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Finished upgrades completely. Also added an ASCII art. If you cant see it, its Frodo flashing the star of Earendil. 3.2 - 4/15/04. Major updates, added a few quicker walkthru for those who dont want to read the detailed info. Finished Legis Upgrade thing 2.2 - 2/21/04. Took my email and stuff off, I'm getting waay too much email. 2.1 - 2/5/04. Rewrote Shelobs lair with Chris' guide for it.(trust me, its 50 times better). 1.1 - 12/26/03. Added Aragorns upgrades, and added contributes 1.0 - 11/21/03. All sections of FAQ completed except Character Upgrades =========================================================================== ============================Table of Contents============================== =========================================================================== I. Introduction II. Basics a. Controls b. Tips III. Character Information IV. Walkthrough a. Path of the Wizard Helm's Deep The Road to Isengard Minas Tirith- Top of the Wall Minas Tirith- Courtyard b. Path of the King Paths of the Dead The King of the Dead The Southern Gate Pelennor Fields The Black Gate c. Path of the Hobbits Escape from Osgiliath Shelob's Lair Cirith Ungol The Crack of Doom V. Secrets and Codes VI. Legal Stuff VII. Credits =========================================================================== ==============================Introduction================================= =========================================================================== This is a walkthrough for The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King for the Playstion 2. This is my first FAQ I have made and so email me about my FAQ and start criticizing all you want... or you can tell me my FAQ is good. This guide is made to help... you! So use it if you need to. =========================================================================== ==============================The Basics=================================== =========================================================================== +==========+ Controls +==========+ Speed Attack = X button (X) - A series of regular attacks. Use speed attacks on unshielded enemies. Fierce Attack = Triangle button (T) - Consists of three powerful blows that will take out enemy shields and knock down enemies. Parry = Square button (S) - Using the parry will block away enemies attacks and arrows shot by orc archers. Use this in combo for Banes. Kick = Circle button (O) - Simple enough, you kick the enemy, they back up. This isn't really useful unless you're kicking down ladders. Finishing Move = (R2) button - When an enemy is down but not dead, get close to them, then press R2 to finish the enemy. Action Command = (R1) button - Whenever you see a blue ring around something, go in it and press R1 and an action will happen. Ranged Attack = (L1 + X) button - To pull out your ranged weapon or whatever, hold L1. To shoot, press X. For the projectile to be more powerful, press and hold down X until fully ready, then fire. Special = Hold (L1+L2+R1+R2) - Each character has his own special ability. The Hobbits have a cloak that makes them invisible for a short while. Gandalf has a magic shield that portects him from attacks. I have no clue what happens when Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli do theirs, they just glow purple for a while. UPDATE: many people sent in emails telling me about this and it seems that Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli's special makes their perfect meter go up faster. Thanks for pointing that out to all who contributed, all 32 of you and I'm not exaggerating. +================+ The Art of War +================+ Here are some tips when playing... Some stages have war pikes laying around, pick them up and throw them, war pikes are no good if you don't use them. Usually, a war pike will instantly kill an enemy. It is wise to use them on trolls also since they will instantly K.O the troll. War pikes will sometimes respawn after a few seconds. Some enemies have a long life meter and you cannot do damage because of the armor. Either use fierce attacks or throw a war pike to destroy the shield and finish the enemy with speed attacks. When in battle, always try to get high ranking when killing enemies to get more experience for your characters. You can use these experience points to purchase upgrades and combos. The higher your rating, the more experience you get. When you get a message saying "perfect mode", start killing orcs like there is no end so you can get big scores and rankings. =========================================================================== =============================Character Info================================ =========================================================================== +============+ Characters +============+ Gandalf: Gandalf is a well-balanced character to use. His laser projectile gets very powerful after the first few laser upgrades. His finishing move is a little slow but faster than Aragorn's. Aragorn: Aragorn is also a well-balanced character but more powerful than gandalf. He uses a bow for his projectiles and his finisher is a little slow. Legolas: Legolas is a more speed type character. His attacks are fast and his bow attacks are good. He has a fast finishing move. Gimli: Gimli is slow... very... slow. Yet, what he lacks in speed, he makes up in great power with his axe. His mini-axes, are slow also, and lack power and acurracy. He has a slow finisher. Sam/Frodo/Pippin/Merry: The Hobbits are very easy to use. Even though they aren't that strong, they're quick and they have a very fast finishing move which makes them fast killers. hack, hack, stab. Faramir: What can I say about Faramir? He's basically a clone of Aragorn. +====================+ Character Upgrades +====================+ -------- Gandalf -------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Gandalf's Cost----------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Fog of War-----------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *2*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Wizard's Power-------------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *3*-----Light of the Pilgrim-------5000--------------------N/A------------- *4*-----Wrath of Anor--------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *5*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Light of the Forges--------5500--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Flame of Udun--------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *7*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Power of Palantir----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Enchantment of the Havens--10500-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Power of the Istari--------25000-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Light of the Valar---------7000--------------------N/A------------- -------- Aragorn -------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Aragorn's Cost----------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Ranger Fury----------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Dunedain Arrows------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Gondorian Sword Master-----3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *4*-----Wilderness Rage------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *5*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Wrath of Numenor-----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Rivendell Arrows-----------5500--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *7*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Kingmaker------------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Mithril Arrows-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Strength of Evenstar-------5000--------------------N/A------------- *10*----Sword Mastery of Kings-----25000-------------------N/A------------- -------- Legolas -------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Legolas' Cost-----------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Mirkwood Arrows------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Light of Lothlorien--------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *4*-----Elven Fury-----------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *5*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Lothlorien Arrows----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *7*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Arrows of the Valar--------7000--------------------N/A------------- *7*-----Galadriel's Gift-----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Elrond's Rage--------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *8*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *9*-----Mithril Arrows-------------10500-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Elven Bow Mastery----------25000-------------------N/A------------- ------ Gimli ------ =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Gimli's Cost------------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Dwarven Fury---------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Lonely Mountain Lore-------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *4*-----Mountain Rage--------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *5*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Erebor Axes----------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Wrath of Moria-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *7*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Moria Axes-----------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *7*-----Axe Mastery of Kings-------7000--------------------N/A------------- *7*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Strength of Gloin----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Strength of Khazad-Dum-----5000--------------------N/A------------- *10*----Dwarven Axe Mastery--------25000-------------------N/A------------- -------- Faramir -------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Faramir's Cost----------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Ranger Fury----------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Dunedain Arrows------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Gondorian Sword Master-----3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *4*-----Wilderness Rage------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *5*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Wrath of Numenor-----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Rivendell Arrows-----------5500--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *7*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Kingmaker------------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Mithril Arrows-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Strength of Evenstar-------5000--------------------N/A------------- *10*----Sword Mastery of Kings-----25000-------------------N/A------------- -------- Samwise -------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Sam's Cost--------------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Cloak of Haldir------------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Poison Blade---------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *4*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Cloud of Shadow------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Poison Daggers-------------5500--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Cloak of Celeborn----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *7*-----Morgul Daggers-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *8*-----Halfling Strength----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Cloud of Rage--------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Cloak of Galadriel---------10500-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Strength of the Gaffer-----25000-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Baggins Strength-----------5000--------------------N/A------------- ------ Frodo ------ =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Frodo's Cost------------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Cloak of Haldir------------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Poison Blade---------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *4*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Cloud of Shadow------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Poison Daggers-------------5500--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Cloak of Celeborn----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *7*-----Morgul Daggers-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *8*-----Halfling Strength----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Cloud of Rage--------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Cloak of Galadriel---------10500-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Strength of the Gaffer-----25000-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Baggins Strength-----------5000--------------------N/A------------- --------- Peregrin --------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Pippin's Cost-----------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Cloak of Haldir------------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Poison Blade---------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *4*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Cloud of Shadow------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Poison Daggers-------------5500--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Cloak of Celeborn----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *7*-----Morgul Daggers-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *8*-----Halfling Strength----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Cloud of Rage--------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Cloak of Galadriel---------10500-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Strength of the Gaffer-----25000-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Baggins Strength-----------5000--------------------N/A------------- --------- Meriadoc --------- =========================================================================== Level---Ability--------------------Merry's Cost------------Fellowships Cost =========================================================================== *2*-----Orc Bane-------------------5000--------------------8000------------ *2*-----Orc Hewer------------------1000--------------------3000------------ *2*-----Final Judgement------------5000--------------------8000------------ *3*-----Cloak of Haldir------------3500--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Poison Blade---------------4000--------------------N/A------------- *3*-----Rising Revenge-------------10000-------------------20000----------- *3*-----Strength of Stone----------5000--------------------15000----------- *4*-----Balrogs Gambit-------------5000--------------------8000------------ *4*-----Warrior Bane---------------7000--------------------10000----------- *5*-----Cloud of Shadow------------5000--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Poison Daggers-------------5500--------------------N/A------------- *5*-----Strength of Iron-----------5000--------------------15000----------- *5*-----Dark Deliverence-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Cloak of Celeborn----------7000--------------------N/A------------- *6*-----Shield Cleaver-------------7000--------------------11000----------- *6*-----Bane of Sauron-------------9000--------------------12000----------- *7*-----Strength of the Fellowship-5000--------------------15000----------- *7*-----Morgul Daggers-------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *8*-----Lightning Strike-----------7000--------------------11000----------- *8*-----Killing Zone---------------10000-------------------20000----------- *8*-----Halfling Strength----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Cloud of Rage--------------7000--------------------N/A------------- *9*-----Helm's Hammer--------------12000-------------------12000----------- *10*----Swift Justice--------------12000-------------------20000----------- *10*----Cloak of Galadriel---------10500-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Strength of the Gaffer-----25000-------------------N/A------------- *10*----Baggins Strength-----------5000--------------------N/A------------- *************************************************************************** =========================================================================== ===============================Walkthrough================================= =========================================================================== *************************************************************************** =========================================================================== ----------------------------Path of the Wizard----------------------------- =========================================================================== ============= Helm's Deep ============= You see a long scene of the battle of Helm's Deep. After the scene you go into a battle you can't die out of... I think. Well, its a tutorial battle and at first, orcs are around you and you can kill them with speed attacks. Orcs with shields come and kill them with fierce attacks. Legolas calls for your help after killing some Orcs. Climb the ladder to the top and use your projectiles to kill the Orcs. After they're gone, Aragorn needs help. Follow Legolas and locate the rope. Use the action command (R1) to slide down to the bottom.find the catapult or whatever it is and fire it using the action command (R1). Do the same with the other two and you beat the stage. 1. Killing tutorial 2. Climb ladder, Range tutorial 3. Use the rope to get off the wall 4. Set off the balistes ======================= The Road to Isengard ======================= When you begin, Orcs are running away from you and a few come and fight any ways, so kill them. Then you see a cutscene with the Ents, on your way to them, kill more Orcs that come and cross the bridge when you come to it. Fight your way through the Uruk-Hai until you hit the checkpoint. Another cutscene appears with the Ents. Head down the hill and then kill Orcs. You and the Ents need to kill 75 Orcs and Uruk-Hai. After the 75 kills have been reached, its shows one of the Ents breaking a way through. Take the way they opened and fight through some more Uruk-Hai until you see Isengard. A check point is here. Head up and shoot the explosives with your projectile to kill the Orc archers. As you go beyond that point, up the hill, Orc Archers from the towers will shoot you. Notice the explosives under the towers. Use your projectile attacks to blow the explosives, which will destroy the towers. Go to the bridge with the two shielded Uruk-Hai and kill them. Take a right and fight your way through the Uruk-Hai down the slopes until you come to a scene with an Ent trying to break the dam. Defend the Ent by shooting down archers that to to set fire to the Ent and by killing Uruk-Hai that come your way. When the dam's life meter goes down, the stage is over. 1. Fight your way through until the Ent event. 2. 75 Uruk-Hai count begins, kills from both Ents and Gandalf are counted 3. Fight your way through till you get to Isenguard 4. Set off explosives on the Orc towers 5. Kill two Uruks on the Bridge and cross it 6. Fight your way through until you reach the bottom of the mountain 7. Fend off the Uruks while the Ent trys to destroy the dam ================================= Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall ================================= The main purpose of this stage is to not get overrunned by Orcs or else you lose. Its very similar to the Helm's Deep stage in the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. If you don't know what thats like, its simply a bunch of Orcs coming up through ladders which you have to knock down with circle. When you begin, knock down the closest ladders to you and kill Orcs if you want so they don't get in your way. Take a look at your map at the upper right of your screen. Thats a map of the top of the wall, and ever red swuare there is a ladder, so when you see those, head to that area and knock down the ladder. After a while, a cut-scene will appear with towers being pulled by Trolls. After the scene, head to the blue circle up the stairs and use the catapult twice with the R1 button. The tower will fall and after a while, a red circle will appear to the right of the wall. Head there and knock ladders down on your way and killing Orcs that get in your way. You will see another tower coming by, so when it gets in firing range, use your projectiles until it falls. Another tower will appear on the left so you can either use the catapult again or run the the left side and use projectiles on that one to destroy it. Either way is fine, as long as its gone. When the third tower is gone, yet another red circle appears but you can't stop that one from docking, so guess what? It docks. So now run to the right wall and get rid of the Orcs that get in your way. Ignore the ladders that come up and destroy the last tower with your projectiles, even though it is docked. There isn't much left to this stage now except going down the stairs on the lower right corner of the center area where the two Soldiers were. Just keep going until the stage ends. 1. Fight off Orcs and knock down ladders 2. The towers come, destroy them by range attacks, or use catapults Alternative 1 3. Destroy the rest of the towers by range to avoid any contact with the Nazgul. 4. 4th Tower lands, destroy with projectile, head down stairs to courtyard Alternative 2 3. or 3rd Tower with catapult, Nazgul appears, kill it with the range attack, therefore having further use of the catapult 4. Use rope to get to a lower level, get to other side of the dead Nazgul, destroy 4th Tower, head to couryard ============================ Minas Tirith - Courtyard ============================ The point of this stage is to save 200 people so they can go to the inner city. I don't think there's a time limit to this stage, you just kill Orcs until you reach the 200 marker. There are war pikes also to help you out. At first, shielded Orcs come out to play, then unshield Orcs, then Orcs with life meters. When the life metered Orcs come out, throw the war pikes at them or use fierce attacks to break their armor. After you've saved a lot, Trolls come in. Throw your war pikes at them, use your projectiles, or attack them physically. Just keep killing Orcs until you saved 200. 1. Kill orcs... 2. Kill even more orcs... 3. Kill trolls... and more orcs... repeat step 4 till you save 200 people... =========================================================================== ----------------------------Path of the King------------------------------- =========================================================================== ====================== The Path of the Dead ====================== Start by going ahead and past the mist. The dead will attack, and I think you know what to do. go up ahead until Legolas yells "more spectors". Go through the opening and the dead will attack again. Destroy them with speed and fierce attacks, and if they don't blow up but are down, finish them with R2. War pikes are also here to help. After they're all destroyed, go through the opening and through the mist. While in the mist, more spectors will attack. Destroy them and go up ahead until dead archers appear. Shoot them with your arrows or axes to get rid of them. Go to the right path and fight your way through. Notice spirits that appear with shields. Use fierce attacks to destroy them. Continue beyond this area until you get to a bridge and a checkpoint. Destroy the archers before you use the R1 command to lower the bridge. Once the bridge is down, go past the bridge into the mist and it will rise again so you can't turn back so go through the mist and more enemies come. Destroy them and go further until the rocks fall. Go around the rocks while destroying enemies. Go further and climb the skull thing. More enemies come and you can't go further until you destroyed them all. Go through the opening and proceed until you come to a big statue. Defeat the Spirits and use the action command at the statue to bring it down. The door is close so you must go to the left and around to the other side. Destroy the spirits before you turn the wheel for the door. Go through the door and you get to a big bridge. Run across the bridge and more spirits come. You have to defeat 35 spirits to pass, so you know what to do. When thats done, proceed to the end of the stage. 1. Fight your way through spectors until you reach the bridge 2. Kill archers with ranged attacks and lower the bridge 3. Make way through until the pillars collapse 4. Make way through the fallen Pillars (kill the dead in your way...again) 5. Fight your way through until you see the gate 6. Knock down the pillar to get to the gate 7. Go left, under the pillar and open the gate with the wheel thing 8. Cross the huge bridge, kill 35 spectors ====================== The King of the Dead ====================== BOSS FIGHT: You're fighting the king of the Dead. He has a long life meter so fast and cautiously. He's pretty simple. Just parry his attacks and attack him with Orc Hewer or speed attacks. After he is attack a couple of times, he summons spirits, so just destroy them like usual by knocking them down and finishing them, or shooting them. When you get him to his yellow bar, he starts doing a wind attack, which knocks you down. I have no way to counter this so I suggest you just attack him fast and don't stop. Repeat these steps you shouldn't have a problem with him. UPDATE: Lots of you contributed and noted that when he does the wind attack, you can hide behind the rocks and wait till he's done. After you beat him, you're back on the huge bridge. Run like hell and don't stop for coffee breaks. Watch out for rocks tumbling down. Keep running until you face some spirits. Defeat the enemies that appear and keep going. As you try to escape, enemies will come to try to stop you so just destroy them and keep moving. When you get to the mist, its easier to be careful of rocks. Beyond the mist, more enemies await and you meet up with the rest of the fellowship. The thing to do really is to run, watch for rocks and kill. Keep running until you get out, don't worry, you'll find your way out. 1. Kill boss 2. Run, avoid boulders =================== The Southern Gate =================== This stage is rather easy. You start in front of the gate. Move forward to the bridge and a Troll will appear, as well as Orcs. Kill the Troll with a war pike, arrows or axes, or a head on attack. There are three balistes, (those giant crossbow things). Fire all three of them. One is to damage a Troll, I think, and the other two is to make an opening to the top of the gate. Cross the small bridge you made and climb the ladder. Go around and kill the Troll and the Orcs. A Mumakil, (the elephant thing), appears. Shoot off its armor pads and then shoot the Mumakil itself to make it blow up. The crank becomes availible to use with the action command. Kill the Orcs to make sure they don't distract you when you're pulling the crank. When the gate opens, Orcs come from the other side of the gate to try to stop you. To get rid of them easier, just use the two burning oil pots to kill them from above. Head back down, ignore the Orcs, and go through the gate. 1. Go to the Gate, kill the troll 2. Set off all three Catapults 3. Climb rubble and kill troll 4. Kill Mumakil 5. Open the gate 6. Pour the oil barrels onto the enemy below 7. Head out the gate ================== Pelennor Fields ================== You begin on the Pelennor Fields. You have to defeat 60 Orcs and Easterlings before you go any further. Just do that and remember to finish enemies off with R2, and to use fierce attacks on the enemies with life bars to destroy their armor. When you get the 60, a cut-scene with Eowyn and Merry happens. You're on a hill now, and a Mumakil is one their way to Eowyn and Merry. Either use the Baliste or use your ranged attack until it falls. A second Mumakil appears, so you have to go down. This is the part people have trouble with. Go to the baliste at the very end to the left. To the right of that baliste, is a flag, so head there and go down the slope. Run across the battlefield until you find the slop on the other side. Go up and destroy the next Mumakil. After it's dead, the Witch King appears. Shoot the Witch King as many times as possible until it leaves. When it leaves, another Mumakil will appear, so destroy that and the Witch King will come back. This will cycle so repeat the steps. Note that when the Witch King's life hits the red, the Mumakil may appear on the other side, so run quick to the other side and destroy it. 1. Kill 60 orcs/easterlings 2. Kill Mumakils 3. Attack Witch King with your range repeat 2 and 3 ================ The Black Gate ================ BOSS FIGHT: Oooh, the Mouth of Sauron, how scary... ha! The Mouth of Sauron is a pushover, you shouldn't have much problem fighting him. Just parry his attacks and use swift justices. Simple as that. When he's done with, you get a checkpoint. You have a bunch of enemies like Orcs, Orcs archers, and Easterlings to deal with. The meter thing at the top right corner is...well... I don't know what that's for so just ignore it. Kill any enemies that are around, and since there are lots of re-usable environmental things here, like war pikes and pots of fire or whatever, use them. Make sure you protect your other characters as well, and check there life meters on the top, because if they die, you lose. After a few waves of enemies have been dealt with, a cut-scene happens, and more come! They will start to come at the sides so watch the characters that are on the side because they can get attacked easily from the sides now. BOSS FIGHT: The Nazgul are here now... except, there isn't one... there's three! They can be tough to wear down and they'll constantly attack your characters. If you're Legolas, and the have the Mithril Arrows, just fire those at the Nazgul, they'll fall in no time. If you're Aragorn and have purchased his last arrow upgrade, use those too, they work, but not as fast as Legolas'. Gimli's way might be hard if you used all your war pikes, but if you still have some, use them. If they still stand, use your physical attacks. tobyreif@juno.com contributes this: My other suggestion is for the black gate level. I thought that this was one of the easiest levels in the game. Just be gandalf. Make sure you have his fire projectiles and fire fury attack. Just stand by the entrance where the orcs come in and hold triangle to charge the attack. When swarms of orcs come in, release in to kill them all, and you will get perfect. The wraiths are the easiest part of the level for Gandalf. You just repeatedly shoot them with your fireball projectile. The die after four or five hits. 1. Fight, (and keep your allies alive) 2. Fight even more 3. When enemies surround the hill, take out archers from the sides 4. Nazgul appear, kill them =========================================================================== ---------------------------Path of the Hobbits----------------------------- =========================================================================== ======================= Escape from Osgiliath ======================= Run along through the openings and kill Orcs. When fighting Orcs, its very likely that your speed attacks won't kill the Orcs, and because the Hobbits have very fast killing moves, the idea is to finish the Orcs with a killing move when they're down. Anyway, keep going up the stairs and kill Orcs too. when you get to the Orcs at the end, the wall will blow open, giving you a way out, so get out in the open up the rubble. The Nazgul appears and a meter appears in the top right corner. The meter will start to fill in a circular way. You must not let this meter fill or the Nazgul will take Frodo. To prevent it from filling, go hide under something. When you're under something, the meter goes down instead of filling, and when you're out in the open at the top, the meter will fill, so keep this in mind. After the Nazgul appears, run strait across to the shelter under the stairs. Orcs will run, down, kill them. Now run up the stairs and run across the top to the other side and climb down the ladder and take out the archers at the bottom. Climb down another ladder and head out through the opening. Fight your way to the stairs at the end at go through the opening. Walk up the rubble and head out through the top. There's a checkpoint and a ladder here. Climb the ladder and when you get to the top, run across the bridge and ignore the Orcs until you reach under the messed up building. From here, take out the Orc archers and then run to the hole with the ladder. Climb down the ladder and run up the stairs to the top, and knock down the bell with R1. This creates a new opening. Go through and run quickly up the stairs and across the top to a small shelter with health. From here, run around till you get to another demolished temple or whatever. From there, kill the archers with your daggers and run across when they're gone to the other shelter and climb down the ladder until you reach the bottom. Climb the other ladder into the sewers. Kill the Orcs that get in your way in the sewer, and keep going until theres a big fat Orc. There are two ways to kill him, either go invisible by holding R1+R2+L1+L2 and using the killing move from behind, or by using fierce attacks to break off his armor, and then using speed attacks. Finish the other Orcs and use the thing to open the gate and you're done. =============== Shelob's Lair =============== Shelob's Lair is definitely a confusing level to be sure, however, the best idea is to stay as far left as possible when going through the pathways. Small spiders may attack you and the best strategy to defeating them is to hit them with fierce attack to make them flip over, then killing them with the finishing move (R2). Eventually you will meet a small group of orcs standing around a fire, you may skip past them by sticking to the left and going up and around, or you may fight them. Next there will be some spiders and a coupleof orcs barring your path, take the torch (R1) and throw it at the body hanging from the roof, this will ignite the orcs and spiders. To pass by tons of little spiders on the ground, throw a torch at them. The next small group of orcs you see can be killed by going up the pathway to the right and shoving the pile of rocks down on them (R1). Then take the next right and burn the spiderwebs with a torch, now the annoying part. You will come to a room where there are ton of patches of little black spiders. Go up the right side and kill the spiders there, then use the torch at the top of the cliff to burn through the spider-webs across the hall. Then go back down and throw torches at the nasty little buggers and make your way across the three piles of spiders. Soon orc archers will appear across the hall where you burned the spider webs, either throw torches at them or kill them with your projectiles, after that run through and its time to meet one of the toughest bosses in the game, Shelob! BOSS FIGHT: Shelob will at first be busy with Frodo, so walk up and whack her with a fierce attack, then back up and start blocking. After she attacks she'll back away for a moment before attacking again, when she does this rush forward and hack away with swift attack, don't bother wasting projectiles on her, she blocks every one. After you've made her reach yellow on her health bar she'll climb up one of the walls and lots of little spiders will come down my advice is to kill them, otherwise they get in the way of fighting Shelob later, besides, sometimes they drop health! The same strategy applies to the entire boss fight, block, hack, block, hack, block, hack... Credit for Shelobs lair FAQ: Chris, AKA GhengisKhan800 heres some other ways: When you fight Shelob, you might just not have put it in, you can parry her attacks. Usually she'll strike twice, once with the left claw(until you cut it off) and once with the right. Than she'll either jump back and wait for you to come in or she'll strafe around you to go for another attack. You can either meet her and use swift attacks or if you leveled up your characters devestating attack(the one where you have to charge up to use) you can block her attacks, charge the devestating atk, wait for her to jump back and lunge at you again, and let loose with the devestating attack. Contributed by D3th Gigas "After the cut-scene run out to the Shelob and hit her with speed attacks. When she recognice you, just run to the middle of the "arena" and start parry when she attack with her legs. After a few seconds she will go back and perhaps start go around you (doesn´t happening all the time). When she start to run towards you, just run to her and hit her with a few fierce attacks (may work with speed attacks also, I don't remember). Then start parry again. Do this until she retreats up in the mountains and you better start concentrate on her little babies. It's good to do this quick before Shelob comes back or they can be very anoying when you are going to fight her. For a baby just do a fierce attack once then kill them with the finishing move. Oh, and when she after a while starts to run around like hell just try to keep away. Contributed by Arvid Bergh at liten_fanboy@hotmail.com ============== Cirith Ungol ============== Cirith Ungol is personally, one of my favorite stages. Okay when you begin, you have to kill another fat Orc. You can finish the rest by pulling the lever to lower the bridge to kill the Orcs under it. Walk up the bridge you just lowered and head to the next room. A bunch of Orcs are fighting each other. You have to kill 80 Orcs if I'm not mistaken. Don't ask why you need to kill 80 Orcs, just do it. When you're done killing the Orcs, go around to the end and lower the bridge. Go up it and push the barrels to kill the Orcs below. When you head up the second small bridge, the Orcs will run away. There is a baliste guarded by a fat Orc. Kill the Fat Orc and launch the baliste to destroy the Orcs on the big stone bridge. When they're all off, run across the bridge fast so you don't fall because the bridge collapses when you run across it. BOSS FIGHT: You come to a scene with two Orcs fighting over Frodo's mithril coat. You now have to fight one of them. Destroy his shield with fierce attacks. Then throw a war pike at him to phase him, then attack him with speed attacks to lower his life. He gets his shield back. Repeat the process to defeat him. 1. Lower bridge and kill orcs 2. Big orc killing frenzy, Kill those in your way 3. Go to entrance to left of this room, kill orcs in this next room 4. proceed to the next room and climb the stairs 5. Kill fat orc and release the giant...thingy 6. Head to middle of stairs, enter through the opening and pour boiling oil 7. Get out of this area and you'll be back to the area from before 8. Make you way to the part when the orcs run from you 9. Kill another fat orc and shoot baliste 10. Run across the bridge as fast as possible 11. Kill Gorbag =================== The Crack of Doom =================== BOSS FIGHT: Sneaky little hobbitsess... they stole the preciousss. Guess who this is? That's right, it's Gollum and you have to finish him once and for all. For this stage, you now have to be Frodo for this one. The only strategy I have is to stay on the sides and wait for Gollum to jump at you. Get out of the way when he does this. He'll lose his balance sometimes so when he looks like he's gonna fall, use a fierce attack to knock him off to the edge of the cliff. When he's hanging off the cliff, use the finisher R2 to knock him off the edge. Do this 5 more times to beat him. matthew13@bigpond.com contributes this: I would like to add a little bit of advice for the crack of doom lvl. An easier way to knock him off the edge is : when hes close to the edge use your kick/push/unarmed attack and he will fall off the edge then u just use you finishing move on him. 1. Kill Gollum =========================================================================== ============================Secrets and Codes============================== =========================================================================== The Palantirs - The Palantir of Saruman will be availible after you beat the game. You get The Palantir of Sauron after you beat the game and get Gandalf, Sam and either Aragorn, Legolas, or Gimli to level 10. Codes These codes are reversed, meaning down = up, and left = right. So for infinite missles code, instead of square, square, up, circle... you're gonna put square, square, DOWN, circle. Down,Up,Triangle,Square - All Upgrades Triangle,Down,Triangle,Up - Always Devastating Square,Square,Up,Circle - Infinite Missiles Square,Circle,Square,Down - Invulnerable Circle,Up,Triangle, X - Perfect Mode Square,Square,Circle,Circle - Restore Health Up,Circle,Down,Square - Targeting Indicator Mode UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, DOWN - Unlocks Aragorn's 4-hit combo. TRIANGLE, UP, SQUARE, X - Unlocks Gandalfs level 4 abilities Other Codes These codes were found by ClimaXFears, so I credit him/her for this... (you don't need 100% to use these codes) +1,000 Experience Points Gimli- circle,circle,triangle,x +1,000 Experience Points Gandalf- circle,triangle,up,down +1,000 Experience Points Merry- down,down,square,x +1,000 Experience Points Frodo- down,triangle,up,down +1,000 Experience Points Faramir- square,triangle,up,square +1,000 Experience Points Aragorn- up,square,triangle,x +1,000 Experience Points Sam- triangle,x,down,x +1,000 Experience Points Pippin- triangle,x,square,x +1,000 Experience Points Legolas- x,triangle,up,x Unlock Frodo for one time use- triangle,circle,circle,circle co-op all exp pts you get your bud gets- down,x,x,x co-op all health u get ur bud get- triangle,up,square,square unlock all actor interviews- x,square,x,up unlock pippin 1 time use- triangle,circle,square,down unlock merry 1 time use- x,down,down,x unlock Faramir 1 time use- x,x,triangle,triangle inf respawns on co-op- circle,square,up,circle restore missles gimli- circle,circle,circle,x restore missles merry- square,circle,circle,triangle restore missles pippin- up,circle,down,square restore missles gandalf- triangle,down,x,square restore missles aragorn- triangle,square,square,triangle restore missles faramir- triangle,up,x,x restore missles legolas- triangle,triangle,triangle,down restore missles frodo- triangle,triangle,triangle,circle restore missles sam- x,x,circle,x Secret Characters (You have to beat the game to unlock them) Merry - He's just exactly like Sam and Frodo. Pippin - Yet again, we have a Hobbit who is just a clone of Sam and Frodo. Faramir - A clone of Aragorn. =========================================================================== ========================Legal Stuff/ Contact Info========================== =========================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. =========================================================================== ===================================Credits================================= =========================================================================== I would first like to thank lotrwarrior27 for an idea of a layout and also because when I need help while actually playing, I used his guide to help, so thanks. Chris, for writing a new shelobs lair, enjoy! Thanks to ClimaXFears for posting the secret codes at the GameFAQs messageboards, they helped. I want to thank GameFAQs for a great site. I'm gonna thank EA for making ROTK such a fun game. Thanks to EVERYONE who contributed for the King of the Dead thing about his wind attack. I couldn't name all of you because there are too many so the least I could do is say thanks. Thanks to everyone who contributed about the purple specials Thanks to D3th Gigas for Shelob's Lair things Thanks to matthew13@bigpond.com for the tip on the Crack of Doom Thanks to Contributed by Arvid Bergh at liten_fanboy@hotmail.com for Shelob's boss fight. Thanks to tobyreif@juno.com for the thing bout Gandalf at the Black Gate I will no longer be taking contributes, so please stop emailing me fore things that are simple and obvious of this game. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Copyright 2003 Trung Nguyen