------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Urien FAQ- Version 0.7 "What the who?!" Edition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me preface this FAQ by saying that I've never written one before, but the need presented itself. How many times have you been playing the Speedo Guido and wondered, where the hell is a FAQ on this bastard?! Well, it's time...oh yes. ---------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: ---------------------------------------------------------- 0.7- "What the who?!" edition. Yeah, after like a year, I’m updating this thing, fixed a lot of strategies, still have much more to do, but I’m going to be inactive for a couple days, so I figured I’d upload this. Poking strategies, lots of fireball combos added, fake outs and ticks added! Everyone check out the Urien combo movies at http://www.gamingmatrixonline.com and http://www.white-tower.net ! 0.6- Yeah, that’s right. We are Legion. I now bring to you some of the most educational and amazing Urien combos straight from people who are way better than I am. These people are Kenneth Miller and Chris Poloncic! Witness their brutal, uncompromising juggling techniques! Stand with mouth agape when you see that MP fireball hit and a 50% combo result! Slowly wring your hands in nervousness as you realize that it is THEIR thong cannonball that will be winning today, and you need to go home for some serious headbutt practice. Kenneth’s additions will be noted with a * while Chris’ will be noted with a #. In addition, the Skill Smith combos are now listed under the combo section. Enjoy and beat some shoto ass. 0.5- "Let me see that thong…." Edition. Went through and weeded out a bunch of non-combos, added a lot about juggling after fireball, optimized tactics, added some new combos, including an overhead HP into Tyrant Slaughter that may or may not work…whoever sent me the skill smith combo translation, PLEASE send again…I lost it :(. My bushido is weak. 0.4- "Thy loincloth art soilt! Shame on ye, thong boy!" edition. Added lots of quotes, stuff about colors, totally revamped and added to the VS. character section. Added important new strategy, check it out! 0.3- "This thong is for snappin', not for washin'!" edition. Added Urien's bio, some more combos, taunt combos, exciting info about the Aegis Reflector. 0.2- Super Turbo Hyper Sexy Butterknife Armored Gun Cat edition- Edited some grammatical errors, some mess-ups on the special moves, made FAQ Ascii-friendly, some GREAT combos added, added parry strategies, snazzy table of contents created! 0.1- First revision, I have nothing to declare except for my genius! Future revisions will include more combos, Urien's colors, some 2nd strike coverage and additional Vs. strategies. If anybody has some good strategies for the Aegis Reflector, lemme know. If you see anybody ripping off my FAQ, email me at deltakid@ucla.edu! I spent a lot of time and quarters on this behemoth. ---------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Legal Blather (Important for keeping the man out of my hair.) 2. Urien's history 3. Punches: (Because the big U doesn't take no shoto lip.) A. Standing B. Jumping C. Crouching 4. Kicks (Raaaaaaaange.) A. Standing B. Jumping C. Crouching 5. Special Moves (Gets Urien where he wants to be) 6. Supers (Not the best supers in the game, but useful if comboed) 7. Taunt (Though his taunt really should be the removal of the thong) 8. Throws (Warning: Illegal on the east coast.) Dash (The man’s goin’ places!) Strategies (General Strategies for the Thong-ed one) Poking Game (Good old stab kick…) Urien Player types (Incomplete, more coming) Combos (Make the best out of any attack) Strategies for the fireball (Own your opponents body.) * Strategies for the Aegis Reflector 11. Parry Strategies (What to do after you've parryed that DP for the 100th time) 12. VS. Strategies (No, not MVC you scrub.) 13. Colors (Though he never changes that thong...) 14. Quotes (Cuz Urien's a loudmouthed thong-wearin-chariot-rushing PIMP!!) 15 Owari (I need closure before I can move on...) 16 Thanks to: (Non-scrubs who help me out) ---------------------------------------------------------- Legal Blather: ---------------------------------------------------------- Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Jon Rodgers. This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Jon Rodgers. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specificially mentioned in this FAQ. To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by International Copyright Law. Failure to adhere to any of the above will result in violation of the aformentioned law, and consquently, may be the cause of legal action against prepetrators. Remember that breach of copyright (not to mention plagiarism) is a crime. If you disagree with any part of this disclaimer, you must promptly delete / destroy this FAQ. To put it simply, don't try and make a living off of my work, since I have every right to take legal action against you if you do so. FAQ ripping, plagiarism and misuse is sadly blatant in today's world. However, if it happens to you, remember that anything you create is automatically protected by copyright, and that gives you the right to take legal action, assert your rights, and punish transgressors to the fullest extent of the law. As an added reminder, this FAQ is _not_ to be used by any freelance writer for, or staff member of, the Ziff-Davis Video Game Group, nor can it appear any of their publications (EGM, Expert Gamer, etc.) The Street Fighter game series is (c) Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of America. ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien, the man, the thong, the legend ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien is Gill's younger brother and acts as his secretary. He has a burning ambition to lead and usurp Gill. Urien has been created to be a conqueror and a leader and has special powers under his control which he will use to ultimately destroy those above him or destroy himself. Stage - An archaeological dig site in Cairo with pyramids and artifacts in the background. Rival- Alex, who asks him about Tom, his mentor....I think this is only in 2nd impact though. Boss- Gill ---------------------------------------------------------- Punches: (Rated on a scale of 1-10) ---------------------------------------------------------- Standing: Light punch: 7.5- Useful for stopping rushers and anybody who's trying to throw you, can combo into another LP and then into MP. Medium punch: 8.0- Decent anti-air, good rush stopper, decent damage. Hard Punch: 9.0- This thing knocks a lot of shit. If anybody's flying at you, i.e Yang, another Urien, sometimes Elena, the priority on this move will usually take care of them. It can also be used as a finisher to a juggle, damage is quite good. Jumping: Jumping LP: 5.5- the problem with this punch is that its hit box is simply too small and you are not likely to hit anyone except a ducking opponent (via MP+MK) or a vulnerable airborne opponent, plus once you’ve hit that button, you’re stuck with your elbow out for the entire arc of your jump. Pretty awful. Jumping MP: 8.5- Good priority, can be used in certain combos and as a finisher to a juggle. Is also useful for the "non-hit", where you jump at your opponent and punch over his block box, so that he either tries to block or parry and then you land and throw. More on this way down the FAQ. Jumping HP: 9.5- Again, like the jumping MP, this thing has high priority and high damage, also can occasionally be chained into a crouching LP to start a juggle. Crouching: Crouching LP: 8.5- Pretty much the same as the regular light punch, can be chained into another CLP, and MP, very quick, the only thing that will break attack chains in the corner. Crouching MP: 7.5- This little bugger has REACH. The extension you gain can get you across the screen if you do it enough, easy to parry though, good for catching people after two jabs, when they think they can kick you. ::smirk:: Crouching HP: 9.0- This is THE Urien move. This two hitter has pretty high priority and is the main man's launcher. This leads to his breadnbutter combos and lots of possibilities. Unfortunately it’s very slow and can be thrown during the startup animation. ---------------------------------------------------------- Kicks: ---------------------------------------------------------- LK: 7.0- This one has pretty limited use, you can combo it with WK chariot rush. MK: 9.0- This baby is SWEET! Use it while backing away from people, it comes out pretty darn quick and can be put into some combos, even if parried, the opponent has to use a ranged attack to attack back, and therefore probably won’t be comboing you. One of Urien’s essential pokes. HK: 7.5- This axe kick, while it appears to be good from the onset, has very little priority and will wind up at the most getting both you and the opponent hit. Halfway useful for stuffing wakeup moves, though the timing has to be spot on, I’ve knocked Ken out of a DP. Jumping kicks: LK: 4.0- I rarely use this kick. It has almost no range, very little damage and doesn't combo unless you hit the opponent with it VERY deep. MK: 8.0- Good flying kick, useful for mixing up the constant knee drops you'll be performing and screwing the opponent's strategy. Good for the "non-hit" strategy, more farther down. HK: 8.5- Great range, will combo into bread n butter, and can hit any shoto after a silly fireball. Takes a little too long to come out in my opinion. Crouching kicks: LK: 8.5- This little bugger shoots out really fast and is good for playing keep away with. If you get cornered, you're going to need this one! Comboes into LP headbutt or EX headbutt! To do the EX combo you’ll have to be fairly far away from your opponent, hit with the very edge of the kick and bounce into your EX headbutt. Then juggle (deez nuts?). It can also be linked into an EX Chariot Rush, but this is inconsistent in 3rd strike. MK: 9.0- This guy is good for playing keep away with, it's pretty fast and also has good priority. Use it after a chariot rush for some extra damage, though it doesn't combo, it usually catches an opponent who’s trying to retaliate. Be careful with this kick though, it’s hit box is on the farther portion of urien’s leg, and often will not hit when ultra-close. For maximum efficiency, attack from as far as you can get from your opponent. HK: 8.5- Though this guy can screw you if you wiff with it, it is quite good when an opponent is getting up, or when an ARK has just missed a sweep. Useful for setting up the illusion of vulnerability, and on wake-up games. Use it sparingly, it has some lag, great range. ---------------------------------------------------------- Special moves: ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien's special moves are his greatest strength. These guys keep him at every corner of the screen, and allow him to monopolize on a mistake by his opponent. Stab Kick (Forward + MK): 8.5- I’ve revised my thinking on this, it’s actually super-useful, because unlike every one of Urien’s other moves, it is slow and misleading. If you’re doing an attack series that has a lot of LP headbutts and LK chariot rushes, the opponent can get used to your rhythm and begin to parry you, but the stab kick throws off the parry game and is a great poke. Uppercut (Forward + MP): 7.5- A decent "Bam! Right in your eye!" attack. This sometimes will surprise a big character, though its anti-air is pretty limited. Can be comboed with the overhead HP, for a pretty snazzy 15% or so. Overhead (Forward + HP): 9.0- This is a great move, it hits twice, and does some good damage. The only disadvantage to it is its slowness, which makes it pretty easy to parry. If you do hit with it, it MAY be possible to chain it into a jab Tyrant Slaughter. I did this once and it registered on the combo meter, so I guess it’s official, but very tight timing. This attack is also good for after an EX chariot rush, when the opponent is turtling. Overhead (MP+MK): 7.5- Unfortuately, the weak range on this little attack makes it pale in comparison to overheads like Ryu's. It is also a bit slow. Useful for waking up turtlers and mixing up your ground game, of course. Chariot rush (Charge back 2 seconds, forward + Any kick): 9.0- You're going to need this one a lot. When you block/parry any medium/hard attack, a weak chariot rush will usually hit without fail. Thus, this is a very good counter move. However, against someone who can parry very well, ALWAYS combo with c.LK otherwise they’ll be able to parry the naked chariot rush. Also, when an opponent is landing after a jump attack, you can usually catch them as they come down with a CR. Make sure to use the range to your advantage! When an opponent is very close, DON'T do a roundhouse CR, it will result in a block/quick recovery by the opponent. Use whatever is appropriate for the distance between you and the opponent. *Notes on the chariot rush: The hitbox for this attack occurs after a frame or two of startup, in which you may be thrown or attacked. Normally, if you are a step or two away from your opponent this won’t occur, as the hitbox establishes itself a little outside of Urien’s shoulder when the attack is activated. If you must go for uncomboed chariot rushes, just do it one or two steps away from the computer, best option I swear ;) EX chariot rush (Charge back 2 seconds, forward + Any two kicks): 9.0- This little rusher is ALWAYS useful. After a fireball? Use a LK/MK EXCR! Use the EXCR a LOT, it's painful and quick. Plus, the second hit is very difficult to parry, and all of Urien’s supers can be linked onto the end of the EXCR. Unfortunately, I’ve downgraded the rating here, because, unfortunately, there is one serious disadvantage to this attack. I'd rather not reveal it as it gives all of Urien’s opponents a big help, and I wish to see thongs all over the world marching in unison. I’ll just say that it has something to do with priority. Violence Knee Drop (Charge down 2 seconds, up+ Any kick): 9.0- This move has improved tremendously from Giant Attack, it now comes out faster and tends to trick most people into believing it's a jump. With the knee drop, you HAVE to use the range. This keeps your opponent guessing. The following tactic usually confuses people: After a couple of long range knee drops, do some short range ones and then resume the long range ones. BE random. You’ve also got to hit on the very edge of the opponent, this makes it so you’re hitting them low, instead of high, which makes them whiff the parry or resort to a block. Surprisingly, C.HP will *link* from this block, though if you hit with the kneedrop it will knock the opponent down. What this means is that normally the opponent will try to retaliate after blocking the low knee drop, but all of a sudden, you’re popping them into the air. :D EX violence knee drop (Charge down 2 seconds, up + Any two kicks): 9.0- Fireball? BLAM! Two hits! Good dizzying! Oh yes, this EXKD is a bitch! Whenever somebody's ducking, pop one of these off! Also, if an opponent is in the air, this is an ok attack, but can be countered by a j.LP or j.LP. Head butt (Charge down 2 seconds, up + Any punch): 8.0- If this move had more priority, it would be a lot better, unfortunately, it doesn't, and doesn't work well as anti-air. One of the best uses of the head butt is corner pressure. Even if it doesn't hit someone in the corner, it keeps your opponent afraid of the air and gives them borders. FEAR. Plus, it comboes from c. LK, giving you a quick 1, 2 punch for those rabid attackers. It’s also decent for building meter and stopping dashes or rushes. EX head butt (Charge down 2 seconds, up + Any two punches): 9.0- This move is good for combos, especially his bread and butter. Good dizzy! It also has decent anti-air priority unlike the regular head butt. You can pick on big opponents like Hugo with this move, and back them into the corner. Nearly links with standing LP, LP, MP chain, usually safe to throw out in any circumstance. Metallic Sphere (Down, down-forward, forward + Any punch): 8.5- This is a decent fireball, it has some harsh lag after you fire, but the ability to charge the fireball will allow you to rarely miss a shot. It's possible to hit a falling character with the fireball after a launcher. Not to mention the spectacular juggling possibilites, just hit with a LP MS and blam! HK chariot rush into EX chariot rush into HK chariot rush xx Temporal Thunder! Yes, that’s your opponent bouncing atop your hit box as you carry them into the corner for MORE abuse. EX Metallic Sphere (Down, down-forward, forward + Any two punches)- 8.5- This guy's a bit better, now that it's a two-hitter in 3rd strike, it gains a lot of use. It can be used to hit jumping opponents who have already committed to an attack, or to hit falling bodies. A bit slow for versatile use though. Use it to mix it up if you’re engaged in a long-term fireball war. ---------------------------------------------------------- Supers: ---------------------------------------------------------- Tyrant Slaughter (Two fireball motions + Any punch)- 8.5- This is a pretty good move, that still doesn't do as much damage as it should, IMO. Urien rushes forward and clobbers the opponent, doing about 20-30% damage. Can be comboed and of course, super cancelled, so it has some uses, it’s the second best super because of its link from EXCR and extremely high priority. It’s also fast as hell and can punish nearly any missed attack. ####If you are riding somebody and you happen to juggle with a fireball into a Chariot Tackle do a Fwd+MP for a third hit which cause the opponent to air recover. The trick is that right as they hit the ground do a hop punch(or universal overhead or whatever you call it there)and combo into a tyrant slaughter. This will combo but it is VERY difficult. Anyway if it doesnt combo it will usually hit still.#### Aegis Reflector (Two fireball motions + Any punch)- 7.5- Although I don't use this much myself, I've seen it mess people up. Two reflectors and some decent pressure tactics will screw an opponent. However, it's not always reliable, AND it's been toned down in 3rd strike. When using the reflector, your enemy is going to KNOW you want to press him into it, therefore it's best to do it in the corner, or if you do it anywhere else, to use unconventional tactics (such as varying the ranges on your attacks) to psych out your opponent. Aegis Reflector Strategies: The following info comes from A8I6V@aol.com: "I like to do a lot of low shorts and low forwards to try and pressure the opponent into the corner and try and get them between two Aegis Reflectors." A good strategy indeed, basically, your best bet is to corner your opponent with the reflector and just keep the pressure on, but not how they expect it to come. Using overheads (Forward+HP or MP+MK) are good options as well as some EX Violence Knee Drops since they pop out so quick. Additional info! If you hit all three punches when doing your super motion, your reflector will come out diagonally upwards. A good idea is to launch with crouching fierce, then AR with PPP, then hop forward (getting past the frozen opponent above) and AR from the opposite direction. This creates a bouncing effect that truly can break a character's life bar in two. Also try HK chariot rush super cancelled into MP Aegis Reflector, then walking forwards and throwing the opponent back into the reflector, causing them to bounce up where you can juggle them at your convenience. So, let’s organize this, here’s what to do in any case with your Aegis Reflector: Case 1: Opponent is on the ground and mid-screen. Solution 1: Save your Reflector until you’ve knocked them down, either with a throw or a combo and proceed to case 3. Case 2: Opponent is on the ground and in the corner. Solution 2: Allow them a small amount of space from the corner and then do a MP Reflector, then cross them up with a Jumping HK and juggle from there. Or lock them in with two MP Reflectors and attack with overheads and/or low attacks to break their block. Case 3: Opponent is knocked down. Solution 3: Immeadiately do a LP Aegis Reflector and jump to the other side, crossing the opponent up or attacking low. This is very hard to block (impossible?), and will get you a juggle often. Case 4: Opponent is jumping. Solution 4: Your best bet here is to C.HP into EX headbutt into PPP Aegis, but doing a naked Aegis is an option as well. If you do a naked Aegis, you have to be ready for the opponent’s bouncing back towards you, so immeadiately hit F+MP so the hit frames will connect. Temporal Thunder (Two fireball motions + Any punch)- 9.0- I’ve completely turned around on this super, I LOVE it, and here’s why: It can do about 20-30% damage depending on how much the opponent gets hit by it. It can be super-cancelled off of any chariot rush and does a hell of a lot of dizzy. TT also charges very quickly, as it has a small super meter. A good combo for this bloke is Crouching HP, EX headbutt, Temporal Thunder. The timing's hard to get (Do the super motion the second your second hit on the EX headbutt hits). The TT is also good for characters that are jumping in with an attack that you'll have problems parrying and then countering. An example is Ryu's jump in MP. Treat TT like Blanka or Necro's electricity and use it whenever they jump in and you can't get a Crouching HP off. The best application of TT is after a blocked footsie game, bust one off and your opponent will get hit immeadiately. It links with C. LK, but you have to be pretty near your opponent, otherwise they’ll block. One of my favorite applications of the super is actually as a "counter-attack", once an opponent has committed to an attack such as J. HK and they’re coming at you, activate the TT just before their move hits so not only does the TT come out, but you’re free to HK chariot rush or EX chariot rush their juggled frame. ---------------------------------------------------------- Taunt: ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien's taunt is useful for gaining super energy and increasing his attack power (but not for throws). I’m hearing conflicting reports that the attack power only lasts until you get hit though…anyone have some info on this? It also knocks people down if they are close by. These combos come from Mel (mel.boyce@dse.co.nz): Ducking HP, taunt. Same as; Ducking HP, [any special or super]. You should only get 1 hit out of the ducking HP. I don’t use his taunt very often, the best way to build meter is to do active chains such as LP, LP, MP and then a MK (after you’ve knocked your opponent down for example). ---------------------------------------------------------- Throws: ---------------------------------------------------------- Body Slam- Forward/Back+LK+WP- 9.0 A good damaging move with some decent range, useful for after a block or a parry, sometimes catches rushers such as other Uriens, Alexes or Hugos. Also great after a WP headbutt, grab away at your blocking opponent. Dork Choke- Forward/Back+HK+HP- 8.5- This throw does pretty good damage, and actually has AMAZING dizzying properties, used in conjunction with Temporal Thunder, you can get an opponent dizzy quick! ---------------------------------------------------------- Dash: ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien’s Dash is simply the best in the game. It’s extremely fast and has huge distance, you can close immense spaces faster than any large character should be able to. You’d move fast too if you had a chronic wedge. ---------------------------------------------------------- Strategies: ---------------------------------------------------------- In general, follow the following guidlines: 1. Mix up your attacks, the problem with Urien is that too many of his moves are not comboable and hit only once if not EX-ed (Violence Knee Drop is a good example). So try the following: Once your opponent has the timing of your VKDs down, start doing short VKDs, he'll try to counter what he expects will be a long-range VKD. Instead, you'll land far away from him, and, having charged back while you were in the air, you can launch forward with an EX Chariot Rush. 2. Always hold back on the joystick! Never be without a charge. Once you expend a charge, immeadiately charge again. Doing an EX Chariot Rush? As soon as you hit Forward and Kick, hit back again, and prepare for the next move. With Urien, every move needs to be ready at every moment. 3. Don't forget your LPs, MPs, LKs and MKs. They help a lot! Your ground game NEEDS them, for grappling characters like Hugo and Alex, they will save you from a 70% life-munching super combo. Though they don't combo very well, you will need them for ranging and baiting your opponent. 4. Mess with your opponent's head! Try the following: While charging back, throw a couple of MKs or HPs, they will charge your meter as well as making your opponent think you are vulnerable, when they come charging in, either parry, block or EX Chariot rush 'em. Optional: Then step back from the machine and say "Foolish scrub! Do you think I would allow you to hit me?" 5. When doing the poking game, try forward+MP right as the opponent gets up, so the attack doesn’t actually hit, but the opponent "blocks", you’ll have the advantage and you can easily get a throw. This works with forward+MK, but you have to watch out for powerful wake-ups like Shin-shoryuken. -_- 6. Against dorky fireballers, the VKD is ok. But the EX VDK tends to either: hit them twice (decent damage) or hit once and land you behind them (where you can wreak havok with a launcher or otherwise). 7. For air battles, the best choice is to parry (duh) followed by an HP, which is Urien's best air move. 8. Against advanced players, the VKD is a risk to use, it can be parried pretty easily and is easy to see coming. Thus, it is best to use in pressure situations (for example, EX Chariot rush, then some low attacks, then some EX chariot rush, basically just establish that you are going to be rushing, and then out of nowhere, pop a VKD off and freak 'em out.) Also try to shave the edge of their block with your VKD by doing it as far away as you can but still hit them, this way the attack will hit low and confuse the opponent. 9. Use Urien's mobility to your advantage!! Urien can be anywhere, anytime. Shotokan pressuring your ass? Roundhouse VKD to the other side of the the screen. Annoying jumper that you can't parry? Chariot rush under them! 10. Never acknowledge that the name Urien is in anyway similar to Urine. This scatological misnomer is the bane of every "thong-boy" player in English speaking countries. Control the menace! 11. Use your fireballs to their maximum potential. Charge 'em up, don't let em know when they're coming, and never do a FB when you know it'll get parried or jumped over, cuz your lag will get you comboed. Once you’ve hit, BLAM!, hit em with a roundhouse HK chariot rush, or in Alex’s case an MK chariot rush (he some weird properties with his juggling). Oh yeah and Elena too (grrr), hit her with a WK chariot rush as she falls VERY quickly. From there, either dash forward and hit the falling opponent with a s.HP or go for those crazy Skill Smith chariot rush juggles, or bust a tyrant slaughter or Aegis Reflector. Throw a fireball, or EX fireball. As it gets close to the opponent, rush in with an EX Chariot Rush. Usually surprises scrubs, but against tough opponents, try dashing in and throwing. 13. Learn to use the "non-hit" effectively, where you jump at your opponent and punch over his block box, so that he either tries to block or parry and then you land and throw. The best attacks for this are Jumping MP and MK, which either whiff completely or hit the opponent deep in their block. ---------------------------------------------------------- Poking game: ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien’s pokes are all pretty decent, and can be mixed up to give you a respectable ground game (though shotos, Ibuki, Yun and Yang are still going to give you trouble). Use a lot of standing MP and standing MK along with their forward+MP or MK varities. Also mix up your LP with crouching LP, as well as comboed LPs and MPs. Make sure to utilize the LP headbutt and even LP fireball to range your opponent and keep them grounded. EX headbutt as well will startle opponents and if it hits, juggle them with a C. HP and a chariot rush. Mixing up attacks with dash forwards+throw is also good, as well as ticking with standing LP. ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien Player Types ---------------------------------------------------------- This section is designed to expose the various methods for playing Urien, some work better against certain characters, some fall flat on their face against others. The offensive Urien- This strategy involves locking down your opponent, heavily utilizing your poking game and using fireballs sparingly. Most effective attacks here are standing MP, crouching HP, WK chariot rush, universal overhead, forward+HP, WP headbutt and standing MK. The key is to make sure your opponent can’t guess on a parry by mixing up highs/lows and throws, and doing this in a kinetic fashion, so they don’t get time to rest. This is used best against fast characters such as Yun/Yang, Ibuki, Ken, Ryu, Akuma etc., because if you don’t beat them at their own game, you’ll find yourself in a defensive nightmare, trying to guess on blocks and parries. The defensive Urien- This variation of the thonged bomber heavily emphasizes fireballs and distancing from the opponent. Only rarely is up-front action utilized, in order to keep Urien safe from the mangling hands of, say, Hugo. You can play this style against any character, but it’s going to be best against Hugo, Alex and another Urien, due to their height and susceptability to the MP fireball and, if they get really close, the HP fireball. ---------------------------------------------------------- Combos: ---------------------------------------------------------- Standing LP, LP, MP into MK chariot rush-(4 hits) Surprises rushers, gets you some meaty damage for nearly free, gotta be close though. Standing LP, MP into WK chariot rush- (3 hits) This is much more reliable, and useful in poking situations. Crouching LP, LP, LK chariot rush. (3 hits) Very quick and necessary for ground assaults. Standing Forward + MP, Forward + HP- (2 hits) A great combo that does some good damage and some decent dizzy. Deep Jump-in HP, Standing HP- (2 hits) This guy's a bit hard to pull off, but it can be done if you parry or if the other character is dizzy. #Deep jump in HP,c.HP,EX'D headbutt,Chariot rush,Super Cancel into either Temporal Thunder, or Fp Aegis Reflector followed by another chariot rush (using the time freeze caused by the super{aegis} to do the charge)# |||Bread and Butter combo||| Deep Jump-in HP, Crouching HP, Dangerous Headbutt- (4 hits) Again, hard to pull off, you've gotta be DEEP to link the first two attacks. After the crouching HP, you can take the combo into any of the following: EX Dangerous Headbutt, Crouching HP (7 hits, or without the jump-in, 6 hits)(Unfortunately, Urien's Crouching HP, EXHB, Crouching HP, EXHB combo was removed from 3rd strike, eliminating the best dizzying combo that Urien has. In addition, Crouching HP, EXHB, Crouching HP, regular headbutt is no longer possible. In third strike, you will also have to walk forward after the EXHB to nab those last two Crouching HP hits.) EX Dangerous Headbutt, Crouching HP, Temporal Thunder- (13 hits if all of the fireball connects, 12 hits w/out jump-in HP) EX Dangerous Headbutt, Crouching HP, Tyrant Slaughter (11 is the max that I've gotten, 10 without jump-in HP) EX Dangerous Headbutt, EX Dangerous Headbutt (7 hits, great dizzy) EX Dangerous Headbutt, any Chariot Rush (HK is preferred.) Use LK chariot rush for Elena and MK chariot rush for Alex. Tyrant Slaughter will NOT juggle after this. L Ducking HP, taunt. (Do this right as your first hit connects). Ducking HP, any super. (Ditto). Ducking HP, Crouching MP, Temporal Thunder. (In corner) When opponent is in the air: EXVKD, charge back, once you reach the ground, EXCR. Now....I believe that if you launched the opponent, then EX headbutted them, then launched again and immeadiately EXVKD, you should be able to catch them high enough, and land to perform the EXCR. Deep Jump-in HK, Crouching HK- (2 hits) Deep Jump-in HK, LK Chariot rush (2 hits) Deep Jump-in HK, EX Chariot rush (3 hits) Deep Jump-in HK, s. LP, LP, MP into MK chariot rush into Tyrant Slaughter. (10 hits, brutal death) EX Chariot Rush, Crouching LK, EX Chariot Rush ad infinitum? I can't get the timing on this personally, though it does link in 2nd Impact. EX Chariot Rush, Tyrant Slaughter (7 hits) Crouching HP, LK Chariot Rush and quickly into the Temporal Thunder(timing is really rough on that one)(In the corner) MP Metallic Sphere into a Chariot and on the way down a standing HP. This normally has to be done in the corner. If you time it right you can get someone to bounce back and forth between a LP Aegis Reflector and MP Aegis Relector. They have to be in the air for that one but it looks really funny. Any metallic sphere, any Chariot Rush (2 hits) Any metallic sphere, any Chariot Rush into Tyrant Slaughter or Aegis Reflector. Any metallic sphere, HK Chariot Rush, EX Chariot Rush, HK Chariot Rush, standing HP. (This is THE Urien combo!! You must master it!) Here are some other variations: Any metallics sphere, HK Chariot Rush, EX Chariot Rush, Standing MP into EX Headbutt (you have to hit MP as you go THROUGH neutral when going from down to up, very tough). Any metallic sphere, HK Chariot Rush, EX Chariot Rush, HK Chariot Rush, super cancelled into Temporal Thunder. Any metallic sphere, HK Chariot Rush, EX Chariot Rush, HK Chariot Rush, standing MP or forward+MP. (This combo is good to mix up with the standing fierce, because standing fierce will knock them down, but standing MP will cause them to flip out of their fall and come down blocking, just walk up and wait a fraction of a second and throw them!) Jump-in HP, C.HP (cancelled after first hit) into HK chariot rush into Temporal Thunder, Tyrant Slaughter or Aegis Reflector. Good sources for Urien combo movies are http://www.gamingmatrixonline.com and http://www.white-tower.net If anyone has any other info on combos, check my contact info at the bottom of the FAQ. The following are a transcription of the Skill Smith video combos (which I have not seen…anyone interested in sending me a copy or ICQing them….?), some of these are listed above, others are brand new and require a wrist augmented by cybernetics. Check em out, I’ll edit them later, some combos may be repeated from above, had to include them in this edition: ***I used the attack names as listed on the game Jab, Strong, Fierce punch and Short, Forward, Roundhouse kick. Some, probably a lot, of these combos may need to be in or near the corner, even if it doesn't say so. If it said so on the page, it says so here. If it's in (* ), I know for certain myself. If a combo includes (intentionally miss) it means that the headbutt or Aegis is not supposed to connect. It is only used to move or cancel attack recovery. **** crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Short tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Short tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->EX headbutt crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Forward tackle-->Fierce Aegis Reflector-->Fierce headbutt (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Forward tackle-->Fierce Aegis Reflector-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->Forward tackle-->Fierce Aegis Reflector-->Weak metal sphere-->EX knee drop crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (opponent on ground ~2 hits~) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX headbutt crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->EX headbutt crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~2 hits~) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Strong headbutt crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Strong headbutt crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->EX headbutt crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Forward tackle-->Fierce Aegis Reflector-->Fierce headbutt (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Forward tackle-->Fierce Aegis Reflector-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->Forward tackle-->Fierce Aegis Reflector-->Weak metal sphere-->EX knee drop crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle crouching Fierce punch (anti-air ~1 hit~) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing toward+Fierce punch Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Temporal Thunder Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle Strong metal sphere (anti-air hit) -->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder (*corner*) Fierce metal sphere x 5-->Roundhouse tackle (*corner*) Fierce metal sphere x 5-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Short kick-->Short tackle crouching Short kick-->Short tackle-->Temporal Thunder crouching Jab punch x 2-->Tyrant Slaughter crouching Jab punch x 2-->Temporal Thunder crouching Jab punch x 2-->EX tackle crouching Jab punch x 2-->EX tackle-->Tyrant Slaughter crouching Jab punch x 2-->EX tackle-->Temporal Thunder COMBO A : (Short tackle-->Jab Aegis Reflector-->jumping Fierce punch-->crouching Fierce punch) A-->EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle A-->Roundhouse tackle-->standing Fierce punch A-->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle A-->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle A-->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch A-->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch A-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle A x 2-->Roundhouse tackle-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch A x 2-->Roundhouse tackle-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle A x 2-->Forward tackle-->standing Fierce punch EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->standing Fierce punch EX headbutt-->Roundhouse tackle-->EX headbutt EX headbutt-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle EX headbutt-->EX tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder EX headbutt-->EX tackle-->EX headbutt EX headbutt-->crouching Fierce punch-->Roundhouse tackle EX headbutt-->crouching Fierce punch-->Roundhouse tackle-->Temporal Thunder EX headbutt-->crouching Fierce punch-->EX headbutt Short tackle (corner anti-air hit) -->Jab Aegis Reflector - Aegis Reflector 1 hit-->Fierce metal sphere-->Aegis Reflector hit-->Fierce headbutt Roundhouse tackle (corner anti-air hit) -->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle-->Aegis Reflector (intentionally miss) -->Roundhouse tackle-->Roundhouse tackle (* the most damaging combo in the game (according to Skill Smith) *) These combos were translated by Kenneth Miller. ---------------------------------------------------------- Fireball Strategies ---------------------------------------------------------- ****Urien's most important ability is that he can juggle off the sphere. I saw that you included more about that in your update but man, it's insane. Urien can easily, I repeat, -easily- do 50% with one combo using only one EX move, no super. Anywhere even remotely near the corner, if you hit you opponent in the air with a sphere (any will do but medium is easiest), do a RH tackle to juggle and as soon as you initiate the RH tackle, charge back again. Now comes the only tricky timing, though once you learn it, it's really easy to do. You need to juggle with the EX tackle. The way I can best think to describe the timing is that you want to aim right at your opponent like a gun. I mean, with the first RH tackle, you do it as quickly as possible and it catches them in the feet. With the EX tackle, you want to do it when they are almost exactly in line with you. This timing also has to be adjusted slightly depending on how close to the corner you are and what character you use it against. (Since we all know you'll be fighting 90% shotos, it's not much trouble) Now, if you do this EX tackle properly, it will hit both times and you'll be right in the corner with your opponent still in the air. You were charging for another Chariot Tackle during the EX tackle, right? Good. After the second hit of the EX tackle, do another RH tackle. This brings the total air hits up to 5. Now, since you are limited to 6 juggle hits in Third Strike, you want to make this "last" attack count. There are many ways to end it. I'l go in order of how often I use each, basically: Ending #1 - Jab headbutt. You have to charge for the headbutt immediately after initiating the last RH tackle to have time enough to charge it. Does good damage and stun. Ending #2 - Standing fierce punch. Not quite as good stun as jab headbutt but it will hit some characters that the jab headbutt will miss, like Elena. Ending #3 - EX headbutt. Really, it's a waste of super energy, but it does do slightly better damage and stun than the jab headbutt. Why not use medium or fierce headbutt you ask? They usually will miss, though I've hit with medium occasionally and at least once with fierce. I use the EX headbutt finish when I want to show off or I'm playing against a good character who shouldn't have gotten hit by that very first sphere in the first place and I want to get every bit of damage I can off of it. Ending #4 - Medium tackle. I've read that this is the best normal finish to do but it seems to do more damage but less stun than the jab headbutt. Did I mention that the combo, ending with jab headbutt, does more than 50% stun too? I don't like this finish because it seems to miss sometimes and it looks boring. Ending #5 - Medium tackle into Temporal Thunder. You don't get that much damage or stun from the Thunder after all those hits plus a super cancel, but it does give you a little more if you're going for everything you can get and/or to show off. (I like fighting with style) Now comes the fun stuff. Ending #6 - Standing jab, Temporal Thunder. This is really, REALLY fucking hard to time. However, if you do it right, the following will occur: The standing jab will make that 6th hit. (O.K. even more explanation. (I like to be thorough. (and I like parenthesis)) In Third Strike, there is that 6 hit juggle limit but there are a few exceptions. A normal attack will terminate the combo no matter what hit it's on. You can, however, combo that normal attack into a super and it will combo. The interesting thing is that if you land a normal attack without doing a 2-in-1 into a super, the combo counter will come up but if you do a super then, it will still connect. It can be parried, though. You may have seen someone do Dudley's low RH launcher into jumping fierce, land, then Rocket Uppercut. It will all hit, though the super could be parried.) Back to the combo. That standing jab will techinically end the combo but then the Temporal Thunder comes out immediately after and will hit. It can technically be parried, but it's so close, it's nearly impossible. Here's the good part. Because that jab ended the first combo, the super is counted by itself. This means full damage and full stun. As a result, the "combo" does about 75% damage and 98% stun to a normal character. 98% stun. If you've hit them with anything before that combo starts, they're stunned. If you do the jab, Temporal Thunder too fast, the Temporal Thunder will combo off the jab as a 2-in-1. You don't want this to happen. It's easy to tell the difference when you see it. If it combos together, you get far reduced damage and stun from the super. Do it too slowly and the super will whiff. It's very very tight timing. I've only pulled it off successfully a few times but it does work. Ending #7 - Standing medium punch 2-in-1 into jab Aegis Reflector, dash forward, neutral throw, juggle with ducking fierce, fierce headbutt. Now this no doubt looks very confusing so I'll explain it when I explain everything about the wonderful world of the Aegis Reflector (the best super in the game). Ending #8- Standing medium punch (opponent comes down blocking), walk forward and throw. Keep in mind that the RH tackle, EX tackle, RH tackle combo will not work on Hugo, Alex, Necro, or Twelve. They will get knocked out of the corner on the second hit of the EX tackle. Instead, use sphere, RH tackle, EX headbutt, any of the finishers.***** (Contributed by Kenneth Miller) One thing I’d like to add to the above is that as regards Necro and Twelve, if you charge FORWARD after hitting the EX Chariot Rush, you can hit back and two kick buttons to do another EX CR as they fly out of the corner. Also, most times you won’t even be able to hit Alex with an HK tackle after a succesful MP sphere, so it’s best to do an EX CR. ####If I throw out a metallic sphere 90% of the time it gets tech'd (parried or whatever you guys call it. So I've found that if my fireball is tech'd a very quick dash followed by d+FP into the haedbutt is cheap enough to work, because they have to tech opposite while they are still in the air. Another real cheap trick is to throw up a MP fireball and cancel into a Temporal Thunder. This looks very strange cause the Fireball will knock them all the way across the screen and it looks like the super is gonna miss but it gains just enough speed to connect. Sometimes 1 hot of an EX'D chariot tackle will conect after but basically its only for looks cause it does'nt really hurt. Also if you learn to anticipate an high jumper (be it Chun-suck or Elena, or just a person like me who super jumps a lot) you can stick out a very early Fp fireball,dash in d+FP EX'D headbutt standing med punch or kick. For some reason a Chariot Tackle will not connect with this. Against any mid-tall character I us a lot of Mp fireball because they will hit them in the ground,especially:Q, Hugo, Alex, and dudley. #### (Contributed by Chris Poloncic) ---------------------------------------------------------- Aegis Reflector Strategies ---------------------------------------------------------- *****The Aegis Reflector is fun. It's very fun. There are way too many uses of it too list (though I'm tempted) so I'll mention the most effective. Yes, the Reflector can be super canceled off a chariot tackle in the corner where you can continue the combo, but that's the boring stuff. The Reflector is much better used when it either doesn't hit at all or is used in a case where your opponent can't get around it. If you look through the Skill Smith combos here you will see cases where the combo calls for the Reflector to intentionally miss. The point of this is that super canceling an attack into the Reflector allows you to 1) eliminate almost all lag at the end of the special move before it. 2) Charge for another attack while the Reflector is coming out. A favorite combo of mine is if I tag someone far from the corner with the sphere in the air, RH tackle super cancel into fierce Reflector, RH tackle juggle. After the first RH tackle hits and the fierce Reflector comes out, they will fly across the screen and right onto the fierce Reflector. This helps keep then in the air to get hit by the second RH tackle. Yeah, I know I said it's not supposed to hit. You can do a jab one and it will miss and the combo will still work, but it's a little hard to time. The last Skill Smith combo listed is a good example of missing. You hit with a RH tackle in the corner out of the air, super cancel into the fierce Reflector so it goes way off screen and use that time to charge for another RH tackle and so on. It really does work. I used to do it all the time until i discovered the EX tackle juggle. Next fun thing with the Reflector is using the neutral throw to force your opponent onto it. There are many cases but I'll use the easiest to explain. Do a RH tackle to hit your opponent on the ground. Just so happens it doesn't matter if it hits or they block it. As long as it doesn't whiff or get parried. Super cancel it when it hits into the fierce Reflector. Once the screen unfreezes, you'll be a short distance from your opponent (one dash away) and the Reflector will be a little behind them. Immediately dash forward and do a neautral throw (You know, the one where he squeezes the back of their neck). As he is squeezing them, the Reflector slowly floats towards you so that it is now overlapping with your opponent that you are squeezing. Here's the beautiful part. (Yes this all really works as crazy as it sounds on paper, err, screen.) As soon as Urien lets his opponent go, they are immediately juggled from the throw by the Reflector. They will bounce away after 1 - 3 hits, usually over your head. As soon as you let them go, hold back for a very small amount of time. Just an instant, really, but it's important. Then do ducking fierce and it will juggle. Follow with any follow up. I suggest fierce headbutt. It's an amazing technique both to see and to use. You can use the neutral throw into Reflector juggle without the tackle to start, that just sets the distance up perfectly. Thus, that's how Ending #7 works above. The standing medium punch technically ends the combo and they flip out and land on their feet with the jab Reflector right in front of them. You dash through the Reflector, grab them, then continue from there. Yes, since these this technique relies on a dash throw, it's not a true combo, but it's very effective. If you expect your opponent knows you'll try for it (Which is unlikely. Before moving to from Austin to Chicago, I regularly played against the #1 ranked Third Strike player in the country, Hsien Chang, and landed the technique plenty of times.), then instead of dash throw, use another RH tackle. Ready for more? The next thing that's great about the Reflector is the fact that your opponent is always pushed toward the back of it. In other words, if I throw a jab Reflector out in front of myself when my opponent is far away and they walk into it from the other side of it, they will take one hit and will be bounced away. If my opponent is close and I throw it through them and they walk back, they will take 2 - 3 hits and be pushed back through it to the other side. Now, what if you were to throw one out between you and your opponent, then get on the other side of them and hit them with an attack? What would happen? Why, I'm glad you asked! You may have seen this under certain circumstances. The attack will knock them back, they will hit the Reflector, then be bounced back to you. You can get close and do repeated jabs for a fun 12 - 14 hit combo. You can also use well timed standing medium punches to achieve a similar effect. You can also do one of those two and then right at the end, use a ducking fierce into whatever juggle you want. Now, you might think yeah that's great, but it's not easy to throw a Reflector then get on the other side of your opponent. Well, there's one easy and fun way. Again, land a neutral throw. Anywhere, as long as it's not right in the corner. The instant you drop them, do a jab Reflector and immediately begin charging down. Now, if your opponent did quick standing after the throw, you're screwed. No go. Most people, however, don't do quick standing at all and if they do, the neutral throw (because you can spaz to get out of it) and the super in there make the timing difficult. If they did not quick stand, you're fine. O.K. You were charging down. Now, as soon as you let the Reflector go, do a fierce headbutt. It should pass completely over your opponent. All this happens while your opponent is lying on the ground. Now, start atacking right as they get up. They should be in the Reflector so they can't do an attack. They can parry, which will screw it up, but it's hard to do. I suggest rapid jabs or low short. They can't block both ways at once so they will get hit. No way around it if they miss that first wake-up parry. After a few jabs, do a ducking fierce and juggle away. Done succesfully, every throw chance equals lots of extra damage. It's like an unblockable super, basically.**** (Contributed by Kenneth Miller) ---------------------------------------------------------- Parry Strategies: ---------------------------------------------------------- On the ground: First off, your best best for your attack after parrying is some sort of quick rushing attack. Good choices are LK chariot rush, EX chariot rush or a Tyrant Slaughter. I would advise against attempting a crouching HP after a parry due to some start up on it. Don't forget that it is generally a good idea to either parry all of a multiple hit move or red parry the last hit to have the most time to counterattack. Moves such as Dudley's machine gun blow and Q's "spazzy hands" attack will not be counterable until the last hit. Here's some advice from Fredo: "Basically Urien can go from a Parry into a Chariot Rush. If you are charging back or down-back and see or anticipate an attack tap forward on the joystick to Parry the attack and then press any kick button to activate the Chariot Rush to hit the opponent while they are stuck in their attack pose. It would be wise not to attempt this against multi hitting for obvious reasons." From the air: If someone's jumping in and you parry their attack, you've got a decent chance at getting a crouching HP off. Also, a LK Chariot Rush is a good knocker and quick. Sometimes a standing roundhouse is a good choice because it hits twice and does great dizzy. In the air: As stated above in the strategies section, it seems best to use an HP since you're probably only going to get one hit off. However, if you land the HP deep enough, you can chain to a crouching HP and begin your juggle mayhem of choice. ---------------------------------------------------------- Vs. Strategies: ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- |-----Ryu-----| --------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is a good choice because it can be super-cancelled off the EX Chariot Rush. Aegis reflector is ok, it can be used once you're breaking out of an aggressive Ryu ground chain, just parry, then c.HP them into a PPP Aegis Reflector and watch the sparks fly. Strategies: With Ryu, you basically want to counter everything he does on the ground with either a low short into LP Chariot Rush or just an EX Chariot Rush. The lag that slow old Ryu gets after an HK is enough to connect the Chariot Rush. Keep him guessing, he'll try to counter your VKD with a Dragon Punch, but just change up your VKD ranges and you'll be ok. If he jumps in, you want to parry the inevitable roundhouse, and then crouching HP the bitch, unless he throws, in which case you throw counter. Don't let him Shin-shoryu you, and if he's gonna throw a Denjin Hadoken, just EX VKD him. One of the terrible things about Ryu is that even after parrying most of his attacks, he can still parry your incoming LK chariot rush, so again, always combo into it with either a crouching LP, LP ground chain into LK Chariot Rush or standing LP, LP, MP, MK chariot rush. --------------- |-----Ken-----| --------------- Super art to choose: Same as Ryu, above. Strategies: Same as with Ryu pretty much except watch for his fake-outs with his overhead kicks. If he starts to do his overhead kick, you can usually get an EX Chariot Rush off. --------------- |---Akuma---| --------------- Super art to choose: Same as above, damn these shotokans! Strategies: Ugh. Watch for the Raging Demon of course. Wait for him to throw the air fireball, THEN pop a VKD or EXVKD. Remember to wait for a bit after the air fireball, otherwise you'll wiff. You can also hit him with a HK Chariot Rush as he’s fireballing in the air. Try to get him into the bread and butter combo, since Akuma will take a lot of damage from it. Don't play in the air with Akuma, his Hurricane Kick is difficult to Parry and he can juggle afterwards. Watch for his traditional combos, i.e, low forward into hurricane kick, etc. Stay on the ground and counter. And when he starts doing that bullshit jumping throw, your best option is EX headbutt into juggle. Don’t let him abuse you with that, I hate that move. ---------------- |-----Sean-----| ---------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is a good choice for when an attack whiffs as usual. Another good choice is Temporal Thunder for when Sean is doing lots of overhead pressure tactics. Strategies: Basically don't throw too many fireballs, as he will sean tackle you. His uppercut is easy to parry as is his flying kick move. He has some recovery after his pseudo-hurricane kick, so use that to EXCR or Tyrant Slaughter or bread 'n butter him. Learn to parry the forward overhead flying kick move, it's simple to parry, and is pretty slow except for the LK version. Once you've parried it, spread some butter on that bread. Prepare yourself for empty sean tackles into universal throw, so have your hands on your throw buttons. --------------- |-----Oro------| --------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is an effective counter for whiffed uppercuts or parried golden orbs into EXCR into Tyrant. You can nail Oro with a MP fireball super cancelled into Temporal Thunder after his chicken kick (regular only). Oro can be a pain to fight with Urien. This is because of Oro's chicken kick move, which disables the bread and butter combo almost completely. Try to learn to parry this move, and then counter with a chariot rush to his backside afterwards. You should be able to block, but the kick has some odd properties that cause you to switch your block at a certain point and this will make it difficult counterattacking with the chariot rush. Also watch for the throw super, which can end a fight quite quickly. He usually does this right after a whiffed attack, so attack conservatively if he has a super bar. One way to counter the chicken kick is to do an HP fireball and juggle with a c.fierce or a LP Chariot Rush. Don't jump in too much, because Oro's uppercut move is difficult to parry. If an Oro EXes his Yagyou-Dama super, be prepared with an EX VKD to stop him before he attacks OR, parry or block and then EX Chariot rush him. ----------------- |-----Remy-----| ----------------- Super art to choose: Temporal Thunder is a good choice, as shown below in the strategies section. Strategies: If he "sonic-booms", VKD him. If he flash kicks and doesn't hit, nail him with a chariot rush, tyrant slaughter or VKD him if he's still in the air. Parry the horizontal flying kick and start the bread and butter combo. A favorite tactic of Remy players is to sonic boom you and then cold blue kick, effectively cornering you. A way to get out of this is to parry the sonic boom and then immeadiately Temporal Thunder. Don't worry, it's just Guile in drag. ----------------- |-----Hugo-----| ----------------- Super art to choose: Temporal Thunder is a decent choice because you need to keep your distance from Hugo. However, since it is so easily parryable, whiff a standing MP or any attack and super cancel into TT. Aegis Reflector is ok, sometimes good to pressure a turtling Hugo into the corner, do an AR and hit them from both sides. Tyrant Slaughter is probably the worst choice, because if it's parried, you're finished. Strategies: With this guy, don't VKD too much! He can grab you right afterward and screw your life bar. Whenever you find yourself waking up next to a hungry Hugo, just use your crouching LK and LP, they can sometimes save you. Counter-throwing is risky, but sometimes works. Parry the rushing punch attack and throw or super. Don't jump too much, because of Hugo's air grabbing attacks. Play keep-away with your fireballs and juggle with chariot rushes and standing HPs. ----------------- |-----Necro-----| ----------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is a good choice because of Necro's vulnerability after a missed spinning punch. Aegis Reflector is ok, again, pressure into the corner and AR them. Strategies: Necro can be a bitch because of his jumping spinning attacks which will strike downward and disable the bread and butter combo. Just parry those moves though and you should be able to start the combo. After blocking a spinning punch, tyrant slaughter or counter in whatever way you want to. VKDing will either trade or knock Necro out of his electricity which is good, because that is Necro's main anti-air. Don't make yourself predictable though, as the Necro will start parrying. Always be ready for throws after the end of an attack chain, never jump in if he’s got meter and is using Magnetic storm. ------------------- |-----Twelve-----| ------------------- Super art to choose: This really depends on what super Twelve chooses. If he chooses the maximum-spider esque super, choose Temporal Thunder, so you can parry or even intercept his attack. If he chooses the tentacle super, choose whatever, because that thing sucks. If he chooses copy super, just make sure you taunt a lot and make up for the attack and defense (?) that Twelve will gain. In general, Tyrant Slaughter is a good choice. Strategies: Be ready for Twelve's anti-air HP move where his arm turns into a swinging axe. This is almost always what is used when you jump in. Just parry it and deep HP, crouching HP into whatever you want. If Twelve tries the tentacle attack, just EX Chariot Rush him. If he goes invisible, EX VKD or Chariot Rush him, use Urien's speed. When Twelve flies around, use Urien's Metallic Sphere to knock Twelve out of the sky. ------------------- |-----Dudley-----| ------------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter will work. Parry, c.short, EXCR, tyrant slaughter, you know the drill! A decent tactic is to do an Aegis Reflector while Dudley is on the other side of the screen. Dudley is hard pressed to get over this barrier, and so you can taunt away. However, if he does try to jump over, intercept him with a c.HP or an EX fireball. Strategies: Watch for any rush attacks and counter them. Jump in and anticipate the uppercut, parry, then have some English blood for tea. Your VKD will not be countered by Dudley's counter move, so feel free to abuse that. When Dudley jumps in with his flopping elbow attack, parry and crouching HP him. When he taunts and throws his dainty flower, EX chariot rush him as he throws it, or LK VKD as he rushes towards you after tossing the rose OR parry the flower and EX chariot Rush.. ---------------- |-----Alex-----| ---------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is a good option after parrying an arm rush or Alex's bread 'n butter. Strategies: Don't jump very much, because of the flying knee catch. Basically play the ground game, parry the elbow rushes, throwing, EX Chariot rushing, or Tyrant Slaughtering afterwards. Keep Alex away from you with fireballs, limit his range, and when he finally does rush in, be ready for him with a Chariot Rush or other goodie. Stay out of range of his grabs, and tech hit his headbutts and body slams. Always be ready after a c.MK for his command throw, so be ready to jump and then jab out of the incoming rising knee catch. ---------------- |-----Elena-----| ---------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is pretty good after her long delays. Temporal Thunder is good for comboing within the bread 'n butter combo which can be started if she misses an attack or you block one. Strategies: Block high or parry high. EVERYONE uses Elena's high attacks and rarely her lows. After that spinning kick where she moves towards you on the ground, after the third kick, EX Chariot rush her or Tyrant Slaughter. Parry the scratch wheels and crouching HP her. ---------------- |-----Ibuki-----| --------------- Super art to choose: Any super art is good here, Tyrant Slaughter will beat some of her overheads, as will Temporal Thunder. Aegis Reflector is not too good because you will be hard pressed to ever pressure an Ibuki. Strategies: Don't let her get close! If she does, she will hop over you and snidely yoroi-doshi you, keep her away with parries, fireballs, EX chariot rushes and some EX headbutts for anti-airs. Be ready for the sliding grab move, LK VKD will put you in the air and bring you down right on top of her, though a c.LK into EX Chariot Rush is good too. ----------------------- |-----Yun/Yang-----| ----------------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is great after parrying, Temporal Thunder will nail them after their traditional jump in downwards kick combo-starter if you parry it and super immeadiately. Strategies: I don't care if they're two separate characters. Just watch for the traditional combo starters, such as that rushing punch thing, if you can parry or block that, an EX chariot rush will hit them. Also, LK Chariot Rushes work as counters. Throw them to discourage getting too close to you. Temporal Thunder is a good choice because it will stuff any jumping-in combo starters. -------------------- |-----Makoto-----| -------------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is a good counter for her rush punch. Strategies: Watch for her rushes, if you can block one or parry one, you can EX chariot rush and tyrant slaughter to hell. If she tries the flying-at-you super, just VKB to either hit her or to a safe distance away where you can Tyrant Slaughter or EX Chariot Rush her. Watch out for her command grab, which she’ll always pull after an attack chain, so be ready to either jab or do some backwards jumping. -------------------- |-----Chun Li-----| -------------------- Super art to choose: Temporal Thunder is a good idea for countering her flip kicks. Aegis Reflector is great for launching her into/blocking her progress. Strategies: Watch for a spinning bird kick, which is almost always followed by the lightning kick. As the lightning kick stops, rush the helpless hottie and beat her mercilessly. Watch for her flip-over roundhouse reversal, if you can, parry it, if not, block and chariot rush her. Be looking for her rushing kick super, and try to stay away from her, if she does manage to pull it on you, block all except the last hit, parry the last hit and Crouching HP her. ------------ |-----Q-----| ----------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter is great after or during any of Q's slow-ass attacks. Since it's easy to corner Q and keep him cornered, Aegis Reflector is a good choice. Strategies: Watch for the EX rush, try to stay away from Q, since all his power is in close range. VKB a lot and fireball a lot, when he jumps in, fireball or parry his attack. Don't forget that the rushing punch super has a low hit also! So when he does that one, just block low for the whole time and then recover with a c. HP to his dork-superhero ass. If he’s standing right next to you and you’re waking up, good luck, be ready with either a LP, a throw counter or a jump backwards (to protect from his godly command throw). ----------------- |-----Urien-----| ---------------- Super art to choose: Tyrant Slaughter for rush countering or Temporal Thunder for VKD countering. Strategies: Screw with the other player's mind. Do things that aren't kosher in the Urien world. But be safe as well. Parry any VKDs and crouching HP after that. Fireball his VKDs too. ---------------------------------------------------------- Colors ---------------------------------------------------------- Urien has secret colors in both Giant Attack and 3rd Strike. ---Giant attack--- Albino Urien- LK+HP when you're selecting Urien. ---3rd Strike--- Blood Red Angel of Death Urien- LP+MK+HP when you select Urien. ---------------------------------------------------------- Quotes ---------------------------------------------------------- During Tyrant Slaughter: "Tyrant Punish!" During Temporal Thunder: "Orbital Sandaa!" I rule the world! Anybody who challenges me shall be eliminated! Scream! Cry out! Suffer to your heart's content. I will not forgive anyone who tries to oppose me! Writhe in agony! Your body shows the anguish of defeat! I am the real emperor! I have no reason to lose! My anger will calm only when I am proven to be the true Emperor! Try as you may, your attempts will not succeed. Why do you try? Traitor! Devote yourself to the ruler and repent your sin! I have finished you! Stand against me and be destroyed. You're annoying, and a failure! Get out of my way. (Maybe to Necro only, because Urien created Necro) Tremble before me! Are you ready to meet with death? Feel the spirit of the true emperor! (Incomplete) My perfect "Iron Body" is invincible...whoever resists it will meet their end... I am not satisfied! You shall satisfy me with your death! (Maybe only Akuma) How dost thou suck? Let me count the ways... (Capcom translation at its finest) To Ken: Your 'burning hand' reminds me...you shall suffer. (Psst..he's referring to Gill, his ass brother.) To Ryu: There can be only one! I'll crush anyone who claims to be the world's strongest. To Yang: Your defiance was a mistake! I'll give you a punishment that suits you! After finishing a match with Tyrant Slaughter: My body is as hard as iron! My ultimate attack mashes like a cannonball! (Somewhat Random) ---Rival character dialogue--- (From memory, exact quotes coming soon): Alex: What do you know about a man named Tom? Urien: Never say that name to me again! (Most of the above are from Giant Attack, I'm working on getting the 3rd Strike stuff.) ---------------------------------------------------------- Owari: ---------------------------------------------------------- Well, that's it for now! If anyone can send me Urien’s colors from the DC version, I would be most happy, any contributions are welcome!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: ---------------------------------------------------------- Zeku- His quote FAQ gave me all the material for my Quote section. A8I6V@aol.com (Fredo) who helped me out with some parry strategies and combos. Kao Megura, who's 3rd Strike FAQ gave me the groundwork for this FAQ and whose copyright text at the top I blatantly copied! Also for translation help. Rec.games.sf2 is a good resource which has helped my game greatly. Aoiryuu helped me out with some embarassing omissions. O_o MrGrimm280@mindspring.com, who sent me a bunch of GREAT combos, with a lot of juggles I hadn't thought of before. pingu@actrix.co.nz - Mel Boyce, for the taunt combos. Kenneth Miller (Slim@systorm.com) for the invaluable aegis reflector and fireball strategies. John Choi and Alex Valle, for showing me how annoying Akuma and Ibuki can be. Chris Poloncic for some more juggling options and that interesting Tyrant Slaughter combo. The UCLA Ackerman and Sunset Village Arcades for being the greatest arcades I've ever set foot in, as well as having some TOP competition. Any questions? Comments? Additions? Email me at deltakid@ucla.edu. Unpublished work copyright 2000 Jon Rodgers