Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Game by CapCom For the Sega Dreamcast And Arcades Everywhere (that have it) "Q" Character FAQ Version: 3.14 Written by Reverend Eric "Vegita" Johnson ( I - Introduction II - Character Biography A - Q's Story B - General Info (Ten HUT!) III - General FAQ Notes A - Game Layout B - Basic Moves IV - Regular Moves A - Low/Light Punch (LP) B - Medium/Mid Punch (MP) C - High/Hard/Heavy Punch (HP) D - Low/Light Kick (LK) E - Medium/Mid Kick (MK) F - High/Hard/Heavy Kick (HK) G - Throws V - Special (and EX) Moves A - Dashing Straight B - Dashing Trip C - Rapid Swipes D - Capture & Deadly Blow E - Taunt VI - Super Arts A - Critical Combo Attack B - Deadly Double Combination C - Total Destruction D - Author's Opinions VII - Damage Inflicted VIII - Combos IX - Strategies X - Dealing with that Pesky Car XI - Various A - Revision History B - Thanks C - No Thanks =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ---------------------------I: Introduction--------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Welcome! I am Vegita, Guardian Of Destiny, and I see you want help with the character "Q" from Street Fighter 3: Third Strike. Well, that sounds like a good plan, considering I've been consistantly playing the character since the game came out, and I feel that I'm exceedingly good with the character. I've managed to win a couple of tournaments with him (and a few others with Dudley, but he's not the subject of the FAQ), so I think I'm fairly well qualified to write a FAQ over the metallic wonder. First off, let's get one thing straight: Even though I am Vegita, I will try to write from an un-biased point of view (although I still think I'm the best at everything). Second of all, if I catch anyone copying all or part of this FAQ, ANY part of this FAQ (not counting little, inconsequential sentences like "First off, let's get one thing straight), I will destroy you. I will rip you limb from limb like the excessively weak individual you are, and then I will sue you for copyright infringement. Well, ok, maybe I'll just sue you, but if I got the chance I'd certainly go for the ripping of limbs from other limbs. Third of all, I do not own the rights to this game, the names of the characters in this game or FAQ, or have any ownership whatsoever of this game (except for the CD sitting in my room, that is). Those are the property of their respective owners. If I find a website with this FAQ on it, and it has been changed in any way, does not give me proper credit, or is selling it without my knowledge and consent, then I WILL have my lawyers contact that site. Are we clear (this means YOU, Vertsk8!)? Hey folks, if you're going to write me about this game, I must insist that you put, in the subject header of the e-mail, the name of game that you are writing about. I am tired of having people write me, asking about games that I've written for, but they never tell me WHAT game they need help with. This will help me in identifying what game you are talking about, and will also help me weed your e-mails out from the Spam I constantly receive. If you do not put the name of the game in the Subject header, then I may not read your e-mail at all; I get a lot of spam, and people like trying to send me viruses, so if you don't do something that will actually help me in determining whether or not your e-mail is legitimate, you can only blame yourself. =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== -----------------------II: Character Biography----------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Capcom has been churning out Street Fighter games since the mid 1980's. After their first game, they struck pure gold with Street Fighter II. As popular as it was, Capcom managed to squeeze out several variants of the game, slowly adding on more characters and abilities. Eventually, though, the Street Fighter II name started to get old, so Capcom decided to come up with a new series. Aside from the crossover series' (featuring Marvel characters), the Alpha/Zero series (featuring new and old characters from the Street Fighter series), and the Capcom vs. SNK pair (featuring...well, Capcom versus SNK characters), Capcom created the next incarnation of the Street Fighter series: Street Fighter 3. Now, the SF3 series was popular, but many looked down on it. Too many elements that they had enjoyed from the Alpha and Crossover series' weren't included, so the game felt extremely weird. Also, with the advent of an almost-entirely new lineup of character, many ignored the game altogether. However, the game DID have a cult-following, enough to garner 2 sequels (Double Impact and Third Strike). With the introduction of Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, new characters were introduced, including the unique individual known only as "Q". ______________ _~A~ Q's Story________________________________________________________________ ============== Q, from a glance, is just a simple man dressing a suit and trenchcoat, with matching fedora to boot. His most striking feature, visually, is his metallic mask, which is made to look like a face portraying a bland expression, save the eyes - the "eyes" are actually holes cut into the mask, shining a light from whatever lies beneath. His initial look harkens back to that of the Hollywood Private Detective, save for the fact that he is far more sinister than your typical gumshoe. His actions and movements, while not very mechanical in nature, seem to radiate the feel of a man trapped within a machine. You can constantly hear a rasping wheeze come from him, as if whatever may lurk beneath the mask is struggling to breath through mechanical means. (Make your lame Darth Vader jokes now.) Q's fighting actions don't really portray much in the way of actual fighting skill, yet he is able to deal out considerable damage with his strange array of punches and kicks. He swipes his hands as if he has no intention of hurting, and his leg work looks far less damaging than it really is. However, don't be fooled by the oversized character - he can easily punish the weak. One could rationalize this added damage (and defense) from such lackluster moves by saying that there must be a good deal more weight behind each blow - in other words, this is no mere man, but rather a machine, with metal instead of flesh pounding into his opponents. My friends and I have dubbed his particular brand of fighting after the "fighting style" we dubbed those of the agents in the Matrix - namely, "Bruiser" (short for "Angry Agent Bruiser"). Q, while not necessarily angry or an agent (at least, that which we know of), certainly shows that he is a bruiser through and through. _________________ ___~B~ General Info___________________________________________________________ ================= ~~~Q's Introductions~~~ 1) Several children and a dog rush by. Immediately afterwards, Q jumps onscreen and lands on the ground with a large thud, shaking the entire screen. He then turns to face his opponent. 2) The same children and dog rush by. This time, Q rushes in with a Dashing Straight, giving the idea that he was looking to punch one of them but was too slow to catch them. 3) The same children and dog run past - again. Following this, Q slowly walks onto the screen, breathing loudly. I guess he's going for that "creepy stalker" effect. 4) Q jumps onscreen and lands on the ground with a large thud, shaking the screen. No children running. ~~~Q's Win Poses~~~ 1) Q turns his back to us, raising his arms slightly while he looks at the sky and grumbles. He then turns and glares at his fallen opponent. Kinda creepy, no? (This animation only happens when it is not a final round win.) 2) Q walks over to his opponent, stopping to look at their fallen body. He then continues walking offscreen. 3) Q walks over to his opponent, stopping to look at their fallen body. He stays there, motionlessm staring at them. 4) Q walks over to his opponent, stopping to look at their fallen body. He then raises his foot and places it on them, stoping on his defeated enemy. Eep! ~~~Q's Win Quotes~~~ All of Q's win quotes have him giving apparent silence, designated by the "....................." Underneath these silent points, however, are one-word "thoughts" of the fight. Here are those thoughts: 1) Done. 2) Leave. 3) No! 4) Seriously? 5) Yes? 6) Again? 7) Bye. ~~~Q's Fabulous Wardrobe~~~ Depending on which Punch or Kick button you press, Q will appear in a differently colored Trenchcoat and such. Here are his various color schemes: WP - "Normal" Q. Tan trenchcoat and matching fedora, with a red stripe on his fedora and a red tie. He also sports white gloves and Brown Pants, topped off with black shoes. MP - "Earthtones" Q. Muddy-Brown Trenchcoat and matching fedora, with the same red stripe on his hat and a matching red tie. White gloves, brown pant, black shoes. HP - "School Bus" Q. Yellow Trenchcoat and matching fedora (plus the engine of one underneath that coat). Red Stripe on the Fedora, same red tie, same brown pants, same white gloves, same shoes. WK - "Blinding" Q. Starch-white Trenchcoat and matching fedora, with a dark red/purple stripe on his fedora and a tie of the same color. Same white gloves and Brown Pants, same black shoes. MK - "Dirty" Q. Brownish-Yellow Trenchcoat and matching fedora, with a plum stripe on his hat, a plum tie, and matching plum trousers. Same black shoes and while gloves, though. HK - My favorite color scheme - "Bloody Q". Blood-Red Trenchcoat and fedora, black tie and a black stripe on his hat. Burgandy pants, black shoes, white gloves. Intimidating, in my opinion. After beating the game with Q, you unlock a second set of colors for the mighty metal one. In order to access these new colors, hold the Start Button when selecting him. Start + WP - "Darkman" Q. Light brown trenchcoat and Fedora, with the matching Red Tie and a Red Stripe on the Fedora. His pants are a bluish tint, while his gloves and mask are unusually white - they look bleached to the point of appearing to be bandages. I think this gives him the look of Darkman, eh? Start + MP - "Pimpin'" Q. Bright Pink Trenchcoat and Fedora, with his pants, tie, and fedora-stripe all being a deep purple. Please, no "Smoke on the Water" jokes, ok? Start + HP - "Green Giant" Q. Strikingly Green Trenchcoat and Fedora, with yellowish-green pants underneath. The stripe on his hat and his tie are a dark blue. Start + WK - "Monochrome" Q. Dull grey/gray Trenchcoat and Fedora, with a blue hat-stripe and tie. His pants are a greenish- grey tone, and his shoes remain the same as always. Start + MK - "The Shadow" Q. Navy Blue Trenchcoat and Fedora, black tie and black stripe on the fedora with matching black trousers. Even his mask and gloves are shades darker, looking redder. Start + HK - "Colorful" Q. Orange Trenchcoat and Fedora, a purple tie and a purple stripe upon his Fedora. His pants are a brownish hue. Finally, there is one more color scheme unlocked after beating the game, by pressing WK, MP, and HK at the same time. WK + MP + HK - "Butter" Q. Q's gloves, mask, trenchcoat, Fedora, and trousers are all a cream color, while his shoes, tie, and Stripe (on his Fedora) are light brown. ~~~Q's Next-To-Last Boss~~~ Everyone has their own special "villain", an opponent they wish to challenge before taking on Gill (in Gill's case, prior to fighting Alex). In Q's case, he is forced to fight Akuma (Gouki). Prior to these fights, there is (almost always) a bit of dialog between the two fighters...however, between the usually quiet Q and the usually angry Akuma, there is nothing said. I guess it's just business between the two fighters, eh? The odd thing about this (other than the fact that there is no dialog prior to the fight) is that in the American Arcade version of SFIII: Third Strike, Akuma's name during the match is written as "Gouki". Odd, how the programmers missed that particular spelling! =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ----------------III: General FAQ Notes---------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== First of, I should cover some of the basics of the game. ________________ _~A~ Game Layout______________________________________________________________ ================ You have the menu screen. Since this isn't a general game FAQ, I'll not give you a section for that. Suffice to say, you can fight as Q by going to the Versus section, the Practice Section, or the Main Game. Once you've decided, it's time to pick your player. Let's assume you pick Q, ok? After all, if you didn't then this FAQ would seem pretty worthless. Now, the basic premise of the game is simple. You have 2 combatants (you being Q, provided you picked him) who face off, 1-on-1, in fighting matches. Each person has a Health Meter at the top of the screen, represented by a yellow bar next to that character's portrait and name. The first person to successfully reduce their opponent's bar to emptiness wins a round. In order to do this, you have to punch, kick, bite, claw, etc. to your opponent. Standard matches are fought with a "Best 2-of-3 Matches" setup (although you can change this in the options menu). Every character has different moves (although some characters have moves that are similar to other characters' moves), sizes, heights, weights, and looks, making each of the 19 combattants wholly different in style. There, you have it - the basics for a fighting game. Now, let's delve a little deeper into the mechanics of the game itself before we get to the character analysis. Here are the controls and shorthand I will use. ________________ ___~B~ Basic Moves____________________________________________________________ ================ WP = WEAK PUNCH. For those of you playing in the Arcade, you have a special button designated for this. As for you Dreamcast users, the default button for the WEAK PUNCH is the A BUTTON. In general, the WP is quick, but does little damage and has short range. MP = MEDIUM PUNCH. Again, in the arcade this button has already been set for you. The Dreamcast usually has this as the X BUTTON. The MEDIUM PUNCH is usually slower than the WEAK PUNCH, but will do more damage and has more range/priority. HP = HARD/HEAVY PUNCH. Again, for the arcade this button is inset, but the Dreamcast usually sets this up as the Left Shoulder Trigger. The HP does the most damage of the punch attacks, but usually moves the slowest. WK = WEAK KICK. Just like the WP, only this is a quick kick attack that does little damage and has little range. This is usually the B BUTTON on a Dreamcast controller. MK = MEDIUM KICK. Medium damaging kick. This is defaulted as the Y BUTTON on a Dreamcast Controller. HK = HARD/HEAVY KICK. Most damaging kick. The default for this is the Right Shoulder Trigger. WP + WK = Throw. When pushing the WP and WK buttons at the same time, your character will make a small grabbing motion. If you are close enough to your opponent when doing this, your character will grab and throw them. However, a throw attempt can be negated if your opponent presses WP + WK right as you do. When this happens, you both will make the action, then be pushed away from each other. MP + MK = Universal Overhead. When you press the Medium Punch and Kick buttons together at the same time, your character will do what is known as a "Universal Overhead". What this attack is, is that your character will make a small hop towards your opponent while making an attack. The Universal Overhead will always connect against opponents who are blocking low. In Q's case, he performs his jumping WK, which is to say he hops up and jabs his knee into his opponents' face. HP + HK = Taunt. By pressing the HP and HK buttons together, your character will taunt. Each characters' taunt will aid that character in a special way, ranging from a temporary increase in power to invisibility. In Q's case, it will increase his defense, up to 200% of his normal ability. However, in order to accomplish this, Q must taunt 3 times throughout the course of the fight. AWAY and TOWARDS = Instead of using the terms "Left" and "Right", in use AWAY and TOWARDS. The terms Left and Right, when used in listing special moves, assume that your character is facing a certain direction. Since, throughout the course of a fight, your characters will most likely switch sides, Left and Right will switch their meanings. Since this happens, I choose not to confuse through the use of the terms AWAY (meaning away from your opponent) and TOWARDS (meaning towards your opponent). JUMP = Up Directional Pad. By pressing up on the Directional Pad (or the arcade stick), your character will jump up in the air. This can be used in conjunction with Left or Right to jump diagonally in those directions. SUPER JUMP = By tapping down, then pressing up on the Directional Pad, your character will jump higher and further than with a normal jump. DUCK = Down Control Pad. When your character ducks, they get closer to the ground, making themselves a smaller target. By doing so, you can duck certain attacks, as well as gain a new set of attacks yourself (from the crouching position). For shorthand references, I usually refer to a crouching attack as "c.XX", with XX being the attack used while crouching. Thus, the term "c.HP" would mean a crouching Hard Punch.j DASH/HOP = TOWARDS x 2 (TOWARDS, TOWARDS). By tapping TOWARDS your opponent twice in rapid succession, your character will hop or dash closer (how they react depends on the character used). This is a faster mode for travelling about the screen, so if you need to move a little quicker from one point to another you can always dash there. BACKSTEP = AWAY x 2 (AWAY, AWAY). By tapping AWAY from your opponent twice in rapid succession, your character will hop or jump backwards a small distance. This is quicker than walking, and is used to move away from your opponent in a faster manner. BLOCK = Away on the Control Pad when your opponent is attacking. When blocking, your character will not take any damage, unless the attack being blocked is a Special Move, an EXed move, or a Super Art. Damage that is done while while you are blocking is known as "chip damage" - you are chipping their life away, bit by bit. This can add up after a while. PARRY = Although I probably won't use this term much in this FAQ (in learning how to use Q), Parrying is a fundimental part of the game. Parrying is simple in description - press towards your opponent (or Down for a low attack) at the moment of an incoming attack and you "parry" it - but the actual application of the move is quite different. This is where practice comes into play for you, as knowing the timing of parrying for certain moves is extremely handy. Parrying means you take no damage whatsoever, and leaves you in a position to harm your opponent (provided you have an attack that will be quicker than anything your opponent can use). There are very few moves that cannot be parried, so learn those that can't and avoid them, then learn to parry the rest. If you wish to know more about parrying, there are a couple of guides dedicated specifically to the art that can be found on CHARGE = When I use this term, what I mean is that you have to hold a direction for approximately 2 seconds before inputting the next command. Q has 2 "charge" moves - his Dashing Straight (Hook) and his Dashing Sweep - both of which require that you CHARGE AWAY for about 2 seconds before pressing TOWARDS and the appropriate button (punch or kick). As long as you're holding the appropriate direction (in Q's case, the only direction you have to hold is AWAY), you can be performing any action that doesn't force you to stop building that charge (anything that requires releasing AWAY). In other words, you could jump in the air (UP, UP-TOWARDS or UP-AWAY) and as long as you hold AWAY for as long as necessary you can launch a CHARGE move as soon as you are on the ground. You can also build a CHARGE when ducking by holding DOWN and AWAY. ROLL = Although I probably won't use this term much through the duration of this FAQ, it is beneficial to know what the term "roll" means. When you "ROLL", that means you are inputting the directions for a move by rolling the joystick or directional pad from one direction to the next. For example - if a move says "DOWN, TOWARDS" you may "roll" the movement by pressing "DOWN, DOWN-TOWARDS, TOWARDS". Instead of pressing each direction, you "slur" the movement by simply going from one point to the next. this is a great deal quicker than simply pressing the directions one at a time, and is, in fact, almost required for certain moves. However, some moves cannot truly be "slurred", as is the case with the CHARGE moves (due to the fact that you press 1 direction, then the opposite direction). When you "roll", the computer conveniently ignores the extra directions you've thrown in (such as the diagonal DOWN-TOWARDS in the above example) and allows you to still perform the move that corresponds with the movements put in. - = When I list certain directions that are hyphenated, such as "DOWN-AWAY", that means you press both directions at the same time. This means that the move is a diagonal. + = When I list directional movements with a +, that means that the button is pressed at the same time as the direction indicated. In other words, if you see "Away + A Button" that means you would press AWAY and the A BUTTON at the same time. I use the Hyphen (+) and the Plus (+) both for continuity - one is used for directions, while the other is used for buttons. , = When I list commas in between moves, that means you must press the direction and/or button, then press the next direction/button, etc. If you see "Away, Down, Towards", that means you would press AWAY, then DOWN, then TOWARDS. --------------------------------------------- The game isn't just those few actions, though. Here are a few more abilities for you to absorb and use to your advantage. ~~~Combos. This game isn't just about striking your opponent. By linking certain moves together, you can create "combos" (combinations of attacks) that - provided you have your timing down, the first hit connects, and you're in range - the rest of the hits will be unavoidable, unblockable, and uncounterable. However, this game does go by the concept of "Damage Scaling" - meaning the longer the combo is (the more hits you are able to put into it), the less damage each hit will do until you are doing 1 Damage per each attack. However, this is reset when the combo ends (you whiff an attack, your opponent blocks, or generally you stop wailing on your opponent), so you can fake your opponent into creating a new opening, allowing you to strike even more. ~~~Special Moves. Special Moves (also referred to as "Command Moves") are moves that are accomplished with a combination of movements with the Directional Pad, followed by a Punch or Kick button. These moves may have special properties to them, such as juggling or added stun damage, as well as may differ depending on what strength of Punch or Kick button you use. ~~~Meter. Your meter is what you use in EXing moves and, ultimately, your Super Art. Depending on which Super Art you pick for your character to use, you might have a longer or shorter meter, as well as multiple bars to fill up. The meter can be filled up by simply attacking, attacking and connecting with your opponent (this includes throws), defending a hit from your opponent, taking a hit from your opponent, or taunting. Some moves will build meter faster (usually harder attacks), so learn what builds quickly and use it effectively. ~~~EX Moves. EXed moves are Special Moves that, when done, use 2 of the proper button (punches or kicks) instead of 1. Not all moves can be EXed, but for those that can they will exhibit special traits unlike those of the normal move. The effects vary with the move. Also, when you use an EXed move, it takes a portion of your Meter, so unless you have enough built up then you can't even use an EXed move. ~~~"Command Throws." This term is applied to characters that have a throw-like attack, but requires a special button combination to do so. Q is one of the few character that has a Command Throw in this game. Command Throws, sadly, cannot be EXed, despite the fact that they are considered Special Moves. ~~~Super Arts. Before the match begins, you pick 1 of 3 "Super Arts" for your character to work with. These Super Arts can only be used when you have built up 1 entire bar of Meter, so it will take a little bit of work before you can use them. What the Super Art does varies from each move to move - some are 1-hit auto-combos, some are repeated hits, some are super throws, some are counters, and some don't have a category to fit in. Each Super Art will have its own meter length (meaning some will require less work to build up to capacity), and some even have multiple bars for you to fill - this means you can build up the entire meter and have up to 3 uses of that Super anytime you want! ~~~Tech Rolls. After being thrown, knocked down, etc., where your character will be flung and knocked to the ground, by pressing DOWN right as your player hits the ground they will roll and stand up. This allows you to get up quicker, moves you a little further away from your opponent, and even gives you a little meter to boot! =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== --------------------------IV: Regular Moves-------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Each character has 3 punches and 3 kicks (well, ok - Dudley as punches for kicks, and Elena has kicks for punches) to utilize in their efforts. Here is an analysis of each attack, plus what they will chain into. I don't rate how much stun is done because everyone has different lengths of Stun bar, so giving percentages is impossible, and I really don't know how to effectively describe just how much is done (aside from breaking out a stopwatch and timing all of the moves', which I don't plan on doing). If it's a significant amount of Stun Damage, then I will list "Significant Stun Damage". Ya dig? _________________________ _~A~ Low/Light Punch (LP)_____________________________________________________ ========================= ~~~Standing~~~ Description: A swift strike, Q raises his hand up to his hat and then jabs his hand towards his opponent, around mid-level. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: This attack is quick enough that parrying it is darn-near impossible unless you anticipate it. However, its low range and damage mean you have to be in VERY close to strike with it, making it not very effective in use at ALL. The only real signifigance it has is the fact that it can stop some attacks from coming in (decent priority), and that for a Weak Punch this move does a surprising amount of Stun Damage. ~~~Standing Close~~~ Description: Q quickly raises his arm up and strikes with the back of his hand. This attack is even quicker than his distanced WP and does slightly more damage. It strikes higher up on the target, around upper-chest level on another Q. Will Chain Into: EX Rapid Swipes Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (Initiation) Super Art III (Kick Grab) --Only On a Parry-- General Thoughts: This attack is superior to Q's regular (distanced) Weak Punch in almost every way. It does more damage, it comes out quicker, and it can be chained into Super Arts. Due to its better speed (and ability to chain into more damage via Super Arts or an EXed Rapid Swipes) it is much more ideal for countering attacks with a blow of your own. The only downsides to it are the fact that some characters can duck and have this attack completely whiff them, and that it has terrible range. Oh well, it's not like you should expect a move to move this quickly to have good range, eh? ~~~Crouching~~~ Description: Q thrusts his hand straight outward, fingers splayed, in an attempt to poke his opponent in the shin. It strikes low on the opponent. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: The only thing this attack has going for it is its speed and range; it has a decent enough speed for the range it covers, but it does absolutely TERRIBLE damage. It can't chain into anything, so there's no chance of it linking into any significant damage. Finally, it doesn't do hardly any stun damage at ALL. Therefore, the only thing it is useful for, other than the psychological ramifications (where any attack can be made useful by faking your opponent into an opening), is its stopping power. Because it is quick and has decent range, you can halt attacks at a reasonably safe distance while still keeping yourself out of harms' way. get slightly more range out of his WK for the same speed, so why bother? ~~~Jumping Towards/Away~~~ Description: Q extends his arm with his fingers outstretched in a clawing motion. He will remain in this motion until he touches down on the ground or is hit out of it. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: This is actually a surprisingly effective attack. Q's clawed appendage does a decent amount of damage and stun, given the fact that it's a Weak Punch. It also has a fairly good range to it, as well as high priority, making it a fairly safe move to utilize while in the air. Because of its angle of attack, Q is relatively safe from counters when using this attack, provided he isn't struck above his outstretched hand or in his legs. However, doing either can be quite difficult, provided you're not using an attack that has a higher priority. Due to its low damage and inability to chain into anything (even Supers), though, this isn't a move that you should use if you want to deal out a ton of damage. ~~~Jumping Straight Up~~~ Description: Q lashes his hand straight out, curving his fingers into a claw- like grip. Will Chain Into: Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (Initiation) Super Art III (Kick Grab) --Only On a Parry-- General Thoughts: Bleh...this attack really doesn't serve that much of a purpose. Granted, it has decent damage to it, but the reason Q's jumping WP is effective is because of how it keeps him relatively safe. This move has his hand horizontally straight, meaning that he is really only defending himself from jumping attacks - and leaving himself completely open from the arm down. This attack has decent priority against attacks coming in from that level, but the fact remains that the "level" of where the attack is coming from is straight out ahead. The only use this attack has is as a counter to an incoming attack, and Q has attacks with better range and damage that can do the same job just as well. __________________________ ___~B~ Medium/Mid Punch (MP)__________________________________________________ ========================== ~~~Standing~~~ Description: Q swings his rear arm in a horizontal arc, aimed roughly at head height (his head, mind you). This is, essentially, a fairly mean looking swipe, as Q steps into the attack and moves forward quite a bit with the blow. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: Wow...this move has a very surprising amount of range to it. How much range are we talking about? 1 swipe covers just under 1/2 a screen's distance. However, it is also plagued with a lot of problems. It has terrible speed for the range it covers, giving your opponent ample time to counter or Parry the move. It doesn't do much damage for the speed it takes, so it's not very effective in that respect. It can't chain into ANYTHING, so it's more of a 1-shot wonder. Finally, it strikes a little too high - the average height of the characters in this game are a good deal shorter than Q, so Q's head-height attack will whiff most players when they duck. Giving your opponent a free shot isn't a good thing... Of course, it DOES have its merits. According to BillyKane: ( "Yes, the standing MP isn't that great if you only take into consideration the attack itself, but as you said it covers so much ground that it's Q's best way to get close to his foe. It has a rather good priority, and the speed is decent, although it's open to low attacks. However, it's very unlikely that someone will parry it, and when people try to counter after they see the attack they can eat either a kara-throw, a super art, or a dashing punch (you can buffer during the charge attack, which is more surprising because experienced players will often see when you're charging). I personally think the risk taken is worth it, because Q has so much stamina: if you can get close to your opponent, you've done the hardest part." ~~~Standing Variation - AWAY + MP~~~ Description: Q swings his rear arm upward in an uppercut-like attack. This attack comes out quicker than Q's normal Standing MP. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: Yet another attack that doesn't work well in all too many situations. Granted, it can be used as an Anti-Air, but it has VERY little horizontal range. This means that if you do use it as an Anti-Air, you're going to have to be sure when to strike or else you could end up getting socked before you can use it. This move also doesn't chain into other moves, meaning that you're only going to want to use it as a keep-away attack. By this merit, it's ONLY use is as an anti-air - and since Q has better anti-air attacks, that leaves this move in the cold. I have since discovered an interesting use for this move...but it's just not feasible in a REAL match. However, it sure does make for an interesting combo, one that will downright kill anyone once the first hit connects (provided certain criteria are met). In a real fight, the usage of this particular "combo" won't work since the second hit is very blockable. However, with a little mix-up you could feasibly do all sorts of nasty deeds to your opponent, using the AWAY + MP as the link into it! I'll cover that in the strategy section. ~~~Standing Close~~~ No different from the Standing MP and the Standing Variation MP. ~~~Crouching~~~ Description: Q swings his rear arm in a horizontal arc, aimed roughly at head height (his head, mind you). This is, for all intents and purposes, simply a crouching version of his standing MP. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: The funny thing about this move is, it has better speed than its standing counterpart, yet has less range to it. Therefore, if you want to be truly effective with it you can combo into it, or quickly pull this attack out to deter jumping enemies. Because it doesn't whiff your opponents when you use it, it is MUCH more useful in situations where the Standing version could be applied. However, it can't be chained into anything, so don't bother. ~~~Jumping Towards/Away~~~ Description: Q, while in air, haphazardly turns and swings his arm horizontally around. It looks like he's more clumsy than offensive! Will Chain Into: Close Weak Punch (WP) Crouching Weak Punch (c.WP) Weak Kick (WK) Crouching Weak Kick (c.WK) Close Medium Kick (MK-close) Crouching Medium Kick (c.MK) EX Rapid Swipes Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (initiation) General Thoughts: This attack has a nice amount of range and a decent speed behind it, both of which compliment the amount of damage it does. However, because Q swings his arm around at head-level, the attack is not very prone to hit - your opponent pretty much HAS to be above you if you want to connect against them. It can link into several attacks if you connect just prior to touching the ground, but because of its shallow angle of attack it's not very feasible to use in an actual fight. Also, there are attacks that do more damage, have better priority and attack-angles, and can link into moves better/easier than this, so ultimately this attack should only be used when trying to halt an opponents jumping after you. ~~~Jumping Straight Up~~~ No Difference from the Jumping Towards/Away version. _______________________________ _____~C~ Hard/Heavy/High Punch (HP)___________________________________________ =============================== ~~~Standing~~~ Description: Q balls up his fists, then lunges forward with both arms extended. This attack, if it connects, will knock your opponent down. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: What a...uh...strange move! This attack has its uses, but for the most part it is too slow has too little range to be very effective. It doesn't link into other moves so it can't be used to chain into more damage; it isn't fast enough or cover enough space to be effective as a poke; it has too much lag to be effective as a juggle. However, it does strike ducking enemies, so you can still hit there, and it is possible to use this as a follow-up to a Capture & Deadly Blow. The amount of stun this does should probably also be mentioned - namely, it does a very nice amount, regardless of which direction you hold. NOTE - Q's Standing Punch will travel different distances, depending on if you hold AWAY or not when pressing the button. The AWAY HP will do a little less damage than NEUTRAL (or TOWARDS), but won't knock down enemies. There is a small window of opportunity to use a Super Art after the AWAY HP, but it isn't a true Chain - therefore, I don't list it as such. However, his AWAY + HP does do a significant amount of stun while leaving Q relatively safe, so don't ignore the possibilites of this move! ~~~Standing Close~~~ No different from the regular Standing HP. ~~~Crouching~~~ Description: Q balls up a fist, raises it above his head, and slams it into the ground in front of him. This move has been affectionately dubbed, by my friends, as the "Ground Pound". Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: I guess this is Q's version of Makoto's Ground Pound, eh? The only difference is that it doesn't do as much damage, it doesn't knock down, it doesn't deliver much stun damage, doesn't have the best range in the world, it doesn't chain into other what IS the point of this damage? Well, it IS fairly quick, considering it's a HP attack, and doesn't leave Q too badly open during and after. Frankly, though, there are other attacks with better range, speed, and priority than this. Don't use this attack too much... ~~~Jumping Towards/Away~~~ Description: Q, while in the air, balls up his fists and jabs them both at a 45º degree angle towards the ground. Will Chain Into: Weak Punch (WP) Crouching Weak Punch (c.WP) AWAY + Medium Punch (b.MP) Crouching Medium Punch (c.MP) Weak Kick (WK) Crouching Weak Kick (c.WK) Medium Kick (MK) Crouching Medium Kick (c.MK) WP Rapid Swipes MP Rapid Swipes HP Rapid Swipes EXed Rapid Swipes Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (initiation) Super Art III (Kick Grab) --Only On a Parry-- General Thoughts: This is the Jump-In you will want to use the most with Q. It has a VERY high amount of priority, does a decent amount of damage, is quick to come out, has a decent attack range, can be used in a variety of situations, and can link into Q's best standing close attack, his Close-MK. If you must jump in the air, this will most likely be the attack you'll use. Its horizontal range is roughly equivalent to Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sean's jumping HK and has the same amount of priority, so you'll be relatively safe when using it in the same situations you might encounter with them. ~~~Jumping Straight Up~~~ No different from the Jumping Towards/Away HP. ________________________ _______~D~ Low/Light Kick (LK)________________________________________________ ======================== ~~~Standing~~~ Description: Q delivers a quick kick to the shin with the toe of his shoe. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: It's quick, but it's not very damaging, has low range, low priority, doesn't do much stun damage, and doesn't link into anything. Use this attack if you're trying to prove a point, but otherwise avoid the bleedin' move. Just like Q's standing WP, it's difficult to parry unless you know it's coming...but I don't foresee you winning any battles by kicking your opponent in the shins until they're dead. ~~~Standing Close~~~ No difference between the Close WK and normal WK. ~~~Crouching~~~ Description: Q quickly jabs his foot out a short distance, performing a "toe kick". Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: This has the range of a bee's stinger, and does about as much damage. It does almost no stun, it can't chain into anything, it has pitiful range...why even BOTHER with this attack? Yeesh! ~~~Jumping Towards/Away~~~ Description: Q, while in the middle of the air, throws his arms up into the air while jabbing a knee straight forward. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: I guess he/she/it hopes that their momentum will be enough to damage, since there isn't much force behind the knee itself. This attack DOES have a decent amount of priority to it, and it comes out extremely quickly as well. The problems with the attack lie in its little range, little damage (both normal and stun), and it doesn't protect Q very well once in the air. It has a decent amount of priority directly in front of him, but his legs and his torso-up are wide open. Don't expect this attack to protect you from much anything at all. ~~~Jumping Straight Up~~~ No Difference between the Jumping Towards/Away and Jumping Up WK. _________________________ _________~E~ Medium/Mid Kick (MK)_____________________________________________ ========================= ~~~Standing~~~ Description: Q, with a grunt, jabs his forefront foot at his opponent, striking with the heel/sole of his shoe. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: This attack has a fairly decent speed to it, given its range. In general, after landing a jump-in you'll want to use his Medium Kick to either press opponents away or link into larger attacks. This attack, while not easy to link into other attacks, can do the job of "Back Up, Mister!" rather well. It doesn't do too much damage, but for the speed and range it yields it is still well worth the use. Let's not forget the fact that this move pretty much beats out Q's standing WK in every way possible (except speed). ~~~Standing Close~~~ Description: Q, being the mean person that he/she/it is, stomps directly down on the ground with his foot. Will Chain Into: WP Rapid Swipes MP Rapid Swipes HP Rapid Swipes EX Rapid Swipes WP Dashing Straight MP Dashing Straight EX Dashing Straight Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (Initiation) Super Art III (Punch Grab) General Thoughts: It is of my opinion that this is the best move Q has in his entire arsenal. Granted, you can do more damage with some moves (namely specials and supers), but this move is extremely quick, does a decent-enough amount of damage, and can easily link into larger moves from the Robotic Warrior. I call it his most versatile because you can link into it from most any Jump-In attack, which (in turn) can be linked into specials, supers, or both. This move is, essentially, Q's jump point to any truly damaging combos. This is not to say that he can't do any damaging combos that do not include this attack - I'm just saying why not tack on a little more damage to that combo? ~~~Crouching~~~ Description: Q jabs his rear foot out, grunting at the same time. I guess the grunt means he's putting effort into it? Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: Well, this attack has a decent amount of range, and speed to it; however, it can't chain into anything, and doesn't do too much damage. Truly, the only use you'll get out of this is as a poking tool. Of course, Q really doesn't have any decent pokes outside of his Standing and Crouching MK and his Crouching MP, so this can still be quite the effective tool. ~~~Jumping Towards/Away~~~ Description: Q, while in mid-air, turns his entire body around while swinging his leg horizontally in front of him. Will Chain Into: General Thoughts: Wow...if you ever happen to be caught in the air at the same time as your opponent (say, if you both jump at the same time), this attack will most likely always stop them cold. It has a great amount of range to it, as well as priority and speed. Its only real problem is that it is perfectly horizontal, so you can run the risk of being hit in the upper-torso by an opponent coming down on you. Of course, if your opponent is jumping in at you, you'd best not try to jump and use this attack unless you're jumping AWAY from them. Although this attack does a decent job of linking into moves, it really doesn't do enough damage for you to want this to be your main aerial attack. All in all, it's good for keepaway and zone defense, so don't overuse it or use it in instances where other attacks would suit better. Since it is a fairly long attack (probably Q's longest attack), it is most likely your safest bet for a jump-in. Of course, it doesn't do the damage of his jump-in HP or HK, so it's your call. ~~~Jumping Straight Up~~~ No difference between the Jumping Towards/Away and the Jumping Up Medium Kicks. ______________________________ ___________~F~ Hard/Heavy/High Kick (HK)______________________________________ ============================== ~~~Standing~~~ Description: Q rears his front leg up, then kicks straight out in front of him with the heel of his foot. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: This attack has a great amount of range and damage to it... However, it is incredibly slow to hit with, leaves Q VERY wide open, and can't link into anything. Ultimately, if you're lookin' for an attack that does a large amount of damage, go for this. However, there are other attacks that cover the same amount of distance in less time and leave Q less vulnerable, so I would suggest (for the most part) avoiding this attack. ~~~Standing Variation: AWAY + HK~~~ Description: Q, in an attempt to kick at face-height, spins and falls flat on his/her/its face. His foot achieves the desired height, though. Will Chain Into: Taunt (!!!) WP Rapid Swipes MP Rapid Swipes HP Rapid Swipes EX Rapid Swipes WP Dashing Straight MP Dashing Straight HP Dashing Straight EX Dashing Straight WK Dashing Sweep MK Dashing Sweep HK Dashing Sweep EX Dashing Sweep WK Capture & Deadly Blow --Only On a Parry-- MK Capture & Deadly Blow --Only On a Parry-- HK Capture & Deadly Blow --Only On a Parry-- Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (Initiation) Super Art III (Kick Grab) --Only On a Parry-- General Thoughts: This attack is really good, and yet really, really bad. The reasoning behind how it's good is simple - you can strike with it, low or high, and knock down your opponent with a sweep-like attack. If the low hit is blocked, you can cancel into any of the special moves above...and even Q's Taunt! This works great for when you come across someone who's used to blocking the lower attack, then retaliating - throw out another attack or two after this "fall down" attack to mess 'em up good! If they block, you've got 'em with another attack (they're most likely assuming you'll fall down after the attack). If they parry the attack, unless they're ready to parry anything/everything else you throw out then you've got 'em again! Now, what's the downside to the move? For starters, it isn't exactly the safest of moves for Q to endulge in...if he doesn't connect with it, he has some tremendous downtime (literally) as he staggers back to his feet. This gives your opponent ample time to wail on you, provided they weren't all the way across the screen when you used it (and if they were, why were you using the attack to begin with?). So in general it's a good attack for trickery, but it can be an extremely bad move if you just throw it out. Ultimately, I use it as an anti- air and as an occasional wake-up tactic, but that's it. ~~~Crouching~~~ Description: Q, in an effort to attack with both of his feet at once, flings himself horizontally, spinning and falling flat on the ground. His lets, fully extended, are used to trip his opponent. Will Chain Into: None. General Thoughts: This really isn't a very good attack; in fact, in terms of sweeps, I think this is the worst sweep attack in the game. Everyone else's sweeps are either quicker, leave them less-vulnerable, or simply don't look as ridiculous. Granted, this has a decent-enough range to it, but the fact that Q is completely vulnerable for the majority of the frames of animation for this move is ridiculous. ~~~Jumping Towards/Away~~~ Description: Q, during his jump, performs a full-air summersault, bringing his legs downward in a stamping fashion. Imagine someone performing a summersault so they may hit with their legs really hard and you've got it. Will Chain Into: Weak Punch (WP) Crouching Weak Punch (c.WP) AWAY + Medium Punch (b.MP) Crouching Medium Punch (c.MP) Weak Kick (WK) Crouching Weak Kick (c.WK) Medium Kick (MK) Crouching Medium Kick (c.MK) WP Rapid Swipes MP Rapid Swipes HP Rapid Swipes EXed Rapid Swipes Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (initiation) General Thoughts: 'tis Q's most powerful jumping attack, doing a little more damage than his jumping HP. What makes this attack good is the fact that it links into just as much as the jumping HP, plus it hits harder and is more difficult to parry. The downside(s) to this attack is that its start-up time is really bad, it has a very specific window for striking (meaning it's hard to hit with), and it leaves Q Very open. Hitting with it is bad, since you almost have to have very specific situations just to pull it off without getting hit, and even if you do it might not be in an ideal position to link into another attack. The bottom line - this attack should only be used in very specific situations, or else you're more than likely going to get punished. ~~~Jumping Straight Up~~~ No difference between the Jumping Towards/Away version and the Jumping Up version of HK. ___________ _____________~G~ Throws_______________________________________________________ =========== Q has 2 styles of throws (not counting his Capture & Deadly Blow). He achieves Throw #1 by holding a direction when throwing, while Throw #2 is his Neutral Throw. Let's talk about 'em, shall we? Throw #1 - Head Plant. Q picks up his opponent by the head, rears back, and arcs his arm all the way over his body. His opponent is then roughly planted on the ground by their head. This throw is rather painful lookin', if I do say so myself. Throw #2 - Meet...the knee. Q picks up his opponent by the head (again), this time raising them up in front of him. He then grabs their head with both hands and brings them straight down onto his knee. This throw does less damage than Throw #1, and also has Q's opponent fall closer to him on the ground. This puts Q in prime opportunity to play a quick mind game for another free hit or two (Rapid Swipes vs. Capture & Deadly Blow - fake 'em out!). Now, it should be noted that these attacks actually do a pretty decent amount of stun damage (considering they're throws an' all), and just look flat-out painful. Throw #1 sends opponents a good deal across the screen, so if you're working towards a corner then this is a good way to move them around (as is the Capture & Deadly Blow, but I'll get to that in the Special Moves section). Throw #2 drops your opponent right next to Q (unless they tech roll), so it leaves them in an absolutely perfect position for a Capture & Deadly Blow or Rapid Swipes. =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== --------------------------V: Special Moves-------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Q's special moves are just as unorthodox as his regular moves, and thus require a bit of work in their usage. However, given the right circumstances he can do loads of damage and play keep-away or chip games just as effectively as anyone else (well, anyone that doesn't have a projectile). Let's take a look at his moves, shall we? Note - if (for some odd reason) you have plans on printing out a "move list", cut/paste this section into a separate document and print IT out - I'll even include the Super Arts in this section for handy reference! Dashing Straight = CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + PUNCH (WP, MP or HP) Dashing Hook = CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + PUNCH (WP, MP or HP) Hold down the PUNCH button upon dashing. EX Dashing Straight = CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + ANY 2 PUNCHES. Dashing Sweep = CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + KICK (WK, MK OR HK) EX Dashing Sweep = CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + ANY 2 KICKS. Rapid Swipes = DOWN, AWAY + PUNCH (WP, MP, HP) EX Rapid Swipes = DOWN, AWAY + ANY 2 PUNCHES. If you need to, roll from DOWN to AWAY to make the motion easier. Capture & Deadly Blow = TOWARDS, DOWN, AWAY + KICK (WK, MK or HK) If you need to, roll from TOWARDS to DOWN to AWAY to make the motion easier. Critical Combination = DOWN, TOWARDS + PUNCH (WP, MP or HP) Deadly Double Combination = DOWN, TOWARDS + PUNCH (WP, MP or HP) Total Destruction = DOWN, TOWARDS + PUNCH to Initiate. DOWN, TOWARDS + PUNCH for longer grab. DOWN, TOWARDS + KICK for shorter grab. Note - If you need to, roll from DOWN to TOWARDS to make the motion on any of these easier. for the Total Destruction Super Art, you must first "initiate" the move by performing the movement, then grab your opponent by performing the motion with either a PUNCH or KICK button. The PUNCH grab has longer range but is blockable, while the KICK grab has a shorter range but is unblockable. And now for the more in-depth coverage of each special move! _____________________ _~A~ Dashing Straight_________________________________________________________ ===================== CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + PUNCH (WP, MP or HP) Description: Q quickly dashes forward, lunging with his forefist to punch his opponent. His movement is so fast there appear to be visual trails left behind, and his fist is powerful enough to fling enemies across the screen. If you hold the button in, Q will instead stop after dashing and swing his fist in an overhead arc, smashing down on his enemy rather than decking them right in the fast. General Thoughts: Q's Dashing Straight is probabably the most commonly used special in his arsenal. Due to is range, speed, priority, and ability to juggle or chain into Supers, it is a very powerful tool for him to use. The only setback from it is when it encounters a move that has a higher priority, an attacker that has a low sweep or projectile that can get to him first, or the fact that you have to use a charging motion. Each of his moves have different properties depending on which Punch/Kick button you use, so let's cover those differences now. ~~~Weak Punch (WP)~~~ Q Dashes just under 1/2 the distance of the screen before punching. This version does the least amount of damage of the Dashing Straights, and travels the shortest distance. However, this is not to say that you won't need it - thanks to its shorter time, you can effectively combo into (and out of) it, and since juggling varies depending on who you're fighting, how large they are, and how much they weigh, if you want to juggle effectively you'll flat-out NEED this. ~~~Medium Punch (MP)~~~ Q Dashes just over 1/2 the distance of the screen before punching. This is the most commonly-used version of Q's Dashing Straight. This is due to the fact that it is the most powerful version of the Dashing Straight Q can combo into (not counting the EX version, which takes meter). Also, it is the most versatile version of his dashing punch based around juggling. Some characters are heavier than others, so in order to juggle effectively you'll have to know ahead of time which character you can hit with what - however, since this one is also the most effective in combos (WP does less damage, HP won't connect before they can block), it is (in my opinion) the best of the 3. ~~~Hard/Heavy Punch~~~ Q dashes around 4/5 the distance of the screen before punching. This Dashing Straight does the most damage of the 3 (not counting the EX version), but can't be easily combo'ed into. The reasoning behind this is due to its added dash distance. This extra distance to be covered means Q takes longer before delivering the Punch; this means that his opponent has just enough time to block it. Therefore, you'll primarily want to stick to using this in juggles and mix-up games. ~~~Punch Button (WP/MP/HP) Held In (a.k.a. "Dashing Hook")~~~ CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + PUNCH (WP, MP or HP) Hold down the PUNCH button upon dashing. Q dashes the same distance as normal (depending on which punch button used). The usage of this move is primarily as a mix-up maneuver. Throwing out a few regular Dashing Straights then following those up with this version can sometimes score a hit. However, the only situations where these seem to be handy are when you find someone who's good at parrying the initial Dashing Straight - if they block, they'll just continue to block until the hit comes (a little later, as is the trick to this move), thus blowing the "trick". If they parry, they'll take this too the face - they won't be blocking any more (it'll be too late to block), and because they'll attempt to parry by tapping forward they'll completely miss the opportunity to retaliate or re-parry. Of course, one of the biggest and best points about this attack is that it hits crouching enemies. Don't ignore this attack, especially in a fight where you've thrown out a few Dashing Straights and Sweeps. Your opponent will think they're getting wise to you, while you're only letting them in on part of the secret. When they try to block low (to block the Sweep and/or duck the Straight), they'll take a shot in the head! (Thanks to BillyKane for that reminder!) As a final note, you can perform a "double juggle" if you have your timing down with the Dashing Hook. Since it bounces your opponent upwards more than away, you can effectively follow it with a Normal attack or a WP Dashing Straight, adding even more damage. If you're close to a corner, you can double-juggle with regular Dashing Straights, but when you're far away from the coveted trap spot, use the Hook to juggle. ~~~EX Attack~~~ CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + ANY 2 PUNCHES Q's EX'ed Dashing Straight does more damage than the HP version, yet travels the distance of the WP version. What gives, Q? The reasoning behind it is a special property the move has - if it connects, your opponent will be hit so hard they fly back, bouncing off of the opposite wall, giving Q the opportunity to attack his opponents while they're in the air. Primo juggling opportunities can arise from this move - however, you can only juggle them once upon hitting, so it's best to use a really powerful move as your finisher. Given the damage scaling of the game, using another Dashing Straight won't do much good (it will do far too little damage), and you can't perform a Rapid Swipes (only 1 hit, so you'll do pathetic damage). Since you've used some meter to bounce them back, using a Super Art is out of the question...which leaves Normal Moves as your only option. I've found that Q's standing HK does the most damage, not to mention it gives him a prime opportunity to Taunt! Moves you can (and should) follow the EX Dashing Straight With: Most Standing Normals - Provided you're close enough to connect; however, unless you are trying to trick your opponent into giving up a free hit or two - by knocking them out of the fall, then attacking as they reach the ground - then you should stick to more powerful attacks. Dashing Straight - which Punch button used should depending on your distance from your opponent when they bounce off the far wall. Super Art I - This isn't suggested, though, since the amount of damage is paltry. Super Art II/III - Cheater! If you just used an EX Dashing Straight, then you CAN'T use these Supers! Standing HP/HK - Although I probably should file these under "Most Standing Normals", they seem to fit into a category all their own because they do a good deal of damage on their own, as well as stun damage and the opportunity to taunt. Away + MP - I list this by itself because it has a very specific, VERY useful purpose - if you stun an opponent with this hit, then you should also have a charge built for a dashing Straight. Since you stunned your opponent, you can follow it with a Dashing Straight for even more damage as well as regain most of the bar used for the EX Straight. More damage, more meter, and if you did manage to stun your opponent then you can proceed to layer on even MORE damage. Of course, if your opponent isn't close to being stunned, you should stick to a Standing HP/HK instead. ~~~Juggling Chart~~~~ The way this is set up is to show you which moves will work where. Since some characters are heavier than others, you have to use certain attacks to juggle them (if you can juggle them at all). Therefore, I've compiled this chart to show which Capture & Deadly Blow (WK, MK, HK) can be juggled off of, and if so which Dashing Straight (WP, MP, HP, EX) you should used based off of it. The chart is grouped alphabetically, since I couldn't really figure out a way to list both height, distance, and size for each character and group accordingly. Alphabetical it is, then! _______________________________________________________________________ |Character Name | WK Capture & DB | MK Capture & DB | HK Capture & DB | |---------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| | Alex | WP MP EX | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Chun-Li | WP | WP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Dudley | WP EX | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Elena | NONE | WP EX | WP MP EX | | Gill | NONE | WP MP EX | WP MP EX | | Gouki (Akuma) | WP | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Hugo | WP EX | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Ibuki | WP EX | WP MP EX | MP HP | | Ken | WP | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Necro | NONE | WP EX | WP MP EX | | Makoto | WP EX | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Oro | WP EX | WP MP EX | MP HP | | Q | NONE | WP EX | WP MP EX | | Remy | WP EX | WP MP EX | MP HP | | Ryu | WP | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Sean | WP | WP MP EX | WP MP HP EX | | Twelve | NONE | WP EX | WP MP EX | | Urien | NONE | WP MP EX | WP MP EX | | Yang | WP EX | WP MP EX | MP HP EX | | Yun | WP EX | WP MP EX | MP HP EX | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Keep in mind that those listed "N0NE" does not mean they cannot be juggled. Rather, this means you can't use any of the Dashing Straight attacks to connect on your opponent. In these cases, it's better to either use a different Capture & Deadly Blow (a different KICK BUTTON) or to simply use a normal move (AWAY + HP usually works well, as does MP Rapid Swipes). When all else fails, though, Normals can get the job done as well...provided you're close enough to connect, that is. Simply remember that if you use the HK, everyone can be hit with a MP Dashing Straight, while the MK can always be followed by a WP Straight. Got it? Good. __________________ ___~B~ Dashing Sweep__________________________________________________________ ================== CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + KICK (WK, MK OR HK) Description: Q dashes forward, much like the animation for his Dashing Straight/Hook. However, instead of punching at head-level, he ducks and swipes with his arm in an attempt to knock his opponent off of their feet. General Thoughts: This attack really isn't that great. You can't combo into it - only in extreme situations can you even work into it, and then it's still not a combo - and it really doesn't do much damage. It covers good distance, but for the amount of time it takes for the actual hit(s) to come out your opponent can easily retaliate. You can't chain out of it into anything unless you EX it, and if you DO then you only reduce the amount of damage done overall. It's really not that great a move, save those times when you mix up your opponent with Dashing Straights and Dashing Sweeps. ~~~Weak Kick (WK)~~~ Q dashes just under 1/2 the screen's distance before swiping at his opponent's feet. This is the same distance as his WP Dashing Straight attack, so you can effectively switch between the two for mix-up games. ~~~Medium Kick (MK)~~~ Q dashes just over 1/2 the screen's distance before swiping at his opponent's feet. This is the same distance as his MP Dashing Straight attack, so you can effectively switch between the two for mix-up games. Also, this does marginally more damage than the WK version. ~~~Hard/Heavy Kick (HK)~~~ Q dashes around 4/5 the distance of the screen before swiping at his opponent's feet. This is the same distance as his HP Dashing Straight attack, so you can effectively switch between the two for mix-up games. This is the most damaging Dashing Sweep Q has (not counting the EX version), and moves the furthest. If you're going for a mix-up game with the HP Dashing Straight, use this. Otherwise, I would advise against using any Dashing Sweeps. It's the weakest attack in Q's arsenal. ~~~EX Attack~~~ CHARGE AWAY, TOWARDS + ANY 2 KICKS Q flashes yellow (like with all EX attacks) and dashes the same distance as the HK version. However, this hits twice, both low, the second hit sending the opponent flying across the screen. If both hits connect (and if the first one does, the second one will as well) you will do more damage than the HK version. You can cancel off of the first hit into a Super Art (which, unless you're cheating, can only be SA 1), but ultimately it will do less damage than simply doing that Super Art! It's not advised to use this attack much at all. _________________ _____~C~ Rapid Swipes_________________________________________________________ ================= DOWN, AWAY + PUNCH (WP, MP, HP) Description: Q swipes his hands 3 times in rapid succession in front of him, striking each time his hands go by. Although there is a lot of movement during this attack, it doesn't appear that Q is putting much effort into it - he looks as if he is simply swatting flies away. The difference in PUNCH BUTTONS used is the height Q will swipe at, with no change in damage done. Therefore, the usage of the PUNCH BUTTONS is geared towards aiming rather than an amount of damage done. Think about where your opponent is going to be when you use these, eh? General Thoughts: Wowie, I like this attack. Considering Q doesn't really have much in the way of keep-away, this attack can easily make up for it in terms of chipping, push-away, out-poking enemies, and simply tacking on more damage to an attack or two. For being a simple attack (Q waving his arms about in front of him), it does quite a nice bit of damage for what would appear to be little effort. If you have no meter, this is sure to add a little to your repetoire (chipped or hit). If you have no charge built up (meaning you weren't holding AWAY) and land a close medium kick, you can either go with this move, the EX version (for more damage), or a Super Art. If you don't have enough meter for a Super Art, you can either go with the regular or EX version of this. If you don't have ANY meter, simply go for the normal - it'll do just fine. The only downside I can think of about this move is that it can be easily parried, and since Q has a slight amount of lag to this move (following the last swipe) he can easily be countered. This holds true even moreso for the EX version, which has a rapid increase in downtime following the last hit. Since the move can't be cancelled out of, Q is plum out of luck if this misses or is parried. However, it is usually quick enough for your opponent to not parry, and if blocked it pushes your opponent out far enough so that it is difficult to effectively retaliate. ~~~Weak Punch (WP)~~~ Q slaps his hands around 3 times in front of him, aiming towards the ground. This, essentially, is his "low" version of the Rapid Swipes, as he strikes lower on his opponent than the MP or HP versions. For all intents and purposes, this is the only version you should use, since most characters are too short for the HP version to connect all 3 (giving them an opportunity to hit after the 2nd swipe) and some characters can simply duck the MP version. ~~~Medium Punch (MP)~~~ Q slaps his hands around 3 times in front of him, aiming roughly chest-high. Since this strikes higher up, you'd expect it to also strike a little further out away from Q. Sadly, this is not the case - if it DOES have better range than the WP version, it's so neglegible that I can't seem to notice it. Therefore, the only reason you'd want to use this is to aim a little higher up on your opponent - and since the WP version will hit any opponent in range, crouching or not, I don't see the use of this. ~~~Hard/Heavy Punch (HP)~~~ Q Slaps his hands around 3 times in front of him, aiming at the area in front of and above his head. This is the highest-striking version of the Rapid Swipes, and CAN be used as an Anti-Air. However, to be perfectly honest...I don't know why you'd want to use this as an Anti-Air. It's priority varies depending on whether he's in mid-swipe or not, so your chances of successfully hitting an opponent are either very good or very bad. It doesn't do that much damage by comparison, either, since you'll either barely tap them with 1 hit, somehow connect with 2 hits, or flat out whiff and take the hit yourself. This isn't a good attack to use against opponents on the ground, either, since the majority of them will only block 2 of the hits and have the 3rd whiff - leaving Q wide open and in range. Stick to the WP and EX versions. Does this move have its uses? Of course! If you come across someone who enjoys parrying whatever Anti-Air you use - especially if it's Away + MP or Away + HK, the most common anti-airs Q has - then you can throw this out and watch them attempt to parry a 1-hit attack...only to get socked a few times for good measure. ~~~EX Attack~~~ DOWN, AWAY + ANY 2 PUNCHES Q's EX Rapid Swipes has also been dubbed the "Rapid Fire Barrage" by some, which would be fairly accurate. Instead of the standard 3 swipes, he instead slashes at his opponent 7 times, the final hit flinging them across the screen. He doesn't seem to put more effort into it, he just swings his arms about even more. While this does take some Meter (being an EX move), it does do quite a bit of damage to your opponent in the process. If you haven't built a charge (for a Dashing Straight/Hook/Sweep), but you want to do as much damage as possible, go for this. However, it DOES have a downside - the regular Rapid Swipes are quick enough that it is difficult to retaliate if the attack is blocked. However, in the EX's case there is too much lag for Q to be safe - it is too easy to retaliate if the attack is blocked, parried, or misses entirely. Therefore, you have to be absolutely sure it will connect, or else you're simply opening yourself up to quite a few attacks. Finally, this move does more than its fair share of stun damage, accumulating roughly 1/2 a full stun gauge on the likes of Ryu, Ken, etc., by itself. Combo into it for even more pain, health and stun likewise. __________________________ _______~D~ Capture & Deadly Blow______________________________________________ ========================== TOWARDS, DOWN, AWAY + KICK (WK, MK or HK) Description: Q quickly lashes his forearm out, attempting to grab his opponent. Should he connect, he draws them in, rears back with his forehand, and decks them into the sky. The Kick button used determines how far the opponent is sent, as well as how much damage is done (the harder the kick, the more damage and further they fly). There is no difference in range, speed, or priority depending on the Kick Button used. General Thoughts: This attack has a slight amount of lag to it, as well as a little bit of start up. Because of this, your window of opportunity for using it is slight - someone with a very short start-up attack can knock you out of it (WP/WK attacks, some specials and supers). Also, if you whiff there's enough time for someone at 1/2 a screen's distance to dash over and punish you. This makes for a bad situation on you, should you miss the grab or simply perform it at the wrong time. However, this attack tends to have more positives working for it than negatives. Sure, it can't be cancelled into (unless your opponent parries the first hit, then gets caught by you cancelling into the grab), but you can grab ducking players just the same. Upon punching them, you can launch into a few different juggles - you could simply hit your opponent again with a normal (HP or HK for stun & damage), or you could tack on a Dashing Straight or EX Dashing Straight to continue the pain. You can even cancel into specials via the Dashing Straight juggle, making for even more pain. Above all, if you manage to connect with a C & DB you are pretty much guaranteed at least 1 taunt. I'll cover this in the Taunt section, though. ~~~Weak Kick(WK)~~~ Q's WK version does the smallest amount of damage to your opponent, and tends to send them crashing down right in front of you. Since most enemies are heavier and won't be flung as far, you'll want to avoid using this particular version, as it won't yield as many rewards for you. On lighter characters, however, this tends to be more lenient towards gauging follow-up attacks. When in the corner, however, you can use this just the same to mix up your opponent, confusing them on the timing of your next attack (since they'll try to avoid another C & DB, a lower hit will throw off their timing, giving you another shot). ~~~Medium Kick (MK)~~~ This is usually the best version Q can use against someone. It allows him the ability to chain into at LEAST the WP and EX Dashing Straight attacks (for some characters he can land MP versions as well), which gives you a free Taunt. In terms of Corner Juggles, this will allow you to usually strike with one Dashing Straight and another attack (standing MP), tacking on more damage and Stun Meter. ~~~Hard/Heavy Kick (HK)~~~ This C & DB throws your opponent the furthest, which often means you're forced to work with a HP or MP Dashing Straight to keep up. However, this isn't a bad thing - remember that the harder the Kick used, the more damage done (as well as the harder the Punch, the more damaging the Dashing Straight). Due to this, it's suggested that you go for the HK Capture & Deadly Blow as well as the HP Dashing Straight for the most damage. If you're looking for entrapment, it is also the quickest way to send your enemy into the corner (for trapping purposes). __________ _________~E~ Taunt____________________________________________________________ ========== Press HP and HK at the same time. Description: Q thrusts his arms upward and out while his stamps his feet on the ground, grunting and shaking the screen. It is very quick and VERY useful. General Thoughts: This is THE taunt in the game, folks. When used, Q's percentage goes up roughly 1/3, and it can be used a total of 3 times - meaning that Q will double his defense, making him take the least amount of damage in the game. It's quick to come out, easy to find places to use (especially when your opponent is across the screen), and is EXTREMELY potent. I know, your average joe-schmoe will automatically tell you this when picking Q, as it is (at face value) his only good asset. Don't be fooled, though - Q does loads of damage as-is, he just requires a little more work to get into position to do such damage. Thanks to his increased stamina, he can effectively survive long enough to get those licks in! How do I look upon the Taunt in terms of priority, though? Well, look at it this way - if Ryu/Ken/Akuma sees you jumping in at them, and they have the opportunity to safely perform a Shoryuken to counter it, you can bet they'll do it. If you see an opportunity to get one of those taunts in, you certainly better do so...after all, it can easily mean the difference between life and loss! Moves you can get a free Taunt off of (assuming you connect, that is): AWAY + HK (Low-hit Sweep) Capture & Deadly Blow EX Rapid Swipes EX Dashing Punch EX Dashing Sweep Super Art I Super Art II Super Art III (either grab) Now, that sounds like a fairly short list, but you have to understand - these are very easy to follow up, and there are a TON of other moves (in specific situations) where Q can use his Taunt. After each one of these, it's a guaranteed Taunt. Here are a couple of situations where you can taunt and not worry about getting hit (for the most part). Jumping attacks: If you can connect with an attack in mid-air that will send your opponent flying across the screen (a good attack to do this is his jumping MK), upon landing you will almost always have a free Taunt. The only instances where you shouldn't do this is when you fight someone with a fast Projectile (Sean, Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Oro) or someone who can move across the screen quickly and attack (Dudley, Elena, Q, Hugo, Gill, Urien). There are certain instances where your opponent would be able to nab you through the use of a Super Art - Twelve's X.F.L.A.T. or Necro's Electric Snake - so it is good to use a little judgement before taunting after a Jumping Attack. Tripping Attacks: Ah, tripping the light fantastic (and your opponent at the same time). If you manage an attack that trips your opponent, you can get a taunt in. However, this is often a bad idea, since your opponent will be able to Tech Roll up and be VERY close to you, ready to inflict bodily harm. There are some occasions where you can trip your opponent and not worry about getting hit, such as if you connect with Q's AWAY + HK sweep. This can be cancelled into his Taunt, so you'll be relatively safe...of course, your opponent (should they tech roll) will still be able to hurt you, but at least you'll have your Taunt done by the time they're attacking! Knock-back attacks: In the case of landing a Dashing attack that propells your opponent, as well as simple attacks that will move your opponent a good distance away while leaving you room for a follow-up, you can throw in a Taunt afterwards instead of a follow-up attack. Such examples include a Capture & Deadly Blow, A juggled Dashing Straight, an EX Dashing Straight/Sweep or EX Rapid Swipes, any attack where Q is on the ground and he hits someone in the air, or even Super Arts I and II. =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ---------------------------VI: Super Arts--------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Q, as with (most) everyone else in the game, has 3 Supers to work with. Technically, he has 4 (counting both versions of his Total Destruction grab), but for the sake of argument we'll only say he has 3. So...let's talk about 'dem Super Arts, yes? __________________________ _~A~ Critical Combo Attack____________________________________________________ ========================== Description: Q blitzes across the screen with a series of Dashing Punches (and 1 Dashing Sweep). He punches with a Dash Straight 3 times, then performs a Dashing Sweep, ending it with 1 more Dashing Straight. Each hit pushes his opponent backwards a little, the 5th hit connecting with such force that they reflect off of the wall and fly back in the opposite direction. The damage Q does is moderate, doing marginally better than some of his ground combos. Super Bar: You are given a moderately long Super Bar with 2 Stocks to work with, allowing you 2 Super Arts or 4 EX attacks total (2 EX moves per bar). General Thoughts/Strategies: This Super Art is one of the 2 I will usually pick, quite simply because it allows the use of several EX moves (which usually end up being only the EX Rapid Swipes and EX Dashing Straight) while still leaving a Super Art to use. However, the main flaw of this Super Art is that, while it does a decent amount of damage, your ability to combo into it isn't nearly as nice as the combo-ability of Super Art II. You can use this to chip away some life from your opponents, and you CAN chain into it fairly easily, but this only goes as long as your opponent is on the ground - if they're not, you will only land 1-2 hits and do paltry damage for the entire Meter. Now, let's look at the Pros/Cons of the move, then expound upon each point. ~~~Pros~~~ 1) 2 Bars means up to 2 Super Arts, 4 EX Moves, or 2 EX Moves and a Super Art. 2) Easy to combo into, provided your opponents are on the ground. 3) If your opponent isn't familiar with the move, the 4th hit (the low sweep) will throw them off guard and cause them to get hit. 4) It moves quickly across the screen. 5) If you have the timing right, you can pass through projectiles with the start-up animation on this move, not to mention other attacks. 6) High Priority, beating out a lot of other moves (provided they don't hit low). 7) Does fairly decent chip damage (6 points). ~~~Cons~~~ 8) This is almost the weakest of all Q's Super Arts. 9) If blocked, Q is left wide open. 10) Can't juggle very well (1-2 hits, little damage, no follow-ups). 11) Can't combo a jumping opponent (will juggle for 1-2 hits and that's that). 12) Can only chain off of 1 EX Move, which ends up lessening the damage done (meaning you either use the Super Art or you use an EX move, but not both). 13) If parried, there is plenty of time in between punches for your opponent to retaliate (before the following punch/sweep). 14) Little Stun damage. 1) This Super Art gives you 2 full bars to work with, allowing up to 4 EX moves, 2 Super Arts, or 1 Super Art and 2 EX moves. Due to the number of attacks you have, you can do the most damage in certain situations without worry of whether or not you have enough meter to do so - you most likely will, so go for it! 2) This move, as listed in the Regular Moves and Combo sections, can chain off a variety of moves, allowing it to be thrown in at several points and still connect for damage. 3) The way this move works is simple - Q hits 3 times at a high level, then once low, then another at high. This means that if your opponent isn't familiar with the attack and isn't blocking low, the 4th hit is almost guaranteed. If the 4th hit connects, you'll also hit with the 5th hit, allowing you that much damage. 4) This move DOES work its way across the screen rather quickly, moving just a little slower than his HP Dashing Straight. Therefore, you can surprise your opponents with a quick move - however, at higher-end competition levels it's not suggested to utilize such a tactic. 5) That's right, Q can move through projectiles with this attack. It has to be right as the projectile is about to connect on Q, but the fact of the matter remains that Q can avoid projectiles with this Super. If someone is stupid enough to throw out a projectile and you're close enough to them, go ahead and use this to pass through the attack AND get them while they're still in their Projectile Frames of Animation. Other attacks can fall prey to this, such as standing normals and some Specials/Super Arts. However, to make a full list of EVERY move this can beat out would take entirely too long, and I just don't want to do that. Therefore, tough noogies - you get to learn which moves this will outdo. 6) This move has a bunch of priority to it, only being beat out by projectiles, moves that hit low (sweep attacks, for example) and certain other moves (Chun-Li's AWAY + HP, for example). You're almost certain to beat out moves with this. Once again, though, I'm not about to make a full list of EVERY move this attack beats out, so you're on your own. 7) If your opponent isn't terribly good at parrying and they're low on life, you can chip away those last bits of energy with this move. Your standard special move, when blocked, does 1 point of damage (known as "Chip Damage" or "Chipping"). This particular attack, despite the fact that it hits 5 times, actually does 9 points of Chip Damage (1 for the first 4 hits, 5 for the last hit). This means that if your opponent has that last sliver of life, you can go ahead and chip those last ounces of strength off! 8) Out of all 3 (4) of Q's Super Arts, this only does more damage than 1 of them (the Punch-Grab of SA III, Total Destruction). This is the most powerful attack you have when picking this Super Art, and it still only does less than 1/3 points of damage to your opponent (168 total, with 52 points of damage on Ryu from this). Granted, it can be comboed into, but so can all of the other SAs (sans the Kick Grab of SA III). Therefore, you're going to have to force your opponent into more opportunities to inflict damage. 9) If your opponent blocks or parries this, Q is left VERY wide open. Not only is there enough lag for your opponent to effectively counter, but you are most likely left standing right next to your opponent. Against most anyone in the game, this is NOT where you want to be, especially if they have a bar of meter to use. You are about as wide open as you can get! 10) One of Q's biggest and best facets is his ability to juggle. Sadly, you'd think a Super Move that repeatedly dashes and punches would be good at juggling; however, it really, really isn't. It will only hit once (or twice, if you're lucky), and does roughly the same amount of damage as a simple Dashing Straight. What this means is that you have just used a bar of meter to do a paltry amount of damage, when you could have taunted or even used a regular attack and ADDED meter while doing the same amount of damage! 11) Unlike SA II and SA III (Punch-Grab), this cannot combo off of a jumping opponent. If the opportunity arises for you to attack your opponent when they are in the air, this Super Art would do as listed in #10 - you would hit once (MAYBE twice) and do very little damage or stun. 12) While it is nice to have this much meter for EX moves and Super Arts, you can't really combine the two. The EX Rapid Swipes and EX Dashing Straight send your opponent flying across the screen, meaning that you won't be able to effectively continue the attack with a Critical Combo Attack. The only EX move you CAN chain this off of, the EX Dashing Sweep, lessens the damage of the overall combo, meaning it's worthless to even try! Therefore, you should either use an EX Move or this Super Art (but not both) should the situation arise where one could be used. Since this will do more damage than any EX Move (or combo leading from one), you should stick to simply using the SA unless the situation absolutely calls otherwise. 13) Suppose you come across someone who is good at parrying, or simply gets lucky and parries the move. Wellsir, now you've got a problem - see, in between attacks Q is VERY vulnerable, provided they use an attack that is quick enough to connect. I'll not mince words - there isn't THAT much time in between blows - but there is definitely enough time for attacks with little-to- no start-up to connect. This means that if, say, someone like Ryu/Ken/Akuma parries the attack, you can expect a LP Shoryuken to follow it (unless they're stupid enough to try and follow it with an attack that has a longer start-up to it). 14) Yeah, this move doesn't do that much Stun Damage. Therefore, you are relegated to using normals to inflict your stunning blows. Then again, I don't really envision someone using this attack to stun...Q has much better moves for that! Essentially, this super has moderate comboing abilities, but its real use is the fact that it has moderately short stocks to fill up (as opposed to SA II or III), and once he has it he effectively removes his opponents' ability to jump in on him. This forces them into a ground game, which Q can handle MUCH better with his tick-command throws and occasional SA I uses. Think of it as quick, free damage...but don't forget that it's not failsafe, and if it's blocked, you might as well have said "Please, hit me with a big combo!" ________________________ ___~B~ Deadly Double Combo____________________________________________________ ======================== Description: Q rears back, slamming his fist into his opponents' abdomen (or face, or shins, depending on the height of his target). Upon connecting with the first hit (provided it's not blocked or whiffs), he will clasp both hands together and bring them down on top of his opponent's stunned head, colliding so hard that they slam into the pavement...then bounce off the ground, flying the duration of (almost) 1 full screen. Folks, it doesn't look much more painful than this, lemme tell ya... Super Bar: This super bar is the largest of the large, almost taking up 1/2 of the bottom of the screen and accommodating 1 Super total. This bar is long enough to allow 3 EX moves. General Thoughts/Strategies: When I'm not toying around with my opponents using SA I or simply going for the mind games involved with Super Art III, this is THE Super Art to pick with Q. Bar none, if you need damage done, you'll have it. It's incredibly easy to chain into - even moreso than SA I, and does a measly 1 point less damage than SA III's kick grab (on average). Since this is easy to chain into (while you cannot combo into SA III's Kick Grab at all), you'll find that is the more practical of SAs to use. Also, always always ALWAYS follow this move with a Dashing Straight for even MORE damage. Learn the timing (and, just as importantly, the correct Punch button for the Dashing Straight) to connect after the hit. Now, let's look at the Pros/Cons of the move, then expound upon each point. ~~~Pros~~~ 1) Damage, damage, damage. 2) 3 EX moves, meaning you can use an EX or two, land a couple of hits, and be back at a full bar. 3) Easiest Super Art to combo into - you don't have to worry about your opponent's placement nearly as much with SA I, since you'll most likely still connect. 4) Very, VERY short start-up means you'll beat out nearly every move hurled at you - including jump-ins, faster moves, and even some throws! 5) Is a part of the patented "Vegita's 100% Combo" which can actually be used in fights (provided 2 specific criteria are met). 6) Considering it's a fairly close-looking attack, it has surprising range and priority. 7) PRIME opportunity to taunt. ~~~Cons~~~ 8) If your opponent is out of range, only the first hit will connect, while the second harmlessly sends 'em across the screen. You lose the damage and your hard-earned Stock. 9) If your opponent blocks or parries this...well, you're left stunned while right next to your enemy. Not a good position, nor is it a good condition to be in. 1) I don't really know how else to put it, aside from the fact that it does insane amounts of damage. If you need to lay on the damage, this is your best friend in the world - especially if a situation comes up where you can use it! Here's a situation - suppose you manage to block/parry all of an enemy's special or super that places them right next to you (Chun-Li's SA II, Ryu/Ken/ Akuma's Tatsumaki Shinpuu Kyaku, etc). In these instances, the moment you're free to attack you can throw this out, then follow it with a Dashing Straight. In all cases, it will take off just under 1/2 of their life. If you have the right timing, you can even lead-off with a standing MK (since you're close, it would be his Stomping Kick), then chain into this Super Art, THEN Dashing Straight them across the screen. Your enemy made a single mistake, and they lost half their life for it. I'm sorry, but while Yun's Genei-Jin juggling combos are impressive, there's nothin' like taking off just as much damage in 4 hits as his 30+ wonders. Plus, while it takes lots of finesse, a little luck, and some setting up to really deal out the damage with Yun, Q can use this as - of all things - a high-priority anti-air and still deal more damage (on average) than Yun could hope for. That's bordering on unfair! 2) You get 3 EX uses, meaning if you absolutely have to you can throw out 3 EX moves without ceasing. Of course, if opportunities arise for 3 EX moves, then you could most likely use those situations for more damaging combos that lead into the Super itself...but hey, that's another strategy altogether. 3) This super is insanely easy to combo into. Take everything that SA I can combo into effectively, then add in situations where your opponent is in mid- air and such. Since SA I will juggle your opponent, not effectively adding in all the hits, you can't do as much damage as you would like - however, this one will stun your opponent even in mid-air, holding them there until the final blow. 4) That's right, this move's start-up is so short, it will beat out most anything. If an opponent comes in with a jump-in - it really doesn't matter what - you'll beat them out (provided they're close enough for you to hit with it). One thing I love about this Super is that you can crouch, have someone jump at you with an attack, then initiate the Super right as you're about to be hit - it will show your opponents' outstretched limb IN Q's body - and you'll still score the hit rather than them. Heck, the start-up is so short, I have only seen it beaten out once, and that's when I somehow started the move right as a Hugo player initiated his Gigas Breaker. He barely beat me out - but that was luck, I assure you. If you use this attack and your opponent isn't blocking (and is in range), they have no chance of countering it. You'd have to anticipate its usage in order to beat it; I honestly don't see someone beating it strictly by reflex. It's 2 frames of start-up is bordering on... once again...unfair. 5) Yeah, I have a 100% combo with Q, one of the few I've ever found in the game. Actually, it has a few alterations depending on opponent size/weight and location in relation to the corner. In both cases, you simply attack, throw out an EX Dashing Straight to juggle, and connect with an Away + MP "uppercut". If your opponent is stunned by the time that MP connects, you've got it made, they're as good as done...provided you land the rest of the combo, that is. I'll get to the general combo, as well as variations, in the Combo section. To give you an idea, though - every player has 168 points of "life" (according) to the training menu), and this combo - on Akuma - can do over 200 points of damage. 6) This attack, as well as being extremely fast, seems to have insane amounts of priority to it as well. In the cases of moves like Chun-Li's Away + HP (double-palm hit) or Ryu/Ken/Akuma's LP Shoryuken, I've seen this Super Art still bash the tar out of 'em in terms of priority. As for its distance, you can actually connect against Opponents' limbs, hitting for at least the first hit...and as long as they're within MK range, you should very will connect with the second blow as well. 7) After using this Super Art (and connecting, that is), you can taunt at least once (against quite a few opponents, you can even taunt twice without fear of retaliation). Hey, Q's known for his amazing defense, so the more opportunities you have to do so and the sooner in the battle they arrive, the better. Heck, even after a follow-up Dashing Straight, you have ample time to Taunt (probably not twice, though). 8) Yeah, only 2 Cons for this Super...well, it's a good move, darn it! If your opponent is out of reach, or you only manage to hit one of their arms/ legs/appendages, you will still connect for the first hit - however, upon attempting to hit with the Double-Fisted Hammerhand, they will bounce harmlessly away. Thus, you will only have connected once, and not only lose the overall damage but miss the follow-up Dashing Straight. You still have time to Taunt, though... 9) Yeah, it's never good to put yourself in a position where you can be bashed about like a rag doll. Therefore, simply throwing out this Super (or ANY super, for that matter) is never a good thing. In this case, if Q is blocked he is left defenseless for a couple of seconds while he recoils from the hit - and his opponent is left standing right next to him, ready to assault with whatever they want. Heck, there's so much down-time before Q can retaliate that your opponent can even build a charge for a Charging attack! That's just not good, especially since he's right bleedin' next to them! Although easier to combo than SA I, and definitely a more damaging and higher-priority super, Q's SA II tends to leave him even MORE open than SA I. Plus, you get less EX uses, you don't always have the option of a super to use (if you've used an EX, then you certainly don't), and it can't allow you to pass through attacks and remain unscathed. Still, for the damage this does, it can be well worth the effort. I dunno, it's up to you and your play style. ______________________ _____~C~ Total Destruction____________________________________________________ ====================== Description: Super Bar: General Thoughts/Strategies: ~~~Pros~~~ ~~~Cons~~~ =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ------------------------VII: Damage Inflicted------------------------ =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Here is where I talk about the damage inflicted by Q's moves, listed in a chart. The way to read this chart is simple - I list the name of the attack on the Left Side, then the number of hits that attack does (if the attack hits more than once), then list 3 sets of damages in the columns on the right. These columns are listed as "Ryu", "Gouki", and "Q". The reasoning behind the 3 lists of damages is because characters in the game take different different amounts of damage - some more, some less. Therefore, I give you the average amount of damage a character can take (Ryu), the most damage a character can take without crouching (Gouki/Akuma), and the absolute LEAST amount of damage a character can take (Q after taunting 3 times, or simply "Q"). These damages were listed in practice mode, and were done with the default damage settings (2 Stars). I will NOT be listing the damage done by combos here, though - those will be listed in the combo section. Due to Damage Scaling, the damage totals will not be simple addition of move damages - therefore, I list the combo damage in a separate area. What is Damage Scaling? Damage Scaling was introduced into fighting games to prevent absurdly powerful attacks to be comboed into, thus sparing opponents from meeting a VERY quick defeat. The amount of damage each hit does in a combo will steadily decrease, until each hit only a base amount of damage (usually 1 point of damage). Therefore, if you struck someone with 3 individual attacks, they would all register normal damage; however, if you hit with all 3 in a combo, the second hit would do a little less damage, and the third would do an even more reduced amount. ______________________________________________________________________________ | Attack | Hits| Ryu | Gouki | Q | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | WP - Weak Punch | 1 | 5 | 5 | 2 | | ---In Close | 1 | 5 | 6 | 2 | | ---Crouching | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | | ---Jumping Straight Up | 1 | 5 | 7 | 3 | | ---Jumping Towards or Away | 1 | 5 | 7 | 3 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | MP - Medium Punch | 1 | 13 | 16 | 7 | | ---Holding AWAY | 1 | 14 | 17 | 8 | | ---Crouching | 1 | 13 | 16 | 7 | | ---Jumping | 1 | 14 | 17 | 8 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | HP - Hard/Heavy/High Punch | 1 | 19 | 23 | 11 | | ---Holding AWAY | 1 | 17 | 21 | 10 | | ---Crouching | 1 | 17 | 21 | 10 | | ---Jumping | 1 | 19 | 23 | 11 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | WK - Weak Kick | 1 | 5 | 7 | 3 | | ---Crouching | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | | ---Jumping | 1 | 5 | 7 | 3 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | MK - Medium Kick | 1 | 16 | 19 | 9 | | ---In Close | 1 | 14 | 17 | 8 | | ---Crouching | 1 | 11 | 14 | 7 | | ---Jumping | 1 | 13 | 16 | 7 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | HK - Hard/Heavy/High Kick | 1 | 22 | 26 | 13 | | ---Holding AWAY (low) | 1 | 20 | 24 | 11 | | ---Holding AWAY (high) | 1 | 19 | 23 | 12 | | ---Crouching | 1 | 19 | 23 | 11 | | ---Jumping (low) | 1 | 21 | 25 | 11 | | ---Jumping (high) | 1 | 19 | 23 | 12 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | WP Rapid Swipes | 3 |7, 7, 6 (20)|8, 8, 8 (24)|4, 4, 3 (11)| | MP Rapid Swipes | 3 |7, 7, 6 (20)|8, 8, 8 (24)|4, 4, 3 (11)| | HP Rapid Swipes | 3 |7, 7, 6 (20)|8, 8, 8 (24)|4, 4, 3 (11)| | EX Rapid Swipes | 7 |4, 4, 5, 5, |5, 5, 6, 6, |2, 2, 3, 3, | | | |5, 4, 5 (32)|6, 5, 7 (40)|2, 2, 3 (17)| |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | WP Dashing Straight | 1 | 17 | 21 | 10 | | MP Dashing Straight | 1 | 20 | 24 | 12 | | HP Dashing Straight | 1 | 22 | 23 | 13 | | WP Dashing Hook | 1 | 14 | 17 | 8 | | MP Dashing Hook | 1 | 16 | 20 | 9 | | HP Dashing Hook | 1 | 19 | 27 | 11 | | EX Dashing Straight | 1 | 23 | 28 | 14 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | WK Dashing Trip | 1 | 16 | 19 | 9 | | MK Dashing Trip | 1 | 18 | 22 | 10 | | HK Dashing Trip | 1 | 20 | 24 | 12 | | EX Dashing Trip | 2 | 13, 11 (24)| 16, 13 (29)| 7, 6 (13) | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | WK Capture & Deadly Blow | 1 | 16 | 19 | 9 | | MK Capture & Deadly Blow | 1 | 17 | 21 | 10 | | HK Capture & Deadly Blow | 1 | 19 | 23 | 11 | |_______________________________|_____|____________|____________|____________| | Super Art I | 5 | 11, 10, 9, | 13, 12, 11,| 6, 6, 5, | | | | 8, 14 (52) | 9, 17 (62) | 4, 8 (29) | | Super Art II | 2 | 22, 45 (67)| 26, 54 (80)| 13, 27 (40)| | Super Art III | - | -------- | -------- | ---------- | | ---Punch Grab | 1 | 51 | 62 | 30 | | ---Kick Grab | 1 | 68 | 83 | 41 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ----------------------------VIII: Combos---------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Q certainly is a strange fellow. His moves don't naturally link together (well, some do, but not like most characters), so he's forced to play off of certain moves more than others. However, he can do quite a bit of damage with the right combinations of attacks, not to mention his ability to zone pretty much anywhere on the screen with his Dashing Straights, Rapid Swipes, and Super Arts. However, to the uninitiated Q player they might be at a loss for what to do in a situation where they need to do the maximum damage possible. Let's look at a few basic situations and what to do with Q, then go into the more in-depth analysis. A "Combo" was a combination of attacks that, once the first hit connected, the rest of the hits were unblockable and thus could deal out more damage than single strikes. The most basic of combos that was used in the Street Fighter world (and became the staple "combo" for fighting games all around) was the jump-in attack, followed by a series of standing or crouching moves, finished by a special move. The prime example of this was Ryu and Ken's j.HP (or HK), c.MK, Hadouken or j.HP/HK, c.WK, c.WP, c.WK, Hadouken. These combos were relatively simple and could do quite a bit of damage to those who didn't block the first hit. The reason someone unfamiliar with Q might have problems is that they would most likely go with the basics and hope they work - unfortunately, this means they'll attempt a jump-in, go for a crouching or Weak attack, then end with a Super. They might get lucky and discover the power of Q's close MK, but they'll most likely go for the obvious ones - jump-in followed by a sweep (fail), jump-in followed by a crouching attack and a special (fail), jump-in followed by a weak punch or kick and a special (might succeed with a close WP)'s rather obvious why many consider Q to be a "weak" character whom is difficult to work with. He's not as universal as other players (the Shotos, for example - Ryu, Ken, Akuma), so he requires a little more effort to find what DOES work. However, I have done so, and will now display this knowledge to you in the form of some combos. After all, while Ryu (etc.) have some easily-accessable combos that do loads of damage, they don't really have THAT much in variation. Q is ALL about variation, as well as his ability to take less damage and (possibly) deal out MORE damage. This is why I consider him far superior to the Shotos. Note: The listing of these combos will primarily be using the shorthand listed above - WP = Weak Punch, MP = Medium Punch, etc., as well as the usage of "c." "j.", and so on. If you are not familiar with this style of shorthand, please see section III.B. Also, the combos are listed in the "building" style - they start out basic, with just 2-hits, then gradually increase in number. Finally, each Combo will be followed by 3 numbers - Damage done to Ryu, Damage done to Gouki, and Damage done to Q after taunting 3 times (the full-range of damage). I'll start off with the universal combos - combos that will work on anyone, regardless of height, weight, or size, then branch out into more specific combos (Super Art specific, Corner-Specific, juggling-specific, etc). [This will come later...I'm still workin' on a few documentations, eh?] =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ---------------------------IX: Strategies--------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Of course, knowing your characters' moves are only half the game. You have to know how to effectively apply them or else you're sunk. Here is how to use Q (or, at least, how I use him) to succeed! I'll do this alphabetically, just to play fair. Remember, folks, that it isn't possible to come up with one universal strategy for each player. If you were inclined to do so, you could easily look at all the concepts and ideas listed below and go against them, thus completely throwing off a decent player with you "unorthodox and unexpected" attacks. Since I'm not about to even BEGIN to list every single possibility for each character's moves and abilities, I will instead look at the most effective strategies I've seen employed by each character, as well as examine particular moves from each player that I think you should look out for. Note - I am assuming that your parrying skills aren't too terribly good, yet malleable; in other words, if I suggest things you should work on parrying, you should learn the start-ups for such moves and then learn the proper timing for parrying them. I won't simply assume "Parry this move and counter", since that is so generic (and usually wrong) that it wouldn't be helpful. Parrying is a powerful tool, but the best of the best can still fake you into miss-parrying moves. That's why I suggest certain key moves to avoid or parry, so you'll know what to counter (and what to NOT attempt). Also, Red Parrying, while effective in its own right, is often more difficult to learn than people give credit to. Therefore, I won't suggest it unless it's a move that you will see enough to genuinely deem beneficial to learn the timing for. In other words, if there's a move/combo/super that you should learn to Red Parry, I'll tell you which ones and why. I'll start the section off with the analysis of each player as controlled by the computer, then discuss Q and how to use him (as well as confront him). Since I really don't have enough tournament play underneath my belt to effectively qualify myself to write versus human players, I'll just leave it at that. Some of the strategies might as well be night and day, too...the computer can have you do repeated C&DB combos in the corner, while a human would fall for some very, very simple resets and mind-games. Therefore...learn it yourself, yo. _________ _~A~ Alex_____________________________________________________________________ ========= ---General Info: Alex is, at the core, a grappler. He has 2 command throws (3 if you count his Choke Hold), not to mention all 3 of his supers are throws (well, his SA II hits a few times before grabbing). Therefore, logically speaking, you'd want to avoid getting in close to him. However, he also has some pretty decent range attacks, meaning Q will be thrust just out of arm's reach. The difference between Q and Alex is that Alex is truly strong in close, but at a distance has a problem. If both characters are on opposite sides of the screen, you're likely to see moves that will move either player closer (i.e., hopping over or using Dashing attacks). In this case, Q clearly has the advantage, with several dashing attacks at his disposal. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's face it, in most head-to-head encounters, Q will be outmatched in certain aspects and take a few hits. That's what he has that extra stamina for, I guess. Well, in Alex's case Q really does have a bit of an edge. In terms of in-close skills, Q can easily bump Alex out of throw range with a standing WP or WK. The difference between which one you use should depend on whether or not you think you'll hit (or if you have good reflexes) - the WP will chain into a Super Art or EX Rapid Swipes, while the WK will not. Make your decision carefully. Now, that doesn't totally take care of being in close against Alex, now does it? No, the mighty grappler can still out-do you with his quicker throw attacks. Therefore, you'll not want to try Q's Capture & Deadly Blow, as well as his MP, HP, or HK in any form (unless you want to go for a mix-up game, in which it's all fair game). As long as you can keep Alex out of grapple-range, you'll do fine. Q, being a minor-grappler himself, should avoid grappling as well, since he can be hurt just as badly if he goes for those wonderful throws. Unlike Alex you'll find that Q's strong point lies not in his throws, but in his ability to easily chain any number of situations into a painful one. Therefore, Al can't very well work outside of throw range - this is not to say he can't work without throws, but Alex is known for grabbing opponents more than he is striking them. Therefore, once Alex is out of range for throws, he'll want to get in close enough to do so - after all, that's where the real damage is for him. You'll want to keep him away with Q's longer, quicker attacks - you'll find that his crouching WP, crouching WK, and crouching MK do wonders for stopping Alex's higher attacks (Flash Chops seem to be completely ignored, as well as his MK, HP and HK attacks). When it comes to footwork, Alex may have the quicker LK, but he can't chain off of it. Therefore, if it comes to a game of footsie, stand up and deliver a MK to his crouched face, or simply deliver a WP Dashing Straight to stop him cold. The beauty of using the Dashing Straight is that, if you have any meter, you can combo right into it. Serves 'em right. However, one can't simply turtle and expect Alex to make all the mistakes. A good player will stay in your face/mask (i.e., in throw range) and fake you into giving yourself up for a throw. As I spoke of above, in these instances you should mix up your WP and WK attacks so that your opponent can't effectively parry your attacks and counter; thus, they would be forced to either block or take the hit, which (in either case) would push them out of throw range. There are set-ups involving Alex's Cross Chop (d. HP in air) which you should learn - if Alex is too far away when using it, you most likely shouldn't rush right in and try to attack unless you're absolutely CERTAIN as to when he can attack out of it (I've seen too many people fall for that one, myself included). Now, what happens when you jump? Alex has a bit of an advantage if he's on the ground and you go for a jumping attack. He can perform an Aerial Counter (his "Tiger Knee" attack) or use a variety of standing attacks (HP, Towards + HP, Flash Chop) to mix up the timing of a parry. This makes it very difficult to combat Alex when he's on the ground; in other words, Q shouldn't jump at Alex. There are certain rare instances when you can risk a jump-in (such as a far jump with a MK, thus barely tagging Alex while leaving Q safe), but in general Q shouldn't bother taking to the air. He's got plenty of firepower while on the ground, so let Alex do the sweating. If both of you happen to jump, then it's simply a guessing game of which attack will have the necessary range to hit (WP vs. MP or MK), as well as the speed to strike first. I've found that the majority of the time, Q's jumping MK easily does the job; however, if your opponent jumped before you, his MP can easily be substituted and have the same amount of success. It has roughly the same range, yet comes out slightly quicker and strikes higher, so if your opponent is above you, you can always bash 'em with this. Finally, let's remember that Alex is, at the core, a grappler, and as such he has the ability to grab you out of dashing attacks and power-bomb you easily. Because of this, a mix-up game of Dashing Straights/Hooks/Sweeps might not be the best approach. Don't get me wrong, you should definitely use those attacks; I'm merely stating the fact that it is possible for you to be nabbed out of them and sacked because of it, so just be aware of your opponents' reflexes. If they're good, don't dash - you could be eating pavement in a heartbeat. If they aren't throw out a few Dashing Straights to test them (and remember, if you manage to connect with one and you have a meter built with SA I or II, make sure you chain into a Super!). Also, since Q is a tall target, you should beware of Alex's spiral DDT's - if you don't duck or counter the attack, he's pretty much guaranteed a throw at any range. ---Computer Strategies: As with any computer-controlled character, the key to victory is knowing the specific patterns and strategies envoked by the computer. Since the computer's learning capacity is very limited, all you have to do is learn how to circumvent their own strategies, then envoke your own - the computer can't seem to outthink this strategy, so it's a sure-fire way to victory. In Alex's case, there are a few easy strategies that you can readily notice and use to your advantage. The first holds true for every other charge character in the game - if you see Alex walking backwards for a few seconds, you can almost be 100% sure that you'll see a Buffalo Stampede shortly. The computer is NOT subtle about charging for charge-related moves, and this is a prime example. Therefore, simply be ready to block/parry/counter, and you'll have a free hit (or combo). In some cases, the computer will actually mess up the Charge, throwing out a standing HK instead. In this case, it will simply move onto another attack. If you can get in close and nab him while he's still in the lag of his HK, then by all means do so - but don't simply rush in, thinking you can capitalize on his mistake. Only if you are confident that you can get over there AND stop him before he can do anything else should you bother. Along the same lines of walking backwards is Alex's charging for an Air Stampede. The funny thing is that Comp.-Al tends to use the EX version more than the normal version, so you should be ready at any point of the screen for such an attack. Computer-Alex really only has 2 moves you'll see used when he jumps in the air: 1) The first is obvious: his jumping FP "Cross Chop" dive, which you'll see very often. It's a good tool, although some Alex users tend to overdo it. In these cases, I'd actually suggest blocking. Since this move doesn't count as a Special, you'll take no chip damage from it. Alex has far too much lag time after the move (rolling to a halt), even if he DOES strike with it, so you can counter it freely. As nice a move as it is, Alex tends to overuse the blasted thing. Granted, the attack can be changed so that it is much more effective - the "pop-up" effect, jumping and immediately using it - but it still has that atrocious lag. In general - learn how long it takes Alex to come out of his roll, and try to not get faked into attacking if he uses it from across the screen. 2) The other aerial attack would be a jumping HK, or the drop kick (not quite the same as Hugo's, but the general look is the same). Upon doing this, Alex makes himself a very small target, the front-end of which is all pain - meaning that this attack is ideal for getting in close without fear of being countered. Sadly, since this move can come out in a moment's notice, you're going to have to be careful when an Alex player uses it. It can easily be chained into a close MK xx WP Flash Chop for a decent amount of damage, as well as the occasional Headbutt (if you're not careful). However, the good thing about this attack is that if it hits or is blocked (not parried), it cannot be linked into a throw (however, it CAN link into SA II, so if he has a meter built up, be careful nonetheless). Thus, if Alex uses this move, he's not going for a throw, and you should be considered temporarily safe from major harm. What should you do if you encounter this move: I'd suggest blocking this one as well. Since it doesn't do any chip damage and can only link into throws if parried, you're more than likely to be safe if you block it. What Alex chooses to do while on the ground is another matter, but I believe I covered the in-close strategy above (WK him away, you fool!). In short - if Alex jumps, be ready to simply block. He can mix up the game by throwing out a HP, MK, or even WP/WK, but in general you'll be a lot safer if you simply block. An intelligent Alex player would know to mix-up what they did on the ground after jumping, but the computer just isn't that bright - thus, block. There are other patterns to learn of. Sometimes you'll see the computer, no matter how far away, throw out a standing HP Flash Chop. If he immediately jumps afterwards, you can be 99% guaranteed that he'll do a Cross Chop dive. Use this to your advantage - you know what's coming, so counter effectively. Sometimes, you'll see the computer jump and throw out a HP instead - once again, the CPU messed up the attack intended. You gotta love a computer AI that's actually programmed to fail from time to time. There are instances where you'll see the computer crouch and deliver several WKs, then stand and deliver a MK before pressing on. These aren't really that dangerous, but you should block low anyways. It's not like the computer is going to be intelligent enough to throw out an Overhead attack anyways! ---Moves to Learn to Parry: Jumping Cross Chop (jump, Down + HP), MK, Towards + HP, Buffalo Stampede (EX and Regular), MP/HP Flash Chop. ____________ ___~B~ Chun-Li________________________________________________________________ ============ ---General Info: Well folks, this is it - Chun-Li is oft considered the best of the best in this game, and now you're taking in one of the "worst" characters in against here. Let's talk about how you can effectively evade/ avoid/destroy the one with the Lightning Legs, and maybe come out on top, eh? First off, you should be acutely aware that most Chun-Li players won't use any of her specials, and only in rare cases will they use her Super Arts (which, in almost any match, will be Super Art II). The reason for this is because Chun-Li's normal moves are extremely quick, have high priority, and even have decent range to them. Because of these, she can out-poke you and out prioritize your attacks, chipping away your defenses until she can chain into SA II - which, unfortunately, can be quite damaging, even to a Max-Defense Q. Therefore, you have to play a good keep-away game, getting those taunts in and capitalizing on any mistakes Chunners may make. And that's the humorous thing, I guess, since many people don't realize just how many mistakes Chun-Li CAN make. They'll rely on low pokes and a mix-up game to get the job done, but Q actually has a bit of an advantage in these instances. Yes, Q is a taller character, and because of this, he's not easily able to avoid jump-ins and has to block/parry more attacks. Of course, Chun-Li isn't known for her amazing aerial game, she's known for poking and prodding the dickens out of you. ...more to come! ___________ _____~C~ Dudley_______________________________________________________________ =========== __________ _______~D~ Elena______________________________________________________________ ========== _________ _________~E~ Gill_____________________________________________________________ ========= __________________ ___________~F~ Gouki (Akuma)__________________________________________________ ================== _________ _____________~G~ Hugo_________________________________________________________ ========= __________ _______________~H~ Ibuki______________________________________________________ ========== ________ _________________~I~ Ken______________________________________________________ ======== __________ ___________________~J~ Necro__________________________________________________ ========== ___________ _____________________~K~ Makoto_______________________________________________ =========== ________ _______________________~L~ Oro________________________________________________ ======== _________ _________________________~M~ Remy_____________________________________________ ========= ________ ___________________________~N~ Ryu____________________________________________ ======== _________ _____________________________~O~ Sean_________________________________________ ========= ___________ _______________________________~P~ Twelve_____________________________________ =========== __________ _________________________________~Q~ Urien____________________________________ ========== _________ ___________________________________~R~ Yang___________________________________ ========= ________ _____________________________________~S~ Yun__________________________________ ======== _________________ _______________________________________~T~ Know Thyself_______________________ ================= You'll no doubt notice that I didn't include Q in the "Know Your Enemy" section. That's because, well, if you're fighting yourself, then it's a battle of who knows their character better. Therefore, why talk about Q as an opponent when I can simply talk about Q in general? ~~~~~~~~~~Who is Q, In General~~~~~~~~~~ First off, let's examine Q for what he is and how he is played. He requires charging for his dashing attacks, while his Rapid Swipes and Capture & Deadly Blow moves use Circular Movements. Because of this, Q's ability to do a lot of damage hinges on whether or not he has a Charge (for a dashing move) built. If you're building a charge, then you can't be moving towards your opponent; therefore, you have to either jump prior to the move or hold away on the ground. If you are Earthbound while building a charge, then you're forced to use certain attacks to defend yourself (lest you lose the charge). This can often be a problem, especially if you're fighting an opponent who simply won't stay out of your face. There are 3 types of people in this game: Strikers, Grapplers, and Combo- Artists. Q isn't a Combo-Artist, there's no doubt about that. He has a scant number of attacks that can be cancelled into other attacks, and his Supers - while cancellable - often have trouble meeting their target due to their range or style. While Q has a Command Throw, as well as a Super Art that requires "grappling", he shouldn't really be played as a Grappler; his most damaging (and most effective) attacks do not come from his command throw, and his Grappling Super Art isn't as comboable or damaging as the other two. The bottom line - Q is a striker, through and through. He can juggle fairly well (although it's usually only 1 or two hits), and he can often mix up high-low games quite well, landing a few more precious hits. ~~~~~~~~~~Who is Q, the Ground Player~~~~~~~~~~ One of the main problems that many people see with Q, aside from his obvious inability to combo (which so many other characters seem to do well), is that he is a large target. That's an obvious one, actually - being one of the tallest characters in the game (slightly shorter than Hugo), while being rather thin, Q can often find himself a target for higher attacks (like jump-ins). The mighty metallic one, however, does have a decent set of Anti-Airs. Depending on what attack(s) your opponent chooses to use, you can throw out an Away + MP, a, Away + HK, c.HK, Away + HP, some Rapid Swipes (usually HP), and even SA II. However, knowing which attack to throw out can often be a quandry. In most cases, you'll want to dash backwards and simply avoid the attack. If you can't, then you have a problem...Q IS a large target, which means your opponent has a greater window of opportunity to attack than you do to defend. Choose wisely, or, better yet, don't let your opponent off of the ground (unless you TAKE them off of the ground). Another problem Q has is that most other characters in the game can overcome his "footsie" ability, his crouching attacks. Characters like Chun-Li, Yun/Yang, Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sean, Remy, Urien/Gill, all have faster crouching blows/sweeps than Q does, so you might have some serious problems dealing with them. What's even worse is that they usually have better range as well, and in some cases can combo right out of those low attacks into a Special/Super Art. This makes Q a tricky character to deal with, since his best ground attacks are his c.WK, c.WP, and c.MK. However, none of these can chain into greater attacks, so they serve to do little more than poke your opponents out of close-proximity. And why would you want to keep your opponents out of close-proximity? Well, one of the main factors of this game is zoning - keeping your opponent right where you want them on the screen (as well as their distance to one of the corners). In Q's case, he can do just as much damage (if not a LOT more) by keeping his Opponent outside of throw-range. By this, I mean that if your opponent is close enough to throw you, then they're too close. Granted, Q can throw his opponents as well, but that's not the point - there are several characters that work EXTREMELY well when that close (combo-artists and grapplers alike), so make sure you don't give them that opportunity. So if Q isn't very good when you crouch, and he's not terribly great when in close-proximity, where DOES he stand well? That's an interesting question. Let's face it, Q is meant to be a bit of a turtle, with the occasional rushing attack. If someone jumps at you, you're usually safe by using an Away + MP attack (Q's "uppercut" attack). This attack strikes high and comes out fairly fast, so it's a safe-enough move; however, the real purpose to using it is that, since you have to hold away, you're also simultaneously building a charge for a dashing attack. If your opponent jumps at you, throw this out, then (as they land) Dash out with a Dashing Straight/Hook/Sweep. This is a fun mix-up game I like to play on friends, since they never know what to expect. Most opponents don't expect a Dashing Straight attack, and will take the hit. The next time you do so, they'll be blocking - so throw out a Dashing Sweep. That's two strikes. If a 3rd time comes up, throw out a Dashing Hook - the reasoning behind this is that they blocked and took a low hit, so now they'll block low. Since the Dashing Hook will still hit crouching opponents, they'll take ANOTHER hit. If opportunities like this still arise, you might want to mix up the distance of the Dashing Attack; that is to say, your opponent might anticipate the attack, so you can easily counter by throwing out a WP Dashing Straight instead, stopping short while they launch into an attack. They'll fall short, you get a free hit (or two). ~~~~~~~~~~Who is Q, the Aerial Player~~~~~~~~~~ Q isn't a very strong character in the air. He's already a larger target than most, so putting himself into an even more vulnerable position isn't the best of ideas. Unfortunately, jumping can often be good idea - that's right, unfortunately. There are times when you might be suckered into jumping, which will only lead into more attacks. Only jump when you're confident of your ability to handle yourself; now, whether or not this comes from zoning your opponent, using the right attack at the right time, or simply having good parrying skills, jumping shouldn't be something Q does on a regular basis. What did I mean by "zoning" your opponent when jumping? Well, Q's not the greatest of jumpers. Therefore, you're not very likely to get a good attack in on your opponent unless they GIVE you an opportunity. However, this can easily work to your advantage - many an opponent will misjudge Q's range and priority on moves, such as his jumping MK/MP. The surprising amount of range to these attacks means you can often jump from a decent distance and still connect, while your opponent thinks you are still out of range. The beauty of this is that, if you start building a charge once you jump, you can even connect with a WP/MP Dashing Straight upon landing, then chain off of THAT into a Super Art. See, zoning can be a good thing! Of course, these are actually rare instances, and your opponent will learn quickly that you can hit from afar, so don't overuse such tactics. If anything, Q should only jump away from his opponent, giving the impression that you're giving ground. In these instances, your opponent will most likely dash in or simply jump at you in pursuit. Once again, this opens up a perfectly good opportunity to throw out a MK/MP in air and have them collide with your foot/fist in midair. In general, know when to jump (to fake your opponent), but don't simply jump in at your opponent, thinking you'll connect. More often then not, you will NOT connect - in fact, you'll probably be GIVING your opponent an excellent opportunity to do quite a bit of damage. Therefore, let your opponent be the fool and trip up, giving you the opportunity. Q may be a defensive whiz, but that doesn't give you enough leeway to be an idiot! ~~~~~~~~~~Who is Q, and How SHOULD You Handle Him~~~~~~~~~~ If your opponent throws out an attack that leaves them close to you and you manage to block/parry it, throw out an attack that you know will be quick enough to hit them (depending on which attack they use, their lag time might be significantly less). Although I covered this for the individual enemy strategies, I'll go ahead and restate it - in most cases, Q's Rapid Swipes (preferably the WP version) will come out quick enough and hit your opponent easily. Granted, it doesn't chain into anything, but it does a decent amount of damage on its own; plus, if it is blocked, your opponent is pushed far enough back that they usually don't have enough time to counter (there ARE attacks that can counter it, but the timing has to be SO precise to connect that you might as well consider it a free hit). Therefore, in close + WP Rapid Swipes = (usual) free hits. If you know that your opponents' attack will have more lag to it (Dudley's Machine Gun Blow, any of Sean's attacks, etc), you can throw out Q's close MK (his stomping attack) and chain off of that. However, make sure they're on the ground or else you'll simply whiff air. See, aren't mix-up games fun? However, Q can't live by those alone, or else his opponent will wizen up and start pounding harder. That's the problem with Q, really: he lacks a truly definitive number of moves/strategies/combos, so he has to work harder to force his opponent into a position where he can hurt them. That's the beauty in Q's added defense. Where characters like Sean, Twelve, etc., can't do as much damage and have to force their opponent into more combo-opportunities, Q actually has the stamina to pull this sort of thing off. The longer the battle goes on, the greater the chances are that you'll be hurt. With Q's added defense this is practically nullified, meaning he can handle twice as much punishment while trying to attack. Remember, Q should combo into anything and everything he can when the opportunity arises. If you are barely out of range for a combo that would end in a Deadly Double, don't simply use half a combo because you don't want to waste the meter; go for an EX move instead (most likely a EX Dashing Straight) and do as much damage as POSSIBLE. Knowing the range and priority of your attacks is supremely important for Q. Also, timing is equally important, especially when trying to effectively using his Capture & Deadly Blow. Since it has fairly decent start-up (which can be halted with most any WP/WK attack or throw), the timing is crucial on its usage. Of course, if you DO manage to land one, you'll be able to do a variety of things - use an EX Dashing Straight, then hit them again (HP, HK, or WP Dashing Straight) for more damage (and taunt afterwards to boot!). ~~~~~~~~~~Who is Q, In General~~~~~~~~~~ In general, you should keep your opponent out of close range, but if they DO get in close and leave themselves open, you should know which attacks to use. It sounds challenging, but once you've used Q for a while, you'll be able calculate which attacks will be quick enough to hit (depending on which attack your opponent uses), as well as have the necessary range to strike (where your opponent is when their attack ends). Sadly, in most cases this means you won't be able to build a charge for a Dashing Straight/Hook/Sweep, but there are instances. Learn these as well, since your very survival will most likely hang in the balance of such instances. I probably make it seem like Q's incredibly hard to win with. Well, it is. For some characters, they have a bevy of moves at their disposal, or simple combos that don't require much range and do a large amount of damage. Therefore, they can afford to be sloppy and still connect when it counts, dealing out the damage. Q, on the other hand, doesn't have much outside of a few combos and his ability to poke his enemy out of range. This means that when it comes down to the wire, time to really lay on the damage, Q HAS to take that advantage - who knows when the next opportunity comes? How often Q can damage his opponent depends on your abilities with him, as well as your opponents' ability to avoid such instances. In these cases, you'll simply have to better with Q than your opponent is with their chosen character. However, it's not nearly so hard; you can learn the most common strategies your opponents will envoke, then learn how to effectively identify and counter those attempts. Once you've learned that, everything else falls into place - and Q has defense on his side, so you're good to go. ~~~~~~~~~~Who is Q, the Situational Combattant~~~~~~~~~~ Q has some very devastating combos that you can employ in a variety of situations. However, which combo/strategy you should impliment depends entirely on what situation he is thrown into. Let's talk about a few of those combos, which ones you should pick, and where you should use 'em. How you react, in most situations, depends on a few key factors such as range, whether or not you have a charge build, and how much meter you have (whether or not you can use an EX or Super Move) and which Super you have picked. Each situation covers those through 6 points - No Charge & No Meter, Charge & No Meter, No Charge & Meter, Charge & Meter, No Charge & Super Bar, Charge & Super Bar. The difference between "Meter" and "Super Bar" is that you can have enough meter to perform an EX Move, but not have enough for a Super - and, in nearly every situation, a Super will do more damage than simply EXing a move. ---Situation 1 - My Opponent is right next to me and I have a free shot! Example: Parrying/Blocking Sean/Ken/Ryu/Akuma's Hurricane Kick (they land right next to you, temporarily defenseless). No Charge & No Meter - MK, WP Rapid Swipes Charge & No Meter - MK, MP Dashing Straight No Charge & Meter - MK, EX Rapid Swipes, Taunt Charge & Meter - MK, EX Dashing Straight, WP Dashing Straight/HP/HK, Taunt No Charge & Super Bar - MK, SA I, SA II, SA III (Punch Grab) - if SA II, then HP Dashing Straight following (and Taunt) Charge & Super Bar - MK, Dashing Straight xx SA I/II - if SA II, then HP Dashing Straight following (and Taunt) In your basic close-range, free-hit situation, you'll not have enough time to build a charge (for a Dashing Straight); therefore, you will want to inflict as much damage as you can while making due without the charge. If you happen to have a charge built up - possibly from a jump-in or simply because you were blocking - then you can throw out a WP or MP Dashing Straight off of the MK and smack your opponent in the face for added damage. If not, then you'll have to resort to Rapid Swipes to do the most damage possible. If you have some meter, then you can upgrade the Rapid Swipes or Dashing Straight so that even more damage can be inflicted - the EX Dashing Straight can be followed by a variety of attacks (which I covered in its respective "Special Moves" section, Section V.A, Part 4). In the case of having Meter, then you'll most likely want to use that Super Bar - hey, an opportunity for good damage, so why not take it? If you have Super Arts I or II - and you most likely should - then you can simply MK cancel into it. Otherwise, you'll have to have the move initiated (Super Art III) before you can do anything, and since you won't be able to use your Super you should revert to the Charge/No Charge & Meter sections. Ultimately, it boils down to using either the Rapid Swipes or Dashing Straight EX versions if possible, the Dashing Straight cancelled into a Super Art if able. Simple enough, eh? ---Situation 2 - I just parried/blocked my opponent's attacks, but now they're just out Throw/MK Range! Example: Parrying/Blocking a WP Shoryuken, pushing you just far-enough away so you can't throw/MK them. No Charge & No Meter - WP Rapid Swipes or Capture & Deadly Blow Charge & No Meter - WP Dashing Straight/Sweep/Hook No Charge & Meter - EX Rapid Swipes or Capture & Deadly Blow Charge & Meter - EX Dashing Straight No Charge & Super Bar - SA I, SA II, SA III (Punch Grab) Charge & Super Bar - WP Dashing Straight xx SA I, II, or III (Punch Grab) In this situation, you are put in a slightly more-precarious position. You cannot cancel off of the MK, since you're not close enough for it to connect as a Stomp attack; likewise, you cannot throw your opponent since they're out of range. Therefore, the most damage you can inflict is by simple strikes or a Super Art (if you have one built). Depending on the range itself and your opponents' ability to react quickly, you may wish to opt for a Capture & Deadly Blow instead of the Rapid Swipes - this will allow more damage, as well as give an opportunity to taunt. In the case of having a Super Built, then you would want to use it (provided you don't have to initiate it) to inflict as much damage as possible. As with the first situation, it's good to do as much damage as you can - granted, a situation for more damage MIGHT come along, but why wait? ----------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so I only really have 2 situations up. Oh well...learn a few more of yourself, and feel free to ask questions! I'm always willing to give up a few strategies and such! =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== ------------------------------X: CAR!!!------------------------------ =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== I don't know about the rest of you, but I severely dislike this car. It gets in the way of you beating up some rivals, and it really doesn't do much to aid you in practice. You can pass the car stage simply by jamming on any button repeatedly. ANYONE can defeat the car in the allotted amount of time this way, which makes it absolutely worthless. Therefore, I give you the most important section of this FAQ - effective ways of doing damage in a quick enough time, so you can get past the car and back to beating up opponents (like you should be doing)! Now, let's talk about how the "Car Bonus Stage" works. Your character is given a time limit of 50 seconds to beat up a rather ridiculous-looking SUV. In order to win, you must successfully pound on this vehicle until it is nothing but a flaming heap of scrap. You are given a full meter (which doesn't show on the screen, but it's there anyways) to work with, so you can use Supers and EX moves on the car as well - however, you can't build meter, so once you've used those meters then that's it.Simple enough, eh? It IS simple, but the problem is no one really cares about the car - it's a stupid gimmick Capcom has had in their fighting games ever since Final Fight, where you would take a "break" from the action to participate in a side game. Frankly, I play these games for the fighting and the action, NOT the stupid breaks in between. Why Capcom persists in these pointless games is beyond me... All right, here are how many Hit Points the car has: Hit points of the Car: 400. This was taken using the standard (2 Stars) damage setting. Want to know how I figured this out? Well, it's simple - I walked up to the car and hit it several times, then referred to my damage chart above to find out just how much damage was done. I only used single strikes, so no damage scaling was involved - therefore, my math SHOULD be correct (I hope). Now, what good does knowing how much HP the Car do you? Absolutely nothing! That's right, I only threw that piece of information (which is most likely incorrect) in there for the sake of being complete. What is really effective is knowing what can do the most amount of damage in the least amount of time. While this sounds fairly obvious, what I mean isn't exactly what you would think I mean. To elucidate - Q has a Combo that does over 100 points of damage, including his Deadly Double Combination Super. However, for the amount of time it takes to go through the entire combo, Q could simply use a series of close MKs to inflict the same amount of damage in less time. However, figuring out what can do the most amount of damage, given how much time it takes, is a bit of a quandry - each attack has its own speed and damage, and certain attacks can be linked into others, reducing the speed of the following attack(s) but also slightly reducing the damage. Since there isn't a way to link ALL moves together from a single starting point, there is no way to graph such an equation, so we are forced to look at it from the standpoint of how much damage each attack or combo does, then calculate how much time it takes to do that much damage, and graph THOSE results. However, I'm not familiar with how to make an ASCII graph. Therefore, I'll simply go through the process of finding what's most effective by listing certain combos and attacks, plus how long they take and how much damage they do. Following each "Attack Tried" will be a small chart of the attacks I did, plus how much time was left when I destroyed the car (if I did succeed in destroying the car). Please give a +1/-1 room for error on the times here, ok? -----Vegita's Log: Day 1----- Well, I'm going to try and find the most effective combo(s) for trashing the car. I hope that I can figure out what will take the least amount of time in doing this, since I hate wasting my time. I could simply wait 50 seconds for the timer to run out, but I'm sure there's a quicker way. Let's find out. Now, since I know that the trick is to inflict the most damage in the smallest amount of time, I have to try most every attack and combo to see which have the most lag and which can inflict the most damage per second. For all I know, the weak-yet-quick attacks can inflict more damage per second than the more powerful attacks, so I'll have to just find out how quick they are, eh? (1) Attack/Combo Tried: Repeated Punches Result: The standing WPs would whiff after the car lost its wheels, so I was forced to crouch and finish it off with crouching WPs. Strictly crouching and jamming on WP didn't do enough to destroy the car - but of course, it IS Q's weakest attack, so that was to be expected Strictly crouching, Q couldn't even destroy the car. That's pathetic. The standing MP wasn't too terribly good, as it suffered the same problem as the WPs after the car fell off its axles (I had to crouch to finish). However, the crouching MP and Away + MP yielded some much nicer results. The Standing HP didn't do as well as I thought they would until I tried Away + HP (less lag time on that), and the crouching HP wasn't too shabby either. ____________________________________________________________ | c.WP - No Finish | | WP (crouching when the car lost its wheels) - 10 Seconds | | MP (crouching when the car lost its wheels) - 20 Seconds | | HP - 20 Seconds | | c.MP - 28 Seconds | | Away + MP - 28 Seconds | | c.HP - 29 Seconds | | Away + HP - 30 Seconds | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (2) Attack/Combo Tried: Repeated Kicks. Result: Ok, so Q's not known for his kicking power (aside from his close MK), and this is proof of it. Yeesh...since he didn't have to duck to change whether or not hit with his WK, Q's time was considerally better than with the WP; however, his crouching in carnation was just as bad - at around 15 seconds left, it destroyed the wheels. When I got to the MKs, I was pleasantly surprised by their time - the standing close one was just as quick in destroying the vehicle as the HP, while the far one was even quicker! Q's HKs, sadly, weren't near up to par as the MKs... __________________________ | c.WK - No Finish | | c.HK - 23 Seconds | | Away + HK - 24 Seconds | | WK - 26 Seconds | | c.MK - 27 Seconds | | HK - 27 Seconds | | Close MK - 30 Seconds | | MK - 32 Seconds | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Day 1 Reflections: Ok, so single strikes don't work too well. Maybe some special moves will change the pace? I have a good feeling about Q's Rapid Swipes and his Dashing Straights, since they come out quick and can be fired off repeatedly. Tomorrow, then! -----Vegita's Log: Day 2----- Today I cover the special moves in single strikes, much like I did with the regular attacks. Let's see if I can't do any better here, eh? (3) Attack/Combo Tried: Special Moves. Result: Well, this isn't quite what I expected... not being a total dunce, I knew that no matter which Punch Button I'd throw out it the Rapid Swipes would do the same amount of damage - thus, I didn't want to waste my time with all 3, especially since I figured the HP Rapid Swipes would whiff the car after it fell off its axle. I also knew that holding in the Punch Button for the Dashing Straights not only takes longer, but does LESS damage, so I didn't even bother trying those. The Dashing Straights or Sweeps weren't too good either, which just seems...wrong. For as potent attacks as they are, they don't do jack against the car! They were on a par with regular attacks! ____________________________________ | WK Dashing Sweep - 20 Seconds | | HK Dashing Sweep - 23 Seconds | | MK Dashing Sweep - 24 Seconds | | Rapid Swipes - 25 Seconds | | WP Dashing Straight - 25 Seconds | | MP Dashing Straight - 27 Seconds | | HP Dashing Straight - 29 Seconds | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (4) Attack/Combo Tried: EX Special Moves and Super Arts. ---Note--- The way I went about this is that I simply used as many of each Special/Super I could, then finished the round off by using Q's fastest attack, the MK (not close). Also, since you get a different amount of Meter depending on which Super Art you pick, I went ahead and listed each Super Art, then the 3 Super Arts I performed with that SA's stock length. You are allowed 4 EX Moves from SA I, while you only get 3 from SA II and 2 from SA III (in case you didn't already know). Result: Ok, this didn't turn out how I expected at ALL. Assuming that these attacks hit harder, one would expect that there would be some sort of a marginal drop...however, there wasn't. I feel sad for having thoroughly wasted my time with these. You'll probably be wondering why the likes of SA I's Rapid Swipes didn't better, or why SA III's Dashing Sweep didn't do any worse. The answer is simple - just because you have more meter for something doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be able to do more damage in that amount of time. Because SA III has so little meter, the EX Rapid Swipes couldn't be used as much, and thus you had to use MK more. While one would expect this to work out faster (since MK brought out a faster time), it doesn't because the EX Swipes do a decent amount of damage but can only be used a certain amount of time. In essense, the EX Swipes are almost as effective as the MK in terms of damage per second, but because their use is limited you still aren't going to finish as much. Ultimately, the best of the best was hitting with Q's Deadly Double Combination (Super Art II), which I was able to throw out and immediately got back to jabbing MK until the vehicle was scrapped. So throughout all this, I learned that in certain cases, these moves just weren't good. In fact, if you'll look at the chart, the LESS I used these moves, the better. That's just plain said, folks. Since each previous Super Art gives you 1 more EX to work with, you can guess (correctly) that for each EX less that you use (and the more time you spend using MK instead of that move), the faster you'll destroy the car. I don't really know why these moves take THIS long in comparison to how much damage they do... _____________________________________________ | (SA I) EX Rapid Swipes - 26 Seconds | | (SA II) EX Rapid Swipes - 28 Seconds | | (SA I) EX Dashing Straight - 29 Seconds | | Super Art I - 29 Seconds | | (SA III) EX Rapid Swipes - 30 Seconds | | (SA II) EX Dashing Straight - 30 Seconds | | (SA II) EX Dashing Sweep - 30 Seconds | | (SA I) EX Dashing Sweep - 30 Seconds | | (SA III) EX Dashing Straight - 31 Seconds | | (SA III) EX Dashing Sweep - 31 Seconds | | Super Art III - 31 Seconds | | Super Art II - 32 Seconds | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Day 2 Reflections: This really isn't too good...the best that I could do was the SAME as just kicking it with the MK! This can't be right...Q's absolute fastest way of destroying the car cannot simply be jamming on a Kick button from an optimum distance! There HAS to be a quicker method for destroying this car! Tomorrow, I work with what I hope to be the quickest method yet - working off of Q's cancellable attacks, blending Normals, Specials and EX Specials, and even Super Arts. This had BETTER work! -----Vegita's Log: Day 3----- Today I work on combos, playing off of Q's highly cancellable MK. These are going to require a little more trial and error, so bear with me. (5) Attack/Combo Tried: Combos. Result: Well, my first attempt was a logical one - Q's mainstay combo, his MK xx WP Rapid Swipes. This didn't do too good - however, it WAS better than his normal Rapid Swipes score, so I think I'm onto something. Going off of the idea that cancelling into a Special Move from this attack, I decided to try his HP Dashing Straight (his fastest non-comboed Special). The results were much, much better. On a lark, I decided to try this with his WP Dashing Straight to see if it was any quicker; sadly, the quicker attack was too weak to make up the time, and thus took longer. I think Q can still do more than these rushing punches, though - suppose I threw in a Jump-in attack to start each combo off? Using Q's most damaging Jump Attack, the jumping HK, I found that I could do a decent amount of damage in a very short amount of time. Where do I go from here? Well, what about EX moves and Supers? Those can be chained off of his MK, and the Super Arts can be come off his Dashing Straights as well. I started out switching in the EX Dashing Sweep in lieu of the Dashing Straights (the quickest EX Special, judging from the chart), then switched back over to the HP Dashing Straights when I ran out of meter. Not bad, but simply the alternating MK/HP Dashing Straights were still better. Seeking to use the meter effectively, I tried other EX Moves (using SA I as my basis, thus giving me the most meter), such as alternating MK/EX Dashing Straights. The results were decent enough; however, using the absolute most number of EX Dashing Straights (4) still didn't yield as fast a time as simply the regular HP D.P.'s, so it's back to those. Looking at the numbers that were yielded from the jump-in combinations and the EX Dashing Straights, I decided to try those two in combination. I don't really know why, but after a good 3 hours of doing this, I couldn't seem to get the timing right on the first couple of tries...but on the 3rd, I nailed it, pulling off a much better time than the previous 2. The funny thing is that it came out to take LONGER than either of them! I guess combining good ideas doesn't always yield an even better idea, eh? I decided to see if using the Deadly Double would work any better (the fastest Super Art, from the chart). Not bad, but my idea of starting off with the attack, then going back into the MK xx HP Dashing Straight routine wasn't quite perfect. I can link the Deadly Double off of Q's Dashing Straight, so to save time I can simply perform a MK xx HP D.P, cancel into the Deadly Double, then follow it with another HP D.P. and pick up right there. Can it work? CAN IT WORK? Look at the chart and tell ME if it worked! ...ok, I'll spare you the trouble - it ALMOST worked. I tried immediately with the Deadly Double, then going into the MK/HP D.P. routine, as well as starting off, doing the MK/HP D.P. and THEN using it, even going so far as to make the car lose its tires and THEN using the Deadly Double. The best I could muster was 34 seconds, which was still too slow compared to simply doing the MK xx HP Dashing Straight. Since there's no issues with Meter (usage of EX Moves or Super Arts used), this means this is the most effective combo you can use regardless of which Super Art you pick. _______________________________________________________________________________ |MK xx WP Rapid Swipes - 26 Seconds | |MK xx WP Dashing Straight - 32 Seconds | |MK xx EX Dashing Sweep (HP Dashing Straight) - 32 Seconds | |Jumping HK, MK xx EX Dashing Straight (HP Dashing Straight) - 32 Seconds | |Jumping HK, MK xx HP Dashing Straight - 33 Seconds | |MK xx EX Dashing Straight (HP Dashing Straight) - 34 Seconds | |MK xx HP Dashing Straight xx Deadly Double, HP Dashing Straight - 34 Seconds | |MK xx HP Dashing Straight - 35 Seconds | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Day 3 Reflections: Well, that was fun...I think. I just spent 3 days figuring out what would save time. Ironic, isn't it? Ultimately, this is something I could have figured out through blind luck, but it's good to know for sure. I've thoroughly wasted my time, but I hope it helps you. How odd, though - the most damaging combo per second is one that really isn't that feasible in a real match, since the time between the MK and when the HP actually connects is just enough to allow your opponent to block. Frankly, I don't like this idea that much - but hey, it's what works, so why complain? In retrospect over the work I've put into these days, I've discovered which of Q's attacks and combos have the least amount of startup and the most amount of lag. This is extremely useful in gauging which move to use at which point during a fight - I know by heart which moves are quick enough to throw out at a moment's instant, as well as which move and combos will have the most lagtime if they miss (or even if they hit, but are blocked). My only complaint with all the work (aside from how long the entire thing took - a couple of hours each day for 3 days) is that I never got to fight the "Upper-Level" characters. Since I only fought 3 rounds destroyed the car, recorded my results, then restarted, I never progressed to Round 4 - and thus never fought the likes of Hugo, Elena, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Gill, or Q. However, I think it's safe to say if I ever come across someone playing as the remainder of the cast, I'll be sufficiently ready for them - I've seen every move a thousand times over, and I my parrying skills are top-notch. There are only so many moves each character can use, the difference is in what order and when they are used. I know 'em all, so all I ever need to worry about is the order and the timing, and judging what I've seen in tournaments and from videos online I'm pretty well versed in those as well. =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== -----------------------------XI: Various----------------------------- =============================== Third Strike: Q =============================== Here's all that other stuff that doesn't really fit in with any other sections. _____________________ _~A~ Revision History_________________________________________________________ ===================== 09-26-01: While hard at work (being a telemarketer, I have access to a computer), I decided to start this FAQ using my knowledge of the game and its characters. 10-16-01: After much debilitating, I looked at this FAQ again. You know, if I only write when I feel like it than I'll never accomplish anything, so I'm going to force myself to work on this blasted thing. It's better than never having it done, right? 10-22-01: Hey, now that work has begun to pay off (I'm paid by commission), I've been able to put a little more work into this! Today I finished the Punches section. Eventually, I'll get to the bleedin' Damage Chart section. That is SO going to eat up a lot of time... 01-12-02: Yay, I finally finished the "Car" section! As you can see, this section theatened to tear me limb from limb...but I overcame any adversity, and there it is! 02-08-02: Format change, as well as some quick spell-checking. I should be able to get this blasted thing done...well, some time in the future. At least it's easier to read! 02-10-02: I cleared the 165 KB mark, making this the largest Street Fighter III guide out there. I wonder how large it will be by the time I'm finished...? 05-28-02: Hey, I'm FINALLY submitting this guide to GameFAQs. Yeah, so it's incredibly far from finished...but I might as well show off what I DO have, right? Since this is the first version to appear on GameFAQs, it's still '3.14', despite the number of updates I've made on it. 03-19-03: Format revisions, plus I decided to axe the "versus human" section. Let's face it, I am the only 3rd Strike player in Kansas City, and since I don't feel like driving to Columbia, St. Louis, or Omaha for some competition, I think I'll remove the section I know the LEAST about. Maybe after I've been to a few more tournaments, I'll pen some strats against those who can think, but until dice. Does anyone else find it funny how I've removed stuff from my guide and reformatted it to make certain things smaller and easier to read...and that ended up ADDING to it? Strangeness. ___________ ___~B~ Thanks_________________________________________________________________ =========== ~CJayC (, for putting this FAQ up. Your hard work as earned my respect. ~Al Amaloo ( for being such a cool guy, and having a great site. Your tenacity will live forever! ~BillyKane ( for his inumerable help in making this guide. Congrats on qualifying for the European SBO group, man! for giving me a heart attack with your childish "I stole your FAQ and sold it with my name on it" antics. Because of that, I now do dozens of things to make sure people don't steal my work. If they do, I know exactly what to look for to see if they took MY work or not. ~Uh...I can't exactly thank God for the role he's taken in my life, because that would seem like I'm trying to force my religious opinions on someone else (which I'm not). Therefore, I'd like to thank "Murray" for the role he's taken in my life (Murray, you know who you are). ______________ _____~C~ NO THANKS____________________________________________________________ ============== If you write me asking for help with the game, I'll send you a link to my FAQ. If you ask for specific help, I'll try to aid you. However, if you ask me about something that is already covered in the FAQ, I will simply refer you to the FAQ again. I wrote the FAQ so that your questions would be answered here, not so I could repeat that FAQ bit by bit through e-mail for the next few years. If you need clarification about something in the FAQ, ask about it - but don't ask me to repeat anything. If you're asking for help against a specific character, the only thing I have to suggest is to watch what the other guy does, then see if you can figure out how to get around it and/or counter it. I don't know your fighting style, so I can't make suggestions based off of assumptions. I covered each character, as well as Q himself, so if you're having trouble, think about what they're doing against you and try to find a way around it. No strategy is infallable, so you should be able to get out of it. Finally, do NOT e-mail me telling me your fighting style, then saying that I have to help you because "Now you know my fighting style". I WILL ignore you altogether. I do not appreciate people looking for a loophole just to get information that is too specific for me to help on a case-by-case basis, so don't even bother. I wrote this FAQ so I could help people, but if your problem is so finite that you can explain it in detail to me in an e-mail, then you should be able to examine what you just wrote and figure it out yourself. Honestly, I figure that I went in-depth enough to solve any problems out there, so if you can honestly come up with a situation that you need to write about... well, it has to be either so ludicrous or so finite that you should either get out of it yourself, or stop lying. Thanks! =============================================================================== End FAQ =============================================================================== The following are sites that can NOT use my work. If you see these sites using ANY of my FAQs, please e-mail me ASAP. Each of these websites are sites that have plagiarised myself or others in the past, or simply taken our work(s) without our prior permission. Since they do not have enough respect for the authors (or an ignorance of the law), I am expressly forbidding them from using my work. I will not promote such sites that partake in these actions. 911 Codes 9 Lives Bean's PlayStation Dimension Cheat Code Central Cheat Index Cheat Matrix Cheat Search Cheatstop CNET Gamecenter Console Domain Dirty Little Helper Dark Station Dreamland Games Domain Game Express Games Over Mega Games Square Haven Ultimate System (Taken from Jim "Red Phoenix" Chamberlin's FAQ Theft Guide, as well as added onto.) As I stated above, if you want to use one of my guides, I ask that you e-mail me to gain my permission first. I like to keep track of which sites use my work, so I know where to send the updates, and it's a little difficult to keep you updated if you don't e-mail me. This FAQ Copyright Reverend Eric "Vegita" Johnson, March 2003