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OK, enough on that I'll get started on the part you want to here: III) Normal Moves ================ -Light Punch- LP- -Standing- Twelve just kinda flings his arm out for a smack type move. High priority, decent range, but of course very weak damage. Not a bad move for poking -Crouching- Twelve does basically the same move except while ducking. Again, not a bad move for poking -Jumping- Twelve sticks out his furthest hand at a 45-degree angle. Comes out fast and stuffs some things, but still pretty worthless -Medium Punch- MP- -Standing- Twelve does a knife hand chop to the enemy's head. Good for poking though it can be crouched under. Also good as an anti air when the jump doesn't quite make it all the way to you. Kinda weak damage though. -Standing close- Twelve bends over and his far-arm elbow goes over his back and strikes the opponent, very strange looking. Can be comboed into either an N.D.L or an X.N.D.L -Crouching- Twelve sticks his hand up in the air at a 45-degree angle. A decent anti-air when you don't have time to do an FP. Horrible horizontal range and will only connect if the opponent is right on top of you (hence anti-air) -Jumping- Twelve stupidly sticks his hand out in the same fashion as his standing MP, except in the air. I don't know its air-air capabilities because I never use it. Worthless move. -Fierce Punch- FP- -Standing- Twelve turns his hand into an axe and whips it upward. A very good anti-air if you can get the timing down. Poor Horizontal range but yet hits farther then it looks. A very important move to master if you want to be good with Twelve -Crouching- Twelve turns into a ball and rolls at the opponent while his hands stay on the ground holding his original spot (wow is it hard to explain). A good move that does 3 hits. Ok for a late anti-air, good as a surprise move, very effective. -Jumping- Twelve turns his arm into scissors and closes them like you would with scissors. Very long range and good damage. Try using it while you are jumping backwards to surprise your opponent (~_^) -Weak Kick- WK- -Standing- Twelve does a little kick to the shin type thing... that's about it. It's also comboable. -Crouching- Twelve sticks his far foot out, not bad as a stuffer and is comboable -Jumping- Twelve sticks his knee out, pretty worthless -Medium Kick- MK- -Standing- Twelve glides forward (not far) with his knee up. It's an ok move to put pressure on the opponent, but I don't use it that much. It can also be cancelled into a high jump (MK, once it hits, d, u) -Holding away from the opponent- Twelve gets down with his bad self and falls backwards and sticks his leg up. Crap for priority, but it is comboable. Not extremely useful -Crouching- Twelve sticks his other leg (opposite of WK) out a good distance. It has good priority and stuffs all sweeps and shoto ducking MK's. Comes out fast and can surprise your opponent. -Jumping- Twelve does a move similar to his b + MK. It is worthless on the ground and just as bad in the air. I never use it. -Hard Kick- HK- -Standing- Twelve turns his feet into a sickle and swings them around. This has tremendous distance and hits for good damage. It comes out slow and has bad recovery. Good when your opponent is far away, otherwise you'll get nailed. -Crouching- Twelve turns into a drill and flies forward for a short distance. Strangely, it only counts as 1 hit, but it has to be blocked for 3 hits. You can use this to your advantage against newbies and over aggressive scrubs. If you whiff, put a fork in yourself, because you're done. -Jumping- Twelve turns his legs into one big spike. VERY SLOW to come out, but it has great priority and stuns the opponent forever. You can follow it up with just about anything, including an X.N.D.L. (^_^) -Throws- -LP + LK (Neutral)- This is a strange move for more then one reason. Twelve twists around his opponent and squeezes the life out of them. At the max it does 6 hits for pitiful damage, but strangely enough, it brings their stun meter way up. I think 5 of these on Alex stuns him, if only it did more damage... -F + LP + LK- Cool move! Twelve wraps his arms around the opponent's legs, scoops them up and slams them to the ground (like a power bomb) looks cool and doesn't do to bad of damage. -B + LP + LK- This one looks funny, great for humiliating your opponent (~_^) Twelve starts off the same as F + LP + LK except instead of bringing them back down, he just lets go and they soar through the air behind him and land for the same amount of damage as the other one. I love Twelve's throws! -Universal Overhead- -MP + MK- Twelve hops forward and does his jumping weak punch animation. Yeah, it's his only overhead. -Personal Action- -HP + HK- Twelve raises his arm in the air and turns invisible for a short period of time. Worthless against the computer, but against a human opponent it could fool them. Not to bad a deal besides you are completely vulnerable during the whole thing. If you do it again while you're invisible, you become visible for a completely unnecessary move only used to humiliate your opponent. III) Special Moves ================== Quick notes: All his moves are EXable (which means hitting 2P's or 2K's) QCF= d, d/f, f QCB= d, d/b, b QCB in air= Jump in any direction d, d/b, b whilst in air QCFx2= d, d/f, f, d, d/f, f QCFx2 in air= Jump in any direction d, d/f, f, d, d/f, f whilst in air -N.D.L.- QCF + P- Let us see how dumb Twelve can get! Twelve sticks his arms into the ground only to have his arms pop up in a different spot: WP- Right next to him MP- Halfway across the screen HP- Almost the entire screen length This move leaves Twelve completely open if the opponent jumps in the air. This also is blockable high and low, but can only be parried low. And if that isn't enough for you, it does pathetic damage too! This is only used as an anticipation move, so use it and cross your fingers! EX version- This is a little better. Instead of a pre-determined location, it heat seeks to where the opponent is when you do the move. It comes out very fast and is very good if your opponent gets jumpy towards the end of the round. Still kinda pathetic damage, but it has its uses. -A.X.E.- QCB + P (can also be preformed in air)- Twelve turns his hands into little whips (?) and flaps them around like a psycho girl in a catfight (grrr)! It is best used as an anti air. I only use the LP or MP version because they come out much faster then the HP. LP has no start up delay at all, making it a useful last second anti-air and a decent wake-up move. The only special move you can use in combos, sweet! (-_-) You can also use this while jumping. It makes a good surprise move for those parry happy junkies. Good for trickery in the air because they might see you move the joystick in a QCB motion and think you're doing a D.R.A. but instead they will get nailed by the floppy arms of Twelve for 3-4 hits! EX version- This version of A.X.E. comes out a little faster then MP and does 6 hits if you mash the buttons. It is best used as a wake-up or in combos, since if you use it as an anti-air, they will just bounce off after the first hit for pathetic damage. EX air version- I still don't exactly know what this one does differently, probably along the same lines as the standing version. -D.R.A.- QCB in air + K- This is a pretty stupid move. Twelve does a flip in the air and then drops down at an angle determined by the strength of the kick: WK- Almost drops straight down below himself MK- Goes about 45-degrees from his original direction HK- Fly's forward about 60-degrees DO NOT WHIFF THIS MOVE! If you do, you'll get killed. It's better if it gets blocked, though you are open to a super move. Horrible if it gets parried, and it is very easy to parry if you are dumb enough to do it out of nowhere. Only use it occasionally as a surprise tactic, otherwise it's worthless. Its only real use is to get you out of corners and not to make contact. EX version- Twelve flashes, then fly's forward at about the same degree as the HK, and it hits for 2 hits, harder to parry then the non-EX version, and does more damage. -G.L.I.D.E.- F, F or B, B while in air- Twelve turns into a hang glider and flies in whichever direction you pushed twice. It does no damage, and doesn't hit anything. If you are near the "wall" you can hold the direction of the wall and crash into it automatically killing yourself (but really you will just cling onto it and push off, and fly in the other direction). This move is kinda stupid except you can use it to surprise your opponent by jumping backwards, then flying forwards and attacking with a FP or HK. Don't use it too much or they will catch on. (Oh, and I made that name up, pretty creative huh?) IV) Super Moves =============== I) X.N.D.L.- QCFx2 + P (2 Short/Medium Bars) Twelve stands up tall, lets his arms flop around for a second, and then shoves them into the ground causing a wave of limbs moving across the ground. It does about 7 hits (8 hit max) for ok damage. Pretty weak for a super though. Can be comboed off a close MP, a b + MK, and any version of LP and WK (except jumping of course). This is his only super that can be comboed into, it is also my super of choice. It doesn't have to bad of a startup, but it has horrible lag. Just like most of his other moves, if you whiff, you are screwed. It also has crap for priority, so if they do a move at the same time, you'll get hit and they will too, but only once for pitiful damage (I've been hit out of this by a shoto sweep!). The farther out it goes, the less damage/hits it does too. It can be blocked high or low, but only parried low. + It is comboable + You get 2 bars - It has horrible lag - Horrible priority - Weak compared to other supers II) X.F.L.A.T.- QCFx2 in air + K (1 Long/Medium Bar) Twelve transforms into a bird/plane (not superman) and shoots down at a wide angle to hit the opponent. The strength of kick you use does not affect the super in anyway. If it should connect while the opponent is on the ground, you will do one of the coolest looking super combo of all time in which you fly back and forth a bunch of times and finishing with a beak/head to the face for massive damage. Extremely difficult to connect and if you connect with them in the air, say bye to the massive damage. If you hit air-air it does about as much damage as a jumping FK (ok a little more) but it is still pathetic. I hate this super. There is a strategy I heard from the GameFaq's message board (submitted by Rebirth Gamer) "I've seen someone with Twelve taunts, the other person has no clue where it is, and looked hopeless, and Twelve did the XFLAT super on him, totally unexpected, so that was kind of cool" + His most damaging Super + Good for punishment - Hard to connect - Easy to see coming and avoid - You are dead if you whiff - Long bar, so you'll waste all that time building it up and will probably never have a chance to use it - Only does good damage if you connect while your opponent is on the ground III) X.C.O.P.Y.- QCFx2 + P (1 Long Bar) This is a cool super if you are a master at SF:TS, other then that it is pretty worthless. Twelve floats in the air and transforms into his opponent. You do more damage then them, and you have better defense then them. You get all their specials and normal moves, but not there EX or Super (that would be kinda cheap ^_^). The only reason I don't like this is because I'm not good with every character, only a select few, and if you think you're better then your opponent with their character, go right ahead and pick this, personally if I wanted to use that character, I would have chose them, not Twelve. And one more flaw is that you transform back, and when you transform back you freeze in place forever leaving you wide open to attacks, cool eh? (-_-) + If you know how to use the other character, you can dominate - The lag when the time runs out (ouch) - Why didn't you just pick that character? V) Combos ========= Twelve is definitely not a combo character. He has few comboable moves, and only 1 special move and 1 super move he can combo into. You won't be using these too much, but I will list them for completeness on the FAQ. You will want to use HK for your jump in attack if you jump in. The Jumping HK is completely optional and will be put in parenthesis, you get the same amount of hits with or without the jumping HK, but it will do less damage. -Comboable Attacks- Standing WP Crouching WP Standing WK Crouching WK Standing Close MP Back + MK 1) (J. HK) WP, WP A.X.E. 2) (J. HK) D. WP, WP A.X.E. 3) (J. HK) WP, EX A.X.E. 4) (J. HK) D. WP, EX A.X.E. 5) (J. HK) WP, X.N.D.L. 6) (J. HK) D. WP, X.N.D.L. 7) (J. HK) WK, WP A.X.E. 8) (J. HK) D. WK, WP A.X.E. 9) (J. HK) WK, EX A.X.E. 10) (J. HK) D. WK, EX A.X.E. 11) (J. HK) WK, X.N.D.L. 12) (J. HK) D. WK, X.N.D.L. 13) (J. HK) MP, WP A.X.E. 14) (J. HK) MP, EX A.X.E. 15) (J. HK) MP, X.N.D.L. 16) B. MK, WP A.X.E. 17) B. MK, EX A.X.E. 18) B. MK, X.N.D.L. 19) EX N.D.L. Juggle with HK (Thanks SlimX) You can actually juggle an EX N.D.L. with any move, including an A.X.E. and X.N.D.L. (Thanks to Zamuel) 20) *J. HK, X.N.D.L. The J. HK stuns the opponent for a long time, so when you land, perform the X.N.D.L. and you will get a 8-9 hit combo for good damage (^_^) I usually perform this after I dizzy my opponent, but on some rare occasions you can pull it off on them, like to punish a mistake 21) MK, d, u Not really a combo because down, up doesn't do any hits, it's just MK cancelled into a high jump, use if for when you are trapped in corners and you need to get away. 22) MK, super jump cancel to X.F.L.A.T. "Remember your "combo" #21? Well, you can do the super from the super jump (Of course, like all his combos, you can do the optional jumping Roundhouse to start). The way I do this is to do the standing Forward, immediately do a Tiger Knee motion (d, d/f, f, u/f), then immediately do QCF+K. It's very hard, but if you do it right, Twelve will barely hop off the ground, do the super, and it will combo. It is his most powerful combo. Figured you'd like it." (I do like it! Thanks Josh the FunkDOC for your awesome combo) 23) MK, X.C.O.P.Y. Not actually a combo since the X.C.O.P.Y. doesn't damage on the start-up animation, rather just a cancellation into the X.C.O.P.Y. (Thanks to Shadowgeist for that one) VI) General Strategies ====================== -Poke! Keep the opponent away from you at all times. Twelve has the best keep away maneuvers in the game. Use his long reach to your advantage and keep those nasty players away. I will list what I think his best pokes are: 1) WP 2) D. WP 3) MP 4) D. WK 5) D. MK -Twelve has a butt load of Anti-air moves. I will list them for your convenience: 1) MP 2) D. MP 3) MK 4) B. MK 5) FP (!) 6) D. FP 7) FK 8) A.X.E. 9) EX N.D.L. (be careful) -Master his FP. If you can get the timing down on that, your opponent will NEVER be able to jump in (it's great to see opponent jump, you smack him with FP, opponent jump, smacked with FP and so on). -" N.D.L. isn't dumb but rather a special use move. This and a lot of Twelve's moves are good against the projectile happy. Catch them in their startup animation or wait until it is right in your face since he ducks when he does the move. Non-projectile users will probably dash at you after being thrown so use this to stop their dash before they get near you." (Thanks Zamuel for that constructive criticism) -The EX N.D.L. is a very sneaky move. If you ever see them jump backwards, launch this out and they will land right on it. Also you can launch it when they jump in at you, although this is risky, it is effective. Twelve will duck down avoiding MOST jump in attacks, and the opponent will land on the limbs. -Use his throws!!! Twelve has great throws, and you can get them in a lot. Parry, then throw. His throws also create a large amount of distance making your keep away game even more annoying (thanks for that input Thehy). His neutral throw is very weak but does incredible stun damage. A good technique is to do a neutral throw, super jump forward (you'll land behind your opponent) and do it again, they will try to hit you out of the air, but their attack will be headed towards the other direction because of Twelve's awkward jump (^_^), oh look, half their stun gauge is already filled, haha. -His jumping FP is a great move. A funny thing to do while your opponent is about sweep distance away is to jump straight up and throw this out. Most likely they will walk right into it! Another way to use it while your opponent is right next to you (which should never happen) is to jump backwards and throw it out, and because of its incredible range, the opponent will probably get hit. Finally, when the opponent is far away, jump backwards, G.L.I.D.E. forward (in air, f, f) then throw out this move. The poor unexpected victim will be suffering from Twelve's scissor hands!!! -When you are stuck in a corner, do "combo" #21, and when at the peak of your jump, do a HK D.R.A. and you will be out of the corner! -WP A.X.E. isn't just for Anti-air boys and girls, you can use it as a highly successful wake-up move. It comes out so fast that the opponent will never see it coming... though it still does pathetic damage. -"Twelve can also be a pain as they're getting up. Again, the crouching HP/HK are excellent though use the HK with discretion (mixing with universal overheads) but both will stuff most wake- up parry happy people. And that's not even mentioning the A.X.E." (Thanks again to Thehy for his infinite knowledge) -His taunt can be useful (I don't use it though) to confuse your opponent. I cannot see myself; I have no clue where I am!!! (But neither does your opponent). I don't see (bad joke) how this really helps, but that's just me. -And of course I must state the obvious. LEARN HOW TO PARRY! If you have DC SF:TS go to parry training (this is how I learned) and pick your character and fight Ryu. Have him use Shinku- Hadokens, Hadokens, and EX Hadokens on you over and over. In no time you will get the hang of it. (You can also read Thehy's awesome parrying Guide for advanced tactics) -Twelve can walk under most projectiles when he walks! I will have a list of what he can and can't walk under in my next update, I swear! VII) Colors =========== Colors have nothing to do with strategy, but you might as well look cool while winning (^_^) This is for the DC version, but I will list what the buttons equal on the arcade stick too. Only DC gets the hold start colors, you receive those after you defeat the game with Twelve. X- WP A- WK Y- MP B- MK L- FP R- HK Normal | Holding Start X- White | Platinum (Shiny White) A- Aqua | Light Pink Y- Yellow | Purple B- Green | Lime Green L- Dirty Orange | Black R- Brown/Grey | Green and Orange (strange) Special Color- To do this push X, B, & L at the same time: XBL- Gold (my color, don't steal it (~_^) VIII) Revision History ====================== V.1.0- Created my First FAQ ever V.1.1- Added some new strats, Color guide, and Some sweet combos V.1.2- Fixed a typo, fixed my huge mess-up on the buttons, and attempted to organize the color chart so it was readable (^_^) IX) Credits and Thank You's ============================ First off, I would like to thank Capcom for making the best games ever (including Mega Man, Power Stone, Cannon Spike, Ghouls and Ghosts, Strider etc...) Capcom again, but this time for making Street Fighter 3: Third Strike and adding the misunderstood awesome character Twelve GameFaq's for being the best page on the web (it's what got me into this game and prompted me to write this FAQ) hopefully this will appear on there Kao Megura for the move names. I'm sorry about your issues with other web pages. I, and others, really appreciate your work, and completely respect you for what you do. Thehy for being a genius in this game (to bad you had to go to Hong Kong, we'll miss you (;_;) SlimX for also being a genius in this game and for signing my guest book at my web page (www.dgo.homestead.com). If it wasn't for you, I bet I would still completely suck at this game. Shadowgeist for telling me about the MK, cancelled into X.C.O.P.Y. Josh the FunkDOC for that awesome X.F.L.A.T. combo. If I could only do that consistently it would be my favorite super. Thanks to Zamuel for his input on the EX N.D.L. and the N.D.L. strategies. Anyone who is reading this, and decided after reading this to move the cursor off Ken and over to Twelve (^_^) I am completely open to criticism and praise so give me feed back at So there's V.1.1, I will get the Projectiles that are walk- underable in here soon, I swear!