_ _ __ _ _ _____ _ | | | | / _| | | | | | __ \(_) | | ___ _ __ __| | ___ | |_ | |_| |__ ___ | |__) |_ _ __ __ _ ___ | | / _ \| '__/ _` | / _ \| _| | __| '_ \ / _ \ | _ /| | '_ \ / _` / __| | |___| (_) | | | (_| | | (_) | | | |_| | | | __/ | | \ \| | | | | (_| \__ \ |______\___/|_| \__,_| \___/|_| \__|_| |_|\___| |_| \_\_|_| |_|\__, |___/ __/ | |___/ T H E R E T U R N O F T H E K I N G "The battle for Helm's Deep is over; the battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin. All hope lies in two hobbits." Note: This is for the GameCube version of the game, some information may be inaccurate for the other console's versions. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Table of Contents ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= To find something in the FAQ quickly check the section name (like LOTR2) and then Press Control + F to bring up find. Put in the section name and in a few "finds" you will be down to the section. Introduction............................................................LOTR1 Storyline...............................................................LOTR2 Meet the Heroes.........................................................LOTR3 In Game Controls........................................................LOTR4 General Gameplay Tips...................................................LOTR5 Walkthrough.............................................................LOTR6 - Path of the Wizard........................................POTW0 - Helm's Deep.............................................POTW1 - The Road to Isengard....................................POTW2 - Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall..........................POTW3 - Minas Tirith - Courtyard................................POTW4 - Path of the King..........................................POTK0 - Paths of the Dead.......................................POTK1 - The King of the Dead....................................POTK2 - The Southern Gate.......................................POTK3 - Pelennor Fields.........................................POTK4 - The Black Gate..........................................POTK5 - Path of the Hobbits.......................................POTH0 - Escape From Osgaliath...................................POTH1 - Shelob's Lair...........................................POTH2 - Ciirth Ungol............................................POTH3 - The Crack of Doom.......................................POTH4 Codes and Secrets.......................................................LOTR7 Legal Information.......................................................LOTR8 For those of you who want to know the combo's I suggest you look elsewhere. I do not include 50 Kilobites of worthless upgrade charts in my FAQ because it is worthless to do so. Bane Moves and the Strength/HP/Arrow upgrades are the only important upgrades in the game (and Helm's Hammer + Swift Justice if you cannot do Bane Moves). ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR1 Introduction LOTR1 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= "One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie." The Lord of the Rings is some of the most complicated and downright awesome literature out there. Though the message seems to be there, the true message lies within the mind. It is very hard to translate such magic into a movie or a game, but Peter Jackson delivered three beautiful films (Two Towers SUCKED though :P), and EA Games has done a great job into making games out of the trilogy. My goal in this FAQ is to be able to guide you through the game giving a decently in-depth walkthrough for each stage of the game, and to have all the codes and secrets and junk for all of those who are obsessed with that. Though I am not the best writer in the world I feel that I can cover this game quite well, and with that let us begin! If you wish to contact me: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: Pikminworrior[at]aol[dot]com Pikminworrior@aol.com Instant Messaging (AIM): Pikminworrior -or- BurningPhoenix87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR2 Storyline LOTR2 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Three rings for the Elven Kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie, One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. In early Middle-Earth there were master rings forged to help the races govern themselves. They were all decieved though, for a ring above all the others was forged, The Dark Lord Sauron forged it in the center of Mount Doom. He took control of the lands until an alliance of Humans and Elves battled it out.... On the grounds of Mount Doom Humans and Elves joined forces to stop the Dark Lord. As Isildur's father was killed by Sauron the Dark Lord he picked up his father's sword and sliced the ringed hand off destroying everything. The race of men is weak though, instead of destroying the ring in the fires of Mount Doom Isildur kept it. One day while riding on his horse (now king) he was attacked by orcs. The ring was thrown into the bottom of a lake where it remain for 2500 years. On a riverfolk named Smeagle's birthday him and his friend went fishing in the river. His friend pulled up the ring and because riverfolk are attracted to shiny things Smeagle went insane and killed his friend for the ring. Eventually Smeagle was kicked out of his community and took the name of Gollum and took refuge in a Goblin Mountain. There he was corrupted by the ring for 500 years until Bilbo Baggins on his journey (read the Hobbit for information on his journey) met him deep inside Goblin Mountain. Bilbo found the ring on the dark ground and once Gollum found out tried to attack him, but by flipping on the ring Bilbo disappeared and escaped the Mountain. Bilbo remained alive for a very long time, even for a Hobbit, and on his 100th birthday he gave the ring to Frodo, his adopted son. The ring was soon discovered by Gandolf to be the "One Ring" and frodo must go to Rivendale, the home of the elves. After a long journey with Sam, Pippin, Merry, and Aragorn (met along the way) they finally reached Rivendale where they held a councel. After much debating it was Frodo who would take the ring to Mount Doom along with the "Fellowship of the Ring". The Fellowship took off and because of Saruman (now allied with Sauron) had to go into the Mines of Moria. In Moria the Fellowship lost Gandalf, and soon later at Amon Hen lost another member of the fellowship, Borimir. Amon Hen also is where Frodo and Sam divided from the others and set off to destroy the ring, while Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli went after the captured Merry and Pippin. Eventually Merry and Pippin met the Ents in Fangorn Forest and Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli found Gandolf who had been resurrected. The Fellowship (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf) then went off into Rohan while Merry and Pippin tried to get the Ents to go to war. After some time the people of Rohan migrated to Helm's Deep where a great battle took place. At the same time Merry and Pippin got the Ents to go to war, and completely destroy Isenguard (home of Saruman). Frodo and Sam met up with Gollum where they travelled to the Black Gate. At the Black Gate they were captured by Farimir, Borimir's brother. After some time they were free'd and continued on. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR3 Meet the Heroes LOTR3 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= his section covers the playable non-secret characters in the game. =-=-=-=-=-= = Gandalf = =-=-=-=-=-= Gandalf knows that desperate plans are required as the specter of darkness grows over Middle-earth and Sauron's armies issue forth from Mordor to destroy the world of Men. The White Wizard liberates Rohan and the war is turned toward Minas Tirith, the last great stronghold of free people, where he intends to distract Sauron's gaze with a final, bold defense. As a advisor of Men, Gandalf musters the defenses of Gondor to stand firm in the face of darkness. As a warrior on the battlefield, Gandalf conjures shockwaves with his staff to knock enemies aside and then with his sword, he slays them with ease. But victory cannot be won by the force of arms alone, and Gandalf's plans are meant to buy time, knowing all hope rests in the success of Frodo's quest. Gandalf is pretty fun to fight with. He has a nice strong melee attack with his sword and staff and has a great long range with his magic. Though he is very strong, his missons are pretty difficult and require skill. To play as Gandalf right you must learn to do combo's effectively to charge up your perfect bar, because he has a very good attack and with perfects it is VERY deadly. =-=-=-=-=-= = Aragorn = =-=-=-=-=-= As the last descendant of the Kings of men, Aragorn is fated to clain the long-empty throne of Gondor, should he prove worthy of this task. But to fulfill his destiny, Aragorn must first pass through the Paths of the Dead and attempt to command horrible foes who once betrayed Gondor. Then he must return to Minas Tirith and fight Sauron's hoard in defense of this besdieged city. And, should he survive this part, Aragorn must at last face The Dark Lord's servants before the very gates of Mordor. As a Ranger and Elf friend, Aragorn's ability with boe allows him to defeat opponents at long range. His true prowess, however, lies in close combat. Wilding a reforged Narsil, the legendary sword that defeated Sauron, Aragorn is a deadly combantant on the battlefield, easily defeating multiple foes. Aragorn is the most balanced of the characters. He has pretty good strength in the sword and a decent shot with the bow. If you are new to the game or are having trouble with Gimli or Legolas try Aragorn because he is the most balanced character there is. He is also quite fast, which is an advantage in battle and in some levels. =-=-=-=-=-= = Legolas = =-=-=-=-=-= Although the Fellowship that set forth from Rivendell has been divided, still the friendship that binds these comrades together holds true. In support of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli fight beside each other through hardship and peril, despite their differences. Tet their greatest challenges are yet to come, as they enter this war alone and vastly outnumbered. As a fighter, Legolas' skill with matched blades has won him the respect of his friends. But it is the bow of Legolas that will often turn the tide of battle, his deadly accuracy stopping foes in their tracks. Legolas risks his immortality in the cause of all free Men, and he will not permit Aragorn or Gimli to go on without him - to whatever end. Legolas is a very fast character. His close ranged attacks are not too powerful, but are very quick. His long range is the best in the game, no contest. He moves very swiftly and uses great agility in battle. Playing as Legolas requires some skill and grace, for he can't take as many blows are other characters like Gimli. =-=-=-=-= = Gimli = =-=-=-=-= As sturdy in spirit as he is in stature, Gimli the Dwarf is a formidable warrior. His skill with his weapons and his unflappable spirit each for him a strong and unlikely bond with Aragorn and Legolas. Dispire the distrust between Elf and Dwarf, all three of these warriors share a deep admiration for each other, forged in the fires of combat. Armed with axes and the sheer force of his will, Gimli can quickly defeat enemies nearly twice his size. His ferocity in combat is a perfect compliment to the swordplay of Aragorn and the bow skill of Legolas. Together these companions intend to become an unstoppable force, helping Gandalf turn the tide on the war against Sauron. Gimli is basically a tank. He has very high close ranged attacks that can easily take out enemies, but he is slow. His long ranged attack put simply, sucks though. He has higher HP it seems too. Even though of his lack of long ranged attack and speed Gimli is a very stong character. He can easily take out enemies faster than any other character for the most part. =-=-=-=-=-= = Samwise = =-=-=-=-=-= Often the unlikely may become the great heroes, and Sam Gamgee is destined to become the greatest hero of all. Every step taken by a weary and worn Frodo brings these two hobbits closer to Mount Doom and the fulfillment of their quest. Sam is always at Frodo's side, his unswerving loyalty and conviction of heart giving them hope, despite the seeming impossibility of their task and the odds against their success. Sam is a warrior created by necessity, determines, ferocious and deadly despite his small size. His quick thinking and ability to use stealth to his advantage must get him - and Frodo - out of some very tight spots. Yet Sam's greatest strength is his love for his friend and his commitment to see things though. Though Sam may not be as strong as the others, his levels do not call for it. He is very quick and deadly with his short sword, despite his rather fat looking body. When playing as Sam you basically want to avoid getting hit and use your speed to your advantage. You can run out of an attack then come back in and attack them. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR4 In Game Controls LOTR4 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Gameplay Controls _____________________________________________________________________________ Move Control Stick _____________________________________________________________________________ Speed Attack A Button or C Stick left or right _____________________________________________________________________________ Fierce Attack Y Button or C Stick up or down _____________________________________________________________________________ Physical Attack X Button _____________________________________________________________________________ Parry B Button _____________________________________________________________________________ Action Button Z Button _____________________________________________________________________________ Killing Move R Button _____________________________________________________________________________ Range Attack Press and hold L then use A to shoot _____________________________________________________________________________ Jump Back + Control Pad down _____________________________________________________________________________ Special Ability L Button + R Button _____________________________________________________________________________ Pause Game START/PAUSE _____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR5 General Gameplay Tips LOTR5 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= There are some minor strategies that you should use throughout this game, In the section I will tell you about them. - Bane Moves are Godly Seriously, Bane Moves make this game MUCH easier. To preform a bane move on an enemy (assuming you've bought the upgrade) parry their attack and press R. The combo will take in effect and you will reach perfect mode. Hack the enemies up now, or shoot them with arrows. Doing this will greatly increase the amount of EXP you recieve, which is always good, but also makes it so that battles go quickly. Also, in the walkthrough I'll say use a speed attack or something, use that AFTER the bane move. - Don't Break the Shield, Use Bane Moves! Instead of Breaking Shielded enemies shields, simply do a bane move on an enemy around so that you'll kill them with one fierce attack. Also, instead of using a fierce attack you can shoot arrows at enemies, which will kill them in one hit aswell. - Use the Z Command Circle Weapons Z Command Circle Weapons are POWERFUL. One of the spears can take out a Troll in one hit. This doesn't mean use them on easy little enemies though. Make sure to use them on the harder enemies (Trolls, Lifebar Enemies, or even Shielded Enemes), because the easy enemies are simple to kill. By far the best Z Command Circle Weapon is the fire pot though. Whenever you come across one make sure to have as many enemies lined up in its path as possible because it means instant death for them all. - Speed Attacks are Offensive AND Defensive Whenever you are facing an enemy that cannot be killed with Bane Moves after you've broken their shield/armor (if they have one/it) use speed attacks non-stop. Speed Attacks if rapidly swung can cancel out all attacks that come your way while still hurting them partially. This does not work on everything, but for the majority it does. - Buy Upgrades For Everyone This isn't really a Gameplay Tip, but it is always best to buy upgrades for everyone. First of all, it's a lot cheaper than buying it individually, and secondly, you'll be stronger fast and have the combo's quicker. Yea, so ALWAYS buy upgrades for everyone. - Helm's Hammer and Swift Justice Rule Aswell These high level combo's can be done by simply pressing A or Y a few times. For those that cannot do Bane Moves these will help you out greatly as you pass through the game. My suggestion is to (if you cannot preform Bane Moves) start out with the Part of the King and level up to level 10 at the Southern Gate (from killing enemies over and over) so that you can have these combo's. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR6 Walkthrough LOTR6 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-= ========================= Path of the Wizard ======================== POTW0 = =-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Helm's Deep ======================================================= POTW1 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Ah! The tutorial mission. After the pretty cool opening movie the game will begin. Take out the Uruk-Hai around you with some speed attacks then run around taking out Uruk-Hai with speed attacks. Soon a cut-scene will appear, Legolas needs your help. Thin down the Uruk-Hai around you with fierce attacks then run over to the ladder (northern portion of the level) and climb it. Take out the enemies shooting at you with your ranged attack and another cut-scene will appear. Aragorn needs you help now so run over to where there is a weird circle thing on the ground, take out the Uruk-Hai and use Z on the circle sending you down. Run to the right and use Z on the circles behind the catapults activating them. Activate all three catapults and the mission is over ^_^. I suggest purchasing Orc Bane for everyone, it will help. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = The Road to Isengard ============================================== POTW2 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Run up the forest path taking out the Uruk-Hai with fierce attacks as you go. Soon a cut-scene will appear, run over and take out the explosives with a long ranged attack and then shoot the Uruk-Hai that wasn't destroyed. Run over a bit more and take out another explosive thing and run across the bridge after destroying the archers on it. Continue on through the forest running until you reach an area where there are two close range Uruk-Hai and two archers hiding. Take out the archers then use fierce attacks on the close range orcs and run over to an opening. You will be onslaughted with four guys here, take them out with quick attacks and run over to the check point where there will be a cutscene. Head down the hill into a valley where you must kill 75 orcs. No problem though, the ents will kill a lot of them and if you keep on using speed attacks and orc bane they will be gone in no time. Watch out for the ents though, the can squish you making you take some damage. Run along the newly opened path and you'll reach an area with archers firing at you. Take them out as they come, and once they stop coming continue on. Take out the enemies as they come and soon you'll reach another hill and checkpoint. Run along taking out the towers by shooting the explosives at the bottom and taking out the close range attackers with speed attacks. After a little bit you will reach a bridge. Destroy the enemies with fierce attacks and head right. You will be onslaughted by a lot of enemies. Take out the archers first then use speed attacks on the enemies and head down the hill. There will be a cut-scene and you will see an ent taking down the dam at Isengard. You must help him, first take out the mini-boss guy with speed attacks. Because of the speed attacks you should have reached perfect mode, take out the archers on both sides of the ent and wait for more enemies to come. Take out Close range enemies by fierce attacks and make sure to take out the archers on the other side of the ent as they come and this mission is over ^_^. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall ==================================== POTW3 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= For the first part of the level it is just keeping the ladders down. If they cannot get up they cannot attack the city. Keep a close eye on the circle bar at the top of your screen, the red part signals the amount of orcs on the wall. The first thing you should do is take a run around the level kicking down all the ladders (using the X button) and killing the enemies. After you've done that jump down to a lower level using one of the Z Command Circles so you have a faster route to take out ladders. After awhile there will be a cutscene, the enemies attack at a lot harder pace now so head up to the top using a Z Command Circle. It is still the same thing, but you will have to kill a lot more enemies now, use speed attacks to kill them fastest. Anyway, they will start to use tower things, so you must use the catapults. Head to the left most portion of the wall and climb the stairs and there is the Catapult. Use the Z Command Circle by it to attack the tower. After two shots the tower will fall. Head down the stairs and there will be a lot of orcs around, thin them down then run to the right side of the level. Take out the approaching tower with long ranged attacks then run back to the catapult. Use the catapult to destroy yet another tower. Run to the right one last time and use your long ranged attack to destroy the tower! Kill all the orcs around now and boost up your life with their potions then head down some stairs behind a few guards. Follow the men down and the the level is over ^_^. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Minas Tirith - Courtyard ========================================= POTW4 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= To beat this mission 200 villagers have to make it to saftey. This mission gets very hard toward the end. Basically the whole mission you're killing enemies so I'll just give a basic strategy. Most of the enemies don't have shields so for the most part you want to take them out with speed attacks. However, like 10% of the enemies do have shields so when you are fighting a large group of enemies take out the shieldless ones to thin out the enemies then take them out individually with fierce attacks. Every once in awhile an enemy with a life bar will appear after you have saved 100 people. Take these guys out with fierce attacks or spears you can use at a Z Command Circle. After 150 people have been saved three cave trolls will attack, this part is freaking hard. Take out the trolls with your long ranged attack. After you've killed the trolls keep on fighting the enemies until the mission is over. Here is a short list of when what type of enemies appear, they appear periodically throughout the mission after they first appear: 25 people saved: Shielded Orcs Appear 50 people saved: Archers Appear 100 people saved: Lifebar Uruk-Hai's Appear 150 people saved: Three Cave Trolls Appear =-=-=-=-= ========================= Path of the King ========================== POTK0 = =-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Paths of the Dead ================================================= POTK1 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Run into the fog, this stuff makes you only walk. Cross the fog and the spirits of the dead will come to attack you. Take them out with speed attacks and continue on. Soon they will blockade the path, and you'll have to fight them again. Use the War Pikes on the Z Command Circles or speed attacks to defeat them and head into some more fog. The spirits will attack again in the fog, but it's not a strong attack, take out the few spirits and then the tombstones and run along and take out the archers with your long ranged attack. Head into the canyon and follow the path, taking out the archers, into a cave. Soon there will be a fork in the road, take the left path and destroy the speared undead with fierce attacks. Follow the path until you reach a dead end with some archers. Take out the archers then use the Z Command Circle to lower a bridge and enter the fog and you will get a checkpoint. Walk through the fog and take out the enemies when the attack, soon you'll be at the end, follow through the cave and some logs will drop. Follow through killing the speared undead with fierce attacks and the archers with speed attacks and you're in the fog... again. Pass through and climb up the ladder and the spirits will attack. Kill them with speed attacks and run to another dead end. Kill the speared enemies with fierce attacks and archers with speed attacks and push the giant statue down with the Z Command Circle. Cross the statue bridge and you're at the gate, it's closed though. Head to the left and follow around to the other side and run to the Z Command Circle. Some life-bar enemies will attack though, take them out with speed attacks and then lift up the gate with the Z Command Circle. Run to the gate, avoiding the enemies, and run along to the bridge. At the end of the bridge you'll have to kill 35 enemies, it's easy though. Use speed attacks to kill all the enemies until you have 25 or so kills and the speared undead come. Deal with them like you have in the past and soon you'll be at 35 kills. Proceed on to the end of the level. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = The King of the Dead ============================================== POTK2 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Boss Battle: The King of the Dead =- This isn't really that hard of a fight. He'll start off by sinking into the ground and re-appearing. Don't go up to him really fast because you'll get hit by his stone fling. After he flings stones run up to him and attack him with speed attacks until he sinks back into the ground. Now he'll summon some minions, take them out with speed attacks and he'll sink back into the ground. Watch out for his stone fling then attack with speed attacks and he'll summon some archers, take them out with your long ranged attack and attack him with speed attacks after he does his stone attack. Soon he'll do some weird wind attack, so stay behind the rock that you appear at after the cut-scene. Once he comes to attack you resume with speed attacks. After that he'll start all over with the summoning, but he'll summon some different and stronger forces each time, inbetween you can still attack him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the boss battle it's just basically running away and fighting the enemies off. Run as fast as you can throughout the level and when enemies attack be sure to use speed attacks on normal ones, speed attacks on life bar enemies, and fierce attacks on speared enemies. That's about it... just keep moving as fast as you can ^_^. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = The Southern Gate ================================================= POTK3 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Start off by running toward the gate. A cave troll will pop up, kill it using either your long ranged attack or a war spear pike thing. Afterwards head to the Catapults to the left of you while taking out the orcs. Lanch both catapults to make a path of rubble to the left. Head left and across the rubble, up the ladder, and up until you reach a cave troll. Kill the troll from as far back as you can go with arrows and a cut-scene will appear of an elephant. Kill the elephant by targeting all the part of it and shooting them with your arrows and another cut-scene will appear, of a wheel thing. Head over to the wheel thing and use the Z Command Circle a few times to open the gate (the gate is opened after the cut-scene happens). Head back down now and through the gate, make sure to kill as many enemies as you can though, they're not that hard and you'll reach higher levels ^_^. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Pelennor Fields =================================================== POTK4 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= The level begins out with you having to kill 60 orcs/human enemies. The orcs are easy to spot and the human enemies are dressed in red. Speed attacks should do fine for the most part, some of the humans have spears that can block though, so either hit them at an angle (to the side, or behind) or attack them with fierce attacks. After you've killed 60 enemies Ewoyn and Merry are in trouble. There will be a checkpoint and then you'll have to kill an elephant. Target all the spots with your bow and it will explode after you've destroyed all the spots. Now another one will attack, it's not attackable from where you are though. There is a way down between the left and middle ballista, go down and head staight across back up to the other side. Deal with the elephant like you did with the other one now and a Ringwraith will attack. Go to the northmost portion of the area and attack it with your long ranged attack (be sure to charge it by holding it for a little bit). After awhile the Ringwraith (The Witch King) will go away and an elephant will come. Kill the elephant (you may need to switch sides) and then when the Witch King comes back attack it. Repeat this until the level is over :). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = The Black Gate ==================================================== POTK5 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= You can play as Gandalf in this mission too, cool! Anyway the mission begins out with a boss battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Boss Battle: Mouth of Sauron =- This is a VERY easy boss battle, you could probably win it with a level 1 character with ease. Anyway, basically all you have to do is speed attack, parry, speed attack, parry; It's very easy. Doing a triple-strike speed attack will leave just enough time to do a parry on their attack. Repeat it until he has been defeated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle Sauron's army aproaches. It's not too difficult of a battle, but watch out for your allies, one should be in the back, another in the left, and the last on the right. If their health starts to drop help them out. What you're doing is killing all the enemies, but most importantely you need to kill 6 of the life-bar enemies that come every once in awhile. After you've killed three their army splits and the enemies start coming like crazy. This isn't much to worry about though, the life bar enemies come really quickly now too and three will come very fast. After you've defeated six life-bar enemies some Ringwraiths will attack. Kill them with your long ranged attack and they'll soon be dead and the mission is over ^_^. =-=-=-=-= ========================= Path of the Hobbits ======================= POTH0 = =-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Escape From Osgaliath ============================================= POTH1 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Start out by running across the rubbled path. There will be orcs along your way, take them out with speed attacks. At the end of the path an explosion will occur opening a new path, up into the city. Watch out now because there is Frodo's ring meter at the top, if it fills all the way you lose. To bring it down you must either go down from the higher levels or find shade. Anyway, head straight across and up the stairs after taking out the orcs. At the top is some archers, take them out with speed attacks and head across as far left as you can. There will be a ladder going down at the top left indent, climb down then take out the archer with your long ranged attack before it sees you. Take out the one next to it from behind (stealthy ^_^) and go down the ladder. Now you should be in an open path with a lot of orcs (or near one), be sure to kill everything you see here with speed attacks and if they fall use your killing move (R). At the end is a staircase up, take it up and run to the north. There is a path of rubble up, take out the orcs, then climb up. This is another orc zone, take all the orcs out you see, get the green potion on the top right indent and then leave at the top left indent and you reached a CheckPoint. Climb the ladder and your back ontop again. Kill all the enemies as you work your way to the end of the ladder. At the end of the ladder immediately turn into the shaded path. Let the meter die down in here and take out as many orcs as you can with your long ranged attack. When all the orcs are gone and Frodo's meter has disappeared run straight across to the ladder and climb all the way down. When you reach the bottom head across to a staircase up. Take out the orcs as you go and when you reach the top go behind the bell to find a Z Command Circle. Use the circle to push the bell down killing some orcs and most importantely making a path. Run down the stairs and into the new path. Take out the orcs around and head up to the surface level where Frodo's meter will appear. Head across killing orcs merrily as you go :P. At the end is a little sheler, Frodo's meter is probably high so rest there for a little while. After his meter disappears head south a bit and take the path up. Try to kill some of the orcs, but if Frodo's meter gets to 2/3 head straight across into the shade. In the shade take out the enemies with your long ranged attack and after Frodo's meter recovers head across and down the ladder into the depths. Take out all the orcs then climb down one last ladder into the sewers. Make your way to the end of the sewers where there is a life-bar enemies and some minions. Kill the minions then use fierce attacks on the life-bar enemy to break his armor. After you've broken his armor get the potions from nearby then run back. Use your long range attack to kill him and then go to the right side by the gate. There is a Z Command Circle there, use it to open up the gate and the mission is over ^_^. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= G2herschler writes in =- I have a tip for the Path of the Hobbits, Escape from Osgiliath. In the Sewers in the very end, when you meet the life-meter boss, you can take him down in one hit. First take out all his minions. Then, simply cloak yourself and sneak up behind him and face his back and press R to perform a killing move, stabbing him in the back. I did this, and it killed him with only ONE HIT. It is much easier and safer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Shelob's Lair ===================================================== POTH2 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= This level is one of my favorites. I don't really have a great strategy for it yet though... expect one soon though ^_^. Basically you want to kill the large spiders with a fierce attack to flip them over then using your killing move to finish them off while going through the maze type thing. At the end of the maze is a spot that is blocked by the little spiders. Use a torch to make a path through. After them a little bit is a spot where a web is blocking the way, torch that too. When a bunch of orcs are sitting around a fire sneak by the outer side, put on your cloak (L + R) and sneak by them. Afterwards just keep on killing spiders and trying to find your way through the level. Make sure to never touch the little spiders and if they are blocking the way to torch them. Eventually you'll make your way to where there are some little spiders on the left and the right. Throw a torch at the right and run up the hill. Kill the larger spiders then throw the torch at the top at the web in the back, destroying it. Head back down, throw the torch at the spiders and now you're back to where you started out. Throw the torch at the spiders on the left, then proceed on by throwing torches at the spiders as you go. After the second torch you'll be attacked by some archers. Take them out with your long ranged attack and continue on to Shelob. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Boss Battle: Shelob =- Shelob is kind of hard. Basically you just want to hack at her with speed attacks for the beginning of the fight. When you get her into the yellow HP zone she'll go away and let her minions attack. Kill them by flipping them over with fierce attacks and then using your Killing Move then she will come back. Hack at her with speed attacks until she goes away, kill her babies, then repeat the process. Once you get her into the red zone she'll go insane for a second. Avoid her in that stage until she summons her kin. After you've killed her kin she'll come back normal ^_^. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = Cirith Ungol ====================================================== POTH3 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Notice the counter at the top of your screen, you have to kill 80 guys. Any way, take out all the guys on the first floor besides the life-bar one. Break the life-bar orc's armor with fierce attacks and then finish him off with speed attacks. After you've cleared all the enemies go to the Z Command Circle and activiate it making a bridge up. Clear the enemies that come after you and head into the hall. Some enemies will come after you and a life-bar one, clear them out and enter the next room. This room is like kill heaven. Make sure to use the Z-Command Circles to kill enemies with fire while taking them out. When the enemies seem to be thinning out head to the top right of the room, it leads to a whole new room. In this room take out all the enemies except the group fighting to the most right. After you've cleaned out everyone but them use the Z Command Circle to the left of them to smash them all. Head up the ramp and up the ladder, you should almost have 70 kills by now. Kill the two guys guarding the way up then use the Z Command Circles to push barrels down killing like 10 guys. Now you only should have a few guys left. Run up and kill a guy or two and now all the guys are gone. Head up and you should see all the guys guarding the tower, damn, can't go there. Instead, take the path to the right and kill the life-bar enemy. After killing him fire the ballista (with the Z Command Circle) to kill them all! Run inside now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Boss Battle: Pyscho Orc =- This battle may seem impossible at first, but it's very easy once you get the hang of it. Basically you want to first throw two war pikes at him (they're around the area), one to break his armor, the other to stun him. Once he's stunned you can attack him, attack him with fierce attacks until he goes and gets a shield. Throw two war pikes at him again then attack him and repeat. The boss battle isn't that hard if you understand how to beat him. Also, there are unlimited war pikes and two places to get them, go to the place that's farther from where he got the shield. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= = The Crack of Doom ================================================= POTH4 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-= Last level! You play as Frodo here and it's just a boss battle against Gollum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Boss Battle: Gollum =- This is really a joke of a fight. All you're doing here is using speed attacks to knock him back to the side. When he starts wobbiling on the side use a fierce attack to knock him down, and then a Killing Move to knock him off. Repeat this process six times and you win. To make things even easier on you, potions appear a lot too, so if you get low on health a potion will probably be lying about. After you've knocked Gollum down three times lava will come down sometimes, it's nothing really to worry about, and disappears in a few seconds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it :). ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR7 Codes and Secrets LOTR7 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Unlocking the Secret Characters: To unlock Merry, Pippin, and Farimir you must beat The Crack of Doom level in the game. Unlock Secret Stages: To unlock the secret stage Palantir of Saruman, beat the crack of doom level. To unlock the secret stage Palantir of Sauron get Gandolf, Sam and one of the characters from the Path of the King levels to level ten. Gain 1000 EXP points: When playing as the character pause, hold L and R and enter the code. Up, B, Y, A Aragorn B, Y, Up, B Faramir Down, Y, Up, Down Frodo X, Y, Up, Down Gandalf X, X, Y, A Gimli A, Y, Up, A Legolas X, X, B, A Merry Y, A, B, A Pippin Y, A, Down, A Sam Random Codes: While playing a mission press start, hold L and R and enter the Following for what it says to the right of the code, also you must have beaten the game to use them. X , Down, Y, A All perfects Up, Down, Y, B All Upgrades Y, Up, Y, Down Always Devestating B, B, Down, X Infinite Missles B, X, B, up Invincibility B, X, B, Up Invulnerable X, Down, Y, A Perfect Mode B, B, X, X Restore Health Down, X, Up, B Targeting Indecator Mode Unlocking Skills: When playing as the character pause, hold L and R and enter the code. X, Y, A, Y Aragorn Level 2 X, B, X, B Aragorn Level 4 X, Y, B, B Aragorn Level 6 Up, B, Y, Up Aragorn Level 8 A, B, A, X Faramir Level 2 A, A, B, B Faramir Level 4 Y, A, X, X Faramir Level 6 X, X, X, X Faramir Level 8 Y, Up, X, X Frodo Level 2 Y, Up, X, X Frodo Level 4 X, X, A, Y Frodo Level 6 X, X, X, X Frodo Level 8 X, Y, A, Y Gandalf Level 2 Y, Up, B, A Gandalf Level 4 Y, Y, A, Up Gandalf Level 6 X, B, X, X Gandalf Level 8 A, X, X, B Gimli Level 2 Up, X, B, B Gimli Level 4 Y, B, X, Up Gimli Level 6 X, Y, X, B Gimli Level 8 B, B, X, B Legolas Level 2 X, X, A, A Legolas Level 4 X, X, Up, X Legolas Level 6 B, Up, Up, X Legolas Level 8 X, X, B, B Merry Level 2 B, A, X, X Merry Level 4 X, X, B, Y Merry Level 6 X, Y, A, B Merry Level 8 X, A, X, Up Pippin Level 2 A, X, X, X Pippin Level 4 X, Y, X, Y Pippin Level 6 B, Up, Up, X Pippin Level 8 X, A, X, Y Sam Level 2 Up, X, B, A Sam Level 4 X, X, Up, Up Sam Level 6 X, X, Y, Y Sam Level 8 ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. LOTR8 Legal Information LOTR8 ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= This guide is copyright (c) BurningFox 2003-2004. It may only be posted on the following sites: * www.gamefaqs.com * www.neoseeker.com * www.cheats.de * faqs.ign.com * http://home.new.rr.com/bachhuber/myweb/index.html * www.cheatcc.com * http://virtuadarkness.vze.com * http://www.avault.com/ * http://phoenix-gaming.tk * www.Warp2Games.com If it is found anywhere else it is considered an illegal copy. If you read on further than the next line in an illegal copy you are contributing to the illegal acts of the Internet and therefor you are committing a crime. I'm not strict at all on letting a site use my guides, just E-mail me at Pikminworrior@aol.com if you wish to host the FAQ. You may and are encouraged to print out this document for completing the game or other Lord of the Rings The Return of the King related things, but not to sell or trade for your own personal benifit. _____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) BurningFox End of Document