SYBERIA II For PC Spoiler-Free/Speed Walkthough By Nez77 Contact: Version 1.03 Created April 2, 2004 (Last Updated April 27, 2006) This FAQ is © 2004 Nelly Cung (nez77) ==============================TABLE OF CONTENTS================================ 1. VERSION HISTORY 2. COPRYRIGHT 3. ABOUT THIS FAQ 4. WALKTHROUGH 5. CREDITS/THANKS ==============================VERSION HISTORY================================== Version 1.03 : 04-27-06 Gave permission to Adventure Classic Gaming. Version 1.02 : 04-07-04 Thanks to painteddwarf, I missed a step! I have add- ed it. It is currently under Step #197. I have re- numbered the remainder of the FAQ to keep things in proper order. Version 1.01 : 04-06-04 Fixed a few typos. Am starting to get a few e-mails on this game. Am thinking about making GIF-puzzle solution guides. Still too worn out from this Speed Walkthrough to pursue a full FAQ. Version 1.00 : 04-04-04 Went through the game going straight by the FAQ and correcting some errors, adding clarity, and most finding other ways of efficiency. Version 0.03 : 04-04-04 Added Steps 180 - 302. The main FAQ is has been com- pleted. Copyright has been completed. Table of Con- tents, started and finished. Credits/Thanks, started and finished. Version 0.02 : 04-03-04 Continued on Walkthrough, added two missed steps from earlier, no numbers for now, will fix later. Added Steps #113 - 180 Version 0.01 : 04-02-04 Started FAQ. Started the copyright, and about this FAQ. Worked up to Step #112 on the walkthrough ==============================COPYRIGHT======================================== This FAQ is © 2004 Nelly Cung (nez77). This FAQ cannot be used nor distributed for commercial use. It cannot be distributed in any fashion without the written premission of the writer. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing me at: This guide must be displayed in its entirety. Currently, the only site(s) allowed to post this FAQ is/are: GameFAQs ( Adventure Classic Gaming ( Nez77's Laboratory (my personal website at If you have any questions, comments or contributions to this FAQ, then please e-mail me at I hope you find this FAQ to be helpful. All logos, characters and plot ideas are properties of Benoit Sokal and Microids. I do not claim any rights to the game (Syberia II) in any shape, make or form. ==============================ABOUT THIS FAQ=================================== This is a Spoiler-free/Speed FAQ. This FAQ should be used if you are stuck and not sure what to do next. It will be of absolutely no help in terms of plot and character analysis. I might do that for another FAQ in the future, but not for this FAQ. In fact, if you need to find a map for a clue, I will actually have you skip it and go straight to the next step if the game allows it. This FAQ will be be straight forward about the steps to take to progress in the game. It will give the answers to all the solutions, but will not show how the thinking process was or how to even derive it, it just gives the answers. I recommend using this FAQ only if you are in a rush to beat it or stuck in the game. This FAQ is barebones and will not mention backgrounds of the characters and the controls. It will simply CAPITALIZE VERBS and ITEMS. Each step is numbered in the order that I feel is the most efficient way of going through the game. I have played each mission at least six times to figure these steps out. Enjoy the FAQ! NOTE: When I write WALK UP/RIGHT/DOWN/LEFT, I mean on the side of the SCREEN. NOTE: To best use this FAQ when you are in the middle of it is to just SEARCH for an item that you have recently acquired. ==============================WALKTHROUGH====================================== 001) GO DOWN, RECIEVE phone call from Oscar 002) EXIT train by walking DOWN and UP (through the door) then RIGHT 003) After greeting, WALK DOWN 004) WALK RIGHT and OBSERVE the machine 005) PULL the lever, find out that it is broken 006) continue to WALK DOWN, DOWN 007) You will see Oscar, ignore him for now. USE the WHEEL on the WINDER 008) PULL the LEVER to WIND up the train 009) BACKTRACK into the TRAIN (GO DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, DOWN) 010) TALK to HANS, talk about the TRAIN. Now you need to find COAL. 011) EXIT TRAIN (DOWN, UP, LEFT, DOWN, UP RIGHT) 012) GO UP, OBSERVE the LOCK on the gate, find out that its locked, ZOOM OUT 013) ENTER the STORE (by going UP, RIGHT) 014) GO to the back of the store 015) OBSERVE broken candy machine, TAKE the SMALL KEY 016) TALK to COLONEL EMELIOV, TALK ABOUT COAL 3x, KEY 2x 017) GO TO the front of the STORE 018) OBSERVE candy machines 019) USE SMALL KEY on the candy machine on the RIGHT you will get COINS 020) USE 5th coin (Canadian Penny) on the LEFT CANDY MACHINE , TURN KNOB 021) TAKE SUGAR CANDY 022) USE the 2nd coin (Taiwan 50 cents) on the MIDDLE CANDY MACHINE, TURN KNOB 023) TAKE FISH CANDY, ZOOM OUT 024) EXIT STORE (RIGHT) 025) WALK back to the broken coal machine (DOWN, RIGHT) 026) TALK to MALKA (girl on the ground holding a red balloon) 027) TALK about KEY, then CANDY 028) USE CANDY on MALKA, get GATE KEY 029) GO LEFT, UP 030) ZOOM into the GATE 031) USE GATE KEY on the gate lock. GO down the stairs. -----movie clip will play----- 032) GO DOWN, LEFT 033) TAKE the red empty JERRY CAN 034) GO LEFT, UP, LEFT 035) RING the bell (in front of door) 036) TALK to IVAN about GAS once 037) WALK LEFT 038) OBSERVE the left yellow poster, TEAR the TOP LEFT CORNER 039) ENTER the new found opening 040) OBSERVE the large crate, UNLOCK it. 041) GO UP-LEFT 042) TAKE the red filled JERRY CAN 043) EXIT how you snuck in (DOWN, RIGHT) 044) Go back to where you found the red empty JERRY CAN (RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT) 045) USE the red filled JERRY CAN on the machine 046) PUSH the red button on the pillar 047) GO LEFT, DOWN, UP the stairs, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT 048) OBSERVE the COAL MACHINE, USE the lever, Oscar will give you news 049) GO LEFT, UP, UP, DOWN the stairs, LEFT, RIGHT, (entering CIRCO'S) -----movie clip will play------ 050) EXIT the train (UP, LEFT) (Oscar will talk to you) 051) GO DOWN, UP, RIGHT, UP, DOWN (the stairs), LEFT 052) TALK to MALKA about MISSION then MONASTERY 053) GO RIGHT (ENTERing CIRKOS), GO LEFT 056) TALK to CIRKOS about MALKA then SHROUD 057) GO RIGHT, RIGHT (EXITing CIRKOS) 058) TALK to MALKA about MONASTERY, then HELP, GET TOKEN 059) GO UP, LEFT, LEFT, until Kate complains it's too cold. 060) GO RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP the stairs, UP, RIGHT 061) TALK to COLONEL, ask for HELP 062) CLIMB UP the ladder and TAKE the WINTER CLOTHES 063) CLIMB DOWN the ladder, GO LEFT (exit the store) 064) GO into the TRAIN (LEFT, UP), and enter the BATHROOM to change (LEFT) 065) GO UP, RIGHT, UP, DOWN (the stairs), LEFT, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT 066) OBSERVE the BOX 067) USE the TOKEN on the BOX, PULL lever, TAKE SHROUD, ZOOM OUT 068) GO back to the train (RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP the stairs, UP, LEFT, UP (train door), DOWN, UP, RIGHT 069) USE the SHROUD on HANS to get HANS' SHROUD 070) RETURN to the where the SHROUD BOX is (UP, LEFT, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, UP, DOWN the stairs), LEFT, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT) 071) CROSS the bridge and continue to the linear path to the MONASTERY. 072) CONTINUE down the path until you find a MONK doing laundry 073) TALK to the MONK, talk about HANS, BIRD x2 074) GO to the COLONEL EMELIOV'S STORE (DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP the stairs, UP, RIGHT) 075) TALK to the COLONEL and ask for HELP and GET three BIRDCALLS 076) EXIT the STORE 077) RETURN to the MONK doing the laundry near the lake (GO UP, DOWN the stairs, LEFT, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT (pass SHROUD BOX), DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT) 078) USE the SILVER BIRDCALL on the MONK 079) TAKE BLACK MONK ROBE 080) GO DOWN, LEFT, PULL the CHAIN 081) ENTER the ELEVATOR 082) WALK DOWN, RIGHT, enter the door on the LEFT 083) WALK DOWN and FOLLOW the carpet to the DOOR 084) TALK to the PATRIARCH, select MISSON x2, HELP, SHROUD -----movie clip will play------ 085) IGNORE the PATRIARCH 086) GO UP, RIGHT 087) TALK to HANS, select MONASTERY 088) EXIT the room (LEFT) 089) TALK to the MONK, select HANS, BROTHER ALEXEI x2 You will GET SCROLL and STAINED-GLASS MAMMOTH 090) FOLLOW the MONK to the next screen (UP, DOWN), ENTER the large DOOR 091) WALK RIGHT, and continue to the first floor 092) GRAB the large stick on the right wall 093) There are 12 candles, select the following: Think of them in terms of the face of a clock A) 10:00 B) 11:00 C) 02:00 D) 05:00 E) 06:00 094) CLIMB the spiral to as high as you can go 095) OBSERVE the window 096) USE the STAINED-GLASS MAMMOTH on the window 097) PRESS the four tabs in a CLOCKWISE direction starting with the bottom one, ZOOM OUT 098) GO and OBSERVE the circle ornament that the MAMMOTH eye shines on 099) PRESS the BUTTON to reveal a shelves 100) OBSERVE the shelves, TAKE BROTHER ALEXEI'S BOOK and YOUKOL RELIC 101) EXIT the library (RIGHT, UP) 102) GO DOWN, UP, OBSERVE the wheelbarrow and take the SHEARS, ZOOM OUT 103) GO UP, DOWN, and UPPER-LEFT into the CEMETARY 104) GO to the UPPER-RIGHT of the TREE 105) OBSERVE the center TOMBSTONE 106) Use the SHEARS on the TOMBSTONE, TAKE the HERBS and BRAMBLES, ZOOM OUT 107) RETURN to the Monestary's ELEVATOR (GO RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, UP, DOWN 108) We are going to make Hans' cure, follow these steps: A) OBSERVE the device on the LEFT B) PULL the CHAIN HANDLE on the hanging on the left C) OPEN the MOLD (under the faucet) D) PLACE a WICK into the MOLD (click on the broom-type thing between the pot and the chain handle E) CLOSE the MOLD F) USE HERBS AND BRAMBLES in the POT G) TURN the KNOB H) OPEN the MOLD I) TAKE the HERBAL CANDLE J) TAKE BOX OF MATCHES (on the counter) K) ZOOM OUT 109) GO BACK to HANS' room (GO DOWN, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT) 110) OBSERVE the TABLE 111) USE the YOHKOL RELIC on the TABLE 112) USE the HERBAL CANDLE on the YOHKOL RELIC 113) USE the BOX OF MATCHES on the HERBAL CANDLE 114) TALK to HANS 115) GO to the CHAPEL (LEFT, UP, DOWN, DOWN, ENTER left door) 116) ENTER the PATRIARCH'S CHAMBERS (DOWN, UP, UP) 117) OBSERVE the DISPLAY CASE, TAKE the ORNATE KEY, ZOOM OUT 118) GO DOWN, DOWN, DOWN. 119) OBSERVE the GATE to the right of the chapel's door (indoors) 120) USE the ORNATE KEY on lock 121) ENTER the newly opened gate (RIGHT) 122) PULL the rope to ring the bell 123) GO to the CEMENTARY (LEFT, UP (through doors), DOWN, DOWN, UPPER-LEFT 124) GO to the UPPER-LEFT of the TREE 125) PUSH the CASKET 126) GO back to HANS' ROOM (GO DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT) 127) TALK to HANS -----movie clip will play------ 128) TALK to HANS, select DEPARTURE, GET the MECHANICAL HEART 129) GO to CIRKOS (UP, LEFT, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, UP, DOWN the stairs, LEFT, RIGHT) 130) GO to the HORSES/STAGE (GO LEFT, UP) 131) OBSERVE the DEVICE in the front of the stage 132) USE the MECHNICAL HEART in the DEVICE 133) CLICK on the MIDDLE three times so that the top HORSE indicator is all the way to the right 134) Place the tubes in the appropriate hole (of the three that it is able to): A) Place the Top Left tube in the right hole B) Place the Top Right tube in the left hole C) Place the Bottom Left in the middle hole D) Place the Bottom Right in the right hole E) SPIN the HEART again -----movie clip will play------ 135) PULL the level on the bottom corner of the platform 136) USE the GANGCAR 137) GO to IVAN and IGOR's place (GO DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN the stairs, LEFT, UP, LEFT) 138) ENTER the doors, receive call from Oscar 139) GO into the shack (LEFT, UP) 140) OBSERVE the table, TAKE the NEWSPAPER, ZOOM OUT 141) GO DOWN and USE the FISH CANDY on YOUKI (in front of furnace) 142) With the YOUKI following you, GO back to the train platform (GO DOWN, UP (through the doors), RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP the stairs, UP, DOWN, DOWN) 143) USE the GANGCAR -----movie clip will play------ 144) GO RIGHT, watch cutscene with IVAN 145) CONTINUE down the path until the YOUKI goes on its own 146) The path forks here, TAKE the LEFT path 147) TAKE BRANCHES 148) Backtrack until you see the YOUKOL ALTAR (near owl) 149) OBSERVE the YOUKOL ALTAR 150) USE BRANCHES at the base of the YOUKOL ALTAR 151) USE BOX OF MATCHES on BRANCHES 152) After it thaws, TAKE the OFFERING, ZOOM OUT 153) Go RIGHT and follow the path, when the path forks, take the RIGHT path 154) USE the OFFERING on the YOUKI 155) CROSS over the new make-shift bridge 156) CONTINUE down the path -----movie clip will play------ 157) The path with fork again, take the LEFT 158) CONTINUE RIGHT and enter the FISHERMAN'S HOUSE (You will recieve a phone call from your mother) 159) OBSERVE the FIREPLACE MANTLE 160) TAKE RUSSIAN DOLL, HATCHET, and THE FISHERMAN'S GUIDE, ZOOM OUT 161) GO to the KITCHENETTE (DOWN, LEFT) 162) OBSERVE the KITCHEN COUNTERTOP, TAKE the FISH TANK, ZOOM OUT 163) EXIT the house through the BACK/REAR DOOR, DOWN the stairs 164) Time to CATCH an ORANGE SALMON A) USE the FISHING ROD B) OBSERVE the FISHING LURE BOX C) USE the FISHING LURE on the TOP RIGHT D) CAST the line under the right side of the tree stump that is in the river (or the first place you can cast directly right of Kate's hip) 165) GO UP the stairs, and ENTER the FISHERMAN'S HOUSE 166) EXIT the FISHERMAN'S HOUSE through the front door (RIGHT, RIGHT) -----movie clip will play------ 167) OBSERVE the FRONT WINDOW, USE the ORANGE SALMON (ZOOM OUT) 168) EXIT the FISHERMAN'S HOUSE through the front door 169) TAKE the FISHBONE (where the bear ate the ORANGE SALMON) 170) WALK LEFT, then DOWN, until you come across a BROKEN WOODEN BRIDGE 171) USE the HATCHET on one of the bridge's supports 172) GET the ROPE WITH PLATE 173) USE ROPE WITH PLATE on the DEAD TREE hanging over the chasm 174) WALK DOWN and FOLLOW the the YOUKI when it runs away 175) CONTINUE to follow the YOUKI -----movie clip will play------ 176) USE the HATCHET on the ROCK CLIMBING WALL 177) Time to scale this wall... directions are relative to Kate A) UP x2 B) RIGHT x2 C) UP x4 D) LEFT x4 E) UP x2 F) RIGHT x2 G) UP x2 H) RIGHT x2 I) UP x4 -----movie clip will play------ 178) GO DOWN, then DOWN, you will see a RADIO TOWER (and cutscene) 179) GO DOWN and DOWN again, back to the RADIO TOWER 180) OBSERVE THE SHACK A) PRESS the large RED BUTTON to turn on the power B) play with the little red buttons until it displays "0328" C) PRESS the BUTTON on the base of the microphone. 181) GO DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, UP 182) TALK to BORIS who is working on the airplane 183) SELECT TRAIN, then FLYING WING, end conversation 184) OBSERVE COCKPIT 185) On the left control panel, enter "8020," PRESS the red button -----movie clip will play------ 186) GO UP, you will get a phone call from COLONEL EMELIOV 187) GO RIGHT, and ENTER the PASSENGER CAR 188) GO into the BEDROOM (DOWN, UP, RIGHT), and pick up the PLAN OF THE TRAIN 189) GO DOWN to Hans' Workdesk, and pick up the OIL DISPENSER 190) EXIT the TRAIN, GET OFF the TRAIN, and GO DOWN 191) PULL OSCAR'S ARM out of the SNOW 192) USE OIL DISPENSER on OSCAR 193) ENTER the REAR/PASSENGER CAR of the TRAIN 194) After CUTSCENE, EXIT PASSENGER CAR 195) GO to the CONDUCTOR'S TRAIN and TALK to OSCAR 196) GO back to the PASSENGER CAR in the room with the PANEL (where the MUSICAL BOX and MAMMOTH DOLL were displayed) 197) Use the CELL PHONE and CALL OSCAR 198) OBSERVE the PANEL, SELECT the TOP, MIDDLE, and BOTTOM BUTTONS -----movie clip will play------ 199) GO UP, then GO DOWN, you will recieve a phone call from Oscar 200) OBSERVE the sidepouch on the snowbike, TAKE GAUZE BLANKET 201) OBSERVE the EAGLE TOTEM, use GAUZE BLANKET in its "mouth" 202) GO LEFT, then GO RIGHT 203) TALK to IGOR, select IGOR, SPIRITS x2 204) Now, GO LEFT, then DOWN 205) USE the SPIKES, and GO UP, UP 206) USE your CELL PHONE and call OSCAR 207) OBSERVE the SLED and TAKE the IVORY KNIFE 208) USE the IVORY KNIFE to cut the ROPE that is tied to the right of the SLED -----movie clip will play------ 209) EXIT this room by going DOWN then UP 210) OBSERVE the pot to the right of the door, TAKE REINDEER ANTLERS, ZOOM OUT 211) GO RIGHT, DOWN 212) Here you will see a man stirring something in a pot, directly to the left (across the path) there is a place to ZOOM IN 213) TAKE the Leather Strap. You now have the SLINGSHOT, ZOOM OUT 214) GO UP, and UP again, in front of the drums 215) USE the SLINGSHOT on the second ICICLE directly left of the left banner 216) GO UP and enter the Spirit Woman's cave 217) GO DOWN, and OBSERVE the rear of the room to TAKE the YOUKOL MASK 218) GO LEFT of the room and OBSERVE the table 219) TAKE the PRAYER WHEEL 220) EXIT the Spirit Woman's cave by GOING DOWN, DOWN, UP 221) Now, go DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, 222) Now we need some water: A) OBSERVE the WATER DEVICE B) TAKE the CORK BUNG on the bottom left corner C) TAKE the EMPTY FLASK that is hanging in the center D) USE the EMPTY FLASK on the UPPER RIGHT hook of the WATER DEVICE E) USE the HANDLE twice F) TAKE the FLASK FULL OF WATER G) ZOOM OUT 223) GO DOWN. 224) If you do not have a FISHBONE from the LODGE (step 169): A) OBSERVE the DOOR in front of the YOUKI PEN B) TAKE the FISHBONE 225) GO RIGHT, UP, UP (cross the bridge), UP, UP 226) In the cave, the path forks, take the LEFT PATH, and continue DOWN 227) Steps to obtain the DREAM FRUIT (it is a good idea to save here) A) OBSERVE the ICE MAZE B) USE the CORK BUNG on the bottom right hole C) ZOOM OUT D) OBSERVE the HARFANG PERCH (bottom left) E) USE the PRAYER WHEEL on the HARFANG PERCH F) USE the PRAYER WHEEL to spin it G) ZOOM OUT H) OBSERVE the ICE MAZE I) TAKE the CORK BUNG J) USE the CORK BUNG on the middle row, right hole (the one in front of the lemming) K) TAKE the CORK BUNG L) USE the CORK BUNG on the middle row, left hole (the one right behind the lemming) M) USE the FLASK FULL OF WATER on the top left hole N) USE the FISHBONE on the top right hole O) TAKE the DREAM FRUIT P) ZOOM OUT 228) Backtrack to the spirit woman's cave, by going DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT (crosses bridge), DOWN-LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP 229) TALK to the SPIRIT WOMAN, say HANS, DREAM, MISSION. -----movie clip will play------ 230) GO UP, then LEFT 231) OBSERVE a spot on the ground 232) TAKE the MAMMOTH DOLL, ZOOM OUT 233) GO LEFT and continue the linear path until you a young Anna Voralberg. 234) TALK to young Anna Voralberg, say KATE, ANNA x2, then FATHER VORALBERG 235) GO LEFT, RIGHT, and continue the street until you can enter a gate on Kate's right. 236) ENTER through the gates 237) The path splits, take the RIGHT path 238) ENTER the house 239) GO DOWN 240) CLOCK PUZZLE (good idea to save here) A) OBSERVE the bottom portion of the clock B) Notice that it is currently marked "XII" and there is a switch on both sides of the panel. C) Hit the right switch five times D) Hit the left switch once (the panel should now read 2:45, (between "II" and "III")) E) CLICK on both of the ringing men on top of both switches F) CLICK on the PENDULUM to get it to start swinging G) Hit the right switch nine times H) Hit the left switch once (the panel should now read 7:15, between the "VII" and "VIII" I) Pull on the right weight (under the right switch) J) Lastly, click on the bell (that is right above the panel) 241) GO RIGHT (enter the living room) 242) OBSERVE the table and TAKE the ATTIC KEY. ZOOM OUT 243) GO UP, and UP again (go upstairs) 244) USE the ATTIC KEY on the locked door 245) GO RIGHT, UP 246) USE MAMMOTH DOLL on young HANS VORALBERG 247) OBSERVE/USE the table 248) EXIT the Spirit Woman's Cave by going DOWN, UP -----movie clip will play------ 249) GO DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, UP 250) CLIMB UP the LADDER 251) GO DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT, ENTER the TRAIN 252) TALK to OSCAR, select TRAIN, then YOUKOL MASK 253) GO UP-RIGHT 254) USE the CABLE that is on the TRACKS in fronn of the TRAIN 255) GO back into the cave by going DOWN, RIGHT 256) TALK to the YOUKOL in front of the cave, select OSCAR, then HELP 257) GO UP, LEFT 258) OBSERVE the CABLE, and USE the HARNESS to tighten it 259) GO back into the cave by going DOWN, RIGHT 260) Continue the path by going DOWN, UP, DOWN 261) GO LEFT to climb the STAIRCASE, then GO DOWN 262) OBSERVE the controls, PULL the RIGHT LEVER, watch cutscene 263) GO DOWN, RIGHT (down the stairs), UP (down the ladder), LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, and UP the stairs 264) ENTER the TRAIN 265) TALK to OSCAR, choose HEART 266) Follow OSCAR, by GOING DOWN (descend the stairs) (you will get a phone call from Mr. Marson) 267) Head to the Spirit Woman's Cave by GOING RIGHT, RIGHT (cross small bridge), RIGHT, UP, UP 268) Enter in the main room by GOING DOWN 269) OPENING OSCAR'S HEART... This puzzle is supposed to resemble a clock, use the one with the two dots above it as the "12:00" A) PRESS the "3:00" button B) PRESS the "7:00" button C) PRESS the "3:00" button again D) PRESS the "6:00" button E) PRESS the "9:00" button F) Finally, PRESS the "12:00" button 270) TAKE the VORALBERG KEY -----movie clip will play------ 271) EXIT the Spirit Woman's Cave (GO DOWN, UP) 272) HEAD back to the TRAIN, by going DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT (cross small bridge), UP (the staircase) 273) ENTER the train 274) TRAIN CONTROL PUZZLE: A) OBSERVE The TRAIN CONTROL PUZZLE B) USE VORALBERG KEY in the peach spot between the two top gauges C) USE the TOP LEFT LEVER D) USE the 1ST SWITCH directly right of the large silver center wheel (the water (top left) gauge should indicate "FULL") E) USE the TOP RIGHT LEVER F) USE the TOP LEFT LEVER again G) USE the 2ND SWITCH directly right of the large silver center wheel (the coal (top right) gauge should indicate "FULL") H) ROTATE the BROWN WHEEL on the LEFT (you should be able to hear the crackling of fire, and see the flames between the cracks of the lower box) I) USE the SWITCH to the left of the lower left gauge J) ROTATE the small silver wheel above the lower left gauge -----movie clip will play------ 275) EXIT the TRAIN, and GO DOWN the STAIRS 276) GO RIGHT, UP (cross the small bridge), RIGHT 277) TALK to the YOUKOL CHIEF, talk GREAT GATES 278) GO to the YOUKI PEN by GOING LEFT, DOWN, DOWN (cross small bridge), DOWN 279) OBSERVE the YOUKI PEN GATE 280) UNTIE the ropes (top right) 281) GO LEFT, LEFT, UP (cross the small bridge), RIGHT, LEFT (up the stairs) -----movie clip will play------ 282) GO UP (this lets you get off of the ark) 283) GO RIGHT, then UP 284) OBSERVE something on the ground 285) TAKE the NARWHAL TUSK, ZOOM OUT 286) GO DOWN, then LEFT 287) USE NARWHAL TUSK on the ANCHOR 289) GO RIGHT 290) AFTER the cutscene, go LEFT, LEFT 291) OBSERVE the NEST 292) USE the RUSSIAN DOLL on the NEST 293) GO RIGHT, RIGHT 294) USE NARWHAL TUSK on the CRACK in the ice -----movie clip will play------ 295) MOVE the BARREL on the bottom right 296) GO RIGHT (through the door) 297) GO UP (climb the ladder in the middle of the room) 298) TAKE the IVORY HOOK 299) CLIMB back down the ladder 300) GO UP (through the door in the back) 301) CLIMB UP onto the top of the BARREL 302) USE the IVORY HOOK in the hole 303) CLICK on the NOOSE that is on the bottom left 304) ZOOM OUT 305) PULL the LEVER that is right above the BARREL -----movie clip will play------ 306) GO LEFT, LEFT (down the stairs) 307) OBSERVE the WOODEN BENCH on the BOTTOM 308) TAKE the three STONE PLATES, ZOOM OUT 309) GO UP 310) OBSERVE the grass on the bottom right 311) TAKE the STONE PLATE and the SYBERIA FLOWER, ZOOM OUT 312) GO DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN (into the ark) 313) USE the SYBERIA FLOWER on the YOUKI 314) CLIMB UP the rear ladder 315) GO LEFT, LEFT (down the stairs), UP, UP, UP 316) PULL the lever that is on the ground on the right of the gate -----movie clip will play------ 317) GO through the gate, UP the stairs, DOWN 318) STRANGE PUZZLE: A) USE the WEIRD CONTRAPTION B) OBSERVE the ground markings C) Now to use the STONE PLATES, I have noticed that the game always keeps it in the same inventory order: a) USE the FIRST STONE PLATE ("Y" mark) on the BOTTOM SPACE b) USE the SECOND STONE PLATE ("1D" mark) on the RIGHT SPACE c) USE the THIRD STONE PLATE (backwards "J" mark) on the TOP LEFT SPACE d) USE the FOURTH STONE PLATE (something like a "R" or an "H) on the TOP SPACE D) TAKE the STONE PLATE on the TOP LEFT of the screen E) USE the STONE PLATE on the BOTTOM RIGHT SPACE F) ZOOM OUT G) USE the HANDLE H) OBSERVE the markings again, and TAKE the IVORY KEY I) ZOOM OUT J) GO UP/LEFT 319) GO UP the STAIRS, GO LEFT (to go down the stairs on the other side) 320) OBSERVE the DARK PANEL left of the wheel 321) USE the IVORY KEY in the bottom KEYHOLE 323) TAKE the IVORY KEY 324) USE the IVORY KEY in the hole of the bottom row, second column (looks like a "e" with a bar on top of it) 325) ZOOM OUT 326) SPIN the WHEEL 327) Calling the MAMMOTHS A) OBSERVE the holes on the left side of the GIANT FLUTE (All of the holes should be wide open) B) USE the TOP MIDDLE SWITCH once C) USE the BOTTOM LEFT SWITCH once D) USE the BOTTOM MIDDLE SWITCH twice E) HIT the DOUBLE SWITCHES on the bottom right to "ENTER" in this tone -----ending movie clip will play------ ==============================CREDITS/THANKS=================================== First and foremost: me, for actually doing it. I've been wanting to do another FAQ for a while, but was waiting for the right game to do it in. When I saw this game on the shelf, I knew it was the one, especially when the GAMESTOP sales clerk informed me that they got the shipment the day before. Benoit Sokal for creating a wonderful game. I loved the first one too! Notable friends: Schewey: for his support while writing this FAQ. As he put best, "hooray for nez77!" Cindy : for being the second best female gamer (after me, of course) that I know of. Probably one of the few people that has never been offended when I said I would rather play games than talk to them. WebEffect: For editing this FAQ for me, despite never hearing of the series before. He did a wonderful job at it! Other mentions: painteddwarf: For adding in Step #197. Although I knew about that step, I must have missed it while writing up this FAQ as well as the checking process! Thanks! Maybe you: Find anything wrong with this FAQ? Any additional advice? I'll add you here if you fid anything! Just e-mail me at: GameFAQs and CJayC for helping me so much with other games when I got stuck. I hope this FAQ helps people as well.