The SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos Endings FAQ Ver. 1.2 Transcriptions of the endings to SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos. These are the "true" endings that you can only get by reaching and defeating either Athena or Red Arremer. Beating Shin Akuma or Shin Mr. Karate only will get you a generic text ending. Also, there are no endings for Athena or Red Arremer. Once the home version is released, that may change. ********************************** Revision History 11/07/03 - Version 1.0- Everything's new. 11/09/03 - Version 1.1- Endings added for Hugo, Demitri and Dan for when they defeat Red Arremer instead of Athena. 11/14/03 - Version 1.2- Endings added for Shin Akuma, Shin Mr. Karate and the ending for Akuma when he defeats Red Arremer. ********************************** Note on names: Much like how Eolith kept referring to Chang Koehan as "Chan" back in KOF2K1, Playmore seems to do the same here. I kept the text the same as it appears in the game, but here are some names they got wrong with their corrections: Shadawloo --> Shadaloo Juri --> Juli Leaper --> Ripper Genjyuro --> Genjuro Todoh --> On the subject of character names, this FAQ will be referring to them by their US names. Meaning Balrog is the meat-head boxer, Vega is the mirror-loving maniac and M. Bison is the bus driver with the really big teeth. ********************************** CAST ORDER: -Akuma (Gouki) Street Fighter, Capcom "To stand in my way is to feed your soul to the jaws of death!" -Balrog (Mike Bison) Street Fighter, Capcom "I got paid!" -Choi Bounge King of Fighters, SNK "A quick win. A quick victory. This time, I'm really free!" -Chun-Li Street Fighter, Capcom "Victory is nice, but I have no time to celebrate..." -Dan Hibiki Street Fighter, Capcom "Dan is still the man! Yeah baby yeah!" -Demitri Maximov Darkstalkers, Capcom "Fight to live... It's my only amusement." -Dhalsim Street Fighter, Capcom "In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key..." -Earthquake Samurai Showdown, SNK "Whoops. Turned him into pulp. Not enough left for hamburger." -Geese Howard Fatal Fury, SNK "I will stain my hands with your blood." -Genjuro Samurai Showdown, SNK "I'll make it easy. Let's play!" -Goenitz King of Fighters, SNK "Now the world will burn in hate's flames! And chaos reigns!" -Guile Street Fighter, Capcom "You were good... I was better." -Hugo Street Fighter, Capcom "EIN ZWEI DREI!!! ENDE!!!" -Iori Yagami King of Fighters, SNK "Playtime is over! Cry! Yell! Then die!" -Kasumi Todo Art of Fighting, SNK "To win, believe in yourself. But I think you're hopeless!" -Ken Masters Street Fighter, Capcom "My last name is Masters. That should've been your clue, loser!" -Kim Kaphwan Fatal Fury, SNK "Evil cannot be forgiven!" -Kyo Kusanagi King of Fighters, SNK "Hm... I'm on fire..." -M. Bison (Vega) Street Fighter, Capcom "The weak always make me sick!" -Mai Shiranui Fatal Fury, SNK "With a body and strength like this, you thought you had a chance?" -Mars People Metal Slug, SNK "Badda bing badda boom!" -Mr. Karate (Takuma Sakazaki) Art of Fighting, SNK "You impudent punks! How many times must I tell ya! I'm the legendary Mr. Karate!" -Riot of the Blood Iori Yagami (Orochi Iori, Crazy Iori) King of Fighters, SNK "I'll... chop... you... apart..." -Ryo Sakazaki Art of Fighting, SNK "Absolute Karate. That's Kyokugen. And don't forget it, Dweebenheimer!" -Ryu Street Fighter, Capcom "Stand up and face me again. I have yet to see your best..." -Sagat Street Fighter, Capcom "You are too weak! You can't even scratch my body!" -Shiki Samurai Showdown, SNK "......" -Terry Bogard Fatal Fury, SNK "Eat your veggies and you can be tough like me!" -Tessa (Tabasa) Warzard, Capcom "Are you tired? Maybe I can make you perky! Look into my eyes..." -Vega (Balrog) Street Fighter, Capcom "You shall die as you have lived... sad, weak and UGLY!" -Violent Ken Masters (Evil Ken, Brainwashed Ken) Street Fighter (sorta), Capcom "Sorry, I'm new here. I don't have any cool quotes." -Zero (Megaman Zero) Megaman Zero, Capcom "When an enemy appears... I will terminate it..." ********************************** _AKUMA_ (Gouki) (vs. Athena) (Close back shot of Akuma under a cloudy sky) AKUMA: ...Apparently there's no need to seek stronger foes... If that's so... (He jumps straight up into the sky) AKUMA: Gah!! (Akuma stands on the clouds of Heaven with his back to us and his tattoo glowing. In the background, Athena and Lord sit at a small table in front of a television) ATHENA: ...Lord, someone has come to these realms again... LORD: Huh? What the...? AKUMA: Lord? I challenge you! AND SO AKUMA CONTINUED HIS ENDLESS AND TIRELESS QUEST TO QUENCH HIS CRAVING FOR POWER. ********************************** _AKUMA_ (Gouki) (vs. Red Arremer) (Close back shot of Akuma under a cloudy sky) AKUMA: ...Apparently there's no need to seek stronger foes... If that's so... (He smashes his fist through the ground. He then jumps down through the giant hole to Hell) AKUMA: I'll pass the time here in the Netherworld... (Akuma hits the Ghost and Goblins main boss with a Hurricane Kick despite Akuma being a tenth of his size) ...THE SCREAMS OF DEMONS PIERCE THE PUTRID AIR OF THE NETHERWORLD. AND SO AKUMA CONTINUED HIS ENDLESS AND TIRELESS QUEST TO QUENCH HIS CRAVING FOR POWER. ********************************** _BALROG_ (M. Bison) (Balrog stands looking down with a blue sky backdrop) BALROG: I am number one! (Shot of him from the back with his fists in the air) BALROG: Shadawloo is mine! (Balrog sits in a machine-like chair while wearing sunglasses and variation of M. Bison's outfit. A couple soldiers stand behind him. Cammy stands in the foreground, not quite sure what to make of this) AND SO BALROG TOOK THE REIGNS OF SHADAWLOO. NEXT... THE WORLD?? [note: the question marks appear after a delay] ********************************** _CHOI BOUNGE_ (Choi stands in the desert setting, alone) CHOI: ...... (A close-up revealing him to be dirty) CHOI: I'm home... ?: Choi? (Choi looks over) CHOI: ? (Chang runs towards him with a huge dust cloud around him) CHOI: !! Chang!! CHANG: Hey. (The two walk off hand-in-hand into the sunset) CHANG: I was so lonely! CHOI: There. There. We'll always be together, buddy-boy! ********************************** _CHUN-LI_ (Under a blue sky, Chun-Li puts her fist to her chin) CHUN-LI: Just what was that silly place anyway? (She blissfully stretches her arms) CHUN-LI: Ah! Whatever! Starting today... I live life as a normal woman... (Inside her "Daidas" duffle bag, the light of her cell phone starts blinking) RING! RING! RING! (A sweating detective is on his phone in the foreground while Sodom and Damned cause chaos behind him) DETECTIVE: Detective Chun-Li! See the trouble in Metro City. Numerous suspects on the rampage. Requesting immediate back-up! (Chun-Li sits in the passenger seat of a police car) CHUN-LI: ...I knew this'd happen! So much for my resignation...! ********************************** _DAN HIBIKI_ (vs. Athena) (Still in Heaven, Dan has his fists at his side, looking down at a defeated Athena) DAN: Had enough there, honey? You're really pathetic! ATHENA: Oooh... (Dan crosses his arms and gestures for Athena to get up) DAN: Hey! Get up! I'm going to slap some sense into you! (Dan instructs Athena and Lord, all of them wearing pink gis. Next to Dan is a board for his Saikyo dojo) DAN: ...Come on! Come on! Work it! 500 more! You got to want it! ATHENA: OK, already! LORD: ... ********************************** _DAN HIBIKI_ (vs. Red Arremer) (Still in Hell, Dan has his fists at his side, looking down at a defeated Red Arremer) DAN: Had enough there, demon? You're not so tough, eh? RED ARREMER: Goo gee gee... (Dan crosses his arms and gestures for Arremer to get up) DAN: Hey! Get up! I'm going to slap some sense into you! (Dan instructs an army of demons while standing on top a rock platform in Hell. Next to Dan is a board for his Saikyo dojo) DAN: ...Come on! Come on! Work it! 500 more! You got to want it! RED ARREMER: ...Aaaagh! All right already! ********************************** _DEMITRI MAXIMOV_ (vs. Athena) (Still in Heaven, Demitri holds the struggling Athena by the neck) DEMITRI: Wah ha ha... A mere wench. Nothing to write home about. ATHENA: Oooh... DEMITRI: Well, then... take me to your leader... (From the back we see Demitri walk towards Lord, who is sitting at a little table in front of a TV) DEMITRI: Hmph. So you're the leader here? Well, it all ends today... (Demitri covers most of himself with his cape while his aura glows) DEMITRI: From this moment onward... I rule this realm. (He screams with his arms out, revealing his true, winged, demonic form) DEMITRI: Demitri Maxomov! ********************************** _DEMITRI MAXIMOV_ (vs. Red Arremer) (Still in Hell, Demitri holds the struggling Arremer by the neck) DEMITRI: Wah ha ha. In the end, nothing but base weaklings. Not much to write home about. RED ARREMER: Oooh... Geeee! DEMITRI: Well, then... Take me to your leader... (Demitri walks up to the throne of the boss from Ghosts and Goblins) DEMITRI: Hmph. So you're the leader here? Well, it all ends today... (Demitri covers most of himself with his cape while his aura glows) DEMITRI: From this moment onward... I rule this realm. (He screams with his arms out, revealing his true, winged, demonic form) DEMITRI: Demitri Maxomov! ********************************** _DHALSIM_ (Close-up of Dhalsim looking depressed with a blue sky background) DHALSIM: ...Compared to the power of God, mine is but impotence... (He looks up suddenly) ?: Bleeet! (Dhalsim's son Dadda sits on top an elephant, calling down to his father) DADDA: Papa! DHALSIM: Oh, Dadda! DADDA: I came to welcome you back! (With a sunset background, Dadda sits on the elephant's head while Dhalsim sits on its trunk) DADDA: Mother's been waiting for you! DHALSIM: I bet. I can't wait to get my right hand in her curry! [note: say what? O_o] ********************************** _EARTHQUAKE_ (Earthquake stands before a blue sky, smiling with his fist out and his other fist on his hip) EARTHQUAKE: Snort! Gah ha ha... What a bunch of weaklings! (His facial expression changes to confusion) EARTHQUAKE: ...... It may be the new environs, but I don't feel so hot... (He looks over a cliff and starts panicking) EARTHQUAKE: Oooh-wyaaah. I wanna go home! (He wobbles on one foot as everything starts shaking) EARTHQUAKE: Snort?! What's this? (He falls down a black and white spiral) EARTHQUAKE: Snort!? (He appears before some dark steps, back in his time. He rubs his head) EARTHQUAKE: ...Ooh... This must be...! (Earthquake sits with a gang of men dressed like him with similar clothing. One pours Earthquake some sake) EARTHQUAKE: Gah ha ha. There's no place like the old hideout... HENCHMAN: Aw, boss... you're too much... EARTHQUAKE: Ha... snort... ha... snort... ha. ********************************** _GEESE HOWARD_ (Smiling with a cloudy backdrop, Geese grabs his shirt) GEESE: Hmph. Even in the Netherworld... it's all recreational pain infliction for me... ?: ...Geese! (Billy appears at his side with Ripper and Hopper behind him) BILLY: I've come to welcome you back. GEESE: Hmph. Billy, huh? Sorry to put you out. (Geese turns away towards us and smiles while his henchmen seem confused) GEESE: ...But, before I go home, I've got some business to handle. BILLY, LEAPER, HOPPER: Huh...? GEESE: Heh heh heh. Let's go. We're headed... for Thailand. (Geese, wearing a suit, sits happily on M. Bison's throne) GEESE, LEADER OF SOUTHTOWN... AND NOW THE SHADAWLOO BASE. ALL OF HIS EVIL DESIGNS... ARE ABOUT TO BE REALIZED... GEESE: Heh, heh. One day the world... will be under my thumb! ********************************** _GENJURO_ (With his back to us, Genjuro stands before a cloudy sky) GENJYURO: Whereever. Whenever. I alone dominate all! (A bird's eye view of Genjuro holding his sword as everything starts shaking) GENJYURO: ...Huh? ...An earthquake...? (He falls down a black and white spiral) GENJYURO: NGAAAAH! (He appears before some dark steps, back in his time) GENJYURO: ...I must be... back... where I belong? Verily. (With his frog Kaeru following, Genjuro walks off towards the full moon) GENJYURO: ...Hmph. Much time have I wasted in other realms...! ********************************** _GOENITZ_ (Goenitz enjoys the wind under a blue sky) GOENITZ: ...Disbelievers... One day they just may confound my plans... Aah... A good wind blows... (A close-up as his eyes shift) ?: Goenitz!! GOENITZ: ...You... (He looks down, closes his eyes and smiles) GOENITZ: ...You are quite the pest... (It slowly pans up on the image of a female form, eventually revealing Chizuru Kagura) ?: I didn't believe it, but you really are back... This time for sure I will neutralize your power... CHIZURU: ...Eternally! (Back to the smiling Goenitz shot) GOENITZ: Fool... What can you hope to do against me alone? ...Very well. You shall repent. (His eyes open and the background becomes black and red) GOENITZ: Repent in the afterlife! ********************************** _GUILE_ (Guile stands under a cloudy sky while wearing his flight jacket) GUILE: If it is said that there really is an afterlife... (He walks away with his hands in his pockets) GUILE: ...I cannot help hoping that it truly is a tranquil paradise. (At his house, his wife and daughter look over their shoulders in surprise) GUILE: ...But for now... (His daughter hugs him) GUILE: It's time to concentrate on treasuring the living. ********************************** _HUGO_ (vs. Athena) (Hugo looks down over Poison's shoulder) POISON: I don't get all this... but we could use this chick! (Athena reads through a contract while Poison points at part of it) THEREAFTER, POISON, HAVING CONTRACTED WITH ATHENA... (We see an advertisement of "THE GREAT GIANT VS. ATHENA" that shows Hugo and Athena screaming and about to attack each other) "THE MIRACLE BATTLE! THE HEAVENLY ATHENA VERSUS THE GIANT!" IT WAS A WORLDWIDE HIT. (Poison is shown sitting in a chair and wearing a white dress and smoking a cigar with a big pile of money below her and a suit-wearing Hugo behind her, twittling his thumbs) AND THE FILTHILY WEALTHY POISON AND HUGO ENJOYED A LIFE OF WINE AND ROSES TOGETHER... ********************************** _HUGO_ (vs. Red Arremer) (Hugo looks down over Poison's shoulder) POISON: I don't get all this... but we could use this guy! (Red Arremer sits in a chair, studying a contract while Poison points to part of it) THEREAFTER, POISON, HAVING CONTRACTED WITH THE DEVIL... (We see an advertisement of "THE GREAT GIANT VS. THE RED DEVIL" that shows Hugo and Red Arremer screaming and about to attack each other) "THE MATCH OF THE CENTURY! THE DEVIL AND THE GIANT!" IT WAS A WORLDWIDE HIT. (Poison is shown sitting in a chair and wearing a white dress and smoking a cigar with a big pile of money below her and a suit-wearing Hugo behind her, twittling his thumbs) AND THE FILTHILY WEALTHY POISON AND HUGO ENJOYED A LIFE OF WINE AND ROSES TOGETHER... ********************************** _IORI YAGAMI_ (Iori grabs his chest and bares his teeth) IORI: Hmph... What...? My blood's on fire... (A snake-like head appears behind him with smaller snakes sticking out of it. Safe to say that it's the true form of Orochi. Iori is glowing) ?: Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Iori Yagami... last of the Orochi... You suffer the blood curse... IORI: And who... are you? ?: I offer you power... Power to surpass Kyo Kusanagi... IORI: I don't need it! I can crush Kusanagi myself... (Iori hugs himself and screams while surging with purple lightning) ?: Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. You silly ingrate... IORI: Gwaaah!! (Iori is now hunched over with a purple aura. He's smiling, sweating and his visible eye is red) IORI: ...Gasp! Gasp...! Wait for me, Kyo Kusanagi! ********************************** _KASUMI TODO_ (Kasumi dusts off her hands with a red sky background) KASUMI: Yes! I have protected the honor of the way of Todoh! Well, then... (She pumps her fist and yells while cross-eyed) KASUMI: Now all I have to do is find father post haste. (With her bag over her shoulder, she runs off into the sunset) KASUMI: Oooooh. (It pans over to reveal that her father Ryuhaku Todo has been watching her from afar. We then see him from the front with his arms crossed and a tear going down his eye) RYUHAKU: Kasumi! ...You were magnificent. I'm so proud! You have matured into a real fighter. ********************************** _KEN MASTERS_ (Ken smiles under a blue sky) KEN: Angel or devil, he wasn't much of anything! (Ken quickly turns in surprise) ?: Ken! (Eliza runs towards him) KEN: !? ...Eliza! (Eliza embraces him) ELIZA: I got you now! KEN: Ooph. (Eliza drags Ken off towards the sunset by the arm) ELIZA: You worried me silly! KEN: Ow-wow! Don't pull so hard...! ********************************** _KIM KAPHWAN_ (Kim crosses his arms with a red sky behind him) KIM: ...An incomprehensibly imposing evil still runs wild in this koo-koo nutty world. (Back shot as Kim looks into the sunset and clenches his fist) KIM: Work it! We'll yet rip out the roots of evil yet...! Get to it, you guys! Let's do it! (In front of the shaking Taekwondo dojo, pedestrians look over to see what's causing all the noise) KIM: You call that training! Get with it, you slackers... (Kim is in the middle, kicking at Chang. Chang and Choi are in the foreground with Chang crying and Choi running. May Lee stands in the background, confused. It's worth noting that she's wearing a white and blue dobok uniform like the others rather than her frog t-shirt) KIM: ...Or we'll never beat the monstrous evil in the world! CHANG: Boy, we sure... CHOI: ...Saw this coming, buddy-boy! ********************************** _KYO KUSANAGI_ (Side close-up of Kyo looking off into the distance with a cloudy background) KYO: The Netherworld... what a gas it was! ?: Kyo-oooooooh! (Kyo looks over) KYO: !? (Riot of the Blood Iori jumps at Kyo) KYO: Yagami! IORI: Ooooh... Kill...! (Kyo looks up at him, determined) KYO: Been infected by the Netherworld's poison, eh? (He lifts up his fist and smiles) KYO: Very well... I'll make toast of your affliction! (His fist explodes with flame) KYO: By the flames of Kusanagi! ********************************** _M. BISON_ (Vega) (Bison smiles with his glowing hand out with a cloudy sky in the background. Also behind him is an airship floating up and down) BISON: Ho ho ho... The excitement of such ultimate power...!!! (Juli and Juni appear behind him, saluting) JUNI: Lord Bison. Welcome! BISON: ...I need no welcome... (Bison vanishes in front of them) JUNI: Huh? (Close up of Juli and Juni) JUNI: ...What Psycho Power...! JURI: He deserves to rule the world... (Bison appears in space, looking down at the earth) BISON: Whoo hoo hoo. The time's come for me to take my prize... (Close up of Bison smiling and holding his hand up while glowing with a bright blue aura) BISON: Haaagh ha ha ha ha! ********************************** _MAI SHIRANUI_ (In the desert setting, Mai stands, angry) MAI: Aw, nuts... That Andy... Where did he run off to...? (from behind, we see a small arm reach out, seemingly to poke Mai in the butt) ?: ...U-uh... (Mai looks over her shoulder and screams) MAI: ...Back off! I'm in a really bad mood... (Close-up of Mai looking down with a look of surprise) MAI: ...? Who the heck are you? (Hokutomaru looks up at her, nervously) HOKUTOMARU: I-I'm Hokutomaru... Master sent me for you... (With waves of anger in the background, Mai looks down at the scared Hokutomaru and bares her teeth) MAI: Why can't Andy, uh, "Master," come himself? Huh, Junior?! HOKUTOMARU: Whoa! (Mai runs off, leaving Hokutomaru standing there) MAI: Andy! You're not going to get away with this! HOKUTOMARU: ...... ********************************** _MARS PEOPLE_ (The alien holds its cell phone with a blue sky background) ...Beep beep beep... First stage is complete... Requesting full control... (It looks upward to see a UFO coming in) ...Beep beep beep... Understood. Begin stage two. (A light shines on the alien and the UFO beams it up. It changes to a shot of UFOs decimating a major city) Yeeek! Yikes! Aaaagh! (The image is actually part of a newspaper article, held by Marco, who we get a POV shot from. A serious Tarma and a scared Fio react) Mars People attack New York! TARMA: Back in business, I see! Those guys never learn! MARCO: Well, let's get cracking! (They move out on a tank, a camel and an airship) Metal Slug! Move out! ********************************** _MR. KARATE_ (Takuma, Robert and Yuri are in front of the Sakazaki Dojo. Takuma smiles while crossing his arms and rubbing his chin. Robert gives the thumbs up and Yuri clasps her hands together) ROBERT: Master! Seems like you came out victorious again! TAKUMA: Heh heh heh. YURI: Oodley doodley cool! (With the Mr. Karate mask on, Takuma crosses his arms while Yuri and Robert hold their hands up in the background) ROBERT: Banzai, Mr. Kara-tey! YURI: Oodley doodley cool! TAKUMA: Heh heh heh. (As the three celebrate, it pans over to show Ryo sitting on the ground in a ball with a swolen face) ********************************** _RIOT OF THE BLOOD IORI YAGAMI_ (Lucky Glauber and Heavy D! hang out in front of a brick wall. Lucky spins a basketball on his finger) LUCKY GLAUBER: ...So then he whines, "I lost coz of my hangover." HEAVY D!: What? That's lame! (Lucky's eyes widen and the ball falls off his finger) LUCKY GLAUBER: You got that right! HEAVY D!: Huh? (In a nearby alley, they see Iori on his knees in the shadows) LUCKY GLAUBER: Isn't that guy squatting over there... yeah... it is, huh? (From over his shoulder we see an animation of Iori breathing heavily until striking a white-eyed look at us) !! (Lucky and Heavy run away from the pouncing Iori) LUCKY GLAUBER: Man, I thought so! HEAVY D!: He's flippin' out! LUCKY GLAUBER: Him taking us on? He's not even in our league! ********************************** _RYO SAKAZAKI_ (Ryo, Robert and Yuri are in front of the Sakazaki Dojo. Ryo crosses his arms and smiles. Robert gives the thumbs up and Yuri clasps her hands together) ROBERT: Ryo! I've heard you won all the marbles, eh?! RYO: Heh. Heh. Well, yeah. YURI: That's so oodley doodley cool! ROBERT: OK! Then we gotta celebrate your victory and good health. (While Ryo scratches the back of his head, Yuri and Robert hold their hands up in the background) ROBERT: Banzai! Banzai! YURI: Oodley doodley cool! RYO: Uh, yeah. Ha ha ha! (As the three celebrate, it pans over to show an angry Mr. Karate with the nose of his mask deflated) ********************************** _RYU_ (Ryu stands in the desert, looking up at the sky) RYU: ...... (Close up of him looking up) RYU: ...There's still a lot in this world I can learn... (Shot of him from behind, walking away while carrying his bag) RYU: And a lot more butt to kick... (Far away shot of Ryu walking towards the sunset) RYU: Where I go I do not know! But stronger foes await... ********************************** _SAGAT_ (Sagat looks downward with a cloudy backdrop) SAGAT: ...The world's mightiest... I pined for it so. And now... I feel so hollow inside. Why...? ?: Lord Sagat! (Several male soldiers with tight blue shirts and berets stand behind Sagat, saluting him) MEMBERS OF SHADAWLOO: From hereon, you lead all in Shadawloo. What bid you?! (Sagat storms off while one solder reaches out) SAGAT: How boring...! Leave that nonsense to Balrog... MEMBERS OF SHADAWLOO: ...Lord? Where do you go...? (Sagat clenches his fist while looking up at a giant tiger statue) SAGAT, RETURNING TO THAILAND, RESUMED HIS VIGOROUS TRAINING... SAGAT: Ryu! Come and get me! If you can climb this high! ********************************** _SHIKI_ (A close-up look of disinterest on Shiki as she stares with a cloudy background) SHIKI: ...... (She looks down as everything starts shaking) SHIKI: !? (She falls down a black and white spiral) SHIKI: Aaaah. (She appears before some dark steps, back in her time) SHIKI: ...Where am I...? I must... have returned, huh? ?: WAAAAAAA! SHIKI: ? (A crying baby is at her feet) SHIKI: ...! (She crades the baby in her arms with a full moon behind them) SHIKI: ...There, there... ok... let's go... back to where he resides... ********************************** _SHIN AKUMA_ (The camera pans up to show Shin Akuma standing on a rock at the edge of a body of water) SHIN-AKUMA: ...The principles of Heaven cannot hope to rule... (He lifts his hand in the air) SHIN-AKUMA: My Maleviolent Murder Wave! (Close up as his fist swings downward in a blur) SHIN-AKUMA: Ooonhhh! Eat my "Heaven-Earth Slice Destroyer!" (We see the body of water. It then explodes and parts to two sides. Then we are show a close up of Shin Akuma with a maniacal smile on his face with surrounding waves destroying his beads) SHIN-AKUMA: I am the Fist Master... Heaven nor Hell cannot hold a candle to my power! ********************************** _SHIN MR. KARATE_ MR. KARATE: ...Ooh... Ouch... (Mr. Karate kneels in a temple, looking to be in pain) MR. KARATE: ...Uh, ooh... The throbbing pain. Guess I overdid it a little... (Part of someone's leg comes into the shot) ?: Yee hee hee. Hiding out here in this abandoned temple, eh? MR. KARATE: ...Huh? (Lee Pai Long, wearing his silly ape mask, is shown looking down at Mr. Karate) MR. KARATE: Aren't you... Master Lee? LEE PAI LONG: Still wearing that goofy mask I see... (Lee supports Mr. Karate as they walk away) MR. KARATE: Hmph. A wound like this...? The youngsters can't touch me! LEE PAI LONG: Yee hee hee... With an attitude like that... You just may have another 40 years of fighting left in you. ********************************** _TERRY BOGARD_ (Terry adjusts his cap with a blue sky background) TERRY: Well, that's that. Finally... time for a little sightseeing. (A green hay truck drives over with the driver hanging out the window) MAN: Hey! TERRY: ? MAN: You're Terry Bogard, right? I got a letter for you. TERRY: A letter... for me? (Shot of his hand pulling out a letter from a red envelope) Terry, How goes the fight? Just got my invite to this year's "KOF!" Can't go there alone, so get your butt back home! Your battling bud, Joe TERRY: Hmph... That Joe! The guy never changes... MAN: If you're going to the airport, I can take you into the city. (Terry tips his hat and lays back in the hay) TERRY: ...Aw, fudge! Even on vacation all I do is battle it out... ********************************** _TESSA_ (Tabasa) (Tessa pushes her hat up before a blue sky) TESSA: That Netherworld sure was a major disappointment... (Over the shoulder shot of her holding a couple things in her hand that look like emerald jelly beans) TESSA: ...But I sure was lucky to get this item. You can only find it there. With this... hee hee hee. (We see a far shot of her house in an arctic setting) TESSA: This... and this... voilla!! (She stands with her arms out over a table of books and science stuff) TESSA: Hee hee hee. At last! A new kind of magic... completed! ********************************** _VEGA_ (Balrog) (With a cloudy backdrop, the masked Vega crosses his arms and looks at his clawed hand) VEGA: Unparalleled fighting ability... and such dazzling beauty... The only thing I have to fear is my own perfection...! (He looks to us unmasked while holding the mask with his clawed hand) VEGA: I am number one!!! (New York City is shown, where a large statue of Vega with his claw in the air has replaced the Statue of Liberty) ...SHORTLY THEREAFTER, VEGA, HAVING CONQUERED THE WORLD, MADE SURE EVERYONE WAS ABLE TO APPRECIATE HIS BEAUTY --. VEGA: Hah hah hah. Worship me! My beauty lives eternally all over this world...! ********************************** _VIOLENT KEN MASTERS_ (Ken is lying on his stomach in the desert) KEN: ...... ...Ooh... (Ken bends over and rubs his head) KEN: Where am I? What have I done? (Ken quickly turns in surprise) ?: Ken! (Eliza runs towards him) KEN: !? ...Eliza! (Eliza embraces him) ELIZA: I got you now! KEN: Ooph. (Eliza drags Ken off towards the sunset by the arm) ELIZA: You worried me silly! KEN: Ow-wow! Don't pull so hard...! ********************************** _ZERO_ (Bird's eye view of Zero as he teleports to the desert) ZERO: ...I've made it back? (Closer side shot) ZERO: Hmph... Beings more troublesome than irregulars... And so many of them here, I see... CIEL: ...r-ro... Zero! Are you okay, Zero? (It becomes a split shot of Zero communicating with Ciel) ZERO: Ciel... yes, I am all right. I'm going home. CIEL: Acknowledged... Bon voyage, Zero. (Back to the first shot of Zero standing in the desert) ZERO: X. I have much to do with this world you entrusted me with... ********************************** Special Thanks and Author Contact Info Thanks go out to densio10 for bringing the movie file of SvC endings to my attention. Thanks to Akuma for bringing it to densio10's attention. Thanks to sawada for bringing this to Akuma's attention. And especially thanks to the people at who made the video. Gavok's e-mail is If you want to use this FAQ to post on a site or something (in its original form, please), please ask. I'm easy. This FAQ has been submitted to and thus can be found at GameFAQs ( Feel free to send me additional info, questions or whatever. But for the love of God, please proofread what you're going to say. Thanks for reading! Copyright 2003 Gavin "Gavok" Jasper Half Horse Productions