"The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay" _______________________________________________________________________________ [FAQ/Walkthrough] by the13thJedi - email: Chimera519@hotmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: =============================================================================== 1.) About this FAQ a) Introduction b) Version History c) Legal Junk d) Contact Information =============================================================================== 2.) Getting Started a) Story b) Characters c) Enemies d) Weapons =============================================================================== 3.) The Walkthrough 3.01 - Escape 3.02 - The Arrival 3.03 - Prison Yard 3.04 - Aquila Territory 3.05 - Infirmary 3.06 - Mainframe 3.07 - Prison Yard Riot 3.08 - The Pit 3.09 - Pope Joe's Den 3.10 - Dark Tunnels 3.11 - Showers 3.12 - Guard Quarters 3.13 - Abbott 3.14 - Tower 17 3.15 - Tower 17 Base 3.16 - Recreation Area 3.17 - Feed Ward 3.18 - Work Pass 3.19 - Mine Entrance 3.20 - Security Checkpoint 3.21 - Upper Mines 3.22 - Cargo Transport 3.23 - Mining Core 3.24 - Tower 19 3.25 - Container Router 3.26 - Crash Site 3.27 - Abandoned Equipment Center 3.28 - Central Storage 3.29 - Loading Docks 3.30 - Fuel Transport 3.31 - Hanger 3.32 - Exercise Area 3.33 - Cryo Pyramids 3.34 - Facility Control 3.35 - Corporate Offices 3.36 - Take Off Platform =============================================================================== 4.) Secrets and Side-quests a) Side-quests b) Cigarette Pack Locations c) Nano-Med Health Station Locations =============================================================================== 5.) Miscellaneous a) Frequently asked questions b) Cheat Codes =============================================================================== 6.) The End a) Credits b) Closing =============================================================================== -----About this FAQ----- 1.a) Introduction Welcome to my FAQ for Escape from Butcher Bay, the amazing FPS from Starbreeze Studios and Tigon Games that serves as a prequel to the 1999 film "Pitch Black," and the forthcoming "Chronicles of Riddick." I enjoyed the game so much that I decided to try my hand at writing an FAQ to help out those of you who need it. This FAQ will cover everything from an extensive walkthrough, to complete side-quest details, to pinpoint locations of every pack of smokes in the game. With that said, I hope you enjoy this offering and I hope it helps you when you need it. -the13thJedi 1.b) Version History -06/07/04 - started work on this FAQ. -06/09/04 - finished walkthrough up through checkpoint 13 submitted first draft to GameFAQs -06/14/04 - finished walkthrough up through checkpoint 24 revisions made to contact into revisions made to legal junk (websites added) 1.c) Legal Junk This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only - it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anyone (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my expressed written permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, George Manning III - Chimera519@hotmail.com. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. This document is copyrighted 2004 George Manning III. As of 06/14/2004, only the following websites have permission to post this walkthrough: -www.GameFAQs.com -www.CheatCC.com -www.neoseeker.com -www.xbox-hq.com If anyone finds it anywhere else, please contact me immediately. 1.d) Contact Info I'm known on GameFAQs as the13thJedi. Currently you can find me on the CoR board. My email address is Chimera519@hotmail.com. If you want to contribute to this FAQ, shoot me an e-mail. Your contribution will be considered and if I find it necessary, I'll include it in a later version, and full credit will be given where it's due. If you're looking to include the FAQ on your site, please be sure to get my permission by e-mail first. Past that, do not e-mail me asking for answer to random questions. Right now, I'm just too busy trying to finish this to answer anything past permission requests from websites. If you need help on something that hasn't been finished yet, check the message boards. That's why they are there. And 99% of the time, if you ask nicely, you will get an answer. =============================================================================== -----Getting Started----- 2.a) Story "Welcome to Butcher Bay, the toughest triple-max security prison in the universe. Impossible to escape, or so they say. Inside these walls are dank tunnels, dimly lit corridors, and other hazardous areas filled with guards, savage inmates and deadly creatures that prowl the darkness. Chaos, madness, and death lurk around every corner. Only the cunning will survive. Use your strength to overpower enemies. Use your ability to see through darkness to save you. You are Richard B. Riddick, and only you can break out of this hell." 2.b) Characters coming soon 2.c) Enemies coming soon 2.d) Weapons coming soon =============================================================================== -----The Walkthrough----- 3.01 - Escape Start off the level by walking up to Johns and talking to him. Take the conversation in any direction you want to because his response is the same for both choices. After you're finished with him, you can talk to either of the two inmates, or get down to business. Sneak up behind Johns, and when Riddick extends his hands, press the R-trigger. Immediately turn around and head for the service tunnel. Now, if you're wondering where that is, just follow the inmate, he'll open it for you. Once inside, follow the path and turn right. Climb down the ladder. On your right is pack of smokes #37. Pick them up, and hop down. You'll see a maintenance man with his back turned to you. No matter what you do, he will always hear you coming, so don't bother sneaking around. Just walk right up to him and punch him in the face. He'll go down soon enough, and when he does, he drops a security card. Pick it up, and use it on the near by keypad. Go into stealth mode, stick to the shadows and sneak to the far end of the hall. When the guard wanders by, just sneak up behind him and hit the R-trigger. Grab the vent tool he drops. Then grab his body and drag it into the shadows. After you've disposed of the body, walk down the hall that the guard came from. You'll come a large room where Riddick mentions an air vent. Ignore it for now and go behind the stack of boxes on your left. Crouch behind them and you'll notice a dark passage. Head through it, and jump down into the hole. Once in the hole, turn right at the corner, then right again to find 10 UDs and pack of smokes #1. Go back the way you came. Climb the boxes in the vent room and jump up to the hang rail. Work your way across until a guard wanders in. Wait until he's directly below you and drop down on him. Then, back up the crates, and across the hang rail to the vent hatch. Head in, and follow the vents. Kick out the grating and jump down. Now, you're in a room with an empty nano-med unit. To your left is a nano-med cartridge, If you need it, pick it up and put it into the machine. If not, ignore it. Turn left and head down the next hall, and through the door. In this room, you'll find a guard standing by a table on the right side of the room. He will realize your there. When he runs up to you, counter his attack by hitting the r-trigger. After you've dealt with him, pick up his shotgun, and go over to the table he was standing at and grab pack of smokes #6. Now, head right and climb the boxes. Jump up to the rail and shimmy to your left. When you get to the opening, climb out and head through the door on the left. Head up the elevator and outside. Crouch down, wait a second, then sneak up behind the guard and kill him. Remember the ammo. Turn around, and head down the ladder on your left. When you find the sewer access hatch, blast off the lock and head through. Turn on your torch, but only long enough to get you bearings. And remember to keep crouched. You'll come across a guard. Kill him. And mind the barrels, because if you're too close and one gets hit, it can hurt. Turn right, and head down the next hall. Another guard is close, so kill him too, and grab his 5 UDs. After you go so far, another guard will run out after you. Dispatch him, and keep moving, then another guard. Turn left at the flare. And stay to the left side of the hall. You'll see a barrel around the corner. Shoot it, and the guard next to it will drop. Now just follow the light. Rise and Shine. 3.02 - The Arrival - Cutscene 3.03 - Prison Yard Welcome to Butcher Bay. You start this level in your cell. After the cutscene, turn around and walk out of the cell. Talk to Barber, the inmate on your right. He mentions that Mattson is out in the courtyard talking like he knows you, and that you should go talk to him. First things first, head to the courtyard to talk to Mattson. To get there, just head to your right. In the courtyard, he's the guy on the left, just next to the pit. He'll mention that he knew you were coming, and that he has a shiv in his bunk just for you. Go back into the cell block and turn right. The open cell is Mattson's. Go in it and immediately turn around. You've been set up. Time to starting earning that reputation. Kill the two goons. And head back to the courtyard to deal with Mattson. After dealing with him talk to Haley, and he'll agree to help you after you take care of something for him. Talk to Red, and make a note of Booger, the guy behind the bars. Head back to your cell and watch the cutscene. After the cutscene, talk to Barber again. He mentions that Rust is waiting for you in the Aquila's block. He also mentions that Waman can help get you a weapon. Turn right and head around the corner. On your left, you'll see and open cell with two inmates, Girish and Waman. Waman wants you to kill Molina. Agree to help him, and leave the cell. The opposite cell belongs to Molina. Walk in, and beat him down. Don't forget to grab his knuckle duster, either. After he's dead, go back and talk to Waman to get pack of smokes #25. Now, head back to the courtyard and to the door on the opposite side to cellblock A, Aquila Territory. 3.04 - Aquila Territory Equip the knuckle duster. Follow the path until you come to two aquila's standing near a corpse. Get the jump on the guy standing over the body. When he's dead, go deal with his buddy. The second guy drops 5 UDs and a knuckle duster. Grab the UDs. To your left is an open cell door with a Nano-Med unit and pack of smokes #58. Use the Nano-Med if needed and grab them smokes. When you're done, head back out and continue deeper into Aquila territory. Around the next corner, there are two more Aquila's. Dodge the fire extinguisher that flies your way, and deal with the inmate that sticks around. Careful, because he has a Shiv. When he's dead, he'll drop the Shiv and 10 UDs. Equip the shiv and keep moving. Around the next corner, you'll see an Aquila kneeling down next to some green liquid. Get closer and he'll light it up, then immediately back away to avoid the blast. Head back down, and you'll have two more goons to deal with, one with a Shiv, the other with a duster. Try to deal with the Shiv goon first to avoid taking unnecessary damage. After they're dead, grab the 15 UDs dropped, and continue on to Rust. Shiv his ass, and enjoy the cutscene. Afterwards, head to the open cell on your left and talk to Moondog to get pack of smokes #59. Head back towards the courtyard. On your way, avoid the guard chasing the inmate. And talk to Blueboy to get pack of smokes #57. Past him, there is a guard patrolling that drops 5 UDs if you drop him. Just wait for him to examine the corpse, then get him from behind. Before leaving the area, use the Nano-med station if needed, and remember to unequip your weapon. In the courtyard, talk to Red who rewards you with 30 UDs for downing Rust. Then talk to Booger, who will sell you pack of smokes #26 for 20 UDs. Then, talk to Haley. After you've finished the conversation, head all the way back past your cell to the beginning of level. Before talking to the guard, talk to Shabby, who gives you a secret code for the infirmary area. Now, talk to Bulder, who agrees to let you go to the infirmary. 3.05 - The Infirmary As you walk into the infirmary, you'll be greeted by an armed guard. There is also another guard in the rear of the room, who is not armed. Plain and simple: Kill the armed guard first, then his buddy. The armed guard drops the security code for the 2nd of the two doors on your left, (the code shabby gave you is for the first.) After you kill them both, go through the first door on the left. Inside you'll find a scalpel and pack of smokes #12. Leave the room and head towards the second room on your left. Ignore the Nano-Med unit for now, unless you're low on health. When you open the door, you'll be greeted by yet another unarmed guard. Kill him and move along until you find the first Nano-Med health station. These machines increase your life by one bar and are one time use only. After you've used the station, turn around and head up the ladder. Keep going until you enter the room with the crate that over looks the infirmary. Walks up to the crate, then when you see the guard's laser through the next doorway, back yourself up into the corner to the right of the door you came in through. Crouch, and wait for him to walk over and turn around. Stealth kill him and he'll drop 5 UDs. Move through the next door, and into the service hatch on the right. Now, stay crouched in the next part, because you have to sneak past this guard. Just stay close to the left hand wall, and keep an eye on where he points his torch. Time your movements, and you should be able to sneak by without alerting him. Get to the other service tunnel and keep moving. A guard above you will more than likely spot you. But if you move quick enough, he probably won't be able to hit you. Immediately thereafter, Riots will break out in the cell blocks. Don't bother yourself with anything you might hear though. No one can touch you. Just head up the ladder and through the service hatch. You'll see a guard walking away from you. Sneak up behind him and kill him. Then head to the opposite end of the room and crouch in the shadows. Move forward, and the door will open, revealing a guard walking away with his back turned to you. Pay close attention to the searchlight though, you don't wanna get spotted in this area. Just wait until it moves on, sneak behind the guard, kill him, and drag the body back to the room. While paying attention to the searchlight, grab the security code he drops and head for the door directly in front of you. Move into the next room with caution - There is a guard patrolling who sometimes happens to be facing your direction when you open the door. If he is, rush him and try to counter with the shiv. If not, sneak up behind him and stealth kill him. After you deal with him, head through the door on the left hand side of the room. 3.06 - Mainframe Walk out onto the catwalk, and wait for the maintenance man to get close enough for a drop kill. Use the DNA encoder, and get that Rifle! Head left of the door, so you can't quite see it. You'll be in the guard's blind spot. Now, just wait for the troops to come through the door, and pick them off easy. Shoot out the lights, and head for the door. 3 troops are on the other side, so move carefully. When the door opens, try to hit the gas tank on the far wall. If you're fast enough, you should be able to down 2 of 3 before they even realize what happened. Drop the 3rd with your new toy, and don't forget to grab the gun, extra ammo, and 10 UDs they drop. Now, turn right, and move forward. A guard in the far doorway will toss a grenade out. Back up to avoid the blast. Then move forward and use the nano-med unit if needed. Pick the debris off of the hole to the right, and climb through. Take out the guard and grab relieve him of his shotgun while you're at it. Now, use the service panel on the right to turn off the fan, and climb the crates to get to it. Shoot out the light on the opposite wall to give yourself the cover of darkness. And take out the two guards patrolling the area (one on the left, one on the right.) Hop down and head right. Shoot out the light in the next room, hug that wall, and wait for the guard to wander in. Kill him, and grab his 5 UDs. Shoot out the next light. In the next room there are two guards waiting on the catwalk above. So edge your way out and try to pick them off one at a time. Use the Nano-Med if needed, Then climb up to the catwalk and grab the goods they drop, ammo and 5 UDs. Now, turn around and wait for the guard to come wandering in from where you just came. Shoot him when you have the shot. And don't forget to grab pack of smokes #13 on the opposite end of the catwalks. Head back down, and go into the hall to the left of where you came in. Train your sight on the far left hand corner, past the service and nail the guard when he rolls out. Move through the service hatch and turn off the valve on the right. Move forward until you hear a guard shout "grenade!" Back up to avoid the blast. Then move forward again while crouched, and two guards will slowly come into view. Don't worry, they can't see you if your torch is off. And they can't hear you if you crouch. Do with them what you will, though I prefer quietly shiving them one at a time. When you're done, turn around and go through the hole that they just made for you when they tossed that grenade. After you get into the larger room, and guard will run out towards you, shoot him, then another will run out. Yup..... Lambs to the slaughter..... When they're both dead, head in the direction they came, and use the nano-med if needed. Head through the door on the left hand side of the room and get ready to dodge a grenade. There are 4 guards in this room. One on your right, three on your left. Kill righty first, then shoot out the light in his general vicinity, and run over there for cover. Now, pick off two of the three remaining guards. Leave the one with just the gun alive. Now, climb up the crates and take out the last guy. The immediately get onto the catwalk to your right. As the elevator lowers, you'll come face to face with one of the riot guards, the bastards of Butcher Bay. These guys can only be killed with weapon fire from behind or above. Hence, the reason for being on the catwalk. There are other ways to do it, but this method is the safest. Stand at the edge closest to the elevator to lure him towards you, back off a bit, then jump to the boxes between you and the elevator. Line him up, and fire until he goes down. Jump down to gather the spoils: ammo, 10 UDs, and pack of smokes #27. Head to the elevator, and hit the switch. Follow the path until you hit cellblock A. 3.07 - Prison Yard Riot When you get to cellblock A, you'll see two hallways on your right. Take a right at the far hall and go turn the valve. Turn around and head back to the dark hallway you just passed. Also, take note of the nano-med and use it if you need to. When you get to the dark hall, head down and you'll see an inmate get shot to ribbons. Now, the best suggestion I can offer for this level is to move slow and steady. Use your zoom as much as possible, and blow out all of the lights you come across. Doing those three things ensures that you're always at a safe distance from any potential danger. Stand where the dead inmate is and zoom out into the cellblock, you should see two guards. Take them out from a distance, and slowly move forward. If you zoom, you'll notice a turret back near the gate, one shot takes it out. Head further out and turn right, on the wall across from your cell is a turret. Take it out, then turn right a bit more and aim for the turret at the very end of the hall. Now head down the hall until another guard comes running out from the left. Take him out, the take out the turret on the right hand side between cells 35 and 36. Move forward a bit more and an inmate will run your way, only to be shot seconds later. Be careful here, because there are two guards just around the corner. Take them out and move forward. Be sure to grab the nano-med cartridge one of them drops. At the end of the hall near Mattson's cell is another turret, so be sure to shoot it before you get to close. When it's done, move into the hall that leads to the yard. At the end of the hall is a crouched guard. Take him out and move towards him. There is another turret to the right of his body, so sneak out and destroy it. Move forward and you'll see that the gate to the yard is locked. So turn around, and head back toward the infirmary entrance. You'll run into another inmate being chased by a guard just outside your cell. Take him out, then keep moving. As you turn right, you'll see a guard standing behind the gate. He tosses a grenade the second you round the corner, so move back to avoid the blast. Take him out from a distance and slowly move forward. The gate will open and another guard will run out. After he's dead, go and grab the radio transmitter he drops. Now turn around and head back for the yard. Only one more guard to deal with, and you'll see him run out of the narrow hallway that leads to the yard. When he's toast, just get to the yard to finish the checkpoint. 3.08 - The Pit When the custscene ends, you'll receive a message telling you that the light on the shotgun was damaged by the fall, and the light will automatically shut down in 6 minutes. Don't worry though, if you follow my directions, by the time you reach the end of the checkpoint, you'll have around 4 minutes left on the timer before the light goes out. As soon as you get control of Riddick, turn completely around and head through the door behind you. You'll see your first "dweller" as you head through the door. Follow him and head straight until you get to the ramp that leads to the lower level. Once at the bottom, you'll be confronted by two dwellers in front of you, and two behind. At close range, they go down with one shot, so try to conserve ammo by waiting until the last moment before you shoot. After you've dealt with them, head right from the bottom of the ramp, then immediately turn left. Now, just head to the end of the hall and take another left. Follow this hall until you find the valve handle. Pick it up, turn around and go back the way you came. Deal with the dwellers as they come, and watch your ammo. Once you get to the ramp, head up and take the left doorway. Once through it, turn left and follow the hall to the end. Then take the last left and follow it until you'll see a flare on the ground. Use the valve handle on the right wall just after the flare. Open the gate and cross the bridge. Take the left at the intersection and follow it until you see the next flare. There is a short dead end on the left hand side before the flare that has pack of smokes #15. Now, just head through the doorway next to the flare and follow it until you reach Pope Joe. 3.09 - Pope Joe's Den As soon as you find Joe, un-equip the shotgun. Doing this stops the timer that will kill the light, so you'll be able to use it in the upcoming mission. (Note: This will not work if you load the game at checkpoint 9, you have to play straight through from the pit.) For now, just follow Joe. He comes to a stop in a room with a nano-med unit on the right, and flares on the left. Stock up on both if you need to (you shouldn't need the flares, but grab them just in case,) then talk to Joe. He'll ramble on for a second and then he'll tell you that he wants you to get his "blessed voicebox" back for him. What choice do you have but to agree. When he's finished mumbling, he gives you some extra shotgun ammo. Un-equip the shotgun once again to preserve the battery. Head back to the elevator, and go down. Take the left path when you step out of the elevator and equip the shotgun when you feel the need. Follow the linear path until you find yourself standing outside a large room will two barrels and a few dwellers inside. Shoot the barrels and kill off the remaining dwellers. Step into the room and turn right. Go into the hole to find a nano-med cartridge and pack of smokes #16. After you collect the goods, step back into the large room and to the doorway opposite the one you entered. Inside is Joe's voicebox. Grab it, and head back. Take out the dwellers, and work your way back to Joe to finish the checkpoint. 3.10 - Dark Tunnels After that interesting cutscene takes place, Riddick now has the ability to see in the dark. The eyeshine as it's referred to has both it's up and it's downs. On the plus side, you can now move through the pitch black with the ability to see what no one else can see, which is great for using moving through areas unnoticed and finding hidden items such as smokes, UDs, ammo, etc. On the downside, this means that whenever you have the eyeshine on, you're extremely sensitive to light, which means environmental light, as well as the lights on enemy weapons can now effectively blind you. So, while being a great asset, it also has its costs. That said, on with the walkthrough. Move forward through the doorway on the right. Then head straight taking out dwellers as they come until you see a doorway on your left. Go through it and turn left. As you move forward, you'll see an opening on both sides. Through the opening on the left you'll find pack of smokes #28. After you collect the smokes, go back to the opening on the right, then up the ladder to pigsville. 3.11 - Showers As you start, you'll find yourself in the middle of the showers. Do a 180 and go into stealth mode. As you move on, you'll see two bathroom stalls on the left, ignore them for now and stick to the left wall until you get to the light switch next to the locker room. Hit the switch to turn off the lights and turn on the eyeshine. Stay next to the wall and wait for one of the guards to walk in. Kill him dead then head back to the first stall and kill the guard on the other side. Now, move back to the spot where you killed the first guard and either wait for the second one to come after you, or head into the locker room and kill him. Try not to move too far out though, because whether or not the guards outside the locker room will attack you depends on how far into the locker room you are when the shooting stops. If you can kill them all closer to the shower area, you'll stand a better chance of the guards outside the locker room not noticing the disturbance, thus making it easier for you to move among them. When the three guards are dead, open the lockers to find a total of 20 UDs, pack of smokes #29, and most importantly, a guard outfit. There are also two assault rifles, which are a little tricky to get. For some reason, they can't be picked up by simply opening the locker doors, you will have to either use melee attacks or shoot the doors off each locker to collect the ammo. Equip the guard clothes, and head for the locker room exit. From here, turn right. You'll see a nano-med unit, and a doorway to its left. Use the nano-med if you need to and go through the door. Walk to the back of the room. On the left side in the corner, you'll notice a railing and a hole. Jump down into the hole into the room below to find a vent tool. After picking up the vent tool, go through the vent hatch to get back up to the top level. You're done in this room so now leave and head down the hall past the locker room and into the next area. What you do here is pretty much up to you, but I prefer blending in as opposed to killing everyone in sight. It makes moving around the level much easier and slightly more entertaining, because some off what the guards here have to say can be both interesting and amusing. That said, as soon as you enter the room, head right through the small hallway. You'll pass two guards standing outside an elevator with a crate shoved into the doorway. Stick around for some comic relief, or continue on to the next area. The next room you'll come to has a large hole in the middle, and a nano-med unit on the opposite wall. Keep moving into the hallway to the right of the unit and you'll see a guard standing in front of a doorway. Ignore him for now and turn right. Follow the hall until you see a railing on your left, a hallway in front of you, and the hanger area entrance on your far right. Jump over the railing and down into the lower area. Turn around and move into the darkness to find a vent hatch. Open it and move through the vents until you come to a grating. Kick it out and hop down. In the next room over, you'll find yourself some nifty light guard armor, a bunch of extra assault rifles, and pack of smokes #30. Use the keypad to open the door and go to the left to get to the hanger area entrance. Once there, use the retinal scanner. Unfortunately, getting out of Butcher Bay isn't gonna be that easy. What's worse is your cover has been blown and the nearby guards will now attack you. From this point, you can either A: go back through the level and kill everything that moves (This can score you extra ammo and 15 UDs,) or B: Follow the hallway to the right and into the next checkpoint. It's up to you, but the more UDs you have, the better, because having all that extra cash later in the game can make life in Butcher Bay much easier. 3.12 - Guard Quarters Walk through the door and head right. Talk to Jenkins in the courtyard, and for listening to him whine, he'll give you his bottle of booze. When you're finished, turn right and talk to the shopkeeper Yu. First thing to do is get some information on Abbot. Yu will mention that he has a package for Abbott, and you could deliver it. After you get the package, you can take a look at what he has to sell. -Pack of Smokes #33 for 5 UDs -Shotgun Ammo for 20 UDs -Assault Rifle Ammo for 20 UDs -Light Armor Uniform for 130 UDs -Combat Knife for 50 UDs By the time you get to Yu, all you should really need is the smokes since you already have the uniform and plenty of ammo. You can buy the knife if you want it, but I strongly recommend that you don't. 50 UDs is a waste of money for something you can only carry until the end of this checkpoint. When you're done, head to the elevator in the back of the courtyard. Exit the elevator and go through the door on the right. Talk to Chancellor, and he'll offer 50 UDs for that bottle of booze Jenkins gave you. Agree to the trade, and he'll also give you pack of smokes #31. Leave the room and head through the door that's to the left of the elevator. Now just follow the path until you reach the T intersection. The right path leads to a nano-med unit, as well as a service panel that cuts the power to some of the halls in the area. The left path leads you to Abbot. There really isn't anything worth doing in this area that you haven't already done. And there is nothing useful to be gained by killing all of the guards, so at this point, head left and go get Abbot. You'll find his apartment at the dead end of the left path. It's the 2nd apartment on the left. Ring the doorbell and tell him you have a package to get inside. 3.13 - Abbot As soon as you walk through the door, Abbot opens fire. This guy is a chump though, and killing him is easier than breathing. Just remember to keep moving, and keep shooting. He'll go down soon enough. When he does, just sit back at watch the plot thicken. 3.14 - Tower 17 After the cutscene, head out of your cell and into the next cell on the right. Flip the bunk and pick up pack of smokes #00. Now head out of the cell, into the door on the right, and into the elevator. 3.15 - Tower 17 Base From this point on, the game tosses many more choices at you than it did previously. Just follow the walkthrough, and you'll get through with everything you need, as well as room to spare. When the elevator stops, step outside and speak to Rael. He will mention three names that will be of interest to you: Jagger Valance, Dogbone, and Centurion. When you're finished talking to him, head through the door on the right and down into the courtyard. On your left, you'll see Dogbone. He mentions that you'll need to prove yourself. And in order to do that, you need to Kill Bam in the ring, or get ahold of some drugs, get to the interrogation room, and beat the tar out of Abbot. For the sake of collecting all the packs of smokes in the game, the walkthrough will cover the fighting method. When you're finished speaking with Dogbone, walk over to the guy wearing the hat. That's Centurion, and he arranges all of the fights in double max. Now, the only way to get out of the courtyard is to step into the ring. So agree to fight. Your first fight will be with Herman, the blueskin guarding the gate on the far end of the room (under the large, yellow "No Talking" sign.) You're also going to want to make a note of Ropes. He's the guard standing near the door across from Herman. If you pay him 10 UDs, he'll let you in to use a medstation. But keep in mind, it's only good for 4 energy bars. So try to use it sparingly. After speaking with Herman, walk back to Centurion and talk to him. Now get ready to fight. Now, there really isn't any better advice I can give other than to remember to block, and learn to chain your hits. Being fast and unrelenting is the best way to win any fight in Butcher Bay. If you haven't fought much up to this point, use Herman for practice by reloading this checkpoint and fighting him over and over until you feel confident in your skills as a fighter. I'll also note that you should win this fight with all 5 bars intact. It's the easiest fight of five and having full health as much as possible cuts down the uses of the only medstation in the area. So anyway, when Herman is dead, you'll be awarded with 20 UDs. From this point, the money you have will have a significant impact on how your game will progress. At this point, if you followed my walkthrough, you should have 210 UDs - more than enough to get you everything you'll need in double max. Speak to Centurion, and pay 5 UDs to get the name of another fighter. Centurion will suggest Baasim. Exit the courtyard through the gate to the recreation area. 3.16 - Recreation Area The first room you will come to has three doors. Straight ahead, a door that leads to Tower 19 which can never be opened. On the right, the door that leads to the feed ward. And on the left, the huge door to the courtyard that reads "No F****** in the Courtyard." You need to find Baasim, so head left into the courtyard. Right off the bat you'll notice a large "A" on the ground, two inmates to the left, two guards to the right, and a bunch of moths flying around. First things first - getting a weapon. Walk over to the inmates, Asif and Crickett, and speak to Crickett. Buy the awesome shiv he is selling for 30 UDs. Then take note of where his buddy Asif heads, but don't follow him just yet. Instead, take the small door to the left that leads to section "B" of the courtyard. And while you're in this area, try catching as many moths as you can. Having a pocket full of bugs comes in handy a little later on. In the next area, you'll see Baasim, challenge him to a fight. After you're finished, speak to the others in the area. One of them is Jamaal-Udeen. He wants you to kill all of the blueskins for him in exchange for a reward, agree to it. Then talk to the ugly guy wearing the hood. This is Pink. And he's selling pack of smokes #56 for 10 UDs. After you've spoken to everyone, head to section C. Walk up to Gulag and Wilkins, and speak to each of them. Gulag tells you that he wants a red tube hat was stolen by the PPPs back. Agree to it. Wilkins wants to know if Jagger Valance is still alive. You're looking for Jagger anyway, so agree to help him. Now, there are also 2 other inmates in the area, Craps and The Nurse. Craps asks you if you wanna roll the dice. I've done this, and I don't find any use for it. So just ignore him. Nurse, mentions that a K3 in the diner owes him. So agree to help him collect. Now, head to the last section of the courtyard, and speak with two-tongue, the jittery guy pacing around the room. He needs two things from you: His injector back from the PPPs, and Baasim's head on a plate. For now, you're finished in this area. So head back to Centurion and get ready to fight. Now, Baasim is a little tougher than Herman. But remember that nice, sharp Shiv you bought from crickett? Equip it and Baasim goes down quick. After the fight you receive 20 UDs and pack of smokes #18. Go ahead and pay Centurion 5 UDs for another name, and he suggests Sawtooth, who can be found in the Diner. Pay Ropes to use the medstation if you need to, then head for the Feed Ward. 3.17 - Feed Ward When you enter the feed ward, you'll see three inmates chatting in the middle of the room. Behind them, standing next to the bench, is Cuellas. Talk to him and he tells you he wants his snitch list back. Agree to help him, and move through the door. In the next room, the path goes two ways. There is an inmate on the left named Georgie, who tell you that there is no surveillance in the area. Now, head back to the entrance and go around the right path. When you round the corner, you'll run into a blueskin who happens to be pretty upset that you killed his buddy in the ring. Immediately back off and equip the Shiv. When fighting this guy, stay AWAY from doorways. If the cameras catch you fighting, it's all over. So stay in the right side of this room. When the blueskin goes down, unequip the shiv and grab the poison he drops. Now, head into the Feed Ward. Sawtooth is the guy sitting at the 2nd table on the left. Challenge him to a fight. Then, check the table he's at, and poison Bink's food. Now head into the back of the diner. On the right hand side, you'll see two guys at a table eating food. One of them is Monster, who happens to be selling some items and weapons. He's selling a vent tool for 15 UDs, a Shiv for 25 UDs, and a Club for 50 UDs. Obviously, you don't need the Shiv. And while the vent tool is tempting, you'll be able to pick up another one later on, free of charge. That leaves the Club. You have more than enough UDs at this point. The club is a powerful weapon that inflicts massive damage with each hit. But unfortunately, that damage comes with a price. The club is extremely slow in my opinion, and has a tendency of leaving you open for enemy attacks all to often. But it will be handy later on, so go ahead and grab it. After you're finished with Monster, turn around and focus your attention on the doorway. The PPP, Asif should be heading your way right about now. So just wait for him. When he comes in, he'll open a loose panel on the wall to the right of the doorway. Wait for him to leave, then walk over to it. Opening the loose panel, you'll find Gulag's Red Tube, Twotongue's injector, and best of all, the 30 UDs you just paid Crickett in exchange for you're Pitch Black lookin' Shiv! Good deal, huh? Anyway, after collecting the goods, head back to the area where you fought the pissed off blueskin. On the left you'll see Gomer. He seems to have the cigarette market in Butcher Bay cornered, and for a total of 100 UDs, you can pick up pack of smokes #7 (10 UDs), #8 (15 UDs), #9 (20 UDs), #10 (25 UDs), and #11 (30 UDs.) Now, you're finished with this area, and you have two options: First, you could continue fighting, and by doing so, get all of the smokes that come as rewards for winning. Or, you could go see Twotongue, get his drugs, and go the drug route. But going that route means you miss out on at least three packs of smokes. So head back and speak to Centurion to get the fight with Sawtooth started. Sawtooth has a Shiv, but luckily he's kind slow. I preferred the Shiv in this fight: it's fast, effective, and quick with chains. When the fight is over, you get 20 UDs, and pack of smokes #19. Now go ahead and pay another 5 UDs for the next name. This time, it's Cusa, the big guy in section D of the recreation area. On the way be sure to speak to Gulag, who rewards you with pack of smokes #3, and The Nurse, who rewards you with pack of smokes #32. You also should have been able to grab a few moths by now, so go ahead and speak to Twotongue who will reward you with pack of smokes #55. Now just give him a moth, and he'll agree to trade with you. At this point, unless you're going the drug route, there is only one item of his that should concern you. He's selling pack of smokes #22 in exchange for 10 moths. Go ahead and grab them. He's also selling another pack of special smokes for 20 moths, but those will have to wait for now. When you're finished with Twotongue talk to Cusa, then head back to Centurion to get the fight started. Cusa is a mean dude. He's big, fast, and powerful. Once again, I used the shiv. Just do your best to stay out of his way, and remember to chain attacks. When Cusa goes down, you get another 20 UDs, and pack of smokes #20. Go ahead and pay Ropes to use the medstation if needed. Now, the only one left to fight is Bam. Go ahead and pay Centurion 5 UDs, and the fight will immediately start. Bam is a push over in my opinion. He's not that fast, and his only weapon is a knuckle duster. Just pound on him with the club or shiv, and he goes down fast enough. When the fight is over, you're immediately taken to the drug interrogation room to face Abbot. After the short cutscene, the fight starts. I prefer using the club on Abbot, especially for higher difficulties. It does good damage, and the overhead swing can stun Abbot for a second or two. The Shiv can also be useful, but it all depends on how you choose to fight. Abbot is fast, and that club of his does some mean damage, even when you block. So, before long you might find yourself running pretty low on health. If this happens, just run through the doors, and take a left. You'll find yourself in a room with a Nano-Med health station. Use it to replenish your health, and add another bar to your overall health. Then, just keep at Abbot until he drops. When he goes down, grab his keycard. I also like grabbing his club as a nice little trophy for the victory. After you have the card, head past the medstation room, and use the card reader to open the door. Make sure you don't have any weapons equiped though, as you're going back into the Feed Ward, and the turrets will kill you on site. From the Feed Ward, head back to Centurion to collect the final 20 UDs as well as pack of smokes #21. Now, head for the entrance to the Work Pass area in section D of the courtyard to finish the checkpoint. 3.18 - Work Pass As you walk in the door, you'll notice a riot guard to the left. Wait for Shurik to enter through the door the riot guard is guarding, and go speak to him. During the conversation, he'll mention that he left his glasses down in the upper mines. Agree to help him. Then turn right and head for the far door. When you get to the door, turn around and zoom in on the riot guard. When he's facing the opposite direction, use the keypad and enter the door. Immediately go into stealth, turn to the right, and turn on the eyeshine. Head underneath the platform in front of you. Circle around under the platform, and on the other side, you should see two guards and a mechanic. Sneak up behind the first guard and take him out quietly. Then, move to the left and circle around behind the second guard, and do the same. Now, you just have to deal with the mechanic. When they're all dead, pick up the vent tool. Now, there is a Nano- Med unit on a wall on the right side of the room, So use it if needed. On the wall to the right of the unit, you'll notice a loose panel. Behind the panel, you'll find 15 UDs, and part one of the list of rats that Cuellas wanted. On the opposite side of the room, you'll find to gratings. The grating on the right has 20 UDs behind it. After collecting, head to the grating on the left. Follow the vents until you come to an open space. For the sake of preparation, head for the hole on the right side. Stand just next to it, and face down. 3.19 - Mine Entrance As soon as the elevator stops, look down, and wait for the second guard. Drop down on top of him for a quick kill. Then, while in stealth, sneak up to his buddy and dispatch him. Now, turn around and get back on to the top of the elevator. With the eyeshine on, look around for a vent hatch. Open it up, and follow the vent up the ladder. Eventually you'll come to a grating, but don't kick it out yet. Turn off the eyeshine and wait for the guard to pass. As soon as he is out of sight, kick it out. He'll notice, but won't see you. Wait until he moves on, then sneak up to him and kill him. Drag his body into the vent, and follow the direction he was headed. On the right side, you'll see another vent hatch. Jump in and follow the vent around the corner. Take the first left to find pack of smokes #33. Now, kick out the grating and move back just a touch. In a second, you'll see a guard pass underneath you. Jump down behind him, and take him out. Now, head back to the vent hatch, and follow the vents to the next room. You'll drop down on to a stack of crates. At the end of the room directly in front of you is a guard. Sneak up behind him and push him down into the fan. Now, turn around and find the service panel to shut the fan off. In the corner underneath the vents you came in through, you'll find 10 UDs. Now head back to the fan and drop down. Keep a close eye on where you are, and try to drop down directly onto the guard below. Pick up the 5 UDs he drops and head for the security checkpoint. 3.20 - Security Checkpoint Before the walkthrough, I just wanted to add a quick note. I have played this checkpoint over and over. Each time, trying to find a way through without being spotted. And thus far, haven't found one. If anyone manages to find a way, let me know. As soon as you start, crouch and go through the door. Now, slowly head down the hall and stay to the left. Get behind the boxes on the left side of the room and sneak to the far wall. You should come out right behind a guard. Just wait. In a minute or two, his buddy will come over and start a conversation about you. Wait until the conversation is over, then slowly creep over to the guard and quietly take him out. Now, if you're lucky, no one will see or hear you. If not, you're in the same boat as me. As soon as I grabbed the body the other guard noticed me and all hell broke loose. But I noticed that this works to the advantage. Lure both the light and riot guards into the corner. And when they are searching for you, circle back around the crates and haul ass to the door near where the riot guard was standing. Now, when you get there, you can go two ways. First, you could simply go through the door on the bottom. There is a Nano-Med station on the other side, and it is quicker. But doing so means you miss a pack of smokes, and you don't have the luxury of cover in the next area that you would have if you do this: Instead of going through the door, jump on the ledge to the left of it, then up on top of the crates. From the crates, turn to your right and you'll see a catwalk. Jump over the rail onto it, and go towards the door to your right. Don't go in just yet, instead look to the right of the door and you'll see a small ledge. Hop over the rail on to the ledge, and climb up to find pack of smokes #39 hidden in the darkness. Now, get back over the rail, through the door, and down the stairs. 3.21 - Upper Mines Head through the door and you'll find yourself on a catwalk. To the far right, there is another catwalk with two guards patrolling, so move forward between windows making sure not to be seen. Make sure you wait until the guards have looked away before moving around the corner. Then quickly run to the cover of darkness. Now, look down through the second window and wait for the guard to turn his back, then jump down under the boxes, sneak up behind him, and cut his throat. Head towards the back of the hall, and another guard will come out from the right. You can either wait for him in the darkness, and take him out quietly, or you can you can rush him in the hopes of pulling of a quick counter. In some cases, you won't have a choice, so you're forced to opt for the later. At any rate, when both guards are dead, walk through the door, and follow the stairs up to the catwalk. At the end of the catwalk on the left is a door. Crouch and go through it. Inside, you'll find a guard harassing Mosely, a blueskin. Take out the guard and talk to Mosely, who mentions that the best way to Jagger Valance is through the door he's standing next to. First you're gonna need a keycard. To get the keycard, turn around, and go through the door opposite of the one you came in through. Now, you'll have to rely on both luck and skill to kill the guard. Because the chances of him seeing you all depend on where he is when you enter the room. Either way, kill him, and take his security card. Go out onto the catwalk to grab pack of smokes #40. Now, head back to Mosely. Remember the side mission that involves killing all the blueskins? Yep, Kill poor Mosely, then head through the door via the security card. 3.22 - Cargo Transport Upon entering the room, turn right and you'll see a nano-med unit. Use it if needed and check the floor for pack of smokes #42. Now, jump in to the cargo elevator to the bottom floor, and you will find a dead guard and an inmate named Armadaro. He will mention that the guard had a tranq gun. (DO NOT KILL HIM. He will not drop the gun.) Buy it for 50 UDs. (Note: shoot him with it for a bit of comic relief....) Now head back in the cargo elevator and ride it all the way up to the third floor. On the third floor, head through the door on your right. In the next room, there is a vent hatch. Ignore it. Instead, climb to the top of the yellow crates. When you get to the top, jump onto the vents. Walk on top of the vents all the way back to the entrance, you'll see that the vent is broken. Climb in, and follow it until you come to a room with a guard and the inmate, Valya. Shoot the guard, stomp his head, then talk to Valya. For rescuing him, he rewards you with the code to access the keypad just after the bridge in the mine entrance. Keep that in mind, but for now, just head back to the upper mines. Go past the area where you killed the sharpshooter that dropped the security card, and you'll find yourself on a catwalk above a guard barking out orders to an inmate named Quintana. Tranq the guard, then quickly climb down to stomp his neck. Speak with Quintana, and he'll mention that Shurik left his glasses on the crates by the elevator. Now, go check them out to find the glasses. Now, go all the way back to the bottom of cargo transport where you bought the tranq gun from Armadaro. Walk through the door to the left to get to the Mining Core. 3.23 - Mining Core Upon entering, take out the guard at the other end of the room. Now, use the Nano-Med Unit if needed, and then blow the lights in the room. Head through the door at the bottom of the stairs, and you should draw the attention of the near by riot guard (and maybe even the mechanic.) Lure him into the room, and up the stairs. When he's at the top, jump over the rail and into the room below. If you're lucky, that's where he'll stay. Now, head to the other side of the forklift and access the service panel to shut off the rail defense. Hop over the railing and take a left to find pack of smokes #4. Remember to grab the moths here as well. Then, turn around and jump on to the equipment to get back out. Head down the tunnel on the right, shooting lights and guards you go. At the end of the tunnel, take a right and go behind the crates. Meet Jagger Valance. Upon talking to him, he mentions that he needs you to get a package for him before he will help you escape. Agree to it, then go around the back of the boxes and take out the guard that's keeping an eye on the miners. Take him out and move to the right side of the mines, next to the railway. Take out any guards you come across, and head around to the back of the crates, in the right hand corner of the mines to find pack of smokes #41. Turn around and go up the ramp. Take out the guard if you haven't already, and head down the hall on the right. Slowly move forward and take out the two guards inside. Use the Nano-Med unit in needed, then use the keypad to access the gas room. Jump over the crate and move to the hole in the back. Through the hole, in the back of the next room is a dead body, and a package. Get the package, and head back to Jagger. From here Jagger tells you to get to get to tower 19 to see Jupiter. First things first though. Leave the mining core through the cargo transport by taking an elevator to the upper mines. When there, head to the area where you killed Mosely, and you'll find the two remaining blueskins waiting for you. Tranq and kill both of them to retrieve the final part of the snitch list. Now, just get back to the mine entrance. It doesn't matter how you get there, just get there. When you get to the mine entrance, don't forget to access the keypad next to the bridge to open the door to Valya's secret area, which houses a Nano -med station, as well as pack of smokes #37. Also, Make sure you have 20 moths before you leave the mines. When you're ready, head to the elevator and use the keypad to head back up. At the top, exit the elevator and turn left. Shoot out all the lights, and head for the far wall. kick out the grating to find pack of smokes #36. Turn around, and climb the nearby crate, then the wall. shimmy all the way to the left and climb up. stay crouched, and move slowly. For safety sake, shoot out all of the lights, both near and far, to avoid being seen. Now, look up and you should see a hangrail. Climb up on to it and cross over the riot guard to the opposite wall. Now, drop down on to the wall and take out the remaining lights in the work pass area. Make sure the riot guard is facing the other direction, unequip your weapon, and jump down. Go give Shurik his glasses, and use the keypad next to him to enter the control room. Inside you'll find a nano-med cartridge and pack of smokes #34. Now, head back to the courtyard/recreation area to finish a few side quests. In section D, talk to Twotongue and trade the 20 moths for pack of smokes #23. Then speak to Wilkins in section C. After he receives the news that Jagger is still alive, he rewards you will 30 UDs. Then speak to Jamal-Udeen and he'll give you pack of smokes #24 for killing all of the blue- skins. Now, head to the feed ward. Give the snitch list to Cuellas, and he will reward you with pack of smokes #17. If you feel like it, pay Georgie 50 UDs to distract the guards for you. This will pay off in a little while, and UDs are not going to be needed much more past this. So I'd recommend paying him the 50 UDs. Now, you're finished with this place, so head back to the work pass area, and back into the power control room. Take out the guard standing in front of the door in the far right corner of the room, and use the keypad to get through the door. Once inside, jump in to the ventilation hatch, and follow the vents to the upper feed ward. Drop down and take out the guard. Turn right and move through the door in to the next area. Blow the lights, and head down the stairs. On the right, there is a service panel that cuts the power, so go ahead and hit the switch. On the left, there are two guards, and grating on the left wall. Kick it in and follow the vents to find pack of smokes #43. Head back into the vents, and go past the area where you just killed the two guards. Follow the path, and take the right where you'll find two more guards. Kill them boths, then jump into the vent hatch to get to the next checkpoint. 3.24 - Tower 19 Move to the edge of the vent, and look down. Wait until you see a guard through the grating, then jump down. If your aim and your timing are right, you'll land right on the guard, killing him and cushoning your fall. Pick up the white key- card he drops and use the computer terminal. Now, turn around and use the nano- med unit if needed, and head through the hall to the left. Use the keypad to unlock the door, and walk into the cell area to speak with Jupiter. Back into the cell when the shooting starts, and wait for a home box to lower down. When one comes in reach, jump off the cell and out on to it. 3.25 Coming soon =============================================================================== -----Secrets and Side-quests----- 4.a) Side-quests coming soon 4.b) Cigarette Pack Locations coming soon 4.c) Nano-Med Health Station Locations coming soon =============================================================================== ----- Miscellaneous----- 5.a) Frequently Asked Questions coming soon 5.b) Cheat Codes As of today's date 06/14/2004, there are no cheat codes for "Escape from Butcher Bay." =============================================================================== -----The End----- 6.a) Credits Thanks to tons of folks who e-mailed me about how to pick up the rifle ammo in the locker room. 6.b) Closing coming soon