***************************** * Leona * *(The King of fighters 2002)* ***************************** Character FAQ, version 1.0. Author: Hedin (hedin2004@yandex.ru) Date: 11 apr 05. Contents: 1. Version control. 2. Game basics. 2.1. Abbreviations and terminology. 2.2. Some rules of King of fighters 2002. 3. Moves. 3.1. Key combinations. 3.2. Moves description. 4. Combos. 5. Strategies. 5.1. Strategy versus simple enemies. 5.2. Battling with Rugal. 6. Credits. 7. Conclusion. 8. Disclaimer. ******************************************************* 1. Version control. ******************************************************* Version 1.0: included game basics, moves description, combos, strategies and some necessary staff. ******************************************************* 2. Game basics. ******************************************************* ************************************************** 2.1. Abbreviations and terminology. ************************************************** combination x N - perform combination of buttons N times. combination1/combination2 - perform either combination1 or combination2. combination1, combination2 - after combination1 quickly perform combination2. button1+button2 - press 2 buttons together. A - Light Punch C - Heavy Punch B - Light Kick D - Heavy Kick AB - A+B. BC - B+C. CD - C+D. f - forward. b - back. u - up. d - down. ub - up-back (u+b). uf - up-forward (u+f). db - down-back (d+b). df - down-forward (d+f). qcf - quarter circle forward (d,df,f). qcb - quarter circle back (d,db,b). hcf - half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f). hcb - half circle back (f,df,d,db,b). rapidly: ub/u/uf - low jump. hold: ub/u/uf - high jump. f, f - run (can be held). b, b - backstep. run, uf - long jump. b/db while attacked - block (can not be performed in air). Start - taunt. f+C/D when near the enemy - throw. b/f + C/D while being thrown - throw escape. AB or f+AB - forward evasion. b+AB - backward evasion. CD - heavy attack (can be done in air). ************************************************** 2.2. Some rules of King of fighters 2002. ************************************************** When your character is attacked or he/she performs some moves the power gauge fills. You can fill 5 maximum lines of power gauge. You can perform super special moves (SSM) if the gauge line is full. This will cost 1 power line. To escape a throw you must press the same button, your enemy did. Some throws are not escapable. Your character is invinsible during an evasion move. Your enemy can only throw your character. You can press AB during a move or during block. Your character will cancel a move or a block and roll. This will cost 1 power line. You can press AB after being knocked down. Your character will roll. It can not be done after some enemy strikes. You can perform heavy attack while in block. Your character will counter with a heavy attack. This will cost 1 power line. You can press BC and enter Max mode. This will cost 1 power line. Max mode will last for some time. In Max mode: character's damage is redused; you can perform max super special moves (MSSM) for 1 power line and end Max mode immediately; you can perform SSM for free and end Max mode immediately; your character can also cancel normal or special moves into some other moves, depleting Max mode time. When your character's life gauge is low (near 1/4) and he/she is in Max mode you can use secret super special moves (SSSM). ******************************************************* 3. Moves. ******************************************************* ************************************************** 3.1. Key combinations. ************************************************** #1. Knock down kick: b/f+B. #2. Air throw: in air close to the enemy b/d/f/df/df+C/D. #3. Air slash: in air qcb + A/C. #4. Energy ball: charge b,f + A/C. #5. Round slash: charge d,u + A/C. #6. Running slash: charge b,f + B/D. #6a. Upper-cut slash: during Running Slash (whith D only), f + D. #7. Explosive throw: qcb + B/D. #8. Explosive fix: b,d,db + B/D. #8a. Explosion execute: after Explosive fix hits b,d,db + B/D. #9. "Orochi" form: u,d,u,d,u,d + BD. #10. V-type slash (SSM): in air qcf,hcb + A/C. #11. Syonara (SSM): qcb,hcf + B/D. #12. V-type slash lv. 2(MSSM): in the air qcf,hcb + AC. #13. Syonara lv. 2 (SSSM): in "Orochi" form qcb,hcf + BD. ************************************************** 3.2. Moves description. ************************************************** #1. Knock down kick: Leona performs a kick, which knocks down an opponent. Some time passes before it hits. #2. Air throw: Leona grabs an opponent, slashes him/her and kicks him/her away. #3. Air slash: Leona shoots forward-down with an energy wave. It's a pity that the wave quickly disappears, so this strike is short ranged. Effective when the enemy is not in the air. #4. Energy ball: if you used A button, then Leona will create an energy ball in front of her for a second, but if you used C button, then Leona will create an energy ball in front of her and jump forward. The ball will follow her for two seconds then. A-button variant is effective when an enemy is performing a jump attack against Leona. Energy ball with A will throw the jumping opponent away. C-button variant is effective when an enemy is rolling under Leona to perform a back attack. Try to use Energy ball with C to defend Leona's back and throw your enemy away. #5. Round slash: Leona will perform a quick slash around her. If you use C button, then Leona will move a bit forward during the move. Effective when an enemy is near (In air and on the ground). #6. Running slash: Leona runs forward and slash an opponent, knocking him /her down. If you use D button, Leona runs farther and you can perform Upper-cut slash after the first slash, inflicting more damage. It is dangerous to perform this, because the opponent can shoot or simply do pre-emptive attack. Try to catch your enemy by surprise. #7. Explosive throw: Leona activates the explosive and throws it at the enemy. Leona is unprotested while activating the explosive, so perform Explosive throw when Leona is far away from the enemy. #8. Explosive fix: Leona fixes an explosive on an enemy. Works only close to the opponent. When some time passes, the explosive explodes. But Leona can execute the explosion earlier. She presses a button in her hand and the enemy will be knocked down by the explosion. Explosive fix is effective in combo, which last strike knocks down the enemy. When an enemy is knocked down, perform Explosion execute move. #9. "Orochi" form: Leona looses half of her current life points and turns into "Orochi" Leona for the rest of the battle. In this form, Leona will be faster, a bit stronger, jump lower and run like a wolf. While running Leona can pass under most of the enemy's shooting attacks. In this form Leona is unable to use her Syonara SSM, but she can use Syonara lv.2 SSSM. It is effective to turn into "Orochi" while Leona's live gauge is low. You'd better to have a good reaction and quick hands to play as "Orochi" Leona. #10. V-type slash: Leona will gather energy and perform a V-type slash, damaging her opponent 2 times. If you want to perform V-type slash note that your opponent can counter with simple jump attack while you press qcf and hcb. #11. Syonara: Leona gathers energy and runs forward. If she reaches her opponent she pushes an explosive into the opponent! After that Leona says "Syonara", pulls back her hand from the enemy and the explosive explodes, knocking down and damaging an enemy. It is dangerous to perform this, because the opponent can shoot or simply do pre-emptive attack. Try to catch your enemy by surprise. For example, you can perform Syonara when your opponent is landing after a jump. #12. V-type slash lv. 2: The scene becomes black. Leona gathers energy and perform a V-type slash, damaging her opponent 2 times. This move is slower and more powerful. #13. Syonara lv. 2: Leona gathers energy and runs forward. If she reaches her opponent she pushes an explosive into the opponent! The scene first become black and then dark blue. Leona pulls back her hand from the enemy, scream and trigger the exlosive. The explosive explodes, knocking down and damaging an enemy. ******************************************************* 4. Combos. ******************************************************* #1. The most famous combo: in air D, after landing quickly d+D. #2. while crouching: A, A, then quickly u+A (block accepted while crouching). #3. While crouching: B x 1-3, D (Simple combo that saved Leona from KO many times when she and her opponent where low in life). #4. While crouching: A x 2, B, D. #5. df+B, B, f+B (Knock down kick). Knock down kick at the end of this combo usually won't knock down an opponent, so try to finish combo with d+D in this case. #6. Knock down kick, d+D or d+D, Knock down kick. #7. D, d+D. Try to begin this combo as far as possible to hit. #8. In air B, after landing Explosive fix, d+D, Explosion execute. ******************************************************* 5. Strategies. ******************************************************* ************************************************** 5.1. Strategy versus simple enemies. ************************************************** Some strategies, connected with moves, are listed in part 3.2. Leona is a bit slow character. The most quick strikes are the light punch and crouching light kick. You can counter with them or use combos with this strikes in the beginning to counter after the block. When Leona is in block and you want to perform a counter DO NOT press f+button because Leona will perform Energy ball or Running slash, and this 2 moves can be easily countered if the opponent is very close. If an opponent jumps on Leona use Energy ball with A button. If an enemy runs or simply walks towards Leona, just perform d+D as far as possible to hit. This will stop an opponent. Perform V-type slash at 1-1,5 of Leona's heavy kick distance. If the enemy showers short-ranged blows upon Leona, you can: perform backward evasion and try to keep far from your opponent to perform long ranged attacks, such as combo #1 or Explosive throw; after the block try to counter with combos, such as #2-#4. A good way to retreat is ub+D. ************************************************** 5.2. Battling with Rugal. ************************************************** Rugal is very fast. His upper-cut kick combo has a very high priority. Even if he shoots and you want to perform a jump with heavy kick he can counter with upper-cut kick combo. Here are some strategies, which can help you to beat Rugal with Leona. If you are not attacking STAY IN BLOCK. Rugal can perform his slyding SSM, upper-cut kick combo or the others quick moves. Remember, that Rugal's upper-cut kick combo may have the third kick, so stay in block until he begins to land. When you counter after block try to use quick strikes (see part 5.1) (Not after Rugal's upper-cut kick combo). If Rugal walks or runs towards Leona DO NOT use only d+D attack, USE #3 combo (Rugal usually blocks the last kick, but he stops if the combo has sucseeded and light kicks damage him). Try to use combo #1 before Rugal shoots. You must have a good reaction to perform such preemptive attack. If you've blocked a shot, use combo #1 as quickly as possible, but do not use it in this case if you are far away from him. If you want to attack with #1 combo try to jump as far as possible and press D the first time as late as possible. This will increase the chance of hitting Rugal and can cancel upper-cut kick combo. If you are lucky, Leona will land behind Rugal and he won't evade d+D attack. Try not to perform Syonara move. Perform V-type slash at 1-1,5 of Leona's heavy kick distance. When Rugal has performed upper-cut kick combo and Leona has blocked it, counter with d+D or f+C. If Rugal is knocked down try to run to him and attack with f+C or with combo like #3. Try hard and with a little luck you can beat Rugal only with Leona. ******************************************************* 6. Credits. ******************************************************* Special thanks to: - Eolith and Playmore for this game. - www.gamefaqs.com for your existence. ******************************************************* 7. Conclusion. ******************************************************* This concludes my general FAQ for Leona (kof2002). I hoped my FAQ helped you get through the game a little. If you have any questions, contributions, concerns, or comments, please, e-mail me at hedin2004@yandex.ru. Your contribution can make a difference on this FAQ and I will update it with proper recognition to the author. ******************************************************* 8. Disclaimer. ******************************************************* This walkthrough may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without my permission. Please, e-mail me if you want to host it (e-mail: hedin2004@yandex.ru). Copyright 2005 Lyskov Oleg