of meter for what is probably only 30-35% damage. I haven't tried this myself yet, so consider this combo unofficial. Frankly, I'd rather use a juggle that involves the Double Deadly Combo, instead of using all that super meter for those wasted hits on the EX high speed barrage. Roundhouse CnDB -> medium or fierce Rush Punch; cancel into the Double Deadly Combo; Juggle with a rush punch or standing fierce. If you're in a corner after the last rush punch (and you should be) follow up the punch with a medium or fierce high speed barrage. This is perhaps Q's most lethal combo. It also requires precision to cancel properly. Rush Punch; cancel into Double Deadly Combo; Juggle with fierce rush punch. Again, you have to know what you're doing on the cancel part of this combo. At least you don't need to rely on the laggy Capture and Deadly Blow to initiate this combo. In Corner CnDB -> Double Deadly Combo; Juggle with Standing fierce. It requires very exacting timing, but doesn't require so much twitchyness as the cancelling version. Fortunately for you, the damage is still quite worth it, though your positional options are more limited. Q of course has more combos, but in play experience, those are his main ones that are practical. --------- 9. Parrying Q's game is heavily dependant upon the parry against certain opponents. Against Remy, Ryu, Ken, and Akuma, you are only as good as the number of fireballs you can successfully parry. If you cannot at least reliably parry a 3 hit Shakunetsu Gou Hadoken from Akuma, then you should seriously consider picking someone else. In the high end game, you'll need to be able to parry most attacks in situations that you would expect them, like waking up, fireballs, jumping in, and defending from jump-ins. In the mid to low end game, parrying fireballs will be your primary concern, though you might want to invest in teaching yourself how to properly parry Remy's Cold Blue Kick pressure game, and how to red parry a hurricane kick. Of course, it shouldn't need to be said that you should punish an effectively parried attack to the best of your capability. The goal here is to make your opponent reluctant to press the attack against you, giving you the opportunity to utilize the Capture and Deadly Blow to maximum effect. Also, one other note, if you have an opportunity to use the Double Deadly Combo, go ahead. It does enough damage to win you the match, and if not, at least your opponent will be very, very hurt. ---------- 10. Specific Character Strategies Akuma- Expect many, many fireballs. However, don't see this as a hinderance, but an opportunity to get easy meter from parrying the storm of fireballs he sends your way. Once you are ready to start pressuring, use a well timed fierce rush to close the distance in between air fireballs. Don't let him predict your punches, though, or you'll be parried, or eating an uppercut, or worse. Furthermore, don't try to out-prioritize the Messatsu Gou Rasen or the Kongou Kokuretsu Zan. You will lose every time. The key to winning this match is to be patient. Every traded hit with Akuma hurts him far, far more than it hurts you. Use your superior damage receiving abilities to their fullest extent. Finally, don't stand over a knocked down Akuma. Like all shotoclones, he has very reliable wake-up moves. Ryu- He plays much like Akuma, except that he doesn't jump very often. Expect a conservative offense or defense that centers around one or two devastating combos. Watch your stun meter, though, since he tends to deal the most stun damage out of any Shoto. Also, its important that you don't expose yourself to any solid hits. Use your crouching medium or roundhouse to kill a hurricane kick that is done too early. Ryu can combo very, very well off of a standing fierce, and with the Shin Shoryuken, even a super cancel deals a lot of damage. However, just like Akuma, patience pays off. This is one of the few matchups where jumping will be necessary. Ken- Ken players tend to be very aggressive, but often like to back off and throw fireballs to throw off your timing. When Ken is in your face, watch out for the game of footsies, but be certain to avoid his overheads. Fortunately, Ken will give you many opportunities to unload with a Double Deadly Combo, so be certain to take advantage of that and put some fear into his game. Your only two defenses against the hurricane kick are to use the crouching medium or use a jumping retaliation, and even then only if the HK is performed far enough away for you to do something about. Under no circumstances should you pattern Ken or telegraph your moves, as his supers and shoryuken are more than capable of snuffing your entire arsenal. Yun/Yang- I know they play very different. However, as Q, those differences are rather small. Look for wild jump ins, huge combos that lead off of a crouching short or jab, and all sorts of crossups. Your size and speed are your biggest disadvantages. However, don't be discouraged, as it takes 2 or 3 of their hits to equal one of yours. Be patient, and wait for them to over extend themselves and punish them appropriately. This battle is not as hard as it first seems. Also, you might be able to occasionally get away with starting the Capture and Deadly Blow over them while they are fallen, but don't get too cocky. They have the means to punish you. Of course, you should never try that if they have a super waiting. Remy- This is one of your most difficult fights. Almost all of his moves out prioritize you. Expect to spend most of the match parrying high and low sonic booms. You *must* be able to beat his cold blue kick, or your battle is lost. Fortunately, it's not that hard to parry, after a little bit of practice. You have to be somewhat aggressive against him, but don't be so aggressive that you end up eating a super for your troubles. Your Double Deadly Combo will come in handy, provided you have the meter for it. Also, use your EX High Speed Barrage to snuff his close range normals and/or dish out a load of tick damage. Chances are, a good portion of the damage you deal to Remy will be from blocking. You might be able to get away with not having to deal with parrying from Remy, since it ruins his charging. Just remember, you deal more damage than Remy, and take less. Alex- Ugh.. this is rough. First, he can close in on you almost at will, thanks to his Elbow slash and Air Stampede. His command throw is infinitely better than yours, and his normals all outprioritize yours. Watch out for his Rising Knee Catch, because you are not safe while on the ground. This is actually one of the few matches where you want to keep someone away from you. Use the arm flail for this, and never ever use an inappropriately spaced Rushing Punch. However, quite a few of Alex's moves have a window of retaliation. Use this fact to good effect, and you might just win the match. Don't count on your damage dealing and receiving abilities, since Alex can easily keep pace with you. This is one of the few matches where time is not on your side. Hugo- This is another very rough match. He actually deals more damage than you do, but at least he's a bit slower than you are. Don't get stupid and put yourself in a position where a Gigas Breaker or Earthquake bomb will be used to punish one of your mistakes. Don't bother jumping against Hugo, except to escape his ground throws. There is one positive note, though, he is *so* big and *so* slow that you will have many, many opportunities to connect the Double Deadly Combo. Use your rushing punches to cover a lot of ground, and to keep your opponent on edge. The high speed barrage can come in handy, since it has more range than Hugo's standard throws. Urien- This is the other of your most difficult fights. The danger in fighting Urien is that he has many, many tools to keep you outside of your effective range, and beating your rush punches is child's play for him. Countering his attacks can be difficult at times, but if he fireballs you, that's your chance to move in, provided that you don't let him psyche you out. This another match where you might be forced to depend on your parrying abilities all too much. Chun Li- If you're playing against a scrub, you have a tough fight. Be patient, and wittle her down. If you're playing someone that is as good as you are, or is better, get another quarter handy, because you will lose. Sean- He's delicious and crunchy. Eat him up. Twelve- He's smooth and creamy. Drink him with a straw. Necro- Makoto- Oro- Ibuki- Q- ---------- 11. Quotes Q's quotes are irrelevant to destroying your foes. Concentrate on the task at hand. Mercy is for the weak. ---------- 12. Ending Q's ending is of no interest to those concerned with victory. Show no mercy to your impudent opponents. 11101011010010001001011101010010101011101011010010010011101110111100101010001101 0 Written by A.o.D. Corrections and insights please utilise that email address. Flame reporting form at the following URL. Print and use as necessary. ----------- Thanks to: Deltakid, for pointing out the Roundhouse cancel into taunt thing.