The Steam Vapor Robot: Maxima (Character FAQ for Maxima on KoF '2002) Version 0.9 on 27-10-2004 Unpublished work by Toxic (aka Toxic Avanger) ICQ: 146473636 0.3 = Guide created. 0.4 = Tweaked here and there. 0.5 = Even further adds and guide finished. 0.8 = Tweaks and mistakes fixed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00.- Index: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00.- Index: Use the number on the index to search for especific features of the FAQ, for example using the search funtion of your OS, for example searching for ' 02.- Why? ' will lead you to that exact part of the FAQ... Wasn't that obvious? 01.- Legend: This does describe the special little nomenclature that I have been using since I write FAQs. 02.- Why?: This describe the whole idea I base the FAQ on. 03.- Throwing Techniques: This descrises Makishma's normal throws. 04.- Command Moves: This describes the command moves that our robot posses. 05.- Special Moves: On this topics I have described in detail all of the properties that I have found in Maxima's special moves. 06.- Desperation Moves: Here I analize every "Chou Hissatsu no Waza" that this robot can perform. By the way, Chou Hissatsu no Waza can be translated as 'super techniques of certain kill' or 'desicive moments super techniques'. 07.- Moves Details: Here I describe my experiences using every move that Maxima-sama posses, from command moves to the DM/SDMs, this is the real thing. 08.- Sample Combos: Here I listed the combos I have found for Maxima, unfortunately nothing really interesting have come to my mind. 09.- Guard Damage Table: Here I have posted and updated my researchs on the Guard Crash feature. 10.- Character Bio: Here can be found the personal info of this NESTS traitor, from his official bio to my very own resume of his storyline and his seiyuu. 11.- Character Dialogs: Here I have listed the words used by this warrior, since I don't have any knowledge on japanese this is only a compilation of other people work, if you do want to go indeep on this I suggest you to read who they are on the credits section and search for their works on GameFAQs. 12.- Character Post Battle Quotes: I have done some little research thinking on Maxima's post battle quotes, here you can check them all. 13.- Personal Take: My own personal stand when playing this character. 14.- Credits: Here I do mention the people who have indirectly contribued to the creation of this FAQ, please do heed them as they might have interesting stories to tell you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01.- Legend: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A = weak punch B = weak kick C = strong punch D = strong kick cr = crouching cls = close standing far = far standing ~ = quick button press * = autor comments # = counter wire attack + = super cancel fwd = foward df = down-foward -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02.- Why?: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BECAUSE I SO BLOODY WANT IT!! No, wait, that's not correct; the reason I have for doing this guide it's only and mainly because I like to write XD, also please do note that within the KoF I also like Maxima; so in teory it's a simple 1+1 in wich I join two hobbies of mine. Speaking of wish I must say that the reason that actually made me play Maxima in the first place was that he could use autoguard with normal moves... The first time I saw the AI using the guards I was stunned, I never thought that SNK would do something even remotely original like making a character a "autoguard based" character... So I was set; I learnt how to use autoguards and with mmmmmaaaaaaannnnnyyyy practice I became one of the most hated players of my city... The few times that Maxima was to fall defeated K' was there to fill the void XD. Game play wise 2002 is a v.e.r.y. good year for Maxima; In 2001 Maxima was a little faster and could do more damage easily with the Super Cancel but almost every autoguard was one; what made the character original in the first place went gone, I was so 'flusterated' (blame Fatal Fury Special for this one XD). Even though you could do so nasty long things with the strikers the fun was 'almost' gone; there it was no thrill to it... Fortunatly things DID changed when 2002 arrived, Maxima was not only faster but the autoguards remained there, they throwed a few random useless moves and then the character was set... If by this point you can not graps what it is the persona of this character I do invite you to inmerse theeself in these words and learn from several of my experiences. Shall we proceed? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03.- Throwing Techniques: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamite Drop: Normal C throw, the escape window that the enemy as is somewhat big; Maxima will slowly kick his enemy away. Choking Vase: Normal D throw, it has the same escape window than the prior throw; with this throw Maxima will choke his enemy swapping sides; the enemy falls right next to you and can't roll recover. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04.- Command Moves: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move name: Mongolian Move command: fwd + A This move by itself is an overhead; this move alone has two special characteristics: the first one is that does leave you open to a ultra fast punch or kick with long range attack and the second is that this move can be super canceled without any cost (not to mention the cost of the DM, of course). If you choose to super cancel the move your only safe bet is the Maxima Revenger DM throw; but in order to do that you have to be close... If you cancel into this move it lose all of it's special characteristics but it becomes cancelable. Move name: M9 Kata: Maxima Missile (Shisaku) Move command: df + C Notes: 'Kata' means "type"; 'Shisaku' means "experimental" This move is "neutral" it can be blocked by anymeans; the issue of this move is that it's cancelable and that if the enemy was on the air they will suffer a small vulnerability window that you can exploy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05.- Special Moves: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move name: M4 Kata: Vapour Cannon (Kata -> type) Move command: Qcb + A or C This move is slow to come out but it has several advantages for you to exploy... This move is a counter wire attack, it has a very long range and will always knock down the enemy. Even though the enemy takes a long time to recover from this move if blocked you are still on danger if you are in range of the enemy and they have "light speed" attacks; so the more distance there is between you are your enemy the safer you are and just like every other move from Maxima the weak version is quicker than the strong one. Move name: M11 Kata: Dangerous Arch (Kata -> type) Move command: Hcf + B or D This is a special throw; but this is not your usual special throw; this throw as a lot less range than the typical special throw; in order for you to use this you have to ACTUALLY be next to your enemy. Move name: M19 Kata: Blitz Cannon (Kata -> type) Move command: Upc + B or D This move is thought to be a "anti air special throw"; this move can't throw a standing enemy unless they are obscenely big. Even though this move as "very good values" while on air is still possible for the enemy to knock you out of it if they posses long range air attacks that hit "deep" (think of Ramon's jumping D or Goro's jumping D). Move name: System 1: Maxima Scramble Move command: Qcf + A or C Well, according to SNK/Playmore the A version of this move is called System 1 and the C version is called System 2; but I believe that they are just damn too lazy to change the move name (in KoF '99 these moves did lead to different follow ups, thus they had AND deserved different names; in this game we face a different case). Well, enough of the useless tidbit; the A version of this move is probably one of the quickest short range reprisals you can resort; it's as quick as a weak attack and it has more range than a weak attack. Sadly enough this is not enterely true for the C version since it's a little bit slower. Since the A version of the move is as quick as a weak attack you can combo it from weak attacks wich makes of this a very nasty resort. Please keep in mind that this move has a follow up. Move name: Double Bomber Move command: Qcf + A or C As mentioned before this is a follow up of the Maxima Scramble move; please do note that you can't mix buttons; I mean if you did the System 1 with the A button you have to do the Double Bomber with the A Button, the same applies with the C button. Since this is a granted follow up there is almost nothing to say; this move is super cancelable and has another follow up, also you can cancel this move freely in MAX mode. Move name: Bulldog Press Move command: Qcf + A or C Of course this move is only available if you didn't choose to super cancel the prior move; just as the Double Bomber you can't mix the buttons you are using and by this point you should know that the C version does move damage. Move name: System 3: Maxima Lift Move command: Hcb + B or D This move is your typical "run in like a truck" grab; even this move is fairly fast since Maxima is too big and since he doesn't use his normal running frames is fairly easy for the enemy to foresee this move; there are only two types of players that can eat this move: Those who thinks that this move needs to be bloqued and those who are to darn slow, of course that the strenght of the button determinates the lenght of the move. Move name: Centoun Press Move command: fwd + B or D This move is a follow up of the Maxima Lift; but actually this move can be used for two purposes; it can be to follow up the Hcb + kick or to cancel it. If you are planning on following it up be warned that this follow up is not granted by any means, the enemy can roll recover from it with ease and you are completely vulnerable from the move. If you rather choose to cancel the move the prior move won't hit and you'll still perform the centoun press; doing this will make both moves fail but you are completely invulnerable while on the floor... Sound useless?? This cancel has highly strategical value and I find it way more useful than doing nothing after the System 3. Fun fact: In the KoF 2000' US PS2 game this move is translated as "centon press", "sent¢n" even thought it's not properly a word in spanish could mean "person who sits down (a lot)" . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.- Desperation Moves: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move name: M2 Kata: Maxima Beam (Kata -> type) Move command: fwd, Hcf + A or C This is Maxima's most damaging move and it's also the hardest one to land... Unlike what could seem logical the A version does more damage than the C version; the A version can make up to 50% damage on counter hit but the move is so damn slow that you could wish that this would be unblockable. Move name: Bunket Buster Move command: Qcf, Hcb + A or D This should be your main "self defense" move; even though this move has a considerable lag when starting and ending this move is still useful; this move posses autoguard at the beggining and at the end; the enemy still has an "open window" at the beggining and at the end. The open window at the beggining is almost impossible to take advantage of; the open window at the end is easy to take advantage off but the enemy has to know where is it, it sounds safe but it's still risky. The A version of the move will make Maxima land near; the C version of this move will make him fall almost at the over edge of the screen. Move name: Maxima Revenger Move command: Hcb x 2 + B or D This is your standard DM throw (yes, standard; it has the "normal" long range that most DM thorws do); so there is nothing to explain here; please note that this move can be performed as MAX. Move name: Arc Enemy Move command: fwd~B~C~fwd~C This is your "hidden" SDM; this move will use the same frames as the System 3: Maxima Lift and will share the same properties; after that the rest is granted, so there is no hard science to it, You can still see this comming a mile away. At least it seems that you can't be hit during this move. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07.- Move Details: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Well, I can't recall if I have listed them already; but your autoguard normal attacks are the cls C (before the first punch comes out); the cr C; the far C; the cls D and the CD... The ones where the autoguard is easy to pull out are the cr C and the far C; the CD is average and the cls D is hard... the cls C is mostly a random thing because since the punch is quick you will pull it out most likely if you tap in a dangerous situation, you either pull it out or get yourself creamed ;). Remember to combo after the moves if possible; I have found that a counter autoguard CD into Upc + D works more than it should. Also against some short jump corner traps you can pull out a counter autoguard cls C; df + C into the Upc + D and leave the crow screaming your name. Also, if the enemy wants to slap fight then you must worship those weak punches, jumping, crouching, standing.... They are all good. - Against short jumps you have two reliables defenses: the most certain one is a far standing A, this is due to Maxima's great size that his standing A is very high and thus it could stop easily short jumpers. The other is a really anticipated df + C, but I'll look on to that later. - On air to air fights you best bet is a jumping A, being a CD the second best and a high jump C the third choice. On air to grounds battles a high jumping D is the best as it can hit enemies that sweep you. The high jumping C is mainly for cross ups; but if the enemy gives a low attack when you are inputting this attack BE CERTAIN THAT YOU WILL BE HIT FOR SURE. The neutral hih jump B is really great move because it hits right beneath you. For example you can neutral high jump and at the highest point give a B; if the enemy blocked & breaked his guard with CD odds says that he'll be left open (unless his CD gives an upward attack); in a similar fashion if you neutral jump with B at the lowest high you will stop sweep attempts by the enemy. - Remember that the Mongolian can be super canceled by free cost; right? Well, that sounds good but sadly enough the mongolian can be saw a mile away and the super cancel must be done somewhat quickly; so you can't really disern if the enemy is blocking or not. Both ways if the enemy is block the Mongolian you are meat. - Some rants abour the df + C 'Maxima Missile': This move is really fast; but what keeps this from being an abusable move is that small characters or characters who crouch into a very small position will evade this move with no sweat. For example an enemy who runs foward and attack standing could be easily be stopped with a df + C, Qcb + A combo. But if the enemy runs to you and gives a cr B then you are in for the pain; as odds says that the cr B will hit you either because it's faster or because the enemy croched under this attack. Also you could think in using this asset as an anti-air but be warned though; for this move to as anti air must be done with A LOT of anticipation, because the attack must hit before the enemy attack comes out. Given the huge size of Maxima if the enemy managed to launch an attack odds says that he either beat you to it or you will trade hits; so if you want to stop an air enemy a lot of guessing is in due order. If you managed to land a df + C counter with the enemy in the air you can put another free attack easily; here you got two choices: connect a vapour cannon (easy) or run and connect a df + C, Upc + D combo (wich does a lot of damage but it's not that easily granted). If you land a df + C with the enemy on the air and it didn't 'mark' as couter your best is to roll foward and Upc + D; that will be something like df + C, foward A+B, Upc D, sometimes this huge amount of damage is worth a stock... - Perhaps it will not be so at the beggining; but in time one of your mains worries will be enemies that expend a stock rolling behind you. for example Maxima's most reliable combo will leavy you defenseless if if the enemy blocks it and roll; in particular any combo that uses the Vapour Cannon, that roll will made meat of you if the opposition does it before the Cannon is blocked. And also be careful; because the vapour cannon has ABSOLUTELY NO PRIORITY AT ALL! if you input the cannon and the enemy was or is launching an attack you WILL be stopped for sure; the only chance you got to use the Vapour Cannon and take advantage of the counter wire attack is to guess an enemy move. You have to guess a short jump or a special move; this is only 100% guess because if you want to stop an enemy short jump you have to input the Cannon a few mili-seconds BEFORE he inputs up. Other moves that you should try guess is fireballs, but you have to guess the move so early that you must hit the enemy befores the fireball travels any distance, just like the case before you have to input the canon almost a second before the enemy inputs his attack; and even so this is almost impossible to achive against really fast characters like Athena. To make this short: Using the counter wire attack feature of the cannon is THE MOST risky bet with this character. The reward?? The A vapour cannon, df + C, Upc + D combo takes 50% on normal stamina characters with the counter wire attack. Even a Vapour Cannon x 2 combo takes 38/45% of the enemy health. Well, even though this move has a lots of cons and implications this move is THE BEST bet after a succesful strong hit at any distance. For the record when you are in close range both cannons have the same speed; but when you are far the A cannon is faster than the C one and when you are far both versions do the same damage. - Well, aside that this throw as a very short range (wayyy shorter than any grapple character) there is a lots of set ups that you can do with this throw. For example let's say that you foward roll an enemy far standing attack; then you have the advantage but nothing is granted, so you should, in teory, go for the throw, but against cunning enemies you will have many troubles if you go for the throw, because most veterans can "smell" throw situations and they will jump to evade it; against such foes I have found that instead of go for the throw you better input the upc + kick anti air move to stop the enemy when jumping. But even if you go for the anti air, there is still danger that they'll jump back attacking and most likely they'll stop you. That's unlikely on veterans because they will go for the combo, but you better know that even here there is something against you. This trap is powered up on the corner because if they jump nothing can save them from the C Bunket Buster in normal circunstances. Of course once you have stopped many jumpers THEN you could go for the throw... As I said this is better with experienced players, against weak opponents you could try the throw in the first place.... Know who you are dealing with. - Upc + K, this is Maxima's anti air throw. You should know that this is NOT a 100% efective anti air; strong moves and lack of anticipation will tender this move useless in seconds. Your main use for this move is for your throw set ups and some limited and powerless corner - cross up traps... For the throws traps you should in teory already have read them; but for the corner traps let me explain: Normally you can't go through the enemy or share is standing place, but with this move you can... What's so good about this?? Well, this trap is easier on the corner but it can work anywhere with precise timming; input this move when the enemy is standing up and try to fall in top of them and almost behind them, since with this move you can go through the enemy you will share his place. Now the game will screw up a little and if the enemy attacks the attack will come out aiming for the other way; sadly since Maxima is big the attack will most likely connect... So what's the use of this?? well, you switched places with the enemy, so the inputs are inversed, this will be of much use if the enemy doesn't know that you have switched places they will input wrong commands and that's your chance to DM throw them or combo. This is a very specific trap that will not work in cases when the inverse input can also combo or if the enemy realized that you switched sides with him. Also there is a chance that the game screw ups even more and the reverse inputs come out facing your way. I don't think this trap is neat, but boy have I won some matches beautifully with this... Your best set up is a Maxima Revenger or a corner Vapour cannon, since the enemy can't roll recover from them. Of course even though this is not a perfect anti air it can still be used like a semi decent anti air with enough reflexs; I have stopped many K9999s & Leonas with it. - Well, from the Qcf + Punch moves I strongly suggest you just stick to the A version of the move since it's a lot faster. This is one of your fastest moves but sadly is not truly a safe move, but many players are ignorant that there is an openning to exploy after they block this move, so you can consider yourself safe if that's the case on your arcade... If that's the case then I recommend using cr A into Qcf + A a lot, since that simple follow up can lead to many mind games. For example my main forms of attacks are that (cr A -> Qcf) or just a cr A. Then once in a while use cr A, small delay, cr A -> Qcf, odds says the the enemy will not know this set up and they will get smashed in if they tried to attack you after the first croucing jab. Further move only use one Qcf, and then, only once in a while use it's follow up and odds says that the enemy will eat up the move because they where trying to do something. These set ups require you to tame your enemy, for you to force them into it. You need to recognize when the enemy is "hungry" and will try to exploy any chances to attack. Since the follow up is super cancelable you can get great damage from this set up, the double bomber follow up will leave you sadly open if blocked and if you try to use the same traps from the second follow up be warned that they are not that useful. Against slow enemies you can do easily blocked Qcf + Punch x 2 and then Maxima Revenger throw DM... By slow enemies I mean enemies who think and react slowly, not slow characters. - The Hcb + Kick throw is V.E.R.Y. easy to recognize and dodge, but in order to make it a little less predictable you should throw a df + C and cancel it on the Hcb + Kick, that could make the enemy buy the move... I have see it happen. Now if the move hits IT'S A DARN SHAME but the follow up it's not granted (except on the corner, I think), but you can do a little of mind game with it. Just input the follow up really fast and Maxima will perform it but it will miss. What's soo good on this, you say?? well, if the first hit miss then you will be INVINCIBLE when doing the follow up (if the first attack hits and they dodge the second one, you are meat); so if the enemy was trying to do something tasty on you because you where "open" anything they'll try will miss and if they failed a move that takes to long to recover (DMs or something to that extent) you will have a Maxima Revenger granted or a combo, it's up to the mistake they make. Of course that if the enemy didn't attack of they did something quick like light attacks they will realize the trap and it will be futile. - The fwd, Hcf + Punch DM is Maxima's worst adition. It's not only almost impossible to land, it could also get in the way of others inputs that you do, for example on a bad stick when you try Qcf + A x 3 you could get Qcf + Punch x 2 and the DM + a gigant head ache. The only kind of use you could try for this move is inputting the A version simultaneosly to an enemy high jump, but even that it's too much luck & character dependant. - Well, the A Bunket is your main defensive move but it needs a lot of anticipation, but it's fast enough to punish an enemy if you input it simultaneosly to an enemy far standing C attack. The second hit of the A version will miss if the enemy is cornered in any normal circunstance; but the C version hits on the corner. You can, however; do some decent set ups with the A version in the corner; for example you can connect the A version and right when you can move input the Maxima Revenger throw DM; if the enemy roll recovered and attempted an attack be certain that they will be throwed ;) - Well, for the Maxima revenger throw DM.... If you can't do basic throw traps then you should forget playing a hard to learn character like Maxima. The SDM version hurts. - About the Arc Enemy "hidden" SDM... I find this move easy to foresee and that it does low damage if you put it next to Maxima's SDM, so I can't really advise the use this move like if it where a useful one XD When using this move Maxima can't be hit while he is dashing, but he can be hit between the dash and the throw... Pretty sad matter if I must say... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08.- Sample Combos: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls B; Hcf + B. * Easy. - cls B; df + C; Qcb + A. * Your basic combo, be careful with characters that can duck the df + C when blocked. - cls B; df + C; Hcb x 2 + D. * DM version of the combo listed above, same from up there applies except finishing the combo when the opposition is blocking. - cls B; fwd + C; Qcf + C x 3. * This combo is character especific, but it works against almost every character... Of course you can super cancel the second Qcf 'double bomber' move. Independent combos: - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcb + C. * Your main mistake punisher and perhaps your main pressure combo, unless the enemy realizes the 'empty spaces' that this combo produces (after the second and thrid hits there are space that the enemy can take advantage off, but most enemies doesn't realize that). - cr A; cr A; cr A; Qcf + A x 3. * Normally you should use just one cr A; but when close and if confident you could do up to three punches; as usual you can super cancel the second Qcf move. - cr A; cr A; df + C; Qcb + A. * I actually got props when I do this combo, it's hard to believe since it's so simple and so easy. - cls D; fwd + A; Hcb x 2 + D. * The cls D is slower than the 1st hit of the cls C; but it does inflict more damage. Of course this combo can be performed as MAX. - cr C; Qcf x 2 + C, Qcf, Hcb + A. + This basic combo uses the super cancel feature. Max mode combos: - cross up C; cls A; df + C, Max mode; run; far A, Qcf + A x 2; Hcb x 2 + D. + This combo uses the super cancel feature. * After the cross up C the enemy must be hit from behind; even then it's character dependant, if the Maxima Revenger is a SDM this it wastes 4 bars and is a 98% combo on weak stamina characters and something like 94% combo on strong stamina characters. - fwd + A, max mode; cr B into Qcf + A x 3. * This combo is mainly a set up, you either use the low quick or another fwd + A, either way you can super cancel the combo. Corner combos: - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf + A x 3. * This combo is mainly thought for a cornered enemy; but it also works anywhere if you catch the enemy from behind, but it's character dependent; of course you can super cancel this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09.- Guard Damage Table: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since '96, the KoF saga as featured the Guard Crush possiblity, but Guard Crush isn't something based on magic as most people think; like any thing made by the man, Guard Crush has its logic and "modus operandi", only that this time around the game actually shows you when your guard is reaching a critical point. As I have been saying since I got Internet, guard crush doesn't depend on the character that blocks, it depends on the attack that gets blocked; here I will list Maxima's attacks that damage the guard in a greater degree. Misunderstand me not, even though Guard Crush is a useful feature to the offensive player is not something you should memorize or should base your whole gameplay on, but in certain cases it can be useful, for example my record is to successfuly produce Guard Crush 3 times in a round; I mean, my main objective is for you to have an rough idea what attacks produce guard crush more oftenly. For example if you see the enemy's life bar blinking it mean's his guard is at something of 20 or 15 %, so if you see that do something that does more guard damage than 20% and then you got your chance. If the enemy is being annoying when they are on low guard percent then you be annoying with 10% or so guard damage attacks. - far C = 11 % - cls D = 17 % - CD = 09 % - cr D = 11 % - Qcb + C = 09 % - Hi jump foward C = 10 % - Short jump C = 10 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.- Character Bio: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bio: Alias: Maxima Real Name: Unknown Fighting Style: "Type M" Fighting Techniques [*] Birthday: March 2nd 1971 Age: 30 Nationality: Canada [**] Blood Type: A Height: 204cm Weight: 204kg Hobby: Motorcycle touring [***] Favorite Food: Anything [****] Best Sport: Rugby Most Important: His sideburns Dislikes: Fermented soybeans (nato), people requesting his opinion * Formerly reported to be "M Type grapple style". * ** In teory the issue of Maxima being Canadian is a lie. ** *** In the american version his hobbie is Cycling, in the japanese is 'Bike Touring (on his Excelsior Henderson [Super X])'. *** **** Stated as "Anything sweet" in the japanese profile. **** The voice of this character is done by Katsuyuki Konichi Palette Swaps: A = Dark blue leather biker suit, White armor, Blue shirt B = Black leather biker suit, Red armor, Dark grey shirt C = Black leather biker suit, Yellow armor, Vanilla color shirt D = Purple leather biker suit, White Armor, Wine color shirt All colors seems to have almost the same skin tones, D button is my favourite for the record Story: Well, since the start Maxima has being shown as K's best friend and almost his body guard and sadly through out the game has never managed to show anything more than that; we know that Maxima is a smart fellow and that he dislikes NESTS because they casued the death of one of his friends; but aside of that Maxima hasn't evolved at all in the storyline and you can just see a small part of his personality through the game. So in order to further increase the level of detail I advise you to check my K's FAQ and read this very same section on that FAQ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.- Character Dialogs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first is the offical translation speech, after the slash is the possible and not too correct interpetation. Within brackets is the speech that I hear, I can some what recognize but I have no idea of how it's written. Damn it, Maxima is too damn quiet, and when he speaks he usually says the name of his moves instead of personal quotes (Bunket Buster, Vapour Canon, Maxima Revenger) fortunately he speaks a lot more in 2k3, sadly is too damn weak there, he could be considered the weakest character of that crappy game... Introduction speech: Iku ze, abibo... Here I go Buddy Roll recover speech: Chorui sei That's too easy Performing System 3: Maxima's Lift: Iku ze Here I go -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.- Character Post Battle Quotes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selectable Quotes A button / D button I am bloody almighty B button Dummy up, pal! I read you like a cheap novel C button Man, Have I got a pshysique! You can't touch me! Character Specific Quotes Maxima over NESTS team *must be full team* Had enough; Then? It's checkmate! Maxima over Kyo '99 So you're his... Oh well, it can wait. Maxima over K' You self-serving Sap! Leave things to me from now on! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.- Personal Take: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxima is a very special type of character to play... He is kind of passive / agressive character; you are slower most of the time, so your main worry is trying to overcome the enemy pattern; you have to be really neat to pin down a charater and beat the living lights out of him with Maxima, it's not as simple as playing with Goro where you could damage the enemy almost randomly; here you have to sweat every inch of energy that the enemy loses..... Your reward?? Seeing Maxima in action can be really neat experience to watch and even though he has a very basic move list you will know that you are playing a character that requires great skill to play. The main thing is 'Never lose your head', and remember, if players on your town start arguing like 'Maxima is too damn fast', 'he does way too much damage', 'that move is soo bloody cheap' it is not because the character is cheap nor strong, there you got that it's your skill at work, there is nothing given with this character, everything is work... Basically you have to think like Maxima to play him.... -> Go for damage the damage and play it smart. The main 'normal' Maxima will play as a 'I predict what you do punishing you with strenght', but maybe, just maybe the enemy won't like the fact that you chunk out 25% or 40% of energy because you read them, so they could choose n.o.t. t.o. go crazy with the attacks, in this case you got two types of enemies, those who are neat and will vary the tempo, the speeds and their attacks AND those enemies who will turtle you with strong crappy safe moves... against the first kind is a neat skill vs skill fight, against the others is a pitbull fest against what you can improvize.... In either cases your objective is to take the enemy to the 'I can read you' position, and to do that you need a lot of practice, skill, patience and perhaps some luck... Think that they are the 'lock' and you need to become the key, but take your time to understand how to do so, this is not a rush down character or a stupid tier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.- Credits: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris MacDonald (Kao Megura) Is '2002 FAQ did save me the time of looking for the original move names for Makishima-sama. Moriya His complete movelist FAQ did provided me with Maxima's Bio. Kibagami I have used parts of his work when listing the character speeches, so all the credit should be given to him Gunsmith His KoF '99 speech FAQ provided other source of information when listing the dialogs of Maxima The True Warrior His extensive work provided the main source of information; almost every translation of the steam vapour robot speeches has been found from his excellent FAQ and put here for information purposes only. El Maligno Juan: Just by keeping me in foul mood whenever I visit the Mad man's cafe. "Hey! You are not up to dodge ball!!" ... And yes, THAT'S YOU JUAN!!!!