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Also note that the game is similar between platforms, so while this is an xbox walkthrough, it holds true for other systems (minus some control differences, of course) TABLE OF CONTENTS [INT] Introduction [NOT] Opening Notes [MNU] Menu Navigation [MVS] Moves [EMS] Enemy Strategies [SPT] Special Tactics/Tricks [LVL1] Level 1 [LVL1G] Level 1 Goals [LVL2] Level 2 [LVL2G] Level 2 Goals [LVL3] Level 3 [LVL3G] Level 3 Goals [LVL4] Level 4 [LVL4G] Level 4 Goals [LVL5] Level 5 [LVL5G] Level 5 Goals [LVL6] Level 6 [LVL6G] Level 6 Goals [LVL7] Level 7 [LVL7G] Level 7 Goals [LVL8] Level 8 [LVL8G] Level 8 Goals [LVL9] Level 9 [LVL9G] Level 9 Goals [LVL10] Level 10 [LVL10G] Level 10 Goals [LVL11] Level 11 [LVL11G] Level 11 Goals [MLE] Melee Levels [M1P1] Metroville Melee: Nuts and Bolts [M1P1G] Metroville Melee: Nuts and Bolts Goals [M1P2] Metroville Melee: Protect the Scientists [M1P2G] Metroville Melee: Protect the Scientists Goals [M1P3] Metroville Melee: Return the Favor [M1P3G] Metroville Melee: Return the Favor Goals [M2P1] Furious Frozen Fight: Nuts and Bolts [M2P1G] Furious Frozen Fight: Nuts and Bolts Goals [M2P2] Furious Frozen Fight: A Helping Hand [M2P2G] Furious Frozen Fight: A Helping Hand Goals [M2P3] Furious Frozen Fight: Protect the Scientists [M2P3G] Furious Frozen Fight: Protect the Scientists Goals [M3P1] Mechanical Mayhem: Nuts and Bolts [M3P1G] Mechanical Mahyem: Nuts and Bolts Goals [M3P2] Mechanical Mayhem: Protect the Scientists [M3P2G] Mechanical Mayhem: Protect the Scientists Goals [M3P3] Mechanical Mayhem: Pulling the Plug [M3P3G] Mechanical Mayhem: Pulling the Plug Goals [UPG] Upgrades Guide [BNS] Bonus Section [ART] How to unlock artwork [SCT] Secrets (enter in menu) [BGS] Common Bugs and Fixes [FAQ] Your Questions! [RKS] Closing remarks ============================================================================= [INT] The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is a title for Gamecube/ PS2/Xbox which picks up where the movie The Incredibles left off- the Incredible family has come to terms with being superheroes, and while enjoying an afternoon together The Underminer, a mole-like villain with huge drills and robots, bursts forth from the ground. He declares war on the surface world, and it is up to Bob Incredible and his friend Frozone to stop him! The rest of the Incredibles kind of sit this one out. This is a pretty fun beat 'em up. The voice acting gets a little old after awhile (I'm looking at YOU, The Underminer), and the camera can be frustrating, but it's worthwhile! ============================================================================= [NOT] -The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer was designed with one and two player gameplay in mind. You play as Mr. Incredible (Bob) and Frozone. The rest of the incredibles family is kind of off doing their own thing. If you want to play the game as a single player experiance that's fine, but remember that a second player can jump in at any time and leave at any time. It is a pretty neat feature of the game! - Just a side note. You should SERIOUSLY remember to turn off the sound if you are going to pause the game. They have little bon mots from the underminer every few seconds. It takes about four of them for it to get on your nerves. ============================================================================= [MNU] Pressing select at any time during gameplay opens up the objectives list. You can select missions, and see which secondary goals you've completed. BE WARNED! This screen is the one where The Underminer shouts something at you every four seconds or so. Oh I hate it so much! Skip past this as quickly as you possibly can. No other menu has him do the shouting at you thing. From here press X to get a set of choices. You can pick: -Options: Here you can adjust the music and sfx volume, change the default controls, and turn on or off vibration -Quit Game: Quit without saving. Recommended when you can't take The Underminer's voice anymore. -Save Game: Save y'game, son. - Gallery: See any artwork you've unlocked. See [ART] for how to unlock these pieces. - Secrets: Enter in passwords to unlock secrets. See [SCT] for what to type in ============================================================================= [MVS] The moves section can be divided into two parts: Bob's moves and Frozone's. -Both The Basic setup is the same for both characters. The defaults are: Left Analog Stick: Character movement Right Analog Stick: Dodge. move in the direction you want your character to dash to. Put effort into being proficient at this! X: Punch Y: Interact L+R: Super Move (See Character Section) A: Jump B: Character Specific Move (See Character Section) B + X: Jump move (See Character Section) *Up Arrow: Switch between Bob and Frozone *Left Arrow: Have AI character follow you at a distance *Right Arrow: Have AI character closely follow you *Down Arrow: Have AI character remain where they are now Start: Enter Menu (see [MNU] for more details) Select: Enter upgrade screen (see [UPG] for more details) *Arrow keys are used in the single player campaign In-game, you will see three gauges above your character. Once that fills with a white line, one with a green bar, and three circles. The white line shows your progress towards another level-up point, the green bar shows your health, and the circles are the number of ultra moves you have. -Bob Bob is a big 'ol lug. His powers center around hitting things REALLY hard, hitting them harder, and throwing them around. His jumps all look like some gorilla flinging itself around (at least to me), and his focus is short-range. His character specific move is to grab an object and fling it. A little target will apear on the enemy Bob is targeting. His jump attack is a flying drop elbow, and it does some good damage. His super move is a huge groundslam that destroys any nearby enemies. -Frozone Frozone is your caster character to Bob's Tank. He is more focused on battlefield management (freeze some people, punch the rest). His jump attack is sliding around on a slide of ice (think iceman), his character specific move is shooting out a freezing ray, which besides stopping enemies in their tracks obviously had some nice work put into making the ice crystals appear on stuff he hits with it. Note that it can also destroy spiked towers and some other environmental objects with it. His super move is firing huge blasts of ice into the air, which then rain down as an ice meteor shower! This is pretty nifty. ============================================================================= [EMS] Enemies section. The enemies are listed in the following way: Enemy name- level first encountered: strategy. Note: enemies with glowy red circles over their heads give super-moves when they are destroyed. MOOK- Level 1: These poor guys were not designed for people with your power level. Against single mooks, just run up and punch them as either character. Against groups of them, or if they are swarming you from multiple sides, use jump attacks as Mr. Incredible to take out several at once, freeze some and punch non-frozen ones as Frozone, or dash attack as either character. Should not be a challenge, even in large groups. Their little shovel hand just isn't up to the job. DRILL BLASTERS- Level 1: The first tricky enemy. These guys have a little green goo shooter and hide out in drills that shoot out of the ground. The base of their drills are protected by spinning spikes, so Bob can't touch them, but Frozone can hit them with his freeze ray until they break apart. Make sure keep the pressure on, as the freeze ray has to build for awhile until they break up, and they can shake it off after a few seconds. Also remember that they will be shooting at you as you freeze them- be prepared to dodge. A good tip when facing multiple drill blasters is to look for cover, so that only one can shoot at you at a time. BUZZBOT- Level 1: A robot that chases you around with a big glowing buzzsaw. Recommended strategy is to freeze it with Frozone's ice ray before moving in with Bob to punch it to death. Once it's down, keep punching! If it gets up again, you have to re-freeze it. Better to finish it off while it's down. Alternatively, as frozone keep the freeze ray on him while Bob pummels him to death. BURROWER- Level 2: These nasty buggers hide in the ground until you approach, when they drill themselves out and attack you with their two spiked ball hands. they are nasty up close, so freeze them first with frozone or try to throw something at them with Bob. Improved burrowers in later levels gain an attack where they spin in a big circle, throwing away Hank or Frozone. They can also shield themselves later on. BLASTER- Level 2: The drill blaster sans drill. They are best taken out from a distance by having Bob toss something at them. Remember to avoid their blasts during combat! Note that at later levels, these guys can block frontal attacks. Use a jump attack or freeze attack to cut them down to size. TURTLE- Level 3: These jerks are normally shielded, and when they drop the shield they fire in all directions! Try to draw their fire by standing just close enough to them that they start firing then dodging away. They will waste their ammo and be vulnerable for a few seconds. Close distance quickly and pound them, or freeze or throw something at them. WHIRLER- Level 4: This is basically an improved version of the buzzbot, with a similar strategy. Avoid his whirling cutters of doom, circle around from behind or freeze him, and let loose! GLaDYS- Level 5: That's my name for her anyway. It's totally original! Anyway this is a three part battle. In the beginning she will be shooting homing green shots at you. Just avoid these and chuck blocks or her frozen projectiles at her until she sends some mooks after you. Deal with them, then she'll pop back up. Onto stage two. This time she has some grand cannon that fires a huge yellow shot. Avoid it, throw the usual bricks at her, and make sure to deal with the blasters when they pop up. After a few belts, she'll send your old worst friends at you: the buzzbots, blasters, and mooks! Kick their cans and she'll pop back up for the third and final go-round. This time is quite tough. She is shooting homing missiles at you, her grand cannon seems to have gotten quite a bit faster, and there are continual blasters coming at you. Just hold on, take her out, and don't be shy about using your super moves. Once she does down, you're good! If you are playing single player, try to position your wingman (probably frozone) somewhere safe. If you can destroy one of the things that pop up and down, that's a fine place. Gladiator- Level 7: These kind of look like Mooks at first glance, but when they get closer you'll notice that they have a shield in one hand and a big grindy spinner in the other. They can block your attacks, but they tend to crumple if you just keep pounding on them. These are sort of like Mooks stage 2: only dangerous in big numbers. You can probably handle them with Bob without freezing them first as Frozone. Smiley- Level 7: They look pretty impressive, and their hammer hits a big game, but when it comes down to it they'll fall if you freeze them first with Frozone and then run in to finish off the job as Bob. Get in range of their hammer, too close for them to hit, and they are pretty helpless. Sometimes if they take throwing damage (or somewhat randomly too) they will sort of hunker down and stop moving. This is prime time to move in with Bob and do some pounding. GLaDYS Mk II- Level 8: I'm pretty sure this is GLaDYS, because that little lightning tube is also present. For whatever reason I had a lot less trouble with the Mk II than the original. This time it's essentially just a smiley who is hiding behind a forcefield and requires a lot more pounding. To start with, run up and flip the switches midway between you and GLaDYS. This will lower the forcefield and she'll come out and start attacking. Freeze her with Frozone, then pound away with Bob. After some pounding, she'll retreat to the forcefield and call out some troops. You really get everybody this time: smileys and whirlers excepted. Be prepared for a big brawl, remember to use Frozone on the enemies you don't want Bob up close to. Anyway after beating on her subordinates for long enough, the shield will drop and she emerges to start attacking again. There is really no change as her health drops lower, except that she will chuck big panels at you while behind the force field. Just step out of their way, freeze and pound on her when she comes out of the shield, and you shouldn't have any trouble with her. The Big Bad- Level 11: He starts off spewing some rhetoric at you, just like any good final boss should. The first real attack is swarms of gladiators that come at you from the front of the screen. They shouldn't pose much of a problem, just keep knocking them offscreen and freezing them. After this the underminer will descend in his personal spinnybot to do some serious damage. This part can be tricky! First he will come at you clapping his drills together- just avoid him by running around the outside of the ledge you are on. After he finished this attack, he'll start to do a spin attack. Try to stay just out of reach, instead of as far away as possible like you did for the clapping attack. As soon as he stops the spinning attack you'll see his machine swaying like it's dizzy. Freeze then pound it with Bob, you won't have much time. After a few times doing this he retreats back into his big 'ol robot. First two blasters open on the robot's chest. Freeze their projectiles and send them back, just like you are used to. Then hey! We have not seen a buzzbot in a GOOD long time! Now we get a couple. When they are taken care of, some burrowers come out to pester you. Freeze and pound. After a few rounds of burrowers you'll be bum-rushed by a bunch of buzzbots. I used a super move here, to fill up my power gauge, and I think you should too. Once they are done, The Underminer again descends from his robot to attack you. This time he starts off with a charging attack. Stay on the other side of the ledge from him and this is simplicity itself to dodge. He does his whirling attack again after this, and you know to wait until he's dizzy then rush in and conk him. He'll retreat to the robot. Two howitzer-type guns come out from the chest this time. You can't freeze their projectiles, so just dodge their fire. After they are done, The Underminer descends for the final time. This time he is pretty tough. He starts out firing area-affect shots. Keep your partner close to you, and try to run in the opposite direction from which shoulder is firing- as in, if the right shoulder cannon is firing, try to run left. After a few rounds of this, he will attack using the clapping motion, then rush back to fire at you some more. Dodge this and he will use his spinning attack. From here you know to wait until he's dizzy, then move in to finish him off. Do this a few times, and he is yesterday's news. You win! ============================================================================= [SPT] Special Tactics This section is reserved for little tricks that aren't sufficiently given attention to in the game, but nonetheless are important. This section will grow if anybody sends more in! * When dealing with enemies using one player, Frozone will freeze incoming projectiles if the computer is controlling him, but Bob will not grab and throw them with the computer. For this reason, it's better to play as Bob in a section where you are getting sniped at. * The game DOES tell you about this one, but not until WELL far into the game, and it would have been very useful before. If Bob or Frozne have some kind of interaction that takes awhile (making a bridge, lifting a wall, etc.), you can start the interaction as their character then switch to the other character and the computer controlled character will keep interacting! This is useful when you are getting pounded every time you start interacting. * It's useful to note that enemies have a really hard time (besides blasters) targeting a character who is interacting, so even if there are enemies in the area you are probably safe if you try to interact. * I probably don't need to tell YOU guys this, being as smart as you all are, but you should maybe freeze people with Frozone before charging in like a fool with Bob. Just saying! ============================================================================== [LVL1] Groundbreaking Ok we start off seeing the last clip from the movie, where the Underminer starts emerging. Drills are crazy coming up from everywhere, and cars are getting blowed up. Clearly it is time for BUSINESS. After sending all the non- playable characters into limbo (they are stopping the drills), we start! Ok take off down the street, after not too much time a big 'ol drill breaks through in the distance. Hope your family is on it! As you move on, more drills rise up, and cars and boulders start raining down. Before too long, one of the drills opens up and you get to face off against your first enemy: a group of mooks! Smash them to pieces, and continue into the crater they opened. This is the "learn to jump" part of the level. Follow the path up and to the left. Some large flames become small and jumpable when you approach them, so don't be fooled- that IS the right way to go. At the end of this section, you face another group of mooks. They aren't any harder this time, smash 'em to bits and continue. This next part is the first character-specific part. There are some spiky spinning towers that erupt from the ground, and Frozone can freeze them with his freeze ray until they break. Have him freeze the first one, and then we meet the second enemy type: Drill Blasters! Check the enemies section for tips on how to defeat them. They come in clusters, and between clusters there are gates. These must be smashed down with punches, it can be either character. Right after the last of the gates, there is a breakable wall, behind which is the first of a series of glowing gizmo things that you collect to unlock art. Once you are through these, it is time for a buzzbot! Check the enemies section for advice on how to handle him. After him there is another wave of mooks, remember to use jump and dash attacks as Bob and your freeze ray as Frozone, and then it's into the tunnels! Deal with a buzzbot, and head left down the tunnel after the giant drill. There will be a one-mook ambush (really? like that's a threat), and then another buzzbot. After him comes a section with jets of flame that shoot from the walls. You'll want your partner to follow close, so press the left arrow button (or tell your friend to stop being an idiot and follow you). There are a bunch of blocks between you and the surface. Frozone suggests that Bob could knock them down, but his puny little ice hands will do just as well. Knock 'em over and step into the surface! You are greeted by a buzzbot. Waste him, and prepare for a mook and buzzbot ambush by the gas tank ahead. Note that because the ground is sloped, the freeze ray can have a hard time striking the buzzbot if you aren't on higher ground. As you rush forward, you make it to a cutscene! After some rhetoric, he gives you some big buzzbots with glowy circles over their heads. Blow they up, and you get your super move. After breaking through the barrier between you and The Underminer (with your fists), use run into the middle of the buzzbots and use your super-move. This should destroy the other two robots, and give you another super move. Use this on the swarming mooks, and hey presto you beat the first level! [LVL1G] LEVEL GOALS: () Reach the Underminer- Complete the level to beat this () Damage Goal (Bob)- Just punch a lot of people () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Ditto. Spend equal time as both characters () Undefeated (Bob)- Complete the level without dying () Undefeated (Frozone)- Complete the level without dying ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LVL2] Into the Rabbit Hole Note: in this level, Frozone's ice slide can knock enemies off the edge of cliffs. This is a great way to manage large enemy battles. Well we repelled his initial invasion. Time to go after The Underminer! The very first thing this level does is introduce you to a new villain: the burrower. Check the enemies section for tips! This is a great time to practice Bob's throwing ability using the nearby box... crate.... things. Even if you manage to destroy all of them by throwing them into each other (as I tend to do), you can still just run up and punch the burrowers to death. After taking them out, there will be a series of gaps. These can be bridged by having Frozone interact with them at the designated places (there is a circle where he has to stand). Remember, you can toss the boxes at the blasters (who we have just met, see the enemy section for more details) over the gaps before frozone starts to form the bridge. There is a big melee up ahead. Make the blasters your first priority, take them out quickly with melee attacks. After they are down, concentrate on taking down the buzzbot, then deal with the swarms of burrowers. Jump attacks by both characters are particularly useful here: Bob's to knock enemies down, and Frozone's to do damage whil moving out of hitting range. After they are done, and you use Bob's super-lifing power to lift up the grate blocking your path, you will come across a buzzbot that gives you your super move. Earn it and either use it to take out the swarms of burrowers that attack after the buzzbot is dead or hold onto it. When you try to run across the bridge, it collapses. Time for an ice bridge, but those dang blasters are firing at you! To complete this section, use Frozone's freeze ray to turn to projectiles to iceballs, which Bob can grab and throw at the blaster to destroy. Try to stand back from the edge of the pit, so that you can start freezing the projectiles when they are on solid ground. Once they are toast, make an ice bridge. On the first platform, there will be burrowers to deal with. Keep your ally close while fighting them, and take them out quickly. Then hit the blasters with the projectiles as before. On the second platform just create the ice bridge and keep moving. Two buzzbots will charge you after this section- I saved my ultra move and used it here to end them quickly. I needed a health boost after the last part! Enter the lift like thing above, and jump attack as Bob to destroy the ground. I just want to point out that I really dig the cool sax music in this part. [EDITOR'S NOTE: "dig" pun was unintentional]. Anyway you've seen these spinning spiky things before. Freeze them with frozone, move on. Burrowers erupt from the ground, but I'd save the crates here. Better to use them to chuck across the gap and take out the blasters with Bob so you don't have to bother with making projectiles from their shots. Also note that you can use the projectiles to destroy the burrower on the other side as well as the blaster. If you look to the left in this area you can see what looks like a blue/orange glow. Destroy the rocks at this part and you find the first hidden gallery unlockable! Collect it and then great ready to keep going. Take out the burrower and the blaster and progress onward. You get bum-rushed by a ton of burrowers and buzzbots here. One of the buzzbots gives you a super-move. Take him out first, then use the super-move to clear out everybody else. As you move on there are plenty more buzzbots and burrowers to clear out. Play defensively, freezing buzzbots with frozone before pummeling them with either character, and try to switch characters so that you get both damage goals. As you approach his big 'ol drill, eventually the floor behind you will retract. This looks an awful lot like it's end of level enemy rush time! You should have an ultra move (from somewhere). Use it right as everybody starts pouring out to attack you to clear up most of them. There might be a buzzbot or two left over, but they shouldn't be much trouble for you. Take them out and it is cutscene time. Ok so... I'm not exactly clear what the evil plan is. It's something to do with a magnamizer, whatever that is, and he's going to.... turn the world upside down? That's some machine! Also you guys are taking a shortcut through a "sludge station". Neat! Ok onto the next level! [LVL2G] () Catch Up to The Underminer- Go get him! () Damage Goal (Bob)- Hit SO many people. () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Diligently freeze everybody! () Undefeated (Bob)- Don't you die on me! () Undefeated (Frozone)- Stay with me, I can't lose you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LVL3] Why Is There Always a Sewer Level? Note: When you are jumping on the floating circles over the toxic slude, remember that if you jump in one straight path, somewhat quickly, your wingman is MUCH less likely to jump to their death. If you dally around or run in circles or some such they will likely decide the thing to do is to take a toxic bath. It's the same thing on the barges- confidently jump over the lasers and they will too. Also note that if you can keep the shields intact on the barges, they will block the lasers. We get to see the newest enemy, the turtle, in the opening cutscene. Check out the enemy section for advice on how to deal with them. Then deal with it. Head forward across the newly extended bridge, and deal with a swarm of mooks. Once they are scrap, head to the red circles near the gap to the right. Bob can interact with them, sending pillars toppling onto some generators. Presumably this messes up some of the machines. Heading across the gap there are more mooks and a turtle. Wait for the turtle to fire, pound it, and go right. You must throw the blocks at the generators to lower the drawbridge here. If you miss, though, Frozone can freeze the fountain and Bob can chuck the resulting iceballs. Watch the red door in the back-left of this part. This is where the robots come from, and if you stand by it you can sometimes catch a turtle and break it apart before it has a chance to get its shield up. Move on from here. Beware this section! If your partner jumps in the water it's an instant death and you can kiss the "undefeated" award goodbye. Anyway once you are through here there is a switch to the left for you to find and pull. This starts the barge (boat? barge?) moving, so jump on. Use the crates you find on here to throw at the blasters on the platform above, and then deal with the mooks that rush you on the barge. Once on the other side, throw crates at the targets on the ceiling to drop platforms in the sludge and continue. After another set of ceiling targets and a short melee with mooks and blasters, you can lift the grats to the left and right of the door as Bob and freeze them solid as Frozone. If you are like me, your stupid AI partner has jumped right off of a ledge by now and you'll have to replay the level for the "never died" award. Anyway it's time for another barge. Grab the crates on the ship and throw them at the blasters as before. Beware of the blue laser beams! You'll have to jump over them if you don't plan on falling in the sludge. Once this is over, note the Gallery collectible piece if you run in front of the switch and proceed back towards where the blaster's platform is. Once you have this, activate the second switch and get on the second barge. This is like the other one. Blasters to thow crates at, lasers to hop, mooks to crush. When you are past this, get ready for a big melee to clear the next area of turtles, blasters, and mooks. Once they are down, flip the switches on either side of the walkway in the center back of the room, then run down that path. Lift up the grating as Bob and then crush the machine. You should be able to do this before getting interrupted by robots. Once the machine is toast, the level is complete! [LVL3G] () Take the Shortcut Through Sludge Station- And try not to die () Damage Goal (Bob)- Scrap 'em! () Damage Goal (Frozone)- I refuse to ever say icetastic. () Undefeated (Bob)- Don't jump into the sludge. () Undefeated (Frozone)- Seriously! It's toxic! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LVL4] Wait an ice level? I thought it was hot inside the earth! We continue our tradition of introducing new baddies in the first part of a level here, and meet the whirler. See the enemies section for details on how to take out this bucket o' bolts. After he is through we meet the spotlight, your worst friend. If it hits you traps will activate for a short time, so avoid it! Two more whirlers to deal with ahead, and then some burrowers in the middle of spotlights. Be quick on your feet, use Bob's jump attacks or Frozone's freeze and ice slide to break them apart quickly, and try not to run around too much. You'll want to keep your partner close to you in this section. If you do activate one of the spotlights, run onto the metal grates to avoid laser-y death. There are a series of melees with burrowers and whirlers in the middle of spotlights in this next section. Be careful, it's possible to lose a great deal of health quickly here! Keep in mind that as soon as you pull the switch the spotlights turn off, so you don't have to worry about the spotlight sweeping back to hit you if you pull the switch while it's somewhere else. Right after this look to your right and you can see the glow of a widget. It is behind some breakable ice, so break the ice (perhaps with a party game!) and grab it. After this is a series of areas where the ground becomes unstable, and the platforms you are walking on turn into sort of see-saws. Stay on the platforms towards the middle and you'll be ok. Burrowers and blasters in this area, so be ready. Eventually you'll end up in a round area with a glasslike floor and a crack in the middle. It's not immeditally apparent, but you're supposed to pound the ground to continue here. There is another seesaw area ahead with blasters and burrowers. Good luck keeping your woefully dumb AI character alive through the collapsing bridge and boulders falling ahead. Just concentrate on jumping to the next section when you see one about to topple, and you'll be fine. Whirler burrower blaster fight after that. There are two switches in the area ahead. Flip them one at a time, then make an ice bridge to the platform that opens up. If you're quick, you can make an ice bridge without having to freeze enemy projectiles and throw them back. Be prepared for a tough melee on the other side, though. There are whirlers, improved burrowers, and blasters here. I used a super move. It's the same thing on the other side, then when the final bridge extends, get ready for a big fight. There are two switches in here, and they both release throwable boulders. First priority should probably be taking out the huge cannons that are tossing bombs at you with the boulders. From there handle the whirlers, burrowerrs, and blasters like normal. A super move is perfectly acceptible to use here. Once that's done with, use the boulders to bust open the door, deal with the whirler, and throw the switch. Elevator time! Now if I know anything about elevators in video games.... yup! It's a burrower ambush, followed by some blasters. Blast and... burrow...? them, and then you're through. This next bit is a repetetive sequence. Avoid the spotlights, then trash the robots on the other side. Throw a switch to lower the laser gates, avoid the next series of spotlights, etc. Once that is passed, you are DONE. Hitting a spotlight in this section makes lasers sweep the floor- with some quick jumping no harm'll come to you! [LVL4G] () Fight your way through the defense system into the magnomizer () Damage Goal (Bob)- Bob SMASH () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Usually robots are weak to lightning. Huh. () Undefeated (Bob)- Play defensive- the wirlers take a lot out of you () Undefeated (Frozone)- Freeze and ice slide. Freeze and ice slide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LVL5] Level 5- OMG FIRST BOSS FIGHT! Alright it is time to tackle GLaDYS. See the enemies section for advince on how to beat her. That's really all there is to this level! You know, come to think of it, there really wasn't any death animation for her... [LVL5G] () Destroy the Magnomizer Guardian: The tour is a lie. () Damage Goal (Bob)- If you let Bob handle the robots he'll get it () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Play through again letting Fro handle them. () Undefeated (Bob)- This one is easier since he does most the work. () Undefeated (Frozone)- Tricker: try to position him away safely! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LVL6] Level 6- Into the Doomsday Device! There are some fun breakable panels (why does everything electronic explode when punched really hard in these games?), but don't get too comfy because soon there is a whirler/burrower ambush. There will be a big burrower ambush by some laser barriers before you can get out. Remember when they shield themselves that you can overpower these shields by pounding on them enough. Teamwork is essential for this part because Bob will get shredded if he gets too close. Once the burrowers are dead the barrier erupts and continue upward. There are three main things to look out for in this part- collapsing bridges (just keep running), streams of toxic materials (jumping over them shoudn't be hard), and fire from the blimp, which is another just-keep-moving attack. When you get to a plateau, there will be areas where the magnomizer fires blasts upward. Just watch for the blue/white rings which indicate the blast is about to come, and stay off them. They are a very convenient way to dispose of the burrowers. As you progress updwards, note that Bob's ground pound is very useful in this part, as it will knock the burrowers right off the ledges. Keep moving up, and you'll reach an elevator. Just walk on it to continue up. After some more bashing, you will be prompted to release a scientist. The way to do this is to bash everything in your way, which you should have been doing anyway. After the next elevator please notice and pick up the gallery widget. In the next section with the floors that shoot beams, remember to freeze the shots from the blaster so that Bob can throw them. Note that the whirler that attacks you after this wave is finished has a super move in it. Keep moving upwards. When you have to clear a path to avoid the boulder, you definitely want to switch to Frozone. His ice glide is ideal for this part. Get past the boulder, get to the elevator, go up. The final part where you destroy the magnomizer can be somewhat confusing. When they say remove the rivets, they really mean one particular rivet at a time. Circle around the magnomizer until you see one rivit that's raised- this one will have a circle where Bob can stand and pull it out. As soon as you start to tug you'll get ambushed by all kinds of robots. Be ready, probably have Frozone take them out while Bob struggles. After the third bolt is out, you will experiance the biggest rush. Because one of the whirlers that charges you has a super move in it, it is perfectly acceptible to spend a super move and take them all out at once. Don't worry about the final rush, as they will all automatically get destroyed once the final bolt is out. Watch the cutscene, and you are DONE. [LVL5G] () Destroy the Magnomizer: Just four big bolts? That's unstable! () Damage Goal (Bob)- Let Bob Handle the big plateaus of enemies () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Let Frozone handle the plateaus for this. () Undefeated (Bob)- Let Frozone handle the spinny burrower guys! () Undefeated (Frozone)- Not too hard, just be careful on the walkways ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LVL7] Level 7- So IS the factory a giant robot, or does it PRODUCE them? First up in this stage is meeting a new enemy: I kind of like this tradition. It starts the levels off with a bang! Anyway it's the gladiator. See the enemies section for strategy. Anyway there are a couple on either side of the bridge, shouldn't be much trouble. Move onto the trapdoor, which will collapse when both heroes are on it (what happened to the floors you had to ground pound?), and you fall onto some kind of big treadmill. Run away from the bottomless pit and approach this big 'ol door where NEW ENEMY AND BOY IT IS MORE IMPRESSIVE THIS TIME. Meet the smiley. See the enemies section for details on how to topple it. Keep moving and you get, for your review, a little ambush by both gladiators and a smiley. You can chuck the boxes at the smiley. Once they are burning rubble, you will have a dodge-the-laser section. I do like how the game points out that the lasers will hurt robots as well- we are somewhat used to using environmental traps against enemies by this point, but it is being helpful so we probably shouldn't spit on it. Anyway hit the switch at the end of the hall. Before moving to the right, run back and destroy the giant glowing box. Go on and you're told to break through the giant robot- I assume this corridor you \ are moving through is some part of a huge robot. There are those weight- activated trap doors on the end of the corridors, and a somewhat continuous stream of gladiators in here. On the second floor down, there will be a smiley to handle. Freeze and punch. Jump across the moving platforms/robot transports (as a side note, does anybody know which robot Bob and Frozone are referencing when they say "now that's one cool robot"? It wasn't obvious to me) and flip the switch. In this next part with conveyer belts, if you keep moving you don't have to worry about them becoming unstable, but do watch out for the robot parts- they are red hot! The treadmills can make for slow going, so jumping is recommended, and Frozone's ice slide works wonders. Unless you are very careful, if you are playing a 1 player game your partner will probably die in this part. Be ready for blasters and gladiators, who you will have to fight at intervals along this track. You can jump on top of the presses when they smash down, but you can't run under them. You will also have to defeat smileys periodically. Grab The widget after the last one. You will eventually reach trapdoor, and fall down into... The flaming death and twin grindy things room! Obviously you want to stay away from the walls here. Just keep pounding on the robots though. The walls will be closing in but don't worry about it. The groundpound is VERY useful here. When the grinders are almost grinding you, the floor falls out. Whew! From here simply run up to the elevator and open it, and you're through! [LVL7G] () Destroy the Gilgenbot Assembly Line: Well YOU don't destroy it... () Damage Goal (Bob)- Plenty of enemies to go around for these () Damage Goal (Frozone)- You might get these two at the same time! () Undefeated (Bob)- 1P is probably the only one who can make it thru. () Undefeated (Frozone)- Watch out for the treadmill parts! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LVL8] Level 8- BOSS FIGHT NUMBER TEW! Simple enough. Pummel GLaDYS II into submission. See the [ems] section for details. Anyway she survives (curses!) and you drop down into... [LVL8G] () Destroy the Gilgenbot Assembly Line: Well YOU don't destroy it... () Damage Goal (Bob)- With infinite enemies this isn't too tough. () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Take turns pounding on lesser robots! () Undefeated (Bob)- You guys will both probably make it through this. () Undefeated (Frozone)- Shouldn't be a problem. Keep pounding robots! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LVL9] Level 9- Under de sea! There is an actual intelligent blaster ambush early on here, where they hide behind barriers and fire at you. You'll have to run up to scrap them. After this we get our first force field. Robots pour out of this thing until you hit the switch to close off the area. Past that we have another spotlight arena again if you get caught jump on one of the platforms (that are raising and lowering in this area). This was a lot easier when the robots were simple to scrap, but your stupid AI partner will probably trip the sensors a couple times. At the end of the area is the switch to move you to the next chamber, but it's "locked". This is not a puzzle- they just want you to smack it once. Do so, pull the switch, move on. After some more fighting burrowers and a smiley behind a force field, you move onto an arena where there are two big doors. First comes a smiley and some burrowers, and they open one at a time. Remember to use the crates for throwing and to freeze the smiley and then pound them. The second one has some burrowers and two mounted turrets that shoot blaster balls at you. Just freeze them and chuck them back for a one hit kill. Then both doors open, giving you a smiley, some blasters, and some burrowers. Make the blasters your priority, then the burrowers. The smiley is relatively stationary, and can be taken out last. While riding the lift ahead, we see a piece of debris float down and dent the window. Finally! They had been talking about this factory blowing up and we have not seen any evidence of it in this level yet. Ok anyway move on and you'll come to a room with three big doors in it. Uh-oh. Well anyway a walkway exends from one of the doors, which opens. Out comes some burrowers and two of those darned mounted blasters. A neat trick for this area is to use Frozone's ice ray on the burrowers. They will shield up and stop moving, which means you can focus on returning the projectiles to break the blasters. Once you dis-assemble those robots, a locked switch will lower. Break it and switch it, and the second walkway/door will open. Out pours some blasters and some burrowers. The ground pound will deal with most of these guys quickly, or the ice slide will too. Once this is one hit the second switch and then you get The third door! Oh joy it's a smiley and mounted blasters and burrowers too! Use the ice ray right away on the burrowers. Not only will this freeze them in place so you can quickly take out the mounted turrets, but the smiley will actually pound most of them to death! Ho ho! So once they are taken out, hit the final switch and move on. Get ready for another spotlight section. A good tactic here is to leave your AI player stationary on one of the pistons, so that they don't trip the alarms while you deal with the enemies. Like always, jump on the pistons if you trip the alarm. Head to the elevator, and proceed onto the fan-like thing. This becomes an elevator, and there is fluid rising beneath you which you die if it touches you. The elevator will stop when a gateway hits it, and robots will pour out. Your job is to quickly dispatch the robots, and use Bob to lift back up the gates so the elevator can continue. You will encounter first some burrowers, who can be dispatched with a ground pound or ice slide. Second comes some blasters who should be even easier to deal with. Third comes a smiley. You should have some practice taking them out, so just do it very efficiently and it'll fall without much problem. Next up is a smiley and some burrowers. Freeze the burrowers so the smiley pounds them to death, then deal with the smiley in the manner to which you are accustomed. You're out! Get ready to tackle two smileys on either side, and burrowers will charge you when you attack each one. Again, using smileys to take care of burrowers is a good strategy. The laser gates go down when you destroy both sides, and you get to meet Dug. He just wants some scientists back, and will help you take out the Underminer to get them. Position Bob at one console and Frozone at the other. Punch one of them with Bob, then quickly switch to Frozone and punch the other. Notice the door on the far wall opens and you can collect a gallery widget! Ice slide over to it with Frozone, then continue. Proceed forward and up the elevator. This next section just has you clearing Dug's path, and this just just interacting with the scenery using Bob. This happens for a couple levels. Note that Bob shows himself to be a total robot racist between levels one and two! You will have to be fairly quick with lifing the wall on level two to avoid having Dug die. There are two tricky parts on level three. First you want to look at the back wall to make sure you hit all the switches so that lasers destroy the blasters. Secondly, before you lift the wall make sure to stop the spinning drill on the other side of it so that those two blasters are destroyed. After this it's a cake-walk. Ride the elevator up and you're through! [LVL9G] () Escape Through Underwater Station- And do it in STYLE. () Damage Goal (Bob)- This is super-tough. Have him punch EVERYTHING. () Damage Goal (Frozone)- MUCH easier. He will get it on a regular run () Undefeated (Bob)- Stay in the center of platforms, you'll be fine. () Undefeated (Frozone)- Make sure to play defensive, lots of slides. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LVL10] Level 10- Endgame Ok so it's completely fun to sneak up on a huge batch of gladiators, which is what you get to do. May I recommend the ground pound? Anyway after them there is a lift followed by some whirlers. Keep breaking the glowy crates. You will next come upon some scientists and a very difficult part of the level. The laser gates move quickly and there are three sections to each wall. They can either be a barrier which Bob or Frozone can punch, spiky whirlers that Frozone has to freeze, or a wall that Bob has to lift. Two of the three sections will burst into flames when destroyed, and the third will not, allowing the scientists to rush through. DESTROY IN THIS ORDER, TO GET PAST THE BARRIERS: The top section (normal barrier) the bottom section (normal barrier) the middle section (spiky whirler) the middle section (liftable wall) the bottom section (spiky whirler) the bottom section (liftable wall) the top section (spiky whirler) the top section (regular wall) the entire wall (breakable wall) the bottom section (breakable wall). They will deactivate the lasers. Whew! If you've saved them all they'll drop off a gallery widget for you! Down the tunnel, avoid the chemical spray, and destroy the turtle for a super move. Next you will want to freeze the blasters behind the lasers with Frozone, or at least get them to put up their shields. Switch to Bob and lift the grating, then switch to Frozone and keep the projectiles away from him. Lift the grate, drop down, and take the elevator up. We have never been too scared of gladiators, and this is no time to start. Just pound them into bits and move on. Boy! We haven't done ice bridges in FOREVER. Well, we get to practice them again. You'll be platform hopping for awhile. Eventually a wall breaks open and you head left past a whirler and some gladiators. There is a treadmill heading into fire and spiky whirlers. Take them out as frozone, and watch that Bob doesn't fall into the fires. You'll repeat this twice. On the third treadmill there will be some blasters firing at you- remember that you can throw the crates on the treadmill at them. Drop down the pit at the end, and avoid some more chemical sprays. Flip the switch. Since "moving platform" on this level means "gladiator rush", prepare for some of them. When the platform stops, throw blocks at the panel with the yellow lasers on the left to get it moving again. You can't target the blasters, which is annoying but is necessary so that you definitely have things to throw at the TV screens. Anyway once you blow them up you're done! [LVL10G] () Free the Scientists and Stop the Underminer- with good 'ol justice! () Damage Goal (Bob)- This is still pretty tough. Devote a play to him () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Still not a problem. Get it on the 2nd play. () Undefeated (Bob)- Watch him on the treadmills and on the platforms () Undefeated (Frozone)- He likes to ice slide off platforms. Watch it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [LVL11] Level 11- Dang it I KNEW we forgot something! Ok you knew this was coming. It is this game's ultimate grudge match and you had best be up to the challenge. You can finally shut up the guy who has been shouting generic villany things at you for HOURS now. Kill! Also see the [ems] section for how to defeat him. Once he is done you have foiled his evil plot and defeated the main part of the game! [LVL11G] () Stop the Underminer- Oh man you have been wanting this for awhile! () Damage Goal (Bob)- Don't knock everybody off the ledge, punch them. () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Not a problem if you use him exclusively () Undefeated (Bob)- Save up life when The Underminer sends minions () Undefeated (Frozone)- Don't slide off the edge! =============================================================================== [MLE] Melee Levels: These are three "bonus" levels that become available when you reach the boss- the first level when you reach GLaDYS, the second when you reach GLaDYS Mk. II, and the third when you reach the Underminer. Each level is divided into three sections, each with the usual sub-goals. They are a challenge for the truly accomplished player! [M1P1] Metroville Melee Part 1: Nuts and Bolts The Nuts and Bolts section is pretty straightforward. Just blow every dang robot up that comes out of the ground. You can expect burrowers and buzzbots in the first wave, burrowers, buzzbots, and blasters in the second wave. The ground pound works great here, but just charging in with your fists will get the job done. Use Frozone's ice slide if you are hurting for health. The cars will distract the robots, or you can destroy them for mobility's sake. In the third wave (when you have <20 robots left) some turtles will show up. If you catch them early they won't throw up their shield. Easy kill! Smash them all and move onto part 2! [M1P1G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- Devote one play through to Bob... () Damage Goal (Frozone)- And one to Frozone. () Undefeated (Bob)- Shouldn't be a problem at this stage () Undefeated (Frozone)- See above [M1P2] Metroville Melee Part 2: Protect the Scientists This part is the most annoying and difficult, at least for me. The robots will be going after the scientists, and you have to protect them. There's no penalty for losing up to 2, but lost more than 2 and you fail the level. A good strategy is to stick right by the scientists as they move to the collection point instead of going after the robots. Sometimes a robot will sneak in behind you and be in ur base killing ur doods while you're out "clearing the way". Anyway in the first wave only expect to run up against mooks, who pose as much of a challenge as usual. I recommend using Frozone to freeze them and letting the computer play as Bob to take care of them. Towards the end of the first wave you'll see some buzzbots come into play. The strategy with them should focus on using Frozone to keep them away from the scientists and chipping at their health. If they get near they will shred the scientists! Wave 2 is essentially just wave 1 with a bunch more buzzbots, and wave three is that with the addition of a turtle later on. For the turtles, they will usually fire a little before reaching you. As soon as they fire freeze them then pound them and they should be no challenge. I recommend using Frozone for this whole part, and once it's over move on with pride. [M1P2G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- Devote one play through to Bob... () Damage Goal (Frozone)- And one to Frozone. This is easier. () Undefeated (Bob)- Babysit the scientists!! () Undefeated (Frozone)- See above [M1P3] Metroville Melee Part 3: Return the Favor This part doesn't really come in waves- it's more like one enormous wave. There are a number of drill bits spread in a huge circle. First you have to move in with Bob and lift up the cover to the drill, then freeze it until it breaks with Frozone. Every time you start to lift up on a cover, expect to get mobbed by mooks and buzzbots. Switch to Frozone while Bob lifts the cover, break up all the robots, and you're done with this level! [M1P3G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- Devote one play through to Bob... () Damage Goal (Frozone)- And one to Frozone. () Undefeated (Bob)- Shouldn't be a problem in this level. () Undefeated (Frozone)- See above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [M2P1] Furious Frozen Fight Part 1: Nuts and Bolts This part is the smash-em-up. In the first wave, expect only some shielded burrowers, nothing too fun, but soon enough (second wave) you'll have gladiators to punch around as well. Third wave introduces two blasters but is otherwise normal. Remember you can punch through shields! [M2P1G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- This can be tough. Don't let Frozone take it. () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Much easier. () Undefeated (Bob)- Shouldn't be a problem in this level. () Undefeated (Frozone)- See above [M2P2] Furious Frozen Fight Part 2: A Helping Hand This level is a little strange. Your goal is to carry the frozen scientist back to the pad without throwing or dropping him. The first part of this mission is basically just a walk-to-this-point and kill everything in your way kind of mission. From there on out it becomes a protect-your-buddy-from-harm mission. As Frozone, make sure you freeze every enemy before ice sliding out to kill them; you can easily be felled by one enemy while going to kill another. Also note that the blasters towards the end are quite deadly- make sure you are quick to freeze their projectiles. [M2P2G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- This IS tough. Have Bob kill EVERYBODY early on () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Just devote a playthrough to him no prob. () Undefeated (Bob)- Be careful when you have the scientist! () Undefeated (Frozone)- The whirler and the blasters are critical. [M2P3] Furious Frozen Fight Part 3: Protect the Scientists You know this one from before. The scientists are thawing out their buddies, and you have to make sure that the huge angry robits don't claw them to pieces while doing so. Remember to babysit the scientists. Oh you will hate this level when you are trying to get Bob's damage goal. For the first wave when there are simply two gladiators that jump out at you just focus on keeping them away. Remember one hit will kill the scientists, and one scientist dying will have exponential effects. After this is done, the scientist frees his buddy and they both move on to free two more scientists. Here is where it starts getting dicey. There is the rush of gladiators from before combined with a blaster in the corner. If you run after the blaster, odds are the gladiators will take out a scientist, but if you ignore the blaster, they will shoot a scientist. My advice (if you are playing 1P) is to use Frozone to freeze the blasts while Bob scraps the gladiators. Protect both scientists! Anyway once this stage is done all four of them will wander over to four more un-freezers and start work on their friends. This is MAYHEM. You get gladiators and whirlers coming at you. The whirlers take too much time and keep moving forward when hit. Don't be afraid to use a super-move in this part! Once they are all toast you can relax. [M2P2G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- Not a problem in this part- there's plenty to hit () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Again, just devote a playthrough to him () Undefeated (Bob)- Babysit, don't run away from the scientists! () Undefeated (Frozone)- Freeze the blaster's projectiles! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [M3P1] Mechanical Mayhem Part 1: Nuts and Bolts You are familiar with nuts n' bolts by now. It means there are things for you to kill. There will be more than three waves in this one, so be prepared for some long-term smashing. You should prioritize your kills like this: blasters get taken out first, or they will harry you the entire match with their homing blasts. Next comes the mighty smiley, of which there is only one. Again, it will shower you with debris unless it's taken out. After that take out the burrowers and gladiators as you see fit. This is kind of a fun level- don't worry if your health starts dropping (unless it REALLY starts dropping), there are so many enemies you can raise it right back up. [M3P1G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- Believe me, there are PLENTY of robots for this () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Just play through as him, you'll be fine. () Undefeated (Bob)- Shouldn't be an issue unless you fall off the edge () Undefeated (Frozone)- See above [M3P2] Mechanical Mayhem Part 2: Protect the Scientists Oh you will hate this level. Unless you LOVE this kind of thing, which I don't really know many people that do, you will hate this one. A lone scientist is at his terminal, doing his lone scientist thing, and you have to protect him as he lets his buddy free. Fine, except that gladiators are POURING in and scientists, as always, are one-hit kills. There are two strategies that work for this level. The first and probably easiest is to play as Bob, stand right by the scientist, and ground pound away anybody who comes close. Having a fully upgraded pound is probably critical for this mission. The second strategy is to leave frozone to guard one of the places where the robots come from (remember to use the down arrow to make him stay somewhere), and the take the other side. Anyway once he's done his thing the casing across the gap from you will open, and Frozone has to create an ice bridge to reach it. THIS IS IMPORTANT: remember that you can switch between characters while one is doing something. So play as Frozone, start making the ice bridge, and IMMEDITALLY switch back to Bob. The robots have probably already gotten into position to kill the scientist while you were setting up Fro. Anyway they let the scientist out, and we have to repeat this scenario two more times, except that in the next two there are two scientists. The strategy is relatively the same. Once the third wave is over and the core rises from the earth, you have to lift it up as Bob (remember to switch to Frozone when he starts), and freeze it as Frozone. WHEW. [M3P2G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- At least they were nice to us with a tiny goal. () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Shouldn't be a problem, he's your main guy. () Undefeated (Bob)- Scientist death does not equal a defeat! Whoo! () Undefeated (Frozone)- Stay away from the edge when ice sliding. [M3P3] Mechanical Mayhem Part 3: Pulling the Plug This is kind of a fun level, though if you play it right it can be over in about ten seconds. Anyway there are these three colored plugs, and you lose the game instantly if all three of them are connected. The thing to do is pull them up as Bob, then freeze them with Frozone. In order to get the damage requirements, which are really minimal, you should alternate pulling the left and right plugs, leaving a little time in between pulling. Once you are satisfied (you have probably killed between 15 and 20 robots), you can quickly pull up all the plugs and freeze them. As long as you keep moving, this mission's a breeze. That's it! You win! [M3P3G] () Damage Goal (Bob)- Just don't get all the plugs right away () Damage Goal (Frozone)- Ditto. This isn't a big goal though. () Undefeated (Bob)- Losing the level isn't failure, so no problem. () Undefeated (Frozone)- Ditto here. Not a big deal. ============================================================================== [UPG] Upgrades section: As you progress through the game, you will gain points by achieveing objectives and pummeling enemies. These will build up, allowing you to upgrade the skills of Bob and Frozone. Each upgrade has three slots, of increasing power. The following are the upgrades: -Hank () Health () Power Punch () Incredi-Slam (jump attack) () Throw (character specific move) () Super Move -Frozone () Health () Ice Punch () Ice Glide (jump attack) () Freeze ray (character speficic move) () Super Move Health simply increases one section on both upgrades for both characters. Likewise, each time you upgrade the Super Move the upgraded character can store one more super move, for a maximum of 3. For the power punch and ice punch, the first upgrade gives a 50% damage boost and a new finishing punch. The second upgrade gives a 100% damage increase an an "ultimate" finishing punch. For the Incredi-Slam, the first upgrade increases the damage and knockback, and the second further increases the damage/knockback. For the Ice Glide, the first upgrade increases the length of the gilde and shatters frozen robots, while the second adds to damage and glide distance. For the Throw, the first upgrade allows Bob to grab and throw stunned robots, and the second upgrade maximizes the damage done by throwing. It is mighty! For the Freeze Ray, the first upgrade freezes robots 2X faster and increases the freeze ray width. The second upgrade freezes robots 4X faster and further increases ray width. As for recommendations: Upgrading the ice slide and ground pound should be a major priority. Life is nice but you won't need the boost until you have all the other moves probably. Super Moves should be low priority- they are mainly a convenience thing to use when you really don't WANT to fight a whole room full of tough enemies, but with the right Frozone/Bob combination it should be no problem. ============================================================================== [ART] This section details the locations of the hidden gallery artwork. To unlock the artwork, collect hidden widgets that have been hidden in the levels. They are located in the following places: Level 1: After the spinny spikey towers with blasters, there is a breakable wall. The gizmo is behind it. Level 2: Right after you slam through the floor, there is a breakable wall to the left. The gizmo is visible through the wall. Level 3: After the second barge, run past the switch to activate the third barge. The gizmo is near the platform where the blasters are shooting from. Level 4: After the second spotlight switch, it is behind a wall to the right. It is visible, so just hit the wall where you see the glowing widget. Level 6: Hard to miss, it is right in the middle of the walkway after rescusing the scientist. Destroy a glowy box to get it. Level 7: After the laser section, move back along the walkway to destroy the glowing box. It will then appear later on in the middle of a walkway. Level 9: Right where you meet Dug, have Bob punch one console and have Frozone punch the other. This opens a wall. Ice slide over to it and get the widget. Level 10: Save all the scientists, then wait around for a little bit after they are safe. ============================================================================== [SCT] Secrets Here are some codes. I found these on the internet. Can you find them in-game? Do you know how? Email me if you do! FROZMASTER All of Frozone's moves upgraded MRIMASTER All of Mr. Incredible's moves upgraded EGOPROBLEM Big heads MAXIMILLION Earn twice as much XP THISISTOOHARD Enemies cause less damage to you THISISTOOEASY Enemies cause more damage to you FROZBOOM Frozone's Super Move FROZPROF Give Frozone 1,000 Experience Points MRIPROF Give Mr. Incredible 1,000 Experience Points WHYMUSTWEFIGHT Infinite Super Moves MRIBOOM Mr. Incredible's Super Move INAHURRY Speeds up gameplay HEADROOM Tiny heads SHOWME Unlocks all Gallery items LEVELLOCKSMITH Unlocks all missions ROLLCALL View Credits =============================================================================== [BGS] Common Bugs and Fixes There's actually only one of these I was able to find. In the giant robot factory, sometimes a robot will be knocked down to a lower level and you have to destroy him to GET to that level. Here you either have to restart, or if you have a super-move handy, use that to destroy it. ============================================================================== [FAQ] This section is waiting for your questions! Email me with anything you'd particularly like to see in this section ============================================================================= [RKS] Well this one was just as fun as my first walkthrough! What did you think? Was this helpful? Was it wrong? How can I improve? Feel free to email any corrections or suggestions. If you liked this, would you like me to do a FAQ for some other game? I’d be happy to if there’s a need for it. I decided to do one for this game because I saw there were none out there. So whatcha think? Feedback please! I will acknowledge you in any future revisions!