The Wind Storm Dragon Yun FAQ By: Mysterious M For more MvsC2 and SFZ3 related articles, game stuff, anime stuff and more, visit my site at Or message me on ICQ # 21086683 with questions and comments. Yun Revision History V.1 - Uh... Whatever you see here - Still need to update some character strats... gonna be hard with CvS2 around the corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview The Wind Gust Dragon and Water Storm Dragon, otherwise known as Yun and Yang are the adolescent gang leaders of Hong Kong. The pair of them live with their uncle and keep a small shop in the heart of the city. They both attain great support from their "God fathers" the crime lords of Hong Kong and are also known to cause a fair bit of mischief all in the name of good "fun". Both Yun and Yang fight in a style of Chinese Gong (Kung) Fu which seems to be rooted deeply in Kempo. Since their grandfather, none other than Gen of original and Zero Street Fighter fame, taught them their fighting style, I wouldn't be surprised if this was true (Gen actually fought in the "animal" arts of Mantis and Crane). Despite the fact that their fighting style is the same, the two have very branched techniques. Yun concentrates on instantaneous and fast hits like gusts of wind while Yang prefers a flowing style which moves like the sea. "Be shapeless, like water... water can flow, or it can crash" (Bruce Lee). In terms of the game, I remember back in the original Street Fighter III when Yun and Yang were nothing but palette swaps of eachother. Those days are far behind now as Yun and Yang are different enough to be considered completely different characters! First it should be noted that Yun is far from an "easy" character to use. He isn't exactly strong and is far from taking a "good" amount of damage (i.e. he takes way too much) and thus he MUST be played on an attack and dodge basis. Due to his hyperactive nature you REALLY have to know what your doing, but isn't that what makes the game worth playing? + Extremely fast, outdone only by Ibuki + Long chain/juggle combos + Confusing mind games in the hands of a master - Physically weak (dishes out low damage, takes high damage) - Average priority - Laggy moves ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Contents 1.1 - Abbreviations 1.2 - Movelist 1.3 - Special Movelist 1.4 - Super Movelist 1.5 - Strategies 1.6 - Facing Yun 1.7 - Combos 1.8 - Cool Animations 2.0 - Thanks 2.1 - Legal Stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.1 - Abbreviations LP = Low punch MP = Medium punch HP = High punch LK = Low kick MK = Medium kick HK = High kick ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.2 - Movelist LP Standing: A palm to the face. What's to say? It's a jab. It is quite quick but low priority. Due to its speed you can use it to hit certain characters out of moves, but I wouldn't count on it consistently to do such. Crouching: A crouching palm forward. Again, fairly quick (enough so to stuff a few moves) but mainly just used to push opponent's away/combo. Jumping: An elbow very similar to Guy's from the Zero series of SF games. The move is extremely quick and has surprisingly high air/ground priority. Mainly use it to start into his LP -> f+HP air combo. MP Standing: Yun steps forward, lowers his head and pokes his elbow out. A great move with superior range and priority. Add to this the fact that it can be chained into a HP and Palm strike and this will be one move that you will be abusing quite often. The recovery time is also minimal so you don't have to worry about any big retribution... if any at all. Crouching: A stronger, laggier version of his crouching jab. It's not great by itself but note that you can chain combo it into a crouching HP not for damage, but simply for a good amount of distancing to avoid counter attack. Jumping: A stab punch downwards at a 45-degree arc. I rarely use this since his jumping HP is almost as fast and stronger (both physically and priority-wise). HP Standing: Standing close Yun takes a step in place and thrusts his clenched fist forward. HUGE reach and priority but HORRIBLE startup and recovery lag. I choose not to use this move very often because I constantly find myself being punished for it but its reach opens up some poking possibilities. I warn you, this is parry bait though. Standing Far Yun does a 2 hit knifing hand upwards. This move cancels into any special move/super after the first hit but is pretty weak. I've seen some people use it as an air counter, but I really don't think it's worth it. Forward + HP: Yun steps far forward, turns around and thrusts his hands outward as far as he can. The move is decent as a poking move but it has horrible initiation time. You can use it to catch up with back-dashing characters but just bear in mind that it is very slow. Personally I like to play with this move having opponent's jump at me and then pulling it off. What ends up happening is Yun passes under the opponent and hits them backward! Looks very cool but not exactly the most proficient air counter. Crouching: A strange double Palm forward. Relatively weak but quick to initiate and quick to finish. It makes for a decent close-range move to try and keep an opponent at bay, but again I rarely use this move. Jumping: The same type of stab punch as his jumping MP except with a greater amount more priority and damage infliction. Be careful since the range is very short. LK Standing: A quick shin kick. It won't combo into itself and it isn't really the greatest/fastest poke, but it's decent. Crouching: A dinky little kick that hugs the ground. The range is not very far at all, but it's a good move to stick out after landing from a Toe Press since it must be blocked low. Unfortunately it can really only combo into itself and the damage is pretty laughable. Jumping: An awkward looking jump kick which is aimed pretty horizontal. While its laughably weak, the range is actually quite good and can be used to snuff air attacks with relative ease. MK Standing: Yun has three versions. Up close (within a throwing distance) Yun will perform a vertical version of the splits (ouch) which launches the opponent high into the air. Feel free to follow this up with any air attack but personally I prefer a Lunge Punch. There is quite a bit of recover in terms of lag though. While this use to be Yun's primary (or mine at least) air defense, it is now nearly useless as your opponent must be extremely close for you to be able to use it. As it stands, it can be used as an air counter only AFTER a parry, but good luck timing it. Far away Yun will perform a quick headshot. This move is a great poke with only minimal recovery. This is negligible however taking into account both its speed and range. Throw this out periodically to annoy your opponent (some people actually walk right into it!) but beware as smaller characters can duck under it. Holding Forward + MK will make Yun do your infamous Gong Fu hop kick. This is Yun's overhead, and not a bad one at that. The speed is pretty good, and if you know how to mix it up then you won't often be punished even when it is blocked. The damage isn't that heavy (are any of Yun's moves heavy?) but you can generally hit opponents quite often with it. One thing to note is that even though Yun appears to be off the ground, he can still be hit by certain moves (Ibuki's sweep comes to mind) but avoid others. I advise you be careful. Still, its eons beyond his leap attack. Crouching: This will soon become one of your standard moves. Yun gets low and runs his leg across the ground quite a ways. The damage is only moderate, but the move is both fast and can be comboed into the Lunge Punch. Its priority is very high for such a quick move, and I often use it in my footsie game or to punish missed moves (buffered into a quick Lunge Punch of course). Beware however as there is a teeny bit of lag afterward. Jumping: One of your primary jump-ins. Yun performs your typical Gong fu style jump kick. The range is pretty good as is the priority (it has semi good stuffing power). Unlike Yang you CANNOT combo this into a Toe Press HK Standing: Yun raises his leg and kicks forward rather violently. This move isn't too bad as a poke but a bit too laggy (both in initiation and recovery) to warrant constant use. The damage however isn't too bad and it just looks so painful that you have to use it sometimes (he aims right for the cherries!) Crouching: Nowhere near as good as his brother's crouching HK, Yun whips his leg around quickly into the air to sweep his opponents at the knee area. This move has decent startup but horrible recovery so expect to be punished if this is blocked or parried. It should be noted that you can chain combo this into a standing HK if you are EXTREMELY FAST. This chain combo is FAR more useful than the sweep by itself because it pushes the opponent to a range where it is hard to counterattack. Jumping: Yun's "stolen" kick from Chun-li's olden days. Yun will perform a mid air kick which reaches up to his face. This move has EXCELLENT priority in an air-to-air scenario but it is just a tad slow. I would never use this as a jump-in however (with a possible exception against Hugo) as it just is not aimed in the right direction. Throws Knee Bash Motion: LP + LK Yun will grab his opponent's head and continually smash it into his knee. The faster you mash the buttons, the more hits you are likely to get. Has the potential of being his strongest throw. Foot Propel Motion: Forward + LP + LK Days of Lei Woolong from Tekken come to mind as this is his exact throw. Yun will grab his opponent, place his feet on his/her chest and kick off. Cool throw, low damage. Back Toss Motion: Backward + LP + LK Yun will drop to the ground, grab his opponent and push him up and over with his legs. Good move for getting out of the corner (and actually switching places with your opponent!) Cartwheel Motion: Forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + Kick See "Special Move" Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1.3 - Special Movelist Ze-sho or "Lunge Punch" Motion: Down, down-forward, forward + Punch EX-able: Yes Yun winds up and then leaps forward with his arm extended forward. The harder the punch the farther Yun will "lunge" but the longer the startup and recovery lag of the move. LP is a short hop forward (about half the distance of his dash) but with very little recovery. MP goes about as far as his dash with some bad recovery and HP almost gives you a full screen leap but with HEFTY startup and end lag. All versions do moderate damage. This is easily Yun's most useful move. It is lightning quick and surprising (considering you don't just spew it out constantly) but there is much more to it that meets the eye. The Lunge Punch is all about distancing. To use it effectively you must gauge your opponent's distance and use the Lunge Punch in such a way that only the tip of Yun's fist will hit the opponent. If you follow this rule than it will be VERY hard for any opponent to counter your punch. Alternatively, this move is also easily combo-able from a variety of moves. Just avoid using it in blocked combos because you WILL be punished for it. In the EX version of the Lunge Punch Yun will delay for a half second before leaping forward lightning quick covering the entire screen length in a fraction of a second. The move isn't bad to surprise opponent's trying to charge their super bar (or certain individuals who like to taunt) but its initial starting lag makes it almost completely useless at a close distance. Certainly you can't combo it which severely limits its use. In play I tend to avoid using this move often simply because his EX Shoulder Charge is far more useful. Tetsu Zankou or "Shoulder Charge" Motion: Forward, down, down-forward + Punch Ex-able: Yes Yun crouches down, weaves forward and then hits the opponent with the back of his shoulder. The harder the punch used, the farther Yun travels and the more damage the move inflicts. LP basically has Yun perform the weave in place, MP has him move about the distance of 1/3 the screen length and HP has him go a good 2/3 screen length. The damage on each is pretty low but the MP and HP versions will knock the enemy up into a position where you can juggle them. I don't use this move nearly as much as I should because it has the potential to be excellent. First off, the initial lag time is actually quite long as Yun steps into his weave but after the shoulder there is almost NO recovery time whatsoever. This move will duck fireballs if timed correctly. The LP version I never use outside of the LP -> LK -> MP chain since it does not travel anywhere and deals laughable damage. The MP/HP version makes for a good surprise move and fireball croucher. The EX version of this move hits twice and has Yun travel at lightning speeds. Unlike the normal version the initiation time is nearly instantaneous and thus can be comboed into almost anything you choose. The damage is pretty good but it should be noted that the EX version causes your opponent to fly backwards and not up thus negating any juggling possibilities (unless you are in the corner). Nishou Kyaku or "Flying Twin Kick" Motion: Forward, down, down-forward + Kick Ex-able: Yes Yun performs what resembles his jumping HK twice in succession while moving at an upward-forward angle. The LK version barely leaves the ground, the MK version goes about half a screen's distance to the top while the HK version goes all the way to the top of the screen. Damage is low. I RARELY use this move at all simply because its not that great. The angle that Yun travels at is very awkward and the damage/priority is quite low. Other than an average wake-up move, I don't use this at all. The EX version travels twice as quickly at the HK version's height. Despite the gain in speed the priority is about the same so, again, I cannot really warrant its use unless in obvious situations. Kobu Kushi or "Tiger Twin Palm Strike" Motion: Down, down-back, back + Punch Ex-able: No A nasty move and one which only expert Yun players can really put to effective use. Yun will pair his hands together and then push forward with his palms. Unlike Yang's version, Yun has slightly less range on his Twin Palm Strike. The LP version has minimal startup and damage, the MP has slightly increased startup but more damage and the HP version is SLOW but takes a nice chunk of the opponent's life-bar away. Since my days of writing my Yang FAQ, I have found this move to be EXTREMELY useful due to the fact that 1.) The stun damage inflicted by this move is mind boggling and 2.) The priority on this sucker is unbeatable! In dealing with number one, I generally find that 4 to 5 Twin Palm Strikes will dizzy just about any character in the game (yes this includes Hugo!). Naturally after dizzying an opponent you're free to do whatever you want but as an added bonus I've found that you can COMBO this move in certain situations adding massive stun damage to your combos. Dealing with number two, with proper distancing the Twin Palm Strike has unlimited priority over every single move in the game! It is important to realize that the actual hit location of the move is the air that is slapped directly in front of Yun and NOT his actual palms. By using this idea it is not difficult to carefully place yourself to use the Twin Palm Strike to smack jump-ins, kill dashing special moves or to pop get-up moves such as the infamous Shoto Dragon Punch. It is very important to get this distancing down straight in order for the Twin Palm Strike to be of any use. Aside from this, try pulling off a Twin Palm Strike which is blocked. Hesitate a moment and then pull off a LP Lunge Punch or a Super Art (preferably number II). You will OFTEN find yourself catching your opponent as they flinch after the palm strike (this happens very often, at least in my experience). Another note to make about the Twin Palm Strike is that it can be cancelled. By this I mean it both ways. 1.) You can cancel it into Supers but more importantly 2.) you can abort the move by performing it with 2 punches instead of one. If you do this, Yun will begin the motion for the palm strike but stop just as he brings his hands back. Naturally this opens up the doors for all kinds of sadistic mind games as you can really mess up opponents by giving them what they THINK is a window of opportunity and then canceling quickly. For example, when fighting an opponent you can try pulling off a Twin Palm Strike a few times doing nothing but harmlessly pushing you away as they block from their get up. The next time, abort the move and you will often find that you have cancelled your Twin Palm Strike right at the time they decided they'd try to parry you. There you go, an open window to pull off a nice damaging combo. Another trick to try is pulling out random Twin Palm Strikes during a match, then cancel one when up close. Often times the opponent's immediate reaction is to simply block fearing to take damage and those with slower reactions may not notice until the last second when you walk right out of the move and throw them. Remember, it's all about mind games. Toe Press Motion: [During a jump forward/straight up] Down-forward + Kick EX-able: No Yun spreads his arms out in the air and quickly drops down at an angle with one leg extended downward in a diving kick fashion. LK results in a very steep descent, MK a medium descent and HK ends up with him kicking down in nearly the normal landing trajectory. The Toe Press is one of THE moves which must be mastered to play Yun effectively. Although in no way as good as Gouki's own version (but let's face it, why would it be?) it is still exceedingly useful when placed in a variety of confusion tactics. First of all, as an actual attack, the Toe Press is pretty weak. The priority is pretty good, but it's parried rather easily. If performed at the wrong time, can get you seriously punished even if you manage to connect with it! This being said, the Toe Press is FAR from useless. First off, you must use all 3 versions to get the absolute most out of this move. The LK version should be used to stop short of your opponent, placing you right in front of him/her and poising you in the perfect position to either start a high low game or possibly even throw. If you expect an attack, parry low and go into a big combo. The MK version should be used intermittently with the jump-in MK/HP and LP -> forward + HP chain, especially against parry-happy opponents. Indeed, it is a thing of wonder to find an opponent who can accurately telegraph the three every single time! If you use the Toe Press by itself, make sure to aim low so Yun connects with the attack lower than the opponent's chest, this way you can immediately move into a combo and avoid such counters as the Powerbomb/Megaton Press. Alternatively you can also use the MK version of the Toe Press as a quick overhead supplement since you can perform it as Yun is moving up. If you find your opponent ducking in front of you, try jumping straight up and quickly going into a MK Toe Press (just as Yun is leaving the ground) and you have yourself a combo-able overhead move. HK Toe Press is the most difficult to use, but also the most reliable once you get it down. First, there are two situations you will find the HK the most useful. First, it can be used from nearly a full screen's distance in the same fashion as the LK version. Use it to stop just short of your opponent and then confuse the crap out of him with a high-low game he wasn't expecting. However the second, and infinitely more useful use of the HK Toe Press is to use it very early as a cross up attack. The idea is to perform the Toe Press early enough in the air that Yun will connect with your opponent in the head, just around the forehead area. This will cause Yun to pass over to the other side of the arena thus causing your opponent to block in the wrong direction. Follow this up with your quickest, meanest combo for a very flashy and skillful move or a Cartwheel/Teleport to add more confusion to the madness. Either way, your opponent will be dazed and confused by the time you finish leaving you with a very satisfied grin. Probably my most used way of setting this up is by quickly back flipping then super jumping forward and then using the Toe Press early. Cartwheel Motion: Forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + Kick EX-able: No Yun leans forward and grabs, if he connects he'll perform a cartwheel over his opponent's shoulders landing him on the opposite side and giving him a margin of time to strike his opponent as they stand dazed. If he misses, he'll lose his balance and grab the air while taking an eternity to recover. This is, in no way, like Ibuki or Necro's command throw. It's slow, really slow. Slow enough that the opponent can throw you before you can throw them (though few people have reactions that fast). This move isn't without its uses though. In certain instances of turtling, you may want to confuse your opponent by Cartwheeling them into a combo, and it can be useful in moderation with the Toe Dive. Unfortunately the move immediately makes anything chained afterward combo-buffered meaning that damage will be greatly decreased. This being said, it is actually quite difficult to get that combo on the end of the Cartwheel because the window of opportunity after the flip is about 1/2 second, so I suggest you react quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1.4 - Super Arts I - You Hou Motion: Down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward, forward + Punch Bar Length: Long Number of bars: 1 The easiest super for beginner players to come to grips with, think of this super as a mini-Shin Shoryuken move with slightly less power but a lot more speed. Basically Yun does a knife hand upwards, followed by a comboed shoulder charge knocking the opponent up into the air and finally finished with a juggling fist putting the opponent into orbit. As I stated earlier, this is probably Yun's easiest super to use. The super is easily the strongest of the three in terms of raw power but the long super bar means you'll have to wait for the next one. Even after connecting with the super, you can juggle ANYTHING afterward (preferably a MP Shoulder charge and then a MP Lunge Punch) adding further to its impressive nature and strength. However, it should be noted that the move has MASSIVE recovery meaning if you whiff, you can pretty much kiss your sorry butt goodbye. The super can be connected in a variety of ways. The first, and most popular, is an easy little 3 hit chain (MP -> HP -> Back + HP) buffered into it. I should note that while easy and impressive, this is probably the WORST way to use the super because the damage of it is GREATLY reduced after the first 3 hits. The second way to use this is buffering it out of a crouching MK which is far better and gives Yun what basically amounts to a super which hits low. In failing this, the super can also be used as a wake-up move due to its great priority but beware as its range is quite limited (you must almost be within throwing distance). Aside from this it also has limited uses as an anti-air move but I would definitely advise against this as the last hit has a tendency of whiffing completely. In general I avoid this super simply because of its LONG bar. I find that Super Art II and III can cause more overall damage. II - Sourai Rengeki Motion: Down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward, forward + Punch Bar Length: Medium Number of bars: 3 Yun whips alternating elbows forward. If the second one connects than he performs a short auto-combo on the opponent. I find this super MUCH more useful than the You Hou. Why? First of all you get 3 stocks with short to medium sized bars. This means that not only do you get 3 supers to use, but you can also have the choice of whipping out a ton of EX moves as well! This has obvious advantages over its Shin-Shoryuken counterpart. In terms of the super itself, it does about 75% the damage of a You Hou in one bar. Considering that you get 3 of them that means in total you can do 225% the damage of a You Hou. Easily enough to kill an opponent wouldn't you say? I also like the fact that Yun gets a LOT of distance and near invincibility while performing this super thus making it an excellent counter move for an opponent's missed move while at the same time being WAY less laggy than the You Hou. In terms of connecting with this move, there are a number of ways to do it. After a blocked MP -> HP -> back + HP chain, hesitate a second and then whip out the super. Just like the You Hou, you will be surprised to see the amount of times you catch an opponent as they flinch. Secondly, the super combos nicely after a crouching MK making a rather nice low hitting Super Art. Alternatively it also combos after a LP -> LK -> MP -> LP Shoulder Charge chain but it must be done EXTREMELY quickly and at an extremely close range thus limiting its use in this fashion (generally only on dizzy opponents). Thirdly, I personally like to use the super as a "catch up" move. In essence, after an offensive spurt, back flip. This generally causes bells and whistles to go off in the opponent's mind to dash after you to start their own offensive. However upon finishing your back flip go into a super. Watch and laugh as a bewildered opponent smacks themselves in the forehead for falling for your trap. Finally, the invincibility of the super makes it ideal as a get-up move. Find an anxious Dudley ready to pull one of his confusing High - Low getup games on you? Super Art and you'll have no problem dealing with him. This adds a new level of defense to Yun's game which he sorely lacks. III - Genei Jin Motion: Down, down-forward, forward, down, downforward, forward + Punch Bar Length: Small Number of Bars: 1 Yun gathers energy around himself and multiple images of him appear. During the duration of the super (about 7 or so seconds) Yun's damage is decreased, but he gains the coverage and damage of a pair of images that trail and perform all the actions that Yun himself performs. My new favorite super to play with, the Genei Jin is without a doubt the hardest super to use in the entire game (I don't care what Makoto, Remy or Urien players say). First of all, the super goes away FAST. You have to make use of every second that you have coverage because every second is precious. Second, human players will tend to run and hide if they see you activate this meaning you must activate it at a time when they will be pinned down and unable to escape. While damage wise it is very hard to inflict a lot of damage with a single super alone, the fact that you have a TINY bar means that you can activate this super over and over again in a quick time span meaning that as an offensive player, you should almost constantly have a bar charged and ready to activate. First and foremost I like to combo this super thus ENSURING that I get maximum damage out of it. Of the man ways to do this my favorite is the general MP -> HP -> back + HP buffered into the super and then a VERY QUICK MP Shoulder Charge -> LP Lunge Punch -> LP Twin Palm Strike -> LP Lunge Punch -> LP Twin Palm Strike, etc. This little combo can nab you about 40% of an opponent's energy bar and a whole LOAD of respect. Aside from that there are other combos which the super can be buffered into, all of which (well not ALL, but all the ones I know) will be explained in the combo section. Second, you can perform the super after knocking an opponent down. As they get up, go into a high - low game but keep them trapped in the corner! If you can keep a confusion game going on then the opponent generally makes a mistake before you do. If at all possible, get them with a Twin Palm Strike (its unbelievably fast with the super initiated) or MP/HP Shoulder Charge which will knock them up into the air giving you freedom to do whatever you please. It is very important to keep your opponent pinned in these situations or they will generally play keep away until the super meter expires. It should be noted that while in this state your target combos will not work at all. On a similar note, it is very unsafe to use your Lunge Punch if the opponent is on the ground so I would advise against it. Under most circumstances, try to connect with a Shoulder Charge or Twin Palm Strike because you WANT to knock your opponent into the air so that you can juggle them unlimitedly till the time limit is up. To make a simple list of significant moves: 1.) Shoulder Charge: LP is normal, MP or HP hit twice and juggle the opponent high into the air. 2.) Lunge Punch: On a grounded opponent it hits a few times but allows them recovery before you. On a juggled opponent it hits 3 times and then juggles them back into the air. 3.) Twin Palm Strike: On the ground it knocks them forward and up, on an airborne opponent it knocks them pretty far upwards (easy juggle). 4.) Forward + MK: No useful affect on the ground, excellent for catching up to juggled opponents already in the air traveling away from you (juggle move). 5.) Forward + HP: On the ground it will knock opponents high enough for a juggle (generally forward + MK), no useful affect on an airborne opponent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.5 - Strategies General Strategy Truth be told that many individuals have claimed Yun to be the very best tournament character in Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. Unfortunately I cannot say I am at the point where I know how to utilize Yun to his full potential. Luckily I am not 'bad' with him either. Yun is primarily an offense-based character. With is quick speed and long strings of combos he is very effective at close range. However it should be noted that he doesn't exactly deal out the healthiest amount of damage (about on par with Yang and Ibuki) and his priority is only average. His lag times are also unhealthily long. Keeping this in mind, your basic strategy involves non-stop assaulting and evasion/parrying. Much easier said than done... but it takes effort to unleash a tournament character's potential... Defensive Definitely not a position you want to be in, Yun has very few options open to him in a defensive posture. First, should you ever find the heat up close getting a bit too frantic, a quick double tap backwards makes for an excellent backdash to safety. Few moves can catch up as Yun's back flip covers a lot of ground and is quite quick. Once in this position however you may find yourself in trouble. In terms of countering jump-ins, Yun's Flying Twin Kick has some uses, but not many. The arc must be exact and the priority on the move is sadly lacking. You can use it in scenarios should you choose to, but I find it much safer to parry any air attack and perform a close standing MK thus knocking the opponent into the air giving you a free hit. Should they be on the ground, keep the enemy away with LPs, LKs, MPs and MKs. I would advise against using his Lunge Punch, Shoulder Charge or HP/HK in a defensive posture because they are simply too slow (if any, I only use the crouching HK to try and knock the opponent down giving me time to escape). It should be noted that Yun's Twin Palm Strike actually makes for an excellent defensive tool if timed correctly. First of all, the move has unlimited priority meaning you can use it to counter any approaching overheads. Second, it deals decent damage but more importantly, knocks your opponent backwards so you can press an offense. The only foreseeable problem is the massive amount of startup lag it has. If you find your opponent bearing down on you at close range REFRAIN from using the Twin Palm Strike... instead try a Cartwheel or regular backwards throw to send the opponent into a defensive position once again (Kara throwing helps infinitely here). Mid-Range Not really Yun's specialty either, this is where he actually falters under his brother Yang. Mid-range for Yun should only be for a few seconds as you try to make your way to an offensive position. Unlike Urien and Remy, Yun has no abusable poking attacks which makes it hard for him to fight at mid-range. First off, Yun's best pokes are probably his crouching MK, standing MK and standing HP (and forward + HP variation) or HK. The crouching MK has decent range and pretty high priority. Generally you want to lead this into a buffered Lunge Punch maximizing damage and getting you as close as possible. Yun's standing MK is fast and has decent range. Unfortunately, smaller characters can crouch under this move leaving you quite vulnerable so be sure that you have the opponent either get hit or at least block it. Finally, the standing HP has great range, but slow initiation time making it parry bait if you poke with it too often. Use it only when countering a close range move which your opponent has whiffed. A HK can be used the same way. In terms of the forward + HP variation, you can really only use it to counter the LONGEST of delayed moves since it takes so long to come out. You get really good range with this though. Again, the Twin Palm Strike makes a good effective deterrent at this range. Try to keep just outside the range of your opponent and, when they pull out a move, pull out the Twin Palm Strike to nail their extended appendage. Often times you will nail them and send them flying into a corner. In terms of overheads, Yun's pretty sorry overhead has almost no distancing so I'd count it out of using for mid-range fights. Stick to quick Toe Presses to get the overhead job done. Offensive Here is the meat of Yun's game. Indeed, at close range Yun can be a devastating enemy. First off, to get inside one needs only to make clever use of the Toe Press. Generally you want to aim in front of your opponent or land so that you hit their legs which positions you close enough to pull off whatever you imagine. Be careful, if you aim to high the move is exceedingly easy to parry so make SURE you aim low. Mix this up with jumping in MKs and HPs. The jumping MK is what you'd expect but the jumping HP has deceptively long range and high priority making it an ideal jump-in. Mix this further with Yun's jumping LP -> forward + HP air chain for those players who love parrying. Alternatively Yun's Shoulder Charge is also a very quick and effective alternative for covering distance and I would recommend it (mixed with your EX version to thwart parry-happy players), especially in the wake of players who like to use fireballs. Beyond that, advancing with the forward + MK is relatively effective although not really the safest alternative. Use this strategy sparingly and only if your opponent is playing very defensively (especially those who enjoy turtling low). Beyond that, Yun's walking speed is already relatively fast making it easy to wade in and dash back out. What I would NOT under most circumstances advise is to dash forward. Yun's dash is SLOW and way too long (distance wise) making it very unsafe to use. The only time I ever dash forward is when I want to catch up to an opponent when they are on their back. Once inside, you may want to tick away with one of your myriads of combos. Both the MP -> HP -> back + HP and the LP -> LK -> MP -> LP Shoulder Charge chain combos are quick to initiate and quick to recover. Personally I prefer the MP -> HP -> back + HP because of the sheer reach from the MP leading into sure hits (but also easier parries). The latter is a more reliable combo but make sure you are DEEP if you want to use it because the range is very short. Note that both combos push you far enough away that only the quickest and LONGEST attacks will be able to counter attack you (i.e. not many). It is also pretty safe to use a Twin Palm Strike after the latter chain and often catches opponents as they try to initiate a counterattack. If you find opponent's who like to parry after you get inside, simply throw them or use a Cartwheel. Yun's throw is very quick and effective for wakeup (though without the range of grapplers like Hugo, Alex or even Urien). Try for a high low game aside from your combos to keep opponent's guessing. My favorite is probably going into a few standing LPs then a crouching LK, crouching MK and a Lunge Punch if the crouching MK connects. Should the crouching MK not connect there are a few options. You can catch up with a forward + MK (also hitting crouching opponents), perform a Twin Palm Strike (to nail them in their counter attack) or use a MP Shoulder charge to possibly hit them in their counter attack and pop them up into the air. The main aim is to STAY INSIDE. This is where you are most deadly, so make sure you try to stay put and consistently put pressure on your opponent. With the Genei-Jin activated it isn't hard to push your opponent backwards very quickly. However in an offensive position with such a short time to land something you may find yourself more panicked than the opponent. The key here is NOT to lose control. No matter what, don't just try to spew out moves because more likely than not you will initiate a Lunge Punch somewhere which will get you seriously crunched. Instead, while Yun charges up for the super, use this opportunity to quickly make note of your opponent's position. If they are blocking high, go for a crouching LK -> standing MP -> Forward + HP (this is not a chain it is a combo). You may find this difficult to begin with but practice a few times and the timing will become second nature. If your opponent dashes or jumps backwards in a hurried frenzy to get away from you, execute a MP Shoulder Charge. With the power of the Genei-Jin behind it the speed is easily enough to overtake your opponent and launch them into the air. From here you can wade in and juggle to your heart's desire. If you see your opponent crouching, go for an overhead and repeat until they stand up, then do the crouching LK into the chain to knock them up. Major headaches. If they play their turtle game REALLY well, then just walk up and throw them to break their concentration. Sure once they're grounded your super bar is almost gone, but it charges so fast that its FAR from a waste. Character Specific Alex: Unlike Yang, Yun has little trouble with Alex due to his superior speed and stamina. Here you want to play a major offense game because Alex is pretty slow and thus, can't deal with countering many of your attacks on a consistent basis. Your jumping HP has priority over almost all his anti-air moves save for his Knee Smash (which can be deftly parried with little difficulty) and if you jump-in on him when he's getting up there is little he can do to retaliate. Attack with a constant flurry of combos and high-low games to down the brute easily. Under most circumstances you can stop Alex before he can do anything (thus beating him out of his own moves)! In cases where he may actually get a move out here and there, proceed to counter his loooooong lag times with the attack of your choice. Alex's main weapon, the Power Bomb, shouldn't be too hard to avoid since Yun can do attacking from outside its range (use the MP -> HP -> Back + HP chain) but be mindful of the Hyper Bomb because it does reach a bit further. Constantly be darting in and out, like a mosquito around a bear, and you'll find that Alex isn't too difficult to finish off. He also makes an absolutely monstrous target for the Genei-Jin juggles. Chun-li: Trouble here, Chun-li is stronger, more durable and almost as fast as you. Her priority also tends to beat you in a lot of cases and her moves are difficult to parry. What to do? In her case it is hard to swarm Chun-li because of her high priority supers and EX moves so count this out as a strategy. I tend to play her in a constant dash-in, dash-out strategy instead. First of all, truth be known that Chun-li has the crappiest fireball in the game. It barely goes anywhere, is easily parryable and takes a while for her to recover from. This being said, should you ever see this thing get whipped out make sure you either parry it and then follow up with an attack, jump it and Toe Press into a big combo, or Shoulder Charge under it into a juggle combo. Second truth to be known is that Chun-li is devoid of a truly good anti-air move. Generally you will see her use a standing MK to try and swat you but your jumping HP easily has priority over this. Keeping this in mind, don't get TOO overconfident because she always has the Tensei Ranna (Super Art III) which can easily destroy you when you jump. In the case where she is not using this super art I would not hesitate to jump-in on her with the HP or low aimed Toe Press because there is little she can do aside from parrying (but you aren't THAT predictable are you?). In a case where she IS using this super, I would advise a few cases in which you jump forward but stop your trajectory almost immediately by using a LK Toe Press. This will, in essence, cause you to land almost straight down. Of course after having seen you jump in, she may try to pull the super art to hit you, only to find she has whiffed completely! When dealing with her at close range, be weary of her back + HP (it looks like your Twin Palm Strike but faster and weaker), her crouching MK (which she likes to buffer into a Hokyou Sen super) and her standing HP (which has EXTREME POKING RANGE). To combo this use your crouching MK often (she has trouble countering it) as well as mid-range Twin Palm Strikes. Go easy on the Twin Palm Strikes however as they tend not to work as well on Chun-li as other characters. The forward + MK overhead works quite well on her due to her wide crouching position making her an easy target and sailing over her MK. Unfortunately there is little you can do about her back + HP or standing HP other than blocking/parrying (if you can see it coming) and then jumping in again afterward. On a side note, Chun-li is one of the more difficult characters to juggle with the Genei-Jin (her descent speed is faster). Dudley: Dudley is a walking powerhouse who relies on reach, priority and POWER. Dudley is ludicrously strong for a character of his speed and can pose quite a problem to the un-informed Yun player. First of all, Dudley likes to poke a lot with his long punches. With the priority and intimidation to do so this could prove a problem since you can't really compete reach-wise. This is where parrying comes in real handy. Dudley falls prey to parrying more severely than most characters because he reaches out so far that it usually spells doom to execute a punch without the safety of block recovery time. Moves you may want to keep an eye out for is the standing HP, Forward + HP, crouching MK and Forward + HK. The standing HP is a high priority, long range move that can put an end to any attempt to walk in. However note that this move loses out on priority to any of Yun's special moves. I wouldn't really advise parrying it because it is rather difficult to see coming (both due to its reach and speed). Dudley's Forward + HP is basically his HP with a slight dash at the beginning. While the range is incredible on this move, the speed is NOT which makes it easy parry bait. Failing that, the Forward + HP has all the weaknesses of the regular HP. The crouching MK is very difficult to deal with because it is fast, but luckily does not do much damage. While you may find yourself being hit by this from time to time, concentrate more on your get-up. Parry high or low as you get off the floor because you will find many Dudley players to be overly aggressive as you stand. This is NOT as hard as it sounds. Finally, Dudley's standing Forward + HK is a very quick overhead with high priority but not too much reach. All I can really say is don't be crouching because it isn't too easy to parry this one. Dashing in and out is Dudley's game but you may find that he pulls the periodic Machine Gun Blows to spice up his dashing. While he may think this a safe way to tick damage, I should mention that the Machine Gun blows (from a range in the middle of the screen or farther) are rather easy to parry. Just parry in tune to your heartbeat. Once all the hits are parried you have a HUGE margin to whip your opponent silly. Beyond this, many of Dudley's jump-ins are also parry bait with the exception of his jumping HK. While you can parry this, it is rather difficult so I would just block it or, should you see fit, back-dash. You CAN use the Flying Twin Kick but I wouldn't advise it. While its priority beats that of Dudley's jumping HK, the initiation time could get you hurt. In terms of offense, facing Dudley offensively is not too different from facing others. Wade in with combos and high-low games. While Dudley's defensive game isn't too great just beware of his Jet Uppercut as you jump-in. This is easily parried (including the EX version) if you can simply see it coming. Again, this takes some practice and knowledge of your opponent's tendencies. Aside from this he may also try to use the Cross Counter special on you. The thing to know about this is that it can be PARRIED. So if you attack him and hear those magic words, simply parry quickly and you should be okay. Practice makes perfect. Once Dudley is stuffed in a corner and unable to escape, he's as good as gone. Just be sure he doesn't push you into a corner because the same thing works in reverse. On a side note, Dudley is one of the hardest characters to juggle with the Genei-Jin. Elena: Now that I've become a little better at the game, all I can say about Elena is two words. Parry Bait. This is partly Capcom's fault for animating her so fluently. First of all, Elena players (what few there seem to be) generally stick with high - low as their main type of offense, and with good reason. With a multitude of high and low attacks it can get very confusing very quickly. This is where parrying comes into play. Firstly, her main source of getting inside is to either jump in or dash in. The jump in can be stopped, believe it or not, by the Flying Twin Kick as it beats out most of her moves (and with enough speed to boot!). Alternately it isn't too difficult to parry her (make sure you double parry her jumping HK) jumping attacks because they take a while to come out and have about the same reach and speed. Next to this, Elena's second source of getting inside is using her incredibly fast dash attack. Often times players will dash in and use a LK Scratch Wheel (okay... the computer mainly does this actually). It doesn't take more than a quick walk backwards to thwart this and counter with a crouching MK into a Lunge Punch (don't try chain combos, she generally crouches under them). Alternately she may do this and try for a crouching HK slide or overhead kick. This is very hard to deal with and, if possible, I'd simply dash backwards as it can be difficult to telegraph where to parry. Elena's final, and probably most dangerous (for her) way to get inside is to perform her Rhino Horn attack. This is absolute PARRY BAIT and goes into the books as one of the game's easiest moves to parry. Problem solved. In the case where you can't parry, then simply block but beware. Many players like to follow this with a LK Scratch Wheel which can pretty much take you out of anything you can do. Now that we have covered how to thwart her offensive attacks, how do we attack her? First, unlike most characters, it is actually safer to whip out Lunge Punches against Elena as opposed to Shoulder Charges because you need the initial speed to beat out her attacks. The main aim of your game should be to get her on the floor so try to attack with attacks that knock her down. If you want to try jumping in on Elena, note that you will generally be faced with a Scratch Wheel. There are few ways to deal with this as her priority is quite high (even a well aimed Toe Press has nothing on this move). If you want to try dealing with this, my only suggestion is to parry (generally you need to parry at least 2 of the 3 hits before you are clear). Once inside, I would not really advise using too many chain combos because Elena has an easy time crouching underneath blocked combos and countering with nasty moves. I would also advise against using the Twin Palm Strike as I have met many a defeat by trying to push her down with this move. However you do it, you should note that once she is on the ground you can safely jump at her with a JUMPING HP without fear of ANYTHING. Indeed, the HP has priority over anything Elena can do meaning she is left with a block or a parry. The key is to be landing with the punch just as she is getting off the floor meaning that even if she starts to pull off a Scratch Wheel Yun will reach up and over her leg smacking her in the face. If she parries there is still little she can do so wade in with a high-low game. In terms of Super Arts, the only super your really have to worry about is the Spinning Beat since it has pretty high priority and damage. Generally she will combo this in with a Scratch Wheel so just follow the ways of avoiding this move and you will be okay. If you are playing Yun correctly then you should have absolutely no problems with a healing Elena. One a side note, Elena is a relatively easy character to juggle with the Genei-Jin. Gouki: Hugo: One thing I have learned from many fights with said giant is that Hugo has a real weakness against the Twin Palm Strike. Indeed, if you can get the distancing on this down then you have pretty much won the fight. How can I speak so confidently? From experience. Your perfect distance for the Twin Palm Strike is outside of his forward + MP slapping range. From this range, even if your move is parried or whiffs you are completely safe. Your initial aim in the fight should be to get Hugo on the floor. Whether you sweep him, chain combo him or what not make sure Hugo hits that pavement. Once he has, stand at your anti-Hugo range and perform the Twin Palm Strike as he is standing up. Inexperienced players will block and after which try to attack you only to find that you are pulling off a SECOND Twin Palm Strike. Good players will parry and try to attack you realizing that you are too far for them to do anything (except Kara Throw... be VERY weary of those who can Kara Throw) meaning as they counterattack you are free to do whatever you wish to them. Past the Twin Palm Strike there are myriads of strategies against Hugo. Most individuals cannot perform a 360 or 720 without jumping first which means you are looking at a LOT of jump-ins. Aside from being able to, you guessed it, Twin Palm Strike Hugo out of any of his jump ins, he is also one of the characters on whom the Flying Twin Kick actually WORKS. If that weren't enough, Hugo makes an absolutely HUGE target to use the launching MK on as long as you can get the timing down. Other Hugo players will dash in or walk in or possibly perform a Lariat to get inside. Dashing players can be downed with simple crouching MKs, Twin Palm Strikes or anything else you really want. Walking players you have to be a bit more weary because they can parry or block meaning you should play a little more conservatively by trying to bat them away with series of LPs or a MP -> HP -> back + HP chain. I would not recommend at ANY point to use the Lunge Punch on him simply because it is obscenely easy for him to Moonsault Press you afterward. Having dealt with defense, offense is really quite easy. It isn't hard to jump in and use your LP -> forward + HP air chain since he is such a huge target. It also has considerable priority over him meaning you won't have to use your Toe Press or even jumping HP very often. Other than that, stick with your simple chain combos and high-low games to down the brute. Just make sure you back off when he's getting up because his Moonsault Press is a great get-up move. If you are going for full offense it should be noted that Hugo players have huge difficulties with the Genei-Jin simply because Hugo is slow to react to changing conditions (which is what the Super Art is all about) On a side note, Hugo is one of the easiest characters in the game to juggle with the Genei-Jin. Ken: The middle-man when talking about the difficulty of fighting shotos. In terms of fighting style, Ken has a few unpredictable kicks which separates him from the other shotos and makes him a bit difficult to parry. First of all, parrying Ken's jump-ins isn't too difficult. Be careful of his cross up MK however as it can spell trouble (you still parry forward BTW). Since Ken's jump-ins have a lot of priority, there isn't much you can do to thwart him beyond this unless you want to quickly backdash and then Lunge Punch forward (praying you catch him before he reaches the ground). Once on the ground, Ken players like to pull off the typical crouching MK -> fireball combo followed by overheads. If you can't parry this 2 hitter (I advise you practice as it works on ALL shotos) then simply block low and then block high or try to tag him after the fireball. Tagging him after the fireball can only be done when Ken is extremely close since he'll lag after it. After this you can typically expect one of two things. He'll either wait for you to try to jump out in which case he will Dragon Punch you or he'll use a Hurricane Kick to cover the distance back and then assault you again. If you see him pull a Hurricane Kick you can either parry (not hard at all) or crouch under it. The former gives you a lot of time to counterattack while the latter gives you less time but reverses your positions putting him back in the corner. In the case of the Dragon Punch you can either jump and parry or simply walk up to him and block (he'll usually still pull it off as the opponent is in this frame of mind). Once he's down you can take an offense. On offense you want to avoid jumping in unnecessarily since his Dragon Punch has supreme air priority. Again, you can parry but this takes practice. Typically I like to jump to about half a jump's height and then use the LK Toe Press to trick the opponent into pulling a Dragon Punch that whiffs thus giving me the time to counterattack with ease. Against Ken your best offensive weapons are your chain combos, throws, Toe Press and Shoulder Charge. I would advise chain combos over high-low games because Ken can generally out prioritize you in terms of combos which don't have him constantly blocking. Throwing generally used when he turtles after a few chain combos to wake him up (be careful about that Dragon Punch though!). The Toe Presses must be aimed and timed so that you hit Ken as he is getting up, not while he is on the floor or after he is up. This way you avoid the patented Shoryuken get-up and also the Shoryken anti-air. Finally, the Shoulder Charge can pass easily under his fireballs and has a quick recovery meaning you will be safe even if he manages to block it. I would advise a careful game of running in and out of your opponent's range of attack to slowly widdle Ken down to nothing. On a side note, Ken juggles rather easily with the Genei-Jin. Makoto: This woman has been dubbed the "Dizzy Bitch" by many players I have had the pleasure of meeting, and for good reason. Makoto is pure and utter strength, simple as that. With high priority, awkward to parry moves and the ability to dish out disgusting amounts of damage, she is an opponent who is feared by many, but played by few. This being said, she is far from impossible to defeat, but play carefully. First off, getting in on Makoto isn't too difficult. Mixing up your Toe Presses generally makes short work of this (considering you are not so predictable that you will be parried) and even jumping HPs can do it since Makoto is devoid of any really useful anti-air move. Be aware that crossing her up, while looking easy, can be difficult against a player ready to use her Shoryuken-type special move (she punches the air directly above her). I would NOT recommend using a Lunge Punch to try and cover ground because should she manage to block or parry the move you are in for some real pain. If you need to get inside on the ground, I would recommend the Shoulder Charge or even simply walking back and forth while poking. Makoto's walking speed makes it easy to catch up with her and her limbs are generally not long enough to catch you after a poke. Now that you are inside, play high-low to the best of your ability ending with a quick dash backwards and then a palm strike. Many players like to dash forward after they see your backflip in an effort to push an offensive but they will generally meet doom in the form of two palms. If she jumps in, your Twin Palm Strike will generally take out almost anything she chooses to use (except for a well timed HP) because most of Makoto's jump-ins are not that useful. After you have safely left her range of attack you can either press a second attack or try to bait her into using a Hayate (the dashing special move). Many Makoto players tend to abuse this move without realizing that Yun is fast enough to counter the move after it is blocked (a simple crouching MK -> Lunge Punch will do). The key to fighting Makoto is to outmatch her in speed and overwhelm her. Makoto is on the harder side to juggle with the Genei-Jin, but she also seems to have difficulty dealing with the super outside of combos. Necro: This can be trouble if playing an opponent who is actually experienced simply because Necro can pound you at far range before you ever have a hope of getting inside. Naturally, parrying is always an option but not always the easiest thing to see coming. What to do? The basis of your game in this case should be to try and knock Necro down. There are a few ways to do this. The first is try and Toe Press low, but this has a habit of getting stuffed pretty easily (either by his electricity or a simple parry). Jumping in and parrying is generally pretty safe since Necro's air counters are all rather easy to parry (this includes his electricity, just parry 3 times slowly). If you can't parry, then try landing Toe Presses just before Necro. He often performs his back + HP uppercut which has great vertical range but lousy horizontal. This also covers you if he uses his electricity (often you are out of range). However watch out for his Magnetic Storm super, and be ready to parry or simply be a little more defensive should you see his Super meter charged. Alternately, if you want to get inside directly it is relatively safe to use a properly distanced Lunge Punch since it has priority over most of Necro's moves and Necro is slow enough that he has a hard time countering a blocked/parried one with anything big. Once Necro is down you can proceed to jump on him with a HP without fear of much more than a parry. Your jumping HP has priority over even his electricity move as he's getting off the floor. Beyond this, stick with constant ticking but be weary of playing high- low because Necro's crouching LP will destroy your overheads (its quick and has massive range for a LP). You can be a bit more lenient about whipping out laggy moves since Necro has a hard time countering but beware of his infamous MP -> Spinning Punch -> Magnetic Storm combo. For the most part, Necro takes a LOT of damage so you should be able to down him with quick consistent hits that give him no room to breathe. In terms of dealing with Necro's offensive, he likes to play high-low a lot with his Snake Fang and Flying Viper moves. I tend to block low more often since his Flying Viper is easy to see coming. You can counter it with a LP Lunge Punch, or just parry it into whatever you want. The Snake Fang is much harder to deal with but remember you CAN block it and it has pretty hefty lag times. On a side note, Necro juggles rather easily with the Genei-Jin. Oro: I remember when I use to make fun of Oro. Those days are way behind me now, as I have discovered that Oro can be one of the toughest little SOBs to square off against. He is small enough to crouch under a number of moves, his power is respectable and it can be a bitch to parry him. Your best bet to assault him is, again, aim for a low Toe Press. Although this is a bit dangerous considering his rising elbow move, it is still rather effective and, if aimed properly, can take him out even if he does it. Once inside, I suggest using the LP -> LK -> MP -> LP Shoulder Charge combo as opposed to his MP -> HP -> back + HP combo because Oro has a very easy time crouching under the latter and smacking you silly. High-Low is the name of the game here and try to keep him pinned up against the wall. Once you have ticked him enough, poking Oro is not a bad idea because his limbs are short enough that he has a difficult time countering you even if you miss. Keep an eye out for his Sun Disk Palm however and be ready to parry if you see it. Many Oro players will also execute a back + MP launching punch after the Sun Disk Palm anticipating your jump-in. This WILL destroy your Toe Press so I would suggest either jumping in and parrying it, crossing up with an overjumped Toe Press or simply just don't jump over a Sun Disk Palm. Another little move Oro players like overusing is the Jinchuu Nobori (the move where he jumps up and lands on you kicking). This move can actually be parried rather easily and I would suggest you learn it because it is the easiest way to defend against it. If you can't do this, remember to block high often and remember that you can hit Oro before he lands with a Lunge Punch. Also be weary of his standing HP which is a very painful overhead attack. Oro players also have the advantage of a wide variety of Super Arts. The Tengu Stone, although weakened since Double Impact days, is still very strong and hard to deal with so I would suggest you simply flee for the duration of the super (with Yun's speed it shouldn't be too difficult). The Yoroi Doshi super is little trouble and is easy to avoid (just block the big one). This finally brings us to the Kishin Riki, which is not so reeky anymore. It looks like Capcom has increased the damage and idle time on this super so be cautious to keep Oro at a distance if he activates it. The 3 punch version is a little hop that throws you straight up and slams you down and you can pretty much bet he'll use it anytime you go for a low kick. Solution? Keep a constant game of in and out so as to make him whiff the super. Finally there is the issue of his jumping HP and double jump. The jumping HP hits twice so be sure to parry accordingly. Alternately it takes little more than a LP Lunge Punch or jumping HP to knock him out of it. As for the double jump, he may use it to get around some of your moves, but in the long run the recovery is pretty long on it so you have time to even Lunge Punch back and STILL smack him. On a side note, Oro juggles rather easily with the Genei-Jin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.6 - Facing Yun Do's - Try to keep him pinned, Yun doesn't work very well under pressure or in any kind of defensive position. - Learn to parry the Toe Press, you will be ever grateful for having learned it. - Keep in mind to use low risk moves against Yun because he can punish you quickly and painfully for a single mistake. - Be mindful of his high-low game, not only is it fast but his overhead is pretty useful. Don'ts - Rush out to attack him after missed or blocked combos, Yun players have tendencies to delay moves making you think there is an opening which really doesn't exist. - Buy into his mind games, especially in terms of the Twin Palm Strike. Learn to see the instant in which Yun will attack or not. Once he commits, THEN you can counterattack. - Panic if Yun has just creamed you with consecutive chain combos, remember that he takes a lot of damage and thus the match can be brought into perspective very quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.7 - Combos (Too many to list, I'll post the most used ones) Jump-in LP -> Forward + HP (chain) -> land standing MP -> standing HP - > Backward + HP (chain) -> (optional) You Hou - Basic chain combo you will use 90% of the time, does decent damage and knocks the opponent down. Chaining the Super Art is great for beginners but knocks the super's damage to about 2/3 to 1/2. Standing LP -> Standing LK -> Standing MP -> LP Shoulder Bash -> (optional) Any Super Art. - Second Basic chain combo. Does slightly more damage than the first combo but the range is much shorter. Learning to buffer the Genei-Jin after this combo unleashes Yun's potential as a high-level character. Crouching MK -> Lunge Punch - Another bread and butter, I suggest only using the LP Lunge Punch to avoid risk. Crouching MK -> Any Super. - Difficult to use since the crouching MK doesn't give much time to evaluate using a Super Art or not. Requires QUICK reaction. Close (launching) MK -> any juggle (preferably cancel into high jump and LP -> forward + HP chain) - The juggle kick that brought Yun/Yang to fame, easy to use after an anti-air parry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1.8 - Cool Animations Opening Animation(s) 1.) Yun stands tapping his foot impatiently before performing a Kung-fu bow and entering his fighting stance. 2.) Yun stretches his back leg while saying "Oreniwa katenai Ektay" (You cannot defeat me) or "Kataze kono ken ka" (Allow me to join this fight) 3.) Yun comes from the side of the screen jumping off his skateboard. 4.) (Special against Makoto) Yun bows 5.) (Special against Yang) The two flip past eachother Standing Animation: Typical Kem-po style stance. Yun bounces up and down more while his brother Yang bounces back and forth. Taunt: Yun circles his hat around his finger and says "Tsuman ney na" (This isn't fun), "Kakka te koi yo" (Come and fight me!) or "Yoi you daze" (I can handle this). Ending Animation(s) 1.) Yun strikes a Tiger Kung-Fu pose 2.) Yun strikes a Crane Kung-fu pose and says "Zato kona mon" (This is the least I can do!) 3.) Yun bows and says "Soh-jin" ("Done" - strangely, his only Chinese phrase) 4.) Yun simply bows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 2.0 - Thanks Teo - For endless matches of SF goodness, truly your Ibuki is something to be feared... but beware the JUMPING HP! Morrigan - For at least trying... = ) Red Sheep - You've shown me that Hugo's strength knows no bounds ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.1 - Legal Stuff Feel free to distribute this FAQ so long as MY NAME IS ATTACHED TO IT! (EGM< This means YOU!)... Yes, we do have a copyright thing here in Canada... MC