_______ ________ _______ _____ _ ______ |__ __| | ______/ |__ __| | |__ | |_| | ___/ | | | |___ | | | | // _ \ \ | | | ___/ | | | |//_ | | \ \ | | | |_____ | | | |\ \ | | __\ \ |_| |_______\ |_| |_| \__\ |_| |_____| WORLDS Table of Contents 1.Update 2.Introduction 3.Storyline 4.Controls 5.Tetris Glossary 6.Tetris 7.Square Tetris 8.Cascade Tetris 9.Sticky Tetris 10.Hot-Line Tetris 11.Fusion Tetris 12.Learning Tetris 13.Extras 14.Legal Statements 15.Credits ______ |_ 1 _| Update |__| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.95 4/10/2003 7:03:45 PM I added Cheat Code Central to the list of websites that have my FAQ on them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ |_ 2 _| Introduction |__| Well, they finally did it. Someone attempted to put a storyline to Tetris, and they did pretty good considering. Although you don't really see the story in actual game-play, there is one to the game which will be explained in Section 3 I know that there isn't really a need for a Tetris FAQ, but some one had to do it. I got a lot of my information out of the Manual, so don't be surprised if it sounds similar to that. I'll do my best to make this a readable and easy to use walkthrough. And I hope it helps you on your quest to evacuate Hadar 4. If you see anything in this FAQ that is wrong information, or some things that I missed and you want added. Please contact me at: zareba_n64@yahoo.com Manual Introduction Tetris Worlds is a collection of 3 already popular and 3 brand new Tetris games. There are two ways in which to play these new games. The first way is Story Mode and games played here last a long time (until a player tops out or beats the game at its highest level). The other is called Arcade Mode. Games played here are quick and competitive. So, no matter how you like to play your Tetris, You will find it in Tetris Worlds. Tetris Worlds gives you the tools to become a better player. Among the innovations included in all Tetris Worlds games are powerful multiple rotation system, a six deep next piece queue, hard and soft drops, a Ghost Piece to show where a piece will drop, and an option to swap a falling piece with one stored in a “hold”. These innovations are combined to make the Tetris variants in Tetris Worlds the best ever. ______ |_ 3 _| Storyline |__| Manual The Tetrions There are many theories as to the origin of the Tetrions. The simple truth is that the Tetrions are the only evidence of a long since forgotten space-faring species. Tetrions are Gateways to planets orbiting the distant stars. They can only be opened by an intelligent species because it works only for those who unlock the secrets of the falling Blocks. We have called that gate opening activity, Tetris. And while it is the key to connecting us to distant worlds, Tetris has been found very addictive by all intelligent species. The Minos The Minos are a species found on the planet called Hadar 4. They are a robust mechanical species. It is possible that they were first built by organics, as is the case with most Mechanics. Minos are intelligent and have just unlocked the secrets of the Tetrions. They now know that manipulating the Blocks in a certain way will turn a Tetrion into an interstellar transportation device. The Tetrions will soon turn out to be the key to the survival of the Minos. The Mission The Mission is to evacuate the Minos on Hadar 4 to six other planets that have been identified as suitable for terraforming. Mino scientists have discovered that their star (Hadar) has become unstable and as a result the surface of Hadar 4 will reach 5000 Kelvin, which is well past the maximum operating temperature of the Minos. The best Mino Tetris players have been identified as the gate openers. Six Tetrinauts will be sent to the planets to open the Tetrion gates from the other side to faculutate the exodus. ______ |_ 4 _| Controls |__| Button Command Action =================================================================== Control Pad Up/Control Stick Up Hard Drop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Pad Down/Control Stick Down Soft drop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Pad Left/Control Stick Left Move Left ------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Pad Right/Control Stick Right Move Right ------------------------------------------------------------------- A Button Rotate Clockwise ------------------------------------------------------------------- B Button Rotate Counter Clockwise ------------------------------------------------------------------- X Button Rotate Counter Clockwise ------------------------------------------------------------------- Y Button Hard Drop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Z Button Toggle Labels on/off ------------------------------------------------------------------- L Button Hold Piece ------------------------------------------------------------------- R Button Hold Piece ------------------------------------------------------------------- C Stick Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------- START/PAUSE Pause Game =================================================================== ______ |_ 5 _| Tetris Glossary |__| Matrix......... The game board or grid where all the pieces move around. Tetrion........ The device that contains the Matrix. Tetriminos..... The seven shapes formed by the joining of four Blocks. Block.......... A Quarter of a Tetrimino. Hard Drop...... The Tetrimino drops immediately and locks down. Soft Drop...... The Tetrimino drops faster than normal. Tetris......... Accomplishing 4 line clears at once. Garbage........ Any Blocks in the Matrix at the beginning of a game. Multiminos..... Tetriminos that contain Blocks of more than one color. Polyminos...... Shapes formed by joining together of Sticky Blocks. Sticky Blocks.. Blocks that stick together when next to the same color. Critical Mass.. An event when a Polymino containing 25 or more blocks is cleared. Lock Down...... The moment when the Tetrimino can no longer be moved. Gravity........ The condition when Blocks can fall after line clears. Cascade........ Subsequent line clears caused by Gravity. Line Clear..... When 10 blocks are aligned in a horizontal row and are cleared. T-Spin......... The action of Rotating the "T" Tetrimino into a tight space. Hot-Line....... A Specially marked row of cells in the Matrix. Fusion......... When one or more Atom Blocks connect to become Fusion Blocks. Pure Square.... A 4x4 Square formed by joining four identical Tetriminos. Combo Square... A 4x4 Square formed by joining different shaped Tetriminos. Avalanche...... The event when Tetriminos separate into Blocks and collapse. Hold Piece..... A Tetrimino that has been set aside for later use. Top Out........ When there is no more room in the Matrix for the Tetriminos. ______ |_ 6 _| Tetris |__| Deneb Forest World Difficulty: 2/4 The objective of Tetris is to manipulate falling Tetriminos to form horizontal rows of Blocks. A point is earned for each line cleared. Bonus points are earned for simultaneous line clears. Points earned are subtracted from you Goal. When your Goal reaches 0, the game Levels Up and becomes faster. The line clear bonuses are: Double________________________________________________+1 Triple________________________________________________+2 Tetris________________________________________________+4 Back-to-Back Tetris___________________________________+8 T-Spin________________________________________________+1 T-Spin clearing one line______________________________+3 T-Spin clearing two lines_____________________________+7 There are 15 Levels in Tetris. The player's Goal is to earn 5 times the Level number in points. Level 1_________________________5 points Level 2_________________________10 points Level 3_________________________15 points Level 4_________________________20 points Level 5_________________________25 points Level 6_________________________30 points Level 7_________________________35 points Level 8_________________________40 points Level 9_________________________45 points Level 10________________________50 points Level 11________________________55 points Level 12________________________60 points Level 13________________________65 points Level 14________________________70 points Level 15________________________75 points ______ |_ 7 _| Square Tetris |__| Mira Mountain World Difficulty: 3/4 The objective of Square Tetris is to combine Tetriminos into squares in addition to playing Tetris. Lines cleared that contain a piece of the 4x4 square earn big bonuses. Also, a T-spin coupled with a line clear will cause Blocks in the Matrix to Avalanche. After an Avalanche occurs, lines cleared that were part of squares will no longer receive the square bonus. The line clear bonuses are: Double________________________________________________+1 Triple________________________________________________+2 Tetris________________________________________________+4 T-Spin________________________________________________+1 T-Spin clearing one line______________________________+3 T-Spin clearing two lines_____________________________+7 Pure Square___________________________________________+40 Combo Square__________________________________________+20 There are 15 Levels in Square Tetris. The player's Goal is to earn 10 times the Level number in points. Level 1_________________________10 points Level 2_________________________20 points Level 3_________________________30 points Level 4_________________________40 points Level 5_________________________50 points Level 6_________________________60 points Level 7_________________________70 points Level 8_________________________80 points Level 9_________________________90 points Level 10________________________100 points Level 11________________________110 points Level 12________________________120 points Level 13________________________130 points Level 14________________________140 points Level 15________________________150 points ______ |_ 8 _| Cascade Tetris |__| Aludra Water World Difficulty: 3/4 The objective of Cascade Tetris is to clear lines that cause Cascades while playing Tetris. A Cascade happens when Blocks falling due to a line clear cause another line to clear. The more Cascades a player can cause with one Tetrimina, the bigger the bonus will be. The following example shows what the score will be when a player performs a Tetris, and that causes a cascade: Lines Cleared Bonus Points Cascade Bonus Total ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 0 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 2 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 4 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 6 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 8 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 10 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 12 13 ================================================================ FINAL TOTAL = 56 There are 15 levels in Cascade Tetris. The Player's Goal is to clear 5 times the Level number in points. Level 1_________________________5 points Level 2_________________________10 points Level 3_________________________15 points Level 4_________________________20 points Level 5_________________________25 points Level 6_________________________30 points Level 7_________________________35 points Level 8_________________________40 points Level 9_________________________45 points Level 10________________________50 points Level 11________________________55 points Level 12________________________60 points Level 13________________________65 points Level 14________________________70 points Level 15________________________75 points ______ |_ 9 _| Sticky Tetris |__| Antares Fire World Difficulty: 4/4 The objective of Sticky Tetris is to clear the bottom line of Garbage Blocks. Gravity is turned on, as in Cascade Tetris, so Cascades happen. Blocks of the same color stick together. When 25 Blocks of the same color connect, they form a Critical Mass and are cleared from the Matrix. There are 15 Levels in Sticky Tetris. For each Level, there will be that many rows of Garbage in the Matrix plus the bottom row of Garbage that is the Goal. ______ |_ 10 _| Hot-Line Tetris |__| Talitha Cloud World Difficulty: 2/4 The objective of Hot-Line Tetris is to clear lines of Blocks on the Hot-Lines. There are six Hot-Lines in the Hot-Line Matrix. The higher up the Matrix, the more points are awarded for the line clear. If you clear a line that is not on a Hot-Line, you will not receive anything towards the Goal. Points earned for clearing Hot-Lines are: Green_____________________1 point Yellow____________________2 points Orange____________________2 points Red_______________________4 points Purple____________________5 points Blue______________________6 points There are 15 levels in Hot-Line Tetris. The Player's Goal is to clear 5 times the Level number in points. Level 1_________________________5 points Level 2_________________________10 points Level 3_________________________15 points Level 4_________________________20 points Level 5_________________________25 points Level 6_________________________30 points Level 7_________________________35 points Level 8_________________________40 points Level 9_________________________45 points Level 10________________________50 points Level 11________________________55 points Level 12________________________60 points Level 13________________________65 points Level 14________________________70 points Level 15________________________75 points ______ |_ 11 _| Fusion Tetris |__| Unukalhai Ice World Difficulty: 4/4 The objective of Fusion Tetris is to connect falling "Atom" Blocks to the "Fusion" Block at the bottom of the Matrix. Clearing a line containing an "Atom" or "Fusion" Block will cause a Cascade. Neither Atom nor Fusion Blocks are cleared in a line clear. There are 15 Levels in Fusion Tetris. For each Level, there will be that many lines of Garbage plus one, in the Matrix. The player's Goal is to connect 2 times the Level number of Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 1 _________ Connect 2 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 2 _________ Connect 4 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 3 _________ Connect 6 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 4 _________ Connect 8 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 5 _________ Connect 10 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 6 _________ Connect 12 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 7 _________ Connect 14 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 8 _________ Connect 16 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 9 _________ Connect 18 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 10 ________ Connect 20 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 11 ________ Connect 22 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 12 ________ Connect 24 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 13 ________ Connect 26 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 14 ________ Connect 28 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. Level 15 ________ Connect 30 Atom Blocks to the Fusion Block. ______ |_ 12 _| Learning Tetris |__| Learning Tetris is recommended for people who have never played Tetris before. A player who has played through the Levels of Learning Tetris has become a Tetris Player and is ready to play the many other Tetris variants included in Tetris Worlds. In Learning Tetris a player learns to handle the seven Tetrimimos one by one. Once a player has learned how to use a Tetrimino to build lines, the Level goes up and a new Tetrimino is introduced. The game speed is very reasonable to give the novice player plenty of reaction time. ______ |_ 13 _| Extras |__| The History of Tetris Tetris is one of the world's best selling electronic games. With over 60 million licensed copies of Tetris sold worldwide, Tetris has established itself as one of the undisputed champions of computer gaming. Tetris has achieved this lofty goal by making itself available on nearly every game platform including: Consoles, Hand-Held game machines, Personal Computers, Arcade machines, Cellular Phones, and Interactive Television. No other electronic game has demonstrated the longevity and universal appeal of this simple and extremely addictive puzzle game. Tetris creator, Alexey Pajitnov, was inspired to become a mathematician by a lifelong love for puzzles. In 1985, Pajitnov was a specialist in computer sciences at the Computer Center of "The Academy of Sciences" in Moscow. While at the Computer Center, Alexey played with puzzles, but in a far different context. While working as a programmer in the field of speech recognition and artificial intelligence, Pajitnov often programmed games as simple tasks to test new equipment. On one occasion, he chose the traditional puzzle Pentimino, which required placement of 12 different-shaped pieces formed out of five squares to be arranged in a certain order in a box. Pajitnov remembers the moment he knew he had a hit game. 'When I wrote the program for rotation of pieces and I saw how it worked, poomph! I knew it would be great in real time.' He also realized the 12-5 combination was too much for real time, so he reduced the program to seven shapes of four-square blocks and Tetris was born. The name Tetris was taken from “tetra”, the Greek word for four. It took him only two weeks to program the prototype. Pajitnov was programming on an old Russian computer without graphics, in Pascal. While his colleagues were enthralled with the game, Pajitnov realized he would reach a wider audience if the game could be converted to the PC. Once he made his mind up to move forward, and having little knowledge of the PC himself, he enlisted the help of his friend, Vadim Gerasimov, a 16-year-old hacker who mastered the PC in a month. Soon after the PC version of Tetris was introduced, the addiction spread throughout Moscow. Pajitnov recalls, 'At that time there was no software market in Russia, only the distribution of unauthorized copies. Within weeks, the game was being played on every PC in Moscow!' The arrival of Tetris to America took a while longer. A Hungarian programming consortium, Andromeda Software Ltd. Sold the U.S. Tetris PC rights to Spectrum Holobyte. Spectrum added rich, color graphics and music based on traditional Russian themes. At the 1989 Software Publishers Association Awards, Tetris set records when it won an unprecedented four Excellence in Software Awards. With Tetris experiencing incredible growth on the PC, it was only a matter of time until the game made the console conversion. With the introduction of the handheld video game machine, Tetris experienced its greatest success, selling well over 30 million copies on this system alone! The man responsible for heading to Russia and tracking down Alexey Pajitnov and the console system rights to Tetris was entrepreneur Henk Rogers. Rogers was also responsible for several important game innovations, including Line Clearing Bonuses. While Tetris made Pajitnov a folk hero to millions, the phenomenally successful game did not make him rich. The royalties for the original Tetris went to the Academy and the Soviet Ministry of Commerce. In 1996, with the help of entrepreneur Henk Rogers, the Tetris Company, LLC. Was organized. Rogers' new company, Blue Planet Software, Inc., San Francisco, California, was charged with the development and licensing for all future Tetris products. The company also protects the Tetris brand identity and ensures Alexey's creation for years to come. ______ |_ 14 _| Legal Statements |__| This FAQ is Copyright(c) 2003-2004 Beau West (zareba_n64@yahoo.com). This is a list of Websites that are allowed to have my FAQ on them. GameFAQs Cheat Code Central If you ever see it anywhere else, please contact me. Thank you. ______ |_ 15 _| Credits |__| Thanks to: My very good friend Silas Verrender(falcon_n64@yahoo.com) for inspiring this FAQ. And his "FAQ Writer" that I wrote my FAQ on. Michael Jacobs & Beeline Group for making the manual for the game. CJayC for letting me post this FAQ on his website. Thanks to you for reading this FAQ To Nintendo, for their continuous effort to make good games and systems. Very Special thanks to: My Saviour Jesus Christ who died for my sins and made me clean.