The Godfather: The Game Don of NYC Guide Version 1.0 September 2nd, 2006 By Mike "Dmikester" Feldman COPYRIGHT INFO This document is Copyright 2006 Michael "Dmikester" Feldman. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs. It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public format is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. VERSION HISTORY 1.0 (9/2/06): The write-up of Part 1 (Tom's Way) 2.0 (??/??/??): Corrections in spelling and grammar will happen here, and most importantly, Sonny's Way will be added. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Tom's Way: The Natural Order of The Godfather: The Game Introduction 3. Mission and Hits Walkthrough 4. Little Italy Takeover 5. Brooklyn Takeover 6. New Jersey Takeover 7. Hell's Kitchen Takeover 8. Midtown Takeover and Don of NYC Status Attainment 9. Sonny's Way: The Everything at Once Order of The Godfather: The Game Intro 10. Prologue Missions and Freelancing 11. Act 1 Missions and Freelancing 12. Act 2 Missions and Freelancing 13. Act 3 Missions and Freelancing 14. Act 4 Misisons and Freelancing 15. Conclusion and acknowledgements ================= 1. Introduction ================= Welcome to my second-ever guide. This guide is for The Godfather: The Game, and is specifically for achieving the coveted Don of NYC title. Along the way, if you wish, you can achieve 100% in the game, but this is for some odd reason not required in order to become the Don of NYC. Miss a few safes by accident or an execution style or two? Not a problem if you want to become the Don of NYC! Also, there's no special reward for getting 100%, only a sense of finality and accomplishment. Becoming the Don of NYC, however, gets you infinite ammo (which of course is utterly useless at the end of the game) and all the respect you need to get to level 50! So, let's begin! There are several things to address before we get into the actual walkthrough. First off, this isn't a typical walkthrough in that I won't be giving you a step by step breakdown of the missions or the hits. I will point out various strategies for tough spots, but I figure you're smart enough to figure out the missions on your own. Also, in general, the missions and the hits, like in almost all sandbox games like this, are relatively easy to pull off compared to other genres. I plan to write guides like this for most of the platform sandbox games, and I'll demonstrate that all of the optional stuff that improves your stats or gives you more money is 99% of the time unnecessary in order to actually beat the main game (GTA: San Andreas, I'm looking at you, kid!). Another thing to address is the aspects of this game that I will NOT be covering in this guide. These are things that are either not needed for becoming the Don of NYC or not even needed for 100%. They include: Locations of Film Reels (not needed for 100%) Execution Styles (except for one) Black Market Merchants (not needed for 100%, and totally unnecessary; I've beaten the game 100% without ever upgrading my weapons) Bank Heists (not needed for 100%) Racket Trucks (not needed for 100%) Everything else will be covered extensively. The last thing is likely something very different than what you may have seen before in a guide of this nature. The reason I love sandbox games so much outside of their virtually limitless replay value is that they present the player with a mission and objective order that is clearly mapped out, yet allow the player to go about beating those missions in anyway they see fit. However, often with these games, there is a clear story in which it wouldn't make sense for the character to suddenly take three weeks gallivanting around and doing random things that don't tie into the urgency or plot of the main campaign. Thus, sandbox games change the concept of linearity and in particular the concept of how a player plays through a story in video games. The way I've always enjoyed playing these games, and how I honestly think the designers intend for these games to be played, is to play through the main campaign all the way through, receiving all the rewards and experience from the campaign, and then striking out on one's own afterwards and accomplishing all the little things one may have noticed during the campaign. Playing the game this way makes for a fun challenge and makes much more sense from a story standpoint. The Godfather: The Game is clearly designed to work in this way, yet more than any other sandbox game before it, doing all of the side activities and missions makes sense during the main campaign, to a certain extent. For example, you're encouraged to extort businesses throughout the game, and it makes sense that an associate would be doing this. At the same time, your ultimate goal is to eliminate the other four families. Doing this before the final mission in which you eliminate the Dons of the other four families makes virtually no sense story-wise, especially considering Don Barzini's final words to you (which I won't spoil here). One final point to make here is how the designers in sandbox games design the missions so that they incrementally increase their rewards based on what the designers likely feel is either their difficulty level or the optimal story order. GTA: San Andreas is the game where this most applies, and I'll be writing a guide in this vein for that game soon. In The Godfather: The Game, the missions and hits follow this concept in terms of both monetary reward and respect points reward. Therefore, for this guide, the story missions and the hits will be woven together as the main campaign, since I'm certain that's how the designers meant for the game to be played. So, with all of this in mind, I am presenting here two completely different ways to play through the game and become the Don of NYC. The first way is what I'm naming the "Natural Order" of the game, which basically consists of playing through the main story first and then doing all the side activities. This will also be known as "Tom's Way," for reasons to be made clear once the walkthrough begins. The second way, or "Sonny's Way," involves eliminating the families during the main campaign, one at the beginning of each act. This is presented not as my recommended way of playing the game, but as another option that may appeal to those players that like to do side missions during the game. When I say eliminating families, by the way, I don't just mean destroying their compounds, but taking over all of their businesses, rackets, warehouses and hubs as well. And, finally, let's begin! ======================================================================= 2. Tom's Way: The Natural Order of The Godfather: The Game Introduction ======================================================================= Welcome to the way of becoming the Don of NYC that makes the most sense story-wise, and as you'll see if you try both methods presented in this guide, by far the easier of the two! This is why I call this the Natural Order of the game; it's the easiest and makes the most sense at the same time, and it's also just more fun in general. It allows you to focus and keep track of what you're doing much more than if you freelanced in the middle of the game. The reason this is called Tom's Way is that fairly early on in the game, Tom Hagen and Sonny Corleone give you tips on how to extort businesses. While Sonny basically suggests brute force, Tom suggests diplomacy. If you follow this guide, you will be able to count the number of businesses and rackets you will have to extort with force on one hand. The rest will be through diplomacy, which will not only guarantee an optimal amount of money received, but will simply be easier to manage considering that you can practically ignore all the gangsters guarding the businesses when you use diplomacy, whereas if you use force, you'll have to take down numerous gangsters, increasing your vendetta levels and reducing your ammo needlessly. So let's get going! =============================== 3. Mission and Hits Walkthrough =============================== If you're a total beginner, definitely play through the Prologue. Not only is it a well-done scene, but it'll give you essential practice if you don't know how to fight in the game yet, considering that in this scene only, you're invulnerable. Try to get used to it, since it's a bit awkward at first, but becomes quite intuitive after practice. Now, go through the Prologue, which consists of Missions 1-3. In Mission 1, make sure to break the crate against the wall to your right by throwing one of the punks against it. It'll give you an extra $1000, which at this point in the game is a very large amount of money. All the story missions have bonus money like this, and I'll give you strategy on how to collect them. They're essential for building up your money early on, which will help with buying clothes and just generally saving up money for all the negotiating you'll be doing. Buying clothes, by the way, gets you respect, which is critical early on for building up your stats. The tips I'll give you for buying clothes are based pretty much exclusively on the official strategy guide for the game, an excellent resource in general. In Mission 2, you'll be introduced to side missions. You'll extort your first business, take over your first racket, and crack your first safe. The business, Emilio's Butcher Shop, is one of two or three you'll actually take over with force, but hey, Luca Brasi isn't exactly the best diplomat of all time, is he? Punch and slam Emilio until he starts to be willing to pay, then hold him and wait until the payout price gets to be around 1100, then talk to him. Congrats on your first business extorted! Only 83 to go. Go upstairs, and again, use force. This time, though, you'll actually be fighting gangsters as well. You should be able to pull off a number of Execution Styles here, about 2 or 3. Threaten the racket boss in the same way that you did Emilio, and threaten him until he pays around 750, then talk to him. Finally, go over to the safe, plant your dynamite, run behind cover, and get the money and dynamite from the safe. A safe will always conveniently include dynamite to replace the one you used to crack it! The money from the safe, $1500, is the "bonus" money for this mission. Before Mission 3, buy some clothes, specifically a Closed w/ rolled up vest, Casual Pants with belt, Oxford shoes, a snap brim hat, and wire- frame glasses. This will likely drain you of money, but don't worry. If you can't afford it all, don't worry about it. Just make a mental note of what you didn't buy, and buy it first chance you get. Now chances are you've gone up a few levels, and can upgrade. Without a doubt, the three most important are Fighting, Shooting, and Health. After these, get your Street Smarts up to Level 4 so that you can steal parked cars without any heat, and then upgrade your speed. Speed really only comes into play in the end when you're taking out compounds and need every advantage you can get. Also, don't completely upgrade Health, but save some points. When you upgrade your Health, you get fully healed, which can be a lifesaver in some of the last missions. Go ahead and do Mission 3. The bonus money, $2000, is in the graveyard that you beat up the second college brat in. Before you beat him up, run to the other side of the graveyard and towards the right. You should see the money behind a gravestone. Then go ahead and finish up the mission. Congratulations, you're through the Prologue! Now for Act 1. Here, the official strategy guide assumes that you've been doing an insane amount of freelancing before you do Mission 4, and therefore assumes you can afford a $12,000 closed double-breasted coat with a tie. Wow. Well, don't worry about that. Let me just say if you did that much freelancing before this you'd likely be close to a vendetta with the Tattaglia's and would have to deal with them shooting at you at every turn. Sound like fun? Didn't think so. Anyhow, don't worry about the coat yet (but buy it first chance you get), and try to buy Dress Pants, Loafers, and a wide-brim Fedora. Then go meet Luca Brasi. The bonus money, $2500, is quite fun in this one. When you're shooting the first dummy, shoot it in its left knee (it's the knee on your right in case you're confused) and it'll fall on the crate with the money in it. Now finish the mission. Well, that sucked, didn't it? This is the first real challenge of the game, and should be a real wake up call to what this game will mostly be like in terms of missions. Now, in an annoying design choice, you have to wait to meet with Monk until the next day in the afternoon. Now, you could freelance in this time if you'd like, but I wouldn't recommend it. You'll just get gangsters needlessly angry with you. If you want to buy weapon upgrades and get film reels, be my guest. In any event, before Mission 5, try to purchase Dress Pants with a belt, Wing Tips, and Sunglasses. Then go ahead and do Mission 5; you have to activate it by picking up a phone. The bonus money here is in a car parked on the bridge where the ambulance stops and you have to interrogate the capo. It's the car on the left side of the bridge that's sitting all alone. Shoot it until it blows up and collect $3000. Now get to your first "rendezvous," which is at the Corleone Compound. If you can, buy an Open Sport Coat with a Vest and a Homburg hat beforehand. Now get over there and get promoted to Enforcer. With great power comes great. Oh whoops, wrong movie. Anyhow, now you get to do Hits! Yes! These are really fun, and if you go for the bonus objectives, which you should and will, occasionally quite challenging. Let's do the first Hit by chatting with Tessio and getting the contract. Before you actually whack the guy, go ahead and buy a Dress Shirt rolled up with suspenders. Now, the bonus here is very easy; just kill him with no weapons of any kind. In other words, punch him to death! Easiest one you'll get, by far. The reason for doing the bonuses is that you get much more money and respect for doing them, and when you do the hits with the bonuses, the respect rewards correspond very nicely with the main story missions, suggesting that the designers meant for it to be this way. Next, take on Mission 7, where you get to be the guard at the hospital while Don Corleone is sick! Excellent. Buy, if you can, a Leisure Coat open with a vest and a tie. Also, prepare yourself for the complete transformation of Michael Corleone, both in regards to his body and his voice. I have to admit, they did an excellent job with this considering the bizarre circumstances of Pacino not giving them permission to use his likeness. Here, the bonus money, $2000, is in Don Corleone's room, which opens up once your objective is to meet Michael. All right, now do Mission 8, which is really just another rendezvous. Buy a narrow brim Fedora for this one. Just get in and out. Go ahead and do Mission 9, which is also the end of Act I. Buy an Open Vest rolled up and untied before the mission. The bonus money, which totals $5000, is on the roof of the building you have to throw the sergeant off of in the form of five separate $1000 bags hidden in crates. Shoot them open, collect the money, and then throw the sergeant off the roof. Act I is complete. Act II begins with you being called to the Corleone Compound. To prepare for the occasion, buy a closed dress coat. Head over to the Compound and get promoted to being an Associate! Now let's pull off another hit. Head back to Tessio and prepare to whack another Tattaglia. The bonus here is to kill him using a baseball bat. This actually only means you have to deliver the final blow with a baseball bat, but to play it safe, use the bat the whole time. Now go ahead and do Mission 10, where you help out Clemenza by taking out Paulie Gatto. The bonus money here is the first real challenge you'll have as far as collecting bonus money goes. When you go upstairs to plant the bomb, you'll likely notice a locked door to your right. Once you plant the bomb, that door opens and a gangster comes out of it. In order to collect the money, which totals $20,000 (!), you have to rush past him, collect the money, dash downstairs and vault out of a downstairs window, likely seconds before the bomb goes off. This will likely take you a couple of tries, but it's definitely doable, and you'll be much richer for it. Also, note that you get a new safehouse after this (finally!) Mission 11 is next, and it's yet another rendezvous. Buy some horn rim glasses and a dress shirt with suspenders for the occasion. Meet with Monk, and yes, ignore the Trojan for now. We'll do his hits later on. Besides, it's more fun to meet him for contract hits in a church confessional. Mission 12 is the excellent recreation of the horse head scene, where you escort the man who planted the horse head. Of course, if you're a big fan of the film, you might cringe at how out of sequence this is in the game (this should have happened before the Don was shot in the street), but it doesn't take away from how awesome the mission is. This is really the only main story mission where you'll have to use stealth exclusively. Just make sure to follow Rocco's lead and to wait for people to exit rooms before you follow them. You'll likely have to do this mission multiple times just to get used to the guard positions, but you'll get it eventually. This is by far the hardest bonus money to get, but at $20,000, it's definitely worth it. When you get to the final corridor, when you see the maid exit out to a door on the right, you have to sneak out the other door (the door closest to you) quickly, grab the money that's lying against the wall, and sneak back out without the guard or the maid seeing you. Again, this may take you a couple of tries, but it's one of the more interesting challenges you'll face. For all you Metal Gear Solid fans, this'll be easy. Mission 13 is the fourth rendezvous you'll have, but this one has an excellent reward. You'll get a new safehouse and finally make your relationship with Frankie official. And in one of the stranger moments in the game, you never end up taking Frankie dancing. Huh. Anyhow, now it's time to do your third hit. Quite appropriately, the bonus for this mission, which is to kill Bianchi with only a garrote, involves sneaking, just like Mission 12, but this one is much easier. Take the skills you learned from Mission 12 and use them here to good effect. And for Mission 14, you get to be the guy who plants the pistol in Louis' Restaurant! How great is that? Go ahead and buy a sport coat open with vest and tie and sunglasses for the mission. This isn't a particularly difficult mission, so go ahead and complete it. The bonus money here is obtainable after Michael kills Sollozzo and McCluskey. When you have to meet up with Michael at his car, first go upstairs in the restaurant and you'll find a weapon stash and $5000. Then run outside and complete the mission, which also signals the end of Act II. For the beginning of Act III, you have a meeting at the Falconite Club. Go there and be promoted to a Soldier by Don Corleone himself! Excellent! Now we have Mission 15, the beginning of the end. Appropriately titled Now It's Personal, this mission will, at least storyline-wise, harden your character by killing your lover. Nice parallel to what happens to Michael in Sicily, no? Well, OK, it's nowhere near as good, but it's a nice effort on the part of the designers. Notice by the way that this is the only time in the whole game that anyone even makes any kind of effort to whack you, and they were really gunning for Frankie in this case. How odd. Oh well. The bonus money is simple here. In the beginning of the mission, go upstairs in your safehouse and find $5000 behind a bar in a room on the top floor. That's it. Now finish the mission and witness the transformation of Monk and how your character doesn't even shed a tear at Frankie's death. To take your revenge, at least a little bit, perform another hit from Tessio. Buy an open Leisure Coat for the occasion. This is actually one of the trickier bonuses to achieve, at least if you want to do it with no innocent deaths. You have to kill Nobile with no witnesses. You can either sneak your way around the garage, avoiding the maid, or just kill her, any Tattaglia thugs lying around, and then Nobile. While the second method is by far the easiest and most feasible, it's certainly not the most elegant of solutions. I leave it up to you, but I'd recommend killing everyone, which is contrary to the strategy guide. It just makes the bonus easier. Mission 16 is a very brutal but damn satisfying mission. It also fills in a hole in the movie, which is exactly how Bruno Tattaglia was killed. The bonus money for this mission wins for strangeness. When you get to the funeral home, look in the nook on the corner of 34th Street, which is on the same side of the street as the funeral home for $7,500. The game will warn you that you're going out of bounds, but nothing bad will happen. Then go to the funeral home and throw Bruno into the fire. That'll wipe that slimy smirk off his face. And now for Tessio's final hit, Don Tattaglia's son. You'll need a molotov cocktail for the bonus objective here, which is to kill Johnny Tattaglia by burning him alive. While there are explosives all around, blowing them up in Johnny's face almost never kills him (or any gangster for that matter). Once Johnny's been critically wounded from the explosions, throw a molotov cocktail in his face to get the bonus objective. And that's it for Tessio's hits! Now for your fifth rendezvous, which is also Mission 17. What's fun here is that Jaggy will recommend that you bomb the Tattaglia compound now. Uh-huh. Kinda jumping the gun there, Jaggy. Well, we'll whack him in good time. :) Next up, go back to the Trojan. Head over to Hell's Kitchen and get your first hit against the Straccis. The bonus here again is to burn Ottavio alive, so make sure you have Molotovs. Conveniently, there's a merchant that sells Molotovs right next to the hit location, so use that if needed. The best way to do this is to drive down to where Ottavio is, get out and shoot out all the crates and random thugs, wounding Ottavio in the process, and then throw a cocktail in his face to finish the job. In other words, do this just like the last hit, but make sure to drive down to Ottavio's level rather than trying to kill him from the bridge above. Next up is the most epic mission you've had thus far, Mission 18, or Sonny's War. This will take a long time and can be very challenging in parts. It will give you excellent practice in taking over a warehouse though, which you'll need to do a lot after the story is complete. The bonus money here is simple. After you get the information from the racket boss (kill him if you really want to, but he'll be the only business or racket owner you'll ever kill), run up to the roof of the warehouse and collect $10,000 from the wired-off chicken coop. Then run over to the warehouse and take it over (this warehouse doesn't actually count as one of the warehouses you need to own for some reason, so it really is just practice). Go back to the Trojan for your next hit. The bonus objective for this hit is to kill Grossi by throwing him in the baker's oven, exactly like how you killed Bruno Tattaglia (what's up with these bonus objectives and fire?!). Go ahead and do your worst. Now for the tragic Mission 19, where Sonny is brutally murdered in one of the most famous scenes in movie history. It's actually quite nicely done in the game. The bonus money, which totals $15,000, is located in the tollbooth on your right as soon as the mission starts. So yes, you have to get out of the car, sprint into the tollbooth and grab the money, then run back to the car and drive as fast as you can after the tollbooth attendant. You won't have a problem in terms of losing the attendant's car if you do everything efficiently. Also, beating this mission signals the end of Act III. And now, it's time to do a ton of hits. Four, to be exact. Head over to the Trojan and get your next hit against the Straccis, Oscar Zavarelle. The bonus objective here is rather odd. You have to shoot Zavarelle in three different parts of the body, and in a specific order. First, shoot him in the knee (kneecap him), then the shoulder, and finally, the head. This actually isn't nearly as hard as it sounds, but you have to make sure to shoot him in that order. The next hit is from Clemenza in the basement from the Corleone Compound, and is your first against the Cuneos. You might think by walking into the Corleone Compound that you'd activate the next mission, but you don't. You have to go meet Michael specifically to do that. If you head straight to the basement, you'll be able to do the next hit without activating the next scene. For this hit, you have to throw Marcolini off of the bridge. This is one of the tougher ones to accomplish. First off, if he doesn't run down the flight of stairs in the middle of the bridge on his own, you have to drag Marcolini down there yourself, which can be hard. Also, make sure you take out all the gangsters guarding him, including the one at the bottom of the stairs. Once you've gotten Marcolini down that flight of stairs and against the balcony, the objective is easy. It's getting to that point that's tough. Next up from Clemenza is another Cuneo hit, Marco Debellis. This is one of the easiest bonus objectives to pull off. Here, you have to kill Debellis by running him over with any vehicle. Get a truck, drive down to the rail yard and up the ramp where Debellis is. Hit him and then repeatedly run him over to finish the job. This should take you a total of thirty seconds if done right. One more hit from Clemenza for now, and it's another Cuneo hit. This one, in my opinion, is the hardest bonus objective to pull off outside from the last hit. Your bonus objective is to kill Tosca with a single shot to the head. This is very difficult due to two things; the number of gangsters around and the fact that Tosca is an aggressive shot that moves around a lot. This took me many tries, and I got really lucky when the targeting system just randomly targeted Tosca's head for me. The best way to do this is either by systematically taking out all the gangsters and getting into a difficult shootout with Tosca in the back room of the barbershop, or trying again and again like I did and getting lucky. If you don't pull this one off, don't worry about it. You don't need the bonus objectives for 100%, and you have plenty of respect by this point. Now head back to The Trojan for your next and last hit for now, which is against the Straccis. This is one of the strangest bonus objectives to accomplish in terms of execution. The bonus objective is to strangle Fontana with your bare hands. You need to drive up to the party, park, and walk right up to Fontana and strangle him. You won't encounter any resistance until after you kill him and achieve the bonus objective. Very odd. Anyhow, now we're done with hits for a little bit. Head to the Corleone Compound and now enter the Don's study to meet with Michael and truly begin Act IV, which is also the last Act. You begin Act IV by being promoted to Capo Regime! Also, you get to meet Al Neri, who will be providing you with many hits in the future. For now, though, we've got The Trojan's final hit. Head to him and get your last hit against the Straccis, this time against the Don's son Salvatore. You've gotta love how the Trojan claims you and him will kill Salvatore and that therefore you'll learn more about who The Trojan really is, but he completely disappears after he gives you the hit, never to return. Nice. Anyhow, your bonus objective is to kill Salvatore before he blows up the warehouse he's located in. This is very easy to do. Just make sure when you get to him shooting at you that you don't go up the steps he's shooting at you from. Stay at the base of the stairs and kill him from there. The next hit is from Al Neri who is now located in Bryant Park (for some reason, I love where people assign you hits in this game). This hit is against, of all people, Jaggy Jovino, your old friend who has randomly become a snitch. Note that basically every character made up for this game outside of you gets killed somehow. So, let's take him out. The bonus objective is to not harm any of the escort girls around him. This is very easy. The only person you have to watch out for is Rosa, who Jaggy holds hostage. But with good aiming skills, you can hit Jaggy in the head and no one will be harmed. The next hit is from Neri, and it's the first against the Barzinis, by far the hardest family to take out. Understandably, these will be harder to pull off than the other hits have been overall, but they're all fairly straightforward except for the final hit. This one is against Big Bobby Toro, and the bonus objective involves not killing any officers of the law before you kill Toro. This just takes patience and good kneecapping skills. If you can put some police officers out of commission before you kill Toro, you'll be in good shape. Also, don't be afraid to take some punishment from the officers if it means you get to kill Toro first. Getting iced (killed) in this game has practically no penalty other than you losing a tiny bit of money, and it's worth it in a situation like this where you can get a bonus objective just before you get iced. Mission 20 is next, which involves meeting Monk in Little Italy. This is another sad mission where you have to take out Monk. The bonus money here is easy, and it's only $5,000 for a reason. When Monk walks out of the alley at the start, go into the alley and you should see the money in a nook to the left. After that, do the mission and discover Monk's treachery. Whack him, and watch your character be sadder about losing Monk than Frankie. Strange. Now, let's do some more hits. Head to Al Neri and get your next hit against the Barzinis. This hit is rather interesting. For the bonus objective, you have to kill Testa while he's shaking hands with the police chief. This can be rather finicky, but basically make sure that it looks like Testa and the cop are talking, and then snipe Testa in the head. This is actually much easier to pull off than it seems at first. It's really more about the timing than the actual shooting part. You may have to try this a couple of times. Next up from Neri is one of the hardest hits to pull off in general, bonus or otherwise. You have to kill Domenico Mazza, who has fortified himself in Union Square, complete with numerous Barzini thugs all around. The bonus objective is to bribe one of the bodyguards on the edge of Union Square before you kill Mazza. Bribing the guard is by far the easiest part of the whole hit. I've had much better luck bribing the bodyguard near 12th Street as opposed to 34th Street. You just have a better overall position to advance into the square with when you start from there. After you bribe the guard, this all comes down to your skill with this game. Best of luck, and watch out for Mazza, who is actually a very good shot himself. Next up is the last hit from Neri, and it's against Don Barzini's son, Emilio Jr. The bonus objective here is to kill all of Emilio's guards before you kill him. This is tough only because it's the Barzinis. Again, this all comes down to skill. Definitely start by going into the graveyard to the right of the church and taking out the guards there. When you eventually kill all the guards, Emilio will run down the street (coward!). Chase him and kill him anyway you see fit. I always enjoy running him over. Mission 21 is the final rendezvous. Meet up at the Corleone Compound, and drive to the Embassy Club. Time to conduct some business, as Tessio would say. Notice by the way that if you rush after Tessio's car, you'll notice it literally disappear in the distance as you follow it. Guess the designers didn't think you'd do that. We're now down to the last two missions of the game, which are by far the hardest (or at least the most complicated) missions of the game. Definitely save before you do Mission 22, which involves whacking Tessio in three minutes. This is very hard to pull off considering that the Barzini's have you horribly outnumbered and will be gunning for you at every turn. You'll likely have to do this mission several times, but don't give up. One thing to do that might help in the beginning is this. When you first enter the club, run to the right and into the bar where Tessio gave you your first hits so long ago. Take out anyone in the bar, and then open the doors and madly dash to your immediate right and get in the elevator. During the time when the screen fades to load the second floor of the club, which is where you need to go, it will look like you're getting pummeled by bullets, but when you get to the second floor, the game will act as if those bullets didn't touch you. Odd, but a great way to get out of wasted ammo, and it saves you time. The bonus money here, which totals $10,000, is in a crate in a room that you have to go through on your chase of Tessio. It usually has one guard in it, and the crate is on the right. If you get to the final room with Tessio and die, you'll actually continue right near the room where the crate is in. You can take your time shooting it to get the money, so don't stress out about it. You should also have plenty of time in regards to the three- minute time limit. And now, the final two hits. These are both given by Clemenza in the basement of the compound, and are both against the Cuneos. The first is against Luciano Fabbri, and is simple. The bonus objective is to talk to him before you kill him. This involves killing the guards around him, kneecapping him, and walking up to him, talking to him, and then killing him in any way you like. Straightforward, and not too hard. The final hit, however, is a very different story. Get it from Clemenza, and then prepare for hell. The bonus objective is to kill Cuneo (of course, the Don's son) by throwing him into a ditch or a railyard, which is conveniently right near him. Of course, actually getting to the point where you can pick him up and throw him over the railing successfully will take an enormous amount of skill, and really, mostly luck. Cuneo is beautifully positioned on a corner and is guarded on all sides by some of the fiercest guards you'll encounter in this game. He also happens to be an amazingly aggressive and good shot, and he defends himself very well. Basically, I highly recommend NOT getting the bonus objective here. It's just too aggravating to pull off, and it doesn't really feel like a major accomplishment when you do because of the amount of luck that it requires. In any event, once you've executed the hit, either by doing the bonus objective or not, you've beaten all the hits! Great work! Now let's wrap up the story. Mission 23 is the incredible end to the story, and reenacts the assassinations of the dons of the other four families during the baptism. Except this time, YOU get to kill all four of them! Does it make any sense logically? Of course not. Is it incredibly fun to play and a rush? You bet! For some reason, I don't find this mission particularly hard to beat, but it takes a lot of focus. However, the mission is 90% skill, so it's a great final test of your abilities. Just a couple of notes below about each hit. First off, when you take out Don Stracci, definitely go through the motions of meeting him in the elevator and offing him on the way down. It makes the hit much easier and gives you a clear shot instead of you just gunning for him. In other words, do the hit like Clemenza tells you to. With Don Cuneo, don't go down into the garage. Hide behind the orange stand across the street from the hotel, wait for him to walk out the door, and shoot at him then. You likely won't hkill him, but you'll send the guards running and he'll still be out in the open. Kill everyone from that point on. With Don Tattaglia, try not to kill the hostage he takes when you enter his room, as it'll attract unneeded heat. Lastly, with Don Barzini, the hard part is killing the guards, and it's likely you'll have to retry this hit several times. You'll continue from just before Al Neri goes in to shoot at people, so you won't have to drive all the way back to the Don or anything. When you kill the Don, of course, kill him in as brutal a way as possible to get revenge for your father. Finally, the bonus money, which is $20,000, is behind a pillar of the courthouse, and only appears after you kill Don Barzini. Just run around and search for it; if anything, it'll run down the clock a little bit, which you need to do. Once you get the money, drive around randomly until the clock stops, and then get back to the church and inform Michael of your success. And you're done! Head over to the Corleone Compound and get promoted to Underboss, and also get a Safehouse for your troubles! Now, you may be proud of yourself and all, but guess what? Don't get too settled. We've got a TON of work to do yet to become the Don of NYC. Go ahead and get a drink, eat a solid meal, do whatever you need to do. I'll be here when you come back. ======================== 4. Little Italy Takeover ======================== Welcome back! Now, let's recap in regards to the stats we'll be keeping track of throughout this next part of the journey. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missions: 17/17 Contract Hits: 20/20 Extortions: 1/84 Rackets: 1/56 Warehouses: 0/8 Transport Hubs: 0/4 Compounds: 0/4 Safehouses: 4/24 Safes: 1/100 Execution Styles: ?/22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll notice one interesting anomaly above, namely the question mark next to how many execution styles you've pulled off. These can happen quite haphazardly (in other words, you'll do one flawlessly during a mission and the game won't count it for some inexplicable reason), and thus it's next to impossible for me to explain exactly when or in what order you'll get them. Chances are that you'll get most of them without trying, and will be left confused as to how to do the rest (there are some strange ones, mainly Traffic Accident). Just remember, execution styles are NOT necessary for Don of NYC, but are necessary for 100%. There's an excellent guide up on GameFAQ's about the requirements for each one, so consult that if needed. From now on, I won't be listing them in the stat recaps, since I'll assume you'll get them all eventually and I won't be going into detail about them in the guide. Now then, as you can see from above, we've got a ton of work to do. Fortunately, by playing the game in the manner I described, you've made this work pretty easy and actually quite fun. Now, I'm going to describe how to do this with the mindset of taking over entire neighborhoods rather than eliminating families. In other words, you won't be eliminating any family entirely until near the very end of your completing the Don of NYC requirements, but you'll be taking over neighborhoods in an orderly fashion. Now one could easily argue that this goes against my whole idea of playing this game in a "natural" style, since it would seem that destroying a compound should logically eliminate a family instead of simply taking over their last business. Well, not necessarily (the family could be hanging on desperately for life by keeping some businesses running), and doing this by neighborhood will make this guide much more organized. Also, honestly, it's more satisfying to conquer neighborhoods in the end. Now remember, we're negotiating when we extort businesses and taking over rackets, not forcing people! The way the game works is that when you get to a certain level, certain business and racket owners will accept your initial persuasion without argument, and you'll automatically get the maximum amount of money you could get without discovering their "weak spot" while using force! For anyone that feels like they'll be losing a ton of money, believe me, you won't be. By using this strategy and buying every safehouse as soon as I got to their neighborhoods, as well as buying every piece of clothing (totally unnecessary but good for respect), I never came close to dipping below a million dollars! That seems like a solid financial strategy to me. What's interesting is that for every successful negotiation you do, you get the amount of money you'll be receiving every payday from the business right away! With 84 businesses to extort, that's a lot of instant money. Just for future reference, businesses are considered Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Very Hard based on what level you need to be in order to successfully negotiate your way to extortion without force. A Very Easy business will require a lower "No Pressure" level than an Easy business and so on. At your current level, and with all the levels you'll gain as you extort and take over neighborhoods, you will only have to worry about Very Hard businesses in terms of being at too low a level to not use pressure. Again, don't worry. Remember, most businesses will have a racket and a safe in them. More often than not, when the business has a racket, the safe will be located in the vicinity of the racket. This can be bad when there are a ton of gangsters around and you could kill one of them by mistake. If you feel nervous about accidentally killing a gangster, take over the business and the racket, drive away for a while, then come back and there will be nothing but Corleone guards present, leaving you to blow up the safe in peace. One final note before we begin the walkthrough in earnest. The strategy guide claims that an Easy Barzini business is harder to take over than any other Easy business owned by a different family, which is absolutely untrue, at least when you're negotiating. Every business is equal regardless of what family owns it. The only thing you have to be careful for is if you decide to crack a safe and a gangster gets killed in the process. All the gangsters will then attack you, and in that situation, yes, a Barzini-owned business will be much harder to get out of than a business owned by a different family. But that's it. So, we begin in Little Italy. Remember to talk to the business owner to negotiate, and always buy out the racket instead of using force. Again, trust me. Start with the following Very Easy businesses: Arezzo Seafood- Racket, Safe DeMantagna's Barbershop- Safe Global Trading Company- Racket, Safe Grand News- N/A Next, the Easy businesses: Bella Sciliana- Racket, Safe Boolie's Bakery- Racket, Safe Harry's Bar- Racket, Safe Primola- Racket, Safe Saint Martin Hotel- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Sicilian Imports Incorporated- Safe Trapani's Bakery- Safe Now we're going to try something totally new; taking over a warehouse! This is a big step up from taking over businesses, but you've already taken one over during Sonny's War, so at least you have practice. There are three different layouts, and none are too difficult. The one you're going to take over right now is actually the exact layout of the one you took over in Sonny's War, so you shouldn't have a problem. Remember to take out everyone you see, and watch out for people that appear behind you. Just be cautious and you should be fine. Also, there's a bit of strategy when it comes to dealing with the warehouse (or hub) owner. Most of the time, I highly recommend pressuring the boss instead of buying them out. More often than not, you'll have to pay double what the warehouse will actually pay you, so pressuring is more cost-effective in this situation only. However, warehouses and hubs have an interesting distinction. When you successfully take them over and get the large respect bonus for doing so, the warehouse or hub instantly becomes filled with Corleone guards. If you left any enemy gangsters gunning for you, they'll still be around, but the warehouse will be yours, and if you leave and come back (or if you get iced) there won't be enemy gangsters around. So, if you're desperate to finish the job as soon as possible lest you get iced before, which will likely happen once or twice with the Barzini- owned warehouses and hub, buy out the owner, and then get iced and return at your leisure. A bit crazy, but it works. Remember, though, in general, pressure the warehouse owner. I'll be providing the price around where you should extort the warehouse owner. So, go after the Chinaware warehouse first. Note that these DON'T count as rackets in the list of 56 you have to take over, even though they technically are. Chinaware Warehouse- Safe, Extort at 4,000 Fun, right? Next up, Medium businesses: The Continental- Safe Hotel Alioto- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Sammy's- Racket, Safe Smoke Signals- Racket, Safe Va Va Voom Room- Safe Now, for two more warehouses. When you get to one with two guardhouses (Italia), remember to take out everyone in the immediate vicinity and then without running into the courtyard, run to the right and up the staircase you'll find there. Go through the warehouse, take out all the guard from high up, go out the door across the balcony and down the staircase. Run into the building and shoot up the staircase. You'll have to deal with guards at the top of the staircase, but not too many. Run to the right at the top of the staircase, take out the guard, then run to the other side (don't open any doors!), take out the guard there, and pressure the racket boss. Enjoy. Italia Warehouse- Safe, Extort at 8,000 Verona Warehouse- Safe, Extort at 8,000 Hard businesses next: Bowery Hotel- Safe, Safehouse And the last warehouse: Costello Imports- Safe, Extort at 14,000 And you, my friend, have taken over Little Italy! Excellent! The only thing left to do is visit the two doctors in the area and crack their safes. They are: Dr. Harvey's Clinic- Safe Dr. Valachi- Safe And that's all. Let's recap: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missions: 17/17 Contract Hits: 20/20 Extortions: 18/84 Rackets: 11/56 Warehouses: 4/8 Transport Hubs: 0/4 Compounds: 0/4 Safehouses: 7/24 Safes: 23/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================== 5. Brooklyn Takeover ==================== Now on to Brooklyn. This will be quite a bit harder what with a rival family's compound and transport hub around. Get used to it. This is how it will be for the rest of the game. Let's extort! Very Easy businesses first: Global Trading Company- Racket, Safe Michelangelo Salera- Safe Pitkin Garments- N/A Now for Easy businesses: The Full Moon- Racket, Safe Midnight Rosie's- Racket, Safe Valentino's- Racket, Safe Medium: Sicilian Goods- Racket, Safe Hard: The Ambassador Hotel- Safe Liberto's- Racket, Safe St. Sebastian Hotel- Safe, Safehouse Wright Wronsky's- Racket, Safe And now for a new experience, taking over a hub! These share the same strategy for the warehouses discussed above. The only thing is that these tend to be much harder than warehouses, with more guards and tougher layouts. If you can, take out every roadblock so that no one will sneak up on you. Tattaglia Hub- Safe, Extort at 15,000 And now, for your first Very Hard business. For now, you will have to use pressure. When you get to Level 42 or 43 (which will happen fairly soon), you can negotiate, but for now, pressure them with the price listed below: Caf‚ Vitales- Racket, Safe, Extort at 3,000 Next up, the warehouse in Brooklyn, and it's a rough Barzini one. Good luck: Sant'Ella Warehouse- Safe, Extort at 20,000 And at long last, a Compound! These are by far the hardest things to take over in the game, but don't require anything other than your basic weapons fully loaded, a good amount of skill, and sometimes a lot of luck. Each compound, once you get inside, is exactly the same (and is identical to the Corleone Compound). The following strategy is the same for every compound. The overall objective is to plant a bomb in the basement of both houses. Start by taking out everyone in the courtyard that you can see, but stay near the house on the right (from now on, known as House 1). Your shooting will likely attract guards from inside House 1 to come out the front door, so take them out too. When the coast is clear, enter House 1 and take out the two or three guards on the ground floor. One will be hiding behind a couch in the living room to the right, one will be in the kitchen, and there might be a random one when you first walk in. When you've cleared the ground floor, head upstairs. There are two guards here. One will likely be in the hallway, and the other is in a middle bedroom on the left. Once they're both gone, find the safe up here, crack it and head down to the basement. Take out the guard down here hiding behind the boxes and collect all the ammo, but DON'T plant the bomb. Head back up the stairs to the front door, get behind cover, and open the door to find FOUR guards waiting to ambush you. Take them all out, then run outside. Head to the other house across the courtyard (from now on, known as House 2) and take out all the guards hiding in the various corners of the courtyard. Then run up to House 2's front door, open the door and rush in and out quickly. Then get behind cover and wait. This will have attracted most of the guards on the ground floor and they'll rush out gunning for you. Take them out and then run into the house and take care of any guards left (there is usually one in the kitchen). Since there's only a basement in House 2, run down the stairs, take cover, and take out the guard hiding behind the boxes. This time, though, there's a second guard, so stay behind cover and try your best to free-aim and kneecap him. Then kill him as you like. Now, collect all the ammo lying around, and then plant the bomb and run like mad to the front door and out of the building and into the courtyard. Repeat the process for House 1 and you have taken down the compound! Now you'll have a huge heat level for doing this, so grab a car from the courtyard and dash to the nearest safehouse and save. Congrats! OK, so using that strategy, take out the Tattaglia Compound. The only strategy in terms of getting to the compound is to make sure to methodically go through the park and take out every guard. You don't want people sneaking up behind you. Tattaglia Compound- Safe, Safehouse Finally, go to the one doctor in the area and crack his safe. Dr. Marshall's Clinic- Safe And Brooklyn is complete! Two neighborhoods down, three to go. Let's recap: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missions: 17/17 Contract Hits: 20/20 * Extortions: 30/84 Rackets: 19/56 Warehouses: 5/8 Transport Hubs: 1/4 Compounds: 1/4 Safehouses: 9/24 Safes: 38/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== 6. New Jersey Takeover ====================== And on to New Jersey. This is a neighborhood that you never have to go to for a main story mission, and only for a few hits. Therefore, you'll likely be quite unfamiliar with its layout. Don't worry. It's small and not too difficult. However, there are no Very Easy businesses around! Therefore, we'll start with a random safehouse you can buy and the one Easy business: Lamplight Rooms- Safehouse (not extortable) Velveteens- Racket, Safe Next up, the Medium businesses: Arnold's Famous 47- Racket, Safe Boris Amchini's Barbershop- Safe The Highway Hotel- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Joey's Baked Goods- Racket, Safe Sicilian Goods- Racket, Safe And the Hard businesses: The Crane Club- Racket, Safe Fabio Satriani and Sons- Racket, Safe Joe Foley's- Racket, Safe Johnny Conger's- Racket, Safe Santo- Racket, Safe Next is a Stracci warehouse. Not too tough, but be careful as always. Waterside Warehouse- Safe (Take Over at 14,000) Remember, you'll have to extort with force for the Very Hard business: The George Hotel- Racket, Safe, Safehouse (Extort at 3,000) Next up is the Stracci Hub. Be methodical here. This will be the last fairly simple hub. Stracci Hub- Safe (Take Over at 17,000) And last is the Stracci Compound. Here, drive down into the rail yard and approach from the sandy hill to the left. This way, you can shoot the trucks from a distance and take out a bunch of guards. You'll discover that the Stracci's are insane, since gunning through the path leading to their compound, you'll discover that they fill the pathway with explosive barrels you can use to your advantage. Be careful though; the Stracci's are better shots and are fiercer than the Tattaglia's. The strategy for taking over the compound remains the same. Stracci Compound- Safe, Safehouse Lastly, head to the one doctor and get his safe. B. Fidanque MD- Safe And New Jersey is yours! We've taken over the majority of neighborhoods now. Let's recap: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missions: 17/17 Contract Hits: 20/20 * Extortions: 42/84 Rackets: 30/56 Warehouses: 6/8 Transport Hubs: 2/4 Compounds: 2/4 Safehouses: 13/24 Safes: 54/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We're getting there! Unfortunately, it's going to be an uphill battle from here. The Cuneos and Barzini's are definitely at a different level of difficulty than the other families. Extorting businesses shouldn't be harder, but the gangsters are much more aggressive from now on, so they may shoot at you while you're extorting for no apparent reason. Keep your wits about you. ========================== 7. Hell's Kitchen Takeover ========================== So, head on over to Hell's Kitchen. As always (well, except for Jersey), let's start with the Very Easy businesses: Arezzo Seafood- Racket, Safe Dale Mangano's- Racket, Safe Doc Thody's Dahlias- Racket, Safe Mrs. Spillane's- Safe, Safehouse And the Easy businesses: After Hours- Racket, Safe The Colonial Tavern- Racket, Safe Orchid Incorporated- Racket, Safe Poppy's Westside- Racket, Safe Providence Hotel- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Tyler's Top Cuts- Safe West Side Philly's- Racket, Safe Medium: Casey Quinn's- Racket, Safe The Elegante- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Holden Holding's- Safe Marinelli's Fish Shop- N/A The Red Fox- Racket, Safe Scotty's Biscotti- Racket, Safe The Tunnel Club- Safe Now the Hard businesses: Caruso!- Safe M. Powers and Sons- Racket, Safe The Roost- N/A And believe it or not, there are no Very Hard businesses in Hell's Kitchen, so we're done with extortion here! This also means that we'll be at a high enough level when we get to Midtown to extort Very Hard businesses without force, which is a good thing. Let's take out the Cuneo warehouse and hub here now. These are definitely a step up in difficulty from the other two warehouses, so get ready and hit them hard. Milk Co. Warehouse- Safe (Extort at 14,000) Cuneo Hub- Safe (Extort at 28,000) And now for the Cuneo Compound. This is actually a damn hard compound to get to, probably the hardest one in the game. Approach it from 50th and 10th, and be extremely methodical. Take out every roadblock, and be more cautious than you've ever been up to this point. There's only one way to get into the compound, and it's both narrow and teeming with guards. Once you've gotten in, use the same strategy you used for the other two. Cuneo Compound- Safe, Safehouse And you only have one more neighborhood, and thus one more family, to go! Before you get too excited, collect the safes from the two doctors in Hell's Kitchen. Dr. O'Rian's- Safe Hell's Kitchen Clinic- Safe And now, get up, and stretch, and prepare for hell. The Barzini's are no joke, but if you've taken out the other three families, you're ready. Just know that you will likely die several times at seemingly random times due to the toughness of the Barzini's. You gotta hang in there! Let's recap: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missions: 17/17 Contract Hits: 20/20 * Extortions: 63/84 Rackets: 44/56 Warehouses: 7/8 Transport Hubs: 3/4 Compounds: 3/4 Safehouses: 17/24 Safes: 78/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================== 8. Midtown Takeover and Don of NYC Status Attainment ==================================================== And now for the endgame! Midtown is where it all ends. You'll start eliminating families once and for all, complete your stats, and qualify for being Don of NYC in the process. Again, note that you only need 92.5% to be Don of NYC, so if you miss a couple of things, such as an execution style or even a safe or three, it's not a problem at all. If you're going for 100%, of course, it's a different story, but you'll still be fine if you're following this guide. Let's begin! Start with the one Very Easy business and a random Safehouse: Lucy's Apartment- Safehouse (cannot be extorted) Saint Alban's Hotel- Safe, Safehouse Scared about how much those safehouses were? That ain't nothin! Of course, by now, money should be a second thought to you. Let's go to Easy businesses: Orchid Incorporated- Racket, Safe Palladio Widow- Safe Next up, Medium businesses and a nice reward after the first business you take over: Flowers of Scotland- Racket, Safe (Elimination of Stracci's) Hotel Madison- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Lumpy's Bar- Racket, Safe The Luna Bar- Safe Raphael's- Safe That's right, the Stracci's have been eliminated! Very cool. No more purple. Now, for the Hard businesses and another, bigger reward: The Carnegie Club- Racket, Safe, Safehouse Chateau Toledo- Racket, Safe Hawk's Steakhouse- Racket, Safe J. Sizzle's Steakhouse- Racket, Safe Madame Polly's- Racket, Safe Savannah Hotel- Safe, Safehouse (Elimination of Cuneo's) Tito Morelli's- N/A (Elimination of Tattaglia's) Two more families off the map. No more tan or red. And now for the final businesses, the Very Hard ones in Midtown: The Colonial Club- Racket, Safe Isao Kimota's Barbers- Safe Louis' Restaurant- N/A Mookie's- N/A The Peak- Racket, Safe, Safehouse West Side Willy's- Racket, Safe And at long last, we're done with extortion!!! Now, in a slight change of pace, head to the one doctor in the area and get his safe: Dr. Alexander Noel- Safe And with that, let's take out the last warehouse and the last hub. These are very difficult, and you'll likely have to employ the strategy described above of buying out the warehouse or hub owner just to own the business, get iced by a bunch of guards following you, then come back and crack the safes. If you can pressure the owner, use the prices below. You're in the home stretch now! Palermo Warehouse- Safe (Extort at 20,000) Barzini Hub- Safe (Extort at 40,000) And all we have left is the final compound! Let's recap first: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missions: 17/17 Contract Hits: 20/20 * Extortions: 84/84 Rackets: 56/56 Warehouses: 8/8 Transport Hubs: 4/4 Compounds: 3/4 Safehouses: 23/24 Safes: 99/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ready to finish this thing? Then head on over to the Barzini compound. Oddly enough, this is by far the easiest compound to reach, and doesn't require much strategy. You'll probably be surprised when you fight your way past the initial guards only to suddenly be inside the compound. The Barzini's more than make up for this easy approach though. You'll very likely be taken out by a wayward guard hiding in the courtyard at some point. I'd set a goal of taking out one building at a time. In other words, don't freak out if you die after taking out one building. You'll get iced, come back to an easy approach to the compound, and only have one more building to bomb. In any event, enjoy the final compound and the final challenge! Barzini Compound- Safe, Safehouse (Elimination of Barzini's) And there you have it! First, you'll get a ton of respect bonuses, such as taking over all compounds and elminiating the Barzini's. Then you'll be called to a couple of "important meetings," the first being your promotion to Don at the Corleone Compound, and the next at the Hotel Alioto where you'll be promoted to. DON OF NYC! Yee-haw! Stick a fork in us, we're done! Great job. You now have infinite ammo, which I guess you can use on innocent civilians for no reason. Sonny's Way: Arriving soon This will be included in the next update of the guide, which may not happen for a week or so. Until then, try Tom's Way and enjoy. Feel free to contact me at with any comments, questions, suggestions. Thanks for reading! Before I go here, I would like to acknowledge the official strategy guide for providing me with much of the information regarding the difficulty levels of the businesses and at what money level to extort warehouses and hubs. It's really an excellent guide, with only a few mistakes along the way. Highly recommended.