Ryo Character guide for King of fighters 2002 By Aofan E-mail:sergio267@ig.com.br richterbel@ig.com.br V 1.0 Still not complete, but almost there... ***** Contents ***** 1-Ryo who ? 2-Starting 2-Some notes and changes 3-Short Move list 4-Move analysis 5-Combos 6-Character analysis and strategy 7-Important Matchs 8-Thanks *** Ryo who ? *** Just in case you don't know Ryo is the son of Takuma Sakazaki, and master of Kyokugenryu Karate and he's in KOF since 94'. Yes he's that character at Whip's side that nobody plays. Like some other characters in KOF, Ryo is a character spoiled each year a little more, this year not being a exception. He's a good character but not too good for beginners, but it's a fun character to play and very hard to defeat if you use the right strategy. I'll not put here a lot of bioinfo cause you can find it in other places and you probably alerady knows everything about him. *** Starting *** About the guide I'm too lazy to explain the game system and everything, so I'm assuming you know everything about KOF 2002 system.(I'll not explain things like what is an overhead, how to guardcancel attack, etc.) *** Some notes and changes *** There's now some minor changes in Ryo sprite this year, he looks like in AOF2 now, but with none improvement in his gameplay. He lost some moves like his qcb + A/C move and his tenchi haou ken DM. The wire effect of the zanretsuken also is gone. His Kohou now have that waaaaaaay more invincible frames and it's a better wake up and antiair move, though, recover slow now. His Ryuko Rambu Dm have godly priority now and is a overall better move than in 2001. *** Short move list *** Command moves: f + A Hyouchuu Wari(overhead) f + B Joudan Uke (parry) df + B Gedan Uke (parry) Special moves qcf + P Kohou Ken qcf + K Mouko Rajin Setsu(overhead) f,b,f + P Zanretsu Ken(autoguard) f,d,df + P Kohou hcb + K Hien Shippuu Kyaku DMs f,hcf + P Haou Shoukou Ken qcf,hcb + P Ryuuko Ranbu qcf + C,A Ryuuko Ranbu(Unblockable, only as SDM) qcf,qcf + AC Tenchi Haou Ken(Auto dizzy, only as HSDM) *** Move analysis *** I'll use now stars for rating the moves and comment them. 1 or 2 stars means a less usefull move while 5 stars means a very usefull move and there it goes. Well, you probably already read a guide this way... ***** Normal moves ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far A *** Good poke, comboable into b hien shippuu kyaku. Use it when your opponent miss something near of you and you don't have time to get very near and combo(you will probably want to use the CD instead). It does a little more damage than the far B, but have less range. Some small guys(Choi) can duck it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far B *** The animation is again like in 98 but a little slower. A good poke. Better range than far A. Annoy the enemy with this. Don't mind being called cheaply cause they are probably using a stronger character than Ryo, so, take all advantages you can when needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far C *** Unlike 2001 version of this move, it doesn't have a huge lag anymore. Have decent speed priority, but there's no much use for this. It will not win against good far pokes, like Joe's far D, Iori's far C, so watch out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far D ** Not much use for this. This can be a good antiair if your opponent doesn't have good priority in the air, but you will trade hits most of the time. It's good to stop hops near of you. but again your CD can do the same. This moves takes some time to get in it's max range, and you can get hit during the whole animation(really slow), so it's not usefull as a poke cause you will probably get hit by a sweep. Though it have surprising range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near A ** Good for some combos, cause it can be repeated into itself and it's cancelable. But the only move Ryo have to combo from light attacks is the hien shippuu kyaku, so when you're near it's better try to combo with strong attacks. Use as poke when near. You can repeat 3 times before they fall out of range. It also does a little more damage than near B. And also like the far A, looks like smalls guys can duck it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near B * Standard light attack, can be canceled but not repeated, unlike the near A. But i think guys like Choi or Chin can't duck it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near C ***** Good move, you will use this a lot. This move not only have good priority (not as Kyo sC), have a biiiiiig cancelable frame(unlike Kyo sC, where you need to cancel in the very beggining). It make up for Ryo lack of a cancelable command attack, being very easy to combo his DMs from this move. You can even link it from your crB or crA, but it needs timing, you're better using crC instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near D ***** Almost the same as near C. It's up to you which use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD **** A very good move. You can cancel into any moves, including into Ryo's command moves. If it hits as a counter, you can juggle with the Raijin Setsu, or the Kohouken if the opponent is in the corner. It stops some hop ins and jumps, unless you're fighting a godly air character, like Mai or Leona. It's fast, have a good recovery and a decent range. Good poke too. Be careful, cause you can be sweeped out of it very easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cr A * Almost the same as near a, nothing special in this move. Can be canceled and repeated. The range is fair short, you have better moves to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cr B ***** Fast light attack, good range. Can be repeated but not canceled. Link it into a crC for a good combo if you're very near, or if you're a little far , link it into some sA and combo into hien shippuu kyaku. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cr C ***** This is one of the moves you will use more with Ryo. It have priority like Kyo sC(but a little bad to cancel too), and beat anything near of you, coming from the ground or from the air. Unlike many people think or do, this move shouldn't be used as a everytime anti-air cause you can end trading or missing hits(and eating a big combo) and Ryo have better moves for antiair. This move is best when used on a opponent on the ground cause: 1. You can combo it into another moves, like his Dms. 2. This move, unlike many crC in the game, have a good horizontal range(not that good). 3. This move beats almost anything, including most sweeps(not Leona of course) About the reason n1, you can say "But it's too hard to cancel that move in a dm". Well, it would be if you try on the common way, but a good thing with 2002 is: Almost all shortcuts for command are very easy now(But a bad thing is that now you get some moves when trying to get others). An example of shortcut: When you supercancel the Kohou into ryuko rambu, you don't do f, d, df + C and qcf, Hcb + A. You do f, qcf + C, then Hcb + C. This is a shortcut. There's a way i'm using to cancel the crC into Ryo's Dms and it's just spliting the command in two parts. Example: To cancel the DM Ryuko Rambu from Ryo's crC, you would do this: qcf, df, crC, db, b + A. It works always. Or: crC, hcb + A. Easy, but sometimes fail. The old 97-98 Shortcut. You can ask now, why try it ? Well, since Ryo's DMs do a lot of damage, wouldn't hurt, and if you fail you will not be open after the crC, so why not try it ? Let's take a gameplay example of how it would be usefull You're fighting a no-grab opponent, and he blocks a raijinsetsu. He have two options, attack or block. You have three, the crC into Ko'uken, the weak Kohou, or block. The kohou is a little risk, so you would do the crC into Ko'uken and it will probably hit the opponent if he try to attack and if he blocks you're safe. How to take more damage if the opponent try to atack you? Well, when recovering from the Raijin setsu, do f, b, db, crC, qcf + A, and you'll get a HSKK DM, instead of the ko'uken, for more damage, and you're probably safe if the opponent block. Believe me it can make you win battles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cr D * Standard sweep, cancelable, not good range, not good priority. You shouldn't use this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- jA * Don't use this. I don't use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- jB ** Well, it's just good to beat some opponents air to air. You can use this to start combos, but you're better using jC or jD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- jC ***** Decent to jump ins. Better than jD, to fight in the air but worst to start combos. It doesn't mean you can't, though. It does more guard damage than jump D also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- jD *** Decent move too. Most Ryo players don't like this move, but it's perfect to start combos. It lacks in priority, cause any crC can beat it, and worst, some smart player can duck and start a low chain, but if you know the time for using this, can be very useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- jCD **** Good move. Not that good to beat other jCDs, you will trade or lose most of the time, unless you jump very early. Ryo's is not that good in the air, so just jump when you know you can to avoid such situations. ***** Command moves ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f + A Hyouchuu Wari(overhead) **** An standard overhead. You can combo from strong attacks. Unlike many other moves like this, you can't chain it into other moves, unless you're in max mode. Good recovery , a good option to combo from a sC and be very safe after it. You still can do the old overhead trick from 97(If you combo it from a sC, it will not act as overhead, but if you wait till the final frames of the sC it will not do combo, but still act as overhead). It's the only Ryo move that doesn't knock down. You should use this always when your opponent enter the defensive. Since most player have the pattern of crouch blocking, you can take lots of life using this move. When they start blocking it, change to a low move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f + B Joudan Uke (parry) ** df + B Gedan Uke (parry) The first version guard against mid and high, as some special moves and DMs, and the second version against low and some mid attacks. The highparry it's a little slower than the lowparry and both can be canceled if autoguard is triggered. I don't use this that much, unless my opponent gets too predictable with far normals, pokes or fireballs. As antiair cancel it into b hienshippuu kyaku or kohou only. If you guard a farC or alikes, your best option is the ryuko rambu, or hien shippuu kyaku if you don't have stock. This moves don't raise stock, like in KOF99-00. You still receive guard damage when using this moves. This moves can give you a victory or make you lose badly. Just use this to look cool or to make people think you are good. ***** Special moves ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- qcf + P Kohou Ken **** This is not a good move to use alone or to keep the opponent far. It's good almost only in combos. The A version have better recovery, but still a not too good poke. The good thing is that this move have a great vertical range and stops hops and some jumps.(but don't use it as antiair) Have good damage, plus it's hard to roll to evade it. C version is good to get somewhat near the opponent, but if you use it too near, you will get yourself open to a combo. You can play some sort of "zoning" with this, but the problem with this move it's his recovery. Though, the only ways your opponent have to evade it it's rolling or shadow jumping to your back. In both situations you will end up in a big problem and eating a big combo, so always when playing based on this fireball, try to figure when the opponent will try or can do either. If it's a roll happy player, he'll not give you big trouble, but grapplers can be dangerous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- qcf + K Mouko Rajin Setsu(overhead) *** A good move overall. An overhead, good recovery but low priority. Your opponent can beat it with a crC, antiair, or worst, DM you. Characters like Clark can grab you if you land to near. Good damage as counter, it's a good move to punish fireballers. It will also evade low and mid atacks cause it have some invincibility frames in the very beggining. As most of Ryo's moves, you need to know when to use it, or you're done. When blocked, some fast moves, and some rush DMs, like Joe's or Iori's will hit you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f,b,f + P Zanretsu Ken(autoguard) ** I don't use this move that much(and you shouldn't also), but if your opponent is poking you to much, try it. I would choose the parry instead, but this move is less risk in case you miss. And also there's a chance of the opponent geting hit while trying to hit you in this move, but you shouldn't count with that. Unlike Robert Geneikyaku, it's easy to hit him out of it. This move do good damage, so try it in a combo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f,d,df + P Kohou ** Ryo's best antiair, move improved, when compared with the old one(though, I still prefer the old style) . A version can trade if you don't time it well, but C verson win against almost everything. Supercancelable in the first hit, use C version to combo into ryuko rambu. Both versions have invincibility, but C is better. The problems with this move is on the fact that now it's guaranted big damage if blocked. Unlike the old version, you will always eat a big combo after whiff this. And looks like it's harder now to this move hit twice in counter hit, so the damage don't worth the risk. And unlike Robert's Ryuuga it will never hit twice if not counter, making it too counter hit dependent. Don't use this too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- hcb + K Hien Shippuu Kyaku no stars NEVER USE THIS MOVE. It's such a trash useless. I don't know why SNK gave this move to Ryo or why this move still here after 7 years... This move is the one who should be removed, not the moves Ryo loses year after year. First of all, weak and strong versions leaves you wide open. Second, the damage it's not decent. To do full damage, you need to be very near, and comboing from a strong attack, it will only hit twice, unless in the corner or against a big guys, and even if the three kicks hits the opponents, the damage still not that bigger than the ko'ken. Do as I say, never use it. Well, if you know some other use for this tell me. ***** DMs ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f,hcf + P Haou Shoukou Ken **** This move will negate normal projectiles and still hiting the opponent for good damage. It's a good move against fireballers, like Athena or Iori. A version is comboable from strong attacks. A version comes out faster but travel slower than C version, and C version is tooooo fast. It's hard to jump over A version unless you're Benimaru, Choi, or some others that jumps high. It's hard to roll it too. You can do mind games with this move(Well, if you have a lot of stocks you don't mind to use). Do it from full screen and the opponent will probably get hit while trying to jump or roll. Use it to combo from a strong attack. It's the best use for this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- qcf,hcb + P Ryuuko Ranbu *** This move is really something. Ryo doesn't have a invincible startup like Takuma or Robert when charging the move, but when he's traveling, almost nothing can beat him(For sure Leona's V-slasher can). It'll beat anything coming from the air, evade most fireballs, beat most moves, well, you should use it as antiair, to punish mistakes, as everything. And more, this move deal very good damage even alone, and it's one of the more damaging DMs in 2002(if not the most damagind DM). So if your opponent do a mistake, or attack with any move(from the air or from the ground), do this move and you will win for very good damage(40% or a little more). And if comboed from a sC it'll do 50% of damage already. Abuse it with care, cause if this move is blocked you're done. Due to the slow startup, the lack in invincibility, the recovery and the complex command, it will not be usefull in high level of gameplay, and it's a little hard to combo. With this move you can evade the fireball of: Robert:yes Iori:no Kusanagi:no Athena:yes Kenzou:yes Mai:yes K':not sure Joe:yes ShermieOrochi:yes Mature:no ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- qcf + C,A Ryuuko Ranbu(Unblockable, no stars only as SDM) Well, what i can say ? It's a SDM. It's unblockable. it's useless. I can't do it. Since the normal Ryuko rambu takes almost 50% of damage, and it's done easy, this move is useless, plus it's hard to do. I know it's unblockable, but still useless to me. If you know how you can do this move in a easier way, tell me, please. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Move name Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------- qcf,qcf + AC Tenchi Haou Ken(Auto ** dizzy, only as HSDM) This move is really good, but to cause a lot of damage you will need at least 3 stocks. And since you need to be low in life to do it, it becomes less usefull than it would be. You need to be in max mode to do it, so it's better cancel it from your fA in a combo(but to do it you will need to be out of the max mode. Cancel your fA into max mode and do the DM. It will take 3 stocks). This move always dizzy the opponent. ***** Combos ***** Important combos crB, sA, sA, Hcb + B crB, crC, qcf + A/C (care with C version) crB, crC, f + A crB, crC, qcf, hcb + A (if you're not that fast, try the shortcuts) crB, crC, f, hcf + A (same as above) sC, qcf + A/C sC, f + A sC, f, b, f + A sC, qcf, hcb + A sC, f, hcf + A (easiest DM combo with him) Max mode combos: Ryo is not that good in max mode, so I don't think you should go into it in battle, just to have some fun. In max mode you can cancel: f + A Hyouchuu Wari f,b,f + P Zanretsu Ken(13hit) f,d,df + P Kohou(1sthit) C, f + A, hcb + D Very basic C, f, b, f + C, qcf + D C, f, d, df + C, qcf, hcb + A (supercancel combo) C, f, d, df + C, hcb + D As you can see, everything is very basic, if you have something better, send to me and i'll add it here and give the credit for you. ***** Character analysis and general strategy ***** Well, seeing Ryo's moves, you can see that the effective range for him is very close. Few characters can beat you once you're near, but sometimes will be very hard to get close some opponents, cause none of Ryo moves are really safe, so you have to use them with care. Even his fireball is slow enough to give the opponent the chance to punish you. So you're better always waiting to see what he likes to do. If you already fought that opponent it's easier to predict what they will do, or even seeing the character they are playing. If someone picks Kenzou or Chang, you know how they play, right ? So you have most of the time to base your gameplay in your opponent gameplay. If kenzou is throwing his fireball, try to antecipate it and punish him with the haou sho kou ken or the Raijin setzu. Chang jump CD all the time ? Your Kohou, the ryuko Rambu and the parrys are your options. Being poked ? Parry or Zanretsuken. If you want a more offensive gameplay, first you need to see with who you're fighting against, cause against some characters, a offensive tirade it's almost impossible, due to Ryo's lack in air priority and offensive moves. Against characters like Leona, whip, and Billy try the offensive only if somehow you get very near. Take care with the hops and don't abuse them. To jump in, use the jump CD the most, and try the C or D, if you think you can start a combo(just when you know it's going to hit). When you're near, crC into ko'uken and your CD are your best options of pokes. If your opponent likes to try crossups, crC is your safest option. ***** Pros and cons ***** Pros: Ryo is fast, a decent combo character, offensive and defensive(but IMO you should always be offensive) and have a close range fireball(that you should learn how to use). Cons: Ryo doesn't have good range in his normal moves, his special moves are from semi usefull to useless, his more damaging combos are hard and very useless in high level of gameplay. ***** Playing Ryo ***** There are 3 ways that I think Ryo can be effective: Offensive, defensive and the fireball game. You should always play the fireball game and use the others against some characters where the fireball game doesn't work well. In this case, you should play a more reactive mode, where Ryo is decent also. When playing the fireball game, your main goal is pressuring the opponent and drive him to the corner. The fireball hit and knocks them down, and when they are recovering, you can combo to push them a little more to the corner. Use the CD guard cancel if you need, but always try to put them in the corner. Never let them push you to the corner(Even at cost of many stocks). Once they are in the corner, poke them and try to force mistakes. If they start trying to roll or super jump to avoid possible fireballs, just wait. The good players will not do this of course, so use this to judge the type of player you're playing against. The masters and experts will be smart enough to know when to block and when to attack. The turtles will be in the corner fast, or even losing before geting there. *** The fireball game *** It's a basic mid range battle. In middle range(like almost 1/2 screen away) you should use the fireball often. It will hit the opponent very often if they like to hop jump, and soon they will not be trying to hop that much. But don't use it all the time, cause just one time they pass it, you will eat big damage. If they start trying to roll or super jump a possible fireball, punish them. Hop in is this distance also. If they are waiting for some fireball, you will get them on surprise and push them little more to the corner and do some guard damage. On the defensive, be ready to pull out crC, the Kohou or even the ryuuko rambu DM on a possible hop in, but you should focus more on the offensive in this range. If your opponent gets a little more close and try to hop, your stand D works well, but only in the right distance. You should learn by experience. In this range, you can also mix your fireball with run-ins. I do recomend run and do your overhead or get near and poke with down A. But doing that you will change your focus in a more close range battle. *** The offensive and defensive game *** You should choose this type of gameplay if your opponent gets very near often or if your fireball game doesn't work well with the character you're playing against(like some grappler). In this range your down B and stand B should be abused. Never stays blocking when close, cause you will be pressured and pushed to the corner, being throwed or fooled by mind games. Besides, if you stay blocking, you're raising the stock of the opponent, and receiving guard crush damage. So if you can't take the offensive when close, you should always poke them to get some distance or backdash or jump to get time to breath. Then you should try to get on the offensive again or start using the fireball game. Ryo's fireball is also very good in close range, even better to poke then his far normals, though is also a more risk. When close and in the offensive, abuse the C, Ko'ken combo cause it's very safe, push them to the corner and it's also a setup for a guessing game. If they block the combo, you can throw or don't another ko'ken, and the only way to avoid is rolling or blocking. If they try to attack or jump they will get hit. Also remember of using the crouch C of Ryo when close. It will beat anything. If they are a little outside of it's range, crouch B is also very good. Poke is a must with Ryo when close. Most Ryo players here plays Ryo very different from me. They play more a offensive game with jumps and combos. I don't think Ryo should be played this way. Why ? First because Ryo's jump moves doesn't have priority to fight with the most popular characters in the game. Second, because his combos are not so flashy or damaging enough to make up for the damage you receive in this type of gameplay. Third because Yashiro and some others characters are already there for it, and, not only Yashiro(normal) is very alike Ryo, but he's also better in combos and jumping. *** Defending yourself from jumps in a defensive game *** Well, everyone knows that there's no way of stay in the whole round on the offensive, cause attacking everytime is a sure way to loose. So in the moments you will need to be on the defensive, you need to be ready to never let the opponent press you by hoping and comboing. I'm sure everyone are thinking now in the Kohou, but you shouldn't use it too much. Well, I never use it, to tell you the truth, but I do recomend using it in high jumps or when the opponent hops from far. But the good players never do it, so against them this is useless. The crouch C is your best option against most characters, but with some like Leona or Choiit can fail... The ramdom ko'ken you should be throwing will do most of the work. Against high jumps, the ryuuko rambu is very efficient, and there's no way it fails. If you don't trust your eyes or think you're not fast enough, just block and CD counter, and don't save your stocks. If you're thinking in just blocking til you have an opening, be careful with low chains or throws after a fake jump. *** When the opponent is getting up *** Here are some options: Stay close and use stand C into ko'ken With some distance, mix the fA with your sweep. Hop jump C, C, Ko'ken Hop jump, a low chain or throw. Cross up C(don't count with a combo after this) Block if they want to whiff something. Mix them and i'm sure you will cause some damage sometimes. *** Wake ups *** The only possible wake up move for Ryo is the Kohou. Use the weak version when you think your opponent will attack. The strong version leaves you open cause it doesn't knock down very often. I don't need to say that if the opponent block or somehow avoid it you will be very sorry. If they are very near, sometimes when you're getting up you can throw them. *** Tips against: Fireballers: Easiest opponent for Ryo. You have lots of options to beat them. If your DM Ryuko Rambu can evade the fireball of your opponent, it's even easier. Use the Raijin Setsu and HSKK(HAou sho kou ken) to punish them, and when they start to fear throwing the fireball, you should take the offensive and try to get near them. Most fireballers are not good in close combat or at comboing(but this rule have it's exceptions) and guys that likes playing fireballers are not good playing near, so when you get near you will probably win. Grabers: Still not a problem for you. Most people think hard to fight against them, but I don't have problem with any graber. You will jump a lot against them, cause most grabers don't have good antiair moves, plus you can't be grabed in the air. But care, jump in the right distance, always making your jump CD have more priority. Once you're knocked down, it's all a question of mind games. If you fail in see what he'll do, you'll be very wounded, if you suceed, you'll probably have a chance to hit them, or even combo hit them. If they like to jump, and you can't do a antiair in time, always do a crC and you shouldn't care about trades. It'll make they "fear" to jump, or at least, making they think twice before jumping. Pokers: This is really a threat for you. Chang, Ralf, Choi, Leona, Yashiro and any other character that likes to poke with safe moves, or worst poking with like light-ranged atacks will make your life harder. Let's take the example of Leona. She can stay crouched poking with crB all the time, and there's nothing you can do against her. If you jump, you will eat a DM, a crC or any antiair. If you do one of your moves, she still can block and punish you after(it's a tip on how to defeat a Ryo player). And if she push you to the corner it becomes even worst. The only advice I can give for you is one: WAIT, WAIT. Your only chance is make them attack you. A good thing is always drive guys like Billy or Leona to the corner but it's easier said than done. The same goes for Chang(jump CD), ralph(C button), etc. Offensive and comboer: Every player you fight against will go sometime on the offensive, being it a fireballer, graber, well everyone. But sometimes you fight player that does just one thing. Jump and comboing. They don't use fireball, counter, grab, nothing, they just jump and combo. This type of player don't have pacience most of the time and never take the defensive. Since they base their game on jumping, it's all a question of waiting them and beat them out of it. See the section on how to defend yourself against jumps. This type of player will use characters with good air kicks, like Leona or Benimaru, so don't think in fight in the air with them. And be carefull with crossups kicks, like Benimaru. Be carefull also with your antiairs, cause if you make a mistake, this type of player are good on comboing and will deal the more possible damage everytime. And since they play too offensive, they always have stocks for combos. Defensive: You will not find many of them, but when you find one all defensive player, remember: Don't jump out of te nothing. They will have a antiair or DM ready for it. If they turtle, get near and poke him with your B and crB, and try to make him attack you. Fake runs and fake jump sometimes to try make them whiff something, them combo them. ***** Against Characters especific strategy ***** Character: Name of the character. Type: Type of gameplay often used by players Dificulty: * Not a chalenge. Can be hard when played by good players, but the character itself don't offers any trouble. ** Easy. Not a problem. As the first case, it's a character that have nothing too abusable and needs a good player to give some chalenge. *** Normal. Can give you trouble with an average player. **** Hard. Even scrubs will deal a lot of damage on you. ***** Very hard. Give two cheap partners for Ryo(Like Billy or Choi) or you will be sorry. What you will see very often: Moves and strategies more used by players. Strategy: How to fight them. Recomended characters to play against them: The character I do recommend to play against. To be continued... Thanks: To gamefaqs.com for being the best Site I ever been and to the people in the message board. Thanks also to the zillion faq writers which faqs I have read and learned from.