YASHIRO NANAKASE CHARACTER GUIDE - KOF 2002 By Rugal_Br Email: Rugal_br@yahoo.com.br And i am in: irc.americhat.org:6668 almost all days, #DCFelas, #MS or #Brasil, my nicks: GodRugal and Rugal. Hia, one more faq in gamefaqs, koforevah"! :D Table of contents: 1- Why a Yashiro FAQ? 2- Abbreviatures 3- Bio 4- Move list 5- Move analysis 6- Strategy 7- Combos 8- Author's note 9- Credits 1. Why a Yashiro Nanakase FAQ? I liked Yashiro this year, he's stronger, the "press machine". He has new animations, well, news sprites :P and his combos are veeeeeeeery damaging now. Jet counter combos rules :D 2. Abbreviatures: A: light punch B: light kick C: strong punch D: strong kick qcf: quarter circle forward (d,df,f) qcb: quarter circle backward (d,db,b) hcf: half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f) hcb: half circle backward (f,df,d,db,b) 3. Bio: Fighting Style: Mainly striking attacks Birthday: December 31 Age: 23 Birthplace: Japan Blood Type: O Height: 1.90m Weight: 99kg Hobby: His band, travelling Favorite Food: Menma, lamen (instant noodles) Best Sport: Swimming Prized Things: Amber Dislikes: Eggplants, narrow places 4. Move list: THROWS Lever Blow When close, b/f + C Hatchet Throw When close, b/f + D COMMAND MOVES Regret Bash f + A Step Side Kick f + B SPECIAL MOVES Upper Duel f,d,df + A/C Jet Counter hcf + A/C . Jet Counter: Still During Jet Counter, qcf + A/C Sledgehammer qcb + B/D DESPERATION MOVES Final Impact qcf,qcf + A/C (can be held) SUPER DESPERATION MOVES Final Impact qcf,qcf + AC (can be held) HIDDEN SUPER DESPERATION MOVE [Error...] Code "2002" qcb,hcf + BD 5. Move analysis: The comments are to the important moves. The rating in the moves will be * to the worst and ***** to the best :D Command Moves: Forward + B: Good in combos and you can do a forward + B and cancel from this, you dont need do a close C or D to combo in forward + B, but I think that forward + A is more useful because it don't push the opponent so much ***-- Forward + A: Excellent, when you do the forward + b motion you'll have much time to do a move after it, because the animation is delayed like Bluemary's forward + B too, it's a overhead. ****- Stand: A (Far): A fast punch. **--- A (Close): A comboable punch, combo in Upper Duel (A version) or Final Impact (be fast). **--- B (Far): A long range kick, not too fast like 98 but is useful to keep the opponent away. ***-- B (Close): A low kick but don't hits low, combo in Upper Duel (A version) **--- C (Far) : A fast punch but the range is too short. ***-- C (Close): Fast, comboable, sometimes a anti-air because the punch is upwards ****- D (Far): Long range, anti-air if your opponent jump in you (far screen). ****- D (Close): Comboable, use C instead, the only year where this move hits low was 97 x_x. ****- CD: Good to knockdown opponents running or doing low priority attacks, sometimes anti-air. ***-- Crouch: A: Poke move and comboable in Upper Duel A version or Final Impact. ***-- B: Poke move, hits low, cancel in low A. **--- C: The upper, his best anti-air so good like King's :D, comboable too. ***** D: A long range sweep, comboable too and hit 2 times. ****- Jump A: A downwards punch, useful but Nanakase has better jumping attacks **--- B: A upwards kick, useful only when in air-to-air combat AND when you're crazy. **--- C: Downwards punch, good but I prefer the D button when jumping :P ***-- D: The best option when you're jumping, this move has long range and it comes fast and the hit state in the opponent is very good like Iori or Chris jumping Ds. CD: Fast, high priority anti-air move but it has few hit frames. ****- Special moves: Upper Duel f,d,df + A/C ****- Excellent anti-air, Yashiro only finish this move when the first punch hit the opponent, good for you don't open your guard but it has long autoguard, so use it a lot :D Jet Counter hcf + A/C ***** . Jet Counter: Still During Jet Counter, qcf + A/C The best Yashiro's move: - It doesn't open your guard because has fast recovery. - The C version is a overhead attack, the follow up is supercancelable in Final Impact. - Follow ups: hcf+A -> hcf+A hcf+C -> hcf+C AND THE BEST AND ICREDIBLE FOLLOW UP: hcf+AC (ya..AC pressed same time) -> hcf+C (ya..this will juggle the opponent) -> Final Impact"!!! This combo rules: +50% LÓU :D Sledgehammer qcb + B/D ***-- A overhead move, not useful in combo, use only in mind games. Desperation Moves: Final Impact (DM or SDM): ***** - This punch comes very fast. - Chargeable, if you full charge the move will be unblockable (+-50% damage) - The SDM version is veeeeeery fast. - The only negative point in this move is the priority, most moves will counter it, but who cares if you can start a 50% combo with Jet Counter that use Final Impact and it is sure hit ? :D Hidden super desperations move: [Error...] Code "2002" qcb,hcf + BD ***-- A "ranbu" style move, well, I don't like this move so much, the damage is very low for a HSDM and the priority sux...too x_X Supercancels: Jet Counter C version, charge the Final Impact a bit or you will miss, release the button whe the enemy is falling. 6. Strategy: I think Yashiro is a very offensive character but you can "turtle" with him, use Final Impact when the opponent miss some move, don't use Final Impact to counter, most times you'll be hit, use Final Impact in the Jet Counter combos, is better. If you are going "turtle": Use the crouch C to anti-air, far B to push the opponent away and use his sweep frequently. If you are offensive with Yashiro: Jump CD in air-to-air combat, jump d and start a pressing Jet counter combo (block damage), run and is the opponent jump in you, crouch C"! or far D (see the distance from the opponent), sweep and cancel in forward+A and Jet Counter combo for block damage. Mind games: - Cancel the sweep in Sledgehammer: most opponents will take some hits before learn to block this move standing :P - Run and sweep, or run and sledgehammer to confuse the opponent in high low mind games, good times that where close D don't was standing blockable (Kof 97...) - Rememeber that Jet counter C version is a overhead and try surprise the opponent, followup and supercancel in Final Impact :D . - Do a Jet counter blocked combo, the most probably thing is that the opponent will not stay stopped, so, do a Final Impact, to catch the opponent moving (jumping or doing a move), if the Final impact hit in counter the damage is increased. 7. Combos: Heh"! Yashiro combos are easy and damaging, 2 combos and..."Where's da opponent lifah?" :P (I will list only the best combos). -crouch A, crouch B -> stand A -> Upper Duel (A version) -> Final Impact -2x crouch A -> Final Impact -2x standing A -> Upper Duel (A version) -> Final Impact -crouch A -> standing A -> Upper Duel -> Final Impact -crouch B -> crouch A -> Final Impact -jump D -> close C, D -> forward +A -> qcf+A -> qcf+A -> Upper Duel -> Final Impact -Jet Counter C version 2 times -> supercancel in Final Impact (charge a bit). -Jump D -> close C -> forward +A -> qcf+AC (ya..AC same time) -> qcf+C and Final Impact (The best Yashiro's combo) -Max mode (press BC): Jump D -> close C -> forward +A -> Jet Counter (A button) -> Upper Duel (C button) cancel in Jet Counter (A button) -> Upper Duel (C button) cancel in Jet Counter (A button)...repeat. :DD heh"!! 8. Author's Note: Started: 11:55, 01, January/2003 Finished: 14:00, 01, January/2003 (I'm going eat now...LÓU :D~~~~ so hungry...) - I think Yashiro looked better in 98, your hair is strange in the pictures now. - Yashiro's voice in Kof98 is better, now it's strange like his hair. x_X - He lost the Million Bash (S)DM, why? Playmore...Eolith... ¬¬ - I think the qcf+AC is like a bug, because in Kof98 you can do qcf+A -> qcf+C or vice-versa, and if you use the qcf+AC the CPU will not know if you're trying do qcf+A or qcf+C (Kof2002), so you can follow up with qcf +C and combo in Final Impact after the juggle where it is possible only when you do qcf+C Jet Counter, when you do the Jet Counter with AC and follow up with qcf+C the CPU will think you did qcf+C. Well....it's my opinion. 9.Credits: -SNK: KOFOREVAH"!!! :) -Playmore: hummm....its ok. -My friends kofers at irc: ScarFace, Hiryu and Oni. -KILLME: this boy doesn't like kof but it's very good friend too :D -Gamefaqs: the best game site ever"!!! -People that im not remembering now heauoheaoehao"!!! -Moriya: I used he movelist from his Kof2002 faq ^_^. -Kao Megura: I saw the information about the Yashiro's Jet Counter in his Kof2002 faq. ^_^ -You: Cus ... you read my work, thanx :) Well, im accepting e-mails if i have to correct something that I did wrong in the FAQ, anything about kof is welcome. ^_^ Ending: KOF 0wns y0u all"!!! :D heh"!