------------------------------------------------- Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind Conflicting Quests Guide V 1.0 Updated (03/08/05) By Sean Swail Copyright (c) 2005 Sean Swail. All rights reserved ------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Table of Contents ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I. Version History II. Intro III. Notes before starting IV. Direct conflicts V. Indirect Conflicts VI. Other Conflicts VII. Glitches VIII. Credits IX. Copyright X. Contact ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I. Version History ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Version 1.00 - 03/08/05 -Created template of guide, and included a few important conflicts, glitches. Wrote a few introductory notes for general avoidance of conflicts in Morrowind. Version 1.01 - 03/09/05 - Added bulk (10 or so) of the conflicts ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ II. Intro ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I started this guide after about two weeks into my third file because I ran into a problem with advancement in House Redoran. It is my goal every time I play Morrowind, to do everything it's possible to do. This includes being the head of every organization. I have only done this once, and when I attempted to do it twice, I ran into a problem, so I am creating this guide for anyone who likes to be a true Lord of Morrowind, and who wants to avoid the frustration of having to start from scratch because a quest conflicted with another quest. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ III. Notes before starting ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ My second Morrowind character was a male High Elf, born under the Atronach, level 65, and stats currently standing at Magic: 673, Health: 489. Every one of my attributes is maxed, save for Luck. All my major/minor skills and 90% of my miscellaneous skills are at 100. I was the head of every organization possible. Fighters Guild: Master Mage's Guild: Arch-Mage Thieve's Guild: Master Thief Morag Tong: Grandmaster House Telvanni: Arch-Magister House Hlaalu: Grandmaster (glitch) East Empire Company: Factor Imperial Legion: Knight of the Imperial Dragon Imperial Cult: Primate Tribunal Temple: Patriarch Ashlanders: Hearthfriend (highest possible) Blades: Operative (highest possible) Chieftain of Thirsk I owned 5 houses shown below Telvanni Wizards Tower Stronghold: Uvirith's Grave Hlaalu Stronghold: Just outside Balmora Factor's Residence: Raven Rock (Solstheim) Caius Casades' house: Balmora Chieftain's Room in the mead hall: Thirsk (Solstheim) My equipment included the following Necromancer's Amulet Trueflame Boots of Blinding Speed/Custom Enchanted Daedric Boots Enchanted Daedric Greaves Custom Enchanted Daedric Pauldrons Fist of Randagulf Wraithguard Dragonbone Cuirass Custom Enchanted Daedric Tower Shield Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw Royal Signet Ring (from king Helseth in Tribunal expansion) Custom Enchanted Ring, pants, shirt, belt I also owned 30 scrolls of Windform (levitate 500 pts, invisibility for 60 seconds), and all of the propylon indexes. Judging from the above information, you can probably tell that I've been around Vvardenfell a few times, and probably know what I'm doing. Having become the master of all guilds save House Hlaalu, I can comfortably tell you who you can kill without having to worry about conflicts later on. This probably goes without saying, but if you're planning on being master of every guild, don't do anything that may result in an NPC being inaccessible to you unless you know they're not important. Even freeing slaves can prevent you from completing some quests (as i found out the hard way) Using common sense and your knowledge of Morrowind, you should realize that doing the Morag Tong quests first is probably the worst thing you could do, as the Morag Tong is an assassin guild, and most likely, at least one person you're going to assassinate will be a key character in a quest for another faction. So if you're planning to be part of the Morag Tong, wait until all other faction quests are out of the way. There are some cases in which certain quests that may conflict do not have to be completed. If you have already completed a quest, and now cannot complete another quest, check other quest givers for that guild and get duties from them. It is still possible to advance to the highest rank without completing every duty possible in most cases. However, for some quests, for example, gaining the support of Redoran Councilors, you MUST complete the quests assigned to you, there are no alternatives. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ IV. Direct Conflicts ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 1. Location : Balmora Fighters Guild : Sottilde's Code Book. Issued by Eydis Fire-Eye Thieve's Guild : Becoming a member of the thieve's guild If you have not joined the Thieves guild and you complete this quest, you will not be able to join because the code book is owned by Sottilde (obviously) who is a thieve's guild member. Way around: Become a member of the thieve's guild, just to be safe, do a few duties for them as well, and then join the fighter's guild. When you reach the Sottilde's code book quest, you can do a few things. One, you can stop taking quests from Eydis Fire-Eye. Two, you can kill Sottilde (I'm 99% sure that she doesn't have any other significant role in other quests) and take the book from her. Or three, you can take the bittergreen cup quest from the Thieve's guild, to bribe Eydis, and she will cease to support the Commona Tong and give you new orders, thus bypassing the code book quest. 2. Location : Balmora/Ald'ruhn Thieve's Guild : Get key to Nerano Manor. Issued by Sugar Lips Habasi House Redoran : Get Nerano to withdraw slander. Issued by Athyn Sarethi Sugar lips will tell you that she wants the key to Nerano manor. You can either bribe his servant into giving it to you (located in Council club) or you can pickpocket/kill Ondres Nerano for it. DO NOT KILL ONDRES NERANO if you plan on completing house redoran. One of the quests given by Athyn Sarethi involves challenging Ondres to a duel. He can't duel if he's dead can he? Way around: There are two ways around this. One is to get the key from Savor Trandel (Nerano's servant) by going to the Balmora Council Club, bribing him and then asking him about Nerano Manor when his disposition is high enough (around 80 should do it). The other is to go to Nerano manor, and pickpocket Ondres Nerano and take the key from him. (this is obviously the tougher option, but early in the game, you don't have a lot of money to bribe people, so it might be the better option. 3. Location : Tel Vos/Just outside Balmora Involves minor glitch House Telvanni : Kill Raynasa Rethan. Issued by Master Aryon House Hlaalu : Being member of house hlaalu There is a glitch in the game that allows you to become a member of both House Telvanni and Hlaalu. If you are a member of Hlaalu, and you acquire the stronghold near Balmora, then Raynasa Rethan will not be in it, and you will not be able to kill her and complete Aryon's quest. Wait until after you kill her and then join Hlaalu if you want to join both. Way around: To avoid this, complete the quest to kill Raynasa Rethan first, and then you can use the glitch to join House Hlaalu. This way you get to complete the House Telvanni quest, and Raynasa's stronghold will be empty, allowing you to take possession of it. 4. Location : Urshilaku Camp/Assorted parts of Vvardenfell Urshilaku : Seven Trials. Issued by Wise Woman Nibani Maesa of the Urshilaku ashlander tribe Temple: All quests. Issued by any quest giver As part of the main quest, you will be required to complete seven trials given by the Urshilaku ashlanders. After completing the third trial, the temple will learn of your quest to be named Nerevarine and they will cease to trust you, and will not issue any more quests. The only way to regain their trust and to complete more quests is to complete the 4th and 5th trials of the Urshilaku. Way around: Fortunately, this does not permanently affect your game. You can either make sure you do all the temple quests before you do the third trial, or you can just put them off until after you complete the 4th and 5th trials. 5. Location : Molag Mar Temple/Galom Deus Temple: Vampire hunt. Issued by Tharer Rotheloth Clan Berne: All quests. Issued by Raxle Berne Raxle Berne is the head of the Berne vampire clan, located in a dwemer ruin called Galom Deus. The quest the temple sets for you is to clear out the vampires from Galom Deus. So if you were planning on joining Clan Berne, complete their quests, cure yourself of vampirism, and THEN do this quest for the temple. Way around : There are 3 ways to avoid this problem. One, join a different Vampire Clan. Two, Complete all the quests given by Raxle Berne before completing this quest from the temple. Three, ignore this quest and pick one up from another quest giver. 6. Location : Tel Vos/Gnisis/Morag Tong Hall Morag Tong: Grandmaster writ for Baladas Demevanni. Issued by any MT quest giver. House Telvanni : Convince Baladas to join the house. Issued by Master Aryon The grandmaster writs are always for very important people, and Baladas is one very important person. If you kill Baladas for the Morag Tong, you will not be able to complete a quest given by Master Aryon of house Telvanni which involves convincing Baladas to join the house. Way around: As I said before, you should always leave the Morag Tong quests until last, as they are all assassination missions, some involving important people that can be essential to quests. This applies to all other conflicting MT quests listed in this guide. 7. Location : Sadrith Mora/Tel Mora/Morag Tong Hall Morag Tong: Grandmaster writ for Mistress Therana. Issued by any MT quest giver. House Telvanni : Therana's skirt. Issued by Felissa Ulessen Early on in House Telvanni, you will be performing chores for the mouths. Mouths are the representatives of their respective higher- ranking wizards. Felissa will set you a quest to deliver a skirt to her mistress, Therana. Once you deliver the skirt, Therana will give you a message to relay to Felissa. If you have done the grandmaster writ for Therana, she will be dead and cannot give you the message. 8. Location : Gnisis/Sadrith Mora/Morag Tong Hall House Telvanni : Ask Baladas 3 questions. Issued by Mallam Ryon Morag Tong : Grandmaster writ for Baladas Demevanni. Issued by any MT quest giver. Once again, killing Baladas will prevent you from completing this in which you must ask Balada's three questions, and report his answers to Mallam Ryon in the Telvanni Council Hall 9. Location : Gnisis/Assorted quest spots/Morag Tong Hall House Telvanni : Two quests. Issued by Baladas Demevanni Morag Tong : Grandmaster writ for Baladas Demevanni. Issued by any MT quest giver. I told you Baladas was important. After performing enough chores for the mouths, you can perform two quests for Baladas himself. One involves finding three books, and the other a ring. You get some decent rewards from both quests, but if you have assassinated him on behalf of the Morag Tong, you're out of luck. 10. Location : Tel Mora/Ghostgate (Tower of Dusk)/Morag Tong Hall House Telvanni : retrieve Auriel's bow. Issued by Therana Morag Tong : Grandmaster writ for Therana. Issued by any MT quest giver After completing all the chores for Therana's mouth, Felissa, you can get an assignment directly from Therana. She wants a bow that smells of Ash Yams, so go to Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk and kill Ralyn Othraval and take it from him. You get an amazing reward for this quest, but only if you haven't fulfilled the grandmaster writ for the Morag Tong already. 11. Location : Vivec/Various Thieve's guild hideouts Fighter's Guild : Kill 3 Thieve's guild bosses. Issued by Sjoring Hard Heart Thieve's Guild : Any quests given by 3 bosses. Issued by Sugar Lips Habasi, Big Helende, and Aengoth the Jeweler A "killing spree" job given by Sjoring, he asks you to kill these three thieve's guild bosses. If you do it, you will most likely be expelled from the Thieve's guild, and even if you aren't, it is impossible to advance all the way if you've killed 3 quest givers. There is also a second "killing spree" quest given by Sjoring, although it only involves killing one person. That person is master of the thieve's guild, Jim Stacey. If you do this quest, you will not be able to complete the Bal Molagmar missions given to you by Jim. Way around: Become Master Thief in the Thieve's guild, complete all quests given by all 3 bosses, and then do this quest. Make sure to taunt them first to avoid expulsion and fines. 12. Location : Ald'ruhn/Various Fighter's Guild bases Fighter's Guild : Remove Sjoring Hard Heart's supporters Issued by Percius Mercius Fighter's Guild : Numerous quests. Issued by Eydis Fire-Eye, Lorbumol gro-Agrakh. If you want Percius to support you as the new Guildmaster, he asks that you kill Sjoring's supporters, as they are allied with the Commona Tong, and Percius doesn't like it. By killing both supporters, you will get another quest from Percius, but you will not be able to take any more quests from either Eydis, or Lorbumol. Also in this same line, the next quest given by Percius is to eliminate Sjoring himself. After you kill Sjoring and return to Percius, he will name you the new guildmaster. However, now you will not be able to receive quests from Sjoring. Way around: Do Lorbumol's quests first, and Sjoring's if you don't want to join the thieve's guild. And then do this quest. 13. Location : Ald'ruhn/Vivec Mage's Guild : Replace Trebonius as Arch-Mage. Issued by Edwinna Elbert Mage's Guild : Numerous quests. Issued by Trebonius Once you reach the rank of Master-Wizard within the guild, Edwinna will tell you that she wishes Trebonius had the same love for scholarship as you. You can now challenge Trebonius to a duel. If you win, you become the new Arch-Mage and get, in my opinion, the best amulet in the game off his body. However, if you do kill him, you will not be able to do any of the quests he can assign you. Way around: Before becoming master-wizard, complete Trebonius' quests, then ask for advancement. You can either become Arch-Mage by dueling and killing him, or by completing Skink-In-Trees-Shade's last quest to become co-Arch-Mage. If you become co-Arch-Mage, and still want Trebonius' items, taunt him into attacking you. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ V. Indirect Conflicts ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 1. Location : Caldera/Caldera Ebony Mines Fighters Guild : Kill Telvanni Agents. Issued by Eydis Fire-Eye House Redoran : Halt mining operation. Issued by Garisa Llethri This is the quest that caused me to start from scratch. When you travel to the Caldera Ebony mines, DO NOT FREE ANY OF THE SLAVES just to be safe. You can free some, but there is one slave in Slave Shack 1 called Dahleena, who is a female Khajit. She must still be in that shack later, in order for you to complete a house redoran quest given by Garisa Llethri. Note: It is still possible to complete the quest if you have already freed Dahleena. You can kill the two men in charge, but you will not get a reward. 2. Location : Gnisis Eggmine Mage's Guild : Find Dwemer Airship Plans. Issued by Edwinna Elbert Imperial Legion : Cure Blighted Queen. Issued by Darius Edwinna sends you to Gnisis, where inside the eggmine, there is a door leading to Bethemez, a buried dwemer ruin. In the back of the mine, the kwama queen has blight disease DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO HER. Leave her the way she is, and if you use magic attacks that have a blast radius, make sure you use it well away from her to avoid killing her. If you kill her, you won't be able to complete the quest from the Imperial Legion later on that requires you to cure her. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ VI. Other Conflicts ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 1. Location : Vivec Morag Tong Guild: Recover 26 Sanguine items. Issued by Grandmaster Eno Hlaalu Eno Hlaalu, located in the Morag Tong Guild hall in Vivec, will give you an assignment to track down and bring him 26 items called "Sanguine" items. Each of these have a constant effect enchantment on them. If you become grandmaster of the Morag Tong, you will either have to kill Eno, or let him retire. Either way, he will disappear forever once you are grandmaster so if you want to find these items and complete the quest, you have to do it before your final promotion. 2. Location : Vivec Thieve's Guild: Bal Molagmar missions. Issued by Gentlemen Jim Stacey Once you have become the Master Thief in the Thieve's guid, the old head of the guild, Jim Stacey, will retire and leave. He is the only one who can assign you a special set of missions called the "Bal Molagmar" missions. If you are planning on doing these missions, you must do so before your final promotion ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ VII. Glitches ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ There is an annoying glitch that caused my first playthrough to be ruined. Playing as a high elf, I had advanced to the rank of wizard in House Telvanni. I then learned that I needed a mouth to advance further. Once I had my mouth, i automatically advanced to Master, without asking. Once you have the rank of Master in House Telvanni, you cannot advance any further, which meant I could not become Arch-Magister. To avoid this, you MUST get a mouth when you are still a spellwright. That way, you will advance automatically to Wizard, and then you can ask whoever your sponsor is about advancement, and they will tell you about the opportunity to become the new Arch-magister. Another glitch, mentioned earlier, by killing Orvas Dren (Duke's brother) and then talking to Vedam Dren about "Commona Tong", he will make you a member of House Hlaalu, regardless of what other house you are in. However, if you are a member, a character named Raynasa Rethan, who should be in the Hlaalu stronghold just outside Balmora, will not be there and this causes you to be unable to complete a quest from Master Aryon that requires you to kill her. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ VIII. Credits ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Thanks first, to GameFAQ's, for designing and maintaining a highly useful site for gamers in need. Thanks also to Steve Miller, author of several in depth morrowind FAQ's for the layout he used which I modified slightly, but nevertheless found useful. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ IX. Copyright ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ This file is an entirely original composition, excluding format, and can not be sold, posted or distributed, without my written consent. Copyright (c) 2005 Sean Swail ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ X. Contact ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ If you need to contact me for any reason, to report errors, omissions, complaints, thanks, etc., my e-mail is sean_535@hotmail.com. In your e-mails, please include whether you are playing on PC or X-BOX, and just a reminder, flaming, rudeness, or e-mails that are so grammatically horrific that I can't understand them, will be ignored.