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Written by: l Dudeboy l(Ben New) Fantabulousdude@hotmail.com Version 1.0 Copyright 23/9/2004 |-----------------------------------------------------------------| Use find codes eg. ([F101]) To jump to sections of the FAQ using the search function (Control+F) |------------------------------------------------------| | | | (---Table Of Contents---) | | | | 0) Why did you spend your time writing this? [F101] | | | | 1) Intoduction [F102] | | a. Meet the Characters [F103] | | b. Skill Strikes [F104] | | c. Spirit strikes [F105] | | d. Advancement Points [F106] | | | | 2) The Guide [F107] | | a. Siege Ogre [F108] | | b. Queen Ghera [F109] | | c. Farex Lore [F110] | | d. Krenn [F111] | | e. Nassaria [F112] | | f. Behemoth [F113] | | g. Talos [F114] | | | | 3) Other Things [F115] | | a. FAQs [F116] | | b. Disclaimer [F117] | | c. Contact info. [F118] | | | |------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------ 0) Why did you spend your time writing this? [F101]| ------------------------------------------------------ What helped me first decide to write this was the amount of questions being on the gamefaqs.com message board asking how to beat certain bosses especially Krenn!) So I decided to write this to help not only those users but also the other gamers who have trouble beating some of the bosses. I was thinking of writing a walkthrough for the entire game but I don't have that much time to myself anymore unfortunately and also remembering all the details on how to beat the game and then writing about it would be too much for me! Anyway, on we go. ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Introduction [F102]| ------------------------------------------------------ Here I'll give some detail into the basics of the game including who the characters are, what skill and spirit strikes are,what advancement points are and a few tips from myself. ------------------------------------------------------ a. Meet the characters [F103]| ------------------------------------------------------ In this section, I'll explain the characters and describe their weapons a bit. --------- Tal | --------- While his father abandoned the family in favour of army life, the ongoing war claimed the lives of Tal's mother and younger brother. A war torn youth scarred by his father's betrayal and the passing of most dear to him - left Tal with a burning desire to prove his mettle as a soldier and to earn the respect of his father. So upon graduating from military college, Tal joined the Elite Illumina Guard, under the commandment of none other than his estranged father, General Arlo. Weapon of choice: Tal choses to use swords as his main weapon --------- Ailish | --------- Though magic is common in Haskillia, few wield it with such skill as Princess Ailish. The powers that manifested in her when she was very young have grown ever stronger during her 19 years. And while she's been happy enough at Illumina castle with her mother, Queen Lusica - not to mention having handsome Tal training in the courtyard - the spreading war soon will test both her magical abilities and her dedication to her homeland. Weapon of choice: Ailish fights in a third person view, using her staff to fire bolts of magical energy at her enemies --------- Buki | --------- An exotic mix of human and animal, Buki's senses and instincts are far sharper than any human's. But because of those very differences, she, like most of her race, is somewhat mistrustful of humans. Nevertheless, her position as an ambassador has brought her to Illumina castle where her shrewd and clever nature serves her well. Weapon of choice: Buki uses metal claws as her weapon, her original ones may remind you of wolverine from x-men, but as you get new weapons, the claws come in many different shapes and sizes. --------- Elco | --------- Everyone agrees that Elco displays wisdom beyond his 24 years. An unfortunate accident left him with only one arm but created within him a formidable will. While still young he discovered that certain large crystals possessed great magical power, and with the determination and precision of a born scientist, Elco began working to harness that power. Currently he is creating a "peace shield" to protect Illumina from invasion. Weapon of choice: Tal prefers to use his pistols, although some others may act like a shotgun or rocket launcher, the basic idea of them looking like a pistol remains. ------------------------------------------------------ b. Skill Strikes [F104]| ------------------------------------------------------ Skill strikes are like special moves, they all come with a little taunt or speach before the characters start to use them but the main point of them is to either send an devastating amount of damage into your enemies or to change your character or character's status, giving them an davantage in battle but they come at a price, each skill strike uses up a certain amount of sp (skill points), how much that is depends on how powerful the attack is and the more essence your character has, the more effective the move is . Also, when doing a skill strike, time slows down for everyone on the battle field except for you, allowing you to target enemies more easily, ensuring that the attack hits. Below I shall explain what skill strikes each character has, what they do and how much SP they use. --------- Tal | --------- Iron Warrior (40SP) - Increases the party's defense by 70% Will of the sword (10SP) - Tal charges his sword, making it damage and confuse the enemies around him Shin Splitter (20SP) - Tal uses a huge sword sweep at his enemies shins, inflicting a high amount of damage Blade spark (30SP) - Tal thrusts his sword forward, hitting enemies far away Geyser charge (30SP) - Once targeted, hits an enemy no matter how far away they are with huge damage Blade dance (75SP) - Tal spins with his sword, hitting all enemies nearby and sending multiple amounts of damage into them. You can control where he spins his sword with the control stick --------- Ailish | --------- Witches' kiss (40SP) - Recovers some of the party's health Blaze Ball (30SP) - Sends a fiery ball straight forward, damaging all those that come into contact with it Shadow Nexus (75SP) - Revives all dead characters and recovers 40% of their health Celestial Circle (60SP) - Sends a blast of holy light all around her, damaging all those nearby Gaze of the wind (45SP) - Increases the pasty's speed Permaforce (80SP) - Summons a spiral of ice that she blasts outwards sending huge amounts of damage to any nearby enemies --------- Buki | --------- Spirit wind (50SP) - Puts the regerative effect on all party members Path of the Warrior (80SP) - Slows time around her, allowing her attack any enemiy quickly and with lots of damage Clawed frenzy (35SP) - Sets her claws alight and swipes them in all directions in front of her Storm kick (25SP) - Buki spins on her hands, using her legs to kick all nearby enemies repeatedly Asilas the wolf (40SP) - Summons Asilas the wolf to aid the party and fight along side them Dragon fire (60SP) - Sends a fiery dragon straight in front of her, casuing massive damage to enemies that get hit --------- Elco | --------- Cybernetica (40SP) - Fires exploding plasma bursts around the area infront of him, damaging all nearby enemies Nano-Enhancement (35SP) - Doubles the party's strength Plasmatica (55SP) - Fires a huge bolt of plasma straight forward causing massive damage to all enemies that get hit Toxic cloud (30SP) - Elco sprays a poisonous gas in front of him, damaging and poisoning all enemies near him Tesla shield - 50SP - Reverses all negetive effects on characters and makes them immune to those negative effects Trick shot - 80SP - Once targeted, fires a grenade towards the enemy no matter how far away they are. Massive damage ------------------------------------------------------ c. Spirit Strikes [F105]| ------------------------------------------------------ Spirit strikes are the most powerful attacks in the game, good for you, bad for the enemies but like all things in life they have a price. Attacking spirit strikes use up 200 SSP (Spirit strike points) which is shown in a bar to the left of your characters health on the main screen, when it's fully silver, you have 100SSP, when it's fully gold, you have 200SSP. To get more SSP, you have to either kill an enemy or take hits from enemies during combat. Attacking spirit strikes are costly but can help you greatly in times of need, they destroy any enemy on the battlefield and cause devastating amounts of damage to Bosses, so it's best tosave them for then. Status spirit strikes use half the amount of attacking spirit stikes making them quite handy. Below I shall explain what spirit strikes each character has and what they do. --------- Tal | --------- Sword of Ashuran - Tal summons Kariston the Wolf who thrusts his sword into the ground, destroying all enemies Moon Wolf - Inceases the party's and decreases the enemie's strength --------- Ailish | --------- Pure Land - Ailish summons Olivitess the Eagle who flys up and throws a ball of ice into the ground, destroying all enemies Spirit Flute - Increases the party's health and casts regenerate but decreases the enemie's health and casts poison on them --------- Buki | --------- Fire and Ice - Buki summons Mo the great Cat who throws an ice pillar into the ground, followed by three fire balls Blessing of Mo - increases the party and decreases the enemie's defence --------- Elco | --------- Storm of Wrath - Elco summons Lebius the Dragon who brings together a huge clump of rocks and thrusts it into the ground. Unkind universe - Increases the party's and decreases the enemie's speed. ------------------------------------------------------ c. Advancement Points [F106]| ------------------------------------------------------ Advancement points are Sudeki's way of making your character stronger and more powerful, only you get to decide which parts of them increase. When your character goes up a level you get an advance ment point (or 2 if it's the 5th level), you can go to the advancements page in the main menu (not quick menu) and spend that point on any of the following attributes, Health Skill Power Essence Any other skill strike you don't already have. By chosing wisely you can help your character from being weak to being on of the strogest characters in Illumina but it's best to make sure you don't leave an attribue out, otherwise you may have problems later on in the game. Oh, and no matter what you try, your character will never get enough advancement points to max out the availabale attributes. Personally, I prefer to keep my characters at an evel level, making sure each attribute goes up together and only buying new skill strikes when I have more than one advancement points. I also make sure that when I do buy a skill strike, I buy the ones which I think are best, if you want to know, the ones which I think will help you most throughout this game are, Iron Warrior Geyser charge Witches kiss Shadow Nexus Spirit wind Storm kick Nano-enhancement Tesla shield You can beat the game easily using only those skill strikes, so don't rush to buy them all as soon as you can. ------------------------------------------------------ 2) The Guide [F107]| ------------------------------------------------------ This is the bit most of you came to see, right? Well here it is, my guide on to how to beat each and every boss in this game, Hope this helps you! ------------------------------------------------------ a. Siege Ogre [F108]| ------------------------------------------------------ This is the first boss you'll meet in this game and he's pretty easy as long as you don't let yourself get hit, which is pretty easy. Attacks: -------- Club attack: Very powerful against you at your current state but it takes a while to charge so can easily dodge this by running away, but he will cancel the attack if you run away too soon before he attacks so timing is the key Fart: The siege ogre farts, not very pleasant. Don't take this attack as a joke though, not only will it damage you it will also poison you making your character's life somewhat herder. Also the fart cloud will remain on the battle field for a while so you'll have to keep an eye out for it. Vomit: Mr. Siege Ogre isn't feeling too well, so what does he do? he vomits on the battleground right in front of him, lovely. This move has the same effects as his fart but this is much easier to avoid because he'll gag a lot before the attack so just stay far away. Weak point: Any part of his body at any time ----------- How to beat: Simple enough really, it's the old dodge n' attack technique, let ----------- the siege ogre start to charge his club attack to the point just before he attacks then run out of the way, while he recovers from wasting that energy you have a chance to lay two or three hits on him, despite it only being two or three, it's quite effective because he has low HP. After about a third of his health is gone, his shield will break meaning you can attack him from his front now if you want to risk getting your face pounded into next week, just keep up with the dodge n' attack pattern until he dies, easy. ------------------------------------------------------ b. Queen Ghera [F109]| ------------------------------------------------------ The queen of spiders, Ghera may look intimidating but once you know her attack pattern she won't be hard in the least. The most important thing to learn is that her attack pattern order NEVER changes meaning that once you know it she'll be a breeze to beat. Attacks: -------- Glue attack: She'll always do this attack before her charge attack, when you first start the it will only be only blob of glue being fired at you but once you get her down to about half her health she will fire three blobs of glue in three directions at once, One straight forward, one slightly to the right and one slightly to the left, all of these can be avoided by simply rolling to the left or right (Guard + left or right) Charge: Simply put, Ghera will run straight at you with no thought to what might happen to her. A good old roll to the left or right will avoid this attack easily. Poison blast: This attack always happens after her charge attack. She'll charge up a little magical attack the sort of, stomp on the ground sending a blast of magical energy out all around her. Do NOT let this hit you, it poisons you and by now you probably will have had enough of being posioned. Weak point: Only her rear end will take damage. ----------- How to beat: If you take a little time to look around the arena you might see ------------ that some of the walls stick out a bit and are coloured green, see that? that's what you need to you gain the advantage in this fight. To start, run straight in front of one of the green walls and just wait for Ghera to use her glue attack, roll to avoid it but walk into the mess it leaves behind so your speed gets decreased, don't worry, now use either a purple Pancea or a golden Pancea to not only stop the slow effect but also make you immune to it for the rest of the fight, sorted. Be quick though because not shortly after her glue attack, she uses her charge attack. During this attack she'll only charge straight forward so make sure that she runs straight into on of the green walls I told you to stand in front by allowing her to start charging towards you then dodging her attack by rolling either left or right, when she hits the wall, she will be stunned for a bit, now is your chance to attack, hit her as much as possible but use skill strikes sparingly (you'll need them in the next area of the game). When she gets up again she'll use her poison blast so make sure that once you're done attacking you get as dar away from as you can to make sure you don't get hit by it, also make sure you position yourself so that you're in front of a green wall again so that you're ready to the chain of attacks all over again. Simply repeat this pattern and it won't be long until Queen Ghera is dead. ------------------------------------------------------ c. Farex Lore [F110]| ------------------------------------------------------ This is my least favourite boss, not because he's hard, but because he likes to summon more enemies to help him. Maybe because he thinks he's weak? let's find out. Attacks: -------- Mace swipe: Farex simply swings his mace in an arch in front of him. Mace Crush: Farex swings his mace down in front of him, a devastating attack. Weak point: Any part of him. ----------- How to beat: Because Farex is a more close up and personal fighter, he has ------------ strong attacks and a good defence meaning that there is one strategy that I still find flawless, Skill strikes, Skill strikes, Skill strikes. Use all the skill strikes you have available, Just don't hold back and hit him hard and hit him quick. I find this effective because he also summons more enemies to help him fight and everytime you get his health down by about a quarter, all the enemies that were on the field disapear and new ones get summoned, so don't waste your time, health and SP on them. I do suggest you save about 50SP for Elco though so you can use his Tesla shield if the negative effects on your characters start to build up, allowing you to take an advantage over everyone else on the battlefield. So basically, use Lots of skill strikes, use a spirit summon if you have any and if you run out of SP to do skill stikes then switch to either Ailish or Elco to finish him off because trying to take on Farex in a one on one at close range is a no-no, but personally I suggest you use Elco because his Ion Fluxinator can be really handy in this sort of fight being able to hit multiple enemies at once at knock some of them over too, giving you enough time to charge the gun for another blast. ------------------------------------------------------ d. Krenn [F111]| ------------------------------------------------------ I've heard a lot of people ask for help on beating this homocidal robot so I naturally assumed he was hard, but trust me, follow my advice well and you'll be sending this guy back to the scrapyard in no time. Attacks: -------- Arm Thrust: Krenn walks up to you and thrusts his front right leg right at you, the easiest way to avoid this is to simply strafe to the left. Eye Laser: Krenn Stands in the middle of the fight arena and fires a very powerful laser that shoots all the way to the wall of the fight arena. To avoid this, stay near krenn and circle around him, staying near him whilst you circle him means you have less distance to travel to circle around Krenn meaning you can get away from his eye laser easier. Health Recover: Krenn rolls into a ball and stands in the middle of the arena, you can not hurt krenn anymore during this move, but whilst this is happening, he is charging his health from arms that are sticking into the middle of the arena just a few feet off the ground. The only way to stop this move is to shoot and destroy the arms that are charging his health. Also, whilst this is going on, suicide machines will appear in the ring and will try to blow up right next to you so keep an eye out for them and stay well away whilst still attacking the arms. Spin Attack: Krenn spins in a circle moving all his legs at a fast speed to hit you with, easy to avoid, just stay well back because he takes about 1 second to prepare himself for the move, that's more than enough time to get away from him before then. Weak point: His only weak points are his eye and any area under his armour ----------- in his centre, it's best to aim for his eye though. The best times to hit him are before and after he uses his leg thrust and during his eye laser. How to beat: Now you know how to avoid Krenn all you simply need to do now ------------ is learn how to put this information to good use. When you start the fight with Krenn he will start by using his Arm thrust, avoid it and then attack him in his eye to damage him, you also have a chance to hit him before he does his Arm thrust but it's less likely he'll hit you if you don't take that risk. After this he'll use his eye laser attack so make sure you stay close to Krenn so that you avoid his eye laser and have a few chances to hit him in his eye as he is attacking, but make sure you keep moving. This battle plan will repeat itself a few times until Krenn is down to about half his health, then he'll use his Health charge, just dodge the suicide machines keep shooting the pillars that appear out of the wall to blow them up, once you do that the whole process of arm thrust, eye laser, arm thrust, eye laser will repeat itself until Krenn needs to charge his helath again. Don't worry though because after a while Krenn will Malfunction and his back legs will have trouble walking (just try watching him walk with only two good legs, it's funny!) meaning that the only attacks he'll use now are Eye laser, and Spin attack, but from now on they'll be suicide machines coming into the battle arena throughout the rest of the fight so avoid them, and Krenn's attacks, which isn't that hard really and do your best to finish him off as quickly as you can. I do suggest at this point that you Plasmatica because it's quick at finishing off Krenn at this stage or use nano-enhancement if you have it but don't use nano-enhancement then plasmatica thinking that it'll increase the damage from plasmatica because it won't, remember the effect of Skill Strikes depends upon your essence. ------------------------------------------------------ e. Nassaria [F112]| ------------------------------------------------------ Personally, I enjoy this fight, it serves up a good challenge and I find Nassaria to be harder than most of the other bosses, but that doesn't mean that she's really though to beat, read on to find out the easy way to beat her. This fight takes place on a small circular platform with four edges reaching out a bit, making a sort of 'X' shape, but with a circular in the middle, if you understand what I mean. Attacks: -------- Staff swipe: Nassaria swipes her staff out in front of her, easy to dodge, just step back Staff Thunder: A bolt of thunder gets fired out of Nassaria's staff, tricky to avoid this but there is an effective way, just make sure you strafe and watch where her right arm is facing, not pointing, because just before she fires you can see her arm move in the direction of where she plans to fire the thunder so stay away from that area. Tail smash: Nassaria smashes her tail on the fight area. This is also tricky to avoid because you get very little time to see it coming before she attacks but it's generally either on Nassaria's far left or far right, so the centre of the arena is your best bet, you'll see why when she starts to use it in combo with another one of her attacks. Charge: Nassaria simply charges staright forward from wherever she was just standing/swimming (it's hard to tell seing as you normally can't see her lower half). Avoid this attack by making sure you're not standing in the middle of the arena by the time she uses it, and you'll know when that is because she always uses it after one certain attack. Weakpoint: Any part of her body ---------- How to beat: Nassaria is just another one of those 'avoid and attack' bosses, ------------ know when to avoid then follow it up with and attack of your own.The attack pattern she uses goes like this, she starts with her staff swipe, then her staff thunder followed by her tail smash, avoid these whilst shooting her all the time, every opportunity you get, because there isn't really a time where you can't make an attack at her. Also, after each combo she dives under the water to move into position for her next attack, now, if you're not very smart, you might just wait for her to appear, not a good idea because she'll always bring up her tail first to distract you from where she is really going to pop up from, to be smart, look at your radar, it shows where she is going to appear even before she does, so just face that way, ignore her tail and wait for her to appear. When she does appear, she'll do her combo, you avoid it and all at the same to you shoudl be attacking her back. Once she has lost about half her health she'll give up using her staff swipe after realizing that it's a pretty useless attack, and instead she'll change her attack pattern to Staff thunder, tail smash, charge. Avoiding her staff thunder isn't too bad but when she uses her tail smash then her charge attack, you've got problems because the aim of that combo is to get you into the centre of the arena so her charge attack hits you, so after she does her tail smash and assuming that you moved into the centre of the arena make sure you're on either one of the sides to avoid being hit by her charge attack, once you got that down Nassaria should be a breeze. Lastly, Blaze ball and witches kiss are the best moves to use in this fight, you can try and use celestial circle and/or permaforce if you want but you have to make sure you're standing right next to Nassaria to make sure they hit her, so you'll be taking a risk if you try those moves, you don't need to even think about using Ailish's other skill strikes. ------------------------------------------------------ f. Behemoth [F113]| ------------------------------------------------------ Interesting fight this. You get to use Tal here and you're up against the Aklorian army's 'war machine' as they call Behemoth doesn't have many attacks but they are deadly so you need to make sure you know what you're doing and don't get hit. Also, there is a couple of things you have to do before you try to attack the Behemoth. Attacks: -------- Energy blast: Behemoth's most powerful attack, after charging up his enrgy he releases a huge energy attack which spreads over the whole of the entire level causing 3200 damage points if you get hit. The one and only way to avoid this attack is to hide behind one of the guard walls located at the four corners of this battle area. Hide there and you'll be fine. You can tell when he is charging an enegy blast by the horn that will go off as he is charging the attack. Energy shots: Not as bad as energy blast but still not good. Behemoth fires 5 energy blasts from his hand at you, thre is a gap between each of the shots so if you keep running, you're chances of not getting hit are fairly good, I used this tactic and got hit only two or three times in the whole fight. Axe swing: Behemoth only uses this attack when you get close to him so I suggest you let him make this attack then just run around the side of him to dodge it because once he's decided where he's going to hit he'll stick with that decision, even if you're not there anymore. Once he's made the attack, he'll have trouble pulling his axe out of the ground so then will be your chance to attack. Weakpoint: Any part of his body but only when you can get his shield ---------- generator off. How to beat: When you start this fight, Behemoth will have a shield protecting ----------- him from any attacks you try to make so trying to get the first hit here is not an option, also he'll already be charging his Energy blast, so your first priorty should be to hise behind one of the guard walls. Once he's finished that attack, he'll start using his energy shots with roughly a two second gap between each attack, so now's your chance to make a move. See the two blue pannels at the far walls? that's whats powering his shield, so you should use the time you have to turn them off. To do this, all you have to do is run up to them and swith them off, simple enough but you also have to watch out for Behemoth energy shots as you're doing this. Once that's done, his sheld will turn off and he'll be vunerable to your attacks, but don't just run up and start swinging your sword because as soon as you get near him, he'll use his Axe swing, so let him make his move first, dodge it, then it'll be your turn to deliver some damage, personally I find it best to use Blade dance to attack him because you can get lots of hits in and it won't take up too much of the valuable time you have to hurt Behemoth in, so don't be afraid to use up your SP during this fight and any other SP recovering potions you have because Behemoth has a lot of health to lose. Now just repeat the stages until you get your chance to attack him until he dies and that'll be it, sounds simple, huh? but chances arethat you'll take a few hits yourself during this fight and none of Behemoth's attacks are weak. Lastly, it is a good idea to use Iron warrior during this fight due to the fact that all of Behemoth's attacks are strong and so by reducing the amount of damage you take, you'll last longer in this fight, obviously. ------------------------------------------------------ g. Talos [F114]| ------------------------------------------------------ This is it, the last Boss fight in the game and that'll be it, you will have completed Sudeki. Talos is no push over, the way way to beating him may sound easy but he has very strong attacks including some which will give him status advantages so expect this fight to be over quickly. Besides just attacking you with his blade there are other attacks that Talos uses, which will be explained below. Attacks: -------- Blade charge: The worst thing about this attack is that time slows down to you so that everything you try to do will take about a second for the game to respond to and all of Tal's movements will be slower than normal, but you're not the only one slower, Talos will have slowed down too but the speed of his attack will make him seem like he's moving normally. What he'll do is charge forward with his blade and then swing it whenever he come into contact with you, so the best way to dodge this is to do a side ways roll but he doesn't stop at just one charge, he does it three or four times so as soon as you've dodged one, you'll have to dodge another one straight over again using a roll and don't forget that Tal will be slower so you'll have to tell him to do things a few seconds advance of normal. Skull shots: This attack is also very annoying. Talos summons and fires a flaming skull, which he shoots at you, you can dodge it but after he fires it once, more skulls might appear in the fight and aim for you so you'll have more to dodge, lucky you. If you get hit by this, you'll be effected by every negative status effect except fozen, this includes poison, reduced speed, reduced attack and reduced speed, so avoiding getting hit by this attack is very important. Also, when Talos uses this attack he also gets all the positive status effects in the game, this includes health regneration, increased attack, increased defense and increased speed, they will wear out after a while but the time that they are active will make this fight a living hell for you to try and hurt Talos, luckily he doesn't try and use this attack many times in a fight. Copy and destroy: Talos makes two copies of himself, now you have three Talos to deal with, great. Best way to avoid this? run. Run as fast as your little warior legs can carry you, this way he can't hit you because all his normal attacks require him to stand still to do them meaning that every time he stop to do an attack you'll already be long gone, but if you have a spirit strike use it now, it should get rid of all the Talos copies and damage the real Talos too. Final attack: There is only one time Talos will use this attack on you, right when you get his health down to it's last few HP. There is no way to avoid this attack, none at all and it will take your health down to 1HP and your SP to 0, don't worry too much though because after he does the attack, Talos spends a few second taunting/recovering from the attack, (I find it hard to tell as I'm rushing through the quick menu for a health potion at this point) so quickly get out and use a health potion as quickly as you can like a royal potion or a miracle potion. Weak point: Anywhere on his body ----------- How to beat: This fight is very unpredictable, Talos will use whatever ------------ special attack whenever he wants so the best thing you can do about it is prepare yourself to dodge his attacks and attack him whenever he isn't doing one, but watch out for him using normal attacks still. In my opinion, the best way to beat Talos is to just go all out on him and just use Blade dance whenever he is vulnerable, which is pretty much when he isn't doing a special move. Remember though, when he gets down to about 10% of his health, he'll use his Final attack, so make sure you save a high helath recovering potion and somthing to recover your SP with, or one to do both would be great, then after his final attack, one or two balde dances should be enough to finish him off. This may sound easy again reading it but Talos is like Behemoth in a way, sounds easy to beat when reading about it but when it comes to doing the fighting them, it will probably be harder than you though. ------------------------------------------------------ 3) Other Things [F115]| ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ a. Frequently Asked Questions [F116]| ------------------------------------------------------ I only have one so far due to the fact that I have been e-mailed none and there's only one FAQ asked on the message boards I visit except for Boss questions. So if you have a question, e-mail me (fantabulousdude@hotmail.com) and I will update this FAQ qith your question and my answer on it. Q. "Is it worth buying the weapons at Kamo's shop?" A. In my opinion, only the chain sword is worth buying because it starts with a good damage amount and has also got a lot of circle runes meaning that it is highly pgradeable, all the other weapons are pretty much useless ------------------------------------------------------ b. Disclaimer [F117]| ------------------------------------------------------ This guide is made for personal, private use only and may not be reproduced. It was written for gamefaqs.com and therefore can not be copied on to any other website without my written permission to do so. If this guide is found on any other website or on public display without out my permission it is a violation of copywright and action will be taken. If you see this posted on any other webiste besides gamefaqs.com, please notify me. The character descriptions used were taken from the official Sudeki Instruction manual ------------------------------------------------------ c. Contact info. [F118]| ------------------------------------------------------ If I made a mistake in this guide that I didn't see or if you have a question to ask, please contact me on the following e-mail address. Fantabulousdude@hotmail.com If you point out a correction to me, please note that you will not be given credit for it but I will make the changes as soon as possible. Also, if you ask a question about the game or guide your name (or user name if you prefer) will be added next to your question. Any hate mail will not be tolerated the person or persons who send it will have their e-mail address blocked because I don't want my inbox filling up with things I don't care to read.