----------------------------------------------------------------------- The King of Fighters 2003 Character FAQ on Duo Lon For The MVS/JAMMA Arcade & The Neo*Geo Advance Entertainment System By Raul Torrez (Kim_Kaphwan@netzero.net) This FAQ is Copyrghted Work 2006 Raul Torrez ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The King of Fighters 2003, SNK Playmore, Duo Lon, other SNK Characters are all Registered Trademarks and Copyrighted by SNK Playmore Corporation of Japan. --------- Contents: --------- I. Why Duo Lon? II. Duo Lon's Bio and Info III. KoF 2K3's Basic Commands IV. Duo Lon's Basic Moves V. Duo Lon's Special Moves VI. Duo Lon's Combos VII. Strategies VIII. Duo Lon's Entrance and Winning Poses IX. Extra Stuff X. Updates XI. Closing and Credits ======================================================================= I. Why Duo Lon? ======================================================================= I'm pretty sure that anyone that played this game seriously, know what Duo Lon is all about. I'm suprised no one created a FAQ for Duo. Even though it's been over 2 1/2 years since this game came out, the man deserves some type of explaination for people who want to learn his broken gameplay. ======================================================================= II. Duo Lon's Bio and Info: ======================================================================= Fighting Style: Hizoku-Style Martial Arts Birthdate: March 11th Age: 21 Country: China, Hebei Province Blood Type: Unknown Height: 189cm Weight: 79kg Hobbies: Hunting for unidentified organisms, Mahjong Favorite Food: Whole roasted bird of paradise Mastered Sport: There are no sports he's bad at Prized Things: The edicts of the Hizoku clan, picture of his mother Dislikes: Tomato juice Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Game Appearances: The King of Fighters 2003, The King of Fighters XI Duo Lon's King of Fighters Team Members: KoF'03: Ash Crimson, Duo Lon, Shen Woo KoF XI: Benimaru Nikaido, Duo Lon, Elizabeth Duo Lon's King of Fighters Background Music: KoF'03: Splendid Evil KoF XI: ?????? ======================================================================= III. KoF2k3's Basic Commands ======================================================================= Duo Lon's Key Configuration: A- weak punch B- weak kick C- strong punch D- strong kick f- forward b- back u- up d- down Start- taunt qcf- quarter circle forward qcb- quarter circle back hcf- half circle forward hcb- half circle back df- diagonally down forward db- diagonally down back uf- diagonally up forward ub- diagonally up back (air)- can be done in the air charge- hold the direction for at least 2 seconds DM- Desperation Move LDM- Leader Desperation Move PK- must be pressed at same time (AB, CD, BC, etc.) MSA- Multi-Shift Attack Xx- can cancel move x1- repeat number of times given >- follow up ~- tap immediately after the last button UB- Unblockable SC- Super Cancel ------- Basics: ------- Run- f, f (hold f while running) Dash Back- b, b Normal Jump- up Short Jump- tap d, uf / d, u / d, ub Quick Jump- d, uf / d, u / d, ub Emergency Attack Avoidance Forward- AB or f + AB Emergency Attack Avoidance Back- b + AB Falling Recovery Roll- AB before hitting the ground Throws- f or b + C/D Throw Escape- when grabbed, f or b + C/D Guard Escape Roll Forward- when blocking, AB or f + AB (requires 1 Power Stock) Guard Escape Roll Back- when blocking, b + AB (requires 1 Power Stock) Guard Knockdown Attack- when blocking, CD (requires 1 Power Stock) Multi-Shift- BC or CD Multi-Shift Attack- qcf + BC/CD Taunt- Start ------------------------------- Descriptions of Basic Commands: ------------------------------- -Falling Recovery Roll- AB before hitting the ground Whenever hit by an attack that knocks you to the ground, you can recover before hitting the pavement. This command will only work if hit by basic attacks, special attacks, DM's, and SDM's that knock ya on to the ground. -Throw Escape- when grabbed, f or b + C/D If done correctly, you're character will push away the opponent about 3 steps away from you. Throw Escapes do not work in the air, against Benimaru, Tizoc, Gato, Mai, Athena, Yuri, Clark, and Leona, since they all have air throws. GROUND ONLY! Throw Escapes don't work against command throws either, except for Clark. -Emergency Attack Avoidance Forward/Back- AB, f + AB, b + AB Just like in KoF'98, using this command will enable your character to AVOID an attack from the opponent. Your character is INVINCIBLE for that breif moment of rolling. This year, you can roll while crouching (db+AB/df+AB). Remember though, you can be thrown or hit after the roll. -Guard Escape Roll Forward/Back- when blocking, AB, f + AB, b + AB (requires 1 Power Stock) When blocking an attack, your character will roll forward or back from the opponent. This move can be used to distance yourself, if being pressure attacked. -Guard Knockdown Attack- when blocking, CD (requires 1 Power Stock) When blocking an attack, your character will perform the CD Attack, which will knock the opponent away from you. Great to distance yourself from the opponent and keeps the pace going. Inflicts no damage to the opponent. -Multi-Shift- BC or CD A new addition to KOF2k3. KOF has finally added a TAG SYSTEM to their game. Multi-Shift is when your character can tag in another character on your team. You can't tag out whenever you want. You must wait for the words above your Power Guage to flash, "CHANGE OK". When performed, your character that is switching out will do a taunt/pose, as he/her disappear with the words "CHANGE" in yellow. As the character that has been tagged in, will then jump where the last character was positioned. Once you Multi-Shift, you must wait 5 seconds to Multi-Shift again. But there's one flaw to Multi-Shift...... You can be hit out of it, so it's not really safe unless you knockdown your opponent. -Multi-Shift Attack- qcf + BC/CD (requires 1 Power Stock) When performed, your character will throw out a normal attack and leap out. Then the character tagged in will leap in with a attack. If connected, it will stun you opponent for a brief moment. With the stun on the MSA, you can then follow up with a combo. If you peform the MSA while the opponent is in mid-air, the opponent will be knocked into the air, where you can now juggle them. The tagged character will land in the same position that the switched character was located. You can also combo MSA from the STUN off some attacks, off juggles from special moves/DM's, and command throws (Iori and Duo Lon). You can also be hit out of a MSA if you not careful. You'll lose the power stock, but the "CHANGE OK" message will remain. -Multi-Shift System- I'll try to explain the MS System, so that you can understand how to get the character you want in the during battle. Note: Name of character with CAPS LOCKED is the person in battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: ________________________________ -> |____________LEADER______________| |________________________________| |________________________________| KIM Jhun Kyo OK! I have Kim in, so I want to replace him with Kyo, so I would hit CD. CHANGE ________________________________ |____________LEADER______________| |________________________________| -> |________________________________| Kim Jhun KYO OK! So I have Kyo in so I want to replace him with Jhun, but this time I do a Multi-Switch Attack (qcf + BC). CHANGE ________________________________ |____________LEADER______________| -> |________________________________| |________________________________| Kim JHUN Kyo So now I have Jhun tagged in, but I want Kim back again. I'd hit BC! CHANGE ________________________________ -> |____________LEADER______________| |________________________________| |________________________________| KIM Jhun Kyo Kim is back in battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So in closing for TAGS, Character 1 = BC for C2 = CD for C3 Character 2 = BC for C1 = CD for C3 Character 3 = BC for C1 = CD for C2 -Leader System- While choosing a character in the Character Select Screen, the 1st character you choose, will be your LEADER Character. This only means that they will be assigned the LDM. While playing, you can indicate who your LEADER is by the BLUE COLOR GAUGE. -Desperation Moves- (requires 1 Power Stock) DM's are your Super Moves. In order to use DM's, you must fill up the Power Gauge to stock a DM. You can store up to 5 stocks. Each character has there own number of DM assigned to them. -Leader Desperation Moves- (requires 2 Power Stocks) New addition to KOF2k3. LDM's are replacing the previous SDM's. It baiscally the same as a SDM, but only the LEADER can use the SDM. LDM's take 2 Power Stocks to use. SDM's must be done by presing 2 buttons, instead of one button. There will be a RED Aura around the character to indicate that you successfully pulled off the LDM. -Super Cancels- (requires 2 or 3 Power Stocks) This feature is back from KoF2k2. Super Canceling allows you to cancel special moves into DM/LDM's. In order to Super Cancel, you must have a least 3 Power Stocks at the most. 1 Power Stock to Super Cancel and 1 or 2 Power Stocks to perform the DM/LDM. When the words on the screen flash "S.CANCEL", this indicates that you have successfully Super Canceled. -Counter Wire Attacks- This feature from KoF2k1-2k2 also carried unto Kof2k3. These are attacks based on counter hits. Counter Wire Attacks occur during a counter hit, in which the opponent goes flying towards the wall and will be bounced back after hitting the wall. You can follow-up alot of stuff with this move. This is something to watch for in the future. ======================================================================= IV. Duo Lon's Basic Moves ======================================================================= A (weak punch): -standing- High snake fist punch. Not cancelable, but the speed is quite fast. Not much use for this move. -crouching- Low backhand strike. Very fast and cancelable into his specials and desperation moves. Best crouching combo starter off his qcf + P chains. The distance travels inside sweeping range. You can also link a MSA after this attack. -jumping- 45 degree angle downward knife edge chop. Not much use for this move either. -diagonal jumping- Downward knife edge chop. A overhead attack on crouching opponents. Useless move as well. -close- Mid backhand strike. Very fast and cancelable into his specials and desperation moves. Use crouching A over standing A. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B (weak kick): -standing- Mid snap kick. A quick attack that has two different distances depending on how the opponnet guards the attack. It can hit outside sweep range on crouched opponents, and inside sweep range on standing opponents. All in all, it's a great zone attack. -crouching- Very fast low kick which is cancelable into Duo's specials and desperation moves. Second best crouching attack next to crouch A for qcf + P chains. You can link a MSA off crouch B as well. -jumping- 45 degree angle downward side kick. A overhead attack on crouching opponents. Decent air-to-air attack. -diagonal jumping- 45 degree angle downward snap kick. Probably his second best jump-in attack. -close- Quick high knee attack. Cancelable into Duo's specials and desperation moves. Useful after teleport dash (qcf + K). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C (strong punch): -standing- Slow lunging forward palm strike. Moves forward while lunging. This move can hit from about half screen distance. Decent zone attack, but that's all it is. -crouching- Rising uppercut rake which is cancelable into Duo's specials and desperation moves. This attack can hit inside sweeping distance. Decent anti-air attack. Not very useful though. -jumping / diagonal jumping- 45 degree angle downward palm strike. The diagonal version is best for short jumping. -close- Double palm strike. Great standing attack for qcf + P x3 after a jump-in attack or mistake punisher. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- D (strong kick): -standing- High spinning roundhouse kick. Comes out fast, but recovers very slow. -crouching- Low spinning sweep attack. Becomes cancelable into specials and desperation moves when the sweep is blocked or connects. This attack can hit from inside half screen distance as well. -jumping- A somersault kick. A decent air-to-air attack. -diagonal jumping- Snapping 45 degree angle downward kick. Great priority over all air-to-air attacks and a great jump-in attack as well. -close- High rising knee attack. Great standing attack for qcf + P x3 after a jump-in attack or mistake punisher. AB (Emergency Attack Avoidance Forward/Back) Duo Lon does a sliding crouch dash forward / backwards to avoid the incoming attack. The roll itself can travels a bit out of half screen distance. CD (Guard Knockdown Attack) Duo Lon performs a double palm strike that sends the opponent flying back full screen distance. The opponent is unable to recovery roll after being hit by this attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= V. Duo Lon's Special Moves ======================================================================= -Throws- Suishu: Shoukou - when close, b or f + C/D -Command Moves- Sankaku Tobi - near the wall while in air, uf Hika Tenshi - jumping uf + B, D Fuuka Tenshi - df + D >Raika Tenshi - D (follow up after Fuuka Tenshi) -Special Moves- Genmu Kyaku: Naiga - f, d, df + B/D Genmu Kyaku: Gaiga - b, d, db + B/D Himou Kyaku - qcf + B/D Jaki Juuryuu - qcf + A/C x3 >Onpei Ryuujin Ha - f + K (follow up after qcf + P x1) >Shiryou Hassei Kin - qcb + P (follow up after f + K) Genma Hishou Keikou - qcb + B/D Suishu: Makyakuho - when close, hcb, f + A/C >Suishu: Ransaiki - qcb + A/C (follow up after Suishu: Makyakuho) Multi-Shift Attack - qcf + BC/CD Taunt - Start Button -Desperation Moves- Hiden: Genmu Juon Shikon - qcb, hcf + A/C Hiden: Genmu Onryou Heki - hcb, hcb + A/C Ougi: Tajuu Genmu Ankei - A~C~B~D (LDM) -Super Cancels- Jaki Juuryuu (3rd hit) Shiryou Hassei Kin -Counter Wire Attacks- Raika Tenshi ------------------ Move Descriptions: ------------------ -Suishu: Shoukou- when close, b or f + C/D Duo Lon grabs the opponent and performs a shoulder ram. You can switch sides with the throw depending on the button you use. Duo Lon's throw sends the opponent full screen distance, unless in the corner. -Sankaku Tobi- near the wall while in air, uf While in the air near a wall, Duo Lon will propel himself off the wall diagonally up into the air. Just you standard triangle wall jump. You can get more height and escape certain attacks when cornered. -Hika Tenshi- jumping uf + B, D After up forward jumping B, Duo Lon shifts his body forward to unleash a mid-air roundhouse kick. The follow up attack after up forward jumping B. You can only use this move during "NORMAL JUMPING", because quick / short jumping B cancels out the follow up. -Fuuka Tenshi- df + D >Raika Tenshi- D (follow up after Fuuka Tenshi) Duo Lon does a spinning sweep attack followed by a standing roundhouse kick. Fuuka Tenshin is a faster and safer version of Duo Lon's crouching D. Fuuka Tenshi does advance forward like Duo Lon's standard crouching D. Raika Tenshi is also a faster and safer version of Duo Lon's standing roundhouse. Raika Tenshi cannot be recovery rolled when the move connects. The downside of this move is that it's uncancelable with special attacks on both Fuuka / Raika Tenshi. At least that changes in KoF XI. -Genmu Kyaku: Naiga- f, d, df + B/D Duo Lon slightly lifts his broken foot off the ground, then before his foot touches the ground again, a fast image of his foot appears and shoot up near the opponent a distance away and disappears as his foot touches the ground. If the attack hits the opponent, they will be launched forward into the air for a juggle of some kind. The speed on these attacks are quite fast. The B version hits outside half screen distance, as the D version hits from outside full screen distance. The D version doesn't launch as high as the B version. This attack also serves as a great zoning out the opponent. Too bad it doesn't off the ground like KoF XI. -Genmu Kyaku: Gaiga- b, d, db + B/D Duo Lon slightly lifts his broken foot off the ground, then before his foot touches the ground again, a fast image of his foot appears and shoots up near the opponent a distance away and disappears as his foot touches the ground. The same properties as Naiga, but instead of the foot image shooting forward, it shoot backwards. This causes the opponent to be launched towards Duo Lon if the the attack hits. So you can juggle the airborne opponent all you want. The only problem with this attack is you have to position yourself at the right distance between you and the opponent. Because if you do Gaiga from full screen distance as the opponent is that far back, Gaiga will come out as Naiga. Basically, you have to be close enough to the opponent for Gaiga to hit the opponent from "BEHIND". This is key! That's the only way the reverse foot image will appear from Gaiga. -Himou Kyaku- qcf + B/D Duo Lon performs a fast forward crouch dash. This teleport is very fast, but you are vulnerable during the warp. It's also a safe move for both B and D versions. You may also cancel into another teleport if the move doesn't cross up the opponent. The B version travels outside of half screen range, as the D version travel outside of full screen range. -Jaki Juuryuu- qcf + A/C x3 Duo Lon performs a lunging elbow strike, lunging shoulder strike, and a upward palm strike. All three attacks are high level. This chain combo attack is a "HUGE" part of Duo Lon's gameplay (more on that later). The last move on this chain attack launches the opponent into the air for a free juggle. Also, the last hit is cancelable into all of Duo Lon's special attacks (except for Suishu: Makyakuho). The recover time is horrid on the last hit, but canceling into his other moves creates safety around this move. Just like Kyo's Aragami and Dokugami chains, Duo Lon has some follow ups after his qcf + P x1 / qcf + P x3. I will list them after his standard follow up. >Onpei Ryuujin Ha- f + K (follow up after qcf + P x1) >Shiryou Hassei Kin- qcb + P (follow up after f + K) Duo Lon performs a high rising knee attack, then finishes with a double palm strike. This chain has a great stun ability which makes it safe on block and opens up for another combo or additional attack. >qcf + P x1, f + K, qcb + P (standard chain) >qcf + P x1, f + K, df + D >qcf + P x1, f + K, df + D, D >qcf + P x1, f + K, qcf + K >qcf + P x1, f + K, f, d, df + K >qcf + P x1, f + K, b, d, db + K >qcf + P x1, qcf + K >qcf + P x3, qcf + K >qcf + P x3, f, d, df + K >qcf + P x3, b, d, db + K >qcf + P x3, qcb + K -Genma Hishou Keikou- qcb + B/D Duo Lon's turns around as his body turns into a skeleton, and breaks down into molecules and disappears into the ground. Then he reappears as the molecules reconstruct his body as he performs a spinning drill kick. Not a useful move at all. Though it's appearance looks cool, it's rather slow on start up. However, it has invincibility as the the skeleton starts to breakdown. But even during this time, the opponent is still able to throw you out of this attack. The distance of the drill kick varies on the button thats pressed. The B version travels inside sweep range, as the D version goes full screen. In KoF XI, this attack has lost the teleport animation and is now a aerial drill kick attack. -Suishu: Makyakuho- when close, hcb, f + A/C Duo Lon grabs the opponent's arm, pulls them forward, then pushes them back while they remain in a breif stunned state. A command grab thats very abusive. During their stunned state, you may follow up with an additional attack or another hcb, f + P. You can use this command grab outside of close range. The command grab also has a follow up. >Suishu: Ransaiki- qcb + A/C (follow up after Suishu: Makyakuho) As Duo Lon pulls the opponent forward, he tosses them behind himself, while they are left in a breif stunned state. This command follow up allows you to switch side with the opponent and still giving the same properties of the command throw. -Multi-Shift Attack- qcf + BC/CD Duo Lon will perform a double palm strike. This action can be performed only when the words "CHANGE OK" are above your power gauge. Does a bit of damage and has invicibility start up. If Duo Lon is tagged in by the MSA, he'll leap in with his jD attack animation. Remember though, Duo Lon can be countered / punished if he's tagged in. -Taunt- Start Button Duo Lon grabs the lower part of his robe and waves it forward. You may cancel in between his taunt as soon as he grabs his robe. -Hiden: Genmu Juon Shikon- qcb, hcf + A/C Duo Lon crouches as a ghostly aura trails behind his head. Just as Duo Lon is lunging his body forward, his ponytail shoots out and releases a projectile of the mosaic of souls towards the opponent. This is a fireball type desperation move. When connected, the projectile does 2-hits and knocks down. Both versions travel full screen. The A version has slow start up and a slow release, as the C version has slow start up and a fast release. This desperation move negates normal projectiles. With the slow start up on both version, it's wise not to use this desperation move unless S.CANCELing off qcf + P x3. -Hiden: Genmu Onryou Heki- hcb, hcb + A/C Duo Lon turns around facing the background, while he lets loose ghostly skull heads that swirl around Duo Lon's body. If the opponent is hit, the ghostly skulls that surround Duo Lon's body start to attack from different angles for multiple hits. The skulls can hit up to 24-hits. This is Duo Lon's best S.CANCEL desperation move. The distance covers inside sweep range. The chip damage is a joke when all hits are blocked. But, it does deal out great damage when connected. It can also negate normal projectiles and desperation move projectiles (Ash's Thermidor, Ryo's Haoh Shoukou Ken, and Terry's Power Stream). So it's pretty much a defense barrier: a SHEILD! -Ougi: Tajuu Genmu Ankei- A~C~B~D (LDM) Duo Lon stands straight up and shoots off a glowing ghostly aura that summons the ghostly skulls to surround his entire body. There, he stands as the aura starts to disappear and reappear as a duplicate trails behind him. This LDM is somewhat like Custom Combo's from the SFA series. The opponent can be hit the glowing aura during the activation of this LDM, if close enough while standing or airborne. Following the activation, whatever attack you perform, the duplicate will do as well. You are able to hit the opponent in multiple strikes with normal attacks. Just as you start hitting the opponent, you'll notice that Duo Lon will begin to glow. As soon as the glow hits five counts, the LDM will end. The attack damage is also reduced to HALF during the LDM. Duo Lon's LDM eliminates the push back factor, which you normally get while hitting the opponent. Furthermore, special move properties change during the LDM. One last thing, some of Duo Lon's qcf + P chains tend to miss the opponent on random. Overall, I wouldn't reccommend Duo Lon as your leader. At least they improved this LDM "Big Time" in KoF XI, where you could almost compare it to Yun's Gen'ei Jin SA3 from SFIII: 3S. ======================================================================= VI. Duo Lon's Combos ======================================================================= Combo Key: s - standing c - crouching j - jumping cX - cross-up (1) - cancel on number of hits (C) - must be done in corner (SC) - Super Cancel (MSA) - Multi-Shift Attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginner/Intermediate Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cA, cA - 2-hits cA, cA, cA - 3-hits cA, MSA - 2-hits cA, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 5-hits cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 5-hits cA, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 4-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 5-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P - 4-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), qcf, hcb + P - 6-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), hcb, hcb + P - 28-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B - 4-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B - 4-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 5-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3 - 5-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 7-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 6-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 6-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 6-hits (C) cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 6-hits cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + K - 5-hits cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 6-hits cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, uf + B, D - 7-hits (C) cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 6-hits cA, cA, cA, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits (C) cA, cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 7-hits (C) cA, cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 6-hits (C) cA, cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 6-hits (C) cA, cA, cA, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 6-hits (C) sA, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits sA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits sA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 5-hits sA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 5-hits sA, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 4-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 5-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P - 4-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), qcf, hcb + P - 6-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), hcb, hcb + P - 28-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B - 4-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B - 4-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits sA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 5-hits cB, cB - 2-hits cB, cA - 2-hits cB, cB, cB - 3-hits cB, cB, cA - 3-hits cB, cB, sA - 3-hits cB, MSA - 2-hits cB, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 5-hits cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 5-hits cB, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 4-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 5-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P - 4-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), qcf, hcb + P - 6-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), hcb, hcb + P - 28-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B - 4-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B - 4-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits cB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 5-hits cB, cB, qcf + P x3 - 5-hits cB, cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 7-hits cB, cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 6-hits cB, cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 6-hits cB, cB, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 6-hits (C) cB, cB, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 6-hits cB, cB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + K - 5-hits cB, cB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 6-hits cB, cB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, uf + B, D - 7-hits (C) cB, cB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 6-hits sB, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits sB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits sB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 5-hits sB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 5-hits sB, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 4-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 5-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P - 4-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), qcf, hcb + P - 6-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), hcb, hcb + P - 28-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B - 4-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B - 4-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits sB, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 5-hits cC, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits cC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits cC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 5-hits cC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 5-hits cC, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 4-hits cC, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 5-hits cC, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B - 4-hits cC, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits cC, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits cC, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 5-hits sC/D, qcf + P x3 - 4-hits sC/D, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits sC/D, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, A/B/C/D - 5-hits sC/D, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA - 5-hits sC/D, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 4-hits sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, df + D, D - 5-hits sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B - 4-hits sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, j A/B/C/D - 5-hits sC/D, f, d, df + B, b, d, db + B - 3-hits sC/D, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 3-hits sC/D, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 4-hits jA/B/C/D, jA/B - 2-hits f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 2-hits b, d, db + D, MSA - 2-hits b, d, db + K, uf + B, D - 3-hits qcf + P x3(SC), hcb, hcb + P - 8/9-hits (C) Note: You may use jumping D to start combos for only crouch A(x2), crouch B(x2), and stand C / D. It's probably best to use one crouch A/B, that way the push back factor doesn't hurt your chances out of connecting qcf + P. ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA - 5-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x 3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 10-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + D - 8-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3(SC), qcb, hcf + C - 8/9-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D, hcb, f + P, cA, cA, qcf + Px3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - RESET combo! cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D, hcb, f + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), hcb, hcb + P - RESET combo! cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D, hcb, f + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - RESET combo! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TAG Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Gato, f + B, qcf, qcf + B - 13-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Gato, f + B, qcf, qcf + B - 14/15-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Hinako, jD, cA, df + A, qcb + C(2)(SC), qcf, qcf + P - 29-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Malin, sC, f, d, df + A, uf + AC, uf + AC - 10-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Kim, qcb, db, f + BD, charge d, u + B - 24-hits (C) cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Kim, qcb, db, f + BD, sA, MSA Duo Lon, uf + B, D - 27-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Kim, sC, qcb, db, f + BD - 24-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Jhun, cB, cB, cA, qcf, qcf + B + 21-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Leona, sD(1), b, d, db + B, sD, qcb, hcf + B - 11-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Leona, sD(1), b, d, db + B, sD(1), f + B, qcf, hcb + A - 11-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Leona, qcf, hcb + C - 10-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Clark, jA, hcb, hcb + P/AC - 10/11-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Ryo, jD, sC, qcf, hcb + A - 23-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Robert, jD, cA, f + B, f, d, df + D(1)(SC), qcf, hcb + A - 25-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Yuri, sC, df + D, f, d, df + C, qcf, hcb + B - 20-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Yuri, sC, df + D, f, d, df + C, qcf, qcf + B - 12-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA King, sD, hcb + B, qcb, qcb + B - 14/15-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA King, qcb, qcb + B - 11/12-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Blue Mary, sC(1), f + B, qcf, hcb + AC - 9-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Terry, sC, f, d, df + K, AB, qcb, hcb + AC - 15-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Terry, cB, cA, df + D, hcf + D, f, f + D(SC), qcf, qcf + K - 13-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Benimaru, cB, qcf + B, qcf + B(SC), qcf, qcf + P/AC - 12/20-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Shingo, jD, sC, hcb + D(SC), qcf, hcb + C - 14-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Shingo, jD, cB, qcf + A(SC), qcf, qcf + A, f, d, df + C - 11-hits cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Kyo, qcf, qcf + AC - 17-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, MSA Kyo, qcf, qcf + AC - 20-hits (C) cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Ash, sC, b + B, qcf, qcf + B - 14-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Shen, hcb, f + C, sD, qcf + C(SC), qcf, qcf + K - 10-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Iori, cX b + B, sB, f + A, A, qcf, hcb + P, qcf x4 + AC - 27-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Iori, cX b + B, sC, f + A, A, qcf, hcb + AC - 11-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Iori, qcb, hcf + A, cX b + B, sB, MSA Duo Lon, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 21-hits cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Iori, qcb, hcf + A, cX b + B, sB, MSA Whip, jD, sB, cB, qcb, hcf + P - 25-hits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INFINITE Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Infinite Combo 1: ----------------- If the opponent is in back turned animation while in the corner, Duo Lon is able to perform qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P chain until the opponent life gauge reaches zero. There are quite a few ways to set this up, but the easiest way is to backing yourself into the corner while the opponent is next to you. Start by MSA Duo Lon, which he'll cross up the opponent while coming in battle. After you land behind the opponent, perform..... cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, etc. You may also do a semi infinite if you desire. Here's an example combo..... cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D or semi infinite into another tag combo..... cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, MSA Benimaru, cB, cB, qcf + K, qcf + K(SC), qcf, qcf + P/AC After the third loop, the CHANGE OK will appear, so you may MSA one of your characters in battle. Also, the third loop adds a power stock for a Desperation Move or Multi-Shift Attack. ----------------- Infinite Combo 2: ----------------- Duo Lon can do a infinite loop off his Suishu: Makyakuho (command throw). Basically it's like this...... cA, hcb, f + P, f, f, df A, hcb, f + P, f, f, df A, hcb, f + P, f, f, df A, hcb, f + P, f, f, df A, hcb, f + P, etc. Just punch, command throw/reset, punch, command throw/reset. Of course you may combo after the command throw into cA, qcf + P x3 or whatever of your choosing. He can also loop the command grab itself over and over and over again. Of course it won't deal any damage but you could use it for amusement or a time over victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= VII. Strategies ======================================================================= ------- Offense ------- Duo Lon has the best offensive game in KoF2K3. His Jaki Juuryuu (qcf + P x3) is what makes him so damn powerful. Even when Jaki Juuryuu is blocked, he can Himou Kyaku (qcf + K) off the last hit or push back the opponent with Genmu Kyaku: Naiga (f, d, df + B). His jump-in game imvolves jump D (which has great proirity) If the opponent blocks the incoming jump attack, you can hit them with Suishu: Makyakuho (hcb, f + P). This works great, until they pick it up and start to jump away. Once that happens, stick to back jump B/D or sC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K / f, d, df + B. If you combo qcf + P x3 (Jaki Juuryuu), you should use Himou Kyaku (qcf + K) to cross up the opponent and hit them while airborne with C/D into another qcf + K, then sC/D or cA/B to apply pressure as they land to the ground. His crouch D has good distance and is cancelable into any of his special moves. This is where you can use qcf + K to advance towards if the crouch D connects or not. ------- Defense ------- Honestly, Duo Lon should never be on the defensive end. Turtling isn't going to help him much. But his zone game off Genmu Kyaku: Naiga (f, d, df + K) / Genmu Kyaku: Gaiga (f, d, df + K) is pretty damn good. Even when you connect the move, you can use qcf + K to shift back into offense. If you do get locked down somehow, use Guard Knockdown Attack (while blocking, CD) following with qcf + D to pursue the opponent. This will set you right on top of the opponent. The only real weakness against Duo Lon is Malin. Malin is able to avoid Duo Lon with her annoying run away game of Suzume Bachi Kuuchuu. You just have to play smart and safe against her. ------------------- Poke Attack Strings ------------------- Duo Lon has a several strings which can keep the opponent at bay. His strings are based on how he gets to the opponent, with using his qcf + K, or running / short jumping towards them with a jC/D. This will also INCREASE your Power Gauge for Power Stocks. Here's a list of the following poke strings. cB, cB, cB, sB cB, cB, cA, sB cB, cB, cB, qcf + K, throw, qcf + K cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, throw, qcf + K cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, sC, qcf + P x3, f, d, df + K cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcf + K, cA..... cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, qcf + P, qcf + K, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K..... cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, sC, qcf + K, cA, qcf + P x3, f, d, df + K, b, d, db + D cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcf + K, cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K..... cA, cA, qcf + P, qcf + K, sC, qcf + K, cA, cA, qcf + P x3, f, d, df + P, b, d, db + D cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, cA, qcf + K, f + K, hcb, f + P (command throw set up) cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, hcb, f + P (command throw set up) cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, hcb, f + P (command throw set up) cA, cA, qcf + P x2, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, b, d, db + D cA, cA, cA, short jumping D, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + K, b, d, db + D short jumping D, short jumping back B (retreat poke) ----------------------- Bread and Butter Combos ----------------------- A list of MUST LEARN B&B Combos! cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D cB, cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D cA, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P(SC), hcb, hcb + P cA, qcf + P, f + K, qcb + P, qcf + BC/CD jD, sC/D, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, uf + B, D - 6-hits jD, sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D - 5-hits jD, sC/D, qcf + P, f + K, b, d, db + B, uf + B, D - 6-hits ---------- Recovering ---------- When Duo Lon is knocked down, you have a few options as the opponent advances. Using qcf + K can shift you back into offensive mode. Multi-Shift Attack can be used to upon wake up to switch out Duo Lon or score a free hit. His hcb, f + P command grab will get you back into the mix as well. Back dashing also works, since you have breif invinciblity frames. Plus you can get out of throw set ups this way. --------- Anti-Airs --------- -crouch C- This is a great attack against cross-ups and normal jump-ins. You may also cancel into qcf + K if you land this attack on the airborne opponent. This way you'll end up behind the opponent before they even land. Great offensive set up. -Genmu Kyaku: Naiga (f, d, df + B)- Works best against deep jump-in attacks. -Himou Kyaku (qcf + K)- Use this to excape the incoming attack. This way you are able to position yourself behind the opponent before they even land. ---------- Air-to-Air ---------- -diagonal jumping D- This owns the air game big time. This attack has great priority and rarely trades hits in mid-air. -Hika Tenshi (uf + B, D)- This is a great attack while anticipating the opponent jumping. Basically has the same priority as jump D. You can also set up a few things following this attack. I'll get to that in a while. ---------------- Cross Up Attacks ---------------- -jumping A- This works great on all standing characters. -jumping D- His best cross up attack. Works great on all characters, as well as crouchers. ------- Baiting ------- Another way to have the opponents come to you is to bait them out with attacks. Just do a series of random attacks to have them confused enough to be like "WTF?" and come right to you. Example 1: cB, cB, cA, cA, f, d, df + K, b, d, db + K Example 2: b, b, f, f, b + AB, f, d, df + K, b, d, db + K You can also bait out wake up attacks. Just run / advance towards the opponent while they wake up, then as they perform their move, start to backdash. This will leave the opponent opened for a mistake punisher attack. Whatever you throw out at the down opponent is entirely up to you. For instance, throwing out jabs works well. ------- Running ------- Running is a another part in Duo Lon's offensive game. Using it when you knockdown the opponent with f, d, df + K / b, d, db + K can be very effective. You can run and use f, d, df + K or sC when close to the opponent. If sC links or not, end it with qcf + P x3, qcf + K, or just qcf + K. But, be careful doing this on characters who have uppercut attacks. Also, be ready to break throws too. You may also use poke attacks like running far standing B / C. This at least puts you in a safe position. If you anticipate a attack while running, you may roll and retaliate. Running and jumping D sets up a potential cross up attack. Just running and doing a jumping D into a sC / sD is good enough. You can follow up with stuff of your own. -------- Pressure -------- -Jaki Juuryuu (qcf + P x3)- While the opponent is blocking a crouch A/B or stand C/D, do qcf + P x3. This move is absolutely safe when canceled into qcf + K / f, d, df + K after the last hit of Jaki Juuryuu. The only real drawback of this move is it's lack of Guard Crushing. -Onpei Ryuujin Ha- f + K (follow up after qcf + P x1) After following up with f + K, you may use qcf + K to advance towards the opponent and start a new attack string or f, d, df + B, b, d, db + B. The f, d, df + B follow up works great in the corner because the opponent can only jump from Duo Lon's relentless attacks. So this way if they do jump, you can out prioritize them with a jumping D or jumping forward B, D. If your quick enough, you can connect his command grab (hcb, f + P) too. -Suishu: Makyakuho- (when close, hcb, f + A/C) A big part of his pressure game. This move alone can score free hits and offer set ups after jump C/D, crouch A, or standing C/D. One I use often is cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, hcb, f, + P into whatever you want. So tick throwing Suishu: Makyakuho is essential. The cool part is, that the opponent can block and still get hit by the throw. That is until they figure out to jump away from it. -Multi-Shift Attack (qcf + BC/CD) If you can incorporate this into the attacks strings and have your secondary character continue where Duo Lon left off on the pressure. I'd usually do a MSA right after Duo Lon's crouch A / B. It works wonders. The worst that could happen is that you might trade hits with the opponent if they have good reflexes and retaliate. --------------------- Building Power Stocks --------------------- Aside from attacks strings, there at least 2 ways to build up power stocks. -Suishu: Makyakuho- (when close, hcb, f + A/C) If you distance yourself from the opponent or knock them down, you can throw out Suishu: Makyakuho. The easiest way of throwing out Suishu: Makyakuho safely would have to be AFTER a throw. You are at least guaranteed to get TWO off. But after throwing, I'd normally just stick with qcf + K into attack strings. -Genmu Kyaku: Naiga (f, d, df + K)- -Genmu Kyaku: Gaiga (b, d, db + K)- If theres a large distance between you and the opponent, you may throw these attacks out one after the other. It not only builds meter but can also be used to zone out the opponent. --------------- Playing It Safe --------------- -Jaki Juuryuu (qcf + P x3)- As I said earlier, this move is absolutely safe when canceled into qcf + K / f, d, df + K after the last hit of Jaki Juuryuu. So you should know by now that if on a blocked stand C/D, you should qcf + P, qcf + K / f, d, df + K. -Genmu Kyaku: Naiga (f, d, df + K)- -Genmu Kyaku: Gaiga (b, d, db + K)- When zoning with this move, you are able to immediately throw out another f, d, df + K / b, d, db + K. But this only happens when you go from weak to strong (f, d, df + B, b, d, db + D). If the D version hits of either moves, qcf + K to advance close to the opponent or simply continue soing them out with the Genmu Kyaku's. -Pokes- (far standing B / C) Poke attacks can be used for both offense and defense. Far standing B is a safe attack. It's also his best zoning normal attack IMO. Far standing C is the type of attack that should be used for zoning, or a run and poke tactic. Standing D suffers from bad recovery time when blocked. Just go with whatever one is comfortable. Far standing B is probably the best choice. ---------------------------------------------------- Mind Games after qcf + P x3, qcf + K ---------------------------------------------------- A nice thing to do when you hit with qcf + P x3, qcf + K is doing mix-ups! What you do is hit with qcf + P x3, qcf + K, then stand C/D or jump towards the airborne opponent and hit them with uf + B, D. The opponent can not recovery roll. With connecting with stand C/D, you're able to CANCEL into ANY of his Special Moves. This tricks the opponent when they land and recover from the stand C/D juggle. Here's some nasty set-ups after Himou Kyaku (qcf + K)..... sD, qcf + D, sC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, b, d, db + D sD, qcf + D, cA, hcb, f + P (command throw set up) sD, qcf + D, sC, qcf + P, qcf + K, qcf + BC/CD (MSA set up) sD, qcf + D, cA, cA, qcf + P x3, qcf + K (This continues the pressure right after the opponent lands from the juggled stand D) uf + B, D, hcb, f + P (command throw set up) uf + B, D, qcf + K, sC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, cA, cA, qcf + P, f + K, f, d, df + B, f, d, df + D uf + B, D, f, d, df + B, b, d, db + D, qcf + K, attack strings uf + B, D, qcf + K, sC, qcf + K, sC, qcf + P x3, qcf + K, attack strings One common string among expert Duo Lon players is..... cB, cB, qcf + P x3, qcf + D, sD, qcf + D, cB, cB This string is able to cross up the opponent before landing, causing them to be in backturn position. Meaning as they land from the stand D, Duo Lon can attack the opponent from behind with crouch B. This can set up alot of mix ups or even the infinite if the opponent is close enough to the corner. The stand D is what makes everything possible, so juggling the attack is critical timing. ------ Throws ------ Duo Lon can get throws off easily by simply "Tick Throwing". Tick Throwing is done by hitting a opponent with a cA/B, then walk up and throw. While waking up from a opponent's attack, you can get a throw in. You may do a "FEINT" Short Jump, then Tick Throw. You can "WHIFF" jump C towards your opponent. When the jump C Whiffs, you'll land right next to the opponent and be able to get a FREE Throw in. But you must attack with jump C real late to WHIFF the attacks animation. Ticking Throwing is a ABSOLUTE MUST LEARN Tactic! Works very well against defensive players. ------------- MISCELLANEOUS ------------- -Throws- (f or b + C/D) Since 2k3 has one throw per character and the recovery is insane on the throws too. You can JUST FRAME a throw on recovery. Easy way to do this is to knockdown, then throw out a close sA. Once the sA WHIFFS, this should put you can the right frame to throw the opponent again. With Iori doing his f + C throw in the corner works great, because he'll still be near the opponent to throw them again. All ya gotta do is switch up the buttons (C/D) on the throws. You can do it infinite times until the throw is broken, depending on the character and the throw. Cheaty, but effective! -Back Dashing (b, b)- While doing a back dash, you're giving a breif second of invincilbilty. So you can hop over fireballs or excape a single attack in the corner with b, b. -Command Throws- Certian command throws and even Desperation Move throws can connect right after you beat one of the opponents characters. As soon as you see or hear DOWN, get next to where the character was defeated. Just as the new character lands where the defeated character layed, simply do you command grab and BAM! INSTANT HIT! ======================================================================= VIII. Duo Lon's Entrance and Winning Poses ======================================================================= -Entrance 1- Duo Lon's has his back turned to the opponent while saying, "Misete morau? (Show me what you've got?)". Duo Lon turns around into his fighting stance. -Entrance 2- (Duo Lon vs. Benimaru Nikaido) Both characters appear in the opposite places. Benimaru stands with his hand over his mouth in disbelief while saying, "Koitsu, masaka..... NUUOOOO! ("It can't be, impossible.....NUUOOOO!), then does his sliding Gen'ei Hurricane punch towards a back turned Duo Lon. As Benimaru approches Duo Lon, Duo Lon teleports out of the way by falling apart as a skeleton and disappearing into the ground, only to appear on the opposite side of Benimaru. Benimaru misses as he says, "Chi!"("Damn!"), then Duo Lon resurfaces as Benimaru looks from behind and says, "yaharina" ("As expected"). After that, they both go into their fighting stances. -Entrance 3- (Duo Lon vs. Shen Woo) Duo Lon has his back turned to Shen Woo while saying, "Misete morau? (Show me what you've got?)". As Shen has his back turned with his fist clenched, saying "Omai narananzoku de soba." Then, both of them go into their fighting positions. -Win Pose- Duo Lon says something while standing straight with a glowing aura around his body. -Tag Out Pose- Duo Lon grabs the lower part of his robe and waves it forward. Then he leaps out. -Time Over Pose- Duo Lon's turns around as his body turns into a skeleton, and falls apart, where he disappears into the ground. ======================================================================= IX. Extra Stuff ======================================================================= --------- 1. Quotes --------- Quote 1- "Do you hear it? The mosaic of souls in the void." Quote 2- "Don't not avert your eyes. Gaze upon my true being." Quote 3- "The match is decided. Let the victor pass." Quote 4- "You fight well... But until I meet him, I..." Quote 5- (vs. Ash Crimson & Shen Woo) "I salute your ability... Can't believe you did that well." Quote 6- (vs. Benimaru Nikaido) "It seems he is not here. ...Farewell." Quote 7- (vs. Gato) "Look into my eyes and let me know: Are you too destiny's victim?" Quote 8- (vs. K') "I like you, I too take fate by the neck." -------------------------- 2. Duo Lon's Outfit Colors -------------------------- A Button: Black outfit, off black robe, purple trimming B Button: Black outfit, brown robe, white trimming C Button: Dark blue outfit, white robe, hot pink trimming D Button: Blood red outfit, hot pick robe, white trimming -------------- 3. Damage Data -------------- Dm - Damage C.Dm - Counter Damage G.C - Guard Crush "/" - A/C or B/D ------------------- Normal Attack Data: ------------------- Close A - Dm: 7 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 4 Close B - Dm: 6 C.Dm: 8 G.C: 4 Close C - Dm: 10 C.Dm: 11 G.C: 8 Close D - Dm: 14 C.Dm: 16 G.C: 16 Far A - Dm: 7 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 4 Far B - Dm: 7 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 4 Far C - Dm: 15 C.Dm: 17 G.C: 11 Far D - Dm: 18 C.Dm: 20 G.C: 18 Crouch A - Dm: 7 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 4 Crouch B - Dm: 6 C.Dm: 8 G.C: 4 Crouch C - Dm: 15 C.Dm: 17 G.C: 8 Crouch D - Dm: 17 C.Dm: 19 G.C: 16 Jump A - Dm: 9 C.Dm: 11 G.C: 6 Jump B - Dm: 9 C.Dm: 11 G.C: 6 Jump C - Dm: 15 C.Dm: 17 G.C: 13 Jump D - Dm: 16 C.Dm: 18 G.C: 13 short jumping A - Dm: 7 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 5 short jumping B - Dm: 8 C.Dm: 10 G.C: 5 Diagonal Jump A - Dm: 8 C.Dm: 10 G.C: 5 Diagonal Jump B - Dm: 9 C.Dm: 11 G.C: 5 Diagonal Jump C - Dm: 15 C.Dm: 17 G.C: 12 Diagonal Jump D - Dm: 14 C.Dm: 16 G.C: 12 -------------------- Special Attack Data: -------------------- Suishu: Shoukou - Dm: 18 C.Dm: 18 G.C: 0 Hika Tenshi - Dm: 8+10 C.Dm: 10+12 G.C: 5, 8 Fuuka Tenshi - Dm: 10 C.Dm: 10 G.C: 12 > Raika Tenshi - Dm: 10 C.Dm: 10 G.C: 6 Multi-Shift Attack - Dm: 8 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 0 (retreat) Multi-Shift Attack - Dm: 8 C.Dm: 9 G.C: 0 (tagged) Guard Knockdown Attack - Dm: 0 C.Dm: 0 G.C: 0 Genmu Kyaku: Naiga - Dm: 10 C.Dm: 10 G.C: 8 Genmu Kyaku: Gaiga - Dm: 10 C.Dm: 10 G.C: 8 Himou Kyaku - Dm: - C.Dm: - G.C: - Jaki Juuryuu - Dm: 8+12+12 C.Dm: 10, 12, 12 G.C: 2, 2, 10 > Onpei Ryuujin Ha - Dm: 12 C.Dm: 14 G.C: 2 > Shiryou Hassei Kin - Dm: 15 C.Dm: 18 G.C: 10 Genma Hishou Keikou - Dm: 10x2+12 C.Dm: 12, 14 G.C: 5, 10 Suishu: Makyakuho - Dm: 0 C.Dm: 0 G.C: 0 >Suishu: Ransaiki - Dm: 0 C.Dm: 0 G.C: 0 Hiden: Genmu Juon Shikon - Dm: 16(28)/16(30) C.Dm: 18(32)/20(34) G.C: 0 Hiden: Genmu Onryou Heki - Dm: 3x23 C.Dm: 3 G.C: 0 Ougi: Tajuu Genmu Ankei - Dm: 25 C.Dm: 25 G.C: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= X. Updates ======================================================================= Version 0.5: April 20th, 2006 -First Release ======================================================================= XI. Closing and Credits ======================================================================= This FAQ is copyrighted work by Raul Torrez, so please don't profit or modify from the FAQ in anyway. I made this Duo Lon FAQ for people who are interested in learning him. If you have any contributions, comments, or corrections, feel free to e-mail me and I'll credit you. I'll update this FAQ soon with more stuff like MSA combos and other stuff. Everything I typed on this FAQ is to the best of my knowledge. I'd like to thank....... The LORD for blessing me everyday. Joku for showing me the way to SNK with games like The Fatal Fury/King Of Fighters Series. Not even you can forget the countless hours we spent on KoF'96! Some fun times! Final Showdown for IMPROVING my Gameplay. Thanks again! SNK for creating The King of Fighters Series. The Future is Indeed Now! SNK Playmore for developing The King of Fighters 2003 and keeping SNK "ALIVE"! http://www.snkplaymore.jp/official/kof2003/english/index.html, where I got Duo Lon's from. My Neo*Geo AES System and King of Fighters 2003. Without them both, this FAQ could not possible. The King of Fighters 2003 Flame of Nova MOOK. Got a bunch of info from that MOOK and DVD. Kao Megura, because I borrowed move names from his KoF2003 FAQ. He also writes some of the best FAQ's around. The man's The King of FAQ's! Rest in Peace, and may The Lord watch over you. http://www.gamefaqs.com for hosting my FAQ along with many other great FAQ's they have up. Myself for pulling an all nighter to get this FAQ done. And you for taking the time to read this FAQ. Raul Torrez Copyrighted (c) 2006