VICE CHARACTER GUIDE - KOF 2002 By Rugal_Br Email: And I am in: almost all days, #DCFelas, #MS or #Brasil, my nicks: GodRugal and Rugal. Hi, here we go again, Kof2002 ...very good game"! :D Table of contents: 1- Why a Vice FAQ? 2- Abbreviatures 3- Bio 4- Move list 5- Move analysis 6- Strategy 7- Combos 8- Author's note 9- Credits 1. Why a Vice FAQ? Humm... I started use Vice in Kof98, I love her hcf+punch because it has big invincibility and is fast and has a damaging follow up. Well, almost all attacks from Vice hurt much, her normal moves are fast and have good range (I'll say "good range" many times in this faq x_X). There are few grapplers women in KOF...hummm Shermie...Hinako Shijou... She's better this year too, one more point to encourage me a do a Vice faq. :D 2. Abbreviatures: P: a punch K: a kick A: light punch B: light kick C: strong punch D: strong kick qcf: quarter circle forward (d,df,f) qcb: quarter circle backward (d,db,b) hcf: half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f) hcb: half circle backward (f,df,d,db,b) dp: dragon punch motion rdp: reverse dragon punch motion 3. Bio: Fighting Style: Mainly strength-based attacks Birthday: November 28 Age: 27 Birthplace: Unknown Blood Type: A Height: 1.78m Weight: 59kg Three Sizes: Bust 90, Waist 58, Hips 88 Hobby: Collecting American comics Favorite Food: Plums Best Sport: Bench press Prized Things: Comic book signed by Dan Brereton Dislikes: Saisyu Kusanagi 4. Move list: THROWS Death Blow When close, b/f + C Back Rush When close, b/f + D COMMAND MOVES Monstrosity f + A SPECIAL MOVES Mayhem qcb + A/C . Mithan's Robe During Mayhem, qcf + A/C Black End When close, hcf + A/C . Mithan's Robe During Blackend, qcf + A/C Gore Fest When close, hcb,f + A/C Outrage qcb + B/D Ravenous In the air, qcb + B/D Decide hcf + B/D DESPERATION MOVES Withering Surface qcf,qcf + A/C Negative Gain When close, hcb,hcb + B/D SUPER DESPERATION MOVES Withering Surface qcf,qcf + AC Negative Gain When close, hcb,hcb + BD HIDDEN SUPER DESPERATION MOVE Withering Atlas In the air, when close, db,qcf,uf,u,d + AC 5. Move analysis: The comments are to the important moves. The rating in the moves will be * to the worst and ***** to the best :D Command Moves: Forward + A: A overhead punch, can be comboable in Decide (B version, not D) ***-- Stand: A (Far): A normal punch but is comboable in Mayhem. :D ***-- A (Close): Fast move, comboable in any grab. **--- B (Far): A long range poke move, it's better than Yashiro's B, it's more fast and excellent to keep the enemy away if you want, but I prefer close combat because Vice is a grappler :P ***-- B (Close): A move with the knee, comboable in any grab. **--- C (Far): A interesting punch, one of the best far punches in Kof, did you see the range and the speed? :D ****- C (Close): A normal punch, not so good priority like Clark C. ***-- D (Far): A slow upwards kick, sometimes can be used as anti-air, but it's not so useful. ***-- D (Close): A 2 hits comboable kick, you can do anything you want after this, the best combo starter. CD: A long range and fast punch, I think it is a "nervous" version of far C :P ****- Crouch: A: A good range and fast punch AND comboable from close or far. ***-- B: Other good range momove that is comboable from close or far. ***-- C: Her best anti-air attack, comes fast and has very good priority, comboable too. ***** D: A mid height sweep, good range. ***-- Jump A: A punch... not useful. *---- B: Downwards kick, not useful. *---- C: A normal punch, not so useful. **--- D: Your unique and good option when jumping, ya...Vice sux in air combat except for one move: Ravenous that is a annoying cheap move heh"!. ***-- CD: A good move to use sometimes as a anti-air. ***-- Special moves: Mayhem qcb + A/C ****- . Mithan's Robe During Mayhem, qcf + A/C Very fast and high priority, always do the follow up, very useful when comboing from A or B moves. If you do a Mayhem and it hits in counter you can follow up other Mayhem and do Mithan's Robe, I recommend use the A version to try this (comes more fast). A anti-air move ? :D Black End When close, hcf + A/C ****- . Mithan's Robe During Blackend, qcf + A/C High invencibility, the range is good and it's fast, always do the follow up for aditional damage. Mithan's Robe rules :D Gore Fest When close, hcb,f + A/C ****- This move hurts...uhhhhh"! *trembling* and it has very fast recovery heh"! Outrage qcb + B/D **--- This move is not useful in ground, it sux in combos, I use only after a close C or after you knockedown the opponent for block damage. Ravenous In the air, qcb + B/D ****- Excellent for block damage, and this move is a manner to go cheap with Vice, the move has excellent recovery and priority, but in Kof98 this move doesn't has a long pause in the start up ¬¬ Decide hcf + B/D ***-- Good recovery, I don't know now if this move has some invencible frames in start up like kof98. Useful to surprise the enemy, and you can use it in combos, to after run and do mind games. Desperation moves: Withering Surface qcf,qcf + A/C ****- I love this DM, it's excellent to surprise the opponent when he's using a projectile, it has invencibility when leave the ground and is more fast than 98. Negative Gain When close, hcb,hcb + B/D ****- A grab DM, very useful after close D, the negative point is the recovery. Super Desperation moves: Withering Surface qcf,qcf + AC ***** Heh, the best move from her arsenal, so fast, so invencible, high priority and the grab is more fast than 98, soon Vice touch the ground...gotcha"!!...see the damage. O_O´´ Negative Gain When close, hcb,hcb + BD ****- Again, useful after close D, the best option to follow up from close D. Hidden Super Desperation Move: Withering Atlas In the air, when close, db,qcf,uf,u,d + AC ****- Well, the secret to use this move is: do the db,qcf,uf,u motion and when you is near the opponent do d+AC, the grab is fast, the HSDM animation is not so good, only one hit but the damage is acceptable. Use like a anti-air if you're sure the opponent will jump in you or when he miss a "dragonpunch style move" :PPP Supercancels: She has a supercancel? I didn't found it neither playing or searching in the web x_X 6. Strategy: Vice power consist many things: damage, range and speed. Her weak normal moves (A and B) are all comboable, so is easy surprise the enemy and pull off a combo. I said that Vice sux in air but when jumping if you'll don't going do a jump+D do Ravenous, if the opponent block this, the block damage is good. So, mix D and Ravenous in air. Anti-airs: Weak Mayhem: Attention because the follow up can miss the grab and this anti-air isn't thaaat efficient. Crouch C: The best anti-air, always in Kof, the uppers were the best and secure anti-airs. and the Vice's upper is not different, fast and useful to stop anything from air. Mind games: -Overhead sometimes with forward+A. -Run and do a low combo, after sometimes run and grab, you can mix with the overhead too. -Do this: jump and ravenous, jump and ravenous, jump and ravenous, and jump and....grab"!!! This is very efficient because the opponent will try block the ravenous but will be surprised. 7. Combos: Best combos to use: -stand B -> far A -> Mayhem -> Mithan's Robe. -crouch B -> crouch B -> crouch A -> Mayhem -> Mithan's Robe. -Jump D -> close D -> forward +A -> Decide with B button. -Jump D -> close D -> Outrage with B button. -> Mayhem -> Mithan's Robe. -> Gore Fest. -> Negative Gain (S)DM. 8. Author's Note: -Started: 21:40, 01, January/2003 -Finished: 22:55, 01, January/2003 -Vice is more beautiful and the animation has changed, well....she got new sprites. -Note the animation when Vice is walking back, she'll tap the ground after sometime. -Her pose changed, is better too. -Her walking has so much class :P -Did you notice what almost all Vice's moves do the opponent stand up back"?? It is like you jump and sure "cross up hit" the opponent...create your cross up combos :P -What a day"!! Two faqs in same day"! (Check my Yashiro's faq heh"!) 9.Credits: -SNK: KOFOREVAH"!!! :) -Playmore: hummm....its ok. -My friends kofers at irc: ScarFace, Hiryu and Oni. -KILLME: this boy doesn't like kof but it's a very good friend , i don't know if he's a good baker too hehe :D -Gamefaqs: the best game site ever"!!! -People that im not remembering now heauoheaoehao"!!! -Moriya: I used he movelist from his Kof2002 faq ^_^. -You: One more ... you read my work, very thanx u_u Well, im accepting e-mails if i have to correct something that I did wrong in the FAQ, or suggestions, anything about kof is welcome. ^_^ Ending: Kof - Enjoy this"!!! :D