=========================================================================== THE GODFATHER, THE GAME EXTORTION GUIDE FOR XBOX 360 =========================================================================== PLATFORM: XBOX 360 AUTHOR OF THIS FAQ: AlSnoid E-MAIL: alsnoid(at)hotmail(dot)com FAQ VERSION: 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EXTORTION BASICS 2.1 Negotiation 2.2 Businesses 2.3 Rackets 2.4 Pressure Meter 2.5 Applying Pressure 2.6 Weak Spots 2.7 Fight Back Point 2.8 Safes 3. FACTORS AFFECTING EXTORTION 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Guards 3.3 Experience and Skills 3.4 Vendetta 3.5 Cops 3.6 Nearby Businesses 3.7 Pedestrians 3.8 Crew Member 3.9 Health 4. NOTES ON BUSINESSES AND RACKETS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Initial Businesses and Rackets to Extort 4.3 Businesses and Rackets to Extort Early 4.4 Challenging Businesses and Rackets to Extort 4.5 Other Businesses and Rackets to Extort 4.6 Warehouses 5. CONTACTING ME 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 7. VERSION INFORMATION 8. LEGAL STUFF =========================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION I wrote this guide since I didn't see much on extortions already written for this game except for the PC version of the game. The extortion amounts and some other things such as weak spots are quite different between the PC version and the Xbox 360 version. So there appeared to be a need for this guide. While the game missions may be interesting, taking down well protected businesses, maximizing extortion payouts, and finding ways of getting money quickly to buy weapon upgrades and safe houses early in the game are things that to me give The Godfather good replay value. Extortions are easy to learn but take time to master, and you can try various strategies for doing them, all of which can make this game interesting and keep it fresh. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. EXTORTION BASICS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Negotiation Extortion is such an ugly word. What you are really doing is negotiating a contract between a business or racket and the Corleone Family. For a small fee the Corleones will protect the business or racket. The fee may be paid voluntarily by the boss who owns the business when you approach him (or her, I use "him" in a neutral sense) or paid by a racket boss that you have bought out. When you want to earn a bit more each payday or the boss for whatever reason is reluctant to enter into a contract with the Corleones, you may need to negotiate. During negotiation you show the boss why he needs protection. That involves applying some pressure. When you find the boss's weak spot and put pressure on it the boss will offer extra money. The longer you apply pressure, the more money you will earn, provided you don't go too far. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Businesses When you look on your Map in your game Menu, you will see icons for three kinds of operations: family compounds, warehouses, and businesses. The icon has a symbol for the family controlling the operation. The Map function on your Menu allows you to also see what operations are controlled by each family. When you scroll down the list for the family, each name highlighted on the list causes the icon for the operation to flash. Select the highlighted operation and a list providing details on the operation will appear. The list provides useful information such as if the place has a safe, whether the safe has been blown, and if the operation is currently closed, how soon it will reopen. All businesses are protected by some family. Usually the business will have some guards on hand in front and inside it that will protect the business. Look on your map to locate a business protected by another family you would like the Corleones to take over. Many businesses serve as fronts for rackets the Corleone Family may take over. Until both the business and racket are controlled by the Corleones, the map icon for the business will show the other family. If there is a racket, the family that controls the racket will provide guards to protect the place. Once the Corleones control a business, rival families will not ever get it back. The worst that can happen is that during a mob war the business may be bombed by the family with which the Corleones are at war. When that happens the business will be closed for an hour during which it will burn for a while, then be boarded up while undergoing repairs. Should the owner of a business get killed, the business will close for an hour before going under new management. Should the racket boss be killed, the racket will close for an hour. Your objective is to negotiate a contract for the Corleone family to protect the business. Various things can make this process complicated. Just approaching the business owner may be hard if the controlling family is upset with the Corleone family. You may find several guards shooting at you and get iced before you even make it to the front door. Once inside, the challenge is getting the most money from the owner. All this will be discussed later in this guide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Rackets A racket may operate on a different floor of a business or in a back room. A warehouse is considered a racket, even though it may at first seem to be a business. A business in this game is a legal operation whereas a racket is an illegal operation and warehouses deal with contraband of some sort I think. You do not protect the racket, you take over running it. When you approach a racket boss you have not harmed, you will be allowed to buy him out for a sum of money. The amount you pay to buy him out is may be twice the amount the racket will pay the Corleones each payday. A buyout is an easy way for you to take over a racket. According to the tips provided in the game a buyout is also how you can maximize your long term profits. But the game advice may not be quite correct. Take the S. Elia Warehouse originally controlled by the Barzini Family in Brooklyn as an example. You must blast your way in, killing dozens of tough Barzini guards before you can approach the Warehouse Boss. Then if you have not harmed him you will be able to buy him out for $20,000. That gives the Corleone Family $10,000 from S. Elia Warehouse each payday of which you get a portion depending on your rank, say 40 percent or $4,000 if you are a Capo. If you decline the buyout option and instead punch the S. Elia Warehouse Boss in the face you may apply pressure and extort from him up to $12,495 of which 40% is about $5,000. So, which is to your advantage, paying $20,000 to get back $4,000 per payday or paying nothing to get about $5,000 per payday? Is the game correct when it says buying out a racket boss will maximum long-term profits? Do the math and see whether you agree. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Pressure In general the voluntary payout from a business or racket is about 80 percent the maximum amount that might be obtained through negotiation, but in some cases may be less. Some businesses might voluntarily pay $75 for protection when negotiation could increase the payout to $370. So you should expect to negotiate in order to maximize your long term profits and that involves applying pressure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 Pressure Meter To quote the game, "Merchants have a PRESSURE METER below their health bar. There are many ways to increase pressure on someone such as threatening someone or smashing their shop. When the meter passes the GREEN mark, the merchant will give up and pay. There are 10 different ways to pressure people, and everyone has a WEAK SPOT. find the right weak spot to maximize your payout!" But what are the 10 different ways to pressure people? The 10 ways may be grouped into 4 approaches: 1) Talk, 2) Favor, 3) Threaten, and 4) Harm. 2.5.1 Talk A business owner will have the puppet string icon above his head. When you approach him you will be able to select "Extort." When you select that you talk to them. If a merchant respects you, talking to them may be enough to get them to pay you for protection. Building up your respect level is the key to success in this area. When you approach a racket boss that you have not harmed, you will be allowed to buy them out for a sum of money. 2.5.2 Favor This may be viewed as a kind of positive pressure. When you approach a business owner needing a favor, you will be able to select "Talk" rather than "Extort." When you select "Talk" the owner will request a favor. After you complete the favor and return to the owner he will agree to pay you for protection. The typical payout for a favor is $1,200 and most favors are not particularly difficult to take care of, so I tend to do favors early in the game. The payout for favors may vary even for the same owner in different games. It might be $350 one game and $1,200 the next. 2.5.3 Threaten There are three kinds of threats: 1) Threatening with Punches. Hold the merchant or racket boss with your left hand and pull back your right hand. This is a weak spot of some, and may prevent them from harming you while you are trying to negotiate with them. 2) Threatening with Firearm. Pull out a gun and put the merchant or racket boss in your aiming cross hairs Free aiming works best. This is a weak spot of some, and is a quick and simple method of applying pressure. 3) Threatening Innocents. When you are close to the merchant or racket boss, grab a customer or staff member and rough them up. Try to stop short of killing the innocent person, since that kind of thing increases heat levels in a hurry. This is a weak spot of some, especially hotel managers. 2.5.4 Harm There are five kinds of harm: 1) Property Damage. Smash or shoot items in the shop to apply this pressure. This is a weak spot of some shop keepers. 2) Grabs or Strangles. Grab the merchant or racket boss by the neck with both hands to apply this pressure, which is a weak spot of some merchants and racket bosses. Strangling them will add pressure quickly but their health also will fall quickly. 3) Throws, Slams, or Leans. Grab the merchant or racket boss by the neck with both hands and then either throw them, slam them against a wall or counter, or lean them back over a ledge such as a broken out shop window ledge. This is a weak spot of some, but be careful since throws and slams can kill an injured merchant. 4) Jabs and Punches. This is a weak spot of some, but be careful since jabs and punches can kill an injured merchant. 5) Using Firearm. This would seem counterproductive since if you shoot and kill a merchant their shop will close for a period of time before reopening. But as Luca Brasi explains to you in his shooting lesson, you can automatically target someone facing you, aim at their knee, and fire. Recommended firearm is the small caliber pistol. This inflicts a small amount of damage to their health and makes them drop to their knees. I might mention that if you are facing a lone gangster from a rival family, you can shoot him in the knee, run around the back of him, and garrote him for ten times the respect points you get for a head shot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6 Weak Spots The eight weak spots are 1) Threatening with Punches, 2) Threatening with Firearm, 3) Threatening Innocents, 4) Property Damage, 5) Grabs or Strangles, 6) Throws, Slams, or Leans, 7) Jabs and Punches, and 8) Using Firearm. Identifying a weak spot without killing the owner or any bystanders may be a challenge. You should try threats first, except that you might save threatening innocents until you have exhausted the other possibilities. Threatening innocents when you manage to kill them will get cops interested in what you are doing and may get the owner to fight back even if his fight back or breaking point has not been reached. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Fight Back Point Again to quote the game, "When the PRESSURE METER turns RED, you've pushed the merchant too far. You won't get anything from him and you can expect him to fight back - hard." Reaching the merchant or racket boss's fight back point is not the end of the world. You can still extort as much as ever but it will take a bit longer than succeeding right away. Leave the shop. If trying to extort a racket boss, go right back inside the establishment and you will see they have regained their composure and any lost health and you can negotiate from scratch as if nothing had happened. If trying to extort a merchant you must go down the street until their shop icon moves out of range of your navigation mini-map and then you can return. The merchant's pressure meter will be restored and you can talk with him again. If you noticed how much the payout dollar amount was just before reaching the fight back point you can try to get close to that amount to maximize your payout. Some merchants and some racket bosses will fight back regardless of the placement of the red marker on the pressure meter. Some will pick up a gun from a fallen gangster and shoot at you. This rude behavior will disrupt the usual tranquility of the negotiation process. Blowing out a kneecap with a pistol may calm them back down and let you grab them before resuming negotiations without further inappropriate behavior on their part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8 Safes Most operations on your game map will have a safe you can blow up with dynamite for 1,000 respect points, some cash, another stick of dynamite, and some other item such as ammunition or a bomb. After you successfully complete negotiations at a location, look for a safe and blow it up. If you can blow up all safes in a game you will get a nice bonus. Be sure to blow up safes in all clinics and banks too. After all businesses and rackets have been taken over and all compounds bombed, find out which safes were overlooked by running down the list of operations under the Corleone Family under Map in the game menu and selecting each one to see if the safe was blown. You can fairly quickly identify which safes you need to blow up using this method. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. FACTORS AFFECTING EXTORTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Introduction Some extortions are easy and some are very hard. The difficulty level can vary for the same business or racket depending on various factors and your approach for extortion will vary also based on these factors. It is frustrating to fail repeatedly in an attempt to extort a business or racket. I have played the game several times and even I have troubles with some obstinate bosses. It is hard to provide a walkthrough for the extortion of each business and racket since the number of guards can vary depending on Vendetta Level; there can be interference or assistance from various sources such as cops, rival families, Corleone guards nearby, and your crew member; the computer will vary tactics used against you; and factors such as your experience, game skill levels such as Shooting, Speed, and Health, and your weapon upgrades can greatly affect how you do things and the success you may expect. Actually, I have seen a Godfather Game FAQ for the PC version that provides a walkthrough for the extortion of each business and you can use it but from my experience each time I try extorting a business unless it is very simple such as a newsstand my tactics will change based on circumstances and based on my tendency to change things up to keep things fresh, so I would not use a walkthrough personally in this area. Instead of providing a walkthrough I will talk about the factors that affect the extortion process and how to overcome obstacles they present. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Guards Before you extort a business you might case the location a bit to see what guards are on the outside. The toughness of a guard depends on the toughness of the family he is from and depends on how the guard is dressed. From wimpiest to toughest the families are Tattaglia, Stracci, Cuneo, and Barzini. A guard with a long coat is tougher than one with a short coat. Guards are color-coded. Tattaglia guards wear brown, Stracci guards wear blue, Cuneo guards wear magenta, and Barzini guards wear green. If you cannot autotarget a guard, check his coat color. If it is black you were trying to shoot a Corleone guard, which is in bad form. By toughness of a guard I mean what it takes to kill him and how destructive he is. A Tattaglia guard in a short coat maight fire a small pistol and can be taken out quickly by a .38 but a Barzini guard in a long coat might fire a tommy gun and may require some headshots from a Magnum before he will drop. You must use some cover or rival family guards will take you down in a second or two. Be careful and always be patient. You can get guards to charge at you while you are behind cover. That allows you to kill them while suffering little damage yourself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Experience and Skills If you go through the game a second time you may be shocked to see that a business you extorted with ease at the end of the previous game is nearly impossible to take down at the start of the new game. You find your shooting is slow and inaccurate, reloading is slow, and your weapons do little damage. Until you can upgrade your weapons and can increase your skills based on respect points, you may have a tough time tackling several tough and deadly Barzini guards. What I recommend is to go through about a dozen missions in the main story line before trying to extort any of the tougher businesses, especially those guarded by Cuneos or Barzinis. There are three reasons for this. First, your respect level may be around 20 or so after doing the missions, letting you add skill points to Health, Shooting, and Speed which make your character tougher and deadlier. Second, you should have enough money from doing the missions to upgrade all weapons to at least Level 2 and some to Level 3, making them faster and deadlier. Third, you get more respect points the higher your rank in the Corleone Family so that your extortions will yield more respect points in terms of points for killing members of rival families. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 Vendetta When you try extorting from two or more businesses run by the same family in rapid succession, you will quickly become aware of the concept of vendetta in this game. The higher the Vendetta Level for a family the more opposition you can expect from those guarding a business. For the tougher families, the Cuneos and Barzinis, you will find guards shooting at you as you peacefully drive down a road even when the Vendetta Level with those families is Low. Check Tom's Report before you approach a business. Otherwise you might be shot by various guards ahead of you, behind you, and to your sides, as you approach the front door of the business. If the Vendetta Level is anything above Peaceful for the family currently controlling the business you might consider trying the shop later. If you have a mission for the Corleones you can do, the mission may reduce vendetta levels. If you have plenty of money you can bribe an FBI agent a couple thousand dollars to make things peaceful again. Or you can do as I do and say "Vendetta Levels be damned!" and trigger mob wars periodically. Having an FBI agent settle a mob war will cost you a minimum of $2,000 bribe for ending a war with Tataglias, $3,000 for Straccis, $4,000 for Cuneos, and $5,000 for Barzinis but will yield you 5,000 Respect Points at the Don rank or somewhat less at lower ranks. If you have the cash to afford it these Respect Points are nice, especially if you are shooting for the achievement of Respect Level 50. If the Vendetta Level for a family is low enough, you can enter a business with its guards doing nothing more than making angry comments and hand gestures. When you start roughing up the owner you may expect the guards to be a bit more proactive so you might want to negotiate with the owner behind some form of cover while crouching. This is a bit undignified but may save you a sudden trip to a clinic. Inside a nightclub or hotel you may be able to conclude negotiations with relative peace only to find six guards shooting at you simultaneously as you try to make your exit. Unless your car is parked next to the door and is in good condition you may find leaving such a place in one piece to be easier said than done. My personal method is to kill all guards when I approach a business, and ignore the Vendetta Level. Then I can enter negotiations with the business owner in a spirit of brotherhood. Let the Mafia families fuss and fume, I am a man of peace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 Cops Cops can be a nuisance. They may try to interfere with you while you are trying to peacefully conduct your business. You detect someone is firing at you, you return the fire using automatic aim, and lo and behold you just killed a cop and your wanted level shows an extra two badges. This happens to everyone. The question is, what to do when cops are around and are trying to interfere with your operations. You may either reduce the heat level to get cops off your back or you may simply kill the cops which as you might expect will maximize your heat level. 3.5.1 Heat At some point you will probably have a heat level get fairly high, and cops shooting at you and trying to run you off the road will become a factor in your decision making process. There are six ways to reduce heat: 1) Get in a safe house, 2) Wait for the heat level to drop, 3) Bribe a cop, 4) Move to another neighborhood, 5) Start a new mission, and 6) Get iced or arrested. Any of these actions may be appropriate given a given set of circumstances: 1) Get in a safe house This will drop the heat level to 2 badges, after which you might be able to operate without police interference. 2) Wait for the heat level to drop. Curl up with a good book while you wait in a quiet place for the heat level to drop. Recommended reading: The Godfather. I personally never wait but it is an option. 3) Bribe a cop. A quick and effective way to reduce heat, but keep the bribes coming or after the bribe timer runs out you need to be gone. A bribe reduces heat for a couple of minutes but attracts cops like flies to the area where you are doing business. As soon as the bribe timer ends, the cops start shooting at you regardless of anything you have done to deserve it. So, you must keep bribing cops with more money while the bribe timer is running. A bribe to a cop gets you 250 respect points at the Don rank, not as nice as the 5,000 points for an FBI agent to stop a mob war, but a useful bonus nevertheless. 4) Move to another neighborhood. If you are flexible, you might switch to another neighborhood for a while until the heat where you were drops. 5) Start a new mission. Starting a mission can remove heat levels and reduce vendetta levels. 6) Get iced or arrested. This option may not be what you personally selected but it often drops heat levels. 3.5.2 Kill Cops I'm always happy to hand out bribes to cops. If things are peaceful you can usually bribe a nearby cop, but as things heat up, such as when you are blasting on some guards, cops tend to shoot rather than accept bribes. My tendency is to simply kill interfering cops at that point. I go on a rampage with my tommy gun, killing every cop and killing every pedestrian between my man and the cop and blowing up any police car within a one block radius. Then I can go inside the establishment and do my business in peace. On occasion a cop may wander in off the street but a quick head shot will silence him. Leaving then becomes a challenge because your heat level will be at the maximum. If you want to keep it a challenge you might let the cops chase you to another neighborhood or you may simply let them chase you to your nearby safe house. Let the Corleone guards at the safe house take out any cops that hang around the safe house and after the gunfire dies down you can leave and continue on your merry way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 Nearby Businesses If the Corleone family controls a nearby business, its guards may be happy to help you out. So you may start attacking rival family guards when you are around the Corleone guards and use free aim to shoot in the direction of a guard protecting the business or warehouse you are targeting. As the angry guards run toward you, the Corleones will help you take them out. The drawback to this is you get no respect points for guards the Corleones kill, but if you are up against tough guards, it can make your job much easier. If a rival family controls a nearby business, avoid firing at the guards guarding the business you are targeting while close enough for guards of the rival family to shoot you. You can find yourself being shot at from different directions by guards from different families. You may find this unsettling. When that happens, approach the guards from the other end of the street. Sometimes guards of different families will shoot each other. That can be fun to watch after which you can pick off the survivers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Pedestrians One aspect of the game that can be alternately amusing and annoying is the tendency for there to be about half dozen pedestrians running back and forth between you and a guard you are trying to shoot. There are a few ways to mitigate this problem. If you are operating at night there tend to be fewer pedestrians so that is a good time to extort well defended businesses. Otherwise, you need to get behind some cover that is on the other side of the street where the guards are since that will keep pedestrians on sidewalks from getting in front of you. If you can get in some shots at the guards they should charge toward you in front of the pedestrians. A Molotov can clear up pedestrian congestion pretty well and may not bump up your heat level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 Crew Member Having a crew member accompany you can make your job easier, especially if you want to take out a bunch of guards. That sounds pretty obvious but there are a few drawbacks you may consider before employing a crew member to help. I personally do not use crew members for anything in the game other than the one contract hit where a crew member must shoot from your car to get the bonus. The reason is if you are trying for the most respect points the crew member will not contribute to this. He will earn you 5 respect points per kill. At the Don rank I like to kill individual enemy family members using the garrote which earns me about 500 respect points. Even a head shot will earn 55 points at that rank which is 11 times what the crew member nets you. Crew members can cause trouble. They may take out pedestrians between them and a rival guard. That increases your heat level quickly. If your car catches fire your character can jump out and run away before the car explodes but the crew member will tend to stay with the car and die in the explosion. And if your heat level gets high and you head for the safe house the crew member may stay outside and shoot at the cops to keep your wanted level maxed out. And one more thing, if you are around enemy guards in a peaceful situation the crew member will make the situation a ticking time bomb. The enemy guards may start shooting at any point without provocation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9 Health If your health meter gets below the half-way mark, it is time to get fixed up. Blue medicine bottles drop out of some gangsters when they die. It seems about one in ten do this on the average so I'd guess each has one chance in ten of dropping one. Be sure to consume it in a quiet place if possible, since it stops restoring your health if you get hurt while it is working. If you don't have a medicine bottle to restore your health go to the nearest clinic or safe house. Hopefully when you get back you can pick up where you left off with no trouble. Getting iced is not the end of the world but it is annoying if you are trying to extort some business since all the guards you worked so hard to eliminate will be back on the job when you return. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. NOTES ON BUSINESSES AND RACKETS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Introduction I provide information on every business and racket you can extort in this section, from the first ones to ones you can pick and choose from as you see fit. While I said I won't provide walkthroughs I actually do provide rather detailed advice on the first ones, not that you would not do fine without this advice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Initial Businesses and Rackets to Extort Name: Grand News Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Grand and Mulberry Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Notes: I'd do this one as part of the first mission, The Alley, while walking back to the safe house after talking to Luca Brasi. It is on your way and the blue-coated Stracci guards will be taken out by Corleones although you can help kill the guards if you want. After the guards have all been killed you may start negotiations with the owner of Grand News. Punch the owner and then alternate between grabbing him and threatening him with punches until his payout hits around $360 or $365. Grab his bat or get the bat from your safe house for future enforcement actions. Name: Emilio's Butcher Shop Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Hester and Mott Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $745 Notes: Mandatory as part of The Enforcer mission. You only need to smash his shop up a little for the Weak Spot Bonus. When the payout gets close to $650 you might just grab Emilio and pressure him that way rather than continuing to break things since that will make it easier to get real close to the maximum payout of $745. Stop when the payout gets around $735. Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $495 Notes: Mandatory as part of The Enforcer mission. You might be expected to buy out the racket boss but why not save your cash and negotiate instead? There should be two guards. Take them out with your bat. You can shoot the guards but melee attacks earn you more Respect Points. Rather than buy out the racket boss I would suggest punching him and applying pressure until his payout gets close to $490. Blow his safe to get $1,500. That would be the hidden bag of cash that appears in every mission. A funny thing, your bribe to the cop blocking the door drops from $400 to $100 when you do that. Don't forget to take the $150 off the table downstairs before leaving. Name: DeMantagna's Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Grand and Mott Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Notes: Easy enough. Punch him a few times but don't kill him. As you did with Grand News, alternate between grabbing Mr. DeMantagna and threatening him with punches until his payout hits around $365. If you go too far and his pressure meter turns red, leave, go a couple blocks away and come back to try again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Businesses and Rackets to Extort Early After the next two training missions, A Grave Situation and Sleeping With the Fishes, you may want to extort a few businesses while waiting for the next main story mission to become available. These are fairly easy and include some favors to business owners or some wimpy Tattaglia-controlled businesses. Name: Trapani’s Bakery Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Canal and Mulberry Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: Varies, sometimes $1,200 Notes: You may not see any Stracci guards around but if there are some, kill them before taking down the drug dealer in the alley behind the bakery. The drug dealer has a target above his head. Name: Bowery Hotel Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: East Houston and Pitt Streets Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: $2,400 Notes: Strangle the guard in the lobby as soon as you enter. He is a tough hombre and otherwise may kill you after you do the favor. Use the bat or some other melee weapon to pursuade the deadbeat tenants to leave. Name: Bella Siciliana Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Broadway and East Houston Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $495 Notes: After you finish with the business, enter the back room to the racket area. There are guards on the second floor that can shoot down at you so you may do best to head up to the second floor to take out the guards there before killing the ones on the first floor. You get dynamite for free from the second floor which is cheaper than than paying $500 on the black market. At this point you should have over $12,500 so I would suggest heading to Brooklyn to upgrade your pistol to Level 2. While in Brooklyn, visit St Sebastian Hotel, Pitkin Garments, and Sicilian Goods. If you don't have $12,500 at this point, you should have it after getting payouts from the three extortions I recommend in Brooklyn. Name: St Sebastian Hotel Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Fleet Alley and Plymouth Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Notes: The owner may try to fight you so take out the guards and the innocent bystander quickly. Threaten the owner with a gun and he should settle down. Hotels are easy targets early in the game. They tend to have few guards but pay out well. Name: Pitkin Garments Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Washington and Front Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Notes: Piece of chocolate cake. Name: Sicilian Goods Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Main Street and Tillany Lane Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: $1,800 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $1,495 Notes: Take out the outside guards before doing the favor. Afterwards, enter the racket back room from the alley crouching with gun drawn. Take your time and use available cover. After finishing with Sicilian Goods, if you leave its area you will see a purple marker back at the location of Sicilian Goods on your map meaning you are being asked to do a favor there. Return there and you will find the place on fire. The owner will ask you to go in and rescue an item that turns out to be a vault key. In case you have trouble rescuing the key without getting iced in the flames, please consider vaulting through windows rather than walking through fire. Take the key to the Savings and Loan on Broadway in Little Italy. There in the basement vault you will get $50,000 and a key to Scalise and Strong. A Scalise and Strong armored car is parked at almost every bank. With the key you get from the vault you can use all Scalise and Strong armored cars for getting away from bank heists. The armored car is more durable than other vehicles. If you are feeling adventurous you might decide to rob the Savings and Loan on Broadway in Little Italy while you are there. Case the bank to get familiar with its layout and note the side entrance on the ground floor where you can dash to the Scalise and Strong armored car. If you want to minimize police interference you can go outside and bribe a cop. There are usually cops in front of banks. In the basement past the vault where you got the $50,000 and key you will find some bank guards. Take them out rapidly and go left around two corners to where the safe is. Blow it up with dynamite and head back upstairs to the side entrance on the ground floor shooting anybody you see. Get in the armored car and head for your safe house I would suggest next upgrading your .38 caliber pistol to Level 2 for $7,500 at the southern tip of Broadway in Little Italy and then going to New Jersey to upgrade your shotgun to Level 2 for $45,000 since you can afford it with the $50,000 you just got from the bank vault. In New Jersey after you get the shotgun upgrade visit Arnold's Famous 47. Name: Arnold's Famous 47 Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: 4th and Garden Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: $1,800 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $995 Notes: The racket upstairs has dynamite you can get any time you visit. After doing the favor, be careful and look around corners with gun drawn since you can get shot by guards you don't see as you try to work your way upstairs to chat with the racket boss. When you are trying to negotiate with him expect two Stracci guards to appear. I don't know where they come from but just take cover and take them out being careful not to kill the racket boss. At this point you will have a pretty good set of weapons and a pretty good initial income. If you are trying to get to Respect Level 50 I would suggest focusing on the main story missions and doing occasional extortions since the net respect points earned during extortions increases with your rank in the Family and you get promotions by doing the missions. You should however plan on doing lots of bank heists and robbing lots of trucks in the meantime. A bank heist when you are at the Don rank gives you 8,000 respect points while a truck gives you 2,000 plus whatever you get for killing the two guards and driver (after negotiations), less at lower ranks but still significant. Otherwise I would suggest picking and choosing things to do between main story missions as you see fit. If you do lots of bank and truck heists you can still make Respect Level 50 about the time you get promoted to Don of NYC even using the approach of doing extortions as you please but you may have to do a few more of the heists. Also remember to maximize respect points you need to find all film reels, blow all safes, buy every item of clothing offered, win every prize fight, and buy every safe house. You need to heist every bank at least once too but if you do 60 bank heists during the game you will probably manage to hit each bank at least once. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Challenging Businesses and Rackets to Extort In this section I will list some of the places I think pose a problem. You may find them easy but I doubt it. Some of them are tough Cuneo or Barzini joints and in some it is tough avoiding the death of the management personnel. Name: Cafe Vitales Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Dock and Prospect Streets Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,870 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,870 Notes: In the category of a tough Barzini joint. Last time I had about 20 Barzini guards come after me. It started a mob war and even then the racket boss died in the crossfire so it continued to be a tough Barzini joint. It requires some patience. One trick is to stay a good distance from the guards and fire a shot or two toward where the guards should be, then duck around a corner which you use for cover. When they run toward you pick them off with head shots. Rinse and repeat. Name: J. Sizzle's Steakhouse Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 5th Avenue and 40th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Notes: The owner will attack you while you are trying to reason with him, to include picking up a shotgun dropped by the guards and shooting you with it. I suggest taking out the guards in front of the place, quickly shooting a customer while standing next to the owner, then shooting the owner in the knee with a small pistol, then threatening the owner with a gun. After that you and he can reason together in an atmosphere of calm. Name: Liberto's Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Main Street and Plymouth Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Notes: Another tough Barzini joint. The basement racket can be a challenge since guards spew out of it like hornets from a hornet nest when you finish extorting the business. A good shotgun, at least Level 2, is recommended. Also, there are lots of tough outside guards before you even make it into the joint, but take your time, lure them toward you and kill them and the outside guards should not be a problem. Name: The Colonial Tavern Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: Columbus and 49th Streets Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Notes: A tough Cuneo joint. Taking out the outside guards is tough since there are lots of them and little cover for you. One option is to run over them with your car. Unless your car catches fire and several guards use you for target practice at close range when you bail out you should stay healthy. If things are peaceful you can just walk inside and use the bar as cover while various guards enter the bar to shoot you. Extorting the bar owner is easy but the racket boss is a tough nut to crack unless you want to just buy him out. The problem is you need to threaten an innocent around him but he is kind of proactive, picking up a shotgun from a dead guard and shooting at you. The trick here is to not have full ammunition for any weapon when you approach him, so you can remove all weapons by getting their ammunition. He may still try to punch you but a shot to the knee and threatening him with a gun should calm him down. Name: Tyler's Top Cuts Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 11th Avenue and 44th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: Varies, maybe $350 Notes: You probably will have no guards to deal with and the owner is asking for a favor so what is the problem? Several Cuneo enforcers will show up during the favor and try very hard to kill you and the owner. If the owner dies you need to wait an hour before his identical twin reopens the shop. I've had a few die on me. You should stand between the owner and the front window when he asks his favor and you might do best to use a Tommy Gun upgraded to at least Level 2 to take out the arriving Cuneo enforcers. If you are still having problems with this it can help a lot to hire a crew member which you can do at the Associate rank or above. A Streetsweeper shotgun can also make a difference. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5 Other Businesses and Rackets to Extort These should pose no particular difficulties although all are challenging to some degree and some might require you to come back a few times after being iced or getting medical treatment each time. If you want to you can try to guess the maximum payout from each boss based on looking at the pressure meter and how fast the pressure increases rather than using what I show in this section for each place. There are a few specific maximum payout amounts: $370, $495, $745, $995, $1,120, $1,495, $1,870, $1,995, and $2,495 so you might be able to guess well with practice. You may see a pattern in racket boss buyout amounts and guess the maximum you can extort without a buyout based on the buyout amount offered. Also you can try out different things on a boss to find out his weak spot rather than using the spoiler info I provide. In other words you don't have to use the information I provide in this section but you can if you want. Further, as you advance in the game and gain respect there are many businesses you can take over peacefully if you want. Especially after doing the 97th extortion in a game the idea of walking up to an owner and have him agree to pay you $100 with no muss or fuss might be appealing. Not to me of course, I will grind his bones and sprinkle them on my spaghetti. The businesses listed here are in alphabetical order. You can do them in any order you want whenever you want. The easier ones tend to have lower payouts or are run by Tattaglias or Straccis. Also in my opinion hotels tend to be easy to do while offering good payouts. Businesses in Little Italy tend to be easiest to extort while those in Hell's Kitchen and Midtown can be tough. Name: After Hours Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 8th Avenue and 56th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearms Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Arezzo Seafood Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 9th Avenue and 44th Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $495 Name: Arezzo Seafood Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Allen and Eldridge Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $495 Name: Boolie’s Bakery Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Bowery and Hester Streets Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $745 Name: Boris Amichini Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Observer Highway and Marshall Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,120 Name: Caruso! Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 8th Avenue and 41st Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Casey Quinn's Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 12th Avenue and 45th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Chateau Toledo Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 2nd Avenue and 42nd Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: Dale Mangano's Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 9th Avenue and 52nd Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $370 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $495 Name: Doc Thody's Dahlias Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 10th Avenue and 46th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Fabio Satriani & Sons Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: 4th and Newark Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Flowers of Scotland Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Lexington Avenue and 37th Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Global Trading Co Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Adams and Front Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Global Trading Co Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Prince and Center Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $495 Name: Harry’s Bar Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Grand and Allen Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Hawk's Steakhouse Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Broadway and 33rd Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: Holden Holdings Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: Rail yards Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,120 Notes: Not much property to damage. There is a cash register and another item in the shop, either of which you can smash for the Weak Spot Bonus. Name: Hotel Alioto Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Barclay and Church Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $995 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Hotel Madison Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 5th Avenue and 49th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $2,495 Name: Isao Kimota Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 3rd Avenue and 40th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,870 Name: Joe Folley's Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: 5th and Newark Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: Joey's Baked Goods Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: 4th and Willow Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Johnny Conger's Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Water and Washington Streets Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Louis' Restaurant Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 3rd Avenue and 25th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Lumpy's Bar Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Broadway and 57th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $$1,995 Name: M. Powers & Sons Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 10th Avenue and 50th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Madame Polly's Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 5th Avenue and 37th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $2,495 Name: Marinelli's Fish Shop Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 11th Avenue and 42nd Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $1,120 Name: Michaelangelo Salera Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Main and Church Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Name: Midnight Rosie's Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Adams and Plymouth Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Mookie's Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 4th Avenue and 37th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,870 Name: Mrs. Spillane's Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: Dyer Avenue and 33rd Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $370 Name: Orchid Inc. Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 11th Avenue and 48th Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $370 Name: Orchid Inc. Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 2th Avenue and 30th Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $495 Name: Palladio Willow Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 5th Avenue and 25th Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: Varies, maybe $350 Notes: The favor involves a prize fight so you might upgrade fighting skills before trying this one. You may need to use a melee weapon in the fight such as a bat or tire iron. Name: Poppy's - Westside Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 11th Avenue and 42nd Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Primola Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Allen and Eldridge Streets Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Providence Hotel Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 9th Avenue and 48th Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Raphael's Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 6th Avenue and 40th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $1,120 Name: Saint Martin Hotel Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Broadway and Broome Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Sammy's Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Bowery and Doyes Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $495 Name: Santo Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Park Avenue and 14th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Savannah Hotel Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 7th Avenue and 49th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Scotty's Biscotti Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 8th Avenue and 41st Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: Sicilian Goods Neighborhood: New Jersy Location: Observer Highway and Washington Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $995 Name: Sicilian Imports Inc Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Bowery and East Houston Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Destroying Property Maximum Payout: $745 Name: Smoke Signals Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Bowery and Canal Streets Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening with Punches Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $995 Name: St Alban's Hotel Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Broadway and 18th Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: $600 Name: The Ambassador Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Dock and Front Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: The Carnegie Club Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 5th Avenue and 58th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $2,495 Name: The Colonial Club Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 6th Avenue and 42nd Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,870 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: The Continental Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Broadway and Worth Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,120 Name: The Crane Club Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Park Avenue and 14th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: The Elegante Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 10th Avenue and 46th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $995 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: The Full Moon Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Adams and Front Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: $1,200 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $995 Name: The George Hotel Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Washington and 14th Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,495 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $2,495 Name: The Highway Hotel Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Observer Highway and Newark Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: The Luna Bar Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Park Avenue and 40th Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: N/A -- Favor Payout: $1,800 Name: The Peak Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,870 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $2,495 Name: The Red Fox Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 11th Avenue and 46th Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Threatening Innocents Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $995 Name: The Roost Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 10th Avenue and 41st Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: The Tunnel Club Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: Dyer Avenue and 34th Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,120 Name: Tito Morelli Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Lexington Avenue and 34th Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,495 Notes: Easy. Should have no guards. Name: Va Va Voom Room Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Duanne and West Streets Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,120 Name: Valentino's Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Fleet Alley and Plymouth Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,120 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $1,495 Name: Velveteen's Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Garden and 5th Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $995 Name: West Side Philly's Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 10th Avenue and 44th Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $745 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $995 Name: West Side Willy's Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Columbus Circle Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,870 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $1,995 Name: Wright Wronsky's Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Adams and Prospect Streets Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Business Weak Spot: Property Damage Maximum Payout: $1,995 Type: Racket Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $1,495 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6 Warehouses Warehouses are not exceptionally difficult. You generally have little interference from cops, pedestrians, and other families. You often have good cover and most warehouses have a medicine bottle available somewhere which will reappear if you walk out of the warehouse grounds and return. Bring lots of ammo. Weapon upgrades are recommended as in Level 3 type upgrades. One thing to watch out for is you will often find guards shooting at you from behind you. Don't let it rattle you, just take your time, keep an eye on things, look around, and shoot what appears behind you before proceeding forward. Name: Barzini Hub Neighborhood: Midtown Location: Industrial Road and Connecticut Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Racket Weak Spot: Throws, Slams, or Leans Maximum Payout: $24,995 Name: Chinaware Warehouse Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Rivington and Pitt Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $2,495 Name: Cuneo Hub Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 9th Avenue and 52nd Street Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Racket Weak Spot: Using Firearm Maximum Payout: $17,495 Name: Italia Hauling Co Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Madison and Market Streets Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $4,995 Name: Lipari Warehouse Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Bank and Clarkson Streets Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $8,595 Name: Milk Co. Warehouse Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen Location: 9th Avenue and 41st Street Controlling Family: Cuneo Type: Racket Weak Spot: Threatening with Firearm Maximum Payout: $8,595 Name: Palermo Warehouse Neighborhood: Midtown Location: 2nd Avenue and 43rd Street Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $12,495 Name: S. Elia Warehouse Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Main and Empire Streets Controlling Family: Barzini Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $12,495 Name: Stracci Hub Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Hudson Street and River Road Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $10,695 Name: Tattaglia Hub Neighborhood: Brooklyn Location: Gold and John Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $9,295 Name: Verona Warehouse Neighborhood: Little Italy Location: Morton and Jude Streets Controlling Family: Tattaglia Type: Racket Weak Spot: Grabs or Strangles Maximum Payout: $4,995 Name: Waterside Warehouse Neighborhood: New Jersey Location: Rover Road and 14th Street Controlling Family: Stracci Type: Racket Weak Spot: Jabs and Punches Maximum Payout: $8,595 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CONTACTING ME Please send an email to alsnoid(at)hotmail(dot)com if you have information to improve this guide such as correcting my mistakes, providing other tips, other information on the game I should mention, alternative strategies, and so on while this guide is under development. I will try to respond promptly and will mention contributions in the acknowledgments. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. Electronic Arts for creating a great game. 2. GameFAQs for putting up this FAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. VERSION INFORMATION Version 1.0 4/21/08: Work commences --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. LEGAL STUFF This guide may not be reproduced except for personal private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without my permission. My staff scans the Internet daily for copies of this guide published by other sites and the attorney I have on retainer... oh who am I kidding, but please email me if you want to publish this and get my OK beforehand.