The Guy Game (X-Box) By: Alex "Joker" Hall Started on - 9/05/04 Completed on - 9/11/04 E-Mail at - Hello all! Did you miss me??? I'm finally back into the walkthrough writing scene and with a game that's for adults only. It's like a step back in time for me since my first walkthrough for GameFAQs was Sentimental Shooting and it's an adult video game as well. This one though I didn't have to download, all I had to do was rent it. Funny story behind this game as well. I was out for the summer this year in Miami, Florida (my second home!) enjoying all that great spanish ass and tits everywhere. Just gotta love the spanish woman is all I gotta say. Getting back on subject, I went cruising to Dolphin Mall and was just mallratting, when I stopped at the EB Games store there, and then I see a box for The Guy Game, soon to be out. I had never heard a single word about this game til that day. In fact, it was like 2 weeks ago when I heard about this game. Well I rented it and I have to say that all those guys out there, writing bad threads in forums and message boards must be either gay, or not into party games, cuz this game is fun as hell and of course only for guys......or.....if you're a lesbian then you can play too. The rating on the game tells it all of what you will see here, and there's no lies. The language is very strong, the nudity isn't that bad, but I guess it's bad enough for a bible belt type of person, or a virgin without the internet. All in all I'd say that if you get your friends together for this game, you will have a blast with the trivia and the mini games, all in all working to dominate over your friends and see plenty of ass and tits in the process. Call that motivation! - Want to know more or just hang out as a fan of the Guy Game? Then goto to view more on the The Guy Game - Everyone remember now, I write for GameFAQs and GameFAQs only! If any updates are made to this guide, they'll be posted at and nowhere else, unless the people from other sites pay attention and see the update done on GameFAQs. I'm not gonna go out of my way to update this guide everywhere, so just giving everyone the heads up on that! - This guide was created by me, me, me, me, me and did I forget to mention......ME!!!!! Please ask for my permission before putting this guide on your site. I have no probs with it, so long as you ask me first. I mean for god's sake already......I get all the damn e-mails from people either contributing to the guide, or ragging on it, so I'd like to know where they're getting the guide info from! So lets just avoid headaches on both ends and just take the few minutes to give your fingers a workout and type up an e-mail to me. Got it? Good. - The Table of Tits...err...Contents - 1) Starting a Game 2) The Basics 3) The Options Menu 4) The Sets 5) Extra Trivia Q & A's 6) Meet the Girls 7) Playing a Quickie 8) Additional Guy Game Stuff 9) Secrets and Unlocked Items 10) Credits 1) Starting Your Game - Not exactly a brain thrasher, if it was, then well.....maybe you should just give up now. From the Main Menu, the cursor should already be on Start Game. Hit your A button and you're on the Start Game Menu. Here you can tweak things just before heading out to see those Spring Break Girls...... - Start New Game - - This is where you will have to go if you just bought or first rented this game. This will get your game going with brand new Sets to play with and open up. Basically, everything is new to you if you choose this option if you've already got a save game. - Continue Game - - Here's where you go to continue games you've already got going. You come here even if you've finished off an Episode of a Set. You keep choosing this option so that you can keep unlocking various items in the game and to finish off sets that you've started. Also you can use all the info you've unlocked for Sets and Episodes whenever friends come over and you want to see who's the better trivia master, all the while being one hell of a horndog! - Number of Guys - - This is where you go to open up the amount extra opponents you want to face. Whether it's against friends, or if you're going it alone, this is where you tweak that option. It goes from One to Four players. - Rules Set - - This basically applies for multiple player games with people agreeing to outside game terms. Those terms are yours to choose, whether it's vodka shots, or punches to the arm, you choose how the penalties ride. Learn more about Rules in the Options Menu section of this guide. You can tweak the Rules Set from Standard to None. If you have the Number of Guys set to One, then the Rules Set will not apply to your game. It only comes into play during multi player games. - Ballz - - This is the option to either want to play the mini games or not. If you're playing alone, then you should tweak this option to either On or Off if you want a fast game or not. If you're playing with other people, then you might want to reconsider since playing with friends makes these games very exciting and funny. You'll have fun with them, but it all depends on whether you want to play them or not. - There you have it.....after messing with those options, you can continue onwards and chose your babe. This babe will strip for you depending on your performance. Find out more on this in the Sets section of the walkthrough. Getting all this set up will lead you on to the meat and potatoes of this game, which is the Sets Section. You now must get ready for trivia if you want to see those women flash the many many many horny onlookers. 2) The Basics - Though I see no reason to explain the controls of this game, I'm going to do it anyways since I know some jackass won't know what they're doing and ask me how can you do this or that. Plus I get to be sarcastic to all of you who do not read the entire damn guide and ask me stupid question that were already answered here! It's on of my many joys in time to teach you how to play. - Trivia - - A Button: Answer's Question (First and Second Question) (Confirms Ass Saver Choice) - B Button: Answer's Question (First Question Only) - X Button: Answer's Question (First Question Only) - Y Button: Answer's Question (First and Second Question) - L Trigger: Brings up the Ass Saver Menu - D Pad Up: Selects Choice on the Ass Saver Menu - D Pad Down: Selects Choice on the Ass Saver Menu - Start Button: Pauses the Game - D Pad: Goes for Guy Game Tokens - Ok...lets start off by explaining how to select your right answer. You will have to use all four of your Letter Buttons. After a question is read, you will be given the choice of answers. It will look something like this: A - ??? B - ??? X - ??? Y - ??? You will see a Money Meter in the top right hand corner of the screen. As money disappears from the meter, so will an answer. When the money gets down low enough, only two answers will remain. One will be the right one, and the other wrong. The purpose of this is for you to answer in the alotted time. Whenever you put in your answer, you will be given the amount of money that was on the meter at the moment you pushed in your answer. All answers are not final!!!!! If you saw that you got it wrong, quickly change the answer to one that is showing. You will get less money since time went by, but you won't lose money if you got the right answer. You want to know the answer right away so that you will get the maximum amount of money that you can get. - You will see a number underneath the Money Meter that changes each round. This is the Money Target. It's optional if you try to get this or not during your round. All it is is when you put in your answer, look at your profile to see what amount of money you will get for this round. If it matches up with the number underneath the Money Meter, then you've earned $2000 dollars. If you're really really really good at stopping on the mark, then go ahead and try for this. Other than that, it's going to be a case of real dumb luck if you can land it on that damn number. This can change the tides of a multiplayer game if you're able to land on it. - The Ass Saver Menu is more or less like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire in most ways. Here you have options that you can use to....well.... save your ass. This basically comes into play in multiplayer games. It's almost useless in single player games. You only have these Ass Savers to use once per game, so pick and chose wisely when you want to use them! *) Double or Nothing: This will double the amount of money that you get on the intial question, not the bonus question. If you know it for a fact, use this and get $800 to double it up to $1600. It might just bounce you up from Asshole to President! *) Immunity: This will keep you immune to consequences of the question you just answered. No matter when you chime in the answer, if it's wrong, it will give you $800 anyways, so if you don't know the question, just use this and pick any answer that you want. You have to get the Bonus Question right though, or you'll lose money there. This Immunity doesn't keep you immune to the Bonus Question's wrath! *) Headbutt: This one appears only when you're playing a multiplayer game. You can use this to make that person lose double their loses on that go around. This will seriously piss off alot of people, especially when you know they don't know the answer to the question. But this can backfire. If they get the answer right, then they will get double their earnings, which will just piss you off instead. What you have here is a double edge sword more or less, so watch it when you use this Ass Saver. - To access the Ass Saver Menu, just before the answers pop up, hit the L Trigger to see the menu come up. Be quick and know what you want to use already before you bring this up. Time is a factor in selecting your Ass Saver for that round. - To get a Guy Game Coin, just wait for a circle with a symbol in it to appear underneath the Money Meter in the top right hand corner. When you see a symbol show up, push up on the D-Pad to snag that Coins and to get the reward or consquence of that Token. It is random and unknown what you will get. At times there will be one where it shows a D-Pad. When a direction is lit up, hit that direction to get the Coins. You don't have to go for these if you don't want to, they don't affect the game in a serious way. These are basically gambles as to what you can get. You can wait to see what the coin will give you, but you do leave it open for other players to snag at it as well. If you see a green dollar sign, then quickly press up on your D-Pad to get the free cash, but if you see a red skull and crossbones, don't press anything on your D-Pad. You don't want to lose money you know! So basically you can gamble on it, or play it safe by waiting, the choice is yours. - Stealing from another player is a very effective way of evening the odds. Stealing is taking away the points of a player that you know knows an answer you don't. Time to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face. To steal, hold down the L Trigger and then press the button that coresponds with the color of the player you want to steal from. To make it much more simplier for you: L Trigger + A Button = Steal From Green Player L Trigger + B Button = Steal From Red Player L Trigger + X Button = Steal From Blue Player L Trigger + Y Button = Steal From Yellow Player If they get it right, then you get their money and they get a stupid look on their face. Now steal at your own risk! If they suspect you of stealing, or if they really don't know the answer like you thought they did, then you will take their points, but the damage is double to you! They get saved from the bad choice they made! So if you're confident enough, then try stealing from others. God may have said not to steal from your fellow man, but I'm sure he'd understand that you have to shut up that bigheaded friend of yours. - Stated earlier in the Guy Game Coins part up there, there are other coin versions that can be seen. One of which is the Roulette Wheel. Start that thing up and pray to god that it lands on you, since you're the one that could use the money, and crazy enough to start this thing up. It can backfire on you and land on another player's color, giving them the money you want. The only thing you'll get then is anger. The other version is the one I talked about. When you see a coin with directional arrows on it, it will light up a pattern it wants you to mimic. Put in the correct pattern that it shows and you'll get yourself some free money to pull yourself up to Presidency! - In the Stats menu (The menu just after you've completed both questions for a girl and you get to see your cheerleader change clothes) you can press these buttons to either make everyone sigh in relief, or turn away in disgust: R Trigger: Show Babe L Trigger + A Button: Fat Guy Trust me.....after you've done that Fat Guy scene once, you'll be pressing the hell out of your R Trigger from there on out! - Ballz Mini-Games - - Time to learn how to throw down in those Ballz mini games. If you want to dominate on your friends, then you must learn how to get the hang of these games. They're simplistic in design, but a bitch to play against four people! You will most definitely have an assload of fun against your friends. - Ballz Out - - Left Thumbstick: Move Your Color Ball - Back Button: Change Music (Green Player) - Start Button: Pause Game - L Trigger: Hover Slam - R Trigger: Hover Slam - A Button: Turbo Boost - B Button: Release Whip - The object of this game is knock off all those little balls that fall from the sky, off the edge of the platform. Your score will raise by 10 points for each ball knocked off. If you knock off a fellow player, you get 1000 points. If you fall off or are knocked off by another player, you will lose 500 points, so look sharp and pray that you have some balancing skills. - There are power pick-ups in this game. To pick up a power-up, roll over a ball that shining in multiple colors. It's pretty easy to see since it'll be the only ball that's going rainbow on the board. The pick-up's you get are random. Here's what you can find: *) 2500 Points - Adds 2500 Points to your score *) 5000 Points - Adds 5000 Points to your score *) Double Points - Doubles all your earnings during the time that you have this power-up. *) Whiplash - Get close to an opponent and connect them with a whip. Use this to throw them off the board by gaining lots of momentum and dragging them around. Be careful though, your victim can turn the tables on you with this move, and you can soon become the victim of your own attack *) Bully - You become bigger than the other players, and are much harder for them to knock off. You on the other hand, have no problem pushing them off. It's a bit more harder to control yourself when you're big, but it doesn't take long to get the hang of. *) Molasses - This slows you down, and basically keeps you in place. You become extremely hard to get knocked around by other players, but since you're so damn slow, you can't use the Hover Slam, or the Turbo Boost, which makes things on your part harder to score. This hurts more than it helps. About the only time when you want this is when the stage starts to rotate around wildly, trying to throw you and everyone else off. *) Forcefield - The best of the best in my book, this power-up doesn't allow you to get knocked off the edge by either the other players, or your clumsy dumbass self. Everytime you go crashing towards the platform's edge, you will see a big wall of yellow light appear, stopping you. If you have this power-up, consider yourself the most dangerous player on the field, because you can knock others off, if they don't have a Forcefield as well, without any real worry. Just keep an eye on your time meter so that you're not caught off guard when this fades out. *) Attract - A weird power-up at best, this attracts all the balls on the stage to you. I'm not sure where the real strength is in this power-up or where it's weakness is, but I guess maybe one of you guys can e-mail me with your strategy behind this one and shed some light on the good uses of this otherwise worthless power-up. - Word of advice behind these power-ups, when you get them, stay on the damn platform! You don't want to prematurely lose your full time behind a good power-up do you? That's like ruining your first night of sex! So once you've got your power-up, be smart and stay away from the edges to the best of your advantage ok. - Keep an eye out at your profile when you pick up a power-up. You will see a time bar with your power-up's name beside it. The bar will go down as time passes, no brainer nothing good lasts forever and remember that!!!! If you don't want to bother keeping an eye on your time meter, then keep an eye on yourself. When your power-up is about to fade into the wind, a thought bubble will appear above your ball with an exclamation mark in it. Keep this in mind when passing out the ass beatings ok. - Ballz In - - Here you play game much like hockey, only with small balls, and other players......and....well....your cheerleader babe on the floor. You know what I'm getting at! In any case the whole object is to score on the other players goals, while protecting your own. You can score 1000 points by snagging the ball and shooting it at another's goal, or you can be fancy about it to get 1000X? as your score. You will lose 500 points if someone scores on your goal, or you can lose 1000 points if you score on your own goal. Not a good idea to do that. - Left Thumbstick: Move Your Color Ball - Back Button: Change Music (Green Player) - Start Button: Pause Game - L Trigger: Jump - R Trigger: Jump - A Button: Turbo Boost - B Button: Shoot - X Button: Reverse Shot - Y Button: Chip Shot - Jumping is a defensive manuever in this game. When another player shoots the ball either using a Reverse Shot or a Chip Shot, you can catch the ball in the air by jumping. Don't let someone else think they have the better of you! - Turbo Boosting is as it says what it is. You move slightly faster for small sprint. It can help alot in this game. You have this move in all Ballz games, but here's where it shines the most. Use it effectively to corral the ball in your favor. - Shooting of course is the most effective method of scoring in this game. If you shoot at a goal and make it, you will receive 1000 points. You can get fancy with this, and try bank shooting. Aim the ball at the corners or walls of the platform and try and make it bounce off the wall into a goal. Depending on how good the bounce was, will decide the multiplier number that goes with your 1000 points. - The Reverse Shot fires the ball behind you. It sends it airborn as well. This can be used to fool other players if they are trying to chase you down to steal the ball from you. Get them lined up behind you and fire the Reverse Shot at a goal other than yours. If you make it into the goal with this shot, then you will have 1000 X 3 goal. Not too shabby huh? - The Chip Shot works more or less like the Reverse Shot. The ball won't stay in the air as long though. Use this to fire over other players that are trying to stand in front of you, or trying to become a goalie for their goal. If you can aim the shot just right, then you'll come away with a 1000 X 2 goal. can serious wail on the person you scored on to show them that you truely have skills. - There is one other way of getting a goal, and that's sacrificing yourself with the ball. Go through your opponent's goal while holding on to the ball. You get the points and don't get penalized any points for falling off the platform. A last ditch effort to use ok! When you fall of the platform, you may not lose points, but you won't come back in the game for a few seconds. This leaves your scoring chances gone and your goal wide open for others to score on, which then you'll lose points. Again.....use this technique as a last resort. - Ballz Shots - - If you've ever been to Chuck E. Cheese's or some place like that, then you'll know right off the bat the whole purpose of this game. The whole object of this game is aim your ball at the target area's that are gapped between the platform and them. The whole mantra behind this game? AIM AIM AIM!!!! - Left Thumbstick: Move Your Color Ball - Back Button: Change Music (Green Player) - Start Button: Pause Game - A Button: Turbo Boost - Your Turbo Boost is your friend in this game. It definitely helps you to get the much needed extra space to the better scoring areas. Be careful though not to miss your mark, or you'll have to try again, or you may have missed your opportunity. - If you fall, don't worry. You don't lose points and you respawn back in very quickly. Just calm down ok......everything will be fine. - You can get bonus points by popping balloons that appear over target areas in this game. They will most definitely help you out, as they often give out 20000 points a pop. - To multiply your points, in a single player game, light up all the areas in your color to get 15000 bonus points. In a multiplayer game, I'm not 100% clear on how to get that multiplier to work. I've done it plenty of times already, but it was all by accident. My friends did the same, and since no one is paying attention on how it's done and just playing to see who's the best, it'll be a good while before I can tell you guys how it's done. Just keep aiming at any and all target areas and you will get 15000 points, just watch and see. - To get a score X 2 or 3 hit any target area when it's in the back row. You can tell when it's in the back row by the farther it being away. - Bouncing on the target area's walls can be very effective hitting the target's in the back row. It's not easy to do, but aim yourself on to the wall of a target area, and then it will bounce you up. Use the bounce to either go for a target in the back row, or to aim for another wall to bounce off of. If you can utilize this technique, then you will be a force to be reckoned with. - The target scores are as follows: The Big Three Piece Area: Outside Rim = 1000 points Middle Rim = 3000 points Center Rim = 6000 points The Wide Single Piece Areas = 2000 The Smaller Single Piece Area = 3000 - When time is winding down to about a half a minute, whenever someone scores in one of the areas, it will disappear. This will happen until there is only the 6000 point area from the Three Piece Area that appears in the beginning of the game. When you score in an area during this time, you will get that respective area's point X 4. This makes things very interesting when everyone is aiming for the 6000 X 4 area. - So there you have it.....everything you could know about this game in a nutshell. Well.....a very long nutshell.....Learn these moves and practice them to add skills to your trivia knowledge and dominate all that stand in your way.....along with getting girls to show skin too. 3) The Options Menu - Time to tweak what you can here. This is where you can change a few things that disagree with what you want to see in the game. - Manage Profiles - - Here you can view the profiles that have been used in this game. You can see the stats of how you and your little buddies have done in games played thus far. You can also delete your profiles from here as well. Got an embarassing running streak? Well then just "accidentally" hit the delete button and no one's the wiser. - Manage Rules - - I told you I'd tell you what was on the Rules of the game, and here they are. First off here is where you can view the Rules made by the good people that made this game. These are called the Standard rules. Pre-Made rules for your enjoyment. Now if you don't like the rules that they made, then make some of your own. To make your own, highlight and then hit the Y Button. This copies the blank rule set so that you can make your own. Type in what you want to have for all 15 spots so that you can make your party with your friends. Whatever you put down though is your own business, and I really don't want to know what is going through your mind when you put down what you put down ok. - The Standard Rules are as follows: 1) No one may say the word "the" or they receive a penalty 2) No one may say any numbers or they get a penalty 3) No one may let go of their controller or they get a penalty 4) No one may make eye contact with another player, or they will both get a penalty 5) First names can not be spoken, (only titles). If first names are spoken, then the speaker gets a penalty 6) Everyone must have the President's permission to pee 7) No one may say "I", "me", or "you", or they receive a penalty 8) No one may stand for any reason. or they receive a penalty 9) Everyone but the President must sit on the floor 10) No one's lips may touch their bottle, cup, or can or they receive a penalty 11) Everyone must pinch their left nipple while speaking, or they receive a penalty 12) When tits are flashed on screen, everyone takes a penalty 13) Anyone who swears gets a penalty 14) Anyone who points gets a penalty 15) No one may say a word that begins or ends with the letter "s" or they receive a penalty - So there you have it.....the pre-made rules of the game. If they're not to your liking, then by all means turn them off, or use your own rules. That's all for this section......time to move on. - Music - - This option lets you turn the music on or off in the game. Simple enough to understand right? - Vibration - - This option will turn the vibration to your controller and the other controllers on or off. Your choice as to what you want, I can't stop you from choosing either way you know. - Restore Default - - If you press the A Button on this, then the game will put all the options that you tweaked back to it's original settings. So in other words, if you've screwed around to much with the game, and you're having difficulty getting things in order, hit this to make the world a much better place. Well.....least back to it's original state. That way you avoid many headaches. 4) The Sets - Ok....time to get down to why you rented or bought this game. The Sets are 4 episodes a piece, with 5 sets to go through. Your job is to get the trivia questions right, so that you can destroy that damn Censor Meter and see those college girls in all their glory. - A description of what you have to do in this is to answer two trivia questions per round. The first question is the INTIAL Question. This question is for your own enjoyment, and to keep your lead. The second question is the HOTTIE BONUS Question. This depends on which section of the episode that you're playing will be what type of question asked. If you're in the Foreplay section of the episode, then you have to choose whether the hottie gets it right or wrong. The Tit Witz section of the episode, all the BONUS Questions Hotties are wrong. You have to guess what they said. Simple enough right? If you don't get it here, you will easy enough by just playing the game. If you don't get it in the game, then you need some real saving! - The Flash-O-Meter is your enemy in this game. It's what keeps every girl censored, except for your cheerleader. When you start off, the censoring is done with a Guy Game logo, much like a black box. You are in the Soft and Squishy section of the Flash-O-Meter, marked in blue. When you've answered enough BONUS Questions, the meter will reach the green area, or the Sorta Chubby level. This slaps away the Guy Game logos, but the girl's nudity is censored by fuzziness. Much like when news shows censor out a person's face. You have to reach the red area, or the Super Stiff level, if you want uncensored enjoyment. To do that, you have to be great at answering the BONUS Questions. That's why I'm here to help you out. Cuz I know you guys want to hurry up and see those boobs in all their splendor. - One little thing to know is that you can bag the hottie on screen, and move on to the next screen by repeatedly pressing the A Button. A bag will come down on the screen when a hottie is suppose to flash, or is flashing with the words The Guy Game, Hottie Bagger. Great to move along those censored versions, but if you're bagging the uncensored ones, then I start to wonder if you're gay. - Make sure to keep an eye out for Bonus Flashers! They appear in the backgrounds of a hottie's flashing period, and they will have an arrow pointing to them with the words Bonus Flash. The Bonus Flashes aren't censored at all at any time, so you can start off by witnessing a few background nipples while you wait to break the censorship and please your cheerleader babe. - Finally have the uncensored images but want to enjoy them longer? Hit the Y Button at any time during a hottie's flasher scene to pause the video and enjoy the shot of the beautiful breasts that you paused on. Isn't life just peachy now? - When you start off you get to choose what girl you want to represent you, and be your cheerleader. You have only 4 choices to start with, but you can unlock other girls as you progress through the Sets. The 4 girls you start off with is: Lori - A dirty blonde cowgirl that wears blue jean clothes, and has a pink bra and panty set Zoe - A dark haired asian chick that wears dark black clothing, and has black lacy bra and panties Ramona - A spanish woman with blonde dyed hair that wears black leather clothes, and strips to her lacy black bra and panties Regan - A voluptious brunette that wears black clothing, but soon wears nothing but her black bra and panties (side personal fav girl in the game. I love brunettes) - You chose your girl here and then get ready to play The Guy Game. Now the girls answering the questions aren't the only ones that can strip down to bare skin in this game, your cheerleader can as well. In order to your girl to take off more and more clothes, you have to answer the BONUS Question right, not the INITIAL Question. Meaning when it asks you if the Hottie will get the question right or wrong, or what wrong answer will the Hottie say, you have to get the question right, or your girl won't strip down at all. In fact, she may just put more clothes back on and give you the one finger salute. - If you're playing a multiplayer game, then you start things our by playing a game of high card. This is a simple card game. You have to get the highest card if you want to start out as the President. It goes in order of 2 being the lowest you can get and the Ace being the card you want. If someone ties your card, that person has the option of either choosing a new card, or staring the whole High Card picking all over. If you want to gamble that you'll get a higher card, then choose Pick a New card. If you just want to play it safe and get on your friend's nerves, chose New Deal. Your friend may get a low card on the second go around this time, or he may just get an even higher card. It is one big gamble any way you look at it. - In a multiplayer game, there is a ladder of succession to follow. Depending how well you do on the High Card game, will determine your starting rank. The ladder is: President - Top Rank Vice President - 2nd Rank Treasurer - 3rd Rank Asshole - Bottom Rank You don't want to be the Asshole if you're playing with the Rules with your friends. It's all based on the card game, and everyone knows that if you're the asshole, you get beat up and picked on by everyone above you. Also your rank in a multiplayer game does determine how far your girl will go to strip for you. These girls will only show the goods if you're President. If you start off as the Asshole, the girl will give you the finger as a show of how much she thinks of you. You can only get your girl to take off so much because of ranking. If you're the Asshole, your girl won't even show her bra off to you. As you progress in ranks though, she will show more and more to you. Of course for her to take her clothes off you have to get the BONUS Questions right. Hey these girls only like winners, not losers. If you want to see tits that badly, you gotta earn it. Make sure you know your trivia and you are the President, and you'll make all the other players wishing they had your girl. - With things underway, it's time to play an episode. You start off with only one available to you. And to make things more frustrating, You have to deal with the Flash-O-Meter. This is what keeps those girls censored to your horny eyes. It's time to destroy censorship! On to the Sets! - Set 1, Episode 1: The Whole Nine Yards - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Pictures (The Girls of Summer) - Here you have your first batch of girls to play with. They are: * Melissa & Amber * Age: 19 Major: Nursing Best Feature: Mutual Proximity Likes: Sutures, Candy Stripes, O.B.G.Y.Ns with BMWs Dislikes: Shoulder Straps, Dirty Bedpans, People who giggle at the title "Head Nurse" Statistics EEG: 31 40 23 FG EPC: 28% 42% 37% ERA: 3.21 3.55 2.59 * Nora * Age: 20 Major: Fashion Merchandising Best Feature: Her Tray Full of Shots Likes: Abstinence, Self-Restraint, Gin-Soaked Orgies Dislikes: Consquences, Gravity, Inertia Statistics EEG: 34 38 45 FG EPC: 35% 52% 41% ERA: 3.59 4.27 5.33 * Stephanie * Age: 23 Major: Kinesiology Best Feature: Her Tray Full of Shots Likes: Tight Ends, The Splits, Friendship Beads Dislikes: People with No Spirit, Bars with No Spirits, Your Momma Statistics EEG: 44 38 45 FG EPC: 35% 52% 41% ERA: 3.59 4.27 5.33 - Episode 1 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Melissa & Amber, Question 1 - - On a standard deck of playing cards, which suit's king has no moustache? - Hearts - Melissa & Amber, Hottie Bonus 1 - - They are wrong - Nora, Question 2 - - What causes a seismic ocean wave? - Earthquake - Nora, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Stephanie, Question 3 - - Miles Davis is known for playing what musical instrument? - Trumpet - Stephanie, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - (He was quite possibly the coolest mother fucker to walk the planet!) - Melissa & Amber, Question 4 - - What is the most popular playing piece in a Monopoly Game? - Racecar - Melissa & Amber, Hottie Bonus 4 - - They are Wrong - Nora, Question 5 - - Joey on "Friends" got his big break in his acting career when he was cast on which soap opera? - Days of Our Lives - Nora, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Stephanie, Question 6 - - On the original Star Trek, what was Mr. Spock's rank? - Science Officer - Stephanie, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 1 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Melissa & Amber, Question 7 - - What is the capital of Wisconsin? - Madison - Melissa & Amber, Hottie Bonus 7 - - I don't fuckin' know - Nora, Question 8 - - How many pints of blood are there in the average human body? - 6 - Nora, Hottie Bonus 8 - - 12 - Stephanie, Question 9 - - An Arkansas Stone is used to do what? - sharpen Knives - Stephanie, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Sharpen Rocks - Melissa & Amber, Question 10 - - What is the common name for the number of particles in one mole of a substance? - Avogadro's Number - Melissa & Amber, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Newton - Nora, Question 11 - - What is the legal term for written defamation of character? - Libel - Nora, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Slander - Stephanie, Question 12 - - What animal produces the largest eggs? - Shark - Stephanie, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Pelican - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Blue Ball Bounce - The winner of the challenge is: Stephanie (YAY!!!! My fav girl of this episode!!!!) - Set 1, Episode 2: The Three Towers - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Nikki (New Babe) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Kelly * Age: 20 Major: Meteorology Best Feature: Eyes Likes: Boy Bands, Girl Bands, Wedding Bands Dislikes: The Coreolis Effect Statistics EEG: 40 38 41 FG EPC: 39% 51% 43% ERA: 4.14 4.20 3.99 * Sara * Age: 20 Major: TV/VCR Repair Best Feature: Nostrils Likes: Flowers, Holding Hands, PDAs Dislikes: Butt Sex Statistics EEG: 43 48 50 FG EPC: 40% 47% 52% ERA: 4.57 4.33 4.96 * Sam * Age: 19 Major: Forensic Pathology Best Feature: Her Serve Likes: Elvis, Horses, Her boyfriend too Dislikes: Monsters Statistics EEG: 28 31 34 FG EPC: 30% 27% 35% ERA: 2.90 3.02 3.28 - Episode 2 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Kelly, Question 1 - - Which suit in a standard deck of playing cards, is the "suicide king"? - Hearts - Kelly, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Sara, Question 2 - - "Peeping Tom" peeped at who? - Lady Godiva - Sara, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Sam, Question 3 - - What psychological complex is named after the Greek king who killed his father and married his mother? - Oedipus - Sam, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Kelly, Question 4 - - Steven Spielberg won his first Academy Award for directing which movie? - Schindler's List - Kelly, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Sara, Question 5 - - What does U.R.L stand for? - Uniform Resource Locator - Sara, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Sam, Question 6 - - What sports team has won the most championships in its respective league? - New York Yankees - Sam, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 2 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Kelly, Question 7 - - Who is the anchor for the CBS Evening news? - Dan Rather - Kelly, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Tom Brokeoff - Sara, Question 8 - - What is the traditional drink for the winner of the Indianapolis 500? - Milk - Sara, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Budweiser - Sam, Question 9 - - The two most common types of screwdrivers are flathead and what? - Phillip's Head - Sam, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Hammerhead - Kelly, Question 10 - - Who is the chief of engineering on Star Trek: The Next Generation? - Geordi - Kelly, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Dr. Spock - Sara, Question 11 - - What NBA Player holds the record for the most career points? - Kareem-Abdul Jabbar - Sara, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Michael Jordan - Sam, Question 12 - - What state has the highest percentage of people that walk to work? - Alaska - Sam, Hottie Bonus 12 - - New York - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Jump in the Sack - The winner of the challenge is: Kelly (Once again, another fav of mines takes the win! I sure do know how to pick them!) - Set 1, Episode 3: Blonde Ignition - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video (Hey Ladies!) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Lyndsey * Age: 20 Major: Nursing Best Feature: Wristwatch Likes: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Electro-Shock Therapy Dislikes: Tubs, Scrubs, Grubs Statistics EEG: 34 40 38 FG EPC: 37% 42% 31% ERA: 3.99 4.04 3.76 * Wendy & Sara * Age: 19 Major: Business Best Feature: Mutual Proximity Likes: Nipple Rings, Wedding Rings, Boxing Rings Dislikes: Acumen, Aquamen, Albumen Statistics EEG: 29 34 31 FG EPC: 33% 49% 36% ERA: 3.35 4.03 3.71 * Chelsea * Age: 18 Major: Finance Best Feature: Rack Likes: Adoration, Carnations, Bus Stations Dislikes: Activity, Procivity, Relativity Statistics EEG: 41 37 31 FG EPC: 37% 43% 39% ERA: 3.55 4.05 3.00 - Episode 3 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Lyndsey, Question 1 - - How many carats is pure gold? - 24 - Lyndsey, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Wendy & Sara, Question 2 - - Who directed the film "Hairspray"? - John Waters - Wendy & Sara, Hottie Bonus 2 - - They are Right - Chelsea, Question 3 - - Elections in the U.S. are traditionally held on what weekday? - Tuesday - Chelsea, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Lyndsey, Question 4 - - The roadrunner is the official bird of which state? - New Mexico - Lyndsey, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Wendy & Sara, Question 5 - - Who was named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive in 2002? - Ben Affleck - Wendy & Sara, Hottie Bonus 5 - - They are Wrong - Chelsea, Question 6 - - What is the only marsupial native to North America? - Oppossum - Chelsea, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 3 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Lyndsey, Question 7 - - What is the only U.S State that was once a kingdom? - Hawaii - Lyndsey, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Texas - Wendy & Sara, Question 8 - - Who founded the feminist journal "Ms." in 1971? - Gloria Steinem - Wendy & Sara, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Glenn - Chelsea, Question 9 - - What is the name of the world's tallest waterfall? - Angel - Chelsea, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Niagara - Lyndsey, Question 10 - - What movie featured the tagline "an undercover cop in a class by himself"? - Kindergarten Cop - Lyndsey, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Pulp Fiction - Wendy & Sara, Question 11 - - What nation is foremost in foreign U.S. patents? - Japan - Wendy & Sara, Hottie Bonus 11 - - China - Chelsea, Question 12 - - What is the only fruit that bears its seeds on the outside? - Strawberry - Chelsea, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Pomegranate - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Lyndsey (I was betting on Chelsea....) - Set 1, Episode 4: Breastquake - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Set 2 - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Kristee * Age: 21 Major: Fashion Merchandising Best Feature: Lifted Boobs Likes: Kissing, Puppies, Things that go bump in the night Dislikes: Playas, Haytas, and Waytas Statistics EEG: 35 47 41 FG EPC: 35% 54% 48% ERA: 2.30 3.66 5.07 * Lauren * Age: 22 Major: Waitress Best Feature: Raw Ambition Likes: Hawaii, Flowers, Euclidian Geometry Dislikes: Mullets, Handlebar Moustaches, Sideburns Statistics EEG: 23 52 39 FG EPC: 47% 64% 52% ERA: 5.23 4.05 6.81 * Bonnie * Age: 20 Major: Interior Design Best Feature: Stain-Free Blue Dress Likes: Switzerland, Really Vague Tattoos Dislikes: Hard Questions, Guys who are Phony, The Numba 2 Stunna Statistics EEG: 67 59 53 FG EPC: 59% 64% 43% ERA: 6.45 7.00 4.99 - Episode 4 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Kristee, Question 1 - - What does R.A.M. stand for? - Random Access Memory - Kristee, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Lauren, Question 2 - - Which Sex Pistol's real name is John Simon Richie? - Sid Vicious - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Bonnie, Question 3 - - What kind of fruit is a "Granny Smith"? - Apple - Bonnie, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Kristee, Question 4 - - Diamond is the birthstone for people born in what month? - April - Kristee, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Lauren, Question 5 - - How many calories are in a teaspoon of semen? - 5 - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Bonnie, Question 6 - - What is the ZIP Code for the city Beverly Hills? - 90210 - Bonnie, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 4 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Kristee, Question 7 - - During what month is the Earth closest to the sun? - January - Kristee, Hottie Bonus 7 - - March - Lauren, Question 8 - - How many American teenagers lose their virginity each day? - 6,000 - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 8 - - 3,000 - Bonnie, Question 9 - - Singer Jewel is from what US State? - Alaska - Bonnie, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Tennessee - Kristee, Question 10 - - Which McDonaldland character is a kleptomaniac - Hamburgular - Kristee, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Grimace - Lauren, Question 11 - - Which states do not observe Daylight Savings Time? - Alaska and Arizona - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Alaska and Hawaii - Bonnie, Question 12 - - Stu Sutcliff was an original member of what band? - The Beatles - Bonnie, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Backstreet Boys - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Lauren (YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! The ultra sexy Lauren wins!!! *does the happy dance for picking the right girl*) - Set 2, Episode 1: Twin Peaks - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Pictures (Eye Candy) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Amanda * Age: 18 Major: Community Health Best Feature: Youthful Exuberance Likes: Self Control, Birth Control, Air-Traffic Control Dislikes: Plaque, Waxy Build-Up, Staphylococuss Statistics EEG: 49 41 30 FG EPC: 51% 50% 47% ERA: 5.11 4.68 4.83 * Katie * Age: 19 Major: Speech Communication Best Feature: Emergency Flotation Devices Likes: Good Diction, Enunciation, Sibilants Dislikes: The French Statistics EEG: 41 47 52 FG EPC: 37% 39% 45% ERA: 3.90 3.74 4.33 * Britney & Toni * Age: 19 Major: Malfunction Best Feature: Lack of Inhibition Likes: Pirates, Candy, Pie Dislikes: Icky Bugs, Planck's Constant, The Designated Hitter Rule Statistics EEG: 40 43 37 FG EPC: 38% 39% 34% ERA: 3.97 4.01 3.21 - Episode 4 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Amanda, Question 1 - - What hockey player's nickname is "Super Mario"? - Mario Lemieux - Amanda, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Katie, Question 2 - - During a leap year, what month gets an extra day? - February - Katie, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Britney & Toni, Question 3 - - The President is part of which of the three branches of government? - Executive - Britney & Toni, Hottie Bonus 3 - - They are Right - Amanda, Question 4 - - Who is the wheel-chair bound scientist who wrote "A Brief History of Time"? - Stephen Hawkings - Amanda, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Katie, Question 5 - - Louie Armstrong, one of the great jazz pioneers, is noted for blowing on what? - Trumpet - Katie, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Britney & Toni, Question 6 - - In terms of land area, what is the largest city in the world? - Tokyo - Britney & Toni, Hottie Bonus 6 - - They are Wrong - Episode 1 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Amanda, Question 7 - - What is the best man's primary repsonsiblity at the wedding reception? - Toast the groom - Amanda, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Hold the ring - Katie, Question 8 - - Long before "Sex and the City", Sarah Jessica Parker gained notoriety as the star of what 80's coming-of-age sitcom? - Square Pegs - Katie, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Britney & Toni, Question 9 - - Richard Branson is the chairman of what corporation? - Virgin Atlantic - Britney & Toni, Hottie Bonus 9 - - BBC - Amanda, Question 10 - - What European monarch reigned the longest? - Louis XIV - Amanda, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Charles - Katie, Question 11 - - On NBC's "Frasier" what is the occupation of Frasier's father? - Policeman - Katie, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Mortician - Britney & Toni, Question 12 - - What U.S. City sells the most blonde hair dye? - Dallas - Britney & Toni, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Los Angeles - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Katie (I picked Amanda!!! >< Goddammit she came in last and I had to see a fat guy strip dance!!!!) - Set 2, Episode 2: Hooterrific - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Monique (New Babe) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Brianna * Age: 18 Major: Animal Husbandry Best Feature: The Padding Likes: Chocolate, Kitties, Light Bondage Dislikes: Thunder, Clowns, Plumber's Crack Statistics EEG: 42 37 32 FG EPC: 54% 41% 44% ERA: 5.66 3.68 4.23 * Katherine * Age: 18 Major: Homeroom Best Feature: Her Pout Likes: Softball, Dinosaurs, Gerbils Dislikes: Getting out of bed, Social Functions, The Sun Statistics EEG: 49 37 32 FG EPC: 54% 41% 44% ERA: 5.66 3.68 4.23 * Amber * Age: 21 Major: Poppin' That Ass Best Feature: I Just Can't Pick One! Likes: Making Men Cry, Beg, and Drool Uncontrollably Dislikes: Foriegn Movies, Math, and Covering Her Breasts Statistics EEG: 49 41 30 FG EPC: 51% 50% 47% ERA: 5.11 4.68 4.83 - Episode 2 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Brianna, Question 1 - - On a standard keyboard, the letter "Q" is immediately to the left of what letter? - W - Brianna, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Katherine, Question 2 - - On a vertical traffic signal, what is the bottom most color? - Green - Katherine, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Amber, Question 3 - - How many letters are in the English Alphabet? - 26 - Amber, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Brianna, Question 4 - - What food is rumored to be craved the most by American pregnant women? - Nachos - Brianna, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Katherine, Question 5 - - The Agaen Sea is connected to the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea by what strait? - Dardanelles - Katherine, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Amber, Question 6 - - How many U.S. Presidents have been successfully assisinated? - 4 - Amber, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 2 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Brianna, Question 7 - - What is the only dog breed that doesn't have a completely pink tongue? - Chow - Brianna, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Rottweiler - Katherine, Question 8 - - How tall is basketball player Yao Ming? - 7'5 - Katherine, Hottie Bonus 8 - - 6'7 - Amber, Question 9 - - Who were the two male landlords on the T.V. show "Three's Company"? - Roper & Furley - Amber, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Furley & Weenie - Brianna, Question 10 - - What flavor was the first Lifesaver? - Peppermint - Brianna, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Cherry - Katherine, Question 11 - - Susanna Hoffs was the lead singer for which band? - Bangles - Katherine, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Beatles - Amber, Question 12 - - What cartoon show features heroes named Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup? - The Powerpuff Girls - Amber, Hottie Bonus 12 - - PB&J - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: HullaBalloo - The winner of the challenge is: Amber (I come back from an embarassing loss in the last Episode! And thank god it's from a girl like Amber!!!! Uber Sexiness!!!! Just watching this girl do what she does puts a warm feeling in me all over.....but mainly in my pants) - Set 2, Episode 3: Not in Kansas Anymore - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video (Mind Fuck) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Sara * Age: 18 Major: Vermouth Best Feature: The Whole Package Likes: Pop Music, Pop Tarts, Pop Rocks Dislikes: Waking up with Hangovers and/or Strangers Statistics EEG: 49 41 30 FG EPC: 51% 50% 47% ERA: 5.11 4.68 4.83 * Tenille * Age: 19 Major: Sex Ed Best Feature: Campbell Junior High Gym Shorts Likes: Condoms, I.U.D.s, Dental Dams Dislikes: Skin-Jacking, Free-Balling, Snow-Balling Statistics EEG: 27 39 31 FG EPC: 22% 40% 35% ERA: 2.57 3.14 2.88 * Raquel * Age: 20 Major: Pre-Med Best Feature: Double Likes: Tongue Depressors, Sphygmomanometers, Golf Dislikes: Malpractice Suits, GSWs, Bitchy Nurses Statistics EEG: 27 39 31 FG EPC: 22% 40% 35% ERA: 2.57 3.14 2.88 - Episode 3 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Sara, Question 1 - - My father's brother's mother is what to me? - Grandmother - Sara, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Tenille, Question 2 - - On a Standard Telephone, the "zero" button is directly below what button? - 8 - Tenille, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Raquel, Question 3 - - What was PBS's "Mr. Rogers" real first name? - Fred - Raquel, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Sara, Question 4 - - When Superman was Superboy, what city did he live in? - Smallville - Sara, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Tenille, Question 5 - - What U.S. State has the most out-of-work dancers? - Nevada - Tenille, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Raquel, Question 6 - - What leading actress and singer starred with Matthew McConaughey in the movie "The Wedding Planner"? - Jennifer Lopez - Raquel, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 3 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Sara, Question 7 - - When you bet on a horse to show, what place do you want him to come in? - Third - Sara, Hottie Bonus 7 - - First - Tenille, Question 8 - - What Women's sports' television ratings are the highest? - Figure Skating - Tenille, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Volleyball - Raquel, Question 9 - - What was the name of Barbie's horse? - Dancer - Raquel, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Sunshine - Sara, Question 10 - - When a bartender makes a Gibson, what does he garnish it with? - Onion - Sara, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Pineapple - Tenille, Question 11 - - What world city has the longest subway system? - London - Tenille, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Chicago - Raquel, Question 12 - - What was the first University of higher learning in America? - Harvard - Raquel, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Yale - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: HullaBalloo - The winner of the challenge is: Sara (I was pulling for Raquel on this one and got extremely lucky that she came in second....when you watch the challenge you'll know what I mean. I don't want to see that Fat Guy Lap Dance again!!!!) - Set 2, Episode 4: Breasts or Wings? - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Set 3 - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Katie * Age: 18 Major: Lesser-Sooty Owls Best Feature: Scowl Likes: Moist Towelettes Dislikes: Sticky Fingers Statistics EEG: 24 28 29 FG EPC: 27% 31% 29% ERA: 2.67 2.90 3.28 * Rosalyn * Age: 19 Major: Buff-Fronted Owls Best Feature: Chassis Likes: Front-Knotted T-Shirts Dislikes: Sidework Statistics EEG: 29 27 33 FG EPC: 33% 30% 28% ERA: 3.22 2.78 3.53 * Lauren * Age: 19 Major: Lesser-Masked Owls Best Feature: Hips Likes: Orange Shorts with Panty Hose Dislikes: Lechery Statistics EEG: 30 33 31 FG EPC: 38% 27% 30% ERA: 2.56 3.44 3.59 - Episode 4 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Katie, Question 1 - - Which U.S. State has the longest coast line? - Alaska - Katie, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Rosalyn, Question 2 - - When it's 17:00 Military Time, what time is it really? - 5:00 - Rosalyn, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Lauren, Question 3 - - Which Leonardo Di Caprio movie is based on the true life movie of Frank Abagnale? - Catch Me If You Can - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Katie, Question 4 - - What was the name of Justin Timberlake's first solo album? - Justified - Katie, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Rosalyn, Question 5 - - When prices in the stock market are falling, the market is described as what type of animal? - Bear - Rosalyn, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Lauren, Question 6 - - What's the highest-grossing movie featuring Drew Barrymore? - E.T. - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 4 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Katie, Question 7 - - Who was the man killed with Nicole Simpson in 1994? - Ron Goldman - Katie, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Billy Bob - Rosalyn, Question 8 - - What was the name of Encyclopedia Brown's arch enemy? - Bugs Meany - Rosalyn, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Webster - Lauren, Question 9 - - What actor appeared in the movies "Analyze This", "Meet the Parents", and "Wag the Dog" - Robert DeNiro - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Ben Stiller - Katie, Question 10 - - What was the first name of George Washington's wife? - Martha - Katie, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Teresa - Rosalyn, Question 11 - - The U.S. senate has how many members? - 100 - Rosalyn, Hottie Bonus 11 - - 50 - Lauren, Question 12 - - What was the first man-made object to break the sound barrier? - Whip - Lauren, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Airplane - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Lauren (For once I went with the blonde and it pays off beautifully. Mainly the reason I picked her was because Katie scared me, and the two brunettes didn't look like they would do well. Shut me up when they did, but the girl I bet on won it out in the end! It feels good to win!) - Set 3, Episode 1: Love Puppy Parade - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Pictures (Got Titty?) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Jenny * Age: 22 Major: Community Health Best Feature: Golden Locks Likes: Extreme Backpacking Dislikes: Fake Furs, Fake Diamonds, Fake Orgasms Statistics EEG: 33 43 35 FG EPC: 39% 51% 32% ERA: 3.78 4.24 3.86 * Sadie & Cherise * Age: 21, 20 Major: Recreation, Mortgage Broker Best Feature: They Sure Talk Funny Likes: Folk Rock, Indie Rock, Schoolhouse Rock Dislikes: Bling-Bling, Sing-Sing, Wing-Dings Statistics EEG: 29 35 24 FG EPC: 32% 37% 30% ERA: 3.01 3.04 2.76 * Misty * Age: 21 Major: Nursing Best Feature: Doe-Eyed Vulnerablity Likes: Vegetarians, Rastafarians, Branch Davidians Dislikes: The Man Statistics EEG: 28 30 33 FG EPC: 30% 27% 30% ERA: 3.22 2.46 2.99 - Episode 1 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Jenny, Question 1 - - Which of the 5 senses requires the most brain power? - Vision - Jenny, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Sadie & Cherise, Question 2 - - In "All in the Family" what is Mr. Bunkers first name? - Archie - Sadie & Cherise, Hottie Bonus 2 - - They are Right - Misty, Question 3 - - Who has appeared on the cover of Playboy more times than any other model? - Pamela Anderson - Misty, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Jenny, Question 4 - - In the U.K., a barrister is what? - Lawyer - Jenny, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Sadie & Cherise, Question 5 - - What internet start-up's mascot is a sock puppet dog? - - Sadie & Cherise, Hottie Bonus 5 - - They are Wrong - Misty, Question 6 - - Who is the head cheerleader on Saved by the Bell? - Kelly - Misty, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 1 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Jenny, Question 7 - - The War for American Independence was fought against what nation? - Great Britain - Jenny, Hottie Bonus 7 - - France - Sadie & Cherise, Question 8 - - Which layer of the Earth's atmosphere is closest to the surface? - Troposphere - Sadie & Cherise, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Crust - Misty, Question 9 - - What computer company's motto is "think"? - IBM - Misty, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Tomcats - Jenny, Question 10 - - The nation Andorra is part of which continent? - Europe - Jenny, Hottie Bonus 10 - - North America - Sadie & Cherise, Question 11 - - What nation promised in 2001 to donate 100 million euros to the poor people of the U.S.? - Iraq - Sadie & Cherise, Hottie Bonus 11 - - France - Misty, Question 12 - - Who holds the record for most points scored in a single NBA game? - Wilt Chamberlain - Misty, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Michael Jordan - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: HullaBalloo - The winner of the challenge is: Misty (Yes she was my fav girl of this round and I did bet on her without a shadow of a doubt, but this time it wasn't because she was a brunette! I think she was the only hot one out of the bunch. The others weren't ugly, but they weren't hot either. I just went with the hot brunette chick on this one. Sexiness does have it's powers you know!) - Set 3, Episode 2: Boobs-A-Poppin' - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Simone (New Babe) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Marina * Age: 19 Major: Communications Best Feature: Pancreas Likes: Trip-Hop, Polkonica, Trance-Rock Dislikes: Rug Burns Statistics EEG: 31 28 39 FG EPC: 30% 26% 29% ERA: 3.18 2.03 2.46 * Tonya * Age: 22 Major: Lapdance 101 Best Feature: The Piercings You Can't See Likes: $100 Tips Dislikes: When the Pole Gets All Sweaty and Gross Statistics EEG: 30 25 22 FG EPC: 26% 24% 20% ERA: 2.95 2.53 1.93 * Jecca * Age: 19 Major: Writing thesis "Would You Like To Hear Our Special Thoughts, Tonight" Best Feature: Smile Likes: 15% Tips Dislikes: When the Customers Get All Gross and Sweaty Statistics EEG: 34 27 32 FG EPC: 33% 28% 25% ERA: 3.30 2.59 3.00 - Episode 2 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Marina, Question 1 - - What does a tachometer measure? - Engine Revolutions - Marina, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Tonya, Question 2 - - What used to be connected to your belly button? - Umbilical Cord - Tonya, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Jecca, Question 3 - - What blonde actress was married to Tommy Lee before Pamela Anderson? - Heather Locklear - Jecca, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Marina, Question 4 - - What kind of an eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun? - Solar - Marina, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Tonya, Question 5 - - What cereal is "kid tested, mother approved"? - Kix - Tonya, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Jecca, Question 6 - - What blood type is considered to be the "universal donor"? - O - Jecca, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 2 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Marina, Question 7 - - What food are the most humans allergic to? - Milk - Marina, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Crustaceans - Tonya, Question 8 - - What pop star is the director of the movie "Snatch" married to? - Madonna - Tonya, Hottie Bonus 8 - - J. Lo - Jecca, Question 9 - - What beer company was the first to use aluminum cans? - Coors - Jecca, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Bud Light - Marina, Question 10 - - What is the name of the WNBA team in Orlando, Florida? - Miracle - Marina, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Orlando? - Tonya, Question 11 - - What is Wile E. Coyote's middle name - Ethelberg - Tonya, Hottie Bonus 11 - - I don't know - Jecca, Question 12 - - What band was Kate Pierson in? - B52s - Jecca, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Back Street - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: HullaBalloo - The winner of the challenge is: Tonya (Tonya was my first choice, but I warmed up to Jecca, so I bet on Jecca. I bet all my money and got second and still had to watch that damn Fat Guy Dance! As if once wasn't enough for me, oh no.....I fucked up and got it again! *Sighs* Though the tits will comfort me in time, I just don't know when those evil Fatness images will ever leave.....shoulda stuck with the ever so cute Tonya, instead of the wild child Jecca) - Set 3, Episode 3: Titty Photo Finish - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video (Back Stage) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Christina * Age: 23 Major: Early Childhood Education Best Feature: Posture Likes: Paste, Glitter, Construction Paper Dislikes: Snot Statistics EEG: 34 41 37 FG EPC: 32% 50% 39% ERA: 3.55 4.39 3.66 * Kim * Age: 22 Major: M & D Management Best Feature: Calves Likes: Timelines, Iteneraries, Schedules Dislikes: Loitering, Dilly-Dallying, Lollygagging Statistics EEG: 29 40 36 FG EPC: 37% 45% 34% ERA: 3.46 4.21 3.03 * Jacqueline * Age: 23 Major: M & D Management Best Feature: Golden Locks Likes: Crystals, Runes, Tarot Dislikes: Black Magic, Dark Arts, Muggles Statistics EEG: 27 31 33 FG EPC: 30% 39% 44% ERA: 3.22 4.01 3.12 - Episode 3 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Christina, Question 1 - - What is the birthstone for the month of February - Amethyst - Christina, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Kim, Question 2 - - Which of the 48 contiguous states is the northern most? - Minnesota - Kim, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Jacqueline, Question 3 - - What astrological sign is represented by the scales? - Libra - Jacqueline, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Christina, Question 4 - - What is the world's largest retail store - Wal-Mart - Christina, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Kim, Question 5 - - What is the difference between a Rum and Coke and a Cuba Libre? - Slice of Lime - Kim, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Jacqueline, Question 6 - - What is the only mammal that can fly? - Bat - Jacqueline, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 3 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Christina, Question 7 - - On what Hollywood street can Roxy, House of Blues, and The Viper Room be found? - Sunset Blvd - Christina, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Hollywood Blvd - Kim, Question 8 - - Who is the oldest actor or actress to win an acting Oscar - Jessica Tandy - Kim, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Sean Connery - Jacqueline, Question 9 - - Who played Chandler Bing's father on the show "Friends" - Kathleen Turner - Jacqueline, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Woman with a scratchy voice - Christina, Question 10 - - What was the only US state that still had a maximum speed limit of 55 mph - Hawaii - Christina, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Rhode Island - Kim, Question 11 - - What is the top selling magazine in the US? - Reader's Digest - Kim, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Playboy - Jacqueline, Question 12 - - What are the two primary components of air on Earth - Nitrogen and Oxygen - Jacqueline, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Hydrogen and Oxygen - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Jump In The Sack - The winner of the challenge is: Jacqueline (Ok.....I think Kim was screwed on this race!!!!! I had to suffer another Fat Guy Strip Dance because of some dumbass cameraman! Those two should of been disqualified and Kim should of won!!!!! Grrrr >< I hate Fat Guy Strip Dance!) - Set 3, Episode 4: The Thrill of Victory - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Set 4 - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Miranda * Age: 18 Major: Surgeon's First Assistant, or Something Best Feature: Eyebrows Likes: Skiing, Shooting Skeet, Skeetball Dislikes: Skorts Statistics EEG: 36 43 41 FG EPC: 40% 52% 37% ERA: 3.65 5.88 3.72 * Jessica & Nicole * Age: 19 Major: Nursing Best Feature: Tongue Depressors Likes: Cotton Swabs, Pudding, Vitals Dislikes: Bedpans, Catheters, Rectal Thermometers Statistics EEG: 26 33 31 FG EPC: 30% 35% 29% ERA: 3.22 4.00 2.57 * Tracy * Age: 19 Major: Marketing Best Feature: All of It Likes: Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Beef Cakes Dislikes: Spelunking Statistics EEG: 38 40 36 FG EPC: 35% 41% 29% ERA: 3.23 4.08 3.67 - Episode 4 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Miranda, Question 1 - - What actor caught Leonardo Di Caprio in "Catch Me If You Can"? - Tom Hanks - Miranda, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Jessica & Nicole, Question 2 - - Which U.S. city features an erection called The Space Needle? - Seattle - Jessica & Nicole, Hottie Bonus 2 - - They are Right - Tracy, Question 3 - - An average American opens this an average 22 times a day - Refridgerator - Tracy, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Miranda, Question 4 - - Which state is the "Badger State"? - Wisconsin - Miranda, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Right - Jessica & Nicole, Question 5 - - Who was the host of the house fixer-upper show "This Old House"? - Bob Vila - Jessica & Nicole, Hottie Bonus 5 - - They are Wrong - Tracy, Question 6 - - Which pro sport is the only one where players call penalties on themselves? - Golf - Tracy, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 4 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Miranda, Question 7 - - What wizard is the dean of Hogwarts School of Magic? - Dumbledore - Miranda, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Horwitz - Jessica & Nicole, Question 8 - - Which U.S. magazine had 43,000 lifetime subscriptions in 2001? - Reader's Digest - Jessica & Nicole, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Hustler - Tracy, Question 9 - - What is the largest island on the planet Earth? - Greenland - Tracy, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Hawaii - Miranda, Question 10 - - Which European country sports the highest priced Bic Macs in the entire world? - Switzerland - Miranda, Hottie Bonus 10 - - I don't know - Jessica & Nicole, Question 11 - - What megastar was quoted as saying "Being married means I can break wind and eat ice cream in bed"? - Bradd Pitt - Jessica & Nicole, Hottie Bonus 11 - - J. Lo - Tracy, Question 12 - - Which midwestern state has five different towns named Rome? - Ohio - Tracy, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Missouri - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Tracy (Thank you God!!!!! Finally I get a break and win a Challenge. No more Fat Guy Strip Dances for me nope.....I'll be honest with all all of you that I was going to bet on Miranda, but Tracy just kept reminding me of this girl I once knew with coincidentally has the same name. They look almost identical, except the one I knew had bigger boobs and was a little shorter than this Tracy girl. But even so, because of the resemblance, I chose Tracy! And thank god I did, the girl set a time no one could beat. She may.....MAY....have cheated, but it was the officials job to watch, and thankfully he didn't. So...*does the happy dance and wishes that both Tracy's were here for a threesome*) - Set 4, Episode 1: The One With Tits - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Pictures (The Fruits of Our Labor) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Lizzie * Age: 20 Major: Gingham Best Feature: Waist Likes: Cartoons, Tupperware, Soft-Core Porn Dislikes: Temporal Paradoxes, Escape Velocity, Guys Who Are Too Shy Statistics EEG: 41 44 52 FG EPC: 39% 41% 46% ERA: 3.78 4.90 5.21 * Mayra * Age: 19 Major: Advanced Tennis Best Feature: Stomach Likes: Bionics, Cryogenics, Hydroponics Dislikes: Back Hair, Acne, Sleeping on the Wet Spot Statistics EEG: 42 35 41 FG EPC: 43% 39% 33% ERA: 4.13 3.98 3.72 * Addie * Age: 22 Major: Everything Best Feature: Hair Likes: Cross-Training, Weight-Training, Potty-Training Dislikes: Varmints, Critters, Polecats Statistics EEG: 41 44 52 FG EPC: 39% 41% 46% ERA: 3.78 4.90 5.21 - Episode 1 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Lizzie, Question 1 - - What is the name of Sega's popular blue hedgehog? - Sonic (If you missed this question, you should be shot! Hell just about everyone playing this game has to be a gamer!) - Lizzie, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Mayra, Question 2 - - What sitcom has won best comedy more times than any other? - Frasier - Mayra, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Addie, Question 3 - - What New York island was bought from the Canarsee Indians for the equivilent of 24 dollars by Dutch Settlers? - Manhattan - Addie, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Lizzie, Question 4 - - What is the name of the trophy awarded to the winner of the Super Bowl? - Vince Lombardi Trophy - Lizzie, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Mayra, Question 5 - - What sport was originally called "plank gliding" in England? - Water Skiing - Mayra, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Addie, Question 6 - - What shot is named in honor of WWII Japanese fighter pilots? - Kamikaze - Addie, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 1 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Lizzie, Question 7 - - What country has the northernmost land on Earth? - Greenland - Lizzie, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Canada - Mayra, Question 8 - - What part of a man's body do women say they admire most? - Butt - Mayra, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Pinga? - Addie, Question 9 - - What New York Building is nicknamed "The House that Ruth Built"? - Yankee Stadium - Addie, Hottie Bonus 9 - - The Empire State Building - Lizzie, Question 10 - - Where in the human body do you find "The Fissure of Rolando"? - Brain - Lizzie, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Back - Mayra, Question 11 - - What food is referred to as "a brunette with sand"? - Coffee with Sugar - Mayra, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Steak - Addie, Question 12 - - What is the best selling newspaper in the United states? - The Wall Street Journal - Addie, Hottie Bonus 12 - - New York Times - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Lizzie (I voted for Mayra to win this one, but thanks to my accidental hit of the A Button, I only put down $6000 instead of all. Mayra came in last and if I would of blown it all, I would have suffered another Fat Guy Strip Dance.....*shudders*) - Set 4, Episode 2: Topless Domination - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Mandi and Mandy (New Babe, The Twins!) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Rebecca * Age: 18 Major: Triglycerides Best Feature: Urge to Kill Likes: Monounsaturated Fats, Complex Carbohydrates Dislikes: Glucose, Sucrose, Frucose Statistics EEG: 40 51 37 FG EPC: 45% 38% 42% ERA: 4.20 3.88 5.11 * Kathy * Age: 19 Major: Yeast Best Feature: Beads Likes: 6-Packs, 12-Packs, 18-Packs Dislikes: Decisions, Life Choices, Bills Statistics EEG: 38 39 45 FG EPC: 40% 52% 38% ERA: 3.27 5.41 4.97 * Trista * Age: 19 Major: Two-Way Radio Best Feature: Holes Likes: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie Dislikes: X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu Statistics EEG: 43 35 38 FG EPC: 51% 30% 42% ERA: 3.99 3.12 3.04 - Episode 2 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Rebecca, Question 1 - - Rob Thomas is the lead singer for what group? - Matchbox 20 - Rebecca, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Kathy, Question 2 - - How many dots are on a regulation pair of dice? - 42 - Kathy, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Trista, Question 3 - - How many players are on a polo team? - 4 - Trista, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Rebecca, Question 4 - - Whose real life measurements would be 39-23-33? - Barbie - Rebecca, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Kathy, Question 5 - - Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor on what date in 1941? - December 7 - Kathy, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Trista, Question 6 - - How many women currently serve on the U.s. Supreme Court? - 2 - Trista, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 2 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Rebecca, Question 7 - - What country consumes the most beer, per capita? - Germany - Rebecca, Hottie Bonus 7 - - United States - Kathy, Question 8 - - On average, people with what zodiciological sign have the most sex? - Pisces - Kathy, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Taurus - Trista, Question 9 - - "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." is a quote by what man? - Einstein - Trista, Hottie Bonus 9 - - My dad - Rebecca, Question 10 - - The concave bottom of a wine bottle is called what? - Punt - Rebecca, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Party Spot - Kathy, Question 11 - - What is the active ingredient in Tylenol? - Acetaminophen - Kathy, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Acid - Trista, Question 12 - - What was America's first discotheque? - Whiskey A Go-Go - Trista, Hottie Bonus 12 - - I Have No Idea - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Rubber Ball Riot - The winner of the challenge is: Trista (I didn't know what to expect from this one since this game was a first. I chose Trista due to the fact that I thought she was the only hot girl out of the three. I mean I seriously thought Kathy was ugly and Rebecca was just at a 7, and I was being nice in the judging of Rebecca. Like I've said before in a previous challenge win, if all else fails, go with hottest girl out of the three. In this case it was Trista, and the girl came through!) - Set 4, Episode 3: Man's Best Friends - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video (Meet Matt) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Katie & Kasey * Age: 19 Major: Rumination Best Feature: Tails Likes: Frolicking, Sugarcubes, Oats Dislikes: Brides, Plows, Glue Statistics EEG: 30 33 31 FG EPC: 35% 30% 39% ERA: 3.75 3.67 3.94 * Erin * Age: 20 Major: Communications Best Feature: Sunburn Lines Likes: Assertiveness, Eye-Contact, Clarification Dislikes: Fidgeting, Crossed Arms, Slouching Statistics EEG: 34 32 31 FG EPC: 37% 33% 44% ERA: 3.36 3.58 3.10 * Sally * Age: 21 Major: Reproductive Innovations Best Feature: Assrobatics Likes: I.U.D.s, Diaphrams, The Pill Dislikes: Sleeping on the Wet Spot, Borrowing Toothbrushes, The Cab Ride Home the Next Morning Statistics EEG: 27 31 25 FG EPC: 30% 29% 34% ERA: 3.02 3.45 2.99 - Episode 3 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Katie & Kasey, Question 1 - - What is the gestation period of the human female? - 9 Months - Katie & Kasey, Hottie Bonus 1 - - They are Right - Erin, Question 2 - - Where is the Sea of Tranquility? - The Moon - Erin, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Sally, Question 3 - - Wool is a product of what animal? - Sheep - Sally, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Katie & Kasey, Question 4 - - What U.S. city contains all ten of the ten largest hotels in America? - Las Vegas - Katie & Kasey, Hottie Bonus 4 - - They are Right - Erin, Question 5 - - Which character on "Saved By The Bell" became addicited to caffiene pills? - Jessie - Erin, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Sally, Question 6 - - Denzel Washington has a college degree in what subject? - Journalism - Sally, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 3 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Katie & Kasey, Question 7 - - What two narcotics are combined to make a "Speedball"? - Cocaine & Heroin - Katie & Kasey, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Coke and... - Erin, Question 8 - - "Do or do not. There is no try" is a line spoken by what film character? - Yoda - Erin, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Jonah - Sally, Question 9 - - Chinese Checkers originated in what country? - UK - Sally, Hottie Bonus 9 - - China - Katie & Kasey, Question 10 - - What percent of the female population is capable of achieving orgasm at least once during sex? - 30 - Katie & Kasey, Hottie Bonus 10 - - 40 - Erin, Question 11 - - Which blood vessels carry blood toward the heart? - Veins - Erin, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Capillary - Sally, Question 12 - - Where are the three bones known as the hammer, the stirrup, and the anvil located in the human body? - Ear - Sally, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Sternum - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Katie & Kasey (Ok I put my money on Erin for this one, which I came into last with! Now you'd think that I would get a Fat Guy Strip Dance since I always bet all my money right? Hell no! I just earned the twins, who do you think I picked as my babe for this episode? Fuck blowing all my money! I want to see me some double pleasure stripping! I only put in a small amount, and good thing too. I thought that Katie & Kasey would come in last because of that ugly fat chick of the two. I think that the fat one is Kasey. I thought she was going to jump, but to my surprise and hapiness, it wasn't) - Set 4, Episode 4: Mountains of Love - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: Set 5 - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Stefalie * Age: 18 Major: Radiology Best Feature: Belly Button Likes: Lead Vests, Safety Goggles, Disinfectants Dislikes: Tumors, Genetic Mutations, Gamma Rays Statistics EEG: 47 41 40 FG EPC: 46% 33% 38% ERA: 4.37 3.99 4.01 * Rhea * Age: 18 Major: Don't Ask Best Feature: Smile Likes: Ballistic, Statistics, Holistics Dislikes: Fugitives, Perogatives, Intransitives Statistics EEG: 26 30 29 FG EPC: 36% 28% 31% ERA: 3.25 2.68 3.22 * Abs * Age: 18 Major: Skip It Best Feature: Take Your Pick Likes: Skipping Rocks, Classes, and Meals Dislikes: UV Rays, IV Drugs, AV Monitors Statistics EEG: 20 25 27 FG EPC: 24% 23% 29% ERA: 2.68 2.94 3.00 - Episode 4 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Stefalie, Question 1 - - What actress played Julia Roberts roommate in "Pretty Woman"? - Laura San-Giacomo - Stefalie, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Rhea, Question 2 - - Which daytime TV star is the CEO of Harpo, Inc.? - Oprah Winfrey - Rhea, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Abs, Question 3 - - On the Chinese New Year, what color is used to paint the front door of a home with for good luck? - Red - Abs, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Stefalie, Question 4 - - What was the name of protein-guru Robert Atkins' diet book? - New Diet Revoultion - Stefalie, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Rhea, Question 5 - - The gluetius maximus is commonly known as what? - Butt - Rhea, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Abs, Question 6 - - What is the first American in space? - Alan Shepard - Abs, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 4 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Stefalie, Question 7 - - What company makes the XBox game console? - Microsoft - Stefalie, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Nintendo - Rhea, Question 8 - - Who is the highest scoring female soccer player? - Mia Hamm - Rhea, Hottie Bonus 8 - - I don't know - Abs, Question 9 - - Which performer has been proclaimed the king of pop? - Michael Jackson - Abs, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Justin Timberlake - Stefalie, Question 10 - - Eric Weinmeyer was the first man to successfully climb Mt. Everest with what type of handicap? - Blind - Stefalie, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Broken Leg - Rhea, Question 11 - - Who is the sworn enemy of Strawberry Shortcake? - The Purple Pieman - Rhea, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Stephanie - Abs, Question 12 - - Who was the first chinese national to play in the NBA? - Wang Zhizhi - Abs, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Cheech & Chong - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Last Hope Jump Rope - The winner of the challenge is: Abs (I bet on Rhea to win and came in second. I was fine with it, simply due to the fact that the commentary was funny as hell during the whole thing. I mean I'm glad I didn't bet on Stefalie that is for sure, I might of got that ever dreaded Fat Guy Strip Dance!) - Set 5, Episode 1: Meet The Twins - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Samantha * Age: 20 Major: Marketing Best Feature: Ice Queen Good Looks Likes: Vikings, Pirates, and Aztecs Dislikes: Eskimos, Pygmies, Ubanges Statistics EEG: 26 32 34 FG EPC: 23% 35% 33% ERA: 2.93 3.16 3.56 * Honey * Age: 19 Major: Pnuematics Best Feature: Her Enthusiam Likes: Clubbing Dislikes: Seals Statistics EEG: 22 27 29 FG EPC: 26% 29% 26% ERA: 2.47 2.89 2.88 * Kristen * Age: 20 Major: Psychology Best Feature: Head and Torso Likes: Cigarettes, Blankets, and Killing Germs Dislikes: Free Floating Anxiety, Anti-Social Behavior, Snakes Statistics EEG: 30 39 36 FG EPC: 29% 40% 31% ERA: 3.11 3.07 3.57 - Episode 1 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Samantha, Question 1 - - Who said "Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"? - Benjamin Franklin - Samantha, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Honey, Question 2 - - Who invented toothpaste? - William Colgate - Honey, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Kristen, Question 3 - - What was Elvis Presley's profession before he became a rock and roll singer? - Truck Driver - Kristen, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Samantha, Question 4 - - What is the most popular breed of dog in the United States? - Labrador Retriever - Samantha, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Honey, Question 5 - - What immpossibly big chested video game heroine jumped and blasted her way through Tomb Raider? - Lara Croft - Honey, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Kristen, Question 6 - - When did George Orwell published the book "1984"? - 1940 (Thanks to Dave E for the correct answer) - Kristen, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 1 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Samantha, Question 7 - - During what decade was Apple Computer founded? - 70s - Samantha, Hottie Bonus 7 - - 80s - Honey, Question 8 - - When a sheep and a goat mate, what is the name of the animal that is produced? - Geep - Honey, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Lamb - Kristen, Question 9 - - Who was Al Gore's running mate in the 2000 running election? - Joseph Lieberman - Kristen, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Fieberman - Samantha, Question 10 - - What two letters are the most valuable in the game of Scrabble? - Q and Z - Samantha, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Q and X - Honey, Question 11 - - Who was the leader of the cult in Waco, Teaxs called the Branch Davidians? - David Koresh - Honey, Hottie Bonus 11 - - No answer - Kristen, Question 12 - - What is the name of Ross' first wife on the NBC show "Friends"? - Carol - Kristen, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Jeanette - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Jumping Jack-Off - The winner of the challenge is: Samantha (Thanks to Dan Reeves for this one) - Set 5, Episode 2: Ounces of Bounces - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Pictures (Boobs, Babes, and Boobs) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Davina * Age: 23 Major: Insurance Agent Best Feature: Lung Capacity Likes: Turn Signals, Yielding, Child Safety Seats Dislikes: Elderly Drivers, SR22S, Acts of God Statistics EEG: 35 40 34 FG EPC: 37% 39% 44% ERA: 3.90 2.78 3.89 * Kris * Age: 22 Major: Teacher Best Feature: Toes Likes: Apples, Quiet Time, Tequila Dislikes: PTA, Flu Season, Tequila Statistics EEG: 33 30 29 FG EPC: 32% 22% 33% ERA: 3.88 2.65 3.02 * Roxy * Age: 22 Major: Customer Service Best Feature: Devotion to the customer's needs Likes: Smoking Breaks, Happy Hour, Ephedrine Dislikes: Last Call, Blind Dates, Shaving Statistics EEG: 37 29 30 FG EPC: 38% 33% 41% ERA: 3.66 3.58 3.12 - Episode 2 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Davina, Question 1 - - With Hydrogen combines with Oxygen, what substances occurs? - Water - Davina, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Wrong - Kris, Question 2 - - Just where would you find a cathoray tube? - Monitor - Kris, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Roxy, Question 3 - - What does HMO stand for? - Health Maintenance Organization - Roxy, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Wrong - Davina, Question 4 - - What famous medal features three naked men the hands on each other's shoulders? - Nobel Peace Prize - Davina, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Kris, Question 5 - - How is a "French" manicure different than a regular one? - White Tips - Kris, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Roxy, Question 6 - - What is the human bodies largest organ? - Skin - Roxy, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Wrong - Episode 2 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Davina, Question 7 - - What hockey team fans are known from throwing octopi onto the ice during games? - Detroit Red Wings - Davina, Hottie Bonus 7 - - Rapids - Kris, Question 8 - - What is the world's most popular fruit? - Tomato - Kris, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Apple - Roxy, Question 9 - - What is the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland called? - Mason Dixon Line - Roxy, Hottie Bonus 9 - - I don't know - Davina, Question 10 - - Who was the 16th Century englishman who conspired to blow up all the house of Parlament? - Guy Fawkes - Davina, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Christopher Columbus - Kris, Question 11 - - What jazz trumpeter was named "Sweet Poppa Dip"? - Louis Armstrong - Kris, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Miles Davis - Roxy, Question 12 - - What was the first hamburger chain? - white Castle - Roxy, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Water Burger - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: HullaBalloo - The winner of the challenge is: Kris (I chose Davina.....all I can say about this one was that it was too close.....I think Davina was screwed out of the win) - Set 5, Episode 3: Dual Airbags - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Tabitha * Age: 21 Major: Pharmacy Best Feature: Web Toes Likes: Floral, Plaids, Paisley Dislikes: Earth Tones, Crown Molding, Methadone Statistics EEG: 29 32 27 FG EPC: 34% 44% 39% ERA: 3.22 3.98 2.45 * Beth * Age: 22 Major: Wiccan Art Best Feature: Everything Below the Neck Likes: Tongue of Bat, Eye of Newt, Tail of Puppy Dislikes: Burning Stakes, Leaky Coldrums, Buckets of Water Statistics EEG: 25 30 28 FG EPC: 39% 47% 35% ERA: 2.08 3.61 2.77 * Alexis & Holly * Age: 21, 22 Major: Communications, Undecided Best Feature: Cowboy gear Likes: Chill, Doggie Punchin', Things that go Jingle Jingle Dislikes: Lasso Burn, Brander's Elbow, Stampedes Statistics EEG: 34 37 43 FG EPC: 35% 40% 39% ERA: 3.74 3.22 2.93 - Episode 3 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Tabitha, Question 1 - - What time zone has the most populus? - EST - Tabitha, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Beth, Question 2 - - What is the name of that naughty call girl madam that ran call girl operation for the stars? - Heidi Fless - Beth, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Right - Alexis & Holly, Question 3 - - What was the name of the Duke Boys Car? - General Lee - Alexis & Holly, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Tabitha, Question 4 - - What spirit is distilled from juniper berries? - Gin - Tabitha, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Beth, Question 5 - - What is the home entertainment console made by the Sony Corporation? - Playstation - Beth, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Wrong - Alexis & Holly, Question 6 - - When a woman is flexing her vaginal muscles, she is performing what type of exercise - Kegel - Alexis & Holly, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 3 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Tabitha, Question 7 - - What University did Ally McBeal get her degree in law from? - Harvard - Tabitha, Hottie Bonus 7 - - UCLA - Beth, Question 8 - - What's the hottest planet in the solar system? - Venus - Beth, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Mercury - Alexis & Holly, Question 9 - - What's the densest planet in the solar system? - Earth - Alexis & Holly, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Mars - Tabitha, Question 10 - - Triumph, the insult comic dog, is a regular on what late night TV show? - Late Night with Conan O'Brien - Tabitha, Hottie Bonus 10 - - Jay Leno - Beth, Question 11 - - Where in the human body does one find the "Island of Langderhans"? - Pancreas - Beth, Hottie Bonus 11 - - The Top - Alexis & Holly, Question 12 - - The Blue Ridge Parkway links the Shenandoan Park to what? - Smokey Mountains - Alexis & Holly, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Rocky Mountains - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Red Ball Push-Out - The winner of the challenge is: Holly - Set 5, Episode 4: Mammary Madness - - If you reach the Hottie Challenge and win, you unlock: New Video (Game Over) - Here's your next batch of girls to play with. They are: * Diane * Age: 21 Major: Nihilism Best Feature: Manicure Likes: Cussing, Swearing, Cursing Dislikes: Fussing, Fighting, Fueding Statistics EEG: 33 49 35 FG EPC: 35% 34% 40% ERA: 3.00 3.77 4.12 * Kimberly * Age: 21 Major: Mixology Best Feature: The Mole Likes: Stirring, Shaking, Pouring Dislikes: Mudding, Gigging, Twisting Statistics EEG: 38 33 40 FG EPC: 32% 39% 44% ERA: 3.89 3.53 4.01 * Christine * Age: 21 Major: Clown College Best Feature: Her lungs Likes: Pie in the Face, Kick in the Pants, Tiny Bicycles Dislikes: Shot out of a Cannon, Juggling, Little Cars Statistics EEG: 43 33 37 FG EPC: 41% 38% 45% ERA: 3.90 3.56 4.22 - Episode 4 Foreplay Round Q & A's - - Good thing about this game is that the initial game doesn't switch up the questions at all. If you want random questions to play against your buddies, you have to beat that episode to unlock it's Extra Trivia capablities. Here's the Questions and Answers to the questions so that you can destroy that Flash-O-Meter, and get to see those titties already. - Diane, Question 1 - - On the standard telephone touch pad, the panel sign is below which number? - 9 - Diane, Hottie Bonus 1 - - She is Right - Kimberly, Question 2 - - What is the name of the one-eyed giant of Greek mythology - Cyclops - Kimberly, Hottie Bonus 2 - - She is Wrong - Christine, Question 3 - - What is the third largest country in the world in terms of land area - United States - Christine, Hottie Bonus 3 - - She is Right - Diane, Question 4 - - A "Hoosier" is from what state? - Indiana - Diane, Hottie Bonus 4 - - She is Wrong - Kimberly, Question 5 - - What U.S. state has the highest divorce rate? - Texas - Kimberly, Hottie Bonus 5 - - She is Right - Christine, Question 6 - - What's the name of Marky Mark's posse? - The Funky Bunch - Christine, Hottie Bonus 6 - - She is Right - Episode 4 Tit Witz Round Q & A's - - Here all the BONUS Questions are answered wrong by the Hotties, but that doesn't mean that it's easy on you. Nope.....instead of answering She's Right or Wrong, you have to figure out what she said wrong. See, not as easy as you thought it'd be huh? Well that's why I'm here to bail your ass out and to help you break the chains of censorship! Lets move on to the Questions and Answers. - Diane, Question 7 - - What U.S. city has the most churches per capita? - Las Vegas - Diane, Hottie Bonus 7 - - New Orleans - Kimberly, Question 8 - - What U.S. Holiday is celebrated on the fourth Monday of May? - Memorial Day - Kimberly, Hottie Bonus 8 - - Labor Day - Christine, Question 9 - - What's the name of the most poisonous and highly-addictive substance in a cigarette? - Nicotine - Christine, Hottie Bonus 9 - - Tobacco - Diane, Question 10 - - What is the only National flag that's not in the shape of a rectangle or a square? - Nepal - Diane, Hottie Bonus 10 - - China - Kimberly, Question 11 - - What is the only poisonous mammal? - Platypus - Kimberly, Hottie Bonus 11 - - Anteater - Christine, Question 12 - - "Venus Observa" is the technical term for which sexual position? - Missionary - Christine, Hottie Bonus 12 - - Military - The Hottie Challenge - - Here you're suppose to bet on who will win the Hottie Challenge. You have your choice between the 3 girls of this episode to bet on. Each Episode holds a different challenge for each of the babes. - If you win at the Hottie Challenge, you get double what you bet and you get to see a special strip tease movie of your babe cheerleader. Gotta say, the rewards for winning are great! You get bragging rights over your friends, you know you have skills, and you get see your babe show of her lovely breasts just for you. - This episode's challenge is: Hullaballoo - The winner of the challenge is: Kimberly 5) Extra Trivia Q & A's - Well when you finally defeat that bastardizing Flash-O-Meter and unlock an episode, you have the option to play it with Extra Trivia. This is what you play with friends. The questions are random and you have four categories to choose from to make things interesting. The President gets to choose what category is selected, so make sure you're at the top of the food chain so you can have your way about it. Naturally there are so many in the game, and I'm not going to get to all of them within this rental period, so I'm asking everyone out there, if you don't see a question that you get on the lists, send in the question and the answer ok. You'll get proper credit for the info! - General - - In the "South Park" movie, what blame worthy country does the United States invade? - Canada - Born Jenna Massoli, Jenna Jameson is best known for making what kind of movies? - Pornography - What is head cheese? - A gelitin loaf - When the game begins, what piece sits on all four corners of a chess board? - Rook - This is a classic trivia chestnut. What was the name of Dudley-Do- Right's horse? - Horse - Who married an octagenarian oilman (and billionaire), named J Howard Marshall II? - Anna Nicole Smith - What is the Hindu word for love, pleasure, and sensual gradification? - Kama - What country's state-run liqour monopoly produced Absolut vodka? - Sweden's - In what board game would I invade Irkutsk, Yakutsk, and Kamchatka? - Risk - Excluding 0 and 00, how many numbers are on a roulette wheel? - 36 - In 1958, who became the world's youngest chess grand master? - Bobby Fisher - Smut is porn. But what else is smut? - A plant-disease fungus - Music - - TV/Movie - - Sports - 6) - Lori - Height: 5'5 Weight: 98 lbs Eyes: Brown Body: 34D-25-29 From: Aliceville, AL Cocktail: Mint Julep What do You Say When You First Meet a Man: Could please look me in the eyes? - Zoe - Height: 5'4 Weight: 105 lbs Eyes: Brown Body: 34D-22-28 From: Los Angeles, CA Cocktail: Buttery Nipple Ultimate Dream: To able to jog without pain - Ramona - Height: 5'5 Weight: 105 lbs Eyes: Brown Body: 34D-24-29 From: New York City, NY Cocktail: Greyhound What do you look for in a man: His jugular vein - Regan - Height: 5'7 Weight: 115 lbs Eyes: Brown Body: 34DD-24-30 From: Chigago, IL Cocktail: Cosmopolitan Turn-ons: Guys who aren't afraid to beg - Monique - Height: 5'6 Weight: 106 lbs Eyes: Brown Body: 34D-24-30 From: Dallas, TX Cocktail: Flirtini In high school: Voted most likely to wreak a home - Simone - Height: 5'6 Weight: 99 lbs Eyes: Brown Body: 34D-22-28 From: Boston, MA Cocktail: Apple Martini I lost my virginity...: But I still have the box it came in - Mandy & Mandi - Height: 5'5 Weight: 106 Eyes: Blue Body: 34D-24-29 From: Dallas, TX Cocktail: Teaxs Two-Step Pet Peeves: People ask us does the carpet match the drapes? - Nikki - Height: 5'5 Weight: 108 Eyes: Green Body: 34D-24-30 From: Myrtle Beach, SC Cocktail: Margarita Awards: Woman's Freestyle Spanking Championship 3 years running 7) Playing a Quickie - Now you may think that this is just a quick game start or something else more perverted, but in reality this is where you go to play just some Ballz games. If you and your friends only want to play a few rounds of Ballz, then this is where you should head out to. Remember now, always play nice and be fair! Don't want to upset your friends now do you? - Naturally you can pick any of the three games here, whether you're playing alone or with friends. I know that in a single player game, it only lets you play the Ballz Shots game, but here you can choose to play a single player game and get yourself better high scores. 8) Additional Guy Game Stuff - The last option to choose on the menu is Additional Stuff. This is where you go to view the pics, videos, and credits of the game. You of course have to unlock things as you go through the game or else you won't be able to view anything but the very small few they give you. You'll spend more time unlocking videos than anything else. This is basically where the game will end for you, when you win the last video in the game. So start working and quit jacking off! I can't earn these things for you ya know! I did my part by making this guide so you do yours and start unlocking everything. 9) Secrets and Unlocks - Alright, you want to know what there is to unlock and what's hidden in the game right? Well ok....I'll be nice enough to tell you guys. - Pictures - - There are quite a few picture sets to unlock, with the more you go down the list, the more nudity each set will show. It's listed in The Sets section at the top of each Episode line up, where you can earn your Picture Set at. - Babes - - There are 4 other Babes to unlock other than the intial 4 you start off with. They are Nikki, Mandy & Mandi, Simone, and Monique. You can still check them out in the Meet the Babes Section of the game, but if you want to see them naked you'll have to earn them. Once again, check out The Sets section and the top of each Episode to find out where you can unlock things in this game. - Videos - - There are more videos than anything else to unlock in this game. They are funny as hell, and some contain more nudity that you'll enjoy. For the most part though, they're all hilarious. Check out The Sets section of this guide and look at the top of each Episode listing to find out where you can unlock the videos at. - Fat Guys - -'ve heard me talking about them in this game, so here's how to access them if you actually want to.....sick bastards..... - The first and easiest way to gross out your friends is by showing them the Fat Guy at the Stats screen. The screen I'm talking about is the one that shows your babe and your current standings after a whole question is over with. Press and hold the L Trigger and then press the A Button and your babe will change into a huge fat fuck. That will ruin anybody's day, I guarantee it. - The second and most disturbing way to lose horribly at the Hottie Challenge when you are the President. If you have alot of money (like around $15000 or higher, the higher you go the better your chance to get this) by the time the Hottie Challenge comes around, put all your money on a hottie that will lose the challenge. If she comes in last, you will most definitely gets this highly disturbing video. If she comes in second, then you may dodge the bullet every now and then. If you haven't seen this Fat Guy Strip Dance yet, consider yourself very fortunate. - Strip Dances - - Easy thing to get, just be the president and get to the Hottie Challenge. If you bet on the winning Hottie, or if you only bet a small amount (less than 1/4 of your money) of your money and lose, then you will get a cutscene that shows the babe you selected to do a strip dance all for you. Makes you feel really special inside don't it? 10) Credits - Now I know this guide has some holes in it, but that's where you come in! Please send in the proper info for the blank areas of the game, or wherever you see ??? at. I ran out of time with the rental, so I'm counting on you guys to lend a helping hand ok. You will be given credit for sending in the proper info. I did at least give all of you the answers that really matter in the game, and that's the bonus answers. The ones that will strip your babe and break the Flash-O-Meter and unlock items for you. So send some help my way. - Now I give alot creds to......ME! Cuz I made this guide and took the time out of my life to help you out. And truth be told, I made this guide sick. I really mean it.....I was sick the whole time while making this guide. I'm feeling much better now thank you. - I give creds to my friends who pitched in some money to rent this game. Didn't know a shameless show of women type game could be so much fun huh? I'll say this....this game is basically meant as a party game. Play it won't have much fun, except maybe in naughty department. Please don't send in stories of how this game touched you o_O. - I gave mucho creds to the guys who made this game. Gotta say that no matter what scrawny ass fanboy or dork says in the message boards, this game is entertaining. In many ways than one. Oh let them say I need a girl friend, when they should be worrying about their own sorry lonely asses! It's people like them that aren't even worth my time. - Creds go out to BAMBAM for correcting a few mistakes I made in this walkthrough. Hey, I'm not perfect.....that's why I'm thankful for people like BAMBAM looking out and backing me up. I'll try and find one of the babes and hook you up with her alright dude? Hmmmm....maybe Zoe or Lori....I'll do what I can to put in the good word! Thanks again BAMBAM. - If you see any errors or additions that you feel should be added to this guide, then by all means e-mail me at and I will try to get back to as fast as I can ok. Don't always expect me to be able to just jump and answer e-mail when you want me to. I'm only human you know. Alex "Joker" Hall