Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike Fight for the Future Quotes and Dialogue Guide v0.91 (August 11, 2000) This document Copyright 2000 Robert Iu This document is for private and personal use only. I intended this work to be used as an easy way to reference specific character quotes and/or endings for those who might need it, though you may not copy large parts of this without my permission. If you make use of something you find here give credit where it is due. Please do not put this in anything that is to be sold for money or otherwise profit from. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike is Copyright Capcom Co., Ltd. and Copyright Capcom U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. The latest version of this can (and should) always be found at: GameFAQs My Homepage And the sites that suck ass because they take this and/or other FAQs of mine and of other authors without our permission: Cheat Code Central Bastard even has the galls to change any mention of 'gamefaqs' to 'cheatcc.' Games Domain Playstation Cheat.Net Basic rip-off sites... what's posted on GameFAQs will be taken and reposted there. Well, this is my quotes and dialogue for this game. I intended to finish this much earlier, but in reality this hasn't been worked on since September. College and personal problems have kept me occupied. So I am just going to release this unfinished while the game still has some playability in the arcade. I have most of the quotes but am still missing most of the transcriptions for the endings. Quotes: 156/160 Mid-boss: 11/19 Endings: 5/19 In [brackets] are brief descriptions of the animations in the endings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akuma ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Japan Place: Kousyu Street Time: 1:55 A.M. Win Quotes: A weak shell for a weak soul. It was an easy task to separate the two... My fist knows no equal! Perfection equals obliteration! The unworthy must be removed from existence. To show mercy is to show proof of your imperfection! Weakness is a disease... I am the cure! You body assumed its proper form when my fist tore it apart! You've fulfilled your purpose in life by allowing me to end it! Mid-Boss: Ryu -------- [No dialogue] Boss: Gill ---- [No dialogue] [after the battle] A team of university type people are searching for the wreck of an old ship in a submarine, they discover the boat and lo and behold Akuma is sitting on top of the mast, the scene then cuts to the boat on the surface (with CPS3 written on its hull ^_^), anyway Akuma then proceeds to be a bit of an ass and rip the boat apart with a new move (kind of like the way he destroyed Ayers Rock in 2i) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: America Place: Subway Station Time: 1:31 A.M. Win Quotes: A lack of spirit will always lead to defeat! Be a master of your mind before attempting to master your body! ? Defeat will help you to solve your ego problem. Don't waste my time. I can learn nothing from you. Study your opponents and exploit their weakness. That is the key... Use your head, or I will! I need a new bowling ball... You can't escape! Real fighters know their true calling! You don't have to be big, to look like a big loser. Mid-Boss: Ryu -------- Alex: A karate uniform and a headband... You must be Ryu! Alex: I've heard about you! Now, I'll confirm these rumors. Ryu: Hmm... I can see the powers in your eyes... Ryu: Don't hold back! Show me everything you've got! Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chun-Li ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: China Place: Chinese Restaurant Time: 2:00 P.M. Win Quotes: Am I still the strongest women in the world? Tell me! Hey, leave me alone! I'm a fighter, not a news reporter! It's been much too long since I've been in a fair fight! No, I've never thrown any of my bracelets away. Why do you ask? Power is useless without skill and speed! Put some thought into your actions and you'll eliminate your regrets. You haven't seen my best yet! Please let me show you! You'd be great if you found a better reason to fight! Mid-Boss: Urien -------- Chun-Li: I don't know what your scheme is... But I can't let you harm small children! Chun-Li: Where is that girl? Urien: How could you ask to see me for such a trifle thing? You must be a fool! Urien: I'll give you the girl, but you must entertain me in return. Urien: Your legendary legs are said to have destroy "that organization." Urien: Let me find out for myself, if the rumors about you are true... Boss: Gill ---- [after the battle] [b/w shot of cops, pans over to see Chun-Li holding a small girl] Miss! You're going to be ok now... ...It's been six months since then... ...When I held the girl, the girl whose life I saved... [close-up of Chun-Li's face and hand] I finally realized what my true "fight" should be... [Chun-Li is surrounded by a bunch of children copying her practicing her Wushu(?)] For my Mother country, that my father tried to protect... Yaa! Haah! For all the warm-hearted people I met throughout the world... ? Taa! Haah! [Chun-Li is teaching a girl how to do a motion] To teach the meaning of true strength and beauty to these kids... That is the purpose of my life, and my future. I'll use my fist to create our tomorrow! [Chun-Li and the children are all doing jump kicks] Iyaaaahh!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dudley ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: England Place: Main Street Time: 11:05 A.M. Win Quotes: ? A champion does not achieve victory when fueled by anger. ? A punching bag that can bleed is not a suitable rival for me. ? Despite your manners, I like your style. Let me buy you a drink... ? Even a spectator needs to be sharp to comprehend the grace of boxing! ? Fight like a gentleman... Live like a gentleman! ? Learn to fight with class! Self-respect breeds discipline! Not very articulated, are you? Work on your movements, chap! ? To win with prestige and glory is a sensation like no other! Mid-Boss: Ryu -------- Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elena ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Kenya Place: Savannah Time: 7:08 P.M. Win Quotes: Forget about your troubles and realize the harmony around us! Get addicted to the beat! Rhythm can be your friend too! I hope this moment of friendship will bring you many happy memories! ? My accent? I must have picked it up during my travels! That was my best dance, performed especially for you! ? When you feel the wind, you can feel many elements of nature at work. You can teach me some new moves! Let's dance together again! You need to be more flexible. Let me help you to stretch your body! Mid-Boss: Makoto -------- Boss: Gill ---- [after the battle] My dear Nura-Chan, how are you? I am fine as always. I feel lonely, now that I have the Harvest Festival here, the past is old. (?), I am reminded of my happy days of summer in Japan. ...When we all went to the festival dressed up and we saw fireworks... Everything was so fun! Fights were especially exciting, too! I invite your family to visit our great plain of my country I'm sure my mother would like you I know your working hard on your exams. Take good care of your health! See you again I'll be studying, too! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Germany Place: Home Sweet Home Time: 7:30 P.M. Win Quotes: I am number one! I held back. If I used more force, there would be a huge mess! ? It's a natural instinct for you to fear my size and strength! ? Strange... Is suicide a popular activity where you come from? ? The bigger I am, the harder they fall! ? The force of your body smashed the pavement! Help me fix it! ? Would you be able to get up if I sat down on you? Let's find out! ? You enjoyed that didn't you? Let's do it again! Mid-Boss: Ryu -------- Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ibuki ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Japan Place: A Road in Kyoto Time: 5:51 P.M. Win Quotes: Hey, I'll tell everyone you put up a good fight, okay? I can't let anyone know that I wasted my time on a loser like you! I don't think you'd last long at all if you were in my village... I have clothes that are much more fashionable than this! Believe me! I'm sorry I went so quickly! A girl's gotta have fun, you know! Please don't look. I have to change outfits and I'm out of bombs... That wasn't the most efficient way to knock you out, but it worked! What a crazy graduation exam! Being a Shinobi isn't easy! Mid-Boss: Oro -------- Boss: Gill ---- [after the battle] (?) University... I made it, after all! After a lifetime of training, I can finally live like an ordinary girl Exploring the campus... Making new friends... Oh I'm so excited Hi there, cutie! Why don't you join my club? It's so fun, you'll never leave! And so, I devoted myself to the activities of the club everyday... I receive painful endurance training under the senior's guidance... I train on the surface the water... And practice riding on a kite in a raging storm... Hey! Wait a minute! Ha ha ha! Ibuki! You still got a blind side! If you're careless like that, I'll cut your caroties like I did last time Ha ha! I can tell that you love the excitement... What? This is not what I expected! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: America Place: Subway Station Time: 9:27 P.M. Win Quotes: Hey, they might make an action figure out of you too, someday! I will fight with style and finesse, no matter what the outcome may be! I wish you good luck! Look forward to the next battle! Live for the excitement of the fight! Maybe my kid should practice sparring with you! Thanks for helping me show Mel who has the world's strongest fists! That's the spirit! Fight fiercely every moment of the battle! Whether you're reckless or brave, use the style that suits you best! Mid-Boss: Urien -------- Ken: You're not quite what I expected... Ken: But, you sure do have the face of a fighter! Urien: Behave yourself... I am destined to become the king of the next century. Urien: ? You should thank me for using you to entertain me. Boss: Gill ---- [after the battle] Ken and some guy that looks like Balrog are fighting in a tournament. Ken beats the nameless guy with a shoryuken, the announcer then says something about Ken making history by winning the US championships three times in a row, his family and Sean come to congratulate him. Ken gives Sean the tournament trophy to which Sean replies "No, Master that is not what I meant, the trophy is meaningless if I did not win it with my own effort." Ken then says something about training harder next time and getting past the qualifying rounds, but it won't matter because Ken will always be there to beat him Sean turns around revealing that he has a black eye. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makoto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Japan Place: The Dojo of Kindo-Kam Time: 6:15 A.M. Win Quotes: Daddy, you believed in me! That win was for our Dojo! It hurts twice as much when you know that it was your fault! ? It'll take a lot more than that to take me out! Let's do it again! Let's keep fighting until we are both completely satisfied! That couldn't have been your best effort! Stop holding back! That was a lot easier than I thought it would be! What's going through your mind when we fight? I want to know! You'd feel better if you would just cheer up! Mid-Boss: Ryu -------- Makoto: I've heard about you... You're Ryu, aren't you? Makoto: Your headband and that all-season Karate uniform! I can't be mistaken! Makoto: Now, accept my challenge! Ryu: Hmm... Your style is Karate... and you seem to be skilled Ryu: Interesting! Show me your best!! Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Necro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Russia Place: Morgue Time: 5:15 P.M. Win Quotes: ? A little battery won't kill ya... or will it? ? I'm long and I'm strong! To challenge me would be so wrong! ? If you thought that was abnormal, wait until you see THIS! The pain sensitivity of the flesh varies. Where does it hurt the most? What's that smell? That's the aroma of freshly cooked brain matter! You think I'm a freak? You should see some of these other characters! Mid-Boss: Twelve -------- Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Brazil Place: Santos Harbor Time: 4:48 P.M. Win Quotes: ? I'm so bored! I feel so limited! Huh? You feel the same way? ? If I kept fighting against you, I might actually get worse! ? If we went home right now, would anyone really care? Probably not. ? If you are angry, how can you hope to strike effectively? ? Keep it up and you'll suffer the horror of pain! ? Would you like to meet my pets? Or are you too injured? ? Your moves are deadly... They could kill me by boring me to death! Mid-Boss: Akuma -------- Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: ?......... (Again?) ..................... (Bye.) ......... (Done.) ? ............. (Leave.) ? ..........! (Never!) !......... (No!) ?!......... (Seriously?!) ? ?....... (Yes?) Mid-Boss: Akuma -------- [No dialogue] Boss: Gill ---- [after the battle] [FBI office with 3 agents] 13 bizarre cases in the last 10 days, at sites located around the world... After seeing those on-site pictures, haven't you noticed something? What's up Juliana? You don't have to beat around the bush with me! Were you going to say some spooky guy appears in every scene? [Closer view of projection screen] [Various pictures appear with Q's figure circled in every one] David... You may have some telepathic talent, after all. Look here... In every picture, a man in a trenchcoat appears. No way! These happened in different parts around the world! It couldn't be the same person! [Back to wide shot of the 3 agents] Well, they at least have similar taste in clothing... Anyway, this "mysterious guy" is the common thread in all of our cases. [One agent angrily points towards the screen] So, have you identified that man? Unfortunately, not yet... But we have used photo analysis to synthesize his face. Well, not exactly his face... But... anyway, have a look. [Q's face on the projector screen] What's this?! A mask... an iron mask? [Boss starts to stand up] Okay! Send this picture out to each of our branches, security level 4! You are to start an investigation on this man immediately. Dismissed! [The 3 agents are gone] [Q's shadow shifts across the projector screen] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: France Place: Club Metro Time: 11:29 P.M. Win Quotes: Don't you realize that the path you are taking will lead you nowhere?! I find your cause interesting, but I could never relate to it. I have no intention of beating you up again. Just leave... In death, you may find the answers that you seek. Pain is a cheap substitute for a vitality gauge! Stay down. Or do you want me to hurt you again? Victory, glory, and honor... Those ideals don't excite me a bit. Why am I here, anyway? Mid-Boss: Alex -------- Remy: Answer me... Why do you fight? Alex: I don't know... I started fighting long before I knew the reason why. Remy: That selfishness victimizes people, destroys love, and creates hatred! Remy: I'll never forgive them! Those who call themselves "warriors"... Remy: Just like my father, a man who deserted and betrayed his family! Alex: So what? If you need to see a shrink, go somewhere else Alex: But, if pain that you want, I have plenty to give you. Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Japan Place: Suisaku Castle Rooftop Time: 1:33 P.M. Win Quotes: A defeat learned from is more important than an empty victory. Every moment gives us a chance to become more than what we are. It's better to conquer a hardship then to conquer nothing at all. Keep your mind calm and pure. Focus on what is important! Range... Speed... Priority... Know and master all your attacks! ? Seek an opponent who is your equal. Only then can you improve. ? The eyes of a warrior never stray from the spectacle of battle. ? The world is big, there is no limit the human strength... Trying something new, is to explore your true potential. Mid-Boss: Ken -------- Ken: You never get bored of this, do you? Ryu: I could say the same to you... Ken: Okay then, I'll make this quick and easy for you. Prepare to be defeated! Ryu: You may think so, but I still got a better win record! Stand strong! Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sean ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Brazil Place: Santos Harbor Time: 11:18 A.M. Win Quotes: Call the fire department, cause I'm on fire, baby! I'm so eager to try out new and different things! This is great! My master was right... I have to improve myself with every battle! Now I understand why they fight! This feeling is incredible! Oh yeah! I'll start using that move more often now! Tell me who just rocked your world with skill! With every match, my timing becomes more precise! Wow! That actually worked! Next time I'll do it with skill! Mid-boss: Ken -------- Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twelve ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Russia Place: Mosque Time: 12:50 P.M. Win Quotes: 00100.00101.00001.10100.01000 [Death] 00101.11010.01010.01111.00010 [EZ Job] ? 00110.01001.01110.01001.10011.01000 [Finish] 01011.01001.01100.01100 [Kill] 01011.01111 [KO] 10000.00001.01001.01110 [Pain] ? 10100.01000.00101.00101.01110.00100 [The End] ? 10100.10111.00101.01100.10110.00101 [Twelve] Mid-Boss: Necro -------- Boss: Gill ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Urien ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Mexico Place: Drueca Ruins Time: 12:04 P.M. Win Quotes: ? How can you refuse to bow to a superior being? ? How dost thou suck? Let me count thy wounds! 1,2,3... ? Look! Your cells have betrayed you to serve me! Pounding on you is satisfying, but I need something more... ? Your inferior vital fluids are tainting the ground! Clean it up! ? Lie there as long as you want. I've had my fun with you. ? That's right... kneel before me! How do you like the view now?! ? You are not even worthy enough to do my bidding! Be gone! Mid-Boss: Necro -------- [No dialogue] Boss: Gill ---- Gill: I understand your jealousy. There is a huge gap between humans and a god. Gill: You cannot forgive me because you cannot deny me. Gill: Let me grant you your death as a show of mercy from your brother! Urien: When I look into the past, I see dishonor and hatred. Urien: When I look into the future, I am free from the corruption. Urien: How glorious it is... A world without you! [after the battle] [A dome-shaped building in the desert is shown] [view from inside, main door opens, showing Urien in his business suit] [NOTE: the symbols on the wall look like the American alphabet] [main chamber, Urien examines all the apparatus] So, those "brains" that they've collected for 2000 years are stored here... I don't know the value of these, but they are ugly and stupid. ...Just a mass of junk with no ability to take positive action! [Urien notices two stasis tanks, one containing a sleeping Gill, the other for Urien] Brother! What are you looking at now? Can you see the world? Are you watching how your ideal world is being built? Ha... ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! [black screen] Checking ID... Verified as the legitimate successor... Enter self-destruction code: A22ST8996HYXW... [Urien is standing outside, as the building behind him explodes] There is no mission or legacy left for me to succeed! Now, my own story will unfold from this moment on! I hereby define this year as the first year of "A.U." (After Urien)!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yang ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Hong Kong Place: Shopping District Time: 10:22 P.M. Win Quotes: ? An angry fighter is an ineffective one... not to mention ugly too... ? Don't assume similar tactics you have used on others will work on me. ? Each wound is punishment for your careless training. ? I hope you planned to take a long vacation. You'll need it to heal! ? I move with the grace of the wind, but you just make it smell bad! ? I was trying not to piss you off... Guess I wasn't trying hard enough! ? I wonder if my brother would have hurt you more than I did... ? Unless you want to disgrace history, don't call what we did a fight! Mid-Boss: Yun -------- Yun: ...Why do you care about that so much? Yun: There's no point in finding out who is the stronger one. Yang: I know... I just... Yang: I'd like to show you how much progress I made during the last couple weeks. Yun: Okay then. I have no choice but to accept. Yun: Let me show you what kind of walls will always block your progress! Boss: Gill ---- [after the battle] Hoimei stands with her arms outstretched, yelling at Yun and Yang to stop fighting. She says, "Why can't you two stop your bickering? I hope you die in the middle of nowhere!" Behind her, Shaomei is wincing. Cut to Yun. He has a black eye. He and Hoimei get into an argument. Yun said he had to defend the town. Hoimei said that it's more important that he take care of the family restaurant. Yun says, "Then I'd have to worry about your fried rice." And they're arguing... In the background, Yang also has a black eye. He sighs, "It looks like Hoimei is in love with my brother. I can never win." Shaomei comes up to Yang and says that Hoimei has problems expressing her feelings. "Hoimei was worried. She couldn't eat while you were gone." she adds. Yang smiles at Shaomei. (The background sparkles kinda - those anime bubbles when one's in love.) They leave with Shaomei holding Yang's arm and thinking, "It's not just my sister. I have to be more honest with my feelings too." In the background, Hoimei is tugging on Yun's ear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yun ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Hong Kong Place: Shopping District Time: 7:45 P.M. Win Quotes: ? Cheap? I paid a lot for this hat! ? Don't you know it's rude to ask your opponent to let you win a round?! ? I'd rather rave than misbehave! Later! ? My skateboard isn't a stretcher, but it'll get you to the hospital! ? My style may change, but the outcome is always the same: I win, you lose! ? Now you're afraid of things falling down on your head? Sorry! ? Would you prefer to challenge me to a skateboarding game? Mid-Boss: Yang -------- [No dialogue] Boss: Gill ---- Yun: So... you are Gill... Yun: What's up with your plan to conquer the world? Wake up already! Gill: Youth tends to be reckless, but it is not my intention to blame you. Gill: Think about it. What is the ideal way for you to live? Gill: It should be obvious to a boy like you. Just leave everything to me! Yun: Aaargh! Stop preaching to me! Let our fists do the talking! [after the battle] [Yun with his back on the audience, Gill with arms stretched] Gill applauds Yun for his "wonderful performance" (apparently Gill was just toying with Yun). As a token of gratitude, Gill leaves the care of the town (what town? I'm not sure myself) to the brothers. [Close up on Yun's face, pointing a finger at Gill] Yun interrupts Gill, saying that his plan will never work. He says, "'Ideal World'? Get a clue!" pointing a finger to Gill. [A painting-like image with Gill's red face on the left side and blue face on the right side of the screen, in the middle is Gill posing like in his new Super Art, with some buildings, humans, and a dog below him] Gill explains that Yun does not understand. And then there's a speech on all about the two opposite forces colliding, fighting with one another. And, that someday, the balance between them will collapse (He says it's "in the near future"). [Back to screen one, but Gill is still in his Super Art pose] Gill muses about what the fighters will do afterwards, and then vanishes. [Yun in the foreground, Yang with his hands apparently tucked in his pockets in the background.] Yang is apparently behind Yun all this time. He says, "What do we do, brother?" "His words... they are troubling me." Yun then tells Yang not to worry, 'coz they certainly won't let that supreme- being-wannabe get away with his plan. He also reminds Yang that they are the leaders of the town now, and that they should go back. The last thing Yun says is: "We'll make our own dreams come true!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Unknown Place: Unknown Time: Unknown Win Quotes: A super being's influences is the key to his powers. Immortality is not a gift. It is a responsibility. It is natural for you to desire that which you can never have or achieve! My methods may seem harsh in contrast to my true intentions. Rest for now, then perform the great work is ahead of you! The stage has been set. Do not interfere with my grand performance! Two centuries... A mere blink upon the face of eternity... You will have exceeded your limitations if you wished to survive. Version history: --------------- 0.91 (August 11, 2000) Added 2 Yang quotes and ending 0.9 (July 10, 2000) Added 2 Ryu and 1 Makoto quote and Q's ending; see the last few updates for whom to thank =) 0.85 (May 29, 2000) Added last 2 Urien quotes and his ending, thanks a lot Carlo. 0.8 (May 28, 2000) Added 4 Dudley quotes and 3 Oro quotes; thanks once more to Carlo. 0.75 (May 1, 2000) Added 1 Yun quote, thanks to Carlo. 0.74 (March 31, 2000) Added a few more quotes thanks to Carlo. 0.73 (March 17, 2000) Added a few more Elena quotes. 0.72 (March 3, 2000) Another small update with more quotes added and some corrected thanks to Carlo. 0.71 (February 18, 2000) Small update, added a few more Twelve quotes. 0.7 (February 15, 2000) Made numerous additions and some corrections thanks to Jeff, Carlo, and Mr Guy. 0.6 (January 5, 2000) First released version. Still far from completion. Please send any corrections or comments to . Credits: ------- To Carlo Pizzutelli for numerous quotes and Urien's pre-match dialogue and ending. To Joey for a couple Yang quotes and ending. To Jeff Maxwell for a lot of Yang and Yun additions. To Mr Guy for some additions. To Ari for some of the ending I got off of him from beating the game. To Kao Megura and his Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future Mini-FAQ. He may be famous to some for his FF7 FAQs, but I'll always know him for his concise and great FAQs for fighting games. Misc: ---- A true warrior never fears the challenge of battle but always remember you cannot change your destiny. Don't fall into tragedy. Always be full of happiness. You can never lose hope. No pain no gain. Make this the end of your inferiority complex. Indifferent complain. Remember to it keep it hot forever!!!! Wow!!!! You must continue!!!!